Time: 1:40 Hours Year: 2023 


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of forty five (45) questions.
  2. Answer all questions.
  3. Read all the instructions in the special answer sheet (OMR).
  4. Fill in all the needed information in the OMR form.
  5. Shade the digits of your Examination Number in the respective places of the OMR form.
  6. Shade the letter of the correct answer for question 1 to 40 in the answer sheet provided. For example, if the correct answer is A, shade as follows:
  1. If you have to change your answer, you must use a clean rubber to rub out the shading neatly before shading the new one.
  2. Use HB pencil for answering question 1 to 40 and a blue or black ink pen for answering question 41 to 45.
  3. Cellular phones and any unauthorised materials are not allowed in the examination room.

SECTION A (35 Marks)

Listen carefully to the passage read by the invigilator and then answer the questions that follow by shading the letter of the correct answer in the special answer sheet (OMR) provided.


1. According to the story, when did education start?

  1. When books were introduced
  2. When man was created
  3. After introduction of employment
  4. Before creation of a man
  5. When teachers were available

2. What does a man need to be in order to become self-reliant and build self-awareness?

  1. employed
  2. changed
  3. informed
  4. educated
  5. advised

3.What are the categories of education?

  1. Hunting and farming
  2. Cooking and family care
  3. Formal and informal
  4. Great grandparents and formal
  5. Missionaries and traditional

4. What should the youths do to create a generation of well- educated citizens?

  1. They should study hard
  2. They should get missionaries' education
  3. They should get the 3Rs education
  4. They should get informal and formal education
  5. They should go to school

5. How did formal education benefit the society?

  1. People were able to read, write and count
  2. People were able to hunt many animals
  3. People were able to cook for the family
  4. People were able to play target games
  5. People were able to change the education system

Choose the words that complete the sentences by shading the letter of the correct answer in the answer sheet (OMR) provided.

6. Mrs. Johari taught me how to cook biriani. I . . . . . . . . practice it next saturday to improve my cooking skills.

  1. have
  2. could
  3. has
  4. had
  5. will

7.My uncle is interested in sports. He used to . . . . . . . . .sports TV programmes before he went out for physical exercises

  1. watching
  2. be watch
  3. watch
  4. watched
  5. watches

8. The railway company has to improve its transport services. The train ____________ late three times this week.

  1. was being
  2. is being
  3. has been
  4. would be
  5. has being

9. Mussa and Abdul like sports. They_____________tennis now.

  1. are playing
  2. had played
  3. played
  4. playing
  5. were playing

10. I like the teaching profession. I was influenced by Mr. Winga, our former teacher who ________us happy all the time during his classes.

  1. keep
  2. keeping
  3. keeps
  4. kept
  5. had kept

11.Rajabu and Paul were mopping the floor_______________ their sister was washing the dishes.

  1. why
  2. while
  3. what
  4. which
  5. where

12. Yesterday I saw Janeth going to school___________foot.

  1. by
  2. for
  3. in
  4. on
  5. with

13. Bats are more active_____________night than during day time.

  1. in
  2. at
  3. on
  4. by
  5. onto

14. Last month, we were invited to court to learn about criminal cases. We sympathised with a man who was sentenced to serve two years jail.

  1. on
  2. for
  3. to
  4. in
  5. into

15. The whole crowd was surprised by how a thief jumped__________the gate.

  1. through
  2. over
  3. into
  4. towards
  5. above

16. The beast in the jungle was not only ugly__________dirty.

  1. also
  2. as well
  3. and also
  4. as also
  5. but also

17. I am invited to a birthday party but__________I won't be able to attend.

  1. I deny
  2. I thank you
  3. I am happy
  4. I am afraid
  5. I wish

18. Their class teacher said that, neither John__________Mary sat for Mock Examinations.

  1. or .
  2. no
  3. nor
  4. also
  5. just

19. How would youthange the statement "He said that he was watering the flowers" into direct speech?

  1. He said, "I will be watering the flowers."
  2. He said, "I would be watering the flowers."
  3. He said, "I am watering the flowers."
  4.    He said, "I was watering the flowers."
  5. He said, "I will be watering the flowers."

20. "He is a standard, seven pupil at Kijito primary school.

  1. is he?
  2. isn't he?
  3. he isn't?
  4. he is?
  5. he is not?

21.What is the correct reply to the sentence, "Excuse me sir, may I come in.?"

  1. Yes, you may not.
  2. No, you may.
  3. No, come in.
  4. Yes, do not.
  5. Yes, you may.

22. Our aunt gave us her choice of food for dinner, but we told her that we would prefer eating rice- potatoes.

  1. to
  2. too
  3. than
  4. over
  5. in

23. Children who do not eat a balanced diet become___________

  1. healthier
  2. healthy
  3. healthiest
  4. in healthy
  5. unhealthy

24. Cooks who are___________have many burn marks on their hands.

  1. careless
  2. care
  3. carelessly
  4. carefulness
  5. careful

25. Tandi and Nina are both intelligent, but Nina is the___________of the two girls.

  1. most intelligent
  2. more intelligent
  3. intelligent
  4. best intelligent
  5. good intelligent

26. Matumbi was not in good terms with his friends who were always misbehaving. He decided to break off with them. In other words, he decided to their

  1. join with
  2. punish
  3. drop up
  4. end
  5. depart

27. The teacher told us that most of the pupils who fail to follow instructions, fail in their examinations. The underlined word also means . . . . . .

  1. laws
  2. rules
  3. directions
  4. subjects
  5. questions

28. The teacher always tells us to make sure that we are clean all the time. underlined word is

  1. good
  2. smart
  3. rough
  4. dirty
  5. naughty

29. A chameleon is an animal that does not move fast. It walks_________

  1. smartly
  2. suddenly
  3. quickly
  4. speedily
  5. slowly

30. Good pupils respect their teachers. Bad pupils always their teachers.

  1. disrespect
  2. respects
  3. respectful
  4. over respect
  5. in respect

31. Today is my sister's birthday. She has dressed___________

  1. smart
  2. shabbily
  3. smartly
  4. more smart
  5. most smart

32. There are____________oranges left in the fridge.

  1. more
  2. little
  3. much
  4. a little
  5. few

33. Mr. Chapakazi is a farmer. In order to grow maize, rice and potatoes, he tills the soil by using

  1. a rake
  2. an axe
  3. a hoe
  4. a machete
  5. a spade

34. It is commonly known that the word 'ring' refers to a piece of jewelry one wears on a finger. However, the same word also means a sound of

  1. a bird
  2. a car
  3. a bell
  4. an insect
  5. a metal

35. Kaunda was told to cut the meat into small pieces by his mother. While cutting the meat, he cut with the knife.

  1. itself
  2. herself
  3. themselves
  4. himself
  5. yourself




Time: 1:40 Hours Year: 2022


1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of forty five (45) questions.

2. Answer all questions.

3. Read all the instructions in the special answer sheet (OMR).

4. Fill in all the needed information in the OMR form.

5. Shade the digits of your Examination Number in the respective places of the OMR form.

6. Shade the letter of the correct answer for question 1 to 40 in the answer sheet provided. For example, if the correct answer is A, shade as follows:

7. If you have to change your answer, you must use a clean rubber to rub out the shading neatly before shading the new one.

8. Use HB pencil for answering question 1 to 40 and a blue or black ink pen for answering question 41 to 45.

9. Cellular phones and any unauthorised materials are not allowed in the examination room.

SECTION A (35 Marks)

Listen carefully to the passage read by the invigilator and then answer the questions that follow by shading the letter of the correct answer in the special answer sheet (OMR) provided.

Click Here To Listen The Passage


1. Where do the animals in this story live?

  1.  In the village
  2. In the forest
  3. In the den 
  4. Under the tree 
  5. In the paddock

2. Which animals mocked Mr. Lion's speech? 

  1. All wildebeests
  2. All antelopes
  3. Small animals
  4. Conservative animals
  5. Suffering animals

3. Why did Mr. Lion give power to small animals?

  1. They were the most suffering animals. 
  2. They were the animals supported him.
  3. They were responsible for the forest.
  4. They had been singing the same song for years. 
  5. They did not mock Mr. Lion's speech.

4. How was the forest after five years of Mr. Lion's rule?

  1. It was very famous town.
  2. It was very small.
  3. It was very big town. 
  4. It was unknown.
  5. It became unattractive.

5. What did greedy animals that could not change their life styles do?

  1. They were astonished. 
  2. They were happy. 
  3. They died. 
  4. They suffered. 
  5. They fled the forest.

Choose the words that complete the sentences by shading the letter of the correct answer in the answer sheet (OMR) provided.

6. My sister . . . . . . . . . . . very good English in 2008.

  1. spoken 
  2. spoke 
  3. has been speaking
  4. has spoken 
  5. was speaking

7. I used to play with my cat at night before going to bed. My cat has been  . . . . . . . . . . . for two years now and I haven't been able to forget about its death.

  1. dies 
  2. die 
  3. death 
  4. dead 
  5. dying

8. I missed your call, I  . . . . . . . . . . . was my homework when you called.

  1. done
  2. do
  3. doing
  4. does
  5. did

9. We all know that Mrs. Daudi  . . . . . . . . . . . your friend for years now.

  1. has been
  2. is
  3. was
  4. had been
  5. have been

10. . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Mawazo teach English subject these days?

  1. Do 
  2. Did
  3. Does
  4. Doing
  5. Don't

11. This is his book. The book belongs to . . . . . . . . . . . 

  1. his
  2. him
  3. he
  4. it
  5. her

12. The man  . . . . . . . . . . .  coat is brown is my uncle.

  1. which
  2. who
  3. whose
  4. whom
  5. where

13.I  . . . . . . . . . . .  Sabasaba day to the Heroes day.

  1. love
  2. like 
  3. prefer 
  5. prefers

14. Mwera came  . . . . . . . . . . . of the shop with a loaf of bread.

  1. across 
  2. inside 
  3. in
  4. along
  5. out

15. The old man was walking  . . . . . . . . . . . the river.

  1. under 
  2. along 
  3. over
  4. behind
  5. from

16. The following words are prepositions of movement except

  1. behind
  2. through
  3. out of
  4. onto
  5. around

17. How  . . . . . . . . . . . cars did you see yesterday?

  1. much
  2. little
  3. many 
  4. more
  5. most

18. Supply the correct question tag to the statement: "She doesn't work with us."

  1. doesn't she? 
  2. does she? 
  3. did she? 
  4. she doesn't? 
  5. don't she?

19. What is the active voice for the sentence; "The camera was broken by Tom"?

  1. Tom has broken the camera.
  2. Tom broken the camera.
  3. Tom breaks the camera. 
  4. Tom broke the camera.
  5. Tom had broke the camera.

20. You are in the classroom and you want to go to the washroom. How would you ask for permission from your teacher?

  1. Please, must I go to the washroom?
  2. Please, shall I go to the washroom?
  3. Please, will I go to the washroom?
  4. Please, might I go to the washroom?
  5. Please, may I go to the washroom?—

21. The class teacher asked Juhudi, "What is your father's occupation?" He replied, "My father has no job. Which of the following suffixes can be attached to the underlined word to mean no job?

  1. -ness
  2. -ism
  3. -less
  4. -ish
  5. -ment

22. Imagine you met two standard six pupils arguing with each other about the root of the word uncomfortable. If you were to solve their problem, which of the following could be your answer?

  1. uncomfort
  2. comfort
  3. comf
  4. table
  5. comfortable

23. Which of the following words is the opposite of the word "truth"?

  1. dishonesty
  2. incorrect
  3. real
  4. opinion
  5. unfair

24. Mabula is a strong man. He can carry a 30 kg bag of flour. Which word has the same meaning as the underlined word?

  1. harmful
  2. beautiful
  3. cheerful
  4. powerful
  5. wonderful

25. Suppose you are recording the points in a debate session, how will you be called?

  1. Chair person
  2. Time keeper
  3. Proposer
  4. Opposer
  5. Secretary

26. The doctor advised Mariam to eat a variety of food needed for good health. What is the collective name for the variety of food the doctor was talking about?

  1. a good diet
  2. a balanced diet
  3. a special diet
  4. a hospital diet
  5. a soft diet

27. I realized that Mr. Burudani is . . . . . . . . . . . when I saw him making wooden chairs at his workshop.

  1. an architect
  2. a tailor
  3. a chauffeur
  4. a mason
  5. a carpenter

28. Mrs. Kiiso was planning to call . . . . . . . . . . . to fix her car after it had broken down.

  1. a mechanic
  2. a vandal
  3. a seamstress
  4. a guardian
  5. a hawker

29. You are on the road walking, then you meet someone at 8:18 p.m. Which one is the appropriate greeting to that person?

  1. Good night.
  2. Good evening.
  3. Good afternoon.
  4. Good day.
  5. Good morning.

30. Toni was sad because he was . . . . . . . . . . . to perform well in the Mathematics test.

  1. disable
  2. able
  3. incapable
  4. unable
  5. capable

31. Bauta is my wonderful friend. The best thing about him is his . . . . . . . . . . .

  1. helplessness
  2. laziness
  3. carelessness
  4. kindness
  5. hopelessness

32. My grandfather does not have teeth. He is

  1. mouthful
  2. toothier
  3. toughness
  4. toothiest
  5. toothless

33. In order to be a good student, you need to avoid . . . . . . . . . . . behaviour.

  1. bad
  2. good
  3. fin
  4. tough
  5. strong

34. The teacher asked the class to congratulate Grace after she had given the answer to the plural form of the word furniture. What do you think was Grace's answer to the question asked?

  1. Furniture
  2. Furnish
  3. Furnishers
  4. Furnishings
  5. Furnitures

35. Last year, I went to Kilimanjaro region carrying many sweaters with me. However, I could not wear any of them as it was

  1. cold
  2. windy
  3. hot
  4. cloudy
  5. dusty





Time: 1:40 Hours Year: 2021


1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of forty five (45) questions.

2. Answer all questions in each section.

3. Read all the instructions in the special answer sheet (OMR).

4. Fill in all the needed information in the OMR form.

5. Shade the digits of your Examination Number in the respective places of the OMR form.

6. Shade the letter of the correct answer for question 1 to 40 in the answer sheet provided. For example, if the correct answer is A, shade as follows:


7. If you have to change your answer, you must use a clean rubber to rub out the shading neatly before shading the new one.

8. Use HB pencil for answering question 1 to 40 and a blue or black ink pen for answering question 41 to 45.

9. Cellular phones and any unauthorised materials are not allowed in the examination room.

SECTION A (35 Marks)

Listen attentively to the passage read by the invigilator and then answer the questions that follow by shading the letter of the correct answer in the special answer sheet (OMR) provided.

Click Here To Listen The Passage


l . What does Sheila do when she has a problem?

  1. She goes out.
  2. She asks for permission.
  3. She thanks her teachers.
  4. She asks for help from her teachers.
  5. She borrows a pen.

2. What makes Sheila be a good example?

  1. She respects every one.
  2. She borrows things.
  3. She likes playing.
  4. She has problems. 
  5. She asks for help.

3. According to the story,Who should children respect in the society?

  1. All the pupils
  2. Only the teachers
  3. All the people
  4. Only the friends
  5. All the neighbors

4. In which class was Sheila studying?

  1. Class three
  2. Class four
  3. Class five
  4. Class six
  5. Class seven

5. According to the story, how should a good child do after being helped?

  1. Should be happy
  2. Should be jealousy
  3. Should be helpless 
  4. Should be thankful
  5. Should be strong

Choose the words that complete the sentences by shading the letter of the correct answer in the ANSWER SHEET(OMR) provided 

6. The sun . . . . . . . . . . . . . in the morning.

  1. rising 
  2. rises 
  3. rise 
  4. rose 
  5. risen

7. They . . . . . . . . . . . . . waiting for me when it started to rain. 

  1. was
  2. be
  3. were 
  4. would 
  5. are

8. Rose is having a graduation ceremony this weekend. Are you . . . . . . . . . . . . .?

  1. invite 
  2. inviting 
  3. invitation 
  4. invites 
  5. invited

9. My grandfather told me that during the slave trade, human beings . . . . . . . . . . . . .like animals.

  1. are selling 
  2. are sold 
  3. was sold 
  4. were sold 
  5. were selling

10. After finishing singing the birthday song for Fatuma, every child given a . . . . . . . . . . . . . piece of cake by her.

  1. are 
  2. have been
  3. was
  4. were
  5. is

ll .The teacher told us to open the book . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 5.

  1. on 
  2. in 
  3. at
  4. into
  5. onto

12. I am feeling thirsty; is there . . . . . . . . . . . . .water left in the jug?

  1. any 
  2. some 
  3. many 
  4. few
  5. little

13. The car belongs to James. Therefore, it is . . . . . . . . . . . . .car.

  1. Jame's 
  2. Jamess' 
  3. James' 
  4. James
  5. James's

14. Our desk can accommodate three pupils only. Therefore, I sit in the middle. . . . . . . . . . . . .Anna and Jane.

  1. among 
  2. between 
  3. besides 
  4. beside
  5. within

15. There were seven men in the room. One of . . . . . . . . . . . . wore broken sun- glasses.

  1. they 
  2. the man 
  3. them 
  4. their 
  5. their men

16. No sooner had she arrived home  . . . . . . . . . . . . it started raining.

  1. than
  2. when 
  3. so 
  4. that 
  5. as

17. A boy and a girl were competing in a race, the girl was the first in the race  . . . . . . . . . . . . she had trained well.

  1. also
  2. but
  3. so 
  4. and 
  5. because

18. How could the sentence "Musa is running to school" be in the past continuous form?

  1. Musa runs to school.
  2. Musa ran to school.
  3. Musa has been running to school. 
  4. Musa was running to school. 
  5. Musa will run to school.

19. The thief who stole our things, entered into the house . . . . . . . . . . . .  the open window.

  1. at
  2. through
  3. in
  4. with 
  5. from 

20. Change the sentence; they said, "We work together" into indirect speech.

  1. They said that we worked together.
  2. They said that they are working together.
  3. They said that we work together.
  4. They said that they worked together. 
  5. They said that they work together.

21. Amina wants to cross the road safely. Which point would you advise her to cross the road?

  1. At road lights 
  2. At a roundabout 
  3. At the zebra crossing 
  4. At the road hump 
  5. At a bridge

22. Which of the following prefixes has a negative meaning when used in a word?

  1. re- 
  2. pre- 
  3. un- 
  4. fore- 
  5. post-

23. Our grandparents always tell us, in their  . . . . . . . . . . . . they were so disciplined that it was rare to find a child disobeying the elders.

  1. children 
  2. child 
  3. childless 
  4. childhood 
  5. childish

24. Ngole saw a poster which read "Do not Cross" but he crossed the road because he  . . . . . . . . . . . . the poster.

  1. misunderstood 
  2. over understood 
  3. reunderstood 
  4. disunderstood 
  5. preunderstood

25. We live in a well decorated house. Therefore, our house is

  1. handsome 
  2. beautifully 
  3. beautiful 
  4. more beautiful 
  5. most beautiful

26. How would you call the person walking along the roadside?

  1. Pedestrian 
  2. Cyclist 
  3. Walker 
  4. Stranger 
  5. Traveller

27. Julius performs medical operations. He is a

  1. Doctor 
  2. Chemist 
  3. Nurse 
  4. Psychiatrist 
  5. Pharmacist

28. The underlined word in the sentence"Continue with your discussion" is the same as 

  1. carry on
  2. carry of
  3. carry out
  4. carry off
  5. carry in

29. In the family of three children; Aisha is

  1. the most old 
  2. the eldest 
  3. the old
  4. the elder
  5. the older

30. King Lion story was written in old English. The opposite of the word "old" in this context is

  1. ancient 
  2. modern 
  3. stylish 
  4. current 
  5. natural

31. The underlined word in the sentence "The old man shut the door quietly" belongs to a word class called

  1. a noun 
  2. a verb 
  3. an adverb 
  4. an adjective 
  5. a pronoun

32. Our dog died and left a puppy which was unable to take care of itself. Therefore, the puppy was left  . . . . . . . . . . . .

  1. helpful 
  2. helping 
  3. helped
  4. help
  5. helpless

33. Usually the sun rises in the East and sets in the . . . . . . . . . . . .

  1. West
  2. South 
  3. West-east 
  4. North 
  5. South- west

34. My sister's son is called Maendeleo. Therefore, Maendeleo is my . . . . . . . . . . . .

  1. husband 
  2. uncle 
  3. nephew 
  4. father 
  5. brother

35. Mrs. John signed a contract after she had made the payment. Which of the following words is pronounced the same as the underlined word but has different meaning?

  1. mid 
  2. mat 
  3. mode 
  4. mad 
  5. maid

SECT1ON B (05 Marks)

This section has five (5) mixed sentences in 36 — 40. Arrange the sentences so as to make a meaningful composition by giving them letters A — E. Shade the letter of the correct answer in the special answer sheet (OMR) provided.

36. In his speech, he promised to buy the products produced by the pupils.

37. Standard Seven pupils had a cooking project.

38. The head teacher talked to the pupils.

39. The pupils thanked him and invited him again.

40. They invited the head teacher to see the project.




Time: 1:30 Hours Year: 2020


l . This paper consists of sections A, B, C and D with a total of forty five (45) questions.

2. Answer all questions in each section.

3. Read all the given instructions in the special answer sheet (OMR).

4. Fill in all the needed information in the OMR form and on the page with questions 41 to 45.

5. Shade the digits of the Examination Number in the respective places of the OMR form.

6. Shade the letter of the correct answer for each question in the special answer sheet (OMR) provided, for example, if the correct answer is A, shade as follows:


7. If you have to change your answer, you must rub out the shading very neatly before shading the new one. Use a clean rubber.

8. Use HB pencil for questions I to 40 and a blue or black ink pen for questions 41 to 45.

9. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.

SECTION A (30 Marks)


Choose the words that complete the sentences by shading the letters of the correct answer in the answer sheet (OMR) provided.

l . The Pupils . . . . . . . . . when they got lost.

  1. is frightened
  2. were frightened
  3. will be frightened
  4. was frightened 
  5. are frightened

imageEvery Monday, my mother . . . . . . . . . . me to the market.

  1. take 
  2. has taken 
  3. takes 
  4. taken 
  5. took

3 Yesterday. the teacher . . . . . . . . . . pupils for stealing the school books.

  1. punish 
  2. punishing 
  3. ould punish
  4. will punish 
  5. punished

4. The man who was drunk . . . . . . . . . . . his car carelessly last week

  1. drove 
  2. driven 
  3. drives
  4. is driving
  5. has driven

5. By the time mother came. the visitor . . . . . . . . . . . . .

  1. left 
  2. leave 
  3. has left 
  4. will leave 
  5. had left

6. The girls . . . . . . . . . . netball next Friday.

  1. did play 
  2. will play
  3. played
  4. have played 
  5. plays

7. What are the villagers . . . . . . . . . . about at the moment?

  1. complain 
  2. complained
  3. complaining
  4. complaints 
  5. will complain

8. Alex the window of the class just now.

  1. has broke 
  2. broken 
  3. has broken 
  4. break 
  5. had broken

9. If she . . . . . . . . . . . works hard. she her examination.

  1. would pass 
  2. could pass' 
  3. will pass
  4. had passed 
  5. passes

10. Children . . . . . . . . . . . the national anthem when the visitor arrived.

  1. are singing 
  2. sung
  3. is singing
  4. was singing
  5. were singing

11. There wasn't . . . . . . . . . . water left in the bucket.

  1. few
  2. some
  3. any
  4. more

12. There is . . . . . . . . . water left in the jug.

  1. few
  2. some
  3. small
  4. many
  5. a few

13. When people get old, they do not depend on  . . . . . . . . . . for their living.

  1. ourselves 
  2. themselves 
  3. yourselves
  4. myself 
  5. herself

14. Kilimanjaro is the . . . . . . . . . . . . mountain in Africa.

  1. high
  2. highest
  3. higher
  4. most highest 
  5. most higher

15.The teacher told us to go and see him . . . . . . . . . . . Monday morning.

  1. in
  2. at
  3. on
  4. over
  5. for

16. Juma is . . . . . . . . . young . . . . . . . . . . .my sister. 

  1. as.
  2. neither....nor 
  3. too.
  4. not only....but 
  5. rather... than

17. A hungry animal is  . . . . . . . . . . . .happy . . . . . . . . . .friendly.

  1. more . ...than
  2. as.. 
  3. less . ...than
  4. neither. ...nor 
  5. too.

18. I play . . . . . . . . . volleyball  . . . . . . . . . football.

  1. both. ...and 
  2. both. ...with 
  3. neither... .or
  4. either....nor 
  5. too.

19. The pencil you are looking at is mine. It belongs to . . . . . . . . . .

  1. me
  2. I
  3. my
  4. mine
  5. myself

20. Lions were roaring . . . . . . . . . . they were hungry.

  1. although 
  2. because 
  3. but 
  4. so
  5. like

21. They prefer drawing pictures reading in class.

  1. with 
  2. than 
  3. to
  4. for
  5. instead

22. My brother has been living in Sumbawanga . . . . . . . . . . five years.

  1. since 
  2. between 
  3. during 
  4. for
  5. in

23. I have been living in this house . . . . . . . . . . . 2014.

  1. above
  2. since
  3. for
  4. in
  5. up to

24. We were the winners of that game.

  1. aren't we? 
  2. weren't we? 
  3. were we?
  4. isn't it? 
  5. are we?

25. The meeting will be held . . . . . . . . . . . the tree.

  1. on
  2. under
  3. above
  4. below 
  5. in

26. Kapesa is good . . . . . . . . . . . . Mathematics these days.

  1. on 
  2. over
  3. with 
  4. at
  5. in

27. A thief entered into the house . . . . . . . . .the broken window.

  1. in 
  2. over 
  3. through
  4. along
  5. beside

28. This is the place . . . . . . . . . . . she met her friend.

  1. when 
  2. which 
  3. whom
  4. whose
  5. where

29.You will not be able to watch the match . . . . . . . . . . . you buy a ticket.

  1. because 
  2. despite 
  3. otherwise 
  4. unless 
  5. in case

30. The indirect speech for the sentence, 'Ali has written a good song,' is

  1. The teacher said that Ali has written a good song.
  2. The teacher said that Ali has write a good song.
  3. The teacher said that Ali had wrote a good song.
  4. The teacher said that Ali writes a good song.
  5. The teacher said that Ali has been writing a good song.

SECTION B (6 Marks)


For each of the following questions, choose the correct answer and then shade its letter in the answer sheet (OMR) provided.

31. What does the word lamb mean?

  1. A young pig 
  2. A young sheep
  3. A young cow
  4. A young goat 
  5. A young dog

32. How would you call your sister's daughter?

  1. Nephew 
  2. Cousin 
  3. Niece
  4. Aunt 
  5. Daughter

33. What do we call the place where vegetables are grown?

  1. A farm 
  2. A garden
  3. A farm yard
  4. A tree nursery 
  5. A fruit farm

34. Vehicles are kept and repaired at the . . . . . . . . . .

  1. garage 
  2. bus stand
  3. railway station
  4. harbor 
  5. car park

35. What is a person who serves food in a hotel called?

  1. A cook 
  2. A waiter
  3. A receptionist
  4. A hotel attendant 
  5. An air hostess

36. A man who takes care of cows is known as a . . . . . . . . . . .

  1. shopkeeper 
  2. fisherman 
  3. herdsman 
  4. cow boy 
  5. houseboy

SECTION C (4 Marks) 


This section has four mixed sentences. Arrange the sentences so as to make a good composition by giving them letters A-D. Shade the letters of the correct answer in the special answer sheet (OMR) provided.

37. They arrived in Arusha at five o'clock in the evening.

38. Mr. Kahigi and his family went to Arusha last week.

39. They had lunch in Korogwe.

40. They left Dar es Salaam by bus early in the morning.


l. Crops................water, light and fertile soil to grow well

  1. Need
  2. Needed
  3. Was needed
  4. Need
  5.  Needing

2.     We  busy at this moment

  1.  am
  2. is
  3.  are
  4.  were
  5.   have

3.     John and Ito travel next week.

  1. go
  2.  going
  3. is going
  4.  am going
  5. are going

4.     Pupils waiting for their teacher for two hours.

  1. has been
  2. have been
  3. be
  4.  have
  5.   had

Water usually..............   at 100%.

  1. boil
  2. boiling
  3.   boils
  4.  boiled
  5.  has boiled

 6.Farmers.............         their farms now.

  1.  is preparing
  2. are preparing
  3.  were preparing
  4. was preparing 
  5. are preparing

7. He always when he was young

  1.  cry
  2. cries
  3.  cried
  4.  crying
  5.  does cry

8.  When Juma .................  at the station he didnt find the train.

A.    arrive

B.    arrived

C.    arrives

D.    arriving

E.     was arrive

9. The snake ..........................        by Mrs. Mwenda.

  1. was kill
  2. had killed
  3. were killed 
  4. was killed
  5. have killed

10.  If you.................hard, you will pass your examination.

  1. work
  2. worked 
  3.  works
  4.  working
  5.  had worked

11.  Pagans are........................ Christians Muslims.

  1.  either......nor
  2. neither. . . .. nor
  3. either...neither
  4. neither.. ..either 
  5. neither. ...or

12.  Do you have .......................problems?

  1.  some 
  2.  many
  3.  much
  4. any
  5. tittle

13.An elephant is the....................... in the national park.

  1. largest
  2. most largest 
  3.  larger
  4.  more larger
  5.  most larger

14.He goes to school late every

  1.  wasnt he
  2. isnt he
  3. hasnt
  4. havent he
  5. doesnt he

15.  they keep quite will be punished.

  1. enough
  2. although
  3. but
  4. unless
  5. For

16.  The repaired machine is strong to pull the car

  1. enough 
  2.  so that
  3.  in order
  4.  for
  5. of

17 .Nyakomba walks ...............................with a stick.

  1.  slow
  2. very slowest
  3.  slowly
  4. slower
  5. more slow

18.My friend suffers malaria

  1. of
  2. by
  3.  from
  4.  with
  5.   in

18.My friend suffers malaria

  1. of
  2. by
  3.  from
  4.  with
  5.   in

19.        Usually girls look at

  1. himself
  2.  herself
  3. itself
  4.  themselves
  5.  yourself

21. We travelled.................. two days to Burundi.

  1. on
  2. to
  3. from
  4. of
  5. for

22.Change the following sentences into indirect speech, How old are you? The teacher asked.

  1.  The teacher asked me if I was old
  2. The teacher wanted to know my age
  3. The teacher asked me how old I was
  4. The teacher asked me how old was I
  5. The teacher wanted to know how old am I

23.He dived......................... the ocean and started swimming.

  1. when
  2.  into
  3. in
  4.  though E. away

24.Many pupils go to school    foot.

  1.   on
  2.  by
  3.  with
  4. for

25. The woman ..................husband  came here, is my aunt.

  1.  when
  2. whose
  3. which
  4. where
  5. what 

26. Cheetah is the..............animal on land

A.      strongest

B.      largest

C.      smallest

D.      tallest

E.       fastest

27.My brother and I own a house. It is our house. The house belongs to

  1.  them
  2. him 
  3.  us
  4.  our
  5.   me

28.Salma played netball badly ...................she was sick.

  1.  although
  2. because
  3.  but
  4.  unless
  5.  even if

29.The patient had died lack of water.

  1. with
  2. by
  3. from
  4. of
  5.  for

30.That is the   ..............................  hostel.Fifty girls live in it.

  1.  girls
  2. girl
  3.  girl 
  4.  girlss
  5.  girls

31. We want ....................that is why we dont like people to fight.

  1. pace
  2.  peace 
  3.  piece 
  4. pierce
  5. peach

32. A person who measures and  sews clothes for people is called a

  1.  sailor 
  2. . fire
  3. sewer
  4.  tailor
  5.   pedestrian

33.A gun is a 

  1.  weapon
  2.  fire work
  3. fire wood
  4. hot pot
  5. knife

34.Juma is a judge, he works in a

  1. shop
  2. hospital
  3. court 
  4. ship
  5. farm

35.     Mr. Masanja sent the cattle to graze on the new farm. What does the word graze mean.

  1. to collect the harvest
  2. to drink water
  3. to plough
  4.  to eat grass
  5. to sleep

36.     If someone is called Miss Caren, this means:

  1. She is a girl or a woman who is not married
  2. She is a girl or a woman who is married to Caren
  3. She is a boy who is not yet married
  4. He is a boy or a man who is married to Caren.
  5. They are husband and wife in Carens family.

This section has four mixed sentences. Arrange the sentences so as to make a good composition by giving them letters. A-D. Shade the letters of the correct answer in the special answer sheet (OMR) provided.

37.We both started to clean and arrange all things well in readiness for the following day

38.Yesterday I decided to go to the shop to help her.

39.          My sister Naishoki has a big shop at Makao Mapya, where she sells a variety of things.

40.          She was happy because the following day would be a holidayand we would be very busy.


1. meet our visitors at

the bus stand next week.

  1.  would
  2. are going
  3.  shall going
  4. have gone 
  5. had gone

2.      We shall not come to the match if it

  1.  rains
  2.  raining
  3. has rained
  4. had rained
  5.  rain

3.      A shura......................................... to town every Friday.

  1. going
  2.  goes
  3.  go
  4.  are going
  5. rain     

4. Musa .........................his grandfather on the way to town.

  1. We met
  2. is met
  3. met
  4. meeting
  5. was meeting.

5. This is the dog ...............bit Mary last week

  1. where
  2. whom
  3. whose
  4. which
  5. who

6. Jane ...................drinking milk to Juice

  1. Preffering
  2. are prefer
  3. is prefer
  4. prefer
  5. prefers

7. My brother is a hero he is very young.

  1. so as
  2.   every
  3. although
  4. too
  5. so that

8.Nyangeta plays netball and so ...............Asha.

  1. do
  2. does
  3. did
  4. are
  5. Is

9. Ali does not very often

  1. Comes
  2. have come
  3. came
  4. coming
  5. come

10. That

  1. his teachers
  2. his teacher
  3. teachers
  4. the teacher
  5. the teachers.

11.They will be to...................Moshi next week.

  1.  travel
  2.   travelled
  3.  travelling
  4. have travelled
  5. has travelled

12.  He asked the pupils, "How old are you?" The pupil answered"

  1. We are ten years old 
  2.  They are ten years old
  3. You are ten year old
  4. I am ten years old
  5. He is ten years old

13.........................My friend sawlion when he was driving to Arusha.

  1.  an
  2. few
  3.  some
  4.  a few

14.  Mr. Hassan............................... bus last month.

  1.  buy
  2. bought 
  3.  will buy
  4.   buying
  5. buys

15.They are good boys,

  1. arent they 
  2.  dont they
  3. didnt they
  4. are they
  5. havent they

16. Many living things are ...............animals or insects

  1. both
  2. too
  3. either
  4. neither
  5. as

17.  You will not get better you see a doctor.

  1. so
  2. whether
  3. because
  4. unless
  5. that

18.  She writing letters since last week

  1.  have been
  2. has been
  3.  is been
  4.  had been
  5.  be      

19.  I will cook the food —YOU allow me.

  1. if a new
  2. then
  3.  so
  4. despite
  5. although

20. The pen on the desk belongs to me, so it is

  1. hers
  2. his
  3. theirs
  4. mine
  5. my

21.  Nyato her house before she sold it.

  1. lived
  2. lives
  3. live
  4. leaving
  5. living

22.   If it we shall go to town by taxi.

  1. rained
  2.  is rain
  3. rains
  4. rain
  5.  had rained

23.   Magambo is not only fat also strong........................

  1. but
  2. so
  3.  as
  4. and
  5. that

24.   He is suffering     headache.

  1. with
  2.  for
  3. by
  4. of
  5. from

25.   When you visit Serengeti National Park, you ................many animals.

  1. were seeing
  2.  are seeing
  3. have seen
  4.  will see
  5.  seeing

26.   The doctor went.............................the room where the patient was resting

  1. by
  2. on
  3. Into
  4. at
  5. along

27.  The fire that ..................       the whole village started from here.

  1. destroys
  2.  destroyed
  3. destroying
  4. will destroy
  5. have destroyed

29.    The girl who picked flowers started with the...................   beautiful to the least beautiful ones.

  1. more
  2. most
  3. less 
  4. not very
  5.  a little

30.   The door was open there was nobody in the house.

  1. in spite
  2.  even
  3. despite
  4.  besides
  5. although

For each of the following questions, choose

the correct answer and shade its letter in the answer sheet provided.

31.  A group of birds flying together is called a

  1.  troop
  2. flock
  3. herd  
  4.  fleet 
  5. bunch

32.   A person who tests and treats peoples eyes is called

  1. an eye doctor
  2.  a chemist
  3.  an optician
  4.  a surgeon
  5.  a dentist

33.  Gold, Diamond and tanzanite are

  1. chemicals
  2.  medicines
  3.  liquids
  4. minerals
  5.  mountains

34.  A person whose job selling meat is known as a

  1. butcher
  2. butchery
  3. shopkeeper
  4. seller
  5.  butler

35.  A doctor works in a

  1. shop
  2. court
  3. church
  4. hospital
  5.  farm

36.  Africa, Asia, America, and Europe are

  1. regions
  2.  continents
  3. countries
  4. cities
  5. towns

This section has four mixed sentences. Arrange the sentences so as to make a good composition by giving them letters. A — D. Shade the letters of the correct answer in the answer sheet provided.

37.  He normally arrives at work at seven o clock everyday.

38.  Although there are many buses in his area, he prefers walking to boarding a bus.

39.  John is always punctual at work

40.  Therefore he is a good example to others.

Read the following passage carefully and then answer the questions that follow by shading the letter of the correct answer in the answer sheet provided.

A few years ago, there were terrible floods in the southem parts of Tanzania. Kigata went to stay with his friends in a village called Mabatini.

When Kigata arrived at his friends village, it was raining heavily. There was mud and pools of water everywhere. His friends lived near Mirongo river and they could see that the river was rising. "If the river rises much more, we will be in trouble" said one of his friends.

Every evening, they listened to the weather forecast on the radio. The news was bad as the river had begun .to overflow. Some fields had got flooded. If the rain continued, there would be serious floods. "What shall we do?" asked the villagers. "We must call a village meeting "said Kigata" The villagers met and Kigata advised them to either stay in the village and hope that the rain stops or go to town where they would be much safe.

The following day, Kigata helped the villagers to leave the village. Some traveled by bus and others by lorry. They did not take a lot of luggage. They stored the remaining belongings on top of tables and chairs in their houses. They stayed with friends and relatives in town. That evening, it was announced on radio that the river bank at Serena was in danger of braking. If it broke, there would be floods at the villages near the river. Kigata was very worried. He decided to go with some of the villagers to try and make the river bank stronger by putting logs and bags of earth around the bank of the river to prevent it from breaking. They were glad the dam did not break.


41.  What happened because of the heavy rains?

  1. The rain was falling
  2. The river was flowing
  3. The river was low
  4. The water level rose
  5. The river bank got broken

42.  What did the news-reporter say about the floods?

  1. That the town was flooded
  2. The villages were flooded
  3. Some fields were flooded 
  4. Some houses were flooded
  5.  There would be serious floods.

43.  What did the villagers decide to do afier the weather forecast?

  1. To stay in the viiiage
  2. To go to town
  3. To go to the river
  4. To take all their belongings
  5. To stop the rain.

44.   How did the villagers travel to town?

  1. By car and others by bus
  2.  By bus and others by lorry
  3.  On foot
  4. By rain and others bus
  5.  By car and others by train.

45.   What did the Radio Reporter say about the river bank?

  1.   it is braking
  2.  it has broken down
  3.  it would break
  4.  it might break
  5.  it had broken

46.    Who did the villagers stay with in town?

  1.  the radio announcer
  2. the neighbours
  3. Kigata 
  4.  Kigata and villagers
  5.  relatives and friends.

47.   Which of the following sentences is not true?

  1. Kigata was staying in town
  2. There were puddles everywhere
  3. The riverbank was in danger of breaking
  4. Kigata helped the villagers to leave the village
  5. The villagers left some of their belongings.

48.   How did the people help to strengthen the river bank?

  1. with mud and logs
  2.  with logs and branches
  3. with earth and mud
  4. with logs and bags With
  5. with mud and tree branches

49.   Where was the news heard about the weather announced?

  1. on the internet
  2. on the news paper
  3. on the phone
  4.  on the radio
  5. on the television

50. Where did the villagers store food?

  1.  On the roof in sacks
  2.  in the boxes in the shelves
  3. on the tables and chairs
  4. in the cupboards in boxes
  5.  at their neighbors place


2016 - ENGLISH

SECTION AGRAMMAR choose the words that complete the sentences by shading the letters of the correct answer.

1.The window ......... by my father.

  1. Had open
  2. have opened
  3. opens
  4. is opening
  5. was opened

2. teeth every day when i wake up

  1. brushes
  2. have brushes
  3. brush
  4. brushing
  5. have brushed

3. I........the television when it started raining

  1. had watching
  2. will watch
  3. am watching
  4. was watching
  5. being watching

4. The villagers...........their environment at the moment

  1. were cleaning
  2. are cleaning
  3. have cleaned
  4. is cleaning
  5. was cleaned

5. While they were playing, the teacher............swimming

  1. is
  2. were
  3. was
  4. are
  5. be

6. Mr. Musa has been teaching at our school.................ten years

  1. for
  2. since
  3. with
  4. in
  5. by

7. We travel to mtwara

  1. went
  2. are going
  3. have gone
  4. had gone
  5. will go

8.I asked Juma if he a piece of paper

  1. lend
  2. borrow
  3. assist
  4. take
  5. lent

9. The fisherman has.......a lot of fish

  1. catch
  2. catching
  3. caught
  4. been caught
  5. catches

10.A Cheetah normally...........faster than a tiger

  1. runs
  2. ran
  3. is running
  4. had run
  5. run

11. We watched TV for .............hour

  1. a
  2. an
  3. in
  4. on
  5. two.

12.I have to wake up early ........ be in school on time

  1. so
  2. so that to
  3. in order that
  4. so as to

13. Many children like ivory sweets, ....

  1. do they 
  2.  are they? 
  3.  dont they 
  4.  dont they? 
  5.  do they?

14.I saw a cat in the bush was black in colour.

  1. An
  2. the
  3. a
  4. it
  5. some

15. Chausiku does all the home work   ... she wants to be first in class.

  1. Inspite of
  2. despite
  3. even
  4. but
  5. because

16. The man ................shirt was torn was in the academic office

  1. which
  2. where
  3. whose
  4. whom
  5. who

17. In our class. Jalia is.................than Jamila

  1. short
  2. shorter
  3. shortest
  4. tall
  5. tallest

18. study hard you are going to fail

  1. when
  2. if
  3. but
  4. almost
  5. unless

19. Juma had ............of time to prepare for his examinations

  1. plenty
  2. enough
  3. much
  4. little
  5. many

20. Our class monitor put the English books..............the table

  1. in
  2. on
  3. of
  4. with
  5. into

21. hunger because of the poor rainfall

  1. They
  2. that
  3. there
  4. them
  5. their

22. How do you need to buy a bus?

  1. Many
  2. much
  3. big
  4. amount
  5. heavy

23. You can................go to school or to the farm

  1. neither
  2. so
  3. nor
  4. either
  5. both

24.     Write the indirect speech for the sentence: "Im trying to get home in time," Ally said.

  1. Ally told us that he tried to get home in time.
  2.  Ally reporteed to us that he wanted to get home earlier. 
  3. Ally said to us that he tried to get home in time.
  4. Ally said that he want to get home in time.
  5. Ally said that he was trying to get home in time.

25.     This is the ......... news I have ever heard.

  1. good  
  2.  best 
  3. better
  4. bad 
  5.  worse

26.     Jane is a friend ......... I share the front desk.

  1. with her  
  2. to whom 
  3.  with whom
  4. by whom 
  5. who

27. Has Maganga his bicycle?

  1. fell
  2. fall
  3. fallen
  4. falling
  5. falls

28.     Jane had to go ... ... ... anne because she was sick.

  1. and
  2. with 
  3.  beside 
  4.  along 
  5. by

29.     The headmaster switched  ...... . . the television to watch the football match.

  1. on
  2. off
  3. at
  4. in
  5. into

30. Is for him to sleep in?

  1. some
  2. any
  3. more
  4. much
  5. many



For each of the following questions, choose the correct answer and shade its letter in the answer sheet.

31. The political leader of a country which does not have a king or queen is called .

  1. the president 
  2. the monarch
  3. the mayor 
  4.  the prince
  5. the minister

32. The sister of your mother is your..................

  1. mother
  2. aunt
  3. cousin
  4. in law
  5. niece

33. The citizen of Sudan is a.................

  1. Sudan
  2. sudanist
  3. sudanian
  4. sudans
  5. sudanese

34.A lady who is not married is called a .........

  1. fiance 
  2.  bachelor
  3. fiancee  
  4.  spinster.

35.The three of us were winners. Ali was the first, John the third and I was the ........

  1. Two
  2. fourth
  3. second
  4. one
  5. three

36. The opposite of forget is..........

  1. remember
  2. remind
  3. think
  4. remembrance
  5. remembers



This Section has four mixed sentences. Arrange the sentences so as to make a good composition giving them letter A — D. Shade the letter of the correct answer.

37.      Take honey bees as an example.

38.      They produce wax which can be used in many ways.

39.      There are many kinds of insects around us.

40.      Some of the insects are beneficial while others are harmful.



Read the following passage carefully and then answer the questions that follow by shading the letter of the correct answer.

It was the racing day and there were many contestants. "Look! I can see the Elephant and the Lion" shouted the Antelope. "I can see the Goat and the Monkey!" cried the Zebra. "And I can see the Chameleon and the Hare!" cried the Snake. All the animals were excited. The Hare was so excited that he did not notice an animal holding on to it tail. Suddenly the race began. An the contestants began running as fast as they could. "Snake, lets climb to the top of the hill said the Frog. "Then we can see how our friend Chameleon will complete among all these faster runners and we will see the end of the race clearly.

The Hare ran faster than all the other animals. "Look! The Hare is winning!" cried the snake "But where is the Chameleon?" the Frog asked. "Cant you see him?" the Snake cried. "Hes holding onto the back of the Hare!"

The Frog laughed. Just then the Hare reached the throne. He sat down on the throne, and called. "I m the first on the throne! Im the king of the forest." To the surprise of many, the Chameleon told the Hare that he had been on the seat before him. The Frog and the Snake were very happy because their friend was the new king. "Lets go and celebrate our victory," they sang.

41.     Which animal was cleaver than the Hare?

  1. The Zebra 
  2.  The Monkey 
  3. The Chameleon  
  4. The Snake 
  5.  The Frog

42.     Which word in the story is used to refer to runners in a race?

  1. Joggers 
  2.  Athletes 
  3.  Contestants
  4.  Fast animals
  5. Throne

43.The frog and snake watch the race

  1. to the top of the hill
  2. beneath the top of the hill
  3. on top of the mountain
  4. in the nearby forest
  5. around a racing ground

44.The ........ran the fastest but.....won the race

  1. Chameleon..........the Hare
  2. Hare........the Chameleon
  3. Hare..............Elephant
  4. Antelope.................Hare
  5. Hare...................Zebra

45.The ..............become king of the forest

  1. hare
  2. lion
  3. elephant
  4. snake
  5. chameleon

46. Which of the following animals were the happiest?

  1. Frog and snake
  2. hare and chameleon
  3. the frog and the cobra
  4. the hare and the snake
  5. the hare and the frog

47.What did the winner of the race do?

  1. he had a meeting with the family
  2. he was the last one to arrive
  3. he played a trick to win the race
  4. he ran faster than the others
  5. he bribed the judge to win the race

48. Who was the frogs friend?

  1. lion and the snake
  2. antelope and chameleon
  3. elephant and chameleon
  4. chameleon and snake
  5. snake and zebra

49. The word throne in the story means;

  1. the place where the king lives
  2. the place where the animals lives
  3. the ground where all running animals gather together
  4. the chair on which the king sits
  5. the place where the race ends

50.The best tittle for the story is...



  1.  I usually ......... my friends on Sunday. 

  1. visits
  2. visited
  3. visit
  4. visiting
  5. visitor

2. The building over there ..........of concrete

  1. were made
  2. are made
  3. has made
  4. have made
  5. is made

3. she ...............the money when the thief robbed her

  1. counts
  2. is counting
  3. was counting
  4. counting
  5. counted

4. he ..........for two days last week

  1. travels
  2. travelled
  3. travelling
  4. travel
  5. traveler

5. the london tomorrow

  1. will fly
  2. flew
  3. flies
  4. had flown
  5. have flown

6. joseph was reading while his uncle............TV

  1. Is watching
  2. were watching
  3. does watching
  4. was watching
  5. are watching

7. we ...................visiting you next month

  1. shall been
  2. were been
  3. have been
  4. will been
  5. shall been Tanga tomorrow evening

  1. will go
  2. have gone
  3. was going
  4. has gone
  5. went

9.My sister the house all morning

  1. have being
  2. has being
  3. has been
  4. have been
  5. was been

10.The prisoners have been....................from jail

  1. realize
  2. releasing
  3. releases
  4. released
  5. realized

11.We always go to school.............foot

  1. by
  2. on
  3. in
  4. with
  5. for

12.Doctor Musa has told you about your problems

  1. hasnt he
  2. has he?
  3. hasnt he?
  4. has he
  5. havent he

13. The shopkeeper sold........dozen of eggs

  1. any
  2. some
  3. a
  4. an
  5. much

14.The house belongs to my friends, therefore the house is..................

  1. ours
  2. hers
  3. yours
  4. his
  5. their

15. Hassan is suffering ................malaria

  1. at
  2. from
  3. of
  4. in
  5. on

16.    "Juma is not listening in class," he said. In reported speech the sentence will be: He said that,

  1. you were not listening in class
  2. Juma is not listening in class
  3. you are not listening in class
  4. Juma was not listening in class
  5. they were not listening in class

17.    They were all quick, but he was the ...... .. .. of all.

  1. quickest 
  2.  quicker 
  3.  most quick
  4. quickly  
  5. quicken

18.    They are going to have an accident because the driver is driving ..........

  1. carefully
  2. careless
  3. carelessly
  4. carefulness
  5. carelessness

19.    The house .......... is white in colour is ours.

  1. which 
  2.  whose    
  3.  who 
  4.  whom    
  5.  what

20.    Which of the following questions is the most appropriate one for this answer: "She is the captain."

  1. What is she?
  2. Whom is she?
  3. Where is she?
  4. Who is she?
  5. Whose is she?

21.    Catherine is sitting on my left and Mariam is sitting on my right. I am sitting.......... Catherine and Mariam.

  1. beside
  2. between
  3. next
  4. behind
  5. in front

 22. He hurried   home...........he could meet his friend

  1. In order to
  2. because
  3. so that
  4. so as to
  5. for that

23. Scola is beautiful girl. The word Scola has been used as;

  1. an adjective
  2. a pronoun
  3. an adverb
  4. a preposition
  5. a noun

24. A man was walking ...................his friend on thursday

  1. beside
  2. besides
  3. before
  4. beneath
  5. in front

25. John ..........the teachers were in the office

  1. with
  2. together
  3. also
  4. and
  5. both

26. The river flows..............the two mountains

  1. Long
  2. among
  3. between
  4. in
  5. by

27. These children are ...........eating nor drinking

  1. neither
  2. so
  3. either
  4. both
  5. never

28.Freddy put.................paper in his food.

  1. many
  2. a little
  3. a few
  4. any
  5. small

29.Mary is going to the stadium .......... her friend.

  1. by
  2. and
  3. with
  4. or
  5. at

30. I am not talking to you................

  1. do I
  2. am I
  3. was I
  4. Do I
  5. am I

31. The father to your father is called ..........

  1. father of father  
  2. big father 
  3. grand fatherly
  4. grandfather 
  5. fathers father

32.My mother sold a ........ .. of bananas.

  1. Bunch
  2. bunches
  3. heap
  4. branch
  5. group

33.The noise in the club house was too loud to hear the police . . .... ....outside.

  1. bells
  2. horns
  3. alarm
  4. bang
  5. sirens

34.The word "twice" means ..........

  1. too times  
  2.   two
  3.  two times
  4. three times
  5. second

35.The evening meal is called ..........

  1. food
  2. lunch
  3. breakfast
  4. dinner
  5. dish

36. When people are sick, they should see the...................for treatment

  1. teachet
  2. actor
  3. doctor
  4. guardian
  5. preacher.

This section has four mixed sentences.  Arrange the sentences so as to make a good composition by giving them letter A - D. Shade the letter of the correct answer.

37.      I quickly have breakfast.

38.      I wake up early in the morning at 06:00 am.

39.      I run to school ready for class.

40.      I then brush my teeth and wash my face.



Read the following passage carefully and then answer the questions that follow by shading the letter of the correct answer.

Some time ago, there was a man and his wife called Mr and Mrs Mkombozi who lived an ordinary life at Kunoga village. They had three children, Juma, Musa and Jamila. Juma worked very hard at school and managed to go to secondary school. He was finally employed as a teacher at a neighbouring primary school.

One day Juma talked to his father on the phone and told him that he would send them Tsh. 100, 000 for their up keep. When Mr Mkombozi heard that, he was excited about the money and started planning how to spend it. He decided to share this with his family. He told them of his plans to build a poultry house for keeping layers (chickens which lay eggs).

His son Musa said that he would be the one to collect the eggs while Jamila would do the cleaning. Jamila was annoyed and said she would be the one to collect the eggs and Musa would do the cleaning. This quarrel went on until they started fighting.

When their mother saw them fighting she went over to stop them. She was surprised to hear that they were fighting over the collection of eggs while the chickens had not yet been bought. Even the money for buying the chickens was not yet sent by their brother Juma.

41.      Where was Mr Mkombozis family residing?

  1. Namanga  
  2.  Mazigo  
  3.  Kaone 
  4. Songambele 
  5. Kunoga

42.      What made Juma go to secondary school?

  1. His hardworking spirit 
  2. His primary education
  3. His teachers help 
  4.  His parents force 
  5. His sisters advice

43.      How many sons did Mr Mkombozi have?

  1. One 
  2. Two 
  3. Four 
  4.  Three
  5.  Five

44.      What did Juma tell his father?

  1.  He would buy him 100, 000 chickens
  2. He would give him chickens
  3. He would buy him a phone 
  4.  He would send him Tsh. 100,000 
  5. He would send them eggs.

45.      Who stopped the fighting? ........

  1. A friend
  2. A teacher
  3. The mother
  4. The father 
  5. Juma

46.      What did Mr. Mkombozi decide to do with he money? ........

  1. To buy layers
  2. To collect eggs
  3.  To clean the house 
  4.  To buy eggs
  5. To pay the workers.

47.      The word "quarrel" means,..............

  1. to agree with each other
  2. to fight with each other
  3. to accept each other
  4.  to disagree with each other 
  5. to respect each other

48.      Why was Mr Mkombozi excited? 

  1. His daughter promised to give him some money
  2. His mother promised to give him some money
  3. His son promised to give him some money 
  4.  His son sent him some money 
  5.  He was collecting eggs.

49.      Who wanted to collect the eggs? .......

  1. Mr Mkombozi
  2. Mrs Mkombozi
  3. Musa and Juma 
  4. Jamila and Juma
  5. Musa and Jamila.

50.      Why were Juma and Jamila fighting? ........

  1. For the chickens
  2.  For the money
  3. For the poultry house
  4.  For the eggs
  5. For the cleanliness





Time: 1:30 Hours Thursday, 11th September 2014 a.m.


1.This paper consists of fifty (50) questions in sections A, B, C and D.

2.Answer all the questions.

3.Read all the given instructions in the special answer sheet (OMR) and fill in all the required information.

4.Write your Examination Number and then shade the digits of the number in the respective place in your answer sheet.

5.Shade the letter of the correct answer for each question in the answer sheet provided, for example, if the correct answer is A shade as follows:

6.If you have to change your answer, you must rub out the shading very neatly before shading the new one. Use a clean rubber.

7.Use HB pencil only.

8.Cellular phones are not allowed in the examination room.


Choose the words that complete the sentences by shading the letters of the correct answer in the answer sheet provided.

1.We _____________ arrive in Kenya at 10.00pm.

  1. would 
  2.  has 
  3.  will 
  4.  have 
  5.  had

2.Maria was cooking bananas when her brother _____________.

  1. arrived 
  2.  arriving 
  3.  comes 
  4.  is coming 
  5.  arrive

3.The girls _____________ their books to the library already.

  1. has taken 
  2.  will take 
  3.  shall take 
  4.  take 
  5.  have taken

4.Every year, Tanzania ___________ a lot of visitors from different countries all over the world.

  1. has taken
  2. will take
  3. shall take
  4. take
  5. have taken

5._____________ Halima clean her teeth every day?

  1. Do
  2. Does
  3. Is
  4. Has
  5. Have

6. The lazy pupils _____________ their homework.

  1. have not did
  2. has not done
  3. have not do
  4. have not done
  5. have did

7.Ghati _____________ her clothes since morning.

  1. have been washing
  2. has been washing
  3. will be washing
  4. shall be washing
  5. is been washing

8.The teachers _____________ teaching mathematics at the moment.

  1. is
  2. were
  3. have
  4. are
  5. shall

9.If he _____________ early he would have caught the train.

  1. had came
  2. would come
  3. has come
  4. will come
  5. had come

10.Maria will _____________ to the guest of honour tomorrow.

  1. be talking
  2. are talking
  3. talked
  4. talks
  5. be talked

11.I will either have tea _____________ coffee.

  1. and
  2. with
  3. or
  4. for
  5. nor

12.He will not pass his examination _____________ he works hard.

  1. but
  2. because
  3. even
  4. unless
  5. and

13.David and Willy were preparing _____________ to go to school.

  1. themself
  2. themselves
  3. theirselves
  4. yourselves
  5. ourselves

14.That noise is preventing me _____________ working.

  1. in
  2. from
  3. with
  4. to
  5. of

15._____________ I study hard, I will be a doctor.

  1. Unless
  2. Although
  3. If
  4. Whether
  5. Neither

16.Yesterday _____________ 6 O’clock, I was watching my favorite film.

  1. in
  2. on
  3. by
  4. at
  5. to

17.My brother’s daughter is my _____________.

  1. niece
  2. nephew
  3. daughter
  4. cousin
  5. aunt

18.My sister has bought _____________new dress.

  1. it
  2. you
  3. she
  4. he
  5. her

19.He peels the mangoes _____________ he eats.

  1. but
  2. so
  3. before
  4. after
  5. during

20.We travelled _____________ train from Kigoma to Dar-es-Salaam.

  1. at
  2. with
  3. by
  4. on
  5. in

21.The bus moved slowly _____________ the bus stand.

  1. towards
  2. under
  3. over
  4. onward
  5. with

22.The farmers can _____________ plant beans nor maize this year.

  1. either
  2. both
  3. not
  4. neither
  5. also

23.An elephant is the _____________ animal in Ngorongoro National Park.

  1. from
  2. with
  3. than
  4. as
  5. to

24.There were _____________ people in the room.

  1. not
  2. no
  3. no any
  4. none
  5. no body

25.That is _____________ shirt.

  1. James’
  2. James’s
  3. Jame’s
  4. James
  5. James is

26.My uncle has been a teacher _____________ a year now.

  1. at
  2. in
  3. on
  4. since
  5. for

27.The problem depends on who you are dealing _____________.

  1. at
  2. to
  3. without
  4. with
  5. in

28.She managed to build a new house _____________ her weakness.

  1. despite
  2. inspite
  3. although
  4. because of
  5. despite of

29.It is known that the cow died _____________ hunger.

  1. by
  2. of
  3. for
  4. at
  5. on

30.The policemen chased the thieves away _____________ they could not arrest them.

  1. even
  2. but
  3. because
  4. when
  5. also


For each of the following questions, choose the correct answer and shade its letter in the 

31.A person who can draw well is __________.

  1. a drawer
  2. an art
  3. a teacher
  4. an artist
  5. a painter

32.The plural form of the word sheep is  __________.

  1. sheeps
  2. ships
  3. sheep
  4. ship
  5. sheepy

33.Not everything that __________ is gold.

  1. dims
  2. darkens
  3. shone
  4. lights
  5. glitters

34.Genuine products are those that are __________.

  1. shiny
  2. original
  3. nice
  4. perishable
  5. fancy

35.A child whose parents have died is __________.

  1. a bachelor
  2. single
  3. fatherless
  4. a spinster
  5. an orphan

36.Pupils were __________ for winning their match against their opponents.

  1. congratulated
  2. celebrate
  3. praise
  4. confirmed
  5. concurred


This section has four mixed sentences. Arrange the sentences so as to make a good composition by giving them letters A-D. Shade the letter of the correct answer in your answer sheet.

37.She was attacked by a crocodile and died immediately.

39.It was a hot sunny day and what Mary wanted was some water to cool her body.

38.She jumped into the pool without reading the caution sign written, “crocodiles inside.”

39.It was a hot sunny day and what Mary wanted was some water to cool her body.

40.She then saw a pool of water across the road.


Read the following passage carefully and then answer the questions that follow by shading the letter of the correct answer in your answer sheet.

Lilato had a dream. He dreamt that someone gave him an egg. He was very happy and started wondering what to do with it. He thought of either eating it or keeping it in his pocket so that it would be warm and finally hatch and become a chick.

He thought of how this chick would grow into a hen and lay more eggs which will also hatch into more chickens. He would then sell some of those chickens and become a rich man. After getting a lot of money, Lilato thought of building an iron roofed house with glass windows. It would be a beautiful and big house.

While dreaming, Lilato walked excitedly. He jumped and the egg fell from his pocket and broke. He cried, saying that he will never be a rich man. Suddenly, he woke up and thanked God that it was only a dream.

41.Lilato decided to __________ the egg.

  1. keep
  2. sell
  3. hide
  4. eat
  5. throw

42.People usually dream when they are __________.

  1. walking
  2. sleeping
  3. sitting
  4. resting
  5. wondering

43.Lilato was happy because he was given __________.

  1. a big house
  2. iron sheets
  3. a chicken
  4. an egg
  5. a chick

44.Lilato’s thought he could get a lot of money by __________.

  1. selling eggs and chickens
  2. building a big house
  3. Cselling a big house
  4. keeping a big house
  5. keeping eggs

45.Lilato’s thought about the chick was that, it would grow and __________.

  1. become an egg 
  2.  become a hen 
  3.  be killed
  4.  build a big house
  5. E be sold

46.To hatch as used in the passage is to __________.

  1. become rich by keeping chickens 
  2.  build a big house with iron sheets
  3.  put the egg into the pocket 
  4.  break and open for the chick to come out 
  5.  become a big chicken

47.Lilato cried that he would __________.

  1. be a rich man
  2. get a lot of money
  3. never be rich
  4. get a lot of eggs
  5. have many chickens

48.What happened to the egg which Lilato was given?

  1. It got broken
  2. It became a chicken
  3. It became a chick
  4. It was eaten
  5. It was sold.

49.After waking up, Lilato __________.

  1. had become a rich man
  2. was sad for the egg
  3. had many chickens
  4. had built a big house
  5. was happy that it was a dream

50. What is the best title for this passage?

  1. Eggs and chickens 
  2. Lilato’s chickens 
  3. Lilato’s dream 
  4. Lilato’s hen 
  5. Lilato’s house.





Time: 1:30 Hours Thursday, 12th September 2013 a.m.


1.This paper consists of fifty (50) questions in sections A, B, C and D.

2.Answer all the questions.

3.Read all the given instructions in the special answer sheet (OMR) and fill in all the needed information.

4.Write your Examination Number and then shade the digits of the number in the respective place in your answer sheet.

5.Shade the letter of the correct answer for each question in the answer sheet provided, for example, if the correct answer is A shade as follows:

6.If you have to change your answer, you must rub out the shading very neatly before shading the new one. Use a clean rubber.

7.Use HB pencil only.

8.Cellular phones are not allowed in the examination room.


Choose the words that complete the sentences by shading the letters of the correct answer in the answer sheet provided.

1. Mr. Kazi _____________ his house in 1947.

  1. builds 
  2. was built 
  3. is building
  4. built 
  5. has built

2. Juayote _____________ reading a book now.

  1. have
  2. is
  3. were
  4. had
  5. was

3.Chanjagaa ________ go to buy water melons yesterday.

  1. didn’t
  2. don’t
  3. do
  4. doesn’t
  5. does 

4.They are going to town, _____________

  1. are they? 
  2.  are they. 
  3.  aren’t they.
  4.  aren’t they? 
  5.  weren’t they?

5.The whole class was excited because _____________ had passed the examination.

  1. us 
  2.  him 
  3.  they 
  4.  her 
  5.  them

6.This dog is healthy because it _____________ good food.

  1. cat 
  2.  ate 
  3.  eating 
  4.  eaten 
  5.  eats

7.Mrs. Luka said that she _____________ come back the following day.

  1. would 
  2.  was 
  3.  had 
  4.  shall 
  5.  has

8.Omi and Mputa _____________ while the teacher was teaching.

  1. laugh
  2. was laughing
  3. were laughing
  4. laughs
  5. have laughed

9. They _____________ to harvest crops next month.

  1. have gone
  2. will go
  3. is going
  4. has gone
  5. are gone

10.I found Jane _____________ bread at the bakery.

  1. boiling
  2. cooking
  3. roasting
  4. frying
  5. baking

11._____________ house is this?

  1. Whose
  2. Whom
  3. Who
  4. Why
  5. Where

12.Is there _____________ orange juice left?

  1. a
  2. few
  3. many
  4. any
  5. most

13. The teacher put all his books _____________ the table.

  1. in
  2. on
  3. at
  4. to
  5. of

14.Hey, Anne, what are you looking _____________?

  1. to
  2. in
  3. for
  4. on
  5. into

15.This book is yours but the blue one is _____________.

  1. mine
  2. your
  3. my
  4. me
  5. their

16.She was not familiar _____________ the school.

  1. by
  2. with
  3. at
  4. in
  5. on

17.This is my mother’s house _____________ she built it herself.

  1. although
  2. who
  3. where
  4. because
  5. even if

18.I have been teaching in this school _____________1970.

  1. for
  2. since
  3. unless
  4. about
  5. on

19.Peter and Paul are good friends. They always sit _____________ each other.

  1. besides
  2. between
  3. beside
  4. before
  5. behind

20.He neither cooked his food _____________ cleaned his room.

  1. also
  2. only
  3. but
  4. or
  5. nor

21.To _____________ does this dictionary belong?

  1. what
  2. that
  3. who
  4. whom
  5. whose

22.I have talked to my teachers _____________ one hour.

  1. since
  2. for
  3. by
  4. on
  5. at

23.John’s behavior is different _____________ his father.

  1. from
  2. with
  3. than
  4. as
  5. to

24. _____________ Jitihada is always late for class, he is going to pass the examination.

  1. In spite
  2. But
  3. Despite
  4. Even
  5. Although

25.Masanja is _____________ than Mayala.

  1. tall
  2. the tallest
  3. taller
  4. tallest
  5. most taller

26.You can _____________ read or write on the blackboard.

  1. neither
  2. either
  3. and
  4. nor
  5. or

27.We have known him _____________ 1995.

  1. for
  2. since
  3. by
  4. at
  5. in

28.Jane was told to do the work by _____________.

  1. ourselves
  2. himself
  3. herself
  4. her own
  5. themselves

29.Juma was so tired _____________ he had to go for a rest.

  1. that
  2. such
  3. for
  4. although
  5. enough

30.Samson is not only intelligent _____________ obedient to his teacher.

  1. but
  2. but also
  3. and also
  4. and
  5. also


For each of the following questions, choose the correct answer and shade its letter in the answer sheet provided.

31.Your uncle’s wife is your __________.

  1. nephew 
  2.  aunt 
  3.  cousin 
  4.  niece 
  5.  mother

32.A building along the roadside where motorists pay to stay in and have meals is a __________.

  1. motel
  2. restaurant
  3. hotelier
  4. canteen
  5. hotel

33.The opposite of the word “expensive” is __________.

  1. cheep
  2. sheep
  3. sheap
  4. chip
  5. ship

34.A person who mends shoes is a __________.

  1. cobra
  2. barber
  3. cobber
  4. cobbler
  5. shoe shiner

35.A group of buffaloes or cattle is called __________.

  1. a flock
  2. a horde
  3. a gang
  4. a hedge
  5. a herd

36.Another meaning for the word “purchase” is __________.

  1. sell
  2. buy
  3. selling
  4. exchange
  5. export


This section has four mixed sentences. Arrange the sentences so as to make a good composition by giving them letters A-D. Shade the letter of the correct answer in your answer sheet.

37.When Mrs. Daudi came back from work, she did not find the meat.

38.One day, Mrs. Daudi put some meat in the cupboard and left for work.

39.From that day the cat was chased away.

40.Her cat opened the cupboard and ate the meat.


Read the following passage carefully and then answer the questions that follow by shading the letter of the correct answer in your answer sheet.

Tourism is a type of business. Both developed and undeveloped countries use this business as a source of income. These countries have tourist attractions such as wild animals, high mountains, attractive beaches, rivers and lakes. Tourists spend money on food, accommodation, transport and many other things. In this way a country which is visited by many tourists can make a lot of money.

Tanzania is one of those countries which are visited by tourists every year. She gets a lot of money from attracting tourists. The tourists pay visits to National parks such as Ngorongoro, Serengeti, Manyara and Mikumi. Some wild animals found in those parks are lions, elephants, tigers, antelopes, hippopotamus, buffaloes, zebras and baboons. The tourists can also take photos and buy books containing information about wild life.

Apart from visiting National parks, tourists also climb Mount Kilimanjaro which is a snow-capped mountain. This is the highest mountain in Africa with a height of over five thousand meters above sea level. Mountain climbers are helped by guides and potters. Tourists pay the guides and potters. Most tourists enjoy staying in Tanzania because of the tourist attractions which she has.

41.What is the source of income in many countries?

  1. Animals 
  2.  Accommodation 
  3.  Transport 
  4.  Photos 
  5.  Tourism.

42.A person who travels for the purpose of visiting another place for pleasure is a __________.

  1. potter 
  2.  tourist 
  3.  guide 
  4.  guard 
  5.  native

43.According to the passage, where is tourism conducted?

  1. Developed countries 
  2.  Developing countries
  3. Developing and developed countries 
  4.  Many countries 
  5.  Tropical countries.

44.Who pays the potters?

  1. Tanzania
  2. Tourism
  3. Animals
  4. Tourists
  5. Guides.

45.The opposite of the word “income” is __________.

  1. expensive
  2. experience
  3. outcome
  4. expense
  5. expenditure 

46.What else do tourists do apart from visiting National parks in Tanzania?

  1. Buy clothes 
  2. Climb the mountain 
  3. Stay in Tanzania 
  4.  Open business 
  5.  Visit lakes.

47.Tourists’ money is spent on which of the following items?

  1. Food, accommodation and transport 
  2.  Food, clothes and photos 
  3.  Transport and shopping 
  4.  Accommodation and clothes
  5.  Buying animals.

48.According to the passage, which are the animals found in the national parks?

  1. Lions, elephants and hyena 
  2.  Tigers, buffaloes and peacocks
  3.  Lions, impala and antelopes
  4.  Lions, elephants and baboons
  5. E Zebras, tigers and wild pigs.

49.How high is the highest mountain in Africa?

  1. Over five hundred kilometers 
  2. About five thousand meters 
  3. Over five thousand meters 
  4.  Over five thousand kilometers
  5.  About five thousand centimeter.

50.What does the pronoun “She” stands for in this passage?

  1. A girl 
  2.  A woman 
  3.  A mountain
  4.  A tourist 
  5.  A country.





Time: 1:30 Hours Thursday, 20th September 2012 a.m.


1. This paper consists of fifty (50)  questions in sections A, B, C and D.

2. Answer all the questions.

3. Read all the given instructions in the special answer sheet (OMR) and fill in all the required information.

4. Write your Examination Number and then shade the digits of the number in the respective place in your answer sheet.

5. Shade the letter of the correct answer for each question in the answer sheet provided, for example, if the correct answer is A shade as follows:

6. If you have to change your answer, you must rub out the shading very neatly before shading the new one. Use a clean rubber.

7. Use HB pencil only.

8. Cellular phones are not allowed in the examination room.


Choose the words that complete the sentences by shading the letters of the correct answer in the answer sheet provided.

1.The children _____________ when the lights went off.

  1. where studying 
  2.  was studying 
  3. were studying
  4.  is studying 
  5.  are studying

2.The teacher _____________ me with a stick yesterday.

  1.  hits 
  2.  hit 
  3.  heat
  4. beats 
  5.  beaten

3.Mr Kiula _____________ in his vegetable garden now.

  1. worked 
  2.  is working
  3. has work
  4.  work 
  5.  has worked

4.My friend _____________ a bath before I arrived.

  1.  taken 
  2.  taking 
  3.  will take
  4. had taken 
  5.  takes

5.Sometimes he _____________ alone.

  1.  go 
  2.  goes 
  3.  went
  4. have gone 
  5.  going

6. Some elephants _____________ our crops.

  1. destroys 
  2. has destroyed
  3. is destroying
  4.  was destroying
  5.  have destroyed

7. If he _____________, we will go with him.

  1.  come 
  2.  coming 
  3.  comes
  4. came 
  5. had come

8. Did you _____________ your home work last night?

  1.  finish 
  2.  finishes 
  3.  finished
  4. finishing 
  5. do finish

9.Farmers _____________ maize next year.

  1. will grow 
  2.  have grown
  3. has grown
  4.  were growing 
  5.  had grown

10. Is Andrew _____________ well in his studies these days?

  1. do 
  2. does 
  3. did 
  4. done 
  5. doing

11._____________ she was tired, she worked hard.

  1.  Although 
  2.  Inspite 
  3.  Despite of 
  4. Despite 
  5. Even

13.This book is _____________ big to fit in my bag.

  1.  very 
  2.  too 
  3.  so 
  4. to 
  5. as

14.He looks _____________ younger since he came back from Loliondo.

  1.  many 
  2.  any 
  3.  much 
  4.  very 
  5. some

15.The man _____________ stole the books was caught at night.

  1.  whose 
  2.  which 
  3.  who 
  4.  whom
  5. what

16.Will you _____________ me your pen, please?

  1.  borrow 
  2.  lend 
  3.  take 
  4.  help
  5. assist

17. Write the indirect speech for the sentence “My brother will be here tomorrow.” Mary said.

  1.  Mary said that her brother could be there the next day
  2.  Mary said that my brother will be there the next day
  3.  Mary said that her brother would be there the next day
  4.  Mary said that her brother will be there the next day 
  5.  Mary said that your brother will be there the next day.

18. Mr Kalasamaki goes fishing every evening, _____________?

  1.  don’t he 
  2.  wasn’t he 
  3.  hasn’t he 
  4.  isn’t he 
  5.  doesn’t he

19. Mr and Mrs John have a _____________ family.

  1.  happily 
  2.  happy 
  3.  happiest
  4.  most happiness 
  5.  more happiest

20.He is both a committed prefect _____________ a clever pupil.

  1.  but 
  2.  with 
  3.  and 
  4.  for 
  5.  also

21.I was so exhausted _____________ I did not work anymore.

  1. enough 
  2.  such 
  3.  although 
  4.  that 
  5.  the extent

22.Did you send me _____________ empty parcel?

  1.  a 
  2.  few 
  3.  an 
  4.  some 
  5.  many

23.Mr Tajiri’s house is _____________ big _____________ Mr Maskini’s house.

  1.  so … as 
  2.  as … as 
  3.  too … as 
  4.  so … that
  5. too … to

24.He got up early _____________ catch the aircraft.

  1.  because 
  2.  so that 
  3.  that to 
  4.  in order to
  5. therefore

25.It is cloudy, _____________ it will rain today.

  1.  and 
  2.  that 
  3.  perhaps 
  4.  as
  5. so as

26.My mother uses _____________ onion as a spice.

  1.  an 
  2.  a 
  3.  and 
  4.  many
  5. a few

27.We have known him _____________ 1995.

  1.  for 
  2.  since 
  3.  by 
  4.  at
  5. in

28.There was _____________ rainfall in January than in February this year.

  1.  plenty 
  2.  most 
  3.  best 
  4.  less
  5. plentiful

29.Rehema bought a _____________ of soap and a kilo of sugar.

  1.  bunch 
  2.  pile 
  3.  crowd 
  4.  loaf
  5. bar

30. She injured herself _____________ a knife.

  1.  with 
  2.  by 
  3.  on 
  4.  and 
  5.  of


For each of the following questions, choose the correct answer and shade its letter in the answer sheet provided.

31. A person who cuts other people’s hair is called a __________.

  1.  saloon 
  2.  barber 
  3.  hair cutter 
  4.  hair dresser 
  5. hair saloon

32.A person who defends a country when there is a war is called __________.

  1.  a doctor 
  2.  a soldier 
  3.  a police 
  4.  an ambassador
  5.  a pilot

33.Our cow has just given birth to a __________.

  1.  piglet 
  2.  puppy 
  3.  calf 
  4.  chick 
  5. kitten

34.The items: skirt, shirt, pair of trousers and coat are all __________.

  1.  dresses 
  2.  wears 
  3.  blouses 
  4.  clothes 
  5. pajamas

35. A pedestrian is a person who __________.

  1.  pedals the bicycle 
  2.  walks on foot 
  3.  travels by car
  4.  uses a pedal 
  5.  travels by train

36. When a person does not get some food nutrients, he/she can get __________.

  1.  dehydration 
  2.  diabetes 
  3.  measles 
  4.  constipation 
  5.  malnutrition


This section has four mixed sentences. Arrange the sentences so as to make a good composition by giving them letters A-D. Shade the letter of the correct answer in your answer sheet.

37. She jumped out of bed and ran to her mother happily.

38. She found her mother in the kitchen with a cake and some toys.

39. Diana was still fast asleep in the morning dreaming about her birthday.

40. Suddenly, she heard her mother calling her. 


Read the following passage carefully and then answer the questions that follow by shading the letter of the correct answer in your answer sheet.

A long time ago, there was a Monkey and his wife who had a garden full of different crops such as beans, peas and cabbages. They also had plenty of yams. Mr and Mrs Monkey worked very hard day and night. During the dry season, they watered their garden by using water from the nearby well.

Near their garden lived a Tortoise who was slow and lazy. Mr Tortoise never did any work. He used to sing his favourite songs all day while Monkey and his wife worked in their garden.

There was a lot of food in the Monkey’s house. The house was so small it could hardly keep all the food from the garden. This was different from Mr. Tortoise’s house since there was no food at all. When Tortoise wanted some food, he got it by telling stories and singing songs. He used to tell children from different homes to take food along when going to his house for the stories and songs.

These children’s parents discovered that Mr Tortoise was using their children for his survival. So they stopped their children from going there, hence Tortoise suffered from hunger. One day, the Tortoise sent his son to the Monkey’s house to borrow some food and promised to pay him the next day. The Monkey gave the Tortoise some food.

The following day, Monkey went to Tortoise’s house and asked to be paid his money. Tortoise told him not to worry as he would pay him “the next day”. Unfortunately for the Monkey, the next day never came.

41. Who worked hard in his garden?

  1.  The Monkey 
  2.  The Tortoise 
  3.  Monkey’s friends
  4.  Tortoise’s children 
  5.  Monkey’s children.

42. Who lived near the Monkey’s garden?

  1.  The Monkey’s wife 
  2. The Monkey’s friends 
  3.  The children
  4.  The Tortoise 
  5. The children’s parents.

43.How did the Tortoise get food?

  1.  Telling stories 
  2. Stealing food 
  3. Selling food
  4.  Growing food 
  5. Working hard.

44. Whose house was full of food?

  1. The children’s house
  2. The neighbours’ house
  3.  The Tortoise’s house
  4.  The Monkey’s friends’ house.
  5. The Monkey’s house

45.Why did the Tortoise suffer from hunger?

  1.  Because he was a beggar 
  2.  Because he was lazy
  3.  Because he liked stories 
  4.  Because he liked visiting friends
  5.  Because he liked singing.

46. Who did the Tortoise send to the Monkey’s home?

  1.  His niece 
  2.  His daughter 
  3. His son
  4. His nephew 
  5.  The children.

47. When did Tortoise promise to pay Monkey for the food?

  1.  After a week 
  2.  The following day 
  3. In two days time
  4. The same day 
  5.  In the morning.

48. Where did Monkey get water from in the dry season?

  1.  The ocean 
  2.  The river 
  3. The sea 
  4. The garden 
  5.  The well.

49. Who used to give food to Tortoise?

  1.  The Monkey 
  2.  The parents 
  3.  The children 
  4. The son 
  5.  The friend.

50. What did Tortoise borrow from Monkey?

  1. Some food 
  2. Some beans 
  3. Some cabbages  
  4. Some peas 
  5. E Some yams.





Time: 1:30 Hours Thursday, 8 th September 2011 a.m.


1. This paper consists of fifty (50) questions in sections A, B, C and D.

2. Answer all the questions.

3. Write the letter of the correct answer for each question in the answer sheet provided.

4. Write your Examination number on your answer sheet.

5. Use a blue or black pen in writing your answer. Answers written in pencil will not be marked.


Choose the words that complete the sentences by writing the letters of the correct answer in the answer sheet provided.

1. Juma was told to _____________ grass around the house.

  1.  cut 
  2.  cutting 
  3.  cuts 
  4.  chopping
  5. chop

2.  We _____________ our new class monitor next week.

  1.  had elected 
  2.  would elect 
  3.  shall elect 
  4.  have elected
  5. could elect

3. We _____________ to Unguja by the Sea Express Ferry today.

  1.  is going 
  2.  would go 
  3.  had gone 
  4.  are going
  5.  have gone

4. Julius Nyerere _____________ in 1922 in Butiama village.

  1.  had born 
  2.  is born 
  3.  have born 
  4.  has born
  5. was born

5. Two weeks ago Mr. Wahi _____________ his son to hospital.

  1.  was sending 
  2.  will send 
  3.  sends 
  4.  send
  5.  sent

6. In some African traditions the young people are the ones who _____________ the elders.

  1.  great 
  2.  greats 
  3.  greet 
  4.  greets 
  5.  greeted

7. I always _____________ to the market.

  1.  walking 
  2.  walks 
  3.  have walked 
  4.  walk 
  5.  am walking

8.  Last week their father _____________ to visit them.

  1.  came 
  2.  come 
  3.  comes 
  4.  go 
  5.  goes

9. Jacob _____________ his friend Makanja when he was going to the party.

  1.  was meeting 
  2.  meeting 
  3.  met 
  4.  is meeting
  5.  meets

10. We were looking at the wild animals when the rain _____________ .

  1.  starting 
  2.  starts 
  3.  will start 
  4.  started
  5. was started

11. My father looked for his lost cow _____________ one year.

A at B with C by D in



12. Yohana is good _____________ Mathematics.

  1.  in 
  2.  for 
  3.  to 
  4.  on
  5.  with

13. Neither Peter _____________ Ally will sit for the examination.

  1.  no 
  2.  with 
  3.  nor 
  4.  and
  5.  or

14. The girl _____________ father died is my cousin.

  1.  what 
  2.  whose 
  3.  whom 
  4.  which
  5.  where

15.  My grandfather may have _____________ good advice for you.

  1.  big 
  2.  many 
  3.  small 
  4.  some
  5.  few

16. “Your shorts are torn, Baraka! You _____________ to buy new ones!” Said Juma.

  1.  ought 
  2.  must 
  3.  should
  4. will
  5. has

17. He is _____________ young to go to the University.

  1.  so 
  2.  too 
  3.  only
  4. as
  5. but

18. Mr. Mganga bought a _____________ car in Beijing.

  1.  largest 
  2.  biggest 
  3.  most large
  4.  large
  5.  most big

19. His school is _____________ than ours.

  1.  bigger 
  2.  smallest 
  3.  small
  4.  big
  5.  biggest

20. They have been learning English _____________ 2005.

  1.  in 
  2.  at 
  3.  since
  4.  for
  5.  to

21. My neighbour went to the bank _____________ he wanted to withdraw some money.

  1.  because 
  2.  although 
  3.  but 
  4.  if
  5.  so

22. _____________ Lucy _____________ Ali is in the group.

  1.  Either ____ nor 
  2.  Either ____ or 
  3.  Neither ____ or
  4.  Not ____ only 
  5.  Not only ____ and

23. London and Paris are _____________ cities for business and pleasure.

  1.  all 
  2.  each 
  3.  neither 
  4.  either 
  5.  both

24. This is our friend _____________ wrote a letter to our head teacher.

  1.  which 
  2.  whom 
  3.  where 
  4.  who 
  5.  whose

25. Maregesi is not only big _____________ strong.

  1.  and also 
  2.  also 
  3.  but also 
  4.  and
  5.  but

26. Is there _____________ sugar in your shop?

  1.  any 
  2.  some 
  3.  many 
  4.  few 
  5.  a few

27. _____________ the damaged road we managed to continue with our journey.

  1.  Inspite 
  2.  Despite 
  3.  Despite of 
  4.  Because of 
  5.  Although

28. The Mozambican companies run _____________.

  1.  themself 
  2.  herself 
  3.  itselves 
  4.  themselves 
  5.  himselves

29. Our neighbour had a _____________ big house.

  1.  so 
  2.  very 
  3.  that 
  4.  too 
  5.  this

30. The food we are eating is very delicious, _____________

  1.  don’t it? 
  2.  is it. 
  3.  isn’t it. 
  4.  is it?
  5.  isn’t it?


Read the following passage carefully then answer questions 41-50 by writing the letter of the correct answer in your answer sheet.

We were living in Dodoma when my father got a job transfer to Arusha. We knew that we would have to move and leave our grandparents. None of the children wanted to leave because we had friends in the village and we did not want to lose them.

When we were told to prepare to leave, we cried because we liked our house and the garden too. Our mother told us that we would like Arusha because it is an interesting place. She told us that there is a snake park with different types of snakes and that we would be visiting the park during holidays. We were excited to hear that.

Our father looked for a lorry and paid the driver to take us and the luggage to Arusha. On Monday, the lorry came. We put our clothes into the bags and packed other things such as tables, chairs, beds and mattresses into the lorry. We then started our journey at 6:00 am ad arrived in Arusha that evening.

Even though we were tired from the long journey, we were happy to arrive at a big house which had a beautiful garden with a variety of flowers. There were many people including children who prepared a welcome party for us, among them was my uncle and aunt. It is true as our mother had said that Arusha is an interesting place.

41. Who got transferred to Arusha?

  1.  Children 
  2.  Aunt 
  3.  Mother 
  4.  Uncle 
  5.  Father.

42. When did the lorry get the family and luggage?

  1.  On Friday 
  2.  On Monday 
  3.  On Tuesday 
  4.  On Thursday 
  5.  On Sunday.

43. Where did they put their clothes?

  1.  Into the box 
  2.  Into the sack 
  3. Into the bags
  4.  In the house 
  5.  In the tax.

44. What were the children promised by their mother?

  1.  To visit the national park 
  2.  To buy them clothes 
  3.  To see Mt. Kilimanjaro
  4.  To go to their uncle 
  5.  To visit the snake park.

45. Which things were packed into the lorry?

  1.  Mattresses, food and a cat 
  2.  Chairs and a computer 
  3. Tables, chairs and beds
  4.  Clothes, shoes and beds 
  5.  Tables, cups and plates.

46. Why didn’t the children want to go to Arusha?

  1.  Because they had a dog 
  2.  Because of their cow 
  3.  Because Arusha is far 
  4.  Because of their friends
  5.  Because they had a big farm.

47. Which relatives were living in Arusha?

  1.  Grandfather and uncle 
  2.  Aunt and Grandfather 
  3.  Uncle and Grandmother 
  4.  Grandmother and aunt 
  5.  Uncle and aunt.

48. Who told them that Arusha is an interesting place?

  1.  Father 
  2.  Friends 
  3.  Mother 
  4.  Neighbours 
  5.  Uncle.

49. When did they arrive in Arusha?

  1.  In the evening 
  2.  In the afternoon 
  3.  At 12:00pm 
  4.  In the morning 
  5.  At 6:00am.

50. Which of the following could be the best title for this passage?

  1.  The lorry driver 
  2.  Transfer to Arusha
  3.  Our friends 
  4.  The party
  5.  Our stay in Dodoma.





Choose the words that correctly complete the sentences by writing the letters in the answer sheet provided.

1. The pupils . . . . . . their garden at the moment.

  1. water
  2. are watering
  3. watering
  4. watered
  5. have watered

2. Kisa . . . . . . the dishes yesterday.

  1. wash
  2. washing
  3. washed
  4. are washing
  5. is washing

3. I have just . . . . . . my lunch.

  1. take
  2. takes
  3. taken
  4. am taking
  5. was taking

4. She went to school while it was . . . . . .

  1. rain
  2. rained
  3. rains
  4. raining
  5. rainfall

5. Joti and Mamlaka . . . . . Bagamoyo historical sites next Monday.

  1. is visiting
  2. were visiting
  3. has visited
  4. will visit
  5. will go

6. The car . . . . . . . is coming belongs to my uncle.

  1. who
  2. whose
  3. which
  4. whom
  5. what

7. Why didn't she the meeting?

  1. attend
  2. attended
  3. attending
  4. has attended
  5. attends

8. She . . . . . keeps goats nor sheep

  1. either
  2. neither
  3. or
  4. only
  5. both

9. The . . . . . . in the village was next to me.

  1. most handsome
  2. most beautiful
  3. least handsome
  4. pretty beautiful
  5. better

10. The packet of sweets . . . . . . given to me.

  1. have
  2. was
  3. were
  4. has
  5. had

11. Mr. Msambichaka . . . . . a good saloon car

  1. own
  2. owning
  3. owns
  4. have owned
  5. is owned

12. It ...... for two hours.

  1. have been raining
  2. was been raining
  3. is been raining
  4. has been rained
  5. has been raining

13. The car that John drives is not . . . . .

  1. him
  2. his
  3. theirs
  4. is his
  5. the

14. They are proud . . . . . . taking advice.

  1. in
  2. on
  3. at
  4. of
  5. so

15. That big book is . . . . . .

  1. Juma's
  2. Juma
  3. Jumas
  4. Jumas's
  5. Jumas'

16. Uhuru villagers bought a new bus last week. It is . . . . .

  1. them
  2. they
  3. hers
  4. they are
  5. theirs

17. Our teacher took a roll call presentees he was on duty. . . . . .

  1. so
  2. because
  3. that
  4. and
  5. unless

18. A lion is . . . . . . dangerous than a cow.

  1. much
  2. most
  3. more
  4. almost
  5. mostly

19. She always comes here . . . . . . bus.

  1. on
  2. by
  3. with
  4. in
  5. of

20. You are not going to succeed . . . . . . you work harder.

  1. if
  2. in spite
  3. because
  4. unless
  5. despite



For each of questions 21 - 30, choose the correct answer and write its letter in the answer sheet provided.

21. The teacher gave me a  . . . . . . of keys.

  1. groups
  2. bunch
  3. bunches
  4. group
  5. piece

22. The word double means . . . . . . . .

  1. one thing
  2. two things
  3. three things
  4. four things
  5. five things

23. A person who makes bread is a . . . . . . .

  1. cooker
  2. cook
  3. waiter
  4. barker
  5. carpenter

24. The opposite of the word "Sir" is . . . . . . . .

  1. son
  2. father
  3. madam
  4. uncle
  5. queen

25. The plural form of the word "mouse" is . . . . . . .

  1. mouthes
  2. mouses
  3. mause
  4. mice
  5. mouce

26. I saw a  . . . . . . of lions on my way home.

  1. flock
  2. school
  3. herd
  4. gang
  5. den

27. Someone who examines and treats people's teeth is called a . . . . . .

  1. dentist
  2. dental
  3. dent
  4. dentists
  5. dentals

28. Zambia is  . . . . . . independent countries in Africa.

  1. One
  2. beside
  3. among
  4. between
  5. beneath

29. One who goes on holiday to visit different places is called a . . . . . .

  1. truant
  2. traitor
  3. tourist
  4. tenant
  5. tourists

30. A fly is an insect. The plural form of this sentence is . . . . . . . .

  1. fly are insects
  2. insects are flies
  3. flies are insects
  4. flies are insect
  5. fly is insect



Read the following passage carefully then answer questions 41 - 50 by writing the letter of the correct answer in your answer sheet.

The weather all over the world in 1997 - 1998 was very unusual. In Tanzania and other parts of East Africa, there was a lot of rain. Some parts of Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and other neighboring countries were flooded. Houses were destroyed and many people became homeless. This destruction affected not only homes but also crops and this led to poor health because people did not get enough harvest.

Roads and railways were swept away, so transport and transportation became another problem.

Some people were killed. In some parts of East Africa, diseases became a problem. Stagnant and dirty water affected people in two different ways. Stagnant water made the breeding of mosquitoes easier and many people.were affected by malaria. Other diseases such as typhoid and cholera were caused by dirty water which was used for domestic activities like cooking, drinking and bathing. The results of this weather change affected people psychologically, socially and economically.

The cause of this unusual weather was El Nino. This is a large current of warm sea water. The name El Nino means "the CHILD". Peruvian fisherman gave the current of warm sea water this name because it appeared in Christmas time. It does not appear every year. It appear about every 5 years. We can describe El Nino as a current of warm sea water that moves eastward across the Pacific Ocean. The current of sea water is very large.


41. The unusual weather

  1. affected people positively
  2. made transport easier
  3. affected people and their properties
  4. was very constructive
  5. increased the agricultural produce.

42. Large water floods helped the mosquitoes to in large numbers. . . . . . .

  1. keep
  2. bred
  3. die
  4. breed
  5. swim

43. Diseases became a problem in some parts of East Africa at that time because . . . . . . .

  1. many people got malaria and typhoid 
  2. there was stagnant and dirty water
  3. houses and crops were destroyed
  4. there were floods
  5. mosquitoes were swept away

44. Dirty and contaminated water causes . . . . . .

  1. droughts
  2. malaria and chest pain
  3. backache and typhoid
  4. typhoid and cholera
  5. cholera and headache

45. Flood as used in this passage means that . . . . . . . 

  1. the sea is covered with water
  2. the land is covered with water
  3. the roads were destroyed by heavy rain.
  4. mosquitoes were swept away by water
  5. houses and crops were destroyed

46. Many people were affected by malaria because . . . . . . .

  1. the water was dirty and was used for domestic activities.
  2. the current was warm and mosquitoes liked it
  3. water covered the land and flooded it
  4. stagnant water was not enough for human use
  5. stagnant water encouraged the production of mosquitoes.

47. The name El Nino, as it was given by Peruvian fishermen, means . . . . . .

  1. water
  2. floods
  3. child
  4. mosquito
  5. droughts

48. El Nino does not appear every year. It happens about every . . . . . . .

  1. three years
  2. fifteen year's
  3. five years
  4. four years
  5. ten years

49. During El Nino, many people . . . . . . .

  1. got malaria and went to hospital
  2. got malaria and slept in beds
  3. got malaria, typhoid and cholera
  4. got malaria, tuberculosis and HIV
  5. got malaria and headache

50. The economy of people was affected because . . . . . .

  1. they had enough to eat after El Nino
  2. they were able to till the land
  3. they moved from rural to urban centre
  4. they used water for domestic activities
  5. they did not get enough food because of flood





Choose the words that correctly complete the sentences by writing the letters in the answer sheet provided.

1. Our new member of the class . . . . . . to school yesterday.

  1. come
  2. reported
  3. comes
  4. will come
  5. was coming

2. The shopkeeper . . . . . . surely . . . . . . . to town tomorrow.

  1. would ... go
  2. could ... go
  3. will ... go
  4. had ... gone
  5. does ... go

3. New computer technology ...... a new technological development.

  1. are
  2. been
  3. is
  4. be
  5. being

4. Water ...... in a clean container to avoid contamination.

  1. is keeping
  2. are kept
  3. is kept
  4. are keeping
  5. keep

5. This morning my father saw . . . . . . . . big lion when he was driving to work.

  1. an
  2. some
  3. a
  4. few
  5. a few

6. When he was studying, his brother . . . . . . . in the garden.

  1. worked
  2. was working
  3. works
  4. were working
  5. is working

7. The children . . . . . . . along the road.

  1. are playing
  2. is playing
  3. was playing
  4. were played
  5. are played

8. When I saw him, he . . . . . . . the house.

  1. cleaned
  2. is playing
  3. will have to clean
  4. was cleaning
  5. will clean

9. They are good fellows, . . . . . ?

  1. don't they
  2. are they
  3. aren't they
  4. they are
  5. didn't they

10. The gardener ...... green vegetable in his new garden since yesterday.

  1. have planting
  2. has been planting
  3. has been planting
  4. have planted
  5. has being planting

11. The box was . . . . . . heavy . . . .  I couldn't lift it.

  1. very . . . . . that
  2. so . . . . . that
  3. in order . . . . . . such
  4. too . . . . . . that
  5. such . . . . . . that

12. I will help you  . . . . . . .  you allow me.

  1. despite
  2. how
  3. if
  4. so
  5. although

13. Camels . . . . . . . in the desert.

  1. lives
  2. live
  3. leaves
  4. was living
  5. leave

14. Mr. Mikakati . . . . . . . . a new house last year.

  1. buying
  2. were buying
  3. will buy
  4. bought
  5. buy

15. Did you . . . . . . . . to see your friend yesterday?

  1. gone
  2. went
  3. go
  4. going
  5. goes

16. You will have to apply your knowledge well . . . . . . . . to pass the examination.

  1. so as
  2. so that you
  3. so that
  4. in order that
  5. such that

17. He . . . . . . . now going to the University for further studies.

  1. has
  2. is
  3. am
  4. was
  5. be

18. The principal wanted to know the . . . . . . .

  1. teachers name
  2. teachers' name
  3. teacher name
  4. teacher's name
  5. teachers names

19. Mr. Kasira has been teaching in this school twelve years. . . . . . . .

  1. for
  2. since
  3. by
  4. on
  5. with

20. The car around the corner belongs to me, so it is . . . . . . . .

  1. mine
  2. me
  3. his
  4. him
  5. my



For question 21 - 30, choose the correct answer and write its letter in the answer sheet provided.

21. The daughter of your aunt is your . . . . . . . . .

  1. sister
  2. nephew
  3. niece
  4. cousin
  5. sister in law

22. A bird flies, a person walks, a snake glides and a cow . . . . . . . .

  1. wanders
  2. wonders
  3. wander
  4. wonder
  5. wandered

23. Mr. Mpunda tests eye sight and sells spectacles, so he is called . . . . . . . .

  1. a doctor
  2. detective
  3. optician
  4. chemist
  5. surgeon

24. The father of your father is your . . . . . . . . .

  1. grandson
  2. grandfather
  3. in law
  4. grand child
  5. older father

25. A young pig is called . . . . . . . . . .

  1. piglet
  2. calf
  3. Iamb
  4. sow
  5. ewe

26. Mr. Jumbe is a dentist. He works in a . . . . . . . . . .

  1. court
  2. hospital
  3. farm
  4. office
  5. church

27. Orchid, rose, daisy, and hibiscus can be classified under . . . . . . . . .

  1. beverages
  2. food
  3. gardener
  4. flowers 
  5. florist

28. Mukasa is a citizen of Uganda. He is . . . . . . .

  1. Ugandan
  2. Uganda
  3. Ugandese
  4. Ungandin
  5. Ugandas

29. He does not eat meat or fish. He is a . . . . . .

  1. veteran
  2. veterinary
  3. vegetarian
  4. vegetation
  5. vegetative

30. Cairo is the  . . . . . . . of Egypt.

  1. town
  2. big town
  3. capital city
  4. municipal
  5. city



Read the following passage carefully then answer questions 41 - 50 by writing the letter of the correct answer in your answer sheet.

Mashaka was not a hard working man. He sometimes woke up very late in the morning. He was not as hard working fellow as his wife. He sometimes worked but at other times he stayed idle.

He lived with his wife and two chidren in a small house under mugumo tree. But his wife helped him. She always warned her husband of his behaviour. "My husband, what will our future be if you don't want to work? Can somebody from a different home come and work for us?" These questions became difficult to him.

One day his wife thought of the simplest way to help him. When they were taking their supper his wife gave an example of their neighbour Chapakazi who owned a big shop in the village.

"Please my husband! We have to learn from our neighbour Chapakazi the way he works. You see what he owns. Let us do the work to build our future." It took some minutes to think about what his wife was telling him. He even failed to swallow the food smoothly at the time. The man kept quiet, and after taking enough meal he went to bed. Indeed the words penetrated into his heart.

The next morning Mashaka surprised his wife as he got up very early." Today you will see that I am a man:' He took a small jembe and started to prepare the garden around their house.

He manured, transplanted the seedings and watered the garden. His wife congratulated him. Wow! Good husband! You have done a good job. Her husband felt very happy and proud. From that day Mashaka and his wife Jitihada worked very hard in their vegetable and fruits garden.

They also owned a big shamba for food and cash crops. They got a lot of money and kept their money in the CRDB Bank. The money helped them to build a good and big house and sent their children to school. It is now a happy family.


41. Mashaka and his wife Jitihada have . . . . . . . .

  1. five children
  2. four children
  3. two chidren
  4. three children
  5. six children

42. The man kept quiet. The man means . . . . . . . .

  1. Mashaka's neighbour
  2. Jitihada's husband
  3. Mr. Chapakazi
  4. his parent
  5. his close friends

43. The word "shamba" has same meaning as . . . . . . . .

  1. boma
  2. fruits and vegetable garden
  3. farm
  4. garden
  5. an orchard unit

44. How did Jitihada help her husband?

  1. by awakening him early in the morning
  2. by giving him enough food
  3. by working together in the garden
  4. by giving an example of their neighbour Chapakazi
  5. by forcing him to go to shamba

45. Chapakazi was . . . . . . .

  1. Mashaka's uncle
  2. Mashaka's and Jitihada's neighbour
  3. Mashaka's close friend
  4. Mashaka's father
  5. Mashaka and Jitihada's family friend

46. Mashaka understood what his wife was telling him. He decided . . . . . . .

  1. to take a jembe and panga and go to shamba
  2. to call their neighbour to discuss shamba activities
  3. to take a jembe and got to shamba with his friend to prepare the garden
  4. to go to shamba and plant fruits
  5. to prepare a garden for planting vegetables and fruits

47. Mashaka and Jitihada also owned . . . . . . . . .

  1. a big shamba for maize and cashew nuts
  2. a big shamba for gardening and farming
  3. a big shamba for planting vegetables and fruits
  4. a big shamba for food and cash crops
  5. a big shamba for cultivation and crop production

48. He took a small jembe means. He took . . . . . . . . .

  1. a hoe
  2. a shackle
  3. a fork
  4. a tractor
  5. a plough

49. The money they got helped them to . . . . . . .

  1. build a new and big house and send their children to school
  2. build a good house and send their children to school
  3. build a good and big house and send their children to school
  4. build a family house and send their children to school
  5. build a good and strong house and send their children to school

50. To manure the garden means to . . . . . . . .

  1. apply manure in the farm
  2. Clean the poultry
  3. clear and transplant seedlings
  4. sow the seeds in the farms
  5. use manure in the garden only





Choose the words which correctly complete the sentences by writing the letter in the answer sheet provided.

1. We  . . . . . . Mr. Masanja on TV now.

  1. watch
  2. is watching
  3. watching
  4. are watching
  5. watchers

2. Last week her mother . . . . . . . school fees.

  1. paid
  2. were paying
  3. pays
  4. pay
  5. is paying

3. The thief ..... . a car when John came.

  1. is stealing
  2. steals
  3. had stolen
  4. stealing
  5. was stealing

4. I . . . . . . to join Form One next year.

  1. shall
  2. will
  3. am going
  4. go
  5. going

5. They have already . . . . . .  two cups this morning.

  1. broken
  2. broke
  3. break
  4. breaking
  5. breaks

6. Our teacher has been  . . . . . . us for seven years.

  1. taught
  2. teaches
  3. teaching
  4. is teaching
  5. teach

7. While Allen was reading, his sister . . . . . . some dinner.

  1. prepare
  2. is preparing
  3. prepares
  4. preparing
  5. was preparing

8. These days my young brother . . . . . . how to read.

  1. know
  2. knowing
  3. known
  4. is knowing
  5. knows

9. The boy has . . . . . . . since last night.

  1. singing
  2. sang
  3. been sung
  4. been singing
  5. sing

10. Our cat is . . . . . the car.

  1. inside to
  2. out
  3. of
  4. away from
  5. in front

11. That is ..... . bag.

  1. John
  2. Johns'
  3. it John
  4. he
  5. John's

12. The country . . . . . . people live in peace is Tanzania.

  1. whose
  2. which
  3. what
  4. who
  5. whom

13. Mangoes were ripe . . . . . . eaten.

  1. so to
  2. enough to be
  3. enough
  4. so that
  5. that

14. Flowers were . . . . . by the pupils.

  1. watered
  2. watering
  3. they water
  4. water
  5. are watering

15. Which of the following sentences is correct?

  1. Although I am young, but I can play netball
  2. Although I am young, I can play netball
  3. Although I am young, I can plays netball
  4. Although I am young, but I can't netball
  5. Although I am younger, I can't play netball

16. Amina said, "I'm much better." The indirect speech of the sentence will be:

  1. Amina said she is much better
  2. Amina said that, she was better
  3. "She was doing well"
  4. Amina says "she was better"
  5. Amina said that she was much better

17. Juma . . . . . . to hospital yesterday.

  1. go
  2. goes
  3. went
  4. gone
  5. is going

18. The teacher is sick . . . . . she?

  1. is
  2. was
  3. can
  4. isn't
  5. him

19. Mary brought the box by . . . . . . .

  1. herself
  2. himself
  3. themselves
  4. her
  5. him

20. . ...... is Fatuma beautiful . . . . . . . . intelligent.

  1. Too . . . . . to
  2. So . . . . . that
  3. Not only . . . . . . but she is also
  4. As . . . . . .as
  5. Both . . . . . and



For each question 21 - 30, choose the correct answer and write its letter in the answer sheet provided.

21. Another meaning of the word pair is:

  1. one thing
  2. two things
  3. three things
  4. four thing
  5. five things

22. Your shirt is similar to mine. The word similar means:

  1. correct
  2. light
  3. shiny
  4. bright
  5. like

23. Usually the pupils play games. The opposite of usually is:

  1. seldom
  2. useless
  3. few
  4. useful
  5. difficult

24. The plural of the word furniture is:

  1. furnitures
  2. tables
  3. furniture
  4. chairs
  5. beds

25. A place where milk is produced is called:

  1. dairy
  2. diary
  3. diaries
  4. supermarket
  5. butcher

26. Tanzania is . . . . . . the East African countries.

  1. either
  2. among
  3. between
  4. at
  5. of

27. Mrs. Haki is a judge. She works in a . . . . . .

  1. shop
  2. hospital
  3. court
  4. farm
  5. church

28. A person who comes from Tanzania is called a . . . . . .

  1. Tanzanians
  2. Tanzanian
  3. Tanzania
  4. East Africa
  5. Kenyan

29. Dar es Salaam, Nairobi, Kampala and Cairo are . . . . . .

  1. regions
  2. countries
  3. continents
  4. cities
  5. sub-countries

30. Halima, Asha and Mwajuma are the daughters of my younger sister. The are my . . . . . . .

  1. nieces
  2. uncles
  3. brother
  4. sisters
  5. daughters



Read the following passage carefully and then answer questions 41 - 50. Write the letter of the correct answer in your answer sheet.

Pollution is the release of unwanted materials such as plastic bags, cans untreated waste products, smoke, etc. into the land, atmosphere, rivers and oceans. These disturb the natural process of the earth. These materials are known as pollutants. Very often, these pollutants are waste products from industrial, agricultural or domestic processes. The earth has natural processes which are very good at breaking down and recycling natural wastes. However, waste has become excessive in most environment and the natural recycling systems have become over loaded.

There are different kinds of pollution such as air, land and water pollution. The air we breathe can be dirty and dangerous because of the pollutants it may contain. This could lead to illnesses like cancer, asthma and reduced brain growth in children.

Power stations, factories, motor vehicles and fuel burning in homes are the main causes of air pollution which is carried by the wind and spread in our environment. We can stop pollution by doing the following: buy and use environmentally friendly products, never drop used materials/ containers everywhere, join in a local project to clean up your neighborhood, save energy and remember to turn off the radio, cooking fire, TV and lights when they are not being used.


41. Pollution is:

  1. removal of unwanted material from the land
  2. treatment on materials known as pollutants
  3. release of unwanted materials into the environment
  4. release of fresh air into the atmosphere
  5. release of wanted materials into the atmosphere

42. Why is it important to breathe clean air?

  1. Because it is very important
  2. Because dirty air caused diseases
  3. Because you can save energy
  4. Because there are different kinds of pollution
  5. Because waste has become excessive

43. Pollutants are:

  1. waste products, smoke and cans
  2. water, energy and air
  3. environmental processes
  4. factories and power stations
  5. motor vehicles and fuel burning

44. Which is true about pollutants?

  1. Factories, power stations and motor vehicles cause air pollution.
  2. Rose flowers, food, and trees cause air pollution
  3. House and streets lead to cancer and asthma
  4. Schools, hospitals and churches are the main causes of air pollution
  5. Children, women, and school boys do not cause environmental pollution

45. The writer of this passage is a person who deals with:

  1. HIV/AIDS campaigns
  2. Environmental pollution
  3. Environmental products
  4. Unwanted materials
  5. Environmental conservation

46. When the air is polluted it can lead to:

  1. improvement of natural processes of the earth
  2. illness like cancer, asthma and reduction of brain growth in children
  3. destruction of power stations and factories in towns
  4. systematic environmental processes on the earth
  5. accumulation of desirable substances in the air

47. How is polluted air carried and spread from one place to another?

  1. By water
  2. By people
  3. By wind
  4. By motor vehicle
  5. By containers

48. Environmentally friendly products are products which:

  1. cause air pollution
  2. cause cancer and asthma
  3. prevent air pollution
  4. are very expensive
  5. save energy

49. What can we do to stop air pollution?

  1. Cut down trees
  2. Stop breathing dirty air
  3. Buy and use environmental pollutants
  4. Go to hospital when we get sick
  5. Avoid dropping used materials and containers everywhere

50. A good heading for this passage can be

  1. Motor vehicle and burning
  2. Air pollution
  3. Natural processes
  4. Causes of cancer and asthma
  5. Waste products





Choose the correct words) which complete(S) the sentences for questions 1 - 10 and write the

letter of the correct answer beside the question number in the answer sheet provided.

1. The pupils . . . .  their books at the moment.

  1. read
  2. reads
  3. reading
  4. is reading
  5. are reading

2. Zayumba  . . . . . the Standard Seven examination last year.

  1. pass
  2. passes
  3. passing
  4. passed
  5. is passing

3. A new school . . . . . in your village next year.

  1. will build
  2. will built
  3. will be build
  4. will be built
  5. it will build

4. Malaria  . . . . . . by female anopheles mosquito.

  1. caused
  2. is caused
  3. are caused
  4. is caused
  5. have caused

5. My mother . . . . . . .  when I arrived at home.

  1. is cooking
  2. was cooking
  3. were cooking
  4. are cooking
  5. has cooking

6. The boy . . . . .  in Dar es Salaam for three years.

  1. has been living
  2. have been living
  3. has been leaving
  4. have been leaving
  5. is been living

7. They . . . . . .  elephants when they visited Tarangire National Park.

  1. seen
  2. see
  3. sees
  4. saw
  5. seed

8. The farmers . . . . . .  preparing their farms for the next season.

  1. is
  2. are
  3. have
  4. has
  5. will

9. Ruth . . . . . . . her homework since lunch time.

  1. does
  2. do
  3. did
  4. has been doing
  5. have been doing

10. My sister . . . . . . . for the Standard Seven examination this year.

  1. will sit
  2. will seat
  3. will sat
  4. sifted
  5. seated



For each of the question 11 - 30 choose the correct answer and write its letter beside the question number in the answer sheet provided.

11. A place where milk is processed and sold is called . . . . . .

  1. a diary
  2. a dairy
  3. a church
  4. a school
  5. a class

12. My father owns that house. It belongs to . . . . . .

  1. her
  2. him
  3. their
  4. our
  5. yours

13. Fadhila is among the pupils  . . . . . .  were given scholarship last year.

  1. whom
  2. which
  3. when
  4. who
  5. whose

14.  . . . . . .cried bitterly when her father died.

  1. the
  2. her
  3. she
  4. his
  5. they

15. Their dog is barking, . . . . . .?

  1. isn't he
  2. isn't she
  3. isn't it
  4. isn't they
  5. is it

16. You can . . . . . . . sleep or watch television.

  1. neither
  2. either
  3. go
  4. watch
  5. and

17. A Cheetah is  . . . . . . . than an antelope.

  1. fast
  2. faster
  3. more fast
  4. more faster
  5. the fastest

18.  . . . . . . .you eat a balanced diet you won't be healthy.

  1. is
  2. however
  3. in spite of
  4. unless
  5. despite

19. All the pupils in this class are bright. The word 'bright' is similar in meaning to . . . . . . . . .

  1. big
  2. broad
  3. clever
  4. crazy
  5. sleeping

20. .  . . . . . . . .working hard in their farms they harvested very little crops.

  1. Although
  2. Despite of
  3. In spite of
  4. Though
  5. Unless

21. We are repairing our roads . . . . . . . to boost our economy.

  1. in order that
  2. because
  3. even if
  4. so as
  5. that

22. I prefer athletics . . . . . . . wrestling.

  1. than
  2. for
  3. to
  4. with
  5. by

23.My friend laughed . . . . . . . my joke.

  1. with
  2. at
  3. in
  4. by
  5. on

24. The pupils listened to their teacher . . . . . . .

  1. attentively
  2. attention
  3. attentive
  4. polite
  5. correct

25. Maurine is . . . . . . .honest girl.

  1. a
  2. an
  3. the
  4. in
  5. on

26. They asked, "Do you want to go?" 

The indirect speech for the above sentence will be . . . . . . . .

  1. they said you want to go
  2. you said they want to go
  3. they asked whether I wanted to go
  4. they asked if I want to go
  5. you asked whether they want to go

27. Alice cleaned the blackboard. 

The blackboard . . . . . . .

  1. will clean Alice
  2. was cleaned by Alice
  3. Alice cleaned
  4. Alice was cleaned
  5. cleaned was Alice

28.He bought a car. 

The plural form of the above sentence is . . . . . . .

  1. they bought a car
  2. she bought cars
  3. they buy cars
  4. he bought cars
  5. they bought cars

29. She carried another book 'Mabala,  . . . . . . . .The Farmer".

  1. beside
  2. besides
  3. apart
  4. minus
  5. because

30. Our farm will be divided . . . . . . . four parts.

  1. for
  2. into
  3. on
  4. with
  5. of



Read the following passage carefully and then answer question 41 - 50.Write the letter of the correct answer beside the question number in your answer sheet.

Justine is a young officer in the Tanzania Police force. He works with the Criminal Investigation. Department at the Headquarters. He has been assigned to look for a car which is suspected to have been used by the bandits who broke into the house of a rich businessman and got away with a large sum of money. He is in a police car. He has a radio-call in his hand. He reports what he sees straight to the Police Headquarters. This is what he says:

"I am now driving along Morogoro Road, over. The car we are looking for is two cars ahead of me, over. I'm now getting to it, over. The colour of the car is blue, over. I can see there are three people inside, two at the back seat and the driver at the wheel, over. He is driving very dangerously, over. He is looking at me through his side mirror, shooting, over. The tire has burst.

The car is skidding, over. The car is stopping. The car is stopping. I am now catching the bandits. One man is running away, over. We are getting into our car, over. I am bringing one of the men to the station, over and out".


41. Where does Justine work?

  1. He works with the Tanzania Roads Authority as well as the Ministry of Defense.
  2. He works with the Criminal Investigation Department of the police headquarters.
  3. He works with policemen and soldiers who maintain peace in the country.
  4. He works with bandits who break into houses and steal money.
  5. He works with soldiers.

42. How many people were in the bandits' car?

  1. One person
  2. Two people
  3. Three people
  4. Four people
  5. Five people

43. How many bandits were sent to the police station?

  1. One
  2. Two
  3. Three
  4. Four
  5. Five

44. The bandits' car was skidding because

  1. the driver left it and ran away
  2. the police officer was close to it
  3. The bandits were tired and the gears failed to operate well
  4. one of the car's back tyres was shot by the police Officer and burst
  5. one of the car's back tyres burst due to high speed and friction

15. The Police Officer was assigned to look for the car because

  1. the bandits had broken into a businessman's house and stole money
  2. the bandits had broken into the Police Station and stole the radio call
  3. the bandits stole people's properties
  4. the businessman whose money was stolen was rich
  5. the large sum of money was stolen

46. According to the passage, how were the bandits driving their car?

  1. Fastly
  2. Slowly
  3. Very slowly
  4. Dangerously
  5. Very dangerously

47. The bandits' car stopped because

  1. one of its back tyres burst
  2. one of the bandits was shot
  3. the police officer was killed
  4. the police officer killed the driver
  5. the bandits were tired

48. What did the police officer use to report the incident to the Police Headquarters?

  1. radio
  2. A radio-call
  3. A radio cassette
  4. Pistol
  5. The car's tyre

49. How did the bandits see the Police officer? Through

  1. the window
  2. the cars door
  3. his side mirror
  4. the tyres
  5. the radio call

50. A good heading for this passage can be

  1. the burst tyres
  2. a pistol
  3. dangerous driving
  4. the police Headquarters
  5. Justine, the Police officer





Choose the correct word or words, which complete(s) the sentences for questions 1 - 10. Write the corresponding letter in the answer sheet provided.

1. The teacher is very angry; he  . . . . .at the pupils.

  1. has shouted
  2. is shouting
  3. shouted
  4. will shout
  5. shouts

2. She . . . . . .  heavily while she was running.

  1. breathes
  2. breath
  3. breathe
  4. breathed
  5. breathing

3. My brother . . . . . . potatoes every year in his garden.

  1. grown
  2. grows
  3. growing
  4. has grown
  5. had grown

4. My dog is healthy because it . . . . . . good food.

  1. eat
  2. eats
  3. eating
  4. eaten
  5. eated

5. My brother . . . . . . asleep after eating his dinner.

  1. fall
  2. fell
  3. felt
  4. was falling
  5. falling

6. Our football team has . . . . . . . . the May Day Cup.

  1. win
  2. won
  3. wined
  4. winning
  5. warn

7. Rashid . . . . . . . mangoes and sold them to us every Monday morning.

  1. picked
  2. picking
  3. pick
  4. has pick
  5. will pick

8. "Joan, have you . . . . . . . . your school uniforms?" Her mother asked.

  1. wash
  2. washing
  3. washed
  4. washes
  5. have wash

9. We . . . . . . . new leaders for the school council next Saturday.

  1. shall elect
  2. elected
  3. elects
  4. electing
  5. was elected

10.  . . . . . . . you come with me to watch the football match?

  1. will
  2. is
  3. are
  4. is it
  5. have



For each question 11 - 30 choose the correct answer and write its letter in the answer sheet provided.

11. Mr. Mvungi is the . . . . . . .  member of his family.

  1. tall
  2. more tallest
  3. less tallest
  4. tallest
  5. least tallest

12. Jamila always went to bed early . . . . . . .  she had to go to school early every morning.

  1. instead
  2. in spite of
  3. despite
  4. although
  5. because

13.  . . . . . . . you listen carefully you will not understand what the teacher is talking about.

  1. if
  2. unless
  3. until
  4. although
  5. however

14. The boy . . . . . . you are talking is my best friend.

  1. who
  2. whose
  3. whoever
  4. to whom
  5. which

15. The doctor went . . . . . . . the room where my father was resting.

  1. on
  2. to
  3. into
  4. by
  5. along

16. He will pass the examination . . . . . .  he is very intelligent.

  1. although
  2. unless
  3. because
  4. even if
  5. normally

17. I went to the shop to buy . . . . . .  milk.

  1. the
  2. some
  3. an
  4. a
  5. any

18. You like my house . . . . . . 

  1. Do you?
  2. Are you?
  3. Don't you
  4. Aren't you
  5. Will you

19. 1 was given a choice of . . . . . .  getting a Christmas present or school fees for the coming term.

  1. neither
  2. instead
  3. either
  4. but also
  5. instead of

20. Angela was the of the . . . . .  five beauty queens.

  1. more beautiful
  2. very beautiful
  3. much beautiful
  4. most beautiful
  5. beautiful

21. "Salama likes neither coffee nor tea". It means she: . . . . . . .

  1. hates coffee very much
  2. likes both tea and coffee
  3. doesn't drink
  4. likes milk only
  5. dislikes both tea and coffee

22. The dress is . . . . . .  large to fit Zainab.

  1. very
  2. much
  3. enough
  4. too
  5. to

23. We have been learning English since . . . . . . .

  1. four weeks
  2. two years
  3. one week
  4. last year
  5. twelve hours

24. Because of drought farmers will not harvest . . . . .  . oranges this year.

  1. little
  2. an
  3. the
  4. enough
  5. much

25. Robert did not  . . . . . . . the car yesterday.

  1. driven
  2. drove
  3. drive
  4. drives
  5. driving

26. He is suffering  . . . . . .  malaria.

  1. from
  2. off
  3. of
  4. in
  5. for

27. That green car is . . . . . 

  1. my uncles'
  2. my uncles's
  3. uncle his
  4. my uncle
  5. mine uncle

28. Mr. Kamma ..... History.

  1. is teach
  2. teach
  3. teaches
  4. is taught
  5. was taught

29. Will you please call your mother? . . . . . .

  1. No
  2. She is not around
  3. Yes, I will do
  4. Yes, I will
  5. Yes, certainly

30. I asked him whether he would come the following week. Which one of the following is the correct form of direct speech? . . . . . . . 

  1. I said to him, "will you come next week?"
  2. I said to him, "would you come next week?"
  3. I asked him, "Would you come next week?"
  4. I said to him, "can you come next week?"
  5. I asked him, "should you come next week?"



Read the following passage carefully and then answer questions 41 - 50. Write the letter of the correct answer in the answer sheet provided.

People have been asking themselves whether coffee drinking is harmful or not. Well, according to doctors, taking a cup of coffee has no danger at all. But people who drink too much coffee can experience health changes in their bodies. The heart beats speed up, breathing becomes difficult and blood pressure goes up.

Too much coffee drinking may result into headache and stomach irritation, especially when the coffee drinker swallows the coffee before eating enough food.

However, coffee drinking helps to improve doing well in sports and manual work. People who live in cold areas drink coffee to make their bodies warm. Coffee growers should not feel bad for the disadvantages caused by coffee drinking. After all, there are many countries in the world whose economies depend upon coffee. The important point is that every person should know his or her body if it accepts coffee or not. If it does not, it is better to avoid it altogether.

For example, I was a regular coffee drinker, but recently I have stopped drinking it because of stomach problems.


41. According to doctors:

  1. taking too much coffee can cause bad health
  2. drinking little coffee does not cause bad health
  3. people should ask themselves questions before drinking a cup of coffee
  4. coffee is harmful to human being
  5. many people went to doctors for coffee drinking advice

42. Some of the problems faced by the people who drink a lot of coffee are:

  1. fast heart beating, breathing problems and stomachache
  2. stomachache, vomiting and headache
  3. headache, breathing problem and irritation
  4. irritation, blood pressure and headache
  5. vomiting, blood pressure and headache

43. In order to avoid stomach problems, we should not drink coffee when:

  1. our heart beats speed up
  2. we have breathing problems
  3. the doctor stops us
  4. we have blood pressure problem
  5. we are hungry

44. People who live in cold areas drink coffee so that their bodies become

  1. heavy
  2. light
  3. cured
  4. warm
  5. healthy

45. The writer says coffee growers:

  1. cause health danger to people
  2. should stop drinking coffee
  3. make their countries rich
  4. have health problems
  5. are economy spoilers

46. Sportsmen and women who drink coffee

  1. do badly in sports
  2. are weak in their performance
  3. depend upon money from coffee sales
  4. have active bodies
  5. are coffee growers

47. Why is it important for everybody to check his or her body before drinking coffee?

  1. To check the amount of body pressure
  2. To be ready for drinking coffee
  3. To see if heartbeats are normal
  4. To know whether coffee agrees with him or her
  5. To make sure that coffee does not affect the digestive system

48. We learn from the passage that the writer:

  1. was a regular coffee drinker
  2. was not harmed by coffee drinking
  3. never tested coffee in his life
  4. is still drinking coffee
  5. stopped drinking coffee because he had no money

49. The expression "manual work" in the passage means the work done by:

  1. machines
  2. tractors
  3. computers
  4. hands
  5. a robot

50. Which title would suit the passage you have read?

  1. Coffee growing in our country
  2. Coffee drinking
  3. Doctors' advice to coffee drinkers
  4. Advantages of coffee
  5. The wonders of coffee


 ENGLISH 2005 



Choose the correct word or words which complete(s) the sentences for question 1 - 10. Write the corresponding letter in the answer sheet provided.

1. The girls . . . . . . . in the garden now.

  1. is working
  2. are working
  3. were working
  4. work
  5. working

2. Mr. and Mrs. Daudi . . . . .  here today.

  1. are come
  2. will coming
  3. are coming
  4. coming
  5. is coming

3. The poor man . . . . . . . ten thousand shillings by the President.

  1. give
  2. giving
  3. given
  4. was giving
  5. was given

4. When I . . . . . . him he had already eaten his lunch.

  1. saw
  2. see
  3. seen
  4. have seen
  5. was seeing

5. He does not here . . . . . very often.

  1. comes
  2. come
  3. came
  4. coming
  5. have come

6. He  . . . . . the cup which his mother gave him.

  1. broke
  2. break
  3. broken
  4. breaking
  5. was broken

7. All the pupils . . . . . . Mikumi National Park next week.

  1. visit
  2. visits
  3. will visit
  4. visiting
  5. visited

8. Ten years ago, Baraka . . . . . . five years old.

  1. is
  2. be
  3. I'm
  4. was
  5. are

9. Next month my father will be . . . . . . . to Moshi.

  1. travel
  2. travelled
  3. travelling
  4. have travelling
  5. have travelled

10. The bird which  . . . . . fast escaped from the trap.

  1. flown
  2. fly
  3. flying
  4. will flying
  5. flew



For each of the questions 11 -30, choose the correct answer and write its letter in the answer sheet provided.

11. Rehema and Chiku are friends. . . . . . come from Umoja village.

  1. She
  2. All they
  3. Two
  4. Both
  5. All

12. There isn't . . . . . . sugar in the tin.

  1. no
  2. any
  3. some
  4. many
  5. a lot

13. That is . . . . . book.

  1. James's
  2. his James
  3. James'
  4. James
  5. James was

14. Juma, what were you looking . . . . . . ?

  1. to
  2. in
  3. on
  4. at
  5. into

15.. My brother is . . . . . . to carry 100 kg of maize.

  1. strong enough
  2. so strong
  3. as strong as
  4. stronger
  5. strongest

16. Mr. Daudi, Salim, Kisu and Mr. Kwetu . . . . . . all our teachers.

  1. all of them
  2. both are
  3. are
  4. four
  5. none of them

17. He asked the boy: "How old are you?" The boys answered, . . . . .

  1. "No, I am not old"
  2. "My old man is dead"
  3. "Yes, I am old"
  4. "I am four feet tall"
  5. "I am eleven years old"

18. We stayed home . . . . . . . . the whole day

  1. since
  2. in
  3. for
  4. much
  5. to

19. He bought . . . . . . umbrella for only five shillings.

  1. a
  2. an
  3. some
  4. much
  5. a lot

20. My uncle is a tailor, he makes . . . . . . .

  1. dresses, shirts and shorts
  2. shirts, earrings and chairs
  3. dresses, shorts and mats
  4. chairs, pots, cups
  5. shorts, shirts and mats

21. Our cat gets out of the house . . . . . . the window.

  1. by
  2. on
  3. in
  4. through
  5. out

22. Mary was carrying the  . . . . . water pot of all.

  1. heavier
  2. heaviest
  3. heavy
  4. more heavy
  5. most heaviest

23. "Do not put . . . . . . . in trouble", our teacher told us.

  1. ourselves
  2. you
  3. yourself
  4. your
  5. yourselves

24. "You look tired . . . . . ? " I told my sister.

  1. don't you
  2. are you
  3. will you
  4. won't you
  5. isn't you

25. I was the first in our class . . . . . . I was studying very hard.

  1. therefore
  2. though
  3. because
  4. thus
  5. then

26. I call her my cousin because she is the daughter of my . . . . . .

  1. father
  2. brother
  3. sister
  4. aunt
  5. mother

27. The football player passed the ball . . . . . . his team mate.

  1. in
  2. on
  3. through
  4. into
  5. mother

28.  . . . . . . she was sick, she went to school.

  1. But
  2. So
  3. Therefore
  4. Unless
  5. Even though

29. . . . . . you . . . . . Jane will be punished for refusing to sweep the classroom.

  1. Both ... or
  2. Either ... not
  3. Both ... plus
  4. Neither . . . . nor
  5. But . . . . or

30. The windows were . . . . .  small that there was not enough air in the room.

  1. such
  2. that
  3. so
  4. which
  5. as



Read the following passage carefully and answer questions 41 - 50. Write the correct answer in your answer sheet.

Last year I surprised my friends when I showed them a pumpkin in a bottle. They all wondered how I had managed to get it in there, as the fruit was much too big to go through the bottle's narrow neck. Here is how I did it.

In the middle of December, I planted some pumpkin seeds in my garden. It was important to wait until all the insects were killed by the rains and there was no danger for the seeds to be eaten by the insects. I made a fence on which the pumpkin plant would grow. When I sowed the seeds I used some fertilizer to make sure that the plant grows healthy. Pumpkin plants like a lot of water, so I watered the plant on days when it did not rain.

Soon the plant grew up the fence and some weeks later there were small pumpkin fruits starting to form. I chose a perfect one about one inch long, but I did not pick it. I gently pressed it on its stalk into the narrow mouth of a bottle that I laid on one side of the fence. Then I covered the bottle with dry leaves so that the sun's rays coming through the glass would not burn the pumpkin. A few weeks later, when the pumpkin was fully grown, I cut the stalk and showed the pumpkin to my puzzled friends. They all wanted to cook and eat it; but how would they get it out?


41. Why were the writer's friends surprised to see the pumpkin in the bottle?

  1. It was their first time to see such a big pumpkin
  2. Pumpkins do not grow anywhere
  3. His friends did not know how to grow pumpkins
  4. His friend did not see the garden where the fruit grew
  5. The bottle neck was too narrow to let pumpkin in

42. How did the writer make sure that insects did not eat the pumpkin seeds?

  1. He waited for rains to kill the insects
  2. He hid the pumpkin inside the bottle
  3. Dry leaves protect the fruit from insects
  4. He hanged the bottle on the fence
  5. The pumpkin seeds cannot be eaten by insects

43. How did the pumpkin plant get water?

  1. From inside the bottle
  2. Through the narrow neck of the bottle
  3. Through rains and the writer's efforts
  4. Water from the river
  5. From inside the pumpkin fruit

44. What is true about pumpkin fruits?

  1. They are small and dry
  2. They take few weeks to grow big
  3. They take months to grow big
  4. They don't need much water
  5. They can only grow on the ground

45. How did the writer get the pumpkin into the bottle?

  1. He picked the young fruit and pressed it into the bottle
  2. He made the bottle neck larger enough for the young pumpkin
  3. The young fruit crowed into the bottle
  4. On its stalk he pressed the young fruit through the bottle
  5. He put the seeds of the pumpkin into the bottle

46. Why did the writer cover the bottle with dry grass?

  1. To protect the pumpkin from burning
  2. To let the pumpkin grow bigger
  3. To protect it from insects
  4. There were plenty of dry leaves
  5. Thieves might pick up the pumpkin

47. How would you get the big pumpkin out of the bottle?

  1. By breaking the mouth of the bottle
  2. Through the neck of the bottle
  3. By pressing it gently out of the bottle
  4. Through its expanded neck
  5. By breaking the bottle

48. From the passage we can say that the writer was a:

  1. fruit seller
  2. student
  3. witch
  4. gardener
  5. farmer

49. The writer's friends wanted to cook and eat the pumpkin, but:

  1. he did not allow them to do so
  2. they had no idea how to remove it from the bottle
  3. they had nowhere to take it to
  4. there was no fire to cook it with
  5. they had been puzzled by its size

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