By the end of this topic, the student should be able to;
Explain the meaning of scramble for and partition of Africa
Assess the causes of the scramble for Africa leading to the partition.
Explain why some areas in Africa experienced more intensive scramble than other.
Explain the events leading to the Berlin Conference (1884/85).
Evaluate the resolutions of the Berlin Conference.
Assess the significance of the Berlin Conference to Africa
Explain the concept of colonialism.
Explain the tactics used to impose colonial control/ rule in Africa.
Explain the meaning of African reactions.
Explain the various forms of African reactions.
Account for the causes of and reasons for the different African reactions.
Assess the factors which determined the nature of African reactions.
Evaluate the outcomes of the various forms of African reactions.
Colonialism can be defined as the domination and subordination of one country by another powerful country economically, socially and politically. It is largely, the direct subordination of one country by another country politically, socially and economically with the aim of exploiting its resources.
By the second half of the 19th century, the imperialist powers from Europe in particular, established colonialism in Africa in order to meet their capitalist demands such as raw materials for their industries in Europe, new areas of investment where they could invest their capital, market areas for their manufactured merchandise (goods), cheap labor and areas to settle the surplus population which was increasing at an increasing pace especially soon after the industrial and demographic revolutions in Europe from the 1750’s
Stages of Colonization
The colonization of Africa was not an overnight process, rather a slow process that was well organized. The process of colonialism was fundamentally of three (3) main stages namely,
Agents of Colonialism In Africa And Their Positions (Roles) In The Colonization Process.
Colonial agents were the Europeans who came in Africa in order to pave way for the process of colonialism. For instance, Missionaries as the people who came on behalf of their home government in order to accomplish the three major objectives: To spread civilization, Spread Christianity and to do commerce. The case of Traders came in Africa in order to look for raw materials and area for investments. Whereas the Explorers came in Africa in order to search for information that was needed by the capitalists (David Livingstone, Henry Morton Stanley and Samuel Baker.
The agents of colonialism were/are the forerunners of colonialism. These were in three stages as follows;
Examples of some early missionaries in Africa were Ludwig Krapt, John Rebman, and John Moffat from Britain. They established missionary societies, by the 19th century; the whole continent was full of evangelical societies like the;
The Roles of The Missionaries In The Colonization Of Africa.
(a) They provided information and feedback to their home countries about the nature of the people of African population, structure and of course the natural resources.
(b) They brainwashed and softened the hearts and minds of the Africans. They used Holy scriptures as documented in the holy bible like “The poor are the blessed for them the kingdom of God,” Leadership comes from God” Do not admire what your friend possesses, forgive those who wrong you.”
(c) They trained Africans in western education in missionary schools to meet the production needs of the colonialists.
(d) They largely succeeded in abolishing slave trade in Africa.
(e) They conducted many treaties with the African local chiefs on behalf of their home governments. For example, Stanley in Buganda, Francis Coillard of the Paris evangelical society was very instrumental in persuading Chief Lewanyika of Southern Rhodesia in 1890 to sign a treaty with the British South African Company.
(f) Some missionaries provided social services for other colonial administrators in case of shortage. For example, accommodation, schools and colleges.
(g) They divided Africans along religious lines as one of the ways of ruling Africans via divide and rule tactic.
(h) They introduced European culture to the Africans; the missionaries regarded the Africans as barbaric.
Examples of the early traders in Africa were James Stevenson, William Mackinnon, Harry Johnson, Karl Peters, Cecil Rhodes, and George Goldie and so on. These traders opened up different companies (Chartered companies) in Africa for the purpose of meeting their capitalist demands. Such companies include.
The German East African Company, which was founded by Karl Peters on 28 March 1884.
The Imperial British East African Company (I.B.E.A.C.O), which was founded by the British trader William MacKinnon on 18 April 1886.
The Livingstone Company, which was founded in 1878 by James Stephen to trade ivory, gold and other products in East Africa.
The United African Company (U.A.C) in 1881 and to the Royal Niger Company in 1886.
The British South African Company, which was founded by Cecil Rhodes in 1889.
International Du Congo
How The Colonial Agents Paved Way For Colonization Of Africa
The colonial agents played a very great role in the whole process of colonization of Africa in the following ways:
They facilitated and speeded up the process of the scramble and partition of African continent among the imperialist nations, through important information that was provided to their home government.
They consolidated colonialism through constant assistance, in the process of colonialism e.g. some explorers became governors, whereas missionaries trained collaborators in their schools.
They led to the abolition of slave trade whereby, all colonial agents participated in its abolition good example; missionaries preached against slave trade by regarding it as against the will of God, traders on other hand introduced legitimate trade.
It led to the spread of Christianity by training catechists who under took the role of converting Africans in the new religion and adaptation western culture which led to de-culturalization of Africans.
Missionary won the confidence of African people and reduced the African resistance against colonialists, some African chiefs gained materially, militarily, and politically from the strangers they usually allowed and sometimes encouraged them to stay on. E.g., king Kasagama of Toro pleaded for the extension of the stay of lugard.
They led to the introduction of commercial agriculture whereby cash crops and plantations were introduced at the expense of African self-sustaining agriculture.
They integrated African economy into money economy I this case, African became the source of raw materials for the European industries.
They led to the establishment of so-called legitimate trade by monopoly companies, which was unfair to the Africans and only favored the Europeans. This was because African resources were exploited to the maximum.
They promoted disunity among the indigenous people that promoted civil conflict defending the white man’s’ religion e.g. in Buganda religious war between 1885-8 among the Catholics and the protestants.
The Scramble For And Partition Of Africa.
The meaning of the concepts.
The word scramble simply means fight for something or struggle for something normally by many in order to get it before others do. The word partition means divide something into small portions.
Generally, the scramble of the European powers over Africa was the process of fighting for colonies in Africa, which took place in the second half of the 19th C.
The scramble for and partition of Africa were very remarkable events in the African history. They were a beginning of the end of African freedom. The scramble for and partition of Africa covered remarkably short period from 1884 to about 1900. It involved the occupation of the interior of Africa by European nations.
The scramble for and partition of Africa were due to European economic and political changes. Largely, the European capitalist powers quarreled against themselves for fighting in Africa, which they considered very important and potential for them. The scramble for and partition of Africa led to the complete confiscation of African independence and sovereignty to the European powers.
Factors For The Scramble For And Partition Of Africa.
By and large, there are two (2) main schools of thoughts, which explain the motives (reasons) behind the scramble for and partition of Africa, namely Eurocentric school of thought which combines reasons as to spread Christianity in Africa, to abolish slave trade, to civilize Africans and so on. On the other end of spectrum, there is Afro-centric school of thought by African scholars and believers.
a) Industrial Revolution in Europe. This was the primary factor, which led to the scramble for and partition of Africa and later on total colonization of Africa. The Industrial Revolution was the drastic change in the industrial production system that firstly occurred in Britain in 1750. This period was characterized by inventions of machines and mushrooming industries in Europe. The industrial revolution led to the construction of many industries in Europe something, which led to industrial competition over raw materials, and of course, markets for the European manufactured goods. Such a competition led to the rise of the five (5) major capitalist demands such as raw materials, areas for investment, cheap labor, areas to settle the surplus population and market for the European manufactured goods. All these demands led to the scramble for and partition of Africa, hence colonialism. Industrial revolution led to the needs of industrial demands as follows;
i) Demand to get both agricultu-ral and mineral raw- materials. This was because agricultural raw materials like c-offee, cotton; sisal as well as mineral raw materials such as gold, diamond and copper were highly needed in Europe just to feed their hungry industries. As raw- materials in Europe were highly obtained in competitive leading to be sold in high price. Thus, low profit to the industrial owners (Europeans) in that case, to solve these problems Europeans decided to come in Africa where they would get cheap raw materials.
ii) Demand to get market for the European Manufactured goods. This caused the scramble for and partition of African continent simply because with invention of new technology together with application of heavy machines in Europe, European powers found themselves producing to the surplus, which could not be consumed completely within their (reach) country. The only solution was to find market elsewhere (outside) so that they could sell their surplus manufactured goods for high profit African in particular.
iii) Demand to get cheap labor needed in European’s plantations and mines. This caused the Scramble for and partition of African continent simply because with invention of new technology as well as application of heavy machines in Europe, they opened up large plantations which needed intensive labor, worse still it was expensive to hire (employ) European labor because they needed high pay compared to African labor who in a sense could work under meager (low) pay, thus a need to come in Africa where they could get cheap African labor to maximize their profit.
iv) Demand to get areas where they could invest their surplus capital. This is because European powers since primitive accumulation of capital had invested heavily to the extent that they had surplus capital. The accumulated capital needed to be invested somewhere else for further profit making in this case Africa having not been invested by any power was seen the only place where European powers would invest their capital. Hence, Europeans scrambled the area.
v) Demand to get areas where they would settle surplus population. This was because with better improvement of social services like medical care, water supply, as well as good housing facilities it was apparent that large population in Europe were un employed eventually been in fear over being engaging in evil things like robbery, prostitution, and other chaos Europeans decided to come in Africa so as to get areas which would be used to settle such surplus population as the way to minimize and remove chaos that would affect their population.
vi) Due to the demand to solve different movements as pioneered by workers and ploritarization in Europe or trade unions: Such movements were like Chartism, Judaism and new model trade unions as these demanded high payment, good working condition, and the reduction of working hours. In this case, production in Europe became very expensive and fall in profits of the bourgeoisie (capitalists).
Factors, Which Made Some Areas In Africa To Experience More Intensive Scramble Than Others.
European powers were interested with different parts (areas) in Africa. This was because these areas would help Europeans to meet their demands as they had special qualities and significances. Some of the areas that experienced intensive Scramble in Africa were as follows.
a) The areas, which were too strategic. Strategic areas, attracted Europeans in Africa because these areas would enable them to meet their demands, which all together focused on economic gain. In this way different parts (areas) in Africa became too strategic as such they motivated European powers to have more interests over such areas. Good example is Egypt that had Suez Canal. The British occupation of Egypt could make them benefit from the canal as it could be used as a shortcut and gateway to the trade caravans (ship) between Asia Africa and Europe through Mediterranean Sea.
More than that Egypt assumed of great significant during the Scramble for and subsequently the partition of Africa because it had substantial population, which could provide cheap labor in the capitalist investments. Cheap labor in Egypt was expected to increase profit maximization.
Again Egypt had Nile River which seems to be of a great importance because it enabled (served) for Agricultural purpose in which both food and raw-materials needed for European industries and food for the industrial workers could be easily obtained, above all it would serve for navigation purposes.
It served also as attraction to tourists due to its historical significances in which many people were attracted to visit the place. In this case scrambling over this place was expected to be of great benefits.
Egypt was so special to Europeans due to its strategic that it had this is because the place is regarded as the ancient places in which different civilizations like Greeks, Romans and many others passed here. Hence taking this area meant that the given powers were expected to learn many things to them.
In addition, Egypt became to be regarded as too strategic during scramble for and partition of Africa due to its technological background it had. This is because different technological discoveries were made in Egypt also various scientists who discovered different discoveries originated from Egypt because of this the area provided a forum through which European regarded it as strategic areas.
Another strategic area was Uganda because it is a source of Nile River in this case to make constant flowing of Nile River European powers became attracted over Uganda.
Mean while Kenya became to be regarded as a strategic area because Uganda that was needed for constant flowing of Nile River was a land lacked country (country with not port) thus a need to control Kenya so that it could eventually serve European over controlling Uganda by using Mombasa port to transport different goods/cargoes from Europe going in Uganda. The most outstanding European powers who had much interest in this place were Britain and France.
1. Account for the reason behind the scramble for and partition of African continent. 2. Why the scramble for and partition of African continent took place during the last quarter of the 19th C and not before or After? 3. What were the main factors for the European Scramble for and Partition of Africa? 4. Why African continent was scrambled during the 19th century? Why some areas in Africa were highly scrambled by European imperialist power during the 19th C. 2. Why the position of Egypt became of more special during the Scramble for and subsequently the partition of African continent? |
The Berlin Conference Of 1884 To 1885.
The Berlin Conference was the imperialistic conference, which was held in Berlin the capital city of Germany and named after the city in which it was held. The conference was firstly proposed by Portugal due to its claims over Congo and West Africa. It was held from Sunday, 15 November of the year 1884 up to Thursday, 26th of February of the year 1885. Under the leadership of the Germany’s Chancellor by then who was a lawyer by profession Edward Leopold Otto Von Bismarck. (1st April 1815- 30th July 1898). The main agenda of the conference was to divide Africa peacefully for the interests of the capitalist nations. Africa was not represented in the Conference, nevertheless, Denmark and the United States of America attended the conference as observers only.
This conference is also called the Congo conference or West Africa conference. The countries, which participated in the conference, were Austria- Hungary, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Ottoman Empire, Russian Empire, Spain, Sweden–Norway, The United Kingdom and the USA.
Events Leading To Berlin Conference
Berlin conference came into being due to the following events;
a) Due to the information spread by missionaries, explorers and indeed traders about African in Europe. This is because these agents of colonialism fade substantial information on richness of Africa like presence of rivers, minerals, as well as its fertility. It was through these information European powers became motivated over the continent.
b) Due to the pressure caused by the rise of industrialization in many European powers particularly during the period of monopoly capitalism in which it created economic demand in terms of raw materials, markets as well as areas where they would invest their investment.
c) Due the result of the Scramble for Africa in order to acquire areas where they would meet their desire, indeed prompted the need to have the Berlin conference because European power were almost to fight in many parts of African continents such areas included Congo basin, Niger delta and south Africa. The way forward to get out of this was to have the Berlin conference that would eventually divide to each power peacefully.
d) Due to the role played by a Germany chancellor Otto Von Bismarck in which after discovering the possibility of the eruption of war he decided to call the Berlin Conference to avoid war among the scrambling nations.
Why Was The Berlin Conference Held In Germany?
The Objectives Of The Berlin Conference Of 1884 To 1885.
The Terms / Agreement/ Principals/ Resolutions Reached During The Berlin Conference 1884 – 1885.
The Berlin Conference passed different resolutions, which later caused the process of colonization of Africa; these resolutions are as explained here below:
The Congo basin was declared a free state under king Leopard of Belgium and the Niger River was free for navigation to all imperialist nations. It recognized Leopard’s so- called international association as the legitimate authority in Congo basin. In return, the Belgium king to allow European traders and missionaries free access to the area.
They agreed that strong and sophisticated military weapons were prohibited to be brought in Africa. They allowed light weapons to be used in Africa. This aimed to maintain security in the colonies and to avoid the accessibility of such strong weapons to the colonized subjects (Africa).
They agreed that effective occupation should be implemented by the imperialist nations this was through setting Administrators in the colonies who were to supervise tasks
They agreed that in case of the resistance by Africans to the colonial occupation, no any European country should give help to the Africans to fight fellow European.
They agreed that all colonial powers should take initiative measure to abolish slave trade and slavery in their colonies and to allow free access to the colonial agents in the interior as to campaign against slave trade and spread civilization in the interior.
They agreed that in case of any disputes among the imperialist powers they should solve it peacefully without the use of force.
They agreed that if a nation occupies a coastal area it had to extend it legally, to the interior and to colony of another colonial master.
Principle of notification, it was agreed that any power requiring any part of Africa was supposed to inform another power in order to escape misunderstanding among the powers.
The conference also agreed that areas in Africa already proclaimed protectorate by European nations before conference should remain in their hands, such areas included the Congo and those territories which Germany had annexed like Togo, South West Africa (Namibia)
The Effects Of The Berlin Conference On Africa.
The Berlin conference had the following impacts or effects on Africa as follow.
The Partition Process.
a) Introduction.
The partition process of East Africa between Germany and Britain took place between1884 to 1890. It was completed into two (2) agreements between them.
i) The Anglo-German Agreement Of 1886.
This was the agreement between (Britain) and Germany. The reason for this agreement was Germany’s recognition of Karl Peters’ treaties. On arriving back in Berlin from East Africa in February 5th, 1885, Karl Peters presented his treaties to Bismarck and Kaizer William. Kaizer granted him the imperial charter. The area was by then to come under the society for the German colonization when it became chartered, the society came to be known as German East African Company. The Germany recognition of Karl Peters’ treaties threatened Britain’s interests and provoked the Sultan who protested and appealed to Britain for intervention another reason is that the British and German companies interfered with each other thus causing rivalry.
The Terms Of The Treaty
In the Anglo – German treaty of 1886 between Germany, Britain and the Sultan, the following agreements were reached.
a) The Sultan’s spheres would be Zanzibar, Pemba, Lamu, Kismayo, Bravo, Merka, Mogadishu and the 10 miles’ coastal strip on the mainland.
b) The German spheres of influence would be; the present day Tanganyika and Dar –es-Salaam.
c) Britain part would be roughly the today’s Kenya.
The Anglo-German Agreement Of 1890 (Helgoland Treaty).
The reasons for this agreement were first the Agreement of 1886 had fixed no boundaries in the West of Tanganyika and Kenya. Second, the question of Uganda, Karl Peters was already in Uganda to make treaties for German colonization. However, by then Britain had already colonized Egypt and that had to guard the Suez Canal. Third, the religious conflicts amongst religious groups in Uganda. The Christians who were led by the Christian missionaries (White fathers) against the Anglicans, the Muslims and the traditionalists under Kabaka. The conflicts led to the killings of missionaries and Christians as a whole. Therefore, the missionaries seriously called upon the colonization of Uganda. The Anglican missionaries called upon the British government while the white fathers called upon German government.
In the Anglo – German Agreement of 1890, there were only two parties, the German and the British. The Sultan did not matter by then. The following are the terms of the agreement.
a) Britain spheres would be Zanzibar, Pemba, Kenya and Uganda.
b) German sphere would be Tanganyika and an island in the North Sea called HELGOLAND. That is why this agreement is sometimes referred to as the HELGOLAND TREATY OF 1890 in which Germany gave up the claims to Witu.
Immediately after the Berlin Conference on 26th February 1885, the European powers managed to establish their rule and control over Africans. The establishment of control was made effective between 1885 and 1912 when African countries became under the colonial rulers.
As introduced earlier, the situation whereby one powerful nation dominates and controls the other weaker nation politically, socially and economically and establishes exploitative structures is known as COLONIALISM. The country, which dominates the other, is known as a COLONIZER whilst those, which are colonized, are known as COLONIES.
Colonialism is a situation where by a powerfully/ strong nation invade and dominate the weaker nation by establishing exploitative nature. OR,
Colonialism refers to the political, social and economic system through which one strong and powerful country/ Nation dominates the weaker one in all aspects of their life such as economically socially and politically. It can also refer to the direct subordination of one country by another country, politically, socially and economically with the aim of exploiting her resources.
By and large, colonialism was not accepted in Africa with open arms, thus, it was not easy to establish colonial rule in Africa, hence various techniques/tactics were used to establish colonial rule in Africa as follow.
Establishment Of The Chartered Companies In Africa.
During the early phase of the establishment of colonial rule in Africa, the colonial governments used charted companies to administer the colonies on their behalf.
N: B A charter is a written statement describing the right that a particular group of people should have.
A written statement of the principle and aims of an organization, therefore, chartered companies are organization qualified according to the principles and aims for which they were/are established. Basically, the chartered companies were trading companies; the European colonial powers opted to use the chartered companies in order to reduce the administrative costs.
Some of the chartered companies, which operated in Africa by then were; The Imperial British East African Company (I.B.E.A. Co 18th April 1888 under Sir William Mackinnon). The German East African Company (G.E.A. Co 28th March 1884 under Karl Peters), the British South Africa Company (B.S. A 1889), The Royal Niger Company (RNC 1886 under George Tauban Goldie) The Dutch West India Company (D.W.I. Co 3rd June 1621).
The Roles Of The Company Rule In Africa.
Failure Of The Company Rule In Africa.
African Resistances Against Colonial Rule.
Etymologically, the term resist comes from a Latin word “RESISTENTIA” from the verb resistere which means hold back in Standard English language. By and large, resist means to refuse to accept something and try to stop it from happening or to fight back when attacked. One can define the term resist as dislike or opposition to a plan, idea.
African resistance means negative reaction against colonialism that involved the use of weapons by African societies. It was the phenomenon whereby Africans became hostile to European encroachment. Before and during colonialism Africans started to resist against Europeans. This is due to the naked fact that colonialism was not accepted in Africa by both hands. Several factors like land alienation, forced labor, etcetera led Africans to resist against colonialism.
Resistances of Africans against Europeans were highly involving Africans, who tended to use poor weapons to resist while opposing colonial rule.
Types Of African Resistances.
There are two (2) types of resistances and these types are categorized while looking at the size or timing as follows:
According to size
There were two (2) categories according to size, small-scale and large-scale resistances.
1. Small scale resistances
These types of resistances involved one tribe fighting against the colonialists and they basically covered a small area e.g.
2. Large scale resistances
They were types of resistances that involved more than one tribe fighting in unity against colonial rulers.
According to timing
Primary resistances
Africans against Europeans fought these resistances at the early stages of colonial rule in Africa before (1885).
Secondary resistances
Africans against Europeans fought these resistances during the colonial era (after 1885).
Case studies
E.g. of resistances in Africa involved:
Ndebele/Matebele and Shona resistance against the British (in Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe)
Introduction: Shona and Ndebele are societies that are found in Southern Rhodesia. The Shona carries its origin in Southern Rhodesia while Ndebele can be traced to further parts of South of Africa.
The origin of Ndebele/Matebele can be deduced to be from South Africa. The Ndebele migrated from South Africa into Southern Rhodesia.
Due to the Mfecane war, Ndebele under Msilikazi started to migrate to north from the southern part of South Africa in 1830s, the war resulted in Shortage of land.
As they reached Southern Rhodesia, they met the Shona. They built relationships with the Shona and in the end; the Ndebele turned Shona into their servants.
The 1880s was a time when Europeans under the B.S.Ec. and several missionaries reached southern Rhodesia. Among the famous missionaries involved was R. Moffat who stayed in southern Rhodesia for not less than 30 years.
Europeans in southern Rhodesia started to collaborate with Shona while being against Ndebele.
During the time of Lobengula, who started to control Southern Rhodesia in 1880s, a position he took over after the death of Msilikazi, he (Lobengula) signed a treaty with B.S.Ec. In this treaty, he was promised to be given:
In the end, Lobengula gained nothing. Hence in 1883-1887 was the time when Ndebele under Lobengula started resisting against the British (up to this time Shona used to collaborate with the British).
Ndebele/Matebele Against British
The resistance started in 1893, Ndebele against the British while Shona collaborated with the British.
Factors For Ndebele Resistance Against The British
Ndebele And Shona Resistance Against The British (Chimurenga War)
Chimurenga is a word in the Shona language roughly meaning “Revolutionary Struggle” During the resistance between Ndebele and British (1893 – 94) Shona used to collaborate with Europeans.
In 1896, a war erupted that involved Ndebele against the British, during this war, Shona also started to resist against the British, this resistance was called Chimurenga war.
During Chimurenga war, Shona and Ndebele used to fight separately against British that they failed in the resistance:
Factors For Chimurenga War
The factors that led to Chimurenga war were the same as those that led to the Ndebele war against the British (in 1893). Some of these factors were:
Effects of Chimurenga war
In 1887, both Ndebele and Shona were defeated (therefore, they agreed to be under the British Colonial rule). The resistance had several effects to both as follows:
Failure of Ndebele and Shona on Chimurenga
“Failure of Africans on their resistances against colonial imposition was due to technological backwardness.” Discuss.
Chimurenga war ended with Africans being defeated. The failure of Ndebele and Shona was due to the following factors:
Nama – Herero Resistance Against Germans (1904 – 1907)
Origin Of Nama And Herero
The origin of Nama and Herero can be deduced in South West Africa (Namibia). Nama was under the leadership of Hendrick Witbooi and Herero under Samuel Maherero.
Before the intrusion of Europeans in South West Africa Nama and Herero were in good relations. Starting from 1880s Europeans started to increase in large numbers in South West Africa and they decided to collaborate with Samwel Maherero (leader of the Herero) this action led to the conflict between Nama against Herero societies.
Early 20th Century was a time when conflicts started between Herero against the Germans. Starting from 1904 Nama and Herero started to resist against the German colonial government.
Factors For Nama – Herero Resistance Against Germans
Several factors lead to Nama Herero resistance against Germans as follow:
Germans started to take land from the Africans id est. land alienation, thus alienating Africans while opening their projects.
Africans were forced to work in colonial economic activities while being paid very little. That is forced labor
Europeans introduced taxes in form of cash something that Africans rejected. (This form of cash taxes were different from the forms used in pre – colonial times).
Harsh treatment from the colonial government: the Germans (due to the nature of German administration) treated Africans badly.
Cattle confiscation: German colonial masters started to take cattle from the Africans by force hence it resulted to resistance.
Loss of political power, so Nama and Herero fought trying to regain their power from the German Colonial government.
Effects of Nama – Herero resistance against Germans
At end of this war (1907) Nama and Herero were defeated (Africans failed to continue fighting). The end of Nama and Herero war against Germans had the following effects:
Failure of Nama and Herero
Nama and Herero were eventually defeated and were under German colonial power. (Nama and Herero were totally defeated). The reasons for this defeat were:
Majimaji Resistance (1905-1907). By the 19th century, Germans had defeated many East African Societies such as the coastal states. In 1904, the prophet Kinjeketile Bokero Ngwale aroused at Ngarambe near Rufiji River. Kinjeketile started to mobilize people under the use of local belief; he introduced the use of the magic water in which some traditional medicine powder like had been added, as a weapon in war against the Germans.
By 1905 he mobilized a pilgrimage in Ngarambe he believed that the water could be used to defeat the Germans and turn the German bullets into water. The word Maji comes from the Matumbi vernacular “Mashe” which means water in English Language.
After the pilgrimage, on Monday, 31st July 1905 the war started, Africans on the Southern part of Tanganyika like Matumbi, Ngindo, Lugulu, Ngoni against the Germans (they started by destroying the colonial masters’ cotton plantations).
N: Germans hanged B. Kinjeketile due to treason on 4th August 1905. KINJEKETILE amongst the Matumbi means KIMENIITIKIA in Kiswahili language.
Factors For Majimaji Uprising.
Majimaji resistance was a result of several factors:
Africans were forced to grow cash crops e.g. Cotton in the southern part of Tanganyika.
Introduction of hut tax (being in cash it affected many Africans as a result they decided to resist.
Harsh treatment from the colonial Government e.g. Africans were highly punished by the German colonial government akaris.
Colonial government used coercive forces like police, army, tended to force Africans to work in the colonial plantations (as a result Africans resisted).
Africans were against Arabs, Akidas and the Jumbes who were appointed by colonial government to supervise the colonial economic activities.
Exploitation from the colonial Government e.g. colonial Government tended to export of a lot of natural resources with high value from Africa while importing less value goods.
The hatred of the Jumbes and Akidas who were quite unpopular.
The German askaris slept with the Ngido wives something, which embarrassed the Africans.
The influence of Kinjeketile Ngwale who was charismatic and religious leader who through his intelligence, he mobilized his fellow Tanganyika has to fight against Germans.
Cultural interference by the Germans, the Christian missionaries in particular who set on fire the African’s traditional sacred huts
Effects Of Majimaji Resistance.
Majimaji resistance had several effects to both Africans and Europeans. Some of these effects were:
Why the failure of Africans on Majimaji resistance?
Africans failed due to:
Lack of experience in fighting wars compared to Europeans.
Poor weapons compared to the Europeans.
Disunity among the Africans.
False belief in water (can be used as a weapon)
Poor economic base for the Africans meant they could not fight for a long time.
Poor organization amongst Africans.
Mau Mau Resistance.
Mau mau was a secret (or underground) movement of Africans in Kenya. The Kikuyu tribe started to fight secretly. At large Maumau movement had three class struggle being Government (colonial Government) settlers (who were Europeans and Asians) and Africans. To the large extent Maumau, war was a result of the first and second world wars, which led to ex-soldiers who started to organize their fellow Africans to resist against European colonial masters.
Factors for the Mau Mau movement (rebellion) in 1952
Mau Mau movement in Kenya started due to several factors:
Africans were restricted to grow coffee in Kenya highlands thus, they resisted.
Colonial government took land from the Africans giving it to the settlers (this was done through Crown Land Act of 1919). In this Act, land was granted to the Queen of England for 999 years.
Introduction of hut tax, matiti tax, head tax etc to the Africans resulted in the negative response from the Africans (Africans were required to pay tax in cash).
Introduction of forced labor – the colonial government used force to get Africans to work on the settlers’ plantations.
The use of laws and ordinance e.g. Colonial Government introduced Identity Cards for Africans “Kipande” system. The identity card was to show one’s place of occupation.
Effects of Mau Mau resistance
Mau Mau war had several effects to both Africans and Europeans e.g.:
It led to death of many Africans (almost 3,000 people died).
The destruction of properties had a great financial impact to the colonial government. It is estimated that it cost almost £50,000 to restore destroyed property.
It taught a lesson to both Africans and Europeans e.g. Europeans started to change the system of administration.
It led to the destruction of properties to both Africans and Europeans (but Europeans were highly affected).
It affected many settlers while they failed to continue with production due to the shortage of labor and the war itself.
It led to the declaration of the state of emergence in Kenya.
It raised Kenyans’ awareness and consciousness about their freedom and at the end of the day Kenya regained its independence in 1963 under Mzee Jomo Kenyatta.
It led to imprisonment and assassination of radical political leaders. For example, Dedan kimath was assassinated while several others imprisoned like Jomo Kenyatta.
The Nandi resistance (1890-1906) by Koitalel Arap Samoei who died on 19th October 1905.
The Reasons As To Why African Reacted Against colonial Rule In Africa.
African resisted/ reacted against the imposition of colonial rule because of many reasons these were;
a) Because colonial rule was an alien (new) foreign to the Africa in a sense that it was imposed to the Africans by the European imperialists therefore Africans did not recognize and accept it.
b) Colonial rule was undemocratic and illegitimate to the Africans since the Africans did not elect the colonial rulers, Hence Africans decided to react against it so as to get democratic and legitimate government that will fulfill African’s interests.
c) Colonial rule were too oppressive, harsh and exploitative to the Africans especially the forcing of Africans to work, pay taxes confiscate all African resources like land made Africans not to tolerate rather to fight against colonialist.
d) Colonialists interfered with African important interests such as land, trade traditional and customs i.e. women circumcision. Hence, Africans decided to react against. Example Mandinka resistance against France.
e) African did not want to be controlled by the colonialist as a result they wanted to regain their lost sovereignty and their independence where by that time was under the hands of colonialist.
f) African reacted against colonialist because they were against cash crops production, which they saw that was of no benefit to Africans especially during the colonial economy. This was because Africans were forced to produce cotton, sisal and coffee, which were not easily consumed in Africa due to shortage/ absence of industries. Thus, Africans decided to react against e.g. Maji Maji war against cotton cultivation in Tanganyika.
g) African reacted against colonial rule because colonialist introduced Christianity, which killed African local beliefs as a result to maintain their beliefs Africans divided to react over European.
Factors, Which Determined The Nature Of African Resistances Or Reactions.
As shown in the types of African resistances, it is obvious that the nature and ways of resistances differed in Africa. While some societies had, active resistances other resisted passively or decided to collaborate with the colonial invaders. There are various factors, which explain these differences, such factors include.
Why Collaboration?
African collaborated with Europeans because of the following reaons;
a) Wrong perception, many African chiefs had wrong perceptions about the colonialists that were just visitors who would go back soon to their homes. When they realized that they came to stay they changed the resection e.g. Kabaka Mwanga of Buganda
b) Existence of missionaries, missionaries’ brainwashed the Africans to accept colonialism through Christian indoctrination and mission the education that softened Africans’ hearts and minds e.g. “Resistance means backwardness”. Hence, such societies collaborated with the whites.
c) Existence of enmity between two or more local African tribes, e.g. the Sangu and the Bena collaborated with Germans to fight against the Hehe.
d) Military motives, some African societies collaborated with the Europeans with the motives of acquiring weapons to use them in future. E.g., Menelik II in Ethiopia deliberately collaborated with Italy to acquire weapons.
e) Source of commerce and trade, some African societies collaborated because they regarded Europeans as the source of commerce and trade by collaborating with them they would become rich e.g. Buganda.
f) They were weak militarily some of the societies allied with the foreigners because they were incapable to fight against the invaders and they saw that it was fruitless as they were weak militarily.
g) Natural calamities, some African societies also made alliances with the whites because they had suffered greatly from natural calamities e.g. small pox, jiggers, drought, famine and so forth.
Ethiopian’s Resistance 1889 – 1913
Ethiopia under their leadership of Menelic II managed to wage an active resistance over the Italians. This came into being following the death of John IV in 1889 which Menelic signed the Uccil treaty on May 2, 1889 that made him to be an emperor.
Later Italians became confident over attacking Ethiopia so as to compel (defeat) Menelik. It rule on 1895 in which during the 1896 at the battle (war) of Adowa the Italians were greatly defeated something that made Menelick II becomes most popular leader among the Ethiopians.
In October 1896, the Italians signed the treaty of Uccial that recognized Ethiopia as full sovereign state (independent state).
Reasons For Their Resistance
Ethiopia under Menelik II resisted against Italian rule became of the following:-
Italians expanded their boundaries to the Maghreb as well as the white country of Ethiopia this made the Africans to fight over them. The Italians stopped Menelick II from negotiating the diplomatic exchange of envoys with France and Russia.
This is because the Uccial treaty stipulated that Ethiopia was under the Italian’s protectorate and That Menelik II was not allowed to make any alliance and mediation with the British, France and any other European power.
Why Ethiopians Were Not Colonized In The 19th Centuary?
Ethiopians were not colonized like any other African countries because of the following reasons:
Ethiopian had diplomatic relations with Europe since the 18th C from Italy and Portugal she got weapons powers, in the 18th C Ethiopia captured some Briton.
Revision Questions.
Reasons For The Failure Of African Resistances
Many African societies did not accept European domination and showed the reactions in different forms of resistances. However, their effort was confronted by severe attacks and defeats from colonial powers. These were mainly as the Europeans were using superior weapons such as the maxim guns and cannons, which were sophisticated while Africans used inferior weapons such as spears, clubs, bows and arrows, which did not match with those of the Europeans.
a) Europeans used modern war techniques that made them easily attack the Africans. Africans depended on their closed forts, which were the main targets of attacks from the white enemies. For instance, the Germans demolished Mkwawa’s fort at Kalenga in 1894.
b) Europeans had quicker means of mobility that enabled them to penetrate the heart of Africa such as the Congo forests and other areas easily. For instance, in West Africa colonialists used horses, while along the coast of East Africa Germans used steamboat to attack Abushiri at Pangani.
c) Europeans had much knowledge of the heart of Africa, strategic areas and the nature of various people of Africa and their location. White missionaries, explorers, conveyed all such information to them and traders who visited Africa earlier thus it became easy for them to defeat Africans.
d) The Europeans had strong and stable economies that enabled them to fight for a longer period, unlike Africans who were still in the subsistence economic that could not sustain them.
e) The Europeans had common goals of colonizing Africans in their fights unlike African societies who lacked unity and were sometimes fighting each other or one another. For instance, the Sangu and Bena were attacking the Hehe, while Mangi Rindi attacked Mangi Sina.
f) Some African societies suffered internal weaknesses on the accounts of slave-raiding activities, disputes and expansionism. A typical example was in Jos Plateau in Nigeria and Southern Tanganyika, where some African societies attacked or raided other societies in order to acquire slaves to sell them to the European traders.
g) Africans had wrong superstitious beliefs. For example, the people of Southern Tanganyika were made to believe in the idea that water from Ngarambe Pool would change the white man’s bullets into water, ‘Maji Maji’, which was not true. As a result, many people were killed by the German armed forces.
h) The capture and execution of African leaders demoralized their warriors, thus leading to their defeat. A good example was the capture and execution of Kinjeketile Ngwale on 4th August 1905 and Mpanda of Southern Tanganyika, during the Maji Maji uprising.
i) Africans were destabilized by natural calamities because of the war; these included famines and infectious diseases such as smallpox and others. Good example of Maasai society suffered from cholera in 1879 to the extent that they failed to fight violently.
j) Africans lacked good leadership and unity. This occurred, as some of the leaders were reluctant to cooperate with others. Hence, each tribe entered the war on its own. As a result, it was easy for the colonialists to defeat them.
k) Due to the betrayal from among Africans. This caused the failure of African resistance against colonialists simply because; some Africans betrayed their fellow Africans by deciding to collaborate with the white men against their neighbors this eventually weakened their unity, Good example is Sangu and Bena allied with the Germans to defeated their neighboring Hehe.
Though Africans were defeated by the Europeans, their reaction against colonial invasion was marked as the early nationalist reaction in Africa and made them gain self-respect and were considered to be heroes of Africa.
1. Multiple choices.
(i) The portion of Africa took place in which country?
(ii) Which year did partition of Africa take place?
(iii) One of reason for partition of Africa was?
(iv) The leader of Berlin Conference was?
(v) Which was not objective of Berlin Conference of 1884 – 1884?
(vi) Which of these countries was not colonized?
(vii) Which of these countries were not affected by Anglo – German Agreement of 1886?
(viii) Which of these is not an effect of scramble for and partition of Africa?
(ix) Which of the following was not colonized by British?
(x) Which statement is not true?
2. Match the following dates with Events.
3. Fill the blanks in the following questions;
a) Anglo – German Agreement occurred in the year of_______
b) The first two stages of partition of Africa were called________
c) The other name of Anglo – German treaty of 1896_______
d) The chancellor of German during colonialism________
e) Were defected during second World War_____________
4. (a) Explain the terms below
(b) Explain causes of scramble of Africa
5. Describe events leading to Berlin Conference in 1884 – 1885
6. Discuss the impact of scramble for and partition of Africa by the European power.
7. (a) Identify stages of partition of Africa by colonial power
(b) What agreement was reached during Anglo – German treaty of 1886.
8. What was the significance of Berlin conference to Africa?