Time: 3Hours


  1.         This paper consists of sections A, B, and C with a total eleven (11) questions.
  2.         Answer all question in the sections A, B and two (2) questions from section C.
  3.         Section A carries sixteen (16) marks, section B fifty four (54) marks and section C carries thirty (30) marks.
  4.         All writing should be in blue or black pen, except for diagrams that must be drawn in pencil.
  5.         Communication devices and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  6.         Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet (s)



  1.         For each of the item (i-x) choose the correct answer from alternatives given and write its letter on table provided.
  1.                                                                   The appearance of both Zinjanthropus and Homo habills marked the beginning of a period in man history known as
  1.                                                               Neolithic age
  2.                                                               Early stone age
  3.                                                               Middle stone age
  4.                                                               Modernization age
  5.                                                                Pre- colonial period
  1.                                                                Which of the following explains the best reason which made Mozambique to use force during her struggle for independence?
  1.                                            It was settler’s colony
  2.                                             It was mandated territory
  3.                                             It was trust sheep territory
  4.                                            It was under indirect rule policy
  5.                                             It adopted open door policy
  1.      Franco Prussian war of 1870 to 1871 was fought between which nations among the following
  1. Portugal and Belgium
  2. German and French
  3. French and  Portuguese
  4. Spain and Belgium
  5. Portugal and German
  1.       After the first world war 1914-1918. The League of nations made Tanganyika as:
  1. Mandate territory
  2. Protectorate territory
  3. Independent territory
  4. Trust territory
  5. British East Africa empire
  1.   The source of history used to reconstruct history which is both material and immaterial is known as:
  1. Anthropology
  2. Linguistic
  3. Oral traditions
  4. Ethnographic sources
  5. Archaeology
  1.       The non- allied movement was formed by :
  1. Tanzania, Ghana , Egypt
  2. Egypt, Indonesia and Yugoslavia
  3. Tanzania, Yugoslavia and India
  4. Indonesia, Tanzania and India
  5. Ghana, Egypt and Ethiopia
  1.    Mzee Juma has large farm of 100 acre, he allow other landless people to cultivate in his land under agreement of taking 60% of the harvest and the cultivator remain with 40% of the harvest. This kind of system can be called
  1. Capitalism
  2. Primitive communalism
  3. Feudalism
  4. Socialism
  5. Slavery
  1.  In 1936 the Berlin-Rome-Tokyo axis was formed as military alliance consist of the following members
  1. Russia, German, Japan
  2. British, France, USA
  3. German, Italy, Japan
  4. German, Italy, Belgium
  5. Russia, Britain, France
  1.       Our grandfather used his evening time to sit under a tree and tell his grandson and daughters about people’s events. What kind of historical information was he providing
  1. Historical sites
  2. Written records
  3. Story telling
  4. Oral tradition
  5. Archives
  1.                                                                 The major problem faced independent Africa in political aspect after independence was
  1.                                                               Low income to the majority
  2.                                                               Experts without write collar jobs
  3.                                                               The balance of ministers from former colonial masters
  4.                                                               Size of independent states
  5.                                                                Imbalance of power sharing
  1.         Match the description in list A with corresponding founders of political parties which were inherited by independent African countries in list B by writing the letter of response besides item number



  1. Tanganyika African National Union
  2. United Tanganyika Party
  3. Uganda People Congress
  4. United Gold coast Convention
  5. Convention Peoples Party
  6. African National  Congress
  1. J.B Danquah
  2. Joshua Nkomo
  3. Julius K. Nyerere
  4. Daniel Arap Moi
  5. William J. Seymour
  6. Komla Agbel
  7. Edward Twining
  8. Apolo Millton Obote
  9. John Langalibalele



Answer all questions in this section

  1.         Answer the following questions briefly
  1.     How history does promote patriotism in Tanzania?
  2.  How did people become slavery in pre-colonial Africa?
  3.                      Why did German cease to rule Tanganyika in 1919?
  4.                      How did the colonial state maintain constant labour supply in their colonies
  5.   Show the role of Morans in age-set system
  6.                      Explain why colonial economy was said to be exploitative in nature.
  1.         Re arrange the following statement in chronological order by writing number 1 to 6 beside the item number
  1.     Through the Helgoland treaty Uganda and Witu were incorporated into British sphere of influence and  German brought part of Sultans costal strips
  2.  The Berlin conference divided Africa into sphere of influence
  3.    The Anglo- German defined the territories of Sultan of Zanzibar and European sphere of influence in East Africa
  4.    The German Government took after the affairs to the company
  5.   But it did not establish clear boundaries between sphere of influence in the interior of Africa
  6.    The German East Africa Company attempted unsuccessfully to develop the German sphere.


  1.         Draw a sketch map of Africa and locate the following
  1.        A country which resisted colonial rule successful in 1896
  2.      A British colony which regained her independence in 1957
  3.   Capital city of a colony whose president was overthrown in 1971
  4.    The former Italian colony which attained her independence in Dec 1951
  5.      A country which genocide occurred IN 1994
  6.    The country where Chief Makoko signed a treaty with French explorers in 1879.
  1.         Briefly explain by differentiating the following historical terms
  1.  Museum and historical sites
  2.      Nationalism and Decolonization
  3.   Holocaust and Soweto Massacre
  4.    Mercantilism and Monopoly
  5.      Archeology and anthropology
  6.    Primates and homo- erectus
  1.         Complete the following sentences with correct facts
  1.  South Africa gained majority rule in ..................
  2.  United State of America got its independence from Britain in ......................
  3.            In ............... the Dutch invaded the cape of South Africa
  4.             Franco-Prussian war took place in .................
  5.   .................... an African Hero who resisted strongly the imposition of France in West Africa.
  6.             ....................... is the big event that happened in middle stone age.
  1.         Outline challenges and problems facing the new East Africa Community


Answer 2 questions.

  1.         Africa had her own trading system very long before the colonial rule. Use Trans-Saharan Trade as an example to show how trade affected pre- colonial African society
  2.    With concrete example from various parts of Africa; asses six factors that determine the form of decolonization in Africa.
  3.    How did colonial state uphold the interest of white settlers in Kenya?









SECTION A (16 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

1. For each of the items (i) – (x) Choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in answer booklet provided

  1. The famous archeologist in East Africa discovered the skill of earlier man at Olduvai Gorge
  1. George Washington 1896
  2. Vazeo dagama in 1498
  3. Dr. Louis Leakey 1959
  4. Dr. Livingstone in 1969
  5. Charles Darma in 1869
  1. One of the National building campaigns taken to change the post – colonial economic system in
  1. Feed yourself in Ghana
  2. Harambee in Uganda
  3. Feed yourself in Uganda
  4. Capitalism and self-reliance-in Tanzania
  5. Freedom in coming tomorrow in Tanzania
  1. In areas such a Kondoa – Irangi, painting and drawing in cave give evidence of the activities of
  1. Iron smelters
  2. Settled communities
  3. Colonial legacy
  4. Education for adaption
  5. Slave trade and slavery
  1. One of the notable United Nations failures in its objectives is its inability to
  1. Control food shortage
  2. Eradicate colonial rule
  3. Establish tributes for war criminal
  4. Prevent Big power from violating its principle
  5. Control poverty in Africa
  1. During the middle stone age man was able to make smaller, sharper, and easier to handle stone tool like spear, knives and scraper. Who was responsible for making those tools?
  1. Homo habilis and Australopithecus
  2. Homo erectus and Homo habilis
  3. Australopithecus and Homo erectus
  4. Homo sapiens and Homo erectus
  5. Homo erectus and homo sapiens
  1. The colonists decided to use different method to establish colonialism in Africa. Since it was not easy for Africans to accept colonialism. What was the aim of using intimidation as the method of establishing colonialism in Africa
  1. Stimulate Africa Unity
  2. Create fear and Suppress African solidarity against colonialism
  3. To demonstrate the European military strength to Africa.
  4. To implant African awareness towards colonialism
  5. To exercise new military fighting weapons
  1. Which nation could no longer exploit the united states of American after getting her political independence in 1776?
  1. Britain
  2. Russia
  3. Germany
  4. Japan
  5. France
  1. All of the following are true about Julius Nyerere except
  1. He was one of the pan – Africanism leaders
  2. He was one of founders of organization of African unity
  3. He played a key role in formation of United Nations organization
  4. He campaigned and Supported black majority rule in South Africa
  5. He was one of the leaders of front line states
  1. All of the following are true about Zimbabwe except
  1. Robbert Mugabe declared Unilateral independence in Zimbabwe
  2. Ian smith Unilaterally declared independence in 1965
  3. ZANU and ZAPU were the major political parties
  4. Zimbambwe attained her independence in 1980
  5. Zimbabwe was a British Colony
  1. Before the outbreak of First world war, which among the following African, countries were German colonized
  1. Tanganyika, Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda
  2. Rwanda, Tanganyika, Uganda, Burundi
  3. Burundi, Angola, Cameroon, Zimbabwe
  4. Cameroon, Rwanda, Tanganyika and Namibia
  5. Togo, Namibia, Cameroon, Angola.

2. Match the political activities in List A with the correct Nationalist leader in List B by writing the letter of corresponding response beside the item number on answer book let provided.



  1. The first President of Guinea Bissau and founder of PAIGC
  2. Leader who initiated formation of FRELIMO part in exile in Tanzania started Struggle for Independence of Mozambique before his death
  3. The political activist of Kenya who chaired the Bandung conference of 1955
  4. The first president of Namibia and founder of SWAPO
  5. The founder of P.A.C. in South Africa who was arrested after Sharpeville Massacre
  6. Founding Father of Ghana
  1. Samora Machel
  2. Tom Mboya
  3. Sam Nusonia
  4. Robert sobukwe
  5. Nelson Mandela
  6. Eduardo mundane
  7. Jomo Kenyatta
  8. Luis De Almaida Cabral
  9. Kwame Nkrumah

SECTION B (54 marks)

Answer all questions in this section

3. Briefly answer the following questions

  1. There was no colonialism without Berlin conference, prove this assertion
  2. Give reasons why some Africans collaborated with the whites
  3. Why did trade in slave in Indian Ocean expand from 15th century?
  4. How did first word war lead to economic depression
  5. How did discovery of iron bring changes in way man lived
  6. Briefly show how assimilation policy was implemented

4. Arranged the following statements in chronological order by writing number 1 – 6 beside item provided.

  1. This implied that supreme Organ of organization of East Africa authority could meet
  2. The organization work was hampered by personality differences among the three heads of state.
  3. Although it collapsed in 1977, EAC was Revived on 15th January 2001
  4. The farmer EAC encountered many challenges
  5. This eventually led to total collapse of any new development in the EAC
  6. For example, President Julius Nyerere could not meet physically with President Iddi Amin of Uganda.

5. Draw the sketch map of Africa and locate the following using roman numbers

  1. A country that was entrusted to south Africa mandate to rule by the league of Nations after first world war
  2. A country which is the headquarter of new East African community (EAC)
  3. The first country to achieve political independence through the constitutional means whose independence motivated decolonization to other countries
  4. A country that was not colonized due to its successful resistances against colonialists
  5. A country in East Africa that its leader was overthrown by the army in 1971

6. With six points asses the tactics used during the abolition of slave trade

7. How African was affected by 1929 – 1933 crisis in the capitalist system. Give six points

8. Discuss the impact of Dutch settlement at the cape from 1652 – 1796

 SECTION C (30 Marks)

Answer Any two (2) questions from this section

9. The Scramble for and partition of Africa was inevitable in 19 century. Discuss using six points

10. Examine the factors for nationalism in Africa after the Second World War.

11. Assess the major changes in man’s way of life during the late stone Age in Africa.








Time: 3 Hours


  1.          This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of 9 questions
  2.          Answer all questions in section A and B and three questions from section C.
  3.          Section A carries 20 marks, section B 35 marks and section C 45  Marks
  4.          Programmable calculators, cellular phones and any other unauthorized materials are not allowed in examination room.
  5.          Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.

 SECTION A (15 Marks)

 Answer All questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i)-(x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

(i) What are the major types of oral traditions? 

  1. Museums and archives
  2.  Poems and proverbs
  3. Historical sites and narration of events
  4.  Archaeology and museum
  5.  Cultural practices and narration of events 

(ii) Why is Charles Darwin famous in history?

  1.  He discovered pebbles and chopping tools.
  2.  He discovered the fossil of mans ancestors.
  3.  He introduced the theory of creation.
  4.  He discovered the remains of old people. 
  5. He introduced the theory of evolution.

  (iii) Colonialism was established through 

  1.  Post-colonial political changes.
  2. Violence and coercion
  3. Piracy and plundering.
  4. Revolution and violence
  5. Waylaying and bogus treaties.

 (iv) Who headed the Central government of the colony? 

  1. Queen    
  2. Governor
  3. Secretary for colonies
  4. Secretary General
  5. Minister for colonies

(v) What challenged the work of the police in 1998 in East Africa?

  1.  Terrorist bombing attacks
  2.  Idi Amins government take over from Milton Obote
  3.  Launching over the New East African Community
  4.  Inciting genocide in Rwanda
  5. Adoption of the universal Declaration of Human Rights

(vi)   The social challenges facing people in Africa include 

  1. Political instability and tribalism.
  2.  Tribalism and neo-colonialism.
  3.  Colonialism and illiteracy.
  4.  Illiteracy and diseases.
  5.  Corruption and lack of rule of law.

(vii)  The first creature to walk in an upright fashion was called

  1. Homo Erectus.
  2. Primates.
  3. Homo Sapiens. 
  4. Hominids.
  5. Homo Habilis. 

(viii)  Archaeological findings whose ages are beyond 5,000 years are determined by

  1. Using archives.
  2. Using carbon 14.
  3. Remembering events. 
  4. Using time charts.
  5.  Narration of past events. 

(ix) Which one of the following was the immediate consequence of the development of Triangular trade?

  1. Decolonization of African countries
  2. Disruption of trans-Saharan trade
  3. Scramble and partition of Africa
  4. Adaptation of the Open Door Policy
  5. Implementation of indirect rule policy

(x) America defeated her colonial master in 

  1. 1873.
  2. 1884. 
  3. 1945.
  4. 1776. 
  5. 1918.

(xi) The primitive communal societies were characterized by the following features except

  1. hunting and gathering
  2. low production 
  3. exploitation of man by man 
  4. low level of technology 
  5. Dependence on nature.

(xii) The primitive communal societies were characterized by the following features except

  1. hunting and gathering
  2. low production 
  3. exploitation of man by man 
  4. low level of technology 
  5. Dependence on nature.

(xiii) The first European nation to industrialize was

  1.  Germany 
  2.  Britain 
  3.  France 
  4.  Belgium 
  5.  Holland.

 (xiv) The theory of evolution was proposed by

  1.  Louis Leakey 
  2.  Carl Peters 
  3.  Charles Darwin 
  4.  Henry Stanley 
  5.  Donald Cameron.

(xv) The economic system of goods and services which comprised activities such as trade, manufacturing, agriculture and mining during the colonial era is called

  1.  Neo-colonialism 
  2.  Trusteeship 
  3.  Nationalism 
  4.  Bureaucracy 
  5.  Colonial economy.

2. Match the stems in List A with the correct responses in List B by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.



(i) A person who stated that man developed from an ape-like creature. 

(ii) A person who created the kingdom of Mwenemutapa.

(iii) A person who played a vital role in the mass killing of Jews in Europe.

(iv) A person who established a fascist ideology in Italy.

(v) A person who formed the Royal Niger Company which operated in West Africa.

  1. Adolf Hitler
  2. Fredrick Lugard
  3. Charles Darwin
  4. Mungo Park
  5. Idd Amin Dada
  6. Louis Leakey
  7. Yoweri Museveni
  8. Mutota
  9. King Leopold
  10. Lobengula
  11. Benito Mussolini
  12. Cecil Rhodes
  13. Keneth Kaunda
  14. David Livingstone
  15. George Goldie
  16. Robert Mugabe
  17. Nelson Mandela
  18. Fredrick Chiluba
  19. Migrant Labourer
  20. Secretary-General

SECTION B (35 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

  1.       Briefly explain the following historical information

(i) Association

(ii) Mfecane ware

(iii) The Boer trek

(iv) Trans-Saharan trade

(v) Common wealth

(vi) Why Indirect rule was direct rule


4.  Arrange the following statements in chronological order by writing number 1 to 5 beside the item number in your answer booklet.

(i) Before 1800 AD, Africa and its interior were not known to the outside world.

(ii) Europeans took interest in Africa’s strategic areas with fertile land, minerals and navigable rivers.

(iii) The interior of Africa was exposed to the European world after the work of agents of colonialism.

(iv) By 1880s, many European nations rushed and grabbed parts of the African continent claiming they were their areas of influence.

(v) Reports of the existence of snow-capped mountains in the interior of Africa attracted great interest in the continent.


5. Draw a sketch map of the new East Africa Community and locate by using roman numbers;

(i) The member state in which an identity card (Kipande) was given to the labourer during colonial economy era.

(ii) The headquarters of the committee which was responsible for coordinating the activities of national liberation movements for eradicating colonialism in Africa.

(iii) The country in which the 1994 genocide took place.

(iv) The country whose Common Man’s Charter intended to transform it into a socialist state.

(v) The Trusteeship colony under the British from 1945 to 1961.


SECTION C (45 Marks)

Answer three (3) questions from this section. Each question carries fifteen (15) marks.

6. Describe the factors that led to rise of Trans-Saharan Trade

7. Why some Africans collaborated with Europeans during colonial invasion? (Give six points).
8. Discuss six contributions of the agents of colonialism to the colonization of Africa.
9. Examine six factors which enabled Tanganyika to attain her independence earlier than Kenya.








 Time: 3Hours


  1.              This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of questions
  2.              Answer all questions in section A and B and three questions from section C.
  3.              Section A carries 20 marks, section B 35 marks and section C 45  Marks
  4.              Programmable calculators, cellular phones and any other unauthorized materials are not allowed in examination room.
  5.              Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.

 SECTION A (15 Marks)

 Answer All questions in this section.

  1. For each of the items (i) – () choose the correct answer from among the given alternative and write its letter  in the answer sheet provided;
  1. Students of History and other people should understand the fact that;
  1. Africa had no development at all befor the coming of Missionaries
  2. The coming of traders in Africa by the 19th Century was a blessing to African handcraft industries
  3. Changes in the African societies were independent of the contact with Asia and Europe by the 10th century
  4. The present development problems are a result of colonialism only
  1. One of the problems facing the African Unity is colonial legacy. This is because;
  1. Colonialism preserved and emphasized the separation of each colony
  2. Indirect rule introduced by the British facilitated interstate hatred
  3. Colonialism encourage growth of apartheid in all settler colonies
  4. Territorial size of African states as created by colonialists is not even
  1. In many colonies peasant agriculture was preferred by the colonial state because;
  1. It was cheap and peasants produced for both the metropolis and themselves
  2. Settlers were arrogant and conformists
  3. Peasants were able to acquire capital loans from colonial banks and pay on time
  4. It was easy to inject new production techniques among peasants
  1. During Pre-colonial period Africans established industries which were known as;
  1. Handcraft industries  c) Iron industries
  2. Basketry industries  d) mining industries
  1. Which of the following made the most determined resistance to the Germans in their conquest of Tanganyika;
  1. MerEre b) Mkwawa  c) Machemba  D) Isike
  1. The following were the impacts of long distance trade except one;
  1. Insecurity in weak societies
  2. Europeans emrged as advanced speakers of the native language along the trade routes
  3. It paved the way for colonization through the agents
  4. Traditional cultures destructed due to social interactions
  1. Which of the following is not a feature of colonial economies in  Africa:
  1. Imports came mostly from Europe
  2. Local industries were encouraged
  3. Cash crops were basically prioritized
  4. Exploitative character of the economy
  1. Development of slave trade in West Africa had direct connection with one of the following:
  1. Discovery and spread of camels
  2. Discovery of minerals
  3. Development of Maritime technology and the discovery of the new lands
  4. The voyages of discovery of Dr. Carl Peters and William Mackinon
  1. In 1989 the British and French colonialists were about to fight in the Middle of Sudan during thir colonial expansion in Africa. This incident was called:
  1. The Sarajaro incident   c) The Sudan Incident
  2. The Fashoda incident   d) The Fascist incident
  1. No Independence before majority rule means
  1. This was Britain’s policy to all new colonies in Southern Africa
  2. This was position of Africa countries in relation to the independence of Rhodesia
  3. Southern Africa was demanding this in relation to the Independence of Rhodesia
  4. Britain wanted Independence to be given to the majority Africans in Rhodesia.
  1. Below are two Lists A and B of events. The facts in List A correspond with the facts in list B. Writes down the corresponding pairs.



  1. ANC – South Africa
  2. ZAN
  3. M.P.L.A
  4. S.W.A.P.O
  5. Middle passage
  6. U.P.C.
  7. KANU
  8. P.A.C.
  9. UNITA
  10. NAM
  1. The seven week voyage from  Africa across the Atlantic to sell slave to planters in New York
  2. Bishop Abel Muzolwa
  3. Joachim Chissano
  4. Samora Machel
  5. Edwardo Mond lane
  6. Augustino Neto
  7. Sam Nujoma
  8. Nelson Mandela
  9. Ndabaring Sithole
  10. Wars of resistance stage by Mushona and Ndebele against
  11. Milton Obote
  12. Jomo Kenyatta
  13. Jonas Savimbi
  14. Cold war impact


Answer all questions in this section.

  1. Briefly answer the following questions.
  1. Explain the meaning of GED
  2. Why did Chancellor Otton Von Bismark  of German call the Berlin Conference?
  3. Why do you most African societies were defeated by the terrorists.
  4. What was the significance of Harambee slogan as used in Kenya?
  5. What significance do we get for studying history?
  1. Arrange the following statements in chronological order by using number 1

               to 5 to write in the answer sheet provided;

  1. These caves were usually near sources of water
  2. These activities have earned them the name “early hunters and gathers”
  3. They mainly lived temporarily in caves
  4. They ate raw food like meat and fruits because they did not know how to make fire
  5. During this period people did not have permanent shelter
  1. (a) Draw a sketch map of Africa and locate the following:
  1. A country which apartheid policy was used by boers
  2. Any one of the former German colony in East Africa
  3. Any country which was formerly colonized by the Portuguese
  4. A country in which genocide took place in 1994
  5. Any country formerly colonized by the French

SECTION C 45 Marks

Answer ONLY THREE questions from this section

  1. Examine the reasons for the changing nature of the French colonial policy of assimilation in controlling African colonies.
  1. What were the reasons behind the use of armed struggle for liberation in settler dominated colonies
  1. How did the discovery of precious gems in South Africa brought about dramatic changes
  1. Discuss how did colonial government in Kenya facilitated settler economy in Kenya.
  2. How did colonial social services facilitated colonial exploitation in Africa









 Time: 3Hours


  1.              This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of questions
  2.              Answer all questions in section A and B and three questions from section C.
  3.              Section A carries 20 marks, section B 35 marks and section C 45  Marks
  4.              Programmable calculators, cellular phones and any other unauthorized materials are not allowed in examination room.
  5.              Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.

 SECTION A (15 Marks)

 Answer All questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i)-(x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

  1. For each of the items (i) – (x) choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number.
  1. The dominant factors in accessing Man’s struggles in material production are:-
    1. Productive forces and iron tools
    2. Productive force and environment
    3. Productive forces and fire
    4. Productive forces and culture
  1. The Banana economy is the type of economy practiced by the societies found in the:-
    1. Heavy rainfall areas
    2. Semi desert or arid areas
    3. Masai belt
    4. Intercustrine regions only
  1. What distinguished local trade from long distance trade
    1. Emergence of merchant classes
    2. Exchange of commodities such as ivory, salt, foodstuffs and slave
    3. Emergence of Cisi, Vwandema and Vinza
    4. Extension of Ntemi chieftainship to form kingship
  1. Which is the following is NOT among the causes of a state formation
    1. Expansion of agriculture and animal husbandry
    2. Expansion of iron working and trade
    3. Extension of unity through bride price and gifts
    4. Extension of Ntemi chieftainship to form kingship
  1. Through the external contact with the Indian ocean, East Africa imported
    1. Cowrie shells and spices from Arabia
    2. Cowrie shells and daggers from India
    3. Porcelain and silk goods from China
    4. Slaves and ivory from Mozambique
  1. The Swahili culture is the result of the Intermingling of:-
    1. Bantu and Arab culture only
    2. Africans, Asians and the Europeans
    3. Bantu and the Swahili
    4. Africans and the British
  1. Which one is NOT true for the causes of the decline of the Portuguese in East Africa
    1. The attacks from the Galla, Zimba and Segeju
    2. The attacks by the Moraccan soldiers
    3. The invasion of the Oman Arabs
    4. The attacks from Ali Bey, a Turkish pirate
  1. Which one is the main factor for the rise of Mfecane
    1.  the location of Natal as a corridor
    2. shortage of vital resources (land) due to population pressure
    3. civil wars among Ndwande, Mtetwa and Zulu
    4. application of the Chaka’s military techniques
  1. The development of the trans-Saharan trade was facilitate by the exchange of:-
    1. Ivory and slaves
    2. Ivory and Kola nut
    3. Gold and salt
    4. Gold and ivory
  1. The abolition of slave trade in East Africa was completely destructed by the:-
    1. signing of the abolitionist treaties
    2. coming of the explorers, missionaries and traders
    3. establishment of colonialism
    4. work done by Dr. Livingstone
  1. One reason for the Dutch settlement at the Cape in 1652 was to
  1. Create Dutch empire in South Africa.
  2. Place South Africa in the world capitalism.
  3. Defeat Asians and Europeans who monopolized Indian oceans.
  4. Prepare a refreshment station for Dutch merchant from India.
  1. The main participants in East Africans long distance trade were
  1. Viumbundu, Arabs and Kamba.
  2. Yao, Kamba and Nyamwezi.
  3. Imbangala, Yao and Barbaig.
  4. Nyamwezi, Ngoni and Arabs.
  1. Scramble for Africa took place in the 19th C as a result of
  1. Merchantilism.
  2. Slave trading activities.
  3. Commercial capitalism.
  4. Industrial revolution in Europe.
  1. The abolition of slave trade in 19th C was followed by
  1. Berlin Conference.
  2. Formation of UNO.
  3. Introduction of legitimate trade.
  4. Bilateral agreements.
  1. The following involved continents of Africa. America and Europe between 15th C to 19th C
  1. Triangular trade
  2. Trans-saharan trade
  3. Merchantilism.
  4. Legitimate trade.
  1.    (a)   Match the terms in List A with the correct responses in list B by writing the letter of the response besides the item number.


  1. Monopoly
  2. Zwangendaba
  3. Homohabilis
  4. Umwinyi
  5. The periplus of the Erythrean sean.


  1. contains writing of the early inhabitants of the coast
  2. discouraged slave trade in Zanzibar
  3. a class of political religious leaders and prominent traders
  4. died in 1840
  5. the first economist man in evolution
  6. emerged as a stronger leader of Mfecane
  7. a systematic tool maker of the Australopitherine
  8. concentration and centralization of capital by few bourgeoisies
  9. free trade and laisser faire






SECTION B (35 Marks)

Answer All Questions in this Section.

  1. Why is oral tradition not regarded as reliable source of historic information?
  2. Why did some areas of Africa experience strong competition among colonial powers?
  3. Why were the Italians defeated by the Ethiopians?
  4. How did discovery of fire change man’s life?
  5. Why did the Portuguese lead search for a sea root to India?
  6. What was the main reason for Ngoni Migration?
  1. Arrange the following statements in a chronological order
  1. Through the Heligoland Treaty Uganda and Witu were incorporated in the British sphere of influence and German bought part of the Sudan’s coastal strip.
  2. The Berlin Conference divided Africa into ‘Spheres in influence’
  3. The Anglo-German Agreement defined the territories of the Sultan of Zanzibar and the European Spheres of influence in East Africa
  4. The German government took over the affairs of the company
  5. The Germany East Africa Company attempted, unsuccessfully, to develop the German sphere.






  1. Draw a sketch of Map of Africa and locate the following by using roman numbers
  1. The headquater of Mwene Mutapa Kingdom
  2. A country that defeated the colonists
  3. A country that was never colonized
  4. A country in which colonists used the policy of Apartheid
  5. A country which got her independence in 1963 from Britain.

SECTION C (45 Marks)

Answer three (3) Questions from this section. Each question has 15 Marks

  1. What was the role played by the agents of colonialism?
  2. Why the colonialist preferred peasant agriculture rather than settler agriculture or plantation economy?
  3. Why Tanzania adopted single party regime in 1965.
  4. What were the reasons for the collapse of first East Africa Community in 1977?







022                                                                 HISTORY  FORM FOUR


Time: 3Hours                                                                                                           




  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of  8 questions.
  2. Answer all questions in sections A and B and two (2) questions from section C 
  3. All writing should be in blue or black pen, except for diagrams that must be drawn in pencil.
  4. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  5. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s)



1. For each of the items (i) – (xv), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.


            (i) What was the major causes of the Great Depression?

  1. Second World War
  2. First World War
  3. Berlin Conference
  4. Boer Trek
  5. Holland

(ii) The first European Nation to industrialize was:

  1. Germany
  2. Britain
  3. France
  4. Belgium
  5. Holland

(iii) The theory of evolution was proposed by:

  1. Louis Leakey
  2. Carl Peters
  3. Charles Darwin
  4. Henry Stanley
  5. Donald Cameron 

(iv) Three pre – colonial modes of production which existed in Africa were:

  1. Socialism, capitalism and communism
  2. Socialism, capitalism and communalism
  3. Slavery, feudalism and communalism
  4. Slavery, feudalism and communism
  5. Socialism, capitalism and humanism

(v) The core ideas of the French Revolution were:

  1. Slave trade, colonialism and neo – colonialism
  2. Markets, raw materials and cheap labour
  3. Communalism, slavery and feudalism
  4. Fraternity, liberty and equality
  5. Scramble, partition and bogus treaties.

(vi) The people whose work is to study and explain remains which show man’s physical development and the tools he made and used are called?

  1. Iron smiths
  2. Industrialists
  3. Revolutionists
  4. Evolutionists
  5. Archaeologists.

(vii) The economic system of goods and services which comprised activities such as trade, manufacturing, agriculture and mining during the colonial era is called?

  1. Neo – colonialism
  2. Trusteeship
  3. Nationalism
  4. Bureaucracy
  5. Colonial economy


(viii) Who discovered the skull of the earliest ancestors of man in Olduvai Gorge?

  1. David Livingstone
  2. Charles Darwin
  3. Carl Peters
  4. Vasco Dam Gama
  5. Louis Leakey

(ix) Which of the following are included in the museums?

  1. Cultural, social and economic items from the earliest time to the present.
  2. Remains which shoe man’s pas made and used tools.
  3. Cultural practices such a as art, music, religion and riddles.
  4. Colonial records and early travelers’ records.
  5. Special names of generations, clan trees and tribal chronology.

(x) The type of colonial agriculture which predominated in Kenya was:

  1. Plantation
  2. Peasant
  3. Co –operative
  4. Settler
  5. Pastoralism 

            (xi) The primitive communal societies were characterized by the following features except:

  1. Hunting and gathering
  2. Low production
  3. Exploitation of man by man
  4. Low level of technology
  5. Dependence on nature.

(xii) Who convened the conference which legalized the colonization of Africa?

  1. David Livingstone
  2. Carl Peters
  3. Otto Von Bismarck
  4. Charles Darwin
  5. Adolf Hitler.

(xiii) The period which was characterized by intense competition and warfare among the European states during 17th century is called?

  1. Capitalism
  2. Mercantilism
  3. Feudalism
  4. Industrial revolution
  5. Scramble

(xiv) The increase of the European merchants in the interior of Africa after the abolition of slave trade aimed at:

  1. Intensifying slavery and slave trade
  2. Establishing heavy and slave trade.
  3. Establishing heavy industries
  4. Searching for the sea route to India.
  5. Establishing legitimate trade
  6. Assisting the Africans economically 

(xv) The average difference of age between parents and their children is called?

  1. Period
  2. Age
  3. Family tree
  4. Time line 
  5. Generation
  6. Family tree


2. Match the items in List A with the correct responses in List B by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number in the answer.




  1. A person who played a vital role in the mass killing of Jews in Europe
  2. A person who established a fascist ideology in Italy
  3. A person whose leadership paved the way for the independence of Zambia.
  4. A person who overthrew Milton Obote and led Uganda with an iron hand.
  5. A person who heads the Secretariat of the United Nations Organization.
  1. Adolf Hitler
  2. Charles Darwin
  3. Idd Amin Dada
  4. Louis Leakey
  5. Yoweri Museveni
  6. Benito Mussolini
  7. Keneth Kaunda
  8. Robert Mugabe
  9. Fredirick Chiluba
  10. Secretary – General







3. (a) Draw the sketch map of Africa and locate by using roman numbers:

  1. A country whose independence sharpened the continent – wide struggle for independence.
  2. A country in which Biafra war occurred.
  3. A Portuguese colony which attained her independence under the leadership of Augostino Neto.
  4. A country in which the Organization of African Unity was formed.
  5. The canal built by the colonialists to facilitate voyages to and from India and the Middle East.

     (b) Outline five tactics used to establish the colonial economy in Africa.


4. Arrange the following statements in chronological order by writing number 1 to 5 beside the item number.

  1. Portuguese were expelled from the Fort Jesus
  2. Vasco Da Gama reaches East Africa
  3. Bartholomew Diaz reaches the Cape of Good Hope
  4. Tanganyika becomes a mandate colony under the British
  5. Britain becomes the first nation to undergo industrialization.





5. Explain six social factors for early interactions in Africa.


6. Why Mozambique attained her independence through armed struggle? (Give six points)


7. Assess six contributions made by discovery of fire to the development of human being. 


8. Why did some Africans collaborate with Europeans during colonial invasion? (Give six points)



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