Time: 1:30 Hours Wednesday, 7th September 2011 aan.Instructions
- This paper consists of fifty (50) questions.
- Answer all questions.
- All answers must be written in the answer sheet provided.
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- Write your Examination Number on your answer sheet.
- Use blue or black pen in writing your answer. Answers written by pencil will not be marked.
Choose the correct .:answer and. write its le `ter beside the questien number in the answer sheet provided.
1. The instrument used to observe cells of living things is called
- Telescope
- Periscope
- Microscope
- Camera
- Horoscope.
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2. The sense organ which is used to detect the degree of hotness or coldness is
- tongue
- ear
- eye
- nose
- skin.
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3. Which of the following is a mammal?
- Pigeon
- Hen
- Duck
- Bat
- Snake.
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4. Figure 1 shows a dicotyledonous seed.

Which of the letters in Figure 1 indicates the part that grows into a root?
- H
- J
- K
- L
- M.
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5.What will happen if the flowers of the maize plant are removed?
- The plant will flourish
- The plant will die
- The roots of the plant will not grow
- The leaves will change its color
- The plant will not reproduce.
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6.The following are necessary for the formation of carbohydrates in plants.
- Oxygen, chlorophyll and water
- Carbon dioxide, water and sunlight
- Oxygen, carbon dioxide and water
- Chlorophyll, water and sunlight
- Chlorophyll, starch and sunlight.
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7 The excretory products from the lungs are
- Oxygen and water
- Oxygen and carbon dioxide
- Carbon dioxide and water
- Carbon dioxide and salt
- Oxygen and salt.
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8. Which of the following transfers pollen grains from the stamen to the stigma?
- Man
- Insects
- Water
- Dew
- Style.
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9. A person who does not eat fruits and green vegetables is likely to face which of the following problems?
- Suffer frequent illness
- Decrease in body weight
- Increased appetite to eat meat
- Color of the skin become yellow
- Increase in body weight.
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10. A child with kwashiorkor is lacking food rich in
- vitamin
- fat
- minerals
- starch
- rotein.
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11. Water snails spread disease known as
- bilharzias
- tetanus
- cholera
- measles
- elephantiasis.
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12. The main vessel which take blood from the heart is known as
- vein
- aorta
- vena cava
- pulmonary
- hepatic.
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13. The hormone which regulates oxygen intake in the human respiratory system is known as
- adrenaline
- insulin
- thyroxin
- estrogen
- amylase.
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14. Under normal circumstances, the difference between inhaled air and exhaled air is that exhaled air contain a lot of
- oxygen
- hydrogen
- water
- nitrogen
- carbon dioxide.
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15. Disease known as goiter is caused by the deficiency of
- Iron
- Iodine
- Calcium
- Potassium
- Phosphate.
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16. Beriberi disease is caused by deficiency in vitamin
- B1
- B2
- D
- C
- A.
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17. Fish breath through
- nose
- mouth
- fins
- gills
- scales.
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18. Food that has been digested in the small intestine is distributed to other parts of the body through
- water
- oxygen
- blood
- diffusion
- absorption.
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19. Which type of fooci among the following is responsibe for repaiiirig human body cells?
- Fat
- Starch
- Fruits
- Protein
- Minerals.
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20. Why is family planning important to the family?
- It enables the family to own a house
- It increases the number of children
- It enables the family to travel together
- It makes the family members happy
- It enables the family to get enough food.
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