1. A person who controls the behavior of pupils in schools is
- School committee chairperson
- Discipline master
- Assistant head teacher
- Academic teacher
- Subject teacher
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2. Which of the following is the highest tool in decision making in the village government?
Village government - Defense and security committee
- Village general meeting
- Village executive officer
- Village development committee
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3. The district chairperson is chosen
- District Executive Director
- Defense and security committee
- Minister in the office of the president
- Ward Executive Officer
- Ward councilors
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4. Which of the following coins has the picture of the first president of Zanzibar?
- A Hundred shilling coin
- Two hundred shilling coin
- Fifty shilling coin
- Ten shilling coin
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5. Which one of the following resources attracts tourists and contributes to the national income?
- Land
- Rivers
- Livestock
- Minerals
- Parks
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6.The governments responsibility of ensuring leaders integrity involves
- Giving loans in terms of vehicle to each
- Establishing a single party system
- Establishing public service work rules
- Transferring corrupt employees
- Employing of qualified servants
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7. What is the difference between customs and traditions
- Customs change frequently thanTraditions
- Traditions more change
frequently than customs
- Customs are habits while traditions are actions
- Customs are habits that can change to become traditions
- Traditions change more frequently than practices
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8. Use of public office for selfish interests is called
- Handouts
- Corruption
- Patriotism
- Selfish
- Entrepreneurship
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9.Which of the following countries is among the Commonwealth countries
- Botswana and Uganda
- Mozambique and Rwanda
- Kenya and the Democratic
- Malawi and Burundi
- Zambia and The Democratic Republic of Congo
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10. One of the incidents that go against human rights in Tanzania is
- Prosecution
- Cutting and planting trees
- Prosecution of criminals
- Dismissal of committed leaders
- Government supervision collecting taxes
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I I . How can citizens be involved in defense and security?
- Punishing offenders
- Doing physical exercises
- Kill criminals offenders
- Dismissal of unaccountable leaders
- Befriending offenders
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12. Features of globalization are
- Decline income
- Free market
- Decline of poverty
- Reducing of competition in manufacture of weapons
- Presence of many products from local industries
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13. The father of your father is
- Father
- Grandchild
- Uncle
- Grandfather
- Nephew
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14. Which capitalist nation colonized Tanganyika from 1891 to 1918?
- Germany
- England
- China
- Portugal
- France
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15. Why is Berlin one of the most popular cities in history?
- It is the headquarters of the United Nation
- It is the headquarters of
commonwealth countries - A business strategic city slave trade
- It is a French city that led the assimilation policy
- It is a city where division of Africa by colonialists was held
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16. Powerful capitalist nations that scrambled for Africa were
- Britain, Germany, France,Belgium, Italy and Portugal
- Britain, Germany, France, China,Spain and America
- Britain, Germany, France, Japan, Spain and Belgium
- Britain, Germany France, china
and Japan - Britain, Germany, France,Belgium, Italy and china
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17. The founder of the Britain business company in East Africa (IBEACO) was called
- David Livingstone
- Karl Peters
- Mungo Park
- William Macknon
- Seyyid Said
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18. Who was Julius Von Soden?
- The first British governor in Tanganyika
- The first German governor in Tanganyika
- The last German governor inTanganyika
- The last British governor in Tanganyika
- The governor who started direct
rule in Tanganyika
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19. The archaeologist who discovered the human skull at Olduvai Gorge was called
- Charles Darwin
- Zinjanthropus
- Homo Habilis
- David leakey
- Louis Leakey
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20. When did the the ancient man start burning forests to chase animals
- During iron age period
- During the Early Stone Age period
- During the Early Stone Age period
- During
the New Stone Age
period - During the Middle Stone Age period
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