Choose the correct answer and write its letter beside the question on the answer sheet.
1. The ward councilor is elected by:
- All member of the ruling party.
- Ward General Assembly
- Citizens living in the respective ward
- Village general assembly
- Village council
Choose Answer
2. Ward development committee consists of the following leaders, except:
- Ward councilor
- Ward executive officer
- Special seats councilor
- Ward Education Coordinator
- Ward secretary
Choose Answer
3. Representative of the President
in a region is:
- Regional Administrative Secretary
- Municipal Executive Director
- Regional Commissioner
- Regional Executive Director
- Regional Police Commander
Choose Answer
4. A motto of Tanzania found on the national Coat of Arms is:
- Freedom and Development
- Freedom and Work
- Freedom and Unity
- Freedom and Peace
- Freedom and security
Choose Answer
How many stanzas does the National anthem of Tanzania have?
- Three
- Two
- Four
- Five
- Six
Choose Answer
6. The things that every person deserves regardless of tribe, Nationality and gender are called;
- Good governance
- Human Rights
- Rule of Law
- Democracy
- Gender equality
Choose Answer
7. Participation of pupils in the election of their leaders in a school strengthens:
- Constitutional leadership at school
- Leadership of the Head of the school
- Bureaucracy at school
- Security at school
- Good governance at the school.
Choose Answer
8.The Human Rights and Good Governance Committee in Tanzania was established in the year.... ...
- 2005
- 1995
- 1992
- 2001
- 1977
Choose Answer
9. Chairman of the Defence and Security Committee at Regional level is:
- Regional Police Commander
- Regional Administrative Secretary
- Regional Security Officer
- Regional Investigation Officer
- Regional Commissioner
Choose Answer
10.The importance of Zebra Crossing Sign is;
- To reduce congestion of Carson the road.
- To enable the disabled people to cross the road safely
- To enable the pedestrians to
cross the road safely.
- To give warning of the presence of livestock near the road.
- To give warning about pres
ence of railway near the road.
Choose Answer
11. The back bone of the Economy of Tanzania is:
- Agriculture
- Entrepreneurship
- Trade
- Globalization
- Minerals
Choose Answer
12.The totality mans everyday life is called
- Tradition
- Custom
- Arts
- Culture
- Wooks
Choose Answer
13.Speaker of the Assembly of the United Republic of Tanzania is elected by
- The citizens
- Members of the Parliament
- Ministers
- Councellors
- Chief justice
Choose Answer
14.Parmanent members of the security council of the united nations Organization are:
- USA Britain France, Russia, and China
- USA, Britain , German , Rus
sia and China
- USA, Britain , France, Russia and Italy
- USA , Britain , Russia, Canada and German
- USA, Britain, Russia, Japan and Germany
Choose Answer
15.A source of a family is :
- Grand father and Grand Mother
- Father and Mother
- Aunt and Uncle
- Children and Parent
- Brother and Sister
Choose Answer
16. A top leader of a school is known as :
- Assistant Head teacher
- Academics teacher
- Head prefect
- Head teacher
- Discipline teacher
Choose Answer
17. What is the advantage of disdivision of labour in a family?
- It weakens the family
- It encourages divisions
- It causes dictatorship
- It brings developments
- It causes conflicts
Choose Answer
18.1n which age was fire discovered?
- Early stone age
- Middle stone age
- Iron stone age
- Late stone age
- Industrial age
Choose Answer
19. Rock paintings of animals and
people started during:
- Iron age
- Middle Stone Age
- Early Stone Age
- Late Stone Age
- Old Stone Age
Choose Answer
20. The remains of Zinjanthropus that were found in the Olduvai
Gorge were discovered by:
- David Livingstone
- Fredrick Lugard
- Lous Leakey
- Carl Peters
- Charles Darwin
Choose Answer
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