Time: 3Hours


  1.         This paper consists of sections A, B, and C with a total eleven (11) questions.
  2.         Answer all question in the sections A, B and two (2) questions from section C.
  3.         Section A carries sixteen (16) marks, section B fifty four (54) marks and section C carries thirty (30) marks.
  4.         All writing should be in blue or black pen, except for diagrams that must be drawn in pencil.
  5.         Communication devices and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  6.         Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet (s


  1.                 The earliest hominid fossils discovered in Africa belong to the genus:

A) Homo sapiens

B) Australopithecus

C) Homo erectus

D) Neanderthal

E) Cro-Magnon

  1.               The kingdom of Ghana, a powerful West African state, was known for its:

A) Extensive centralized bureaucracy

B) Reliance on a warrior class

C) Mastery of ironworking technology

D) Extensive trade network for gold and salt

E) Theocratic rule by a divine king

  1.             The Swahili people of East Africa played a crucial role in:

A) The trans-Saharan gold trade

B) The Indian Ocean trade network

C) The slave trade with the Americas

D) The European exploration of Africa

E) The spread of Islam in West Africa

  1.             The European powers justified the Scramble for Africa by claiming a mission to:

A) Spread Christianity and "civilize" Africans

B) Develop Africa's natural resources for their own benefit

C) End intertribal warfare and promote peace

D) Establish trade partnerships with African kingdoms

E) Encourage democratic reforms in African states

    (v) One of the primary goals of European colonial rule in Africa was to:

A) Promote self-government and independence movements

B) Develop infrastructure for the benefit of Africans

C) Extract resources and raw materials for European industries

D) Encourage the growth of African manufacturing sectors

E) Promote cultural exchange between Europeans and Africans

    (vi) The introduction of cash crops in colonial Africa often led to:

A) Increased diversification and food security

B) Exploitation of African labor and land

C) Rapid industrialization and urbanization

D) Development of sustainable agricultural practices

E) Improved living standards for the majority of Africans

  1.          The Great Depression of the 1930s had a negative impact on African colonies by:

A) Stimulating investment in African infrastructure

B) Leading to a decline in demand for African raw materials

C) Encouraging greater autonomy for African colonies

D) Promoting economic diversification in African economies

E) Facilitating increased trade between African colonies

    (viii) The independence movements in Africa after World War II were largely driven by:

A) A desire to maintain close economic ties with European powers

B) Growing nationalism and a demand for self-rule

C) The success of communist revolutions in Asia

D) The continued dominance of European cultural influence

E) The imposition of harsh economic policies by European rulers

    (ix) The African Union (AU) is an organization that aims to:

A) Promote economic and political integration among African states

B) Establish a unified military force for continental defense

C) Impose sanctions on countries with human rights abuses

D) Serve as a forum for resolving disputes between African nations

E) Grant full economic and political independence to all member states

    (x) The triangular trade involved the exchange of:

A) Manufactured goods, enslaved Africans, and raw materials

B) Gold, spices, and luxury goods between Europe and Asia

C) Slaves, manufactured goods, and spices between Africa and the Americas

D) Manufactured goods, raw materials, and missionaries between Europe and Africa

E) Slaves, manufactured goods, and cultural exchange between Africa and Europe


2. Match the following countries in LIST A with their corresponding colonial masters in LIST B.



  1. Algeria
  2. Angola
  3. Congo free state
  4. Egypt
  5. Kenya
  6. Namibia.
  1. France
  2. Germany
  3. Belgium
  4. British
  5. Portugal
  6. Italy.


SECTION B: 54 Marks

Answer all questions in this section

3. Briefly explain the following questions

  1.       Oral traditions have some similarities and differences. Briefly elaborate
  2.      Homo erectus was a better version of Homo habilis. Give details
  3.       Discovery of iron was the turning point in life of man.
  4.      How did people of pre-colonial Africa interact?

4. Re arrange the following statements in chronological order by writing number 1 to 6 beside the item number.

  1. Through the Heligoland treaty Uganda and Witu were incorporated in the British sphere of influence and Germany brought part of Sultan's coastal strip. 
  2. The Berlin conference divided Africa into spheres of influence.
  3. The Anglo German defined the territories of Sultan of Zanzibar and European sphere of influence in East Africa.
  4. The German Government took over the affairs of the company.
  5. But it did not establish clear boundaries between sphere of influence in the interior of Africa.
  6. The German East African company attempted unsuccessfully to develop the German sphere.

5. Draw a map of Africa and show the following iron smelting sites

  1. Meroe
  2. Rozwi
  3. Engaruka
  4. Nok
  5. Taruga.

6. What were the motives for the development of earlier contacts between the Middle East, Far East and East Africa Coast?

7. Boer Trek changes the way of life of the neighboring communities. Briefly explain the impact of Boer Trek.

8. The scramble and Partition of Africa had both Positive and Negative results. Using six points, explain the impact of scramble and partition of Africa.

SECTION B: 30 Marks

Answer Any two Questions

9. The Second World War was a blessing in disguise for Africa countries in their struggle for independence. Explain.

10. The conflict between Israel and Palestine is escalating day by day with Nations building alliances. Military alliances were a precursor for first and second world war. Explain the role of military alliances in the outbreak of these wars.

11. Zanzibar revolution was inevitable. Briefly explain the main factors that led to the Zanzibar revolution.










CODE: 012

Time: 2:30 Hours 


  1. This paper consists of section A, B and C
  2. Answer ALL questions in section A, B and three (3) questions from section C
  3. Cellular phones are not allowed in the examination room.
  4. All drawings should be in pencil
  5. Write your index number for every page of your answer sheet (s)


SECTION A (20 Marks)

Answer all question all questions from this section

  1. For each of the items (i) – (xv) below, choose the most correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in your answer sheet


  1. Which among of the following was the reason for introduction of direct rule in Southern Rhodesia by the British?
  1. Southern Rhodesian was dominated by decentralized states
  2. The Southern Rhodesian traditional chiefs welcomed the British rule and Supremacy
  3. British wanted to solve the problem of unemployment
  4. There was few British in Southern Rhodesia
  1. Which of the following were religious leaders in Zanzibar before the Arab colonization?

  1. Wazale
  2. Mwinyi Mkuu
  3. Shakua
  4. Koba la mji

  1. The Khoikhoi means _________________ in their language

  1. Men of men
  2. Real men
  3. Black men
  4. Bushmens

  1. Which of the following describes Homo Habilis correctly?

  1. Upright man
  2. Man with ability
  3. Intelligent man
  4. Modern man

  1. Meroe was an important town developed since pre-colonial time where people come close through ____________

  1. Salt extraction
  2. Agriculture
  3. Iron working
  4. Copper extraction

  1. Which among the following was the first Portuguese fortress in Africa?
  1. Arguin fort in Arguin Island
  2. Fort Jesus in Kenya
  3. Elmina castle in Gold Coast
  4. Blake fort
  1. The Dutch initially settled at the cape after a ship called _________ anchored at Table Bay

  1. Harlem
  2. Herlem
  3. Harlim
  4. Herlim

  1. In which system of colonial, administration did the Europeans claimed that they have come to share their skills, culture and values hoping that in the future Africans will use them to rule themselves

  1. Direct rule
  2. Assimilation
  3. Association
  4. Indirect rule

  1. Legitimate trade was the legal trade to whom according to Afro-centric historians?
  1. Africans
  2. Both Africans and Europeans
  3. Asians
  4. European
  1. Record of early travelers can be found in which source of historical information?

  1. Historical sites
  2. Museums
  3. Written documents
  4. Achieves

  1. The preservation of dead body through mummification was common in?

  1. Karagwe
  2. Meroe
  3. Morocco
  4. Egypt

  1. The Ngoni managed to defeat other societies during their migration because they use the best fighting technique called _______

  1. Assegai
  2. Cow horn
  3. Rugaruga
  4. Well disciplined army

  1. Europeans destructed African local industries through the following except ___
  1. Massive importation of manufactured goods
  2. Chopping hands of African craftsmen
  3. Colonial education
  4. Giving Africans loan to finance their industries
  1. Giving Africans loan to finance their industries who among the following economist criticized the slave trade?
  1. Adam smith
  2. Jean Jacque Rousseau
  3. Granville sharp
  4. Thomas Clarkson
  1. What were the positive effects of the contact between east African societies and people from Asia?
  1. Development of slave trade
  2. Expansion of Swahili language
  3. Exposed Africa to external world
  4. Emergence of trading routes


  1. Match the items LIST A with the most correct responses in LIST B by writing the letter of the responses beside the item number in your answer sheets.



  1. Robert Mugabe
  2. The International Court of Justice
  3. Suni Ali and Askia Mohamed
  4. Emperor Haille selassie
  5. Dingiswayo
  1. Operation feed yourself in Ghana and Harambee in Kenya
  2. Settle disputes among nations on the basis of international law
  3. Had its headquarter in Hague, Switzerland
  4. Ethiopian regent from 1916 to 1930
  5. Became the second president of the so called southern Rhodesia
  6. Declared fake independence in southern Rhodesia
  7. Arrived at Sofala around 1505
  8. Leaders of Songhai empire
  9. Founders of Oyo Empire



Answer all questions from this section

  1. Write short notes on the following historical terms
  1. Mode of production
  2. Hardcraft industries
  3. Iron age
  4. Mfecane war
  5. Neolithic revolution
  6. Colonial social service
  1. Arrange the following historical statements in chronological order by writing number 1-6 beside the item number
  1. European countries started to struggle for colonies in Africa
  2. Then actual imposition of colonial rule in Africa came into existence
  3. Around the 1850’s there was industrial revolution in Europe which brought new industrial demands
  4. East Africa was divided successfully after Britain and German signed two treaties at different time
  5. Before 19th C some European countries had trading contacts with African societies
  6. There happened the division of Africa since the struggle for Africa was stiff
  1. Draw a sketch map of Africa and locate the following areas by using roman numbers
  1. A country where pyramids are found
  2. A city where 1994 Genocide took place
  3. A country where the East African Court of Justice is situated
  4. A country where the so called “xenophobia” take place after the long journey of apartheid.
  5. A country where Sir Richard Turnbull resided before becoming the governor of Tanganyika


Answer any three questions from this section.

  1. “Missionaries activities consciously or unconsciously were precursors of imperialism in Africa”. Justify this statement by using six points.
  2. Refute the fallacy that “Colonialism was a blessing to Africa” as one Euro-centric scholar remarked. Use six points to support your answer
  3. Explain six limitations of using written records as a means or reconstructing History.
  4. Assess six effects of settler Agriculture in Africa.






Time: 3Hours


  • This paper consists Of section A, B and C
  • Answer all questions in section A and B and three (3) questions in section C.
  • Cellular phones are not allowed in the examination room.
  • Write Your name/examination number on every page of your answer booklet/ sheet

SECTION A (20 Marks)

1. For each Of the items (i — xv) choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer sheet provided.

(i) Which one of the following is the best describes of the Stone Age era?

  1. When man used stone widely as ornament
  2. When stones were formed on the earth
  3. When Africa used stones to fight against invaders
  4. When man used stones artistically widely in his daily life
  5. When stone become major commodity in a long distance trade 

(ii) One of the short term cause of the first world war

  1. Spanish civil war
  2. Sarajevo assassination
  3. Generation Francisco Fanco 
  4. The rise of capitalism in Europe 
  5. Abolition of slave trade

(iii) display a collection of items by ranging from cultural objects and technological development of societies

  1. Museum
  2. Archives
  3. Written documents
  4. Oral tradition
  5. Historical sites

(iv) One of the following was demonstrated unity and self-determination among African's in the desire to liberate themselves from foreign rule in the early 20th century

  1. Maumau 
  2. Chimurenga 
  3. Mfecane
  4. Majimaji 
  5. Afro-Boer

(v) An important reason for Ngonis' victory in East Africa was due to the superior

  1. Courage 
  2. Intelligence 
  3. Physical strength
  4. Military tactics 
  5. Poor beliefs

(vi) Which of the following colonial sectors of colonial economy favored European and Asians in Africa during colonial period

  1. Education, health, water, housing and roads
  2. Agriculture, mining, financial institution, transport and commerce
  3. Industry, communications, harbors and books
  4. Agriculture schemes, labour, bureau and trade
  5. Transportation heath, mining electricity and water services

(vii) A primate which led to the emergence of man is called

  1.  Proconsul 
  2. Chimpanzee 
  3. Gorile
  4. Monkey 
  5. Ramapithecus

(viii) IBEACO failed to administer colonies in East Africa on behalf Of the British government due to:

  1. The railway construction into the interior had used most of its fund
  2. If spent most of its fund on crushing slave trade
  3. It sent out experienced administrators when the local people destructed from previous visits
  4. Of the expenses of replanting the Zanzibar cloves destroyed by hurricanes
  5. Of the expenses involved in the civil war of Uganda

(ix) The following was one of the characteristics of colonial education EXCEPT 

  1. It based on rudimentary curriculum
  2. It segregated Africans
  3. If focus on literacy and numeracy
  4. It reflected the interest of the Africans
  5. It was accessed only by few Africans

(x) One reason for Dutch settlement at the cape in 1652 waste:

  1. Created Dutch Empire in South Africa
  2. Defeat Asians and Europeans who monopolized trade in Indian Ocean
  3. Prepare a refreshment station for Dutch Merchant from India
  4. Place South Africa in the world capitalism
  5. Prepare South Africa as home for Dutch Merchants

(xi) History is about;-

  1. Man's activities through various stages of his development
  2. How colonialists came to East Africa 
  3. The action of the head of states and government
  4. Homo sapiens

(xii) Nama and Herero resistance took place between in Against German rule.

  1. South West Africa 
  2. 1891 -1897 
  3. 1884 -1904 
  4. 1904 -1905 
  5. 1800- 1900

(xiii) Among the effects of European penetration into the interior of West Africa was

  1. Introduction and development of copper industry
  2. Development of marine technology 
  3. Decline of trans Saharan trade
  4. Abolition of triangular slave trade
  5. Decline of long distance trade

(xiv) Historical era when the Great economic depression occurred

  1. 1918- 1920 
  2. 1919 
  3. 1829- 1840
  4. 1929 - 1933 
  5. 1967- 1970

(xv) Major historical problem faced by independent African state after independence

  1. Low income to the majority
  2. Experts without white colour jobs
  3. The balance of the ministers from formal colonial master
  4. Size of the Independent African state
  5. Imbalance in power sharing

 2. Match the items in list "A" with the correct response in list "B" by writing the correct letter against the corresponding question number.



(i) German military alliance

(ii) The versatiles peace treaty was signed

(iii) An international organization which had much support on Tanganyika freedom fighting

(iv) Chimurenga war

(v) Apartheid policy was made official oli in South Africa

  1. 1896 - 1897
  2. Triple alliance
  3. ILO
  4. 1948
  5. Triple entente
  6. UNO
  7. 1919 in France
  8. 1587

3. Briefly answer the following questions

(i) Comment on the role played by colonial services consolidating colonialism in Africa.

(ii) Briefly comment on the indirect rule in Africa

(iii) What are the factors for state formation in pre-colonial societies (Outline six points).

(iv) Chimurenga war

(v) Colonial economy in Africa

(vi) Why Ethiopian were not colonized the 19thC

4. (a) Arrange the following statements in chronological order by using number I to 5 beside the item number @ 2 marks.

(i) The coming of Portuguese increased the demand for slaves because many people were enslaved for the big plantations.

(ii) Furthermore, the trade increased in size when in 1770s, French opened up plantations of sugar in Mauritania's and reunion.

(iii) However the indigenous chief huterlaud of East Africa participated fully in the trade because it's their source of political and economic power 

(iv) At the beginning slave trade was small in size because the slaves were taken to work as domestic slaves.

(v) The coming of Sayyid Said to Zanzibar intensified the trade, the clove and coconut plantations in Zanzibar mainly depend on the slave trade

(b) Explain in brief, ways of obtained slaves during the colonial period in African society

5. Draw a sketch Map of Africa and locate the following

(i) A country who was able to attain her freedom in 1957 which marked and acted as a stepping stone for African liberation

(ii) An East African country which obtained her independence through revolution means.

(iii) A place in Africa where the Boer Treck occurred between 1835 - 1840's

(iv) A place where a great historical extract of human life was made in East Africa.

(v) A country nearby Tanganyika North East which experienced armed struggle.

SECTION C (45) Marks

6. Why did European's take measures to abolish slave trade in the 19th century (Give six points)

7. Explain the reason for the failure of the former East African community (Give six points)

8. The Independence of Tanganyika in 1961 was an inevitable development given the nature of the colonial state and the global situation the existed after 1945. How far is this true? Substantiate by giving eight points.

9. Examine the strengths and weakness of education in Africa after Independence. Give eight points four each part.

10. Why has the dream of a United Africa not- bee achieved (Give eight points)








Time: 3Hours


  1.          This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of questions
  2.          Answer all questions in section A and B and three questions from section C.
  3.          Section A carries 20 marks, section B 35 marks and section C 45  Marks
  4.          Programmable calculators, cellular phones and any other unauthorized materials are not allowed in examination room.
  5.          Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.

 SECTION A (15 Marks)

 Answer All questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i)-(x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

  1.   African countries have tried to bring about real independence through
  1.   setting up new factories and political instabilities in Africa
  2.   improving communication system and military coups
  3.    expanding education and agricultural practices
  4.   establishing heavy industries and free market economy
  5.   expanding agricultural production and administering Trust Territories.
  1.             Who convened the conference which legalized the colonization of Africa?
  1.               David Livingstone.
  2.                Carl Peters.
  3.                Otto Von Bismarck.
  4.               Charles Darwin.
  5.                Adolf Hitler.
  1.                          The increase of the European merchants in the interior of Africa after the abolition of slave trade aimed at
  1.               intensifying slavery and slave trade
  2.                establishing heavy industries
  3.                searching for the sea route to India
  4.               establishing legitimate trade
  5.                assisting the Africans economically.
  1.           Cultural practices through which historical information can be obtained include
  1.               archaeology, museum and archives
  2.                museums, archives and religion 
  3.                archaeology, funerals and riddles
  4.               superstitions, religion and riddles
  5.                oral tradition, museums and archives.
  1.             Which among the following include the three organs of the United Nations Organization?
  1.               The General Assembly, Secretariat and the World Bank.
  2.                The Secretariat, Security Council and General Assembly.
  3.                The World Bank, League of Nations and Security Council.
  4.               The International Court of Justice, World Bank and Secretariat.
  5.                The Security Council, UNESCO and International Court of Justice.
  1.           One of the features of monopoly capitalism is
  1.               merging bank capital and trade
  2.                formation of big African monopolies
  3.                expansion of industrial production in the capitalist countries
  4.               growth of small scale production in Europe
  5.                emergence of slave trade and slavery in Africa.
  1.         Why the knowledge of iron-working was kept secret in some societies during pre-colonial period?
  1.               They wanted to develop division of labour.
  2.                Iron had the immediate use value to some societies.
  3.                They wanted to maintain monopoly of the blacksmiths.
  4.               They had plans of using it in making ornaments.
  5.                It enabled men to play a middleman's role in salt and gold.
  1.                      The coastal city states which grew from the trade contacts between East Africa and Asia were
  1.               Mwanza, Tanga and Dar es Salaam
  2.                Malindi, Kilwa and Mombasa
  3.                Nairobi, Kampala and Dar es Salaam
  4.               Lamu, Bagamoyo and Mbeya
  5.                Mombasa, Zanzibar and Kigoma.
  1.           The core ideas of the French Revolution were;
  1.               slave trade, colonialism and neo-colonialism
  2.                markets, raw materials and cheap labour
  3.                communalism, slavery and feudalism
  4.               fraternity, liberty and equality
  5.                scramble, partition and bogus treaties.


  1.             One of the factors for the fall of Songhai empire was;
  1.               invasion from the Moroccans
  2.                attacks from the Tuaregs
  3.                attacks from the almoravids
  4.               establishment of colonialism
  5.                Introduction of legitimate trade.


2. Match the items in LIST A with the correct responses in LIST B by writing the letter of the response beside the item number.



  1.               An organization comprising of less developed countries in the world
  2.             A regional grouping of countries from west
  3.           An organization whose formation was facilitated by Pan-Africanism
  4.           An organization which replaced the former organization of Africa Unity
  5.             A famous nationalist political organization in Mozambique
  1.               ECOWAS
  2.                SADC
  3.                COMESA
  4.               NAM
  5.                OAU
  6.                ECOWAS
  7.                AU
  8.               UNITA
  9.                  FRELIMO


3. Briefly explain the following;

  1. Explain how assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife triggered WWWII.
  2. USA prospered more than other Countries in 1930s
  3. How did high protection tariffs by the USA on imported goods from Europe cause great depression?
  4. How did decolonization lead to nationalism?
  5. Why did Idd Amin's seizure of power in Uganda lead to the collapse of the former East African Community?
  6. Differentiate between nomadic pastoralism and sedentary pastoralism.

4. Arrange the following in  chronological order by writing number 1 to 5 beside the item number;

  1.               Portuguese were expelled from Fort Jesus
  2.             Vasco Da Gama reaches East Africa
  3.           Bartholomew Diaz reaches the cape of Good Hope
  4.           Tanganyika becomes a mandate colony under british
  5.             British become the first nation to undergo industrialization


5. Draw the map of Africa to show colonial possession in 1914 and use letters A, B, C , D and E to locate;

  1.               A country which resisted colonial rule successfully in 1896
  2.             German East Africa
  3.           A Portuguese colony of Angola
  4.           A British colony which regained her independence in 1957
  5.             The biggest Belgium colony in Africa.



SECTION C (45 Marks) 

Answer three (3) questions from this section.

6. Describe the pattern of the colonial economy established by British West Africa

7. Give reasons why the European and America trading companies were interested in East Africa during the 19th century?

8. Discuss the causes and effects of the Maji Maji resistance in Tanganyika

9. Give reason as to why the Ndebele and Shona took up arms against the British in 1896-97.








Time: 3Hours


  1.                         This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of questions
  2.                         Answer all questions in section A and B and three questions from section C.
  3.                         Section A carries 20 marks, section B 35 marks and section C 45  Marks
  4.                         Programmable calculators, cellular phones and any other unauthorized materials are not allowed in examination room.
  5.                         Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.

 SECTION A (15 Marks)

 Answer All questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i)-(x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

(i) Why is Charles Darwin famous in history?

  1.              He discovered pebbles and chopping tools.
  2.              He discovered the fossil of mans ancestors.
  3.              He introduced the theory of creation.
  4.              He discovered the remains of old people. 
  5.              He introduced the theory of evolution.

 (ii) What was the most common method of farming in pre-colonial Africa?

  1.             Mixed farming 
  2.             Plantation agriculture 
  3.             Shifting cultivation
  4.             Slash and burn cultivation
  5.              Permanent crop cultivation

 (iii) As a historian, which one would you consider as Prince Henrys main aims in organizing the Portuguese voyages to West and East African coasts?

  1.                Acquiring raw materials, markets and cheap labour
  2.                  Acquiring colonies, raw materials and markets
  3.                  Spreading Christianity, adventure, and trade
  4.                 Establishing processing industries, markets and raw materials
  5.                  Abolishing slave trade, slavery and introduction of legitimate trade

iv)  Which one among the following places did people paint and draw in the caves?

  1.             Sofala
  2.              Karagwe
  3.             Kondoa Irangi
  4.             Tabora
  5.              Bagamoyo 

 (v) Trading contacts between East Africa and Asia in the 16th  centuries were disturbed by 

  1.             Berlin conference resolutions.
  2.             activities of agents of colonialism.
  3.             expulsion of the Portuguese.
  4.             effects of the First World War.
  5.              Portuguese invasion. 

(vi) Who was the greatest ruler of Mali.

  1.             Askia Mohamed
  2.             Mansa Kankan Musa
  3.             Osei Tutu  
  4.             Uthman dan Fodio
  5.              Suni Ali

 (vii) The making of goods and services available for human needs is known as

  1.             consumption. 
  2.              production.
  3.             consolidation. 
  4.             interaction.
  5.               transition.

(viii)The primitive communal societies were characterized by the following features except

  1.             hunting and gathering
  2.             low production 
  3.             exploitation of man by man 
  4.             low level of technology 
  5.              dependence on nature.

 (ix)The primitive communal societies were characterized by the following features except

  1.             hunting and gathering
  2.             low production 
  3.             exploitation of man by man 
  4.             low level of technology 
  5.              dependence on nature.

 (x)Who convened the conference which legalized the colonization of Africa?

  1.             David Livingstone.
  2.             Carl Peters.
  3.             Otto Von Bismarck.
  4.             Charles Darwin.
  5.              Adolf Hitler.

(xi) What was the major cause of the Great Depression?

  1.              Second World War. 
  2.              First World War. 
  3.              Berlin Conference 
  4.              Boer Trek. 
  5.               Anglo-Boer war.

 (xii) The first European nation to industrialize was

  1.              Germany 
  2.              Britain 
  3.              France 
  4.              Belgium 
  5.               Holland.

 (xiii) The theory of evolution was proposed by

  1.              Louis Leakey 
  2.              Carl Peters 
  3.              Charles Darwin 
  4.              Henry Stanley 
  5.               Donald Cameron.

(xiv) The family from which man evolved is known as

  1.              Zinjanthropus
  2.              Homo Habilis
  3.              Primates
  4.              Homo Sapiens
  5.               Homo Erectus.

(xv) What was the achievement of man during the late Stone Age?

  1.              Discovered fire and ate cooked food.
  2.              Started walking upright using fore­limbs.
  3.              Made and used pebble and chopping tools.
  4.              Started walking on all four limbs
  5.               Established settled communities.

2. Match the descriptions in List A with the corresponding names of the revolutions in List B by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.



(i) he first Portuguese merchant-explorer to round the Cape of Good Hope in 1498.

(ii) Famous British explorer in West Africa.

(iii) The feudal relation which developed between the Tutsi and Hutu.

(iv) The new economic strategy for Tanzania in 1967.

(v) Resolved the conflict on the use of Congo
and Niger rivers.

  1.             Ubugabire
  2.              Colonialism
  3.              Namibia
  4.              Anglo- Germany treaty of 1890
  5.               Mungo Park
  6.                South Africa
  7.              William Mackinnon
  8.              Communalism
  9.                  Neo-colonialism
  10.                 Nyarubanja
  11.              General China
  12.               Zimbabwe
  13.            Assimilation policy
  14.              Arusha Declaration
  15.              Capitalist conference of 1884-1885
  16.                Feudalism
  17.              Indirect rule system
  18.              Cecil Rhodes
  19.                Vasco Da Gama
  20.               Slavery

SECTION B (35 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

3.     Briefly answer the following questions:

(i)    Differentiate between the tools made and used during the Old Stone Age and the Late Stone Age.

(ii)  How did missionaries help in colonization

(iii)  Why did the settlers prefer to settle in the highlands of East Africa?

(iv)  What was the reason behind collaborations among African leaders?

(v)  How did Asian goods reach Europe before the sea route was discovered by the Portuguese in the 15th century?

(vi)  What were the reasons for the collapse of Triangular trade?

4. Arrange the following statements in chronological order by writing number 1 to 5 beside the item number.

  1.                      The majimaji war was unique in the way it united a number of different tribes in common rebellion.
  2.                      The German authorities were surprised when their headquarters and officials were attacked.
  3.                      The last and most serious revolt against German rule broke out in July 1905.
  4.                      The immediate cause of discontent was the governments cotton scheme.
  5.                      A prophet named Kinjekitile of Ngarambe declared that magic water will turn bullets into water.

5. Draw a sketch map of Africa and locate the following: (i) the former German colony of Togo (ii) German Cameroon Protectorate (iii) German East Africa (iv) A coast city of Witu (v) South West Africa.

SECTION C (45 Marks)

Answer three (3) questions from this section.

6.Explain why the Allied Powers were able to defeat the Central Powers during the First World War.

7.Explain five reasons why the Africans were defeated during the Maji Maji rebellion

8. Explain six effects of the Second World War.

9. “Colonial health system was discriminative.” Substantiate this statement by giving six points.






Time 3:00 Hours                                                                           MAY 2020 


  1. This paper consists of sections A, and C.
  2. Answer all questions in sections A and and three (3) questions from section C.
  3. Cellular phones are not allowed in the examination room.
  4. All drawings should be in pencil.
  5. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s).

                         SECTION A (20 Marks) 
Answer all questions in this section.

(i) One of the advantages of the study of history is:

  1. to understand why man is a living creature.
  2. to understand the changes in relations between man and environment. 
  3. to understand the beginning and the end of the world.
  4. to learn to be tolerant to environmental issues.
  5. to understand how the environment struggles against man.

(ii) During the 1840s the East African coastal trade was dominated by:

  1. Mazrui Arabs
  2. OmanArabs 
  3. British traders
  4. German traders
  5. Indian traders.

(iii) From 1948, the coordination of all matters of common interest to Tanganyika, Kenya and Uganda were placed under the:

  1. East Africa Governors Conference.
  2. East Africa Coordination Committee. 
  3. East Africa Common Services.
  4. East Africa High Commission.
  5. East Africa Common Market.

(iv) The action that man takes against nature aims at

  1. studying the changes in the process of material production
  2. explaining man's struggle against nature
  3. showing the relationships between man and man in production
  4. developing understanding on man and his environment
  5. changing natural objects into a condition of satisfying human needs.

(v) Which of the following are included in the archives? 

  1. Division of time into days, weeks and years.
  2. Family trees, time lines and time charts.
  3. Colonial records and early travellers' records.
  4. Cultural items from the earliest times to the present.
  5. Items which show man's physical development.

(vi) Who among the following was the first systematic tool maker and had a bigger brain than that of Zinjanthropus?

  1. Homo Habilis.
  2. Homo  Sapiens. 
  3. Homo Eractus.
  4. Modern Man.
  5. Modern Apes.

(vii)  Which of the following best explains the Old Stone Age? 

  1. Man made industrial machines.
  2. Man established social institutions.
  3. Man ate cooked food.
  4. Man made tools like hand axes.
  5. Man domesticated crops and animals.

(viii) The increase of the European merchants in the interior of Africa after the abolition of slave trade aimed at

  1. intensifying slavery and  slave trade 
  2. establishing heavy industries
  3. searching for the sea route to India 
  4. establishing legitimate trade
  5. assisting the Africans economically.

(ix) Industrial development in Africa was not prioritized by the capitalists during the colonial time because

  1. the colonialists were interested in obtaining  raw materials
  2. the colonialists stressed on the provision of  social services 
  3. the climate did not favour industrial development
  4. Africa had no enough raw materials
  5. Africa had no infrastructure to support the industries.

(x)  Which of the following are included in the museums?

  1. Cultural, social and economic items from the earliest  time to the present. 
  2. Remains which show man’s past made and used tools.
  3. Cultural practices such as art, music  religion and riddles. 
  4. Colonial records and early traveller’s  records.
  5. Special names of generations, clan trees and tribal chronology.

(xi)  The coastal city states which grew from the trade contacts between East Africa and Asia were 

  1. Mwanza, Tanga and Dar es Salaam
  2. Malindi, Kilwa and Mombasa
  3. Nairobi, Kampala and Dar es Salaam 
  4. Lamu, Bagamoyo and Mbeya
  5. Mombasa, Zanzibar and Kigoma.

(xii) Industrial development in Africa was not prioritized by the capitalists during the colonial time because

  1. The colonialists were interested in obtaining raw materials 
  2. The colonialists stressed on the provision of social services 
  3. The climate did not favour industrial development
  4. Africa had no enough raw materials
  5. Africa had no infrastructure to support the industries.

(xiii)    Three pre-colonial modes of production which existed in Africa were 

  1. Socialism, capitalism and communism
  2. Socialism, capitalism and communalism 
  3. Slavery, feudalism and communalism
  4. Slavery, feudalism and communism 
  5. Socialism, capitalism and humanism.

(xiv)    The core ideas of the French Revolution were

  1. slave trade, colonialism and neo-colonialism
  2. markets, raw materials and cheap labour
  3. communalism, slavery and feudalism 
  4. fraternity, liberty and equality
  5. scramble, partition and bogus treaties.

(xv) In areas such as Kondoa-Irangi, paintings and drawings in caves give evidence of the activities of;

  1. iron smelters
  2. settled communities
  3. Colonial legacy
  4. education for adaptation
  5. slave trade and slavery.

2. Match the stems in List A with the correct responses in List B by writing the letter of the response

beside the item number.



( I )The first Portuguese merchant-explorer to round the Cape of Good Hope in 1498.

(ii)Famous British explorer in West Africa.

(iii)The feudal relation which developed between the Tutsi and Hutu.

(iv)The new economic strategy for Tanzania in 1967.

(v)Resolved the conflict on the use of Congo and Niger rivers.


  1. Ubugabire
  2. Colonialism
  3. Namibia
  4. Anglo- Germany treaty of 1890
  5. Mungo Park
  6. South Africa
  7. William Mackinnon
  8. Communalism
  9. Neo-colonialism
  10. Nyarubanja
  11. General China
  12. Zimbabwe
  13. Assimilation policy
  14. Arusha Declaration
  15. Capitalist conference of 1884-1885
  16. Feudalism
  17. Indirect rule system
  18. Cecil Rhodes
  19. Vasco Da Gama
  20. Slavery


 3. Arrange the following statements in chronological order by writing number 1 to 5 beside the item number.

(i) African nationalist politics in South Africa started with the formation of the South Africa Native National Congress (SANNC) in 1912.

(ii) African National Congress (ANC) led by Nelson Mandela established its armed wing known as "Umkhonto we Sizwe" (Spear of the Nation) which immediately embarked upon military operations within South Africa.

(iii) In 1949 the Youth League launched its "Programme of Action" which aimed at attainment of freedom from white domination.

(iv) The imposition of capitalist relations of production in South Africa, unlike other parts of the continent, is underlined by racism. This made nationalist struggles in South Africa to be more complicated and long.

(v) In 1964, Nelson Mandela was arrested and sent to jail. Later in 1990 he was released and the majority rule was obtained in 1994.

4: (a) Draw a sketch map of Africa and locate the following;

(i) A country in West Africa which attained independence under the leadership of Nnandi Azikiwe.

(ii) A country which became peaceful after the death of Jonas Savimbi in 2002.

(iii)  A country whose nationalist leader became her president after being imprisoned for 27 years.

(iv) German East Africa.

(v) A country in which the Headquarters of the African Union is situated.

(b) Outline five problems which faced Tanganyika African National Union during the struggle for independence.

5. Explain the meaning of the following briefly

a)     Indirect rule in Nigeria

b)    Assimilation policy

c)     Partition of Africa

d)    Slave trade

e)     Mfecane war.


Answer only three questions

5. Access six contributions made by discovery of fire to the development of human being.

6. Critically examine six effects of the legitimate trade in West Africa.

7. Elaborate six causes of political instability in Africa.

8. With examples, explain six reasons for African resistances to colonial rule.

9. Analyse six tactics used by the colonialists to establish colonial economy in Africa



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