CODE 011

TIME: 2:30 HOURS          



  • This paper consists of section A, B and C with the total number of ten(10) questions
  • Answer all questions in each section
  • Section A carries (15) marks, section B (70) marks and section C carries (15) marks
  • All writing must be in blue/black ink except drawing which must be in pencil
  • Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the assessment room.


SECTION A (15 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

1. For each of the items (i) – (x) choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer sheet provided

  1. Tanzania is a large group of people living in a defined geographical area sharing a common history, culture, and language under a government. This is the definition of a:

A. Continent

B. Nation 

C. City

D. Village

  1. Which of the following is NOT a life skill that can help you succeed in school and life?

A. Critical thinking

B. Effective communication

C. Following instructions

D. Always blaming others for your mistakes 

  1. Civics is the study of:

A. Mathematics

B. Science

C. Rights and responsibilities of citizens 

D. Literature

  1. Every human being is entitled to basic rights, such as the right to life and education. These are called:

A. Government regulations

B. Human rights 

C. School rules

D. Parental expectations

  1. A person who is born in Tanzania to a Tanzanian parent is a citizen of Tanzania by:

A. Registration

B. Naturalization

C. Birth 

D. Marriage

  1. Family life education helps you understand:

A. The latest fashion trends

B. Healthy relationships and communication within the family 

C. How to win arguments

D. The best career choices

  1. Respecting your classmates and teachers is an example of:

A. Good hygiene

B. Responsible citizenship 

C. Time management skills

D. Financial literacy

  1. Obeying traffic rules helps to keep you and others safe. This is an example of:

A. Following the law 

B. Expressing your emotions freely

C. Prioritizing your needs

D. Being assertive

  1. Participating in school cleaning days is an example of:

A. Being independent

B. Taking responsibility for your community 

C. Always asking for help

D. Disrespecting authority

  1. When you vote in an election (when you are old enough), you are exercising your right to:

A. Choose your friends

B. Participate in government 

C. Travel freely anywhere

D. Get a good job


2. Match the national symbol in Column A with its meaning in Column B.

Column A

Column B

  1. Coat of Arms
  2. National flag
  3. Uhuru torch
  4. The giraffe
  5. The constitution.
  1. Signifies wildlife and pride of Tanzania.
  2. A symbol of unity, with colors representing peace, progress, and prosperity
  3. Represents the fight for freedom and independence
  4. Depicts the natural resources, unity, and defense of the nation.
  5.  A document that lays out how a country should be governed
  6. . A symbol of good luck, peace, and unity.
  7. Shows natural resources, people, values and its commitment to freedom, unity and progress





Answer all questions

3. Write short notes on:

a)      Critical thinking

b)     Creativity

c)      Problem solving

d)     Personal life skills

e)      Social skills.


4. (a) Mention main sources of skills

  (b)  Briefly explain five examples of social skills

5. (a) Mention and explain three types of life skills.

   (b)  Discuss the importance of life skills.


6. Write short notes on the following

a)      Freedom expression

b)     Right to life

c)      Right to work

d)     Basic human right.


7. (a) Describe ways in which human right can be promoted?

    (b) Mention ways of protecting human rights


8. How are human right abused by?

a)      Parents

b)     Society

c)      Government


9. (a)Give two conditions that are necessary for a stable marriage.

b) Which are the three common types of families?

10. (a) Explain the importance of a family.

       b)List down there factors that are necessary for family stability.












Time: 2:30 Hours


  1.                This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions
  2.                Answer all questions.
  3.                Section A and Carry fifteen (15) marks each and section B carries seventy (70)marks
  4.                All answers must be in blue or black ink
  5.                All writings must be in blue or black ink.
  6.                All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the assessment room.


  1.                For each of the items (i) – (x) Choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write the letter in table below
  1. Which is not a component of a Nation?
  1.               Country
  2.                People
  3.                State
  4.               Language.
  1. Freedom of a country to govern itself is called?
  1.               Independence
  2.                Freedom
  3.                Sovereignty
  4.               Governance
  1. One significance of constitution is that:
  1.               Symbolize authority of president
  2.                Show the unit of our people
  3.                Gives people freedom to enjoy their rights
  4.               It is a subsidiary law.
  1. Which is not a life skill?
  1.               Solving problem
  2.                Building some relationship
  3.                Being responsible
  4.               Passing examination
  1. Ability to express ones opinions, desires, strongly with confidence is?
  1.               Self – awareness
  2.                Social skill
  3.                Assertiveness
  4.               Copies with emotion.
  1. Ability of a person to develop new thing is termed as
  1.               Decision making
  2.                Innovation
  3.                Creating
  4.               Critical thinking
  1. Basic things that all beings are entitled to and to which nobody should interfere with are called?
  1.               Civil rights
  2.                Political rights
  3.                Human rights
  4.               Bill of rights.
  1. Which of the following is not a civil and political right?
  1.               Right to life
  2.                Equality before the law
  3.                Freedom of assembly
  4.               Freedom of expression.
  1. Which of those is not a way government abuse human right?
  1.               Passing oppressive laws
  2.                Discriminating people on basis of religion or ethnic group.
  3.                Inducing bill of right in constitution
  4.               Not maintaining rule of law.
  1. A group of people related to one another by blood, marriage or adoption is
  1.               Family
  2.                Relatives
  3.                Mom and dad
  4.               Siblings and parents


  1.                Match the following items:

List A

List B

(i)                Gift give in consideration for marriage

(ii)              Father, mother and children

(iii)            Habits passed from one generation to another

(iv)            Things though to be true in a certain community

(v)              Marriage before 18 years of age

  1.        Family
  2.         Courtship
  3.         Nuclear family
  4.        Extended family
  5.         Dowry
  6.          Customs
  7.           Beliefs
  8.          Habits
  9.             Earlier marriage
  10.            Adoptive family



Answer all questions from this section


  1.                What would be your opinion on the consequences of family members failure to fulfil their responsibilities. Give five opinions what will happen.
  2.                With examples, assess how the government of Tanzania promote and protect human rights. 
  3.                Kobelo cannot speak in front of the class, every time he attempt to speak, he trembles with fears and shyness.
  1.                 Is Kobelo’s self esteem high or low? (Give one reason)
  2.                how can Kobelo improve his ability to speak in front of others?


  1.                Tanzania being our nation is represented by various useful symbols. Choose only five symbols which represent our nation and explain them.
  2.                 (a) Pressure group is a group of people that is actively tries to influence public opinion and government actions. Pressure group can be local, national or international. Give four pressure groups that are found in Tanzania.

(b) Give four (04) roles of pressure groups.

(c) Give four (04) signs that prove that Tanzania is sovereign.

8. Solving problems is usually done in stages, one step at a time. These steps make up the problem solving process. One of the steps is gathering information which is done through different tools or instruments. What are these tools? Use five points

9. Explain six (06) ways in which HIV/AIDS can be prevented in our society



SECTION C (15 Marks)

Answer question ten (10)

10. Constitution is the system of laws and basic principles that a country or an organization is governed by. All laws of the country must conform to constitution. Referring the country like Tanzania, give eight (08) importance of constitution and seven (07) ways of protecting constitution.











 Time: 2:30Hours


  1.             This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of 10 questions
  2.             Answer all questions in section A and B and TWO questions from section C.
  3.             Section A carries 40 marks, while section B and C carries 30 marks each.
  4.             All answers should be written in the spaces provided.
  5.             All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized material are not allowed in examination room.
  6.             Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.

 SECTION A (35 Marks)

 Answer All questions in this section.

  1. For each of the items (i)-(x), choose the correct answer from the alternatives given.

(i) Which of the following correctly define the concept of human rights?

  1.    Treatments and privileges for being a citizen of a given country.
  2.     Treatments and privileges for being a human being.
  3.     Treatments and privileges for being a member of a political party.
  4.    Treatments and privileges for being a citizen by birth in a given country.

(ii)       Which activities among the following are mental related works?

  1.    Banking and Teaching           
  2.     Fishing and Farming        
  3.     Mining and Carpentry                         
  4.    Communicating and Mining

(iii) A type of marriage whereby a couple become a husband and wife before the district commissioner is called

  1.    District marriage. 
  2.     Early marriage.
  3.      Judicial marriage. 
  4.    Traditional marriage.

(iv)  One of the following is not among the steps in the problem solving process:

  1.    Initiating mediation.      
  2.     Information gathering. 
  3.     Defining the problem.    
  4.    Writing a report.

(v)   Why are traffic signs and symbols important?

  1.    They provide information to drivers.
  2.     They provide good visual appeal to road users.
  3.     They provide instructions to road users. 
  4.    They provide warning to pedestrians.

(vi)    The process of developing romantic relationship between a man and women before marriage is referred to as

  1.    Courtship. 
  2.     Monogamy.
  3.     Infidelity. 
  4.    Honeymoon.

(vii) Why is family stability important?

  1. It enables family members to receive loans from neighbors.
  2. It enables family members to participate in development activities.
  3. It enables children to be familiar with close family relatives
  4. It encourages relatives to live together in one household.

(viii) Which colors are in the National Flag of Tanzania?

  1. Black, yellow, grey and blue
  2. Blue, grey, green and black
  3. Black, yellow, blue and green
  4. Gold, blue, yellow and black

(ix) The following are sources of life skills in the society except

  1. parents.
  2. religion,
  3. constitution.
  4. school.

(x) What does the shield and spear inscribed in the Tanzania's Coat of arms represent?

  1. National defense
  2. National culture
  3. Wildlife
  4. Mineral wealth

(xi) Which one isnota civic responsibility of citizens in Tanzania?

  1. Participation in work.
  2. Attending a party meeting.
  3. Obeying the laws.
  4. Helping the needy.

(xii) Which statement explains the importance of limiting the exercise of some human rights and freedoms?

  1. It helps to demand the limited rights and freedoms by force.
  2. It stores some of the rights and freedoms for future use.
  3. It controls powerful individuals from denying other people's rights.
  4. It promote the denial of human rights and freedoms.

(xiii) Which of the following is not among the individual life skill?

  1.    Assertiveness
  2.     Self - awareness
  3.     Negotiation
  4.    Coping with stress

(xiv) The ability to make the best choice out of many available options is referred to as

  1.    Problem solving
  2.     Decision making
  3.     Critical thinking
  4.    Proper behaviour

(xv) What does the blue colour in the Tanzania national flag represent?

  1. People
  2. Mineral deposits
  3. National freedom
  4. Water bodies

(xvi) A public holiday marked every year on the 7th April in Tanzania is known as

  1. Karume Day
  2. Nyereye Day
  3. Farmers Day
  4. Union Day.

(xvii) The event in which the national flag is hoisted at half-mast is

  1. the independence day
  2. the national misfortunes
  3. the heroes day
  4. the religious holidays

(xviii) A green colour in the national flag if Tanzania represents

  1.  Africans
  2.  Natural wealth
  3.  Vegetation
  4.  Soil.

(xix) Which one of the following is an aspect of social skills?

  1. Arrogance
  2. Interview
  3. Aggressiveness
  4. Peer resistance

(xx)Which among the following set is a correct characterization of a nation?

  1.  History, Culture, People and Uhuru torch
  2.  Sovereignty, Uhuru torch, People and government
  3.  People, History, Sovereignty and Government
  4.  Education, Uhuru torch, History and People.

2. Match the descriptions on life skills in List A with corresponding life skills concept in List B by writing the letter of the correct response below the corresponding item number in the table provided.



  1.            The ability to come up with new things or new ways of doing things different from old ones.
  2. The ability to feel other peoples' experiences and be concerned with their problems.
  3. The ability to stand up for ones values, needs and benefits in the face of conflicting ideas and practices.
  4. Strong feelings such as fear, love, anger, shyness, disgust, desire to be loved or being accepted.
  5. The ability of a person to know what one wants and the reasons for his choice.
  1.    Life skills
  2.     Creative thinking
  3.     Critical thinking
  4.    Empathy
  5.     Emotions
  6.      Assertiveness
  7.    Peer pressure
  8.    Negotiation skills

3.      For each of the following statements write True if the statement is correct or False if the statement is not correct.

  1. Both decision making and problem solving requires someone to make a choice and act on it.
  1. In Tanzania, Sabasaba day is celebrated as a day for farmers on 7th July each year.
  2. A person with low self esteem is usually able to control negative altitudes . . . . . . . . . . 
  3. Lack of moral values may results into school dropout among the youths  . . . . . . . . . . 
  4. Peer resistance is the ability of an individual to sympathize with other people’s problems.  . . . . . . . . . . 
  5.   Creative thinking is the ability to make a choice out of many options……………
  6.  Street children are people above 18 years old…………
  7.  Positive peer pressure can lead to good performance in school    
  8. Sovereignty is a component of a nation
  9.  Corruption is one of the human rights abuses


Answer allquestions in this section.

4. Read the following passage carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

A good way in which people can participate in decision making is through civil associations such as farmers associations and the associations of the youths and academics. Participation in such groups is important for a number of reasons; the first reason is to protect the group interests, and the second is that these associations are educative; they make the participants more enlightened. Therefore, participation through such associations and groups removes individual isolation and strengthens the people’s position in fighting for their own interests and those of the community.

Lack of people’s participation in free associations has one big danger. The danger is that, it is not possible for an individual to pressurize the government into meeting people’s needs. The failure of individual efforts leads to the individual’s despair and frustration.


(a) What is the title of this passage?

(b) In what way can people participate in decision making?

(c) According to the passage, why is it important for the people to have civil associations? (Give two points).

(d) What does the writer mean by saying that associations are educative?
(e) What is the disadvantage of not participating in free associations?

5. Define the following concepts and for each give two points on its importance.

(a) Effective communication

(b) a country

(c) a nation

(d) National symbol

(e) National currency

(f) Constitution

(g) Presidential standard

(h) National festival

(i) National flag

(j)  Uhuru torch

SECTION C (15Marks)

Answer one (1) question from this section.

6. Explain the importance of life skills to young people by giving six points.

7.       Describe six ways that can be used to control the abuse of human rights in Tanzania.








Time: 2:30Hours


  1.            This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of 7 questions
  2.            Answer all questions in section A and B and ONE question from section C.
  3.            Section A carries 35 marks, section B 50 marks and section C 15  Marks
  4.            All answers should be written in the spaces provided.
  5.            All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized material are not allowed in examination room.
  6.            Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.

 SECTION A (35 Marks)

 Answer All questions in this section.

  1. For each of the items (i)-(x), choose the correct answer from the alternatives given.

(i). During Maulid day, Muslims celebrate;

  1. End of fasting
  2. Death of prophet Muhamad
  3. Birth of Prophet Muhammad
  4. End of Pilgrimage to Mecca.

(ii). Sheik Abeid Karume was assassinated on:

  1. 14th October, 1999
  2. 26th April, 1964
  3. 7th April, 1972
  4. 12th January, 1964

(iii). Which is not a component of a Nation?

  1. Country
  2. People
  3. State
  4. Language.

(iv) Which of these is not an individual skill?

  1. Critical thinking
  2. Coping with stress
  3. Assertiveness
  4. Self awareness.

(v) Ability to express ones opinions, desires, strongly with confidence is?

  1. Self – awareness
  2. Social skill
  3. Assertiveness
  4. Copies with emotion.

(vi) Which is not aspect of social skill?

  1. Peer resistance
  2. Negotiation
  3. Self improvement
  4. Empathy

(vii) Which of the following is not a basic need?

  1. Foods
  2. Education
  3. Shelter
  4. Clothing

(viii) Freedom of expression can be limited when;

  1. The person expresses religious views
  2. When views are outside parliament
  3. If a person uses abusive language
  4. If one have bad intentions.

(ix) Parents can abuse children right by/

  1. Giving right education
  2. Not punishing them
  3. Choosing children’s marriage partner
  4. Giving severe punishment to children.

(x) Which of those is not a way government abuse human right?

  1. Passing oppressive laws
  2. Discriminating people on basis of religion or ethnic group.
  3. Inducing bill of right in constitution
  4. Not maintaining rule of law.

(xi) A person who loves his/her country is said to be

  1. Activist
  2. Citizens
  3. Partisan
  4. Patriotic

(xii) A person can become a citizen by the following except

  1. Birth
  2. Nationalization
  3. Naturalization
  4. Registration

(xiii) Which is not a requirement to apply for citizenship?

  1. Must be a rich person
  2. Must live in a country for five years
  3. He/she must be 21 year old above
  4. Must renounce his/her former citizenship

(xiv) A foreign woman can become a citizen by?

  1. Naturalization
  2. By marriage
  3. By registration
  4. By adoption.

(xv) Which is not a responsibility of a citizen?

  1. Communal responsibility
  2. Economic responsibility
  3. Social responsibility
  4. Political responsibilities.

(vi) Which is not a feature of a good citizen?

  1. Behaves in respectful manner
  2. Support family
  3. Accept responsibility of his/her actions
  4. Depends on others

(vii) Which is not a social responsibility of citizen?

  1. Do lawful productive work
  2. Protect his/her country
  3. Respect laws of right of fellow citizens
  4. Promote farness, equality or social justice

(viii). Red band on coat of arms represents

  1. Developed country
  2. Freedom and enlistment
  3. Defense for the country
  4. Fertile soil of our country

(xix). Golden yellow colour on National flag represents

  1. Vegetation
  2. Wealth
  3. Colour of people
  4. Water bodies.

(xx). One significance of constitution is that:

  1. Symbolize authority of president
  2. Show the unit of our people
  3. Gives people freedom to enjoy their rights
  4. It is a subsidiary law.

2. Match the explanation on national holidays in LIST B with their respective dates on LIST A and write correct responses in spaces provided.



  1. Assertiveness
  2. Citizenship by decent
  3.                     A problem caused by earlier marriage
  4.                      Extended family
  5. Family stability
  1. Family break down
  2. Is ability of a person to know what he/she want and why
  3. Children born in Tanzania country and one of his or her parent is a citizen of Tanzania
  4. Consists of father, mother and children grand  parents and uncle.
  5. Peace, love, respect and good behavior are maintained.
  6. Abortion

3. For each of the following statements, write True if the statement is correct and false is the statement is incorrect.

  1. Self awareness is ability of a person to know he or she wants………………………………….
  2. While a person is enjoying his or her rights is allowed to interfere the rights of others……
  3.                     Lifeskills enables a person to know what he or she should do and what she should not do in a particular situation.
  4.                      Roads are hard surfaces build for vehicles to pass.
  5. Human rights are the basic things that all human beings are entitled to and which nobody shall interfere with…
  6.                      The Zanzibar revolution took place on 12th january 1963
  7.                   The united republic of Tanzania was formed  as the result of union between Tanzania and Pemba
  8.                HIV/AIDS is caused by ant-retroviral drugs
  9.                      Family religion and society are some of sources of life skills
  10. Marriage is a union of a man and woman as husband and wife



Education is necessary to improve quality of labour force. Through education, knowledge and skills are obtained to enable one produce more and better quality products. In agriculture for example, one can produce more and better crops by using the knowledge and skills obtained in agricultural lessons in schools or colleges. The knowledge and skills include proper use of fertilizers, irrigation methods, pest control and conditions necessary for the growth of crops and weeding.

Education also offers skills related to employment and income opportunities. Technical or vocational training is provided so as to offer such knowledge and skills. People with such knowledge and skills can start their own business and gain income.

  1. Suggest a suitable title for this passage......................  
  2. Identify knowledge and skills that can enable one to produce more and better crops according to the passage ..................................................................................... 
  3. What is the aim of education?  
  4. What are the other skills pointed out apart from agricultural skills?
  5. What is the aim of vocational training? ......................... 

5. Briefly explain the meaning of the following terms

  1. Nation
  2. Government
  3. National symbols
  4. Constitution
  5. Presidential standard
  6. National festivals
  7. Life skills
  8. Critical thinking
  9. Human rights.


Answer one (1) question from this section.

6. Explain how the government promotes and protects human rights

7.  Discuss five sources of life skills






TIME: 2HRS                                                                    MAY, 2020

NAME: _______________________________________________                         CLASS: _________


  • This paper consists of sections A and B
  • Answer all the questions in both sections
  • Remember to write your name and class on every page of your answer booklet provided.
  • All writings must be in blue or black ink
  • Neat work will be rewarded


Answer all the questions from this section

1. For each of the items (i) – (x) choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in this paper.

(i) Which of the following is the official seal or stamp of the government of Tanzania?

  1. Coat of arm
  2. National identity
  3. Public holiday
  4. National anthem

 (ii) A type of citizenship acquired when one of the applicants parents is a citizen of Tanzania is known as

  1. Citizenship by descent
  2. Citizenship by registration
  3. Citizenship by naturalization
  4. Citizenship by birth

 (iii) Equal access to mass media to all competing political parties in election is an important element of:

  1. Freedom of association
  2. Freedom of worship
  3. Free and fair election
  4. Direct democracy

 (iv) Which of the following is considered as child right?

  1. The right to quality education
  2. The right to employment
  3. The right to work
  4. The right to just pay

 (v)  Mr. Daniel Saguti was born in Tanzania his parents were also born in Tanzania so Mr. Daniel Saguti is a Tanzanian citizen by________

  1. Registration
  2. Descent
  3. Birth
  4. Naturalization 

 (vi)  Which of the following represents mental activities?

  1. Digging holes
  2. Designing houses
  3. Carrying luggage’s
  4. Quarrying stones  

 (vii) Mental ability which enables a person to manage himself or herself  is

  1. Political matters
  2. Life skills
  3. Government affairs
  4. Social matters

 (viii) In the national flag, black colour represents-:

  1. Minerals
  2. People
  3. Land
  4. Water 

 (ix) Tanzania holds general elections after every______________ years.

  1. Ten
  2. Six
  3. Five
  4. Two

 (x) Freedom to live as one wishes is referred to as_______

  1. Democracy
  2. Anarchy
  3. Dictatorship
  4. Liberty 

 2. Match the items in list A with the responses in list B by writing the letter of the correct response in the boxes provided below:

  1. Republics
  2. One of the national symbols
  3. Mayor
  4. 1964
  5. Citizenship
  6. Citizen
  7. Constitution
  8. National anthem
  9. Human right abuse
  10. Work

  1. Municipal and city councils’ head
  2. Governments headed by the presidents
  3. Coat of arms
  4. Basic principles governing the state
  5. Legal activity done by human being
  6. State of being a citizen of a particular state
  7. Member of the country
  8. When president is about to address the nation
  9. Women circumcision
  10. Tanganyika and Zanzibar unification
























3. For each of the following statement write TRUE if the statement is correct or FALSE if the statement is not correct.

  1. One of the rights enjoyed by a non-citizen in Tanzania is the right to own land__________
  2. Democracy means power in the hands of the people________________
  3. Limitation of human rights is enforced to protect the rights of political leaders_________
  4. Refugees are good example of special groups__________
  5. Every 14th  October Tanzania remembers the death of the president Sheikh Abeid Aman Karume_____________
  6. Freedom of movement is one of the civil and political rights____________
  7. People who need special care for various reasons is referred to as the elderly __________
  8. The union of a man and a woman as husband and wife is called courtship_____________
  9. Any legal activity that a person does to earn living is called work________________
  10. Total way of life is called culture______________________


Answer all questions from this section

4. Fill in the blank spaces with the word which corresponds the given statement

  1. A group of people who are related by blood, marriage or adoption is called________________
  2. Studies rights and responsibilities of all the citizens is referred as___________________
  3. The name given to the official song of the nation is referred to as___________________
  4. The government logo or emblem is termed as_____________
  5. A person who has fully rights as a member of the country either by birth or by been given such rights is called_______________
  6. The period when two people get to know and study each other carefully before they get married is called______________
  7. The marriage of a person who is below the age of 18 years is called________________
  8. All what a person must do are referred to as___________
  9. All what a person must be given are referred to as_________
  10. Ability to live with all the people according to the way they are is referred to as_________________

5. Briefly explain the meaning of the following terms as used in civics.

  1. Citizenship ___________________________________________________________________
  2. Constitution____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  3. National currency
  4. Civics_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  5. Family ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

 6. Read the following passage carefully then answer the questions that follow:

 Human rights have limitations. There is no absolute freedom. The limitations of human rights should be reasonable, non-discriminatory and justifiable in a democratic society. The main reason for restricting the exercise of human rights in certain circumstances is to ensure the interests of other persons and the public are respected. A person can enjoy his or her rights but in doing so, he or she should not interfere with the rights of others. This is because one’s rights end where another person’s rights begin.


  1. Write the title for this passage ____________________________________________________________
  2. What three things should be considered by democratic societies in limiting human rights.
    1. _________________________________________________
    2. _________________________________________________
    3. _________________________________________________
  3. What is the main reason for limiting human rights?

    _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________

  4. Can a person interfere with others rights? Explain how:

    _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________

  5. What do you understand by “Human rights? As used in the passage above?

______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________



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