TIME: 3 Hours


  1. This paper consist of sections A, B and C with a total of eleven (11) questions
  2. Answer ALL questions in section A and B, and two questions from section C
  3. Section A carry 16 Marks, section B carry 54 Marks and section C carry 30 Marks
  4. Write your Examination number or name on every page of your answer sheet(s).

SECTION A (16 Marks)

Answer ALL questions in this section

  1. For each item (i) – (x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternative and write its letter beside the item number
  1. A researcher conducted her research in a certain society and found that some people had access in salt making. Do you think a researcher was at which center?
  1. Axum and meroe
  2. Axum and Uvinza
  3. Meroe and Taghaza
  4. Taghaza and Uvinza
  5. Timbuktu and Uvinza
  1. While finding food as a basic need of family, Mwajuma found Adija fighting much to get more than food. As a community development officer what other things apart from food do you think Mwajuma should think as part of basic needs?
  1. Food, water and soil
  2. Food, clothing and medicine
  3. shelter, medicine and food
  4. Shelter, food and clothing
  5. Food, education and health
  1. Some people goals are not being achieved due to the different factors. How can you assimilate this with the factors for the failure of assimilation policy
  1. Economic dependence
  2. Heterogeneous culture
  3. Minimizing of resistance
  4. Cheap economic
  5. Poor belief
  1. The existence of transport known as Dhows and junks used by Arabs and Chines were supported with the strong steady winds which blow across the Indian ocean known as
  1. The periplus of the erythrean sea
  2. Strong wind
  3. Monsoons wind
  4. Indian winds
  5. Steady winds
  1. We consume what we are not producing and we produce what we are not consume and this was due to the impact of revolution in industry. When did industrial revolution took place in Europe?
  1. 1000s to 1500
  2. 1700s to 1850
  3. 1890s to 1950
  4. 1650s to 1750
  5. 1750s to 1850
  1. There are many duties that performed by LAIBON within Maasai societies and he earn acceptance in the society. Which among the following prove that
  1. They were guardian of livestock and other types of communal properties
  2. They protecting society
  3. Finding pasture
  4. Grazing and milking
  5. Protecting livestock against wild animals
  1. You are invited by form one students to speak about feudalism that practiced in Rwanda, Burundi and Buha. Which feudal system will you talk about?
  1. Umwinyi
  2. Nyarubanja
  3. Ubugabile
  4. Kihamba
  5. Mvunjo/Busulo
  1. Before the coming of whites in Africa, Africans had medicine men and women who played an important roles both spiritually and medically. Which social interaction took place through this?
  1. Migration
  2. Marriage
  3. Religion
  4. Medicine
  5. Music and dances
  1. A history teacher selected some of students and used some sweets asked students to struggle on it then after she took some sweets that were struggled by students and she partitioned to them. This situation can be associated by
  1. Berlin conference
  2. European balance of power
  3. Scramble for and partition
  4. African reaction
  5. Struggle to acquire African parts
  1. Earning of African resources by Europeans was not easy due to the reaction of Africans, in order to earn easier exploitation European used coercive apparatus which are
  1. Discipline and well organized army
  2. Military and super weapons
  3. Good transport and weapons
  4. Legal institution and colonial military
  5. Armed force and weapons
  1. Match the description in List A with the corresponding historical terms in List B by using the letter of the correct response beside the item number.

List A

List B

  1. A name given to the trade that involve America, Africa and Europe before industrial revolution
  2. A name given to the process of exchange goods by goods
  3. A process that involve the exchange of goods between two different geographical region
  4. A name given to the process of exchanging goods between people living in the same area
  5. A name of the trade that involve the exchange of goods between the people of western Africa and northern Africa
  6. A trade introduced to replace slave trade
  1. Regional trade
  2. Barter trade
  3. Trans antlantic trade
  4. Long distance trade
  5. Local trade
  6. Legitimate trade
  7. Trans-Saharan trade
  8. Triangular trade
  9. Slave trade

SECTION B (54 Marks)

Answer ALL questions in this section.

  1. Allan is a form one student at Makoko secondary school but he is yet familiar with the resolution reached during the berlin conference in regard to the partition of Africa continent. Use the knowledge learned in History to make him familiar with the resolution reached. (Six points).
  2. The change of French administrative in Africa after 1945 was unavoidable. Support this statement with six points.
  3. The old man who born during the middle stone age , was invited during watoto shangwe show in ITV station to cerebrate a Christmas day, when he was there narrate the uses of fire during homo Erectus. What do you think he narrated? (six points)
  4. Why do you think indirect rule and Assimilation policy were equal as shillings? (Six points)
  5. Show factors for the development of centralized state. (Six points)
  6. There were factors in Europe that helped to make a step forward in industrial development. Verify (Six points)

SECTION C (30 Marks)

Answer TWO questions in this section.

  1. Explain how technological backwardness led to the defeat of Africans against the imposition of colonial rule. (Six points)
  2. A form one student heard saying that “studying history in secondary school is like killing a dead snake”. As an expert in History subject, in six points defend the subject against this notion.
  3. By using East African countries, show how colonial economy was characterized by super exploitation of labour and natural resources. (Six points)








 Time: 3Hours


  1.              This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of questions
  2.              Answer all questions in section A and B and three questions from section C.
  3.              Section A carries 20 marks, section B 35 marks and section C 45  Marks
  4.              Programmable calculators, cellular phones and any other unauthorized materials are not allowed in examination room.
  5.              Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.

 SECTION A (15 Marks)

 Answer All questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i)-(x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

(i)The Jihad war in East Africa under Othman dan Fodio, Alhaj Omar and Ahmed Seku resulted into:

A. Formation of big empires like Mandinka and the Sokoto Caliphate

B. Formation of big empires like Mali and Songhai

C. Creation of small political entities 

D.  Formation of the state of Nigeria

E.  Disintegration of weaker states at the coast of West Africa.

(ii) Independent African states made attempt to increase food crops along cash crops of which Tanzania expressed the policy of:

A. Ujamaa villages

B. Musoma villages

C. Iringa resolution

D. Arusha declaration

E. Zanzibar resolution

(iii) Which of the following sectors of colonial economy favoured Europeans and Asians in Africa during colonial period? 

A.  Education, health, water, housing and roads.

B. Agriculture, mining, financial institutions, transport and commerce.

C. Agricultural schemes, labour bureaus and trade. 

D.  Industry, communication, harbours and banks.

E.  Transportation, health, mining, electricity and water services.

(iv) Man started to be skillful and tool maker at the stage of:

A. Homo Sapiens

B. Homo Erectus

C. Homo habilis

D. Modern apes

E.  Zinjanthropus

(v) The first British Governor in Kenya, Sir Charles Eliot, stressed on the:

A. constitution of the Uganda railway

B. establishment of settler economy

C.  creation of Kenya as the industrial centre for East Africa

D. introduction of steamers in Lake Victoria

E. integration of Kikuyu into plantation economy

(vi) The Portuguese conquest of the East African Coast was led by:

A. King Emmanuel

B. Ahmed Ibn Majid

C. Henry the Navigator

D. Vasco Salgado

E. Francisco D Almeida

(vii) The demise of the Portuguese in East African Coast could be explained as

  1. the Portuguese rivals overpowered them
  2. the Portuguese did not have enough soldiers and administrators to control their empire 
  3. Portuguese soldiers were corrupt and brutal
  4. the Portuguese control of the Indian Ocean trade and gold in Mwenemutapas empire was less profitable
  5. Portugal had already industrialised.

(viii) Written records as a source of history are more preferred to oral traditions because of the following reason.

  1. Written records do not require space
  2. Oral traditions can be exaggerated and it is difficult to reproduce the same contents
  3. Oral traditions are expressed in centuries
  4. Written records do not require language as a medium of communication
  5. Oral traditions are controlled by leaders of a given society.

(ix) The prominent groups of people in iron working in Africa included the 

  1. Venda people of Northern Africa and Mashona of Zimbabwe
  2. Mashona of Zambia and Manganja of Malawi
  3. Nubians of Sudan and the Venda of Northern Transvaal
  4. Nubians of Kongo and the Mashona of Zimbabwe
  5. Ibo and Yoruba in West Africa.

(x) One of the effects regarding the coming of Europeans to West Africa was 

  1. the introduction of iron technology
  2. establishment of heavy industries
  3. the growth of western Sudanic states
  4. the distortion of the Trans-Saharan Trade
  5. the decline of tribal wars.

(xi) Which of the following was not encouraged by the policies of Ujamaa in Tanzania? 

  1. The cooperative movement.
  2. Regional development for equity.
  3. Villagisation Camps.
  4. Peoples self projects.
  5. Peoples development through self reliance.

(xii) Which of the following statements is true about the ancient Empire of Mali? 

  1.        It first came into power with the defeat of Sundiata by Sumanguru.
  2.         It was overthrown by invasion from Ghana.
  3.         It extended its boundaries as far as Lake Chad.
  4.        It grew rich by controlling Trans Saharan trade.
  5.         It was formed after the collapse of Songhai Empire.

(xiii) The leader of Chimurenga uprising of 1896-1897 in Rhodesia were 

  1. Mkwati and Kinjekitile
  2. Siginyamatish and Lobengula.
  3. Mkwati and Siginyamatish.
  4. Mkwati and Lobengula.
  5. Lobengula and Rumunguru.

(xiv) Which is not true about History?

  1. History is a study of changes in the process of material production.
  2. History shows mans struggle against nature.
  3. History shows the changing relationship between human beings in the course of material production.
  4. History is a record of human activities.
  5. History is a study of great heroes.

(xv) The Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI) is the term used to denote: 

  1. independence given illegally by British to settlers in Rhodesia.
  2. the white settlers in Rhodesia declaring their independence. 
  3. British refusing to give independence to settlers in Rhodesia.
  4. Settlers in Rhodesia acquiring independence from Britain by force.
  5. Settlers rejection in Rhodesia to be given self-rule by the British.

2. Match the dates in Column I with the corresponding historical events in Column Il by writing the letter of the correct event beside the number of the date.



(i) 1919

(ii) 1957

(iii) 1963 

(iv) 1964

(v) 1975

A. The actual armed struggle began in Mozambique when FRELIMO guerrillas crossed into Niasa and Carbo Delgado Provinces.

B.Tanganyika got her independence. 

C. The Berlin Conference.

D. The Independence of Ghana under Kwame Nkrumah. 

E. End of German colonial rule in East Africa. 

F. End of British colonial rule in Zanzibar. 

G. Civil war erupted in Angola.

H. The Portuguese colonized Mozambique.

I. Tanganyika became a German mandate colony.

J. Maji Maji resistance against German colonial economy ended.

SECTION B (35 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

3. Briefly explain the following terms

  1. The theory of evolution of man
  2. Famous iron sites
  3. Linguistics
  4. Mwene mutapa Kingdom
  5. Centralized state

4.  Arrange the following statements in chronological order by writing number 1 to 5 beside the item number.

  1. African nationalist politics in South Africa started with the formation of the South Africa Native National Congress (SANNC) in 1912.
  2. African National Congress (ANC) led by Nelson Mandela established its armed wing known as "Umkhonto we Sizwe" (Spear of the Nation) which immediately embarked upon military operations within South Africa.
  3. In 1949 the Youth League launched its "Programme of Action" which aimed at attainment of freedom from white domination.
  4. The imposition of capitalist relations of production in South Africa, unlike other parts of the continent, is underlined by racism. This made nationalist struggles in South Africa to be more complicated and long.
  5. In 1964, Nelson Mandela was arrested and sent to jail. Later in 1990 he was released and the majority rule was obtained in 1994
  6. Mandela died in 2013 after serving for one term

5.(a) Study the sketch map below and answer the questions that follow:

Name the city states numbered 1 to 5. Number 6 is done for you as an example.

  1. .
  2. .
  3. .
  4. .
  5. .
  6. Zanzibar.

SECTION C (45 Marks)

Answer three (3) questions from this section. Each question carries fifteen (15) marks.

6. Write a short essay about the Ghana Empire using the following hints or guidelines:

(i)Where and when was the Ghana Empire established?

(ii)Who was the founder of this empire?

(iii)What factors led to the decline or fall of the empire?

7. "Colonial social services consolidated colonialism in Africa." Justify this statement by giving six points.

8. Account for six reasons that led to the scramble for and partition of Africa in the second half of the 19th century.

9. Examine the reasons for the development of the Trans-Saharan Trade and the effects it brought in the Western Sudanic region.








TIME: 2:30 HRS


  1.  This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of nine (9) questions.
  2.  Answer all questions in sections A and B and three (3) questions from section C.
  3.  Cellular phones and any unauthorised materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  4.  All drawings should be in pencil.
  5. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s).

SECTION A (20 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i) (xv), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

(i) What are the major types of oral traditions? 

  1. Museums and archives
  2.  Poems and proverbs
  3. Historical sites and narration of events
  4.  Archaeology and museum
  5.  Cultural practices and narration of events 

(ii) What was the most common method of farming in pre-colonial Africa?

  1. Mixed farming 
  2. Plantation agriculture 
  3. Shifting cultivation
  4. Slash and burn cultivation
  5. Permanent crop cultivation

(iii) Colonialism was established through 

  1.  post-colonial political changes.
  2. Violence and coercion
  3. piracy and plundering.
  4. Revolution and violence
  5. waylaying and bogus treaties.

 (iv) The law that demanded the Africans to carry a labour card "Kipande" aimed at ensuring that

  1.  the European colony is exploited effectively.
  2.  there is effective occupation of the colony.
  3.  the Africans should be allowed to grow cash crops.
  4.  the welfare of the Africans were taken care of.
  5. the white farmers got a cheap supply of labour.

(v)   The social challenges facing people in Africa include 

  1. political instability and tribalism.
  2.  tribalism and neo-colonialism.
  3.  colonialism and illiteracy.
  4.  illiteracy and diseases.
  5.  corruption and lack of rule of law.


(vi)  The first creature to walk in an upright fashion was called

  1. Homo Erectus.
  2. Primates.
  3. Homo Sapiens. 
  4. Hominids.
  5. Homo Habilis. 

(vii)  What was the achievement of man during the Middle Stone Age?

  1. Discovery of fire
  2. Development of bipedalism
  3.  Domestication of animals 
  4. Making and using pebble tools
  5. Discovery of iron

(viii)  Which one among the following places did people paint and draw in the caves?

  1. Sofala
  2.  Karagwe
  3. Kondoa Irangi
  4. Tabora
  5. Bagamoyo 

(ix) Who was the greatest ruler of Mali.

  1. Askia Mohamed
  2. Mansa Kankan Musa
  3. Osei Tutu  
  4. Uthman dan Fodio
  5. Suni Ali


(x) Which one of the following was the immediate consequence of the development of Triangular trade?

  1. Decolonization of African countries
  2. Disruption of trans-Saharan trade
  3. Scramble and partition of Africa
  4. Adaptation of the Open Door Policy
  5. Implementation of indirect rule policy


(xi) The coastal city states which grew from the trade contacts between East Africa and Asia were

  1. Mwanza, Tanga and Dar es Salaam
  2. Malindi, Kilwa and Mombasa
  3. Nairobi, Kampala and Dar es Salaam
  4. Lamu, Bagamoyo and Mbeya 
  5. Mombasa, Zanzibar and Kigoma.


(xii)Who convened the conference which legalized the colonization of Africa?

  1. David Livingstone.
  2. Carl Peters.
  3. Otto Von Bismarck.
  4. Charles Darwin.
  5. Adolf Hitler.

(xiii) Industrial development in Africa was not prioritized by the capitalists during the colonial time because

  1. the colonialists were interested in obtaining raw materials
  2. the colonialists stressed on the provision of social services
  3. the climate did not favour industrial development
  4. Africa had no enough raw materials
  5. Africa had no infrastructure to support the industries.

(xiv) The first European nation to industrialize was

  1.  Germany 
  2.  Britain 
  3.  France 
  4.  Belgium 
  5.  Holland.

(xv) The core ideas of the French Revolution were

  1.  slave trade, colonialism and neo-colonialism
  2.  markets, raw materials and cheap labour
  3.  communalism, slavery and feudalism
  4.  fraternity, liberty and equality
  5.  scramble, partition and bogus treaties.

(xvi) The economic system of goods and services which comprised activities such as trade, manufacturing, agriculture and mining during the colonial era is called

  1.  Neo-colonialism 
  2.  Trusteeship 
  3.  Nationalism 
  4.  Bureaucracy 
  5.  Colonial economy.

(xvii) The family from which man evolved is known as

  1.  Zinjanthropus
  2.  Homo Habilis
  3.  Primates
  4.  Homo Sapiens
  5.  Homo Erectus.

(xviii) Which one among the following factors contributed to the rise of states in Africa?

  1.  Low level of productive forces.
  2.  Presence of chartered companies.
  3.  Hunting and gathering activities.
  4.  Absence of classes among the people.
  5.  Availability of iron technology.

(xix) Which one of the following best explains the reason which made Mozambique to use force during her struggle for independence? 

  1. A It was a mandated territory.
  2.  It was a trusteeship territory.
  3.  It adopted the Open Door Policy.
  4.  It was a settler colony.
  5.  It was under indirect rule policy.

(xx) The most crucial changes in the evolution of man were 

  1.  bi-pedalism and development of the brain
  2. domestication of crops and animals
  3.  division of labour and expansion of agriculture
  4. establishment of settlements and domestication of crops
  5.  discovery of stone tools and fire.


2. Match the stems in List A with the correct responses in List B by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.



(i) A person who stated that man developed from an ape-like creature. 

(ii) A person who created the kingdom of Mwenemutapa.

(iii) A person who played a vital role in the mass killing of Jews in Europe.

(iv) A person who established a fascist ideology in Italy.

(v) A person who formed the Royal Niger Company which operated in West Africa.

  1. Adolf Hitler
  2. Fredrick Lugard
  3. Charles Darwin
  4. Mungo Park
  5. Idd Amin Dada
  6. Louis Leakey
  7. Yoweri Museveni
  8. Mutota
  9. King Leopold
  10. Lobengula
  11. Benito Mussolini
  12. Cecil Rhodes
  13. Keneth Kaunda
  14. David Livingstone
  15. George Goldie
  16. Robert Mugabe
  17. Nelson Mandela
  18. Fredrick Chiluba
  19. Migrant Labourer
  20. Secretary-General



3. Answer the following questions briefly:

(i) Mzee Juma is an illiterate man with 89 years of age. He narrates past political events to his grand child who is eighteen years old. Why such method used by Mzee Juma is considered as an unreliable source of historical information?

(ii) Why the Germany colonial agents would not forget the Hehe resistance?

(iii) How would you relate the French Assimilation policy and destruction of African culture?

(iv) How would you prove that colonial education was an agent of division and racism in colonial Africa?

(v) Why Adolf Hitler is blamed for the occurrence of the Second World War?

(vi) Why some historians consider Chancellor Otto Von Bismarck as the architect of the partition of the African continent?

4. (a) Arrange the following statements in chronological order by writing number 1 to 5 beside the item number in your answer booklet.

(i) Before 1800 AD, Africa and its interior were not known to the outside world.

(ii) Europeans took interest in Africa’s strategic areas with fertile land, minerals and navigable rivers.

(iii) The interior of Africa was exposed to the European world after the work of agents of colonialism.

(iv) By 1880s, many European nations rushed and grabbed parts of the African continent claiming they were their areas of influence.

(v) Reports of the existence of snow-capped mountains in the interior of Africa attracted great interest in the continent.


3. (a) Draw a sketch map of the new East Africa Community and locate by using roman numbers;

(i) The member state in which an identity card (Kipande) was given to the labourer during colonial economy era.

(ii) The headquarters of the committee which was responsible for coordinating the activities of national liberation movements for eradicating colonialism in Africa.

(iii) The country in which the 1994 genocide took place.

(iv) The country whose Common Man’s Charter intended to transform it into a socialist state.

(v) The Trusteeship colony under the British from 1945 to 1961.

SECTION C (45 Marks)

Answer three (3) questions from this section.

6. Explain six significance of studying History.

7.  Critically examine six effects of the legitimate trade in West Africa.

8. Discuss the impact of the Dutch settlement at the Cape by giving six points.

9. Explain six prerequisites for state formation in pre-colonial Africa.















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