Time: 3Hours


  1.         This paper consists of sections A, B, and C with a total eleven (11) questions.
  2.         Answer all question in the sections A, B and two (2) questions from section C.
  3.         Section A carries sixteen (16) marks, section B fifty four (54) marks and section C carries thirty (30) marks.
  4.         All writing should be in blue or black pen, except for diagrams that must be drawn in pencil.
  5.         Communication devices and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  6.         Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet (s)


  1.         For each of the following items (i-x).Choose the best answer among the given alternatives given and writer it’s later beside the item number.
  1.     Some of the road accidents are manmade. Which among the following is non- man made
  1. Overloaded
  2. Weather condition
  3. Corruption
  4. Reckless driving
  5. High speed.
  1.  Some tribes’ n Tanzania strictly prohibit their members to eat certain food believing that if they do don curse will fall on them. What term in culture is portrayed?
  1. Customs
  2. Belief
  3. Norms
  4. Taboos
  5. Values
  1.               Dual citizenship is not recognized in Tanzania but Children born in Tanzania to people who are not Tanzanian citizen acquire citizenship by birth. The citizenship ends when;
  1. They travel outside Tanzania
  2. They get married
  3. Their parents leave Tanzania
  4. Their children attain age of 18 years
  5. The complete their studies in Tanzania
  1.                Which of the following stages involves a session in which candidate present their manifestor and voters ask questions?
  1. During election
  2. Voting process
  3. Political campaign
  4. Election results
  5. Polling day
  1.                  Being a husband and wife is not sudden action or accident. There are some stages or period which this people pass. One of them is:
  1. Wedding
  2. Parenting
  3. Courtship
  4. Puberty
  5. Adolescence
  1.                         International recognition of a country means the following except
  1. Being sovereign
  2. Being free to decide and implement its own policies
  3. Being not part of another nation
  4. Has boundaries of a territory
  1.             Mrs Johanas has been criticized as a leader who uses per power in public office to enrich herself. How can we describe Mrs Johana?
  1. Corrupt
  2. Smart
  3. Honest
  4. Beneficial
  5. Dictator
  1.              Some African countries experience unequal exchange and the decline of industrial sector. Which factor might be the root causes of the situation?
  1. Globalizing
  2. Free trade 
  3. Environmental pollution
  4. Conflicts
  5. Lack of manpower
  1.                         The aim of re-adaptation of multiparty system in 1992 was to
  1. Contain opposition views
  2. Suppress party supremacy
  3. Form watch- dogs
  4. Control abuse of power in the country
  5. Strengthen democracy
  1.                  Hawa is a form four student who is expected to be a pilot after completing her studies. In which work category does Hawa consider to engage?
  1. Community work
  2. Controlling an airplane
  3. Physical related work
  4. Mental related work
  5. Non physical work
  1.         Match the description of social skills in list A with the correct skill in list B by writing the letter of the corresponding response beside the item number in answer booklet provided



  1. The ability of a person to convey a message to the other people  according to their mood, age and background
  2. The ability of an individual to withstand negative influence from his or her friends
  3. The ability of a person to agree issue without undermining or going against ones principle
  4. The ability of one’s friend to influence him or her to do something good or bad
  5. Ability of a person to understand and feel concerned about other people’s problem
  6. The ability of  people to collaborate achieve a common goal
  1. Creative thinking
  2. Empathy
  3. Effective communication
  4. Team-work
  5. Peer-resistance
  6. Self awareness
  7. Negotiation skills
  8. Peer pressure




Answer all questions in this section.

  1.         (a) explain the four distinctive roles of the Judiciary in Tanzania

(b) Explain how members of parliament execute their duties on people’s representative in the parliament of United Republic of Tanzania 

  1.         (a) In four points briefly, explain the circumstances that can undermine the protection of individual rights in Tanzania.

(b) How are the limitations of human rights, differentiated from human rights abuse?

  1.         (a) In four points briefly explain the need for rational decision on the event of any challenges in your life.

(b) Determine five unacceptable students behavior liable for termination which should be included in school code of conduct

  1.         National culture is a heritage for Tanzania future generation. Advice your community on importance of promoting and preserving our National Culture.
  2.         (a)Poverty is demonizing. Explain five effects of poverty in the society.

(b) Road accident can be prevented. Use five points to justify this Assertion.

  1.         Form four students organize tour to visit the National Electoral Commission. They wanted to know its function and responsibilities. Assume you are an officer in charge, elaborate five functions you would explain to students.



Answer any two questions

  1.         Identify five negative aspects of social cultural values in Tanzanian society and for each analyze its impact.
  2.    “Failure to obtain and use life skills has caused many problems” this statement was said by Psychologist who addressed a group of youth. Show five problems associated with lack of life skills she addressed.
  3.    Globalization has both harm and benefit. Outline the merits of globalization to a country like Tanzania.









SECTION A (16 Marks)

Answer All Questions

1. For each of the following items (i) – (x) choose the most correct answer from the gives alternatives and write its letter beside the item number

  1. One of the following is not true about the characteristic of culture
  1. Learned
  2. Static
  3. Adaptive
  4. Dynamic
  5. Symbolic
  1. Juma is a public servant in government office who uses a public office for personal gain, how can Jumanne be termed?
  1. An intelligent worker
  2. Smart worker
  3. Creative worker
  4. An innovative worker
  5. Corrupt person
  1. Some of the national symbols of Tanzania are
  1. National Anthem, national parks and the court Arm
  2. The Uhuru Torch, the National Athem and the national flag
  3. The court of Arms, the national parks and Mount Kilimanjaro
  4. The national flag, the Uhuru torch and national culture.
  1. On 23rd August 2022, Tanzania conducted consus of people, to know their number, As civics student, relate that action with right component of our Nation
  1. Sovereignty
  2. Population
  3. Culture
  4. Territory
  5. Government
  1. Many youth complain about unemployment problem in Tanzania. Bakari decided to make bricks and self-employed youth. Asses the type of work Bakari does
  1. More metal and less physical work
  2. Moro physical and less mental work
  3. Only physical power work
  4. Only mental power work
  5. A and E are correct.
  1. Angel marred Freddy After ten years, angel died of malaria. Then Freddy was forced to marry Angel’s young sister. How will the society label the new marriage?
  1. Polygamy
  2. Single sex
  3. Sororate
  4. Polygynous
  5. Cohabitation
  1. Which among the following is the major pillar of the state?
  1. Executive, legislature and Judiciary
  2. Executive, president armed force
  3. The president, prime minister and vice president
  4. Executive, judiciary and armed force
  5. Parliament, High court and President.
  1. The report from Nyarugoro Secondary school shows that there is a great increase of truancy and drug abuse among students. Which one is the factor this behavior
  1. Laziness
  2. Lack of parental care and poverty
  3. Street children
  4. Early marriage
  5. Death of student at school
  1. A situation where by human rights are restricted for the benefit of other is referred to are
  1. Human rights abuse
  2. Human rights limitation
  3. Human Rights promotion
  4. Human right protection
  5. Human right misuse
  1. The 1st permanent constitution in Tanzania was enacted in;
  1. 1964
  2. 1965
  3. 1977
  4. 1992

2. Match the items in list a with the correct answer in list



  1. The amendment introduced the vice president as the president running mate in the election was
  2. Introduction of bill of rights in the constitution
  3. The republication constitution
  4. The eight constitution amendment introduced multiparty system in Tanzania.
  5. The permanent constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania
  6. The death of Mwl. Julius K. Nyerere
  1. 1965
  2. 1977
  3. 1984
  4. 1961
  5. 1962
  6. 1964
  7. 1995
  8. 1992
  9. 1999

SECTION B (54 Marks)

Answer all questions

3. (a)What is the importance of insurance companies to car owners

(b)Mtakuja villagers are neglecting to work together because they think that working together is a waste of time 8. What advice would u give to these villagers

4. Most of the people are labeling. East Africa as less developed country what made them to conclude so.

5. Many roads in Tanzania are constructed with road signs. The problem remain with road users who are not obeying As civics expect give 5 points to educate your friend on the importance of obeying road signs

6. Analyze 5 causes of early marriage in our country

7. Explain briefly 5 effects of globalization in Tanzania

8. (a) What are the challenges facing partners in courtship

(b) Briefly explain 5 attributes of poverty

SECTION C (30 Marks)

9. (a)As a candidate deliver a talk to form 2 students on the consequences of improper behavior

(b)Protecting of human rights means human rights are not abused. Illustrate five ways which are used to combat abuse of human rights

10. By giving 5 points how would you advice your community on measures to take tp reduce road accidents

11. There have been claims by opposition political parties which participated in 2020 general election that it was un-fair as there were observed violation of electoral laws, and practices. Educate the community members on the five (5) key qualities of a free and fair election









Time: 3 Hours


  1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of 14 questions
  2. Answer all questions in section A and B and three questions from section C.
  3. Section A carries 15 marks, section B 40 marks and section C 45  Marks
  4. Programmable calculators, cellular phones and any other unauthorized materials are not allowed in examination room.
  5. Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.




Answer all questions in this section

1. For each of the items (i)-(x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter besides the item number in the answer booklet(s) provided

(i)The government of Tanzania has decide to privatize public enterprises in order to 

  1. Encourage pluralism
  2. Reduce dependence of foreign aid
  3. Widen the sources of government revenue
  4. Promote globalization
  5. Implement IMF and World Bank policies

(ii)In your class there are few students who have developed stress due to fear in taking an examination. How will you advise them to cope with examination stress?

  1. To spend more time in studying before exams
  2. To think of different games during exams
  3. To make physical exercises during exams
  4. To eat a lot of food before exams
  5. To take some rest before exams

(iii)The element of culture which determines norms of conduct, behavior and ethics in theciet.

  1. Traditions
  2. Customs
  3. Arts
  4. Crafts
  5. Recreation

(iv)One of the pre-form one student doesn’t know about her rights as a citizen especially to join different groups in the society. As expert in civics tell her the right or freedom which will help her to belong to any organization of her choice.

  1. Press
  2. Association
  3. Movement
  4. Property
  5. Expression

(v)Voting is the right of any legal citizen who is eighteen (18) years old and above. What is the name of a vote taken to approve or disapprove the conduct of a leader?

  1. Veto power
  2. Secret ballot
  3. Sub ordinate
  4. Vote of confidence
  5. Suffrage

(vi)An agreement between the government, Political parties and the National Electoral commission that has rules on how the elections will be conducted is termed as 

  1. Ethics for political parties
  2. Code of ethics for elections
  3. Frequency of elections
  4. Improving elections
  5. Improving elections
  6. Rules of elections

(vii)The exercise of fairness and justice to all sexes without discrimination or consideration on whether they are born male or female is called.

  1. Gender
  2. Gender concept
  3. Gender equality
  4. Gender role
  5. Gender sensitive

(viii)Problems are inevitable in our societies. What matters is to find the best ways of ending these problems. The ways that a person or group of people deal with difficulties in the societies are called.

  1. Abilities to make choices
  2. Importance of applying problem-solving
  3. Social problems
  4. Problem-solving techniques
  5. Economic problems

(ix)Which of the following is NOT one of the factors of economic development?

  1. Capital
  2. Infant Mortality
  3. Entrepreneur
  4. Labour
  5. Land

2. Match the explanations in list A with the answers in list B by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.



  1. Fixed idea about a community group or person, but which is usually ot trues in reality
  2. Based on the principles that measures should taken to bridge the inequality between men and woman
  3. Inability to know that there are different gender roles, gender responsibilities and gender-based hierarchy
  4. State of taking into consideration gender issues in development activities at all level
  5. Systematic efforts to identify and under the roles of women and men within a given ociety.
  1. Gender analysis
  2. Gender balance
  3. Gender blindness
  4. Gender roles
  5. Gender mainstreaming
  6. Gender equity
  7. Gender stereotyping
  8. Gender discrimination
  9. Gender equality



Answer all questions in this section

3. Suppose you are the chairperson of Chekereni village which happen to have serious water shortage. Suggest five (5)sources of revenue for the local government authorities which can be used to cater the problem.

4. Propose five problems which might happen if the parents fail to up bring their children in proper way.

5.There is the slogan which says “Take care of the environment, so that the environment can take care of you” What do you think are the five benefits of taking/conserving the environment?

6. The three enemies in Tanzania are poverty, illiteracy and diseases. Suggest five methods of overcoming the three enemies mentioned above.

7 Support the contention which says “Work is the engine for human development” Give five points.

8.Explain five challenges facing Tanzania government in the provision of social services

9.List down five cultural practices that lead to the marginalization of woman in Tanzania.

10.Suggest five possible solutions to the challenge brought about by globalization to the developing countries like Tanzania.


Any three (3) questions from this section

11. Invisible sectors are crucial to the life of people. Analyze the six fruits brought about by the invisible sectors in economic development of the country like Tanzania.

12. Discuss how the economic and political liberalization has undermined the efforts made by Tanzania in the post to develop national culture.

13.For a democracy to exist in any country there are pillars of democracy to be observed. In six points, assess the achievements of Tanzania in broadening the scope of democracy.

14.Road accident has become an endless song in many developing counties. Many people are dying while others are left crippled. In the right of this statements, assess six key measures to be taken by Tanzania government to improve road safety in the country.





                                                              Candidate’s Examination No____________________________






Time: 3Hours


  1.              This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of 14 questions
  2.              Answer all questions in section A and B and three questions from section C.
  3.              Section A carries 15 marks, section B 40 marks and section C 45  Marks
  4.              Programmable calculators, cellular phones and any other unauthorized materials are not allowed in examination room.
  5.              Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.

 SECTION A (15 Marks)

 Answer All questions in this section.

For each of the items (i-x) choose the correct answer among the given alternatives and item its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.1. For item (i-x) choose the most correct among the given alternatives and write its letter in the answer sheet provided

(i) One of the following is not among the village government standing committees.

A. Political and economic planning

B. Social services

C .Finance, economic and planning

D. Defense and security

E. Self reliance.

(ii) The road traffic signs are mainly divided into the following categories:

  1. Command, precaution and information signs 
  2. Command, permissive and precaution signs 
  3. Permissive, preventive and maintenance signs 
  4.  Red, yellow and green 
  5. Command, precautions and traffic lights. 

(iii) One of the following is not true about human rights:

  1. They are inherent 
  2. They should be recognized, respected, and enforced by the state 
  3. Sometimes are known as natural rights 
  4. People are free to exercise them without any limitations 
  5. They are divided into civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights. 

(iv) Skills, experience, efficiency, confidentiality, sense of duty and honesty are the

  1.  Sources of Government revenue 
  2.  Functions of the central Government 
  3.  Qualities of Civil servants 
  4.  Functions of the Executive 
  5.   Filling the special forms.

 (v) FINCA and PRIDE can be categorized as

A. Banks 

B.  Non profit making organisations 

C. Loan giving institutions 

D. NGO’s 


(vi) . One of the following is not a distinguishing characteristic of the monarchical government:

  1. Only King heads the society 
  2.  Headed by a King or Queen 
  3. A King or a Queen is not elected but is a ceremonial figure 
  4. King or Queen is not a part of Legislature 
  5. The Prime minister becomes a Chief Executive.

(vii) Separation of powers means

  1. governing powers are divided among Executive, Legislature and Parliament 
  2. completely parting away government organs 
  3. dispensing justice and imposing penalties when the laws are broken 
  4. one organ to control the remaining two 
  5. Governing powers are divided among the Executive, Parliament and the Judiciary. 

 (viii) The speaker of the United Republic of Tanzania is elected from the

A. Members of parliament only 

B. Office of the parliament 

C.  Lawyers and judges 

D. Any Tanzanian provided he/she qualifies to be a member of parliament 

E. Senior ministers. 

(ix) The Constitutional amendments of 2000 led to the following except:

  1. Establishment of the office of register of political parties. 
  2. Increased number of women seats from 15% to 30%. 
  3. Empowered the President to nominate up to 10 members of Parliament. 
  4. Declaration of President through simple majority votes. 
  5. Establishment of Human Rights and Good Governance Commission. 

(x)  Before a Minister is appointed by the President to head a Ministry, he/she must be

A. a Board Member of any firm recognized by the Government 

B. a member of any registered Political Party 

C. a graduate from any recognized institution 

D. appointed or elected Member of Parliament 

E. only an elected Member of Parliament. 

2.  Match the items of List A with the response in List B by writing letter of the correct response in the answer sheet provided 



i. Civil services

ii. citizen ship by registration 

iii. Special seats in the parliament

iv. Revolutionary government 

v. PCCB Director General

  1. All government department except Judiciary and the armed forces
  2. Used to solve problem with psychological effects
  3.  Used to solve problem with physiological problem
  4. The crime of betraying one’s country by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.
  5.  A public official who conducted legal proceedings against someone 
  6.  Economic social and cultural rights
  7. Moral and legal rights 
  8. Gender equity
  9.  Valentine Mlowola
  10.  Dr. Edward Hosea
  11. Gender equality
  12.  Local government authorities established.
  13.  Formed after a complete overthrow of the existing oppressive government by the majority of people
  14. Acquired through application 
  15. Acquired through birth certificate 


Answer all questions in this section.

3. Read the following passage and then answer the questions that follow.

The wave of struggle for democracy which swept through many countries since the late 1980s triggered the demand for the multi­party system. But then many questions came to the fore. One of the questions is whether it is not possible to have democracy without a multi­party system. It is not easy to reach a consensual conclusion on this issue. But many people agree that having one political party by law minimizes the right of political participation for those who dislike that single party.

Because of this, western countries insist that true democracy has to go hand in hand with the freedom to form parties. In those countries, various political parties contest for peoples’ votes and the party whichwinformsagovernmentandtherestremainasoppositionparties.

One important benefit of the multi­party system is that it provides an opportunity to form a different government when the ruling party loses in an election. This provides an equal opportunity for various political parties and politicians to rule on behalf of the voters. It is said that this opportunity for change in the leadership of government provides better chances to formulate and implement better policies for the benefit of the people. It is also said that the existence of opposition parties makes the government constantly keen in serving the people, for one of the roles of the opposition parties is to challengeandcorrectthegovernmentinpower.

Some experts in questions of democracy have warned that opposition under multipartism does not always promote democracy. They believe that where there are weak opposition political parties which merely make empty speeches at political platforms, democracy may be weakened. A usefuloppositionisonewherepoliticalpartiesarestrong,withabroadsocialbase.


(a) Explainthewesterncountriesviewontruedemocracy.

(b) Accordingtotheauthor,listtwomeritsofthemultipartysystem.

(c) Accordingtotheauthor,whatistheconditionforavibrantdemocracy?

(d) Fromthepassage,describethedemeritofthesinglepartysystem.

(e) Fromthepassage,explaintheroleoftheoppositionparties.

4. (a) Examine five  roles of Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies (SACCOS) in alleviating poverty in Tanzania 

(b) State five conditions for acquiring citizenship by naturalization in Tanzania.

5. Analyse the importance of financial institutions in economic development.

6. Examine the major sources of the water pollution in Tanzania and suggest control measures.

7. Discuss the factors that contribute to discrimination against women

8. What are the importance of life skills to a youth 

9. Differentiate gender equality from gender equity

10. Road accidents can be avoided if rules are observed. Discuss.

SECTION C (45 Marks)

Answer three (3) questions from this section. Each question carries 15 marks.

11. The government efforts to provide quality secondary education to the majority in Tanzania are facing multiple challenges. Analyze six current challenges in the provision of secondary school education in Tanzania.

12. “Globalization has both assets and liability”. Verify this contention by discussing the liabilities of globalization in Tanzania 

 13. One of the sources of government income is generated through taxation. As a good citizen explain to your community six benefits of paying taxes.

14. As a knowledgeable person in life skills, describe systematically the steps you would take to solve social problems in your community









 Time: 3Hours


  1.              This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of 14 questions
  2.              Answer all questions in section A and B and three questions from section C.
  3.              Section A carries 15 marks, section B 40 marks and section C 45  Marks
  4.              Programmable calculators, cellular phones and any other unauthorized materials are not allowed in examination room.
  5.              Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.

 SECTION A (15 Marks)

 Answer All questions in this section.

  1. For each of the items (i-x) choose the correct answer among the given alternatives and item its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.
  1. Which of the following is major driving force of globalization?
  1. Free movement
  2. Increased direct foreign investment in development nation
  3. Revolution in information and communication Technology
  4. The introduction of multiparty system in many countries
  5. Increase freedom of the mass media.
  1. One of the advantages of saving and cooperative societies (SACCOS) over other financial constitutions.
  1. Better terms on their credit facilities and insurance
  2. Better terms to saving and credit facilities is their members
  3. Better money transfer services offered
  4. There is no interest on credit facilities extended is their members
  5. Members are allowed is maintaining their saving in foreign currency.
  1. The ability of a person to analyze, evaluate and describe the equality  of something, an action  or decision is referred to as.
  1. Creative thinking
  2. Decision making
  3. Problems solving
  4. Critical thinking
  5. Self confidence
  1. The right to voluntary belongs to any organization is known as
  1. Freedom of expression
  2. The right to life
  3. Right to equality
  4. Freedom of association
  1. ……………. Is an agreement between the government political parties and Nation elections commission that has roles on how elections in be conducted?
  1. Ethics for political parties
  2. Code of ethics for election
  3. Improving election
  4. Political part manifesto
  1. Which of the followings are commercial banks in Tanzania?
  1. FEPF, NBC and TIB
  1. Social development refers as
  1. Improvement of people’s welfare in the society
  2. Improvement in relations among the people
  3. Improved women welfare in the society
  4. High literacy rate in the society
  1. The two categories of local government authorities are: -
  1. Street and town government
  2. Village and street authorities
  3. Districts and urban authorities
  4. Village councils and village authorities
  5. Urban councils and village authorities
  1. The inability to know that there are difference gender roles, responsibilities and a gender-based hierarchy is called
  1. Gender analysis
  2. Gender issue
  3. Gender blindness
  4. Gender mainstreaming
  1. It is important to preserve our national cultural because it
  1. Is a tourist attraction
  2. Is our historical heritage
  3. Is an expression of national identity and pride
  4. Is an agent of socialization
  5. Promote our moral values











  1. Match the items in LIST A with the correct response in LIST B by writing the letter of the corresponding response beside the item number in the answer booklets provided.



  1. Deals with managing rests of affirm business, people and property
  2. Provide advice to their customers on issues of investment and Trade
  3. A factor of economic development
  4. An institution responsible for controlling inflation in Tanzania
  5. It has no proper places set for it to conduct  it’s business
  1. Commercial banks
  2. BOT
  3. Insurance companies
  4. Capital
  5. Informal sectors







SECTION B (40 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

Read the following passage carefully and answer questions (a) (e) that follow:

Suicide is one of the critical problems of adolescent today. This disastrous act is committed for different reasons. Some adolescents often feel that death is the only way out of intolerable situations. Those terminally ill and those incapacitated by serious illness or injuries commit suicide to avoid further pain. Yet others commit suicide to draw attention, to teach those who hurt them a lesson and to punish themselves for the shame they might have caused to others. 

Most adolescents who commit suicide do so as a reaction to previous distressing events. Such common events include conflicts within the adolescent’s families, their failure to live up to the parents’ or guardians’ expectations and the adolescent’s failure to develop adequate interpersonal relationships within their families. These events often leads to suicide signals such as threatening to commit suicide or displaying actual tendencies to suicide and serious suicide attempts whereby the adolescent survives or leads to actual suicide. 

The signals of suicide among adolescent include previous attempts, threat to commit suicide, feelings of alienation and loneliness and the presence of mental illness especially depression. Other signals are lack of adequate impulse control, unexpected severe and prolonged stress and negative emotions.


  1.  Provide a suitable title for the passage.
  2. What is the attitude of some adolescents towards death?
  3. Mention any two factors from the passage that compel some of the youth to commit suicide.
  4. List down two suicide signals among the adolescents.
  5. What is the attitude of the author towards suicide tendencies among the adolescent?
  1. Give the meaning of the following terms
  1. Custom
  2. Ballot paper
  3. By election
  4. Urban authority
  1. Mention four sources of service in local government authority
  2. Outline five roles of commercial Banks in Tanzania
  3. National Assembly consists of different members. List five categories of members in the parliament of Tanzania
  4. There are different categories of Responsibilities of a responsible citizen being personal, social, economic and political responsibilities. Point out five Responsibilities of responsible citizen.
  5. Write short notes of the following terms
  1. PSSSF
  2. FGM
  1.   The judiciary is among the branch of government. List five levels of judiciary in Tanzania

SECTION C (45 Marks)

Answer three (3) questions from this section. Each question carries 15 marks.

  1. The central Bank of Tanzania is the mother of other Banks in the country “Discuss” (six points)
  2. The multipart system is more democratic than single party system in the light of their statements examine six merits of multiparty democracy to a country like Tanzania (six points)
  3. “Some cultural practices are outdated and no longer useful in our society”. Discuss (six points)
  4. “Proponents of globalization agree that globalization is a catalyst of development which the opponents contend that it is a new form of Neo-colonialism to developing countries”. Discuss six demerits of globalization to a country like Tanzania (Six points)










This paper consists of section A, B and C

Answer all questions in section A, B and ONLY THREE questions from section C.


1. For each of the items (i) – (x), choose the correct answer among the given alternatives and writ its letter besides the item number in your answer booklet.


            (i) Bride price is a socio cultural value which encourage

  1. Family planning
  2. Extended family
  3. Early marriage
  4. Female genital multilation
  5. Polygamy

(ii) One of the following is not a socio cultural value

  1. FGM
  2. Food taboos
  3. Spouse beating
  4. Male circumcision

(iii) ____________are election conducted to fill vacant sets in the local government or parliament.

  1. General election
  2. By election
  3. Election petition
  4. Elections
  5. Appointed

(iv) People who fun away from their home country for fear of political, racial, religious or ethnic persecution are called?

  1. Orphans
  2. Migrants
  3. Refugees
  4. Duel citizens.
  5. mercenaries

(v) The UHURU TORCH symbolizes

  1. Freedom and work
  2. State power and economic base
  3. National defense
  4. Freedom and enlightment
  5. National development

(vi) The study of rights and responsibilities of citizens is known as______

  1. Constitution
  2. Civics
  3. Government
  4. Civic rights

(vii) Which of the following is not an indicator of poverty?

  1. Low per capital income
  2. High illiteracy rate
  3. Dependent economy
  4. Low mortality rate
  5. Environment destruction

(viii) The organs responsible for administering elections in Tanzania are:-

  1. REDET and TEMCO
  2. ZLSC and ILHR
  3. EAC and SADC
  4. ZEC and NEC
  5. CCM and CUF

(ix) One of the following encourages and cultivate values, knowledge and ability to perceive things

  1. Cooperative techniques
  2. Problem solving
  3. Initiation and mediation
  4. Life skills and promotion
  5. Guidance and counseling

(x) Under normal circumstances, a marriage is preceded by friendship between a man and a woman. Such friendship is called?

  1. Honeymoon
  2. Cohabitation
  3. Early marriage
  4. Courtship
  5. Infidelity


2. Match the items in List A with the correct responses in List B  by writing a letter of the corresponding response beside the item number.


List A

List B

  1. Development
  2. Is a feeling of confidence in yourself that you are a good and useful person
  3. A leader
  4. Dictatorial leadership
  5. Capital
  6. B.O.T.
  7. Bill of right
  8. National economy
  9. Matrillineal
  10. Nelson Mandela
  1. An outstanding defender of the South Africa Apartheid regime
  2. Children belong to the mother’s family
  3. The sum total of all incomes from all sectors of production.
  4. Equality to all human being, right to life and freedom of movement
  5. Bank of Tanzania
  6. Money which is meant to be used in running a business
  7. Kind of leadership obtained by force
  8. A person who leads a group of people, especially a head of country or an organization.
  9. Self – worth
  10. Improvement of quality of life
  11. National anthem
  12. By – election.



SECTION B: (20 Marks)


3. Answer all questions in this section.

Read the following passage and then answer the questions which follow:


The population of Tanzania has been growing at rate higher than 3 percent. However, food production and the economy have been growing at lower rates. The increase in population raises the demand for basic requirements of the people. It also put great pressure on the available natural resources. That is why a high growth rate of the population lead to deforestation, pollution, soil erosion, deterioration of the biosphere in general and conflicts in land use.


Population growth and deterioration in environmental quality have now become world problems. The combination of population increase, its distribution in the country and the use of natural resources tend to lead to serious problems. This is not only in Tanzania but also to many developing countries. Man has been the major agent of resource depletion which eventually cause environmental degradation. It is man’s activities that have degraded the land through its misuse and over use. Therefore, if population increase is not controlled, it will have adverse effects on both the environment and man.


When the number of people increase, the demands for food, water, arable land, wood fuel and building and other essential materials from the surrounding environment also increase. When the supply of such resources fall, life become difficult, social problem do arise etc. a bigger  population needs more resources for survival and development.



  1. Suggest the suitable title for the passage
  2. What are the effects of a high growth of population
  3. According to the passage, what causes the rise of the demand for basic requirements of the people in Tanzania?
  4. Mention man’s activities that have degraded the land.



  1. Outline five (5) importance of team work
  2. List down any five (5) solution to improper behavior




SECTION C (60 marks)

Answer three questions in this section.


5. Discuss the caused and effects of poverty in Tanzania


6. “Tanzania is not a poor country. Discuss


7. Analyze problems facing the informal sector and then propose ways of improving this sector


8. Point out the factor for Economic Development


9. Highlight the challenges facing the provision of social services in Tanzania.


10. Discuss the impacts of  negative aspects of our cultural values.



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