CIVICS   FORM FOUR

TIME: 3 HOURS                                                                      NOVEMBER 2022




  1. This paper consists of sections A, B & C.
  2. Answer all questions in section A and B and only three questions in section C.
  3. Section A carry 15 marks, section B carry 40 marks and section C carry 45 marks
  4. Cellular phones are not allowed in the Examination Room
  5. Write your Examination number on every page of your answer booklet(s).


1.  For each of the following items (i) - (x), choose the most correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter in the answer booklet provided

(i) The current East African Community has seven member states with... being the latest country to join the community

A.    Tanzania      

B.     Uganda        

C.     Southern Sudan

D.    Rwanda

E.     Congo D.R.C

(ii) A family having one parent and child or children may be caused by

A.    Age and beauty      D. Parents and friends

B.     Family wealth and power E. Poverty' and education

C.     Death and divorce

(iii) No culture that belongs to an individual, it rather belongs to a single community. What can you comment as far as characteristics of culture are concerned basing on the above statement?

A.    Culture is shared D. Culture is complex B. Culture is dynamic E. Culture is adaptiveimage

C. Culture is learned

(iv) The city council as a form of logical government in Tanzania is said to be

A.    The lowest  D. The longest

B.     The highest E. The shortest

C.     The smallest

(v)Mr. Katundu's daughter is arrogant, thief, uses abusive language, fights with neighbours. This situation is

A.    Proper behaviour   D. Improper behaviour

B.     Good behaviour     E. Harmful behaviour

C.     Untolerable behaviour

(vi)  The former Tanzania president, the late Benjamin William Mkapa released prisoners who had been jailed having various minor criminal cases. This act is termed as

A.    President excuse    D. Criminal excuse

B.     Prerogative mercy E. Public excuse

C.     Presidential mercy

(vii)Mr. Mwijarubi was born in Ukerewe district in Mwanza region and both his parents are natives of Tanzania. Therefore, Mwijarubi is a citizen of Tanzania by

A.    Naturalization          D. Birth

B.     Descent        E. Dual citizenship

C.     Registration

(viii)     The different between the national assembly and parliament is that

A.    The national assembly discuses a bill and the parliament makes law

B.     The national assembly makes law and the parliament approves law

C.     The parliament makes law and the national assembly implements law

D.    The national assembly interprets law and the parliament enforces law


E.     The parliament discusses a bill and the national assembly makes law

(ix)  What is political significance of the public holiday falling on April, 26th of each year?

A.    It marks the union of Tanganyika and Zanzibar

B.     It marks the commemoration of the first vice - president of the United Republic of Tanzania

C.     It marks the over throw of the Zanzibar sultanate

D.    It marks the day when Tanganyika attained her sovereignty 

E. It marks the re -introduction of multipartism in Tanzania

(x)The form of marriage whereby a woman is married to two or more husbands is commonly known as

A.    Polygamy      D. Cohabitation

B.     Polyandry    E. Monogamy

C.     Bigamy

2.  Match the items in LIST A with the correct responses in LIST B by writing the letter of the corresponding response in the answer booklet Provided


3.     In five points, briefly explain the functions of the central government in Tanzania

4.     "Working is an obligation" by using five points show the importance of work.

5.     Give any five impacts of poverty in a society of Tanzania today.

6.     "COVID 19" popularly known as CORONA has greatly affected the human race in the world. Outline and explain any five impacts of the disease as it was, and still being experienced in many countries in the world.

7.     (a) What is peer pressure?

(b) Juma has been deeply affected with peer pressure. As a friend of Juma and a good scholar of civics outline four ways which can be used by Juma to overcome the pressure

8.     Globalization is not a new phenomenon to Tanzanians nowadays. List down and explain any five effects of globalization to Tanzanian society.

9.     Briefly explain why it is significant to learn self — confidence (Give five points)

10.When you destroy the environment, you destroy your life. Use five points to justify this statement.



11.  Identify any six cultural practices and explain how they affect women in our society.

12. Through insurance securities in Tanzania are vital tools in the alleviation of poverty and boost up development; but yet its presence has not much felt when it comes to individuals' progress. Critically examine six weaknesses of insurance services.

13.  As an expert in Civics, use six points to educate people at your local place on how road accidents can be avoided

14.  The people of Kabuku and Kwedikwazo villages in Handeni district in Tanga region were heard arguing that "no democracy in Tanzania" use six points basing on the principles of democracy to convince these people that democracy is practised in Tanzania.







032/1                                                HISTORY   FORM FOUR

TIME: 3 HOURS                                                                                 NOVEMBER 2022




  1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of nine (09) questions
  2. Answer all questions in section A and B and three (03) questions from section C.
  3. All drawings should be in pencil
  4. Write your examination number on every page of your answer sheet provided.



1. For each of the items (i - xv), choose the correct answer from among the given alternative and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided

  1.               He has to live among the people so as to learn and understand their culture, beliefs and ideologies, who is this?

A.   Historian

B.    Anthropologists

C.    Archaeologist

D.   Archivist

E.    Australopithecus

  1.             Man started to be skilful and tool maker at the stage of

A.   Homo Sapiens

B.    Homo Eructus 

C. Homo Habilis 

D. Zinjanthropus

 E. Modern Apes

  1.           Who among the following was the leader who led the Portuguese conquest of East African coast

A.   King Emanuel

B.   Ahmed Ibin Majid

C.   Henry the Navigator

D.   Vasco - Da - Gama 

E. Bartholomew Diaz

  1.           A pre — colonial system of governance whereby a leader shared responsibilities and administrative powers with subordinates was known as

A.   Indirect rule

B.   Power sharing

C.   Association policy

D.   Ubusoka system

E.    Assimilation policy

  1.             The system of destroying pre — capitalist economic production was done through

A.   De - industrialization policy

B.    Apartheid policy

C.    Neo - colonialism

D.   Colonialism

E.    Collaboration

  1.           Despite Italians late joined in the process of scramble for Africa, they gained a strong hold in

A.     Somali land

B.     Eritrea

C.     Tunisia

D.     Libya

E.     Ethiopia

  1.         He helped the British colonialists to colonize parts of Ugandaimage

A.   Uthman Dan Fodio

B.    Samoei Koitalel

C.    Semei Kakunguru

D.   Ignatius Musazi 

E. Samore Toure

  1.      The predominant form of colonial agriculture in British colonies in west Africa

A.   Peasant agriculture

B.    Settler Agriculture

C.    Plantation Agriculture

D.   Pastoralism Agriculture

E.    Mixed Agriculture

  1.           French assimilation policy granted the same rights as French citizens firstly in the following old towns of west Africa

A.   Lagos, Accra, Bamako and Lome

B.    St. Louis, Dakar, Rufsique and Goree'

C.    Alexandria, Durban, Cape Town and Natal

D.   Dakar, Lome, Accra and Gore'e

E.    Dakar, Lagos, Durban and Cor'ee

  1.             How did the effects of Berlin conference of 1884/ 1885 spark the world war one?

A.   It caused scramble for Africa

B.    It unequally divided the world

C.    It sparked Balkan Crisis

D.   Britain got few colonies

E.    Legalize the partition of Africa

  1.           Ghana empire broke apart due to the following reason

A.   Attacks from Almoravids

B.    Role of Trans — Saharan Trade

C.    Role of Simanguru

D.   Attacks from Banyoro

E.    The coming of European

  1.         The British colonial rule in East Africa Constructed the Uganda railway lines in order to..

A.   Attract more Europeans settlers

B.    Compete with the imperial German East African rule

C.    Provide cheap means of transport for the East African people

D.   Gain easy access to resources surrounding the interlacustrine area

E.    Facilitate transportation of suppressive soldiers against the rebel Uganda

  1.      The prolonged political conflicts in Congo forced United Nations to form a special peace keeping force known as....






  1.       The mastermind of Zanzibar revolution of 1964 was........image

A.  Abdulrahman Babu

B.   John Okello

C.   Alli Muhsin

D.  Zuberi Shante

E.   Amani Karume image

  1.         Tanzania adopted the new economic strategy in 1967 with the titleimage

A.   Operation feed your self

B.   Ujamaa and self reliance

C.   Humanism

D.   Common man's charter

E.    Independence now

2. Match the description in LIST A with the corresponding names of the resistances in LIST B by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number






Its leader fought a war with the French in 1891 using the guerrilla warfare technique for about seven ears before he was defeated


The Yao resistance


Its leader got the support from king Mangasha the king of Tinger, that's why it was easy for him to win the battle


Bunyoro resistance


Caused by the outbreak of rinder — pest in 1903 that led to the deprivation of their catter were by the religious leaders expounded this event as a curse from God for their association with Germans


Nama and Herero resistance


Charles Mac Carthy, the commander of the British force was killed


Shona — Ndebele resistance


Or anized b Kabare aa ainst British


The battle of Adowa




Mandinka resistance




Nandi resistance




The An lo — Asante war


3.   Briefly answer the following questions

  1.               How industrial revolution contributed in the abolition of slave trade in the 19thC?
  2.             Show how did Arusha declaration changed social and economic relations in Tanzania.
  3.           Why did the headquarters of organization of African Unity was established at Addis Ababa?
  4.           Anglo - German Agreement of 1886 set the East African coast strip of 10 miles to Sultan of Zanzibar, what was the intention of this decision?
  5.             How did the presence of Zimba and Segeju lift the mark in the Portuguese rule in East Africa?
  6.           How can you prove that pre-colonial societies were developed even before the contact with the outsiders?

4.   Re-arrange the following historical events in chronological order by writing number 1 to 6 beside the item number in the answer booklet provided

  1.               The first world war changed the African history in colonization and made Tanganyika to be under the British control
  2.             Arabs were the first foreigners to interact and conduct trading activities for a very long period of time than any other foreigners
  3.           Germans were authorized to rule Tanganyika after the Berlin conference of 1884/1885 headed by Otto — Von Bismarck.
  4.           After Vasco - da - Gama discovered the sea route to India, the Portuguese needed to control East Africa through Indian ocean in the 15th C made the decline of Arab rule.
  5.             Several challenges faced the Portuguese including bad climatic conditions and lack of enough fund make the end of Portuguese rule in East Africa.
  6.           Tanganyika is among the East African country that have passed on through different periods of development from pre — colonial era to the period of colonialism.

5.    Draw a sketch map of Africa and locate by using roman numbers the following 

  1.               The country in which humanism became her ideology soon after independence
  2.             The country where the Portuguese firstly built fort Elmina.
  3.           The country where headquarters of AU is located
  4.           The country where the UMKHONTO - WE - SIZWE was formed as an underground army for fighting against white government.
  5.             A country where labour recruitment agency called SILABU was established.


6.  With examples explain how long Distance Trade influenced the formation of African centralized kingdoms.

7.  The colonial regime used several techniques in order to obtain labour during colonial period. Justify this statement with six points.

8.  Jonas and Jemimah were given task by their history teacher to evaluate the changes obtained by pre-colonial African societies after the transition from primitive communalism to other pre - capitalist modes of production. In six points write in favour of Jonas and Jemimah by giving changes that were obtained.image

9.  Kwame Nkrumah had a dream of forming African union, however the dream never achieved, imageexplain six reasons for such failure




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