1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with fourteen (14) questions.
  2. Answer ALL questions in section A and B and three (3) questions from section C
  3. Section A carries fifteen (15) marks, section B forty (70) marks and section C forty-five (15) marks
  4. Cellular phones and unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room
  5. Write your name on every page of your answer sheet(s)


  1. For each of items (i) – (x), Choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside item number
  1. The ability of a person to understand who you are in terms of behavior, what you can do and what you cannot do is called.
  1. Self services
  2. Self-awareness
  3. Self-esteem
  4. Coping with emotion
  5. Self-worth
  1. What would be your opinion on course of road accident in which a pedestrians was run over by a high-speed ambulance while crossing the roads
  1. Ambulance drivers fatique
  2. Lack of road safety education
  3. Pedestrian negligence
  4. Drivers negligence
  5. Absence of traffic police
  1. The makonde are famous in Tanzania their skills in making carvings of various types. How do you characterize such carving
  1. Tradition
  2. Performing art
  3. Arts
  4. Craft
  5. Norms
  1. Miss Lisa born in Chawino District in Dodoma and both of her are natives of Tanzania. Therefore Lisa is a citizens of Tanzania by
  1. Naturalization
  2. Descent
  3. Registration
  4. Birth
  5. Dual citizenship
  1. Which one of the following represents a state of disorder due to the absence of a controlling system
  1. Aristocracy
  2. Anarchy
  3. Theocracy
  4. Monarchy
  5. Transitional
  1. General perception or assumption constructed by the society towards men or women are referred to as
  1. Gender Blondness
  2. Gender equity
  3. Gender stereotype
  4. Gender relation
  5. Gender biasness
  1. Mr. Evans wanted to Mary Magreth, but was given some conditions that he supposed to send a gift first to the bride or her parents in order to get a wife. Such a gift commonly termed as
  1. Inheritance
  2. Dowry
  3. Engagement
  4. Courtship
  5. Dating
  1. People benefit from development of science and technology on a result of globalization whereby they purchase and sell goods online through social media. Such economic system is referred as
  1. Marketing
  2. Telegraphic business
  3. Globalization index
  4. Global economy
  5. International business
  1. Mr. Emmanuel went to Dar es Salaam where she lives with different relatives, one of them does not each beef meat, goat, as those food are termed as forbidders things to be used such cultural perception is referred to a s
  1. Food ethics
  2. Food selectivity
  3. Food taboos
  4. Food norms
  5. Folk ways
  1. The government of Tanzania derives all its power and authority from people through;
  1. Mass rally
  2. Elections
  3. Revolution
  4. Coup-detat
  5. Hereditary
  1. Match the following explanation in LIST A with the corresponding symbols from LIST B by writing the letter of the correct response beside item number in space provided



  1. It symbolizes freedom, peace, unity hope enlightment of Tanzanians
  2. It signifies National identify as the resources of nation
  3. Its long neck reflects Tanzania ability to be visionary while still seeing the past and present.
  4. Official stamp that signifies authority of government of country and ownership of documents and assets
  5. Signifies independence and sovereignty of Tanzania
  6. Is body of laws and principle which are used to govern country
  1. The Giraffe
  2. National flag
  3. The presidential standard
  4. The Uhuru Torch
  5. National Anthem
  6. The National Currency
  7. National constitution
  8. The coat of Arm
  9. National language

SECTION B (54 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

  1. Briefly explain six factors that can enhance economic development of the people in Tanzania
  2. Many schools in Tanzania has reported an increase in disciplinary cases related to students behavior in six points briefly explain the impact of such cases.
  3. To a great extent, roads casualties in Tanzania are man-made phenomena. How far is this statement true? (Use six point)
  4. In six points, justify why a democratic election is important in maintaining peace and security
  5. Tanzania is a poor country, riddled with poverty, justifies this statement.
  6. Briefly explain the effect of Human rights abuse to a country like Tanzania give six points

SECTION C (30 Marks)

Answer two (2) Questions from this section

  1. What is the role of formal sector in spear heading development of Tanzania economy justify using five points
  2. How does Tanzania implements democratic principles
  3. Briefly explain good traits of any leader in society








  1. This paper consists of sections A, B & C.
  2. Answer all questions in section A and B and only three questions in section C.
  3. Section A carry 15 marks, section B carry 40 marks and section C carry 45 marks
  4. Cellular phones are not allowed in the Examination Room
  5. Write your Examination number on every page of your answer booklet(s).


  1. For each of the items (i)-(x). choose the correct among the given alternatives and write it letter beside the item number in the answer sheet provided:
  1. The ability of a person to feel and share another person’s emotion is known as:
  1. Self-esteem
  2. Self-worth
  3. Empathy
  4. Self-assertive
  5. Love

  1. Which among the following institutions is a social security scheme?
  1. NMB
  2. CRDB
  3. NBC
  4. PSPF
  5. TPB

  1. After Nyaburuma researching democratic practices in his country established that citizens, stands for election, vote to select leader, attend, political meeting join private voluntary organization and protest against the government to which principle of democracy does this evidence point?
  1. Respect of human rights
  2. Citizen, participation
  3. Separation of power
  4. Rule of law
  5. Free and fair election
  1. The following are the responsibilities of the president of Tanzania as prescribed by the constitution except:
  1. Head of ruling political party
  2. Head of the public services
  3. Head of the state
  4. Head of the government affairs
  5. Commander in chief of the Armed forces

  1. Many Tanzanians to get loans from the banks due to:
  1. Lack of entrepreneur skills and security
  2. Lack of proper identification
  3. Lack of enough financial institution
  4. Ignorance
  5. Most Tanzanians to do not need loans

  1. Many Tanzanians societies believe that boys are supervisor than girls. By using this statement which concept of Gender is this?
  1. Gender discrimination
  2. Gender mainstreaming
  3. Gender blindness
  4. Gender analysis
  5. Gender stereotyping

  1. The member of Parliament for Mkwajuni constituency passed away seven months after the general election. What can be done to get another representative?
  1. Call for general election
  2. Wait for the next general election
  3. Calls for by election
  4. The president nominates another person
  5. The National Electoral Commission nominate another person

  1. Soon after being registered every political party formulate its own:
  1. Cabinet
  2. Vision, mission and policies
  3. Couples
  4. National constitution
  5. The government within the country

  1. Selecting the best option after learning the consequences of each option is called:
  1. Problem solving skills
  2. Self awareness
  3. Creative thinking
  4. Rational Decision making
  5. Self esteem

  1. Which of the following are the major pillars of the stated?
  1. Executive, armed forces and legislature
  2. The President the speaker and the Prime Minister
  3. The President, the Prime Minister and the Chief Justice
  4. Executive, armed forces and Judiciary
  5. Executive, Legislature and Judiciary

  1. Match the items in List A with the correct response in List B by writing the letter of the corresponding response beside the item number in the answer sheet provided:



  1. A set of rules which set standards for the accepted behaviors in a society.

  1. Pattern of conduct shared by the people in a given community but always change with time.

  1. Practices that persisted in a society for a long time and do not change.

  1. Ability of using imagination to express ideas through writing and sculpturing.

  1. Simple technology or skill of producing things such as pottery and basketry.

  1. Crafts
  2. Customs
  3. Traditions
  4. Material culture
  5. Norms
  6. Antiquities
  7. Arts


Answer all questions in this section.

  1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions which follow:

Suicide is one of the critical problems of adolescents today. This disastrous act is committed for different reasons. Some adolescents often feel that death is the only way out of intolerable situations. Those terminally ill and those in capacities by serious illness or injuries commit suicide to avoid further pain. Yet others commit suicide to draw attention, to teach those who hurt them a lesson and to punish themselves for the shame they might have caused to others.

Most adolescents who commit suicide do so as a reaction to previous distressing events. Such common events include conflicts within the adolescent’s families, their failure to live up to the parents’ or guardians’ expectations and the adolescent’s failure to develop adequate interpersonal relationships within their families. These events often lead to suicide signals such as threatening to commit suicide or displaying actual tendencies to suicide and serious suicide attempts whereby the adolescent survives or lead to actual suicide.

The signals of suicide among adolescent includes previous attempts, threat to commit suicide, feeling of alienation and loneliness and the presence of mental illness especially depression. Other signals are lack of adequate impulse control, unexpected severe and prolonged stress and negative emotions.


  1. Provide a suitable title for the passage
  2. What is the altitude of some adolescents toward death?
  3. Mention any two factors from the passage that compel some of the youth to commit suicide.
  4. List down any two suicide signals the adolescents
  5. What is the altitude of the author towards suicide tendencies among the adolescents?

  1. In five points signify the effect of poverty in any society.

  1. Suppose you are the community development officer, explain to the community the role of the government in the provision of social services to Tanzanians. (Five points)

  1. Provide five points, showing the non-union matters of the Unite Republic of Tanzania to Tanzanians.

  1. In five points, mention the institutes responsible for promoting and preserving the national culture.

  1. In five points, identify the problems that face women in Tanzania.

  1. If you are to deliver a talk to your community of responsible decision making, which five merits of making responsible decision will you consider?

  1. Suppose you have graduated O’ level studies at Mchapakazi secondary school. You have now employed as a Permanent Development Office. What advice would you give to the students on the importance of work to self-development.


Answer three (3) questions from this section. Each question carries 15 marks.

  1. Discuss five (5) strategies that can be used to alleviate poverty to the third world countries like Tanzania.

  1. Tanzania is a signatory of the 1984 United Nations Declaration of Human Rights. To what extent are human rights protected in Tanzania? Provide five points.
  2. “Failure to obtain and use life skills caused many problems.” This statement was said by the psychologist who addressed the group of youth and parents. Being among the youth who attended there propose five problems that are associated with his statement.
  3. In five points explain the challenges facing the government of Tanzania in the provision of social services








CODE  011                                                       CIVICS


TIME: 3:00  HOURS 




  1. This paper consists of sections A, B & C.
  2. Answer all questions in section A and B and only three questions in section C.
  3. Section A carry 15 marks, section B carry 40 marks and section C carry 45 marks
  4. Cellular phones are not allowed in the Examination Room
  5. Write your Examination number on every page of your answer booklet(s).






  1. For each of the items (i)-(x). choose the correct among the given alternatives and write it letter beside the item number in the answer sheet provided:
  1. The ability of a person to feel and share another person’s emotion is known as:

 A: Self-esteem    B: Self-worth

 C: Empathy    D: Self-assertive

 E: Love


  1. Which among the following institutions is a social security scheme?

 A: NMB  B: CRDB          C: NBC  



  1. After Nyaburuma researching democratic practices in his country established that citizens, stands for election, vote to select leader, attend, political meeting join private voluntary organization and protest against the government to which principle of democracy does this evidence point?

 A: Respect of human rights  B: Citizen, participation

 C: Separation of power   D: Rule of law

 D: Free and fair election




  1. The following are the responsibilities of the president of Tanzania as prescribed by the constitution except:

 A: Head of ruling political party 

 B: Head of the public services

 C: Head of the state

 D: Head of the government affairs

 E: Commander in chief of the Armed forces


  1. Many Tanzanians fail to get loans from the banks due to:

 A: Lack of entrepreneur skills and security

 B: Lack of proper identification

 C: Lack of enough financial institution

 D: Ignorance

 E: Most Tanzanians to do not need loans


  1. Many Tanzanians societies believe that boys are superior than girls. By using this statement which concept of Gender is this?

A: Gender discrimination  B: Gender mainstreaming

C: Gender blindness  D: Gender analysis

E: Gender stereotyping 


  1. The member of Parliament for Mkwajuni constituency passed away seven months after the general election. What can be done to get another representative?

 A: Call for general election

 B: Wait for the next general election

 C: Calls for by election

 D: The president nominates another person

 E: The National Electoral Commission nominate another person


  1. Soon after being registered every political party formulate its own:

 A: Cabinet   B: Vision, mission and policies

 C: Couples   D: National constitution

 E: The government within the country


  1. Selecting the best option after learning the consequences of each option is called:

 A: Problem solving skills  B: Self awareness

 C: Creative thinking  D: Rational Decision making

 E: Self esteem



  1. Which of the following are the major pillars of the state?

 A: Executive, armed forces and legislature

 B: The President the speaker and the Prime Minister

 C: The President, the Prime Minister and the Chief Justice 

 D: Executive, armed forces and Judiciary

 E: Executive, Legislature and Judiciary


  1. Match the items in List A with the correct response in List B by writing the letter of the corresponding response beside the item number in the answer sheet provided:



  1. A set of rules which set standards for the accepted behaviors in a society.


  1. Pattern of conduct shared by the people in a given community but always change with time.


  1. Practices that persisted in a society for a long time and do not change.


  1. Ability of using imagination to express ideas through writing and sculpturing.


  1. Simple technology or skill of producing things such as pottery and basketry.


  1. Crafts
  2. Customs
  3. Traditions
  4. Material culture
  5. Norms
  6. Antiquities
  7. Arts



Answer all questions in this section.


  1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions which follow:


 Suicide is one of the critical problems of adolescents today. This disastrous act is committed for different reasons. Some adolescents often feel that death is the only way out of intolerable situations. Those terminally ill and those in capacities by serious illness or injuries commit suicide to avoid further pain. Yet others commit suicide to draw attention, to teach those who hurt them a lesson and to punish themselves for the shame they might have caused to others.


 Most adolescents who commit suicide do so as a reaction to previous distressing events. Such common events include conflicts within the adolescent’s families, their failure to live up to the parents’ or guardians’ expectations and the adolescent’s failure to develop adequate interpersonal relationships within their families. These events often lead to suicide signals such as threatening to commit suicide or displaying actual tendencies to suicide and serious suicide attempts whereby the adolescent survives or lead to actual suicide.


 The signals of suicide among adolescent includes previous attempts, threat to commit suicide, feeling of alienation and loneliness and the presence of mental illness especially depression. Other signals are lack of adequate impulse control, unexpected severe and prolonged stress and negative emotions.



  1. Provide a suitable title for the passage
  2. What is the attitude of some adolescents toward death?
  3. Mention any two factors from the passage that compel some of the youth to commit suicide.
  4. List down any two suicide signals the adolescents
  5. What is the altitude of the author towards suicide tendencies among the adolescents?


  1. In five points signify the effect of poverty in any society.


  1. Suppose you are the community development officer, explain to the community the role of the government in economic development  to Tanzanians. (Five points)


  1. Provide five points, showing the non-union matters of the Unite Republic of Tanzania to Tanzanians.


  1. In five points, identify the problems that face women in Tanzania.


  1. If you are to deliver a talk to your community on life skills, which five merits of life skills will you consider?


  1. Suppose you have graduated O’ level studies at Mchapakazi secondary school. You have now employed as a Permanent Development Office. What advice would you give to the students on the importance of work to self-development.





Answer three (3) questions from this section. Each question carries 15 marks.


  1. Discuss five (5) strategies that can be used to alleviate poverty to the third world countries like Tanzania.


  1. Tanzania is a signatory of the 1984 United Nations Declaration of Human Rights. To what extent are human rights protected in Tanzania? Provide five points.


12.  What evidence would you use to show the importance of social development in a society? Give five points,











  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of fourteen (14) questions.
  2. Answer all questions in sections A and B and three (3) questions from section C.
  3. Section A carries 15 marks, section B carries 40 marks and section C carries 45 marks.
  4.  Cellular phones and any unauthorised materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  5. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s).

SECTION A (15 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section. 

l . For each of the items (i) — (x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter besides the item number in the answer booklet provided.

(i)The Headmaster/mistress of your school is not satisfied with the academic performance of the school in the Form Four National Examinations. Which of the following type of life skills will you recommend to improve the academic performance of the school?

  1.  Teamwork       
  2. Negotiation skills
  3. Empathy                                           
  4. Forming friendship
  5. Peer pressure

(ii)Which of the following indicator would best guide you to determine a country practicing a dictatorial form of government?

  1.  Citizens electing their preferred political leaders and holding them accountable.
  2.  Citizens enjoying fair and equal treatment before the law.
  3.  Citizens punished for expressing personal views and opinions.
  4.  Citizens exercising freely personal religious beliefs and worship. 
  5. Citizens feeling their human dignity respected and safeguarded.

(iii) Monas husband died and her in laws forced Mona to marry Tulizo, her late husbands young brother. Such a family decision demonstrates.

  1.  gender blindness. 
  2. gender stereotyping. 
  3. gender equality. 
  4. gender mainstreaming. 
  5. gender discrimination.

(iv)Which of the following are major pillars of the State?

  1.  Executive, Armed Forces and Legislature
  2.  Executive, Legislature and Judiciary
  3.  The President, the Prime Minister and the Chief Justice
  4.   Executive, Armed Forces and Judiciary
  5.  The President, the Speaker and the Prime Minister

(v)A persons ability to appreciate himself or herself is known as

  1.  self-submissive.
  2. self-assertive. 
  3. self esteem. 
  4. self-awareness. 
  5.  self-aggressive.

(vi)Why most Tanzanians cannot access credit facilities offered by commercial banks in Tanzania?

  1.  They lack a culture of saving.
  2. They lack information on credit facilities.
  3. They lack education.
  4.  They lack insurance cover.
  5. They are discouraged by high interest rate.

(vii)Which of the following is NOT a correct characterization of the informal sector in Tanzania?

  1. lack of permanent business premises
  2. business activities are regulated by taxation laws
  3.  employees lack social security protection 
  4. employees have little job security 
  5. employees’ wages are often low.

(viii) In the United Republic of Tanzania, the Judiciary is headed by the

  1. Chief Justice
  2. Attorney General
  3. Director of Public Prosecution 
  4. Prime Minister
  5. Minister for Legal and Constitutional Affairs.

(ix)The right to voluntarily belong to any organization is known as

  1. freedom of expression 
  2. the right to life 
  3. freedom of association
  4. freedom of assembly
  5. right to equality.

(x) Social development refers to

  1.  improvement of peoples welfare in the society
  2.  improvement in relations among the people
  3.  improved women welfare in the society
  4.  high literacy rate in the society
  5.  peace and harmony in the society.

2.Match the items in List A with the correct response in List B by writing the letter of the corresponding response beside the item number in the answer booklet(s) provided.



(i) A belief shared in a society on what is desirable, correct and good. 

(ii) It is used to represent and identify individuals, society or a country.

(iii) A set of rules which set standards for the accepted behaviours in a society.

(iv) Pattern of conduct shared by the people in a given community but always change with time.

(v) Practices that persisted in a society for a long time and do not change.

  1. Symbol
  2. Customs
  3. Values
  4. Material culture
  5. Arts
  6. Tradition
  7. Antiquities
  8. Myths
  9. Norms
  10. Taboos
  11. Museums
  12.  Archives

3. Read the following passage and then answerthe questions that follow.

Natural resources can be classified as non­renewable and renewable. Non­renewable or exhaustible resources such as fossil fuels, copper, and gold exist in fixed amount in various places in the earth crust. They can be used completely or economically depleted to the point where it costs too much to get what is left, when 80 percent of its total estimated supply has been removed and used.

A renewable resource is one that can theoretically last forever, because it is replaced through natural process. Examples are trees in the forest, grasses in grasslands, wild animals, fresh surface water in lakes and rivers, fresh air and fertile soils. The earth most valuable resources, is its diversity of potentially renewable forms of life. But over use can convert renewable resources to non­renewable by using them faster than they can be replenished.

Some non­renewable resources can be recycled or reused to extend supplies. Iron, aluminium, glass, for example, can be collected, remelted, reprocessed and made into new products. Also to avoid excessive use of resources, recycling of papers products needlessly burned or thrown away, reduce timber needs for the paper industry. Domestic refuse can be used to generate power particularly for local districts heating and lighting schemes, though care must be taken when incinerating to avoid air pollution problems.

Other non­renewable resources, such as fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas), cannot be recycled or reused. When burned, the high quality useful energy in these fuels is converted to low quality waste heat and exhausted gases that pollute the atmosphere.


(a) From the passage, identify two resources which can be replaced through the natural process.

(b) State three merits of recycling non­renewable resources.

(c) List down three environmental problems associated with burning of fossil fuels.

(d) Explain the condition under which renewable resources cannot be renewed.

(e) Suggest two measures to promote sustainable use of natural resources.

4.Briefly explain the importance of family stability by giving five points.

5.Outline five traditions and customs which affect the reproductive health of women in Tanzania.

6. Briefly explain the main five functions of the Central Bank of Tanzania (B.O.T)

7.List down five sources of the Central Government Revenue.

8.  Outline five merits of making responsible decision.

9. Briefly outline five responsibilities of a good citizen in Tanzania.

10. Outline five traditions and customs which affect the reproductive health of women in Tanzania.

SECTION C (45 Marks)

Answer three (3) questions from this section.

l l . In five points, analyze the benefits of having effective government for economic development.

12.To a great extent election in Tanzania is democratic, free and fair. Use six points to validate this statement.

13.Most members in your community are not aware on the causes of high incidences of road accidents. As a knowledgeable community member, briefly explain six causes of road accidents in Tanzania.

14. Examine the importance of life skills to the youth in Tanzania by giving six points.



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