TIME: 1:30HRS                                                                                                         


  1. This exam consists of sections A , B and C
  2. There  are seven questions in total
  3. Answer all questions from each section
  4. Use a blue or black ink pen
  5. Show your working clearly
  6. Electronic devices are not allowed in exam room



1. Choose the correct answer and write the letter on the bracket 

  1. What does Mrs. Smith do for a living?
  1.               Construction worker
  2.               Teacher
  3.               Doctor
  4.              Soccer coach
  5.                Herder
  1. Which of the following activities does Ben NOT participate in?
  1.               Swimming
  2.               Piano lessons
  3.               Building model rockets
  4.              Soccer
  5.                All
  1.                What is one thing the Smith family always does together?
    1.               Build model rockets
    2.               Attend soccer games
    3.               Go swimming
    4.              Eat dinner
    5.                Watching news
  2.                The word "active" in the passage most closely means:
    1.               Busy
    2.               Lazy
    3.               Athletic
    4.              Quiet
    5.                Sharp
  3.                Based on the passage, which statement is most likely true?
  1.               The Smith family doesn't enjoy spending time together.
  2.               The Smith family values family time.
  3.               The Smith children don't like their extra-curricular activities
  4.              The Smith parents always put work before family
  5.                The Smith family spends time playing


2. Choose the most correct answer and write its letter in the spaces provided

  1.            Sarah ______ her homework every evening.
    1.        do
    2.         does
    3.         did
    4.        doing
    5.          dos
  2.    We went fishing ______ the river last weekend.

A. at

B. by

C. in

D. under

E. Beside

  1.  I would like ______ piece of cake, please.

A. the

B. a

C. an

D. some

E. Have

  1.  They haven't _______ the movie yet.

A. see

B. saw

C. seen

D. seeing

E. Watching

  1.    Could you please pass me ______ salt?

A. – (no article needed)

B. a

C. an

D. the

E. did

  1.  The birds _______ south for the winter.

A. fly

B. flies

C. flew

D. flown

E. Went

  1.            I am excited ______ my upcoming vacation.

A. for

B. about

C. with

D. on

E. of

  1.          We ______ to the store yesterday afternoon.

A. go

B. gone

C. went

D. going


  1.  She ______ a talented musician.

A. am

B. is

C. are

D. be

E. was

  1.                   The dog chased the squirrel ______ the tree.
    1.     up
    2.      down
    3.      over
    4.     into
    5.       under


  1. Complete the sentences below using the correct form of word
  1. The children ran ________ through the park, their laughter echoing in the air. (joy)
  2. Despite the difficult task, Sarah approached the problem with ________ and solved it quickly. (determine)
  3. The old tree stood ________ against the stormy winds, its roots firmly planted in the ground. (defiant)
  4. After a long day, a ________ cup of tea was exactly what I needed. (soothe)
  5. The audience burst into ________ applause at the end of the spectacular performance. (enthusiasis)

4.  Match the items in LIST A and with the words in LIST B and write the letter of the correct answer in spaces



  1. These are word with same sound but different meaning and spelling
  2. John is the man from Ghana, he is a…..
  3. It is the suffix in the word employment, this is..
  4. Mwajuma eats neither meat nor fish, that is to say she is a…………
  5. A place where milk is processed and sold is…
  1. Employ
  2. Homonyms
  3. Butchery
  4. Ment
  5. Homophones
  6. Vegetarians
  7. Dairy
  8. Ghananian
  9. Synonyms.


  1. Fill in the blanks with the correct word
  1. I saw a ………………..of bees at the jungle
  2. The moon laughed at me, identify the figure of speech for underlined words.
  3. Joseph is to gentleman as Jane is to……………………………………….
  4. They all failed examinations……………..they worked hard in class
  5. Feisal scored the best goal in yesterday’s match. Which degree of adjective is the underlined word?


The Wind's Song

The wind whispers secrets to the trees, 

A gentle song on a summer breeze. 

It rustles the leaves, a playful sound, 

And carries the scent of flowers around.


With a mighty gust, it takes to the sky, 

And dances with clouds as they float by. 

The wind's wild song, it fills the air, 

A melody heard everywhere

 Short Answer Questions

  1. What kind of sounds does the wind make in the first part of the poem?
  2. How does the wind's song change in the second part of the poem?
  3. What images does the poem use to describe how the wind moves? (Example
  4. Does the poem make the wind seem gentle or powerful? Explain your answer.
  5. If you could ask the wind one question, what would it be?


7.Read the passage below and answer questions that follow

Living in a big city is an exciting experience. There's always something to do and see. Museums, theaters, and sports stadiums offer endless entertainment. Cities boast diverse restaurants serving food from all over the world. Public transportation systems like buses and subways make getting around easy, even if you don't own a car. However, city life isn't without its challenges. Crowded streets and constant noise can be overwhelming. Apartments are often small and expensive. Despite these drawbacks, many people find the energy and opportunities of a city make it a thrilling place to live.

Short Answer Questions

  1.       According to the passage, what are two advantages of living in a city?
  2.       What are two potential challenges of living in a city?
  3.       Does the passage describe city life in a mostly positive or mostly negative way? Explain your answer.
  4.       If you could live anywhere, would you choose a big city, a small town, or a rural area? Why?
  5.       Imagine you're writing a guide for someone moving to a big city for the first time. What's one important piece of advice you would give them?



The Busy Smith Family

The Smith family is always on the go! Mr. Smith is a construction worker who leaves for work early in the morning. Mrs. Smith is a teacher at the local elementary school. Their two children, Emily and Ben, are both active in sports and clubs. Emily plays soccer and takes piano lessons. Ben is on the swim team and loves building model rockets. Even though they have a busy schedule, the Smith family always makes time for dinner together each night.








TIME: 1:40HR


  1. This paper consists of three sections; A, B and C with a total of 7 questions
  2. All answers must be written in blue or black ink.
  3. Remember to write your name and other particulars in the given spaces.
  4. Answer all questions according to the instructions in each section.
  5. Keep your work neat and smart.
  6. Cellular phones, tablets and calculators are not allowed in the examination room.


1. Listen attentively the sentences read by the invigilator and then answer correctly the questions by writing the letters of the correct answers in the spaces provided. 

  1. When Manugwa went to call the doctor, he found that the doctor  A. was sleeping B. was busy C. was in the office D. was unavailable E. was in the ward [ ]
  2. Tick! Tock! Tick! Tock! According to the knowledge you have about English Language, what figure of speech are the mentioned words? A. personification B. hyperbole C. onomatopoeia D. metaphor E. metonymy [ ]
  3. Ng’aaa! Ng’aaa! Ng’aaa! Whose voice was this? A. Nyanjiga’s B. Manugwa’s C. Ambulance’s D. Clock’s E. child’s [ ] iv.Who is giving the story? A. Manugwa B. Nyanjiga C. The doctor D. Security guard E. Nyanjiga’s husband [ ]
  4. In which context did all these happen? A. hospital B. home C. Bidii security company D. at the gate E. doctor’s office [ ]

2. Choose the correct answers and write their letters in the spaces provided. 

  1. If the players hard, they would score some more goals. A. worked B. work C. had worked D. works E. will work [ ]
  2. After the serious inspection, the district commissioner commented, “None of the villagers unprohibited crops every year.” A. grow B. grows C. were growing D. did not grew E. have grown [ ]
  3. This old woman there since her childhood. A. lived B. lives C. has lived D. has been living E. live [ ]
  4. John has a full grown tree. Add a question tag. A. hasn’t he? B. has he? C. doesn’t he? D. don’t he? E. won’t he? [ ]
  5. The oxen busy cultivating the farms at present. A. were B. was C. is D. have E. are [ ]

3. Complete the given sentences (i)-(v) by wring the correct words given in the box. 

For, So, When, Than , Yet, Or, Nor, To 

  1. When Aisha was asked why did the clothes became wet when it rained, she answered that she had hardly returned home the rain started.
  2. My sister is tall, slim and beautiful she won the Miss Universe Title.
  3. The electricity was not stable the Tanzanian government launched the electrical train.
  4. At his time, he preferred modern dances tradition ones.
  5. We will not forget Ali Hassan Mwinyi, he helped us during difficult time.

4. Match the items in LIST A with those in LIST B correctly. 



5. Fill in the blanks with the correct answers. 

  1. ……are the words that end with the same last sounds.
  2. ‘Minute’ and ‘ ’ are the words known as homographs for they differ only in pronunciation and meaning.
  3. Yesterday our English Language teacher taught us about  . He said that it involves comparison of dissimilar things without the use of conjunctions for example Magufuli was a lion. 
  4. Fish can be identified as a school but the ants can be identified as …………….
  5. Pronouns are very useful in any language. In English Language they take the position of a in the sentences for example Aisha is here. (she is here.)

6. Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow. 

Covered in sweat 

A hard working life 

Placed at their feet 

You reap what you sow 

Written in their hearts 

Servants of humanity 

Hope is their daily bread 

A prayer for all times 

Farming is the passion 

Not for the short-sighted 

Not for the weak at heart 

Not for the lazy 

Farmers are the guardians of hope 

Farmers are unsung heroes 

Fully armed With magazines of seeds 

  1. How many verses are in the second stanza?
  2. What lessons have you learnt from the poem?
  3. “Farmers are unsung heroes”. What figure of speech is this statement?
  4. Which stanza comes with the idea that farming is for strong people?
  5. Farming is a passion. What part of speech is the word ‘passion’?


7. Re-arrange the following sentences to get a meaningful passage by giving the sentences numbers 1-5. 

  1. “I don’t want peace, I like problems always.” [ ]
  2. He likes stand-up comedy and he enjoys watching different comedians performing. [ ]
  3.  It was one man watching comedy on his mobile phone who made Dani to think why can’t this man call me there! [ ]
  4. Dani is a seven years old boy who lives Kibaha with his mom and sister. [ ]
  5. One day when he was in Mwendokasi, he heard the strange voice which drew his attention. [ ]



Tick! Tock! Tick! Tock! The clock was busy singing while Nyanjige was seriously crying for her pregnancy had reached nine months ready to deliver. Manugwa, the fifteen years girl who accompanied Nyanjige hospital had studied in the class about all signs for pregnant women who are ready to deliver. Manugwa ran quickly to call the doctor in the office unsuccessfully. The doctor had intentionally gone back home as he always does. This doctor used to escape the evening shift as when it reaches twelve o’clock mid-night, he used to leave and go back home. Manugwa went back to her sister and decided to help her by applying the skills she had learned from her Science and Technology teacher Mr. Kalikawe. When I was at the gate in my shirt written BIDII SECURITY COMPANY, I heard the strange voice ng’aa! ng’aa! ng’aa! ng’aa! it was the new born child. Every one praised Manugwa for her heroic decision. The following day the hospital leadership rewarded Manungwa and the doctor on duty was fired and became jobless. 








NAME:_________________________________________________ DATE:_____________________ STD 7




  1. This paper consists of sections A and B with a total of 45 questions
  2. Answer all questions in each section
  3. Read all the instructions in the special answer sheets
  4. Write your name on answer
  5. Use blue or Black ink-pens for diagrams use pencil
  6. Cellular phones and any unauthorized material are not allowed in examination room



  1. Children ___________ running to school now.  
  1. are 
  2. were 
  3. will     [ ]
  1. While they were playing, the teacher _________ swimming.   
  1. was 
  2. is  
  3. were    [ ]
  1. They are ___________ television at the moment.
  1. watched 
  2. watching 
  3. were watch    [ ]
  1. He always ___________________ to school late.  
  1. come  
  2. comes   
  3. has come    [ ]
  1. I _________ my teeth every morning when I wake up.  
  1. brushes 
  2. brushing    
  3. brush    [ ]
  1. The fisherman has ________________ a lot fish.
  1. catch  
  2. been catch  
  3. caught    [ ]
  1. We __________ to travel to Mwanza soon.            
  1. are going  
  2. will go  
  3. have gone    [ ]
  1. Two weeks ago, Mr Wahi _______ his son to hospital
  1. sent    
  2. send  
  3. sends    [ ]
  1. The villager’s _________ Mikumi National Park last week.  
  1. Visit 
  2. visited 
  3. visiting    [ ]
  1. We ________ for National examination next year   A) was sit     B) shall sit    C) sat  [ ]
  2. Chauremboused to _____ care of her parents.    
  1. takes   
  2. took 
  3. take    [ ]
  1. I ___________ waiting since morning.                    
  1. had been 
  2. has been 
  3. have been    [ ]
  1. It is going to ____________
  1. rain      
  2. raining     
  3. rained    [ ]
  1. It ___________ arrive next week. 
  1. will 
  2. shall  
  3. would    [ ]
  1. Miss Agnes __________ the gifts and put them in a box.     
  1. bought 
  2. buy 
  3. buys    [ ]



  1. Mwl. Nyerere fought against colonialist’s ______ several years. 
  1. since  
  2. for 
  3. by     [ ]
  1. Is there ______________ sugar in tin?                        
  1. some 
  2. any 
  3. much    [ ]
  1. Husna is ___________ beautiful than Hanifa.       
  1. most 
  2. many 
  3. more    [ ]
  1. This bag belongs to Zuhura. It is _____________  
  1. his 
  2. mine 
  3. hers    [ ]
  1. A bat is _________ an animal or bird.  
  1. neither 
  2. both 
  3. either    [ ]
  1. Ally destroyed the photocopy ________ kept on the wall.  
  1. where  
  2. whose  
  3. which    [ ]
  1. The old man hide the bicycle _______ it can’t be seen. 
  1. where  
  2. which  
  3. whose     [ ]
  1. Please call me _______9:30am the teacher told.   
  1. at 
  2. on 
  3. in     [ ]
  1. The water is too cold __________ drink.
  1. To
  2. Two
  3. For     [ ]
  1. ______________ Tanganyika and Eyasi are rift valley lakes.
  1. Both
  2. Not only
  3. Among    [ ]
  1. The thieves entered in the house ______ the window.    A) behind B) through   C) beside
  2. We shall be late for school ______ we ran fast.
  1. If
  2. Unless
  3. Because    [ ]
  1. ____________ you study hard, you will pass your examination.
  1. Unless
  2. If
  3. When    [ ]
  1. Amina is suffering ____________ malaria.            A) of B) from     C) for  [ ]
  2. The doctor has told you what your problem is ___
  1. Has he
  2. Hasn’t he
  3. Hasn’t you     [ ]



  1. The word “environment” simply means ______
  1. Buildings
  2. All our surroundings
  3. Forests    [ ]
  1. The citizen of Sudan is called a ___________
  1. Sudanist 
  2. Sudanese
  3. Sudanian    [ ]
  1. The sister of your mother is your __________
  1. Aunt
  2. Mother in step
  3. Mother    [ ]
  1. The three of us were winners. Ali was the first, John the third and I was the _____________
  1. Two
  2. Second
  3. Fourth    [ ]
  1. The opposite of the word “come” is _________
  1. Depart
  2. Go
  3. Went    [ ]
  1. A  young cow is called a _____________
  1. Piglet
  2. Calf
  3. Lamb    [ ]



Arrange these sentences so that they make good composition by giving them letter A – D.


  1. And it is attractive area for tourists.
  2. The highest peak of mountain Kilimanjaro 5895 metres high.
  3. It has two snow peaks, Kibo and Mawenzi.
  4. Mount Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa.



Complete the sentences below by choosing and writing the correct word from the box

Score,     trophy,    football,   team,    stadium 


  1. We play this in the field ____________________
  2. This is where no. 41 is played _______________
  3. This is what we get when we win ____________
  4. They must do this in order to win ____________
  5. They should be eleven to start playing a match____________________________






The End








Time 1:30 Hours

Pupil’s Name.........................................................................................................


  1.               This paper consists of section A and B with total of forty-five questions
  2.               Answer all questions in each section
  3.               For questions 1 – 40 put your choice in the box provided
  4.               For question 41 – 45 write your answer by filling the spaces provided
  5.               All communication devices and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.


Listen to the passage below being read by the teacher. Then answer question questions 1 – 5 by writing the letter of the correct answer in the space provided.


One day, Adili was going to school when he met a very old beggar. Adili greeted him but the old man’s voice was too low to be heard. Adili was sure that the old man was hungry. He quickly opened his bag and took out his lunch box. He handed the lunch box to him. The man thanked him and ate the food happily. After he had eaten, he returned the lunch box to Adili and Adili walked away happily. During lunch time, Adili had nothing to eat. His class teacher asked him about what had happened. Adili explained to the teacher about what had happened as other pupils listened quietly. The teacher was highly impressed with what Adili had done. He said to Adili, “You are such a kind boy”. He took Adili to the office and gave him food.


  1.               What is the story about?
  1.              Food
  2.              Lunch box
  3.              A boy called Adili who helped an old beggar
  4.              Class teacher
  5.              A boy who never had lunch
  1.               Why di Adili give the old beggar his food?
  1.              Because he did not want to eat that day
  2.              Because he hated eating
  3.              Because the food he had was not his favourite
  4.              Because he was sure that the old beggar was hungry and needed food
  5.              Because his class teacher had told him to do so
  1.               What did the old man do after he was given some food?
  1.              He rejected the offer
  2.              He thanked Adili and ate the food happily
  3.              He walked away
  4.              He showed disappointment
  5.              He asked for more food
  1.               How did the teacher react after hearing Adili’s story?
  1.              He punished Adili for interacting with strangers
  2.              He informed other teachers.
  3.              He told the pupils to behave like Adili
  4.              He was highly impressed with what Adili had done
  5.              He was very angry
  1.               How can you describe Adili?
  1.              He is a kind boy
  2.              He is disobedient
  3.              He loves food
  4.              He hates food
  5.              He dislikes beggars


Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it in the space provided

  1.               Our teacher has been ............. us for seven years.

  1.              Taught
  2.              Teaches
  3.              Teaching
  4.              Is teaching
  5.              Teach

  1.               While Allen was reading, his sister ................. some dinner

  1.              Prepare
  2.              Is preparing
  3.              Prepares
  4.              Preparing
  5.              Was preparing

  1.               These days my young brother ....... how to read

  1.              Know
  2.              Knowing
  3.              Known
  4.              Is knowing
  5.              Knows

  1.               The boy has ........... since last night

  1.              Singing
  2.              Sang
  3.              Been sung
  4.              Been singing
  5.              Sing

  1.           Our cat is ............. the car

  1.              Inside to
  2.              Out
  3.              Of
  4.              Away From
  5.              In front

  1.           That is ................ the car

  1.              John
  2.              Johns’
  3.              It John
  4.              He
  5.              John’s

  1.           The country ...... people live in peace is Tanzania.

  1.              Whose
  2.              Which
  3.              What
  4.              Who
  5.              Whom

  1.           Mangoes were ripe ...... eaten.

  1.              So to
  2.              Enough to be
  3.              Enough
  4.              So that
  5.              That

  1.           Flowers were ...... by the pupils

  1.              Watered
  2.              Watering
  3.              They water
  4.              Water
  5.              Are watering

  1.           Which of the following sentences is correct?
  1.              Although I am young, but I can play netball.
  2.              Although I am young, I can plays netball
  3.              Although I am young, I can plays netball.
  4.              Although I am young, but I can’t netball
  5.              Although am young, I can’t play netball
  1.           Amina said, “I’m much better.” The indirect speech of the sentence will be
  1.              Amina said she is much better.
  2.              Amina said that, she was better
  3.              “She was doing well”
  4.              Amina says “she was better”
  5.              Amina said that she was much better.
  1.           Juma ................ to hospital yesterday

  1.              Go
  2.              Goes
  3.              Went
  4.              Gone
  5.              Is going

  1.           The teacher is sick, ......... she?

  1.              Is
  2.              Was
  3.              Can
  4.              Isn’t
  5.              Him

  1.           Mary brought the box by ......

  1.              Herself
  2.              Himself
  3.              Themselves
  4.              Her
  5.              him

  1.           ......... is Fatuma beautiful ......... intelligent

  1.              Too .....to
  2.              So .....that
  3.              Not only ..... but also
  4.              As ....... as
  5.              Both ......and

  1.           Amour ............. a doctor. He’s teacher at the University

  1.              Aren’t
  2.              Isn’t
  3.              Doesn’t
  4.              Not
  5.              Didn’t

  1.           Please meet Jagen and Wara. ........ are from Spain

  1.              Their
  2.              Them
  3.              This
  4.              There
  5.              They

  1.           Do you have a computer? Yes, .......

  1.              I have
  2.              I got
  3.              I’ve got
  4.              I am
  5.              Am I

  1.           ....... two hundred students in our school.

  1.              They are
  2.              It is
  3.              There are
  4.              There is
  5.              Them are

  1.           Can I have ......... sugar please?

  1.              Any
  2.              A few
  3.              Some
  4.              Few
  5.              Many

  1.           We haven’t seen ............. here

  1.              One children
  2.              Any children
  3.              Some childrens
  4.              A children
  5.              Much children

  1.           What is your father? ........
  1.              He’s a techer
  2.              He’s Juma
  3.              He’s teaching
  4.              He’s at home
  5.              He is watching television
  1.           I go ...... school in Bunda

  1.              To
  2.              In
  3.              On
  4.              At
  5.              From

  1.           We have lunch ...... one o’clock

  1.              To
  2.              At
  3.              In
  4.              On
  5.              up

  1.           Motor racing is the .............. sport in the world

  1.              Expensivest
  2.              As expensive
  3.              Expensive
  4.              More expensive
  5.              Most expensive

  1.           The word “pair” means............

  1.              One thing
  2.              Two things
  3.              Three things
  4.              Four things
  5.              Five things

  1.           Your shirt is similar to mine. The word “Similar” means............
  1.              Correct
  2.              Light
  3.              Shiny
  4.              Bright
  5.              Like
  1.           Usually, the pupils play games. The opposite of “Usually” is..........

  1.              Seldom
  2.              Useless
  3.              Few
  4.              Useful
  5.              Difficult

  1.           The plural of the word “furniture” is.........

  1.              Furnitures
  2.              Tables
  3.              Furniture
  4.              Chairs
  5.              Beds

  1.           A place where milk is produced is called......

  1.              Dairy
  2.              Diary
  3.              Diaries
  4.              Supermarket
  5.              Butcher




This section has five mixed sentences. Arrange the sentences so as to make a good composition by giving them letters A – E 


  1.           The highest peak of Mount Kilimanjaro is 5,895 meters high
  2.           There are many mount in Africa
  3.           Mount Kilimanjaro is the highest in the continent
  4.           Its surroundings occupy 755km2 and it is an attractive area for tourists
  5.           It has two snow peaks, kibo and Mawenzi




Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.

Pollution is the release of unwanted materials such as plastic bags, cans, untreated waste products, and smoke into the land, atmosphere, rivers and oceans. These disturb the natural process of the earth. These materials are known as pollutants. Very often, these pollutants are waste products from industrial, agricultural or domestic processes. The earth has natural processes which are very good at breaking down and recycling natural waste. However, waste has become excessive in most places and the natural recycling systems have become overloaded.


There are different kinds of pollution such as air, land and water pollution. The air we breathe can be dirty and dangerous because of the pollutants it may contain. This could lead to illnesses like cancer, asthma and reduced brain growth in children. Power stations, factories, motor vehicles and fuel burning in homes are the main causes of air pollution which is carried by the wind and spread in our environment. We can stop pollution by doing the following: buy and use environmentally friendly products, never drop used materials/ containers everywhere, join in a local project to clean up your neighbourhood, save energy and remember to turn off the radio, cooking fire, TV and lights when they are not being used.



  1.           According to the passage, what is pollution/
  2.           Why is it important to breathe clean air?
  3.           What are pollutants?
  4.           How is polluted air carried from one place to another?
  5.           The different kinds of pollution include land, air and ............ pollution.







Choose the most correct answer and shade its letter in the space provided

1. Where is the school located?______________

A. Kigoma B. Morogoro C. Tabora D. Dodoma E. Iringa [ I

2. When will the interview be conducted?_____________

A. 4th December B. 3th December C. 5th December D. 6th December E. 7th December [ I

3. Who will be considered after interview?________________

A. All pupils B. Teachers C. Parents D. All children E. Successful candidates [ I

4. On which days people should visit the school office to get forms?

  1.      Monday to Friday
  2.      Monday to Tuesday [ I
  3.      Wednesday to Friday
  4.     Tuesday to Thursday
  5.      Monday to Thursday

5. Where are the forms for an interview found?___________

A. School B. Mwanza C. Nursery class D. Standard six E. Office [ I

6. The football match between Barcelona FC and Manchester United was____ at old Trafford

A. played B. Had play C. Had played D. was playing E. plays [ I

7. She will have_________a nice language to the guest of honor on graduation language.

A. Speaks B. Spoke C. Spoken D. Speak E. Speaking [ I

8. We _____ watching the movies while he was he playing football.

A. Were B. Have C. Had D. Was E. Did [ I

9. The boy________fire and started to heat some meat for birthday party.

A. Light B. Lighting C. Lights D. Lit E. Had light [ I

10. Nehemia________writing a letter now.

A. Is B. are C. have D. has E. were [ I

11. He is___________meet his friends for special tour next year.

A. Goes to B. Going C. Go to D. Going to E. Will go [ I

12. I_________good furniture that attracted many customers.

A. Made B. Making C. Makes D. Make E. Shall make [ I

13. If I ____________________________________________ a teacher, I could meet the pupils for extra lessons.

A. Were B. Was C. Had D. Have E. Hadn’t [ I

14. Complete the sentence in the question form._____travel to Mbeya by tomorrow?

A. Have they? B. did them C. Must they D. Will they E. shall they? [ I

15. The house was such a beautiful one _____ all people wanted to visit.

A. That B. As C. Yet D. Or else E. As though [ I

16. Sosteness is kind but Nyingi is kinder________

A. Than B. Too C. Also D. Much E. Less [ I

17. The doctor’s report said that the patient was________better.

A. A lot B. Little less C. More D. A few E. To [ I

18. Unless Jeremia _________hard, the exam will be difficult to him.

A. Study B. studied C. Studies D. Studying E. Was study [ I

19. She drank all the milk_____________

A. Itself B. Herself C. Himself D. Themselves E. ourselves

20. He was late_______he was slowly preparing himself to trip.

A. Or else B. Yet C. As D. For E. And

[ I

  1. A thief jumped_________the stream and disappeared.

A. Into B. In C. On D. Between E. Around [ I

  1. A pile of exercise books__________bought cheaply by the pupils Today.

A. Was B. Were C. Shall D. Will E. Is [ I

  1. She____________attend gym every weekend.

A. Don’t B. Did C. Doesn’t D. Do E. Done [ I

  1. The news____________so good that people want to listen.

A. Is B. Were C. Are D. Has E. Be [ I

  1. No sooner had the train arrived ___________ passengers arrived at station.

A. As B. While C. When D. than E. As soon as [ I

  1. He used ten years to work _____ he finally enjoyed his fund when he retired. A. For B. Since              C. But              D. That              E. So              [              I
  2. He studied his course_________three years.

A. Since B. On C. By D. For E. At [ I

28.__________the fact she was a smart girl, she failed to pass exams.

A. Despite of B. In spite C. In spite of D. Although E. Even though [ I

  1. You can start doing exercise today____________you want to win the race.

A. So long B. As well as C. As long as D. Unless E. However [ I

  1. Professor Lulandala launched his master mind book________documentary.

A. And B. Yet C. For D. So E. Or [ I


  1. Our English teacher gave us an example of antonym cold – hot .What is the antonym of the word foreigner?

A. African B. white C. native D. tourist E. guest [ I

  1. Tanzanian boy met a ____________ girl in the competition of essay writing. A. Canada B. Canadian C. canadese D. canan              E. canadianing              [              I
  2. When we attended graduation ceremony of school grade seven pupils we ate meals with pleasant taste. How was that meal?

A. Balance diet B. delicious C. bad smell D. bitter E. more attractive [ I

  1. What is the homophone of the word right?

A. Write B. light C. drive D. left E. wrong [ I

  1. Mr.Malinga died of malaria last year. He left his wife without husband. How is Mrs Malinga called?

A. Widow B. Widowless C. Widower D. Spinster E. Hopeless [ I

  1. My mother goes Masiti shop to buy list of things with twelve items. How do we call things which are in twelve items?

A. Pair B. Pricelist C. Invoice D. Dozen E. List [ I




Arrange the sentences below in a logical order by giving them letter A  D to make a meaningful paragraph.

  1. Their school library has many books arranged on shelves [ ]
  2. Aziza advised her brothers and sisters to use the library to improve their grade performance
  3. One day ,Aziza and Moses talked about their school library [ ]
  4. Moses and Aziza are standard five pupils [ ]


Read the following passage and then answer the questions provided below

At the beginning of every new academic year, teachers and pupils at Maendeleo primary school set their goals for improving their academic performance. At the beginning of this year, standard six pupils were very eager to set their goals with their class teacher. On that particular day, their teacher started with a general discussion on their academic performance. She said that most pupils did well in their terminal examinations; therefore, she was happy with their performance. However, she was

unhappy with the performance of a few pupils who did not do well. She said that they had to set new goals that would enable everybody to perform better. The pupils were allowed to point out important things which would contribute to their academic improvement.

First of all, the pupils were concerned about discipline. They agreed that every pupil should follow regulations. The teacher added, “when you are disciplined, you can focus on your studies. In this way, you can concentrate more on your lessons and allow yourselves to think Cleary and effectively.”

Secondly, they discussed the importance of giving equal consideration to every subject. The teacher said that she had noted that some pupils did very well in some subjects but did very badly in others. She said that she could not understand why a pupil could have an ‘A’ in Mathematics and a ‘D’ in other subjects.

Then, they talked about cooperative learning. Some pupils even gave examples of pupils who had worked cooperatively in previous years, and they all had succeeded by scoring an average of ‘A’ in their school leaving examinations. The teacher advised the pupils to work cooperatively regardless of individual differences. She said, “some pupils neglect others because they consider them dull. The truth is that nobody is dull. The person you consider dull today can be the brightest of all tomorrow.” This statement raised a lot of positive responses from the pupils. They gave more examples of previous pupils who were once below average but later became the best and passed their final examinations with flying colours.

  1.  When do teachers and pupils meet to set goals for improving academic performance?
  2.  What was the first thing pointed out by pupils as contribution to academic improvement?
  3.  Which exam did the pupils who were below average passed with flying colours?
  4.  Why some pupils neglect others?__________________________________
  5.  Why some pupils succeeded by scoring an average of ‘A’ in their school leaving examination?





TIME: 1:30 HRS                                                           



  • THIS paper consists of 45 questions with sections A,B and C
  • Select the best alternative in question 1-40
  • For question 41-45 provide the best answer
  • Write full name on the blank space above together with the name of the school
  • Ensure your work is neat and legible.


Write the letter of the correct answer

  1. She is a letter to her mother now
    1. Wrote b. written c. writing d. writes e. home writing
  2. John always to school
    1. Goes b. go  c. went d. have gone e. going
  3. Peter and Paul         in the school garden when their mother came
    1. Work  b. was working c. were working d. works e. worked
  4. They          going to visit Serengeti National Park next month
    1. Will b. shall c. has d. were e. are
  5. He didn’t      at school early yesterday
    1. Has arrived b. arrives c. arriving d. arrive e. have arrived
  6. The boys          their books to the school library
    1. Has taken b. have taken c. will take d. shall take e. take
  7. Four months ago, Joyce          from Japan
    1. Comes b. come c. is coming d. came e. were coming
  8. Paul         his clothes since morning
    1. Has been washing b. have been washing c. shall be washing d. will be washing

e. is being washing

  1. If he          early he would have caught the bus
    1. Has come b. had come c. will come d. have come e. would come
  2. She plays netball well,         ?
    1. Doesn’t she b. don’t she c. did she d. didn’t she e. doesn’t he
  3. The chair is         by the child
    1. Broke b. break c. broken d. breaks e. breaking
  4. Amina will be         netball by this time tomorrow
    1. Playing b. played c. play d. plays e. have played
  5. President Dr. Magufuli and his wife were preparing         to go to China
    1. Ourselves b. herself c. himself d. themselves e. theirselves
  6. They won’t pass the examination          they work very hard
    1. And b. if c. unless d. even e. because
  7. Neither Peter          Joseph played football last week
    1. Either b. or c. and d. if e. nor
  8. Most of Sukuma people prefer ugali          bananas
    1. To b. except c. like d. than e. with
  9. The giraffe is the         animal in Serengeti National Park
    1. Tall b. taller c. tallest d. more tall e. most tallest
  10. The son is young enough for       to school
    1. Go b. going c. went d. goes e. gone
  11.    motorcycles and cars can be dangerous
    1. Neither b. that c. very d. both e. so
  12. There isn’t         water in the tank
    1. Some b. many c. any d. much e. few
  13.    it was raining heavily, the players were playing football
    1. If b. although c. despite of d. in spite of e. unless
  14. Chacha died          malaria
    1. From b. for c. off   d. of e. in
  15. The daughter of one’s sister is called           
    1. Aunt b. uncle c. niece d. nephew e. cousin
  16. They travelled          a bicycle from Matabe to Mgusu
    1. At b. by c. with d. in e. on
  17. My uncle has been a doctor          a year now
    1. For b. since c. on d. in e. at
  18. A person from Rwanda is called          
    1. Rwandanian b. Rwandans c. Rwandese d. Rwandas e. none
  19. Mango was not only intelligent    obedient in his class
    1. But b. but also  c. and also d. also e. but so
  20. The room is small to accommodate 40 students
    1. Too b. to c. two d. into e. onto
  21. At school we are allowed to speak  English or Kiswahili
    1. Both b. and c. either d. neither e. also
  22. A big stone is          
    1. Charle’s b. Charles c. Charles’s d. Charles’ e. Charles is



Write the letter of the correct answer

  1. A young cow is called          
    1. Kitten b. piglet c. calf d. puppy  e. chick
  2. A person whose father died is           
    1. A bachelor b. an orphan c. fatherless d. spinster e. single
  3. A person who sells meat is            
    1. Meat monger b. cow’s cutter c. butchery d. butcher e. killer
  4. Three children born at the same time to the same mother are called          
    1. Triplets b. twins c. triple d. worst e. three in one
  5. A is a house where the rabbit stays (lives)
    1. Hole b. burrow c. nest d. bullow e. house
  6. The singular form of the word ‘teeth’ is
    1. Toothpick b. toothless c. one teeth d. tooth e. teeth


Rearrange the following sentences so as to make a meaningful composition by giving them letters A, B, C and D

  1. She jumped out the bed and ran to her mother happily
  2. She found her mother in the kitchen with a cake and other snacks
  3. Lightness was still asleep in the morning dreaming about her birthday
  4. Suddenly, she heard her mother calling her


Read the following passage carefully and then answer the questions that follow

It was on Friday morning in March 2016 when Majuto started form one at Kalangala secondary school. He reported with his mother who had carried a bucket, sweeping broom, a hoe, a beautiful school bag as well as classroom instruments.

They entered the Headmaster’s office to be registered. The Headmaster asked his mother to show

all needed things according to joining instructions then he was registered as a form one student.

Later, the teacher on duty showed him where to join his classroom. After the parade they entered their classroom where the English teacher instructed them on how they can introduce to each other. He was very glad to know how to introduce himself and his fellows


  1. In which year did Majuto start form one?
  2. Who escorted Majuto to school?
  3. Majuto’s school bag contained     
  4. Who showed form one students where to go?
  5. The suitable title for the passage is   








Time1:30 Hours

Pupil’s Name............................................................


  1. This paper consists of section A and B with total of forty five questions
  2. Answer all questions in each section
  3. For questions 1-40 put your choice in the box provided
  4. For question 41-45 write your answer by filling the spaces provided
  5. All communication devices and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room



1. Mr Andrew, the headmaster ___________ a newspaper now. 

(A) Will read (B)is reading (C)reading (D)reads

2. The women ____________ to the market every Saturday 

(A) Are going (B)going (C)goes (D)meet

3. When Subira was going to school she ___________________

(A) was meeting (B)was met (C)met (D)meet

4. Elvis ________________ the question which the teacher wrote on the blackboard. 

(A) have answered (B)answering (C)answered (D)answers

5. Did you ___________ your bag yesterday. (A)took (B)tooked (C)take (D)takes

6. Mosquitoes _________ malaria. (A)carries (B)carry (C)carried (D)has carried

7. Children always __________ playing (A)like (B)likes (C)are liking (D)disliking 

8. Jane likes telling ______________ (A)lies (B)lie (C)laying (D)lied

9. The pupils have _____ football since morning. (A)played (B)been playing (C)was playing (D)been played 

10. My brother ____________ potatoes every year in his garden. (A)grown (B)grew (C)grows (D)growing

11. Did the pupils _______their homework last night? (A)are finishing (B)finished (C)is finished (D)finish

12. The cow is healthy because it _________ good food. (A)eat (B)eating (C)eats (D)eaten

13. The teachers usually _______________ to school at seven O’clock every day. (A)comes (B)are coming (C)come (D)came

14. The football matches _______ before we arrived at the playground (A)had start (B)started (C)had starting (D)had started

15. The women always __________ to the gymnasium every weekend. (A)go (B)goes (C)went (D)going 

16. Snails normally ___________ slowly. (A)walk (B)walks (C)walking (D)was walked

17.I meet Susan ___________ her new bicycle yesterday. (A)Ride (B)Rode (C)riding (D)was riding 

18. The boy _____________ in Dar es Salaam for three years. (A)Has been living (B)have been living (C)has been leaving (D)have been leaving

19. The girls __________ in the garden now. (A)is working (B)are working (C)working (D)words

20. The poor man _______ ten thousand shillings by the president (A)was giving 

(B) was given (C)giving (D)gave

21. Maria was cooking bananas when her brother (A)Arrive (B)arriving (C)comes (D)is coming 

22. The girls __________ their books to the library already; (A)has taken (B)will take 

(C) Shall taken (D)have taken

23. Every year, Tanzania ___________ a lot of visitors from different countries all over the world. 

(A)Receive (B) receives (C)receiving (D)received 

24.___________ Halima clean her teeth every day? (A)DO (B)Does (C)is (D)has 

25. The lazy pupils __________ their homework. (A)have not did (B)has not done 

(C) have not do (D)have not done.

26. The pupils __________ their books at the moment. (A)read (B)reads (C)reading (D)is reading 

27. I prefer athletics _______ wrestling. (A)than (B)for (C)to (D)with

28. Our teacher has been __________ us for seven years. (A)Taught (B)teaches (C)teaching (D)is teaching

29. Tanzania is ________ the East Africa countries. (A)Either (B)among (C)between (D)at 

30. The river flows _________ the two mountains. (A)Along (B)Among (C)between (D)in



31. The daughter of your aunt is your _____ (A) sister (B)nephew (C)niece (D)cousin 

32. A bird flies, a person walks, a snake glides and a cow. (A)wanders, (B)wonders (C)wander (D)wonder

33. Mr Mpunda tests eye sight and sells spectacles, so he is called _________

(A) a doctor (B)detective (C)optician (D)chemist

34.The father of you father is your _________ (A)grandson (B)grandfather (C)in law (D)grand child

35. A young pig is called __________(A)piglet (B)calf (C)lamb (D)sow

36. Mr Jumbe is a dentist. He works in a _______ (A)court (B)Hospital (C) Farm (D)office

37. Orchid, rose, daisy and hibiscus can be classified under ___________ (A)Beverages (B)food (C)gardener (D)flowers

38. Mukasa is a citizen of Uganda. He is _______ (A)ugandan (B)Uganda (C)ugandese (D)Ugandan

39. He does not eat meat or fish. He is a __________(A)veteran (B)veterinary (C)vegetarian (D)vegetation

40. Another Meaning for the word “purchaser” is _________ (A)sell (B)buy (C)selling (D)exchange



This section has four mixed sentences. Arrange the sentences in a meaningful sequence to make a good composition by assigning them letters A-D

41. She was attacked by a crocodile and died immediately

42. She jumped into the pool without reading the caution sign written, “crocodiles inside”

43. It was a hot sunny day and what Mary wanted was some water to cool herself

44. She then saw a pool of water a cross the road




TIME: 1:30 HRS 




  • This paper consists of 45 questions with sections A,B and C
  • Select the best alternative in question 1-40
  • For question 41-45 provide the best answer
  • Write full name on the blank space above together with the name of the school
  • Ensure your work is neat and legible.

SECTION A (36 Marks)

Listen carefully to the passage read by invigilator and then answer the questions that follow by shading the letter of correct answer in the special answer sheet (OMR) provided.

1.According to doctors, coffee is .....................

(A)Dangerous (B) Sweet (C)Poisonous (D)Not Dangerous (E)Bitter

2. We can improve to do well in manual work and .........................

(A) Work (B)Game (C)Drinking (D)Exercise (E)Sports 

3. Drinking too much coffee may cause health changes such as 

(A)Heart attack (B) Malaria (C) Stomach (D) Hunger (E) Blood pressure

4.People who live in cold areas drink coffee so as to make their bodies ...............

(A)Fat (B)Heavy (C)Light (D)Cured (E)Warm

5.Coffee growers should always no t feel....... despite the negative effects of drinking coffee

(A)Worst (B)Sad (C)Weak (D)Weak (E)Good


Choose the words that complete the sentences by shading the letter of the correct answer in the special answer sheet (OMR) provide 

6.Jerry, Alex and Frank ..... around the field which is found at Mlimani village.

(a)Jogging (b)jogs (c)jog (d)used to jogged (e)were jogging 

7. The field was large ...... to start games and sport  (a)as (b)so that (c)enough (d)in order to (e)that

8.We ........ much time to spend when we were at home during holiday 

(a)have (b)was (c)did (d(had (e) are 

9.His cow died ................... anthrax (a)of (b)for (c)from (d)with (e)by 

10. He is .......... meet his friends for special tour next year .(a)going (b)will go (c)going to (d)go to (e)goes to

11......... the fact she was a smart girls when failed to pass exam

(a)in spite (b)although (c)despite (d)even though (e)in spite of 

12.The match was ......... tough for Simba football Club to score three goals. 

(a)Such (b) so (c)very (to (e)too

14. I am the best boy in the classroom . (a)aren’t I? (b) am I (c)Isn’t it? (d)do I? (e)aren’t?

15They received present because they were good ............ English subject. (a)for (b)on (c)in (d)at (e)from

16.She ....... attend gym every weekend (a)do (b)did (c)don’t (d)doesn’t (e)done

17.The lady was successful one in the whole village. The underlined word fall under which part of speech 

(a)preposition (b)adjective (c)adverb (d)pronoun (e)verb

18.Please give me .......... milk (a)much (b)any (c)many (d)few (e)some

19.The tables and chairs are ........... wood. (a) made by (b)made for (c)made from (d)made of (e)made in 

20.Amani is not only smart ..................... clever  (a)enough (b)but too (c)but also (d)and (e)but

21.This is the girl .... father won the general election last year. (a)whose (b)which (c)where (d)that (e)who

22.The pupils have......... a lot of mistakes. (a)doing (b)done (c)did (d)have done (e)has done

23.The first school bell, rings ........ Seven o’clock every morning (a) on (b)for (c)by (d)in (e)at

24.Mrs Onyango has been staying in this house .............. 2002.(a)until (b)about (c)up (d)since (e)for

25.Excuse me madam, where is ........ nearest bank (a)an (b)it (c)the (d)their (c)are 

26.The pupils are eating mangoes. Change the sentence into passive voice. (a)Mangoes are eating pupils (b)Mangoes are being eaten by the pupils (c)pupils are being eaten mangoes (d)Mangoes are eaten by the pupils (e)Mangoes were eaten by the pupils.

27............. his father .............. his mother attended the school meeting last week (a)neither ..... or .... (b)neither ..... or ..... (c)either ..... or ..... (d) not ..... only.... (e)either .... nor ....

28.The opposite of the word arrive is .......................(a)Went (b)Depart (c)Go (d)come (e)Departed 

29.He was late ....... he was slowly preparing himself to trip (a)for (b)or else (c)yet (d)and (e)as

30. Do you have ........... problem? (a)any (b)some (c)many (d)little (e)much

31.A list of twelve items is referred as .................. (a)list (b)pair (c)set (d)dozen (e)pricelist.

32.The synonym of the word cry is ........................ (a)confuse (b)emotion (c)weep (d)joyful (e)heartless 

33.A person who does not eat fish or meat is called. (a)vegetarian (b)meat eater (c)vegetable (d)fish eaten (e)fishtarian

34.I saw ......... of judges on the television (a)a bevy (b)a hode (c)a host (d)a troupe (e)a jury

35Mr.Huruma meet a ....... friend in the marathon competition. 

(a)Spanish’s (b)Span (c)Spanish (d)Spanian (e)Spania

36.Muttons meat from ................. (a)fish (c)cattle (c)goat (d)sheep (e)wholes

SECTION B (4 Marks)


This section has four mixed sentences. Arrange the sentences so as to make a good composition by giving them letter A – D shade the letters of the correct answer in (OMR) provided.

37.Even though she was always sick she like to study hard

38.Last term, she was the first in her class

39.Rose was the last born in a family of five children

40.She would go to school even if it was raining.


SECTION D (10 Marks)


Read the following passage carefully and answer the question that follow by writing the correct answers in the special answer sheet (OMR) provided. Use blue or black ink pen.


In our society we are surrounded by resources that mostly bring benefits to us. The resources are such as land, water bodies, minerals, forest, electricity, roads, dams, railways and many others. There are natural resources and man-made resources that contribute a lot of activities to be fulfilled. Despite the presence of these resources people have been destroying them regardless of the benefits they provide. The destructions come through many ways such as cutting down trees, mining, overgrazing, poaching and stealing oil in electricity transformers.


However, it is the responsibility of everyone to protect the resources in the society and to report the people who destroy the resources for the own interests. In fact the destructions of resources may lead the society into calamity.


Most of the people do destroy the resources intentionally although it is normally insisted that the national resources should be kept for the benefits of all people and nation at large.



41.What are the impact of destruction of resources ............................

42. The writer classifies two groups of resources which are

  1. ...........................................................................
  2. ...........................................................................

43.Who is responsible to protect the resources in the society? ........................

44. Suggest the suitable title from the passage above...........................

45. Mention one benefit of each of the following resources 

  1. .............................................................
  2. .............................................................












1. This paper consists of 45 questions in section A, B, C, D and E 

2. Answer all questions 

3. Read all given instructions in the special answer sheet (OMR) and fill in all the needed information 

4. Write your name and examination number correctly on your answer sheet provided 

5. Use HB pencil for question 1 – 40 and blue or black pen for question 41 – 45 

6. Cellular phones and other printed materials are not allowed in the examination room



Choose the correct words that complete the sentences by shading the letter of the correct answer in the answer sheet provided. 

  1. Mbua is ____________________________________________ a letter to her mother now.
    1. Wrote   (B) was writing  (C) write  (D) Written  (E) Writing
  2. Mtweve was cooking banana when her brother ________________________________
    1. Arrived  (B) arriving   (C) comes  (D) is coming  (E) arrive
  3. Students ____________________________ Mikumi National Park next month.
    1. Visit   (B) Visits   (C) will visit  (D) Visiting  (E) Visited
  4. The children always ___________________________________ playing with toys
    1. Liked   (B) like   (C) liking  (D) likes  (E) likeness
  5. _______________________________ Halima clean her teeth every day?
    1. Do   (B) does   (C) is   (D) has  (E) have
  6. I have been _____________________________________ for you for three hours
    1. Waiting  (B) waited   (C) waits  (D) wait  (E) Waiter
  7. Did you ____________________________ your homework last night?
    1. Finishes (B) finished   (C) finish  (D) finishing  (E) do finish
  8. Diamond is a great musician ____________________________________________?
    1. Is it  (B) Isn’t she   (C) is he  (D) Isn’t Diamond  (E) Isn’t he
  9. The teachers ________________________________ teaching mathematics at the moment
    1. Is   (B) were   (C) have  (D) are  (E) shall
  10.            Write the indirect speech for the sentence “I shall be writing exams this time tomorrow” he said.
    1. He said that he could be writing his exams the following day
    2. He said that he would be writing his exams the following day
    3. He said that he should be writing his exams the following day
    4. He said that he should be writing his exams this time tomorrow
    5. He said hat he shall be writing his exams the following day
  11. He will not pass his examination ___________________________________ he works hard
    1. But   (B) because   (C) even  (D) Unless  (E) and
  12. Witness is not ___________________________ tall __________________________ Allan

(A) Too ____to  (B) so ____ that  (C) as ___ as (D) either ___or (E) both ___ and 

  1. Inspite ____________________ his sickness he went to attend the meeting
    1. For   (B) into   (C) of   (D) to   (E) at


  1. The farmers can __________________________________ plant beans nor maize this year
    1. Either   (B) bot   (C) not  (D) neither  (E) also
  2. The bus moved slowly ____________________________ the bus stand
    1. Towards  (B) under   (C) over  (D) onward  (E) with
  3. The sun __________________________ from East to West
    1. Rises   (B) Rise   (C) Rising  (D) Rose  (E) Are Rising
  4. The lion was ________________________________ by the Masai hunters
    1. Kill   (B) Killing   (C) Killed  (D) Kills  (E) is killing
  5. Mr. Mangula is _____________________________________ honest man
    1. A   (B) an    (C) some  (D) the  (E) is killing
  6. I saw John eating Ugali _______________________________ a spoon

 (A) by   (B) with   (C) and  (D) for  (E) from 

20. Many passengers injured  ________________________________ in the accident.

 (A) themselves (B) our self   (C) themself (D) myself  (E) herself 

21. Mount Kilimanjaro is ____________________________________ than Mount Kenya 

 (A) higher  (B) high  (C) the highest   (D) very higher  (E) an highest 

22. This is the place ___________________________________ an accident happened last year 

 (A) who (B) whom  (C) where  (D) whose  (E) which 

23. I saw him throw a stone ______________________________ the window 

 (A) through (B) over  (C) in   (D) by   (E) on 

24. They travelled from Mwanza to Morogoro ____________________________ air plane 

 (A) by  (B) on   (C) with   (D) in    (E) at 

25. Nyanzobe and Nyanzara bought _____________________________ umbrella 

 (A) un  (B) an   (C) a    (D) the   (E) are  

26. It is known that the cow died ___________________________________ a year now 

 (A) by  (B) of   (C) for    (D) at    (E) on 

27. My uncle has been a teacher ________________________________ a year now 

 (A) at  (B) in   (C) on   (D) since   (E) for 

28. _________________________________________ Neema is beautiful, but also intelligent. 

 (A) both (B) either  (C) not only   (D) either   (E) and 

29. There isn’t ____________________________________ sugar in the tea 

 (A)an  (B) some  (C) many   (D) any   (E) little 

30. We have ________________________________ money in our pockets. 

 (A) many (B) plenty   (C) few   (D) much  (E) lot of 



Choose the correct answer that completes the sentences. 

31. A man whose wife has died is called a _______________________________________

 (A) Widower   (B) Widow  (C) orphan  (D) troublesome  (E) bachelor 

32. A person who flies an airplane is called a _____________________________________

 (A) police  (B) navigator  (C) judge  (D) pilot   (E) driver 

33. A pedestrian is a person who ______________________________________

 (A) pedals the bicycle   (B) walks on foot   (C) travels by car 

 (D) uses a pedal   (E) travels by train 

34. The plural form of the word sheep is _________________________________

 (A) Sheeps (B) ships  (C) sheep  (D) ship  (E) sheepy

35. A person who cuts other people’s hair is called a _____________________________

 (A) saloon  (B) barber  (C) hair cutter   (D) hair dresser  

(E) hair salon 

36. The pupils were ______________________ for winning their match against their opponents 

 (A) congratulated (B) celebrate   (C) praise   (D) confirmed                (E) concurred 


This section has four mixed sentences. Re arrange the sentences so as to make a good composition by giving them letter A, B, C and D shade the letter of the correct answer in your answer sheet. 

37. They were expecting to see their mother come through the gate at any moment 

38. “Why do you think she has not yet come” asked Kataga. “May be the bus from the market was late” answered Kimaro. 

39. One evening Kimaro and his younger sister Kataga were sitting on the door step of their house. 

40. It was now a quarter past six and she had not yet returned. 



Read the following passage carefully then answer queston 41-45 by filling in the blanks shortly. 

My name is Baraka. My father’s name is Daudi and my mother’s name is Amina. I have two sisters Hawa and Anna while Hawa is older than I am. Anna is younger than I am. I have an elder brother Ado and younger twin brothers Kulwa and Doto. 

Our father is a businessman in Maendeleo town in the southern region of Tanzania. He has a big store of farm tools like hoes, pangas, slashers and spare part for tractors and oxen pulled carts. This mean our father has a home in Maendeleo town. 

We have original home in Mpapa village where our mother, brothers, sisters and bigger family unit live. This means that our grandparents, our uncles, aunties and our cousins live in Mpapa and work on coffee and maize farms. We also cultivate beans, pears and sunflower seeds. 

My elder brother and my sister Hawa have already completed school. Ado works with the coffee curing plant in Mbinga as mechanic. Hawa is a nurse at Majengo mission hospital. I myself am now in standard seven and I am hoping to do the primary school leaving examination toward the end of this year. 

During the holiday I normally join my mother, young brothers and sister and help in the farm work. We cultivate a lot of maize. We use some of it for our daily meals while we sell the rest to get some money for other uses. We also have a big coffee farm. Coffee is our main cash crop. 


41. Whos is the writer of this passage? ____________________________________________

42. How many brothers does Baraka have? _________________________________________

43. Which word that explain Mr. Daudi’s work _______________________________________

44. Where is the original residence of the writer’s family unit live?________________________

45. What is the main cash crop pf the area you have read about? ________________________







TIME 1:30 HRS MARCH 2021

NAME…………………………... SCHOOL………………………...INSTRUCTIONS 

1. This paper consists of 45 questions in section A, B, C, D and E

2. Answer all questions

3. Read all given instructions in the special answer sheet (OMR) and fill in all the needed information

4. Write your name and examination number correctly on your answer sheet provided

5. Use HB pensil for question 1 – 40 and blue or black pen for question 41 – 45

6. Cellular phones and other printed materials are not allowed in the examination room


Choose the correct words that complete the sentences by shading the letter of the correct answer in the answer sheet provided. 

  1. Samwel is the man  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Is in charge of the department
    1. what
    2. which
    3. where
    4. Whom
    5. Who
  2. This is the factory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .makes yoghurt
    1. Which
    2. where
    3. who
    4. whereas
    5. whom
  3. Students  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mikumi National Park next month.
    1. Visit
    2. Visits
    3. will visit
    4. Visiting
    5. Visited
  4. The children always  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .playing with toys
    1. Liked
    2. like
    3. liking
    5. likeness
  5. The workers are going home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .?
    1. Are they
    2. is it
    3. isn’t it
    4. has they
    5. aren’t they
  6. The company exported maize flour, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .?
    1. Isn’t it
    2. is it
    3. didn’t
    4. didn’t it
    5. did it
  7. Did you  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . your homework last night?
    1. Finishes
    2. finished
    3. finish
    4. finishing
    5. do finish
  8. Diamond is a great musician  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .?
    1. Is it
    2. Isn’t she
    3. is he
    4. Isn’t Diamond
    5. Isn’t he
  9. The teachers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . teaching mathematics at the moment
    1. Is
    2. were
    3. have
    4. are
    5. shall
  10. Write the indirect speech for the sentence “I shall be writing exams this time tomorrow” he said.
    1. He said that he could be writing his exams the following day
    2. He said that he would be writing his exams the following day
    3. He said that he should be writing his exams the following day
    4. He said that he should be writing his exams this time tomorrow
    5. He said hat he shall be writing his exams the following day
  11. He will not pass his examination _________ he works hard
    1. But
    2. because
    3. even
    4. Unless
    5. and
  12. They are  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..more goods
  1. bought
  2. buying
  3. buy
  4. buys
  5. buyed

13. I am . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..about safety measures in a factory

  1. learning
  2. learnt
  3. learn
  4. learns
  5. running
  1. The farmers can ___________ plant beans nor maize this year
    1. Either
    2. bot
    3. not
    4. either
    5. also
  2. The factory is  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..goods for export
    1. process
    2. processes
    3. processed
    4. processing
    5. make
  3. The sun _____________ from East to West
    1. Rises
    2. Rise
    3. Rising
    4. Rose
    5. Are Rising
  4. Pay for the earings and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .them in your bag
    1. remove
    2. cover
    3. wear
    4. put
    5. worn
  5. Mr. Musoka is _________________ honest man
    1. A
    2. an
    3. some
    4. the
    5. is killing
  6. I saw Brandon eating Ugali _____________ a spoon
  1. by
  2. with
  3. and
  4. for
  5. from

20. The spectators all cheered the elegant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .on the catwalk

  1. staff
  2. competitors
  3. viewers
  4. judges
  5. singers

21. Mount Kilimanjaro is ______________ than Mount Kenya

  1. higher
  2. high
  3. the highest
  4. very higher
  5. an highest

22. The boutique almost  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .fire yesterday

  1. catch
  2. caught
  3. caughted
  4. catching
  5. catches

23. Did you  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .the tailor making the kitenge trousers?

  1. hear
  2. look
  3. find
  4. saw
  5. looks

24. They travelled from Mwanza to Morogoro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . air plane

  1. by
  2. on
  3. with
  4. in
  5. at

25. Gardiner carried . . . . . . . . . .umbrella because it was raining

  1. un
  2. an
  3. a
  4. the
  5. are

26. James and Carlton went to school . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .bus.

  1. by
  2. of
  3. for
  4. at
  5. on

27. My uncle has been a teacher  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a year now.

  1. at
  2. in
  3. on
  4. since
  5. for

28. The girl walked under the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .of trees on their way to the park

  1. altitude
  2. canopy
  3. deposit
  4. forest
  5. surface

29. There isn’t __________ sugar in the tea

  1. an
  2. some
  3. many
  4. any
  5. little

30. We get . . . . . . . . . . . .straws from recycled plastic

  1. Thin blue drinking
  2. blue drinking thin
  3. thin drinking blue
  4. drinking blue thin
  5. drinking straw


Choose the correct answer that completes the sentences. 

31. A man whose wife has died is called a

  1. Widower
  2. Widow
  3. orphan
  4. troublesome
  5. bachelor

32. A person who treats teeth is called

  1. police
  2. navigator
  3. doctor
  4. pilot
  5. dentist

33. A pedestrian is a person who ________

  1. pedals the bicycle
  2. walks on foot
  3. travels by car
  4. uses a pedal
  5. travels by train

34. The plural form of the word sheep is

  1. Sheeps
  2. ships
  3. sheep
  4. ship
  5. sheepy

35. A person who cuts other people’s hair is called a ________

  1. saloon
  2. barber
  3. hair cutter
  4. hair dresser
  5. hair salon

36. The pupils were _________ for winning their match against their opponents

  1. congratulated
  2. celebrate
  3. praise
  4. confirmed
  5. concurred


This section has four mixed sentences. Re arrange the sentences so as to make a good composition by giving them letter A, B, C and D shade the letter of the correct answer in your answer sheet. 

37. They were expecting to see their mother come through the gate at any moment

38. “Why do you think she has not yet come” asked Kataga. “May be the bus from the market was late” answered Kimaro.

39. One evening Kimaro and his younger sister Kataga were sitting on the door step of their house.

40. It was now a quarter past six and she had not yet returned.


Read the following passage carefully then answer queston 41-45 by filling in the blanks shortly. 

A long time ago hare and the elephant were great friends. They ate together and drank together and even wore same clothes. It was unusual to see the hare wearing oversized clothes that belonged to the Elephant. The Hares clothes went only as far as the head and so in an attempt to please the hare, the elephant wore the Hares clothes on his head. One day as the hare was walking around the village, he found a pair of shoes. The shoes belonged to Assumpta, the chief’s daughter. The Hare tried them and when they fitted he took them and went on his way proudly showing off to the elephant. The elephant wanted a similar pair of shoes. They had to be exactly the same size and Colour. The hare said he would make the Elephants feet smaller first. He said they should start working the next day at a secret place where no one else would see him. The Hare made a big fire and heated an iron on it with the red hot iron he started slicing the Elephant’s feet. The Elephant did not want to show any signs of pain, when at last he could not bear the pain, he yelled out loudly.

“Elephant”, said the hare mockingly, “your size does not allow you to cry like a baby. Don’t you want the shoes?” actually I don’t feel any pain at all,” lied the Elephant. It was however very painful and when the hare burned to add some firewood in fire, the elephant took off at a great speed. He did not go very far, though because his feet were already very swollen. No wonder the elephant has such big feet, they have remained swollen. That evening the hare went to the village. Someone spotted Assumpta’s shoes that the hare was wearing. The hare was cornered and that day he became soup for the Assumptas family. Before he died he said that he had learnt his lesson.


41. Why would the Elephant wear hares clothes on the head?


42. Which part of speech is the word proudly as used in the passage


43. The Elephant wanted a pair of shoes like the hares because


44. Who was Assumpta? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

45. The best title for this passage is. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .









1. This paper consists of 45 questions in section A, B, C, D and E 

2. Answer all questions 

3. Read all given instructions in the special answer sheet (OMR) and fill in all the needed information 

4. Write your name and examination number correctly on your answer sheet provided 

5. Use HB pensil for question 1 – 40 and blue or black pen for question 41 – 45 

6. Cellular phones and other printed materials are not allowed in the examination room


Choose the correct words that complete the sentences by shading the letter of the correct answer in the answer sheet provided. 

  1. Mbua is ____________________________________________ a letter to her mother now.
    1. Wrote   (B) was writing  (C) write  (D) Written  (E) Writing
  2. Mtweve was cooking banana when her brother ________________________________
    1. Arrived  (B) arriving   (C) comes  (D) is coming  (E) arrive
  3. Students ____________________________ Mikumi National Park next month.
    1. Visit   (B) Visits   (C) will visit  (D) Visiting  (E) Visited
  4. The children always ___________________________________ playing with toys
    1. Liked   (B) like   (C) liking  (D) likes  (E) likeness
  5. _______________________________ Halima clean her teeth every day?
    1. Do   (B) does   (C) is   (D) has  (E) have
  6. I have been _____________________________________ for you for three hours
    1. Waiting  (B) waited   (C) waits  (D) wait  (E) Waiter
  7. Did you ____________________________ your homework last night?
    1. Finishes (B) finished   (C) finish  (D) finishing  (E) do finish
  8. Diamond is a great musician ____________________________________________?
    1. Is it  (B) Isn’t she   (C) is he  (D) Isn’t Diamond  (E) Isn’t he
  9. The teachers ________________________________ teaching mathematics at the moment
    1. Is   (B) were   (C) have  (D) are  (E) shall
  10.            Write the indirect speech for the sentence “I shall be writing exams this time tomorrow” he said.
    1. He said that he could be writing his exams the following day
    2. He said that he would be writing his exams the following day
    3. He said that he should be writing his exams the following day
    4. He said that he should be writing his exams this time tomorrow
    5. He said hat he shall be writing his exams the following day
  11. He will not pass his examination ___________________________________ he works hard
    1. But   (B) because   (C) even  (D) Unless  (E) and
  12. Witness is not ___________________________ tall __________________________ Allan

(A) Too ____to  (B) so ____ that  (C) as ___ as (D) either ___or (E) both ___ and 

  1. Inspite ____________________ his sickness he went to attend the meeting
    1. For   (B) into   (C) of   (D) to   (E) at
  1. The farmers can __________________________________ plant beans nor maize this year
    1. Either   (B) bot   (C) not  (D) neither  (E) also
  2. The bus moved slowly ____________________________ the bus stand
    1. Towards  (B) under   (C) over  (D) onward  (E) with
  3. The sun __________________________ from East to West
    1. Rises   (B) Rise   (C) Rising  (D) Rose  (E) Are Rising
  4. The lion was ________________________________ by the Masai hunters
    1. Kill   (B) Killing   (C) Killed  (D) Kills  (E) is killing
  5. Mr. Mangula is _____________________________________ honest man
    1. A   (B) an    (C) some  (D) the  (E) is killing
  6. I saw John eating Ugali _______________________________ a spoon

 (A) by   (B) with   (C) and  (D) for  (E) from 

20. Many passengers injured  ________________________________ in the accident.

 (A) themselves (B) our self   (C) themself (D) myself  (E) herself 

21. Mount Kilimanjaro is ____________________________________ than Mount Kenya 

 (A) higher  (B) high  (C) the highest   (D) very higher               (E) an highest 

22. This is the place ___________________________________ an accident happened last year 

 (A) who (B) whom  (C) where  (D) whose  (E) which 

23. I saw him throw a stone ______________________________ the window 

 (A) through (B) over  (C) in   (D) by   (E) on 

24. They travelled from Mwanza to Morogoro ____________________________ air plane 

 (A) by  (B) on   (C) with   (D) in    (E) at 

25. Nyanzobe and Nyanzara bought _____________________________ umbrella 

 (A) un  (B) an   (C) a    (D) the   (E) are               

26. It is known that the cow died ___________________________________ a year now 

 (A) by  (B) of   (C) for    (D) at    (E) on 

27. My uncle has been a teacher ________________________________ a year now 

 (A) at  (B) in   (C) on   (D) since   (E) for 

28. _________________________________________ Neema is beautiful, but also intelligent. 

 (A) both (B) either  (C) not only   (D) either   (E) and 

29. There isn’t ____________________________________ sugar in the tea 

 (A)an  (B) some  (C) many   (D) any   (E) little 

30. We have ________________________________ money in our pockets. 

 (A) many (B) plenty   (C) few   (D) much  (E) lot of 


Choose the correct answer that completes the sentences. 

31. A man whose wife has died is called a _______________________________________

 (A) Widower   (B) Widow  (C) orphan  (D) troublesome  (E) bachelor 

32. A person who flies an airplane is called a _____________________________________

 (A) police  (B) navigator  (C) judge  (D) pilot   (E) driver 

33. A pedestrian is a person who ______________________________________

 (A) pedals the bicycle   (B) walks on foot   (C) travels by car 

 (D) uses a pedal   (E) travels by train 

34. The plural form of the word sheep is _________________________________

 (A) Sheeps (B) ships  (C) sheep  (D) ship  (E) sheepy

35. A person who cuts other people’s hair is called a _____________________________

 (A) saloon  (B) barber  (C) hair cutter   (D) hair dresser  

(E) hair salon 

36. The pupils were ______________________ for winning their match against their opponents 

 (A) congratulated (B) celebrate   (C) praise   (D) confirmed                (E) concurred 


This section has four mixed sentences. Re arrange the sentences so as to make a good composition by giving them letter A, B, C and D shade the letter of the correct answer in your answer sheet. 

37. They were expecting to see their mother come through the gate at any moment 

38. “Why do you think she has not yet come” asked Kataga. “May be the bus from the market was late” answered Kimaro. 

39. One evening Kimaro and his younger sister Kataga were sitting on the door step of their house. 

40. It was now a quarter past six and she had not yet returned. 


Read the following passage carefully then answer queston 41-45 by filling in the blanks shortly. 

My name is Baraka. My father’s name is Daudi and my mother’s name is Amina. I have two sisters Hawa and Anna while Hawa is older than I am. Anna is younger than I am. I have an elder brother Ado and younger twin brothers Kulwa and Doto. 

Our father is a businessman in Maendeleo town in the southern region of Tanzania. He has a big store of farm tools like hoes, pangas, slashers and spare part for tractors and oxen pulled carts. This mean our father has a home in Maendeleo town. 

We have original home in Mpapa village where our mother, brothers, sisters and bigger family unit live. This means that our grandparents, our uncles, aunties and our cousins live in Mpapa and work on coffee and maize farms. We also cultivate beans, pears and sunflower seeds. 

My elder brother and my sister Hawa have already completed school. Ado works with the coffee curing plant in Mbinga as mechanic. Hawa is a nurse at Majengo mission hospital. I myself am now in standard seven and I am hoping to do the primary school leaving examination toward the end of this year. 

During the holiday I normally join my mother, young brothers and sister and help in the farm work. We cultivate a lot of maize. We use some of it for our daily meals while we sell the rest to get some money for other uses. We also have a big coffee farm. Coffee is our main cash crop. 


41. Whos is the writer of this passage? ____________________________________________

42. How many brothers does Baraka have? _________________________________________

43. Which word that explain Mr. Daudi’s work _______________________________________

44. Where is the original residence of the writer’s family unit live?________________________

45. What is the main cash crop pf the area you have read about? ________________________

  1. E
  2. A
  3. C
  4. B
  5. B
  6. A
  7. C
  8. E
  9. D
  10. C
  11. D
  12. C
  13. C
  14. D
  15. A
  16. A
  17. C
  18. B
  19. B
  20. A
  21. A
  22. C
  23. A
  24. A
  25. B
  26. B
  27. E
  28. C
  29. D
  30. D
  31. A
  32. D
  33. B
  34. C
  35. B
  36. A
  37. B
  38. D
  39. A
  40. C
  41. Baraka
  42. Three Brothers
  43. Businessman
  44. Mpapa Village
  45. Coffee 








TIME: 1.30 HRS                                                                                           2020



  1. This paper consists of three sections A, B,C and D
  2. Answer all questions in all sections
  3. All answers should be written in spaces provided
  4. Ensure clarity in your work



1.     All the pupils ________ away   (a) are going    (b) have gone

        (c) has gone   (d) gone    (e) went                                    

2.     Normally the students never _______ to school on Sundays

        (a) going   (b) gone   (c) went   (d) goes    (e) go              

3.     The lesson was ________ when the bell rang.    (a) begun

        (b) begins   (c) has began    (d) beginning   (e) is begin    

4.     They have ______ for several weeks that is why they performed well (a) training   (b) been training   (c) being trained

(d) been trained   (e) trains                                            

5.     Baraka and Erick _______ football at the moment   (a) play

(b) Played (c) are playing (d) were playing (e) is playing

6.     The pupils ___________ english every monday

        (a) learn  (b) learnt  (c) learning    (d) learns

(e) learned                                                            

7.     She _______ me a car she bought.   (a) was shown

(b) show   (c) is shown   (d) had shown   (e) shows      

8.     While Juma was reading his sister ________ some dinner

        (a) preparing   (b) was preparing   (c) are preparing

        (d) is preparing   (e) prepares                               

9.     I met Hamisi _________ his new bicycle along the road yesterday (a) are riding  (b) rode  (c) rides  (d) is riding  (e) riding       

10.   ___________ was living with my sister for more than three years

        (a) They   (b) I   (c) You    (d) Juma and Peter   (e) We   

11.   A lot of salt _________ in Kigoma (Uvinza) next year

        (a) shall be produced    (b) were produced   (c) was produces

(d) will be produced   (e) will produce                          

12.   Paulo will ______ form one at Kibeta Secondary School next year (a) join   (b) joint   (c) joining   (d) has joined

(e) Joints                                                              

13.   She used to ____ Mount Meru every weekend   (a) climbing

(b) climbs    (c) climbed    (d) climb    (e) is climbing     

14.   __________ the children need help from their parents?

        (a) Do   (b) Does   (c) Has    (d) Have   (e) Did               

15.   When my friend _______ I had just woken up   (a) come

(b) is coming   (c) came   (d) are coming   (e) come       



16.   The shop keeper sells ______ sugar but also beans.   (a) neither

(b) not only   (c) not enough   (d) either    (e) both         

17.   _______ you get treatment you will die.   (a) if   (b) although

        (c) Unless   (d) When   (e) Where                                   

18.   The Mount Kilimanjaro is _______ steep ______ climb

        (a) so ____ that   (b) enough _____ for   (c) enough _____ to

(d) too ______ to   (e) as ____ as                                 

19.   The child is old _____ start primary education.

(a) enough to     (b) enough   (c) enough with   (d) enough for

(e) enough by                                                      

20.   They went to the hall ______ attend the party.   (a) for

(b) because   (c) in order to   (d) so that   (e) in             

21.   The snake is _______ poisonous ______ the spider.

        (a) best ______ than    (b) more _____ than   (c) most ___ than 

        (d) so _____ that   (e) much more                                  

22.   She went to the market _____ she can buy some fruits

(a) so that   (b) therefore   (c) in order to   (d) in order

(e) although                                                                  

23.   The book is ________ the table

        (a) over   (b) in   (c) into    (d) on   (e) at                         

24.   She cut _______ with a knife   (a) itself    (b) himself

(c) ourselves   (d) herself    (e) yourself                          

25.   Juma is _____ tall nor short     (a) either

(b) neither   (c) both   (d) enough    (e) enough to 

26.   I have a big house, ________?    (a) haven’t I?   (b) don’t I?

(c) have I?   (d) do I?    (e) does I?                                 

27.   I want many students who will study ______ English and Swahili

        (a) also   (b) too    (c) between   (d) both   (e) them         

28.   They arrived ______ Dodoma by bus

(a) in   (b) at    (c) into    (d) to   (e) with                        

29.   They have been doing the same exercises _____ last week.

        (a) from   (d) at   (c) with    (d) for   (e) since                  

30.   Which one is the most correct ______ the five answers.

        (a) before   (b) then   (c) out   (d) among   (e) under       

31.   This is the dog _______ tail is short.   (a) whose   (b) who

(c) whom    (d) where    (e) whoms                       

32    He plays basket ball ________ he like it.    (a) unless

(b) if   (c) because    (d) despite    (e) then            

33.   Derrick left school __________    (a) at 12th December

(b) in 12th December   (c) on 12th December

(d) to 12th December   (e) of 12th December                   

34.   Halima didn’t pass the final examinations _________ she worked very hard    (a) however   (b) although   (c) if

(d) in order to   (e) through                                           

35.   Christine could write well _______ she could not read

(a) but   (b) and    (c) until   (d) enough    (e) because    



Arrange these sentences so that they can make a good composition by giving them letters from A, B, C, D, and E

36.   I combed my hair and put on my school uniform before taking my breakfast.                                                             

37.   Said goodbye to my mother and went out of the house 

38.   It was on Monday morning                                           

39.   My mother woke me up early in the morning                

40.   Schools were opening that day                                      


Read the following Passage and answer the questions below

My name is John. My father bought a hen for me. The last day I borrowed a cock from my friend. I kept the hen in a hut which my elder brother built for me. I gave the hen maize and millet to eat and clean water to drink. Soon, the hen started to have eggs and sell some of the chickens. I will also slaughter some for food. Chicken’s meat is good for our health.



41.   Who bought the hen?   __________________________________

42.   Who laid the eggs?  _____________________________________                               

43.   Who was telling the story?  _____________________________

44.   Chickens are good because they give us _________ __________  

45.   How many hens did father buy for the boy? _________________






































TIME: 1.30 HRS                                                   2020



  1. This paper consists of three sections A, B,C and D
  2. Answer all questions in all sections
  3. All answers should be written in spaces provided
  4. Ensure clarity in your work


Choose the words that complete the sentences by shading the letters of the correct answer.

1. He always ………………………………..when he was young

  1. Cry
  2. Cries
  3. Cried
  4. Crying
  5. Does cry

2. The snake………………….by Mrs. Mwenda

  1. Was killed
  2. Had killed
  3. Were killed
  4. Was kill
  5. Have killed.

3. If you…………….hard you will pass your examinations

  1. Work
  2. Worked
  3. Had worked
  4. Was working
  5. Works

4. My brother’s daughter is my………………………..

  1. Nephew
  2. Child
  3. Niece
  4. Uncle
  5. Daughter

5. The girl…………….came here yesterday is my daughter

  1. Which
  2. Whose
  3. What
  4. Whom
  5. Who

6. Most children go to school…………………….foot

  1. By
  2. With
  3. Using
  4. In
  5. On

7. Girls like to go out alone at night……………………….

  1. Are they?
  2. Do they?
  3. They do?
  4. Aren’t they?
  5. Don’t they?

8. Arusha and Dar es salaam are ………………………..business centers

  1. All of
  2. More of
  3. Either 
  4. Both
  5. Each.

9. The headmaster has been waiting for the watchman ………………one hour

  1. Since
  2. For
  3. Against
  4. Fore
  5. Until

10. My father ………..the car he bought

  1. Was shown
  2. Show
  3. Has shown
  4. Are showing
  5. Is shown.

11. Many people………………….cassava next season

  1. Is planting
  2. Are planting
  3. Are planted
  4. Will plant
  5. Was planting.

12. Our sister………………….her left leg last year.

  1. Is breaking
  2. Broke
  3. Will broke
  4. Was breaking
  5. Has broken

13. My car looks dirty but yours looks …………

  1. More dirty
  2. Dirtiest
  3. Dirtier
  4. Most dirty
  5. Dirty.

14. Usually the sun …………in the west..

  1. Sank
  2. Is sinking
  3. Sinks
  4. Was sinking
  5. Sunk.

15. Dan is a slow driver. He …………to drive more carefully.

  1. Should
  2. Could
  3. Would
  4. Ought
  5. Shall.

16. The books…………………….on the shelf

  1. Were arranged
  2. Was arranged
  3. Were arranging
  4. Arrange
  5. Arranges.

17. The national football team…………….won the match.

  1. Is
  2. Are
  3. Were
  4. Has
  5.  Shall

18. Many living things are ...............animals or insects

  1. Both
  2. Too
  3. Either
  4. Neither
  5. As

19. The pen on the desk belongs to me, so it is

  1. imagehers
  2. his
  3. imagetheirs
  4. mine
  5. my

20. The fire that ..................       the whole village started from here.

  1. destroys
  2.  destroyed
  3. destroying
  4. will destroy
  5. have destroyed

21.The fire that ..................       the whole village started from here.

  1. destroys
  2.  destroyed
  3. destroying
  4. will destroy
  5. have destroyed

22.The fire that ..................       the whole village started from here.

  1. destroys
  2.  destroyed
  3. destroying
  4. will destroy
  5. have destroyed

23.imageThe girl who picked flowers started with the...................   beautiful to the least beautiful ones.

  1. ore 
  2. most
  3. less 
  4. not very
  5. a little

24. Chausiku does all the home work   ... she wants to be first in class.

  1. Inspite of
  2. despite
  3. even
  4. but
  5. because

25. The lazy pupils _____________ their homework.

  1. have not did
  2. has not done
  3. have not do
  4. have not done
  5. have did

 26. Every year, Tanzania ___________ a lot of visitors from different countries all over the world.

  1. has taken
  2. will take
  3. shall take
  4. take
  5. have taken

27. He will not pass his examination _____________ he works hard

  1. but
  2. because
  3. even
  4. unless
  5. and.

28. David and Willy were preparing _____________ to go to school.

  1. themself
  2. themselves
  3. theirselves
  4. yourselves
  5. ourselves

29.My sister has bought _____________new dress.

  1. it
  2. you
  3. she
  4. he
  5. her

30. The patient had died ……………….lack of water

  1. with
  2. by
  3. from
  4. of
  5. for.


31. A person who meants shows is called

  1. Shoe maker
  2. Tailor
  3. Sewer
  4. Cobbler
  5. Pedestrian

32. A gun is a ……………………..

  1. Weapon
  2. Fire work
  3. Fire wood
  4. Hot pot
  5. Knife.

33. A person who tests and treats people eyes is called

  1. An eye doctor
  2. A chemist
  3. An optician
  4. A surgeon
  5. A dentist

34. A doctor works in a………………..

  1. Shop
  2. Court
  3. Church
  4. Hospital
  5. Farm

35. Gold, diamond and tanzanite are……….

  1. Chemical
  2. Medicines
  3. Liquids
  4. Minerals
  5. Ores

36. A group of birds flying together is called;

  1. Troop
  2. Flock
  3. Herd
  4. fleet
  5. bunch

37. He cuts and sells meat……………..

  1. Doctor
  2. Butchery
  3. Butcher
  4. Shopkeeper
  5. Seller


Arrange the following sentences to give a meaningful sentences by giving them letters A-D.

38. While in Dar es salaam, they wrote about what they have seen

39. When they returned home, they told their friends about their enjoyable journey

40. Ali and his friends were excited by their trip to Dar es salaam Trade Fair

41. At the fair, they saw a lot of displays


Read the following passage carefully and then answer the questions that Follow.

Lilato had a dream. He dreamt that someone gave him an egg. He was very happy and started wondering what to do with it. He thought of either eating it or keeping it in his pocket so that it would be warm and finally hatch and become a chick.

He thought of how this chick would grow into a hen and lay more eggs which will also hatch into more chickens. He would then sell some of those chickens and become a rich man. After getting a lot of money, Lilato thought of building an iron roofed house with glass windows. It would be a beautiful and big house.

While dreaming, Lilato walked excitedly. He jumped and the egg fell from his pocket and broke. He cried, saying that he will never be a rich man. Suddenly, he woke up and thanked God that it was only a dream.

42. Lilato decided to……………………the eggs

  1. Keep
  2. Sell
  3. Hide
  4. Eat
  5. throw

43. The people usually dream when they are………………….

  1. Sleeping
  2. Walking
  3. Sitting
  4. Resting
  5. Wondering

44. Lilato was happy because he was given;

  1. A big house
  2. Iron sheets
  3. A chicken
  4. An egg
  5. A chick.

45. Lilato thought he could get a lot of money by;

  1. Selling eggs and chicken
  2. Building a big house
  3. Selling a big house
  4. Keeping a big house
  5. Keeping eggs.







  1. This Examinations Consists Of 50  Questions
  2. Answer All Questions
  3. Write Your Answers In Capital Letters
  4. Make Your Work Legible


Choose the correct answer from the Alternatives given

1.  I usually ......... my friends on Sunday. 

  1. visits
  2. visited
  3. visit
  4. visiting
  5. visitor

2. The building over there ..........of concrete

  1. were made
  2. are made
  3. has made
  4. have made
  5. is made

3. she ...............the money when the thief robbed her

  1. counts
  2. is counting
  3. was counting
  4. counting
  5. counted

4. he ..........for two days last week

  1. travels
  2. travelled
  3. travelling
  4. travel
  5. traveler

5. The leaders..........to London tomorrow

  1. will fly
  2. flew
  3. flies
  4. had flown
  5. have flown

6. Joseph was reading while his uncle............TV

  1. Is watching
  2. were watching
  3. does watching
  4. was watching
  5. are watching

7. We ...................visiting you next month

  1. shall been
  2. were been
  3. have been
  4. will been
  5. shall been

8.Malima................to Tanga tomorrow evening

  1. will go
  2. have gone
  3. was going
  4. has gone
  5. went

9.My sister in-law............cleaning the house all morning

  1. have being
  2. has being
  3. has been
  4. have been
  5. was been

10.The prisoners have been....................from jail

  1. realize
  2. releasing
  3. releases
  4. released
  5. realized

11.  Pagans are........................ Christians Muslims.

  1.  either......nor
  2. neither. . . .. nor
  3. either...neither
  4. neither.. ..either 
  5. neither. ...or

12.  Do you have .......................problems?

  1.  some 
  2.  many
  3.  much
  4. any
  5. tittle

13.An elephant is the....................... in the national park. 

  1. largest
  2. most largest 
  3.  larger
  4.  more larger
  5.  most larger

14.He goes to school late every

  1.  wasnt he
  2. isnt he
  3. hasnt
  4. havent he
  5. doesnt he

15.  ………………….they keep quite will be punished.

  1. enough
  2. although
  3. but
  4. unless
  5. For

16.  The repaired machine is strong to pull the car

  1. enough 
  2.  so that
  3.  in order
  4.  For
  5. Of

17 .Nyakomba walks ...............................with a stick.

  1.  slow
  2. very slowest
  3.  slowly
  4. slower
  5. more slow

18.My friend suffers malaria

  1. of
  2. by
  3.  from
  4.  with
  5.   in

19.        Usually girls look at

  1. himself
  2.  herself
  3. itself
  4.  themselves
  5.  yourself

21. We travelled.................. two days to Burundi.

  1.  on
  2. to
  3. from
  4.  of
  5. for

21.  Nyato was.........................in her house before she sold it.

  1. lived
  2. lives
  3. live
  4. leaving
  5. living

22.   If it we shall go to town by taxi.

  1. rained
  2.  is rain
  3. rains
  4. rain
  5.  had rained

23.   Magambo is not only fat also strong........................

  1. but
  2. so
  3.  as
  4. and
  5. that

24.   He is suffering     headache.

  1. with
  2.  for
  3. by
  4. of
  5. from

25.   When you visit Serengeti National Park, you ................many animals.

  1. were seeing
  2.  are seeing
  3. have seen
  4.  will see
  5.  seeing

26.   The doctor went.............................the room where the patient was resting

  1. by
  2. on
  3. Into
  4. at
  5. along

27.  The fire that ..................       the whole village started from here.

  1. destroys
  2.  destroyed
  3. destroying
  4. will destroy
  5. have destroyed

28.  The fire that ..................       the whole village started from here.

  1. destroys
  2.  destroyed
  3. destroying
  4. will destroy
  5. have destroyed

29.   The door was open there was nobody in the house.

  1. in spite
  2.  even
  3. despite
  4.  besides
  5. although

30. Salma played netball badly ...................she was sick.

  1.  although
  2. because
  3.  but
  4.  Unless
  5.  even if


For each of the following questions, choose

The correct answer and shade its letter in the answer sheet provided.

31.  A group of birds flying together is called a

  1.  troop
  2. flock
  3. herd  
  4.  fleet 
  5. bunch

32.   A person who tests and treats peoples eyes is called

  1. an eye doctor
  2.  a chemist
  3.  an optician
  4.  a surgeon
  5.  a dentist

33.  Gold, Diamond and tanzanite are

  1. chemicals
  2.  medicines
  3.  liquids
  4. minerals
  5.  mountains

34.  A person whose job selling meat is known as a

  1. butcher
  2. butchery
  3. shopkeeper
  4. seller
  5.  butler

35.  A doctor works in a

  1. shop
  2. court
  3. church
  4. hospital
  5.  farm

36.  Africa, Asia, America, and Europe are

  1. regions
  2. continents
  3. countries
  4. cities
  5. towns


This section has four mixed sentences. Arrange the sentences so as to make a good composition by giving them letters A-D. Shade the letter of the correct answer in your answer sheet.

37.She was attacked by a crocodile and died immediately.

39.It was a hot sunny day and what Mary wanted was some water to cool her body.

38.She jumped into the pool without reading the caution sign written, “crocodiles inside.”

39.It was a hot sunny day and what Mary wanted was some water to cool her body.

40.She then saw a pool of water across the road.


Read the following passage carefully and then answer the questions that follow by shading the letter of the correct answer in your answer sheet.

Tourism is a type of business. Both developed and undeveloped countries use this business as a source of income. These countries have tourist attractions such as wild animals, high mountains, attractive beaches, rivers and lakes. Tourists spend money on food, accommodation, transport and many other things. In this way a country which is visited by many tourists can make a lot of money.

Tanzania is one of those countries which are visited by tourists every year. She gets a lot of money from attracting tourists. The tourists pay visits to National parks such as Ngorongoro, Serengeti, Manyara and Mikumi. Some wild animals found in those parks are lions, elephants, tigers, antelopes, hippopotamus, buffaloes, zebras and baboons. The tourists can also take photos and buy books containing information about wild life.

Apart from visiting National parks, tourists also climb Mount Kilimanjaro which is a snow-capped mountain. This is the highest mountain in Africa with a height of over five thousand meters above sea level. Mountain climbers are helped by guides and potters. Tourists pay the guides and potters. Most tourists enjoy staying in Tanzania because of the tourist attractions which she has.

41.What is the source of income in many countries?

  1.     Animals 
  2.       Accommodation 
  3.       Transport 
  4.      Photos 
  5.       Tourism.

42.A person who travels for the purpose of visiting another place for pleasure is a __________.

  1.     potter 
  2.       tourist 
  3.       guide 
  4.      guard 
  5.       native

43.According to the passage, where is tourism conducted?

  1.     Developed countries 
  2.      Developing countries
  3.     Developing and developed countries 
  4.      Many countries 
  5.       Tropical countries.

44.Who pays the potters?

  1. Tanzania
  2. Tourism
  3. Animals
  4. Tourists
  5. Guides.

45.The opposite of the word “income” is __________.

  1. expensive
  2. experience
  3. outcome
  4. expense
  5. expenditure

46.What else do tourists do apart from visiting National parks in Tanzania?

  1. Buy clothes 
  2. Climb the mountain 
  3. Stay in Tanzania 
  4.  Open business 
  5.  Visit lakes.

47.Tourists’ money is spent on which of the following items?

  1.  Food, accommodation and transport 
  2.    Food, clothes and photos 
  3.    Transport and shopping 
  4.   Accommodation and clothes
  5.    Buying animals.

48.According to the passage, which are the animals found in the national parks?

  1.  Lions, elephants and hyena 
  2.      Tigers, buffaloes and peacocks
  3.      Lions, impala and antelopes
  4.      Lions, elephants and baboons
  5.       Zebras, tigers and wild pigs.

49.How high is the highest mountain in Africa?

  1. Over five hundred kilometers 
  2. About five thousand meters 
  3. Over five thousand meters 
  4.  Over five thousand kilometers
  5.  About five thousand centimeter.

50.What does the pronoun “She” stands for in this passage?

  1. A girl 
  2.  A woman 
  3.  A mountain
  4.  A tourist 
  5.  A country.


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