NAME: ………………………………………………….. DATE: ……….........

  1. __________ is the ability to do work  (A) energy  (B) machine  (C) force  (D) mass                                                                                                                [              ]
  2. Which of these is a liquid tissue?  (A) nails  (B) skin  (C) water   (D) blood                                                                                                                 [              ]
  3. One is among the natural source of heat and liquid  (A) moon  (B) star (C) sun               (D) planet                                                                                                                 [              ]
  4. Which one of the following is true about a magnet?  (A) like changes of a magnet attract each other               (B) unlike charges repel each other                (B) like charges attract and repel each other               (D) none of the above                [              ]
  5. Lovers are grouped into ___________________ classes (A) 4  (B) 3  (C) 5  (D) 2 [ ]
  6. Air is a combination of ___________  (A) oxygen  (B) vapour  (C) gases   (D) water and oxygen                                                                                                   [              ]
  7. ___________________ is not a source of proteins  (A) beans  (B) meat (C) maize                (D) groundnuts                                                                                                   [              ]
  8. _________________ is the process where by food is broken into soluble substances                (A) engestion               (B) ingestion               (C) photosynthesis               (D) digestion               [              ]
  9. The process of  digestion begins in the  (A) mouth  (B) ileum  (C) colon               (D) stomach                                                                                                                 [              ]
  10. ___________ is an instrument used to measure voltage  (A) ohmmeter  (B) ammeter                (C) voltimeter               (D) galvanometer                                           [              ]
  11. HIV can be transmitted from one person to another through the following ways, except________________               (A) sharing sharp object               (B) blood transfusion (C) sharing food in a plate               (D) sexual intercourse                                  [               ]
  12. Which one of the following is not a type of computer?  (A) desktop  (B) palmtope                             (C) laptop               (D) monitor                                                         [              ]
  13. __________ is anything that has mass and occupy space  (A) mass  (B) metal                             (C) matter               (D) nuclear                                                                                     [              ]
  14. Which one of the following is not a simple machine?  (A) scissors  (B) claw hammer               (C) sewing machine               (D) spade                                                         [              ]
  15. The two main parts of circuit are _______________(A) series circuit and a resistor                (A) parallel circuit and a conductor               (C) series circuit and parallel circuit                             (D) parallel circuit and an insulator                                          [              ]
  16. The type of soil suitable for agriculture is  (A) clay soil  (B) loam soil  (C) sand soil               (D) clay and send                                                                                      [              ]
  17. ____________ breaks and completes a circuit  (A) bulb  (B) resistor  (C) switch               (D) battery                                                                                                    [      ]
  18. Light travels in a _________ line  (A) straight  (B) zigzag  (C) curved                 (D) doffed                                                                                                                 [              ]
  19. One is not a renewable source of energy  (A) solar  (B) hydro-electric                (C) wood               (D) wind                                                                                     [              ]
  20. Oxygen occupies  _____________ percentage of air in the atmosphere  (A) 78%               (B)0.03%               (C) 0.97%               (D) 20.9%                                                        [              ]
  21. The units of resistance are _____________  (A) ohmmeter  (B) volts  (C) ohms               (D) amperes                                                                                                                 [              ]
  22. The following are excretory organs except  (A)heat  (B)skin (C)kidney (D)lungs                                                                                                                 [              ]
  23. The units used to measure mass are  (A)joules  (B) kilograms  (C) meters                             (D) none                                                                                      [              ]
  24. A machine is a device that__________  (A)helps us to write  (B) help us to see   (C) makes work easier               (D) complicates work                                            [              ]
  25. __________ are small pores found in the leaves that help in gaseous exchange (A) apex               (B) midrib               (C) sweat pores               (D) stomatas                                           [              ]
  26. Water in solid state is called  (A) ice  (B) vapour  (C) steam  (D) liquid [              ]
  27.   __________ are nutrients required in large amount  (A) micro- nutrient  (B) minutrients               (C) macro nutrients               (D) nitrogen                                                         [              ]
  28. End products of photosynthesis are________________  (A) water and carbohydrates                             (B) starch and carbon dioxide               (C) carbon dioxide and oxygen                                           (D) carbohydrates and oxygen                             [              ]
  29. The following are good farming method except ________  (A) overgrazing   (B) crop rotation               (C) contour plougting               (D) strip farming               [              ]
  30. _________________ is a raised soil bed  (A) countour  (B) terrace  (C) garden   (D) fallow                                                                                                                 [              ]
  31. Which one is not an essential need for plant to grow  (A) water  (B) nutrients (C) soil               (D) air                                                                                                                              

Match the list in A with that in B



  1. Stamen
  2. Overgrazing
  3. Circuit breaker
  4. Oxygen
  5. Ohm’s law
  6. Ammeter
  1. Supports burning
  2. State that current through a resister is directly propotional to voltage
  3. Used to measure current
  4. Male parts of a flower
  5. Keeping many cattles in a small piece of land
  6. To protect electric appliance from being damage

















Write short answer 

  1. Name any two thing used in a simple circuit
  1.    ___________________________________________
  2.    ________________________________________
  1.  calculate the voltage if current passing through a conductor is 6A and resistance is 352





  1. Another name for voltage is ______________________
  2.        The symbol along side represent ________________________________
  3. _________________________ is used to make bulb and florescent tubes










TIME: 1:40HR


  1. This paper consists of three sections; A, B and C with a total of 8 questions
  2. All answers must be written in blue or black ink.
  3. Remember to write your name and other particulars in the given spaces.
  4. Answer all questions according to the instructions in each section.
  5. Keep your work neat and smart.
  6. Cellular phones, tablets and calculators are not allowed in the examination room.
  7. For each of the item (i) –(x) Choose the correct letter which represents the correct answer;
  1. The units of resistance are _____________  

(A) ohmmeter  (B) volts  (C) ohms  (D) amperes                                                                          

  1. The following are excretory organs except  

(A)heat  (B)skin  (C)kidney  (D)lungs                                                                                                                                                  

  1. A machine is a device that__________  

(A)helps us to write (B) help us to see (C) makes work easier  (D) complicates work               


  1. __________ are small pores found in the leaves that help in gaseous exchange              

(A) apex  (B) midrib  (C) sweat pores  (D) stomatas 


  1. Water in solid state is called  

(A) ice  (B) vapour  (C) steam  (D) liquid 


  1.   __________ are nutrients required in large amount  

(A) micro- nutrient  (B) minutrients  (C) macro nutrients  (D) nitrogen                                                         

  1. End products of photosynthesis are________________  

(A) water and carbohydrates   (B) starch and carbon dioxide  (C) carbon dioxide and oxygen                                           (D) carbohydrates and oxygen                                                                       

  1. The following are good farming method except ________  

(A) overgrazing   (B) crop rotation  (C) contour plougting  (D) strip farming               

  1. _________________ is a raised soil bed  

(A) countour  (B) terrace  (C) garden   (D) fallow                                                            

  1. Which one is not an essential need for plant to grow

(A) water  (B) nutrients  (C) soil  (D) air                                                                                        

Match the list in A with that in B



  1. Stamen
  2. Overgrazing
  3. Circuit breaker
  4. Oxygen
  5. Ohm’s law
  6. Ammeter
  1. Supports burning
  2. State that current through a resister is directly propotional to voltage
  3. Used to measure current
  4. Male parts of a flower
  5. Keeping many cattles in a small piece of land
  6. To protect electric appliance from being damage


Question Three. Fill in the blanks

  1. The end products of photosynthesis are ………………………..and ………………………………
  2. The small pores on leaves which allow gaseous exchange are called………………….
  3. …………….is the best soil for building and construction
  4. Two examples of renewable energy resources include………………………..and …………………..
  5. Electricity produced by running water is called………………………………….

Question 4.

Answer the following questions briefly

The diagram below shows a process that takes place in living organism;

  1. Define the term that describe the above process
  2. Explain the reason for the movement of water from the beaker to potato
  3. The difference in high and low concentration of solutions is called……………..
  4. Give two importance of the above process in living organisms

Question 5.

Give brief explanations in each of the following questions;

  1. Define the term internet and give two uses of internet
  2. Differentiate between spyware and phishing
  3. Define search engine and give two examples

Question 6

  1. A load of 80kg was moved through a distance of 5m by a force of 40kilograms which moved 25 meters. Calculate
  1. Velocity ratio
  2. Mechanical advantage
  1. Find the distance covered in meters to carry a 15kg stone, if work done on the stone is 9000 J
  2. Define the following terms;
  1. Mechanical Advantage-M.A
  2. Velocity Ratio-V.R

Question 7.

The diagram below shows soil degradation method. Study and answer the questions that follow;


  1. Name the type of erosion represented by letter A and B
  2. Name two effects  of soil erosion
  3. Explain two ways of preventing above types of erosion.






  • This paper consist of 45 questions
  • Answer all questions as per instructions given in each section
  • Remember to write your name and the date of today
  1. There are two types of seeds which are monocotyledon and dicotyledon. During germination, seeds need water Oxygen and X. Which material is represented by letter X?

(A)carbon oxide (B)hot (C)ray (D)green colour (E)sunlight

  1. Water can be spread from one area to another. In which condition matter can spread from the area of strong solution to weak solution? (A)Osmosis (B)Kinetic theory (C)xylem (D)diffusion (E)photosynthesis
  2. Living things depend on each other in different conditions in their environment which education deals with relationship between living things and their environment (A)Ecology (B)Biology (C)Balance of nature (D)Nature (E)Ecosystem
  3. The body cleanliness is very important to adolescent, for a teenager like you, which one is the most preferable way to avoid spread of HIV/AIDS (A)use of sized condom (B)use of pills method (C)use of withdrawal method (D)Prolonged breast feeding (E)Abstinence
  4. A flower is the main reproductive organ in different plants. Which parts of a flower attracts insects and birds (A)pistil (B)style (C)Petal (D)Sepal (E)filament
  5. Investigation is very important in our daily life. Hypothesis to be true or null, which one of the following must be done firstly (A)problem identification (B)Experimentation (C)conclusion (D)Data collection (E)data analysis
  6. The first aid is very important which of the following are necessary for giving first aid to a person with born fracture.(A)scissors, bandage, splinter, cotton wool, spirit and safety Pin (B)Towel, soap stretcher, cotton wool and spirit (C)Towel, water, oil and soap (D)Blanket, chair, soap, rope and scissors (E)Blanket, bandage scissors and rope.
  7. The blood is made up by different things in which compound heamoglobin found in the blood? (A)white blood cell (B)red blood cell (C)blood plasma (D)yellow bone marrow (E)body cells
  8. A balanced diet contains all groups of food. What kind of food is a pregnant women advised to eat? (A)protein (B)carbohydrates (C)iron and minerals food (D)fat (E)vitamins
  9. Living things can adapt in their environment in different ways why chameleon usually changes its colour____ (A)To search for food (B)To breathe (C)To reproduce (D)To observe enemies (E)To protect itself
  10. The wrong uses of fire can cause the destruction of the properties in environment. What name of gas supports combustions (A)oxygen (B)ozone (C)Nitrogen (D)Hydrogen (E)Carbon dioxide
  11. The blender is an example of a complex machine, the motor in the blender convert electrical energy into which energy? (A)Heat energy (B)mechanical energy (C)light energy (D)potential energy (E)chemical energy
  12. Resident of Arusha eat beans, meat and rice for better health, which food they need to add ____ (A)fish (B)Green vegetable (C)chicken (D)bread (E)cowpeas
  13. An electrician used a ladder to climb an electric pole. What kind of simple machine did he use ___ (A)wedge (B)inclined plane (C)wheel (D)Roll (E)Screws.
  14. A teacher taught the different ways on how to kill the germs that spread the diseases. The following are the different ways of killing mosquitoes, which one is not? (A)to pour kerosene into stagnant water (B)To cut the long grasses (C)to spray insecticides on stagnant water (D)to put the fan on so that they are blown (E)To do the environmental cleanliness
  15. The health services are very important in our daily life which of the following groups needs close attention and regular health services. (A)children and youth (B)Youth and women (C)only youth (D)women children and the elders (E)children below five years and elders
  16. The kidney is very important organ to the human body. How many pairs of Kidney are there? (A)Two (B)Three (C)four (D)one (E)six
  17. Magnet has two main poles which are northern and Southern poles. Which of the following is not a characteristics of a magnet (A)It attracts objects of metallic nature (B)magnetic force is greater at the poles (C)Unlike poles attract each other (D)like poles repel each other (E)it pulls things of plastic nature
  18. The following are negative effects of using mobile phone except (A)educating the society (B)online theft (C)internet addition (D)crime (E)destruction of customs and traditions
  19. Kazimoto is warming himself using fire during cold weather. By which process (A)radiation (B)convection (C)conduction (D)conduction and convection (E)Transportation
  20. Scientist use different methods to prevent rusting of iron. Which one is correct among the following? (A)put them in water (B)painting them (C)adding oxygen to them (D)coating them with white wash (E)Keeping them outside
  21. Mr. Jumanne a teacher of science saw the following symptoms severe fever, blood from open parts of the body, fatigue, and head ache are symptoms of (A)cholera (B)syphilis (C)Ebola (D)Meningitis (E)diabetes.
  22. If female gamete x is fertilized by male gamete y and divides into two parts, what children do we expect to get? (A)male identical twins (B)female identical twins (C)non-identical twins (D)female sex (E)male sex
  23. Social welfare officer visited the elders centre and advised them on the importance of eating foods which replace dead and worn out calls. Which type of food was that (A)proteins (B)vitamins (C)carbohydrates (D)Minerals (E)fats and oil
  24. A pupil was sweeping using a long broom. What kind of lever did he use (A)fourth (B)third (C)first (D)second (E)complex machine
  25. The spread of drop of ink in the basin of water is called ____(A)Osmosis (B)diffusion (C)spreading (D)melting (E)concentration
  26. We are advised to eat foods which are rich in vitamin A in order to strengthen (A)hair (B)bones (C)eyes (D)ears (E)tongue
  27. A standard six pupil set up the following experiment

After five minutes the balloon expanded this shows that

  1. The pupil had put air in it
  2. It is always like that
  3. Air expanded when heated
  4. Water entered in the balloon from the sufuria
  5. A balloon has air in it all the time
  1. Why is that the ceiling board of a house is painted white
  1. White colour absorb light
  2. White colour reflect light
  3. White colour is refracted to the floor
  4. White colour is good for painting
  5. Black colour absorb heat
  1. Which among the following memory scheme within the computer system stores data permanently (A)RAM (B)ROM (C)ALU (D) C.P.U (E)OS
  2. Materials which allow light to pass and we can see through them clearly are said to be (A)translucent (B)reflectors (C)opaque (D)transparent (E)absorbers
  3. There various disease which affect human being. Which among the following is not sexually transmitted diseases (A)trachoma (B)genital harpes (C)gonorrhea (D)syphilis (E)HIV/AIDS
  4. The collection of physical components that constitutes a computer is called (A)operating system (B)computer virus (C)hard ware (D)software (E)secondary memory
  5. Which of the following types of lives belong to the same class lever as drawn below

(A)Spade (B)Crow bar (C)Wheelbarrow (D)Scissors (E)See saw

  1. Worldwide network of millions of computers that can access each other is called _____ (A) internet (B)computer (C)hardware (D)software (E)websites
  2. The digestion of starch begins in which of the following part of alimentary canal ______ (A)mouth (B)stomach (C)large intestine (D)small intestine (E)Oesophagus
  3. A wire has resistance of 2.5 ohms. The potential difference across the wire in the circuit is 12.5 volts. Find the amount of current flowing through the wire
  4. Which gas is used to extinguish fire? (A)Oxygen (B)nitrogen (C)carbon oxide (D)hydrogen (E)ammonia
  5. Standard six pupils did the following experiment. The planted a tree after a few days leaves the roots were growing towards the water body this process is called

(A)Geotropism (B)Phototropism (C)Hydrotropism (D)Chemotropism (E)Thigmotropism

  1. Materials that do not allow electricity to pass through can be used in making ______ (A)switches (B)handles of pans (C)insulators (D)conductors (E)battery

SECTION B:Short answers

  1. Plants shed leaves during dry season so as to
  2. The ability of the body to resist diseases is called _________
  3. Which kind of lens is shown by this diagram below

  1. Diseases that erupt and spread to a whole continent or world are called __________
  2. Give one example of an input device in a computer __________







NAME...............................................................................   DATE......................



  1.                 Two major group of living things are

  1.              Carbohydrates and protein
  2.               Plants and animals
  3.              Water and gaseous
  4.             Solid and water

  1.                 Plants that have seeds with one cotyledon in known as

  1.              Monocotyledonous plants
  2.               Dicotyledonous plants
  3.              Beans plant
  4.             Non – seed plants

  1.                 The part of the plant which main function is to absorb water, minerals and nutrients from the soil is known as

  1.              Stem
  2.               Leaves
  3.              Roots
  4.             Flowers

  1.                 The situation where by an insect is carry pollen from flour to another in called

  1.              Irrigation
  2.               Osmosis
  3.              Pollination
  4.             Wilting of flour

  1.                 Example of invertebrate include

  1.              Worm and grasshoppers
  2.               Lizard and monitor lizard
  3.              Fish and frogs
  4.             Ducks, chickens and some birds

  1.                 The average birds temperature is ___________

  1.              37C
  2.               36C
  3.              40C
  4.             65C

  1.                 ______ are mammals but do not have sweat glands

  1.              Sharks
  2.               Whales
  3.              Dogs
  4.             Rats

  1.                 Fish     (A) breast feeds young ones  (B) One of the animals which do not have a vertebral column               (C) It breathes using moist skin               (D)They use gills to breathe
  2.                 Plants manufacture their own food in order to survive. T he production of food by plants is known as

  1.              Respiration
  2.               Growth
  3.              Chlorophyll
  4.             Photosynthesis

  1.            _______ is the female part of the flower

  1.              Stamen
  2.               Pistil
  3.              Petal
  4.             Sepals

  1.            ________ are tube through which male gametes pass from the testes to the urethra.

  1.              Ureta
  2.               Penis
  3.              Sperm duct
  4.             Fallopian tube

  1.            Which of these are the reproduction and growth stages of a cockroach?
  1.              Egg _____ pupa ____adult
  2.               Egg _____ lava _____pupa ____ adult
  3.              Egg _____ nymph ___ adult
  4.             Egg _____ pupa _____ lava _____ adult
  1.            _______ is a study of how living things interact with each other and how they interact with the environment in which they live

  1.              Adaptation
  2.               Ecology
  3.              Geology
  4.             Feeding

  1.            Keeping a lot of animals in a small area can result in _____
  1.              Ecological improvement
  2.               Ecological destruction
  3.              Improvement of amenity
  4.             Ecological balances
  1.            The burning of forests
  1.              Has negative effects on animals and plants
  2.               Increase the number of animal in the soil
  3.              Is a sustainable way of harvesting honey
  4.             Has no any effect on the environment
  1.            The two main types of circuit are
  1.              Series circuit and conductor series circuit and an insulator
  2.               Parallel circuits and insulator
  3.              Series circuit and a parallel circuit
  4.             Parallel circuits and an insulator
  1.            If you drop a razor blade into a drum of water. The best way to pick up the razor blade is to
  1.              To dive into the drum
  2.               To dip into the drum  magnet tied to a long string
  3.              To drill a hole on the drum
  4.             To pull the razor blade using an iron rod
  1.            Magnets attract _____

  1.              Iron
  2.               Wood
  3.              Iron and glass
  4.             Like poles

  1.            Which one of this has a specific shape

  1.              A soft drink
  2.               Gas
  3.              Moist
  4.             A piece of paper

  1.            The following pair is example of a second class lever

  1.              A bottle opener and a wheel barrow
  2.               A shovel and a wheelbarrow
  3.              A mean balance and a door
  4.             Fishing rods and shovel

  1.            We exercise and participate in sports in order to

  1.              Make our teacher happy
  2.               Continue studying well
  3.              Maintain good body health
  4.             Be cleaner

  1.            Do not apply _____ to a burnt are when giving first aid to a fire victim.

  1.              Water
  2.               Oil
  3.              Honey
  4.             Medicine

  1.            Ebola is disease caused by _____

  1.              Bacteria
  2.               Virus
  3.              Monkeys
  4.             Amoeba



Match item of object in group A and that of the corresponding in List B to make the meaningful sentences about the characteristics of a living things.





  1.            Respiration


Stars as a single pure cell before the increase of physical size of height and weight 

  1.            Nutrition


Process of obtain food for metabolism and repair 

  1.            Locomotion


To get rid of the waste products 

  1.            Growth


Using of Oxygen to burning food in order to release energy 

  1.            Irritability


In plants involves only certain part through twisting and bending but in animal involve the whole part 

  1.            Excretion


Very important for continuity of the generation 

  1.            Respiration


A sense and a respond to stimuli




  1.            The kidney is a bean – shaped organ that is found behind the stomach ______
  2.            The long form of ARV is antiviral drug _____
  3.            Balance diet is to have three or more meals at a day ______
  4.            Keeping our bodies clean protect us from disease _________
  5.            The normal human temperature is 35C ________________
  6.            You are advised to switch off the computer by using the socket to save time _________
  7.            Chemical change is a change which result to the formation of new type of substance ___
  8.            The attraction forces between the molecules in gas are stronger than in a solid body ____
  9.            Insulator is the instrument used to measure electric current _________
  10.            A concave mirror is a mirror whose reflection surface is curved inwards _________

SECTION D: (2 Marks @

  1.            State the law of magnetism ___________________
  2.            What for you understand by the term “Search engine” ___________________
  3.            Child’s behavior and altitudes can be affected if he or she misuses the internet resources.

Write down two side effect that you as a child might experience if you misuse internet 

  1. ____________________________________
  2. ____________________________________
  1.            Differentiate WAN from LAN as they used in internet






  1.            What do you understand by the term computer









  1.               This paper consists of 45 questions
  2.               Answer all questions in the spaces provided
  3.               For question 1-40 choose the best answer form alternatives given
  4.               For question 40-45 answer the questions briefly.

1.     Animals which live part of their life in water and partly on land are called:

  1.              reptilian
  2.              mammalian
  3.               fish
  4.              amphibians
  5.               Aves.

2. Which of the following electrical devices uses direct current?

  1.              Electric cooler
  2.              torch
  3.               thermos
  4.              Tv Set
  5.               Iron Box

3. The ratio of white blood cells to red blood cells is;

  1.              600:12
  2.              1.:601
  3.               600: 1
  4.              1.:600
  5.               100:60

4. The load carried by the pulley below is 55N, calculate the effort used in raising the load

  1.              55N
  2.              55KG
  3.               110KG
  4.              5N
  5.               110N

5. Which of the following are symptoms of a person suffering from HIV/AIDS?

  1.              Urinating frequently
  2.              frequent sickness
  3.               stomach ache
  4.              dizziness
  5.               Paralysis

6. When a ruler is immersed into a glass with water, it appears bend because light..

  1.              Moves at a high speed
  2.              always form image
  3.               is reflected
  4.              is refracted
  5.               passes through air.

7. An example of a chemical change is;

  1.              water turning into vapour
  2.              ripening of fruits
  3.               dissolving of sugar
  4.              ice melting into liquid
  5.               expansion of iron sheets

8. The value of X in the figure below is......

9.        Which gas supports combustion? 

A: Nitrogen

B: Carbon dioxide

C: Oxygen

D: Hydrogen

E: Carbon monoxide

10.    Which one of the following is an example of a simple machine?

  1.              Bicycle          
  2.              Bottle opener
  3.                Generator
  4.              Sewing machine
  5.               Motorcycle

Iron + water + Y = Rust; Y stands for:

A: Carbon dioxide

B: Oxygen

C: Salt

D: Hydrogen

E:    Nitrogen

12. During the dry seasons plants shed their leaves in order to:

A: fertilize the soil

B: reduce water loss

C: protect itself

D: add water

E: add carbon dioxide

13. When a fresh garden soil is heated in a test tube, we see vapour coming out of the test tube.This shows that, soil contains

A: air

B: humus

C: water

D: minerals

E:    germs

14. Lizard, snake and crocodile are:

 A: Reptiles

B: Mammals

C: Birds

D: Amphibians

1 5. Which of the following are the main measurements of electricity?

A: Ampere, volt and ohm

B: Joule, volt and ohm

C: Ohm, ampere and bulb

D: Watt, gram and milligram

E: Ampere, volt and gram

16. The car batteries are a good example of making electricity using:

A: friction

B: chemicals

C: water

D: machine

Calculate the p.d in the circuit below:

  1.              12 V
  2.              24 V
  3.               36 V
  4.              9V
  5.               13 V

1 8 . Which one is the set of excretory organs?


Liver, blood, heart and capillaries


Kidney, liver, lungs and bile


Heart, liver, skin and kidney


Liver, skin, lungs and kidney


Small, intestine, heart and capillaries

1 9. Which organ in the human body is responsible for converting red blood cells into bile pigments?

A: Liver

B: Kidney

C: Lungs

D: Spleen 

E: Bile

20. The process where plants absorb water through the roots and then give off water vapour through pores in their leaves is called 

A: evaporation

B: respiration

C: photosynthesis

D: transpiration

E: osmosis 

21 . This symbol in electricity represents:

A: Fuse

B: Socket

C: Cable

D: Source 

E: Switch

22.  An electric current of 0.8 Ampere passes through a conductor of 25 Ohms. Which voltage will be read if the voltmeter is fixed in this circuit? 

A: 25.8 volts

B: 200 volts

C: 2.3 volts

D: 20 volts

E:    0.03 volts

23.    Which part of blood fights against diseases?

A: Red blood cells

B: Platelets

C: White blood cells

D: Plasma

E: Blood protein

24.    Anything that simplifies work is called 

A: scissors 

B: levers

C: magnet

D: machine

E: computer

25.    What happens when a male gamete X fertilizes a female gamete X?

A: A baby girl will be born

B: A baby boy will be born

C: Identical twins will be born

D: A very short baby will be born 

E: A very tall baby will be born

26.    Which method of farming is suitable for farmers farming in mountain slopes?

  1.              Crop rotation 
  2.              planting crops in rows
  3.               mixed cropping
  4.              terrace farming
  5.               contour farming

27.     The farmer wants to increase the amount of nitrogen in his farm.

Which among the following crops would you advice him to plant? 

A: Cotton

B:    Maize

C: Potatoes

D: Peas

E. Sugarcane

28.    Fertilization takes place in the part labeled

29.    In a womans body, ova are produced in the

A: uterus

B: fallopian 

C: ovary

D: stomach

30.    One of the following actions prevents soil erosion:

A: Planting trees

B: Increasing the number of livestock

C: Digging grass

D: Burning forests

E: Reducing the number of trees

31. Which of the following should be avoided in order to control HIV infection?

A: Isolating HIV patient 

B: Shaking hands with HIV patient

C: Eating together with HIV victim

D: Sharing shaving tools

E:    Playing together with HIV victim


The chemical that is produced by the liver which aids in the digestion

of fats is A: glycogen

B:  bile juice

C: amino acids

D: glucose

E:    sulphuric acid

33.    The force of ION was used to lift a luggage a distance of 6 meters. Find the amount of worl< done.

A: 60 J B: 60 m c: 60 N D: 16 N

 E:    0.6 J

34.    The following       are       hereditary diseases except A: chickenpox

B:    diabetes

C: asthma

D: sickle cell

E:     diphtheria

35.    Which of the following parasites is the one causing malaria?

A: Plasmodium D: Bacteria

B: Fungi        E: Amoeba

C: Virus

36.    Sexually transmitted diseases are transmitted from one person to another by 

A: physical contact

B: sexual intercourse

C: sharing eating utensils

 D: blood transfusion

37.    The process of exhaling and inhaling air is called A: chest flexing

B: refraction

C: reflection

D: breathing E: coughing

38.    is a mixture of different gases.

A. Nitrogen

B. Air

C: Matter

D. Oxygen

E. Hydrogen

39.    Of the following groups of living organisms, the only one that can manufacture its own food is

  1.              Animals
  2.              Reptiles
  3.               Man
  4.              Amphibians
  5.               Plants

40.    Which of the following actions results into formation of a new matter?

A: Souring of milk

B: Melting of ice

C: Melting of sugar

D: Evaporation

E: Melting of candle

41.    Mention four common functions in Excel program.

42.The experiment represented by the set up below shows that soil has.................

43. Write four agents of soil erosion.

44. Carefully observe the diagram below and answer questions below.

(a) C represents....................

(b) G represents...................

(c) L represents...................

(d) D receives blood from

45. State any four benefits of giving first aid.









Choose the correct answer and write its letter in the space provided.

  1. In order to maintain a good health of our health of our bodies we must …….
  1. Do exercises, eat good food and rest
  2. Sleep a lot, eat good food and play
  3. Avoid hard labour, exercise and sleep
  4. Exercise and engage in sports
  5. Eat well and exercise all the time
  1. Which among the following nutrients should be taken by a pregnant woman in large quantities?

  1. Proteins
  2. Carbohydrates
  3. Fats
  4. Mineral salts
  5. Vitamins

  1. Frequent urination, producing large quantities of urine and feeling thirsty every time are symptoms of which disease?

  1. Cancer
  2. Diabetes
  3. Kwashiorkor
  4. Whooping cough
  5. Deficiency of blood

  1. Which among the following is a procedure for helping a person who has suffered an electric shock?
  1. Quickly pushing him/her with bare hands
  2. Pulling off the electric cable which shook him/her
  3. Turning off electricity by pouring water on the cable
  4. Pulling him using a nonconducting rod
  5. Leaving him/her until power goes off on its own
  1. ……… is a disease which, if left untreated for long period will lead to heart problems, brain damage or even death.

  1. Clamedia
  2. Gonorrhea
  3. Trachoma
  4. AIDS
  5. Syphilis

  1. Which among the following is NOT a symptom of AIDS?

  1. Swelling of tonsils
  2. Weight loss
  3. Non-stop diarrhoea
  4. Persistent and unusual cough

  1. Unusual sweating during the night
  1. The following are ways of protecting ourselves from environmental disasters except:
  1. Digging trenches
  2. Building houses from volcanic mountains
  3. Maintaining a stock of food reserve
  4. Leading a nomadic life
  5. Keeping our environment clean
  1. Which among the following is a mixture of various gases?

  1. Light
  2. Air
  3. Kerosene
  4. Carbon dioxide
  5. Steam

  1. Which among the following actions is not a cause of environmental destruction?
  1. Burning of waste papers
  2. Industrial development
  3. Bating in lakes
  4. Using animal manure in farms
  5. Washing cars in rivers
  1. The king of the jungle ordered all carnivorous animals to be killed. What do you think will happen to the jungle after some years?
  1. Many plants will grow
  2. The number of insects will not change
  3. The number of plants will decrease
  4. The number of herbivores will decrease.
  5. The environment will remain attractive
  1. When cooking vegetables we are advised to
  1. Add a small amount of soda
  2. Cook them for a long time to reduce their water content
  3. Cover and cook them for a short time
  4. Dry them before cooking
  5. Fry them with a lot of oil
  1. Which of the following is not among the right methods of preserving soil fertility?

  1. Crop rotation
  2. Planting leguminous plants
  3. Fallowing
  4. Using manure
  5. Monoculture

  1. Which class of fire is caused by cooking oil?

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D
  5. E

  1. Which of the following insects shows an incomplete metamorphosis?

  1. Mosquito
  2. Butterfly
  3. Housefly
  4. Bee
  5. Cockroach

  1. A mouse was locked in a small box with a piece of meat inside. After two days the mouse died. What caused the mouse to die?
  1. It ate a rotten meat
  2. It missed carbon dioxide gas
  3. It missed oxygen
  4. It missed enough water after eating the meat
  5. It missed light which is necessary for the growth of animals
  1. Which among the following living things is an amphibian?

  1. Frog
  2. Mouse
  3. Lizard
  4. Tortoise
  5. Chameleon

  1. Identify simple machines that make up the following complex machine.

  1. Wheel and axle, pedal, chain and brakes
  2. Gears, wheel and axle, levers and pulleys
  3. Gears, levers and wheel and axle
  4. Pedals, brakes, saddle, fork and chainset
  5. None of the above
  1. During pollination of a flower, pollen is transported from

  1. Ovaries to ovules
  2. Stigma to stamen
  3. Petals to stigma
  4. Stamen to stigma
  5. Sepals to style

  1. The two types of plant seeds are
  1. Main seed reserve and minor food reserve
  2. Monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous
  3. Dicotyledonous and main bud
  4. Rootless seeds and rooted seeds
  5. Natural seeds and wild seeds
  1. When there is thunder the light is seen before its sound is heard because ………
  1. Nothing can obstruct light rays
  2. Light is first absorbed by clouds
  3. Light travels faster than sound
  4. Sound travels faster than light
  5. Clouds which generate sound travel slowly
  1. If you wash two pieces of clothes made of the same material, one white and one black, the black piece will dry faster than the white one because it.

  1. Absorbs heat quickly
  2. Reflects light faster
  3. Can resist blowing winds
  4. Absorbs moisture faster
  5. Can filter water

  1. Which among the following groups represents liquids.

  1. Air, water and copper
  2. Petrol, ice and nitrogen
  3. Gold, hydrogen and mercury
  4. Petrol, mercury and water
  5. Water, petrol and air

  1. Study Figure 1 below, and then answer the question which follows

In electric circuits what does this symbol represent?

  1. Resistance
  2. Dry cell
  3. Voltmeter
  4. Switch
  5. Bulb

  1. An accumulator is a collection of cells connected together used to generate direct current used in ……..
  1. Bicycles, iron box and telephones
  2. Refrigerators, iron boxes and fans
  3. Bicycles, refrigerators and electric cookers
  4. Dry cells, charcoal stoves and iron boxes
  1. Study the figure below which shows two people P and Q raising a load of the same weight to the roof, then answer the question which follows

Who among the two will pull the load more easily?

  1. P because he is below
  2. Q because he will use less force
  3. Q because he is on the roof
  4. P because the pulley is one
  5. Q because the earth’s gravitational force is small
  1. The ability to move an object from one place to another is known as

  1. Equilibrium
  2. Force
  3. Friction
  4. Work
  5. Gram

  1. When a pencil is dipped in a glass of water it appears as if it is bent. This is because of:
  1. Refraction of light
  2. Reflection of light
  3. Dispersion of light
  4. Ability of water to allow light to pass through it
  5. Density of water.
  1. Which of the following is not a negative effect of pupils watching television without their parents or guardian’s guidance
  1. Acquiring unacceptable behavior in relation to their age
  2. Poor academic performance
  3. Being responsible and performing well at school
  4. Copying and imitating inappropriate behavior
  5. Addiction to television programs
  1. The natural sources of energy in our daily lives are
  1. Firewood, fire and water
  2. Electricity, magnetism and natural gas
  3. Firewood, the sun and wind
  4. Fire, wind and magnetism
  5. Electricity, wind and water
  1. Study Fig3 below then choose the correct answer about the experiment

The aim of the experiment in Figure 3 is to show.

  1. How to boil drinking water
  2. How to cool water
  3. Expansion and contraction of air
  4. Cooling gas
  5. Preparation of oxygen gas
  1. Which among the following is a physical change?
  1. Fermentation of milk
  2. Burning of paper
  3. Evaporation of water
  4. Reaction between an acid and a base
  5. Rotting of plants
  1. Study figure 4 then answer the question which follows

The aim of the experiment in Fig. 4 is to find:

  1. The volume of the eureka can
  2. The amount of air in the eureka can
  3. The surface area of the stone
  4. The perimeter of the stone
  5. The volume of the stone
  1. In order to prevent the dangers posed by scientific and technological innovation, every nation should:
  1. Cooperate with scientists
  2. Have a ministry of science and Technology
  3. Avoid scientific and technological innovation
  4. Copy technological innovation from developed countries
  5. Formulate polices to control the application of science and technology.
  1. Which among the following is used in predicting a problem in a scientific investigation?

  1. Data collection
  2. Hypothesis
  3. Data analysis
  4. Conclusion
  5. To give recommendation

  1. The following are type of search engines in the world. Which one is not?

  1. Google
  2. Mozilla Firefox
  3. Yahoo
  4. Bing
  5. Ask

  1. In a certain research the heights of six plants were recorded as follows: 12cm; 16cm, 6cm; 20cm; 14cm; and 10cm. What is the average height of the plants?

  1. 12cm
  2. 14cm
  3. 11cm
  4. 13cm
  5. 17cm

  1. The main artery branches to smaller blood vessels known as:

  1. Venacava
  2. Bronchiole
  3. Valve
  4. Capillaries
  5. Veins

  1. Hemoglobin is a compound found in blood in the

  1. White blood cells
  2. Red blood cells
  3. Blood plasma
  4. Yellow bone marrow
  5. Body cells

  1. What will be the result of a union between a male gamete X and a female gamete X?

  1. Non-identical twins
  2. A baby girl
  3. Conjoined twins
  4. A baby boy
  5. Identical twins

  1. Which of the following animals has the most advanced brain of all?

  1. Human being
  2. Horse
  3. Rabbit
  4. Gorillas
  5. Monkey


In questions 41 – 45, write the correct answer in the space provided.

  1. (i)Rust is a result of the following chemical reaction:

Iron + Y + water. In this equation what does Y represent?

(ii)Matter is made up of very small particles called ………..

  1. (i)Which mineral leads to deficiency of red blood cells in the human body?

(ii) ……. Is the result of taking more carbohydrates and fats than they are required in the body, therefore making one overweight.

  1. Study the following figure carefully then answer the questions that follow.

  1. What is the name of the system shown in the figure above?
  2. What is the name of the parts labelled A ………
  3. What is the name of the parts labeled B...……?
  4. What is the name of the parts labeled C ….…?
  5. What energy does the system above use to function?
  1. (i) Culex is a mosquito which spreads filarial worms which in turn cause …………….

(ii)When two pieces of wood are rubbed together, the force of …………….. Makes them to generate heat

  1. Study the diagram below carefully and answer the questions that follow

  1. The first aid above is given to a person who has ………..
  2. The first aid to a vomiting person involved giving them ………









Time1:30 Hours

Pupil’s Name............................................................


  1. This paper consists of section A and B with total of forty five questions
  2. Answer all questions in each section
  3. For questions 1-40 put your choice in the box provided
  4. For question 41-45 write your answer by filling the spaces provided
  5. All communication devices and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room


1. The gas responsible for adding fertility as nitrate salts in soil is _______

(A)Carbon dioxide (B)nitrogen (C)hydrogen (D)oxygen

2.The behavior of plants growing towards the light is called _____

(A)Sunlight (B)Photosynthesis (C)Phototropism (D)Geotropism 

3.The path through which electricity flows is called ______ (A)a circuit (B) a route (C)a highway (D)series 

4.Which of the following is an example of a simple machine ________ (A)a bicycle (B)a sewing machine (C) a car (D) a see-saw 

5.Juma wanted to taste the presence of carbon dioxide in exhaled air. Which of the following would he use? 

(A)Iodine solution (B)lime water (C)Benedict solution (D)none of the above

6.The following are the function of the skin except __________ (A)Protection (B) Excretion (C)excretes carbon-dioxide and water (D)feeling or sensitivity 

7.The situation whereby oxygen burns starch and produce heat energy is called __________ (A)Oxidation 

(B)inhalation (C)expiration (D)exhalation (E)carbonation 

8.Identify the master gland among the following (A)adrenalin (B)pituitary (C)thyroid (D)ovary (E)Pancreas

9.The blood cell which defend the body against diseases are ________ (A)red blood cell (B)white blood cells (C)nerves cells (D)platelets and red blood cells.

10.A solution of sugar salt and water is necessary first aid to a victim of ________ (A)diarrhea and vomiting (B)malaria and headache (C)backbone (D)Tb and influenza (E)fracture 

11.The main cause of HIV/AIDS transmission among people is _________ (A)blood transfusion (B)piercing mouth ears (C)accident (D)injection (E)sexual intercourse

12.The following are diseases which can be prevented by vaccinating children ________ (A)whooping cough (B)polio, tetanus (C)polio Kwashiorkor, tetanus and whooping cough (D)Aids, tetanus tuberculosis tetanus and dysentery 

13.Which kind of gas change lime water to milk colour _________ (A)Oxygen (B)hydrogen (C)nitrogen (D)carbon (E)carbon-dioxide

14.Which vitamin is made in the body by help of sunlight? _________ (A)Vitamin A (B)Vitamin C (C)Vitamin D (D)Vitamin B (E)Vitamin K

15.What is the function of hormone in the body ___________ (A)to generate the amount of hormone in the body (B)Help in the growth and development of the body (C)To increase the heart beats (D)To make people health (E)To make a poison die.

16.Which of these groups contain reptiles only? _________ (A)snakes, crocodiles, tortoise and lizards (B)lizard snake and rabbit (C)frog, lizard and spiders (D)snakes, toads, newts and birds (E)chameleons, Dinosaurs and tadpoles

17.The process whereby plant manufacture their own food by the means of sunlight is called ________ (A)phototropism (B)dicotyledon (C)transpiration (D)aspiration (E)photosynthesis 

18.Bacteria swallowed with food are killed in the stomach __________ (A)hydrochloric acid (B)bile (C)gastric juice (D)pancreatic juice (E)digestive

19.The foetus receive food and oxygen and removes its waste product through _______ (A)cervices (B)fallopian tube (C)umbilical cord (D)Placenta (E)ovaries 

20.Juma is an albino which of the following treatment or advice should be given to him except 

  1. reduce sunburn by avoiding the sun
  2. to isolate himself from others
  3. cover the body with clothes when exposed to sunlight
  4. reduce bright sunlight by wearing sunglasses
  5. applying sunscreen by oil to protect the skin from sunburn.

21.What will happen if the number of lions was greatly reduced in the web below





(A)all Antelope would die (B)cows would start eating antelopes (C)The amount of plants would start reducing (D)all cows die (E)The number of cows and antelopes would reduce.

22.Observe the following diagram and answer the question below. What does this symbol represent in an electricity circuit? ____________


 (A)resistance (B)dry cell (C)voltmeter (D)Switch (E)bulb

23.Which plants reproduce through seeds? (A)sweet potatoes and banana tree (B)sugar cane and sweet potatoes (C)cassava and sugar cane (D)rice and tomatoes (E)cassava and guava 

24.Obesity is a condition which is caused by? (A)loss of a too much weight (B)loss of appetite (C)gain of too much body weight (D)loss of sensitivity (E)growth of the body

25.Which one among the following events shows physical change?

  1.                                                                             Dissolving of sugar in water
  2.                                                                             Burning of a piece of paper
  3.                                                                             Souring of milk
  4.                                                                             Rusting of iron
  5.                                                                              Honey became alcohol

26.Which one among the following plants cannot make its own food? (A)carrot (B)Mushroom (C)sugar cane (D)spinach (E)cassava

27.Observe the following figure, then answer the question that follows.


C:UsersKYAMBODocumentsSTD 4 NECTAflower.jpg


Which number represents the part that produces pollen grains? (A)3 (B)1 (C)5 (D)4 (E)2

28.Russting burning and seed germination are similar because during their process ______

  1.                                                                             Carbon dioxide is used up
  2.                                                                             Nitrogen is used up
  3.                                                                             Oxygen is used up
  4.                                                                             Nitrogen is given off
  5.                                                                              Oxygen is solid

29.Why do plants shade their leaves during dry season __________

  1.                                                                             In order for pollination to take place
  2.                                                                             They allow photosynthesis to increase
  3.                                                                             To prevent effect of strong wind
  4.                                                                             Preventing excessive water loss
  5.                                                                              Preventing water absorption from the roots

30.A person with H.I.V can be identified by ____________ (A)Appearance (B)attendance in the hospital (C)His behavior (D)coughing habit (E)blood screening 

31. Find the value of X in the drawing below where by x stands in place of kilogram








 (A)700kg (B)350kg (C)175kg (D)155kg (E)145kg

32.ON cooling substance become smaller. This decrease in volume is called ________

(A)contraction (B)expansion (C)convection (D)conduction (E)radiation

33.The bending of light rays as it passes in the different media such as air glass and water is called _______ 

(A)reflection (B)dispersion (C)mirage (D)produce (E)refract

34.The human arm is in which class of lever? (A)First (B)Third (C)Fourth (D)second (E)Fifth 

35.In order to be protected against Anaemia pregnant woman is advised to eat _________ (A)starch (B)Fat (C)salt and minerals (D)sugar (E)soil

36.The following are examples of sexually transmitted diseases except __________ (A)syphilis (B)Gonorrhea (C)Trachoma (D)chlamydia (E)Hypertitis

37.The sourness of lemon, lime and unripe orange is caused by presence of a chemical called ________ (A)Base (B)Acid (C)salt (D)metal (E)Alcohol 

38.The type of mineral responsible for growth, strengthening of bones and teeth in the human body ______

(A)calcium (B)magnesium (B)iodine (D)phosphorus (E)limestone 

39.Tsetseflies causes a disease called ______________ (A)elephantiasis (B)measles (C)cholera (D)sleeping sickness (E)Malaria 

40.which organ of an animal can be used to identify the carnivorous animal. (A)claws (B)Neck (C)lips (D)tongue (E)Teeth 



SECTION B (Ten marks)

41.Transfer of heat through space is called _______________

42.Hard water can be changed into soft water by means of ___________

43.What is the function of the following parts of a computer 

(a) Keyboard –  (b)Mouse

44.In a computer the memory of the computer is found in the _______________






  1. Which gas is needed in the process of photosynthesis in green plants? A. oxygen b. helium c. carbon dioxide d. krypton
  2. In an electric circuit, the symbol  ---|||--- represents a. battery b. bulb c. switch d. ammeter
  3. The type of food that gives the body energy is  (a) carbohydrate b. vitamins c. protein d. mineral salts
  4. Gaseous exchange in plants leaves take place through? A. apex b. margin c. midrib d. stomata
  5. The S.I unit of voltage is ………a. amperes b. volts c. ohms d. kilograms
  6. The following are natural sources of light except; a. sun b. electric bulb c. stars d. fireflies
  7. Which one of the following is a source of electricity? A. television b. radio c. refrigerator d. dry cell
  8. Which one of the following conserves soil? A. afforestation b. cutting down trees c. mining activities d. poor agricultural practices
  9. What is the percentage of oxygen gas in the atmosphere? A. 20.9 b. 78 c. 0.03 d. 0.97
  10. Which part of plant absorbs water? A. stem, b. leaves c. root hairs d. branches
  11. Which gas is used during fire extinguishing? A. oxygen b. inert gas c. hydrogen d. carbon dioxide
  12. A reflected sound is called? A. echo, b. mirage c. noise d. vibrations
  13. Animals that eat grass only are called? A. carnivores b. herbivores c. omnivores d. munivores
  14. Which of the following is an electric appliance? A. generator b. bicycle c. television d. dry cell
  15. Which symbol represents switch in electric circuit?
  16. If there is 12 V in an electric circuit and the resistance is 2ohms, how much current flows in the circuit? A. 6A B. 12 A C. 5A D. 2A
  17. Which tissue helps in transporting of water in plants? A. xylem b. collenchyma tissue c. pith d. epidermis
  18. Organisms which manufacture their own food are known as? A. carnivore b. autotrophes c. omnivores d. heterotrophes
  19. Malaria germs, plasmodium can be identified using an instrument called? A. camera b. periscope c. spectacles d. microscope
  20. Which of the following is not a micronutrient? A. zinc b. phosphorous c. potassium d. nitrogen
  21. The symbol…………………………….represents an instrument that is used to measure a. voltage b. current c. resistance d. potential difference
  22. In order for animals to live, they need a gas called? A. carbondioxide b. protein c. vitamins d. mineral salts
  23. Which one of the following  living things is an amphibian? A. monkey b. frog c. cow d. human being
  24. The process by which plants loose water through leaves is called? A. diffusion b. osmosis c. respiration d. transpiration
  25. Which part of a flower becomes a seed after fertilization? A. ovules b. filament c. anthers d. stigma
  26. The type of food that builds the body is called a. carbohydrates b. protein, c. vitamins, d. mineral salts
  27. The tissue that transports food from the leaves to the storage organs is called? A. xylem b. blood c. cytoplasm d. phloem
  28. The transfer of pollen grains from anthers to the stigma is called, a. pollination b. grafting c. germination d.respiration
  29. The respiratory organ of a fish is called? A. lungs b. gills c. skin d. spiracles
  30. Which one of the following gases is used for industrial preservation of drinks? A. nitrogen b. argon c. carbon dioxide oxygen
  31. What do we call increases in size and mass of living organisms? A. excretion b. reproduction c. growth d. development
  32. Complete the equation below:  carbon dioxide + water   X + Oxygen + water

X represents? A. fats b. protein c. carbohydrate d. carbon dioxide

  1. Which of the following types of soil is suitable for building houses and other structures? A. loam soil b. sandy soil c. clay soil d. none
  2. The seasonal exchange of leguminous crops with cereals crops with the aim of improving soil fertility is referred to as: a. fallowing b. terracing c. over grazing  d. crop rotation
  3. In which of the following regions is clay soil found in Tanzania? A. Dar es salaam b. pwani c. Kigoma d. tanga region
  4. Lizard, snake and crocodiles are: a. reptiles b. mammals c. birds d. amphibians
  5. The car batteries are good example of making electricity using: a. friction b. chemicals c. water d. machines
  6. An example of a chemical change is; a. water turning into vapour b. ripening of fruits c. dissolving of sugar d. expansion of iron metals
  7. During dry seasons, plants shed their leaves inorder to: a. fertilize the soil b. reduce water loss c. protect itself d. add water
  8. Which gas supports combustion? A. nitrogen b. carbon dioxide c. oxygen d. carbon monoxide


  1. Define soil erosion………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  2. Name two components of soil………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  3. State the raw materials for photosynthesis…………………………………………………………………………………
  4. Mention any two egg laying mammals……………………………………………………………………………………….
  5. What is internet?.............................................................................................................................







TIME 1:30 HRS MARCH 2021



  1. This paper consists of Sections A and B with forty-five questions
  2. The paper carries a value of 50 marks
  3. Answer all questions in all sections as per instructions given
  4. Use blue or black pen for writing and a pencil for drawing.


Answer all questions

For question 1-40 choose the correct answer from the alternatives given and write you answer on the space provided.

  1. Fertilization in flowering plants takes place in
  1. Ovary
  2. Pistil
  3. Stigma
  4. Anther
  1. Animals which live partly on land and partly on water are called
  1. Reptilian
  2. Mammalian
  3. Amphibian
  4. aves
  1. When a ruler is immersed in a glass of water, it appears bending because light
  1. Moves at high speed
  2. Always forms and image
  3. Is refracted
  4. Is reflected
  1. An example of a chemical change is
  1. Water turning into vapor
  2. Ripening of fruits
  3. Dissolving sugar in water
  4. Ice melting into ice
  1. Which of the following is a symptom of a person suffering from HIV /AIDS?
  1. Urinating frequently
  2. Frequent sickness
  3. Stomache ache
  4. Dizziness
  1. Which of the following gases supports combustion?
  1. Nitrogen
  2. Carbon dioxide
  3. Oxygen
  4. Hydrogen
  1. Which of the following is an example of a simple machine?
  1. Bicycle
  2. Bottle opener
  3. Generator
  4. Sewing machine
  1. During dry season plants shed their leaves in order to;
  1. Fertilize the soil
  2. Reduce water loss
  3. Protect itself
  4. Add water
  1. When fresh garden soil is heated in a test tube, we see water vapor coming out of the test tube, this shows that soil contains;
  1. Air
  2. Humus
  3. Minerals
  4. Germs
  1. Lizards, snake and crocodiles are
  1. Mammals
  2. Reptiles
  3. Birds
  4. Amphibians
  1. Which of the following are the main measurement of electricity?
  1. Ampere, volt, ohm
  2. Ohm, ampere and bulb.
  3. Ampere, volt and gram
  4. Joule, volt ohm.
  1. The car batteries are a good example of making electricity using
  1. Friction
  2. Chemicals
  3. Water
  4. Machines
  1. Calculate the P.D in the circuit below;

  1. Anything that simplifies work is called
  1. Scissors
  2. Levers
  3. Magnets
  4. Machine
  1. Which of the following farming method is suitable for farmers farming in mountain slopes?
  1. Crop rotation
  2. Planting crops in rows
  3. Mixed cropping
  4. Contour farming
  1. Which of the following actions prevents soil erosion?
  1. Planting trees
  2. Increasing number of livestock
  3. Digging grass
  4. Burning forest
  5. Reducing the number of trees
  1. The following are hereditary diseases except
  1. Chicken pox
  2. Diabetes
  3. Sickle cell
  4. Haemophilia
  1. Which of the following parasites causes malaria?
  1. Plasmodium
  2. Bacteria
  3. Fungi
  4. Amoeba
  5. Virus
  1. Sexually transmitted diseases are transmitted from one person to another by
  1. Physical contact
  2. Sexual contact
  3. Sharing eating utencila
  4. Blood transfusion.
  1. Which gas is not found in the atmosphere?
  1. Nitrogen
  2. Oxygen
  3. Carbon dioxide
  4. Hydrogen
  1. Which of the following is not a use of oxygen gas?
  1. Burning
  2. Rusting
  3. Germination
  4. Refrigeration
  1. Which is not a requirement for the growth of plants?
  1. Water
  2. Oxygen
  3. Light
  4. Nitrogen gas
  1. The following are adaptations of desert plants, except
  1. Deep roots
  2. Shedding of roots
  3. Wide leaves
  4. Waxy cuticle
  1. Plant growth towards chemicals is called
  1. Geotropism
  2. Hydrotropism
  3. Chemotropism
  4. Phototropism
  1. The part of a leaf where most photosynthesis takes place is called
  1. Midrib
  2. Lamina
  3. Apex
  4. Veins
  1. It is responsible for opening and closing of stomata
  1. Vacuole
  2. Veins
  3. Guard cell
  4. Chloroplasts
  1. The role of chlorophyll in photosynthesis is to
  1. Provide energy
  2. Give out oxygen
  3. Trap sunlight
  4. Trap carbon dioxide
  1. The main end product of photosynthesis is
  1. Oxygen
  2. Energy
  3. Glucose
  4. ATP
  1. The transport of manufactured food from the leaves is called
  1. Transpiration
  2. Translocation
  3. Photosynthesis
  4. Osmosis
  1. Which types of soil has the highest drainage?
  1. Sand
  2. Loam
  3. Clay
  4. Black cotton soil
  1. Which one is not a characteristic of soil?
  1. Texture
  2. Drainage
  3. Capillarity
  4. Solubility
  1. A device that is used to switch off automatically electricity in case sudden increase is called
  1. Fuse
  2. Earth
  3. Circuit breaker
  4. Arrestor
  1. A set of defined rules employed to block or allow traffic is called
  1. Virus
  2. Data loss prevention
  3. Firewall
  4. Network access control
  1. Which of the following is not an advantage of email?
  1. It is faster
  2. It is cheaper
  3. One can keep record
  4. Can reach more than one recipient
  1. Which of the following is not a search engine?
  1. Google
  2. Yahoo
  3. Bing
  4. Mozilla.
  1. A single movable pulley is used to raise a load of 200N through a distance of 25m. Calculate the effort used.
  1. 25
  2. 30
  3. 50
  4. 45
  1. Identify a group of organism that manufactures its own food?
  1. Animals
  2. Reptiles
  3. Fungi
  4. Plants
  1. The process of exhaling and inhaling air is called
  1. Chest flexing
  2. Refraction
  3. Breathing
  4. Respiration
  1. Which of the following actions will result into formation of new matter?
  1. Souring milk
  2. Melting ice
  3. Evaporation
  4. Melting of sugar
  1. Mixture of different gases is called
  1. Nitrogen
  2. Air
  3. Oxygen
  4. Combustion



  1. A machine has a resistance of 8 ohms and requires a current of 5 Amperes. Calculate the voltage of the battery that will be required to operate it.
  2. Differentiate between current and resistance
  3. Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follows

Name the above method of controlling soil erosion and where it is suitable

  1. Name two applications of osmosis in our daily life
  2. Mention two uses of search engines.




TIME: 1:30 HRS



  • THIS paper consists of50 questions in four sections
  • Answer all questions from this paper
  • For question 41-45 provide the best answer
  • Write full name on the blank space above together with the name of the school
  • Ensure your work is neat and legible.


Select the correct answer from the choices given

  1. After the union of the egg and sperm in the fallopian tube, the fertilized egg is called
  1. neonate
  2. zygote
  3. foetus
  4. embryo
  5. baby
  1. Which one of the following is not a chemical change
  1. heating sugar
  2. burning a piece of paper
  3. rusting of iron
  4. dissolving salt in water
  5. ripening of fruits
  1. Which method of separating mixtures requires heating
  1. decanting
  2. sieving
  3. winnowing
  4. distillation
  5. picking
  1. Use of toilets, washing hands before eating, boiling drinking water and use of clean utensils can prevent all the following diseases except. 
  1. typhoid
  2. diarrhea
  3. vomiting
  4. cholera
  5. malaria
  1. Root hairs of a plant absorb water from the soil by a process called 
  1. transpiration
  2. diffusion
  3. photosynthesis
  4. osmosis
  5. translocation
  1. Grass —> grasshopper —> chicken —> hawk .In food chain, grasshopper is a 
  1. Producer
  2. primary consumer
  3. tertiary consumer
  4. secondary consumer
  5. decomposer
  1. Which of the following process causes temperature rise in the surrounding 
  1. evaporation
  2. freezing
  3. condensation
  4. deposition
  5. radiation
  1. Which of the following minerals is needed to build strong bones and teeth 
  1. chloride
  2. iron
  3. iodine
  4. calcium
  5. nitrogen
  1. Which one of the following pairs of levers has effort between load and fulcrum
  1. wheelbarrow, see saw
  2. spade, fishing rod
  3. crowbar, scissors
  4. tongs, pliers
  5. spade and crowbar
  1. The process of getting rid of undigested food in human digestive system is 
  1. ingestion
  2. faeces
  3. constipation
  4. digestion
  5. egestion
  1. Which of the following parts of the heart has thicker walls
  1. left auricle
  2. right auricle
  3. right ventricle
  4. left ventricle
  5. upper chamber
  1. In which part of the flower does fertilization takes place?
  1. anther
  2. stigma
  3. pollen tube
  4. ovary
  5. petals
  1. A plastic material attracts small pieces of papers. This is a demonstration ofelectricity. 
  1. current
  2. static
  3. Chemical
  4. stored
  5. mechanical
  1. In scientific investigation , hypothesis is 
  1. Conclusion
  2. Data
  3. prediction
  4. imagination
  5. theory
  1. The following are cold blooded animals except
  1. Frog
  2. duck
  3. crocodile
  4. tortoise
  5. snake
  1. Fruits and vegetables are important in our diet because they
  1. build our body
  2. keep our body warm
  3. Strengthen our bones
  4. gives us energy
  5. protect our body against diseases
  1. Oxygen gas is needed in the following processes except ... 
  1. Rusting
  2. germination
  3. burning
  4. Photosynthesis
  5. respiration
  1. Lack of………….. causes goiter. 
  1. calcium
  2. oxygen
  3. Sulphur
  4. Iodine
  5. iron

19. The process of plants to grow towards the sources of light is called 

  1. hydrotropism..........
  2. phototropism
  3. Chemotropism
  4. transpiration
  5. geotropism...........

20. Weight of a substance is measured by 

  1. Grams
  2. kilograms
  3. newton
  4. joule
  5. spring balance





  1. The part of a flower where fertilization occur
  2. The female parts of a flower
  3. The study of environment
  4. The feeding stageof butterfly
  5. The ability of chameleone to change color
  6. Bending of light
  7. The process of removing magnetic property
  8. A part of computer that imputs data
  9. A program that can destroy files in a computer
  10. A device that makes work easier
  1. Tool
  2. Machine
  3. Change
  4. Camouflage
  5. Reflection
  6. Refraction
  7. Magnetizing
  8. Demagnetizing
  9. Keyboard
  10. Mouse
  11. Pistil
  12. Anther
  13. Stigma
  14. Ecology
  15. Ecosystem
  16. Pupa
  17. Larva
  18. Virus
  19. software



  1. Thin leaves helps to increase water loss………………………………..
  2. Sisal is example of a plant that sores water in leaves
  3. The thorns of cactus are its leaves……………
  4. A device used to measure electric resistance is called ammeter…
  5. If you remove one bulb in a circuit in parallel arrangement, others will continue to light………………………..


  1. The flow of electricity in a circuit is called……………………….
  2. An example of a plant that has seeds but do not remove flowers is………………….
  3. In female, fertilization takes place in…………………………….
  4. A grasshopper has……………….life cycles
  5. The change of matter from one state to another is caused by change in……….


Name the parts where,

  1. Digestion of fats starts
  2. Salivary amylase is produced
  3. Undigested food material is stored
  4. Bile juice is produced
  5. Absorption of food takes place.


46. Anything that simplifies work is called…………………………….

47. The chemical formula H2O stands for a compound called…………..

48. An embryo is connected to the placenta by…………………………

49. The blood vessel that supplies blood to the heart muscles is called…….

50. The type of soil with the highest drainage is……………………………






TIME: 1.30 HRS                                                                                           2020



  1. This paper consists of three sections A, B,C and D
  2. Answer all questions in all sections
  3. All answers should be written in spaces provided
  4. Ensure clarity in your work


  1. Plants that live in the desert have needle like leaves in order to ___
  1. Grow faster   
  2.  make their own food   
  3.  get sunlight easily   
  4.  store water                                 
  5.  increase the rate of transpiration 

2. Insects breath through spiracles while plants breath through _____

  1. Micropyle  
  2.  stomata    
  3.  pores   
  4. chloroplast  
  5.  urethra

3. Use the diagram below to answer the following question:

Which letter on the illustration below shows the North Pole?


  1. W and Y   
  2.  X and Y    
  3.  X and Y    
  4.  W only    
  5.  Y and Z

4. The chemical symbol that represent mercury is ____

  1. Ag    
  2.  Mg    
  3.  Fe   
  4.  Au   
  5.  Hg

5. The following diseases are caused by bacteria except ____

  1. AIDS   
  2.  trichomonus      
  3. trachoma   
  4.  syphilis    
  5.  chlamydia   

6. The major way of transmitting HIV/AIDS is _______

  1. Sharing sharp objects   
  2.  sexual intercourse   
  3. blood transfusion   
  4.  accident         
  5.  mother to child transmission during delivery 

6. Which part of blood is responsible for transporting chemical and wastes in the body?

  1. Red blood cells   
  2.  white blood cells   
  3.  platelets     
  4.  plasma    
  5.  haemoglobin

7. Which among the following substances is made up carbon only?

  1. Charcoal   
  2. sugar   
  3.  copper    
  4.  diamond    
  5.  coal 

8. Fertilization in flowering plants takes place in the ______

  1. Oviduct   
  2.  stigma    
  3. ovary   
  4.  anther    
  5.  petal 

9. A cockroach undergo how many stages of growth and development?

  1. Two    
  2.  three   
  3.  four   
  4.  five   
  5.  six 

10.The most curved colour on the rainbow is ________

  1. Red    
  2.  yellow    
  3. violet   
  4. blue    
  5. indigo

11. Use the diagram below to answer the following question. Which ray shows refracted ray?


  1. D   
  2. C   
  3. B    
  4. B and E   
  5. E

12. The skin of albino lack which of the following pigment?

  1. Pepsin     
  2. melanin    
  3. renin   
  4. keratin    
  5. dermis  

13. Which of the device is used to measure potential difference?

  1. Rectifier     
  2. transformer    
  3. voltmeter    
  4. ammeter   
  5. resister    

14. Which step in scientific experiment does a scientist use data to agree or deny hypothesis?

  1. Data collection   
  2. conducting  experiment    
  3. conclusion  
  4. data analysis                                 
  5. data presentation 

15. What does the following electric symbol for ______


  1. Resistor    
  2. fuse   
  3. wire   
  4. bulb   
  5. ammeter

16. Heat transfer through gases is by _____

  1. Conduction   
  2. convection   
  3. radiation   
  4. evaporation   
  5. osmosis

17. Which device among the following changes alternate current (ac) to direct current (dc)?

  1. Fuse   
  2. rectifier   
  3. inverter   
  4. amplifier   
  5. capacitor

18. Which blood cells are attacked by the virus that causes AIDS?

  1. Red blood cells   
  2. plasma   
  3. white blood cells   
  4. fibrinogen  
  5. platelets

19. Which first aid is given to a person with severe diarrhoea and vomiting?

  1. Sugar   
  2. sugar-salt solution   
  3. Azam juice   
  4. water   
  5. salt

20. Find the value of K in the following diagram


  1. 46g    
  2. 16g    
  3.  10g   
  4.  40g    
  5.  24g

21. Find the effort used by man by lifting a load of 25 kg with a machine if the mechanical advantage is 10

  1. 250N   
  2. 25N   
  3.  250 kg  
  4.  2.5 kg    
  5.  2.5 N

22. Which of the following devices uses reflection phenomena when working?

  1. Microscope   
  2.  prism   
  3.  watch  
  4.  bulb   
  5.  spectacles 

23. The following are non-metals except ____

  1. S   
  2.  C   
  3. Cl   
  4.  Ca   
  5.  N

24. Which part of the brain controls involuntary actions?

  1. Cerebrum    
  2.  cerebellum   
  3.  medulla oblongata   
  4.  motor neuron    
  5.  sensory neuron

25. The response of plant growth towards water is called _____

  1. Phototropism   
  2. chemotropism  
  3. hydrotropism  
  4. geotropism   
  5. thigmotropism

26. The chemical reaction between a base and an acid results into ______

  1. Oil   
  2. water and soap   
  3. salt and oxygen   
  4.  salt and water   
  5.  water and oil

27. Which of the following vitamins are used in growth and development of the reproductive glands in human beings?

  1. A   
  2.  C   
  3.  K   
  4.  E   
  5.  B1

28. Use the diagram below to answer the following question

Image result for amoeba

The germ is called _______

  1. Amoeba   
  2.  bacteria    
  3.  virus   
  4.  plasmodium    
  5.  fungi

30.Which of the following is a imagecharacteristic of a chameleon image

  1. It changes its sound
  2. It changes the type of food it eats image
  3. It changes body colour
  4. It does not remove body waste
  5. It changes its movement

31.In order for water to be safe for imagedrinking, it is supposed to be

  1. Boiled and covered
  2. Filtered and covered
  3. Boiled, filtered and stored
  4. Exposed the sun the whole day the whole day then to be cooled
  5. Put in a pot and covered

32.Air that is highly required by animals for their survival is image

  1. Oxygen
  2. Carbon dioxide
  3. Nitrogen
  4. Hydrogen
  5. Carbon monoxide

33.A disease caused by defects of red blood cells is called

  1. Beriberi
  2.  Sickle cell
  3. Cancer
  4. Diabetes
  5. Tuberculosis

34. Which of the following animals undergoes external fertilization?

  1. Fish   
  2.  reptile    
  3.  bat    
  4.  whale   
  5.  frog 

35. Which blood group is universal recipient?

  1. A   
  2.  AB   
  3.  O   
  4.  B  
  5. OB

36. Which letter shows decrease in temperature?


  1. J, L and N
  2. O, M and J
  3. M, K and N
  4. J, K and L
  5. O, L and K

37. Which of the following is a chemical change?

  1. Burning of paper   
  2.  melting of ice   
  3.  grinding of grains   
  4.  evaporation of water   
  5.  melting of candle

38. Which hormone controls the level of sugar in the body?

  1. Adrenal   
  2.  insulin   
  3.  parathomone     
  4. thyroxin   
  5. pancreas

39. Seeds with cracking pods are dispersed by ______

  1. Explosive mechanism   
  2. animals  
  3. water   
  4. wind  
  5. insect

40. The following are conditions necessary for the germination of seeds except ______

  1. Sunlight   
  2. oxygen   
  3. water   
  4. temperature   
  5. air

41. The part that helps the fish to turn around in water is called _______

  1. Gills    
  2. fins   
  3. tail fins   
  4.  lateral line     
  5.  eye

42. ______ are seeds that are dispersed by air

  1. Coconuts     
  2. rice   
  3.  maize   
  4.  cotton    
  5. wheat

43. Base + K = water + salt. The letter K represents ________

  1. Metal    
  2.  oxygen    
  3.  hydrogen    
  4.  carbon    
  5.  acid

44. Which kind of vitamin help blood clotting in the human body?

  1. A   
  2.  C   
  3.  E   
  4.  K   
  5.  D

45. The mineral food which help the formation of blood is called _____

  1. Calcium   
  2.  phosphorus     
  3. iodine   
  4.  iron  
  5.  sodium 

46. Study the following diagram then answer the question


The female parts are represented by _________

  1. 6, 5, 8, and 7
  2. 7, 3, 8
  3. 2, 6, 3
  4. 2, 7, 5
  5. 5, 3 and 8

47. The disease caused by the failure of blood to clot is called _____

  1. Hemophilia    
  2. sickle cell anaemia   
  3.  malaria    
  4. anaemia  
  5. diabetes

48. The action of the plant to lose water through leaves is called _____

  1. Transpiration    
  2.  osmosis     
  3.  translocation    
  4.  respiration    
  5.  photosynthesis

49. Which of the following plants is a dicot?

  1. Orange plant   
  2.  bean plant    
  3.  coconut plant    
  4.  wheat plant    
  5.  mango plant

50. Find the value of the letter x by using the figure below


  1. 8 m    
  2. 4 m   
  3.  10 m   
  4.  2 m   
  5.  6 m








































TIME: 1.30 HRS                                             2020



  1. This paper has four printed pages, forty five (45) questions with sections              A and B
  2. Answer all the questions in all sections.
  3. Remember to write your full names and school name in the answer sheet provided.
  4. Make sure your work is neat without unnessessary cancelling to avoid loss of marks.

Use a blue or black ink ball pointed pen for all given questions.


Choose the most correct answer and then write its letter in answer sheet provided

1. The chemical formula that represents water is ___________________ 

  1. H2O2
  2. H2O
  3. HO
  4. 2HO
  5. HO2

2. Plants breath by using holes found in the leaves which are known as______ 

  1. Chlorophyll
  2. Stomata
  3. Cotyledon
  4. Cell
  5.  guard cell

3. One of the following is a chemical change; _____ 

  1. souring of milk
  2. freezing of water
  3. grinding of chalks
  4. melting of salt
  5. boiling of water

4. During pollination of flowers pollen is transported from the _____

  1. ovary to the ovule
  2. stigma to the anther
  3. petal to the stigma
  4.  anther to the stigma 
  5. sepal to the style

5.  The blood circulatory system in the human body is mainly composed of;

  1. Heart, lung and blood
  2. White and red blood cells
  3. Heart, white blood cells and blood
  4. Heart, blood vessels and blood
  5. Blood, capillaries and blood cells

6. Goiter is caused by lack of minerals called _____________ 

  1. Phosphorus
  2.  Nitrogen
  3. Calcium
  4. Iodine
  5. salt

7. A person who has a problem of short sight is advised to wear glasses  with lens

  1. concave
  2. convex
  3. plane
  4. contact
  5. telescopic

8.  Which among the following animals has no backbone.

  1. Snake
  2. Fish
  3. Snail
  4. Crocodile
  5. elephant

   9.The highest    percentage of the human body is

  1. Water
  2. Blood
  3. Bone
  4. Steak
  5. A and B

10. The part of a flower that produces pollen is;

  1. Stigma
  2. Stamen
  3. Style 
  4. anther
  5. Ovary

11. The major part of biogas is;

  1. Methane
  2. Carbondioxide
  3. Nitrogen
  4. Oxygen
  5. Ozone

12.   The essential requirement for germination to take place are;

  1. Water, oxygen and soil
  2. Water, carbon dioxide and soil
  3. Wind, fertilizer, moisture and water
  4. Air moisture, temperature and soil
  5. Moisture, oxygen and warmth

13. Sound is a product of;

  1. Waves
  2. Vibrations
  3. Drum
  4. Burst
  5. Songs

14.  If the angle made by incident ray on the plane mirror is 60 what will be the value of angle of reflection in degrees?

  1. 900
  2. 400
  3. 300
  4. 600
  5. 450

15. The part of a seed that forms the shoot is called the;

  1. Cotyledon
  2. Plumule
  3. Radical
  4. Endosperm
  5. Seed root

 16. Under normal condition, the difference between the air entering the body and that leaving the body is that the air leaving the body has a higher concentration of                 

  1. Oxygen
  2. Hydrogen
  3. Water
  4. Nitrogen
  5. carbon dioxide

19. The hormone that regulates the amount of oxygen entering the respiratory system in the human body is____________ 

  1. adrenaline
  2. insulin
  3. amyle
  4. oestrogen
  5. thyroxin

20. The interior walls of thermos flasks are coated with silver in order to prevent the loss of heat by means of _____

  1. conduction
  2. reflection
  3. radiation
  4. convection
  5. bending

 21. Protein start to be digested chemically in the _____

  1. mouth
  2. stomach
  3. rectum
  4. large intestine 
  5. small intestine

 22. What is given to a vomiting person as a first aid?____ 

  1. boiled milk
  2. lemon juice
  3. the sugar and salt solution
  4. to rest him in a cool and quiet place
  5. the sugar and lemon solution

 23. Which blood cells in the human body are attacked by HIV?____ 

  1. blood cells
  2. blood platelets
  3. white blood cells
  4. sickle cells
  5. plasma cells

  24.Which one is the set of excretory organs?_______ 

  1. liver, blood, heart and capillaries   
  2. Kidney, liver, lungs, and bile
  3.  liver, skin , lungs, and kidney        
  4. heart , liver, skin, and kidney
  5. eye, nose, skin, tongue and ear

 25. Sound cannot travel in ____ 

  1. water
  2. vacuum
  3. solid
  4. air
  5. glass

28. Animals which live part of their life in water and another part on land are called

  1. reptiles
  2. mammalian
  3. amphibians
  4. fish
  5. snake

29. Animals which live part of their life in water and partly on land are called?

  1. Reptilian
  2. Mammalian
  3. Fish
  4. Amphibians
  5.  Aves.

30.  An example of a chemical change is;

  1. Water turning into vapour
  2. Ripening of fruits
  3. Dissolving sugar in water
  4. Ice melting into liquid
  5. Expansion of iron

31.  During dry season, plant shed their leaves inorder to;

  1. Fertilize the soil
  2. Reduce water loss
  3. Protect itself
  4. Add water
  5. Add carbon dioxide

32. Which of the following is an example of a simple machine?

  1. Bicycle
  2. Bottle opener
  3. Generator
  4. Sewing machine
  5. Motorcycle

33. Lizards, snakes and crocodiles are’

  1. Reptiles
  2. Mammals
  3. Birds
  4. Amphibians
  5. Insects

34. Car batteries are good examples of making electricity using;

  1. Friction
  2. Chemicals
  3. Water
  4. Machine
  5. Heat

35. Which of the following sets are excretory organs?

  1. Liver, blood, heart and capillaries
  2. Kidney, liver, lungs, and bile
  3. Heart, liver, skin, lungs and kidney
  4. Liver, skin, lungs and kidney
  5. Small intestines, heart and capillaries.

36. Anything that simplifies work is called;

  1. Scissors
  2. Levers
  3. Magnet
  4. Machine
  5. Computer

37. Which part of blood fights against diseases?

  1. Red blood cells
  2. Platelets
  3. White blood cells
  4. Plasma
  5. Blood protein

38. The force of 10N was used to lift a luggage a distance of 6 meters. Find the amount of work done?

  1. 60j
  2. 60m
  3. 60N
  4. 16N
  5. 0.6j

39. An electric current of 0.8 Ampere passed through a conductor of 25 ohms. Which voltage will be read if the voltmeter is fixed in this circuit?

  1. 25.8 volts
  2. 200 volts
  3. 2.3 volts
  4. 20 volts
  5. 0.03 volts

40. …………is a mixture of gases in the atmosphere?

  1. Nitrogen
  2. Oxygen
  3. Air
  4. Hydrogen
  5. Matter

Short  answer questions.

41. Mention two genetic disorders

42. Mention any two sexually transmitted diseases

43. What is a balanced diet

45. Mention two food that can give us vitamin C







  1. This Examinations Consists Of 50 Questions
  2. Answer All Questions
  3. Write Your Answers In Capital Letters
  4. Make Your Work Legible

SECTION A. Choose the correct answer from the Alternatives given

1. In order for plants to continue surviving in their environment, they requires

  1. Air and soil
  2. Air and water
  3. Soil and fertilizer
  4. Moisture and air
  5. Temperature and air

2. Two types of machines are

  1. Hard and soft
  2. Easy and complicated
  3. For peeling and grinding
  4. Pulley and Ladder
  5. Ladder and catapillar

3.One way of removing wastes from the body is through;

  1. Spitting
  2. Urinating
  3. Bathing
  4. Washing hands
  5. Removing tears

3. Which insect below cause a lot of destruction to the farmer during the second stage of metamorphosis?

  1. Housefly
  2. Butterfly
  3. Grasshopper
  4. Tsetse fly
  5. Mosquito

5.What will happen if the number of carnivores in an ecosystem is more than herbivores

  1. Vegetation will decrease
  2. Vegetation will remain the same
  3. Vegetation will dry
  4. Vegetation will increase
  5. Vegetation will be eaten

6.HIV/AIDs is transmitted through;

  1. Shaking hand with a victim
  2. Sleeping in the same room with a victim
  3. Talking with HIV victim
  4. Blood transfusion
  5. Washing clothes of the victims

7.Smallest particles of matter which makes elements and forms bonds is called

  1. molecules
  2. electrons
  3. proton
  4. atom
  5. neutrons

8. Light bends when it passes through;

  1. From north pole to south pole
  2. From one medium to another
  3. From north pole to the east
  4. West to east
  5. North to west

9. Carbondioxide can be able to extinguish fire because;

  1. Does not support combustion
  2. Denser than air
  3. Does not burn
  4. Absorbs heat
  5. Combine with oxygen

10. Acid combine with base to form

  1. Salt and water
  2. Sodium barbonate
  3. Salt and base
  4. Water and acid
  5. Salt and oxygen

11.One of the steps to follow in scientific investigation is;

  1. investigation
  2. research
  3. Problem identification
  4. Problem solving
  5. Report writing

12.Which of the following precautions should be taken when helping an HIV person?

  1. Wear clean clothes
  2. Wash hands with soap
  3. Wear glove
  4. Pray
  5. Let the person rest

13. Which of the organisms below have a backbone?

  1. spider
  2. bat
  3. cat
  4. Human being
  5. chicken

14.Radiations which bend to great extend when sun rays bend is . ....

  1. Red color
  2. yellow
  3. Dark blue
  4. blue
  5. purple

15. The first step in scientific investigation is;

  1. Starting investigation
  2. Data collection
  3. Problem identification
  4. Data interpretation
  5. Data analysis

16. The conclusion of an investigation can be;

  1. True or false
  2. Analysed and unalysed
  3. With questions aand without questions
  4. Initial and intermediate
  5. Initial and final

17.Musa has broken teeth and weak bones, which minerals would you advice him to use?

  1. iron
  2. phosphorous
  3. calcium
  4. Iodine
  5. Vitamini K

18. Which of the following is a class of food;

  1. Mineral salts
  2. vitamins
  3. water
  4. protein
  5. roughage

19. Phototropism is plant movement towards,

  1. Light
  2. Force of attraction
  3. Water
  4. Darkness
  5. Chemicals

20. What is first aid?

  1. Emergency help given by a doctor to accident victim
  2. Help given to an accident victim before being taken to hospital
  3. Help given to victim of burns
  4. Help given to a victim of snake bite
  5. Help given to a person who has broken bone

SECTION B. Write True for a correct statement and False for a wrong statement

  1. Urea is transported by blood to the liver… … … … … …
  2. The liver detoxicates ammonia by changing it into urea… … … … … … ..
  3. Lack of water in the body will lead to clear urine… … … … … … … …
  4. Carbondioxide and excess water is excreted by the lungs
  5. Oxygen changes lime water into milky… … … … … … …
  6. ARV increases immunity in the body… … … … … … … … … … ..
  7. It is good to make regular health check-up… … … … … … … … … …
  8. Bilharzia is caused by housefly… … … … … … … .
  9. Gas is one of the causes of burns… … … …
  10. Machine is anything that makes work easier… … … … … … … … ..


Match the items in list A with corresponding answer in List B



  1. Opening a bottle
  2. Fishing
  3. Rolling screw
  4. Cooking ugali
  5. Eating food
  6. Tilling land
  7. Cutting meat
  8. Fetching soil
  9. Tightening nut
  10. Cutting firewood
  1. Bisibisi
  2. Jembe
  3. Spoon
  4. Knife
  5. Spade
  6. Fishing rod
  7. Openner
  8. knife
  9. Sepeto
  10. spanner


Fill the gaps below with the correct answer

  1. When filling data in a computer you use… … … … and … … … … … ..
  2. Kiteuzi kwa jina linginw huitwa… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …
  3. Files in a computer are stored in… … … … … … … … …
  4. A device used to produce electricity in a bicycle is … … …
  5. A wire used in making electric bell… … … … … … … …
  6. Magnet can loose its magnetism when placed with… … … … …
  7. Process by which plant loose water through leaves is… … … .
  8. Some plants have huge stems because… … … … … … … .
  9. What is formed when a flower is fertilized?................ ................ 
  10. Why does a frog lay many eggs?................... ....................


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