TIME: 1:40HR


  1. This paper consists of three sections; A, B and C with a total of 7 questions
  2. All answers must be written in blue or black ink.
  3. Remember to write your name and other particulars in the given spaces.
  4. Answer all questions according to the instructions in each section.
  5. Keep your work neat and smart.
  6. Cellular phones, tablets and calculators are not allowed in the examination room.



  1. Listen careful to a story being read by your teacher and answer questions that follow;
  1.   What is the main feeling the passage describes about visiting the National Park?
  1. Fear
  2.  Boredom
  3.  Excitement
  4. Sadness
  1.   What detail from the passage helps to show the age of the redwood trees?
  1. They were hundreds of feet tall.
  2.  They lined the winding road.
  3.  Sunlight peeked through the canopy.
  4. They were made of red colored wood.
  1.   What kind of animal did the author see in the park?
  1. A bear
  2.  A deer
  3.  A bird
  4. A snake
  1.  What activity did the author do most in the National Park?
  1. Looked for animals
  2.  Hiked on a trail
  3.  Climbed trees
  4. Had a picnic
  1.  What is the main idea of the passage?
  1. The dangers of visiting a National Park.
  2.  The different types of trees in Redwood National Park.
  3.  The importance of taking care of nature.
  4. A description of a visit to Redwood National Park.
  1. Choose the correct form of a word to complete the sentence


  1.       Adam is a short boy.  The opposite of the underlined word is ___________  

(A) long   (B) tall   (C) smart  (D) fat


  1.       A place where food is prepared is called

(A) kitchen  (B) kitten  (C) bedroom  (D) cooking 


  1.       The plural of tourist is _________ 

(A) tourists  (B) tourists  (C) tourism  (D) tour guide                                 

  1.       The opposite of arrive is ___________  

(A) come  (B) departure  (C) welcome  (D) travel                                 

  1.       A word pronounce the same as know is  

(A) price  (B) now  (C) manual  (D) live

3. Use the correct tense to complete the sentences below;

  1.       I ______________ every week  

( A)travel  (B) travels  (C) travelled   D) travelling                    

  1.       John ___________home two days ago

 (A)go  (B) gone  (C) gone  (D) went                    

  1.       We have _____________the keys  

(A) take  (B) took  (C) taken  (D) takes                     

  1.       She _______P rice every night  

(A) eat  (B) eats  (C) eating  (D) ate


  1.       Mary _____ English everyday  

(A) speak  (B) speaks  (C) speaking  (D) spoke

4. Match the following sounds by animals in LIST A and the animal that produces the sound in LIST B



  1.              Cow
  2.              Cat
  3.              Sheep
  4.              Lion
  5.              Duck
  1.   Roar
  2.    Quack
  3.    Baa
  4.   Meow
  5.     Moo


SECTION B (20 Marks)

5. Use the correct word to fill in the blanks to show how people are related.

  1.          My mother's father is my (grandfather / uncle).
  2.         My dad's sister is my ( aunt / cousin).
  3.           My brother's daughter is my (niece / granddaughter).
  4.         My mom and dad are my (parents / siblings).
  5.          My aunt's son is my (brother / cousin).


  1.             Read the following sentences carefully. Arrange them in the correct order to make a meaningful paragraph.
  1.                Finally, I put on my warmest socks and boots and headed out the door.
  2.              I bundled up in my coziest hat and scarf.
  3.            I knew it would be a cold day, so I layered on a sweater.
  4.            The snow crunched with each step I took.
  5.              I looked out the window and saw a fresh blanket of snow.


  1.         Read the passage carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

 It was on Friday morning in March 2016 when Majuto started from one at Kalangala Secondary school. He reported with his mother who had carried a bucket, sweeping, broom, a hoe, a beautiful school bag as well as classroom materials.  They entered the headmasters office to be registered.  The headmaster asked his mother to show all needed things according to joining instructions then he was registered as form one students.

 Later, the teacher on duty showed him where is his classroom.  After the parade they entered their classroom, the English teacher instructed them on how they can introduce themselves to each other.  He was very Glady to know how to introduce himself to his fellows


  1.          In which year did Majuto started form one?___________________________________
  2.          Majuto’s mother carried  _______________________________________________
  3.          The headmaster of Kalangala school is a _______________________________________
  4.          Who escorted Majuto to school?_____________________________________
  5.          Majuto was registered in the _________________________________________


The crisp mountain air filled my lungs with excitement as we entered Redwood National Park. Towering redwoods, some hundreds of years old, lined the winding road. Sunlight peeked through the dense canopy, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor. We spotted a deer munching on leaves in a clearing, its large brown eyes watching us curiously. The afternoon was spent hiking on a well-maintained trail, listening to the symphony of birdsong. It was a truly unforgettable experience, immersing myself in the beauty and serenity of nature.






SUBJECT : ENGLISH                  CLASS :6

NAME: …………………………………………………..   DATE: ……….........…


Choosing the correct answer from the box then write its letter 

  1. At  what time did the teacher entered standard six class for a lesson  (A)4:00 pm  (B)8:00am               (C)2:00am               (D)8:00pm (E) 2:00pm              
  2. What mad aisha think that there would be a very interesting lesson as it was the previous day?               (A) tha harshness of the teacher               (B) she heard about child labour on the television               (C) they were taught about it before               (E) when she saw the teacher carrying posters and large pictures               (E) it was her favourite subject ever                           
  3. What did the teacher do before introducing the new topic to the standard six pupils? ________              (A) he laughed at them               (B) he was given water to dink               (B) he cleared the treat and greeted them               (D) he gave them posters and pictures               (E) he became angry because he was not greeted                                                                                                                
  4. Which subject was Mr. Hatibu teaching in standard six?  (A) child labour  (B) English language               (C) moral               (D) social studies               (E) civic and moral             
  5. Which topic was presented by Mr Hatibu on the said day? __________ (A) Tanzania democracy               (B) child labour               (C) human rights               (D) resilience               (E) regional integration                                                                                                                              


Choose the most correct answer then writes its letter in the place provided 

  1. Neither of the girls _____the answer  (A)are knowing  (B) know  (C) knows  (D) known               (E) knowing
  2. I met her __________new bike last week  (A) ride  (B) rides  (C) rode  (D) had ridden               (E) riding
  3. John and i _________ in the field when the teacher arrived  (A) worked  (B) were work  (C) work               (D) had work               (E) were working
  4. Which among the sentences below is in present progressive form?  (A) she had taken that letter               (B) they will have gone to the cinema               (C) are we dancing traditional dance  now?              (D) you have destroyed my car               (E) I shall visit you next week                             They lived in Dodoma long time ago.  Which will be the correct question tag?               (A) don’t they (B) do they?               (C) did they?               (D) didn’t they?               (E) were they?             
  5. Each of the boys __________given a piece of cake and a cup of tea  (A) were  (B) are  (C) have been               (D) was               (E) will                                                       
  6. The aeroplane departed at nine o’clock in the morning.  This means it ____________                (A) took up               (B) takes off               (C) took down               (D) took off               (E) took in
  7. Which greeting of the day do you think is proper when you meet someone at 2020hours on the way?               (A) good morning               (B) good day               (C) goodnight               (D) good evening                             (E) good afternoon                                                                      
  8. My father works with a certain lady from Somalia.  There fore my father’s workmate is a ______________               (A) somalian               (B) Somalese               (C) Somali               (D) mogadian               (E) somalianese                                                                                                                
  9. Which is the correct plural form of the collective name fore a calf, a cow and a bull?                (A) cows               (B) cattles               (C) cattle               (D) kettles               (E) bulls
  10. When I realised that my dress is torn i decided to send it to the ____________ for repair  (A) mechanic               (B)plumber               (C) tailor               (D)carpenter               (E) hawker              
  11. ___________book has been stolen just now the unknown  (A) Agnes’book   (B) Agnes’               (C) Agne s              (D) Agnes’               (E) Agnes’s                           
  12. Our teacher divided the cake ________five of us in class  (A) between  (B) to  (C) into               (D) among               (E) for                                                                                    
  13. Helen is _____shortest person in our family        (A) not               (B)very               (C) the               (D) an               (E) so                                         
  14. The maasai people are not only courageous __________ also strong  (A) but also  (B) too  (C) and               (D) but               (E) so                                                                      
  15. Sstandard seven pupils failed to find out the correct root word the word impassable As a teacher which word would you give them?               (A) passable               (B) –Im               (C) –Able                             (D) Ipass               (E) Pass                                                                     
  16. She had many opportunities  of getting a job.  Which is the correct synonym of the underlined word?               (A) place               (B) chance               (C) idea               (D) education               (E) chances[              ]
  17. They all dispersed when they saw their teacher.  This means they__________ (A) gathered  (B) pointed him               (C) went different directions               (D) went together               (E) clapped for him                                                                                                                             
  18. The children____when the light went off  (A) where studying  (B) was studying  (C) were studying               (D)is studying               (E) are studying              
  19. The teacher_______ me with a stick yesterday  (A) hits  (B) hit  (C) beat                (D) beats               (E) beaten                                                                                    
  20. Some elephants ______our crops  (A) destroys  (B) has destroyed  (C) is destroying               (D) was destroying               (E) have destroyed                                          
  21. Is Adrew ____________ well in his studies these days  (A) do  (B) does  (C) did   (D) done               (E) doing                                                                                    
  22. Either a lake___________a mountain is a water bodies  (A) by  (B) or  (C) those  (D) no  (E) neither                                                                                                                
  23. We are playing ___________as to win  (A) to  (B) too  (C) so  (D) do  (E) for [ ]
  24. Mr Kalasamaki goes fishing every evening  (A) don’t he  (B) wasn’t he  (C) hasn’t he  (D) inst he                                                                                                                
  25. Mr Tajiri’s hose is ______big __________Mr. Maskini’s hose  (A) so...as  (B) as...as  (C) too...as               (D) so......that               (E) too.....to                                                        
  26. Many mothers use both onion _____tomatoes as a spice  (A) an  (B) a  (C) and                (D) many               (E) a few                                                                                    
  27. Rehema bought a ____________ of soap and a kilo of sugar  (A) bunch  (B) pile  (C) crowd               (D) loaf               (E) bar                                                                      
  28. Last night the moon_________during the mid night  (A) shine  (B) was shining  (C) shone               (D) are shone               (E) are shines                                                        
  29. The items skirt, shirt pair of trousers  and coat are all ___ (A) dresses  (B) wars  (C) blouses               (D) clothes               (E) pajamas                                                        


Re arrange these sentences in good order by giving them letters A- E 

  1. Mwita was respected man and he was very rich man ________
  2. These days we should work hard like Mwita so that we shall have enough food __
  3. His family had a lot of food to eat because Mwita had a big store __________
  4. He had a big shamba where he grew maize rice and potatoes _______ 
  5. One day everyning we went out side and our father told s story it was about a hard working man called Mwita _____             


Read the following passage carefully and then answer question 41-45 by filling the blanks 

My grand mother was a teacher at Utemini Primary school.  Se retired from teaching last year.  She is now sixty one years old. She has been paid her pension.  She dicided to move to her village and settled there.  On her farm, she grows various crops such as maize, sunflower and vegetables like cabbages.  She also keeps animals like goats and birds such as chicken and ducks.  My grandmother lives as very comfortable rural life.  Now she lives an exemplary life in the village.


  1. What was my grandmother’s occupation? _____________________________________
  2. In which school did she teach? _____________________________________
  3. What vegetable does she grow on the farm? _______________________
  4. Where does she live now? __________________________________

What animals does she keep? ________________________________ 







TIME: 1:40HR


  1. This paper consists of three sections; A, B and C with a total of 7 questions
  2. All answers must be written in blue or black ink.
  3. Remember to write your name and other particulars in the given spaces.
  4. Answer all questions according to the instructions in each section.
  5. Keep your work neat and smart.
  6. Cellular phones, tablets and calculators are not allowed in the examination room.



Families come in all shapes and sizes. Some families are big, with lots of siblings, aunts, uncles, and cousins. Others are small, with just a parent or two and a child. No matter what your family looks like, the bond you share is special.

Families support each other through good times and bad. They celebrate your successes and help you learn from your mistakes. A family's love is unconditional, always there no matter what. They provide a sense of belonging, knowing that you have people who will always have your back.

Of course, families aren't perfect. Sometimes there are arguments or disagreements. But through communication and understanding, families can work through any challenge. The most important thing is remembering that your family loves you and wants the best for you.

  1. According to the passage, families...

a) Are always the same size

b) Can come in many different forms

c) Are never perfect

d) are unique

  1. What is one way families support each other?

a) They celebrate successes together

b) They help each other learn from mistakes

c) They provide a sense of belonging

d) All of the above

  1. The word "unconditional" means:

a) Only happening sometimes

b) Having limits or rules

c) Without any limits or expectations

d) With control

  1. What can families do when there are disagreements?

a) Ignore the problem

b) Communicate and try to understand each other

c) Stop loving each other

  1. What is the main message of this passage?

a) Families are important and provide love and support.

b) Families should always agree on everything.

c) Families can only be a certain size.


  1. Choose the correct answer and then write its letter on the answer sheet provided


  1. This is what I have, you _______________ take it or leave it  

(A)neither  (B) either  (C) or  (D) nor 


  1. Juma is too lazy _____write  

(A) so  (B) soo  (C) to  (D) too


  1. My aunt is not only smokes ______drinks  

(A) not only  (B) but also  (C) too   (D) nor                                                            

  1. She is ______rich but also generous  

(A) also  (B) not only  (C) but also  (D) but                                               

  1. _________ I borrow your pen please?  

(A) could  (B) would  (C) can   (D) do 


  1. He is ________ honest man  

(A) the  (B) a  (C) an  (D) have


Choose the correct comparative form of the adjective to complete each sentence.

  1. The weather today is much ________ (warm) than it was yesterday.
  2. Reading a book is often ________ (quiet) than playing a video game.
  3. My brother thinks math is ________ (difficult) than science.
  4. Do you think cats are ________ (smart) than dogs?
  5. Traveling by plane is usually ________ (fast) than traveling by train.


  1. Match the group nouns in column A with their correct descriptions in column B

Column A

Column B

  1. A troop
  2. A flock
  3. A swarm
  4. A crew
  5. A class
  1. Monkeys
  2. Students with a teacher
  3. Bees
  4. Sailors in a sheep
  5. birds


SECTION B (20 Marks) 

  1. Choose the correct form of the verb in the brackets to complete each sentence. Consider whether the past, present, or future tense is needed.
  1. Sarah _______ (bake) a delicious cake for her friend's birthday last week.
  2. The students _______ (work) on their science projects right now.
  3. My family _______ (visit) the Grand Canyon on our next vacation.
  4. Last night, I _______ (dream) about flying through the clouds.
  5. Do you think it _______ (rain) tomorrow?

Weather is the condition of the air around us at a certain time and place. It can change quickly, from sunshine to rain in a matter of minutes! Different types of weather are caused by changes in temperature, air pressure, and moisture.

Some kinds of weather are calm, like a gentle breeze on a sunny day. Other times, weather can be extreme. Thunderstorms bring heavy rain, lightning, and booming thunder. Tornadoes are powerful spinning winds that can cause a lot of damage. Blizzards bring freezing temperatures and lots of snow.

Meteorologists are scientists who study the weather. They use special tools to measure things like temperature, wind speed, and rainfall. Meteorologists create forecasts to help us predict what the weather will be like. This helps us plan our days and stay safe during severe weather events.

Structure Questions:

  1. What is the main topic of this passage?

a) Tornadoes

b) Weather

c) Meteorologists

  1. List three things that cause changes in the weather.
  2. What is the purpose of a weather forecast?
  3. The word "extreme" in the passage means:

a) Very strong or severe

b) Normal or typical

c) Gentle or mild

  1. Is this passage mainly written to entertain, inform, or persuade?







  • This paper consist of 45 questions
  • Answer all questions as per instructions given in each section
  • Remember to write your name and the date of today


Everybody is supposed to behave well in any given circumstances. The act of conducting and presenting yourself, with respect and honour is what is called manners

Let us talk about Sheila, a class six girl at Mwenge Primary school. She is a good example of a girl with good manners. When she has a problem, she seeks help from her teachers. If it happens that she wants to go to the washroom or borrow something she will “please sir may I go out?” or “Please madam may I borrow a pen from Ashura?” when she is given permission to do what she asked for, she would say, “Thank you madam”

When she borrows something from a fellow pupil, she uses it and carefully returns it and says “Thank you very much for your kidness” By behaving this way, she is liked by her teachers her fellow pupils and every one at home including her neighbours.

  1. What does Sheila do when she has a problem? (A)she goes out (B)she asks for permission (C)she thanks her teachers (D)she asks for help from her teachers (E)she borrows a pen
  2. What makes Sheila be a good example? (A)she respects everyone (B)she borrows things (C)the likes playing (D)she has a problem (E)all the neigbours
  3. According to the story who should children respect in the society (A)All the pupils (B)only the teachers (C)all the people (D)only the friends (E)all the neighbours
  4. In which class was Sehila studying? (A)class three (B)class four (C)class five (D)class six (E)class seven
  5. According to the story, how should a good child do after being helped? (A)should be happy (B)should be jealousy (C)should be helpless (D)should be thankful (E)should be strong


  1. The sun __________ in the morning (A)rising (B)rises (C) rise (D) rose (E) risen
  2. They _____ waiting for me when it started to rain. (A)was (B) be (C) were (D) would (E)are
  3. Rose is having a graduation ceremony this walked. Are you ________ (A)invite (B)inviting (C)invitation (D)invites (E)invited
  4. I _______ playing basketball for 3 hours on Sunday. (A)have (B)have been (C)has been (D)had been (E)have being
  5. The girl _________ her hair in every week. (A)washes (B)washing (C)washed (D)is washing (E)has washed
  6. After finishing singing the birthday song for James every child ________ given a piece of cake by her. (A)are (B)have been (C)was (D)is (E)were
  7. “I will go out for picnic today”. This sentences is in which tense? (A)simple past (B)simple present (C)simple future (D)present continuous (E)present perfect
  8. My grandfather told me that during the slave trade human beings _______like animals (A)are selling (B)are sold (C)was sold (D)were sold (E)were selling
  9. The teacher told us to open the book ________ page 5. (A)on (B)in (C)at (D)into (E)onto
  10. I am feeling thirsty, is there _____ water left in the jug? (A)any (B)some (C)many (D)few (E)little
  11. The car belongs to James. Therefore, it is _______ car. (A)Jame’s (B)Jamess’ (C)James’ (D)James (E)James’s
  12. Our desk can accommodate three pupils only. Therefore, I sit in the middle _____ Anna and Jane. (A)among (B)between (C)besides (D)beside (E)within
  13. There were seven men in the room one of _________ wore broken sun-glasses (A)They (B)the man (C) them (D)their (E)their men
  14. No sooner had she arrived home __________ it started raining (A)than (B)when (C)so (D)that (E)as
  15. A boy and girl were competing in a race, the girl was the first in the race _________ she had trained well (A)also (B)but (S)so (D)and (E)because.
  16. We all took breakfast and left for the journey. The underlined word is in which word formation? (A)Borrowing (B)compounding (C)clipping (D)Affixation (E)suffix
  17. The pupil ______ bag was stolen yesterday is my classmate (A)which (B)where (C)that (D)whose (E)who
  18. He is ______than his father. (A)more tall (B)more taller (C)taller (D)so tall (E)the tallest
  19. He loves gardening. He ______ a gardener all his life. (A)is has been (C)is being (D)was (E)were
  20. The marketing department is _______ the meeting at this moment. (A)organized (B)organize (C)organizes (D)organizing (E)has organized
  21. Warda is a disciplined pupil in our school but also good _____ English. (A)in (B)on (C)at (D)by (E)for.
  22. Choose the correct sentence (A)Juma never is at work (B)Juma is at work never (C)is Juma at work (D)Juma is never at work (E)At work never Juma is
  23. What is the plural form of the word “sheep”. (A)sheeps (B)ships (C)sheep (D)ship (E)sleepy
  24. My son does not hear sound. He is (A) blind (B)crippled (C)autism (D)deaf (E)mud
  25. This is his book. The book belong to _______ (A)him (B)his (C)he (D)it (E)her
  26. “Supply the correct question tag to the statements “Many isn’t teacher” (A)doesn’t she? (B)is she? (C)did she? (D)don’t she? (E)she doesn’t
  27. The Examination will start at 8:00 what is the synonym of the underlined word? (A)end (B)finish (C)last (D)begin (E)first
  28. David is ___ tall ___ his father. (A)as ...as (B)so as (C)too...to (D)both ...and (E)so ...that
  29. ________ Musa and Anna are pupils (A)that (B)also (C)not only (D)although (E)both
  30. Jackson is a brilliant. The word brilliant is similar in meaning to the word __ (A)stubborn (B)clever (C)clean (D)noise maker (E)handsome


This section has five (5) mixed sentences in 36 – 40. Arrange the sentences so as to make a meaningful composition by giving them letters A – E 

  1. Most of them eat the one kind of foot stuff
  2. Unfortunately, many people around the word do not eat a balanced diet
  3. These foodstuffs are mainly carbohydrate they produce-energy. If not fully used is not good for health
  4. The government is also building dispensaries and health centre to provide health education to its people
  5. Many governments around the world are trying to educate their people on the importance of eating a balance diet.

SECTION C: Comprehension

Read the following Passage carefully and then answer questions number 41 – 45

Ngare and his family are hard working people. They woke up early every day in the morning.

They all leave their beds at 5:00am. Mr. Ngare milks his cow and his wife Fatuma milks the big black goat. The elder son saidi prepares breakfast while their second son mbega cleans the house. Their daughter Mwanaidi looks after the dogs. The last bornKijoli cleans the cowshed.


  1. How many children does Mr. Ngare have?
  2. What does Mr. Ngare do in the morning?
  3. What does Saidi do in the morning?
  4. At what time does the family leave their beds?
  5. What is their last born’s name?






  1. The pupils ____________ their book at the moment. (A)read (B) reads (C) are reading (D) reading (E) is reading
  2. Ibrahim ________ for two days last week (A) travelling (B) travelled (C) travel (D) travels (E) will travel.
  3. Have you _______ your homework? (A) finish (B)finishes (C) finishing (D) finish (E) is finished
  4. The room is ____ small to accommodate 100 people. (A) very (B) to such (C) too (E) two
  5. My parents told me that during the slave trade human beings ______ like animals (A) are selling (B) are sold (C) was sold (D) were selling (E) were sold
  6. I cut a piece of paper _____ a knife (A) by (B) with (C) for (D) and (E) at
  7. We ate feeling thirsty is there _______ water in the glass. (A) some (B) many (C) few (D) any (E) little.
  8. Neither the pupil’s _____ their teacher will come to meet you. (A) or (B) and (C) nor (D) both (E) not only
  9. Ashura and Rose are preparing ______ to go to school. (A) themselves (B)their selves (C)herself (D)ourselves (E) themselves
  10. He _____ football every day. (A) play (B) plays (C) played (D) playing (E) has been playing
  11. Amina will _______ to Mwanza next week. (A) went (B)going (B) going (C) goes (D) go (E) gone
  12. My mother _____ a new dress (A) has (B) have (C) are (D) is (E) was
  13. We are ______ the examination now. (A) do (B) done (C) did (D) doing (E)didn’t
  14. ____ she told you about her birthday? (A) have (B) has (C) shall (D) will (E) would
  15. Asha usually _____ daladala buses to work (A) board (B) boards (C) boarding (D) boarded (E) was board
  16. The boys _____ their books to the school library. (A) has taken (B) have taken (C) will take (D)shall take (E) shall have taken
  17. Four months ago Joyce ____ from Japan. (A) cames (B) come (C) is coming (D) came (E)coming
  18. The cat _____ a mouse yesterday (A)catch (B)catched (C)caught (D)cought (E)were caught
  19. The parent ______ hands with the head teacher. (A) shaked (B) shook (C)shaken (D) shooked (E)shake.
  20. The stone was ____ by the naught boy. (A)threw (B)throwed (C)thrown (D)threwn (E)throw
  21. These book belong to Juma. It is _____ book (A)Juma (B)Ali (C) Juma’s (D)Jumas’ (E)belongs
  22. Those pupils ____ not eaten food. (A)had (B)has (C) have (D)had been (E) was been
  23. Do you have ____ problem? (A) some (B)many (C)any (E)few
  24. My friend is suffering _______ malaria (A)of (B) by (C)from (D)with (E)on
  25. Standard five are very happy ______ they have passed the examination. (A)why (B) because (C) when (D)so (E)sad
  26. I think that ____ Hassan and Leena have done very well. (A)both (B)all (C) none (D)not (E)Every
  27. When we make orange Juice, first the oranges _______ in half. (A)cut (B)cuts (C)cutting (D)have cut (E)are cut
  28. He _____ be lazy but now he works very hard. (A)use (B)use to (C)used to (E)using
  29. After the meal we ___ through the park. (A)walk (B)walks (C)walking (D)walked (E)have walked.
  30. He is a wonderful son and I _______ him very much. (A)love (B)loves (C)am loving (D)loved (E)have loved.

SECTION B: Vocabulary

  1. A calf is to cow. A kid is to _____ (A)sheep (B)lion (C) goat (D) horse (E)cat
  2. An elephant trumpets. A barks ______ (A)neighs (B)bleats (C)barks (D)Brays (E)roars
  3. A young one of a rabbit is called Bunny what about a young one of a sheep _____ (A)chick (B)kitten (C) lamb (D)piglet (E)puppy
  4. A person who sells medicine is called a ________(A)Dentist (B)chemist/pharmacist (C)Doctor (D) nurse (E)sailor
  5. A person who cuts people’s hair is called a ______ (A) tailor (B)baker (C)barber (D)butcher (E) postman

SECTION C: Composition

Re-arrange the following sentences by giving them A, B, C, D and E

  1. She was close enough to see the cut above his eye
  2. She shouted at him “What are you doing?”
  3. He turned round and looked at her
  4. He quickly ran away into the trees behind the house
  5. Saada was nearly home when she saw a man climb out of the window

SECTION D: Comprehension

Read the following passage carefully and then answer questions number 41 – 4

Ngare and his family are hardworking people. They woke up early every day in the morning

They all leave their beds at 5:00 am Mr. Ngare milks his cow and his wife Fatuma milks the big black goat. The elder son Saidi prepares breakfast while their second son Mbega cleans the house. Their daughter Mwanaidi looks after the dogs. The last born Kijoli cleans the cowshed


  1. How many children does Mr. Ngare has ______________
  2. What does Mr. Ngare do in the morning?
  3. What does Saidi do in the morning?
  4. At what time does the family leave their beds?
  5. What is their last born’s name?







NAME:_____________________________________________ DATE:_____________________ STD 6



  1. This paper consists of sections A and B with a total of 45 questions
  2. Answer all questions in each section
  3. Read all the instructions in the special answer sheets
  4. Write your name on answer
  5. Use blue or Black ink-pens for diagrams use pencil
  6. Cellular phones and any unauthorized material are not allowed in examination room

SECTION A: Choosing the correct answer.


Listen the passage then answer the questions


1. According to the passage you listened, animals that are kept at home are called:  

A. home animals   B. Harmful animals   C. Domestic animals  D.Fierful animals  E. Wild animals 

2. According to the passage you listened, Goat, cow, sheep, pig and rabbit are kept for: 

A. bearing   B. Tourism   C. Ploughing  D. Meat  E. Milk 

3. According to the passage you listened,  Donkey is kept:  A: to assist carrying heavy loads   

B. for manure  C. For food   D. For ploughing  E. For meat 

4. According to the passage you listened, Animals that are not kept at home are called:   

A. home animals   B. Harmful animals   C. Domestic animals  D.Fierful animals  E. Wild animals 

  1. According to the passage you listened, lion, cheetah and leopard are: A. Dangerous wild animals B. wild animals for food   C. Wild animals for meat  D. Beautiful wild animals 


GRAMMAR. Choose the words that complete the sentences below.

  1. I usually _____________ my friends on Sunday. A.  visits  B.visited  C.visit  D visiting  E.  visitor 
  2. The building over there _________ of concrete.  

A.  were made  B.  are made  C . has made  D . have made    E.  is made

8. She _____________ the money when the thief robbed her.

A counts B is counting C was counting  D counting E counted

9. He ___________ for two days last week.  A. travels B. travelled C. travelling  D.travel  E.  had traveled 10. The leaders ________ to London tomorrow. A.  will fly  B.flew  C.flies  D. had flown  E.  have flown

11. Joseph was reading while his uncle _____________ TV.

A. is watching  B. were watching  C.  does watching  D.  was watching  E.  are watching  

12.  We _____________ visiting you next month. A. shall be  B. were been  C. have been  D. has gone  E.  went 13. Malima ___ to Tanga tomorrow evening. A. will go  B. have gone  C. is going  D. has gone  E. went 14. My sister-in-law _____________ cleaning her house all morning.

A have been B has being  C has been D have been E was been

  1. The thief have been ______ from jail.  A.  realize  B.releasing  C.  releases   D.  released   E.  realized
  2. We always go to school _____________ foot.  A.  by   B.  on   C. in    D. with   E. for
  3. Doctor Musa has told you about your problem, A. hasn’t he. B. has he? C. hasn’t he? D. has he. E. haven’t he?
  4. The shopkeeper sold _____________ dozen of eggs. A. any   B. some   C. a   D. an   E.  much
  5. The house belongs to my friends, therefore the house is ____ A. ours  B.  hers   C.  yours   D. his   E. theirs
  6. Hassan is suffering _____________ malaria.   A.  at   B. from   C.  of   D.  in    E.  on
  7. “Juma is not listening in class,” he said. In reported speech the sentence will be: He said that, A. you were not listening in class  B.Juma is not listening in class  C.  you are not listening in class  

D.  Juma was not listening in class   E.  they were not listening in class.

22. They were all quick, but John was the _____________ of all.

A. quickest  B. quicker  C. most quick  D. quickly   E. quicken

23. They are going to have an accident because the driver is driving _____________.

A carefully B careless C carelessly D carefulness E carelessness

24.. The house _____________ is white in color is ours.. A. which B. whose  C. who  D. whom    E.  what 25. Which of the following questions is the most appropriate one for this answer, “She is the captain.” A.  What is she?   B.  Whom is she?   C. Where is she?  D.  Who is she?   E. Whose is she?

  1. Catherine is sitting on my left and mariam is sitting on my right. I am sitting ______Catherine and Mariam. A. beside  B.  between   C.  next    D.  behind   E. in front
  2. He hurried home _______he could meet his friend.

A.  in order to   B.  because   C.  so that   D. so as to   E.  for that

  1. A man was walking ______ his friend last Thursday. A. beside  B. besides   C. before   D. beneath  E. in front
  2. John _____________ the teachers were in the office.  A. with   B. together C.also  D. and    E. both 30.. These children are _____________ eating nor drinking. A.  neither B. so   C. either   D. both   E. never

31. Your father’s father is called __________.

A.  father of father  B. big father   C. grandfatherly   D. grandfather   E. father’s father

  1. My mother sold a __________ of banana.  A. bunch   B.  bunches   C. heap   D.  branch   E. group
  2. The noise in the club house was too  __________

A.  louds  B.louding   C.  louded   D. loudly   E. loud

  1. The evening meal is called __________.  A. food   B. lunch   C. breakfast   D. dinner   E. dish
  2. When people are sick, they should see the __________ for treatment. A.  teacher   B. actor   C. doctor   D. guardian     E. preacher


Arrange the sentences so as to make a good composition with letters A - E


  1. I quickly have breakfast.


  1. I wake up early in the morning at 06:00am.


  1. I run to school ready for class.


  1. I then brush my teeth and wash my face.


  1. I wear my school uniform and take my school bag.

Find this and other free resources at: http://maktaba.tetea.org 


Read the following passage carefully and then answer the questions that follow by shading the letterof the correct answer in your answer sheet.

Some time ago, there was a man and his wife called Mr and Mrs Mkombozi who lived an ordinary life at Kunoga village. They had three children, Juma, Musa and Jamila. Juma worked very hard at school and managed to go to secondary school. He was finally employed as a teacher at a neighboring primary school.

One day Juma talked to his father on the phone and told him that he would send them a Tsh. 100,000 for their up keep. When Mr Mkombozi heard that, he was excited about the money and started planning how to spend it. He decided to share this with his family. He told them of his plans to build a poultry house for keeping layers (chickens which lay egg).

His son Musa said that he would be the one to collect the eggs while Jamila would do the cleaning. Jamila was annoyed and said she would be the one to collect the eggs and Musa would do the cleaning. This quarrel went on until they started fighting.

When their mother saw them fighting she went over to stop them. She was surprised to hear that they were fighting over the collection of eggs while the chicken had not yet been bought. Even the money for buying the chickens was not yet sent by their brother Juma.



  1. Where was Mr. Mkombozi’s family residing?...................................................................................


  1. What made Juma go to secondary school?......................................................................................


  1. How many sons did Mr. Mkombozi have?.........................................................................................


  1. What did Juma tell his father?..........................................................................................................


  1. Who stopped the fighting?...............................................................................................................



Domestic animals are animals that are kept at home. Domestianimals are fed and cared by human being. Domestic animals are goat, cow, sheep, pig, rabbit, cat, dog and donkey. Goat, cow, sheep, pig and rabbit are kept for meat. Cat and dog are kept as home guards. Donkey is kept to assist carrying heavy loads. Animals that are not kept at home are called wild animals. There are many wild animals; some of them are lion, cheetah, leopard, giraffe and zebra. Lion, cheetah and leopard are dangerous. Giraffe and zebra are not dangerous. 



  1. C
  2. D
  3. A
  4. E
  5. A
  6. C
  7. E
  8. C
  9. E
  10. A
  11. D
  12. A
  13. A
  14. C
  15. B
  16. B
  17. C
  18. C
  19. E
  20. B
  21. D
  22. A
  23. C
  24. A
  25. D
  26. B
  27. C
  28. A
  29. D
  30. A
  31. D
  32. A
  33. E
  34. D
  35. C
  36. C
  37. A
  38. E
  39. B
  40. D
  43. SENDING 100,000/=
  44. TWO
  45. MOTHER





TIME: 1:30 HRS                                                           



  • THIS paper consists of 45 questions with sections A,B and C
  • Select the best alternative in question 1-40
  • For question 41-45 provide the best answer
  • Write full name on the blank space above together with the name of the school
  • Ensure your work is neat and legible.


Write the letter of the correct answer

  1. She is a letter to her mother now
    1. Wrote b. written c. writing d. writes e. home writing
  2. John always to school
    1. Goes b. go  c. went d. have gone e. going
  3. Peter and Paul         in the school garden when their mother came
    1. Work  b. was working c. were working d. works e. worked
  4. They          going to visit Serengeti National Park next month
    1. Will b. shall c. has d. were e. are
  5. He didn’t      at school early yesterday
    1. Has arrived b. arrives c. arriving d. arrive e. have arrived
  6. The boys          their books to the school library
    1. Has taken b. have taken c. will take d. shall take e. take
  7. Four months ago, Joyce          from Japan
    1. Comes b. come c. is coming d. came e. were coming
  8. Paul         his clothes since morning
    1. Has been washing b. have been washing c. shall be washing d. will be washing

e. is being washing

  1. If he          early he would have caught the bus
    1. Has come b. had come c. will come d. have come e. would come
  2. She plays netball well,         ?
    1. Doesn’t she b. don’t she c. did she d. didn’t she e. doesn’t he
  3. The chair is         by the child
    1. Broke b. break c. broken d. breaks e. breaking
  4. Amina will be         netball by this time tomorrow
    1. Playing b. played c. play d. plays e. have played
  5. President Dr. Magufuli and his wife were preparing         to go to China
    1. Ourselves b. herself c. himself d. themselves e. theirselves
  6. They won’t pass the examination          they work very hard
    1. And b. if c. unless d. even e. because
  7. Neither Peter          Joseph played football last week
    1. Either b. or c. and d. if e. nor
  8. Most of Sukuma people prefer ugali          bananas
    1. To b. except c. like d. than e. with
  9. The giraffe is the         animal in Serengeti National Park
    1. Tall b. taller c. tallest d. more tall e. most tallest
  10. The son is young enough for       to school
    1. Go b. going c. went d. goes e. gone
  11.    motorcycles and cars can be dangerous
    1. Neither b. that c. very d. both e. so
  12. There isn’t         water in the tank
    1. Some b. many c. any d. much e. few
  13.    it was raining heavily, the players were playing football
    1. If b. although c. despite of d. in spite of e. unless
  14. Chacha died          malaria
    1. From b. for c. off   d. of e. in
  15. The daughter of one’s sister is called           
    1. Aunt b. uncle c. niece d. nephew e. cousin
  16. They travelled          a bicycle from Matabe to Mgusu
    1. At b. by c. with d. in e. on
  17. My uncle has been a doctor          a year now
    1. For b. since c. on d. in e. at
  18. A person from Rwanda is called          
    1. Rwandanian b. Rwandans c. Rwandese d. Rwandas e. none
  19. Mango was not only intelligent    obedient in his class
    1. But b. but also  c. and also d. also e. but so
  20. The room is small to accommodate 40 students
    1. Too b. to c. two d. into e. onto
  21. At school we are allowed to speak  English or Kiswahili
    1. Both b. and c. either d. neither e. also
  22. A big stone is          
    1. Charle’s b. Charles c. Charles’s d. Charles’ e. Charles is



Write the letter of the correct answer

  1. A young cow is called          
    1. Kitten b. piglet c. calf d. puppy  e. chick
  2. A person whose father died is           
    1. A bachelor b. an orphan c. fatherless d. spinster e. single
  3. A person who sells meat is            
    1. Meat monger b. cow’s cutter c. butchery d. butcher e. killer
  4. Three children born at the same time to the same mother are called          
    1. Triplets b. twins c. triple d. worst e. three in one
  5. A is a house where the rabbit stays (lives)
    1. Hole b. burrow c. nest d. bullow e. house
  6. The singular form of the word ‘teeth’ is
    1. Toothpick b. toothless c. one teeth d. tooth e. teeth


Rearrange the following sentences so as to make a meaningful composition by giving them letters A, B, C and D

  1. She jumped out the bed and ran to her mother happily
  2. She found her mother in the kitchen with a cake and other snacks
  3. Lightness was still asleep in the morning dreaming about her birthday
  4. Suddenly, she heard her mother calling her


Read the following passage carefully and then answer the questions that follow

It was on Friday morning in March 2016 when Majuto started form one at Kalangala secondary school. He reported with his mother who had carried a bucket, sweeping broom, a hoe, a beautiful school bag as well as classroom instruments.

They entered the Headmaster’s office to be registered. The Headmaster asked his mother to show

all needed things according to joining instructions then he was registered as a form one student.

Later, the teacher on duty showed him where to join his classroom. After the parade they entered their classroom where the English teacher instructed them on how they can introduce to each other. He was very glad to know how to introduce himself and his fellows


  1. In which year did Majuto start form one?
  2. Who escorted Majuto to school?
  3. Majuto’s school bag contained     
  4. Who showed form one students where to go?
  5. The suitable title for the passage is   









Listen to the passage below being read by the teacher. Then answer questions 1 – 5 by writing the letter of the correct answer in the space provided.

One day, Adili was going to school when he met a very old beggar. Adili greeted him but the old man’s voice was too low to be heard. Adili was sure that the old man was hungry. He quickly opened his bag and took out his lunch box. He handed the lunch box to him. The man thanked him and ate the food happily. After he had eaten, he returned the lunch box to Adili and Adili walked away happily. During lunch time, Adili had nothing to eat. His class teacher asked him about what had happened. Adili explained to the teacher about what had happened as other pupils listened quietly. The teacher was highly impressed with what Adili had done. He said to Adili, “You are such a kind boy”. He took Adili to the office and gave him food.

  1. What is the story about?
  1. Food
  2. Lunch box
  3. A boy called Adili who helped an old beggar
  4. Class teacher
  5. A boy who never had lunch
  1. Why did Adili give the old beggar his food?
  1. Because he did not want to eat that food?
  2. Because he hated eating
  3. Because the food he had was not his favorite
  4. Because he was sure that the old beggar was hungry and needed food.
  5. Because his class teacher had told him to do so.
  1. What did the old man do after he was given some food?
  1. He rejected the offer
  2. He thanked Adili and ate the food happily
  3. He walked away
  4. He showed disappointment
  5. He asked for more food
  1. How did the teacher react after hearing Adili’s story?
  1. He pushed Adili for interacting with strangers
  2. He informed other teachers.
  3. He told the pupils to behave like Adili.
  4. He was highly impressed with what Adili had done
  5. He was very angry.
  1. How can you describe Adili?
  1. He is a kind boy.
  2. He is disobedient
  3. He loves food
  4. He hates food
  5. He hates food
  6. He dislikes beggars.
  1. Our teacher has been ……… us for seven years.
  1. Taught
  2. Teaches
  3. Teaching
  4. Is teaching
  5. Teach
  1. While Allen was reading, his sister …….. Some dinner.
  1. Prepare
  2. Is preparing
  3. Prepares
  4. Preparing
  5. Was preparing
  1. These days my young brother ……. How to read
  1. Know
  2. Knowing
  3. Known
  4. Is knowing
  5. Knows
  1. The boy has ……… since last night.
  1. Singing
  2. Sang
  3. Been sung
  4. Been singing
  5. Sing
  1. Our cat is …… the car
  1. Inside to
  2. Out
  3. Of
  4. Away from
  5. In front
  1. That is ……bag
  1. John
  2. John’s
  3. It John
  4. He
  5. John’s
  1. The country ……….. people live in peace is Tanzania
  1. Whose
  2. Which
  3. What
  4. Who
  5. Whom
  1. Mangoes were ripe ……….. eaten
  1. So to
  2. Enough to be
  3. Enough
  4. So that
  5. That
  1. Flowers were ………. by the pupils.
  1. Watered
  2. Watering
  3. They water
  4. Water
  5. Are watering
  1. Which of the following sentences is correct?
  1. Although I am young, but I can play netball.
  2. Although I am young, I can play netball
  3. Although I am young, I can plays netball.
  4. Although I am young, but I can’t netball.
  5. Although am young, I can’t play netball.
  1. Amina said, “I’m much better”. The indirect speech of the sentence will be ……….
  1. Amina said she is much better.
  2. Amina said that, she was better
  3. “she was doing well”
  4. Amina says “she was better”
  5. Amina said that she was much better.
  1. Juma ….. to hospital yesterday.
  1. Go
  2. Goes
  3. Went
  4. Gone
  5. Is going
  1. The teacher is sick …… she?
  1. Is
  2. Was
  3. Can
  4. Isn’t
  5. Him
  1. Mary brought the box by ………
  1. Herself
  2. Himself
  3. Themselves
  4. Her
  5. Him
  1. ……. Is Fatuma beautiful ………. Intelligent
  1. Too …… to
  2. So…….that
  3. Not only…….but also
  4. As ……as
  5. Both …… and
  1. Amour …… a doctor. He’s a teacher at the University
  1. Aren’t
  2. Isn’t
  3. Doesn’t
  4. Not
  5. Didn’t
  1. Please meet Jagen and Wara ……….. are from Spain
  1. Their
  2. Them
  3. This
  4. There
  5. They
  1. Do you have a computer? Yes ……..
  1. I have
  2. I got
  3. I’ve got
  4. I am
  5. Am I
  1. ………. Two hundred students in our school
  1. They are
  2. It is
  3. There are
  4. There are
  5. There is
  6. Them are
  1. Can I have …….. sugar please?
  1. Any
  2. A few
  3. Some
  4. Few
  5. many
  1. We haven’t seen ….. sugar please?
  1. One children
  2. Any children
  3. Some childrens
  4. A children
  5. Much children
  1. What is your father? ………
  1. He’s a teacher
  2. He’s Juma
  3. He’s teaching
  4. He’s at home
  5. He is watching television
  1. I go …….. School in Bunda.
  1. To
  2. In
  3. On
  4. At
  5. From
  1. We have lunch …… one O’clock
  1. To
  2. At
  3. In
  4. On
  5. up
  1. Motor racing is the …….. sport in the world
  1. Expensivest
  2. As expensive
  3. Expensive
  4. More expensive
  5. Most expensive
  1. The word “pair” means …………..
  1. One thing
  2. Two
  3. Three things
  4. Four things
  5. Five things
  1. Your shirt is similar to mine. The word “similar” means ……..
  1. Correct
  2. Light
  3. Shiny
  4. Bright
  5. like
  1. Your shirt is similar to mine. The word “similar” means ……
  1. Seldom
  2. Useless
  3. Few
  4. Useful
  5. Difficult
  1. The plural of the word “furniture” is ………
  1. Furnitures
  2. Tables
  3. Furniture
  4. Chairs
  5. Beds
  1. A place where milk is produced is called ……
  1. Dairy
  2. Diary
  3. Diaries
  4. Supermarket
  5. Butcher



This section has five mixed sentences. Arrange the sentences so as to make a good composition by giving them letters A – E 

  1. The highest peak of Mount Kilimanjaro is 5,895 metres high
  2. There are many mountains in Africa.
  3. Mount Kilimanjaro is the highest in the continent
  4. Its surrounding occupy 755km2 and it is an attractive area for tourists.
  5. It has two snow peaks, Kibo and Mawenzi.



Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.

Pollution is the release of unwanted materials such as plastic bags, can, untreated waste products, and smoke into the land, atmosphere, rivers and oceans. These disturb the natural process of the earth. These materials are known as pollutants. Very often, these pollutants are waste products from industrial, agricultural or domestic processes. The earth has natural processes which are very good at breaking down and recycling natural waste. However, waste has become excessive in most places and the natural recycling systems have become overloaded.

There are different kinds of pollution such as air, land and water pollution. The air we breathe can be dirty and dangerous because of the pollutants it may contain. This could lead to illnesses like cancer, asthma and reduced brain growth in children.

Power stations, factories, motor vehicles and fuel burning in homes are the main causes of air pollution which is carried by the wind and spread in our environment. We can stop pollution by doing the following: buy and use environmentally friendly products, never drop used materials/containers everywhere, join in a local project to clean up your neighborhood, save energy and remember to turn off the radio, cooking fire, TV and lights when they are not being used.


  1. According to the passage, what is pollution?
  2. Why is it important to breathe clean air?
  3. What are pollutants?
  4. How is polluted air carried from one place to another?
  5. The different kinds of pollution include land, air and ……. Pollution.




TIME: 1:30 HRS                                                           



  • THIS paper consists of  SECTIONS A, B, C and D
  • Answer all questions from each section as per instruction given
  • Write full name on the blank space above together with the name of the school
  • Ensure your work is neat and legible.



For question 1-5 listen careful to the passage being read and answer the questions that follow.

Stigma is what a person suffers because of the belief that something, - a condition, feature or person is disgraceful. There are three types of stigma.

Stigma may be linked to physical features, weight, height, looks, physical or mental disability or medical conditions that people fear like HIV, cancer, leprosy and mental illness.

It is also connected with behaviour that does not fit with the standard of society such as alcoholism or criminal behaviour. Some are stigmatized because of someone else's unacceptable actions - rape victims or a child conceived through rape often suffer such stigma.

Someone's race, religion, nationality or tribe can carry stigma too. Stigma leads to harmful myths and discrimination. People are labelled bad or as not fit to be part of a society because of it. In fact disease and disability are often seen as punishment for sins.

Stigma leads to violence even to the killing of an individual or group. This includes ethnic cleansing, removing or murdering people because of their racial or tribal background - or genocide - attempting to murder an entire group. This happened to the Jews in Mazi ceremony and to Tutsis in Rwanda in 1994.

Fear of stigma! Labelling people is too easy. Think of yourself. See each person as an individual.

  1. Which one of the following is not listed to be disgraceful? (a) feature  (b)  A condition (c)  A person  (d) A religion
  2. From the passage, we can learn that, (a) Better late than never (b) Hard work pays (c) Once bitten twice shy (d) Hurry hurry has no blessings
  3. Dambuya’s father situation worsened when (a) He failed to get the medicine (b) He remembered the death of his wife (c) He was given the concoction (d) He developed wound on his back
  4.  Since Dambuya’s father lost the wife, he could be called (a) Widow (b) Orphan (c) Wizard (d) Widower
  5.  Why did Dumbuya's father not cry during the wife's death? (a) He did not feel the loss. (b) Men were not supposed o cry. (c) He did not want the son to see him cry. (d)The villagers would laugh at him



Choose the correct answer and write its letter

  1. Maria …………………to collect her parcel (a) Has (b) Have (c) Was (d) Were
  2. Neither Paul nor Grace ……………………….with us (a) Are (a) Were (c) Is (d) Was
  3.  They will ……………………buy balls nor whistles (A) Neither (b) None (c) Nor (d) Either
  4. Clare has ………………to read or fail (a) Either (b) Neither (c) Both (d) Or
  5. I prefer tea ________________cone. (a) than (b) . or (c)  with (d). to
  6. Maria is Gifted ____________a beautiful voice.(a) . in  (b)  of ( c) with (d). on
  7. There is need______________all the pupils to come  early.(a)  in (b). of (c) for (d)  with
  8. The products have been rejected _____? (a) Have they? (b) Do they? (c) Haven’t they? (d)Isn’t it?
  9. Pick the odd one out (a) full stop (b) punctuation (c) comma ( d) apostrophe
  10. The weaving of baskets ______ a lot of care (a) needing (a)  need (c) needs  (d) needed
  11. Few days to come Rashid ......................twenty years old (a) will be (b) would be (c) shall (d) am watching.
  12. i...................the television when it started raining (a) had watching (b) will watch (c) was watching (d) am watching
  13. The sun.............in the west (a) set (b) setting (c) is set (d) sets
  14. Crops .............water, light and fertile soil to grow well (a) need (b) needs (c) needs (d) grow
  15. That boy has been .............for two hours (a) working (b)  worked (c) works (d) having worked
  16. ................car had an accident? (a) who (b) when (c) why (d) which
  17. The boy didn’t ran, ...............he was sick (a) if (b) because (c) and (d) from
  18. This is the girl ...................book was lost (a) whose (b) what (c) which (d) who
  19. He dressed ..................beautifully (a) him (b) he (c) himself (d) his
  20. John is very good ..............mathematics (a) in (b) at (c) with (d) for
  21. All the people looked at her. She entered the class ...........(a) proud (b) proudly (c) prouder (d) prouds
  22. Which word is the opposite of sad? (a) sadness (b) happy (c) crying (d) shouting
  23. Juma is my uncle. His daughter is my.. (a) nephew (b) niece (c) sister (d) cousin
  24. He is the ............pupil in our class (a) most intelligent (b) super intelligent (c) more intelligent (d) the intelligentiest.
  25. He has to be care..........when driving a car. (a) ful (b) fully (c) full (d) less


Choose the word similar in meaning as the underlined word

  1. The goods this trader sells are very dear (a) valuable (b) priceless (c) expensive (d) precious
  2. James never makes a single mistake in his grammar (a) correction (b) error (c) failure (d) take
  3. We seriously need vigilant security officers (a) ferocious (b) intelligent (c) ambitious (d) watchful
  4. I make and mend shoes, who I’m I? (a) shoewalker (b) cobbler (c) shoe polisher (d) repairer
  5. Which word does not fit in the list? (a) kitten (b) stallion (c) cub (d) tadpole
  6. Genuine products are those which are; (a) shiny (b) original (c) nice (d) fancy


Arrange the sentences so as to make a good composition by giving them letters A-D.

  1. When Mrs. Daudi came back from work, she did not find the meat.
  2. One day, Mrs. Daudi put some meat in the cupboard and left for work
  3. From that day, the cat was chased away
  4. Her cat opened the cupboard and ate the meat


Read the following passage carefully and then answer the questions that follow by writing the correct answer in the space provided. Use a blue or black ink pen.

Mr. and Mrs. Koba have three children. two are boys and one is a girl.Their sons names are Jembe and Alli and their daughter is Suzy. All their children go to school. Jembe is in class seven and Alli and Suzy are in class five.

They are all hardworking pupils in their school and they all have good performance in all subjects. Jembe is the best at English and Mathematics. Mr. and Mrs. Koba and their children are a happy family.

  1. Who has three children?
  2.  How many sons are there in the family of Mr. and Mrs. Koba?
  3.  At which subject is Jembe best ?
  4. In which class is Jembe studying?
  5. Why do the children of Mr. and Mrs. Koba have good performance? 





TIME: 1:30 HRS                                                           



  • THIS paper consists of  SECTIONS A, B, C and D
  • Answer all questions from each section as per instruction given
  • Write full name on the blank space above together with the name of the school
  • Ensure your work is neat and legible.



For question 1-5 listen careful to the passage being read and answer the questions that follow.

Stigma is what a person suffers because of the belief that something, - a condition, feature or person is disgraceful. There are three types of stigma.

Stigma may be linked to physical features, weight, height, looks, physical or mental disability or medical conditions that people fear like HIV, cancer, leprosy and mental illness.

It is also connected with behaviour that does not fit with the standard of society such as alcoholism or criminal behaviour. Some are stigmatized because of someone else's unacceptable actions - rape victims or a child conceived through rape often suffer such stigma.

Someone's race, religion, nationality or tribe can carry stigma too. Stigma leads to harmful myths and discrimination. People are labelled bad or as not fit to be part of a society because of it. In fact disease and disability are often seen as punishment for sins.

Stigma leads to violence even to the killing of an individual or group. This includes ethnic cleansing, removing or murdering people because of their racial or tribal background - or genocide - attempting to murder an entire group. This happened to the Jews in Mazi ceremony and to Tutsis in Rwanda in 1994.

Fear of stigma! Labelling people is too easy. Think of yourself. See each person as an individual.

  1. Which one of the following is not listed to be disgraceful? (a) feature  (b)  A condition (c)  A person  (d) A religion
  2. From the passage, we can learn that, (a) Better late than never (b) Hard work pays (c) Once bitten twice shy (d) Hurry hurry has no blessings
  3. Dambuya’s father situation worsened when (a) He failed to get the medicine (b) He remembered the death of his wife (c) He was given the concoction (d) He developed wound on his back
  4.  Since Dambuya’s father lost the wife, he could be called (a) Widow (b) Orphan (c) Wizard (d) Widower
  5.  Why did Dumbuya's father not cry during the wife's death? (a) He did not feel the loss. (b) Men were not supposed o cry. (c) He did not want the son to see him cry. (d)The villagers would laugh at him



Choose the correct answer and write its letter

  1. Maria …………………to collect her parcel (a) Has (b) Have (c) Was (d) Were
  2. Neither Paul nor Grace ……………………….with us (a) Are (a) Were (c) Is (d) Was
  3.  They will ……………………buy balls nor whistles (A) Neither (b) None (c) Nor (d) Either
  4. Clare has ………………to read or fail (a) Either (b) Neither (c) Both (d) Or
  5. I prefer tea ________________cone. (a) than (b) . or (c)  with (d). to
  6. Maria is Gifted ____________a beautiful voice.(a) . in  (b)  of ( c) with (d). on
  7. There is need______________all the pupils to come  early.(a)  in (b). of (c) for (d)  with
  8. The products have been rejected _____? (a) Have they? (b) Do they? (c) Haven’t they? (d)Isn’t it?
  9. Pick the odd one out (a) full stop (b) punctuation (c) comma ( d) apostrophe
  10. The weaving of baskets ______ a lot of care (a) needing (a)  need (c) needs  (d) needed
  11. Few days to come Rashid ......................twenty years old (a) will be (b) would be (c) shall (d) am watching.
  12. i...................the television when it started raining (a) had watching (b) will watch (c) was watching (d) am watching
  13. The sun.............in the west (a) set (b) setting (c) is set (d) sets
  14. Crops .............water, light and fertile soil to grow well (a) need (b) needs (c) needs (d) grow
  15. That boy has been .............for two hours (a) working (b)  worked (c) works (d) having worked
  16. ................car had an accident? (a) who (b) when (c) why (d) which
  17. The boy didn’t ran, ...............he was sick (a) if (b) because (c) and (d) from
  18. This is the girl ...................book was lost (a) whose (b) what (c) which (d) who
  19. He dressed ..................beautifully (a) him (b) he (c) himself (d) his
  20. John is very good ..............mathematics (a) in (b) at (c) with (d) for
  21. All the people looked at her. She entered the class ...........(a) proud (b) proudly (c) prouder (d) prouds
  22. Which word is the opposite of sad? (a) sadness (b) happy (c) crying (d) shouting
  23. Juma is my uncle. His daughter is my.. (a) nephew (b) niece (c) sister (d) cousin
  24. He is the ............pupil in our class (a) most intelligent (b) super intelligent (c) more intelligent (d) the intelligentiest.
  25. He has to be care..........when driving a car. (a) ful (b) fully (c) full (d) less


Choose the word similar in meaning as the underlined word

  1. The goods this trader sells are very dear (a) valuable (b) priceless (c) expensive (d) precious
  2. James never makes a single mistake in his grammar (a) correction (b) error (c) failure (d) take
  3. We seriously need vigilant security officers (a) ferocious (b) intelligent (c) ambitious (d) watchful
  4. I make and mend shoes, who I’m I? (a) shoewalker (b) cobbler (c) shoe polisher (d) repairer
  5. Which word does not fit in the list? (a) kitten (b) stallion (c) cub (d) tadpole
  6. Genuine products are those which are; (a) shiny (b) original (c) nice (d) fancy


Arrange the sentences so as to make a good composition by giving them letters A-D.

  1. When Mrs. Daudi came back from work, she did not find the meat.
  2. One day, Mrs. Daudi put some meat in the cupboard and left for work
  3. From that day, the cat was chased away
  4. Her cat opened the cupboard and ate the meat


Read the following passage carefully and then answer the questions that follow by writing the correct answer in the space provided. Use a blue or black ink pen.

Mr. and Mrs. Koba have three children. two are boys and one is a girl.Their sons names are Jembe and Alli and their daughter is Suzy. All their children go to school. Jembe is in class seven and Alli and Suzy are in class five.

They are all hardworking pupils in their school and they all have good performance in all subjects. Jembe is the best at English and Mathematics. Mr. and Mrs. Koba and their children are a happy family.

  1. Who has three children?
  2.  How many sons are there in the family of Mr. and Mrs. Koba?
  3.  At which subject is Jembe best ?
  4. In which class is Jembe studying?
  5. Why do the children of Mr. and Mrs. Koba have good performance? 





TIME: 1:30 HRS                                                           



  • THIS paper consists of 45 questions with sections A,B and C
  • Select the best alternative in question 1-40
  • For question 41-45 provide the best answer
  • Write full name on the blank space above together with the name of the school
  • Ensure your work is neat and legible.

SECTION A: Listen carefully to the passage read by invigilator and the answer the questions that follow. 

1. People who buy things in a shop are called.(a)buys (b)customers (c)payers (d)shopkeepers

2.Who is friendly to customers? (a)parents (b)children (c)Majuto (d)everybody 

3. What do people buy from Majuto’s shop. (a)sugar and cups (b)water and food (c)sugar salt, soap, rice, flour and Kerosene (d) money and honey

4.Why do people like Majuto? (a) he is friendly and honest (b)rule and rough (c)smart and neat (d) careless and forgetful

5.When does Majuto work in a shop.(a)day and night (b)morning and afternoon (c)everyday (d)frequently



Choose the correct answer to the following questions 

6.She ................. an interesting newspaper now. 

(a) is read (b)is reading (c)read (d)reads

7.Few days to come Rashid ................. twenty years old. 

(a)will be (b)would be (c)shall be (d) is being

8.I.............. the television when it started raining 

(a)had watching (b)will watch (c)was watching (d)am watching

9. They ................. my chair which my father bought for me

(a)taken (b)taking (c)took (d)takes

10.The pupils ................... French every Monday

(a)learn (b)learning (c)had leant (d)learns

11.Is Juma ............ well in his studies these days?

(a)did (b)doing (c)done (d)having done

12. The sun ............in the west (a) set (b) setting (c)is set (d)sets

13.That boy has been ................. for two hours. (a)working (b)worked (c)works(d)having worked

14.the police ..................the criminals yesterday  (a)caught (b) catch (c)had caught (d)catching

15.I was cooking rice when my sister .......................

(a)arriving (b)arrived (c)had arriving (d) arrives

16. If she ................ fast she will arrive on time (a) walk (b)walked (c)walks (d)walking 

17.He had already ..................... a song when we arrived. (a)sing (b)singing (c) sung (d) sang

18.They ................... to ride to school when they were living their father (a) using (b) used (c) use (d)uses

19.Crops .................. water, light and fertile soil to grow well (a) need (b)needs (c) needed (d) grow

20.Juma and I ............... to travel next week (a)go (b)is going (c) are going (d) will go.



21..................... car had an accident? (a) who (b) when (c)why(d)which

22. The boy didn’t run ......................... he was sick (a) if (b)because (c)and (d) from

23.This is the girl ................................ Book was lost. (a)whose (b) what (c)which (d)who

24.He dressed ........................ beautifully . (a)him (b)he (c)himself (d)his

25.John is very good ........................ mathematics (a) in (b)at (c)with (d)for

26.This is my pen it is ............... (a)mine (b) best (c)my (d) yours

27.I haven’t written to my mother ....................... a year now (a)since (b)by (c) of (d) for

28Non took kadime .................... hospital (a)to (b)for (c) by (d)with 

29.A dictionary shows ............ of words. (a)colour (b)meaningless (c)letters (d) meanings

30.Our English teacher was impressed with ............. wrote a letter. (a)how (b) when (c)which (d)what

31.He has to be care ................ when driving a car (a)ful (b)fully (c)full (d)less

32.All the peole looked at her. She entered the class.................. .(a)proud (b)proudly (c)prouder (d)prouds

33.He is the ............. pupil in our class (a)most intelligent (b)super intelligent (c) more intelligent (d)the intelligentiest.

34.She injured herself .............. A knife (a) by (b) for (c)and (d)with

35.Juma is my uncle. His daughter is my (a) Nephew (b)niece (c) sister (d) cousin 

36.Which word is the opposite of sad? (a)sadness (b) happy (c) crying (d)shouting 



Re-arrange the following jumbled sentences by using letters A-D

37.He normally arrive at work at seven O’clock everyday ..........................

38.Therefore he is a good example of others ...............................

39. John always likes arriving at work early ............................

40. Although there are many bases in his area he likes walking on foot................................



Read the passage below then answer the questions.

Malaria is among the tropical diseases mosquito biting. Different chemists and doctors are working day and night to find different drugs for treating malaria. Malaria has a lot of symptoms, some of them are vomiting, fever, loss of appetite headache and general body weakness, and ant malaria can treat it


Although Malaria is very dangerous disease. It can be prevented by slashing long grass around houses and destroying the water logging. Mosquito nets also have proved to prevent the transmission of Malaria. Consideration must be given to the children under five and pregnant mothers in using mosquito net.



41.One of the ways of preventing Malaria is .......................

42.Two groups of people who are mostly affected by malaria are ........................ and ............................

43.Which are the symptoms of Malaria? ...................................................

44.How can malaria be treated? ...........................................

45.The likely title/heading of this passage is .....................................




Make sure you read the following before giving instructions to the candidates:

  1. Make sure you read the passage loudly and slowly for the first time while observing all punctuation marks indicated in the passage. When reading for the second time, increase the reading speed.
  2. The time which will be taken to read the passage is five (05) minutes and the time for the candidates respond to the questions is five (05) minutes. Therefore, this part will be done in ten (10) minutes
  3. Read loudly the candidate’s instructions (1 to 3)



  1. I will read the passage twice; therefore, you are required to listen attentively.
  2. When I read the passage for the first time, listen without responding to the questions and when I finish reading for the second time, answer question 1 to 5, and then continue responding to the rest of the questions (6 to 45)
  3. I am starting to read the passage now, therefore, listen attentively



Majuto owns a shop, he works in his shop every day. He sells sugar, salt, soap, rice, flour, kerosene and many other things. He talks to his customers in a polite way. He does not cheat. Everybody likes his shop. Parent send their children to majuto’s shop without fear of losing their money.







TIME: 1:30 HRS                                                           



  • THIS paper consists of SECTIONS A, B, C and D
  • Answer all questions from each section as per instruction given
  • Write full name on the blank space above together with the name of the school
  • Ensure your work is neat and legible.


For questions 16 to 18 choose the best choice to complete the sentence.

  1. The prisoner was accused …………… his brother.
  1. Of
  2. For
  3. Against
  4. By
  1. What are you talking …………?
  1. Of
  2. Over
  3. About
  4. With
  1. The hospital is far………..the lake.
  1. Beside
  2. By
  3. To
  4. From

For questions 19 to 20, choose the part of a word which could fit well to complete questions properly.

  1. Those who do not…………tend classes will be punished
  1. At
  2. Pre
  3. In
  4. Ex
  1. Young criminals can ……form if taken to special school.
  1. De
  2. Per
  3. In
  4. Re

In questions 21 to 23 choose the pair of words that correctly completes the sentence.

  1. …………bike is not the same as ………….
  1. My, your
  2. My, yours
  3. Mine, your’s
  4. My, your’s
  1. ……….he………..his sister likes Chinese food.
  1. Neither, not
  2. None, not
  3. Neither, nor
  4. Either, not
  1. I have ………appointment at………Hilton hotel.
  1. The, a
  2. An, a
  3. The, the
  4. An, the

In questions 24 and 25 select a word that is opposite in the meaning to the underlined one

  1. The farmer is very gentle with his sheep.
  1. Rough
  2. Strong
  3. Soft
  4. Careless
  1. Their house is in poor condition.
  1. Old
  2. Good
  3. New
  4. Rich

Choose the best word to complete the sentences below

  1. Mary and Nickson...............travelled upcountry.
  1. Has
  2. Are
  3. Have
  4. Have had
  1. We...........meet them on Saturday.
  1. Shall
  2. Will
  3. Should
  4. Would
  1. One of.............boys broke the window pane.
  1. This
  2. These
  3. That
  4. Them
  1. The bridegroom was full of............
  1. Happy
  2. Happiness
  3. Happily
  4. Happiness

Select the correct order of adjectives.

  1. My sister wore a............dress.
  1. Red, cotton, pretty
  2. Pretty, cotton, red
  3. Cotton, red, pretty
  4. Pretty, red, cotton
  1. Yesterday I saw..........birds.
  1. Tiny, three, beautiful
  2. Three, beautiful, tiny
  3. Tiny, beautiful, three
  4. Three, tiny, beautiful

Put the correct question tag in the following sentences.

  1. It rained heavily yesterday, ............?
  1. Isn’t it
  2. Doesn’t it
  3. Didn’t it
  4. Did it
  1. Derrick will not go for the tour, ............?
  1. Willn’t he
  2. Won’t he
  3. Will he
  4. Shan’t he

Select the most suitable preposition for the numbers 24 to 25.

  1. Oliech is good ........football.
  1. At
  2. In
  3. On
  4. With
  1. The thieves swam..........the wide river.
  1. Across
  2. Through
  3. On
  4. Into
  1. The children ..............when the lights went off
  1. Were studying
  2. Is studying
  3. Are studying
  4. Was studying
  1. The teacher ..................me with a stick
  1. Hits
  2. Hit
  3. beat
  4. beats
  1. Mr. Kimuya ..........................in his vegetable garden now
  1. Worked
  2. Is working
  3. Has work
  4. Work
  5. Had worked
  1. My friend .................a birth before I arrived
  1. Taken
  2. Taking
  3. Will take
  4. Had taken
  5. Taken
  1. Farmers ........................maize next year
  1. Will grow
  2. Have grown
  3. Has grown
  4. Were growing
  5. Had grown


  1. The daughter of my brother or sister is called
  1. Nephew
  2. Niece
  3. Cousin
  4. Sister
  5. Uncle
  1. A place where planes land and take off is called?
  1. An airport
  2. Station
  3. Garage
  4. Harbor
  5. Terminal
  1. A captain works in a
  1. Shop
  2. Farm
  3. Ship
  4. Hospital
  5. Hotel
  1. A person who sails in a ship is called?
  1. Salonbarber
  2. Pilot
  3. Sailor
  4. Driver
  1. The items, skirt, shirt, pair of trousers and a coat are all......................
  1. Dresses
  2. Wars
  3. Blouses
  4. Clothes
  5. Pajamas.
  1. A person who is unable to speak is called?
  1. Dumb
  2. Cobbler
  3. Blind
  4. Chief
  5. cripple
  1. the young one of an elephant is called?
  1. Piglet
  2. Cow
  3. Calf
  4. Cub
  1. A female sheep is called
  1. Goose
  2. Ewe
  3. Ram
  4. Sheeplet
  1. A person who sells flowers is called
  1. Flowerly
  2. Flower girl
  3. Florist
  4. Decorator
  1. Forks, spoons, knives, can be general termed as
  1. Utensils
  2. Cutlery
  3. Tools
  4. Kitchen
  1. A place where Christians go to worship is called?
  1. Mosque
  2. Church
  3. Shrine
  4. Temple.


Rearrange the sentences in Good Order Giving them letters A-D

  1. He saw different wild animals, hills and valleys along the road
  2. On the bus, he sat near the window to see things outside
  3. On the travelling day he woke up very early in the morning to catch the bus
  4. He arrived at his grandmother’s home earlier
  5. Last year, Bahati went to visit his grandmother
  6. They both enjoyed each other’s company



Protein is very important for health growth and it is higly needed for body repair after injuries and sickness. Food with calcium makes bones strong and helpful in the body. It also contains proteins and salt, so it is very rich and important food. Children need plenty of milky but adults are not allowed to drink too much milk because it may lead to obesity.


  1. What makes bones strong?
  2. Sick people need much.............................to enable them to recover
  3. Who are allowed to take much milk?
  4. Why are adults prohibited from taking too much milk?
  5. What is highly needed by children?







  1. The children..........when the light went off
  1. Where studying
  2. Was studying
  3. Were studying
  4. Is studying
  5. Are studying
  1. The teacher..............me with a stick yesterday.
  1. Hits
  2. Hit
  3. Beat
  4. Beats
  5. Beaten
  1. Mr. Kiula...........in his vegetable garden now.
  1. Worked
  2. Is working
  3. Has work
  4. Work
  5. Had worked
  1. My friend...........a bath before I arrived.
  1. Taken
  2. Taking
  3. Will take
  4. Had taken
  5. Takes
  1. They met him..........their way to London.
  1. Us
  2. And
  3. In
  4. On
  5. Since
  1. Some elephants...........our crops.
  1. Destroys
  2. Has destroyed
  3. Is destroying
  4. Was destroying
  5. Have destroyed
  1. Last night the moon..........during the midnight.
  1. Shine
  2. Was shining
  3. Shone
  4. Are shone
  5. Are shines
  1. I...........the television when it started raining.
  1. Had watching
  2. Will watching
  3. Am watching
  4. Was watching
  5. Being watching
  1. The teacher...........exams at the moment.
  1. Is setting
  2. Set
  3. Will set
  4. Are setting
  5. Was setting
  1. I left Gideon in the classroom...........
  1. Studying
  2. Studied
  3. Studies
  4. Was studying
  5. Study
  1. While I was playing, he..........football match.
  1. Watched
  2. Watch
  3. Is watching
  4. Will watching
  5. Was watching
  1. Many villagers watched television for..............hours.
  1. An
  2. Un
  3. In
  4. On
  5. Two
  1. James............the cup which his father bought last month.
  1. Break
  2. Broke
  3. Breaks
  4. Breaking
  5. Broken
  1. Farmers............maize next year.
  1. Will grow
  2. Have grown
  3. Has grown
  4. Were growing
  5. Had grown
  1. I saved some money..........to buy a new car.
  1. In order to
  2. Although
  3. But
  4. So as to
  5. In order
  1. The thief jumped.............the gate and ran away.
  1. Into
  2. In
  3. Over
  4. Onto
  5. Under
  1. Is Andrew............well in his studies these days?
  1. Do
  2. Does
  3. Did
  4. Done
  5. Doing
  1. This book is...........big to fit in my bag.
  1. Very
  2. Too
  3. So
  4. Do
  5. As
  1. Will you...........me your pen, please?
  1. Borrow
  2. Lend
  3. Take
  4. Help
  5. Assist
  1. You are not going to succeed..........you work harder.
  1. If
  2. In spite
  3. Because
  4. Unless
  5. Despite
  1. Please John, look............me.
  1. In
  2. On
  3. At
  4. With
  5. From
  1. The bus arrived.............4.00pm in Moshi town.
  1. On
  2. For
  3. In
  4. By
  5. At
  1. This will take.............hour to solve the problem.
  1. A
  2. The
  3. Some
  4. The
  5. An
  1. My shirt looks dirty but yours looks......
  1. More dirty
  2. Dirtiest
  3. Dirtier
  4. Most
  5. Dirty
  1. When I.........him he had already eaten his lunch.
  1. Saw
  2. See
  3. Seen
  4. Have seen
  5. Was seeing
  1. The fisherman has...........a lot of fish.
  1. Catch
  2. Catching
  3. Caught
  4. Been catch
  5. Catches
  1. A young cow is called a..........
  1. Puppy
  2. Kitten
  3. Calf
  4. Piglet
  5. Pig
  1. Mary works in a library. She is a.........
  1. Worker
  2. Librarian
  3. Vegetarian
  4. Bookseller
  5. Author
  1. Mrs. Moyo has been a head teacher...........1990.
  1. Always
  2. For
  3. At
  4. Since
  5. In
  1. She...........the exercise books last night.
  1. Mark
  2. Marked
  3. Marks
  4. Marking
  5. Marksing


  1. The daughter of my brother or sister is my.........
  1. Nephew
  2. Niece
  3. Cousin
  4. Sister
  5. Uncle
  1. A place where planes land and take off is called..........
  1. Garage
  2. Harbor
  3. An airport
  4. Station
  5. Terminal
  1. A captain works in a.............
  1. Shop
  2. Farm
  3. Ship
  4. Hospital
  5. Hotel
  1. A person who sails in a ship is called a..........
  1. Salon
  2. Barber
  3. Pilot
  4. Sailor
  5. Driver
  1. The items skirt, shirt, pair of trousers and a coat are all..........
  1. Dresses
  2. Wars
  3. Blouses
  4. Clothes
  5. Pajamas
  1. The person who is unable to speak is called.........
  1. Blind
  2. Cripple
  3. Dumb
  4. Cobbler
  5. Chief


Rearrange these sentences in good order by giving them letters A-D

  1. These days we should work hard like Mwita so that we shall have enough food.
  2. His family had a lot of food to eat because Mwita had a big store.
  3. He had a big shamba where he grew maize rice and potatoes.
  4. One day evening we went outside and our father told us a story, it was about a hard working man called Mwita.


Question 41-45 read the passage carefully and then answer the questions below by filling in the blanks.

Protein I very important for health, growth and it is highly needed for body repair after injuries and sickness. Food with calcium makes bones strong and helpful in the body. It also contains proteins and salt, so it is very rich and important food.

Children need plenty of milk but adults are not allowed to drink too much milk because it may lead to obesity.


  1. What makes bones strong?
  2. Sick people get much.............to help them to recover.
  3. Who are allowed to take much milk?
  4. Why is it prohibited to adults to take too much milk?
  5. What is highly needed by children?








TIME 1:30 HRS                                                                                MARCH 2021

NAME…………………………...                                  SCHOOL………………………...


  1. This paper consists of Sections A  B and C with fifty  questions
  2. The paper carries a value of 50 marks
  3. Answer all questions in all sections as per instructions given
  4. Use blue or black pen for writing and a pencil for drawing.


   Answer all questions                                                                

For questions 1-40, choose the best answer from the alternatives given and write its answer on the space provided.

1. The brave hunter ………………..the fierce lion

  1. Slained
  2. Slew
  3. Slayed
  4. Slain

2. The cheetah ………………….at the zebra and killed it on the spot

  1. Spring
  2. Sprang
  3. Sprung
  4. Springed

3. Which duck has……………….an egg?

  1. Lain
  2. Laid
  3. Lay
  4. Laid

4. On seeing us the monkey …………………….from tree to tree

  1. Swung
  2. Swinging
  3. Swang
  4. Swing.

5. The girl ……………herself with a razor blade.

  1. Cutted
  2. Cut
  3. Cutting
  4. Cuts

6. Mr. mrisho is famous …………….his good work

  1. Of
  2. For
  3. By
  4. With

7. I come to school ……………..bus

  1. By
  2. On
  3. With
  4. On

8. Mwambula fell……………….her bike

  1. By
  2. Off
  3. On
  4. Of

9. He is very busy……………his homework.

  1. With
  2. On
  3. From
  4. Onto

10. Mr. baraka will arrive …………….Moscow tonight.

  1. From
  2. At
  3. With
  4. On

11. Divide the orange ……………..the two girls.

  1. Among
  2. Between
  3. With
  4. With.

12. The police jumped ………………the car and ran after the thief

  1. Into
  2. Onto
  3. Off
  4. Out of.

13. The child jumped …………………..the swimming pool

  1. Into
  2. Onto
  3. In
  4. From.

14. My sister is afraid ………………..lizards.

  1. Of
  2. With
  3. By
  4. To

15. Justus has a dislike ………………sour fruits

  1. At
  2. To
  3. On
  4. For

16. Mr. Emmanuel is………….teacher

  1. A
  2. The
  3. An
  4. For

17. What …………………beautiful dress

  1. The
  2. An
  3. A
  4. Is

18. We found ……………….of them playing at the pitch

  1. A few
  2. A-few
  3. Much
  4. Any

19. ……………Pacific ocean is salty

  1. Some
  2. The
  3. An
  4. A

20. Charles bought ……………………. fruits for the whole family

  1. At
  2. Enough
  3. This
  4. Some

For question 21-30 write the opposite of the underlined word.

21. He has built a temporary structure

  1. Temporal
  2. Permanent
  3. Strong
  4. Bungalow

22. Those fruits are ripe

  1. Ripened
  2. Unripe
  3. Unsweet
  4. Sweet

23. The careful drive caused an accident

  1. Carefully
  2. Lazy
  3. Careless
  4. Smart

24. The wealth should be helped

  1. Poor
  2. Peasant
  3. Rich
  4. Wealthiest

25. The coward bull ran away

  1. Dwarf
  2. Brave
  3. Courageous
  4. Rude

26. They felt cheerful after winning the match

  1. Sadness
  2. Sad
  3. Cheerfully
  4. Hopeless

27. The calculation that you did was accurate.

  1. Uncorrect
  2. Inaccurate
  3. Discaccurate
  4. Curate

28. He Why would the Elephant wear hares clothes on the head?

  1. They were like a hat
  2. They were soft
  3. He wanted to make hare happy
  4. They were small in size 

29. Which part of speech is the word proudly as used in the passage

  1. noun           B. adjective   

C. adverb         D. preposition

30. The Elephant took off at a great speed. What does this one mean?

  1. Took the shoes by force
  2. Screamed for help
  3. Cried in pain
  4. Run away in a great speed 

31. The Elephant wanted a pair of shoes like the hares because

  1. His feet looked funny
  2. The hare looked dirty
  3. He wanted to look like the hare
  4. He didn’t have shoes 

32. The “Elephant did not want to show away signs of pain” means 

  1. He did not feel too much pain
  2. He wanted to appear brave
  3. He was a fierce animal
  4. He was extremely brave

33. to drive the lorry that is why he was offered the job

  1. Nunqualified
  2. Non-qualified
  3. Disqualified
  4. Unqualified

34. Indian ocean is very deep

  1. High
  2. Shallow
  3. Low
  4. Wide

35. The Africans were very friendly to the white colonizers.

  1. Hostile
  2. Inhonest
  3. Loving
  4. Welcoming.

For questions 31-35 listen to the teacher reading the following paragraph and answer the questions that follow.

Top academy primary school located in Mwanza is a top performing school as the name itself. We bring to your attention the annual interview for those who want to join our school from nursery level up to standard six.

The interview will be conducted on 4th December this year and only successful candidates will be considered. The forms are available at our office. For more information visit our office from Monday to Friday 8.00am -3.pm. Welcome all.

  1. Where is Top academy?
  2. Which classes is the school inviting applicants for interview?
  3. Where can one get the forms for applications
  4. Which days of the week can you visit Top academy to get the forms?
  5. On which date will the interview be conducted?


Arrange the following sentences by giving them letters A-E in order to make a good composition.

  1. Both types of machines can cause accidents and deaths if safety precautions are not adhered to.
  2. Machines include simple tools such as hammers, spoons, axes, hoes and needles.
  3. A machine is a device that simplifies work
  4. Other machines are complex such as sewing machines, tractors, generators, and milling machines.
  5. We should take care of our machines.


A long time ago hare and the elephant were great friends. They ate together and drank together and even wore same clothes. It was unusual to see the hare wearing oversized clothes that belonged to the Elephant. The Hares clothes went only as far as the head and so in an attempt to please the hare, the elephant wore the Hares clothes on his head. One day as the hare was walking around the village, he found a pair of shoes. The shoes belonged to Assumpta, the chief’s daughter. The Hare tried them and when they fitted he took them and went on his way proudly showing off to the elephant. The elephant wanted a similar pair of shoes. They had to be exactly the same size and Colour. The hare said he would make the Elephants feet smaller first. He said they should start working the next day at a secret place where no one else would see him. The Hare made a big fire and heated an iron on it with the red hot iron he started slicing the Elephant’s feet. The Elephant did not want to show any signs of pain, when at last he could not bear the pain, he yelled out loudly.

“Elephant”, said the hare mockingly, “your size does not allow you to cry like a baby. Don’t you want the shoes?” actually I don’t feel any pain at all,” lied the Elephant. It was however very painful and when the hare burned to add some firewood in fire, the elephant took off at a great speed. He did not go very far, though because his feet were already very swollen. No wonder the elephant has such big feet, they have remained swollen. That evening the hare went to the village. Someone spotted Assumpta’s shoes that the hare was wearing. The hare was cornered and that day he became soup for the Assumptas family. Before he died he said that he had learnt his lesson.

  1. Why would the Elephant wear hares clothes on the head?
  2. Which part of speech is the word proudly as used in the passage
  3. The Elephant took off at a great speed. What does this one mean?
  4. The Elephant wanted a pair of shoes like the hares because
  5. The “Elephant did not want to show away signs of pain” means 






TIME: 1:30 HRS



  • THIS paper consists of 45 questions with sections A,B and C
  • Select the best alternative in question 1-40
  • For question 41-45 provide the best answer
  • Write full name on the blank space above together with the name of the school
  • Ensure your work is neat and legible.

Fill the blank space with the correct word in question 16 and 17

  1. Ocholla is _________ in the garden
  1. diging
  2. dig
  3. dug
  4. digging
  1. Mary ____________ writing a letter
  1. have
  2. was
  3. were
  4. had
  1. choose the correctly punctuated sentence
  1. I live at parklands in nairobi.
  2. I live at Parklands in nairobi
  3. I live at Parklands in Nairobi
  4. ilive at parklands in Nairobi


  1. Mt. Kenya is near nyeri
  2. Mt. Kenya is near Nyeri
  3. Mt Kenya is near nyeri
  4. Mt kenya is Near Nyeri

Complete the sentences with the correct word

  1. It _________ rains in the desert
  1. Rarely
  2. Often
  3. Always
  4. never
  1. The teacher on duty said, “ ________ come to school early.”
  1. Rarely
  2. Often
  3. Always
  4. never

Replace the underlined word with its opposite

  1. She bought an expensive dress
  1. Beautiful
  2. Smart
  3. Dear
  4. cheap
  1. They  live in an ancient building
  1. old
  2. permanent
  3. storey
  4. modern

Give one word for the following

  1. cups, plates, saucers, bows ___________
  1. utensils
  2. crockery
  3. furniture
  4. kitchen
  1. A vessel where flowers are kept is a ___________
  1. vase
  2. pot
  3. bottle
  4. cup

Choose the correct word to fill the blank space

  1. Elephant is to trumpet as pig is to ______
  1. quack
  2. hum
  3. grunt
  4. beat
  1. Lion is to roar as donkey is to_______
  1. hiss
  2. bray
  3. crow
  4. neigh
  1. Water is to thirst as food is to
  1. anger
  2. sleep
  3. hunger
  4. play

Choose the plural of the sentences given

  1. He is my brother
  1. They are my brother
  2. They are our brother
  3. They are my brothers
  4. They are our brothers
  1. This is a big car
  1. This are big cars
  2. These are big cars
  3. These is big cars
  4. These are a big cars

A Use the correct verb in each sentence

  1. I ………___ near the teacher's desk 
  1. Seat
  2. Sit
  3. Sitting
  4. sits
  1. Sheher teeth every morning. 
  1. Brush
  2. Brushes
  3. Brushed
  4. brushese

18Joel and Molly__the tennis

  1. played
  2. plays
  3. playes
  4. play
  1. We……………paper bags severally. 
  1. Used
  2. Uses
  3. Use
  4. Using.
  1. He…………his new clothing every day. 
  1. Bring
  2. Brings
  3. Brought
  4. bringing
  1. They………broken windows. 
  1. Replace
  2. Replaced
  3. Replaces
  4. replacing

22. We_____to keep our town clean. 

  1. wanting
  2. wanted
  3. wants
  4. want
  1. He ………his flower pot twice a week .
  1. Watered
  2. Waters
  3. Water
  4. watering
  1. It…….about three hours to reach there. 
  1. Took
  2. Takes
  3. Take
  4. taking
  1. They………._their lunch everyday. 
  1. Carry
  2. Carries
  3. Carried
  4. carrying
  1. Hope has…………..all the water in the can. 
  1. Drank
  2. Drinking
  3. Drunk
  4. dranks
  1. I always ……..fluent English. 
  1. Speak
  2. Spoke
  3. Spokes
  4. speaks
  1. Oscar was___________by a lion. 
  1. Bitten
  2. Bite
  3. Battened
  4. bites
  1. Someone has ……….my book.
  1. Took
  2. Taken
  3. Take
  4. Taking.
  1. The……….of this jewellery is high. 
  1. Cost
  2. Costs
  3. Costing
  4. costed

SECTION B (6 Marks)


  1. A person who writes books
  1. Publisher
  2. Author
  3. Writer
  4. Teacher
  1. An individual who sells flowers
  1. Flower girl
  2. Florist
  3. Flowerist
  4. Vendor
  1. A person who sells fish
  1. Fish seller
  2. Fisher
  3. Fishmonger
  4. Fisherman
  1. A person who repairs boats
  1. Cobbler
  2. Cobbier
  3. Captain
  4. Engineer
  1. A person who makes pots and cups
  1. Cutler
  2. Potter
  3. Modeler
  4. Sculptor
  1. A man who writes newspapers
  1. Journal
  2. Journalist
  3. Journalism
  4. Newsprinter
  1. A person who sells drugs is called
  1. Dentist
  2. Chemistry
  3. Pharmacist
  4. Doctor
  1. A person who repairs water pipes is called
  1. Plumber
  2. Piper
  3. Poter
  4. Plum
  1. A specialist of the eyes
  1. Dentist
  2. Optician
  3. Eyelist
  4. Doctor
  1. A person who deals with precious stones is called
  1. Precisioner
  2. Jewely
  3. Jeweler
  4. Gold digger


This section has four mixed sentences. Arrange the sentences so as to make a good composition by giving them letters A-D. Shade the letters of the correct answer in the special answer sheet.

  1. While in Dar es Salaam, they wrote about what they-had seen there.
  2. When they returned home, they told their friends about their enjoyable trip.
  3. Ali and his friend's were excited about their trip to Dar es Salaam Trade fair.
  4. At the Trade Fair, they saw a lot of displays,:


Read the following passage careful and then answer the questions that follows by writing the correct answer in the space provided. Use a blue or black ink pen.

There was a man who was cruel. He beat his Wife and children whenever he was angry. Everybody hated him.

One day his youngest daughter went to fetch water from the river. Unfortunately she took her father's porridge calabash by mistake. When she reached the river without looking she dropped the calabash into the river. On realizing the mistake she was very upset and desperately followed it as it went away. At last she was in a part of the river which was filled with crocodiles. There she was to swim to rescue it.

An old man saw her doing this and went home with her. He told her that she had risked her life when trying to get the calabash. When her father heard this he was as very sorry as. he promised never to be cruel to his family again.


45. Everyone hated the man because------------------

46. The youngest daughter dropped her father's calabash into the river by-----

47. Why was the daughter very upset?--------------

48. The daughter swam because she wanted to--------------

49. When the man told the daughter's father the risk his daughter had taken to save the calabash, father promised

50. What did you learn from the story







TIME: 1.30 HRS                                                                                           2020



1.     This paper consists of three sections A, B,C and D

2.     Answer all questions in all sections

3.     All answers should be written in spaces provided

4.     Ensure clarity in your work




Choose the correct answer and write its letter beside the question 


1.           The pupils in our class _________always attentive during English lessons                                    

a) Are                   b) Is            c) Was        d) Be                    e) Will 


2.           The visitors ate ____________ the food because they were very much hungry 

a) Both       b) Any        c) All                    d) Many      e) Much                                   


3.           Their dog is barking ______a) Isn’t he  b) Isn’t she      c) Isn’t it     d) Is it                                      


4.           You can ____________ sleep or watch television        

a) Neither    b) Either     c) Go           d) Watch     e) End                                                         


5.           ___________ repaired the car? 

a) Whose    b) Which     c) Where     d) Who       e) That                                     


6.           Juma is a very strange person. He is always _________ in his classroom reading his books ___ in the playground playing basketball                                                                              

a) Neither ---- nor           b) Either --- or c) But --- also   d) Either – end e) Either – Nor 


7.           Mary went to the market _________ buy a gift for her mother 

a) In order to        b) Because  c) As           d) So that she       e) As to                          


8.           All the flowers were picked staring from the ______ beautiful to the best beautiful 

a) More       b) Most       c) Less        d) I not very         e) As                                        


9.           Mr. Chapakazi went on working in his farm ___________ he was tired 

a) However           b) If   c) Unless     d) Although          e) I ever                                             


10.       “Salam likes neither coffee nor tea” It means she _____a) Hates coffee very much                           

b) Likes both tea and coffee     c) Doesn’t drink  d) Like milk only   e) Dislike both tea and coffee 


11.       The dress is ______________ large to fit Mwanaidi 

a) Very       b) Much      c) Enough   d) Too                  e) To                                        


12.       Do you __________, Mr. Abas the sports master, will be promoted if the school wins the match 

a) Think      b) Think that        c) Think so  d) Too            e) To                                               


13.       Maria said to Anna, “the blue dress belongs to me” which one of the following sentences is the correct reported speech _______a) “This blue dress is mine” Maria said                                          

b) Maria said that the blue dress belongs to me  c) “The blue dress belongs to Maria” she said          

c) Maria said that the blue dress belonged to her  e) Maria’s dress was blue 


14.       A man ___________ car was lost is there? 

a) Whose    b) Who       c) Whom     d) Which                                           


15.       Tiger is the ___________ animal in the world 

a) Faster     b) Fastest    c) Fast                  d) Slower    e) Slow                           


16.       Did Peter _______ any mangoes at the market? 

a) Buy                  b) Bought   c) Was buy  d) Is buying          e) Buying              


17.       ________ being a teacher Mr. Isaac is the discipline teacher 

a) Beside     b) Besides   c) In Additions     d) More       e) And                  






18.       Dodoma is in Tanzania. Arusha is ____________ town in Tanzania 

a) A other   b) Other      c) Another  d) Any other         e) a              


19.       I want to write a letter but I don’t have a pen. Can you __________ a pen? 

a) Lend me  b) Borrow me       c) Ask         d) Give        e) Help me                     


20.       He bought a car. The plural form of the above sentence is _____________

a) She bought a cars      b) They bought a car      c) They buy car                       

d) He bought cars          e) They bought cars 



Choose the correct word(s) which complete (s) the sentences for questions 21 – 30 and write the letters of the correct answer 


21.       “Asha, have you ___________ your school uniforms? Her mother asked                    

a) Wash      b) Washing           c) Washed   d) Washes   e) I have wash 


22.       My mother _______when I arrived at home 

a) Is cooking         b) Was cooking    c) Were cooking   d) Are cooking     

e) has cooking 


23.       He went to school _________ it was raining 

a) Except    b) Although          c) Unless     d) If                                         


24.       The girl ________ in Mweta for four years                   a) Has been living          b) Have been living 

c) Has been leaving        d) Have been leaving                                                      


25.       My brother ___________ for the standard seven examinations this yeas 

a) Will sit    b) Will seat           c) Will sat   d) Will make                                               


26.       My uncle __________ me the car he bought 

a) Was shown                b) Show      c) Has shown       d) Are showing     e) Is showing 


27.       We have been learning English since __________

a) Four weeks                b) Two years        c) One week          d) Last year          e) Twelve hours 


28.       I don’t like to part ___________ my story book 

a) From       b) On          c) With        d) Of           e) To                              


29.       He is a great authority___________ the Indian philosophy 

a) On                    b) For                   c) Against   d) Off                   e) With                 


30.       This is a secret ______________ you and me 

a) Of  b) With       c) To           d) Between  e) Upon                          



Read the following passage careful and then answer questions


People have been asking themselves weather coffee drinking is harmful or not well according to doctors taking a cup of coffee has no danger at all. But people who drink too much coffee can experience health changes in their bodies. The heart beats at a high speed, breathing becomes difficult and blood pressure goes up. Too much coffee drinking may result into headache and stomach irritation, especially when the coffee drinker swallows the coffee before eating enough food. 


However, coffee drinking helps to improve doing well in sports and manual work. People who live in cold areas drink coffee to make their bodies warm. Coffee growers should not feel bad for the disadvantages caused by coffee drinking. After all there are many countries in the world whose economic depends upon coffee. 

The important point is that every person should know his or her body if it accepts coffee or not. If it does not, it is better to avoid it all together. For example, I was a regular coffee, but recently I have stopped drinking it because of stomach problems.





31.       According to doctors _____a) Taking too much coffee can cause bad health and hungry           

b) Drinking little coffee does not cause bad health c) People should ask themselves questions before drinking a cup of coffee   d) Coffee is harmful to human being 

e) Many people went to doctors for coffee drinking advice 


32.       Some of the problem faced by the people who drink a lot of coffee are _______                   

a) Fast heart beating, breathing problems and stomachache 

b) Stomachache, vomiting, headache                   c) Headache, breathing problem and irrigation 

d) Irritation, blood pressure and headache           e) Vomiting, blood pressure and headache 


33.       In order to avoid stomach problems we should not drink coffee when? _________

a) Our heart beats speed up    b) We have breathing problems c) The doctor stops us 

d) We have blood pressure problem           e) We are hungry 


34.       People who live in cold areas drink coffee so that their bodies becomes _______        

a) Heavy     b) Light       c) Cared      d) Warm     e) Healthy 


35.       The writer says coffee growers ________

a) Cause health danger to people      b) Should stop drinking coffee 

c) Make their countries  d) Have health problem e) Are economy spoilers          


36.       Sport men and women who drink coffee ___________

a) Do badly in sports     b) Are weak in their performance c) Depend upon money from coffee sales 

d) Have active bodies     e) Are coffee growers                                                               


37.       Why is it important for everybody to check his or her body before drinking coffee? ______

a) To check the amount of body pressure   b) To be ready for drinking coffee 

c) To know weather coffee aggress with him or her                                             

d) Make sure that coffee does not affect the digestive system 


38.       We learn from the passage that the write _________

a) Was a regular coffee drinker         b) Was not harmed by coffee drinking                  

c) Never tested coffee in his life         d) Is still drinking coffee 

e) Make sure that coffee does not affect the digestive system 


39.       The expression “manual work “ in the passage means work done by ____ 

a) Machines          b) Tractors  c) Computers       d) Hands     e) A robot             


40.       Which title would suit the passage you have read? ________

a) Coffee growing in our country      b) Coffee drinking          c) Doctors advice to coffee drinker 

d) Advantages of coffee           e) The wonder of coffee                              




Write the home of the following creature

41.       King _____________________

42.       Prisoner __________________

43.       Bee ______________________

44.       Lion _____________________

45.       Peasant ___________________































































TIME: 1.30 HRS                                                   2020



  1. This paper has four printed pages, forty five (45) questions with sections A                  and B
  2. Answer all the questions in all sections.
  3. Remember to write your full names and school name in the answer sheet              provided.
  4. Make sure your work is neat without unnecessary cancelling to avoid loss of                 marks.
  5. Use a blue or black ink ball pointed pen for all given questions.


Choose the most correct answer and write its letter in the answer sheet provided

1. The sun usually ____ at around 6:55 pm

  1. Set
  2. Sets
  3. Rise
  4. Rises
  5. risen

2. The moon ………its light from the sun

  1. Got
  2. should get
  3. get
  4. gets
  5. has got

3. Those who will………for the trip by tomorrow will not go with                   us

  1. had not paid
  2. will pay
  3. have not paid
  4. shouldn’t pay 
  5. will have paid

4. Do you mind ____ me with some house chores?

  1. Helped
  2. Help
  3. Helping
  4. Helps
  5. will help

5. Teachers have not arrived, neither ………. the head teacher

  1. Had
  2. Has
  3. Was
  4. Have
  5. were

6. They should ………. for Mombasa now

  1. Left
  2. Leaving
  3. Live
  4. Leave
  5. living

7. Young Africa football team ……. had they trained well

  1. Would have won 
  2. would win   
  3. will win 
  4. had won 
  5. would have not won

8. Each and every fruit in the basket_ rotten

  1. Were
  2. Was
  3. Are
  4. have been
  5. have

9. I………your book when I finish reading it

  1. have returned 
  2. am returning
  3. returned
  4. will return
  5. return

10. Did you hear what the teacher……..?

  1. is saying
  2. says
  3. said
  4. will say
  5. have said

11. The visitors their hats as the chief passed

  1. Raised
  2. Rised
  3. Rose
  4. Raise
  5. risen

12. Donkeys carry heavy loads; ___ ?

  1. can’t they
  2. don’t they
  3. aren’t they
  4. do they
  5. don’t they?

13. All of us but Lucy……………..present

  1. has been
  2. was
  3. were
  4. is
  5. will

14. The crowd………….cheering loudly

  1. Were
  2. Have
  3. Has
  4. Was
  5. are

15. None of the passengers………..hurt.

  1. Were
  2. Are
  3. Was
  4. Have
  5. am

16. _______ there any children in that room?

  1. Is
  2. Had
  3. Are
  4. Have
  5. was

17. Each of the boys will ………….a price

  1. Gets
  2. Get
  3. Gotting
  4. Got
  5. have gotting

18. This lorry____ several times this month

  1. was repaired
  2. is being repaired
  3. has been repaired
  4. had been repaired
  5. has repaired


Choose the most correct answer and then write its letter in the answer sheet provided.

19. That bitch has lost……….two puppies

  1.  it’s
  2. Its
  3. its’
  4. it is
  5. his

20. …………that yellow Toyota saloon, he has three other cars

  1. a part
  2. beside
  3. not
  4. besides 
  5. together

21. _______ you see him, give me a call

  1. one’s
  2. ones
  3. ones’
  4. once
  5. whether

22. The President’s___ excited the crowd

  1. Arrives
  2. Arrive
  3. Arrival
  4. arrived 
  5. came

23. She has never been away______  last year

  1. For
  2. At
  3. Since
  4. although 
  5.  about

24. Gracious is the girl……………we were talking about

  1. Who
  2. Which
  3. Whom
  4. whose 
  5. that

25. The presents should be shared  all my fifteen children, please do it fairly

  1. Between
  2. To
  3. With
  4. amongst 
  5. of

26. The police accidentally shot my uncle the window of his self contained bedroom

  1. At
  2. Over
  3. Through
  4. Above
  5. for

27. The young one of a monkey is known as a____ 

  1. monk let
  2. calf
  3. troop
  4. baby
  5. chatters

28. He likes neither football ____ athletics. his only interest is politics

  1. Or
  2. Not
  3. No
  4. Nor
  5. even

29. Timothy was_____ annoyed that he decided to cry

  1. Too
  2. Enough
  3. So
  4. Very
  5. such a

30. A place where coins and notes are made is known as a………

  1. Factory
  2. Bank
  3. Mint
  4. ginnery 
  5. state house


Choose the most correct and then write its letter in the answer sheet provided

31. Dealing in hard drugs is against the law underlined words can be                                replaced by; ____

  1. Impossible
  2. Wrong
  3. Dangerous
  4. Illegal
  5. legal

32. We seldom visit our grandparents. This means ____

  1. Rarely
  2. Never
  3. several time
  4. shall
  5. always

33. Some of the arid parts of this country can be rehabilitated: the underlined word means;

  1. Bad
  2. Dry
  3. Useful
  4. Dirty
  5. wet

34. Mr. Charity is among people who started this organization many years ago. The correct single word for the underlined sentence is          

  1. the beginners 
  2. the establishers 
  3. the founders
  4. the owners 
  5. strangers

35. His grandfather passed away before he was even born. This means _ he          

  1. went some where far 
  2. death
  3. slept
  4. died
  5.  was born


Re-arrange the following sentences into correct order by giving them letters A-E so that the story can make sense.

36. They told stories about their fertile land

[  ]

37. They lived happily in the western land

[  ]

38. In the early 1880’s trappers and trades traveled through western land

[  ]

39. Some decided to travel to the west to settle and farm

[  ]

40. People who live in   the east heard these stories

[  ]


Read the passage below carefully and then answer question that follow .

Once upon a time, there was a boy who used to steal chicken from his neighbours. One day he was caught stealing a very big chicken from an old woman who lived all by herself. The boy was badly beaten by the villagers before being taken to the police station. One of the policemen told the thief that he was lucky that day and if he didn’t change his behaviours and stop stealing, he might end up being burnt alive. The boy was asked if he knew that, and he answered calmly,” Yes Sir, I know that, but because I am used to stealing, I can’t stop immediately. In the past I used to steal one chicken a week, but from tomorrow I’ll steal one chicken a month. In this way by next year I will have stopped being a thief.


41. From whom did the boy used to steal chicken?_______ 

42. The suitable word to replace the word change as used in the passage can be

43. What do we learn from the story?__________ 

44. When was the boy badly beaten___________

45. Which word from the passage can be replaced by the word at once?__





TIME: 1.30 HRS                                                   2020



  1. This paper has four printed pages, forty five (45) questions with sections A                  and B
  2. Answer all the questions in all sections.
  3. Remember to write your full names and school name in the answer sheet              provided.
  4. Make sure your work is neat without unnecessary cancelling to avoid loss of                 marks.
  5. Use a blue or black ink ball pointed pen for all given questions.


Choose the most correct answer and write its letter in the answer sheet provided

1. The sun usually ____ at around 6:55 pm

  1. Set
  2. Sets
  3. Rise
  4. Rises
  5. risen

2. The moon ………its light from the sun

  1. Got
  2. should get
  3. get
  4. gets
  5. has got

3. Those who will………for the trip by tomorrow will not go with                   us

  1. had not paid
  2. will pay
  3. have not paid
  4. shouldn’t pay 
  5. will have paid

4. Do you mind ____ me with some house chores?

  1. Helped
  2. Help
  3. Helping
  4. Helps
  5. will help

5. Teachers have not arrived, neither ………. the head teacher

  1. Had
  2. Has
  3. Was
  4. Have
  5. were

6. They should ………. for Mombasa now

  1. Left
  2. Leaving
  3. Live
  4. Leave
  5. living

7. Young Africa football team ……. had they trained well

  1. Would have won 
  2. would win   
  3. will win 
  4. had won 
  5. would have not won

8. Each and every fruit in the basket_ rotten

  1. Were
  2. Was
  3. Are
  4. have been
  5. have

9. I………your book when I finish reading it

  1. have returned 
  2. am returning
  3. returned
  4. will return
  5. return

10. Did you hear what the teacher……..?

  1. is saying
  2. says
  3. said
  4. will say
  5. have said

11. The visitors their hats as the chief passed

  1. Raised
  2. Rised
  3. Rose
  4. Raise
  5. risen

12. Donkeys carry heavy loads; ___ ?

  1. can’t they
  2. don’t they
  3. aren’t they
  4. do they
  5. don’t they?

13. All of us but Lucy……………..present

  1. has been
  2. was
  3. were
  4. is
  5. will

14. The crowd………….cheering loudly

  1. Were
  2. Have
  3. Has
  4. Was
  5. are

15. None of the passengers………..hurt.

  1. Were
  2. Are
  3. Was
  4. Have
  5. am

16. _______ there any children in that room?

  1. Is
  2. Had
  3. Are
  4. Have
  5. was

17. Each of the boys will ………….a price

  1. Gets
  2. Get
  3. Gotting
  4. Got
  5. have gotting

18. This lorry____ several times this month

  1. was repaired
  2. is being repaired
  3. has been repaired
  4. had been repaired
  5. has repaired


Choose the most correct answer and then write its letter in the answer sheet provided.

19. That bitch has lost……….two puppies

  1.  it’s
  2. Its
  3. its’
  4. it is
  5. his

20. …………that yellow Toyota saloon, he has three other cars

  1. a part
  2. beside
  3. not
  4. besides 
  5. together

21. _______ you see him, give me a call

  1. one’s
  2. ones
  3. ones’
  4. once
  5. whether

22. The President’s___ excited the crowd

  1. Arrives
  2. Arrive
  3. Arrival
  4. arrived 
  5. came

23. She has never been away______  last year

  1. For
  2. At
  3. Since
  4. although 
  5.  about

24. Gracious is the girl……………we were talking about

  1. Who
  2. Which
  3. Whom
  4. whose 
  5. that

25. The presents should be shared  all my fifteen children, please do it fairly

  1. Between
  2. To
  3. With
  4. amongst 
  5. of

26. The police accidentally shot my uncle the window of his self contained bedroom

  1. At
  2. Over
  3. Through
  4. Above
  5. for

27. The young one of a monkey is known as a____ 

  1. monk let
  2. calf
  3. troop
  4. baby
  5. chatters

28. He likes neither football ____ athletics. his only interest is politics

  1. Or
  2. Not
  3. No
  4. Nor
  5. even

29. Timothy was_____ annoyed that he decided to cry

  1. Too
  2. Enough
  3. So
  4. Very
  5. such a

30. A place where coins and notes are made is known as a………

  1. Factory
  2. Bank
  3. Mint
  4. ginnery 
  5. state house


Choose the most correct and then write its letter in the answer sheet provided

31. Dealing in hard drugs is against the law underlined words can be                                replaced by; ____

  1. Impossible
  2. Wrong
  3. Dangerous
  4. Illegal
  5. legal

32. We seldom visit our grandparents. This means ____

  1. Rarely
  2. Never
  3. several time
  4. shall
  5. always

33. Some of the arid parts of this country can be rehabilitated: the underlined word means;

  1. Bad
  2. Dry
  3. Useful
  4. Dirty
  5. wet

34. Mr. Charity is among people who started this organization many years ago. The correct single word for the underlined sentence is          

  1. the beginners 
  2. the establishers 
  3. the founders
  4. the owners 
  5. strangers

35. His grandfather passed away before he was even born. This means _ he          

  1. went some where far 
  2. death
  3. slept
  4. died
  5.  was born


Re-arrange the following sentences into correct order by giving them letters A-E so that the story can make sense.

36. They told stories about their fertile land

[  ]

37. They lived happily in the western land

[  ]

38. In the early 1880’s trappers and trades traveled through western land

[  ]

39. Some decided to travel to the west to settle and farm

[  ]

40. People who live in   the east heard these stories

[  ]


Read the passage below carefully and then answer question that follow .

Once upon a time, there was a boy who used to steal chicken from his neighbours. One day he was caught stealing a very big chicken from an old woman who lived all by herself. The boy was badly beaten by the villagers before being taken to the police station. One of the policemen told the thief that he was lucky that day and if he didn’t change his behaviours and stop stealing, he might end up being burnt alive. The boy was asked if he knew that, and he answered calmly,” Yes Sir, I know that, but because I am used to stealing, I can’t stop immediately. In the past I used to steal one chicken a week, but from tomorrow I’ll steal one chicken a month. In this way by next year I will have stopped being a thief.


41. From whom did the boy used to steal chicken?_______ 

42. The suitable word to replace the word change as used in the passage can be

43. What do we learn from the story?__________ 

44. When was the boy badly beaten___________

45. Which word from the passage can be replaced by the word at once?__








1.  I usually ......... my friends on Sunday. 

  1. visits
  2. visited
  3. visit
  4. visiting
  5. visitor

2. The building over there ..........of concrete

  1. were made
  2. are made
  3. has made
  4. have made
  5. is made

3. he ..........for two days last week

  1. travels
  2. travelled
  3. travelling
  4. travel
  5. traveler

4.Malima................to Tanga tomorrow evening

  1. will go
  2. have gone
  3. was going
  4. has gone
  5. went

5.We always go to school.............foot

  1. by
  2. on
  3. in
  4. with
  5. for

6. The shopkeeper sold........dozen of eggs

  1. any
  2. some
  3. a
  4. an
  5. much

7. Hassan is suffering ................malaria

  1. at
  2. from
  3. of
  4. in
  5. on

8.    The house .......... is white in colour is ours.

  1. which 
  2.  whose    
  3.  who 
  4.  whom    
  5.  what

9.    Which of the following questions is the most appropriate one for this answer: "She is the captain."

  1. What is she?
  2. Whom is she?
  3. Where is she?
  4. Who is she?
  5. Whose is she?

10. A man was walking ...................his friend on thursday

  1.              beside
  2.               besides
  3.               before
  4.              beneath
  5.               in front

11.Freddy put.................paper in his food.

  1. many
  2. a little
  3. a few
  4. any
  5. small

12. I am not talking to you................

  1. do I
  2. am I
  3. was I
  4. Do I
  5. am I

13.The noise in the club house was too loud to hear the police . . .... ....outside.

  1. bells
  2. horns
  3. alarm 
  4. bang
  5. sirens

14. My brother is a hero he is very young. https://myfiles.space/user_files/30996_4958b541bbe404eb/1569825724_english-2017_files/image016.jpg

  1. so as
  2.   every
  3. although
  4. too
  5. so that

15. Jane ...................drinking milk to Juice

  1.  Preffering 
  2.  are prefer 
  3.  is prefer 
  4.  prefer 
  5.   prefers

16.  https://myfiles.space/user_files/30996_4958b541bbe404eb/1569825724_english-2017_files/image024.jpgHe asked the pupils, "How old are you?" The pupil answered"

  1. We are ten years old 
  2.  They are ten years old
  3. You are ten year old
  4. I am ten years old
  5. He is ten years old

17.  I will cook the food —YOU allow me.

  1. if a new
  2. then
  3.  so
  4. despite
  5. although

18.   Magambo is not only fat also strong........................

  1. but
  2. so
  3.  as
  4. and
  5. that

19.   The door was open there was nobody in the house.

  1. in spite
  2.  even
  3. despite
  4.  besides
  5. https://myfiles.space/user_files/30996_4958b541bbe404eb/1569825724_english-2017_files/image073.jpgalthough

20.  A person whose job selling meat is known as a

  1. butcher
  2. butchery
  3. shopkeeper
  4. seller
  5.  butler


Fill in the gap using words in the box.

Dry, wooden, important big, colorful, torn, high, happy, kind, sharp
  1. An elephant is a …………………………animal.
  2. Mount Kilimanjaro is a…………… mountain
  3. December 9th is an………………….date in Tanzania
  4. The ………………..children clapped and shouted with joy
  5. Wanja is a ……………….woman. She gives food to the poor
  6. January was a ……………………..month. No rain fall
  7. Her mother bought her a……………..dress for Christmas
  8. The pipils sat on the ……………..bench
  9. Ndubi used a needle and a thread to sew the ………………………….
  10. Take care because the knife is………………………………………..


Match the words in A with their meaning in B



  1. Responsibility
  2. Neatly
  3. Honest
  4. Hardworking
  5. Play
  6. Affection
  7. Personal items
  8. Extra
  9. Enough
  10. Uneasily.
  1. Feeling of loving somebody
  2. In a troubled way
  3. More
  4. Duty
  5. As much as is needed
  6. Truthful
  7. Put a lot of effort to do something well
  8. Things that belong to a person
  9. Do something that is enjoyable.
  10. In a tidy way


Read the passage below. It contains blanks numbered 1-10 for each blank choose the best answer from the alternatives given.

My birthday is on Saturday. Yesterday, my mother and I went …………the market. We went to…….things for a great feast, mother bought five packets………rice. I thought that was more rice………we needed. Mother bought …………..flour to bake one cake. I knew she would bake a ……………cake. After that, she bought four……….of banana. I ate one banana, because I was…………,on our way home, mother bought meat for the …………………..I was full of ……..as we walked home.

41.,                   .

  1. On
  2. To
  3. In
  4. By

42. ,                   .

  1. Buy
  2. Bought
  3. Buying
  4. Buys

43.,                   .

  1. For
  2. Of
  3. In
  4. To

44. ,                   .

  1. Less
  2. Than
  3. That
  4. Then

45.,                   .

  1. More
  2. Enough
  3. Less
  4. Right

46.,                   .

  1. Friendly
  2. Tasty
  3. Sunny
  4. Plastic

47.,                   .

  1. Bunch
  2. Pairs
  3. Bunches
  4. Pair

48.,                   .

  1. Hungry
  2. Tired
  3. Thirsty
  4. Sleepy

49.,                   .

  1. Grocer
  2. Butcher
  3. Cobbler
  4. Hawker

50.,                   .

  1. Happiness
  2. Doubt
  3. Fear
  4. Sadness


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