NAME: ………………………………………………….. DATE: ……….........…


Choose the correct answer.

  1.          The following are importance of school uniforms except  (A) for simple recognition  (B) to form a single unit               (C) to look smart                                           [              ]
  2.          Which among the following pars of school uniforms is worn by boys only  (A) clean pair of socks               (B) well polished leather shoes                             (C) dry and clean underwear                            (D) well ironed pair of short                                                          [              ]
  3.          Which  of the following is NOT a material needed when washing school uniform? (A) ironing table               (B) powder soap               (C) bar soap                                                         (D) dirty clothe s                                                                                                  [              ]
  4.          The  following list are the importance of ironing and cleaning school uniform.  Which one does not fill in the list               (A) to remove folds               (B) to kill germs               (C) to make clothes shinny and attractive               (D) to make us of soap and busy more                              []
  5.          Why  do me soak clothes?  (A) to loosen dirt  (B) to avoid bleaching   (C) to increase colour               (D) to differentiate the  fibres                                           [              ]
  6.          What do you understand by the word good grooming  (A) hygiene and habits               (B) materials  and tools               (C) keeping your environment and body clean               (D) destroying tools after working                                                                                                    [              ]
  7.          When should you repair your clothes?  (A) when they are new  (B) when they are old               (C) when they are torn               (D) when you want to iron them                           
  8.          Which uniform is worn on the neck?  (A) socks  (B) shirt  (C) underwear                             (D) tie                                                                                                                [              ]
  9.          Garments  are made from?  (A)soil  (B) trees  (C) fibres  (D) animals[              ]
  10.     Which one of the following is  NOT a tool needed during ironing clothes?  (A) table               (B) iron box               (C) powder soap               (D) heavy bed sheet              [              ]
  11.     A timble is worn on____________ while mending clothes  (A) head  (B) finger               (C) foot               (D) eye                                                                                     [              ]
  12.     We use _______________ to dry our bodies after taking bath (A)shirt                 (B) bed sheet               (C) blanket               (D) towel                                          [              ]
  13.     The following are materials for bathing except? ____________    (A)soap               (B) sponge               (C) wardrobe               (D) bucket                                           [              ]
  14.     Sanitary pads are used to keep the body clean during puberty.  Who among the following uses sanitary pad?               (A) girls               (B) boys               (C) teachers               (D) doctors                             [              ]
  15.     Toothbrush and toothpaste are tools for cleaning the body which part is cleaned using them?               (A) nose               (B) eye               (C) ears               (D) month                                          [  ]





Write short answers

Write two changes that occur to boys during puberty 

  1.     ______________________________
  2.     _______________________________

Name two groups of people that put on uniforms 

  1.     ________________________________
  2.     ________________________________

Name  two materials that are needed for sewing 

  1.     ________________________________________
  2.     ___________________________________________

State some two risky behaviours that one can acquire during puberty  

  1.     _____________________________________________________
  2.     _______________________________________________________

Name two items/tools needed when washing clothes

  1.     ____________________________________________________________
  2.     ____________________________________________________________












SUBJECT: SOCIAL STUDIES                                          CLASS :5

NAME: …………………………………………………..   DATE: ……….........…


  1. The following are benefits of livestock  (A) provide meat  (B) provide milk   (C) provide chemicals for killing insecticide               (D) provide belts               (E) provide manure for plants                                                                                                                 [              ]
  2. The process of extracting minerals from the earth is called  (A) lumbering  (B) mining  (C) fishing               (D) farming               (E) livestock keeping                                           [              ]
  3. If a person wants to know about the remains of the past, what should he study about_________              (A) history              (B) archaeologist               (C) archaeology               (D) fossils               (E) anthropologist                                                                                                                  [              ]
  4. Who among the following was an archaeologist  (A) David living stone  (B) dr. Leakey  (C) H.M.stanley               (D) zinjanthropus               (E) john speke                                            [              ]
  5. Gudi migrated to Dodoma ten years ago.  This means he has stayed in Dodoma for a _____              (A) century               (B) millennium               (C) decade               (D) year               (E) two years [              ]
  6. Masangu primary school was built a hundred years ago.  How old is the school  (A) a century               (B) a millennium               (C) a decade               (D) many years               (E) two centuries [              ]
  7. The study of weather is called  (A) meteorologist  (B) meteorology  (B) weather station               (D) environmentalist               (E) rainy and sunny                                                         [              ]
  8. Mwajuma worked from Monday to Saturday that is a period of _____________(A) a month  (B) a day               (C) a week               (D) a decade               (E) a century                            [              ]
  9.  A place where instruments for measuring and recording atmospheric conditions are kept in order to provide information about weather               (A) a weather station               (B) a police station               (C) a market               (D) climate               (E) wind direction                                                                       [              ]
  10. Dr. Kikwete was the president of Tanzania for ten years.  This means he was a president for__________               (A) a century               (B) a millennium               (C)  a decade               (D) a month                             (E) a week                                                                                                                 [              ]
  11. The village chairperson taught the villagers about the ways of conserving the environment which one of the following was not among the ways.                (A) afforestation (B) agroforest               (C) cultivating near water sources               (D) reforestation               (E) making terraces on the farm [              ]
  12. A major historical events that took place on 9th December 1961 in Tanganyika was the ___________               (A) union of Tanganyika and Zanzibar               (B) revolution               (C) independence of Tanganyika               (D) republic               (E) union                                                                       [              ]
  13. All people get light from one main natural source.  What is that source.  (A) candle  (B) firefly               (C) star               (D) sun               (E) moon                                            [              ]
  14. All these are basic requirements for coop farming except _____ (A) land  (B) reliable rainfall               (C) capital               (D) soft rock               (E) control of pests                              [              ]
  15. Juma lives in Kilimanjaro region at marangu what method of livestock keeping will Juma practise__________              (A) tethering               (B) free range system               (C) zero grazing                             (D) ranching               (E) nomadic                                                                                     [              ]
  16. The main economic activity for people living in mererani in manyara is  (A) farming  (B) mining               (C) livestock keeping               (D) fishing               (E) transportation                [              ]
  17. The main cash crop grown in Tanzania especially in Kilimanjaro region is  (A) tea   (B) cotton               (C) pyrethrum               (D) coffee               (E) sisal                             [              ]
  18. The instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure is called  (A) hygrometer  (B) wind vane               (C) anemometer               (D) thermometer               (E) barometer                [              ]
  19. Judith wants to know what a map given to her is all about.  Which essential of the map should she use?               (A) scale               (B) heading               (C) north direction               (D) frame (E) key[              ]
  20. Four boys were required to indentify elements of weather observed in their village. There of them provided correct answers. What is the possible answer of the fourt boy?               (A) rainfall               (B) sunshine               (C) air pressure               (D) barometer               (E) humidity                                           [              ]
  21. Famous historical sites in Tanzania are found in many areas, including(A) olduvai George, Engaruka, Kondoa irangi and Isimila               (B) lushoto, Bagamoyo, Kilwa and Rusinga               (C) rusinga, isimila, nsongenzi and engaruka               (D) uvinza, ugweno, kilwa and chekereni               (E) none of the above                                                                                                   [              ]
  22. Written sources of informantion about historical events are usually kept in  (A) museums and caves               (B) home and courts               (C) libraries and archives               (D) caves and libraries               (E) written records and historical sites                                                                       [              ]
  23. The following were methods used to collect historical information  (A) oral interview  (B) documentary research               (C) direct observation               (D) question naire                             (E) museum records                                                                                                   [              ]
  24. The liquid that rise and fall found in a thermometer is called a  (A) water  (B) alcohol               (C) mercury               (D) milk               (E) diesel                                                        [              ]
  25. The instrument used to measure rainfall is called rain gauge . gauge is  expressed in                (A) millibars               (B) degree centigrade C               (C) metres               (D) millimetres                             (E) Fahrenheit                                                                                                                 [              ]
  26. John was studying about maps.  Then he came across the symbol below   what does it mean               (A) frame               (B) key (C) compass direction               (D) scale               (E) title [              ]


  1. The main food crop grown in many parts of the country is _____________ (A) maize  (B) bananas               (C) millet               (D) cassava               (E) groundnuts                             [              ]
  2. Which of the following is a problem caused by production activities to the environment  (A) afforestation               (B) environment conservation               (C) land pollution               (D) high yield of crops               (E) re- a forestation                                                                                                   [              ]
  3. The way people are connected to one another is called  (A) clan  (B) cooperation               (C) relationship               (D) family               (E) ancestors                              [              ]
  4. In 2010 Morogoro experienced heavy rainfall which had several effects. What is the possible negative effect that occurred in the area?               (A) water               (B) green  environment                             (C) generation of H.E.P               (d) floods               (e) landslides                                           [              ]



Match elements of weather in column A with recording instrument




  1. Rainfall


  1. Oktas
  1. Wind speed


  1. Hygrometer
  1. Humidity


  1. Cloud mirror
  1. Atmospheric pressure


  1. Barometer
  1. Cloud cover


  1. Rain gauge



  1. Wind vane



  1. Anemometer


Rainfall is recorded every day.  Jamila, a standard four pupil, took her rain gauge and recorded the amount of rainfall for one week. 
















  1. The highest amount of rainfall was recorded on _______________________
  2. Jamila recorded the least amount of rainfall on ________________________
  3. The record tied (same) on _______________and  ___________________
  4. The record on Friday was ________________________
  5. What is the difference between the highest amount of rainfall and the lowest (least) amount of rainfall ____________________________


  1. In Tanzania the next generation election will be held in the which year_____________________
  2. Mention any two sources of historical event in our country _____________________and _______________
  3. Who is the deputy president of the united republic of Tanzania __________________
  4. List down two advantages of wind ___________________________ and _______________________
  5. What is weather ________________________________________________________________  ____________________________________________________________________








TIME: 1:40HR


  1. This paper consists of three sections; A, B and C with a total of 8 questions
  2. All answers must be written in blue or black ink.
  3. Remember to write your name and other particulars in the given spaces.
  4. Answer all questions according to the instructions in each section.
  5. Keep your work neat and smart.
  6. Cellular phones, tablets and calculators are not allowed in the examination room.
  7. For each of the items (i)-(x), Choose the correct answer from the alternatives given and write its answer in the spaces provided.
  1. The following are the ways in which our environment can be destroyed EXCEPT  (A)overgrazing               (B) a forestation               (C) mining                             (D) deforestation              
  2. Which name is given to the practice of passing historical information from one generation to another through the ward of mouth?              

(A)oral tradition  (B) written records  (C) historical sites  (D) anthropology               

  1. Why dirty environment is bad for or health?

(A) cause disability  (B) cause laziness  (C) cause poverty  (D) cause disease               

  1. Which human activities lead to air pollution?

(A) industries  (B) tourism  (C) trading  (D) fishing                  

  1. The moving air is known as  

(A) wind  (B) water  (C) temperature   (D) clouds                 

  1. There are many benefit of rain, and this is the one of them____________  

(A) growing crops  (B) breaking bridges  (C) flooding  (D) welting people 

  1. Environment include everything surroundings  human being, can divided into  ___________ groups

(A) four  (B)five  (C)two   (D) three

  1. It is important to live in clean environment in order to prevent disease such as______

      (A) diabetes  ( B) headache  (C ) blood pressure  (D) diarrhoea and malaria

  1. What is the natural source of heat and light on the earth’s surface?  

( A) the sun  (B)the moon  (C) fire  (D) electricity                                             

  1. People who visit various places especially the national park for pleasure are known as

(A) vistors  (B) tourist  (C)foreigners  (D) wonders  

  1. In historical sites we can find remains of living organism and  

(A) skills  (B) tools  (C) stones  (D) sticks                                 

  1. How many planet are there in the solar system?  

(A) four  (B) six  (C) stones  (D) sticks                   

  1. Dr Louis Leakey discovered the skull of the earliest man at a historical sites which is called              

(A) engaruka  (B) kondoa Iringa  (C) Olduvaigorge  (D) Loliondo                                            

  1. A group of families who share common ancestors is called  

(A) a community  (B) a clan  (C) a society  (D) a tribe                 

  1. The coin of one hundred shillings has picture of  

(A) Mwal. J.K.Nyerere    (B) Hussein Ally  (C) B.W.Mkapa  (D) J.P.Magufuli 

2. Match the item in LIST A with items in LIST B and write the letter of correct answer 



  1. 9th December 1962
  2. Arusha declaration of 1967
  3. 5th February 1977
  4. 7th April 1972
  5. The chief of chagga from Kibosho


  1. The birth of chama cha mapinduzi
  2. Bagamoyo, oldvai George
  3. Occurrence of elnino
  4. Tanganyika became republic
  5. Death of Edward moringe sokoine
  6. Socialism and self- reliance
  7. Assassination of Aman Karume
  8. Mangi sina
  9. The death of father of the nation
  10. UPE



3.Fill in the blanks (@2marks) 

  1. Give two effects of soil erosion resulting from poor agriculture practice
  2. The type of farming where more than one crop is grown is called………………..
  3. The act of planting trees where they never existed is called…………….
  4. Cutting down trees can lead to……………….
  5. Sisal is grown in large scale in which two regions?


4. Complete the following statements by providing correct answers (@2marks) 

  1. Many mining areas experience floods. Why do you think is the reason?
  2. What is the effect of smoke that comes from industries to human beings
  3. What are the tools that can be used to collect historical information? Mention three.
  4. What is the function of a national museum?

Question 5

Supply the best answer after the question.

  1. Traditions and customs in beliefs played a great role in pre-colonial societies as far as building beliefs and religious foundations were concerned. This was done by performing rituals led by elders or clan leaders. Which forest is one of the popular ritual sites in Njombe region?
  2. The Kagera war between Uganda and Tanzania seriously affected the country's economy. It forced Tanzania to spend large sums of money to fight against Amin, the president of Uganda. How long did the war last?  

Question 6

Give the best term for the explanation

  1. Mention any communities in Tanzania that Identify themselves through their dress code
  2. Examples of performing culture includes………….., …………………., and…………..
  3. The total way of life of a certain community is called……………….

Question 7

  1. Mention four categories of earlier visitors to pre-colonial Africa.
  2. Mention two outcome of interaction between Europe, Asia and Tanzania
  3. What were roles of missionaries







  1. The sum of all the things that surround a human being are called ______ (A)Ecology (B)water (C)environment (D)rain (E)universe
  2. In the solar system there are planets and other objects. Which is the star (A)Moon (B)Comets (C)pluto (D)sun (E)asteroids
  3. Tanzania has been led by six presidents so far. Who was the fourth president (A)Hon Ally Hassan Mwinyi (B)Hon JakayaMrishoKikwete (C) Dr Samia Suluhu Hassan (D)The late Benjamin w.Mkapa(E)The laateMwl Julius Nyerere
  4. Livestock keeping, fishing, Agriculture, mining and lumbering are ______ activities (A)entrepreneur (B)economic or production (C)illegal (D)legal (E)Transportation
  5. The electricity produce using water is called ______ (A)Geothermal (B)natural gas (C)coal (D)Hydro-electric power H.E.P (E)solar
  6. I was a Portuguese I started a school of sailors in Lisbon Portugal who I am ______(A)vasco da gama (B)bathomew Diaz (C)Fransisco d Almeida (D)King who I am navigator (E)carl Peter
  7. Barometers are basic instruments used to measure weather element. What does this device used for ______ (A)Rainfall (B)Air pressure (C) sun (D)wind direction (E)humidity
  8. The following are types of environmental destruction except ______ (A)deforestation (B)Overgrazing (C)planting trees (D)Dumping waste €mining activities
  9. Anemometer, wind vane, windsock, rain gauge Hygrometer are weather instruments which one is used to measure the strength of wind. (A)anemometer (B)wind vane (C)rain gauge (D)wind sock (E) Hygrometer
  10. In Africa there different types of mountains eg volcanic, residual, fold mountains Block Mountains etch. The highest mountain in Africa is in which type of mountain (A)volcanic (B)block (C)residual (D)fold (E)mountain ranges
  11. The Portuguese were among the first visitors to Africa. The first portugues to visit E. Africa cost was (A)vasco da gama (B)Von Sodden (C)carl Peter (D)Hon Twinning (E)Batholomes Diaz
  12. Among the objects of the missionaries is to stop the slave trade in Africa. When was the slave market closed. (A)1873 (B)1870 (C)1890 (D)1773 (E)1872
  13. There are sensitive and important weather instrument kept in the stevension screen which ones (A)rain gauge and wind vane (B)Thermometer and hygrometers (C)Barometer and wind sock (D)Thermometer and anemometer (E)Rain gauge and ceilometer
  14. After colonial were sent in a meeting to divide Africa continent in Berlin conference in 1884 – 1885. Who was the leader (A)Sir William makninon (B)vascodagama (D) von sodden (E)Sir Harace Byatt
  15. The following are ways of Preserving water sources except _____
  1. Stop cutting down trees down near water sources
  2. Stop polluting water sources
  3. Stop doing agricultural activities near water sources
  4. Polluting water sources
  5. Educate people on how to preserve water sources
  1. The process of cutting down trees for timber and selling is called ____ (A)deforestation (B)Afforestation (C)lumbering (D)timber (E)making paper
  2. There many national holidays in Tanzania each year. Which national holiday is celebrated on 26th April each year. (A)independence (B)Karume day (C)union day (D)Nyerere day (E) nanenae
  3. Mr. Tarimo comes from Kilimanjaro region. He likes keeping animals, which kind of livestock to think he will Practise (A)nomadism (B)Tethering (C)zero grazing (D)ranching (E)free range system
  4. The following are characteristics of entrepreneurs except (A)passion (B)independent thinking (C)risk taker (D)lazy (E)vision
  5. Fishing is an activity which involves catching fish from water. Fishing in Indian ocean is called ______ (A) lake fishing (B)marine or salt water fishing (C)inland or fresh water fishing (D) Ocean fishing (E)Deep sea fishing
  6. The Arusha Declaration was announced on _______ (A) 5th February 1977 (B)12th January 1964 (C)7th April 1972 (D) 14th October 1999 (E)5th February 1967
  7. In the solar system there planets, meteors, sun and comets. Which is the largest planet__ (A) Earth (B)Jupiter (C)saturn (D)mercury (E)Uranus
  8. There are many historical places in Tanzania with a good heritage. In which is the place where historical events are kept (A)Museums (B)Archives (C)mosques (D)churches (E)monuments.
  9. Ports are an important resources in economic growth and development since colonial times. Which is the first port of Tanganyika (A)Bagamoyo (B)mafia (C)kade (D)Kilwa (E)Tanga
  10. A landlocked country is a country without sea port. Among the following countries which is a land locked one. (A)Tanzana (B) Mozambique (E)Kenya (D)Somalia (E)Zambia
  11. The remains of ancient things in Tanzania were discovered in Arusha the skill of first human being. Who discovered it. (A) Dr David living stone (B)Dr. John speke (C)Dr leakey (D)JohnessRebman (E)carl Peters
  12. In which town in the Kenya coast was the fort Jesus bult ____ (A)Malindi (B)lamu (C)Tanga (D)Mombasa (E)Kilifi
  13. The following are political Parties in Tanzania, Chadema, Cuf, Tanzania labour party, Tanzania Democratic Alliance C.C.M which is the ruling Party in Tanzania (A) C.C.M (B)Chadema (C)Cuf (D)T.L.P (E)Kilifi
  14. Who was the Prime minister during the time of Kagera war 1978 – 1979 (A)Dr Salim Ahmed Salim (B)Mizengopinda (C)Edward Lowas (D)The late Edward moringesokoine (E)Dr fedrickSumaye
  15. The first prime minister of Tanganyika was ______ (A)Mzee Rashid MfalmeKawawa (B)The late Edward Moringesokoine (C)The late Mwl Julius Kambarangenyerere(D)Edward Lowassa (E)Dr Cleopa David Msuya


Matching items



  1. Entrepreneur
  1. The act in which the army or a country enters another country by force
  1. Invasion
  1. A curved path followed by a planet or an object as it moves around another planet star or moon
  1. Polygamy
  1. A plan of action to achieve something
  1. Strategy
  1. Someone who starts a business in a way that involves risk
  1. Orbit
  1. The system in which one man mrries more than one wife.
  1. There are European people who came to Africa during the pre-colonial period who was John Speke ___ (A)Missionary (B)Trader (C)Explorer (D)slave trader (E)sailor
  2. In independence from colonialism various methods were used to resist colonization maji-maji war was fought in (A)1904 – 1906 (B)1905 – 1907 (C)1910 – 1912 (D)1903 – 1908 (E)1918 – 1939
  3. Juma drew the map of Tanzania on a paper later he realized that symbols and signs were missing. Which important element of a map did he forget _____ (A)Title (B)frame (C)key (D)compass direction (E)margin
  4. The following are crops grown in Tanzania which group consists of cash crops only ______
  1. Bananas, coffee and beans
  2. Millet tea, maize and cassava
  3. Cotton, Tea, coffee and Pyrethrum
  4. Maize, bens, Tea and bananas
  5. Cotton, Tobacco, rice and sisal
  1. During the period of freedom fighting, various parties were established which party brought liberation to the islands of Zanzibar (A)C.C.M (B)Cuf (C)A.S.P (D)T.L.P (E)TADEA
  2. African heroes resisting and fighting against colonial invasion had the following qualities except (A)Courage (B)Patriotism (C)Cowardiness (D)love (E)strong leadership
  3. Asha sow the following symbol on a map

What does it represent (A)road (B)mountain (C)railway line (D)Bridge (E)Settlements

SECTION C: Short answers

  1. Before independence Tanganyika was under ______________________ rule
  2. Who was the leader of maji-maji war __________
  3. The third planet in the solar system is ____________________
  4. The activity of extracting different minerals from the ground is called ______
  5. Which large water body found in eastern part of Tanzania. _______









Choose the letter of the most correct answer and write it in the space provided.

  1. which on of the following items was not found in Tanganyika and Zanzibar?

A. Rhino horns         B. Gold        C. slaves             D. silk clothes             

  1. the wind brought traders in dhows from Asia to the coast of East Africa was named.

A. Asia Wind               B. Monsoon Wind         C. Indian Wind         D. Tsunami      [     ]

  1. When did Vasco Da Gama reach the Coast of East Africa?

A.1488       B. 1698             C. 1498         D. 1588                                            [       ]

  1. ___________ reached the cope of good Hope in 1488.

A. Vasco Da Gama            B. Pedro      Cobral       C. Bartholomew Diaz        D. king Henry        [        ]   

  1. When did fort Jesus collapse?

A. 1488      B. 1498         C. 1598          D. 1588                                               [        ]

  1. Traders were the ___________ groups of agent of colonialism.

A. First           B. second          C. third           D. fourth                                     [        ]

  1. The early foreigners to visit the East coast of Tanganyika were.

A. Americans          B. Portuguese           C. Vasco d agama           D. Asian traders       [        ]

  1. _____________ is a system of exchange goods with good s.

A. triangular trade          B. barter trade          C. Tanzania  societies           D. linguistic     [       ]

  1. Zanzibar revolution was held in

A. 12th January 1964         B. 13th January 1964      C. 15th October 1961    D. 16th December 1961   [       ]

  1. who was a leader of Maji maji war?

A. Julius Nyerere       B. Karume           C. Kinjekitile Ngwale       D. Mkombe      [       ]

  1. After Berlin conference Tanganyika was given to

A. Portugues             B. Arabs          C. Britain           D. Germans           [        ]

  1. IBEACO was the common company which was formed____________ by  in Zanzibar

A. William Mackinnon         B. Carl Peters    C. James Mac Donald        D. Horace Byatt      [       ]

  1. The Berlin conference was called by __________ in 1884 __ 1885.

A. Chancellor Otto Von Soden     B. Dr. Louis Leakey    C. Chancellor Otto Van Bismarck    [       ]

  1. Which one of the following are not natural resource?              [         ]

A. forest, mineral and soil      B. water, trees and fish     C. Railway, roads and airport    D. mountains and forest

  1. a period of 10 years in history is known as a _____________

A. Century       B. Decade  C. Millennium      D. year            [       ]

  1. the following are the main cardinal points except;

A. North    B. South C. West   D. North _ East                     [         ]

  1. which of the following is a result of earth’s Revolution;             [      ]

A. seasons  of the year           B. D ay and Night         C. speed of the moon        D. hot and    could temperature  

  1. Solar system include the following except;

A. planets        B. stars      C. moon      D. soil                    [        ]

  1. which is the biggest national park in Tanzania?

A. Ngorongoro       B. Mikumi          C. Serengeti             D. Manyara      [         ]

  1. in which specific region is Diamond highly mined?

A. Kigoma -  Uvinza        B. Katavi – Rukwa        C. Shinyanga – Mwadui      D. Mwanza – Ilemela      [        ]

  1. The following are the minerals mined in Tanzania except;

A. copper           B. gold        C. tanzanite          D. nucleus             [        ]

  1. The total way of destroying the environment and making it fail to support life;

A. Overgrazing         B. Reforestation           C. Environmental Degradation             D. mining       [       ]

  1. who was the first prime minister of Tanganyika;                   [       ]

A. Rashid Mfaume Kawawa     B. Mwl.J.K. Nyerere         C. Sheikkh Abeid Amani Karume      D. Job Ndugai

  1. The traditional dance of makonde tribe is called;

A. sangula      B. mdundiko         C. ijanja       D. sindimba        [        ]

  1. A process of creating artistic using hands is;

A. traditional           B. art            C. craft          D. norms          [        ]

  1.  The following are the human activities that harm our environmental except;

A. Agriculture          B. livestock keeping       C. reforestation         D. mining     [      ]    

  1. When did Tanganyika became a republic?

A. 9th December, 1961        B. 26th April, 1964   C. 12th January 1964         D. 9th December  1962    [       ]

  1. What do we call the drawing that describes features of earth’s surface?

A. picture          B. key             C. map       D. compass direction        [        ]

  1. The following were techniques used to invade Tanganyika and Zanzibar EXCEPT ;         [        ]

.A signing bogus or fake treaties     B. the us of army or force           C. intimidation      D. poor infrastructure 

  1. Where is the natural goes in Tanzania?

A. Dodoma          B. kagera       C. Mtwara           D. Kigoma            [        ]

  1. The beautiful planet that consists of a ring is called;

A. Jupiter       B. Saturu      C. Mercury         D. Venus                       [        ]

  1. The movement of planets revolve around the sun is called;

A. rotation              B. revolution                 C. orbit      D. solar  system          [       ]  

  1. How many century are in 2021?

A. 19 century        B. 20 century          C. 18 century         D. 21 century         [        ]

  1. The longest pipeline which transports oil form Dar es salaam is called;

A. TAZARA          B. ZAHARA       C. TAZAMA   D. TAMAZA               [         ]

  1. The benefit of recycling in environmental conservation is;  [        ]

A. planning for project     B. production of various goods      C. reducing garbage       D. production of garbage

  1. A family can attain economic development if;

A. the mother will deal with domestic activities           B. the father will be employed        C. family members will play to gather     D. family members will play their role                  [       ]

  1. One of the effects of the partition of Africa was;

A. the development of African industries          B. improvement of traditional economy     C. preservation of African culture     D. introduction of slave trade                                      [        ]

  1. The second country to rule Zanzibar was;

A. Britain   B. Germany           C. Oman      D. Portugal                         [      ]

  1. ________________ is the state of being connected to each other;

A. family          B. relationship         C. tribe          D. friend                  [        ]

  1. It is very important to promote Kiswahili language in Tanzania because:

A It disunites people of Tanzania           B. It is our national identity             

C.It is a foreign language                              D.It is spoken worldwide  

E.It is simple language to learn



 Fill in the blanks with the most correct answer

  1. The worldwide historical event that took place from 1939 to 1945 was called________________________________________________
  2. The study of weather is termed as_______________________________________
  3. In which year did the British start to colonize Tanganyika?__________________________
  4. List down one types of barometer_____________________________________
  5. The study of past remains of plants and animals is known as____________________________










Choose the letter of the most correct answer and write it in the space provided.

  1. Which one of the following items was not found in Tanganyika and Zanzibar?

A. Rhino horns         B. Gold        C. slaves             D. silk clothes             

  1. The wind brought traders in dhows from Asia to the coast of East Africa was named.

A. Asia Wind               B. Monsoon Wind         C. Indian Wind         D. Tsunami     

  1. When did Vasco Da Gama reach the Coast of East Africa?

A.1488       B. 1698             C. 1498         D. 1588                                           

  1. ___________ reached the cope of good Hope in 1488.

A. Vasco Da Gama            B. Pedro      Cobral       C. Bartholomew Diaz        D. king Henry       

  1. When did fort Jesus collapse?

A. 1488      B. 1498         C. 1598          D. 1588                                              

  1. Traders were the ___________ groups of agent of colonialism.

A. First           B. second          C. third           D. fourth                                    

  1. The early foreigners to visit the East coast of Tanganyika were.

A. Americans          B. Portuguese           C. Vasco d agama           D. Asian traders      

  1. _____________ is a system of exchange goods with good s.

A. triangular trade          B. barter trade          C. Tanzania  societies           D. linguistic    

  1. Zanzibar revolution was held in

A. 12th January 1964         B. 13th January 1964      C. 15th October 1961    D. 16th December 1961  

  1. who was a leader of Maji maji war?

A. Julius Nyerere       B. Karume           C. Kinjekitile Ngwale       D. Mkombe     

  1. After Berlin conference Tanganyika was given to

A. Portugues             B. Arabs          C. Britain           D. Germans          

  1. IBEACO was the common company which was formed____________ by  in Zanzibar

A. William Mackinnon         B. Carl Peters    C. James Mac Donald        D. Horace Byatt     

  1. The Berlin conference was called by __________ in 1884 __ 1885.

A. Chancellor Otto Von Soden     B. Dr. Louis Leakey    C. Chancellor Otto Van Bismarck   

  1. Which one of the following are not natural resource?             

A. forest, mineral and soil      B. water, trees and fish     C. Railway, roads and airport    D. mountains and forest

  1. a period of 10 years in history is known as a _____________

A. Century       B. Decade  C. Millennium      D. year           

  1. the following are the main cardinal points except;

A. North    B. South C. West   D. North _ East                    

  1. which of the following is a result of earth’s Revolution;            

A. seasons  of the year           B. D ay and Night         C. speed of the moon        D. hot and    could temperature  

  1. Solar system include the following except;

A. planets        B. stars      C. moon      D. soil                   

  1. which is the biggest national park in Tanzania?

A. Ngorongoro       B. Mikumi          C. Serengeti             D. Manyara     

  1. in which specific region is Diamond highly mined?

A. Kigoma -  Uvinza        B. Katavi – Rukwa        C. Shinyanga – Mwadui      D. Mwanza – Ilemela     

  1. The following are the minerals mined in Tanzania except;

A. copper           B. gold        C. tanzanite          D. nucleus            

  1. The total way of destroying the environment and making it fail to support life;

A. Overgrazing         B. Reforestation           C. Environmental Degradation             D. mining      

  1. who was the first prime minister of Tanganyika;                  

A. Rashid Mfaume Kawawa     B. Mwl.J.K. Nyerere         C. Sheikkh Abeid Amani Karume      D. Job Ndugai

  1. The traditional dance of makonde tribe is called;

A. sangula      B. mdundiko         C. ijanja       D. sindimba       

  1. A process of creating artistic using hands is;

A. traditional           B. art            C. craft          D. norms         

  1.  The following are the human activities that harm our environmental except;

A. Agriculture          B. livestock keeping       C. reforestation         D. mining    

  1. When did Tanganyika became a republic?

A. 9th December, 1961        B. 26th April, 1964   C. 12th January 1964         D. 9th December  1962  

  1. What do we call the drawing that describes features of earth’s surface?

A. picture          B. key             C. map       D. compass direction       

  1. The following were techniques used to invade Tanganyika and Zanzibar EXCEPT ;        

.A signing bogus or fake treaties     B. the us of army or force           C. intimidation      D. poor infrastructure 

  1. Where is the natural goes in Tanzania?

A. Dodoma          B. kagera       C. Mtwara           D. Kigoma           

  1. The beautiful planet that consists of a ring is called;

A. Jupiter       B. Saturu      C. Mercury         D. Venus                      

  1. The movement of planets revolve around the sun is called;

A. rotation              B. revolution                 C. orbit      D. solar  system         

  1. How many century are in 2021?

A. 19 century        B. 20 century          C. 18 century         D. 21 century       

  1. The longest pipeline which transports oil form Dar es salaam is called;

A. TAZARA          B. ZAHARA       C. TAZAMA   D. TAMAZA              

  1. The benefit of recycling in environmental conservation is; 

A. planning for project     B. production of various goods      C. reducing garbage       D. production of garbage

  1. A family can attain economic development if;

A. the mother will deal with domestic activities           B. the father will be employed        C. family members will play to gather     D. family members will play their role                 

  1. One of the effects of the partition of Africa was;

A. the development of African industries          B. improvement of traditional economy     C. preservation of African culture     D. introduction of slave trade                                    

  1. The second country to rule Zanzibar was;

A. Britain   B. Germany           C. Oman      D. Portugal                        

  1. ________________ is the state of being connected to each other;

A. family          B. relationship         C. tribe          D. friend                 

  1. It is very important to promote Kiswahili language in Tanzania because:

A It disunites people of Tanzania           B. It is our national identity             

C.It is a foreign language                              D.It is spoken worldwide  

E.It is simple language to learn



 Fill in the blanks with the most correct answer

  1. The worldwide historical event that took place from 1939 to 1945 was called________________________________________________
  2. The study of weather is termed as_______________________________________
  3. In which year did the British start to colonize Tanganyika?__________________________
  4. List down one types of barometer_____________________________________
  5. The study of past remains of plants and animals is known as____________________________





NAME _____________________________________________________DATE: _________________



Choose the letter of the most correct answer and write it in the space provided.

  1. which on of the following items was not found in Tanganyika and Zanzibar?

A. Rhino horns         B. Gold        C. slaves             D. silk clothes              [       ]

  1. the wind brought traders in dhows from Asia to the coast of East Africa was named.

A. Asia Wind               B. Monsoon Wind         C. Indian Wind         D. Tsunami      [     ]

  1. When did Vasco Da Gama reach the Coast of East Africa?

A.1488       B. 1698             C. 1498         D. 1588                                            [       ]

  1. ___________ reached the cope of good Hope in 1488.

A. Vasco Da Gama            B. Pedro      Cobral       C. Bartholomew Diaz        D. king Henry        [        ]   

  1. When did fort Jesus collapse?

A. 1488      B. 1498         C. 1598          D. 1588                                               [        ]

  1. Traders were the ___________ groups of agent of colonialism.

A. First           B. second          C. third           D. fourth                                     [        ]

  1. The early foreigners to visit the East coast of Tanganyika were.

A. Americans          B. Portuguese           C. Vasco d agama           D. Asian traders       [        ]

  1. _____________ is a system of exchange goods with good s.

A. triangular trade          B. barter trade          C. Tanzania  societies           D. linguistic     [       ]

  1. Zanzibar revolution was held in

A. 12th January 1964         B. 13th January 1964      C. 15th October 1961    D. 16th December 1961   [       ]

  1. who was a leader of Maji maji war?

A. Julius Nyerere       B. Karume           C. Kinjekitile Ngwale       D. Mkombe      [       ]

  1. After Berlin conference Tanganyika was given to

A. Portugues             B. Arabs          C. Britain           D. Germans           [        ]

  1. IBEACO was the common company which was formed____________ by  in Zanzibar

A. William Mackinnon         B. Carl Peters    C. James Mac Donald        D. Horace Byatt      [       ]

  1. The Berlin conference was called by __________ in 1884 __ 1885.

A. Chancellor Otto Von Soden     B. Dr. Louis Leakey    C. Chancellor Otto Van Bismarck    [       ]

  1. Which one of the following are not natural resource?              [         ]

A. forest, mineral and soil      B. water, trees and fish     C. Railway, roads and airport    D. mountains and forest

  1. a period of 10 years in history is known as a _____________

A. Century       B. Decade  C. Millennium      D. year            [       ]

  1. the following are the main cardinal points except;

A. North    B. South C. West   D. North _ East                     [         ]

  1. which of the following is a result of earth’s Revolution;             [      ]

A. seasons  of the year           B. D ay and Night         C. speed of the moon        D. hot and    could temperature  

  1. Solar system include the following except;

A. planets        B. stars      C. moon      D. soil                    [        ]

  1. which is the biggest national park in Tanzania?

A. Ngorongoro       B. Mikumi          C. Serengeti             D. Manyara      [         ]

  1. in which specific region is Diamond highly mined?

A. Kigoma -  Uvinza        B. Katavi – Rukwa        C. Shinyanga – Mwadui      D. Mwanza – Ilemela      [        ]

  1. The following are the minerals mined in Tanzania except;

A. copper           B. gold        C. tanzanite          D. nucleus             [        ]

  1. The total way of destroying the environment and making it fail to support life;

A. Overgrazing         B. Reforestation           C. Environmental Degradation             D. mining       [       ]

  1. who was the first prime minister of Tanganyika;                   [       ]

A. Rashid Mfaume Kawawa     B. Mwl.J.K. Nyerere         C. Sheikkh Abeid Amani Karume      D. Job Ndugai

  1. The traditional dance of makonde tribe is called;

A. sangula      B. mdundiko         C. ijanja       D. sindimba        [        ]

  1. A process of creating artistic using hands is;

A. traditional           B. art            C. craft          D. norms          [        ]

  1.  The following are the human activities that harm our environmental except;

A. Agriculture          B. livestock keeping       C. reforestation         D. mining     [      ]    

  1. When did Tanganyika became a republic?

A. 9th December, 1961        B. 26th April, 1964   C. 12th January 1964         D. 9th December  1962    [       ]

  1. What do we call the drawing that describes features of earth’s surface?

A. picture          B. key             C. map       D. compass direction        [        ]

  1. The following were techniques used to invade Tanganyika and Zanzibar EXCEPT ;         [        ]

.A signing bogus or fake treaties     B. the us of army or force           C. intimidation      D. poor infrastructure 

  1. Where is the natural goes in Tanzania?

A. Dodoma          B. kagera       C. Mtwara           D. Kigoma            [        ]

  1. The beautiful planet that consists of a ring is called;

A. Jupiter       B. Saturu      C. Mercury         D. Venus                       [        ]

  1. The movement of planets revolve around the sun is called;

A. rotation              B. revolution                 C. orbit      D. solar  system          [       ]  

  1. How many century are in 2021?

A. 19 century        B. 20 century          C. 18 century         D. 21 century         [        ]

  1. The longest pipeline which transports oil form Dar es salaam is called;

A. TAZARA          B. ZAHARA       C. TAZAMA   D. TAMAZA               [         ]

  1. The benefit of recycling in environmental conservation is;  [        ]

A. planning for project     B. production of various goods      C. reducing garbage       D. production of garbage

  1. A family can attain economic development if;

A. the mother will deal with domestic activities           B. the father will be employed        C. family members will play to gather     D. family members will play their role                  [       ]

  1. One of the effects of the partition of Africa was;

A. the development of African industries          B. improvement of traditional economy     C. preservation of African culture     D. introduction of slave trade                                      [        ]

  1. The second country to rule Zanzibar was;

A. Britain   B. Germany           C. Oman      D. Portugal                         [      ]

  1. ________________ is the state of being connected to each other;

A. family          B. relationship         C. tribe          D. friend                  [        ]

  1. It is very important to promote Kiswahili language in Tanzania because:

A It disunites people of Tanzania           B. It is our national identity             

C.It is a foreign language                              D.It is spoken worldwide  

E.It is simple language to learn



 Fill in the blanks with the most correct answer

  1. The worldwide historical event that took place from 1939 to 1945 was called________________________________________________
  2. The study of weather is termed as_______________________________________
  3. In which year did the British start to colonize Tanganyika?__________________________
  4. List down one types of barometer_____________________________________
  5. The study of past remains of plants and animals is known as____________________________








Time1:30 Hours

Pupil’s Name............................................................


  1. This paper consists of section A and B with total of forty five questions
  2. Answer all questions in each section
  3. For questions 1-40 put your choice in the box provided
  4. For question 41-45 write your answer by filling the spaces provided
  5. All communication devices and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room



Choose the correct answer and fill its letter besides the question number in the boxes provided

1.A clan is a union of (a)families which stay nearby (b)Many families with the same orgin (c)many families which are friends (d)father, mother and children (e) families which work together

2.Culture means

(a)Beliefs, customs tradition, taboos and norms of society (b) singing and dancing together 

(c)ways of conducting rituals in the society (d)customs and traditions of certain society (e)way of living 

3.Countries that border Tanzania in the Southern part are (a)Mozambique and Malawi 

(b)Mozambique and Zimbabwe (c)The Democratic Republic of Congo and Malawi 

(d)Burundi and Malawi (e) Rwanda and Malawi

4.The following are the results of destruction of vegetation except

(a)hurricanes and storms (b)shortage of water and semi desert (c)Soil crosion and los of living things

(d)hunger and death of livestock (e)mining extraction and road construction

5.It is important for someone suffering from HIV/AIDS to be (a)In isolated room (b)given his/her own dishes(c)given love and care (handed to the elders (e)avoided from playing with him or her

6.Who appoints the Ministers and Deputy Ministers in Tanzania? (a) The speaker (b)The President (c)The Secretary of National Assembly (d) Vice president (e) Prime Minister

7.What are the effects of cutting trees in the areas near Lake Victoria? (a) Decreasing the quantity of fish. 

(b)Destroying the source of water which brings water to the Lake (c) Increasing floods in Lake Victoria (d)Increasing water in the river Nile, which starts at lake Victoria

(e)Increasing the wild, animals around the lake

8.A combination of land, forests, rivers, ocean and minerals is generally called(a)essential needs 

(b)the earth (c)natural vegetation (d)natural resources (e)basic needs

9.Which of the following is not among the causes of environmental pollution? (a)Poor technology (b)Overpopulation (c)Lack of education (d)Using natural fertilizers for farming. 

(e)Poor management of waste disposal

10.In the National flag the green colour represents

(a)minerals (b)water (c)natural vegetation (d)agriculture (e)land

11.The election of President and Members of Parliament in Tanzania is held after every 


12.Traditions which affect the reproductive health of women in Tanzania include 

(a)bride price and family planning (b)female genital mutilation and family planning

(c)early marriage and bride price (d)female genital mutilation and early marriage

(e) breastfeeding for a long time

13.It is important to .................... industrial wastes in order to preserve environment

(a)recycle (b)cover (c)dispose (d)spread (e)store

14.The two crops which are shown in the court of arms are ...............

(a)cotton and cloves (b)sisal and coffee (c)cotton and tobacco (d)Maize and wheat (e) Cotton and beans

15.The organ responsible for elections in Zanzibar is called ................


16..........,  ......... and .......... are three basic needs of a family. (a)Food, clothes and shelter(b)Food, clothes and televisions(c)Food, clothes and radios (d)Food , clothes and cars (e)Television, radio and clothes.

17.The following are economic activities except .................

(a) Worship (b)business (c)fishing (d)tourism (e)agriculture

18.Car peters was the founder of a trading company called .......................................


19The movement of the Earth on its own axis causes.....................

20.The East Africa community is currently made up of .......................... Countries 

(a)3 (b)5 (c)6 (d)7 (e)10

21.Fishing by using ways which are not proper and effective is called......

(a)effective fishing(b) illegal fishing (c)good fishing (tailoring (e)processing

22.The language which unites all Tanzanians is known as 

(a)English (b)Kiswahili (c)Haya (d)Italian (e)coastal language

23.The production activity which involves crops production is called ...........

(a)Live stoke keeping (b)fishing (c)mining (d)agriculture (e)tourism

24. “Nyumba ya Mungu” dam is used in production of electricity. In which region in Tanzania it located?(a)Kigoma (b)Morogoro (c)Kilimanjaro (d)Mbeya (e)Manyara

25. Rivers, lakes, spring, oceans are the soures of (a)life(b)fertility (c)water (d)living (e)trade

26.The randomly cutting down of trees cusses ;(a)drought(b)dew (c)povery(d)decomposion(e)rainfall

27.Which year did the Majimaji war start? (a)1905 (b)1907 (c)1900(d)2000(e)1914

28.The Portuguese arrived at Kilwa city in ...................... century. (a)15 (b)16 (c)18 (d)19 (e)14

29.Water is a mixuter of .......................... and ................................. in air

(a)Oxygen and Hydrogen (b)Oxygen and Calcium (c)Hydrogen and Nitrogen

(d)Carbondioxide and Helium (e) Potasium and Hydrogen

30.A person is named a hero or heroine if (a) he plays football (b) he or growns crops (c) he or she keeps livestock (d) he or she has contributed greatly to the well being of the society (e)he or she studies hard 

31.Two societies in Tanzania which still have some features of communalism are ___________ (a)Zaramo and Haya (b)Sukuma and Hehe (c)Maasai and Ngoni (d) Barbaig and Hadzabe (e)Chaaga and Pare 

32. Seasons of the year occur due to (a)lunar eclipse (b)revolution of the moon around the earth (c)revolution of the earth around the sun (d)solar eclipse (e)Increase of temperature

33.The first Vice President of the United Republic of Tanzania was (a)Samia Suluhu Hassan (b)Ali Hassan Mwinyi (c)Idris Abdul Wakili (d)Aman Abeid Karume (e)Benjamin William Mkapa

34.One of the following is not an element of culture. (a)Arts (b)Dressing (c)Religion (d)Education (e)Weather 

35.Division of labour means ...................... (a)sharing of the resources (b)sharing of duties (c)Performing of duties (d)supervising dutie taking care of family

36.Tanganika and Zanzibar United on.......

(a)9th Dec, 1961 (b) 9th Dec 1962 (c)7th July 1954 (d) 26th April 1964 (e)9th Dec 1967

37.Releasing toxic materials into the environment is called ..............

(a)evaporation (b)freezing (c)melting (d)pollution (e)global warming

38.Clara boils water for drinking every day because boiled water is ................ (a)is clean and safe (b)has good taste (c)stops thirsty quickly (d)has a lot of nutrients (e) good for cooking

39.The modern and the fastest means of communication among people is 

(a)telex (b)letter (c)telephone (d)television (e)radio

40.The death of Mwalimu Julius K.Nyerere the first President of Tanzania occurred in ...................

(a)1992 (b)1998 (c)1999 (d)2005 (e)1995


SECTION B Fill in the blanks with the correct answer to te spaces provided

41.Wind is one of the elements of weather. The instrument used to measure the wind direction is called __

42.The chairman of the Berlin Conference which was held in German 1884-1885 was _____________

43.Mention two types of Maps. (i) ____________________ (ii) _____________________

44. Mention any two benefits of wild animals in the country (i)________________ (ii) __________

45.The increase of global warming, drought floods and hurricanes are the result of _____________










Time1:30 Hours

Pupil’s Name............................................................


  1. This paper consists of section A and B with total of forty five questions
  2. Answer all questions in each section
  3. For questions 1-40 put your choice in the box provided
  4. For question 41-45 write your answer by filling the spaces provided
  5. All communication devices and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room



Choose the correct answer and fill its letter besides the question number in the boxes provided

1.A clan is a union of (a)families which stay nearby (b)Many families with the same orgin (c)many families which are friends (d)father, mother and children (e) families which work together

2.Culture means

(a)Beliefs, customs tradition, taboos and norms of society (b) singing and dancing together 

(c)ways of conducting rituals in the society (d)customs and traditions of certain society (e)way of living 

3.Countries that border Tanzania in the Southern part are (a)Mozambique and Malawi 

(b)Mozambique and Zimbabwe (c)The Democratic Republic of Congo and Malawi 

(d)Burundi and Malawi (e) Rwanda and Malawi

4.The following are the results of destruction of vegetation except

(a)hurricanes and storms (b)shortage of water and semi desert (c)Soil crosion and los of living things

(d)hunger and death of livestock (e)mining extraction and road construction

5.It is important for someone suffering from HIV/AIDS to be (a)In isolated room (b)given his/her own dishes(c)given love and care (handed to the elders (e)avoided from playing with him or her

6.Who appoints the Ministers and Deputy Ministers in Tanzania? (a) The speaker (b)The President (c)The Secretary of National Assembly (d) Vice president (e) Prime Minister

7.What are the effects of cutting trees in the areas near Lake Victoria? (a) Decreasing the quantity of fish. 

(b)Destroying the source of water which brings water to the Lake (c) Increasing floods in Lake Victoria (d)Increasing water in the river Nile, which starts at lake Victoria

(e)Increasing the wild, animals around the lake

8.A combination of land, forests, rivers, ocean and minerals is generally called(a)essential needs 

(b)the earth (c)natural vegetation (d)natural resources (e)basic needs

9.Which of the following is not among the causes of environmental pollution? (a)Poor technology (b)Overpopulation (c)Lack of education (d)Using natural fertilizers for farming. 

(e)Poor management of waste disposal

10.In the National flag the green colour represents

(a)minerals (b)water (c)natural vegetation (d)agriculture (e)land

11.The election of President and Members of Parliament in Tanzania is held after every 


12.Traditions which affect the reproductive health of women in Tanzania include 

(a)bride price and family planning (b)female genital mutilation and family planning

(c)early marriage and bride price (d)female genital mutilation and early marriage

(e) breastfeeding for a long time

13.It is important to .................... industrial wastes in order to preserve environment

(a)recycle (b)cover (c)dispose (d)spread (e)store

14.The two crops which are shown in the court of arms are ...............

(a)cotton and cloves (b)sisal and coffee (c)cotton and tobacco (d)Maize and wheat (e) Cotton and beans

15.The organ responsible for elections in Zanzibar is called ................


16..........,  ......... and .......... are three basic needs of a family. (a)Food, clothes and shelter(b)Food, clothes and televisions(c)Food, clothes and radios (d)Food , clothes and cars (e)Television, radio and clothes.

17.The following are economic activities except .................

(a) Worship (b)business (c)fishing (d)tourism (e)agriculture

18.Car peters was the founder of a trading company called .......................................


19The movement of the Earth on its own axis causes.....................

20.The East Africa community is currently made up of .......................... Countries 

(a)3 (b)5 (c)6 (d)7 (e)10

21.Fishing by using ways which are not proper and effective is called......

(a)effective fishing(b) illegal fishing (c)good fishing (tailoring (e)processing

22.The language which unites all Tanzanians is known as 

(a)English (b)Kiswahili (c)Haya (d)Italian (e)coastal language

23.The production activity which involves crops production is called ...........

(a)Live stoke keeping (b)fishing (c)mining (d)agriculture (e)tourism

24. “Nyumba ya Mungu” dam is used in production of electricity. In which region in Tanzania it located?(a)Kigoma (b)Morogoro (c)Kilimanjaro (d)Mbeya (e)Manyara

25. Rivers, lakes, spring, oceans are the soures of (a)life(b)fertility (c)water (d)living (e)trade

26.The randomly cutting down of trees cusses ;(a)drought(b)dew (c)povery(d)decomposion(e)rainfall

27.Which year did the Majimaji war start? (a)1905 (b)1907 (c)1900(d)2000(e)1914

28.The Portuguese arrived at Kilwa city in ...................... century. (a)15 (b)16 (c)18 (d)19 (e)14

29.Water is a mixuter of .......................... and ................................. in air

(a)Oxygen and Hydrogen (b)Oxygen and Calcium (c)Hydrogen and Nitrogen

(d)Carbondioxide and Helium (e) Potasium and Hydrogen

30.A person is named a hero or heroine if (a) he plays football (b) he or growns crops (c) he or she keeps livestock (d) he or she has contributed greatly to the well being of the society (e)he or she studies hard 

31.Two societies in Tanzania which still have some features of communalism are ___________ (a)Zaramo and Haya (b)Sukuma and Hehe (c)Maasai and Ngoni (d) Barbaig and Hadzabe (e)Chaaga and Pare 

32. Seasons of the year occur due to (a)lunar eclipse (b)revolution of the moon around the earth (c)revolution of the earth around the sun (d)solar eclipse (e)Increase of temperature

33.The first Vice President of the United Republic of Tanzania was (a)Samia Suluhu Hassan (b)Ali Hassan Mwinyi (c)Idris Abdul Wakili (d)Aman Abeid Karume (e)Benjamin William Mkapa

34.One of the following is not an element of culture. (a)Arts (b)Dressing (c)Religion (d)Education (e)Weather 

35.Division of labour means ...................... (a)sharing of the resources (b)sharing of duties (c)Performing of duties (d)supervising dutie taking care of family

36.Tanganika and Zanzibar United on.......

(a)9th Dec, 1961 (b) 9th Dec 1962 (c)7th July 1954 (d) 26th April 1964 (e)9th Dec 1967

37.Releasing toxic materials into the environment is called ..............

(a)evaporation (b)freezing (c)melting (d)pollution (e)global warming

38.Clara boils water for drinking every day because boiled water is ................ (a)is clean and safe (b)has good taste (c)stops thirsty quickly (d)has a lot of nutrients (e) good for cooking

39.The modern and the fastest means of communication among people is 

(a)telex (b)letter (c)telephone (d)television (e)radio

40.The death of Mwalimu Julius K.Nyerere the first President of Tanzania occurred in ...................

(a)1992 (b)1998 (c)1999 (d)2005 (e)1995


SECTION B Fill in the blanks with the correct answer to te spaces provided

41.Wind is one of the elements of weather. The instrument used to measure the wind direction is called __

42.The chairman of the Berlin Conference which was held in German 1884-1885 was _____________

43.Mention two types of Maps. (i) ____________________ (ii) _____________________

44. Mention any two benefits of wild animals in the country (i)________________ (ii) __________

45.The increase of global warming, drought floods and hurricanes are the result of _____________









  1. Co-operation among nations is
  1. Not very important since nations are self sufficient
  2. Important for economic and social development of the people
  3. A major source of war and conflicts
  4. ..........
  1. Tanzania has many historical sites with various historical records, some of these sites are
  1. Uvinza, Isimila, Nsogezi and Engaruka
  2. Bagamoyo, Kilwa and Kilosa
  3. Isimila, Mtwara, Kilwa and Bagamoyo
  4. Olduvai gorge, Kondoa, Irangi and Engaruka
  1. We can interpret signs and symbols used on a map by using
  1. North direction
  2. The title of the map
  3. Frame
  4. Key
  1. Which institution provides human rights to women against sexual harassment
  1. PCCB
  2. TAMWA
  3. COURT
  1. One of the economic reasons used to invade African continent was
  1. Agriculture and livestock keeping
  2. To get education
  3. Trade
  4. To build churches
  1. Early man lived in
  1. The garden
  2. In caves
  3. At home
  4. In the ocean
  1. It is important to..........industrial wastes in order to preserve environment.
  1. Recycle
  2. Cover
  3. Dispose
  4. Spread
  1. Illegal fishing is dangerous because it destroys
  1. Infrastructure
  2. Fish breeding
  3. Food
  4. Crops
  1. The following are national resources except
  1. Minerals
  2. Land
  3. Vegetation cover
  4. Trade
  1. ...........is not among the water sources.
  1. Ocean
  2. Rift valley
  3. Lake
  4. River
  1. Slave trade was a trade that involved
  1. Buying and selling of human being
  2. Buying and selling of commodities
  3. Buying and selling of human being and commodities
  4. Buying and selling of slaves and commodities
  1. Poor farming methods, especially on mountains can cause
  1. Air pollution
  2. Soil erosion
  3. Mountain pollution
  4. Water pollution
  1. Coffee, tea, pyrethrum and cotton are
  1. Food crops
  2. Cash crops
  3. Good in mixed farming
  4. Renewable resources
  1. The mineral mined in Tanzania only is
  1. Tanzanite
  2. Gold and diamond
  3. Iron
  4. Copper
  1. The best way to preserve water is
  1. To cut down big trees and plant new ones
  2. To protect the water sources
  3. To increase water sources
  4. To start irrigation scheme
  1. Soil erosion can be prevented by
  1. Cutting down trees and shrubs
  2. Burning forests and grasslands
  3. Proper farming methods and planting trees
  4. Starting up mining activities
  1. Which of the following heavenly bodies is the biggest source of energy on earth
  1. The moon
  2. The sun
  3. Jupiter
  4. The eclipse
  1. Which of the following is not one of the important aspects of the solar energy
  1. Used in photosynthesis
  2. Used in drying
  3. Used in production of electricity
  4. Used in making water
  1. The sixth president of the united republic of Tanzania is
  1. Majaliwa Kassim Majaliwa
  2. Samia Suluhu Hassan
  3. Ali Hassan Mwinyi
  4. John Pombe Maghufuli
  1. In which year did Tanganyika got her first president?
  1. 1961
  2. 1962
  3. 1964
  4. 1977
  1. Carl Peters was the founder of a trading company called
  1. I.B.E.C.O
  2. GEACO
  3. TAWLA
  4. SADEC
  1. Kinjeketile Ngwale was the leader of
  2. GEACO
  3. Majimaji war
  4. WHO
  1. Mtwa Mkwawa was a
  1. Chagga tribe
  2. Hehe tribe
  3. Ngoni migration
  4. Pare tribe
  1. Mtemi Isike was the chief of
  1. Chagga
  2. Nyamwezi
  3. Hehe
  4. Sukuma
  1. A patriot is a person who
  1. Works hard
  2. Was born in a country
  3. Helps those in problems
  4. Is ready to die for his nation




  1. Zanzibar revolution
  2. The union of Tanganyika and Zanzibar
  3. Tanzanite
  4. Berlin conference
  5. Lunar eclipse
  6. Agriculture
  7. Solar eclipse
  8. Cash crops
  9. Explorers
  10. key
  1. The only mineral found in Tanzania
  2. 12 January 1964
  3. An element of a map
  4. 26th April 1964
  5. Coffee and sisal
  6. 1884-1885
  7. Crops cultivation and animal keeping
  8. Moon passes between the earth and the sun
  9. The earth passes between the sun and the moon
  10. Are people who travel to different place where no one has ever been in order to discover things which are found in those areas

SECTION C: Use the map below to answer questions 36-42. 

  1. Countries numbered 1-3 on the map above formed a community called............in 1967
  2. What country does letter K represent
  3. Name the ocean represented by letter J
  4. The capital city of the country represented by number 3 is?
  5. The country number 1 is called
  6. The lake represented by letter L is lake
  7. The name of ocean represented by letter J is called

SECTION D: Fill in the blanks

  1. ...........is the total way of life.
  2. ...........is the production activity which involves catching fish for food and for sell.
  3. What is mining?







  1. Which one the following is not a natural resource?
  1. Minerals
  2. Land
  3. Plastic bag
  4. Water

2.The best way to preserve water is

  1. To cut down big trees and plant new ones
  2. To protect the water sources
  3. To increase water pollution
  4. To increase irrigation schemes

3. Must people in Tanzania are

  1. Employed by the government
  2. Farmers
  3. Fishermen
  4. Bank clerks

4. Soil erosion can be prevented by

  1. Cutting down trees and shrubs
  2. Burning forest and grasslands
  3. Proper farming methods and planting of trees
  4. Starting up mining activities

5. To Tanzania, land, minerals, water and forests are

  1. Non-made resources
  2. Resources for the rich only
  3. National resources
  4. Artificial resources

6. The Arusha declaration was announced on

  1. 5th February 1977
  2. 12th January 1964
  3. 7th April 1972
  4. 5th February 1967

7.Dr John Pombe Magufuli is the.........president of Tanzania

  1. First
  2. Fifth
  3. Second
  4. Fourth

8.Anemometer is a special instrument which is used to measure..............

  1. Wind speed
  2. Wind vane
  3. Wind
  4. Direction

9...........is a member of particular religious institution sent into another country or area to preach the word of God

  1. Missionaries
  2. Traders
  3. Explorers
  4. Vasco da Gama

10...........are the people whose jobs is to buy and sell goods

  1. Traders
  2. Capitalism
  3. Colonialist
  4. Slaves

11.The explores who came to Tanganyika was

  1. Carl Peters, Vasco da Gama, David living stone
  2. Sultan Said Said, Edward steer
  3. Dutch settlement at the cape
  4. Robert Mugabe

12.Carl peters was the founder of a trading company called

  1. Germany East Africa company (GEACO)
  2. Imperial British East Africa company (IBEAC)
  3. Bonite Bottlers limited (BBL)
  4. Coffee limited (CL)
  1. ...........is the total way of life
  1. Tradition
  2. Taboos
  3. Culture
  4. Language

13............is the situation in which one loves country and people

  1. Cooperation
  2. Patriotism
  3. Accountability
  4. Hard working

14.............is a cultural practice in which one gets married before he/she is eighteen years old

  1. Early and forced marriage
  2. Polygamies
  3. Paying bride price
  4. Female genital mutilation


                                                     MATCH ITEMS


          LIST B

15.Female genital mutilation


17. Vasco da Gama, David living stone, John spike




21. 1961

22. Overgrazing

23. Environment

24. wind

  1. Are examples of explorers who came to Tanganyika
  2. Practice of circumcising girl or women
  3. Is the total way of life
  4. The independence of Tanganyika
  5. Arusha declaration
  6. The death of J.K Nyerere
  7. Zanzibar revolution
  8. Is the movement of air around us
  9. Is everything that surround us
  10. Is the act of keeping many animals such as cattle, goat and sheep in a small area


Write true or false

25. Water pollution is not harmful to people and animals..................

26.Water pollution is good for humans and animals health..............

27.Chagga named their leader as mangi............

28.The hehe named their leader as mtwara..........

29.Some of the economical activities are agriculture, trade, mining............

30.Multiparty system started in 2021............

31. Death of Mwalimu Julius Nyerere in 2022.........

32.Arusha Declaration in 1920................


Fill the following gaps

Mention 3 positive aspects of culture




Write 3 negative aspect of culture




Write 3 agent of colonialism




List any 3 uses of trees















TIME 1:30 HRS MARCH 2021

NAME…………………………... SCHOOL………………………...


  1. This paper consists of Sections A and B with forty-five questions
  2. The paper carries a value of 50 marks
  3. Answer all questions in all sections as per instructions given
  4. Use blue or black pen for writing and a pencil for drawing.

1. What is environment? [       ]

A. living things around man

B. non living things around man C. abiotic factors D. anything around man

2. Which of the following are food crops? [       ]

A. maize and sisal B. cotton and tea C. banana and maize D. cloves and cotton

3. Which trade items were got by Asian traders from East Africa? [       ]

A. guns and clothes B. beads and carpets C. ivory and slaves D. minerals and guns

4. The mineral that was mined from Uvinza ………  [       ]

A. copper B. gold C. tin D. salt 

5. Who were the early foreigners to visit the East coast of Tanganyika ………. [       ]

A. Portuguese B. Asian traders C. Spanish traders D. German traders

6. Which goods were brought to the coast of East Africa by traders from Asia. [       ]

A. minerals and gold B. ivory and beads C. guns and clothes D. bangles and copper 

7. Which cities among the following developed due to coastal trade. [       ]

A. Kilwa and Morogoro B. Kilwa and Mafia C. Malindi and Mwanza D. Unguja and Moshi 

8. The crops brought to East Africa by Asian traders were. [       ]

A. cloves and maize B. cloves and oranges C. coconut and millet D. cocoa and salt

9. The first European to reach the East Africa coast were………

A. Arabs B. Germans C. Italians D. Portuguese [       ]

10. When did bathlomeo Diaz reach the cape of good hope?

A. 1844 B. 1492 C. 1448 D. 1488 [       ]

11. Which among the following factor commonly identifies the Bantu people. [       ]

A. their singing style B. the food C. ways of fighting D. their language

12. During interaction through trade, Katanga become very famous due to …..

A. salt trade B. copper trade C. iron D. gold [       ]

13. The Ngoni people migrated from …….. into East Africa.

A. north Africa B. Europe C. Asia D. South Africa [       ]

14. Which product made Meroe kingdom in Sudan popular?

A. salt mining B stone tools C. slave trade D iron smelting [       ]

15. Animals skins and hides helped man to ……… [       ]

A. hunt very well B. sell salt C. cover his body D. avoid being a slave

16. Where was salt mined in Tanganyika.

A. in Tanga B. in Bagamoyo C. in Uvinza D. in Arusha [       ]

17. Environment refers to …….

A. sky and plants B. everything around us C. living things around him

D. non living things around man [       ]

18. The major components of the environment are …….

A. living things and blood sucker B. animals and plants C. domestic and wide animals D. sun temperature and soil [       ]

19. The region in Tanzania with large number of planted trees is …….

A. Iringa B. Tanga C. Dodoma D. Mwanza [       ]

20. They clean the environment by eating dead animals, which name is given to them?

A. carnivores B. herbivores C. vultures D. prey [       ]

21. Which religion was introduced on the coast of East Africa by Arab traders.

A. Islamic B. Buddhaism C. Christianity D. bahalsm [       ]

22. The cape of good hope is in ……..

A. South Africa B. Tanzania C. Mali D. Zimbabwe [       ]

23. How many trade routes were used during slave trade?

A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 3 [       ]

24. The northern route started from ………

A. Mwanza B. Tabora C. Kilwa D.Nyasa [       ]

25. The first treaty that was signed to abolish slave trade was called……….

A. Moresby B. hammeton C. sultan D. frère [       ]

26. The average weather conditions of a place recorded for a long pound of ime is ……

A. weather B. astronomy C. meteorology D. climate [       ]

27. Which minerals was obtained from Katanga in DRC Congo.

A. gold B. salt C. iron D copper [       ]

28. What is barter trade? [       ]

A. the exchange of money for goods

B. the exchange of goods for goods C. the selling of ivory D. the killing of ivory

29. The first Portuguese sailor to reach East Africa was……. [       ]

A. bathlomew Diaz B. Vasco Dagama C. King Henry D. Francesco Dalmerdu

30. Which crops were introduced to the coast of East Africa by the Portuguese.

A. maize and groundnuts B. coconut and maize C. millet and rice D. beans and oranges [       ]

31. Who was the first sultan to role Zanzibar. [       ]

A. sultan Seyyid Said B. Sultan Majid Bin C. Sultan Bagash D. Sultan Bargsh

32. After shifting his capital from muscant sultan Seyyid Said emphasized the growth of ……..

A. coconut B. orange C. cotton D. cloves [       ]

33. The biggest slave market center in East African was …….. [       ]

A. Bagamoyo B. Zanzibar C. Kilwa D. Pemba

34. Where did the central route start?

A. Bagamoyo B. Kilwa C. Mombasa D. Tanga [       ]

35. Which treaty completely abolished the biggest slave market?

A. frère treaty B. mores by treaty C. long treaty D. itermetion treaty [       ]

36. Which trading company promoted Germany interests in Tanganyika. A. IBEACO B. IBECO C. GEACO D. PERPLUS [       ]

37. Traders, explolers and missionaries were……….

A. slave traders B. agents of colonization C. agents of Christianity D. agents of iron smelling [       ]

38. The main reason why Portuguese wanted to control the coast states was ………..

A. to spread Christianity B. to control trade routes C. to spread Islam D. to discover iron [       ]

39. What name is given to an animals that kills and eats another organism?

A. consumer B. predator C. vuitures D. decomposer [       ]

40. Gold, Tanzanite, copper and salt are collectively called ………

A. iron B. minerals C. flavours D. tools [       ]

SECTTION B: Filling the blanks

41. The practice of having a slave is called ……………………………………………………………………………….

42. The monsoon winds are also called …………………………………………………………….…………..……..……….

43. Which tribe controlled the northern trade route ……………………………………………………………..………………………….

44. Who were the early European traders to visit the coast of East Africa …………………………………………………………………………………………

45. Where was salt mined in Tanganyika? …………………………………………………………………………..……..




TIME: 1:30 HRS



  • THIS paper consists of 50 questionswith three sections
  • Answer all questions in the spaces provided
  • Write full name on the blank space above together with the name of the school
  • Ensure your work is neat and legible.


Choose the correct answer and write its letter in the brackets

  1. All that surrounds human being is called………………………………
  1. Forest
  2. Environment
  3. Habitat
  4. Mountains
  1. Identify one human activity that can destroy the environment………………….
  1. Mining
  2. Home grazing
  3. Waste collection
  4. Recycling
  1. Keeping many animals in an area can cause
  1. Animal fattening
  2. Herders to get tired
  3. Soil erosion
  4. Many leaves
  1. We are supposed to ……………………..industrial waste to take care of environment
  1. Recycle
  2. Throw away
  3. Hide
  4. Burry
  1. A place where historical information is kept is called………………………..
  1. Archive
  2. Museum
  3. Book shop
  4. Nursery
  1. Some of the places where historical information is kept in Tanzania includes
  1. Mosque and church
  2. Temple and museum
  3. Museum and library
  4. School and archive
  1. Written sources of history such as books, letter and report are stored in
  1. Caves and museum
  2. Library and national documents
  3. Caves and library
  4. House and courts
  1. Things done by a certain community in terms of origin,, environment and community trends are called
  1. Traditions
  2. Taboos
  3. Culture
  4. Art
  1. Muhamed Ahmed was a leader from which country
  1. Rwanda
  2. Burundi
  3. Sudan
  4. Niger.
  1. The meeting to partition the African continent was done in…………….
  1. England
  2. America
  3. Germany
  4. Italy
  1. The reason for colonist colonizing the coastal region of Africa was
  1. Easy of doing business
  2. It was easy to help people
  3. It was easy to carry out farming
  4. Easy to mine
  1. Many African countries got their independence from………………….
  1. 1961
  2. 1972
  3. 1960
  4. 1964
  1. Which was an economic reason for scramble of Africa?
  1. Agriculture
  2. To get education
  3. Transportation
  4. Commerce
  1. Which of these planets supports life?
  1. Mars
  2. Venus
  3. Earth
  4. Mercury
  1. How long does the earth take to go around the sun?
  1. 24 hours
  2. 3651/4 days
  3. Day and night
  4. 300 days
  1. The aim of starting a poultry business is to get
  1. Meat and eggs
  2. Profit
  3. Income
  4. Food
  1. In order to increase income and profit in fruit selling business, one should
  1. Work hard
  2. Relax and wait for income
  3. Pray to god to help you
  4. Find customers.
  1. We use……………to show direction in a map
  1. Key
  2. Symbol
  3. Scale
  4. Frame
  5. Compass.
  1. Ancient man started using fire in………………
  1. Earlier stone age
  2. Earlier iron age
  3. Late iron age
  4. Middle stone age
  1. The following are rights of a child
  1. To do work
  2. To be loved and defended
  3. To sleep and play
  4. To help and respect elders.





  1. Tanganyika got her independence in
  2. Tanganyika African association was formed in
  3. The liberation of Zanzibar started in
  4. The head of a colony in colonial period
  5. The leader of Maji Maji rebellion
  6. An Ethiopian leader
  7. The year Helgoland treaty was signed
  8. The first president of Ghana
  9. The leader of Berlin Conference
  10. The year Vasco Dagama arrived at the coast of Africa
  1. Senator
  2. Governor
  3. 1950
  4. 1948
  5. 1961
  6. 1498
  7. 1589
  8. Carl Peter
  9. Otto Von Bismarck
  10. Haile Selassie
  11. Menelik II
  12. Kwame Nkrumah
  13. 1890
  14. Mkwawa.
  15. Kinjekitile ngwale.



  1. Changes in science and technology can affect culture
  2. Culture and traditions identifies a certain community
  3. Planting trees is neglating the environment
  4. Mixed farming destroys soil fertility
  5. Cutting trees without planting cause desertification
  6. Language help in identifying a community
  7. The berlin conference was convened by Germany Chancelor Otto Von Bismarck
  8. The colonists used peaceful means to colonize Africans
  9. Patrice Lumumba fought the colonists in Congo
  10. During the struggle for independence, the African heroes helped Africa to be united


  1. The maji maji rebellion started in which year…………………………
  2. Which party did Rashid Mfaume Kawawa lead?
  3. An entrepreneur can provide ……………………to the community
  4. Wind is caused by……………………………………..
  5. A place where we can find historical information is called……….



  1. What is entrepreneurship?
  2. Give two qualities of an entrepreneur
  3. Mention two entrepreneurial activities you can start in your community
  4. Differentiate between archeology and anthropology
  5. What is wind?







TIME: 1.30 HRS                                                                                           2020



  1. This paper consists of 50 questions
  2. Answer all questions as per instructions given in each section
  3. Remember to write your name and the date of today



Choose the most correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter in the brackets provided

1. Which of the following is the correct meaning of environment?

  1. All the things around our school 
  2. Water, land and air only
  3. Living things that surround us 
  4.  All non-living things that surround us   
  5. All the things that surround us including living and non- living things

2. Which of the following activities cause environmental degradation?

  1. Planting trees                
  2. Cleaning our environment   
  3. Reforestation   
  4. Deforestation   
  5. Afforestation 

3. The process of collecting and storing information for future reference is referred to as:

  1. Record keeping
  2.  Archaeology
  3. Museums                   
  4. Historical events  
  5. Archives 

4. The removal of the top layer of the soil from one place to another place is termed as:

  1. Drought 
  2. Air pollution
  3.  Soil erosion      
  4.  Environmental conservation  
  5.  Afforestation

5. What is the main function of a camera in record keeping?

  1. To write down important historical events
  2. To take photographs/pictures of historical events
  3. To search for places where different historical events occurred                           
  4. To preserve different tools and objects of historical events
  5. To keep written information about historical events

6. When did Mwalimu Julius KambarageNyerere die?

  1. 9th December 1961 
  2.  7th April 1972  
  3.  10th July 1973  
  4. 26th April 1964  
  5.  14th October 1999

7. The total ways of life of a particular society is referred to as:

  1. Customs 
  2. Culture   
  3.  Family    
  4. Religion 
  5. Tradition                   

    8. Which European nation invaded Tanganyika from 1886 to 1961?

A. Portugal       B. Britain C. Germany          D. Italy       E. Belgium                     

9. Which of the following instrument is used for measuring temperature?

  1. Thermometer
  2. Barometer 
  3. Rain gauge       
  4. Anemometer
  5.  Hygrometer 

10. The daily conditions of the atmosphere recorded for a short period of time are referred to as:

A. Temperature       B. Weather  C. Humidity         D. Climate  E. Sunshine          

11. The largest percentage of the earth’s surface is covered by:

A. Air       B. Water            C. Land       D. Mountains                 E. Forest              

12. The transmission of historical facts from one generation to another generation through the words of mouth is historically known as:

A. Archaeology                                      C. Historical site            E. Museums          

B Archives                              D. Oral traditions

13. One of the ways of conserving water sources is:

A.Dumping wastes in to the water bodies       

B. Avoiding illegal fishing methods like the use of dynamites                                  

C. Burning bushes

D. Cutting down all the trees along the water bodies

E. Directing the water from the industries in to the river, ocean or lake

14. The moving air is known as:

A. Temperature         B. Humidity                   C. Wind      D. Gas                  E. Water               

15. When did Tanganyika get her independence?

A.9th December 1961                    C. 10th December 1963  E. 26th April         1964  

B. 9th December 1962                            D. 12th January 1964

16. The special places or buildings where tools and objects of historical events are kept are known as:

A. Museums                                 C. Anthropology           E. Oral tradition   

B. Archives                                  D. Archaeology              

17. Who discovered the skull of the earliest man at Olduvai Gorge in 1959?

A.Karl Peters                               C. Vasco da Gama                  E. Charles Darwin         

B. Dr. Louis Leakey                     D. David Livingstone

18. In which region is KondoaIrangi historical site found?

A.Arusha                                               C. Dodoma                    E. Tanga               

B. Iringa                                       D. Ruvuma

19. The instrument that is used to measure  wind speed is called:

A. Anemometer                                     C. Wind vane                 E. Thermometer   

B. Barometer                               D. Rain gauge

20. The president who served for a long period of time in Tanzania was:

A. Mwalimu J.K. Nyerere            C. Ali HassaniMwinyi   E. JakayaMrishoKikwete

B. Benjamin William Mkapa                 D. Rashid MfaumeKawawa                        

21. What is the name of the following instrument?




                         A.  Anemometer                                   

                         B. Wind vane

                         C. Hygrometer                                                                                      

                         D. Wind sock  

                         E. Barometer


22. Which one among the following is NOT an element of weather?

  1. Sunshine                                  C. Temperature              E. Air pressure     

     B. Humidity                                 D. Barometer

23. The Iringa declaration of 1972 advocated on:

A. Socialism                                 C. Tourism                    E. Fishing             

B. Agriculture                              D. Industry 

24. The Tanzania and Uganda (Kagera) war was fought from:

A. 1905-1907  B. 1914-1918   C. 1961-1967  D. 1978-1979       E. 1990-1995                 

25. Keeping records of historical events is very important because:

  1. It helps us to remember and learn from the past events
  2. It helps us to forget the past
  3. It helps us to loose important information about the past events                        
  4. It help us to get wrong information about the past
  5. It creates conflicts in the society

26. Which historical event do the Tanzanians remember on 14th October of every year?

  1. Independence of Tanganyika             D. Death of Mwalimu J.K. Nyerere 
  2. Independence of Zanzibar                  E. Union of Tanganyika and Zanzibar
  3. Zanzibar revolution 

27. The process of loving your country and being ready even to die for it is termed as:

A. Citizenship                                        C. Freedom          E. Patriotism                  B. Nationality                                        D. Unity

28. Which of the following was the first group agents of colonialism to arrive in Tanganyika and Zanzibar?

  1. Missionaries                                   C. Traders            E. Portuguese       
  2. Explorers                                                 D. Arabs

29. The study of weather is known as:

  1. Climatology                                                C. Archaeology    E. Meteorology              
  2. Astronomy                                                 D. Zoology 

30. The main source of water is:

A. Sun             B. River                D. Lake       C. Ocean     E. Rainfall                      

31. The process of cutting down trees without replanting others is known as:

A. Overgrazing          B. Deforestation C. Afforestation D. Deforestation E. Destocking   

32. A person who is admired by his courage and outstanding achievement in the society is known as:

A. Leader                  B. Citizen             C. President          D. Hero       E. Elite                 

33. The total way of life of a particular group of people or society is called:

A. Tradition    B. Customs C. Culture   D. Religion           E. Norms              

34. Which of the following is one of the effects of destroying our environment?

A. Availability of food                 C. Availability of resources     E. Increase of plants and animals

B. Outbreak of diseases      D. Enough rainfall                                                         

35. In which year did Tanzania re-introduce multiparty system?

A. 1985           B. 1992       C. 1965       D. 2005      E. 2010                          

36. Who was the leader of Majimaji war?

  1. Abushiri                         C. KinjekitileNgwale               E. Isike                           
  2. Bwana Heri                    D. Mkwawa

37. The following are the names of the African heroes who resisted colonial invasion in Africa, EXCEPT:

  1. KinjekitileNgwale           C. Vasco da Gama                  E. SamoreToure
  2. Chief Lobengula             D. DedanKimathi                                                 

38. Tanzanite are minerals that are mined only in Tanzania at a place known as:

A. Mererani     B. Mwadui  C. Kiwira    D. Songwe  E. Songosongo               

39. If you cut down trees and then you replant others, you practice environmental conservation process known as:

A. Afforestation        B. Reforestation  C. Deforestation    D. Land pollution E. Overgrazing          

40. The amount of rainfallon the earth’s surface is measured by an instrument called:

A. Rain meter       B. Rain gauge    C. Thermometer D. Anemometer  E. Hygrometer   


Answer the following questions by supplying the correct answers in the space provided

  1. The removal of the top layer of soil from one place to another is called__________________
  2. What is the function of the instrument shown by the picture below in record keeping?


                      Image result for camera                      _______________________________________________


Write down two advantages of wind

  1. ________________________________
  2. _________________________________
  3. Name the element of weather measured by using the instrument shown by the diagram below


  1. Write down two disadvantages of not keeping records of historical events
    1. ________________________________________________________
    2. _____________________________________________________
  2. List down two effects of mining activities on environment
    1. ______________________________________________________
    2. _______________________________________________________
  3. Who discovered the skull of the earliest man at Olduvai Gorge?_________________________
  4. The policy of Free Market Economy was introduced by president_________________________
  5. The historical sites that are famous for rock paintings in Tanzania are___________________________________________and___________________________






























































TIME: 1.30 HRS                                           2020



  1. This paper consists of 45 questions
  2. Answer all questions in the spaces provided
  3. Ensure clarity in all your answers
  4. Do not attempt to cheat.

1. ………………. is the situation where by harmful substances are introduced into earth’s atmosphere:

  1. Air pollution
  2. water pollution 
  3. soil erosion       
  4. land pollution 

2. The Nyamwezi chief who fought against the Germany from 1891 to 1893 was: 

  1. Mirambo         
  2. Isike           
  3. Hassan bin Abushiri 
  4. Mkwawa 

3. A son of your sister or your brother is called: 

  1. Nephew           
  2. aunt            
  3. Niece       
  4. cousin

4. The smallest planet in the solar system is: 

  1. Uranus    
  2. Jupiter   
  3. Mercury       
  4. Earth               

5. Who was the leader of IBEACO in East Africa?

  1. William Macknon
  2. Carl Peters
  3. Vasco DaGama
  4. Sir Donald Cameroon 

6. The first German governor in Tanganyika was known as”

  1. Horrace Byatt     
  2. Julius Von Soden
  3. Emil Von Zelewisky
  4.  Richard Turnbull                                               

7. The German ruled Tanganyika until” 

  1. 1945
  2. 1961
  3. 1918
  4. 1945                

8. The nick name of Carl Peters was: 

  1. Nyundo
  2. Mkono wa damu   
  3. Katili 
  4. Mfanyabiashara 

9. The main slave market in East Africa was in:

  1. Mombasa
  2. Bagamoyo
  3. Zanzibar 
  4. Dar es salaam 

10. One of the positive effect of slave trade along the Coast of East Africa was” 

  1. Depopulation  
  2. introduction of Swahili language
  3. insecurity     
  4. Forced labour

11. An hygrometer is an instrument in the meteorological centre which is used to measure: 

  1. Pressure
  2. Humidity 
  3. Temperature 
  4. Rainfall            

12. The increase of temperature on the earth due to much carbondioxide is called: 

  1. Global cooling 
  2. global warming 
  3. global carbon 
  4.   atmosphere                                                               

13. Which among the regions receives the small/least amount of rainfall? 

  1. Equational
  2. tropical
  3. Desert and semi desert 
  4. Coastal region 

14. Where did iron smelting start in East Africa?

  1. Mwanza  
  2. Kondoa 
  3. Engaruka  
  4. Uvinza

15. Dodoma train accident at Igandu occurred on:

  1. 24th June 2002
  2. 12th January 1964
  3. 23rd December 2015 
  4. 24th March 2018

16. Who was the last British governor in Tanganyika?

  1. Julius Von Soden 
  2. Richard Turnbull
  3. J.K.Nyerere
  4. Edward Twinning                         

17. When was the Organization of African Unity (OAU) formed: 

  1. 1963 
  2. 2002  
  3.  1945
  4. 1918        

18. Chama cha mapinduzi is a combination of two political parties which are:

  1.  ASP and TAA 
  2.  TANU and TAA 
  3.  ASP and TANU 
  4.  ASP and KANU 

19. John Okello is popularly known in the history of Zanzibar:

  1. Because he involved full in Zanzibar revolution plans
  2. Because he was the last Sultan of Zanzibar
  3. He was the last British governor in Zanzibar
  4. He was the last head of state in Zanzibar                                               

20. A famous archeologist who discovered the skull of zinjanthropus at Olduvai Gorge is: 

  1. Charles Darwin  
  2. Bartholomew Diaz
  3. Dr.Louis K. Leaky
  4. D. Vasco Da Gama                           

21.___________  is the day to day condition of the atmosphere.

  1. Weather
  2. climate  
  3. desert
  4. sunny                

22. Ocean tides is the result of               

  1. Gravitation force between the moon and earth
  2. solar eclipse
  3. lunar eclipse
  4. revolution of the moon 

23. Day and night is caused by____________ 

  1. Rotation of the earth on its axis  
  2. revolution of the earth on its axis
  3. solar eclipse 
  4. solar system                                 

24. An economic activity that involves extraction of minerals from the ground is called: 

  1. Agriculture
  2. fishing  
  3. mining
  4. industry 

25. One of the following is a food crop: 

  1. Cashew nut  
  2. maize  
  3. sisal
  4. tea                             

26. Which of the following societies are still living primitive communal way of life? 

  1. Maasai and Chagga    
  2. Sandawe and Hadzabe
  3. Kurya and Sukuma
  4. Yao and Nyakyusa                       

27. Which of the following is an illegal fishing method: 

  1. The use of poison 
  2. hooks 
  3. wick worker fish trap
  4. larpooming                                                                                           

28.___  is the act of daring and ability to find market and innovate new business ideas in order to produce or provide services which will make you to get income.

  1. Entrepreneurship 
  2. trade  
  3. commodity
  4. goods                         

29. The following are the categories of vegetation cover resources EXCEPT; 

  1. Forest 
  2. bushes
  3. wild animals
  4. grasses             

30. J. K. Nyerere resigned from power in: 

  1. 1895
  2. 1992 
  3. 1990 
  4. 1985                

31. What time is taken for sun rays to reach the earth? 

  1. 8 hours 
  2. 24 hours
  3. 8 1/2 minutes
  4. 30 minutes       

32. The king of the Lozi kingdom in Zimbabwe who collaborated with the British against the Ndebele was called:

  1. King Mswati
  2. Lewanika
  3. Kabaka Mtesa I
  4. Thabo Mbeki   

33. The Portuguese explorer Vasco Da Gama reached the coast of East Africa in: 

  1. 1492
  2. 1698 
  3.  1498
  4.  1840                

34. When did Mwalimu J.K.Nyerere become the first president of Tanganyika? 

  1. 1961
  2. 1964
  3. 1965 
  4. 1962                

35. The first prime minister of Tanganyika was:

  1. Edward Sokoine
  2. Rashid Kawawa
  3. J.K.Nyerere  
  4. Ali Hassan Mwinyi

36. The first general election under multipartism in Tanzania was conducted in:

  1. 1992  
  2. 1995
  3. 1994 
  4. 1993                

37. The largest planet in the solar system is: 

  1. Satum
  2. Jupiter
  3. Pluto
  4. The sun      

38. An instrument which is used to measure wind direction is called: 

  1. Thermometer 
  2. Barometer
  3. Anemometer
  4. Wind-vane     

39. The second imperialist country to colonize Tanganyika was: 

  1. Japan
  2. USA 
  3. German
  4. Britain             

40. Who was the first European to sea Mount Kilimanjaro?

  1. William Macknon 
  2. David Livingston
  3. Johannes Rebman 
  4. Carl Peters                                              


41. Which country in East Africa was the first to get independence?

42. The process of buying and selling human being like other commodities is known as……… ………………

43. Name the physical feature found in a map.

44. Draw a sign used to show a bridge in a map

45. The source of river Nile is the lake known as…… ………… ……







  1. This Examinations Consists Of 50  Questions
  2. Answer All Questions
  3. Write Your Answers In Capital Letters
  4. Make Your Work Legible


Choose the correct answer from the Alternatives given

  1. Total of all things that surround human beings is
  1. forest
  2. environment
  3. habitat
  4. mountains
  5. Atmosphere
  1. Some of human activities which destroys the environment includes
  1. mining
  2. planting of trees
  3. zero grazing
  4. waste collection
  5. recycling
  1. Keeping large number of animals in a small piece of land can cause … … … …  
  1. Animal being fat
  2. Herders getting tired
  3. Soil erosion
  4. Increase of pasture
  5. Rain
  1. Illegal fishing is harmful because it destroys… …  
  1. Infrastructure
  2. Small fish
  3. food
  4. resources
  5. ocean
  1. In order to protect environment, industrial wastes should be
  1. recycled
  2. thrown away
  3. hidden
  4. burried
  5. burnt
  1. A museum iss used for;
  1. Keeping records of births and deaths
  2. Preserving historical information
  3. Preserving technological information
  4. Keeping academic information
  5. Keeping national records
  1. The importance of keeping historical research is that;
  1. To know past, present and future events
  2. To know present things
  3. To improve past events
  4. To know future events
  5. To preserve historical facts

8. Identify two things that are found in the home surroundings:

  1. Beds and desks
  2. Classes and library
  3. Beds and cooking vessels
  4. Flags poles and Beds
  5. Playing grounds and classes

9. Fishing which is unstustainable leads to the following; except?

  1. Death of people
  2. death of fish
  3. Environmental pollution
  4. Poverty
  5. Richness

10.  How can Tanzanians control wastes in their surroundings?

  1.  Throwing waste anyhowly
  2.  Farming using modern methods
  3.  Throwing wastes in streams
  4.  Using plastics bags
  5. Giving environmental education

11. In locating a position on a map by using the grid reference which numbers are read first? 

  1.  Horizontal then vertical lines.  
  2.  Vertical then horizontal lines.
  3.  Left then right.  
  4.  Right then upward.
  5.  Right then left.

12.  Which of the minerals  below is used to make nuclear energy? 

  1. Coal
  2.  Uranium           
  3.  copper
  4.  Diamond                                         
  5.  Gold

13.  Which of the following regions are known fro cotton farming?

  1.  Tanga and Mbeya.  
  2.  Morogoro and Pwani.  
  3.  Morogoro and Tanga.
  4.  Kilimanjaro and Manyara.
  5.  Mtwara and Singida

14.      The main cause environmental degradation in Africa is;

  1.  Over population 
  2.  Nuclear weapons
  3.  Food crop farming
  4.  Cash crop farming 
  5.  Farming on contours

15.  TPC Moshi, Kagera, Mtibwa and Kilombero are examples of industries which produce;

  1.  Cement      
  2.  Sugar      
  3. Ciggarete
  4.  Iron sheets                                               
  5.  Coffee

16. Which of the following energy sources can cause environmental degradation?

  1. Sun
  2.  Wind
  3.  Water
  4. Charcoal
  5.  Animal waste

17. Which of the following regions has large tea farms?

  1. Pwani, Njombe and Iringa 
  2. Ruvuma and Morogoro
  3. Morogoro, Njombe and Iringa.
  4. Kilimanjaro and Mbeya
  5. Mbeya, Njombe and Iringa

18. An environmenta hazard caused by natural hazards is called

  1.  Drought
  2.  Earth quake
  3.  Soil erosion 
  4.  Hunger
  5.  Environmental pollution

19. We can avoid water pollution by

  1. Poor disposal of chemical wastes
  2. Propers disposal of waste water
  3. Use of inorganic fertilizer
  4. Chemical fishing
  5. Vehicle washing in rivers

20. Cotton, chaff and coffee are; 

  1.  Food crops
  2. Cash crops
  3.  Cereals 
  4. Seasonal crops
  5.  Export crops 


Write True from correct statement and false for incorrect statement

  1. Verbal narration is done by word of mouth  … … … … … … … … …
  2. National museum in Tanzania is found in Arusha… … … … …  
  3. The research done on various historical sites helps to acquire historical information… … … … … … …  
  4. Changes in science and technology can affect culture … … … … …  
  5. Culture identifies a certain community… … … … … …  
  6. Language is used to identify a community… … … … … … …  
  7. Work is a measure of humanity in any society… … … … …  
  8. Zanzibar revolution occurred in 1962… … … … … … …  
  9. Anthropology is used by historians to get information about history and culture… … … … … …  
  10. The use of oral traditions is the best way ro store historical information … … … … … … …  


Match items in list A by choosing the correct response from list B



  1. Anemometer
  2. Wind
  3. Destroying roofs
  4. pollination
  5. wind vane
  6. wind
  7. Atmospheric changes from time to time
  8. Where mining is done
  9. Lack of rain
  10. Resources from underground.
  1. Drought
  2. Weather
  3. Mine
  4. Minerals
  5. Measure wind direction
  6. Benefits of wind
  7. Measure wind pressure
  8. Measure temperature
  9. Nourish plants
  10. Measure speed of wind
  11. Moving air
  12. Moving wind
  13. Bad effects of wind


Fill the spaces below with the correct word

  1. In which region do we get ruby minerals?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  2. The main source of water in lakes is… … … … … …  
  3. Lack of rain for a longer period of time is called… … … … …  
  4. When did Elnino rain occur?
  5. When did The union of Tanganyika and Zanzibar take place
  6.  Who was Edward sokoine?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
  7. When was Kagera war?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
  8. Give  the name of first president of Tanzania… … … … … …  
  9. The speed of wind is measured by use of?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
  10. Mention one region in Tanzania where wind is harnessed to produce electricity?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


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