1. The pupils ____________ their book at the moment. (A)read (B) reads (C) are reading (D) reading (E) is reading 
  2. Ibrahim ________ for two days last week (A) travelling (B) travelled (C) travel (D) travels (E) will travel.
  3. Have you _______ your homework? (A) finish (B)finishes (C) finishing (D) finish (E) is finished
  4. The room is ____ small to accommodate 100 people. (A) very (B) to such (C) too (E) two
  5. My parents told me that during the slave trade human beings ______ like animals (A) are selling (B) are sold (C) was sold (D) were selling (E) were sold
  6. I cut a piece of paper _____ a knife (A) by (B) with (C) for (D) and (E) at
  7. We ate feeling thirsty is there _______ water in the glass. (A) some (B) many (C) few (D) any (E) little.
  8. Neither the pupil’s _____ their teacher will come to meet you. (A) or (B) and (C) nor (D) both (E) not only
  9. Ashura and Rose are preparing ______ to go to school. (A) themselves (B)their selves (C)herself (D)ourselves (E) themselves
  10. He _____ football every day. (A) play (B) plays (C) played (D) playing (E) has been playing
  11. Amina will _______ to Mwanza next week. (A) went (B)going (B) going (C) goes (D) go (E) gone 
  12. My mother _____ a new dress (A) has (B) have (C) are (D) is (E) was 
  13. We are ______ the examination now. (A) do (B) done (C) did (D) doing (E)didn’t 
  14. ____ she told you about her birthday? (A) have (B) has (C) shall (D) will (E) would
  15. Asha usually _____ daladala buses to work (A) board (B) boards (C) boarding (D) boarded (E) was board
  16. The boys _____ their books to the school library. (A) has taken (B) have taken (C) will take (D)shall take (E) shall have taken 
  17. Four months ago Joyce ____ from Japan. (A) cames (B) come (C) is coming (D) came (E)coming 
  18. The cat _____ a mouse yesterday (A)catch (B)catched (C)caught (D)cought (E)were caught
  19. The parent ______ hands with the head teacher. (A) shaked (B) shook (C)shaken (D) shooked (E)shake.
  20. The stone was ____ by the naught boy. (A)threw (B)throwed (C)thrown (D)threwn (E)throw
  21. These book belong to Juma. It is _____ book (A)Juma (B)Ali (C) Juma’s (D)Jumas’ (E)belongs
  22. Those pupils ____ not eaten food. (A)had (B)has (C) have (D)had been (E) was been 
  23. Do you have ____ problem? (A) some (B)many (C)any (E)few 
  24. My friend is suffering _______ malaria (A)of (B) by (C)from (D)with (E)on 
  25. Standard five are very happy ______ they have passed the examination. (A)why (B) because (C) when (D)so (E)sad
  26. I think that ____ Hassan and Leena have done very well. (A)both (B)all (C) none (D)not (E)Every
  27. When we make orange Juice, first the oranges _______ in half. (A)cut (B)cuts (C)cutting (D)have cut (E)are cut 
  28. He _____ be lazy but now he works very hard. (A)use (B)use to (C)used to (E)using
  29. After the meal we ___ through the park. (A)walk (B)walks (C)walking (D)walked (E)have walked.
  30. He is a wonderful son and I _______ him very much. (A)love (B)loves (C)am loving (D)loved (E)have loved.

SECTION B: Vocabulary

  1. A calf is to cow. A kid is to _____ (A)sheep (B)lion (C) goat (D) horse (E)cat 
  2. An elephant trumpets. A barks ______ (A)neighs (B)bleats (C)barks (D)Brays (E)roars 
  3. A young one of a rabbit is called Bunny what about a young one of a sheep _____ (A)chick (B)kitten (C) lamb (D)piglet (E)puppy
  4. A person who sells medicine is called a ________(A)Dentist (B)chemist/pharmacist (C)Doctor (D) nurse (E)sailor
  5. A person who cuts people’s hair is called a ______ (A) tailor (B)baker (C)barber (D)butcher (E) postman 

SECTION C: Composition

Re-arrange the following sentences by giving them A, B, C, D and E

  1. She was close enough to see the cut above his eye
  2. She shouted at him “What are you doing?”
  3. He turned round and looked at her 
  4. He quickly ran away into the trees behind the house
  5. Saada was nearly home when she saw a man climb out of the window

SECTION D: Comprehension

Read the following passage carefully and then answer questions number 41 – 4 

Ngare and his family are hardworking people. They woke up early every day in the morning

They all leave their beds at 5:00 am Mr. Ngare milks his cow and his wife Fatuma milks the big black goat. The elder son Saidi prepares breakfast while their second son Mbega cleans the house. Their daughter Mwanaidi looks after the dogs. The last born Kijoli cleans the cowshed 


  1. How many children does Mr. Ngare has ______________
  2. What does Mr. Ngare do in the morning?
  3. What does Saidi do in the morning?
  4. At what time does the family leave their beds?
  5. What is their last born’s name?







  1. Juma was driving his ear. What type of mirror must he use to check cars coming from behind _______ (A)Concave (B)Plane mirror (C)convex mirror (D)beauty salon mirror (E)lenses
  2. Class five were doing an experiment by burning a candle. What kind of change did they experience _______ (A)chemical change (B)physical change (C)light change (D)normal change (E)melting change
  3. Patrick school went for a study tour in to Tarangire national park. They found that all trees have shade their leaves. This process is called ______ (A)Osmosis (B)Diffusion (C)Transpiration (D)translocation (E)Wilting
  4. Hamisi was studying science. He came across this symbol. What is it

(A) Dry cell (B)Resistor (C)Bulb (D) switch (E)Battery

  1. Why is it advised to shutdown the computer by following the correct procedures? (A)TO avoid losing unsaved information’s (B)To reduce the heat generated within the computer (C)To protect it against computer virus (D)To protect it from un expected power failure (E)To protect it from failing down
  2. Small particles of iron have entered into eyes a steel rod factory worker and he need help. What would you do in order to help him ________ (A)Use cotton bud to remove the particles (B)use clean cloth to wipe inside the eyes (C)make the person to bend so that the particles fall down (D)use magnet to attract those particles from his eyes (E)washing his face using clean water and soap
  3. The importance of insects in the environment is ______ (A)Transport flowers (B)pollinate flowers (C)eat flowers (D)development of flowers (E)shedding of leaves
  4. Social welfare officer visited the elders centre and advised them on the important of eating food rich in ______ (A)proteins (B)Vitamins (C)carbohydrates (D)minerals (E)fatc and oil
  5. Class five pupils were asked by their science teacher to mention one organ which is found in both respiration and excretory system. Who mentioned the correct organ (A)John Nose (B)Ali kidney (C)Edgar liver (D)Anna Lungs (E)Faith skin
  6. Sara does not seen well at night which vitamins does she lack? (A)Vitamin C (B)vitamin D (C)Vitamin B (D)Vitamin B2 (E)Vitamin A
  7. John wanted to push a big stone from his compound as shown below. The part marked A is called. (A)load (B)effort (C)fulcrum (D)lever (E)screw

  1. In which class of lever is the diagram above is in _________ (A)1st class lever (B)2nd class lever (C)3rd class lever (D)4th class lever (E)5th class lever
  2. Class five pupils were asked to name the characteristic of mammals. Five pupils gave the following answers. Who was incorrect
  1. James: They have mammary gland and breast feed
  2. George: Their body is covered by hair
  3. Patrick: Their take care of their young ones
  4. Joel: Give birth to young ones alive
  5. Joshua: They are cold blooded (Poikilothermic)
  1. Class six did the following experiment

After a few days the plant was growing towards the sunlight. This process is called. (A)Hydrotropism (B) Geotropism (C) Phototropism (D) Chemotropism (E) Photosynthesis

  1. Desert plants shade off their leaves during dry seasons in order to (A)Absorb more water (B)manufacture its food (C)reduce water loss (D)dry faster (E)get new leaves
  2. The food that provide the body with energy is ______ (A)protein (B)vitamins (C)minerals salts (D)fats (E)carbohydrates
  3. The tube that start from the mouth to the anus is called _______ (A)gullet (B)intestine(C)alimentary canal (D)colon (E)trachea
  4. Frequent urination, excessive urination and frequent thirst are symptoms of _____ diseases. (A)cancer (B)diabetes (C)kwashiorkor (D)anemia (E)whooping cough
  5. Thin root hairs absorb water and nutrients to the plant though? (A)Osmosis (B)diffusion (C)pollination (D)radiation (E)conduction
  6. The following are external parts of a leaf

The part marked 1 connects leaf to the stem is called ______ (A)Midrib (B)lamina (C)Apex (D)Petiole (E)vein

  1. In the above diagram. Which part has the small opening called stomata (A)margin (B)lamina (C)Apex (D)apex (E)petiole
  2. In human reproduction system fertilization takes place in the _______ (A)Vagina (B)the ovary (C)Fallopian tube (D)Uterus (E)Cervix
  3. Another name for the uterus is the _______ (A)fallopian tube (B)ovary (C)oviducts (D)womb (E)cervix
  4. Class five pupils drew the diagram below in their science lesson

In the diagram above this kind of lifecycle is called ______ (A)complete metamorphosis (B)incomplete metamorphosis (C)lifecycle of butterfly (D)life cycle of housefly (E)lifecycle of cockroach

  1. A class five pupil listed down characteristics of a certain animal
  1. They are cold blooded (poikilothermic)
  2. They have backbone
  3. They live both on land and in water
  4. They breathe by means of lungs (adult) and gills (during larvae)
  5. They lay eggs

This could an __________

(A)snakes (B)Tortoise (C)frogs (D)crocodiles (E)lizards

  1. Animals that eat plants only are called (A)omnivorous (B)carnivorous (C)Aquatic animals (D)Herbivorous (E)Terrestrial animals
  2. The kind of most that transmit malaria is called ______ (A)Anopheles (B)Aedes(C)culex (D)culex (D)Elephantiasis (E)Dengue mosquito
  3. Blood cells that are responsible for defending the body against diseases are called ____ (A)Red blood cells (B)White blood cells (C)plasma (E)Haemoglobin
  4. The following are agents of pollination except _______ (A)insects (B)wind (C)Birds (D)nectar (E)water
  5. Rusting is the product of _____ (A)salt, air and water (B)hydrogen and water (C)Iron and water (D)water, silver and air (E)oxygen, water and iron
  6. In order for a seed to germinate they need _____ (A)sunlight, moisture and air (B)warmth and air (C)moisture, warmth and oxygen (D)air, soil and water €light, moisture and soil
  7. During a class discussion Juma identified parts of and their function. Which one is correctly matched with its function
  1. Receptacle – attaches a flower to the plant or branch
  2. Stomach – attracts insects and birds that pollinate flowers
  3. Stigma – stores ovules that carry female gametes
  4. Style – receives pollen from the anther
  5. Ovary – protects young flowers before they become buds
  1. The transfer of pollen grains from one plant to another is called (A)self-pollination (B)cross pollination (C)pollen grains (D)anthers (E)water pollination
  2. An electronic device capable for receiving and collecting information data and handling it is called _______(A)television (B)computer (C)internet (D)phone (E)radio
  3. What kind of food does its digestion start in the mouth _____(A)vitamin (B)oils (C)carbohydrates (D)proteins (E)minerals
  4. An organ responsible for removing urea, salts, chemical by-products of medicine and excess water in form of urine is ____ (A)liver (B)heart (C)skin (D)kidney (E)lungs
  5. Water mixed with sugar and salt is the first aid given to a patients suffering from (A)malaria (B)diarrhea and vomiting (C)typhoid (D)tuberculosis (E)broken arm or leg
  6. Goiter is a diseases caused by lack of _____ (A)calcium (B)iodine (C)potassium (D)phosphorous (E)iron
  7. Which of the following exists in three states of matter ______ (A)water (B)iron (C)candle (D)wood (E)wire
  8. The following electric symbol represent

(A) Fuse (B)ohmmeter (C)voltmeter (D)wire (E)Ammeter


  1. The two ducts from each kidney, which transport urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder is called ________
  2. The walls of the outer part of thermos flask are made up of glass so as to reduce heat loss by _______
  3. Class five set up the following experiment

The experiment shows _______________

  1. The two types of machines are _________
  2. A wheelbarrow is a simple machine in _____________ class lever







Answer All Questions

  1. Write the total of 6342 and 850
  2. Find the sum of 48135 and 21224
  3. Find the difference of 48135 and 22187
  4. Find the sum of 5674 and 68714
  5. John has 19100 mangoes, he sold 10091. How many mangoes remain
  6. Find the quotient of 9664 and 32
  7. Find the total of
  8. Divide 3232 by 16
  9. Find the total of 21.57 and 9.24
  10. Find the sum of
  11. Write 462 in Roman number
  12. Write the prime numbers between 6 and 25
  13. Find the next number in 4, 8, 12, 16 ______
  14. Convert 25% into decimal
  15. Find the square root of 625
  16. Simplify
  17. The perimeter of a square is 40cm what is length of one side
  18. Change  tones into kilogram
  19. Find the highest common factors HCF of 18 and 24
  20. Find the value of A and E

  1. Find the average numbers of the following numbers 105, 125, 145, 140 and 135
  2. What is the sum of H.C.F and L.C.M 18 and 20
  3. Simplify
  4. Find the perimeter of the following figure

  1. Find the G.C.F of 24 and 180
  2. Find the length of Z in the following figure

  1. Find the area of the figure

  1. Find the area of a square whose length is 19cm
  2. Zuhura went with ten thousand shillings to buy the following items salt 5 packets @ shs 300/= 6 spoons @ shs 500/= and rice kg 2 @ shs 2000/=. How many shillings did she was left with
  3. Masele had 88 mangoes. He sold  of those mangoes. How many mangoes did he was left with
  4. Find the product of
  5. 5 days is equal to how many hours?
  6. Convert 2000g into kg
  7. Find the square root 169
  8. A textbook has 750 pages. How many pages do 850 such books have
  9. One storybook has 625 pages. If each page has 421 words. How many words will Juma read in five books?
  10. Work out
  11. Multiply
  12. Julieth multiplied the square of 4 and the square of 5. What was the product?
  13. The bus fare from Dar es Salaam to Mwanza is sh 65,000. How much money does the bus collect if it carries 50 passengers?


The bar graph below shows various sports liked by Grade five pupils at Kalimani Primary school. Study it carefully and answer the question correctly

41. Name the two sports that were liked by majority of the pupils

42. Which sport was disliked totally all the pupils

43. How many more pupils liked soccer than volleyball?

44. Find the total number of pupils who liked basketball and volleyball

45. Find the sum of all the pupils who liked the various sports shown above







  1. The sum of all the things that surround a human being are called ______ (A)Ecology (B)water (C)environment (D)rain (E)universe
  2. In the solar system there are planets and other objects. Which is the star (A)Moon (B)Comets (C)pluto (D)sun (E)asteroids
  3. Tanzania has been led by six presidents so far. Who was the fourth president (A)Hon Ally Hassan Mwinyi (B)Hon JakayaMrishoKikwete (C) Dr Samia Suluhu Hassan (D)The late Benjamin w.Mkapa(E)The laateMwl Julius Nyerere
  4. Livestock keeping, fishing, Agriculture, mining and lumbering are ______ activities (A)entrepreneur (B)economic or production (C)illegal (D)legal (E)Transportation
  5. The electricity produce using water is called ______ (A)Geothermal (B)natural gas (C)coal (D)Hydro-electric power H.E.P (E)solar
  6. I was a Portuguese I started a school of sailors in Lisbon Portugal who I am ______(A)vasco da gama (B)bathomew Diaz (C)Fransisco d Almeida (D)King who I am navigator (E)carl Peter
  7. Barometers are basic instruments used to measure weather element. What does this device used for ______ (A)Rainfall (B)Air pressure (C) sun (D)wind direction (E)humidity
  8. The following are types of environmental destruction except ______ (A)deforestation (B)Overgrazing (C)planting trees (D)Dumping waste €mining activities
  9. Anemometer, wind vane, windsock, rain gauge Hygrometer are weather instruments which one is used to measure the strength of wind. (A)anemometer (B)wind vane (C)rain gauge (D)wind sock (E) Hygrometer
  10. In Africa there different types of mountains eg volcanic, residual, fold mountains Block Mountains etch. The highest mountain in Africa is in which type of mountain (A)volcanic (B)block (C)residual (D)fold (E)mountain ranges
  11. The Portuguese were among the first visitors to Africa. The first portugues to visit E. Africa cost was (A)vasco da gama (B)Von Sodden (C)carl Peter (D)Hon Twinning (E)Batholomes Diaz
  12. Among the objects of the missionaries is to stop the slave trade in Africa. When was the slave market closed. (A)1873 (B)1870 (C)1890 (D)1773 (E)1872
  13. There are sensitive and important weather instrument kept in the stevension screen which ones (A)rain gauge and wind vane (B)Thermometer and hygrometers (C)Barometer and wind sock (D)Thermometer and anemometer (E)Rain gauge and ceilometer
  14. After colonial were sent in a meeting to divide Africa continent in Berlin conference in 1884 – 1885. Who was the leader (A)Sir William makninon (B)vascodagama (D) von sodden (E)Sir Harace Byatt
  15. The following are ways of Preserving water sources except _____
  1. Stop cutting down trees down near water sources
  2. Stop polluting water sources
  3. Stop doing agricultural activities near water sources
  4. Polluting water sources
  5. Educate people on how to preserve water sources
  1. The process of cutting down trees for timber and selling is called ____ (A)deforestation (B)Afforestation (C)lumbering (D)timber (E)making paper
  2. There many national holidays in Tanzania each year. Which national holiday is celebrated on 26th April each year. (A)independence (B)Karume day (C)union day (D)Nyerere day (E) nanenae
  3. Mr. Tarimo comes from Kilimanjaro region. He likes keeping animals, which kind of livestock to think he will Practise (A)nomadism (B)Tethering (C)zero grazing (D)ranching (E)free range system
  4. The following are characteristics of entrepreneurs except (A)passion (B)independent thinking (C)risk taker (D)lazy (E)vision
  5. Fishing is an activity which involves catching fish from water. Fishing in Indian ocean is called ______ (A) lake fishing (B)marine or salt water fishing (C)inland or fresh water fishing (D) Ocean fishing (E)Deep sea fishing
  6. The Arusha Declaration was announced on _______ (A) 5th February 1977 (B)12th January 1964 (C)7th April 1972 (D) 14th October 1999 (E)5th February 1967
  7. In the solar system there planets, meteors, sun and comets. Which is the largest planet__ (A) Earth (B)Jupiter (C)saturn (D)mercury (E)Uranus
  8. There are many historical places in Tanzania with a good heritage. In which is the place where historical events are kept (A)Museums (B)Archives (C)mosques (D)churches (E)monuments.
  9. Ports are an important resources in economic growth and development since colonial times. Which is the first port of Tanganyika (A)Bagamoyo (B)mafia (C)kade (D)Kilwa (E)Tanga
  10. A landlocked country is a country without sea port. Among the following countries which is a land locked one. (A)Tanzana (B) Mozambique (E)Kenya (D)Somalia (E)Zambia
  11. The remains of ancient things in Tanzania were discovered in Arusha the skill of first human being. Who discovered it. (A) Dr David living stone (B)Dr. John speke (C)Dr leakey (D)JohnessRebman (E)carl Peters
  12. In which town in the Kenya coast was the fort Jesus bult ____ (A)Malindi (B)lamu (C)Tanga (D)Mombasa (E)Kilifi
  13. The following are political Parties in Tanzania, Chadema, Cuf, Tanzania labour party, Tanzania Democratic Alliance C.C.M which is the ruling Party in Tanzania (A) C.C.M (B)Chadema (C)Cuf (D)T.L.P (E)Kilifi
  14. Who was the Prime minister during the time of Kagera war 1978 – 1979 (A)Dr Salim Ahmed Salim (B)Mizengopinda (C)Edward Lowas (D)The late Edward moringesokoine (E)Dr fedrickSumaye
  15. The first prime minister of Tanganyika was ______ (A)Mzee Rashid MfalmeKawawa (B)The late Edward Moringesokoine (C)The late Mwl Julius Kambarangenyerere(D)Edward Lowassa (E)Dr Cleopa David Msuya


Matching items



  1. Entrepreneur
  1. The act in which the army or a country enters another country by force
  1. Invasion
  1. A curved path followed by a planet or an object as it moves around another planet star or moon
  1. Polygamy
  1. A plan of action to achieve something
  1. Strategy
  1. Someone who starts a business in a way that involves risk
  1. Orbit
  1. The system in which one man mrries more than one wife.
  1. There are European people who came to Africa during the pre-colonial period who was John Speke ___ (A)Missionary (B)Trader (C)Explorer (D)slave trader (E)sailor
  2. In independence from colonialism various methods were used to resist colonization maji-maji war was fought in (A)1904 – 1906 (B)1905 – 1907 (C)1910 – 1912 (D)1903 – 1908 (E)1918 – 1939
  3. Juma drew the map of Tanzania on a paper later he realized that symbols and signs were missing. Which important element of a map did he forget _____ (A)Title (B)frame (C)key (D)compass direction (E)margin
  4. The following are crops grown in Tanzania which group consists of cash crops only ______
  1. Bananas, coffee and beans
  2. Millet tea, maize and cassava
  3. Cotton, Tea, coffee and Pyrethrum
  4. Maize, bens, Tea and bananas
  5. Cotton, Tobacco, rice and sisal
  1. During the period of freedom fighting, various parties were established which party brought liberation to the islands of Zanzibar (A)C.C.M (B)Cuf (C)A.S.P (D)T.L.P (E)TADEA
  2. African heroes resisting and fighting against colonial invasion had the following qualities except (A)Courage (B)Patriotism (C)Cowardiness (D)love (E)strong leadership
  3. Asha sow the following symbol on a map

What does it represent (A)road (B)mountain (C)railway line (D)Bridge (E)Settlements

SECTION C: Short answers

  1. Before independence Tanganyika was under ______________________ rule
  2. Who was the leader of maji-maji war __________
  3. The third planet in the solar system is ____________________
  4. The activity of extracting different minerals from the ground is called ______
  5. Which large water body found in eastern part of Tanzania. _______







Ufahamu wa kusikiliza

Jongoo na Nyoka

Hapo zamani za kale, Jongoo na Nyoka walikuwa marafiki. Jongoo katika maumbile yake alijaliwa kuwa na macho lakini hakuwa na miguu. Tofauti na Jongoo. Nyoka alijaliwa kuwa na miguu lakini hakuwa na macho. Marafiki hawa walifanya kazi bega kwa bega. Jongoo na nyoka walikuwa na rafiki yao aliyeitwa Mwewe. Siku moja Jongoo na Nyoka walienda kumtembelea Mwewe. Nyoka alitembea polepole japokua alikuwa na miguu mingi. Alifanya hivyo kwa kuogopa kujikwaa. Jongoo alikuwa anatembea harakaharaka kwa sababu alikuwa anaona kila kitu.


  1. Jongoo na Nyoka walikwenda kumtembelea nani? (A)Nyoka (B)Binadamu (C) kuku (D)Mwewe (E)Jongoo
  2. Hapo zamani nani alikuwa anatembea harakaharaka na kuona kila kitu? (A)Mwewe (B)Jongoo(C)Nyoka (D)kuku(E)Siafu
  3. Nani alitembea polepole japokuwa alikuwa na miguu mingi _____ (A)kunguru (B)Nyoka (C)mwewe (D)Jongoo (E)kuku
  4. Katika habari hii marafiki walikuwa _______ na _______ (A)Kunguru na mwewe (B)Kuku na kifaranga (C)Jongoo na nyoka (D)Jongoo na kunguru (E)Nyoka na kunguru
  5. Ni maana ya kufanya kazi bega kwa bega _______. (A)Kufanya kazi vibaya (B)Kufanya kazi nyingi (C)Kufanya kazi ya shokoa (D)Kufanya kazi nzuri (E)Kufanya kazi kwa ushirikiano.



Chagua jibu sahihi

  1. Neno “Mnyang’anyi lina konsonati ngapi? (A) tatu (B)nne (C)moja (D)mbili (E)Sita
  2. Mtu anayeipenda nchi yake huitwa _____ (A) fisadi (B)mkweli (C)Mzalendo (D)Mtanzania (E)Mlarushwa
  3. Baba amelima shamba lote. Neno “amelima” lipo katika wakati gani? (A)uliopo (B)ujao(C)timilifu(D)uliopo (E)Unaoendelea
  4. Mjomba ni ______ (A)kaka yake mama (B)dada yake baba (C)mdogo wa mama (D)kaka (E)dada
  5. Ng’ombe dume ambaye amehasiwa ili atumike kwenye kilimo huitwa ______ (A)fahali (B)fahari (C) njeku (D) maksai (E) ndama
  6. Mtu anayefua na kupiga pasi nguo huitwa (A)doni (B) Mwashi (C) mhunzi (D)sonara (E)seremala
  7. Kisawe cha neno jogoo ni _____ (A)kuku (B)jimbi (C)mtetea (D)kifaranga (E)fahali
  8. Neno lenye maana sawa na karipia ni (A)Kemea (B)furahia (C)nung’unika (D)lalamika (E)Lia
  9. Mkusanyiko mkubwa kwa ajili ya kuhitimu masomo huitwa ____ (A)mahafali (B)maafali (C)mafali (D)kalamu (E)sherehe
  10. Neno lipi lisilohusiana na maneno mengine (A)Mkeka (B) Zulia (C)godoro (D)busati (E)sufuria
  11. Kama Juma angalisoma kwa bidii (A)angelifaulu (B)angefaulu (C)angalifaulu (D)angeshafaulu (E)angefeli
  12. Neno “wakati” lina maana sawa na (A)kitabu (B)wosia (C)utenzi (D)Ujumbe (E) lawama
  13. Kinyume cha neno wakala ni _____ (A)mteja (B)wadau (C)nakala (D)wahi (E)mtumwa.
  14. “Ameingia mgodini” sentensi hii ipo katika nafsi ya ngapi? (A)tatu Umoja (B)kwanza (C)tatu wingi (D)pili umoja (E)wingi
  15. Neno lipi halina uhusiano na mengine (A)kahawa (B)kakao (C) chai (D)soda (E)Maziwa
  16. Katika neno “sidanganyiki” lina silabi ngapi? (A)kumi (B)sita (C)tano(D)nne (E)mbili
  17. Dereva anaendesha gari. Sentensi hii ipo katika kauli gani? (A)kutenda (B)kutendwa (C)kutendesha (D)kutendana (E)kutendeana
  18. Wingi wa neno “jino” ni ________(A)mameno (B)majino (C)meno (D)mijino (E)keno
  19. Mtoto anatembea ______ miguu. (A)juu ya (B)na (C)kwa (D)pamoja na (E)kutumia
  20. Mtu anaeacha kazi baada ya kutimiza umri uliowekwa kutokana na kanuni anaitwa _____ (A)mtaalamu (B)mstaafu (C)shaibu (D)mzee (E)kikongwe
  21. Mahali ambapo watu huenda kusoma na kuazima vitabu na majarida huitwa? (A)mkutubi (B)maktaba (C)mkataba (D)chuoni (E)shuleni
  22. Neno “Nadra” lina maana ipi? _____ (A)hafifu (B)aghalabu (C)mara chache (D)mara nyingi (E)maradufu


Lugha ya kifasihi, methali, Nahau na vitendawili

  1. Maana ya kitendawili kisemacho “Ukimuona njingi utasema njege na ukimuona njege utasema njigi ni upi?(A)chai na maziwa (B)tui la nazi na maziwa (C)chai (D)maziwa (E)maji
  2. “Mwenye nguvu ______” Neno lipi linakamilisha methali hii. (A)mfunge (B)mkamate (C)mpishe (D)mkimbie (E)muogope
  3. Maana ya nahau “kumeza maneno” ni kuropoka (B)kuficha siri (C)kutoboa siri (D)kuvumilia (E)kunong’ona
  4. Nahau “Mzazi hachagui Mkunga” in amaana sawa na _______ (A)maiti haichagui sanda (B)uzazi (C)Mkunga (D)mkamia maji (E)nesi
  5. Amina alilala matanga. Nini maana ya kulala matanga? (A)anakaribia kufa (B)amezeeka (C)lala fofofo (D)kulala msibani (E)kulala hoi
  6. Maliza methali hii “mgema akisifiwa ______ (A)hulikoroga na kulinywa (B)tembo hulitia maji (C) hudondoka (D)hulia (E)huona sifa.
  7. Nilipopata fursa nilienda kumpiga “jicho” nini maana ya nahau hii. (A)kumtibu (B)kumwona (C)kumpitia (D)kumpa fedha (E)kumpiga.
  8. “Siku hizi Johari hana mbele wala nyuma” maana yake ni nini? (A)haoni mbele wala nyuma (B)anaishi maisha ya dhiki (C)hasikii (D)haoni (E)kakonda

SEHEMU D: Utungaji

Sentensi zifuatazo zimeandikwa bila kufuata mtiririko sahihi. Zipange kwa kuzipa A, B, C, D na E

  1. Baada ya kazi kubwa ya kutwa nzima hurudisha mifigo yao kijijini giza linapoanza kuingia
  2. Baada ya kuhitimu, Elimu ya msingi hivi sasa wanafanya kazi ya kuchungaa kondoo na mbuzi?
  3. Huko machungani husimuliana hadithi mbalimbali
  4. Shango na mkumbo ni marafiki
  5. Wanaishi katika kijiji cha kinambe

SEHEMU E: Ufahamu

Soma kifungu cha habari kisha jibu maswali

Sheku ni mtoto wa pili katika familia ya Bwana Shenya na Bibi Pachu kwa Bahati mbaya, wazazi wake waliaga dunia akiwa na umri wa mwaka mmoja. ALipoanza masomo yake ya sekondari, mjomba wake aliamua kumueleza jambo alilokuwa nalo kwa kipindi kirefu. Jambo hilo lilihusu kifo cha wazazi wake. Mjomba wake Sheku alimueleza jambo hilo kwa upole sana. Alimwambia, Sheku mwanangu, wazazi wako walipata ajali ya gari mwaka 1990 na kufariki papo hapo . nimekulea tangu ukiwa na umri wa mwaka mmoja hadi leo. Nilishindwa kukuambia jambo hili kwa sababu ulikuwa bado mdogo. Hata hivyo nitaendelea kukulea na kukusomesha mwanangu.


  1. Kifunga hiki cha habari kinahusu nini?
  2. Kifungu cha habari kinaeleza nani alifariki?
  3. Sentensi wazazi wake waliaga dunia ina maana gani?
  4. Wazazi wa Sheku waliaga dunia lini
  5. Kwa nini Mjomba hakumweleza Sheku kuhusu kifo cha wazazi wake mapema?






MUDA   1:30 MASAA               NOV 2023

JINA …………………………...   SHULE ………………………...


  1. Mtihani huu una sehemu Mbili A na B na jumla ya maswali matano
  2. Sehemu ya A ina alama 40 na sehemu B ina alama 10
  3. Jibu maswali yote kulingana na maelezo ya kila swali
  4. Mtihani wote una alama 50


  1. Tunapaswa kuonesha upendo kwa watu
  1. Wenye mahitaji maalum
  2. Ndugu wa karibu
  3. Watu wanotupenda
  4. Watu wote bila ubaguzi.
  1. Wafuatao wana mahitaji maalum isipokuwa:
  1. Wazee
  2. Watoto
  3. Watu wenye ulemavu wa akili
  4. Yatima na maskini.
  1. Tofauti gani sio ya kimaumbile kati ya mwanaume na mwanamke?
  1. Kupata hedhi
  2. Kupata mimba
  3. Uwezo wa kuzaa
  4. Kunyonyesha
  1. Tendo gani kati ya haya halionyeshi usawa wa kijinsia.
  1. Kutoa elimu sawa kwa mtoto wa kike na kiume
  2. Kutambua kuwa mwanaume na mwanamke wote ni binadamu
  3. Majukumu ya jikoni kuachiwa wasichana
  4. Kutobagua wasichana katika elimu
  1. Moja ya mabadiliko ya wasichana wanapo balehe ni
  1. Kuongezeka kwa kimo
  2. Kuonyesha heshima zaidi
  3. Kupata hedhi
  4. Kuwa na mpenzi wa jinsia tofauti.
  1. Wasichana wanaweza kujiepusha na mimba za mapema kwa;
  1. Kuwa na marafiki waaminifu
  2. Kwenda disko na jamaa zao
  3. Kupokea zawadi kutoka kwa wavulana
  4. Kuepuka matembezi yasiyo ya lazima usiku.
  1. Kwanini tunapaswa kuvaa mavazi yaliyo na staha?
  1. Yanaonyesha kujiheshimu
  2. Yanasaidia kuepuka magonjwa
  3. Ili tupendwe
  4. Ili tuvutie watu
  1. Kabila gani huvaa kaniki kwenye ngoma za asili?
  1. Maasai
  2. Wagogo
  3. Wanyasa
  4. Wasukuma
  1. Mabadiliko ya kimwili ya mtoto wa kiume na wa kike kuingia utu uzima huitwa
  1. Jinsia
  2. Kuvunja ungo
  3. Utu uzima
  4. Balehe
  1. Ipi sio staha katka jamii
  1. Kuvalia nguo inayokustiri
  2. Kucheza na wavulana sehemu za uchochoro
  3. Kuwasalimia watu kwa heshima
  4. Kupenda watu wote
  1. Maana ya utamaduni ni:-
  1. Ushabiki wa kitu au jambo unalolipenda
  2. Mtindo wa jumla wa maisha ya watu katika jamii au taifa Fulani
  3. Shughuli za asili zinazofanywa na watu
  4. Yote sahihi
  1. Baadhi ya alama zipatikanazo kwenye fedha ya Tanzania ni
  1. Twiga Tembo, Nembo ya taifa na sura ya rais
  2. Nembo , nyumbu na kifaru
  3. Mwenge , twiga na sokwe
  4. Mwenge wa uhuru
  1. Umuhimu wa bendera ya rais ni
  1. Kutembelea katika ziara mbalimbali tu
  2. Kuonyesha mamlaka ya rais
  3. Kuhamasisha mwenge wa uhuru
  4. Kuonyesha heshima kwa rais
  1. Chimbuko la sheria zote nchini Tanzania ni;
  1. Fedha ya Tanzania
  2. Katiba ya Jamhuri wa muungano wa Tanzania.
  3. Vyama vya siasa
  4. Bunge
  1. Rangi ya bluu iliyopo katika bendera ya taifa uwakilisha;
  1. Watanzania
  2. Madini
  3. Maji ambayo ni mito, maziwa na bahari nchini Tanzania
  4. Uoto wa asili
  1. Alama ambayo hutumika kuonyesha umiliki wa mali na nyaraka za serikali tu ni;
  1. Picha ya makamu wa rais
  2. Bendera ya taifa
  3. Nembo ya Taifa
  4. Ndege ya Taifa
  1. Ni ishara gani inayoonyesha kwamba taifa limepatwa na msibu mkubwa?
  1. Bendera zote kupepea nusu mlingoti
  2. Bendera ya taifa kupepea nusu mlingoti
  3. Bendera ya taifa kutopandishwa kabisa siku ya tukio
  4. Watu kutokwenda kazini
  1. Ni siku ambazo viongozi hupata fursa kueleza mafanikio na changamoto zinazohitaji kufanyiwa kazi
  1. Siku za kukimbizwa mwenge wa uhuru tu
  2. Sikukuu ya mapinduzi ya Zanzibar tu
  3. Sikukuu za kitaifa
  4. Sikukuu ya krismas
  1. Zipi kati ya hizi ni mila zisizofaa katika jamii?
  1. Kufanya kazi kwa ushirikiano
  2. Kuwakeketa wasichana
  3. Kuhamasisha wanaume na wanawake kushirikiana kufanya kazi za nyumbani hili kujiongezea kipato.
  4. Kuoa jinsia moja
  1. Mifano ya vikundi vinavyoweza kuundwa shuleni ni kama;
  1. Skauti, klabu za mazingira, klabu ya TAKUKURU.
  2. Klabu za masomo
  3. Upatu, ushirikiano na vyama vya siasa
  4. Skauti, singeli na ngoma za asili.
  1. Msaidizi wa mkuu wa mkoa katika shughuli zake za utendaji ni nani?
  1. ofisa elimu mkoa
  2. katibu tawala wa mkoa
  3. mkuu wa idara ya utawala na utumishi mkoa
  4. ofisa afya wa mkoa
  1. Mwenyekiti wa halmashauri ngazi ya wilaya huongoza akina nani?
  1. wenyeviti wa mtaa
  2. makatibu tawala
  3. madiwani wa halmashauri
  4. mtendaji wa kata
  1. Katika ofisi ya kata, nani ni mtendaji mkuu?
  1. Diwani
  2. Ofisa mtendaji wa kata
  3. Ofisa mazingira wa kata
  4. Ofisa maendeleo wa kata
  1. Wakuu wa idara katika halmashauri za wilaya huwajibika kwa nani?
  1. mkurugenzi wa halmashauri
  2. mkuu wa wilaya
  3. mkuu wa mkoa
  4. ofisa tawala wa wilaya
  1. Mkurugenzi wa halmashauri anapatikanaje?
  1. kwa kupigiwa kura na madiwani
  2. kwa kuajiriwa na menejimenti ya utumishi wa umma
  3. kwa kuteuliwa na rais
  4. kwa kupigiwa kura na wananchi katika halmashauri inayohusika
  1. Katibu wa vikao vya baraza la madiwani ni nani?
  1. Mwenyekiti wa Halmashauri
  2. Diwani wa viti maalum
  3. Katibu tawala
  4. Mkurugenzi wa Halmashauri.
  1. Anayesimamia manunuzi yote yanayofanywa na ofisi ya mkuu wa mkoa ni;
  1. Katibu tawala mkoa
  2. Ofisa ugavi mkuu
  3. Mganga mfawidhi
  4. Mkaguzi wa ndani
  1. Kuna aina ngapi za uongozi katika kata?
  1. 3
  2. 5
  3. 4
  4. 2
  1. Lugha inayowaunganisha watanzania wote ni?
  1. Kihehe
  2. Kiswahili
  3. Kisukuma
  4. Kiingereza
  1. Ufundi wa kuwasilisha hisia na mawazo yaliyomo katika fikra huitwa:
  1. Mila
  2. Desturi
  3. Sanaa
  4. Utamaduni.
  1. Asili, mila, jadi Imani na desturi za jamii Fulani huitwa?
  1. Utamaduni
  2. Desturi
  3. Sanaa
  4. Mila
  1. Jambo la kawaida linalotendwa kila siku na jamii huitwa?
  1. Lugha
  2. Sanaa
  3. Desturi
  4. Mila
  1. Wareno walifika pwani ya Africa Mashariki mwaka?
  1. 1540
  2. 1498
  3. 1497
  4. 1690
  1. Lengo la waarab wa Omani kuja pwani ya afrika ilikuwa
  1. Kilimo
  2. Uvuvi
  3. Biashara
  4. Upagazi.
  1. Mreno wa kwanza kufika katika pwani ya Afrika mashariki alijulikana kama
  1. William Mackinnon
  2. Charles Stokes
  3. Vasco Dagama
  4. Karl Peters
  1. Wareno walifika katika Mji wa kilwa mnamo karne ya
  1. 15
  2. 16
  3. 19
  4. 18
  1. Nini maana ya uhusiano?
  1. Hali ya watu wawili na Zaidi wenye malengo ya Pamoja
  2. Hali ya kugombana baina ya mt una mtu
  3. Hali ya kufanya kazi peke yako
  4. Mshikamano
  1. Alikua kiongozi wa kabila la kizigua Tanga
  1. Mangi meli
  2. Isike
  3. Bwana Heri
  4. Mkwawa
  1. Kiongozi wa Kichaga aliyepatikana Kibosho Kilimanjaro
  1. Mirambo
  2. Mangi Sina
  3. Mangi Meli
  4. Abushiri
  1. Ni tabia gani kati ya hizi haziharibu Mazingira?
  1. Kukata miti
  2. Kufuga Wanyama wengi
  3. Kupanda miti
  4. Kulima sehemu za milima


Jibu maswali yafuatayo kwa ufasaha.

Tazama picha ifuatayo kisha jibu maswali yanayofuata

  1. Kitendo hiki kinaitwaje
  2. Je unadhani kitendo hiki ni sahii
  3. Taja njia za kutunza mazingira
  4. Kwanini watu uharibu mazingira?
  5. Taja madhara yatokanayo na uharibifu wa mazingira.






Jibu namba hii kama ilivyotekelezwa

  1. Andika namba hii kwa maneno 19967
  2. 297950 andika katika abakasi
  3. CVI kwa kawaida
  4. Andika thamani ya 7 katika namba hii 987001
  5. Fananua namba hii 200049
  6. 237 + 112451 =


  1. 8704 – 7537 =


  1. Tafuta zao la 329 na 3


  1. 14496  3 =
  2. 96  3 =
  3. 50 + 4= Jibu liwe kwa kirumi
  4. Badili  kuwa desimali
  5. Tafuta K.K.S cha 30 na 40
  6. Tafuta K.D.S cha 3 na 12
  7. Andika vigawo tasa vya 15
  8. Andika namba shufwaa zote zilizopo kati ya 29 na 45
  9. =
  10. Andika vigawo vyote vya 7
  11. Jaza vigawo vinavyokosekana katika ngoe hii.







  1. Tafuta vigawo shirika vya 6 na 8
  2. =
  3. Ipi kubwa
  4. Namba ipi kati ya hizi ni namba shufwa 18, 33, 36, 37, 40, 58
  5. Andika namba ya desimali kwa maneno 68.31
  6. Badili  kuwa desimali



  1. Kilometa 1 ni sawa na mita ngapi?
  2. 31.1 x 4 =
  3. Chora uso was aa kuonyesha saa 8:30 mchana
  4. Siku moja ina saa ngapi?




  1. Namba tasa nini?
  2. Tafuta KDS cha 8 na 36 kwa njia ya pamoja
  3. Tafuta mzigo wa mstatili huu.


  1. Tafuta K.K.S cha 8 na 12 kwa njia ya ngoe

  1. Tafuta vigawe vya shirika vya 3 na 6










For questions 1 – 40, work out the solutions and then write the letter of the correct answer.

  1. 350 + 75 + 6=
  1. 432
  2. 433
  3. 431
  4. 434
  5. 435
  1. 5034 – 2927 =
  1. 2106
  2. 2109
  3. 2009
  4. 2207
  5. 2,107
  1. 49 x 39 =
  1. 1,911
  2. 1,811
  3. 1901
  4. 1910
  5. 1912
  1. 3393  87 =
  1. 309
  2. 3.9
  3. 0.39
  4. 39
  5. 390
  1.  =
  1. 65
  2. 45
  3. 55
  4. 54
  5. 53
  1. 8.304
  2. 8.303
  3. 8.305
  4. 8.405
  5. 8.306
  1. 10.6 – 4.76 =
  1. 5.83
  2. 5.85
  3. 5.86
  4. 5.84
  5. 5.87
  1. Find the Lowest Common Multiple (LCM) of 56, 88 and 96.
  1. 7,393
  2. 7,392
  3. 7,394
  4. 7,395
  5. 7,398
  1. Find the value of
  1. -4
  2. -3
  3. 2
  4. 4
  5. -2
  1. Convert numerical number 29 into Roman number.
  1. XXXI
  2. XXIV
  3. XXI
  4. XXIX
  5. XXXIX
  1. 6125 – 4136 =
  1. 1999
  2. 1989
  3. 1879
  4. 1779
  5. 1997
  1. 534 x 63 =
  1. 33742
  2. 33442
  3. 33342
  4. 33542
  5. 33642
  1. 2.702 + 29.34 =
  1. 33.042
  2. 33.052
  3. 34.042
  4. 35.042
  5. 32.042
  1. 2.17 x 3.56 =
  1. 7.7353
  2. 7.7352
  3. 7.7452
  4. 7.6352
  5. 7.7252
  1. Change 2.05 to simple fraction.
  1. Express  as a percentage.
  1. 275%
  2. 365%
  3. 3.75%
  4. 37.5%
  5. 375%
  1. Find the Lowest Common Multiple (LCM) of 24 and 72.
  1. 62
  2. 82
  3. 82
  4. 73
  5. 72
  1. Find the Highest Common Factor of 36 and 90
  1. 17
  2. 19
  3. 16
  4. 18
  5. 20
  1. Find the next number in this series: 7, 7, 14, 42, 168…
  1. 740
  2. 840
  3. 830
  4. 850
  5. 844
  1. Find the value of W, if the average of W, 5, 10, 8, 7 is 10.
  1. 30
  2. 10
  3. 40
  4. 20
  5. 50
  1. Write 71 as a Roman number.
  1. LXXIX
  2. LXL
  3. LXXI
  4. LXX
  5. LXIX
  1. 4563 x 745 x 10 =
  1. 34,994,350
  2. 33,994,350
  3. 32,994,350
  4. 31,994,350
  5. 43,994,350
  1. Write the next number in this series:
  1. Write  with decimal
  1. 0.74
  2. 7.4
  3. 74
  4. 3.074
  5. 740
  1. Change 0.25% into simple fraction.
  1. Write DCV as Arabic/ Ordinary numbers.
  1. 505
  2. 705
  3. 605
  4. 305
  5. 615
  1. If  of my savings is Shs 344, find my total earning
  1. Shs. 1,630
  2. Shs. 1,720
  3. Shs. 750
  4. Shs. 740
  5. Shs. 1, 620
  1. The ratio of Y to Z is equal to the ratio between 17 and 19. Find the value of Y if Z=133
  1. 118
  2. 119
  3. 117
  4. 116
  5. 120
  1.  Find the value of Y.
  1. 3
  2. 2
  3. 5
  4. 5
  5. 4
  1. Given a=2, b=-3. Find the value of
  1. +3
  2. -4
  3. +4
  4. -3
  5. -2
  1. 7.12 – 4.131 =
  1. 29.89
  2. 298.9
  3. 2.989
  4. 2989
  5. 2898
  1. -50 – (-13)=
  1. +28
  2. -38
  3. +38
  4. +48
  5. -28
  1. Find the Highest Common Factor (HCF) of 36 and 70.
  1. 2
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 1
  5. 4


  1. Work out the following questions:
  1. Musa’s income per month is Shs. 164,000/=. He uses  of the income for food,  for clothes,  for his children’s school fees, and the remaining for other uses. By using a pie chart how many degrees represent other uses?
  2. Write the name of the figure obtained by joining the following co-ordinates: A(-2, 2), B(3, 2), C(3, -3) and D(-2, 2).
  1. Work out the following questions:
  1. A businessman bought a cow for shs. 120,000 and sold it for shs. 84,000/- Calculate the percentage loss in the business.
  2. Jeni, Janet and Juvita obtained money. Jeni got  that of Janet and Janet got two times that of Juvita. How much did Juvita get if he total money was fourteen thousand shillings only?
  3. Find the volume of a rectangular dictionary which is 20cm long, 14cm wide and a height of 2cm.
  4. Find the value of Z in the figure below:

  1. Janeth’s watch reads 8:15 a.m write the time in 24 hours system
  2. Find the principal if the simple interest or profit obtained in one year is sh. 3,000 and the rate of interest is 5% per year.
  3. Fadhili went out with shs. 7,000 to buy the following things:

2½ kg of meat @ sh. 800/=

5 kg of potatoes @ sh. 600/=

½kg of green pepper @ sh.480/=

20bananas @sh 50/=

How much did he remain with after paying for all those items?

  1. A bus started a journey to Iringa at 1630 hrs and arrived the next day at 0630hrs. How long did it take the bus to complete the whole journey?










Choose the letter of the most correct answer and write it in the space provided.

  1. Which one of the following items was not found in Tanganyika and Zanzibar?

A. Rhino horns         B. Gold        C. slaves             D. silk clothes             

  1. The wind brought traders in dhows from Asia to the coast of East Africa was named.

A. Asia Wind               B. Monsoon Wind         C. Indian Wind         D. Tsunami     

  1. When did Vasco Da Gama reach the Coast of East Africa?

A.1488       B. 1698             C. 1498         D. 1588                                           

  1. ___________ reached the cope of good Hope in 1488.

A. Vasco Da Gama            B. Pedro      Cobral       C. Bartholomew Diaz        D. king Henry       

  1. When did fort Jesus collapse?

A. 1488      B. 1498         C. 1598          D. 1588                                              

  1. Traders were the ___________ groups of agent of colonialism.

A. First           B. second          C. third           D. fourth                                    

  1. The early foreigners to visit the East coast of Tanganyika were.

A. Americans          B. Portuguese           C. Vasco d agama           D. Asian traders      

  1. _____________ is a system of exchange goods with good s.

A. triangular trade          B. barter trade          C. Tanzania  societies           D. linguistic    

  1. Zanzibar revolution was held in

A. 12th January 1964         B. 13th January 1964      C. 15th October 1961    D. 16th December 1961  

  1. who was a leader of Maji maji war?

A. Julius Nyerere       B. Karume           C. Kinjekitile Ngwale       D. Mkombe     

  1. After Berlin conference Tanganyika was given to

A. Portugues             B. Arabs          C. Britain           D. Germans          

  1. IBEACO was the common company which was formed____________ by  in Zanzibar

A. William Mackinnon         B. Carl Peters    C. James Mac Donald        D. Horace Byatt     

  1. The Berlin conference was called by __________ in 1884 __ 1885.

A. Chancellor Otto Von Soden     B. Dr. Louis Leakey    C. Chancellor Otto Van Bismarck   

  1. Which one of the following are not natural resource?             

A. forest, mineral and soil      B. water, trees and fish     C. Railway, roads and airport    D. mountains and forest

  1. a period of 10 years in history is known as a _____________

A. Century       B. Decade  C. Millennium      D. year           

  1. the following are the main cardinal points except;

A. North    B. South C. West   D. North _ East                    

  1. which of the following is a result of earth’s Revolution;            

A. seasons  of the year           B. D ay and Night         C. speed of the moon        D. hot and    could temperature  

  1. Solar system include the following except;

A. planets        B. stars      C. moon      D. soil                   

  1. which is the biggest national park in Tanzania?

A. Ngorongoro       B. Mikumi          C. Serengeti             D. Manyara     

  1. in which specific region is Diamond highly mined?

A. Kigoma -  Uvinza        B. Katavi – Rukwa        C. Shinyanga – Mwadui      D. Mwanza – Ilemela     

  1. The following are the minerals mined in Tanzania except;

A. copper           B. gold        C. tanzanite          D. nucleus            

  1. The total way of destroying the environment and making it fail to support life;

A. Overgrazing         B. Reforestation           C. Environmental Degradation             D. mining      

  1. who was the first prime minister of Tanganyika;                  

A. Rashid Mfaume Kawawa     B. Mwl.J.K. Nyerere         C. Sheikkh Abeid Amani Karume      D. Job Ndugai

  1. The traditional dance of makonde tribe is called;

A. sangula      B. mdundiko         C. ijanja       D. sindimba       

  1. A process of creating artistic using hands is;

A. traditional           B. art            C. craft          D. norms         

  1.  The following are the human activities that harm our environmental except;

A. Agriculture          B. livestock keeping       C. reforestation         D. mining    

  1. When did Tanganyika became a republic?

A. 9th December, 1961        B. 26th April, 1964   C. 12th January 1964         D. 9th December  1962  

  1. What do we call the drawing that describes features of earth’s surface?

A. picture          B. key             C. map       D. compass direction       

  1. The following were techniques used to invade Tanganyika and Zanzibar EXCEPT ;        

.A signing bogus or fake treaties     B. the us of army or force           C. intimidation      D. poor infrastructure 

  1. Where is the natural goes in Tanzania?

A. Dodoma          B. kagera       C. Mtwara           D. Kigoma           

  1. The beautiful planet that consists of a ring is called;

A. Jupiter       B. Saturu      C. Mercury         D. Venus                      

  1. The movement of planets revolve around the sun is called;

A. rotation              B. revolution                 C. orbit      D. solar  system         

  1. How many century are in 2021?

A. 19 century        B. 20 century          C. 18 century         D. 21 century       

  1. The longest pipeline which transports oil form Dar es salaam is called;

A. TAZARA          B. ZAHARA       C. TAZAMA   D. TAMAZA              

  1. The benefit of recycling in environmental conservation is; 

A. planning for project     B. production of various goods      C. reducing garbage       D. production of garbage

  1. A family can attain economic development if;

A. the mother will deal with domestic activities           B. the father will be employed        C. family members will play to gather     D. family members will play their role                 

  1. One of the effects of the partition of Africa was;

A. the development of African industries          B. improvement of traditional economy     C. preservation of African culture     D. introduction of slave trade                                    

  1. The second country to rule Zanzibar was;

A. Britain   B. Germany           C. Oman      D. Portugal                        

  1. ________________ is the state of being connected to each other;

A. family          B. relationship         C. tribe          D. friend                 

  1. It is very important to promote Kiswahili language in Tanzania because:

A It disunites people of Tanzania           B. It is our national identity             

C.It is a foreign language                              D.It is spoken worldwide  

E.It is simple language to learn



 Fill in the blanks with the most correct answer

  1. The worldwide historical event that took place from 1939 to 1945 was called________________________________________________
  2. The study of weather is termed as_______________________________________
  3. In which year did the British start to colonize Tanganyika?__________________________
  4. List down one types of barometer_____________________________________
  5. The study of past remains of plants and animals is known as____________________________









Choose the correct answer and write its letter in the space provided.

  1. Despite building muscles what else do sports strengthen?

  1. The legs
  2. Body joints
  3. Head joints
  4. The hands

  1. The joints of the upper parts of the body

  1. Which group among the following provides first aid training and the service itself?

  1. The Red Cross
  2. Angaza
  3. The Fire Brigade
  4. Good Samaritans
  5. Traffic police

  1. The food which provides the body with all nutrients in the rights proportion is:
  1. A meal with proteins;
  2. A meal with protein and carbohydrates;
  3. A balanced diet;
  4. Well cooked food;
  5. Food which smells well.
  1. Mama Katu entered the house and found her husband down after electric short. How will she help him?

  1. To give him clean drinking water
  2. To give him milk
  3. To shake him
  4. To fan him a cool breeze
  5. To give him a shower

  1. Air is a combination of;

  1. Oxygen
  2. Carbohydrates
  3. Gases
  4. Vapour
  5. Water and oxygen

  1. Water in the form of vapour in the atmosphere is called:

  1. Clouds
  2. Rain
  3. Ice
  4. Fog
  5. Humidity

  1. One of the following ways prevents soil erosion.

  1. Cutting down trees;
  2. To burn forests;
  3. To plant trees;
  4. Cutting down grass;
  5. To increase the number of livestock

  1. What circumstance can cause “positive effect” in environments?
  1. Fishing using poison
  2. Digging holes on hills
  3. Cutting down trees carelessly near water sources
  4. Fishing using explosives
  5. To plant trees
  1. The following are the necessary characteristics for a living organism. Which do you think is not correct?

  1. Respiration
  2. Growth
  3. Manufacturing food
  4. Movement
  5. Reproduction

  1. The part of a seed which stores food for the growing plant is.

  1. A cotyledon
  2. A peel
  3. An embryo
  4. A foetus
  5. A bud

  1. The part of a flower which attracts insects that will help in pollination and dispersal of pollen is

  1. Petal
  2. Sepal
  3. Stigma
  4. Fruit stem
  5. Pistils

  1. A scientist allowed gas to pass through a certain liquid and its colour turned milky. Which liquid was that and what the gas?
  1. Lime water – oxygen
  2. Orange water – carbon dioxide
  3. Lime water – nitrogen
  4. Lime water – carbon dioxide
  5. Milk – oxygen
  1. The act of enquiring about phenomena or events by self-questioning is known as:

  1. Astrology
  2. Curiosity
  3. Education
  4. Understanding
  5. Being responsible

  1. In writing a report of a laboratory experiment the fourth point to be written is:

  1. Method
  2. Instruments
  3. Results
  4. The aim
  5. Conclusion

  1. Fruits drop down from the trees. This proves that there is a force of

  1. Lifting
  2. Dragging
  3. Gravity
  4. Pressure
  5. Opposition

  1. Digested food is absorbed by …….. which are in the small intestine

  1. Caesium
  2. Pancreas
  3. Villi
  4. Throat
  5. Viruses

  1. The following living organism is said to be the leading contributor of environmental destruction.

  1. Trees
  2. A cow
  3. A human being
  4. A crow
  5. An elephant

  1. How can you help a person who has fainted?
  1. To provide him with fresh air
  2. To shake him vigorously
  3. To lay him on the stomach
  4. To press him slowly on the stomach
  5. To put a cold, wet piece of cloth on his face.
  1. Which First Aid is supposed to be given to a patient who has diarrhoea?
  1. To take him to the doctor quickly
  2. To give him pain killers
  3. To give him a solution of lemon, sugar and salt
  4. To take him to the witch doctor
  5. To give him enough food
  1. The ……displays the file name of the workbook that is being used and the name of the application software you are using.

  1. Ruler bar
  2. Menu bar
  3. Title bar
  4. Scroll bar
  5. Review tab

  1. What kind of gas do green plants reduce from the sky during the day?

  1. Carbon dioxide
  2. Nitrogen
  3. Hydrogen
  4. Oxygen
  5. Nitrate

  1. It is advised that a place to build a pit latrine should be
  1. In a valley near the river;
  2. Inside the living house;
  3. A bit far from the house where we live;
  4. At a very flat area
  5. Very close to the residential house
  1. The part of a flower which receives pollen is called

  1. Style
  2. Stigma
  3. Ovary
  4. Stamen
  5. Ovule

  1. In which substances among the following does heat travel by conduction?
  1. Water and iron;
  2. Iron and aluminium;
  3. Aluminium and vapour;
  4. Air and water;
  5. Air and iron
  1. Among the following which one is a simple machine?

  1. A bicycle
  2. A motorbike
  3. A winch
  4. Lever
  5. A motor car

  1. Scientific research beings with:

  1. Questions
  2. Investigation
  3. Hypothesis
  4. Query
  5. Data

  1. The report of a science experiment is supposed to flow in the following sequence
  1. Purpose, costs, opinion and suggestions,
  2. Purpose, apparatus, methodology, results and conclusion;
  3. Purpose, methodology, results and conclusion
  4. Purpose, apparatus, opinion and suggestions
  5. Purpose, the experiment itself and suggestions
  1. The following are web service providers that are used to create email accounts, except ____

  1. Facebook
  2. Google
  3. Yahoo
  4. Hotmail
  5. Microsoft

  1. Lack of iron nutrients in the body causes;

  1. Loss of weight;
  2. Having an old face;
  3. Weak bones;
  4. Blood to lose its red colour;
  5. Loss of appetite

  1. A solution of sugar and water is a necessary first aid to a victim of;
  1. Malaria and headache
  2. Diarrhoea and vomiting
  3. Backbone and typhoid fever
  4. T.B and influenza
  5. Fracture
  1. Which of the diseases below is not sexually transmitted?

  1. AIDS
  2. Trichomonas
  3. Syphilis
  4. Chlamydia
  5. Trachoma

  1. Which of the following statements is False?
  1. A laptop has an internal system unit.
  2. A laptop has an external system unit
  3. The speaker is one of the computer output devices.
  4. The monitor is part of the hardware of the computer
  5. Computers can help people carry out money transactions.
  1. The following activities destroy water sources except
  1. Cutting
  2. Burning forests
  3. Grazing a lot of livestocks around water sources
  4. Disposing chemical wastes in the water sources
  5. Fetching cooking water from water sources
  1. It is most suitable to construct a pit latrine on a high ground because:
  1. It is easier to erect a wall
  2. Smell from the toilet will be far from the ground level
  3. It is difficult for it to wear out
  4. Ground water will be far from the level of the latrine
  5. The latrine will not be filled up in a short time
  1. A class of living things/organisms which can live on land and in water is known as

  1. Amphibians
  2. Anthropods
  3. Fish
  4. Aves/birds
  5. Mammals

  1. The plant illustrated below grows in

C:UsersKYAMBODocumentsannual exams-2022Est-ce-que-l-eau-de-cactus-est-la-nouvelle-boisson-de-l-ete.jpg

  1. Dense forests
  2. Water
  3. In long grasses
  4. Deserts
  5. Mountains

  1. Why do some plants shed their leaves during winter?
  1. To retain their water
  2. To facilitate transpiration
  3. To store food
  4. To conserve the soil
  5. To nourish the soil
  1. The source of electricity in a dry cell is …… energy.

  1. Solar
  2. Mechanical
  3. Sound
  4. Magnetic
  5. Chemical

  1. The following are tab menus found on the menu bar in Excel program, except …..

  1. File tab
  2. Home tab
  3. Insert tab
  4. Cut and paste tab
  5. Page layout tab

  1. The following are precautions to take for long term safe keeping of the television, except
  1. Keeping the television in a safe and dry environment
  2. Switching off the television when not in use
  3. Covering the television to protect it from dust
  4. Keeping the television in an area with enough air circulation.
  5. Keeping the television near fire to keep it warm.


In questions 41 – 45, write the correct answer in the space provided.

  1. (i)The type of change that results to the formation of a new substance is called ……..

(ii)In human growth, at which developmental stage is counselling needed most?

  1. (i)Which vitamins are we advised to eat in order to avoid scurvy (bleeding gums)?

(ii)Songeanene School was found to have students suffering from marasmus. This problem is cause by lack of ……

  1. (i)The communication devices shown in the diagrams below are examples of …….. communication equipment

C:UsersKYAMBODocumentsannual exams-2022images.jpg

 (ii) Study the diagram below carefully and answer the questions that follow

  1. The communication devices above is called a ………..
  2. Name the parts marked
  1. …………………
  2. ………………..
  1. (i)When you open Excel for the first time, the original name of the file that appears before you change it is …………

(ii)The antennas mostly used in Tanzania for normal digital television transmission are......

  1. (i)A change of matter that does not lead to change in mass is known as

(ii) Kwashiorkor is a malnutrition disorder caused by 










Sikiliza kwa makini habari inayosomwa na msimamizi kisha jibu maswali 1 – 5 kwa kuchagua herufi ya jibu sahihi.

Mkutano ulianza asubuhi sana. Wajumbe walipewa habari mbalimbali. Hadi saa sita mchana kikao kilikuwa kimeisha tayari. Mwenyekiti aliahirisha kikao hicho hadi wakati mwingine. Wajumbe wote walifurahi sana.

  1. Mkutano ulianza muda gani?

  1. Jioni
  2. Asubuhi sana
  3. Alasiri
  4. Mchana
  5. Asubuhi

  1. Nani walipewa habari?

  1. Wanakijiji
  2. Wananchi
  3. Viongozi
  4. Mwenyekiti
  5. Wajumbe

  1. Baada ya mkutano nini kiliwatokea wajumbe?
  1. Walifurahi sana
  2. Walipewa chakula
  3. Waliondoka mkutanoni
  4. Walichangia fedha
  5. Waliimba
  1. Nani aliahirirsha mkutano?

  1. Kiongozi
  2. Mwenyekiti
  3. Mjumbe
  4. Mwakilishi
  5. Mweka hazina

  1. Kikao kilimalizika muda gani?

  1. Saa sita mchana
  2. Saa sita usiku
  3. Saa mbili asubuhi
  4. Saa mbili usiku
  5. Jioni

Chagua herufi ya jibu sahihi na kisha andika karatasi ya kujibia.

  1. Kipi kinyume cha neno aghalabu? …….

  1. Mara nyingi
  2. Mara kwa mara
  3. Nadra
  4. Muda wote
  5. Kila wakati

  1. Kitoto hiki kinacheza kitoto. Neno lililopigiwa mstari limetumika kama ………

  1. Nomino
  2. Kitenzi
  3. Kielezi
  4. Kivumishi
  5. Kielelezi

  1. Shule ile imeendelea ingawa haina umeme. Sentensi hii iko katika aina ipi ya tungo?

  1. Tungo tegemezi
  2. Tungo sahihi
  3. Tungo shurutia
  4. Tungo ambatano
  5. Tungo huria

  1. Sikuweza kutambua ni nani amelala kitandani kwa sababu alijifunika shuka ……..

  1. Lote
  2. Gubigubi
  3. Zima
  4. Nzima
  5. Zama

  1. Neno “vibaya” katika sentensi isemavyo “Vibaya pia vinanunuliwa” limetumika kama aina ipi ya maneno?

  1. Kivumishi
  2. Kiwakilishi
  3. Kielezi
  4. Kisifa
  5. Nomino

  1. Mkutano kati ya viongozi wa DECI na serikali ulikuwa haujapatiwa ……….Neno lipi linalokamilisha sentensi hii?

  1. Uchunguzi
  2. Ufumbuzi
  3. Ufunguzi
  4. Kutendwa
  5. Kutendea

  1. “Salama na Samina wanapendana sana”. Sentensi hii ipo katika kauli ipi?

  1. Kutendwa
  2. Kutendana
  3. Kutenda
  4. Kutendewa
  5. Kutendea

  1. Katika neno “tunakuja” kiambishi cha wakati ni ……

  1. tu-
  2. –ku
  3. –ja-
  4. u
  5. –ta-

  1. Neno “MWALIMU” lipo katika upatanisho wa ngeli ya aina gani?

  1. A-WA
  2. I-ZI
  3. LI-YA
  4. U-YA
  5. U-ZI

  1. Wingi wa sentensi ifuatayo ni upi? “Mti huu unaharibu mazingira”
  1. Miti hizi zinaharibu mazingira
  2. Miti hiyo inaharibu mazingira
  3. Miti hii itaharibu mazingira
  4. Miti hii inaharibu mazingira
  5. Miti hii imeharibu mazingira
  1. Mzee Mwendapole aliwapa wanae mawaidha juu ya maisha ya baadaye. Neno lililopigiwa mstari lina maana gani?

  1. Hotuba
  2. Maonyo
  3. Urithi
  4. Mawazo
  5. Mahubiri

  1. Neno lenye maana sawa na “Mawio” ni lipi kati ya yafuatayo?

  1. Asubuhi
  2. Maonyo
  3. Urithi
  4. Mawazo
  5. Mahubiri

  1. Mwl. Juma alinunua shati dukani. Neno lililopigiwa mstari limetumika kama aina gani ya maneno?

  1. Kivumishi
  2. Kiwakilishi
  3. Kielezi
  4. Kihisishi
  5. Nomino

  1. Mtu anayesimamia kazi za shambani anaitwaje?

  1. Kiongozi
  2. Msimamizi
  3. Mkuu
  4. Nokoa
  5. Mnyapara

  1. Jina analotumia mjomba kumwita mtoto wa dada yake ni

  1. Mtoto
  2. Mjomba
  3. Binamu
  4. Shangazi
  5. Mpwa

  1. Moja kati ya Methali zifuatazo haihimizi watu kujiendeleza kielimu. Methali hiyo ni ipi?

  1. Kuuliza si ujinga
  2. Kuishi kwingi kuona mengi
  3. Akufaaye kwa dhiki ndiye rafiki
  4. Elimu ni bahari
  5. Penye nia pana njia

  1. Kinyume cha nahau “Kata tamaa” ni …..

  1. Pata chungu
  2. Ona fahari
  3. Kufa moyo
  4. Kata maini
  5. Tia moyo

  1. Ana mkono wa birika maana yake ni …….

  1. Mchoyo
  2. Ameshika birika
  3. Kaumia
  4. Mwizi
  5. Kujikunja

  1. Kitendawili kipi kati ya hivi jibu lake siyo kinyonga?

  1. Huuawa na wazazi wake
  2. Hutembea kwa madaha
  3. Tajiri wa rangi
  4. Napigwa faini kosa silijui
  5. Alijihami bila silaha.

  1. “Chungu cha mwitu hakiwapiki wapishi wake wakaiva” jibu la kitendawili hiki ni …….

  1. Mafuta na chungu
  2. Moshi na moto
  3. Mzinga wa nyuki
  4. Tumbo na njaa
  5. Meno na ulimu

  1. “Mtu akifanya kazi yake bila umakini mambo hayatakuwa mazuri, itamlazimu apokee matokeo mabaya ya mambo hayo”.Maelezo hayo ni sawa na maana ya methali isemayo ....

  1. Lila na fila havitangamani
  2. Akiba haiozi
  3. Dunia tabara bovu
  4. Mpanda ovyo hula ovyo
  5. Mganga hajigangi

  1. Kifungu kipi kinafaa kumalizia methali: Jina jema …….

  1. Hutambulika toka mwanzo
  2. Hupumbaza watu
  3. Hung’aa gizani
  4. Hupendwa na watu wengi
  5. Wengi huwa matajiri

  1. Nini maana ya Nahau “Kupiga chuku?”

  1. Kujivuna
  2. Kupiga moyo
  3. Kurandaranda
  4. Kuanguka
  5. Kutia chumvi

  1. Tegua kitendawili hiki. Nina kitanda changu cha Mkangashale mwana wa halali aende akalale.

  1. Mvua
  2. Maji
  3. Bahari
  4. Nyumba
  5. Jua

  1. Walipofika mahakamani kusikiliza kesi ya ufisadi walitulia sana ili wasikie vizuri na kuelewa zaidi. Maneno yalipopigwa mstari yanawakilisha nahau isemayo:

  1. Unga mkono
  2. Kodoa macho
  3. Tia for a
  4. Tega sikio
  5. Pigwa na butwaa

Soma shairi lifuatalo kisha jibu maswali ya namba 31 – 35 

Elimu pana ajabu, huwezi yote kujua

Wala usistaajabu, mtu kukuelezea

Kuwa kupata aibu, mkate hutoujua

Elimu pana ajabu huwezi yote kujua

Ukitaka kuamini, haya ninayokueleza 

Waliosoma vyuoni, hawachoki kuuliza

Huyu bora kiwandani, ofisini hataweza 

Elimu pana ajabu, huwezi yote kujua

Rubani hana dosari, kushindwa kuongoza meli

Somea udaktari, wa kupasua misuli,

Figo zitakuadhiri, japo unayo akili,

Elimu pana ajabu, huwezi yote kujua

Elimu pana ajabu, huwezi yote kujua

Utaipata aibu, ukijifanya wajua,

Daima tafuta jibu, ya lile usolijua 

Elimu pana ajabu, huwezi yote kujua

  1. Mstari wa pili katika ubeti wa kwanza una jumla ya mizani ………..

  1. 8
  2. 14
  3. 16
  4. 17
  5. 19

  1. Katika ubeti wa pili Msanii anasema “Waliosoma vyuoni, hawachoki kuuliza.” Maneno haya yanatuasa kuwa ……..
  1. Tusihangaike kujifunza yale tusiyoyajua
  2. Waliosoma vyouni wanauliza maswali mengi
  3. Wanaotakiwa kujifunza ni wale wasiosoma vyuoni
  4. Tujifunze yale tusiyoyajua
  5. Kujifunza vyuoni inatosheleza kuliko kuuliza maswali
  1. Neno “Adhiri” kama lilivyotumiwa na mtunzi lina maana ya ……

  1. Kuolewa
  2. Aibisha
  3. Ugonjwa wa figo
  4. Ujuzi
  5. Thamini

  1. Jambo muhimu linalozungumzwa na msanii katika shairi hii ni:

  1. Udaktari
  2. Elimu
  3. Kazi ya Urubani
  4. Aibu kujifunza unajua
  5. Aibu kujifanya unajua

  1. Pendekeza kichwa cha habari cha shairi kutoka katika semi hizi:

  1. Elimu kwa wote
  2. Elimu ni bahari
  3. Elimu ndio uti wa mgongo
  4. Elimu ni usiasa



Panga sentensi hizi ili ziwe na mtiririko wenye mantiki kwa kuzipa herufi A, B, C, D na E ili ujibu maswali 36 – 40 

  1. Anko alikuwa ndiye aliyetawala ukoo ule kwa muda mrefu kuliko viongozi wengine waliopita. (  )
  2. Ukoo huo ulikuwa na mjamii wapatao elfu moja na mia tano hivi wote wakiongozwa na mjamii Mzee aliyeitwa Anko. (  )
  3. Kutokana na uongozi wake mzuri, mara tatu alipotaka kujiuzulu, mjamii wenzake walimkatalia asijiuzulu. (  )
  4. Ukoo mkubwa wa mjamii ulikuwa ukiishi katika msitu mmoja karibu na kijiji cha Namtumbo mkoani Ruvuma. (  )
  5. Anko alikuwa Mzee kuliko mjamii wote wa ukoo wake. (  )



Soma kwa makini kifungu cha habari kifuatacho kisha jibu maswali 41 – 45 kwa kuandika herufi ya jibu lililo sahihi katika karatasi yako ya kujibia.

Walanguzi ni watu wanaonunua vitu au mavuno kwa bei nafuu na kuyauza kwa bei ya juu ili kupata faida kubwa iwezekanavyo. Watu hawa hufurahia wazalishaji au wakulima wanapokosa soko la mazo.

Mkulima anaweza kukingwa kwa kuthibitishiwa hakika ya soko la mazo yake. Ndiyo maana serikali imeanzisha na kuhimiza maendeleo ya vyama vya ushirika. Kama vyama vya ushirika vingestawi, wakulima na wazalishaji wengi wangeuza mazao yao kwenye vyama hivyo. Hapo ndipo mzalishaji angepata haki kwani angekuwa na sauti ya kupanga malengo ya uzalishaji, gharama zake na hata bei ya mazao hayo.

Wazalishaji wangeweza kuuza mazao yao kwenye vyama vy msingi vya ushirika. Chama cha Msingi cha Ushirika ni wakala wa chama Kikuu cha Ushirika. Chama kikuu cha Ushirika hukilipa Chama cha Msingi cha ushirika kwa vile chama hicho hufanya kazi nyingi kwa niaba ya Chama Kikuu, kama vile kusafirisha mazao na hata kuyahifahsi 

Fdha zinazopatikana kutokana na ushuru wa aina hii huingia katika mfuko ya Chama cha Msingi cha Ushirika. Wanaushirika wana fursa ya kupanga matumizi na mapato ya chama chao kwa kadiri ya mahitaji yao.


  1. Wazalishaji wanapokosa soko la mazao yao walanguzi hufurahi kwa sababu …………
  2. Ustawi wa vyama vya ushirika humkinga mkulima kwa njia ipi? ……..
  3. Ni kwa jinsi ipi mkulima angepata haki ya jasho lake?
  4. Mzalishaji hunufaika vipi na ushuru unaolipwa na vyama vikuu? …………
  5. Kichwa cha habari kifaacho kifungu ulichosoma hapo juu ni kipi? ……….









Listen to the passage below being read by the teacher. Then answer questions 1 – 5 by writing the letter of the correct answer in the space provided 

MzeeMasumbuko is 70 years old. He is married to Mama Kombe. They live happy with their grandsons Magesa and Kaiza. MzeeMasumbuko and his wife have two children, anitha and John. They both live in Kagera. Anitha is Samwel’s wife and Magesa is their son. John is Rachel’s husband and Kaiza is their only son.

  1. How many children does Mzee Masumbuko have?

  1. One
  2. Two
  3. Four
  4. Three
  5. No child

  1. How many grandchildren does MzeeMasumbuko have?

  1. One
  2. Two
  3. Three
  4. Four
  5. five

  1. Samwell calls MzeeMasumbuko ……

  1. father
  2. father-in-law
  3. uncle
  4. grandfather
  5. brother

  1. Rachel’s calls Mama Kombe ………..

  1. Mother
  2. Aunt
  3. Sister
  4. Mother-in-law
  5. Ground mother

  1. How does Kaiza call Magesa?

  1. Cousin
  2. Niece
  3. Nephew
  4. Brother
  5. Uncle

Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it in the space provided.

  1. The car ……… is coming belongs to my uncle

  1. Who
  2. Whose
  3. Which
  4. Whom
  5. What

  1. Why didn’t she ….. the meeting?

  1. Attend
  2. Attended
  3. Attending
  4. Has attended
  5. Attends

  1. She …… keeps goats nor sheep

  1. Either
  2. Neither
  3. Or
  4. Only
  5. Both

  1. The …………. Girly in the village was next to me

  1. Most handsome
  2. Most beautiful
  3. Least handsome
  4. Pretty beautiful
  5. Better

  1. The packet of sweets ……. Given to me.

  1. Have
  2. Was
  3. Were
  4. Has
  5. had

  1. Mr. Msambichaka …….a good saloon car

  1. Own
  2. Owning
  3. Owns
  4. Have owned
  5. Is owned

  1. It ……. For two hours.

  1. Have been raining
  2. Was been raining
  3. Is been raining
  4. Has been rained
  5. Has been raining

  1. The car that John drives is not ………

  1. Him
  2. His
  3. Theirs
  4. Is this
  5. The

  1. They are proud ……….. their teacher

  1. In
  2. On
  3. At
  4. Of
  5. So

  1. That big book is ……

  1. Juma’s
  2. Juma
  3. Jumas
  4. Jumas’s
  5. Jumas’

  1. Uhuru villagers bought a new bus last week. It is ……….

  1. Them
  2. They
  3. Hers
  4. They are
  5. Theirs

  1. Our teachers took a roll call ……….he was on duty

  1. So
  2. Because
  3. That
  4. And
  5. Unless

  1. A lion is …….. dangerous than a cow

  1. Much
  2. Most
  3. More
  4. Almost
  5. Mostly

  1. She always comes here …… bus

  1. On
  2. By
  3. With
  4. In
  5. Of

  1. You are not going to succeed ……. You work harder

  1. If
  2. In spite
  3. Because
  4. Unless
  5. Despite

  1. How many …….. of paint should I apply?

  1. Cohort
  2. Coups
  3. Court
  4. Coats
  5. Goats

  1. What …….amazing idea he had yesterday evening

  1. An
  2. A
  3. The
  4. Un
  5. For

  1. ……..rich should do more to help …… poor

  1. An/a
  2. a/an
  3. a/the
  4. the/an
  5. the/the

  1. Nowara spent her ………in Sweden

  1. Childhood
  2. Kidwood
  3. Childish
  4. Childrenhood

  1. The doctor said that her …. Was a result of overwork

  1. Illness
  2. Healness
  3. Hillness
  4. Heelness
  5. Heedness

  1. Your party was the most …..party in the village

  1. Successful
  2. Successful
  3. Successful
  4. Success
  5. Succeed

  1. I am going to …….a shower

  1. Bath
  2. Do
  3. Make
  4. Was
  5. Take

  1. Did she stay with friends? ……
  1. No, she did
  2. Yes, she didn’t
  3. No, she stayed
  4. No, she didn’t
  5. No, she doesn’t
  1. He passed his English exam very …….

  1. Easy
  2. Easier
  3. Easily
  4. Easley
  5. Ease

  1. What is the antonym of the word “dull”?

  1. Bright
  2. Broken
  3. Dark
  4. Duck
  5. Shy

  1. The teacher gave me a ……. Of keys

  1. Groups
  2. Bunch
  3. Bunches
  4. Group
  5. Piece

  1. The word “double” means …….

  1. One thing
  2. Two things
  3. Three things
  4. Four things
  5. Five things

  1. A person who makes bread is a …..

  1. Cooker
  2. Cook
  3. Waiter
  4. Baker
  5. Carpenter

  1. The opposite of the word “Sir” is ……

  1. Son
  2. Father
  3. Madam
  4. Uncle
  5. Queen

  1. The plural of the word “mouse” is …….

  1. Mouthes
  2. Mouses
  3. Mause
  4. Mice
  5. Mouce



This section has five mixed sentences. Arrange the sentences so as to make a good composition by giving them letters A – E

  1. He sat on his bed and said prayers.
  2. It was still dark
  3. He got up and turned on the light.
  4. Yesterday John worker up a five o’clock
  5. He got prepared and went to school



Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow. 

The weather all over the world in 1997 – 1998 was very unusual. In Tanzania and other parts of East Africa, there was a lot of rain. Some parts of Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and other neighboring countries were flooded. Houses were destroyed and many people became homeless. This destruction affected not only houses but also crops and this led to poor health because people did not get enough harvest 

Roads and railways were swept away, so transport and transportation became another problem. Some people were killed. In some parts of East Africa, diseases became a problem. Stagnant and dirty water affected people in two different ways. Stagnant water made the breeding of mosquitoes easier and many people were affected by malaria. Oher diseases such as typhoid and cholera were caused by dirty water which was used for domestic activities like cooking, drinking and bathing. The results of this weather change affected people psychologically, socially and economically.

The cause of this unusual weather was El Nino. This is a large current of warm sea water. The name El Nino means “the CHILD”. Peruvian fisherman gave the current of warm sea water this name because it appeared in Christmas time. It does not appear every year. It appears after every 5 years. We can describe El Nino as a current of warm sea water that moves eastward across the Pacific Ocean. The current of sea water is very large.


  1. As used in the passage, the word “usual” means ……
  2. Why did many people become homeless?
  3. Why were many people affected by malaria?
  4. What does the name El Nino mean?
  5. After how long does El Nino appear?









Choose the correct answer and write its letter in the space provided.

  1. Which of these is not a characteristic of a person of integrity? …..

  1. Kind
  2. Respectful
  3. Patient
  4. Responsible
  5. Unreliable

  1. Election of school prefects takes place at an interval of how many years? …….

  1. 2 years
  2. 1 year
  3. 5 years
  4. 10 years
  5. 4 years

  1. Tolerating the culture of other people can result into all these except …..

  1. Peace
  2. Hatred
  3. Development
  4. Harmony
  5. Prosperity

  1. A bill is assented by the ….. to become a law

  1. Chief justice
  2. Speaker
  3. President
  4. Attorney General
  5. Deputy speaker

  1. Which of these is not an advantage of Tanzania having good relationship with other countries? …….
  1. Market for goods and services
  2. Availability of various products and services
  3. Technological advancement
  4. Grants and loans
  5. Cultural erosion
  1. Which of the following organizations has its headquarters in Tanzania? ….
  1. African union
  2. Commonwealth
  3. East Africa community
  4. South African development community
  5. United nations
  1. The highest leadership body in a district, town or municipal council is …..

  1. Standing committees
  2. Full council
  3. Legal Section
  4. Executive Director
  5. Planning and statistics

  1. All Regional Commissioners are answerable to ……..
  1. Regional Administrative Secretaries
  2. The Speaker
  3. The President
  4. Regional police commanders
  5. Regional Procurement Officers
  1. A feeling of love, devotion and sense of

  1. Justice
  2. Democracy
  3. Nepotism
  4. Patriotism
  5. Unity

  1. The Commander – in – Chief of Tanzania People’s Defence Force is …….
  1. The Prime Minister
  2. The President
  3. The Speaker
  4. Regional Commissioner
  5. The Inspector General of Police
  1. The head of all civil servants in a district is …….
  1. Regional commissioner
  2. District Executive Director
  3. District Administrative Secretary
  4. Mayor
  5. Regional Administrative Secretary
  1. Participating in Community development activities can lead to all these except ….

  1. Development
  2. Solidarity
  3. Patriotism
  4. Peace
  5. Poverty

  1. Presence of citizens of other countries and imported goods in our country are indicators of
  1. Underdevelopment
  2. Corruption
  3. Technological advancement
  4. Embezzlement
  5. Globalization
  1. Tanzania – Zambia Railway Authority and URAFIKI textiles were built with support of which country? ……..

  1. America
  2. Mauritius
  3. China
  4. Japan
  5. Congo

  1. A state of a person having high moral principles is called …………

  1. Patience
  2. Integrity
  3. Kindness
  4. Humility
  5. Obedience

  1. Which of these can hinder you from achieving your goal
  1. Good time management
  2. Entertaining distracters
  3. Not entertaining distracters
  4. Accepting your mistakes and learning from them
  5. Observing hygiene
  1. Expressing strong disapproval of something because it is morally wrong is called ……

  1. Discrimination
  2. Cooperation
  3. Appreciation
  4. Condemnation
  5. Criticizing

  1. The chief lawyer of the government is known as …..
  1. Chief justice
  2. Attorney General
  3. Prime Minister
  4. Minister for constitution and law
  5. The President
  1. All the following can make a person become a refugee except ……….
  1. Famine
  2. Civil war
  3. Religious conflicts
  4. Political differences
  5. Peace and stability
  1. Which holiday is celebrated to commemorate the formation of the word Tanzania? ……

  1. Nyerere Day
  2. Union Day
  3. Revolution Day
  4. Independence Day
  5. Karume Day

  1. Dangerous behavior among the following is ……
  1. Not accepting gifts from strangers
  2. Cooperating in studies
  3. Disturbing beehives
  4. Observing traffic rules
  5. Conserving the environment
  1. The main decision making body at the village level is ….

  1. The youth
  2. Village council
  3. Village chairperson
  4. Village assembly
  5. Village executive

  1. A village is made up of small administrative units called ……

  1. Homesteads
  2. Hamlets
  3. Wards
  4. Districts
  5. Streets

  1. Who among the following is not a needy person in the community? ……
  1. Visually impaired
  2. Mentally handicapped
  3. The poor
  4. The elderly
  5. Foreigners
  1. A pupil can volunteer in all these except ….
  1. Sports
  2. Choir
  3. Helping weak pupils
  4. Punishing others
  5. Cleaning school compounds
  1. Which of these is a way of advertising a school that can reach many people at the same time? …….

  1. Discipline
  2. Sports and games
  3. Mass media
  4. Uniforms
  5. Roadside billboards

  1. A state of calmness and absence of war is called ……

  1. Integrity
  2. Respect
  3. Peace
  4. Commitment
  5. Democracy

  1. Fire outbreak that comes as a result of faulty electrical equipment or appliances is classified under class …….

  1. C
  2. K
  3. B
  4. A
  5. D

  1. Good relationship in a community can be destroyed by all these except ……..

  1. Dishonesty
  2. Jealousy
  3. Pride
  4. Honesty
  5. Envy and bitterness

  1. A wrong way of using information technology among these is ….
  1. Searching for information
  2. Advertisement
  3. E-commerce
  4. E-learning
  5. Envy and bitterness
  1. Ability to recover quickly from a difficult condition or situation is known as …….

  1. Patience
  2. Resilience
  3. Responsibility
  4. Obedience
  5. Honesty

  1. How many types of citizenships exist in Tanzania?

  1. Two
  2. Three
  3. Four
  4. Six
  5. Five

  1. The two main parts of the parliament of the United Republic of Tanzania are ….
  1. Upper and lower
  2. President and members of parliament
  3. National Assembly and Revolutionary council
  4. President and the National Assembly
  5. The president and the cabinet
  1. In which year was Kiswahili inaugurated as the fourth official language of the Southern African Development Community (SADC)?

  1. 2019
  2. 2020
  3. 2010
  4. 2014
  5. 2016

  1. All these are taboos in most African communities except ……

  1. Incest
  2. Monogamy
  3. Bestiality
  4. Same sex marriage
  5. Cannibalism

  1. How many pillars of state are there in the United Republic of Tanzania?

  1. Two
  2. Five
  3. One
  4. Three
  5. Ten

  1. Which of these is not a positive way of responding to cross cultural interactions? …….
  1. Incorporating some elements of foreign culture in our community
  2. Accepting all aspects of foreign culture
  3. Avoiding immoral and unhealthy games
  4. Maintaining our national language
  5. Using sex for procreation purpose and in the wedlock
  1. The main value a pupil practices by being in school from Standard 1 to 7 is ……

  1. Wisdom
  2. Courage
  3. Honestly
  4. Patience
  5. Peace

  1. Who among these should a pupil not see for counseling? ……..

  1. Parents
  2. Guidance
  3. Religious leaders
  4. Teachers
  5. Terrorists

  1. Money that people have to pay to the government to help it in running a country is called

  1. Expenditure
  2. Tax
  3. Fine
  4. Fees
  5. Revenue


Fill in the blanks with correct answers.

  1. What is bride price? ……………………..
  2. As a Tanzania, how should you respond to indecent dressing brought about by globalization? ...................
  3. What is female genital mutilation? ……………
  4. The second president of Tanzania to be elected in a multiparty system was ………
  5. Write UNESCO in full ………….









  1. Wakati unatoa huduma ya kwanza kwa mtu aliyeungua moto hairuhusiwi kupaka…………..kwenye jeraha.
  1. Maji
  2. Mafuta
  3. Asali
  4. Dawa
  1. Kipi kati ya vimiminika vifuatavyo kianaweza kusababisha ajali ya kuungua moto?
  1. Uji wa moto
  2. Juisi
  3. Asali
  4. Soda
  1. Mtu aliyeungua moto hupewa huduma ya kwanza kabla ya kupelekwa……………
  1. Nyumbani
  2. Shule
  3. Kulala
  4. Hospitalini
  1. Ipi sio faida ya huduma ya kwanza
  1. Kupunguza maumivu
  2. Kuponya mgonjwa
  3. Kuokoa Maisha
  4. Kumpa mgonjwa matumaini
  1. Kipi akipaswi kufanyiwa mtu aliyeungua moto?
  1. Kumwagilia maji
  2. Kumtoa kwenye chanzo cha moto
  3. Kumfunika na blanketi kama nguo zimeshika moto
  4. Kumpatia huduma ya kwanza
  1. Mtu mwenye majeraha madogo madogo ya moto anapaswa
  1. Kuweka barafu juu ya jeraha
  2. Kupasua malengelenge yanayotokea
  3. Kupaka mafuta
  4. Kuhakikisha eneo lipo lisafi na salama
  1. Tunapaswa kuchukua tahadhari hii tunaposaidia mtu aliyengua na moto isipokuwa;
  1. Kutokuondoa kipande chochote cha Ngozi kinacho ng’ang’ania
  2. Kumpatia vyakula vya maji
  3. Ondoa kitu chochote kilichoshikana na kugandana na Ngozi
  4. Usitoboe malengelenge
  1. Kani za mvutano kati ya molekyuli za maada huwa ni ndogo sana katika:
  1. Chumaa
  2. Maji
  3. Hewa
  4. jiwe
  1. Kitu kipi kati ya hivi vifuatavyo kina umbo maalumu?
  1. Soda
  2. Karatasi
  3. Gesi
  4. maji

10. Maada huundwa na chembechembe ndogo zinazojulikana kama

  1.              kizio 
  2.              ambatani
  3.              elementi
  4.              atomu 
  5.               molekuli

11. Maji huganda katika nyuzijoto

  1.             100 oC
  2.             36 oC
  3.             oC
  4.             36.9 oC

12. Joto husambaa katika kimiminika kwa njia ya . . . . . . 

  1.             msafara
  2.             mpitisho
  3.             mnururusho
  4.             mgandamizo

13. Badiliko la maada lisilokuwa na tofauti katika uzito linaitwaje?

  1.             Kikemikali 
  2.             Kiugumu
  3.             Kiumbo 
  4.             Kiurefu

14. Maada inapatikana katika hail zifuatazo:

  1.             Vimiminika, maji na gesi 
  2.             Yabisi, vimiminika na hewa
  3.             Yabisi, vimiminika na gesi 
  4.             Mawe, yabisi na gesi
  5.              Yabisi, hewa na gesi.

15. Maji magumu aushi yanaweza kubadilishwa kuwa maji laini kwa

  1.             kuyachemsha
  2.             kuyachuja 
  3.             kuyatonesha
  4.             kuyagandisha 
  5.              kuyapasha joto

16. Nini kitatokea iwapo idadi ya wanyama wanaokula nyama katika eneo ni kubwa kuliko idadi ya wanaokula majani?

  1.             Majani yatapungua
  2.             Majani yatabakia kama yalivyokuwa awali
  3.             Majani yatanyauka
  4.             Majani yataongezeka
  5.              Majani yataliwa

17 .Kitendo cha bakteria kuozesha kinyesi cha wanyama kwenye shimo pasipokuwa na hewa ya oksijeni husababisha:

  1.              joto kali 
  2.              gesivunde/biogesi
  3.              asidi kali               
  4.              alkali kali        
  5.               haidrojeni

18.  Kinyonga hujibadili rangi yake ili:

  1.              kutafuta chakula         
  2.              kupumua          
  3.              kuzaliana
  4.              kutafuta maadui                          
  5.               kujilinda dhidi ya maadui

19. Mlishano sahihi ni:

  1.             Mwewe img1572167455 Nyasi img1572167481 Chui img1572167455 mbuzi 
  2.              Nyasi img1572167455 Mwewe img1572167455 chui img1572167455 mbuzi
  3.              Chui img1572167455   Mwewe img1572167455 Nyasi img1572167455 mbuzi
  4.             Nyasi img1572167455 mbuzi img1572167455 chui img1572167455   mwewe
  5.              Mwewe img1572167455 chui img1572167455 mbuzi img1572167455 nyasi 

20. Endapo mito na mabwawa yatakauka, ni viumbe hai Vipi kati ya vifuatavyo vitaathirika zaidi?

  1.             Vyura
  2.             Samaki 
  3.             Mamba
  4.             Mbu
  5.              Nyoka

21.   image001Uhusiano uliopo kati ya viumbe hai na visivyo hai katika mazingira unaitwa

  1.             kutegemeana 
  2.             wando chakula 
  3.             ikolojia 
  4.             mlishano 
  5.              mizania asili.

22. Ingawa wanyama huvuta hewa ya oksijeni na kutoa hewa ya kabondayoksaidi, hewa hizi hazipungui wala kuongezeka kwenye mizazi kwa kuwa.

  1.             oksijeni ipo kwa wingi kwenye mizazi
  2.             kabondayoksaidi hubadilika kuwa oksijeni
  3.             mimea hutumia kabondayoksaidi na kutoa oksijeni
  4.             kabondayoksaidi huathiri tabaka la ozoni
  5.              oksijeni na kabondayoksaidi hurekebishwa na ozoni

23. Ni lipi kati ya matendo yafuatayo siyo sababu ya uharibifu wa mazingira?

  1.             Uchomaji wa karatasi
  2.             Maendeleo ya viwanda
  3.             Kuoga ziwani
  4.             Kutumia mbolea ya samadi
  5.              Kuoshea magari mtoni.

24. Kiwango cha maji kinachopotezwa na mmea huathiriwa na hali za hewa zifuatazo...

  1.              joto na unyevu     
  2.              unyevu na mwanga
  3.             upepo na mwanga wa jua               
  4.              mawingu na upepo
  5.              unyevu na upepo

25.  Kinyonga hujibadili rangi yake ili:

  1.              kutafuta chakula         
  2.              kupumua          
  3.              kuzaliana
  4.              kutafuta maadui                          
  5.               kujilinda dhidi ya maadui

26. Fototropizimu ni kitendo cha mmea kuota kuelekea kwenye:

  1.             mwanga 
  2.             kani ya mvutano 
  3.             maji 
  4.             giza
  5.              kemikali.
  1. Ebola ni ugonjwa unaosababishwa na………………..
  1. Bakteria
  2. Virusi
  3. Viroboto wa nyani
  4. Ukosefu wa maji mwilini
  1. Dalili za ugonjwa wa ebola huanza kuonekana kwa mgonjwa ndani ya siku ……………baada ya maambukizi
  1. Nne hadi saba
  2. Tano
  3. Mbili hadi ishirini na moja
  4. Mbili hadi tano
  1. Zifuatazo ni njia ambazo ugonjwa wa ebola unaweza kuenezwa kutoka kwa mtu mmoja hadi mwingine, isipokuwa………………
  1. Kugusana na mgonjwa wa ebola
  2. Kushika damu ya mtu mwenye virusi vya ebola
  3. Kugusa taka ngumu au maji taka yaliyotokana na kuhudumia mgonjwa wa ebola
  4. Kukaa mbali na mgonjwa wa ebola
  1. Zifuatazo ni dalili za ugonjwa wa ebola, isipokuwa……………
  1. Kuvuja damu puani na sehemu zingine za mwili
  2. Maumivu ya tumbo na misuli
  3. Kutokwa na malengelenge ambayo hupasuka na kuisababishia Ngozi michubuko
  4. Maumivu ya koo
  1. Sehemu ipi katika nyenzo daraja la kwanza huwa katikati?
  1. Mzigo
  2. Jitihada
  3. Egemeo
  4. wembe
  1. Sehemu ipi katika nyenzo daraja la kwanza huwa katikati?
  1. Mzigo
  2. Jitihada
  3. Egemeo
  4. toroli
  1. Jozi ifuatayo ni mfano wa nyenzo daraja la pili
  1. Opena na toroli
  2. Sepeto na toroli
  3. Mizani na mlango
  4. Mlango na sepeto
  1. Mojawapo ya vifaa vifuatavyo ni mfano wa kabari:
  1. Mtange
  2. Toroli
  3. Patasi
  4. opena
  1. Ipi sio kazi kuu za tarakilishi
  1. Kuingiza data
  2. Kupokea data
  3. Kuchakata data
  4. Kufundisha
  1. Kifaa cha kuhifadhi na kulinda vifaa vyote vya kieletroniki  huitwa?
  1. Kibodi
  2. Kichakato
  3. Monita
  4. Vitumi ingiza
  1. Sehemu za tarakilishi zisizoshikika huitwa;
  1. Maunzi
  2. Programu
  3. Vitumi toleo
  4. Program endeshi
  1. Seti ya maelekezo ambayo hutumika katika tarakilishi ili kufanya shughuli mbalimbali huitwa
  1. Program
  2. Progamu endeshi
  3. Program tumizi
  4. Tarakilishi
  1. Ipi sio tahadhari ya kufuata unapotumia tarakilishi
  1. Dhibiti umeme hili kulinda tarakilishi
  2. Fuata taratibu wakati wa kuzima tarakilishi
  3. Kufungua program nyingi kwa wakati mmoja
  4. Kufuta vumbi kwa kitambaa kikavu
  1. Program ambayo hutumika kwa ajili ya uchapaji wa nyaraka za aina mbalimbali kama barua, ripoti na majarida huitwa?
  1. Program jedwali
  2. Program tendaji
  3. Program andishi
  4. Program teule
  1. Tarakilishi utumika katika maeneo haya isipokuwa
  1. Vyuoni
  2. Benki
  3. Ofisini
  4. Yote hapo juu
  1. Sehemu ambayo husaidia kuona ukurasa wa waraka na kufanya marekebisho katika mtindo au fonti huitwa;
  1. Faili
  2. Nyumbani
  3. Menu
  4. Sanifu
  1. Kioo bapa kinatumika katika saluni kwa sababu
  1. Hutoa picha kubwa
  2. Hutoa taswira pacha
  3. Huzalisha taswira nyingi
  4. Hutoa taswira safi
  1. Kifaa kinachotumika kuangalia vitu kwenye vizuizi huitwa?
  1. Periskopu
  2. Dira
  3. Teleskopu
  4. Makroskopu
  1. Ipi sio sifa ya taswira ya kioo mbinuko?
  1. Taswira ni kubwa ukilinganisha na kiolwa
  2. Hutokea ikiwa wima
  3. Hutokea nyuma ya kioo mbinuko
  4. Ni kubwa ukilinganisha na kiolwa
  1. Moja ya hasara ya taswira ya kioo mbinuko ni;
  1. Taswira huwa kubwa
  2. Kinafaa kutumika katika kunyolea watu
  3. Taswira inakosa umbo lililo halisi
  4. Taswira yake huwa wima
  1. Kioo kinachofaa katika shughuli za ulinzi madukani na majengo makubwa ni
  1. Kioo mbonyeo
  2. Kioo bapa
  3. Kioo mbinuko
  4. Lenzi
  1. Lenzi inayokusanya miale ya mwanga huitwa;
  1. Lenzi bapa
  2. Lenzi mbinuko
  3. Lenzi mbonyeo
  4. Lenzi wima
  1. Yapi ni matumizi ya lenzi mbonyeo?
  1. Kutengeneza vioo vya gari
  2. Kutengeneza taa
  3. Kutengeneza miwani ya watu wasioona mbali
  4. Kutengeneza kamera

50. Sumaku zinawekwa katika milango ya majokofu na baadhi ya makabati ili…………..

  1. Kufukuza joto
  2. Kufanya eneo la ndani liwe na joto
  3. Kufanya milango ibane vizuri
  4. Kuondoa asili ya chumu







MUDA:1: 30                                                             


Chagua Jibu Sahihi

  1. Lugha inayowaunganisha Watanzania wote ni:
  1. Kihehe
  2. Kiswahili
  3. Kiingereza
  4. Kisukuma
  1. Ufundi wa kuwasilisha hisia na mawazo yaliyomo katika fikra huitwa:
  1. Mila
  2. Desturi
  3. Sanaa
  4. Utamaduni
  1. Mambo yanayofanywa na jamii fulani kulingana na asili, mazingira na mienendo ya jamii hiyo huitwa:
  1. Mila
  2. Desturi
  3. Utamaduni
  4. Sanaa
  1. ............ni asili, mila, jadi, imani na desturi za jamii fulani:
  1. Utamaduni
  2. Desturi
  3. Sanaa
  4. Mila
  1. Jambo la kawaida linalotendwa kila siku na jamii fulani huitwa:
  1. Lugha
  2. Sanaa
  3. Desturi
  4. Mila

6. Mkataba wa 1890 uliogawanya Afrika Mashiriki kwa Wajerumani na Waingereli.ulijulikana kama:

  1.         Mkataba wa Hamerton 
  2.          Mkataba wa Haligoland
  3.          Mkataba wa Moresby 
  4.         Mkataba wa Afrika Mashariki
  5.          Mkataba wa Frere

7. Makoloni ya Kifaransa Afrika yalikuwa pamoja na:

  1.         Togo na Morocco 
  2.          Senegal na Ghana
  3.          Nigeria na Tunisia 
  4.         Senegal na Morocco
  5.          Angola na Tunisia

8. Ulinzi katika jamii ya Kimasai ulikuwa ni jukumu la:

  1.        laiboni
  2.         morani
  3.         layoni
  4.        mtemi
  5.         kabaka

9. Nchi ya kwanza kupata Uhuru katika Afrika Mashariki ilikuwa:

  1.        Tanganyika 
  2.         Kenya 
  3.         Uganda 
  4.        Zanzibar 
  5.         Burundi

10. Makoloni ya Ureno Kusini mwa Afrika yalikuwa yapi?

  1.        Namibia na Angala 
  2.         Angola na Botswana
  3.         Msumbuji 
  4.        Namibia na Zimbabwe 
  5.         Angola na Msumbiji
  1. Muhammad Ahmad alikuwa ni kiongozi wa nchi ya:
  1. Rwanda
  2. Burundi
  3. Sudan
  4. Niger
  1. Sababu ya wakoloni kuvamia ukanda wa pwani katika Afrika ilikuwa ni:
  1. Urahisi wa kufanya biashara
  2. Urahisi wa kuwasaidia watu
  3. Urahisi wa kuendesha shughuli za kilimo
  4. Kurahisisha uchimbaji wa madini
  1. Miongoni mwa mashujaa wa Afrika waliopinga uvamizi ni:
  1. Agostino Neto, Kwame Nkurumah na Otto Von Bismack
  2. Kwame Nkurumah, Isike, Seyyid Said
  3. Otto Von Bismack, Isike na Agostino Neto
  4. Mfalme Menelik wa II, Msiri na Mkwawa.
  1. Mkutano wa kuigawa Afrika ulifanyika katika nchi ya:
  1. Uingereza
  2. Marekani
  3. Ujerumani
  4. ufaransa
  1. .............ni lengo la waarabu wa Omani kuja Pwani ya Afrika Mashariki.
  1. Kilimo
  2. Uvuvi
  3. Biashara
  4. Upagazi
  1. Wareno walifika Pwani ya Afrika Mashariki mwaka:
  1. 1540
  2. 1498
  3. 1497
  4. 1690
  1. Wareno walifika katika mji wa Kilwa mnamo karne ya:
  1. 15
  2. 16
  3. 18
  4. 19
  1. Mreno wa kwanza kufika Pwani ya Afrika Mashariki alijulikana kwa jina la:
  1. William Mackinnon
  2. Charles Stokes
  3. Vasco da Gama
  4. Karl Peters
  1. Wafaransa walipanua wigo wa biashara zao katika Pwani ya Afrika Mashariki karne ya:
  1. 19
  2. 17
  3. 18
  4. 16

20. Makabila matatu katika Tanzania yaliyoshiriki katika biashara ya watumwa ni:

  1.               Wahehe, Wabena na Wanyama
  2.               Wazaramo, Wazigua na Waluguru
  3.               Wachaga, Wapare na Wasambaa 
  4.              Wahangaza, Wahaya na Wakurya
  5.               Wanyamwezi, Wahaya na Wasumbwa

21. Makoloni ya Ujerumani katika Afrika yalikuwa ..

  1.               Naijeria, Namibia na Togo.
  2.                Gambia, Togo na Namibia. 
  3.               Kameruni, Togo na Namibia. 
  4.              Namibia, Tanganyika na Naijeria.
  5.               Kameruni, Tanganyika na Senegal.

22. Wajerumani walitawala Tanganyika baada ya .....

  1.              Vita Kuu ya Kwanza.           
  2.               Vita Kuuya Pili. 
  3.               Mkutano wa Berlin.          
  4.              Kuundwa kwa UNO.
  5.               Kushindwa kwa Wareno.

23.     Moja ya malengo ya elimu ya kikoloni ilikuwa:

  1.               kupambana na ujinga na umaskini
  2.                kupunguza uzalishaji wa mazao ya biashara
  3.                kupata watumishi wa ngazi za chini 
  4.               kuongeza ajira kwa vijana
  5.                kupambana dhidi ya ubaguzi wa rangi

24. Mojawapo ya athari ya utawala wa Wareno katika Afrika Mashariki ilikuwa:

  1.               kuanzishwa kwa uislamu
  2.                kukomeshwa kwa biashara ya utumwa
  3.                kuharibiwa kwa miji ya pwani
  4.               kusaini mikataba ya ulaghai
  5.                kuanzisha mashamba ya katani

25 Ramani inayoonesha sura ya asili ya nchi huitwa

  1. Ramani hai
  2. Ramani ya topografia
  3. Ramani ya dunia
  4. Ramani takwimu

26. Kati ya watu hawa nani hatumii ramani?

  1. Watalii
  2. Rubani
  3. Wajenzi
  4. Wakulima
  1. Kielelezo kinachofafanua alama au rangi zilizotumika katika ramani huitwa
  1. Kichwa
  2. Dira
  3. Ufunguo
  4. Kipimio
  1. Huonyesha mwisho au mpaka wa ramani
  1. Huonyesha mwanzo wa ramani
  2. Huonyesha mipaka ya ramani
  3. Huonyesha ukubwa wa ramani
  4. Huonyesha mwelekeo wa ramani
  1. Yafuatao ni matumizi ya ramani isipokuwa
  1. Kuonyesha mahali vitu vilivyo
  2. Kuongoza meli au aeropleni
  3. Kuelezea maeneo ya tabianchi
  4. Kucheza mpira wa miguu
  1. Ramani inayoonesha idadi ya watu au vitu katika eneo fulani huitwa?
  1. Ramani dufu
  2. Ramani takwimu
  3. Ramani topografia
  4. Ramani kipimo
  1. Dunia hulizunguka jua kwa muda wa:
  1. Saa 24
  2. Siku 3651/4 au 366
  3. Usiku na mchana
  4. Siku 300
  1. Dunia hutumia muda wa dakika..............kujizungusha kati ya longitude moja hadi nyingine:
  1. 15
  2. 24
  3. 4
  4. 60
  1. Mabadiliko ya maji kupwa na kujaa hutokea mara mbili.
  1. Kila siku
  2. Kwa wiki
  3. Kwa mwaka
  4. Baada ya mwezi mmoja
  1. Sayari yenye viumbe hai ni:
  1. Sumbura
  2. Mihiri
  3. Zuhura
  4. Dunia

35. Zao kuu la biashara linalolimwa wilaya ya mbinga mkoani Ruvuma ni 

  1.              Korosho 
  2.               Karafuu 
  3.               Chai 
  4.              Kahawa 
  5.               Pamba

36. Moja ya matatizo yanayovikabili viwanda na biashara Tanzania ni

  1.              uhaba wa wateja wa bidhaa zinazozalishwa
  2.               upungufu wa gharama kubwa ya nishati
  3.               uhaba wa wafanyabiashara
  4.              hall mbaya ya hewa
  5.               uhaba wa wafanyakazi.

37. Ardhi, misitu, mito, bahari na madini kwa ujumla tunaviita 

  1.              bidhaa muhimu 
  2.               Dunia
  3.               uoto wa asili 
  4.              maliasili
  5.               mahitaji muhimu

38.  Gesi asilia hupatikana katika eneo lipi kati ya yafuatayo?

  1.              Kilwa.
  2.               Madaba.
  3.               Songosongo. 
  4.              Mchinga.
  5.               Somanga 
  1. Ipi kati ya fursa hizi za kibiashara haipatikani mijini?
  1. Ufugaji
  2. Kushona nguo
  3. Usafirishaji
  4. Kuuza vyakula

40. Faida ya ubunifu ni hizi isipokuwa;

  1. Kuvutia wateja
  2. Kukabiliana na ushindani
  3. Kuiga kazi za wengine
  4. Kuongeza faida
  1. Ipi sio aina ya wajasiriamali?
  1. Wajasiriamali wabunifu
  2. Wajasiriamali wafanyabiashara
  3. Wajasiriamali watumishi
  4. Wajasiriamali jamii
  1. Tabia hizi zinaweza kukwamisha biashara yako isipokuwa
  1. Kujituma
  2. Uvivu
  3. Kuwa na visingizio
  4. Kupoteza muda
  1. Ipi sio tabia ya mjasiriamali?
  1. Uthubutu
  2. Uaminifu na uadilifu
  3. Kukata tama
  4. Ubunifu

Jibu maswali yafuatayo:

  1. Taja jina la Gavana wa Wajerumani aliyesimamia utawala wa kikoloni Afrika Mashariki ya Wajerumani.
  2. Taja mazao yaliyolimwa katika mikoa ifuatayo katika kipindi cha ukoloni wa Wajerumani:
  1. Morogoro.............
  2. Kagera na Kilimanjaro............
  3. Mwanza...........
  4. Bagamoyo...............
  1. Reli ya Tanga hadi Moshi ilianza kujengwa mwaka gani?
  2. Unafikiri ni kwa nini Wajerumani walitoza kodi?







MUDA:1: 30                                                             


Chagua Jibu Sahihi

  1. Msaidizi mkuu wa mkoa katika shughuli zake za utendaji ni nani?
  1. Ofisa elimu mkoa
  2. Katibu tawala wa mkoa
  3. Mkuu wa idara ya utawala na utumishi mkoa
  4. Ofisa afya wa mkoa
  1. Mwenyekiti wa halmashauri ngazi ya wilaya huongoza akina nani?
  1. Wenyeviti wa mtaa
  2. Makatibu tawala
  3. Madiwani wa halmashauri
  4. Mtendaji wa kata
  1. Katika ofisi ya kata, nani ni mtendaji mkuu?
  1. Diwani
  2. Ofisa mtendaji wa kata
  3. Ofisa mazingira wa kata
  4. Ofisa maendeleo wa kata
  1. Mkurugenzi wa halmashauri anapatikanaje?
  1. Kwa kupigiwa kura na madiwani
  2. Kwa kuajiriwa na menejimenti ya utumishi wa umma
  3. Kwa kuteuliwa na rais
  4. Kwa kupigiwa kura na wananchi kattika halmashauri inayohusika
  1. Katibu wa vikao vya baraza la madiwani ni nani?
  1. Mwenyekiti wa halmashauri
  2. Diwani wa viti maalumu
  3. Katibu tawala
  4. Mkurugenzi wa halmashauri
  1. Kanuni zinazowekwa shuleni na nyumbani husaidia nini?
  1. Kufuata utaratibu na kudhibiti nidhamu
  2. Ukiukaji wa haki za mtoto
  3. Ubabe wa wazazi au walezi
  4. Kuleta fujo
  1. Lipi kati ya haya yaliyoorodheshwa ni tendo la kutetea haki zako na za Watoto wenzako:
  1. Kukosekana utawala bora
  2. Kutii sheria na kutozitumia
  3. Kusaidia kutoa taarifa kwenye mamlaka zinazohusika
  4. Kulia kwa uchungu
  1. Ipi kati ya tabia zilizoorodheshwa inaonesha uvunjifu wa sheria za shule?
  1. Kuwahi sana shuleni
  2. Kusoma kwa bidi
  3. Utoro na kupigana
  4. Kujisomea nyumbani baada ya masomo
  1. Lipi kati ya haya ni matendo ya uvumulivu?
  1. Kulalamika
  2. Kuheshimu itikadi na mila za watu
  3. Kuwasema wengine
  4. Kujiona bora
  1. Ni kitendo kipi sio sahihi?
  1. Kuheshimu sala za wakristo
  2. Kudharau mavazi ya kiislamu
  3. Kutopiga kelele darasani
  4. Kutumia lugha ya taifa
  1. Tunapopata changamoto katika maisha tunapaswa?
  1. Kulia
  2. Kukata tama
  3. Kuwa mvumilivu na kutafuta suluhisho
  4. Kudai haki
  1. Lengo la uvumilivu ni
  1. Kuvumilia mateso
  2. Kukata tama
  3. Kutafuta njia sahihi za kutatua shida
  4. Kufikia malengo
  1. Kunapo tokea mabadiliko katika jamii tunapaswa
  1. Kukata tama
  2. Kujiamini
  3. Kuyapinga
  4. Kulia


  1. Mtu kuwa na utayari wa kupokea majukumu hufuatana na:
  1. Kujitambua na kuwa na utayari wa kupokea ushauri
  2. Kushindana na wenzako
  3. Kukataa ushauri kutoka kwa mtu yeyote
  4. Kukubali bila pingamizi
  1. Usimamizi wa majukumu shuleni hufanywa na;
  1. Walimu peke yao
  2. Wanafunzi wenyewe tu
  3. Walimu wakishirikiana na viongozi wa serikali ya wanafunzi
  4. Wazazi
  1. Viongozi wote wanapaswa kuzingatia:
  1. Maendeleo yao tu
  2. Misingi ya utawala bora
  3. Utawala wa kiimla
  4. Upendeleo
  1. Utii wa sheria:
  1. Haubagui kiongozi au mwananchi
  2. Bila shuruti hauwezekani
  3. Unasababisha ucheleweshaji wa majukumu
  4. Ni wa kiimla
  1. Ipi sio manufaa ya ushirikiano wa Tanzania na Mataifa Mengine?
  1. Kupata masoko ya bidhaa
  2. Kuboresha usalama na amani
  3. Kupata mikopo
  4. Kupoteza utamaduni wake
  1. Sera ya Tanzania ya Uhusiano wa kimataifa ilitungwa mwaka
  1. 1995
  2. 1977
  3. 2015
  4. 2005
  1. Kipi hakipo kwenye sera ya Tanzania ya uhusiano wa kimataifa?
  1. Kulinda uhuru na usalama wa nchi
  2. Kuimarisha umoja wa mataifa na ushirikiano
  3. Kumaliza upinzani
  4. Kupigania uboreshaji wa umoja wa mataifa
  1. Mojawapo ya changamoto za ushirikiano wa umoja wa mataifa ni;
  1. Mikopo yenye riba kubwa
  2. Migogoro ya mipaka
  3. Ujirani mwema
  4. Kukuza biashara
  1. Ipi kati ya hizi ni miongoni mwa rasilimali zilizopo Tanzania?
  1. Misitu
  2. Mbao
  3. Mkaa
  4. Nyasi
  1. Ipi kati ya hizi ni faida ya misitu?
  1. Kutupatia madini
  2. Kutupatia mbao
  3. Kutupatia nafaka
  4. Kuikata
  1. Tunawezaje kuhifadhi misitu?
  1. Kwa kukata miti
  2. Kwa kuchoma misitu
  3. Kwa kupanda miti
  4. Kulima ndani ya misitu
  1. Ni kitendo gani kati ya hivi huchangia kuharibu rasilimali maji?
  1. Kukata miti kwenye vyanzo vya maji
  2. Kutochoma moto misitu
  3. Kutotiririsha maji machafu
  4. Kutunza miti
  1. Kujijali na kuwajali wenzako kunasaidia mwanafunzi:
  1. Kufanya mambo yanayokubalika katika jamii
  2. Kuogopwa
  3. Kutenda uovu
  4. Kuwa mkorofi
  1. Kugombana na wenzako mara kwa mara unapokuwa shuleni au nyumbani ni tabia:
  1. Isiyokubalika
  2. Inayoonesha kujali wenzako
  3. Ya upendo
  4. Ya unyenyekevu au kishujaa
  1. Matendo yafuatayo yanakuza uhusiano na watu wengine:
  1. Kushirikiana, kuwasaidia watu wenye mahitaji maalumu, kuheshimiana na kujiunga katika vikundi vya kusaidiana
  2. Kuonesha upendo, kuheshimiana, ugomvi na unafiki
  3. Kuwasaidia watu wenye mahitaji, kusema uongo, kushirikiana na kuheshimiana
  4. Kuwasaidia watu wote na kuwafanyia unafiki
  1. Moja ya faida za kujiunga na klabu za masomo shuleni ni:
  1. Kukuza uelewa na uongo
  2. Kukuza uelewa na kujiamini
  3. Kushindana kwa majibizano ya ujeuri
  4. Kuwa maarufu na kuvunja haki za binadamu
  1. Ni njia mojawapo ya kutomsaidia mwanafunzi mwenye matatizo:
  1. Kumshika mkono
  2. Kumkumbatia
  3. Kumshauri namna ya kutatua tatizo
  4. Kumtenga
  1. Namna bora ya kushirikiana na majirani zako unapokuwa nyumbani:
  1. Kuwakimbia wanapokuwa na shida
  2. Kutowapokea mizigo
  3. Kujumuika nao katika matukio ya shida na raha
  4. Kuwakwepa pale wanapoomba msaada
  1. Unapo shiriki katika shughuli za maendeleo  ya jamii unaleta;
  1. Mshikamano na uzalendo
  2. Shida  kwa wananchi
  3. Mtandao wa ombaomba
  4. umasikini
  1. Shughuli za kibinadamu ambazo huchangia uchafuzi wa  vyanzo vya maji ni kama vile:
  1. Kufua nguo, kupanda miti kuzunguka eneo la vyanzo vya  maji
  2. Kulima na kufua  nguo kando kando  ya mto
  3. Kutunza mazingira ya asili na kunywesha  mifugo
  4. Kupanda miti
  1. Mamlaka inayohusika na usimamizi na utunzaji mazingira nchini huitwa:
  1. Mamlaka ya mapato ya Tanzania
  2. Wizara ya afya
  3. Baraza la usimamizi wa mazingira la taifa
  4. Tume ya taifa ya mazingira
  1. Ni vyema tuka boresha njia za uchimbaji wa madini ilikusaidia:
  1. Uchimbaji wa madini kuwa endelevu na wenye ufanisi
  2. Kutopata fedha za kutosha
  3. Kukosa ajira kwa wingi
  4. Kutofuta umaskini
  1. Hali inayopunguza ukamilifu wa kitu inaitwa?
  1. Shida
  2. Kudorora
  3. Kupooza
  4. Kipato
  1. Kuangalia kitu kwa undani kisha kukadiria thamani yake au ubora wake huitwa
  1. Kuchunguza
  2. Mpangokazi
  3. Tathmini
  4. Morali
  1. Utaratibu wa kufanya kazi kwa hatua ili kufikia lengo lililokusudiwa ni;
  1. Ratiba
  2. Bajeti
  3. Mpangokazi
  4. Kipaumbele
  1. Faida ya kutathmini kwa mtoto ni;
  1. Kujiamini
  2. Kuacha uvivu
  3. Kudekezwa
  4. Kutofanya kazi
  1. Tathmini shuleni inapaswa kuwa;
  1. Kazi za darasani tu
  2. Kazi za darasani na nje ya darasa
  3. Kazi za viwanjani
  4. Katika mitihani tu


Katika swali la 41-45, andika jibu sahihi.

41.  Taja madhara manne ya kutohifadhi taka kwa usahihi

42.  Orodhesha dalili tatu za  balehe kwa mvulana na kwa msichana

43.  Andika sababu tatu za kufanya usafi wa sare za shule

44.  Taja mambo matatu ya kuzingatia wakati wa kufua sare za shule.

45.  Taja aina kuu mbili za taka







MUDA:1: 30                                                             




































Laki mbili na elfu arobaini na moja, mia tatu sitini na moja




Laki tatu na elfu sita, mia tatu na moja




Laki mbili na moja




Laki nne na kumi na sita




Laki tano na sita, mia sita na sita




Ni sehemu ipi kubwa




6/11 and 5/11




4/5 and 3/5




1/5 and 1/4




4/7 and 4/9




3/8 and 5/8




Badilisha kuwa sehemu nusu
























Badilisha kuwa sehemu kamili
























Badilisha saa kuwa dakika




Masaa 7




Masaa 13




Masaa 6




Masaa 9




Masaa 3




Badilisha dakita kuwa masaa




Dakika 849




Dakika 1149




Dakika 686




Dakika 4593




Dakika 328








45 and 38




28 and 44




Tafuta kigawo kikubwa cha shirika(KKS)




68 and 38




92 and 100




69 and 39




Tafuta kipeuo na pili cha namba




























TIME: 1:30 HRS                                                           



  • THIS paper consists of SECTIONS A, B, C and D
  • Answer all questions from each section as per instruction given
  • Write full name on the blank space above together with the name of the school
  • Ensure your work is neat and legible.


  1. He ...................football everyday
  1. Play
  2. Plays
  3. Played
  4. Playing
  1. Amina will..................to Mwanza next week
  1. Went
  2. Going
  3. Goes
  4. Go


3. Juma was told to _____ grass around the house 

  1. cut
  2. cutting
  3.  chopping
  4.  cut


4. Mr. Komba, the headmaster _______ a newspapers now 

  1. has read
  2. is reading
  3. will read
  4. reading


5. The women _____ to the market every Saturday 

  1. going
  2. goes
  3. go
  4. are going


6. Hawa _____ the questions which teacher wrote on blackboard 

  1. have answered
  2. answered
  3. answering
  4. answer

7. The chimney is covered with…………………………………

  1. Shoot
  2. Soot
  3. Shut
  4. Suit

8. If you want to take a holiday, you have to ……………..some money

  1. Shave
  2. Save
  3. Share
  4. Eat

9. The mother of her husband is her…………………………………………

  1. Father –in –law
  2. Daughter –in-law
  3. Mother-in-law
  4. Son-in-law

10. My friend is always absent ……………………………school

  1. In
  2. At
  3. For
  4. From

11. The ball went …………………..the window into the room

  1. In
  2. Through
  3. At
  4. On.

12. Mulinge is good……………………..mathematics

  1. For
  2. At
  3. In
  4. On

13. Peter prefers sausages…………………………..rice

  1. To
  2. Than
  3. More
  4. For

Choose the correct word for the blanks in question 26 and 27.

14. Our Journey took a ………………..day

  1. Hawl
  2. Hole
  3. hall
  4. whole.

15. The mechanic had to …………………under the car  to repair it.

  1. Crawl
  2. Crowul
  3. Crow
  4. Kraul

Choose the opposite of the underlined words.

16. The customer thought that the cooker was dangerous 

  1. Risky
  2. Danger
  3. Unsafe
  4. Safe.

17. The wholesaler sold cheap radios

  1. Expensive
  2. New
  3. Modern
  4. Hard

18. One of the students was still awake

  1. Sober
  2. Asleep
  3. Drunk
  4. sleeping

Choose the correct word to fill the blank space

  1. Elephant is to trumpet as pig is to ______
  1. quack
  2. hum
  3. grunt
  4. beat
  1. Lion is to roar as donkey is to_______
  1. hiss
  2. bray
  3. crow
  4. neigh
  1. Water is to thirst as food is to
  1. anger
  2. sleep
  3. hunger
  4. play

Choose the plural of the sentences given

  1. He is my brother
  1. They are my brother
  2. They are our brother
  3. They are my brothers
  4. They are our brothers
  1. This is a big car
  1. This are big cars
  2. These are big cars
  3. These is big cars
  4. These are a big cars

Replace the underlined word with its opposite

  1. She bought an expensive dress
  1. Beautiful
  2. Smart
  3. Dear
  4. cheap
  1. They  live in an ancient building
  1. old
  2. permanent
  3. storey
  4. modern



  1. A evening meal is called?
  1. Food
  2. Lunch
  3. Breakfast
  4. Dinner
  1. A young one of a lion is called
  1. Lioness
  2. Calf
  3. Cub
  4. Cab
  1. The opposite of the word ugly is
  1. Stranger
  2. Beautiful
  3. Smart
  4. Worst
  1. A small piece of land usually near a house where vegetables and flowers are grown is
  1. Garden
  2. Gargener
  3. Gard
  4. Ridge
  1. .................arrest people who steal
  1. Bank
  2. Army
  3. Policeman
  4. Teacher
  1. The plural of tooth is ..........................
  1. Teet
  2. Teeth
  3. Tooth
  4. Tooths
  1. The son of your brother is your
  1. Sister
  2. Niece
  3. Cousin
  4. Nephew
  1. .................is a person who cannot see
  1. Deaf
  2. Dumb
  3. blind
  4. Artist
  1. The opposite of the word arrive is
  1. Went
  2. Depart
  3. Go
  4. Come
  1. Mr. Isack is a dentist. He deals with................
  1. Stomach
  2. Teeth
  3. Eyes
  4. Ears.


Arrange the following sentences to make a meaningful paragraph by using letters A, B, C, D AND E.

  1. Some of them gave me very pleasant gift
  2. Most of them attended the party
  3. Yesterday was my birthday party
  4. I had invited most of my friends a day before
  5. My mother prepared a wonderful birthday for me


Maria is a pupil at Mtakuja Primary school. She likes English and Mathematics. She stays with her parents. Her father Mr. John is a doctor and her Mother Mrs John is a teacher. Maria is the best pupil in her class, She is going to be a doctor like her father.


  1. Who is a pupil at Mtakuja Primary school?
  2. What does Maria’s father do?
  3. What subject does Maria like?
  4. Who is the best pupil at Mtakuja primary school?
  5. Suggest the suitable heading for the passage









  1.                Jibu maswali yote katika kila sehemu ya mtihani huu.
  2.                Kumbuka kuandika majina yako.
  3.                Hakikisha kazi yako ni nadhifu sana.


  1.                Nilipomwomba mwalimu wetu ruhusa ya kwenda msalani, alikataa kwa jino na ukucha ______
  1.              Katakata  B.Ng’o

C.        Hapana hapana D.Ng’a

  1.                Ni sentensi ipi iliyosahihi
  1.              Shati lake ninyeupe
  2.               Alipoesha chai kwa kikombe
  3.               Alituhadithia akiwa usingizini
  4.              Aling’orota akiwa usingizini
  1.                Hali yakuwa mke au mume ni
  1.              Jinsi B.Jinsia

C.       Sinzia D.maumbile

  1.                Neno jicho liko katika ngeli ipi?
  1.              I-ZI  B.JI-MA

C.        A-WA  D.LI-YA 

  1.                Tegua kitendawili hiki

Nyumbani mwangu mnashetani ambaye daima anakunywa maji yangu

  1.              Shamba B.Mtoto

C.         Taa  D.mtungi

  1.                Nini ni maana ya semi hii; Chakula alichokipika kilikuwa asali.
  1.              Kilikuwa kitamu
  2.               Kilipikwa kwa viungo
  3.               Kilitiwa asali
  4.              Kiliwekwa nyuki
  1.                Tumia amba ipasavyo

Kipofu ______ tulimwona amerudi

  1.              Ambacho  B.Ambaye

C.       Ambako  D.aliye

  1.                Fupisha maneno haya

           Wajomba zako

  1.              Wajombako B.wajombanu

C.        Wajombazo  D.mjombako

  1.                Nywele za mwilini zinazoota mgongoni, mikononi, miguuni na kifuani huitwa
  1.              Mvi  B. nywele

C.        Donya  D. malaika

  1.            Kitenzi kunja katika hali ya kutendeana ni

A         kunjakunja  B.kunjia

C.        kunjiana  D. kunjisha

  1.            Ni sentensi ipi iliyo katika hali ya mazoea
  1.              mama hupika chakula kitamu
  2.               mama anapika chakula kitamu
  3.               mama atapi kachakula kitamu
  4.              mama alipika chakula kitamu
  1.            Yeye .........................shahada ya uhandisi
  1.              Alitunukiwa
  2.               Walitunukiwa
  3.               Tulitunukiwa
  4.              Vilitunukiwa
  1.            Elimu ni ukombozi wa jamii nyingi. Wa ni aina gani ya neno?
  1.              Kivumishi
  2.               Kihisishi
  3.               Kiunganishi
  4.              Kihusishi
  1.            Mama amekata chungwa. Mama ni
  1.              Mtenda
  2.               Mtendewa
  3.               Mtendesha
  4.              Mtendeka
  1.            Mwaka hujao tutaingia darasa la saba. Sentensi hii iko katika wakati gani?
  1.              Wa sasa
  2.               Uliopo
  3.               Uliopita
  4.              Ujao
  1.            Mahindi yamekobolewa vizuri. Mahindi ni
  1.              Mtendwa
  2.               Mtenda
  3.               Mtendeka
  4.              Mtendesha
  1.            Mtoto alikwenda sokoni......................miguu
  1.              Na
  2.               Kwa
  3.               Ya
  4.              Wa
  1.            Watoto.......................ni wapole sana
  1.              Yangu
  2.               Chao
  3.               Wangu
  4.              Vyangu
  1.            Wingi wa neno shule ni.......................
  1.              Mashule
  2.               Kashule
  3.               Shuleni
  4.              Shule
  1.            Mtu anayelima mazao mbalimbali shambani anaitwa?
  1.              Mkulima
  2.               Mwindaji
  3.               Mpanda maua
  4.              Rubani
  1.            .......................hufanya kazi ya kuhazimisha vitabu maktaba
  1.              Mhandisi
  2.               Mwanajeshi
  3.               Mhadhiri
  4.              Mkutubi
  1.            Mtu anayeajiriwa kulinda nchi yake huitwa?
  1.              Mhadhiri
  2.               Mkulima
  3.               Machinga
  4.              Mwanajeshi
  1.            Mtu anayefundisha chuo kikuu huitwa?
  1.              Mhadhiri
  2.               Mkutubi
  3.               Dereva
  4.              Mwanajeshi
  1.            ..................hufanya kazi ya kununua na kuuza bidhaa
  1.              Daktari
  2.               Mfanyabiashara
  3.               Mhadhiri
  4.              Mwanajeshi
  1.            Chombo maalum cha majini kinachotumika kuvusha watu na mizigo kwenda ng’ambo ya pili huitwa?........................................
  1.              Daladala
  2.               Pikipiki
  3.               Basi
  4.              Kivuko.
  1.            Ali hula ugali kila Jumatano. Sentensi hii iko katika hali gani?
  1.              Mazoea
  2.               Umaskini
  3.               Majigambo
  4.              Dhanifu
  1.            Neno linaloingizwa kwenye kamusi ili lipatiwe maana huitwaje?
  1.              Nomino
  2.               Kidahizo
  3.               Kitomeo
  4.              Kitenzi
  1.            Mtu anayefanya kazi ya kufundisha darasani huitwa?
  1.              Tabibu
  2.               Utingo
  3.               Mwalimu
  4.              Mwanafunzi
  1.            Kisawe cha neno adimu ni kipi?
  1.              Patikana
  2.               Change
  3.               Chache
  4.              Chenga
  1.            Mtu mwenye taaluma ya sheria huitwa?
  1.              Mwanataaluma
  2.               Mwanagenzi
  3.               Mwanahabari
  4.              Mwanasheria.


Kamilisha methali zifuatazo

  1.            ..........................hali wali mkavu
  2.            Hasira ya mkizi.................................
  3.            Cha kuzama........................................................
  4.            ..............................furaha ya kunguru

Tunga sentensi kwa kutumia sentensi zifuatazo

  1.            Tia hatiani
  2.            Kula yamini
  3.            Kaza kamba

Tegua vitendawili vifuatavyo

  1.            Mdogo lakini humaliza gogo
  2.            Nina mtoto wangu nikimpa chakula analia, nikimnyima chakula halii
  3.            Nyanywa supu na nyama naitupa..............


  1.                Utungo wa kifasihi unaotumia lugha ya mkato kuwasilisha ujumbe kwa hadhira huitwa?
  1.              Insha
  2.               Sanaa
  3.               Fasihi
  4.              Shairi
  1.                Mtu anayetunga mashairi anaitwa?
  1.              Mghani
  2.               Mhunzi
  3.               Mshairi
  4.              Mwandishi
  1.                Idadi ya silabi katika mshororo huitwa?
  1.              Mizani
  2.               Kituo
  3.               Vina
  4.              Herufi
  1.                Kila ubeti lazima ubebe angalau wazo...........................muhimu
  1.              Tata
  2.               Shinikizi
  3.               Moja
  4.              Kinzani
  1.                Shairi huweza kuimbwa au................
  1.              Kughaniwa
  2.               Kuchezwa
  3.               Kutambwa
  4.              kutegwa


Panga hatua za kufanya ufupisho kwa mtiririko sahihi

  1.               Kusoma habari tena kwa mara ya pili
  2.             Kupitia ufupisho wa habri ili kuondoa makosa
  3.           Kuandika ufupisho wa habari
  4.           Kusoma habari yote ili kubaini mawazo muhimu
  5.             Kubaini wahusika katika habari





Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentences.

Write the plural of underlined WORD

  1. class was painted.
  1. Class
  2. Classes
  3. Clases
  4. School.
  1. His family is wealthy.
  1. Families
  2. Famillies
  3. Familys
  4. family
  1. fox ran into the bush.
  1. Foxes
  2. Foxen
  3. Fox
  4. hare
  1. My pocket is torn.
  1. Pockets
  2. Pocket
  3. Pocketes
  4. Packet.
  1. One deer was killed.
  1. Deers
  2. Deer
  3. Deeres
  4. Geese.
  1. Her foot is small for that shoe.
  1. Foots
  2. Feet
  3. Foot.
  4. Leg.
  1. He has a strong belief.
  1. Beliefs
  2. Beliefs
  3. Believes
  4. Faith.
  1. The potato was rotten.
  1. Potatos
  2. Potatoes
  3. Potato
  4. potatoeses
  1. The loaf was eaten by a. dog.
  1. Loafs
  2. Loaves
  3. Loaf
  4. Leaves.
  1. A boy bought an avocado.
  1. Avocados
  2. Avocadoes
  3. Avocado.
  4. avocad
  1. The woman has a painful tooth.
  1. Teeths
  2. Tooths
  3. Teeth
  4. Mouth.
  1. A leaf fell on the floor.
  1. Leaves
  2. Leaf
  3. Leave
  4. loaves
  1. Give me an apple.
  1. Apple
  2. Apples
  3. appleses
  1. He is a hero.
  1. Heros
  2. Heroes
  3. Heroines.
  4. Heroine.
  1. The thief was caught with a knife.
  1. Knifes
  2. Knives
  3. Knive
  4. knife


  1. The man is …………….waiting for the chief to arrive
  1. Yet
  2. Already
  3. Still
  4. Yet ,still
  1. We had …………..finished the task but the teacher had not …….come
  1. Yet, still
  2. Still,yet
  3. Already, yet
  4. Yet, already
  1. Do you …………..remember your promise?
  1. Still
  2. Yet
  3. Already
  4. Yet still
  1. Hurry up, the train is……………..to leave
  1. Already
  2. Yet
  3. Still
  4. Already yet
  1. He complained of headache. He complained of cold…………
  1. Still
  2. Yet
  3. Already.
  4. Yet already



  1. A dog is to kennel as a king is to……………….
  1. Home
  2. Puppy
  3. Palace
  4. Statehouse.
  1. Man is to house as lion is to…………..
  1. Palace
  2. Kennel
  3. Home
  4. Den.
  1. Soldier is to barrack as scout is to…………..
  1. School
  2. Camp
  3. Field
  4. Tent.
  1. Bird is to nest as bee is to………………
  1. Sty
  2. Byre
  3. Hive
  4. Stable.
  1. Horse is to stable as prisoner is to
  1. Cell
  2. Jail
  3. Court
  4. Prison.


  1. A pig……….
  1. Byre
  2. Moos
  3. Brays
  4. Neighs
  1. A bird……..
  1. Nest
  2. Twitters
  3. Roars
  4. Hums
  1. A goat……….
  1. Barks
  2. Moos
  3. Neighs
  4. Bleats
  1. A snakes………….
  1. Snifes
  2. Sleathes
  3. Hisses.
  4. Hums.
  1. A horse………….
  1. Meews
  2. Grunts
  3. Roars
  4. Neighs.
  1. A lion……
  1. Barks
  2. Roars
  3. Hums
  4. Grunts
  1. A dog
  1. Hums
  2. Bleats
  3. Brays
  4. Barks
  1. A bee……..
  1. Hums
  2. Bleats
  3. Buzzes
  4. Lows
  1. A cow…
  1. Lows
  2. Blows
  3. Bleats
  4. Mows
  1. A crow..
  1. Cums
  2. Caws
  3. Slithers
  4. Crows

Read the passage below and answer the question that follows:

The first day my cousin Tabitha taught me how to ride a bicycle, I was too excited to listen to what she was telling me. Tabitha held the bike and I sat on the saddle, but it was impossible for me to reach the pedals.Tabitha lowered the saddle and I got on again. Hold the handlebars and here are the brakes, sakila said Tabitha. She started to push me, but we did not move. ‘No, you only put on the brakes when you want to stop. Just hold onto the handlebars.Tabitha ran beside the bicycle. I fell off. I got on again. I wobbled around and crushed into a hedge. But I was a fast leaner. In only three days, I could ride on my own.One afternoon I took the bicycle and started riding near our house. My parents and Tabitha were not at home. The other children came to cheer me on. It was thrilling to ride the bicycle.

  1. My cousin Tabitha taught me how to
  1. Ride a bicycle
  2. Ride a boat
  3. Ride a horse
  4. Ride a motorcycle
  1. The word excited has been underlined, it means
  1. Sad
  2. Scared
  3. Thrilling
  4. angry
  1. A saddle is the part of the bicycle where one_______________-
  1. stands
  2. sits
  3. sleeps
  4. holds
  1. What is the work of brakes on a bicycle?
  1. To move the bicycle forward
  2. To help the rider reach the pedals
  3. To make the bicycle move fast
  4. To stop the bicycle
  1. The following are parts of a bicycle . which one is not
  1. Boot
  2. Saddle
  3. Pedals
  4. handlebars
  1. Who was learning how to ride?
  1. Tabitha
  2. Parents
  3. Sakila
  4. children
  1. Why did she fall off the bicycle?
  1. She liked falling
  2. Tabitha pushed her
  3. She was still learning
  4. The bicycle broke down
  1. What is the past participle of the word ride
  1. Riden
  2. Rode
  3. Ridden
  4. rided
  1. How long did it take for the writer to learn how to ride?
  1. One day
  2. Five days
  3. Two days
  4. Three days
  1. The writer was a fast leaner. The word fast is ____________
  1. An adverb
  2. An adjective
  3. Conjuction
  4. preposition




TIME: 1:30 HRS



  • THIS paper consists of 50 questionswith three sections
  • Answer all questions in the spaces provided
  • Write full name on the blank space above together with the name of the school
  • Ensure your work is neat and legible.


Choose the correct answer and write its letter in the brackets

  1. All that surrounds human being is called………………………………
  1. Forest
  2. Environment
  3. Habitat
  4. Mountains
  1. Identify one human activity that can destroy the environment………………….
  1. Mining
  2. Home grazing
  3. Waste collection
  4. Recycling
  1. Keeping many animals in an area can cause
  1. Animal fattening
  2. Herders to get tired
  3. Soil erosion
  4. Many leaves
  1. We are supposed to ……………………..industrial waste to take care of environment
  1. Recycle
  2. Throw away
  3. Hide
  4. Burry
  1. A place where historical information is kept is called………………………..
  1. Archive
  2. Museum
  3. Book shop
  4. Nursery
  1. Some of the places where historical information is kept in Tanzania includes
  1. Mosque and church
  2. Temple and museum
  3. Museum and library
  4. School and archive
  1. Written sources of history such as books, letter and report are stored in
  1. Caves and museum
  2. Library and national documents
  3. Caves and library
  4. House and courts
  1. Things done by a certain community in terms of origin,, environment and community trends are called
  1. Traditions
  2. Taboos
  3. Culture
  4. Art
  1. Muhamed Ahmed was a leader from which country
  1. Rwanda
  2. Burundi
  3. Sudan
  4. Niger.
  1. The meeting to partition the African continent was done in…………….
  1. England
  2. America
  3. Germany
  4. Italy
  1. The reason for colonist colonizing the coastal region of Africa was
  1. Easy of doing business
  2. It was easy to help people
  3. It was easy to carry out farming
  4. Easy to mine
  1. Many African countries got their independence from………………….
  1. 1961
  2. 1972
  3. 1960
  4. 1964
  1. Which was an economic reason for scramble of Africa?
  1. Agriculture
  2. To get education
  3. Transportation
  4. Commerce
  1. Which of these planets supports life?
  1. Mars
  2. Venus
  3. Earth
  4. Mercury
  1. How long does the earth take to go around the sun?
  1. 24 hours
  2. 3651/4 days
  3. Day and night
  4. 300 days
  1. The aim of starting a poultry business is to get
  1. Meat and eggs
  2. Profit
  3. Income
  4. Food
  1. In order to increase income and profit in fruit selling business, one should
  1. Work hard
  2. Relax and wait for income
  3. Pray to god to help you
  4. Find customers.
  1. We use……………to show direction in a map
  1. Key
  2. Symbol
  3. Scale
  4. Frame
  5. Compass.
  1. Ancient man started using fire in………………
  1. Earlier stone age
  2. Earlier iron age
  3. Late iron age
  4. Middle stone age
  1. The following are rights of a child
  1. To do work
  2. To be loved and defended
  3. To sleep and play
  4. To help and respect elders.





  1. Tanganyika got her independence in
  2. Tanganyika African association was formed in
  3. The liberation of Zanzibar started in
  4. The head of a colony in colonial period
  5. The leader of Maji Maji rebellion
  6. An Ethiopian leader
  7. The year Helgoland treaty was signed
  8. The first president of Ghana
  9. The leader of Berlin Conference
  10. The year Vasco Dagama arrived at the coast of Africa
  1. Senator
  2. Governor
  3. 1950
  4. 1948
  5. 1961
  6. 1498
  7. 1589
  8. Carl Peter
  9. Otto Von Bismarck
  10. Haile Selassie
  11. Menelik II
  12. Kwame Nkrumah
  13. 1890
  14. Mkwawa.
  15. Kinjekitile ngwale.



  1. Changes in science and technology can affect culture
  2. Culture and traditions identifies a certain community
  3. Planting trees is neglating the environment
  4. Mixed farming destroys soil fertility
  5. Cutting trees without planting cause desertification
  6. Language help in identifying a community
  7. The berlin conference was convened by Germany Chancelor Otto Von Bismarck
  8. The colonists used peaceful means to colonize Africans
  9. Patrice Lumumba fought the colonists in Congo
  10. During the struggle for independence, the African heroes helped Africa to be united


  1. The maji maji rebellion started in which year…………………………
  2. Which party did Rashid Mfaume Kawawa lead?
  3. An entrepreneur can provide ……………………to the community
  4. Wind is caused by……………………………………..
  5. A place where we can find historical information is called……….



  1. What is entrepreneurship?
  2. Give two qualities of an entrepreneur
  3. Mention two entrepreneurial activities you can start in your community
  4. Differentiate between archeology and anthropology
  5. What is wind?







  • THIS paper consists of 45 questions
  • Select the best alternative in question 1-40
  • For question 41-45 provide the best answer
  • Write full name on the blank space above together with the name of the school
  • Ensure your work is neat and legible.
  1. 2157 + 6843 =
  1. 8000
  2. 8990
  3. 8900
  4. 9000
  5. 8800
  1. 2.056 + 0.975
  1. 3.021
  2. 3.031
  3. 2.921
  4. 2.021
  5. 2.931
  1. 29313-4119
  1. 25204
  2. 25494
  3. 25294
  4. 25194
  5. 26194
  1. 1.22 X 0.6 =
  1. 0.632
  2. 0.622
  3. 0.722
  4. 0.732
  1. 11192 X 7=
  1. 78444
  2. 78334
  3. 77744
  4. 77734
  5. 78344
  1. 10200÷ 25 =
  1. 418
  2. 484
  3. 480
  4. 408
  5. 440
  1. 22/3 + 35/6=
  1. 62/3
  2. 77/10
  3. 61/2
  4. 54/9
  5. 55/7
  1. Write 62.5% as a simple fraction
  1. 5/6
  2. ¾
  3. 5/8
  4. 2/3
  5. 5/2
  1. Write 0.035 as a percentage
  1. 35%
  2. 0.35%
  3. 0.035%
  4. 0.0035%
  5. 3.5%
  1. Write 0.0125 as a simple fraction
  1. 5/400
  2. 1/8
  3. 1/8000
  4. 1/80
  5. 1/400
  1. Write the roman numerals MMDXC IN Arabic
  1. 1590
  2. 2590
  3. 2050
  4. 259
  5. 2950
  1. The prime numbers between 30 and 40 are
  1. 35,37
  2. 31,39
  3. 31,37
  4. 33,37
  5. 33,39
  1. When the lowest common multiple of 12,18, and 36 is divided by its highest common factor the answer is
  1. 36
  2. 18
  3. 9
  4. 6
  5. 12
  1. Write the time 1815 in 12 hours system
  1. 6.15 p.m
  2. 2.15 a.m
  3. 12.15 p.m
  4. 6.15 a.m
  5. 12.15 a.m
  1. Divide 41 kilograms 360 grams by 8
  1. 5kg 100gm
  2. 5kg 170gm
  3. 5kg 17gm
  4. 51kg 70gm
  5. 5kg 171gm
  1. Determine the square root of 2601
  1. 41
  2. 51
  3. 59
  4. (2601)2
  5. 49
  1. 3750÷15=
  1. 205
  2. 250
  3. 25
  4. 2.50
  5. 2,050
  1. 8.113 x 1.92
  1. 15.64509
  2. 15.68709
  3. 15.65809
  4. 15.57696
  5. 15.65609
  1. (-2)-(-17) =
  1. 16
  2. -19
  3. +15
  4. -15
  5. +19
  1. 0.427 ÷0.07 =
  1. 6.10
  2. 61.0
  3. 0.61
  4. 0.061
  5. 610
  1. 19,728- 10,839=
  1. 8,889
  2. 9,889
  3. 9,899
  4. 9,989
  5. 9,999
  1. 13789-(6097+7906)=
  1. -214
  2. -213
  3. -204
  4. 213
  5. 214
  1. 287 X 35 =
  1. 7,415
  2. 9,945
  3. 10,045
  4. 9,045
  5. 10015
  1. 6,879 +96 +68 +9 =
  1. 7,882
  2. 6,782
  3. 6,852
  4. 7,782
  5. 7,852
  1. Compute 22 x64 and then write the answer in roman numerals
  1. How many prime numbers are there between 10 and 20?
  1. 3
  2. 5
  3. 9
  4. 4
  5. 7
  1. The common multiple of 42,45 and 150 is
  1. 2x3x5x7
  2. 22x3x52x7
  3. 2x32x5x7
  4. 2x32x5x72
  5. 2x3x3x25x7
  1. Change 0.6/0.96 into percentage
  1. 625%
  2. 62.5%
  3. 0.0625%
  4. 0.00625%
  5. 0.625%
  1. Approximate 85,996 to the nearest hundreds
  1. 85,900
  2. 85,990
  3. 85,000
  4. 86,000
  5. 80,000
  1. The largest medicine bottle has a volume of 425 litres 600 millilitres. If the medicine is filled in 70 small equal bottles, each will have?
  1. 1,860
  2. 4,680
  3. 5,806
  4. 6,080
  5. 6,608
  1. Juma and rosa shared shs. 15,000 in the ratio of 11:4, how much did roza get?
  1. 9,000
  2. 10,000
  3. 5,000
  4. 11,000
  5. 4,000
  1. Arusha is found a distance of 12km north of Karanga hospital and sakina is found at 9km east of the hospital, find the distance between them
  1. 15km
  2. 19km
  3. 25km
  4. 3km
  5. 21km
  1. Multiply 3km 250m by 4. Give your answer in centimeters
  1. 12,800cm
  2. 13,000cm
  3. 1,200,000cm
  4. 1,300,000cm
  5. 1,280,000cm

34. A business man sold sugar for three months as follows: In January 1,500 kilograms,February 2,500 kilograms and in March 1,250 kilograms. How many tons of sugar were sold in three months? (1 Ton = 1,000 kilograms)

  1.  4.25 
  2.  425 
  3.  5.25
  4.  6.25 
  5.  5,250.

35. The weight of fruits that were sold at Mikunda market for four consecutive days were as follows:








1 ½


2 ½

What is the average of kilograms of fruits that were sold at the market per day?

  1.  1,625 kg 
  2.  1,375 kg 
  3.  1,250 kg
  4.  1,500 kg 
  5.  6,500 kg

36. Find the perimeter of the isosceles triangle PQR.

  1.  6 cm 
  2.  14 cm 
  3.  28 cm
  4.  22 cm 
  5.  38 cm

37.Find the area of the following rectangle:

  1. 2 cm2
  2. 8 cm2
  3. 36 cm2
  4. 80 cm2
  5. 20 cm2
  1. Write the missing number in the following sequence 1,4………..16, 25
  1. 5
  2. 6
  3. 9
  4. 10
  5. 12
  1. Find the product of prime numbers between 1 and 10
  1. 384
  2. 210
  3. 945
  4. 1,890
  5. 3,840
  1. Zebedayo has 7 cows of milk. Each cow produces five litres of milk daily. How many litres does he get per week?
  1. 215
  2. 225
  3. 235
  4. 245
  5. 255

Work out the following questions by clearly showing your working

  1. Six carpenters make 18 chairs per day. How many chairs will they make in a week?
  2. 2/5 of peoples in a class are girls, if there are 45 pupils, how many girls are there?
  3. Share shs.14400 among six people, what will each get?
  4. A car left Mbagala for mwenge at 7.45 am. If it reached Mwenge at 8.15 am, for how long was it on the way?
  5. Find the width of a rectangle if it has a length of 15cm and a area of 120cm2







  • THIS paper consists of 50 questions
  • Answer all questions
  • Write full name on the blank space above together with the name of the school
  • Ensure your work is neat and legible.


Choose the answer of the most correct answer and write its letter on the spaces provided.

  1. The basic unit of life of all living organisms is
  1. Organ
  2. Cell
  3. Tissue
  4. System
  1. Putting food in the mouth and swallowing it is
  1. Egestion
  2. Digestion
  3. Ingestion
  4. Excreation
  1. Insects breath through
  1. Mouth
  2. Stomata
  3. Spiracles
  4. Gills
  1. in the magnet drawn, letter x represents
  1. north pole
  2. south pole
  3. west pole
  4. east pole.
  1. The enzyme that digests starch is………………………
  1. Pepsin
  2. Amylase
  3. Bile
  4. Rennin
  1. Which of the following is a mammal that can fly
  1. Bird
  2. Bat
  3. Mosquito
  4. Butterfly
  1. An animal that lays eggs in land but lives in water is
  1. Whale
  2. Tortoise
  3. Lizard
  4. Crab
  1. A mammal without sweat gland is
  1. Bat
  2. Whale
  3. Dog
  4. Rat
  1. A plant that produces seeds without flowers is called
  1. Orange
  2. Maize
  3. Mango
  4. Pineapple
  1. The process by which plants make their own food is called
  1. Chlorophil
  2. Transpiration
  3. Photosynthesis
  4. Expiration
  1. Plants make their food mainly through the use of
  1. Stem
  2. Leaves
  3. Roots
  4. Stomata
  1. Which is not a requirement for photosynthesis
  1. Light
  2. Water
  3. Carbon dioxide
  4. Oxygen
  1. The green colouring matter found in plants leaves is called
  1. Xanthophil
  2. Chloroplast
  3. Chlorophil
  4. Food
  1. Which gas does plants use at night?
  1. Oxygen
  2. Carbon dioxide
  3. Carbon monoxide
  4. Nitrogen
  1. Which of the following plants does not store its food on the roots
  1. Carrots
  2. Cassava
  3. Yams
  4. Sugar cane
  1. Plants transports water and mineral salts from the soil to the leaves using
  1. Roots
  2. Xylem
  3. Phloem
  4. Veins
  1. In plants, fertilization occurs in
  1. Ovules
  2. Stigma
  3. Ovary
  4. Style
  1. Which part of a flower is brightly coloured?
  1. Sepal
  2. Anther
  3. Petal
  4. Stigma
  1. The transfer of pollen grains from anthers to the stigma is called
  1. Pollution
  2. Fertilization
  3. Ovulation
  4. Pollination
  1. The male gametes of a plant are called
  1. Sperm
  2. Ovules
  3. Pollens
  4. Ovum




  1. An example of ecology
  2. Sun light
  3. Bacteria and fungus
  4. Lion, cheetah, hyena
  5. Human being, rat, dog
  6. Produces pollen grains
  7. Petal
  8. Stamen
  9. Pistil
  10. ovary
  1. Male part of flower
  2. Carnivores
  3. Help in decomposition
  4. anthers
  5. A pond with fish, small plants, frogs bacteria
  6. Female parts of a flower
  7. Omnivores
  8. Forms a fruit
  9. Source of energy for all organisms
  10. Brightly coloured part


  1. All mammals have mammary glands……………………..
  2. The study of animals in relation to environment is called ecosystem
  3. A tortoise hides on his shell to escape from predators
  4. A chameleon changes color to appear beautiful….
  5. Plant loose water through the leaves………………
  6. A camel can stay in desert for 40 days without water
  7. A millipede coils to escape from danger
  8. Like poles of a magnet repels each other…………….
  9. All metals are magnetic………………
  10. A computer is more intelligent than a human being…………

Supply the correct answer for question 41-45

  1. An instrument used to measure body temperature is………………………………….
  2. When one sits near fire, he get heat through………………………………………………….
  3. What is health?............................................................................................
  4. The box that contains items for first aid is called………………………………….
  5. Mention two causes of meningitis………………………………………………………

Study the figure below and answer the questions that follow

  1. The part labelled A is called………………………….
  2. In which part are the sperms formed………………………..
  3. Part F is called…………………………………………
  4. Name two functions of urethra………………………….
  5. Name part labelled E.







  • THIS paper consists of 50 questions with four sections
  • Answer all questions
  • Write full name on the blank space above together with the name of the school
  • Ensure your work is neat and legible.


Choose the most correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter in the brackets provided

1. Which of the following actions show love to people with special needs?

  1. To be rude to them
  2. To be kind to them
  3. To ignore them 
  4. To discriminate them
  5. To isolate them

2. Activities that people do with no pay are called:

  1. Voluntary activities
  2. Children rights
  3. Improper behaviours
  4. Involuntary activities
  5. Bad conducts

3. Which of the following actions can build good reputation of a school?

  1. Disobeying school rules and regulations
  2. Truancy among the pupils
  3. Participating in sports and academic competition 
  4. Stealing of school properties 
  5. Failing in examinations

4. One of the advantages of good relationship among the community members is:

  1. It creates enmity among the people
  2. It creates chaos and wars
  3. It causes conflicts and misunderstanding
  4. It promotes laziness among the people
  5. It brings peace and harmony

5. The accepted ways of doing things in the society are known as:

  1. A. Culture

    B. Religion

    C. Customs

    D. Traditions 

    E. Initiation 

    6. Who is the top most political leader at the ward level?

  1. Chairperson
  2. Ward Secretary
  3. Mayor
  4. Councilor
  5. Ward Executive Officer

7. Which of the following is NOT an indicator of good governance?

  1. Accountability
  2. Rule of Law
  3. Transparency
  4. Globalization
  5. Observing human rights

8. What does the yellow portion on the Tanzania's coat of arms represent?

  1. Mineral resources
  2. People of Africa
  3. Fertile soil 
  4. Wildlife
  5. Natural vegetation

9. The revolutionary government of Zanzibar was formed on:

  1. 12th January 1964
  2. 9th December 1961
  3. 4th April 1964
  4. 9th December 1961
  5. 26th April 1964

10. Who is the secretary of the Ward Development Committee?

  1. Councilor
  2. Ward Educational Coordinator
  3. Mayor
  4. Ward Executive Director 
  5. District Chairperson

11.Who among the following leaders is NOT a member of Ward Development Committee?

  1. Ward councilor
  2. The heads of departments
  3. Regional commissioners
  4. Ward Executive Officer
  5. Chairpersons of villages or streets

12. How many regions are in the United Republic of Tanzania?

  1. A. 21

    B. 31

    C. 35

    D. 26

    E. 25

13.0n 1st May of every year we commemorate:

  1. Karume day
  2. Workers day
  3. Union day
  4. Independence day
  5. Revolution day

14. Who is the head of civil servants in a region is:

  1. Regional Commissioner
  2. Mayor
  3. Regional Accountant
  4. President
  5. Regional Administrative Secretary

15.Which of the following is the newest region in Tanzania?

  1. A. Katavi

    B. Njombe

    C. Songwe 

    D. Geita

    E. Dodoma 

16. Which of the following actions can be done to combat evil acts against children?

  1. Employing children
  2. Denying children with their rights
  3. Living the children in the streets 
  4. Providing unfair punishments to the children 
  5. Maintaining parental care to children

17. Which action among the following does NOT promote good relationship with others in the community?

  1. Respecting every one
  2. Helping others
  3. Telling the truth
  4. To forgive one another
  5. Fighting with others

18. Which one among the following is NOT among the characteristics of a responsible person?

  1. Protecting resources
  2. Obeying rules and regulation
  3. Self-discipline
  4. Stealing others' properties
  5. Managing school and household tasks properly

19.Things that can be used or transformed to bring wealth to a person, family or a country are referred to as:

  1. A. Minerals

    B. Resources

    C. Raw materials 

    D. Economy

    E. Money

    20.A person who represents his/her country in a foreign country is called:

    1. A. Citizen
    2. Refugee
    3. Patriot
    4. Migrant
    5. Ambassador

    LIST A

    LIST B

    1. International cooperation
    2. An organization made of former british colonies
    3. The year African union was started
    4. The year first east Africa community collapsed
    5. One indicator of globalization
    6. vision
    7. comparison
    8. efficience
    9. evaluation
    10. working with objectives
    1. doing work within given time frame
    2. looking at aspects of two things
    3. where one or organization wants to be in future
    4. making judgment depending on performance
    5. information technology
    6. working to meet set targets
    7. relationship among countries
    8. UN
    9. League of nations
    10. Common wealth
    11. 1980
    12. 1977
    13. 2000

    For each of the sentences below write true of false depending on the answer

    1. True love is loving oneself………………….
    2. One of basic needs of an individual is love…………………..
    3. Children of both gender must respect and be respected……………..
    4. Some clothes can be worn by both male and female………………
    5. Men are not supposed to participate in cooking of food………………..
    6. The chairman of municipal council and committee of finance is municipal executive
    7. Everybody is responsible for protecting national resources
    8. Cutting trees is one way of taking care of resources
    9. Mineral are very important in generating government revenue
    10. All citizens have a responsibility to protect minerals of the country.

    1. ………….Indicates that a country is mourning………………………
    2. A symbols used to show ownership of things by government is………………
    3. The source of all laws in the country is…………………………………….
    4. Which color in national flag represents resources
    5. The total way of peoples life is……………………..
    6. A person who loves his country is called………………………..

    Answer the following questions by supplying short answers in the spaces provided

    46. Which national symbol indicates that Tanzania is a sovereign state?________________________

    47. What is the national language of Tanzania?_________________________________________

    48. The increased state of interdependence and interconnectedness among people, companies, governments and institutions all over the world is referred to as

    49. A group of people who live together in a particular place is known as______________________

    50. A wrong or unfair action that is done to someone is referred to as_________________________









  1. Jibu maswali yote katika kila sehemu ya mtihani huu.
  2. Kumbuka kuandika majina yako.
  3. Hakikisha kazi yako ni nadhifu sana.


Chagua jibu sahihi kisha andika herufi yake kwenye mabano

  1. Neno lenye maana sawa na neno "uhasama" ni
  1. Uadui
  2. Uhuru
  3. Uturo
  4. Uzembe
  1. Ni alama ipi ya uandishi kati ya alama zifuatazo huonesha mshangao au mshituko? 
  1. (!)
  2. (?)
  3. (:)
  4. (" " )
  1. Madini ya              yanachibwa mkoani Geita.
  1. Dhahabu
  2. Zahabu
  3. Dhaahabu
  4. Thahabu
  1. Ni kauli ipi husema yale yaliyosemwa na mtu mwingine bila kutumia maneno yaleyale ya msemaji?
  1. Kauli halisi
  2. Kauli taarifa
  3. Kauli tata 
  4. Kauli hai
  1. "Ninapenda wali na samaki", mama alisema. Sentensi hii iko katika kauli gani?
  1. Taarifa
  2. Halisi
  3. Kanushi 
  4. Tata
  1. Watakaochelewa
  1. Wataadhibiwa
  2. Wataazibiwa
  3. Wanasamehewa 
  4. Wanaadhibiwa
  1. Wingi wa neno "kiti" ni
  1. Maviti
  2. Kiti
  3. Viti
  4. Vyeti
  1. Katika neno "Mtalima" kiambishi cha nafsi ni kipi?
  1. — m —
  2. m —
  3. — ta —
  4. — ta
  1. Kiambishi wakati katika neno "Nitafua" ni kipi?
  1. N —
  2. — i —
  3. — t —
  4. — ita —
  1. Neno "Mama" lina silabi ngapi?
  1. 3
  2. 9
  3. 2
  4. 4
  1. Mimi najifunza lugha ya Kiswahili. Sentensi hii ipi katika nafsi ipi?
  1. Nafsi ya III umoja
  2. Nafsi ya II wingi
  3. Nafsi ya I umoja
  4. Nafsi ya II wingi
  1. Mwalimu aliwambia wanafunzi wajisomee. Neno "aliwambia" lina silabi ngapi?
  1. 8
  1. Ngisi, mamba, kamongo, kibua kwa neno moja ni
  1. Wadudu
  2. Vyura
  3. Samaki 
  4. Nyoka
  1. Mziwanda ni mtoto wa ngapi kuzaliwa?
  1. Wa kwanza
  2. wa kati 
  3. wa mwisho
  4. wa dada

15.tutalima shamba la shule.

  1. Yeye
  2. sisi
  3. wao
  4. mimi
  1. Ninyi                 tacheza mpira. Kiambishi kipatanishi ni
  1. Wa —
  2. na —
  3. m —
  4. to —
  1. Wingi wa neno cherehani.
  1. Macherehani
  2. Vyerehani 
  3. Mcherehani
  4. Micherehani
  1. Samwel hakufika shuleni leo_________anaumwa.
  1. Ingawa
  2. lakini
  3. mpaka
  4. Kwa kuwa
  1. Mtu anayefua na kupiga nguo pasi huitwa:
  1. Mhunzi
  2. Dobi
  3. Sonara
  4. Mwashi
  1. Tumesafirisha___________mia mbili yenye mahindi
  1. Miti
  2. Magunia 
  3. Mawe
  4. Vitabu
  1. Nini wingi wa yeyeni
  1. Wewe
  2. wao
  3. Ninyi
  4. Sisi


  1. Mama nieleke
  1. Chupi
  2. Kitanda
  3. Taa
  4. Bakuli
  1. Anachora ingawa hajui achoracho
  1. Chaki
  2. Kalamu
  3. Konokono
  4. Nyuki.
  1. Kila mara yeye hutemeba na nyumba yake
  1. Kobe
  2. Konokono
  3. Mpira
  4. Uyoga.
  1. Mgeni asiyependwa
  1. Moto
  2. Upepo
  3. Kifo
  4. Radi.
  1. Nzi hatui juu ya damu ya simba
  1. Maziwa
  2. Bahari
  3. Moto
  4. Ugali moto
  1. Nikiondoka watu hawaonani
  1. Mwangaza
  2. Giza
  3. Jua
  4. Mwezi.
  1. Mimi hula sana lakini sishibi
  1. Moto
  2. Maji
  3. Bahari
  4. Nzige.
  1. Popoo mbili za vuka mto
  1. Popo
  2. Macho
  3. Mwanamke mjamzito
  4. Wingu.
  1. Daima yeye hunifuata niendapo
  1. Jua
  2. Mwezi
  3. Kivuli
  4. Mkia.
  1. Nikitembea watu hulia
  1. Kivuli
  2. Maji
  3. Kifo
  4. Radi.
  1. Ikismama maisha ukwama
  1. Roho
  2. Moyo
  3. Mvua
  4. Hewa.


Soma shairi lifuatalo kisha ujibu maswali hapo chini.

Kazi zote duniani, namba wani mkulima,

Anapita kila fani, hata kama hakusoma,

Kula haendi sokoni, au kuomba kwa Juma,

Zunguka dunia nzima, kazi bora ni kilimo


  1. Shairi hili lina mistari mingapi?
  1. 2
  2. 16 
  3. 8
  1. Kichwa cha shairi hili ni __________
  1. Mkulima
  2. Biashara 
  3. Mfanyabiashara 
  4. Mfugaji
  1. Mshororo wa pili wa shairi una mizani_____________
  1. 4
  2. 16
  3. 8


Zipange sentensi zifuatazo kwa mtiririko wa mawazo kwa kuzipa herufi A, B, C, D na C

  1. kanga hutaga mayai na kuyaatamia kwa siku ishirini na nane______________
  2. wakianza kuatamia katika siku moja hupishana kutotoa kwa siku saba
  3. hutaga mayai na kuyaatamia kwa siku ishirini na moja___________________
  4. kanga naye ni ndege anayefugwa na binadamu siku hizi
  5. kuku ni ndege anayefugwa na binadamu______________


Soma kwa makini habari kisha jibu maswali utakayoulizwa.

Ngonjera ni ushairi wa majibizano ambao una pande mbili zinazojibizana kuhusu jambo fulani, upande mmoja huwa sahihi na wa pili huwa umepotoka. Lengo la majibizano ni kuusahihisha upande uliopotoka. Hili linapotokea, ngonjera huwa imefikia kilele chake. Ngonjera zilitumika sana katika uenezaji wa siasa ya ujamaa Tanzania mnamo miaka ya 1970. Ngonjera huwa tofauti kidogo na malumbano kwa sababu katika malumbano, washairi hujibizana, na si lazima wapate suluhisho la majadiliano yao.


  1. kutokana na habari uliyoisoma hapo juu. Ni nini maana ya ngonjera?
  2. ni kipindi kipi ngonjera zilikuwa zikitumika zaidi hasa kufikisha ujumbe kwa siasa ya ujamaa kwa watanzania?
  3. kuna tofauti gani kati ya ngonjera na malumbano?
  4. kwenye ngonjera huwa kuna pande kuu
  5. kichwa cha habari hii ni


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