TIME: 3:00 HRS


  1.  This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of nine (9) questions.
  2.  Answer all questions in sections A and B and three (3) questions from section C.
  3.  Cellular phones and any unauthorised materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  4.  All drawings should be in pencil.
  5. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s).

SECTION A (20 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i) (xv), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

(i) What are the major types of oral traditions? 

  1. Museums and archives
  2.  Poems and proverbs
  3. Historical sites and narration of events
  4.  Archaeology and museum
  5.  Cultural practices and narration of events 

(ii) Why is Charles Darwin famous in history?

  1.  He discovered pebbles and chopping tools.
  2.  He discovered the fossil of mans ancestors.
  3.  He introduced the theory of creation.
  4.  He discovered the remains of old people. 
  5. He introduced the theory of evolution.

(iii)  Archaeological findings whose ages are beyond 5,000 years are determined by

  1. using archives.
  2. using carbon 14.
  3. remembering events. 
  4. using time charts.
  5.  narration of past events. 


(iv)  What was the achievement of man during the Middle Stone Age?

  1. Discovery of fire
  2. Development of bipedalism
  3.  Domestication of animals 
  4. Making and using pebble tools
  5. Discovery of iron


(v)  Which one among the following places did people paint and draw in the caves?

  1. Sofala
  2.  Karagwe
  3. Kondoa Irangi
  4. Tabora
  5. Bagamoyo 

(vi)Who convened the conference which legalized the colonization of Africa?

  1. David Livingstone.
  2. Carl Peters.
  3. Otto Von Bismarck.
  4. Charles Darwin.
  5. Adolf Hitler.

(vii)      The period which was characterized by intense competition and warfare among the European states during the 17th century is called      

  1. capitalism
  2. mercantilism
  3. feudalism
  4. industrial revolution
  5.  scramble.


(viii)When did most parts of East Africa adopt iron technology?

  1.  1ST millennium AD. 
  2. 1ST millennium BC. 
  3. 3RD millennium AD. 
  4. 2ND millenium AD.
  5. 2ND millennium BC.

(ix) The economic system of goods and services which comprised activities such as trade, manufacturing, agriculture and mining during the colonial era is called

  1.  Neo-colonialism 
  2.  Trusteeship 
  3.  Nationalism 
  4.  Bureaucracy 
  5.  Colonial economy

(x) Who discovered the skull of the earliest ancestors of man in Olduvai Gorge?

  1.  David Livingstone. 
  2.  Charles Darwin. 
  3.  Carl Peters. 
  4.  Vasco Da Gama. 
  5.  Louis Leakey.

2. Match the stems in List A with the correct responses in List B by writing the letter of the response beside the item number.



(i) The famous long distance traders in Southern and Central Africa.

(ii) The name given to the capital of Kongo Kingdom by the Portuguese.

(iii) A title of the ruler of Lunda Empire.

(iv) A founder of Ndebele Empire.

(v) Resolves international disputes and

organizes international conferences.

  1. Ujiji
  2. General Assembly
  3. Servant and master law
  4. Direct rule
  5. Association
  6. The Venda
  7. Mzilikazi
  8. San Salvador
  9. Kabaka
  10. Mwata Yamvo
  11. Security Council
  12. Humanism
  13. Buganda
  14. Nzinga Nkuwu 
  15. Ugweno
  16. Mbanza
  17. The Nyamwezi
  18. Secretariat
  19. Lukiko
  20. Assimilation

 SECTION B (35 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.  


3.  Outline five problems which faced Tanganyika African National Union during the struggle for independence.

4. (a) Arrange the following statements in chronological order by writing number 1 to 5 beside the item number in your answer booklet.

(i) Before 1800 AD, Africa and its interior were not known to the outside world.

(ii) Europeans took interest in Africa’s strategic areas with fertile land, minerals and navigable rivers.

(iii) The interior of Africa was exposed to the European world after the work of agents of colonialism.

(iv) By 1880s, many European nations rushed and grabbed parts of the African continent claiming they were their areas of influence.

(v) Reports of the existence of snow-capped mountains in the interior of Africa attracted great interest in the continent.


5. (a) Draw a sketch map of East Africa and locate the following:

  1. The headquarters of East African Community
  2. The capital city of a country whose president was overthrown in a coup in 1971.
  3. The East African great slave market which was closed in 1873.
  4. The headquarters of the Portuguese rule.
  5. The region in Tanganyika which was the best reservoir of labour during the colonial period.

SECTION C (45 Marks)

Answer three (3) questions from this section.

6. Explain six significance of studying History.

7. “Colonial health system was discriminative.” Substantiate this statement by giving six points.

8. Discuss six contributions of the agents of colonialism to the colonization of Africa.

9. Elaborate six reasons which made the Boers to escape to escape the Southern African Cape between 1830 and 1850.































CODE 012                                         HISTORY                      

INSTRUCTIONS                                                                                                     TIME 3:00Hrs

i.            This paper consists of sections A, B and C.

ii.         Answer all questions in section A and B and any three (3) questions from section C. 

iii. All drawings should be in pencil while the writings being in either blue or black ink. 

iv. Cellular phones are not allowed in the examination room.

v. Write your examination number on every page of your answer sheet(s).


l. For each of the following items (i)-(xv) choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its number beside the item number

i. Human activities against nature and production relation are fully understood through the study of:

A.                    Achieves B. History C. Museums D. Literature E. Archaeology 

ii. The theory of evolution of man was proposed by...........

A, Louis Leakey B. Carl Peter C. Charles Darwin D. Henry Stanley E. Donald Cameroon 

iii. The following are among the centralized states in West Africa.

A.              Karagwe, Bunyoro and Nyamwezi        D. Zulu, Ndwandwe, and Songhai

B.               Luba, Ndebele and Mwenemtapa E. Buganda, Kimbu and Ife C. Dahomey, Benin and Mali 

iv. Which among the following describes Homo sapiens correctly

           A. Thinking man                  B. Tool maker           C. Early man             D. Modern man

E. Man at early stone age

v. Students of History should understand the fact that

A.    Africa had no development at all before the coming of the Missionaries

B.     The coming of traders in Africa by 19thc was a blessing to Africa handcraft industries C. Africa had it own development of economic and technology achievement before 15 th c

D Africa had its development after the contact with Asia and Europe by 20th c E. The present development problems are a result of colonialism only 

vi. Effective Oman control in East Africa was established during the .

  1. Second half of the 1 9th century
  2. Early century
  3. Middle of the 1 8 th century
  4.       Early 1 8 th century
  5.       Late 16th century

vii. The core ideas of the French revolution were........ 

  1. Slave trade, Colonialism and neo colonialism
  2. Market , raw material and cheap labour
  3. Communalism ,slavery and feudalism
  4. Fraternity ,liberty and equality
  5. Scramble, partition and bogus treaties.

viii. One of the features of monopoly capitalism was..... 

  1. Primitive accumulation of capital 
  2. A tremendous decline of commercial activities 
  3. End of industrial activities
  4. Emergency of financial capitalism
  5. The emergence of new small capital 

         ix. The people whose work is to study and explain remains which shows mans physical development and the tools he made used are called 

           A. Iron Smith            B. Industrialist           C. Revolutionist         D. Evolutionist

E. Archaeologist

    x. Indirect rule was predominant in the following regions

A.              Zimbabwe , Kenya and Congo  D. Cameroon , Namibia and Tanganyika

B.               Uganda, Nigeria and Tanganyika E. Uganda ,Kenya and Zanzibar C. South Africa, Namibia and Zimbabwe 

xi. The term Apartheid as was applied to South Africa societies meant .

A.      Colour bar between whites and the blacks

B.       Separate development among south Africa States

C.       No voting right for the Africa

D.      The best land to be reserved for white

E.       Creation of settlements for Africans termed Bantu state 

xii. The first president who was assassinated on post-colonial Africa was

A.            Patrice Lumumba of Congo — Kinshasa D. Abeid Aman Karume of Zanzibar

B.            Sylvanus Olympio of Togo

C.       Anwar Sadat of Egypt

E.       Samora Machel of Mozambique

xiii. The two super powers which emerged after the Second World War were

A. USA and Britain B. USSR and USA C. USSR and French D. German and USA E. German and Russia

 xiv. The following is not a function of the Africa Union

A.    To ensure peace and security in the Africa continent

B.     Elimination of apartheid regime in south Africa

C.     To promote international cooperation in line with the charter of the United Nations organisation

D.    To promotes unity and solidarity of the Africa states E. To settle inter-territorial conflicts in the continent 

xv. One of the effects regarding the coming of Europeans to West Africa was the..

A.    Decline of tribal wars D. Introduction of iron technology

B.     Growth of textiles industries in West Africa   E. Growth of western Sudanic states

C.     Distortion of the Trans-Saharan trade

2.      Match the items in List A with the correct responses in List B by writing the letter of the responses besides the item number






Otto Von Bismark

ii. George Goldie

iii. Migrant

iv Labourer


vi. Majimaji


A colonial Organization established in Tanganyika to recruit labourers in Sisal plantation

B. A person who spent several month or a number of years away from their home in the reserves

C.  Chair person of Berlin Conference 1884-1885

D. Demonstrate unity and well determination among Africans in desire to liberate themselves in the early 20th century

E. A person who formed the Royal Niger Company which operated in West Africaa

SECTION B (35 marks)

3.      Briefly explain the following terms

i. Triangular trade ii. Settler Agriculture iii. Great depression iv. Nationalism

v.  Neo- Colonialism vi. Common wealth

4.      Arrange the following statements in chronological order by writing number I to 6 beside the item number in your answer booklet(s)

 As a result, Mtemi was closely guarded

 ii. It was believed that there was a strong connection between the well-being of the Mtemi as a person and the condition of his chiefdom

          iii. If he become unwell, the rest of chiefdom was said to be just as sick 
               iv. Mtem was regarded as a holy man

       v.  If it seemed that he was unlikely to get well the ritual officers organised with his senior wife to have him strangled to death

       vi. This included the state of crops end animals and the outcome wars with the communitys enemies

5.      Draw a sketch map of East Africa and Mark the following important railway stations in colonial economy;

. Kampala to Kisese

Mombasa to Kampala iii. Kisumu to Kampala iv. Dar es salaam to Kigoma v, Tanga to Moshi

SECTION C 45 marks

Answer three (3) questions from this section

6.      Account for the rise of State Organization on pre colonial Africa

7.      Explain six factors for early social interactions in Africa

8.      Why did the colonial powers oppose the development of manufacturing industries in the colonies

9.      With examples explain six reasons for the changes in political and economic strategies in Africa, soon after independence






1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C.

2. Answer all questions in sections A , B and three (3) questions from section C

3. All drawings should be in pencil.

4. Calculators and cellular phones are not allowed in the Examination Room.

5. Write Your Examination number on every page of your answer booklet

SECTION A (20 Marks)

Answer ALL questions in this section

1. For each of the items (i) – (x), choose the most correct answer among the given

Alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in your answer booklet provided.


(i) Kalenga and Bujora in Tanzania are example of:


A. Archives

B. National Museums

C. Local Museums

D. Independent Museums

E. Oral traditions


(ii)The great achievement of man during Mesolithic periodic was:


A. The development of trade

B. The discovery of Iron

C. The use of fire

D. Invention of agriculture

E. The use of stone tools


(iii) The famous traders of the long distance trade in West Africa and North Africa



A. Tippu Tip

B. Berbers

C. Tuaregs

D. Nyamwezi

E. Vimbundu


(iv) The following factors were common the in state formation in pre-colonial Africa:


A. Conquest and collaboration

B. Warfare and treaty making

C. Conquest and religious

D. Treaties and trade

E. Military and police

(v)Which of the following is the economic factor for interactions among the people

of Africa?


A. Religion

B. Education

C. Intermarriage

D. Trade

E. Medicine

(vi) The feudal relation that developed in Rwanda and Burundi:


A. Ubugabile

B. Nyarubanja

C. Umwinyi

D. Ntemi system

E. Mkwavinyika


(vii) The following were calling stations for slaves in the interior of East Africa

during East Africa long distance trade:


A. Kota kota, Kikuyu and Buganda

B. Chikole, Ujiji and Unguja

C. Tabora, Ujiji and Zanzibar

D. Ujiji, Tabora, Kota kota, Karonga and Chikole

E. Pemba, Ujiji, Tabora, Chikole and Karonga


(viii) The stage of capitalism in which the European capitalists developed high

interests of dominating external sources of markets was called:


A. Monopoly Capitalism

B. Mercantile Capitalism

C. Industrial Capitalism

D. Commercial Capitalism

E. Competitive Capitalism


(ix) Up to the beginning of the 20th century the following societies still lived in a

communal way of life:


A. Dorobo, Tindiga, Teso and Nyamwezi

B. Hadzabe, Mbuti, Tidniga and Teso

C. Hadzabe, Teso, Dorobo and Tindiga

D. Khoikhoi, Sun, Teso and Dorobo

E. Karamanjong, Massai and Fulani


(x) was a treaty signed between Menelik II with the Italians in


A. Italy-Ethiopian treaty

B. The Ucciali treaty

C. Italy-German treat

D. Anglo Italy treaty

E. Anglo- Boer treaty

xi) The first creature to walk in Upright posture was called;

  1. Homo Erectus
  2. Primates
  3. Homo Sapiens
  4. Hominids
  5. Homo Habilis

xii) Which among the following places did people paint and draw in the caves?

  1. Sofala
  2. Karanwe
  3. Kondoa Irangi
  4. Tabora
  5. Bagamoyo

xiii) Who was the greatest ruler of Mali?

  1. Askia Mohamed
  2. Mansa Kankan Musa
  3. Osei Tutu
  4. Uthman dan fodio
  5. Suni Ali.

xiv) America defeated her colonial master in;

  1. 1873
  2. 1884
  3. 1945
  4. 1776
  5. 1918

xv) Trading contacts between East Africa and Asia in the 16th centuries were disturbed by;

  1. Berlin conference resolution
  2. Activities of agents of colonialism
  3. Expulsion of the Portuguese
  4. Effects of first world war
  5. Portuguese Invasion



2. Match the items in LIST A with the correct responses in LIST B by writing the letter

of the corresponding response b e s i d e the item number in the answer book let





(i) The first country in Africa to get independence

under Kwame Nkrumah

(ii) Led Tanganyika in the struggle for independence

under TANU

(iii) The first President of Kenya

(iv) The prominent leader of ANC party of South Africa who was sentenced life imprisonment.

(v) The Mozambican former President who was H. Ghana assassinated on the air crash in Zambia


  1. Muamar Gadaffi
  2. Nelson Mandela
  3. Iddi Amin
  4. Robert Mugabe
  5. Cyril Ramaphosa
  6. J.K Nyerere
  7. Samora Machel
  8. Ghana
  9. Abeid Amani
  10. Saadam Hussein
  11. Aboud Jumbe
  12. Jomo Kenyatta
  13. Jacob Zuma




Answer ALL questions in this section

3. (a) Draw a sketch of Tanzania and label the places where Maji Maji resistance occurred

    (b)Briefly outline five consequences of Maji Maji resistance

4. (a) Arrange the following statement in chronological order by writing number 1 to 5                beside the item number.

(i)   This was the period of Merchant capital in Europe

(ii) The coming of the whites in South Africa should be seen in the light of the economic

       development in the 16th and 17th century.

(iii) The Dutch for example taking the advantage of their natural labour developed

        shipping at an early period.

(iv)  In this period international trade became one of the principal concerns of the

         European nations.

(v)  Countries bordering the seas had an advantage in maritime trade compared to those in

        the interior.

(vi)  Most participants were Portuguese and the Dutch

(b) The items (i) – (v) consist of four sentences which form a complete Historical meaning. One of the sentence and write its letter beside the item number.

Meaning one of the sentences (A – E) is missing identify the missing sentence and write its

letter beside the item number.

(i) 1. Some areas of Africa attracted many capitalist powers during the scramble.

2. In Egypt the British, France and Germany scrambled to control the Suez Canal

and the Nile River.

3. It was the British who had great influence over Egypt.

4. ________________________________________________

A. During the Berlin Conference of 1884 – 1885 British was declared to colonize


B. During the Berlin Conference of 1884 – 1885 France was declared to colonize


C. The Suez Canal was built by the British in 1869.

D. During the Berlin Conference of 1884 – 1885 the Germany declared to colonize


E. During the Berlin Conference of 1884 – 1885 Egypt was declared as a free trade

zone for all capitalist nations.

(ii) 1. During colonial economy in Africa agriculture was a primary sector.

2. Agriculture sector aimed to produce raw-materials for the metropolitan industries.

3. Various forms of agriculture were introduced to ensure effective production.

4. ____________________________________________________

A. The British introduced peasant agriculture in Kenya.

B. In Kenya settle economy was dominant.

C. The colonialist provided high salary to attract African labourers.

D. In Tanganyika, Kilimanjaro and Tanga became labour reserve areas.

E. The British colonialists introduced plantation agriculture in Uganda.

(iii) 1. Iron technology spread in Africa by 1000 AD.

2. The use of Iron tools brought great changes in man’s way of life.

3. ____________________________________________

4. Among the prominent early iron sites in Africa were Meroe, Axum and Nock.

A. Major changes brought by the iron technology was the development of


B. Iron technology led to the emergency of heavy industries in Africa.

C. The use of iron technology promoted hunting and gathering from nature.

D. The use of iron technology helped the African societies to win the wars against

European invasions.

E. Iron technology made African people to live luxurious life.

(iv) 1. Colonial education introduced in Africa by the colonialist.

2. It was intended to consolidate colonialism.

3. Few Africans especially the sons of the chiefs were benefited.

4. _______________________________________________

A. The type of education offered involved reading, writing and rudimental training.

B. The type of education provided was technical and professional carriers.

C. Colonial education promoted African culture.

D. Colonial education strengthened African unity and co-operation.

E. The type of education provided made African to become rich.

(v) 1. The Nguni speaking people originated in Zulu-Natal the present-Republic of South


2. During the 19th century the area experienced population pressure, this caused

shortage of land

3. Due to shortage of land Mfecane war occurred.

4. __________________________________________

A. Shaka was killed by Zwangedaba during the Mfecane war.

B. It was Mfecane war which caused the Boer Trek.

C. Mfacane war led to the Ngoni migration into Central and East Africa between


D. Mfecane war also involved the British and Boers.

E. The Coast City states of Kilwa and Mombasa declined during this period.

5. Outline six problems which faced Tanganyika African National Union DURING the struggle for independence.

SECTION C: (45 Marks)

Answer three (3) questions in this section

5. “The process of abolition of slave trade in East Africa was prolonged and

complicated”. Highlight six (6) reasons which hindered the process.

6. Asses six main features of colonial trade and commerce in Africa

8. Examine six effects of Majimaji Uprising in Tanganyika

10. With concrete examples, assess six problems facing Current east Africa Community


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