(For Both School and Private Candidates)

TIME: 2½ Hours Monday afternoon 08/10/2007


1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C.

2. Answer all questions in sections A and B and three (3) questions from section C.

3. Cellular phones are not allowed in the examination room.

4. Electronic calculators are not allowed in the examination room.

5. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s).

SECTION A (20 marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i ­ x), choose the correct answer among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number.

(i) A type of dictatorship where a few persons form and control the government is called

  1. aristocracy
  2. authoritarian
  3. totalitarian
  4. fascism
  5. monarchy.
Choose Answer :

(ii) The nationalist party formed by the oppressed class in Zanzibar was

  1. Umma party
  2. Afro­Shiraz Party
  3. Zanzibar Nationalist Party
  4. African Association
  5. Zanzibar and Pemba People’s Party.
Choose Answer :

(iii) African Child Day is celebrated on 16, June every year in memory of

  1. OAU birth day
  2. Rivonia Trial
  3. Sharpeville Massacre
  4. Soweto Massacre
  5. Samora Machael’s assassination.
Choose Answer :

(iv) The 1999 Lusaka Agreement is an International pact for peace in

  1. the Democratic Republic of Congo
  2. the SADC countries
  3. Rwanda and Burundi
  4. Eastern Africa
  5. the Interlacustrine region.
Choose Answer :

(v) Liberal concepts such as human rights, freedom, equality and democracy percolated into colonial Africa through a movement called

  1. African Nationalism
  2. Pan Africanism
  3. Back to Africa
  4. Pafmesca
  5. African Socialism.
Choose Answer :

(vi) While the government of Tanzania is a republic, Morocco is a typical example of

  1. federal government
  2. authoritarian government
  3. absolute Monarchy
  4. a Constitutional Monarchy
  5. dictatorship
Choose Answer :

(vii) One of the following customs perpetuate gender inequality among African societies.

  1. Homosexuality
  2. Early marriage
  3. Circumcision
  4. Bride price
  5. Polyganism.
Choose Answer :

(viii) One of the objectives of the New International Economic Order (NIEO) is to

  1. provide long­term development plan
  2. bring industrial cooperation between the North and the South
  3. form regional and inter­regional economic groupings
  4. adjust the imbalances in the distribution of resources to the rich and the poor nations 
  5. facilitate aid flow from the North to the South.
Choose Answer :

(ix) In the court system of Tanzania, cases of economic sabotage are heard at the

  1. Court of Appeal
  2. High Court
  3. Resident Magistrate Court
  4. District Court
  5. Labour Court.
Choose Answer :

(x) AIDS is currently classified as ____________ disease.

  1. an epidemic
  2. a pandemic
  3. a killer
  4. an endemic
  5. a highly infectious.
Choose Answer :

2. Match the items in List A with the responses in List B by writing the letter of the corresponding response beside the item number.

List A List B

(i) 1926

(ii) Prosecutor

(iii) Sovereignity

(iv) Casablanca and Monrovia groups

(v) 1890

(vi) Capital Expenditure

(vii) Abuse of power

(viii) Liberalism

(ix) VAT

(x) Parastatals

  1. Used to facilitate state centred economy in Tanzania.
  2. Source of government revenues.
  3. Violation of the law or constitution of the country.
  4. The first legislative council in Tanganyika.
  5. The principle purpose of government is the protection of individual rights.
  6. All people are equal before the law except the President.
  7. The person who institutes criminal proceedings on behalf of the state.
  8. Organization of African Unity.
  9. A person against whom court proceedings are brought.
  10. Mkwawa died.
  11. Freedom from foreign influence and domination.
  12. Government Expenditure on development projects.
  13. Government expenditure on running costs.
  14. the beginning of British rule in Zanzibar.
  15. Social economic system in which individual liberties are supreme.
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SECTION B (20 marks)

Answer both questions in this section.

3. Read carefully the following passage and answer the questions that follow.

Development brings freedom provided it is development of people. But people cannot be developed? they can only develop themselves. Man develops himself by what he does, that is by making his own decisions, by increasing his understanding of what he is doing and why, by increasing his own knowledge and ability and by his own full participation as an equal member in the life of the community he lives in.

There are two factors, which are essential in the development of people. The first is leadership through education and the second is democracy in decision­making. For leadership does not mean shouting at people? it does not mean abusing individuals or groups of people you disagree with? it does not even mean ordering people to do this or that. Leadership means talking and discussing with the people, explaining and persuading. It also means making constructive suggestions and working with the people to show by actions what it is that you are urging them to do. Apart from that, it means being one of the people and recognizing your equality with them.


(a) Identify the title of this passage.

(b) According to the passage outline the bases of development.

(c) Show the qualities of good leadership.

(d) What behaviours should leaders avoid?

(e) In the context of this passage outline two (2) problems which hinder development in your society.

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4. Answer briefly the following questions:

(a) Distinguish between state centred economy and free market economy.

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(b) How does participatory democracy differ from representative democracy?

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SECTION C (60 marks)

Answer three (3) questions from this section

5. Highlight major problems associated with drug abuse.

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6. With an example from different ethnic groups in Tanzania discuss the social and cultural practices, which affect women and their reproductive health.

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7. Examine the importance of introducing various taxes in Tanzania.

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8. Clearly analyse the structure and mandatory functions of the local governments in Tanzania.

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9. Outline the objective of ECOWAS and describe the main problems facing this regional organisation.

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10. Discuss the factors leading to our economic crisis and fundamentally the domestic ones.

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