(For Both School and Private Candidates)

Time: 3 Hours Wednesday, 04th November 2015 p.m.


 1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C.

2. Answer all questions in sections A and B and three (3) questions from section C.

3. Cellular phones are not allowed in the examination room.

4. All drawings should be in pencil.

5. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s).

SECTION A (20 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i) ­ (x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

(i) The places which are created for preserving historical information are called

  1.  archives
  2.  archaeology
  3.  oral traditions
  4.  museums
  5.  libraries.
Choose Answer :

(ii) Which of the following is NOT a historical site in Tanzania?

  1.  Isimila.
  2.  Olduvai gorge.
  3.  Kondoa Irangi.
  4.  Kilwa.
  5.  Kalenga.
Choose Answer :

(iii) The family from which man evolved is known as

  1.  Zinjanthropus
  2.  Homo Habilis
  3.  Primates
  4.  Homo Sapiens
  5.  Homo Erectus.
Choose Answer :

(iv) What was the achievement of man during the late Stone Age?

  1.  Discovered fire and ate cooked food.
  2.  Started walking upright using fore­limbs.
  3.  Made and used pebble and chopping tools.
  4.  Started walking on all four limbs
  5.  Established settled communities.
Choose Answer :

(v) Which one among the following places did people extract salt from salt bearing rocks?

  1.  Uvinza and Taghaza.
  2.  Taghaza and Bilma.
  3.  Axum and Taghaza.
  4.  Meroe and Egypt
  5.  Uvinza and Bilma.
Choose Answer :

(vi) Which one among the following factors contributed to the rise of states in Africa?

  1.  Low level of productive forces.
  2.  Presence of chartered companies.
  3.  Hunting and gathering activities.
  4.  Absence of classes among the people.
  5.  Availability of iron technology.
Choose Answer :

(vii) Who commanded the respect of all and acted as a unifying force among the Maasai?

  1.  Kabaka.
  2.  Omukama.
  3.  Morani.
  4.  Warriors.
  5.  Laibon.
Choose Answer :

(viii) The organization comprising of less developed countries in the world is called

  1.  Non­Aligned Movement
  2.  Organization of African Unity
  3.  East African Community
  4.  United Nations Organization
  5.  New Partnership for Africa’s Development.
Choose Answer :

(ix) Which one of the following best explains the reason which made Mozambique to use force during her struggle for independence? 

  1. A It was a mandated territory.
  2.  It was a trusteeship territory.
  3.  It adopted the Open Door Policy.
  4.  It was a settler colony.
  5.  It was under indirect rule policy.
Choose Answer :

(x) The following was one of the characteristics of colonial education except

  1.  it based on rudimentary curriculum
  2.  it segregated the Africans
  3.  it focused on literacy and numeracy
  4.  it reflected the interests of the Africans.
  5.  it was provided to few people.
Choose Answer :

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