(For Both School and Private Candidates)

Time: 3 Hours Wednesday, 05th November 2014 p.m.


  1. This paper consists of sections A, and C.
  2. Answer all questions in sections A and and three (3) questions from section C.
  3. Cellular phones are not allowed in the examination room.
  4. All drawings should be in pencil.
  5. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s).

SECTION A (20 Marks)
Answer all questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i) - (x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in your answer booklet.

(i) Cultural practices through which historical information can be obtained include

  1.  archaeology, museum and archives
  2.  museums, archives and religion 
  3. archaeology, funerals and riddles
  4. superstitions, religion and riddles
  5. oral tradition, museums and archives.
Choose Answer :

(ii) Which of the following is the famous local museum in Tanzania? 

  1.  Olduvai Gorge
  2. Bagamoyo
  3. Kilwa
  4. Kondoa
  5. Kalenga.
Choose Answer :

(iii) In the process of evolution, a true man had appeared by about 

  1.  500 years ago
  2. 5,000 years ago
  3.  50,000 years ago
  4. 500,000 years ago
  5. 5,000,000 years ago.
Choose Answer :

(iv) The most crucial changes in the evolution of man were 

  1.  bi-pedalism and development of the brain
  2. domestication of crops and animals
  3.  division of labour and expansion of agriculture
  4. establishment of settlements and domestication of crops
  5.  discovery of stone tools and fire.
Choose Answer :

(v) The period which man was able to make chopping and pebble tools is known as 

  1.  Late Stone Age
  2. Old Stone Age
  3.  Middle Stone Age
  4. Iron Age
  5. Industrial age.
Choose Answer :

(vi) Cultural practices through which historical information can be obtained include 

  1.  Katanga
  2. Tanga
  3.  Bunyoro
  4. Uvinza
  5. Meroe.
Choose Answer :

(vii) When was an International Organization comprising of independent states from all over the world formed?

  1.  Towards the end of the abolition of slave trade.
  2. Towards the beginning of the First World War. 
  3. During the establishment of colonialism.
  4. Towards the end of the Second World War.
  5. During the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885.
Choose Answer :

(viii) Why the rulers of small Ngoni groups were able to defeat and consolidate their power to most of the East African societies?

  1.  Their female subjects were married by defeated tribes.
  2. Their male subjects were agents of colonialism.
  3.  Their army used more magic power than weapons.
  4.  Their army had poor weapons like guns.
  5.  War captives were spared and recruited into Ngoni armies.
Choose Answer :

(ix) Why the knowledge of iron-working was kept secret in some societies during pre-colonial period?

  1.  They wanted to develop division of labour.
  2.  Iron had the immediate use value to some societies.
  3.  They wanted to maintain monopoly of the blacksmiths.
  4.  They had plans of using it in making ornaments.
  5. It enabled men to play a middlemans role in salt and gold.
Choose Answer :

(x) What is the most supreme organ of the United Nations Organization? 

  1.  Trusteeship Council
  2. Secretariat
  3.  Security Council
  4.  General Assembly
  5. International Court of Justice.
Choose Answer :

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