(For School Candidates Only)

Time:3 Hours  Tuesday, 8th October 2009 p.m.


1. This paper consists of sections A, B, C and D.

2. Answer all questions in sections A, B and C and one (1) question from each part of section D.

3. Map extract of Galula is provided.

4. Credit will be given for the use of relevant sketch maps and diagrams.

5. Electronic calculators and cellular phones are not allowed in the examination room.

6. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s)

SECTION A (25 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.


1. For each of the items (i) - (x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number.

(i) The solar system is made up of

  1. sun, planets and interplanetary gases
  2. atmosphere and hydrosphere
  3. planets, clouds and gases 
  4. clouds, wind and gases 
  5. sunlight, gases, wind and clouds.
Choose Answer :

(ii) If the time recorded at time X, 45°E was 9.00 a.m. what could be the longitude of Y at 3.00 a.m.

  1. 90°W
  2. 45°W
  3. 15°E
  4. 90°E
  5. 75°W
Choose Answer :

(iii) Lunar eclipse occurs because

  1. the moon comes between the earth and the sun
  2. the earth comes between the moon and the sun
  3. the earth rotates from west to east
  4. the sun comes between the moon and the earth 
  5. the moon, the earth and the sun are in rotation.
Choose Answer :

(iv) About 98% of the matter making the sun is

  1. light and heat
  2. heavier elements
  3. tars and other heavenly bodies
  4. lighter elements of hydrogen and helium
  5. gases, heat and sun ray.
Choose Answer :

(v) Absence of drainage on the surface in the limestone region is the direct result of

  1. very low rains in the area
  2. presence of swallow holes
  3. the big rivers which swallow small rivers
  4. presence of deep gorges
  5. presence of sound and big pores.
Choose Answer :

(vi) The following are marine depositional features:

  1. Beach, lagoons and sand spits
  2. Beach, fringing reef and stump
  3. Beach, stump and atoll 
  4. Tombolo, delta and headland 
  5. Headland, geo and stacks.
Choose Answer :

(vii) Why do two different countries located in different latitudes or hemispheres experience similar type of natural vegetation? It is because of

  1. their positions which are very far
  2. similar traditions of the people living in those areas
  3. the same type of climate
  4. same onshore prevailing winds
  5. fertile soils, good could cover and rains.
Choose Answer :

(viii) ………. shows the soil’s grain size.

  1. Soil texture
  2. Soil structure
  3. Soil morphology
  4. Particle density
  5. Soil profile
Choose Answer :

(ix) Temperate cyclones are characterized as follows:

  1. They are instruments with cycles for measuring temperature
  2. Have long hours of high temperature
  3. They are temperate winds which have a high speed
  4. They are low pressure centres which develop in temperate Latitudes
  5. They are strong temperate rains in the United States of America, Africa and the Congo basin.
Choose Answer :

(x) A vertical cross-section of the soil showing its horizons is called

  1. soil erosion
  2. soil porosity
  3. soil profile
  4. soil PH
  5. soil catena.
Choose Answer :

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