1. For each of the items (i) - (x), choose the correct answer and write its letter.

(i)Bagamoyo, Kilwa and Kondoa Irangi are examples of:

  1. early iron sites
  2. local museums
  3. famous archives
  4. historical sites
Choose Answer :

(ii)The method of collecting historical information through talking and listening to elders is called:

  1. archaeology
  2. archives
  3. museums
  4. oral traditions
Choose Answer :

(iii)   People whose work is to study and explain the remains which show mans physical development, his activities and the tools he made and used are known as:

  1. Archaeologists
  2. Evolutionists
  3. Biologists
  4. Homo Sapiens
Choose Answer :

(iv)In which century was the Zanzibar slave market closed?

  1.  2nd century
  2.  18th century 
  3. 19th century
  4. 20 th century
Choose Answer :

(v)Three of these kingdoms are closely related. Which one of them is not?

  1. Ghana
  2. Mali
  3. Buganda
  4. Songhai
Choose Answer :

(vi)What was the title of the ruler of Karagwe?

  1. Lukiko
  2. Katikiro
  3. Kabaka
  4. Omukama
Choose Answer :

(vii)Which among the following include the cultural practices through which historical information is obtained?

  1. A. Poems, proverbs and stories.
  2. Archives, museums and oral tradition
  3. Narration of past, present and future events
  4. Family trees, time lines and time charts.
Choose Answer :

(viii)The way of determining dates by remembering changes and events is commonly used in:

  1. places with many historical sites
  2. areas where much of the history is written
  3. places where much of the history is not written
  4. areas where other sources have been discovered
Choose Answer :

(ix)Which one of the following factors led to the decline of Songhai Empire?

  1. Almoravid attacks
  2. Moroccan invasion
  3. Attacks from Tuaregs
  4. Resistance from Portuguese
Choose Answer :

(x) The golden stool was a symbol of unity in the kingdom of:

  1. Mali
  2. Songhai
  3. Ghana
  4. Asante
Choose Answer :

2. (a) Match the items in List A with the correct responses in List B by writing the letter of the response below the corresponding item number in the table provided.


(i) The kingdom which played a middlemans role in salt, gold and slave trade.

(ii) It was the title of the King of Kongo.

(iii) It operated between Africa, America and Europe.

(iv) It illegalized slave trade in East Africa.

(v) It was the first European nation to industrialize.

(vi) It includes art, music, religion and narration of past events.

(vii) It identifies archaeological findings whose ages are beyond 5,000 years.

(viii) Places created for preserving historical information.

(ix) They monopolized economic and political power along the coast of East Africa.

(x) The period when the European kings were interested in accumulating treasures of gold and silver.

  1. Carbon 14
  2. Ghana
  3. Monopoly capitalism
  4. Archives
  5. Mani-Kongo
  6. Museums
  7. Oral tradition
  8. Kabaka
  9. Wamwinyi
  10. United States of America
  11. Frere treaty
  12. Historical sites
  13. Triangular slave trade
  14. Mercantilism
  15. Britain
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(b) Arrange the following sentences in a chronological order.
  1. These activities enable man to obtain his needs from nature.
  2. Mans basic needs consist of food, clothing and shelter
  3.  The actions man takes upon nature have one major aim.
  4.  History is a record of human activities.
  5.  They aim to change natural objects into a condition satisfying human needs.
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3.(a) Years and important historical events that tookplace in Africa are shown in the table below. Write the letter of the year below the corresponding item number of event in the table provided.

  1. The second anti-slave trade treaty.
  2. Bartholomew Diaz reached the southern tip of Africa.
  3. The skull of Zinjanthropus was discovered at Olduvai Gorge.
  4. Mombasa established an independent sheikhdom.
  5. Portuguese were driven out of the whole coast north of River Ruvuma.
  1. 1873
  2. 1487
  3. 1959
  4. 1845
  5. 1741
  6. 1795
  7. 1822
  8. 1700

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(b) Complete each of the following statements with the correct historical facts.

  1. Mans major technological innovation during the Middle Stone Age was .....
  2. The title of the supreme political leader in the Haya was ..
  3. A place where books, files, colonial and travellers records are kept is called. ..
  4. The feudal system which developed in Zanzibar was called 
  5. The East African Kingdom in which Busulo and Nvunjo feudal relations developed was. . ..
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4.In each of the following statements, write TRUE if the statement is correct or FALSE if the statement is not correct in the spaces provided.

  1. Katikiro was the supreme political leader of Buganda. ..............
  2. Wahehe, Wabena and Wasangu were ruled by the mtwa. .......
  3. Land is an example of instruments of labour............
  4. Mogadishu, Kilwa and Timbuktu were some of the City states along the East African coast. .........
  5. Trading contacts between East Africa and Asia were disturbed by the Portuguese invasion ............
  6. Tippu Tippu, Mlozi and Laibons were some of the notorious caravan organizers...........
  7. Slave trade helped to strengthen feudalism in East Africa. .......
  8. The search for raw materials and markets began with the coming of American traders, missionaries and explorers in the 19th century. ........
  9.  At the earliest stage of human development, man began to make and use stone tools..............
  10.  The level of development during Stone Age was similar in all places ....
  11. View Ans


5. Briefly explain the following terms:


(ii)Golden Stool

(iii)Boer trek



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6 Explain six ways through which slaves were obtained.

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7. Elaborate six reasons which made the Dutch to establish their permanent settlement at the Cape of South Africa in the 17th century.

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