1.For each of the items (i) — (x) choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter.

(i) The furthest position from the sun in the orbit of the earth is called:

  1.  Equinox 
  2.  Aphelion
  3.  Perihelion 
  4.  Solstice
Choose Answer :

(ii)Which type of mountains results from the eruption of molten rocks from the earth interior?

  1.  Volcanic mountains 
  2. Block mountains 
  3. Residual mountains 
  4. Fold mountains
Choose Answer :

(iii)Which one of the following instrument is not the component of a weather station?

  1.  Rain gauge 
  2.  Wind vane
  3.  Microscope 
  4.  Stevenson screen
Choose Answer :

(iv)The time which is recorded along the same meridian is called:

  1.  Local Mean Time 
  2.  Greenwich Mean Time 
  3.  Great Mean time 
  4.  Standard Time
Choose Answer :

(v)Which type of climate among the following is different from the other?

  1.  Mediterranean 
  2.  Savanna
  3.  Hot desert 
  4.  Equatorial
Choose Answer :

(vi)Which scale is the largest among the following?

  1. 1:25,000
  2. 1:1,500,000
  3.  1:50,000
  4. 1: 10,000
Choose Answer :

(vii)Which one of the following features are correct set of the ocean floor?

  1.  Ridge, basin, plateau and waterfall. 
  2.  Continental shelf, basin and waterfall.
  3.  Trench, continental shelf and continental slope.
  4.  Horst, plain and volcano.
Choose Answer :

(viii)A ship moves to the west and crosses the International Date Line. What happens in regard to time gained or lost?

  1.  No time is gained or lost 
  2.  One whole days is lost
  3.  One whole day is gained
  4.  One whole day is repeated
Choose Answer :

(ix)The height above the sea level is called:

  1.  Altitude 
  2.  Contour
  3.  Latitude 
  4.  Ocean
Choose Answer :

(x)Which one among of the following is not an importance of value of forest?

  1. Supports life of varied species. 
  2. . Modifies climate.
  3.  Accelerates soil erosion.
  4.  Home for animals and birds.
Choose Answer :

2.Match the items in List A with responses in List B by writing the letter of the correct response below the corresponding item number in the table provided.

  1. A line where a date is changed or where calender days begin.
  2. The time when the length of day and night are equal over all places on the earths surface.
  3. The phenomena which occur when the moon passes between the sun and the earth.
  4. The arrangement of the planets and solid objects in space in relation to the sun.
  5. The lines used in plotting routes for ships crossing large stretches of ocean waters and aircraft.
  1. Great circles
  2. Solar system
  3. Solar eclipse
  4. Moon eclipse
  5. Revolution of the sun
  6. International Date Line
  7. Equinox

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3. In each of the following items (i — x), write True if the statement is correct or False if the statements is not correct.

(i) Industrialization is not an agent of environment pollution ..........

(ii) One among the major characteristics of equatorial climate is high temperature and heavy rainfall throughout the year .....

(iii) The continent that is crossed by both tropics of Cancer and Capricorn is Africa .:........

(iv) The side of mountain that faces the direction of the wind is known as leeward side .......

(v) Steroids are solid heavenly bodies revolving around the sun mostly between Mars and Jupiter ......

(vi) Lake Victoria, Kyoga, Superior and Chad are among the Rift valley lakes. 

(vii) Population pressures especially in big cities in Tanzania do not accelerate the improvement of social services .....

(viii)The use of solar energy minimizes environmental degradation .......... 

(ix) Representative Fraction (RF) is a way of expressing the scale of a map by the use of word statement ... ...

(x) Equinoxes means equal day and night hours at all latitudes ........„

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4. (a) Briefly explain the concept of human activities

(b) Name four types of primary human activities.

 (c) Giving two examples, differentiate between primary and secondary human activities.

 (d) Name six benefits of livestock keeping in Tanzania.

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5. Study the sketch map provided and answer the questions that follow:

  1. Name the type of scale which has been used to represent this map.
  2.  Mention three ways which can be used to measure the distance of the road in the sketch map.
  3. Briefly describe three important basic components of a map.
  4.  Convert the given scale into a statement.
  5.  Mention three methods which can be used to calculate the area of the forest shown on the sketched map.
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6. Study the following climatic table and answer the questions that follow.

Station Y

Months Jan Feb March Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Temp(0 C) 22.5 25 25 25.5 25.5 25.5 25.5 25.5 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.6
Rainfall(mm) 198 340 431 350 280 230 160 71 15 12 15 66
  1.  Suggest the type of climate of station Y.
  2.  Calculate the daily mean temperature.
  3. Find the mean annual temperature.
  4. Find the annual rainfall for station Y.
  5. Mention any four crops that can be grown in station Y.
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7. Describe six consequences ofwater shortage to the communities.

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8. Explain five problems caused by mining industry in Tanzania.

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9. Describe six characteristics of small scale agriculture.

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10. Elaborate five advantages of developing solar system in Tanzania.

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2. Match the items in List A with the correct responses in List B by writing the letter for the correct response below the corresponding item number.



  1. A coastal city state which was ruined by the Portuguese attacks.
  2. A town in which the Portuguese built the headquarters in East Africa.
  3. One of the famous local museum in Tanzania
  4. A trade centre which formed the core of the vast Empire called Songhai.
  5. A major slave market in East Africa.
  6.  One ofthe famous early iron - site in East Africa
  7. A ite in Kenya which contains remains of mans physical development and tools he made and used.
  8. A place which became famous for salt making in East Africa.
  9. A place which became famous in the production of copper
  10. A historical site in East Africa with paintings and drawings in caves.
  1. .Mombasa
  2. .Isimila
  3. .Bagamoyo
  4. .Katanga
  5. .Taghaza
  6. .Kilwa
  7. .Meroe
  8. Rusinga island
  9. .Kondoa frangi
  10.  Zanzibar
  11. .Gao
  12. Nsogezi
  13. Kalenga
  14. Uvinza
  15. Ugweno
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3. Write True if the statement is correct or False if the statement is not correct in the space provided.

(i)Trans - Saharan Trade involved the exchange of goods between people of Northern and Eastern Africa ......

(ii)The development of Long Distance Trade in East Africa had a direct connection with the rise of Triangular Trade . ......

(iii)The Christian missionaries were against the abolition of slave trade.......

(iv)Industrial capitalism was characterized by open competition for markets and raw materials ...............

(v)The East African coast was known to Greeks and Romans as Azania ......

(vi) The most obvious result of the Mfecane was the depopulation of larger parts of southern Africa.....

(vii)Man learnt to keep animals during Early Stone Age . .......

(viii)The coming of Ngoni in East Africa led to shift from the small scale Ntemi system to weaker states ...............

(ix)The discovery of diamond turned South Africa from poor agricultural society to relatively rich industrial one ...............

(x)Written records refer to the study of our past as revealed by what has been handed down by word of mouth from one generation to another.

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4. Briefly explain the following terms:

(i) Feudalism ...............

(ii)Trans-Saharan Trade ........

(iii) Umwinyi .........

 (iv) Historical sites ...............

 (v) Carbon-14 ...............

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5.Arrange the following sentences in a chronological order by writing their roman numbers in the table provided.

(i)Development of Industrial Revolution in Europe created the need for raw materials, markets and areas for investment.

(ii)Successful treaties which were made between European agents and African rulers in 1880s marked the beginning of African colonization.

(iii)European governments sent different groups as agents of colonialism to explore African continent.

(iv)Agents of colonialism reported Africans economic potentials and the  evils of slave trade

(v)The British government and humanitarian associations pioneered the abolition of slave trade.

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6.Complete the following sentences in a chronological order by writing their roman numbers in the table provided....

(i)What caused the rapid expansion of white settlement to the southern African interior in the late of 1830s? .......

(ii)In which country is Nsongezi historical site found? .....

(iii)Which was the first group in the south - Western Cape to react against the early Dutch settlement? ......... ..........

(iv)Learning about the past by digging up and studying objects found in the ground is known as .......

(v)The Indian merchants who financed East African slave traders were called . ......

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7.Study this sketch map which shows trade routes during the 15th century, and then answer the questions which follow.

(i)In the sketch map shown, which letter represents the continent which was the source of labour? . ....

(ii)Which letter represents the continent whose natives were known as Red Indians? ....

(iii)Through which ocean was the Triangular Slave Trade conducted?....

(iv)Which letter represents the continent which specialized in the production of raw materials such as cotton, sugar and tobacco?.....

(v)What is the name of the trade shown in the diagram?.....

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8. What were the effects of social interactions in pre-colonial African communities? Give six points.

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9. Explain six effects of Ngoni Migration in East Africa.

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10. Explain six factors that led to the development of trade in African societies during the pre colonial period.

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