1. For each item (i) (xx), choose the correct answer among the given alternatives and write its letter in the box provided.

(i) Which of the following is the official seal or stamp of the government of Tanzania?

  1.  Coat of arm
  2.  National Identity
  3.  Public holiday
  4. . National Anthem
Choose Answer :

(ii) A type of citizenship acquired when one of the applicants parents is a citizen of Tanzania is known as

  1. . Citizenship by descent
  2. . Citizenship by registration
  3. . Citizenship by naturalization
  4. . Citizenship by birth
Choose Answer :

(iii) A social relationship that gives one sex (male or female) more rights than the other is known as

  1.  Gender blindness
  2.  Gender imbalance
  3.  Gender mainstreaming
  4.  Gender discrimination.
Choose Answer :

(iv) The supreme power of a nation to make its own decisions and implement them, is called

  1.  Legislature
  2.  Executive
  3.  Boundaries
  4.  Sovereignty. 
Choose Answer :

(v)The independence constitution of Tanganyika of 1961 was based on

  1.  West Minister Model
  2.  Republic model
  3.  Federal system of government
  4.  Absolute monarchy.
Choose Answer :

(vi) Equal access to the mass media to all competing political parties in election is an important element of

  1.  freedom of association
  2.  freedom of worship
  3.  free and fair election
  4.  direct democracy.
Choose Answer :

(vii) Which of the following is considered a child right?

  1. The right to quality education
  2.  The right to employment
  3.  The right to work
  4.  The right to just pay
Choose Answer :

(viii) The ability to stand up for ones values in facing conflicting ideas and practice from friends is referred to as

  1.  Peer resistance
  2. . Empathy
  3.  Self-esteem
  4. . Patriotism
Choose Answer :

(ix) Mr Teleza was born in Tanzania, his parents were also in Tanzania, so Mr Teleza is Tanzanian by

  1.  Registration
  2.  Decent
  3.  Birth
  4.  Naturalization
Choose Answer :

(x) The collective name for village government, ward government and district council is

  1.  Urban Authority
  2.  Native Authority
  3.  District Authorities
  4.  Council Authority.
Choose Answer :

(xi) An organ of the government that interprets laws of the country is known as the

  1.  Executive
  2.  Legislative
  3.  Judiciary
  4.  Cabinet
Choose Answer :

(xii) The increase of HIV and unwanted pregnancies can be a result of

  1.  proper behaviour
  2.  family life education
  3.  improper behaviour
  4.  life skills education
Choose Answer :

(xiii) Which of the following represents mental activities?

  1.  Digging a hole
  2.  Carrying luggage
  3.  Designing a house
  4. . Quarrying stones
Choose Answer :

(xiv) One of the negative effects of wife inheritance is

  1.  unwanted pregnancies
  2.  increased risks of HIV/AIDS infections
  3.  early pregnancies
  4. increased early marriage
Choose Answer :

(xv) Any lawful activity that a person does to earn a living is known as

  1.  ideology
  2.  work
  3.  marketing
  4.  interests
Choose Answer :

(xvi) The process of restricting the exercise of some human rights in some circumstances for good reason is referred to as

  1. limitation of human rights
  2. inequality of human right
  3. moral rights
  4. human rights abuse
Choose Answer :

(xvii) The red traffic light tells a car driver to

  1.  stop
  2. pass through
  3. switch off a car
  4.  go back
Choose Answer :

(xviii) A legal status of being a member of a particular country is called

  1.  refugee
  2.  citizen
  3.  dual citizen
  4.  citizenship
Choose Answer :

(xix) Who declares the state of emergence in Tanzania?

  1. the Chief of Defence Forces
  2.  The Speaker of the Parliament
  3.  The Attorney General
  4.  The President.
Choose Answer :

(xx) The Chief Executive Officer in Municipal Council is called

  1.  Municipal Mayor
  2.  Municipal Director
  3.  District Commissioner
  4.  Municipal Commissioner
Choose Answer :

2. Match the items in List A with the correct responses in List B by writing the letter of the correct response below the corresponding item number in the table provided.

(i) A political system in which few people are elected
to represent citizens in decision making organs.
(ii)The organ of the village whose work is to perform
day to day governance activities.
(iii) A form of government where the power is
exercised by a king or queen and it is hereditary.
(iv) The form of government where the political power
is determined by the popular election.
(v)The organ of the village consisting of all adult
members of the village.
(vi) A system of self-governance headed by a
democratically elected body of councilors.
(vii) The type of government headed by an executive
(viii) The national or state government.
(ix) The main advisory organ to the President.
(x) The form of government which does not respect the constitution.
A. Local government
B. The village assembly
C. Monarchy government
D. Republic government
E. Central government
F. The village committees
G. Dictatorship
H. The cabinet
I. Federal government
J. Town council
K. Ward government
L. Indirect democracy
M. Democratic government
N. The judiciary
O. The village council
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3. For each of the following statement write TRUE if the statement is correct or FALSE if the statement is not correct.

(i)Tanzania became a federal state in 1962

(ii) One of the rights enjoyed by a non-citizen in Tanzania is the right to own land

(iii) Democracy means power in the hands of the people

(iv) One of the functions of the judiciary in Tanzania is to arrest wrong doers

(v) Limitation of human rights is enforced to protect the rights of political leaders

(vi) Multiparty system promotes government accountability

(vii) Lumbering and carpentry are examples of physical work

(viii) The court of Appeal is headed of the chief justice

(ix) A formal and legal bond between a man and a woman is known as courtship

(x) Refugees are good example of special groups

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4. Read the following passage carefully and then answer the questions that follow:

Gender refers to differences in social roles and relations between males and females. Gender roles are learned through socialization and very widely within and between cultures. Gender discrimination refers to unequal treatment between males and females whereby one gender is given more priority in different opportunities.

Some of the customs which lead to gender discrimination in our societies include food taboos. These are practices of restricting certain group of people from eating certain types of food. For example, some Tanzanian societies do not allow pregnant women to eat eggs or fish.

Another custom that lead to gender discrimination is the discrimination of women and children in decision making. Women and children are discriminated even in issues that concern their lives for example marriage and property ownership. Young girls have been forced to be married while widows are forced to marry brothers of their deceased husbands.


a)Suggest a suitable title for this passage

b)According to the passage, what is gender discrimination?

c) How do people learn gender roles?

d)From the passage, list down two customs that lead to gender discrimination.

e)How are food taboos carried out in a society?

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5. Define the following concepts and for each give two points on its importance:

a. Civics

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b. National sovereignty

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c, Proper behaviour

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d. National festivals

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e. Multiparty democracy

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f. National constitution

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g. Proportional representation

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h. Nuclear family

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i. The judiciary

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j. National flag

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