Time: 2:30 Hours        Year: 2022


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions
  2. Answer all questions
  3. Section A and C carry fifteen (15) marks each and Section B carries seventy (70) marks
  4. All writing must be in blue or black in
  5. All answer must be written in the spaces provided
  6. Cellular phones, calculators and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the assessment room
  7. Write your Assessment Number at the top right corner of every page.

SECTION A (15 Marks)

Answer all questions.

1. For each of the items (i) – (x), choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter in the box provided.

(i) The archeologists study past human activities though material remains, what do the anthropologists study?

  1. The records of people who interacted with outsiders
  2. The languages and their changes over longer time
  3. The cultural practices and patterns of human society
  4. The traditions and physical development of man
Choose Answer :

(ii) An evolution of man has passed through several stages involving the change in the structural features and way of life. Which ways of life are associated with Homo sapiens?

  1. Hunting and eating raw food
  2. Gathering and walking on fore limbs
  3. Walking on fore limbs and domesticating animals
  4. Domesticating plants and animals
Choose Answer :

(iii) Which period in the history of human beings is marked by the appearance of both Zinjathropus and Homo Habilis?

  1. New Stone Age
  2. Early Stone Age
  3. Middle Stone Age
  4. Late Stone Age
Choose Answer :

(iv) Two students from Mtwara region organized a study tour to Kilimanjaro Region where they saw beans, maize and few trees planted in the same farm. Which term befits such a type of agricultural system?

  1. Intercropping
  2. Mixed farming
  3. Agroforestry
  4. Crop rotation
Choose Answer :

(v) Identify the collective name given to the massive labour force used in the construction of cities, pyramids, dams and irrigation schemes in ancient Egypt.

  1. Wage labour
  2. Serfs
  3. Peasants
  4. Slaves
Choose Answer :

(vi) Which set consists of components of social interaction?

  1. Marriage, religion, medicine and migration
  2. Music, migration, trade and metal working
  3. Agriculture, religion, war and marriage
  4. Fishing, medicine, dance and migration
Choose Answer :

(vii) The History teacher asked Aisha to list to list down five commodities which were brought by the Portuguese in East Africa. Which correct list of commodities was Aisha supposed to give?

  1. Slaves, beeswax, gum, animal skins and cooper
  2. Maize, cassava, sweet potatoes and pineapples
  3. Cassava, cotton, sisal, clothes and glass 
  4. Guns, gun powder, glass, ammunition and cloth 
Choose Answer :

(viii) The following are the reasons for the Portuguese’s attention to East African Coast from the 15th to 17th century except

  1. Conquering and controlling the area
  2. Preventing the expansion of the Boers
  3. Controlling gold trade
  4. Obtaining full control of the Indian Ocean
Choose Answer :

(ix) Which of the following alternatives comprise religious activities in pre-colonial Africa?

  1. Prayers to bless warriors
  2. Purification rituals
  3. Ordaining priests
  4. Burial rites
  1. (i), (iii) and (iv)
  2. (iii), (i) and (iv)
  3. (iv), (ii) and (iii)
  4. (iv), (ii) and (i)
Choose Answer :

(x) European countries were using local raw materials produced in Europe before the 19th century. Why did the European countries demand raw materials from Africa during the 19th century?

  1. The European raw materials were insufficient
  2. The European raw materials had low quality
  3. The Africans did not need their raw materials
  4. The European countries wanted to develop Africa
Choose Answer :

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