The function of hydrochloric acid in food testing experiment is

  1. to decolourise food sample 
  2. to test reducing sugar 
  3. to oxidize the food sample 
  4. to neutralize sugary foods 
  5. to hydrolyze complex to simple sugar.         
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Which of the following are the end products of digestion when lipids are digested completely?

  1. Glucose and fructose 
  2. Fatty acids and glucose
  3. Amino acids and fructose 
  4. Glucose and glycerol
  5. Fatty acids and glycerol
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A structure that allows air to enter the trachea and prevents food from entering the wind pipe is known as

  1.  glottis
  2.  tongue
  3.  soft plate
  4.  mouth
  5.  epiglottis
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Which nutritional disorder may result when a person takes larger quantities of carbohydrate than body's requirements?

  1. Rickets
  2. Marasmus
  3. Beriberi
  4. Kwashiorkor
  5. Obesity
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  The structure of a leaf that allows oxygen and carbon dioxide to diffuse into and out of the leaf during gaseous exchange is known as:

  1. cuticle
  2. epidermis
  3. mesophyll
  4. stomata
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Which of the following is the symptom of the disease caused by lack of protein in children?

  1. Anemia 
  2. Swollen head 
  3. Breeding 
  4. Pale and thin hair 
  5. Sneezing.         
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Lipase enzymes are mainly contained in which digestive secretions?

  1.  Hydrochloric acid
  2.  Gastric juice
  3.  Saliva
  4.  Intestinal juice
  5.  Pancreatic juice
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Select the item that indicates the best match in vitamin­deficiency:

  1.  Vitamin A dry scaly skin
  2.  Vitamin B loss of appetite and yawning
  3.  Vitamin C anemia and high blood pressure
  4.  Vitamin D soft deformed bones
  5.  Vitamin K poor night vision
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The end product of fat/lipids in digestion process is called:

A.Amino acid  

B. Peptide

C. Glucose 

D. Fatty acids and glycerol

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A person who takes too much carbohydrates and lipids develops:

  1. giantism
  2. kwashiorkor
  3. marasmus
  4. obesity
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Rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults are conditions caused by lack of:

A.vitamin A 

B. vitamin B

 C. vitamin C  

D. vitamin D

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  When a solution is mixed with Benedicts solution, the food substances that change in colour from blue to green to yellow and finally orange colouration after boiling is called:

  1. starch
  2. protein
  3. reducing sugar
  4. lipids
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  Insufficient food rich in protein to children especially infants result into nutritional deficiency disease called.

  1. Marasmus
  2. Obesity
  3. Kwashiorkor 
  4.  Ricketts
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 Mrs. Jumas child has protruding stomach and swollen lower limbs. What type of food should she give to her child to overcome the problem?

  1. Starch  
  2. Lipids
  3. Proteins                        
  4. Minerals
  5. Vitamins
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Which food substance is investigated in the biuret test procedur?

  1.  Carbohydrate 
  2. Lipids 
  3. Protein 
  4. Starch 
  5. Reducing sugar.
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Which food substance can be tested by using iodine solution?

  1.  Protein
  2.  Starch
  3.  Carbohydrate
  4.  Non reducing sugar
  5.  Reducing sugar.
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The by products in the photosynthesis process are

  1.  carbohydrate and water
  2.  carbon dioxide and oxygen
  3.  oxygen and water
  4.  carbohydrate and carbon dioxide
  5.  oxygen and air
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The function of sunlight energy in the human skin is the stimulate the synthesis of

  1.  vitamin A
  2.  vitamin C
  3.  vitamin D
  4.  vitamin K
  5.  vitamin B
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  When a solution is mixed with Benedicts solution, the food substances that change in colour from blue to green to yellow and finally orange colouration after boiling is called:

  1. starch
  2. protein
  3. reducing sugar
  4. lipids
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  Insufficient food rich in protein to children especially infants result into nutritional deficiency disease called.

  1. Marasmus
  2. Obesity
  3. Kwashiorkor 
  4.  Ricketts
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  A secretion containing enzymes which digest both proteins and carbohydrates is knowns as:

  1. bile 
  2.  mucus
  3.  pancreatic juice 
  4.  saliva
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The structures on the wall of the ileum responsible for absorption of digested food are called:

  1. alveoli
  2. Villi
  3. mesophyll
  4. epiglottis
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  The whole process of taking in food, digesting it to provide energy for living and material for growth is known as:

  1.  catabolism 
  2. metabolism
  3. nutrition
  4. respiration
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Why is it necessary to chew food properly before swallowing?

  1. Dissolves chemicals taken into the mouth
  2. Kills harmful organisms present in the food
  3. Helps digestive enzymes to penetrate the food
  4. Breaks down small pieces of food into large
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  Goitre is a deficiency disease caused by lack of which element in the diet?

  1.  Carbohydrate 
  2. Iodine 
  3. Vitamin E 
  4. Vitamin C
  5.  Protein.
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The main product of photosynthesis process is

  1.  sunlight
  2.  carbohydrate energy
  3.  carbon dioxide
  4.  water
  5.  oxygen
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Night blindness in the human body is avoided by eating

  1.  oranges
  2.  carrot
  3.  red
  4.  green vegetables meat
  5.  chicken
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Which of the following foods should be added to the diet of a person suffering from scurvy?

  1.  Groundnuts 
  2. Orange
  3.  Cassava 
  4. Fish
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Farmers in a certain village found their maize crops have yellow leaves with dead spots at the margin and tips. Which mineral do the maize crops lack?

  1. Calcium
  2. Sulphur
  3. Phosphorus
  4. Potassium
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A person who is admitted in the hospital after an operation will most likely be fed on food rich in:

  1.  vitamin C
  2.  vitamin A
  3.  protein
  4.  lipids
  5.  water
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The factors which contribute to the spread of dental cavities in human being include

  1.  prolonged exposure to cold water
  2.  prolonged exposure
  3.  prolonged exposure to warm water
  4.  prolonged exposure to bitter food to hard water
  5.  prolonged exposure to sugary foodstuff
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The part of the alimentary canal which rolls the chewed food into bolus is called

  1. Tongue
  2. Oesophagus
  3. Pharynx
  4. Epiglottis.
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Which of the following mineral salts is required by plants in large quantities? 

  1. Calcium
  2. Zinc
  3. Copper
  4. Iron
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A causative agent of blood pressure in human beings is

  1. over consumption of fatty food
  2. drinking plenty of water
  3. drinking juice
  4. food poisoning
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6. Jairus complains of having burning sensation around the chest region.

  1. What digestive disorder is he facing?
  2.  Give five measures he should take to treat the disorder.
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8. (a) List any four macro-elements in plant nutrition.

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(b) Explain the causes of any three common disorders and diseases of the human digestive system.

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11. Describe the types of macronutrients needed in human body. In each type identify the source and function of food substances in human body.

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You have visited a school farm and observed that all maize plants have small yellowish leaves and show stunted growth.

  1. Name four elements which are absent in the soil of the school farm.
  2. What functions do the named elements play in crop production? Give one function for each element.
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Members of Matatu village are hunters, farmers and fishermen. They obtain a variety of foods from their activities but do not have food processing industries. With one example in each case, explain four methods which will help villagers to preserve their food. (10 marks)

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  1. (a) (i) What are the raw materials for photosynthesis?

    (ii) List two products of photosynthesis.

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    (b) State how the ileum is adapted for absorption function.

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  1. (a) Define the terms “digestion” and “feeding” as used in Biology.

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    (b) Explain why during digestion the food is:

    1. Alkaline when in the mouth.

    2. Acidic when in the stomach.

    3. Alkaline when in the ileum.

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9. (a) Draw a large and neat labelled diagram of the villus found in the digestive system.

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(b) (i) Name the digestive juice which is produced by the liver.

(ii) State the function of the substances contained in the digestive juice named in b (i).

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8. (a) What is the meaning of the terms:

  1. Digestion

  2. Malnutrition

  3. Balanced diet

  4. Nutritional disorder

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(b) Outline four types of nutritional deficiency disorders in human beings.

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9. The diagram in Figure 1 is the alimentary canal of a human being. Study the diagram and answer the questions that follow:

(a) Name the parts labelled A – K.

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(b)(i) Name the digestive juice which is produced in organ labelled B.

(ii) Mention the substances contained in the digestive juice named in (b) (i) above.

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4. (a) (i) What do you understand by the term peristalsis?

(ii) Suppose the peristalsis stops. What problems would and animal face?

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(b) Describe the kind of food which should be added to a meal in order to improve peristalsis.

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(x)   Photosynthesis is important because it releases carbon dioxide in the atmosphere……………….

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2.For each of the items (i) - (x), write True if a statement is correct or False if the statement is not correct in a space provided.

(i) People living with HIV/AIDS should be isolated from the community

(ii)A microscope is an instrument that is used to magnify large objects

(iii)Kingdom is the highest rank of classification 

(iv)In ecosystem herbivores feed on carnivores 

(v) Inhaled air contains more oxygen than exhaled air ...............

(vi) Liverwort is a representative member of kingdom fungi ............ 

(vii)Ventricles have thicker walls than the auricles .. 

(viii)Colon is a special site for absorption ofdigested food materials ... ...

(ix)Unicellular organisms are made up of one cell only ...............

(x)Poor waste disposal may cause accidents at home and school . . . . . .

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7.Study the sculpture of a villus below and then answer the questions that follow:

(a) In which part of the alimentary canal is villus found? ... ... 

(b) Name the parts labelled with letters A, B and C

(c) State three adaptations of the villus for the absorption of food in the alimentary canal.

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8.Figure 1 represents a part of the digestive system of a mammal. Study it carefully then answer the questions that follow:

Fig. 1

(a) Name the parts lebelled with the letters A, B, C, D, E and F

(b)Name two enzymes secreted by the part labelled with letter F

(c)State the role of any one of the enzyme secreted by the part labelled F.

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7.Name four parts of the human alimentary canal.

(b)    Give any three adaptations of ileum for the absorption of food in the alimentary canal.

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2. Match each item in List A with a correct response in List B by writing its letter bellow the number of the corresponding item in the table provided.



(i) A term used for animals with four chambered stomach

(ii) A mulnutritional disorder caused by deficiency of protein in children

(iii) A enzyme responsible for digestion of protein.

(iv) Malformation  of bones caused by deficiency of vitamin D in diet

(v)  Failure to see in dim-light due to lack of vitamin A in diet

(vi) A painful sensation caused by regurgitation of stomach contents.

(vii) Bleeding of gums and poor healing of wounds due to deficiency of vitamin C

(viii) A Painful sore in the lining of digestive track

(ix) A Substance responsible for coagulation of milk

(x)    A person has loss of sensation and loss of appetite due to deficiency of vitamin B1 in diet.



A. Night blindness

B. Scurvy

C.  Pepsin

D. Pellagra

F. BeriBeri

G. Ulcers

H. Rickets

I. Kwashiokor

K. Marasmus

L. Dental Caries

M. Heart Burn

N. Renin

O. Anorexia Nervosa

P. Ruminants

Q. Bulimia Nervosa







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Elaborate any three traditional and three modern methods used in food processing, preservation and storage.

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Use the following guidelines to explain how you will teach people in your community about eating a balanced diet: 

  •  meaning of a balanced diet 
  •  components of a balanced diet 
  •  importance of each component 
  •  deficiency diseases which may result when a person does not eat a balanced diet 
  • two factors which contribute to lack of balanced diet among children in Tanzania.
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Why is it healthy advised to boil drinking water? Give a reason.

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Why is it important for plants to carryout photosynthesis? Explain by giving four reasons. (10 marks)

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(viii)Proteins in the diet are needed for growth and repair .........

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Self-employed women have come to Dar es Salaam for training in food preservation methods. Elaborate to them the six methods of food preservation.

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Match each item in List A with a correct response in List B by writing its letter bellow the number of the corresponding item in the table provided.



(i)A disorder of the digestive system

(ii)An enzyme that converts lipids to fatty acids and glycerol

(iii)An enzyme that converts starch to maltose

(iv)It contains an acidic medium for digestion

(v)Sites for dumping waste and covering it with soil

(vi)The first part of the small intestine

(vii)The process of burning waste until it is completely destroyed

(viii)The process of turning waste into new products

(ix)The stomach of this organism has four chambers

(x)They have true roots, stems and leaves

A. Amylase

B. Constipation

C. Cow

D. Duodenum

E. Ferns

F. Human being

G. Incineration

H. Landfills

I. Lipase

J. Mosses

K. Pit latrines

L. Recycling

M. Stomach

N. Trypsin 

O. Typhoid

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