CODE 022

TIME: 2:30 HOURS          



  • This paper consists of section A, B and C with the total number of ten(10) questions
  • Answer all questions in each section
  • Section A carries (15) marks, section B (70) marks and section C carries (15) marks
  • All writing must be in blue/black ink except drawing which must be in pencil
  • Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the assessment room.

SECTION A (15 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

1. For each of the items (i) – (x) choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer sheet provided

(i) Which sentence exhibits correct subject-verb agreement? 

  1.  The dog run across the field.
  2.   The students is studying hard.
  3.  The birds flies south for winter.
  4.  The team celebrates their victory.

(ii) "By the time the storm hit, they had already secured the boat." This sentence uses which tense? 

  1. Simple past
  2. Past progressive
  3. Past perfect
  4. Present perfect

(iii) Choose the correct article usage: "Can you hand me ___ apple from the basket?" 

  1.  an
  3.  the
  4.  No article needed

(iv)"The wind whispered secrets through the trees" is an example of: 

  1.  Metaphor
  2.   Personification
  3.  Simile
  4.  Onomatopoeia

(v)Choose the correct comparative form: "This puzzle is _______ than the last one." 

  1. More easy
  2. Easier
  3. Easiest
  4. Most easy

(vi)"She danced gracefully across the stage." The word "gracefully" is a(n): 

  1.  Verb
  2.   Adverb
  3.  Adjective
  4.  Noun

(vii) Someone who designs and constructs buildings is called a(n):

  1. Florist
  2. Veterinarian
  3. Architect
  4. Chef

(viii)Complete the sentence with the correct question tag: "You haven't finished your homework, ________?" 

  1. have you?
  2. don't you?
  3. aren't you?
  4. isn't it?

(ix)A spider lives in a: 

  1. Hive 
  2. Den 
  3. Web 
  4. Nest

(x) Which of the following is NOT essential for effective communication? 

  1. Clear speaking voice
  2. Respect for the listener
  3. Good vocabulary
  4. Talking over others

2. Match the job description on the left to the correct occupation on the right.

Column A

Column B

  1.          Diagnoses and treats illnesses and injuries.
  2.          Designs and creates hairstyles for clients.
  3.          Prepares and cooks food in a restaurant.
  4.          Enforces laws and maintains public safety.
  5.          Teaches and guides students in a classroom.


  1. Teacher
  2. Chef
  3. Hair dresser
  4. Doctor
  5. Police officer



  1. (a) Fill in the blank spaces in the following passage with the most appropriate article

i____banana tree is ii_____ strange looking plant. It grows very quickly and in less than iii_______ year will reach a height of seven metres or more. Usually, prunning needs to be done and one can take more than iv_____ hour to finish an acre.

  1.               Choose the correct word from the ones in bracket and use it to fill in the blank spaces             
  1. “I am sorry for the ________________________,” said my friend. (loose, loss)
  2. Why have you ________________________ to eat raw bananas while we have ripe ones in the store? (chose, chosen)
  3. We ___________________ for our president each time we get an opportunity. (pray, prays)
  4. Who ____________________ the bell this morning? (rang, rung)
  1. (a) Complete the sentences below using appropriate reflexive pronouns.   
  1. The boy was beside_________________ with fury for missing the penalty.
  2. Let us not deceive __________________ that life is a bed of roses.
  3. When one faces challenges, one has to encourage _____________ that things will just be fine.
  4. A house divided against ___________________ cannot stand.
  1.               Use the plural forms of the words in brackets to fill in the blank spaces.
  1.            You surely do not need three ___________________________ (radio)
  2.            Remember to buy grandmother some _______________________ .(potato)
  3.             The two ________________________ met so that they could make strategic plans for their locations. (Chief).
  4.            The two _____________________ disappeared into the nearby bush. (deer)
  1.      (a) Use the most appropriate word to fill in the blank spaces so as to form questions.                            
  1. _________________ is your mother? Is she a nurse or a teacher?
  2. ___________________ did you find at the shop? Tom or Mary?
  3. _________________ of these bags is yours? The red one or the green one?
  4. __________________ pen is this? Is it Wilson’s or Kennedy’s?

(b) Use the correct form of word in bracket to make correct sentence.

  1. This math problem is (hard) than the last one.
  2. Riding a bike is (easy) than learning how to drive a car.
  3. Her new apartment is (spacious) than her old one.
  4. The new computer runs (fast) than the older model.
  5. This essay is (good) than my first draft.
  1.       Change the following sentences into reported speech
  1. "I need a break," Jenny sighed.
  2.  "Where are my keys?" Dad asked.
  3. "This homework is impossible!" Lisa exclaimed
  4. "Can you turn the music down?" Grandma requested
  5. "I'll be there on time, I promise!" Mark said.
  1.      Complete the blank spaces below with the most appropriate conditional sentence
  1. If I get permission, I ____ watch the football match
  2. If I _____ hard, I would be a pilot
  3. If she ___ (get) her ticket, she would fly to Las Vegas
  4. Unless you run fast, you will _____get the early train
  5. Unless you are smarter than Jerry, you will ____ top the class
  1.      Rewrite each of the following sentences according to the instruction given in blackets
  1. The boy is black like charcoal  ( Re-write using  as………as)
  2. Amina can sing and dance  (Re-write using both……..and)
  3. You can walk or run ( Re-write using either…………or)
  4. The bus left before Friday. ( Make the sentences negative)
  5.   ‘’ Yesterday  you came to school’’ ( write into Interrogative form)
  1.      Write a letter to your friend whom you studied together in primary school. Tell him/her how you are coping with new school environment. Assume the name of your friend is called Janet. She lives in Morogoro, Post office 540.


  1. Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow:

 "The Cry of the Children" by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Do ye hear the children weeping, O my brothers,

 Ere the sorrow comes with years? 

They are leaning their young heads against their mothers,

 And that cannot stop their tears.


  1.            Describe a vivid image that the poem paints in your mind. What does this image make you feel?
  2.            What is the overall mood or feeling conveyed by the poem? Provide evidence.
  3.             What central message is the poet trying to convey about child labor?
  4.            Could the children represent something more than just themselves in the poem? Explain.
  5.            How does the poet attempt to move the reader to feel and act about the issue of child labor?










Answer all questions

  1.            For each of the following items (i-x).Choose the correct answer from given alternatives and write the letter of correct option in space provided.
  1.            Peter has been given a gift by his father after scoring A’ in Physics subject. He is therefore smiling all the time. How does he feel 
  1. Comfortable
  2. Sad
  3. Glad
  4. Dizzy
  1.          Esther is tall, Rachel is taller but Jackline is ..........
  1. Taller than
  2. Tallest one
  3. Most tall of all
  4. The tallest of all
  1.        Imagine you are filling an official form. You came across an item that require you to fill the particulars about the country you belong to. What does this item refers to
  1. Marital status
  2. Hobby
  3. Religion
  4. Nationality
  1.         How can you correct person who provided the following incorrect sentence in the classroom. I am grateful with your help
  1. I am grateful by your help
  2. I am grateful in your help
  3. I am grateful in your help
  4. I am grateful for your help
  1.           Which sentence below show preposition which show when something happens
  1. We shall go to school by school bus
  2. We shall sit in front of the class
  3. We shall do the homework before dinner
  4. We shall attempt the work according to the instruction
  1.          While in classroom a teacher asked every student to say a single sentence about Mwl. Nyerere. Juma said  “Nyerere was born in Mara region “ which category does Juma statement fall
  1. Fact
  2. An opinion
  3. An observation
  4. An expression
  1.       One day we had a trip to mountain Kilimanjaro, we were told that it is  ............. in Africa.
  1. Higher than
  2. The highest
  3. The highly
  4. Highest
  1.    How will you respond to the statement, does cow eat grass?
  1. Yes it do
  2. It do yes
  3. Yes it does
  4. Yes they do
  1.         John’s uncle is going to Zanzanibar. What does the phrase going to show
  1. Future plan
  2. On going activity
  3. Simple present
  4. The action of moving
  1.        Where is Mr. ....... wife staying
  1.      Kalulus
  2.      Kalulus’
  3.      Kalulus’s
  4.      Kalulu’s


  1.          Match the given term in List A with correct response from list B and write its answer in space provided.



(i)  A place where clothes are washed 

  1. Mortuary
  2. laundry
  3. butcher
  4. theatre
  5. pharmacy

(ii) A place where meat is sold

(iii) A place where surgery is carried out

(iv) A place where dead bodies are placed before burial 

(v) A place where medicines are sold



  1.                      Re- write the following sentences in passive voice
  1.                   Teachers awards disciplined students
  2.                A cat chases a rat
  3.              He writes a letter
  4.               Doctors treat sick people
  5.                 My grandmother tells interesting storie


  1.                      Some words or phrases are abbreviated in the dictionary to minimize spaces. Write the short forms on the following words as used in dictionary
  1.                   British English
  2.                Idiom
  3.              Countable noun
  4.               Verb
  5.                 Something


  1.                      A guest visited your school and met you in the corridor going to staffroom, he asked you to locate five important building found in your school. Use the words below to help him know  where those building are found

In front of, behind, near, between, adjacent  

  1.                   .......................................................................................
  2.                .......................................................................................
  3.              ............................................................................................
  4.               ..............................................................................................
  5.                 ..............................................................................................


  1.                      Complete  the following sentences using words given in the list by  writing it in blank spaces provided
  1.                   The farm belongs to us. It is .............
  2.                My teacher gave me a pen as a gift. It is  .................
  3.              Our teachers have office at school. It is  .....................
  4.                Hamis has a new book. It is
  5.                 My mother bought a new car. It is  .......... car


  1.                      (a) By the use of the following prepositions, construct one statement to illustrate the use
  1.                   “Afterwards’ to  show the time
  2.                “Into” to show movement
  3.              “Beneath” to show the position
  4.               “Of” to show the position
  5.                 ‘At’ to show the speed of an object

(b) Fill in the blank spaces with appropriate preposition 

  1.                   They are very keen
  2.                Do you believe .................ghost
  3.              They persisted ................... defying the lazy
  4.               I am sorry ..................your husband death


  1.                      (a) Change the following sentence into negative form
  1.                   I work very hard
  2.                Aisha loves Mr. Salim
  3.              We saw the boy whose mother in our English subject teacher
  4.               Do you understand?
  5.                 I have been around for a while

(b) Re- write the sentence by using the right form of words in bracket

  1.                   We (go) .............. to leave tomorrow morning
  2.                I (water) ............... my flowers at this moment
  3.              He (cook) ....................... his meal every day.
  4.               Few students (attend) ............... parade yesterday
  5.                 Asha (do)........... her homework daily


  1.                      (a) Write the following occupation of people
  1.                   My father teaches at Majengo Secondary School so he is a .........................
  2.                Marry attends sick people in hospital, so she is a  ..............................
  3.              My uncle flies on aeroplanes , so he is  a .........................................
  4.               My aunt receives guest and direct them inj tourism hotels so she is  .............................
  5.                 My neighbor repairs cars in garage, so he is a ....................................






  1.                   LIST OF READINGS









(a)  Choose one class reader you have read and then answer the following question

  1.      What is the story about
  2.    Choose one main character and
  1.             Explain he/ she faced
  2.             If you are the main character, explain how you would have solved the challenges.










CODE: 22



  1.                 This paper consists of three (3) sections A, B and C with a total of 10 questions
  2.                 Answer all questions from all sections in the space provided
  3.                 Section A carry 15 marks, section B carries 70 marks and section C caries 15 marks
  4.                 All writing must be in a blue or black ink
  5.                 All communication device and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the assessment room
  6.                 Write your Assessment Number on top of every page of your answer sheet(s)


SECTION A (15 Marks)

  1.                 For each of the following items (i – x) choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter in the space provided.
  1. Which among the following statements show a point of time at which something began?
  1.               I was here yesterday
  2.               You have watched the match
  3.               Anna played netball for two hours
  4.              She has been here since morning
  1. Mother cooked food. What does the word mother in this statement shown?
  1.               Receive of an action
  2.               Passive voice
  3.               Female parent
  4.              Doer of an action
  1. One of the following sentences tells about an action which was completed in the past before another one began
  1.               She was me when I was coming
  2.               They had taken ball the previous day
  3.               You kicked the ball the previous day
  4.              She will have gone at that time then
  1. Which among the given statement shows repeated behavior?
  1.               She goes to school on foot
  2.               We are listening to you
  3.               We have to go home
  4.              My friend will come later
  1. Both Juma and Asha are students. What do the words “both ............... and” stand for?
  1.               Adjectives
  2.               Conjunctions
  3.               Noun and pronoun
  4.              Prefixes
  1. Suppose you want to talk to your friend about academic issues but she asks you to spare the issue until the other time. How will she tell you?
  1.               I don’t have time, leave the issue aside.
  2.               We will talk later on
  3.               We shall discuss it later
  4.              We are discussing it soon
  1. Salome said to Juma “God out quickly”. What type of sentence did Salome use in the underlined words?
  1.               Command
  2.               Request
  3.               Exclamation
  4.              Statement
  1. Naomi cried Bitterly the previous night no one could help her. What does the bolded word indicate?
  1.               The event which took place in the past
  2.               The event which takes place everyday
  3.               The event which is taking place at the moment
  4.              The event which will take place later
  1. During the visit to Morogoro Library, Zuberi saw a large book with a list of words arranged alphabetically, it had meaning of words, he saw synonyms and antonyms and many others. How will he introduce the book to his friends?
  1.               As a diary
  2.               As a dictionary
  3.               As an encyclopedia
  4.              As a note book
  1. My young sister likes ugali to chicken chips how is the bolded phrase is incorrect?
  1.               Likes goes with for instead of to
  2.               Likes goes with of instead of to
  3.               Likes goes with than instead of to
  4.              Likes goes with at instead of to


  1.                 Match the items in column A with those in column B to make Meaningful sentences by writing the correct letter from B to the corresponding item in column A



  1. A person who teachers students is a _____
  2. A person who writes novels is a _______
  3. A person who interprets laws into action and rule out cases in a court is a ________
  4. A person who files plane is a ______
  5. A person who mend bicycle is a ____
  1.               Journalist
  2.               Chef
  3.               Teacher
  4.              Nurse
  5.                Pilot
  6.                Novelist
  7.              Lawyer
  8.              Mechanic
  9.                  Judge
  10.                 Cobber
  11.               Captain


SECTION B (70 Marks)

  1.                 Change the following sentences into (I) plural form then (II) write the changed sentences in negative form.
  1. He was walking slowly
  2. A student is required to be punctual
  3. She is writing her examination
  4. A mango is a sweet fruit to eat
  5. A window was opened


  1.                 Mr. Chapuuka the English teacher from Tukazame Secondary school discovered that, some of his students write the words basing on how they are pronounced something that changed the real meaning of words or sentences. He wanted to help them. As English learner, join Mr. Chapuuka to correct mistakes done by students in the following sentences by identifying the incorrect word(s) then re-write them correctly.
  1. Time has gone my friend; we shall see each other next weak.
  2. Makalay gave me March time to accomplish her work.
  3. The sit is here please!
  4. Parents do not have time to cheque their childen’s work
  5. My brother bought some stationary for me


  1.                 Re-write the following sentences according to the instructions given:
  1. I like coffee more than tea. (Begin: I prefer ______)


  1. Jackline is a hardworking student and a good cook.(Re-write using ____ not only ____but also ________


  1. You can bring me meat. You can also bring me Ugali. (Use: ____Either ____ or ___)


  1. Adejones grows beans. He grows cassava too. (Use: Both _____ and ______)


  1. Baraka goes to school by foot. (Re-write the sentence correctly)



  1.                 Imagine you have asked your father to buy you “ A Dictionary” and your father doesn’t see the need of buying you a dictionary because he sent you to an English Medium school. With examples educate him by showing him five important one we get from a dictionary.
  1. _________________________________________________

Example __________________________________________

  1. __________________________________________________

Example ___________________________________________

  1. ___________________________________________________

Example ___________________________________________

  1. ___________________________________________________

Example ___________________________________________

  1. ___________________________________________________

Example ____________________________________________


  1.                 Suppose you travelled to Mwanza to visit your aunt for holidays. Unfortunately, you have missed up the bus in return to Morogoro so you won’t be able to report at school on time when the school opens. Write a telephone conversation between you and your class teacher informing him about your absence on the opening day.


  1.                 Fill the blanks in the following passage with ‘a”an” and “the” where necessary

As _________ student, Thobias spends most of ______ evenings reading _____ book or listening to ______ news.

Occasionally _______ friend drops in for _______ chat. Sometimes when he is tired of reading he takes _______ evening stroll then spends rest of _______ time watching ____ television. Then he drinks ______ cup of tea before going to bed. 


  1.                 Imagine there is a debate at your school with a motion, “EARLY MARRIAGE TO GIRLS SHOULD BE BANNED”. As a member of the debate who is for the motion, which points would you give to the audience? (Write five points)


SECTION C (15 Marks)

List of Readings 

The Magic Garden – K.R Cripwell(1997), Longman, England

Hawa The Bus Driver – R.S Mabala (1988), Ben & Company, Dar Es Salaam

Kalulu The Hare – F. Worthington (1937), Longman. England

Fast Money – K.R Cripwell (1978), William Collins Sons & Company Ltd, Great Britain.

Mabala The Farmer – R.S Mabala (1988), Ben & Company, Dar Es Salaam


  1.             Writers always discuss issues that are relevant to their society. By using two readings you have done under this section, either in Form one or Form two, show the truth of this statement.









TIME 2: 30 HRS


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B, C and D
  2. It has a total of 10 questions
  3. Answer all questions

SECTION A (15 Marks)

Answer all questions 

  1. For each of the items (i) – (x), choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter in the beside it
  1. However much Janet tried, she never did well in sports. Means
  1. Janet eventually did well in sports
  2. Janet did not do well in sports
  3. Janet almost gave up on sports
  4. Janet does not like sports
  1. I need ____ time to complete this task, it is very easy
  1. More
  2. A lot of
  3. Few
  4. Less
  1. The statement “If I had money, I would buy a car” means
  1. I do not have money
  2. I have less money
  3. I had enough money
  4. I will soon have money
  1. The best preposition for walking to school should be
  1. By foot
  2. In foot
  3. With foot
  4. On foot
  1. When someone reads a piece of work and loughs profoundly, he/she must be reading a ____ type of book?
  1. Comic
  2. Epitaph
  3. Eulogy
  4. Irritating
  1. Which statement best explains an example of present simple tense
  1. He has gone to the market
  2. He is going to the market
  3. He goes to the market
  4. He had gone to the market
  1. “Martha owes Annah some money” identify the best explanation for this statement
  1. Anna has Martha’s money
  2. Martha has Anna’s money
  3. Anna and Martha are each having other’s money
  4. Neither Martha nor Anna has any body’s money
  1. “You are late! Aren’t you” the statement is ____
  1. Positive statement
  2. Negative statement
  3. Question tag
  4. Question
  1. The best article that can be used before a statement having consonant “h” for honest should be
  1. A
  2. The
  3. Silent
  4. An
  1. Suppose your younger brother asks you to differentiate between school and education, which statement will you give as an answer
  1. School is a structure accommodating learners while education is knowledge you come with after school
  2. School is the knowledge impacted on students by teachers while education is discipline found within school environs
  3. School is a collection of teaching and learning materials while education is the use of such materials for knowledge
  4. School comprises of teachers, students and other relevant staff while education what these staff gets from learners

  1. Match the items in column A with their appropriate meaning/s in column B

Column A

Column B

  1. Cow
  2. Cat
  3. Goat
  4. Dog
  5. Monkey

  1. Meows
  2. Barks
  3. Clatter
  4. Bleats
  5. Moo
  6. Whisper






SECTION B (70) Marks

  1. Re write the following sentences according to instructions given after each
  1. My father bought a new radio (change into passive)
  2. Asha is going to the cinema (change into past participle tense)
  3. This water tastes bad (change into plural)
  4. I am going to punish you (change into negative)
  5. Yesterday it was my happy birthday (re write correctly)
  1. Re arrange the following sentence to make logic
  1. This noise awoke people who had already slept
  2. However, the dog noticed our presence
  3. And started barking at us
  4. When everyone had slept
  5. We arrived late in the night






  1. Complete the blank spaces below with the most appropriate conditional sentence
  1. If I get permission, I ____ watch the football match
  2. If I _____ hard, I would be a pilot
  3. If she ___ (get) her ticket, she would fly to Las Vegas
  4. Unless you run fast, you will _____get the early train
  5. Unless you are smarter than Jerry, you will ____ top the class
  1. Re write the following sentences into reported speech
  1. “My house is on the top of that hill” Joshua said
  2. “Where are you going?’ she asked me
  3. “The baby is feeling unwell.” Her mother told the doctor
  4. “Are you a teacher or a doctor?’ the policeman asked me
  5. “Stop crying!” Edward shouted at Fred
  1. Use “neither nor…” to join the following sentences
  1. I do not like basketball, I do not like volley ball
  2. She is not intelligent, she is not dwarf
  3. My parents are not rich, my parents are not poor
  4. The boy was absent, the lady was absent
  5. It is not going to rain tonight, it is not going to be windy tonight
  1. Write one word for many in the given sentences
  1. Antelope, hare, elephant
  2. Chair, bed, table
  3. Man, woman, children
  4. Husband, daughter, father
  5. Bus, van, lorry
  1. Explain the following five basic components of an informal letter
  1. Senders address and date
  2. Salutation
  3. Introduction
  4. Body
  5. Conclusion


  1. a. Read the following poetry and answer questions that follow

Thin and red,

Skinny and bald,

The boy groans on the ground,

Swollen stomach

Full of waste

Thin legs

Thin arms


As the boy

Fights with flies

Over the empty plate

  1. How many stanzas are there in the poem?
  2. How many verses are there in the poem?
  3. What could the boy be suffering from?
  4. Is the persona happy? Why?
  5. Mention any two figures of speech used for this poem

b. Using any class reader that you have attempted, give a short impression of the character and why you think he/she is worth learning something from









TIME: 2:30HRS                                                                ENGLISH LANGUAGE



  1.               Answer all questions
  2.               Related materials are not allowed

SECTION A (15 MARKS) : Answer all questions in this section

  1.               For each of the items (i)-(x), choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letters in the box provided.
  1.               Amina was participating in a debate and staying on high table, one of her roles is to looking how main speaker speaking English fluent. In her position Amin was a
  1.            Chairperson  (b)  Timekeeper  (c) proposal side  (d)  Grammarian  
  1.             Imagine you are giving order from teacher to take a chalk staff room, and by the time there are a lots of teacher there, so what will to says
  1.            I want to enter in  (b)  sorry, am enter in  (c)  please teachers may I come in  (d)  sorry teacher I want to get in
  1.          When you want to buy a pair of shoes and you have less money, you will ask the shopkeeper to give you a discount. It you manage to set a discount, what does that act refer to?
  1.            Requesting  (b)  Arguing  (c)  Asking  (d)  Bargaining
  1.          Asha told her brother ‘I like playing football’ It happens that his brother likes the same activity. How would Asha’s brother reply to Asha?
  1.            And me too I like   (b)  so do me   (c)  And me also  (d)  so do I             
  1.              If you want to tell your Friend about last weekend, which tense It’s required to use                (a)Simple present   (b)  future tense  (c)  simple past  (d)  Present continuo
  2.          ‘’Women are inferior’’ this sentence if you are asked to rewrite into opposite, how                       would your sentence read?                                                                                                                                             (a)Women are good    (b) women are of low status   (c) women are superior   (d) women are equal.



  1.        When a person says, he has no enough money to buy a new car, what does it means?
  1.            He will buy a car  (b)  He does not buy a new car  (c)  He is able to buy a new car       (d)  He cannot buy a new car

(viii)      The plural form of the sentences ‘’ I go to school’’ is which (a) I’m going to school (b) we is gone to school (c) we are going to school  (d)  we go to school

(ix)  A countable noun are noun which cheeped into singular and plural, which set it correct(a) Cook- cooks  (b)  read-reading  (c)  water-water  (d)  pen-pens.

(x)  Which is the reason for the failure of students to speak English fluent around school compound? (a)  Fear to speak (b) think their laughing (c) likes to speak Kiswahili (d) Does not speak more time.



  1.                Match the description in list A with their corresponding common name in list B by writing the letter of the correct answer below the item number.




  1.               A person who drive a car
  2.            A person who rides a bicycle
  3.          A person who teaches pupils
  4.         A person who cooks food
  5.           A person who sell item in a shop
  1.              Cook
  2.               Nurse
  3.              Shopkeeper
  4.             Doctor
  5.               Teacher
  6.               Cyclist
  7.              Cooker
  8.             Driver


                      SECTION B (70 MARK): Answer all questions

  1.               Fill in the blank spaces by using following words in list

Cousin, niece, grandfather, uncle, nephew, sister- in –law, son-in-law, grandson, aunt

  1.            The son of your son is your………………………………….
  2.            The daughter of your sister is your……………………………….
  3.             The brother of your father is your………………………………….
  4.            The sister of your wife is your………………………………………
  5.            The son of your brother is your…………………………………….





  1.               Make three sentences by using the word likes and two sentences by using dislikes. For example Mr. Mapapai likes mangoes
  1.               …………………………………………..
  2.             …………………………………………….
  3.          ……………………………………………..
  4.          …………………………………………….
  5.             ……………………………………………


  1.               Rewrite each of the following sentences according to the instruction given in blackets
  1.            The boy is black like charcoal  ( Re-write using  as………as)
  2.            Amina can sing and dance  (Re-write using both……..and)
  3.             You can walk or run ( Re-write using either…………or)
  4.            The bus left before Friday. ( Make the sentences negative)
  5.            ‘’ Yesterday  you came to school’’ ( write into Interrogative form)


  1.               Imagine you are Mr. and Mrs. Mapapai of 1000,  Masasi, with telephone number 0770000111. Your son, Mpole Mapapai, is getting married to be on Saturday, 30th 2023 at Masasi. The marriage celebration party will be at Emirate Hall starting at 8:00 pm. Write a formal Invitation card to Mr. and Mrs Mpwapwa for the wedding.

Note; use the following guidelines in writing your card.

  1.            The name of the sender
  2.            The name of the receiver
  3.             The purpose of the card
  4.            The date, time, and place of the event


  1.               (a)   Change the following verbs in the brackets into the correct form.
  1.               We ……………………… (do) a lot of work last week
  2.             They …………………….(fight) against our team in the last UMISSETA
  3.          Pendo ………………….. (live) with her parents when she was young
  4.          This student ……………………..( speak) fluent English
  5.             Our teacher ………………………... (Conduct) a class meeting every Friday.

(b). Complete the following sentences with the right information from the brackets.

(i)   The …………………….. is setting ( sun/son)(ii)   The cat has a long ……………………..( tale/tail).                                                                                                                                                                                (iii)        He said ……………………….. to the visitors ( by/bye)                                                                                                   (iv)        Do you ………………………….. in this place ( live/leave)                                                                               (v)         Let us …………………………. For him (weight/wait)



  1.               ( i)  Study the following compass showing direction and answer the questions that follow
  1.            In which direction is C located
  2.            Where is B found
  3.             In which direction is D placed
  4.            In which compass direction is A located
  5.            Give one use of the given drawing

(ii)   Suppose you are head of prefect of your school. You have received a guest who wants to know the location of toilets, library, headmaster office and classroom in your school. Use the word/phrases in the box to construct four sentences giving the location of the places.

  Close to, next to, behind, opposite

  1.               (i)   Complete the given sentences by using the appropriate possessive pronoun in the box

Their, our, theirs, her, us, hers, ours, his, him


  1.            Amanda owns a big animal farm. It belong to……………………………
  2.            This is their room. The room is ……………………………………………..
  3.             We buy an umbrella. The umbrella is ……………………………..
  4.            This is our garden . It belong to ……………………………………………….
  5.            Juma have a house . It belong to ……………………………………………..

(ii)  Dictionaries use abbreviation and symbols to some space. What do the following abbreviation and symbols stand for.

  1.            PP
  2.            [ U ]
  3.             [ Bre]
  4.            [ v ]
  5.            Sb
  6.              Sth
  7.            Adj
  8.            AME
  9.               Adv


SECTION C: (15 Marks)

  1.          Choose two characters from two leading books you have done in form one and form two , and explain their habits either good or bad to their societies.









TIME 2: 30 HRS


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B, C and D
  2. It has a total of 10 questions
  3. Answer all questions

SECTION A (15 Marks)

Answer all questions 

1. For each of the items (i) – (x), choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter in the beside it

  1. Spectator is a terminology often commonly used for
  1. Doctors in the hospital
  2. Choir master in areas of worship
  3. During a football match
  4. In the farm during a rainy season
  1. Suppose someone asks you to write a letter, how do you refer to the information on the far right top of the letter
  1. Address
  2. Salutation
  3. Body
  4. Conclusion
  1. Someone tells you “Please may you help me with your pen?” The statement is probably
  1. Command
  2. Exclamation
  3. Request
  4. Polite request
  1. The act of asking a shop keeper to reduce for you the amount of money a good is sold for is known as
  1. Bargaining
  2. Explanation
  3. Asking
  4. Demanding
  1. When Tom says he likes watching football, and it happens that you also like watching that game, how would you put it?
  1. Football is a good game
  2. So I do
  3. So do I
  4. Football for us
  1. The term “Gender” could simply mean?
  1. Women
  2. Men
  3. Women and Men
  4. More men than women
  1. I have less chickens in my farm as compared to Mato. This statement means
  1. Mato’s chickens are more than mine
  2. Mato’s chickens are less than mine
  3. Mato’s chickens are not more than anybody’s
  4. Mato’s chickens are very less
  1. A statement that says, “the higher you go, the cooler it becomes” simply means
  1. It is colder here than when you go up
  2. It is colder up than it is here
  3. It is hotter up than it is here
  4. It is warmer up, than it is here
  1. You have learnt the uses of articles “a”, and “an”. Using the acquired knowledge, why is it correct to say “an hour” but saying “an university” is incorrect
  1. “a” is used before a consonant sound while “an” is used before a vowel sound
  2. “a” and “an” are used interchangeably without considering the sounds
  3. “a” is used with long words, while “an” is used with short words
  4. “a” and “an” can be used with all nouns that begin with vowel letters
  1. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate answer, “The lady is ____ most intelligent person in our class
  1. the
  2. a
  3. an
  4. None of the above
  1. Match the items in column A with their appropriate meaning/s in column B

Column A

Column B

  1. Someone who gives verdict in the court of law
  2. Someone who represents a culprit in the court of law
  3. Someone who escorts culprits in the courtroom
  4. An accused person before the court of law
  5. A decision that is made by the jury
  1. Judgement
  2. Judge
  3. Lawyer
  4. Police
  5. Victim
  6. Courtroom
  7. Viewers







Section B

  1. Identify factual information and non factual information in these sentences write FACTUAL or NON FACTUAL.
  1. The Prime Minister will visit our school next week ______________
  2. Mount Kilimanjaro has snow on its peak ______________
  3. It might rain tonight
  4. Perhaps his father is in hospital ___________
  5. Cows give us meat and milk _____________
  1. Arrange the following sentences into a logical sequence
  1. We were all eager to tell stories
  2. He asked if any of us was ready to tell a story
  3. Musa said that he had a story about a dream
  4. The teacher said that it was time for storytelling.
  5. His story was so touching, we wished it was true






  1. Change the following sentences into passive voice
  1. Lucas had driven a lorry.
  2. The dog is eating the bones.
  3. He told a good story.
  4. She will cook nice food
  5. Many rings the bell every morning.
  1. a) Put in Some or any as required in these sentences
  1. There isn’t ______________ food in the house
  2. We haven’t had ___________ news of him for a week
  3. I’ m sorry there aren’t __________more oranges
  4. Will you have _________ grapes instead?
  5. Ask him to bring us __________ more chalk.
  1. Explain briefly what the following literary devices mean.

Example: Setting is a place where literary work is done

  1. Refrain
  2. Poet
  3. Character
  4. Stanza
  5. Message
  1. Re arrange the following sentences to make logical meanings
  1. From Zimbabwe I come
  2. The jar in the water is half full
  3. I hate people lazy
  4. It is a clean heart good to have
  5. Dogs our lazy are
  1. Write a letter to your father to tell him that you are healthy. Tell him that you need some pocket money for buying exercise books and personal needs. Tell him that you are expecting to go home in the first week of April (use fictitious names and address)

SECTION C (15 Marks)

Answer all questions 

List of Readings 

  • The Magic Garden: K.R Cripwell 
  • Kalulu the Hare: F. Worthington 
  • Hawa the Bus Driver: Richard S. Mabala
  • Fast Money: K.R Cripwell
  • Mabala the Farmer: Richard S. Mabala

10. In life, there are habits that are considered good and those which are bad. With reference to two class readers, describe three bad habits you have learnt from each class reader and state why people would avoid such habits






                                                            ENGLISH   FORM TWO

TIME: 2 HOURS                                                                                 NOVEMBER 2022


1. This paper consists of sections A, B, and with a total of Ten (10) questions. 

2. Answer ALL questions provided in this paper. 

3. All writings must be in blue or black pen ink. 

4. All communication devices and any unauthorized materials are NOT allowed in the assessment room. 

5. Write your Assessment Number at the top right corner of every page of your booklet(s). 


SECTION: A (15 Marks)

Answer all questions from this section.

1.  For each of the item (i) — (x) choose the most correct answer from among the given alternatives and write letter in the space provided

(i)     In which tense is the following sentence?

"Mr and Mrs Robert have two sons and two daughters

A.    Present perfect

B.     Present perfect continuous

C.     Simple present D. Past perfect

(ii)   Which of the following sentences indicates an ongoing activity?

A.    Pendo cooks our meals everyday

E. John is lying on the floor

C.  Juma has left for Arusha

D.  Furaha will travel to Kigoma

(iii)I am so tired     ..your behavior

A.    With

B.     By 

C.    On 

D.    Of

(iv)The following are the components of a friendly letter except ..........

A.    Location

B.     Writer's address

C.     Date

D.    Salutation

(v)   Which one is not the feature of conditional sentence type 2?

A.    It should have two clauses

B.     The main clause should be in simple future

C.     The  if clause should be is simple past D. It must involve if clause

(vi) They passed the test easily. The underlined adverb is.................

A.    Adverb of manner

B.     Adverb of frequency

C.     Adverb of degree 

D.    Adverb of timeimage

image(vii) "The meeting was put off by the headmaster". This sentence is similar in meaning to the sentence

A.      The headmaster cancelled the meeting

B.      The headmaster postponed the meeting

C.      The headmaster closed the meeting

D.     The headmaster stopped the meeting

(viii) They were charged ..............receiving stolen goods

A.  Of

B.  By

C.  With 

D. For

(ix) Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct?

A.    Did you went to school yesterday?

B.     Does he goes to school everyday?

C.     We must to speak English more frequently 

D.     They have to inform their parents today

(x) "No one came to school on time". The question tag for this statement is..........

A. Do they? B. Did they? C. Did he? D. Didn't they?

2.  Match the item in list "A" with those in list "B" by writing the corresponding letter in the space provided.



  1. Bridal shower
  2. Bridegroom
  3. Honey moon
  4. Bridesmaid
  5. Bride.
  1. A holiday that two people take after they  get married
  2. A girl or young woman who helps a bride before or during the wedding
  3. A man who is getting married
  4. A boy or a young man who helps the bridegroom before or during the wedding.
  5. The male friend who helps the bridegroom at the wedding.
  6. A party for a woman who will soon be getting married at which she receives presents
  7. A woman who is getting married
  8. A party for a woman who will soon be getting married at which parents and others bid a farewell to her


3. (a) Your English language teacher tells you to go to your father and ask him to buy you   an English dictionary. Convince him to do so by giving five reasons why a dictionary is important to you

 (b)  What do the following abbreviations from the Advanced Learners' Dictionary stand for:-

(i) [u] ...................................................................................................................................

(ii) BrE.................................................................................................................................

(iii) OPP...............................................................................................................................

(iv) [n]..................................................................................................................................

(v) Syn.......................................................................................................................................

4.       (a) One day during the class time the teacher asked the students to tell him what they wish to be in the future and this is what some of them said: The first one has been done as example

(i)    Musa :      "l want to be earning my living by designing buildings". Musa wants to be       architect

(ii)  John : "I want to treat people who will be getting sick". John wants to be


(iii)   Fadhili: "I want to fly an aeroplane". He wants to be.........................................

(iv)  Marry: "I want to help people in legal matters". She wants to be


(v)  Bahati: "I want to be someone who will be repairing people's cars". Bahati wants to be a....................................................................................

(vi)   James: "I will be repairing pipes in different buildings". James wants to be ...................................................................................................................

(b)  Construct one sentence using each of the following tenses

(i)     Simple present tense

(ii)   Present progressive

(iii)  Future progressive

(iv)   Present perfect

(v)   Present perfect progressive

5.       imageWrite/ prepare a card to invite friends and relatives to your brother's graduation ceremony which will be held at Riverside Hall on the 20th July from 4pm to 6pm. Your name is Pati

6.       (a) Using words in the box complete the statements below

Confectionary, brewery, gymnasium, hostel, laundry, mortuary, cemetery, cafeteria, refinery, reservoir

(i) .............a place where dead bodies are buried 

(ii) ..............a place where sweets and cakes are sold

(iii).............a factory where oil, crude sugar e.t.c are purified

(iv).................a place where students stay

(v)....................a place where clothes are washed and ironed

(b)  You have taken your friend to your home and now you are introducing him your family members. Complete the rest of introduction as indicated in the example given below

(i)     This is the father of my father, namely this is my Grandfather.

(ii)   This is the wife of my father, namely this is.....................................................

(iii)This is the husband of my sister, namely this is my...... ................................

(iv)This is the husband of my sister, namely this is my............................................

(v)   This is the daughter of my brother, namely this is my...... 

 (vi) This is the wife of my uncle, namely this is my......... ......................

7.       (a) Complete the following sentences using correct preposition from the brackets

(i)     He's been ill ..............................last Friday. (from/ since)

(ii)   You've sold your car...........................a good price. (at/for)

(iii)  We draw lines ............................................ ...a ruler. (by/with)

(iv)  We dont have access ....................................internet (for/to)

(v)   She died...................... ...cholera (with/of)

(b)  Write the correct degree of comparison for the following adjectives in the brackets

(i)     I want this picture because it is ................................of the three (beautiful)

(ii)   The floor the ceiling (dirty)

(iii)The lorry is ..............................than the van (long)

(iv)Hassan is the..........................................runner in this school (fast)

(v)   Football is.........................................than netball (popular)

8.       Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each (a) Peter was injured but he wanted to play on. Begin: Despite

(b)  If I have enough money, I will buy a bike. (Change it into type 2)


(c)   The government will build more schools. Begin: More schools

(d)  "What is your name?" the policeman asked me. (Rewrite it into reported speech)

(e)  The woman was crying. Her husband died at war. (Join using: whose)

9.       (a) Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct article from the brackets

(i)   Please buy.............................................. umbrella for me (a/an)

(ii)What....................................................... beautiful ring! (a/the)

( iii) ........................................moon is shining very brightly (a/the)

(iv)  We saw ..................................elephant in the zoo (an/a)

(v)    He is  ....................... .best English teacher in school (a/the)

(b)  Change the following sentences into interrogative form

(i)     Paul knows how to cook rice................................................................................

(ii)   Your parents will attend my wedding.......................................................................

(iii)All your friends came to the party.................................................................

(iv)It is probably going to rain tonight................................................................

(v)   Form two students have mathematics books...................................................


10. (a) Select one class reader you have read from the list below and answer the questions that follow

Mabala the farmer — R.S.Mabala (1988)

Hawa the Bus Driver — R.S Mabela (1988)

Kalulu the Hare — F. Worthingto (1937) The Magic Garden — K.R Cripwe (1977)


(i) What is the tittle of the books and who is the author?

(ii) Mention two important characters and briefly explain what they did in the story

 (iii)   Mention three things you have learnt from the story


(b) ....................................................................................................................................


(iv) Explain how the story is relevant to your society

(b) Compose one stanza poem with four lines then identify the following: Persona, rhyme and the central idea of the poem









  1.                This paper consists of sections A, B, C and D with a total of ten (10) questions
  2.                Answer all questions in sections in spaces provided
  3.                All writing must be in blue ink
  4.                All communication devices and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room
  5.                Write your Examination Number at the top right-hand corner of every page.


Answer all questions in this section.

  1.                For each of the items (i) – (x), choose the most correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the box of answers provided below.
  1. Which sentence is grammatically correct?
  1.              Neither of them liked the idea
  2.               Both of them did not like the idea
  3.               Both of them didn’t like the idea
  4.              Both of them do not like the idea
  5.               Both of them don’t like the idea
  1. Many children have formed the habit of reading, but ________ notes meanwhile.
  1.              Not take
  2.               Not to take
  3.               Take no
  4.              Not taking
  5.               To not take
  1. Francis, what is the time now? It is 04.20pm; this means that ______
  1.              It is twenty minutes to four in the evening
  2.               It is twenty minutes past four in the evening
  3.               It is four to twenty minutes in the evening
  4.              It is four to twenty minutes in the morning
  5.               It is twenty minutes past four in the morning
  1. Mr. Omari makes and repairs shoes. So, Mr. Omari is ______
  1.              A plumber
  2.               A tailor
  3.               A mason
  4.              An optician
  5.               A cobbler
  1. Which of the following sentences expresses a future plan?
  1.              I am attending party tonight
  2.               The teacher is teaching
  3.               We swam in the lake
  4.              I have had enough
  5.               She has been crying since morning
  1. If he went to Musoma, he _______ some lake fish
  1.              Would have eaten
  2.               Have been eating
  3.               Was eat
  4.              Would eat
  5.               Is eating
  1. ‘While we are in Kenya shall we go and see Elizabeth?’ ‘But it’s been nearly 20 years since we last saw him. She ________ remember us’
  1.              Can’t
  2.               Might not
  3.               Couldn’t
  4.              May not
  5.               Will not
  1. That boy never does any work ______ for some reason, he always passes his examination
  1.              No sooner
  2.               Despite
  3.               However
  4.              Not with studying
  5.               In spite of
  1. Asha is tall, Jabir is taller but Suleiman is ________
  1.              Taller than all
  2.               The tallest
  3.               More than all
  4.              Tallest than all
  5.               The tallest of all
  1. ‘It wants to eat’. Which is the correct negative statement for this sentences?
  1.              It is not want to eat
  2.               It doesn’t want to it
  3.               It did not want to eat it
  4.              It doesn’t want to eat
  5.               It wants not to eat
  1.                Match each phrase in List A with the relevant definitions in List B by writing its letter beside the corresponding item number in the answer booklet provided. Phrase number (vi) has been done as an example.



  1. To cancel a meeting
  2. To confirm a meeting
  3. To postpone a meeting
  4. To bring a meeting forward
  5. To move a meeting
  6. To accept an invitation to a meeting
  1.              To change the time or date of a meeting
  2.               To have a meeting at a later time or date
  3.               To have a meeting at an earlier time of date
  4.              To say that a meeting will take place
  5.               To say that you will go to a meeting
  6.                To decide that a meeting will not take place.


SECTION B (70 Marks)

Answer all questions from this section.

  1.                Imagine that you witnessed a football match between Tanzania and Senegal in the African Cup of Nations. Use the following words to construct one sentence for each word explaining what you saw.
  1.                 Kicked off
  2.                Goalkeeper
  3.                 Referee
  4.                Scored
  5.                 Coach
  1.                (a)For each of the sentences (i) – (v) below, fill in the blanks with the correct alternative provided in the brackets to complete the sentence.
  1. My …………. (cite/site/sight) is perfect.
  2. As a student, you have to ……………… (adapt/adopt) new techniques of answering English questions
  3. Don’t worry, everything will be ……….. (all right/alright)
  4. I have been talking to the ……….. (principle/principal)
  5. (Lay/Lie) ……………… your coat on the table

(b) Martin’s bicycle has been stolen. He’s reporting to the police, complete the policeman’s questions by putting in a question word or phrase.


Policeman     Martin

  1. …………’s your name?  Martin kaziIendelee.
  2. ………… do you live?  Block 41, Mikocheni
  3. And …… is the bicycle?  It is mine
  4. ……. Was it stolen?   This morning
  5. ……… did you leave it?  Outside the town hall
  1.                Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given.
  1.                 “When will you visit Zimbabwe”? Mr. Omondi asked me. (Write in Reported Speech)
  2.                This book is too big to go on the shelf. (Write using: …… so ….that ….)
  3.                 He listens to the teacher attentively. He answers all answers all questions correctly. (Join the sentences starting with: Not only ……..)
  4.                I like football more than volleyball. (Begin: I prefer …….)
  5.                 The teacher punished from four students. (Begin: Form four students ……)
  1.                Your sister Cecilia is graduating from University of Dar – es Salaam on 25th November 2022, there will be a party at Mliman City Hall from 06:00 p.m. till 11:55p.m. Design an invitation card that you will send out to the invited guest.


  1.                Read the paragraph below carefully then answer the questions that follow.


This is Doctor Rose. She works at Afyanjema Hospital. When she arrives at the hospital in the morning, she signs the attendance book. Then she goes round the wards to see the admitted patients (in-patients). Then she goes to the consultation room in the Out-Patients Department (OPD) where she attends the out-patients who are waiting to see the doctor. This takes the rest of the day as three are many out-patients. She only leaves the room for a tea break at 10:30 and a lunch break at 1:00 in the hospital canteen. At 4:30 she goes back home.


  1.                 What does Docotr Rose do when she arrives at the hospital?

Doctor Rose _____________________

  1.                When does she go round the wards?

Doctor Rose _____________________

  1.                 What does she do after the rounds?

Doctor Rose ______________________

  1.                When does she attend the OPD patients?

Doctor Rose ______________________

  1.                 When does she go for tea?

Doctor Rose ______________________

  1.                Choose one class reader you have read in form one or two, then answer the following questions:

The Magic Gardenn - K.R Cripwell (1977), William Collins sons and Company Ltd, Great Britain

Kalulu the Hare -F. Worthington (1937), Longman, England.

Hawa the Bus Driver  -R.S. Mabala (1988), Ben & Company, Dar es Salaam

Fast Money -K.R Cripwell (1977), William Collins sons and Company Ltd, Great Britain

Mabala the Farmer  -R.S.Mabala (1988), Ben & Company, Dar es Salaam


  1.                 (i) Write the title of the book ______________

(ii) Who wrote the book? _________________

  1.                Which character did you like most? Why? ________________
  2.                 Which character did you dislike? Whys?
  3.                Did the story end happily or unhappily? Explain  ______________
  4.                 Would you advise your friends to read the book? Why? _________
  1.                Read the following poem then answer the questions that follow


Hollow heads torture me with ignorance,

Blind eyes harass me with darkness,

Deaf ears tire me with gibberish,

Blank minds confuse me with emptiness

And, above all,

There is power and command 


With wits and ears and eyes,

I have speech and a strong mind,

But I remain weak and powerless.

They oppress me, they torture me

They fight me, they kill me

It’s a flight to bring me down to silence,

To darkness and gibberish, to ignorance,

And through brainwashing to emptiness.


All right, my friends,

It’s a battle and I’ll fight it.

Ears and wits and eyes and speech,

And a strong conscience.

These are my weapons,


And I will fight to the last cell.



  1.                 What is the general mood of the poem? ___________________
  2.                Suggest any four themes from the poem
  3.                 In the second stanza, what does the persona say to imply that he is an educated person?
  4.                Does the persona fear his enemy? Explain.
  5.                 Is this poem relevant to your society? Give a reason.



  1.            The government is concerned that charcoal production is leading to the destruction of Tanzania’s environment. Support the government by describing effects of charcoal production to the environment and provide solutions to problem. Use six points.






TIME: 2:30 Hours


  • This paper consists of sections A,B, C and D with a total of eleven (11), questions.
  • Answer all questions in the spaces provided
  • All writing must be in black or blue pen
  • All communications verbally if only authorized can be allowed in the examination room.
  • Write your number/name on top of every page.



















  1. Read the following passage and then answer the following questions

Migration is referred to the movement of people from different places. Such movements may be triggered by different factors including search for pastures, Every person, when asked about his/her ancestral land will mention a place different from where they reside at the moment, this shows that there are higher chances of cultural mix among individuals.

Historically, Bantu speakers were said to have migrated from DRC Congo, these group spread to Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya. Researchers can tell from their linguistic perspectives, similarities in speech and from their pattern of life.

In Tanzania, Bantu immigrants form a bigger percentage of speakers, however, there are other speakers such as Cushitic speakers mostly found in Manyara region, and said to have originated from Ethiopia and settled in Kenya before crossing over to Tanzania. Also, there is Khoisan, who are said to have migrated from South Africa and settled in Kondoa District, Dodoma Region. With such a combination of various languages in Tanzania, it is apparent that in few years’ time, there shall be a common language and people will not be able to trace their ancestral places anymore.


  1. What is the meaning of migration as used in this passage?
  2. Mention three categories of migrants in Tanzania
  3. Why do people migrate from one place to another?
  4. What has researchers found with the Bantu speakers?
  5. Suggest a suitable title for this passage
  1. Identify the wrongly spelt word from the statements below are rewrite it correctly
  1. I have know Jane for a long period of time
  2. The patient was rushed to the hosiptal for treatment
  3. “Bring it on” the young man shouts at his adversary
  4. The boy is go for water
  5. The prayers were given spots equipment

SECTION B (25 Marks)

  1. Match items in column A with their correct meaning in column B

Column A

Column B

  1. Dar es Salaam city has __ people
  2. Have you seen _ visitor in the site?
  3. There is ___ of water in the well
  4. ___ people can read French in Asia
  5. She is the __ trusted person over here
  1. Most
  2. Many
  3. Plenty
  4. Any
  5. Few






4. a) Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions after each

  1. “Where are you heading to?” Sarah asked Martha (Rewrite into a reported speech)
  2. If I …………….. a bird, I would to Australia (to be) (Use the verb in bracket correctly)
  3. The boy worked hard so that he gets awarded (Rewrite using in order to )
  4. I gave her my heart (Begin with my heart ……..)
  5. Our dogs bark every night (Begin with: Every night …)

bWrite one word for the expressions

  1. Someone who heads schools
  2. A group of bees
  3. Time zone before noon
  4. A national from Ireland
  5. Your uncle’s daughter

5. Change the sentence “she walks to the market every weekend” as instructed below

  1. Plural form
  2. Simple past
  3. Question form
  4. Question tag
  5. Negative



6. Complete the following statements with the most appropriate answers by filling in the blank spaces with alternatives given in brackets (Unless, both.. and, neither …nor. no sooner .. than if )

  1. _____you wake up early you will be late for school
  2. _____ had the doctor prescribed for him drugs___ he passed on
  3. ___the student ___ the teacher understood the subject
  4. ___James ___ Mary was present
  5. ___ you come now I will forgive you

7. a) Find the verbs from the following nouns


  1. Addition ____________
  2. Attraction ____________
  3. Clarity _____________
  4. Blood _____________
  5. Acceptance _____________
  1. Write the opposite of the following words


  1. Satisfied ________________
  2. Tall _____________
  3. Genuine ________________
  4. Bad _________________
  5. Poor __________________

8. Re arrange the following sentence to make logical meaning

  1. Is loved football by many people
  2. You eat what at lunch did today?
  3. Too hot is this room for this kid
  4. Aim my is to become a successful person in future
  5. Heavily rain today it is going to

9. a) Use the given words to make a complete sentence

(i) Pilot

(ii) People

(iii) English subject

(iv) My classmate

  1. Tanzania

b) Mention five components of a friendly letter



10. a) Read the following poem carefully then answer the questions that follow.

Where has it been heard before?

That a snake has bitten a child

In front of its own mother

The war is upon us

It is within our very huts

And the sons of men shall fight it

Let the white man’s guns boom

And its smoke covers us

We are fighting them to die

We shall die on the battlefield

We shall like death at no other place

Our guns shall die with us

And our sharp knives shall perish with us

We shall die on the battlefield.


  1. What is the poem about?


  1. Identify any figure of speech from this poem?


  1. How many stanzas are there in the poem? ______________________________________________________________
  2. Identify rhetoric question from this poem


  1. Provide any message from the poem


  1. Using the class reader books as provided for in your respective schools and answer the following questions
  1. Mention the title and the author of the reading you have selected


  1. Identify the main character from the story? ______________________________________________
  2. What message is conveyed in the story?


  1. How is the story relevant to our societies? ______________________________________________________________
  2. Write down one theme found from this poem









  1. This paper consists of sections A, B, C and D with a total of 10 questions
  2. Answer all questions
  3. Section A, B and D carry 20 marks each and section C carries 40 marks

SECTION A (20 Marks)


  1. Read the passage below carefully and answer questions that follow

The world’s population growth rate is in rapid increase, whereas employment opportunities remain constant. With such difference, people have come up with survival tactics of which some are not morally upright. For instance, in urban places, especially in Dar es Salaam Tanzania, unemployed people have made life difficult for many innocent souls.

Most of these unemployed people are found in shops, bus stands, at the junctions and in social gatherings. These people have mastered the art of identifying potential “clients” just by looking in their faces. From a distance, they can tell what a customer is looking for, his/her financial abilities and any other standards. Suppose this customer wants, say, to buy a cloth, these jobless individuals will approach him/her and give an inflated price as they get commission from the surplus.

Another case of negative effects of unemployment is when travelling upcountry using public means. Here, you will meet many bus agents, who will look at you and tell you the destination you are heading to, they will not leave until you tell them where you are heading to, thereafter, they will ask you for the bus fare, then give you a fake receipt before disappearing.

Presently, many people have become aware of the activities of these unemployed people, especially those who engage in weird behaviours. They therefore, do not talk to them nor answer them back in order to avoid any form of closeness which may eventually lead to falling in trap.


  1. Use the above passage and give answers to the following questions
  1. What is the main cause of unemployment? …………………………………………….
  2. Which part of Tanzania do unemployed people use survival tactics? ……………………
  3. Mention three places where one would meet the unemployed people ……………………
  4. The term “client” as used in the passage could possibly mean……………………………
  5. What title can best describe the passage? …………………………………………………
  1. Write T when the answer is correct and F when the answer is not correct, for the statements below, based on the above passage
  1. Every unemployed person ends up taking advantage of the people around them
  2. The world’s population is increasing daily
  3. The best way of dealing with suspicious people who want to take money from you is through speaking to them
  4. Whenever travelling upcountry with public means, you are certainly going to meet bus agents
  5. These unemployed bus agents forcefully take money from travelers
  1. Below is Simon’s routine practice/s. Read it and use the information to answer the question that follows

Days of the week


Monday and Tuesday

Trains at home with friends

Wednesday and Thursday

In the field, competing with different teams

Friday and Saturday

Taking instructions from coach


Hangs out with friends

Simon has a routine for …..(i)…….days in a week. He trains with friends on …… (ii)…On Wednesday and Thursday, he ..... (iii)….. with different teams and take instructions from the coach on ……….(iv)…….. Sunday is Simon’s last day of the week whereby, he ………..(v)……. out with friends.

SECTION B (20 Marks)


  1. Match the expressions in list A with their correct meanings in list B

List A

List B

  1. Someone who walks to work on foot
  2. A person who cuts people’s hair
  3. A place where goods are sold
  4. A group of people travelling in a bus
  5. Cows, goats, ships, dogs, antelopes
  1. Domestic animals
  2. Pedestrian
  3. Animals
  4. Worker
  5. Passengers
  6. Market
  7. Nomads
  8. Barber
  9. Wholesale







  1. The following sentence are not properly arranged, rearrange them in logical order to make meaning
  1. People prepare their farms
  2. Thereafter, they plant seeds
  3. During rainy season
  4. And finally, they wait for their harvest
  5. Later, weeds them






  1. Imagine that your sick friend needs to fundraise some amount of money for hospital bills, design a letter for her asking friends and relatives to help her out. Use the information below as a guide
  1. Her name is Mariam Asha
  2. The event takes place at their home, Songambele on 10th April, 2022
  3. The event begins at 3.30 pm
  4. The targeted amount of money to be raised is Tshs. 400,000

SECTION C (40 Marks)


  1. Rearrange the following groups of words in their alphabetical (dictionary) order
  1. Leopard, learned, laziness, large
  2. Catch, caught, come, camel
  3. Beauty, baby, busy, buzz
  4. Hall, half, hail, hawk
  5. Faith, father, future, foremen
  1. (a) Use the group of words given in the following box to complete the sentences that follow

Important, people, country, easier, late

  1. There are some …….. who like fried meat and others who are strictly vegetarians
  2. A peaceful ………means well for her citizens
  3. Teachers always encourage students not to be ……….. for schools
  4. Tongue and eyes are examples of ………….organs in human body
  5. Some people believe that art subjects are ………… than science subjects

(b) Change the sentences below by writing them according to instructions given after each

  1. Agnes is taller than Mary (Begin: Mary is…..)
  2. The farmer slaughtered his chicken (Change into plural)
  3. The boy is innocent. The young lady is innocent (join using “both”)
  4. She likes reading novels (provide a question tag)
  5. He is not fun of handball (use “dislike”)
  1. (a) Fill in the spaces provided by changing the form of the words given to make meaningful statement
  1. I ….. my grandparents, they are my role models (loves)
  2. It …. too cold today. I hope the weather changes for better (was)
  3. Every player …….a trophy (love)
  4. Mary and Nancy ……. Always punctual in class (is)
  5. The morning train ……..left for Kigoma (have)

(b) Answer the following questions by putting the correct words or phrase in the spaces

Father, son, brother in law, father, nephew, grandfather, grandmother, niece

  1. How do you call your sister’s husband…………
  2. How do you call your brothers son……
  3. How do you call your sister’s daughter …..
  4. How do you call your father’s father ……
  5. How do you call your mother’s husband …..

SECTION D (20 Marks)


  1. Supply the right short answers to the following questions using alternatives given in the table

Message, title, author, readers, characters, players, listeners, story

  1. Someone who writes a book is known as …………………………………………….
  2. People are mentioned in a story are known as ……………………………………….
  3. What is written on a cover of a book is known as ……………………………………
  4. People who read stories written in books are known as ………………………………
  5. The information which is contained in the book is known as …………………………
  1. Give very brief answers to the following questions
  1. A p_em is musical in nature
  2. Someone who writes a poem is known as a p_et
  3. An arrangement of lines is s_anza
  4. A place where actions happen is known as thea_re
  5. A group of people listening to literature is _dience
  1. Read the poem below

Skinny and bald

The boy groans on the ground

Swollen stomach

Full of waste

Thin legs

Thin arms


As the boy fights with flies

Over the empty plate

Ten years old

He looks older than ten

And younger than young

And so small

As he wriggles

Prisoner of his un-proportioned body

‘Mother,’ shouted the boy

When I grow up

I will carry a gun

And not a pen!

‘My son ‘shouted the mother.

My son, cries the mother,

‘You will never live to carry a gun

There is no meat for us’

  1. (i) How many stanzas are there in the poem? …………………………………………………………………………………………….

(ii) Who is speaking in this poem? …………………………………………………………………………………………….

  1. (i) Is the persona happy or sad? Give reason to your answers ………………………………………………………………….

(ii) Why has the phrase’ I will carry a gun” been used?’………………………………

  1. Why do you the boy is thin and red? Explain …………………………………………………………………………………..
  2. Is this poem relevant to the society? Explain ………………………………………….
  3. Suggest the suitable title for this poem …………………………………………….










TIME: 2:30 HOURS                                                            November, 2021



1.This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions.

2.Answer all questions in the spaces provided.

3.All writings must be in black or blue ink.

4.All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the Examination Room. 

5.Write Your Examination Number on the top right of every page.



















1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:


I had just arrived home from school when my sister came to me smiling. She hugged me and kept smiling as we talked. On going to the sitting room, I noticed that everyone in my family was as happy as a King. I asked my sister what was happening and after a long while, she revealed to me that Aunt Nahi was getting married the following day and that she and I had been chosen to be the flower girls.

That night, the bridegroom and his relatives came to Aunt Nahi’s home to pay the last part of the bride price. The inner party of the family led the negotiations and feasting followed after the negotiations were over. During the night, all my Aunts and Aunt Nahi’s female friends had a kitchen party as a way of giving her a send off.

The following day, we woke up at the crack of down to get ourselves prepared. Aunt Amina called us and informed us that we were supposed to go to Al-Nur – Masjid Mosque where the wedding would take place. According to our Muslims cultural beliefs, we do not exchange rings so there was no need of buying them.

We arrived at the Mosque in the evening and found many people there. They all looked happy and were very smartly dressed. The hall from where the wedding would be conducted was decorated with nice and delicate flowers from India and Arabia. It looked wonderful. Slow melodious music played from the background.

The Master of Ceremony (MC) welcomed us and we were directed to a place to sit. Soon, the bridal party started getting into the hall led by the flower girls and the matron. The bride and the bridegroom then followed, dancing to the beats of some love songs that were being played. The bride looked shy but as pretty as a picture. I noticed that the groom was rather old. Word had gone around that Aunt Nahi was getting married to a rich man. I guess this is why so many people had come to witness the ceremony.

After settling down, they exchanged their vows and then the time for cutting the wedding cake came. The cutting was awkwardly interrupted by a young girl who had grabbed some part of it, but the best man saved the situation by leading the girl away. The cake was designed in a way that there was an opening at the middle of it, then there was a picture of the couple well stuck in that opening. The bride took a knife and cut the cake carefully from the centre towards the outside. She took a piece and fed the bride groom and the bridegroom did the same followed by a hug and a kiss.

The bride then gave a piece of it to the bride groom’s parents and the bridegroom also gave a piece to the bride’s family. The newly wedded couple was given presents such as utensils, furniture and a lot of money.

During the reception, people ate, drank and danced until 2 a.m when the ceremony was called off. The couple went to Bagamoyo to enjoy their honeymoon. This was the most exciting wedding I have ever witnessed in my life.


(a)Answer the following questions with reference to the passage in the blank spaces provided:

(i)Who is the bride in this passage?


(ii)             Mention the name of the Mosque where the wedding took place.


(iii)Why didn’t the couple purchase wedding rings?


(iv)Describe how the cake was designed


(v)The hall was decorated with flowers from _____________________________ And ___________________________________________________________

(b)For each of the following statements, write TRUE if the statement is correct or  FALSE if the statement is incorrect in the blank spaces provided:

(i)The Master of Ceremony welcomed the guests. ________________________

(ii)The narrator’s sister was laughing at aunt Nahi. ________________________

(iii)A young girl grabbed the cake and destroyed it completely. _______________ 

(iv)           The cake had an opening at the middle. _______________________________

 (v)        The bride and the bridegroom exchanged the wedding rings. ______________

2. From the given passage below, read it carefully then answer the questions that follow:

In 2008, Matale retired from Public Service after working as a court clerk for 33 years since his employment in 1975. Fortunately he had his own two and a half acre farm, therefore rather than sitting at home doing nothing, he started to grow rice.

In 2009, he only harvested 19 bags due to poor rain but the following year his harvest increased to 40 bags in 2011, the rains started on time and he was ready. He planted on time and weeded on time. That year, he harvested 60 bags of rice.


(i)    Mr. Matale served Public for _____________ years. 

(ii)    He was employed in ________________

(iii)His farm size was _______________ acres.

(iv)In 2009 he harvested ________________ bags.

(v)He harvested ____________________ bags in 2011


3.Match the expressions in column A with their meanings in column B by writing the letter of the correct answer below the corresponding item number in the table provided:



(i)The part of the face below the mouth and above the neck

(ii)The arched line of hair above the eye

(iii)The small hollow part in the middle of the stomach

(iv)Either side of the face below the eyes

(v)One of the two soft parts around your mouth where the skin is redder or darker

















4.Re-arrange the following five sentences into a logical sequence to make a meaningful paragraph by writing the corresponding letter in the table provided:

(a)He started to study in 1979..

(b)Massawe bought a bicycle in 1985, after getting a temporary work.

(c)He lived in Malagalasi for almost ten years.

(d)Massawe was born In Malagalasi District in 1969.

(e)While studying he came across different challenges until the year 1984 when he      graduated his primary education level.









5.Imagine you are Kipanga Msomi. Your classmate Saldin Sangawe who was born in 2008 phoned to inform you that on 2nd October 2021, he will be thirteen years old. As one of his close friends, he has requested you to design an invitation card for him. The other details of the conversation include:

(i)The name of the sender

(ii)The name of the receiver

(iii)The purpose of the card

(iv)The date, time and the venue of the event

(v)The address the receiver should write if they will not attend.


6.Write the past forms of these verbs below:

(i)Drink        _________________________________________________________

(ii)Propagate             _________________________________________________________

(iii)Begin        _________________________________________________________

(iv)Grow  _________________________________________________________ 

(v)  Know  _________________________________________________________

7.(a) Complete the following sentences using the words from the box below:

Widower, Coffin, Orphan, Grave, Widow, Graveyard, Mortuary, Shroud

(i)A special room or building in which dead bodies are kept ________________

(ii)A deep hole or trench dug in the ground for burying a dead body ___________

(iii)A cloth or garment in which a dead person is wrapped before burial ________

(iv)A woman whose husband is dead ___________________________________

(v)A long narrow box into which a dead person is put for burial _____________

(b)Change the following sentences into interrogative form 

(i)They are about to start the journey


(ii)Form two students won the match


(iii)Aisha has been living with her uncle since her childhood


(iv)That sheep is eating the grass


(v)I like speaking English frequently


8.(a) Re-write the following sentences according to the instructions given after each 

(i) Halima is a hardworking student and a good cook.

(Begin: Not only ________________________________________________)

(ii)It is possible that teacher will come today

(Begin: There is ________________________________________________)

(iii)I am too tired to do any more work

(Begin: I am so tired ____________________________________________)

(iv)Nobody cared

(Supply an appropriate question tag: ________________________________) 

(v) Gold is more expensive than Diamond

(Join the sentence begin with Diamond)


(b)Construct different sentences according to the instructions given after each

(i)They were playing basketball (Re-construct in Present Continuous tense)


(ii)My children are very young (Re-write in Past tense)


(iii)Their books were torn by the cats (Re-construct in Active voice)


(iv)The cows ate all grasses. (Change into singular form)


(v)Majaliwa pretends to be a smart boy. (Re-write in negative)



9.Choose one class reader you have read in Form One or Two and then answer the questions that follow in the blank spaces provided:

The Magic Garden


K.R. Cripwell (1977), William Collins Sons and 

Company Ltd, Great Britain.

Kalulu the Hare      


F. Worthington (1937), Longman, England.

Hawa the Bus Driver


R.S Mabala (1988), Ben & Company, Dar es Salaam.

Fast Money            


K.R. Cripwell (1978), William Collins Sons and 

Company Ltd, Great Britain. 

Mabala the Farmer


R.S. Mabala (1988), Ben & Company, Dar es Salaam.


(a)(i)         What is the title of the book?


 (ii)            Who is the author of the book?


(b)Briefly write what the story is about


(c)Mention two central ideas found from the story


(d)How relevant is the story to your society?


10.Read the following poem then answer the questions that follow in the blank spaces provided:

The poor man knows not how to eat with the rich man. 

When they eat fish, he eats the head.

Invite a poor man and he rushes in

Licking his lips and upsetting the plates

The poor man has no manners, he comes along

With the blood of lice under his nails

The face of poor man is lined

From hunger and thirst in his belly

Poverty is no state for any mortal man

It makes him a beast to be fed on grass

Poverty is unjust. If it befalls a man,

Through he is nobly born, he has no power with God.


(i)What is the poem about?


(ii)Suggest the title for the poem.


(iii)Mention two themes from the poem.


(iv)What message do you get from the poem?


 (v) What is the relevance of the poem to the society?









TIME: 2:30 HRS 


  1. This paper consists of section A , B , C and D.
  2. Answer all questions in all sections.
  3. Write your examination number on every page of your answer sheet.
  4. Mobile phones are not allowed in examination room.





  1. Read the following passage below then answer the questions that follows.

It is very easy to acquire bad habits such as eating too many sweets, or drinking too much fluid or any kind of smoking. The more we do the thing the more we tend to like doing it. If we do not continue to do it , we will feel unhappy. This is called the force of habit and the force of habit should be taught again.

One of the most widely spread habits is the use of tobacco. Tobacco is now smoked or chewed by men often by women and even by children. Almost all over the world. It was brought into Africa by Whiteman from America. I doubt whether there is any good in the habit and it is difficult to get rid of the habit once it has been formed.

Alcohol is taken almost cool and cold climates and to a very less extent in hot climates. Alcohol is not necessary to anybody in anyway .Tanzania  isnot required by the people at all and should be avoided by them altogether. The regular use of alcohol , even in small quantities , causes mischief’s in many ways to various organs of the body. It affects the liver, it weakness the mental powers, and lessens the general energy of the body.

  1. I) Suggest the suitable title for the passage

ii) What do we mean by ‘the force of habit’?

iii) How is tobacco generally taken by the people?

iv) Who brought tobacco into Africa?

v) How does alcohol affect the human body?

b)For each of the following statements below , write TRUE if the statement is correct or FALSE if the statement is incorrect.

  1. Eating too many sweets or drinking too much fluid of any kind and smoking are good habit_____________
  2. Bad habit is a state of feeling unhappy_________________________
  3. Alcohol is most taken in hot climates_________________________
  4. The regular use of alcohol weakens the mental powers of and losses the general energy of the body_____________________________
  5. Tobacco in Africa by white people from Africa __________________________-

2. Summarize the passage above ( from questions 1 ) not more than 80 words and not less than 70 words.



  1. Match the items in column A  with the relevant one in column B to produce complete and meaning sentences.




  1. Even though my English is poor.
  1. I did not understand you
  1. You must hurry up
  1. Even if we are late
  1. We decided to close down the shop
  1. They lived happily
  1. In spite of their poverty.
  1. Let us go back home
  1. We must come
  1. Strangers can understand what  I am saying.


  1. Because it will soon be raining.


  1. How do you do


  1. He did not do well in my terminal tests


  1. As customers were becoming fewer and fewer.


4 .Re-arrange the following sentences into logical sequences by writing the number of the sentences in the space provided.

  1. They may be prevented from participating in activities like other people.
  2. Because of stigma , they may be treated differently in their families
  3. The act of discriminating against then is called stigma.
  4. People living with HIV are steal mistreated and discriminated against in various ways.
  5. They can be forced to leave their jobs or fail to continue with their businesses.













  1. Imagine that you are KapewaKapokea of Rofativillage . Write an invitation card to your friend Chauroho who lives in Tumbakose to attend your birthday party which will be held on 28th July 2021 at Mtana hall from 1:00 p.m . to 9:00 pm



  1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate conjuctions.
  1. Three _______________three makes six.
  2. They came ____________they wanted to see you.
  3. Borrow the money _______you badly need it.
  4. She is taller ______________you.
  5. ________you are late you will be allowed in.
  6. Do not read____________ I give you the signal.

PREPOSITIONS : Unless ,least , before, after , since , until , and , if, because, than

  1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate Article ‘a’ or ‘an’.
  1. Rehema at least found ______________husband.
  2. He took _________________early bus.
  3. She was knocked down by ________UDA bus.
  4. ___________eye for ________eye and _____tooth for the tooth.
  5. ____________soldier died in the battle.
  6. It pays to be _________honest man.
  7. Mapunde was married to___________European.
  1. Change the verbs in the brackets into their correct forms.
  1. The lesson already (begin) when we arrived.
  2. The patient already ( die) when we arrived.
  3. After he ( finish ) his homework he went to sleep.
  4. When I arrived at the bus station the bus already (leave).
  5. When the teacher came to the classroom , the students already (go) home.
  1. Choose the most appropriate word from the given list to fill in the banks spaces in the following sentences.
  1. Kibangashi has spent his_________ life in board school from standard one to form six.
  2. When the thieves came at night , we locked __________in the rooms.
  3. A widower is a man _________wife is dead.
  4. We were  studying in ________an old class,
  5. This is a man _______________ I gave some money this morning.
  6. This is Kilimanjaro bus _________killed more than 50 people.
  7. The boy ________sells eggs is not foolish.

Which, whole , who, our self, whom ,  quite , whose ,where , when. 

  1. Re –write the following sentences according to the instructions given after each.
  1. The noise outside was laud , the sick man could not sleep.( Re-write using so-------that ).
  2. Maria is an intelligent girl and hard working. ( Re-write using Not only -----but also....)
  3. Juma has no house to live in and no job to do. ( Re-write using Neither ---------nor---)
  4. Hamisa plays netball . Eliza plays netball too.( Join using both----------)
  5. Jane will travel by bus to Songea next month. ( Write sentence in the negative form).



  1. Select one class reads you have read from the list below then answer the questions that follows:
  • Mabala the Farmer
  • Magic Garden
  • Hawa the Bus Driver
  • Kalulu the Hare 
  • The Peart
  • The Old man and the Rabbit.
  • Fast Money

I )  a) What is the title of the book?

b. Who is the author of the book?

ii) Choose the two (2) most important characters and describe their behaviours.


b) ________________________________________________

iii) What was the story about ?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Iv ) What lesson did you learn from the story?------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------v) Would you like to advice your friend to read the story? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


  1. Read the following poem then answer the questions that follows:

My husband says.

I am useless.

Because I waste time

He quarrels

I am never punctual

He says

He has no time to waste

He tells me

Time is money.

Ocol does not chat

With me

He never jokes

With anybody

He says

He has no time 

To sit around the evening fire.

When my husband 

Is reading a new book

Sitting in his sofa

His face covered up

Completely with the big newspaper.

So that he looks 

Like a corpe.



  1. Who is talking in this poem ? Why?-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. To whom is the poem talking?----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. How do you  know?---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. How many staznas  are there in the poem?-------------------------------------------------
  5. Mention two figures of speech found in the poem.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.














Time: 2:30Hours


  1.              This paper consists of section A, B C and D with a total of 10 questions
  2.              Answer all questions in SPACES PROVIDED.
  3.              Section A, B and D carry 20 marks each and section C carry 40 marks
  4.              All answers should be written in the spaces provided.
  5.              Write with a blank or blue ink pen.
  6.              All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized material are not allowed in examination room.
  7.              Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.

 SECTION A (35 Marks)



1. Read the following passage carefully then answer all the questions

"Empowerment" is the process by which women and men achieve the skills, confidence and support to determine their own lives and make their own choices. It is the state in which people have access to the resources end opportunities to control their own future.

In a perfect world, girls and boys and men and women, would have equal opportunities in life to develop themselves and fulfils their-dreams; to become empowered. However we know that the world  is not like this. We also know that even in the most impoverished nations, boys and men still have many more opportunities and advantages and aremore valued in society in general. in the two largest developing countries, China and India, accounting for one-third of the entire world's: population, these are extreme examples such as the significant ,decreases in female population due to abortion and infanticide of girls.

Throughout the world many millions- of women and girls suffer unirnaginable violence — rape, restrictions and neglect, not to mention the- less violent but just as damaging exclusion from education, opportunity and choice.

For these reasons and, many more gender equity emphasizes the challenges facing  girls and women in the world to day. While  gender 'concerns the roles, status and relations between men and women, gender equity focuses more on girls and women to find ways to help them break through constraints to their full participation, decision making and equal status in the world.

Today, in most countries, boys are more valued than girls. When a boy is born, there is more often celebration of the birth than when a girl is born. Female, infanticide remains a reality. Harmful tradition practices such as female genital mutilation are still popular. These. Practices are indicative of girls; and women's low value and status in society as compared boys and men.

For these reasons, equitable efforts are necessary to break through the barriers to empowerment • and provide an opportunity for a better life.


Choose the best answer and write its letter in the answer booklet (s) provided.

  1.    The process by which people have access to the resources and opportunities to control their own life is called

(a) Equity (b) gender (c) Sex                          (d) Empowerment

  1.              In a perfect world, girls / boys and men / women would be empowered if

(a) They marry each other (b) They play together

(c) They have equal opportunities in life .                                          (d) They work together

(iii)  The writer says that many more opportunities, advantages and values are given to

(a) Boys and men (b) Both sex (c) Girls and boys

(d) Girls and women

(iv)  According to the passage, two largest developing countries are ..........

(a) Canada and India (b) Japan and Canada (c) China and India

(d) India and Japan

(v)  Throughout the world, many millions of women and girls suffer from .....

(a) Violence — rape, restriction and neglect (b) Diseases such as malaria

(c) Birth celebrations and diseases (d) Lack of confidence

(vi)  According to the passage, more celebration is made when ............

(a) A boy is born (b) a girl is born

(c) Both boy and girl born at the same time (d) A baby is born in the midnight

(vii)  Gender concerns the roles, status and relations between

(a) Women and girls (b) Women and boys (c) Men and Women

(d) Men and boys

(viii) Today, in most counties ……………are more valued than girls

(a) Men  (b) women  (c) Children   (d) Boys

(ix) Which of the following is among harmful traditional practices?

(a) rape   (b) exclusion  (c) Genital mutilation  (d) Neglect.

(x) The best title for this passage is……………

(a) Power relations   (b) Women empowerment   (c) Men’s empowerment  (d) gender empowerment


2. With reference to the passage you have read, answer the following questions..

  1.                              What do you understand by the word "empowerment"
  2.                              Mention three problems that face many millions of women and girls
  3.                              Give an example of traditional practices that indicates girls and women's low value and status in society
  4.                              In your opinion, suggest the best solutions to empower women and girls in society.

SECTION 13: (20 marks)


3. Match the statement in column A with those in column B, so that they make sense. The first one has been done for you


(I) What can I do to help you?

  1.                             I will be sixteen next month
  2.                           You should eat your food now
  3.                            That must be done now
  4.                              It might rain
  5.                            What  would you  like?


  1.                              But there are only a few clouds
  2.                              1 can't, it is too hot
  3.                              You could give me lift home
  4.                              Yes, it ought to be done quickly
  5.                              That is great, I will send you a card

(1) Well, orange, juice will be okay

4. Re arrange the following sentences in a logical sequence.

  1.                Wait for the water to boil, then add milk and tea leaves
  2. Finally, remove the boiling mixture from the stove and serve the tea
  3.               Secondly, put the pot on a lit stove
  4.               Making a cup of tea is very easy
  5. First, put clean water in a cooking pot

5. Identify the words in the box and write them along the sentences


A place where children are taught school

  1.                   A tool with a long curved blade for cutting ...............
  2.                 Someone who cuts and collects crops in the field ....................
  3.               When the crops in the fields are cut and collected ......................
  4.               A talk or conversation about something ..............
  5.                 A mark left on the skin by wound or cut..............................


                                    SECTIONS C: -


6. Complete each of the following sentences by choosing the correct word from the brackets

  1.       She goes to school...............bus. ( on, by with )
  2.          I have been working here..................two weeks now, (since, for, from )
  3.        Tell him to come (on, in, at) 
  4.        The cup was put..................the floor (on, over, above )
  5.          The aeroplane flew......................lake Victoria (through, on, over

7. Re — write the following sentences according to the instructions given:

  1.   The girl was very young, she couldn't join form One

Join using: . too ......... to .......

  1. He is a driver and trader

Re-write using ..................not only ......... but also .........

  1.  Abdul is not a cook. He is also not a watchman

Join using ....................neither .............nor....

  1.  You can buy sugar and also you can buy meat

Join using .....................either   ............nor...........

  1.  Hurry up. You will be late

Join the two sentences using ......................otherwise..

8. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words from the following list.


  1.    I have eaten all of Oranges. Can I have some ................
  2. Can we borrow ..................bag. We ..........left at school
  3. George has lost ...................Ask Mary if she will lend him.
  4. We have had .................... dinner; Have they had ........
  5. We are going to Morogoro to stay with a friend of............

Write the following words in Past form

  1. Go .                  (iv) Say_________________________________
  2. Give                (v) Pay _________________________________
  3. Know    

10. Change the following sentences into questions Example:

He is sick: Is he sick?

  1.   We must go:
  2. They are worried: 
  3.  He will come: 
  4.  She is my aunt:

(iv) She speaks Germany:

SECTION D: (15 marks) 


11. Answer the following question by using ONE class readers from the following list

Hawa the bus driver

Fast money 

Kalulu the Hare

Dirty water 

Good food 


Magic Garden


(I) The title of ti.w book is?

  1.    Mention two important characters from the book
  2.   Mention two things you learnt from the story
  3.   Based on what you learnt from the story, advice you friends on one thing you would like them to do.

12. Read the following Poem and answer the questions  that follows: She came like a thief

She came like a snake

A snake in the grass

Oh! Why was she ever created?

Like lighting she strike people

Like electricity she shock people

The young and the old, the poor and the rich Oh! 

Why was she ever created?

She has left us fatherless, motherless, childless Oh! Ladies and gentlemen, gather our strengths Wage a big war against the enemy

Oh! HIV, why was she ever created?


Who is "she" in a poem

  1.  In stanza three what problem does "she" cause?
  2. Suggest the suitable title of the poem- .
  3.  Suggest two ways how we can avoid the problems caused by "she"








Time: 2:30Hours


  1.              This paper consists of section A, B C and D with a total of 10 questions
  2.              Answer all questions in SPACES PROVIDED.
  3.              Section A, B and D carry 20 marks each and section C carry 40 marks
  4.              All answers should be written in the spaces provided.
  5.              Write with a blank or blue ink pen.
  6.              All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized material are not allowed in examination room.
  7.              Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.

 SECTION A (35 Marks)

 Answer All questions in this section.

  1. For each of the items (i)-(x), choose the correct answer from the alternatives given.


You are going to read a magazine article based on an interview with a novelist. For questions 1–6, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.

Janet Hollings interviews Marsha Lake, one of Britain’s greatest murder mystery writers, in her London home.

When you walk into Marsha Lake’s home there is a feeling of calm. You feel relaxed and welcomed. The walls are cream. The furniture is pale. Look more closely and you’ll see bright red colours present in the carpet and curtains. The red allows energy to flow into the room, I am told. And the furniture has been arranged carefully with everything pointing in the right direction, to reflect the principles of Feng Shui.

The focus of the lounge is a large desk. Marsha has written twelve murder-mystery novels and five plays there. She’s just finished her first TV script. The desk looks out over a beautiful garden. I asked her why she doesn’t work in the study. The study is at the front of the house. The road doesn’t give her the inspiration she needs.

Marsha looks the part of a mystery writer. She wears a long flowing dress with strings of beads around her neck. Silver bracelets jingle on her arm. Around the room are pots of different types of gem stones. Each gem means something different, she tells me.

Martha is superstitious. She was about eleven when she first began to believe. She was shopping with her mother, when a black cat walked towards them. Her mother said what good luck that was. When they got home, there was a letter from a children’s magazine. The story she had entered for a short story competition had won first prize.

Many of the characters in her early boks are superstitious. I asked Martha how else superstition affects her life. Is she interested in magic potions, witches and spells?

Of course not. Most of her superstitions are well-known - she doesn’t walk under ladders or open umbrellas indoors. But she also has some of her own. She always sends a book to her publisher in a green envelope, she doesn’t write on Fridays. I tried to find out why but she wouldn’t tell me.

At various times, however, Martha admits she has been obsessed. The worst time was her wedding day. As her husband-to-be was putting the ring on her finger, he dropped it. Most people would have dismissed the incident and continued. Not Marsha. It was a bad sign, it indicated that her marriage would soon be over. She stopped the wedding and sent the guests home. They got married six months later. It’s just as well her husband is a forgiving person.

There is not so much superstition in her later books. I wondered why. Does Martha believe in it less these days? Martha frowns. She feels she has explored the subject enough. There are other things to write about. You need fresh ideas to keep your readers interested. Martha is still writing books and they are still selling. It is clear she hasn’t run out of ideas just yet.

  1.       Write the letter of the best answer in the box provided ( 12 marks)
  1.  The first thing you notice on entering Marsha’s home is …………
  1.                 The position of the furniture.   
  2.                 The colour of the carpet and curtains. 
  3.                 The importance of Feng Shui. 

D.   The atmosphere.

  1.                                                                                                                                             Why is Marsha’s desk in the living room rather than the study?
  1.                 It is too big for the study.  
  2.                 There is a better view. 
  3.                The living room is her favourite place.  

  D.  The study is too noisy.

  1.  Marsha became interested in superstition when …………..
  1.                 Her mother predicted she would win a competition.
  2.                 She won a competition after something lucky happened.
  3.                 She wrote a story about a lucky black cat.
  4.                 Her mother explained what it meant.
  1.  What did the interviewer want to find out?
  1.                 What Martha’s personal superstitions mean.
  2.                 In what way Martha’s characters are superstitious.
  3.                 Why Martha isn’t interested in magic potions and spells.
  4.                 How many days a week Martha writes.
  1.  Why did she change her mind about her first wedding?
  1.              She knew her husband-to-be would forgive her.
  2.              She was annoyed with her husband-to-be.
  3.              She thought their marriage might fail.
  4.              She wanted her wedding to be different from other people’s.
  1.  Why doesn’t Martha use the idea of superstition in her later books?
  1.              She feels she has been too obsessed with it.
  2.             She finds it uninteresting these days.
  3.              She thinks it is unimportant now.
  4.              he believes people will get bored with

(b) For each of the following sentences write TRUE if it is correct and False if it is incorrect.

  1. The word “she” is a pronoun……………………………………….
  2. All nouns should start with a capital letter
  3. An adjective tells us more about a noun………….
  4. Words used to join sentences are called conjunctions……..
  5. A verb is a description word……………………………………………
  1.       Complete the text. Use the words in the box. (10 marks)

Had,   ’m,    going to,    been,    a,    too,    was,   enough,    the,   No one,    will,    taught

I (I) __________ educated at (II) __________ girls’ school where (III) _________teachers were all women and they were very strict. We always had (IV)__________ much homework and not (V) _________fun. (VI) __________ liked our French teacher because she gave us tests every week, but now I remember her as a good teacher. I’ve (VII)_________ teaching English for 15 years and during that time I’ve (VIII)__________ thousands of students from all over the world. I’ve sometimes (IX)___________ difficult students, but in general they’ve been great. I’ve always tried to be a patient and humorous teacher and I hope my students remember me in that way. I (X) ___________stop teaching soon because I want to live in the country, but I (XI)__________ never forget the fun I’ve had. 

SECTION B:( 20 Marks)


  1. Match the expression in column A with their meaning in column B by writing the letter of the correct answer below the corresponding item number in the table provided.

Column A

Column B

  1. The young one of a dog
  2. The young one of a duck
  3. The young one of a leopard
  4. The young one of an elephant
  5. The young one of a cat.
  1. Kid
  2. Cab
  3. Kitten
  4. Cub
  5. Calf
  6. Puppy
  7. Doglet
  8. Duckling
  9. Chick.
  1. State whether each of the following statements is a fact or an opinion.
  1. The sun will rise from the east tomorrow………………………….
  2. Lemon and Ginger can cure Covid-19…………………………….
  3. The best weather is sunny…………………………………………
  4. All women are weak in leadership…………………………………
  5. The sky is blue……………………………………………………..
  1. There is one mistake in each sentence. Find it and correct it.
  1.      Everyone forgot their notebook.


  1.    I can’t hardly believe that she is pregnant.


  1.  The girl with the black and white puppies have a ball.


  1.  That medicine effects my ability to sleep.


  1.   I’m looking at five patients in a hospital.


  1.  She has very big tooth.


  1. Anna and Pot are married and he has been married for 20years




  1.       Complete the text by using the proper form of the words at the end of each line.


To make sure you have a (I) ............................ holiday take some time before you   MARVEL

go to avoid problems by making careful (II) ............................ . If you are catching  ARRANGE

a (III) ........................... to your destination, we recommend you arrange for a friend to  FLY

drive you to the airport. If the car breaks down on the way,don’t (IV) .................. , DESPERATE just take a taxi! Pack some basics in a small bag, because luggage

is (V) ............................ sent to a different destination, and in this way your  OCCASION

holiday will not be (VI) ............................ spoilt. Finally, don’t forget  TOTAL

your (VII) ............................ pills and be well equipped with sun cream so you can SEASICK

  sunbathe for as long as you like!

  1. (a) Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given.
  1. Our neighbours are very hard working . They work non-stop everyday.

(Rewrite as one sentence using …………… such …………… that …………)

  1. Immediately after I reached the station, the train left.

(Begin: No sooner ……………)

  1. The passengers told the whole incident to the police officer.

(Re-write this sentence without using the preposition “to”……………..)

  1. If you don’t go there today, she will complain.

(Begin: Unless ……………..)

  1. She is not only clever but also beautiful.

(Use: “as well as” instead of “not only” …………..)

  1. There is drought.  There is plenty of water in the lakes.

(Join the two sentences using the word “despite”: ………………)

  1. Choose the correct word from the brackets then write in the blanks provided.(5 marks)
  1. ______________ ( little/few) knowledge is a dangerous thing.
  2. Please  ______________ (accept/ except ) my gift.
  3. Please  _______________ (advice/ advise) me on what to do.
  4. We are _______________ ( all ready/already) to move
  5. Thank you for the  _____________ (complement/ compliment) about my dress.
  1. (a) Change the verbs in brackets to the correct tense. (5 marks )
  1. If he  ( come) _____________ tomorrow, tell him I have already left.
  2. If he (study) ______________ hard, he would have ( pass) the examination.
  3. While I (read) ______________ he  ( listen) _____________ to the radio.
  4. We (go )_______________ when she arrived.
  5. They (wait) _______________ for two hours.
  1. Re- arrange the following sentences into a logical sequence by writing letters in the space provided.

(5 marks)

  1. Unfortunately that is not the case.
  2. In many societies today, women are like unpaid servants in their own homes
  3. Women make up half the world population
  4. In fact in most countries there is discrimination interms of works, rewards for workers, ownership of property, legal rights, social and political opportunities.
  5. On that basis one might expect that works and rewards would be shared equally among men and women.

SECTION D:( 20 Marks) 


  1. Answer the following question by using One Class Reader from the following list:   

 I .   Mabala the Farmer 

II.    Hawa the Bus Driver

III.  Fast Money

IV.  Any other relevant class reader done in Form 1 or 2

Choose one main character in any one of the readings you have done and:

I .  Explain the problem or challenge he/ she faced.


II.   If you were the main character , explain how you would have solved the problem.



  A FREEDOM SONG – by Majorie Oludhe McGoye

Atieno washes the dishes,

Atieno plucks the chicken,

Atieno gets up early,

Beds her sacks down ,in the kitchen,

Atieno eight years old, 


Since she is my sister’s child

Atieno needs no pay,

While she works my wife can sit

Sewing every sunny day; 

With her earnings I support Atienoyo.

Atieno’s sly and jealous,

Bad example to the kids

Since she minds them, like a schoolgirl

Wants her dresses, shoes and beads,

Atieno ten years old;


Now my wife has gone to study

Atieno is less free.

Don’t keep her, school my own ones,

Pay the party, union fees,

All for progress: aren’t you grateful


Visitors need much attention,

All the more when I work at night

That girl spends too long at the market,

Who will teach her what is right?

Atieno rising fourteen, 


Atieno has had a baby 

So we know that she is bad.

Fifty fifty it may live 

And repeat the life she had

Ending in post partum bleeding,


Atieno’s soon replaced.

Meat and sugar more than all

She ate such a narrow life

Were lavished on her funeral.

Atieno’s gone to glory,


Answer the following questions.(14 marks)

  1. Who, in your opinion, was Atieno?


  1. At what age did Atieno get pregnant?


  1. Who do you think was  responsible for her pregnancy? Explain.


  1. Do you think Atieno’s employer was fair to her? Give reasons for your answer.


  1. What chances did Atieno’s baby have staying alive?


  1. From the poem, what did Atieno die from?


  1. Giving evidence ; what can you say about the funeral that was held for Atieno?









2:30 HOURS

  1. This paper consists of sections A, B, C and D with a total of ten (10) questions.
  2. Answer all questions in the spaces provided.
  3. All writing must be in blue or black ink
  4. Calculators, cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  5. Write your Examination Number at the top right corner of every page.

SECTION A (20 Marks)


1. Read the passage below carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

My pet is a dog, his name is Nene. He has brown and black fur and his hind legs are slightly shorter than the front ones. His ears are always upright. I can remember certainly well the day my father brought him home. It was on 17th December, 2015. At that time he was a puppy of two months, it was surely the best day of my life. I held him and tried to be good at him, but it was a bad day for him since he had been separated from his mother and other puppies.

Nene did not eat or drink anything the whole day. Of course I was happy to have him for my own, but his cries made me feel sorry for him and I promised to take good care of him. After three days, he started eating well and even played with me.

Nene is a lovely dog, he is loved by all members of our family. He comes to great me whenever I come back from school. He wags his tail and lies down ready to play. He is an intelligent and obedient dog I have ever seen.

After finishing my homework, I always play with him. My mother often tells me, "Mark, I am happy you got what you have always wanted". We feed him once a day, we provide him with plenty of water throughout the day, along with dog-food. To make him clean we give him a bath with dog-shampoo once a week. We also clean his kennel every day. Every year, we take him to the veterinary clinic for vaccinations. He is both a protector and a friend.


(a) Answer the following questions by using the right information from the passage.

(i) Who was keeping the dog?

(ii) When was the dog brought home?

(iii) Why do you think Nene was crying?

(iv) How many times was Nene fed in a day?

(v) Why was Nene taken to the veterinary clinic?


(b) For each of the following statements, write TRUE if the statements is correct or FALSE if the statement is not correct.

(i) The dog had brown and black fur.......

(ii) Nene was a protector and a friend ......

(iii) Mark did not like to play with the dog......

(iv) Nene's ears were always upright......

(v) Nene was brought home when he was three months old........

2. Read the following passage and answer the question that follows in the blank spaces provided.

Sports and games are necessary for maintaining health and physical fitness. Involving oneself in competitive sports and games encourages the sense of competition. Being a captain helps to provide the person with leadership qualities. Playing as a team encourages cooperation among players.

You may ask yourself, “If I spend my time in sports and games when should I study?” Here is the solution; study in the morning as the mind is still fresh and play in the evening as the mind is tired since sports and games make us mentally active. Remember the saying which says that “all study and no play makes Jack a dull boy”.

List down five advantages of participating in sports and games:







SECTION B (20 Marks)


3. Match the expressions in Column B below the corresponding expression number in Column A in the table provided. Item (vi) has been provided as an example


Column A

Column B

(i)     A place where dead bodies are kept until burial.

(ii)  A room in a hospital where babies are born

(iii) A place where medicines are prepared and sold.

(iv) A room in which sick people get bed rest.

(v)   A place where sick people are treated

(vi) A room which is used for health check up.

  1. Pharmacy
  1. Ward
  2. Stadium
  1. Laboratory
  1. Mortuary
  1. Labour ward
  1. Hospital
  2. Kitchen
  1. Laundry

4. Re – arrange the following sentences into a logical sequence to make a meaningful paragraph.

Sentence number 6 has been done as an example.

  1. The two have six children.
  1. Jumbe has a wife whose name is Makwabe
  2. So, Jumbe and Makwabe are my grandparents.
  1. Who is thus my grandfather is called Jumbe
  1. My mother’s father.
  1. Including my mother.

5. Imagine that you are a prefect and you live in a school hostel. Explain your school daily routine to a fellow prefect from a new school who wants to learn from you. Use the following events as your guidelines:

(a) Wake up time.

(b) Cleaning the hostel areas.

(c) Taking a bath and putting on school uniform.

(d) Taking morning roll call.

(e) Doing cleanliness around the school.

(f) Standing in assembly for morning speech and announcements

(g) Lessons in the classrooms begin.

(h) Break time.

(i) Lunch time.

(j) Outside activities and going back to the dormitories.

SECTION C (40 Marks)


 6. Fill in the blank spaces by using the following words in the list.

Cousin, niece, grandfather, uncle, nephew, sister-in-law, son-in-law, grandson, aunt.

(a) The sone of your son is your                        

(b) The daughter of your sister is your                 

(c) The brother of your father is your                   

(d) The sister of your wife is your                     

(e) The son of your brother is your                    


7. (a) Fill in the blank spaces with the correct form of the word in the brackets.

(i) Asha                 her uniform now. (wash)

(ii) My mother                 cooking rice when I arrived home yesterday. (be) 

(iii) Upendo (be write)                  a letter now.

(iv) Mariam (go)                 to the market now. 

(v) Baraka (eat)                 now.

(b) Complete the following sentences by using words given in the list.

in, on, from, to, at, by

(i) Salama wakes up                 6.00 a.m 

(ii) John is suffering                 malaria.

(iii) Bukagile goes to school                 a car.

(iv) Kali lives                 Dar es Salaam.

(v) Masasila goes to the market                 foot.


8. Re-write the following sentences according to the instruction given after each.

(i) He got the job. He had no qualifications.

(join using: “in spite of”)


(ii) He shouted very loudly. He woke the baby up.

(Join using: “so …… that”)


(iii) You must work hard in order to pass your examination.

(Begin with: “If …….”)


(iv) He went to the bus station in a hurry. He wanted to be on time.

(Join using: “in order to”)


(v) If you won’t show me your identity card, I won’t give you the details.

(Re-write using: “Unless”)

SECTION D (20 Marks)


9. Choose one class reader you have read in form one or two, then answer the following questions. 

The Magic Garden  - K.R. Cripwell (1977), William Collins Sons and Company Ltd, Great Britain.

Kalulu the Hare  - F. Worthngton (1937), Longman, England.

Hawa the Bus Driver  - R.S. Mabala (1988), Ben and Company, Dar es Salaam

Fast Money   - K.R. Cripwell (1978), William Collins Sons and Company Ltd, Great Britain.

Mabala the Farmer  - R.S. Mabala (1988), Ben and Company, Dar es Salaam 


(a) Give the title of the book.

(b) Mention the name of the character.

(c) What did he do in the story?

(d) Why do you like or dislike him?

(e) In your opinion, what can be learnt from the character?



10. Read the following poem then answer the questions that follow:

Twinkle twinkle little star 

How I wonder what you are 

Up above the world so high

Like a diamond in the sky

When the blazing sun is set 

And the grass with dew is wet 

Then you show your little light

Twinkle, twinkle, all the night 


(a) What is the title of this poem?

(b) What is it compared to the Diamond?

(c) Where are the stars found?

(d) When can the stars be seen?

(e) What can you learn from a poem?










Time 2:30 Hours JUNE 2020


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B, C and D with a total of ten (10) questions.
  2. Answer all questions in the spaces provided.
  3. All writing must be in blue or black ink
  4. Calculators, cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  5. Write your Examination Number at the top right corner of every page.

SECTION A (20 Marks)


1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Drugs are chemical substances that can change the way one thinks and works. People used drugs to change their feelings. The most abused drugs are marijuana or cocaine, heroin and alcohols. Drug abuse is common in almost all the developed and developing countries. Billions of dollars are spent internationally for preventing drug abuse, treating and fighting drug related crimes.

Drug abuse causes multiple problems in countries and communities. Firstly, it causes medical and psychological problems. It is obvious that addicts cannot function as normal members of the society. They neglect or abuse their families and eventually they require expensive treatment or hospitalization. In Tanzania especially in urban areas, it is common to see teenagers who are not only weak but also sick. These young men and women are so aggressive and they constantly break the law. In addition, they are extremely violent as they easily get into physical fights. These Tanzanian addicts pose a vivid example of the medical and Psychological problems faced by the addicts all over the world.

The second problem caused by drug abuse is the increase of crimes. There some crimes which are either drug influenced or drug related. These crimes are petty or organized ones. Drug addicts are likely to involve themselves into such petty crimes as robbery, burglary and theft. They do so because they want money to buy drugs and food. It is worth noting that most drug addicts are not employed. Drug dealers can also organize themselves into criminal gangs which get money from drugs. Police and legal resources are therefore needed to fight crime related to drugs or the crimes influenced by drugs.

However, the threat of drugs can be fought successfully if some strategies are employed. Education on drug abuse is the first way of combating the problem. People especially children need to be educated at home or in school about drugs. People need to be aware of drugs so that they can avoid using them. Also, families and counselors need to talk to children and people at risk. Parents need to take care of their children and help them to become responsible citizens. Moreover, jobs need to be created to give people sources of steady income. However, effective laws should be enacted so that the criminals can be caught and taken to the court.

Although the problem of drug abuse may seem impossible to eliminate easily, there are concrete strategies that can be taken to weaken drug dealing in the society. The danger of drugs is too great to ignore.


(a) Answer the following questions with reference to the passage.

(i) Where in Tanzania is drug abuse mostly practiced?

(ii) Who is a drug addicted?

(iii) Why are drug addicts involved in crimes?

(iv) Explain the meaning of the expression, “Multiple problems”.

(v) Give three ways of eliminating drug abuse.

(b) For each of the following statements, write TRUE if the statement is correct or FALSE if the statement is not correct.

(i) Countries spend a lot of money to fight drug abuse………………

(ii) Drug addicts are very polite……………………….

(iii) Parents have roles to play in combating drug abuse……………..

(iv) Usually people who use drugs do not break the law…………………..

(v) The problem of drug abuse is so big that we cannot solve it…………….

2. Read the following passage then write five descriptive words used in the passage.

Wind is air in motion. The chief cause of winds is the difference in the pressure of the air. Heated air near the earth’s surface, being light, rises into the higher regions while cold air from the surrounding regions moves into this low pressure area to equalize the pressure of the atmosphere. This movement of the air is called wind. Winds blow from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure. Winds are named by the direction from which they blow, but the deflection of the winds is due to the rotation of the earth. Winds are deflected to the right in the Northern Hemisphere, and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere.

SECTION B (20 Marks)


3. Match the expressions in Column B below the corresponding expression number in Column A in the table provided. Item (vi) has been provided as an example

Column A

Column B

(i) A place where dead bodies are kept until burial.

(ii) A room in a hospital where babies are born

(iii) A place where medicines are prepared and sold.

(iv) A room in which sick people get bed rest.

(v) A place where sick people are treated

(vi) A room which is used for health check up.

  1. Pharmacy
  2. Ward
  3. Stadium
  4. Laboratory
  5. Mortuary
  6. Labour ward
  7. Hospital
  8. Kitchen
  9. Laundry

4. Re – arrange the following sentences into a logical sequence to make a meaningful paragraph.

Sentence number 6 has been done as an example.

  1. The two have six children.
  2. Jumbe has a wife whose name is Makwabe
  3. So, Jumbe and Makwabe are my grandparents.
  4. Who is thus my grandfather is called Jumbe
  5. My mother’s father.
  6. Including my mother.

5. Imagine you are Mr. and Mrs. Kihongo Mwindu of P.P. Box 30054, with telephone number 0770000111. Your son, Kingwendu, is getting married to Bebe on Saturday, 30th August, 2019 at Kibaha Resident Magistrate’s Office. The marriage service will start at 4:00 p.m. and will be followed by a celebration party to congratulate the bride and the groom at Tanita Hotel, starting at 8:00 p.m. Write a formal invitation card to Mr. and Mrs. Ngenge Kaulule for the wedding. Use the following guidelines in writing your card.

a) The name of the sender.

b) The name of the receiver

c) The purpose of the card

d) The date and time of the event

e) Address the receiver should write to if they will not attend.

SECTION C (40 Marks)


6. Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions from the box.

a) I must study…………………………….the weekend

b) My Aunt works…………………………the Airport.

c) You are different……………………your sister.

d) We tried very hard but we did not get rid………………………it

e) You will get………………….trouble, unless you stop going there.

7. (a) Answer item (i) –(v) by writing the correct name of the baby animals indicated in the table.

(i) Cow……………………………………………………….

(ii) Lion………………………………………………………

(iii) Duck…………………………………………………….

(iv) Goat……………………………………………………..

(v) Frog……………………………………………………

(b) Re – write the following sentences by changing the underlined verbs into simple past form.

(i) I enjoy playing football

………………………… ……………………

(ii) You steal my pencils

………………………… ……………………

(iii) Aisha builds houses in town

………………… …………………………

(iv) They do a great job.

……………………… ……………………

(v) This dog cuts its tail

8. (a) Change the following sentences into negative form.

(i) I work very hard

(ii) Aisha loves Mr. Salim

(iii) We saw the boy whose mother is our English subject teacher

(iv) Do you understand?

(v) I have been around for a while

(b) Re – write the following sentences by changing the verbs in the brackets into their correct forms.

(i) Wild animals (live) ……………………in forests.

…………………… ……………………………………….

(ii) Pregnant women are not (allow)……………… to drink alcohol.

……………………… …………………………………….

(iii) Jane will be (visit)………………you

……………………… ……………………………………

(iv) I’m (do)……………………this for you


(v) Jamila got (divorce)… ………………………..

………………………… …………………………………

SECTION D (20 Marks)


9. Choose one class reader you have read in form one or two, then answer the following questions.

The Magic Garden - K.R. Cripwell (1977), William Collins Sons and Company Ltd, Great Britain.

Kalulu the Hare - F. Worthngton (1937), Longman, England.

Hawa the Bus Driver - R.S. Mabala (1988), Ben and Company, Dar es Salaam

Fast Money - K.R. Cripwell (1978), William Collins Sons and Company Ltd, Great Britain.

Mabala the Farmer - R.S. Mabala (1988), Ben and Company, Dar es Salaam


(i) What is the title of the book?

(ii) Who wrote the book?

(b) What is the negative side of the main character?

(c) Briefly write what the story is about

……… ………………… …………………

(d) According to how the story ended, what would you advise the main character?

(e) What do you learn from the story?

10. Read the following poem then answer the questions that follow.

Hawa, oh Hawa

The lioness who defeated the bull,

Oh, my friends

When I saw the bull

That big red bull

Roaring and running towards me

I began to sweat

I began to tremble

I began to cry

I knew were finished.

Hawa, oh Hawa

The lioness who defeated the bull.

Oh, my friends

That was eating the ground

Suddenly, out jumped the lioness

Jumped on the bull

She held it with her legs

She held it with her arms,

She held it with all her strength

Until the bull could run no more.

Hawa, oh Hawa

The lioness who defeated the bull.


a) Which wild animal is Hawa compared to?

b) What is the general mood of the poem?

c) What makes poet call Hawa a lioness? Briefly explain.

d) Identify set of words mostly repeated in the second stanza and give a reason for such repetition.

e) Is this poem relevant to your society? Give a reason.

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TIME: 3HRS                                                           2020

NAME: _________________________________CLASS: ___________


  • This paper consist of section A,B,C and D
  • Answer all questions in all sections as instructed in each question
  • All writings must be in ink (blue/black) not pencil 
  • Write your name and class
  • Tidy and clean work is rewarded



1. Read the passage below carefully and then answer the question that follows.

 The East Africa Community (EAC) is an intergovernmental organization that is made up of five members countries Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Burundi. Those countries cover an area of about 1.8 million square kilometers and by 2005, the community had a population of about 100 million people.

 Cooperation in East Africa started many years ago. Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda in particular have had cooperation since the early 20th Century. For example, there was the customs union between Uganda and Kenya in 1917, where as, Tanganyika joined in 1927.

 The East African Community itself had a long history too. It was originally founded in 1967 but, it collapse in 1977, partly because of disagreements in the political philosophies of the three countries; dictatorship under Idi Amini Dada in Uganda, socialism in Tanzania and capitalism in Kenya. Later on, president Mwinyi of Tanzania, Daniel Arap Moi of Kenya and Yoel Museveni of Uganda signed the Treaty of East African Cooperation in Arusha Tanzania on 30th November 1993. They established a tripartite cooperation the cooperation embraced many areas including political social, cultural, research and technology, defence, security, legal and financial affairs. On 30th Nov. 1999, a treaty for the -re – establishment of the East African Community was signed and it came into force on 7th July 2000. Burundi and Rwanda joined the East African community in 2007.

 There are governance structures that serve the East African Community. The East African court of justice in the judicial arm of the community. The court oversees the interpretation and application of the 1999 Treaty that established the EAC. The legislation arm of the community is the East African legislative Assembly (EALA). The Assembly has 27 members countries. One of the functions of EALA is to debate and approve the budget of the community. Since inauguration, the EALA has had several sittings in Arusha, Nairobi and Kampala.

 Though faced with numerous challenges, the EAC has had some achievement and has outlined some future plans. One key achievement is the introduction of the East African passport which was launched on 1st April 1999. This passport was introduced in order to make border crossing for East African easier. It is available at the headqucters of the respective immigration departments in Dar es salaam, Nairobi and Kampala. Among EAC’S future plans is the introduction of a monetary union with a common currency, a common market and political union,


Choose the correct answer and write its letter in your answer booklet.

(i) Which of the following is a list of the member countries of the East African Community today?

  1. Burundi, Congo, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda
  2. Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, Uganda, and Burundi
  3. Uganda, Kenya, Burundi, Rwanda, and Malawi
  4. Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi

 (ii) Why was the East African passport Introduced

  1. To easier border crossing for East Africans
  2. In order to help businessmen across the border
  3. So as to transport goods easier through the border
  4. To identify people who are out of the EAC at the border

 (iii) What is the synonym of the word re-establish?

  1. Rearrange
  2. Readjust
  3. Restore
  4. Resettle
  5. Relocate

 (iv)  Why was the East African Community Collapse in 1977?

  1. Because of socialism ideology in Tanzania
  2. Due to different country philosophies
  3. As the result of dictatorship practiced in Uganda
  4. Due to the weak leadership in the organization.
  5. Lack of resources

(v) Night came on and the room grew dark. This is an/a…………..

  1. Simple sentence
  2. Compound-complex sentence
  3. Compound sentence
  4. Complex sentence
  5. paragraph

(vi) She did not make a false statement. This is a/an …….noun

  1. Imperative
  2. Negative
  3. Assertive
  4. Interrogative
  5. comparative

(vii) The word bitter means?

  1. Harsh
  2. Beautiful
  3. Pleasant
  4. Wrong
  5. sour

(viii) Which word means the same as supplement?

  1. Improve
  2. Furnish
  3. Complete
  4. Add
  5. complement

(ix) The word commence means?

  1. Open
  2. Start
  3. End
  4. Complete
  5. Business

(x) He led a life devoid of blame. The underlined phrase is a/an……………….

  1. Noun phrase
  2. Preposition
  3. Adjective phrase
  4. Adverb phrase
  5. Compound word

2. Match the items in column A with those in column B to produce the most meaningful sentences.



(i) Unless you are rich

(ii) Hardly had he finished sitting

(iii) Use your time property

(iv) I cannot be promoted to higher rank

(v) She is not only fat

  1. If you want to realize your dream
  2. Unless I pass the examination and get certificate 
  3. Than a fly dropped in the food
  4. You can not own a factory
  5. When the rain started falling
  6. But also lazy


 3. Write a summary of what Nyerere did after retirement in three sentences.

     The late J.K.Nyerere retired as president in 1985, though he remained leader of his CCM party until 1990, when he moved back to his home village in Butiama. After retirement, he travelled around the world becoming a spokesman for African peace and unity in 1990’s playing a major part in bringing peace to both Rwanda and Burundi.

4. Complete the following sentences using words given in the box.

Mean , shy, kind, strict, cheerful, intelligent, stupid

  1. My mother makes us work very hard. She is very_________________
  2. Rose does not want to speak in front of many people. She is very_____________
  3. Sharon is always the first one in the examinations. She is very _________________
  4. My sister has refused to share with me her biscuits. She is very_________________
  5. Nyamora always helps people who are in need. She is very__________________

5. Re- write the following sentences according to instructions given after each.

  1. Whom do you want to see? (Re-write into indirect speech)


  1. The girl is too clever to understand the book. (use so…..that)


  1. He was occupied with important matters. He had no time to see us. (Begin: Being occupied..)


  1. The president of Kenya came to Tanzania last year. (Re-write using Kenyan instead of Kenya).
  2. I will do it for you. (Re-write using …..going to…)


  1. He drinks and smokes (Re-write using: Not only…..)


  1. He ran to the station, but he missed the train 

Begin (Although………..)


  1. I go to the well so as to fetch water

Use…….inorder to…..)


 6.In each of the following sentences one word is wrong. Identify and correct them by writing the correct spelling for each word.

  1. Goats eat backs of trees


  2. They are walking to school by foot


  3. We are matching to the office


  4. They bit me with a stick


  5. How march do you sell this book


  6. You are supposed to study had for your exam


  7. Many of as are the best students in our class


  8. My hear is aching


7. Use the words below to complete the following expressions

Guardian, trader, chef, grocer, clean, lawyer, keeper, journalist, decon.

  1. A person who advices clients on legal matters   is called________________
  2. A person who cooks in a hotel or restaurant is known as________________
  3. A person who administers the property house and finances of another is referred to as___________
  4. A person who rank immediately below a prist____________________
  5. A person who is chief administrator of a college or university _______________
  6. A person who looks after someone_________________
  7. A person who sells household items is called__________________
  8. A person who is engaged in commercial purchase and sale__________________

8.  (a) Fill the blanks with the correct form of the word in the brackets:

  1. She __________to school every day (go)
  2. My mother__________a new car last week (buy)
  3. I am_______________my dinner (cook)
  4. We must ____________hard in order to pass (study)

 (b) Fill the blanks with the correct words given in the brackets

  1. There is a lot of water in the_____________(see/sea)
  2. He is living in his own____________in the village. (hat/hut)
  3. I saw a _____________eating a rat yesterday (cart/cat/trap)
  4. Mwita travelled to Zanzibar by ___________(ship/sheep)



9. Select one class reader you’ve read from the given list and answer the questions that follows

The Magic Garden K.R. Cripwell (1977) & Collins Sons Great Britain

Kalulu the hare - F. Worthington (1937) Longman England

Hawa the bus driver - R.S. Mabala (1988) Ben & Company Dar es Salaam

Mabala the farmer - R.S. Mabala (1988) Ben & Company Dar es Salaam

Fast money - K.R. Cripwell (1978), Willium & Collins sons. GB.


  1. What is the little of the book
  2. What is the story about?
  3. State the main characters
  4. What can we learn from the story?

 10. Read the following poem then answer the question that follows.

Suck and I hide you, my gentle one,

Suck and I hid you, my beloved,

I dreamt that the hunter was at kebaroti,

I dreamt that the hunter was at granted,

Where shall I put you, my little baby?

Where, oh where, shall I put you, lovely little lips?


If I put you in a clump of grass, my gentle one

The hunter’s rough dog will come sniffing around

The hunter’s thick club tears up your back.


Suck and I hide you, gentle one

Suck and I hide you, you for whom the drum sound a hunter

Where shall I put you, lovely little lips?

If I put you by the way side, gentle one

Passers- by will take you with them, my beloved

If I put you in an anthill, my little baby.

The ants will enclose you into their nest, lovely little lips 

Suck and I hide you, little baby

Suck and I hide you, gentle one


  1. Give the tittle of the poem?
  2. Mention two places where the mother wishes to hide her baby?
  3. Give one theme of the poem you’ve  read
  4. What will happen if the mother hides her baby in any of the places?


    1. If she hides the baby
    2. If she hides the baby 
  5. If you were you where would you like to hide your baby?
  6. How many verses does it have?
  7. How many stanzas does it have?








I. Read the following passage carefully and then answer the questions that follow:

In some cultures girls are sometimes forced to get married at a very early age. Parents force their daughters into marriage to get the dowry. Another reason is the fear that their daughters might get pregnant before they are properly married. It is considered shameful to the parents for a girl to get pregnant out of wedlock!

Early marriages put girls at a great risk. At that early age, the girls are physically not matured and developed enough to become mothers.

Early marriages also result in early and frequent childbirths and large families.

Forced early marriages deny girls the right to enjoy their childhood, the right to education and the right to choose the husbands of their own age groups and choices. When the girls are forced to marry men who are older than themselves and out of their choices, they are likely to become widows at an early age. After their husbands have died, the young widows are left to take care of their children on their own.

Customs and traditions do not guarantee that a young wife will inherit her husbands property. They violate the girls rights to make informed choices and to own property.

There are other factors too which force girls to engage in sexual relations before they get legal marriages. These include unequal power relations and economic hardships. The girls are exposed to unwanted pregnancies and to sexually transmitted diseases including HIV/AIDS.

Unplanned pregnancies and abortions are common problems among young girls worldwide. This is why girls suffer more from pregnancy related complications and infants deaths.



Choose the best answer for each of the following questions.


 (i) The writer says that girls are forced into early marriages because:-

  1. They want to get babies
  2. Their parents face economic hardships.
  3. They do not fear pregnancies.
  4. They want to choose their husbands.

(ii) In order to avoid health risks, girls should get married when:

  1. They are young
  2. Their dowry is paid
  3. They are physically not developed
  4. They are fully grown up

(iii) Due to early marriage girls:

  1. Enjoy their young
  2. Enjoy their right to education
  3. Miss their own age – mates
  4. Miss their childhood plays.

(iv) A widow is one who has:

  1. Been forced to marry young
  2. Lost her pregnancy
  3. Lost her spouse in death
  4. Been left to care for her children.

(v) Most girls are forced to marry men who are:

  1. Older than themselves.
  2. Young than themselves
  3. As old as themselves.
  4. From their age group

(vi) The word “wedlock” simply means the state of being?

  1. Unmarried
  2. Married
  3. Traditional
  4. Pregnant.

(vii) In the opinion of the writer, early marriages:

  1. Deny parents big dowries.
  2. Help the girls to get husbands of their choice
  3. Are a serious hindrance to the progress of girls
  4. Should be discouraged in modern societies.

(viii) The writer is certain that when girls are forced to marry old men they:

  1. Will get many children
  2. Will end up alone quickly
  3. Will be treated.
  4. Will become independent of their husbands.

(ix) One of the problems of a young wife is that she has:

  1. No guarantee of inheritance
  2. The right to get education
  3. The right to inherit her husband’s property
  4. The right to choose a husband 


(x) In the passage the writer suggests that girls engage in sexual relations because of:

  1. Pleasure
  2. Dowry
  3. New technology
  4. Poor living conditions.


2. With reference to the passage you have read, answer the following questions:

  1. Mention one reason which makes girls get married early in Africa.
  2. Mention one problem which girls face when they are married early.
  3. What is the biggest problem facing girls from poor families?
  4. Give one effect of the problem mentioned in number (iii) above.
  5. In your opinion, what does the passage imply as a solution to the problems of early marriage




3. Match the clauses in column A with the phrases in Column B to make meaningful sentences by writing the correct letter in B against the corresponding item number in A

Column A

Column B

  1. Hard working people are not ready to waste time,…..
  2. The factory workers are on strike,……………
  3. Most schools will close down,………………..
  4. Teachers won’t do that,…………………
  5. As a teacher, I’m not supposed to misbehave,…
  6. I always meet you here,…………..
  1. Aren’t they?
  2. Am I?
  3. Will they?
  4. Don’t I?
  5. Don’t they?
  6. Are they?
  7. Won’t they?
  8. Do I?
  9. Aren’t I?



4. Arrange the following sentences in a logical order to make a meaningful paragraph. Copy the answer box provided below into your answer booklet and use numbers 2 – 6 to show their logical order. No. (iii) has been done as an example.


  1. The flesh of the oyster moved, then it was still.
  2. It was the largest pearl in the world
  3. Kino quickly pushed his knife into the shell.
  4. Kino lifted the flesh and there lay a great pearl
  5. The shell tried to close, but Kino pushed hard and the shell fell open.
  6. He took the pearl out of the shell and it shone like silver when the sunlight fell on it.



Qn. No.







Order of event








5. Your family is inviting relatives and friends to a get – together function to be held at your home. Write an invitation card using the information given below.


  1. Family name: Mr. and Mrs. Olusanya
  2. Purpose of invitation: Birthday of their daughter, Zawadi.
  3. Place: The family’s home, house number 13/B/IV, Maduka Street.
  4. Date: 15th November, 2008.
  5. Time: 5 pm – 8 pm.
  6. Contacts: (Those who won’t attend only): Mrs. Masalu Olusanya (Mob. 0752 – 443388)




6. Respond to the following questions by writing your answers in the space provided for each question.


  1. Do elephants live in the sea?


  1. Is the hyena a fierce animal?

Yes, ……….

  1. Does he study hard?


  1. You are ill, aren’t you? Yes,…………..



7. Use “borrow” or “lend” to complete the dialogue below correctly.

Ali: Excuse me Mosi, can you ……… me you pen please?

Mosi: I’m sorry, I can’t, I am using it. Why don’t you …………… one from Tossi? She has two.

Ali: But you know she usually doesn’t like people to……… things from her.

Mosi: Strange! She always………… things from us and we …………… her without any objections.



8. Re – write the following sentences according to the instructions given after each.

  1. The girl is crying. Her bag was stolen (re – write using), “whose”
  2. These children are hungry, (Add a question tag)
  3. Her son wrote a poem. (Turn the sentence into the negative)
  4. Chemistry is more difficult than Physics. (Begin: Physics)
  5. The Pastor wrote a letter to my headmaster. (begin: A letter……….)


9. For each of the occupations given in the box below, write the letter of the correct definition. Number (i) is done as an example.

(i) Doctor

(iv) Nurse

(vii) Carpenter

(x) Tailor


(ii) Mechanic

(v) Cobbler

(viii) Farmer

(xi) Mason

(iii) Dentist

(iv) Barber

(ix) Author



Someone who……………………..

  1. Attend to sick people (i) = k
  2. Builds house
  3. Cuts people’s hair
  4. Grows crops
  5. Looks after people’s teeth
  6. Makes clothes
  7. Makes things out of wood
  8. Mends shoes
  9. Plaits people’s hair
  10. Repairs cars
  11. Treats people
  12. Writes books.

 10. Use the words in the box below to fill in the blanks in the sentences that follow.

Cousin, nephew, niece, brother – in – law, grandmother, sister –in – law, uncle, grandfather, aunt, brother.


  1. Your father’s father is your…………….
  2. Your mother’s brother is your…………….
  3. Your sister’s husband is your………………..
  4. Your brother’s wife is your……………..
  5. Your mother’s sister is your……………
  6. You mother’s son is your…………..
  7. Your uncle’s daughter is your…………….
  8. Your sister’s daughter is your……………….
  9. Your sister’s son is your………………..
  10. Your mother’s mother is your………….


11. Select one female character from one of the readers you have read in Form 1 or 2 and analyze her as follows.


  • Mention the name of the character
  • Name the reader in which she appears
  • What she did in the story
  • Two reasons why you like or disliked her.


12. Read the following poem the answer the questions that follow:


 How beautiful the rain is!

 After the dust and the heart,

 In the broad and fiery street,

 In the narrow lane,

 How beautiful the rain is!

 How beautiful the rain is!

 Like the tramp of the hoofs,

 How it gushes and struggles out,

 From the throat of the overflowing spout!


  1. What is the poem about?
  2. How does the poet feel?
  3. Why does he feel so? Give two reasons.
  4. Give an example of words that rhyme in the poem.



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