1. For each of the items (i) — (x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter in the box provided.

(i)Which one of the following sites represents the early Stone Age?

  1. Bagamoyo 
  2. Isimila 
  3. Olduvai Gorge 
  4. Kilwa

(ii)The goods imported to East Africa from Arabia and Persian Gulf includes:

  1. Glass, pottery and porcelain 
  2. Beads, cloth and copper 
  3. axes, swords and spear 
  4. ivory, gold and palm oil

(iii)One of the factors for the rise of states in the pre-colonial east Africa was:

  1. Diplomacy 
  2. Agreement 
  3. Moresby treaty 
  4. Warfare

(iv) The most important factor for interaction among people in Africa was:

  1. agriculture
  2. war .
  3. trade
  4. pastoralism

(v) When did vasco Da Gama reach East Africa?

  1. 1884
  2. 1498
  3. 1652
  4. 1598

(vi)Which one was the first treaty signed for the abolition of slave trade in East Africa?

  1. Moresby treaty 
  2. Anglo-German Treaty 
  3. Hamerton treaty 
  4. Heligoland Treaty

(vii)One ofthe characteristics ofman before the discovery ofiron technology was:

  1. involvement in slave trade
  2. establishment of industries for pebble tools
  3. reliance on industrials goods
  4. dependence on environment for survival

(viii)Important urban centres like Meroe in western Sudan emerged as a

  1. improved agriculture
  2. salt making
  3. metal working
  4. ship building technology

(ix)Europeans took labourers from Africa during the Trans- Atlantic slav trade because the Africans were.

  1. Weak but resistant to diseases
  2. sick but very strong
  3. unable to do any job
  4. strong and hard working

(x)The western Sudanic states which engaged in the Trans- Saharan trade were:

  1. Mali, Songhai and Bunyoro
  2. Ghana, Asante and Buganda
  3. Oyo, Benin and Mwanamutapa
  4. Ghana, Mali and Songhai

2. Match the items in List A with the correct responses in List B by writing the letter for the correct response below the corresponding item number.



  1. A coastal city state which was ruined by the Portuguese attacks.
  2. A town in which the Portuguese built the headquarters in East Africa.
  3. One of the famous local museum in Tanzania
  4. A trade centre which formed the core of the vast Empire called Songhai.
  5. A major slave market in East Africa.
  6.  One ofthe famous early iron - site in East Africa
  7. A ite in Kenya which contains remains of mans physical development and tools he made and used.
  8. A place which became famous for salt making in East Africa.
  9. A place which became famous in the production of copper
  10. A historical site in East Africa with paintings and drawings in caves.
  1. .Mombasa
  2. .Isimila
  3. .Bagamoyo
  4. .Katanga
  5. .Taghaza
  6. .Kilwa
  7. .Meroe
  8. Rusinga island
  9. .Kondoa frangi
  10.  Zanzibar
  11. .Gao
  12. Nsogezi
  13. Kalenga
  14. Uvinza
  15. Ugweno

3. Write True if the statement is correct or False if the statement is not correct in the space provided.

(i)Trans - Saharan Trade involved the exchange of goods between people of Northern and Eastern Africa ......

(ii)The development of Long Distance Trade in East Africa had a direct connection with the rise of Triangular Trade . ......

(iii)The Christian missionaries were against the abolition of slave trade.......

(iv)Industrial capitalism was characterized by open competition for markets and raw materials ...............

(v)The East African coast was known to Greeks and Romans as Azania ......

(vi) The most obvious result of the Mfecane was the depopulation of larger parts of southern Africa.....

(vii)Man learnt to keep animals during Early Stone Age . .......

(viii)The coming of Ngoni in East Africa led to shift from the small scale Ntemi system to weaker states ...............

(ix)The discovery of diamond turned South Africa from poor agricultural society to relatively rich industrial one ...............

(x)Written records refer to the study of our past as revealed by what has been handed down by word of mouth from one generation to another.

4. Briefly explain the following terms:

(i) Feudalism ...............

(ii)Trans-Saharan Trade ........

(iii) Umwinyi .........

 (iv) Historical sites ...............

 (v) Carbon-14 ...............


5.Arrange the following sentences in a chronological order by writing their roman numbers in the table provided.

(i)Development of Industrial Revolution in Europe created the need for raw materials, markets and areas for investment.

(ii)Successful treaties which were made between European agents and African rulers in 1880s marked the beginning of African colonization.

(iii)European governments sent different groups as agents of colonialism to explore African continent.

(iv)Agents of colonialism reported Africans economic potentials and the  evils of slave trade

(v)The British government and humanitarian associations pioneered the abolition of slave trade.

6.Complete the following sentences in a chronological order by writing their roman numbers in the table provided....

(i)What caused the rapid expansion of white settlement to the southern African interior in the late of 1830s? .......

(ii)In which country is Nsongezi historical site found? .....

(iii)Which was the first group in the south - Western Cape to react against the early Dutch settlement? ......... ..........

(iv)Learning about the past by digging up and studying objects found in the ground is known as .......

(v)The Indian merchants who financed East African slave traders were called . ......

7.Study this sketch map which shows trade routes during the 15th century, and then answer the questions which follow.

(i)In the sketch map shown, which letter represents the continent which was the source of labour? . ....

(ii)Which letter represents the continent whose natives were known as Red Indians? ....

(iii)Through which ocean was the Triangular Slave Trade conducted?....

(iv)Which letter represents the continent which specialized in the production of raw materials such as cotton, sugar and tobacco?.....

(v)What is the name of the trade shown in the diagram?.....


8. What were the effects of social interactions in pre-colonial African communities? Give six points.

9. Explain six effects of Ngoni Migration in East Africa.

10. Explain six factors that led to the development of trade in African societies during the pre colonial period.





1. For each of the items (i) — (x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter.

(i)History is the study of:

  1. future events
  2. present events
  3. past events
  4. all African events

(ii)Which of the following is a scientific method of determining dates of the past remains?

  1. Archaeology
  2. Time Graphs
  3. Carbon 14
  4. Time charts

(iii)One of the important outcomes of the shift of man from walking by four limbs to bipedalism was:

  1. defending against enemies
  2. making and using tools
  3. cooking and living in caves
  4. hunting and gathering

(iv)During which period did the pre-colonial Tanzanian communities engage in paintings and drawings found at Kondoa-lrangi?

  1. Late Stone Age
  2. Old Stone Age
  3. Industrial Age
  4. Early Stone Age

(v)Peace and intermarriage during pre-colonial period were among the results of:

  1. trade between neighbours.
  2. war between neighbours.
  3. conquest of neighbours.
  4. war and slave trade.

(vi)The following were characteristics of slavery mode of production except:

  1. existence of classes between slave and slave master.
  2. slaves had no right to own major means of production.
  3. slaves had a share over the surplus production.
  4. there was class struggle between slaves and slave masters.

(vii)Some of the commodities used as currency during pre-colonial Africa were:

  1. pepper, gold and copper.
  2. iron hoses, wood and silver
  3. salt, cloth and cowrie shells.
  4. copper, silver and bronze.

(viii)A system whereby the major means of production are shared by all members of the society is known as:

  1. capitalism.
  2. democracy.
  3. communalism.
  4. feudalism.

(ix)Into which major periods is the Stone Age divided?

  1. Four
  2. Three
  3. Two
  4. Five

(x)Ten years make:

  1. a generation.
  2. a decade.
  3. a century.
  4. a millennium.

2.(a) Match the items in List A with the correct responses in List B by writing the letter of the response below the corresponding item number in the table provided.

  1. A tribe whose feudal relation was known as Ubugabire.
  2. A tribe from the Zambezi region which attacked and resisted the Portuguese.
  3. The society in the interlacustrine area in which the busulo and nvunjo were forms of feudal relations.
  4. A tribe in West Africa which was famous for using copper alloys to make various ornaments.
  5. An example of agricultural society which practiced age set system in Tanzania.
  6. Pre-colonial professional traders in Angola.
  7. The people who were the first to make and use iron tools in Africa.
  8. A famous tribe which led the northern route which covered Mombasa and Central Kenya during the Long Distance Trade.
  9. A tribe which resisted the Boers between the Great Fish River and the Limpopo.
  10. A pastoral society whose organization based on age segments.
  1. Nyakyusa
  2. Zimba
  3. Baganda
  4. Ndebele
  5. Imbangala
  6. Yao
  7. Xhosa
  8. Tutsi
  9. Swahili
  10. Mwanamutapa
  11. Yoruba
  12. Kamba
  13. Haya
  14. Maasai
  15. Egyptians

3.Write TRUE if the statement is correct or FALSE if the statement is not correct in the space provided.

(i)The Ngoni migration contributed to the formation of states in northeastern Tanzania............

(ii)History brings a greater sense of patriotism and nationalism .................

(iii)Archives are places where current government records are kept ...........

(iv)Primitive communal societies lived by hunting and gathering ..................

(v) Mixed farming involves planting different crops on the same piece of land ...........

(vi)Non-centralized states are also known as Kingdoms.......... ...

(vii)Umwinyi was introduced in Tanzania by David Livingstone ...........

(viii)The Indian merchants provided capital for slave trade in East Africa..........

(ix)Bartholomew Diaz was the first European to round the Cape in 1487 ............

(x)Missionaries were not among the three key agents of colonialism in Africa.................

4.Briefly explain the following terms:

(i)Boer Trek ............„....

(ii) Homo Erectus ........

(iii)Museum ................

(iv)Legitimate trade ...........„...

(v) Mfecane ...........


5. Arrange the following sentences in a chronological order by writing their Roman numbers in the table provided.

(i)Before the intervention, the Coastal City-States traded among themselves.

(ii)Britain benefited from cloves and coconuts produced in the islands.

(iii)The Portuguese merchants took over the trade in the 16th century.

(iv)The defeat ofthe Portuguese caused Oman to establish its control over the East African coast.

(v)The Oman sultanate established plantation economy in Zanzibar and Pemba islands.

6. Complete each of the following statements with correct historical facts:

(i)In which century did Spain and Portugal emerge as the leading commercial powers along the Atlantic coast? .......

(ii)The feudal system which developed in Buhaya Kingdom based on land ownership was known as...........

(iii)The treaty which closed down the Zanzibar slave market in 1873 was called .........

(iv)An economic system which involved the ownership of slaves was called (v) The traditional King of the Baganda is known as.........

7. Study this sketch map and answer the questions which follow.

(i)Which coastal City State developed at letter A during the early commercial contacts? .........

(ii)Name the coastal City State at letter B ...............

(iii)The monsoon wind marked by letter C is called ...................

(iv)The Ocean marked by letter D is called ...............

(v)Which European nation disturbed the trade shown on the sketch map between the 16th and 17th centuries?.......


8.Why were economic reasons responsible for the abolition of slave trade? Explain by giving six points.

9.Explain six ways in which Companies and Associations assisted the colonization of Africa.

10.Which factors gave rise to the formation of centralized states in Africa? (Give six points).





1. For each of the items (i) — (x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter.

(i)Which one of the following statements is not true about history?

  1. Helps learners to critically assess historical events.
  2. Helps learners to know past achievements and failures of man.
  3. Helps learners to get skills for their future careers.
  4. Helps learners to loose a sense of nationalism and patriotism.

(ii)The evolution theory explains about:

  1. the survival of archaeological remains
  2. the process of accumulating precious goods.
  3. the origin of man using a scientific approach
  4. the creation of man which is found in Holy Books.

(iii)One of the characteristics of man before the discovery of iron technology was:

  1. dependence on environment for survival
  2. reliance on industrial machines
  3. avoidance of gathering fruits
  4. involvement in slave trade

(iv)The history which is handed down by word of mouth, especially by elders, from one generation to another is known as:

  1. Archaeology
  2. Anthropology
  3. Oral traditions
  4. Linguistics

(v)Why was there a big change in mans life during the Late Stone Age compared to the Early and Middle Stone Age?

  1. Due to the presence of crude wooden and stone tools.
  2. Because of the use of more improved tools and settlement.
  3. Due to the use of machines as instruments of labour
  4. Because of the production of pebble tools for farming.

(vi)The division of Age groups among the Maasai society took into consideration the following economic activities except:

  1. grazing and milking
  2. metal working
  3. defense and offence
  4. guidance and religious leadership

(vii) Europeans took laboures from Africa during the Trans-Atlantic slave trade because the Africans were:

  1. weak but resistant to diseases
  2. sick but very strong
  3. unable to do any job
  4. strong and hardworking

(viii)The system of land ownership in Buhaya was known as:

  1. Ubugabire
  2. Umwinyi
  3. Nyarubanja
  4. Busulo

(ix)The reasons for the abolition of slave trade were:

  1. legitimate trade and Boer trek
  2. religious wars and industrial revolution
  3. economic and humanitarian reasons
  4. good weapons and economic reasons.

(x)Four main language groups to which East African communities belong are:

  1. Sandawe, Cushites, Bantu and Nilotes
  2. Dorobo, Cushites, Nilotes and Bantu
  3. Khoisan, Cushites, Nilotes and Bantu
  4. Khoikhoi, San, Nilotes and Bantu

2. (a) Match the items in List A with the correct responses in List B by writing the letter of the response below the corresponding item number in the table provided.



  1. A period often years.
  2. The year of the Lord.
  3. The period when the Dutch established their permanent settlements at the Cape.
  4. The year in which Sultan Seyyid Said shifted his capital to Zanzibar.
  5. A century in which the year 2016 is found.
  6. The period of one hundred years.
  7. The period in which Portuguese came to East Africa.
  8. Average difference in age between children and their parents.
  9. The period when man made and used pebble and chopping tools.
  10. The period when Muhammad fled from Mecca to Medina.
  1. Century
  2. Millennium
  3. 15thcentury
  4. 21st century
  5. 17 century
  6. Age
  7. Anno Domino
  8. Generation
  9. Early Stone Age
  10. Late Stone Age 
  11. 18th century
  12. New Stone Age
  13. 622 AD
  14. 19th century
  15. Decade

(b) Arrange the following sentences in a chronological order by writing their Roman numbers in the table provided.

(i)Regular trade contacts between East Africa and the Middle East began in the 8th century.

(ii)Effective Omani control was established during the second half of the 19th century.

(iii)Trade contacts led to the growth of East African coastal city states

(iv) Later this prosperity was disturbed by the Portuguese invasion. (v) In 1698 the Omani sultanate collaborated with East African people to defeat them.


3.(a) Years and importanthistorical events that tookplace in Africa are shown in the table below. Write the letter of the year below the corresponding item number of event in the table provided.

  1. Discovery of Zinjanthropus
  2. Zanzibar becomes Sultan Seyyid Saids
  3. Great trek of the Boers from the Cape begins.
  4. Frere treaty officially ends East African slave trade
  5. The United States of America got her independence from Britain.
A. 1840
B. 1873
C. 1959
D. 1845
E. 1776
F. 1945
G. 1652
H. 1835 

(b) Complete each of the following statements with the correct historical facts.

(i)The dominant form of social organization in pastoralist societies was called 

(ii) The first leader of Jihad movement in West Africa was called 

(iii)The first European nation to involve in the trading of slaves in the first half of the 15 th century is called 

(iv)An East African historical site where the skull of the earliest man was discovered is known as . 

(v)The source of historical information which is obtained through the word of mouth is called . 

4.The following statements are either correct or not correct. Write TRUE if the statement is correct or FALSE if the statement is not correct in the spaces provided.

(i)The main activities of the San community in Southern Africa were hunting and gathering 

(ii)The two nations which were involved in the sugar crisis were the British and Germans .

(iii)Abolition of slave trade was the act of freeing slaves and stopping the use of human beings as commodities

(iv)The second phase of industrial revolution in Europe occurred in the 18th century .

(v)Slaves worked for long hours under harsh conditions for no pay

(vi)The Europeans found the Red Indians fit for labour in the plantations

(vii)David Livingstone pioneered the Indian Ocean slave trade .

(viii)Oral traditions are easy to learn and remember .

(ix)In a book called The Origin of Species, Charles Darwin explains that the plants and animals were created by God.

(x)Fire brought important changes in mans life during the Early Stone Age. ..........


5. Briefly explain the following:

  1.  Evolution .................
  2.  Patrilineal society ..........
  3. Communalism ...........
  4. Afrikaans ............
  5. Mansa Musa . .....

6. Explain six effects of the Great Trek in South Africa.

7. What were the effects of the discovery of fire during the Middle and Late Stone Ages? (Give six points)





1. For each of the items (i) - (x), choose the correct answer and write its letter.

(i)Bagamoyo, Kilwa and Kondoa Irangi are examples of:

  1. early iron sites
  2. local museums
  3. famous archives
  4. historical sites

(ii)The method of collecting historical information through talking and listening to elders is called:

  1. archaeology
  2. archives
  3. museums
  4. oral traditions

(iii)   People whose work is to study and explain the remains which show mans physical development, his activities and the tools he made and used are known as:

  1. Archaeologists
  2. Evolutionists
  3. Biologists
  4. Homo Sapiens

(iv)In which century was the Zanzibar slave market closed?

  1.  2nd century
  2.  18th century 
  3. 19th century
  4. 20 th century

(v)Three of these kingdoms are closely related. Which one of them is not?

  1. Ghana
  2. Mali
  3. Buganda
  4. Songhai

(vi)What was the title of the ruler of Karagwe?

  1. Lukiko
  2. Katikiro
  3. Kabaka
  4. Omukama

(vii)Which among the following include the cultural practices through which historical information is obtained?

  1. A. Poems, proverbs and stories.
  2. Archives, museums and oral tradition
  3. Narration of past, present and future events
  4. Family trees, time lines and time charts.

(viii)The way of determining dates by remembering changes and events is commonly used in:

  1. places with many historical sites
  2. areas where much of the history is written
  3. places where much of the history is not written
  4. areas where other sources have been discovered

(ix)Which one of the following factors led to the decline of Songhai Empire?

  1. Almoravid attacks
  2. Moroccan invasion
  3. Attacks from Tuaregs
  4. Resistance from Portuguese

(x) The golden stool was a symbol of unity in the kingdom of:

  1. Mali
  2. Songhai
  3. Ghana
  4. Asante

2. (a) Match the items in List A with the correct responses in List B by writing the letter of the response below the corresponding item number in the table provided.

  1. The kingdom which played a middlemans role in salt, gold and slave trade.
  2. It was the title of the King of Kongo.
  3. It operated between Africa, America and Europe.
  4. It illegalized slave trade in East Africa.
  5. It was the first European nation to industrialize.
  6. It includes art, music, religion and narration of past events.
  7. It identifies archaeological findings whose ages are beyond 5,000 years.
  8. Places created for preserving historical information.
  9. They monopolized economic and political power along the coast of East Africa.
  10. The period when the European kings were interested in accumulating treasures of gold and silver.
  1. Carbon 14
  2. Ghana
  3. Monopoly capitalism
  4. Archives
  5. Mani-Kongo
  6. Museums
  7. Oral tradition
  8. Kabaka
  9. Wamwinyi
  10. United States of America
  11. Frere treaty
  12. Historical sites
  13. Triangular slave trade
  14. Mercantilism
  15. Britain
(b) Arrange the following sentences in a chronological order.
  1. These activities enable man to obtain his needs from nature.
  2. Mans basic needs consist of food, clothing and shelter
  3.  The actions man takes upon nature have one major aim.
  4.  History is a record of human activities.
  5.  They aim to change natural objects into a condition satisfying human needs.


3.(a) Years and important historical events that tookplace in Africa are shown in the table below. Write the letter of the year below the corresponding item number of event in the table provided.

  1. The second anti-slave trade treaty.
  2. Bartholomew Diaz reached the southern tip of Africa.
  3. The skull of Zinjanthropus was discovered at Olduvai Gorge.
  4. Mombasa established an independent sheikhdom.
  5. Portuguese were driven out of the whole coast north of River Ruvuma.
  1. 1873
  2. 1487
  3. 1959
  4. 1845
  5. 1741
  6. 1795
  7. 1822
  8. 1700

(b) Complete each of the following statements with the correct historical facts.

  1. Mans major technological innovation during the Middle Stone Age was .....
  2. The title of the supreme political leader in the Haya was ..
  3. A place where books, files, colonial and travellers records are kept is called. ..
  4. The feudal system which developed in Zanzibar was called 
  5. The East African Kingdom in which Busulo and Nvunjo feudal relations developed was. . ..

4.In each of the following statements, write TRUE if the statement is correct or FALSE if the statement is not correct in the spaces provided.

  1. Katikiro was the supreme political leader of Buganda. ..............
  2. Wahehe, Wabena and Wasangu were ruled by the mtwa. .......
  3. Land is an example of instruments of labour............
  4. Mogadishu, Kilwa and Timbuktu were some of the City states along the East African coast. .........
  5. Trading contacts between East Africa and Asia were disturbed by the Portuguese invasion ............
  6. Tippu Tippu, Mlozi and Laibons were some of the notorious caravan organizers...........
  7. Slave trade helped to strengthen feudalism in East Africa. .......
  8. The search for raw materials and markets began with the coming of American traders, missionaries and explorers in the 19th century. ........
  9.  At the earliest stage of human development, man began to make and use stone tools..............
  10.  The level of development during Stone Age was similar in all places ....


5. Briefly explain the following terms:


(ii)Golden Stool

(iii)Boer trek



6 Explain six ways through which slaves were obtained.

7. Elaborate six reasons which made the Dutch to establish their permanent settlement at the Cape of South Africa in the 17th century.

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