• This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of twelve questions
  • Answer All questions in Sections A and B and three (3) questions from section C
  • Mind your Handwriting and Neatness.


SECTION A (15 Marks)

Answer ALL questions in this section

(i) One who is able to use left or right hand equally is called?

(a) carpenter 

(b) misogynist 

(c) Ambidextrous 

(d) Lexicographer

(ii) You ask your friend to lend you his book and he simply tells you “No thank you”. How can you describe your friends answer?

(a) A rude answer 

(b) A polite request 

(c) A polite denial 

(d) A magic answer

(iii) He is the . . . . . . . . . handsome in our class

(a) more 

(b) much 

(c) most 

(d) more than

(iv) A group of musicians is called?

(a) Artists 

(b) wasafi classic 

(c) bunch 

(d) band

(v) What is the feminine gender of the word “bachelor”?

(a) patroness 

(b) lady 

(c) queen 

(d) spinster

(vi) What do you call a sister of your aunt?

(a) Nephew 

(b) Aunt 

(c) Niece 

(d) big sister

(vii) I shall ask the ……to come and repair the pipe in the birthroom

(a) mason 

(b) joiner 

(c) mechanic 

(d) plumber

(viii) Which of the following sentences expresses an action which will happen at a later

(a) Moses has gone to Nongwe (b) I have taken lunch (c) Who is that man? (d) I am attending a party tonight

(ix) What is the synonym of the word “proceed”?

(a) control 

(b) prohibit 

(c) continue 

(d) revise

(x) A figure of speech which gives inanimate objects the humanity form

(a) Hyperbole 

(b) Allegory 

(c) Personification 

(d) Simile


2. Match the items in LIST A with their corresponding items in LIST B by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.



  1. A notice of a death, especially in a newspaper, usually with a short biographical account.
  2. A burial ground, especially one beside a church.
  3. A length of cloth or an enveloping garment in which a dead person is wrapped for burial.
  4. An arrangement of flowers leaves or stems fastened in a ring and used for decoration or for laying on a grave. 
  5. A vehicle for conveying the coffin at a funeral.
  6. An expression of sympathy, especially on the occasion of the death of a person’s relative or close friend.
  1. Condolences
  2. Elegy
  3. Eulogy
  4. Graveside
  5. Casket
  6. Shroud
  7. Wreaths
  8. Obituary
  9. Hearse
  10. Graveyard


SECTION B (54 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

3. For each of the items (i) - (v), rewrite the sentences by changing the infinitive brackets into gerunds

(i) (To laugh) at the poor is being insensitive.

(ii) Rugiatu loves (to visit) the sick.

(iii) (To read) over night before an examination is not advisable.

(iv) The best gift a father can give to his children is (to love) their mother. 

(v) (To smile) is healthier than (to frown).

4. For each of the items (i) – (vi), change the active voice into passive voice.

(i) They do homework every Monday.

(ii) My brother is drawing pictures.

(iii) Teachers have taught the students.

(iv) Boys cleaned that room yesterday.

(v) We say that she is a teacher.

(vi) Do you speak French?


5. Conjunctions are words that not only used to join phrases, clauses and sentences but also used to show how ideas are related in sentences. Using appropriate conjunctions in each of the item (i) – (vi), construct one sentence to show the following situations.

  1. To show addition or inclusion.
  2. To indicate time when an action happened.
  3. To indicate a condition for something to happen.
  4. To show reason.
  5. To show purpose for which an action happened.
  6. To show contrasting ideas.

6. Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each.

  1. Although it was raining, we went to the farm.

Begin: In spite of ……………………………………………………….

  1. Jonathan asked me “Are you traveling to Dodoma with your aunt?”

Begin: Jonathan asked me if ………………………………………….

  1. If we study hard, we will pass the exams.

Begin: Unless ………………………………………………………….

  1. She is too weak to lift the box.

Use: ………………….. enough to ……………………………………..

  1. No sooner had I arrived at the terminal than the bus left.

Begin: As soon as …………………………………………………………….

  1. Although he had poor health, he came to school.

Begin: Notwithstanding …………………………………………………….


7. (a) Auxiliary verb HAVE has various uses. With the help of well-constructed sentences show the following uses.

  1. To show possession
  2. To form perfect aspect of tense
  3. Have + to infinitive (expresses command or obligation)
  4. To form question tag

(b)Write the following sentences in negative form

  1. Many students passed the examination.
  2. Yusuph prefers Ugali.
  3. We are planning to leave.
  4. Collina can drive a car.
  5. The man in dark blue suit is my brother.

8. Correct the following sentences where necessary; 

(i) Neither riches nor fame make a man happy.

(ii) I think Hawa have the papers.

(iii) Please don’t loose interest in me.

(iv) Have you seen the new cite for the house?

(v) She had three children with her first husband.

(vi) I will expect you at about two O’clock in Monday.

(vii) The news were shocking.

(viii) They arrived early than us. (ix) What is the fair to Mbeya?


9. When the actual words of the speaker are reproduced, it is called direct speech. Rewrite the following sentences into direct speech.

  1. She said that she was busy .
  2. They said they were going to school then.
  3. The laboratory technician said that water freezes at 00C.
  4. Renu said that she had finished her work.
  5. The president said that he wanted them to clear up that uncertainty if they didn’t, he would decide otherwise.
  6. The teacher said that the sun rises in the East.

8. You are a Bachelor degree holder from the University of Dodoma, you want to apply for a job at Mfikwa Sisal Plantation. Prepare Curriculum Vitae which will accompany your application letter. Sign your name as Edner Nicholaus Ngogwe, postal address 1514, Pangani. 

SECTION C. (30marks)

Answer two (2) questions in this section. Question number 9 is compulsory.



  • A Wreath for Fr. Mayor -S.N. Ndunguru (1977), Mkuki na Nyota
  • Unanswered Cries -Osman Conteh, Macmillan
  • Passed Like Shadow -B.M. Mapalala (2006), DUP
  • Spared -S.N. Ndunguru (2004), Mkuki na Nyota
  • Weep Not Child -Ngugi wa Thiong’o (1987), Heinmann
  • The Interview -P. Ngugi (2002), Macmillan


  • Three Suitors: One Husband -O. Mbia, (1994), Eyre Methuen
  • The Lion and the Jewel -W. Soyinka (1963), OUP
  • This Time Tomorrow - Ngugi wa Thiong’o (1972), Hienemann
  • The Black Hermit -Ngugi wa Thiong’o (1968), Hienemann


  • Songs of Lawino and Ocol -O. P’Bitek (1979), EAPH
  • Growing up with Poetry -D. Rubadiri (1989), Heinemann
  • Summons -R. Mabala (1980), TPH

9. Read the following poem carefully and answer the questions that follow:-



The sun has risen,

And with the sons of the land has risen too,

Forward they go,

Well armed,

Singing the praises to the beauty of the sun rise,

With the determination of long term worriers,

Challenging the enemy,

With the courage of free mind,

And the vigour of clean purpose,

Sit and wait brethren,

Wait and see what glory they bring at sunset,

How they pay homage to the land, And their people.


a. What is the poem about?

b. What is the meaning of the title of the poem?

c. The poem talks about challenging the enemy. Who do you the enemy might be?

d. What do you think SUNRISE and SUNSET symbolize?

e. With determination of “long term worriers”. What do you think the words “long term” tell us about the poet’s view of struggle?

f. What is the type of the poem?

g. What are the possible themes of the poem? (Give out two themes)


  1.    Imagine that you have attended a women conference where the topic is “Like men, women are equally capable of contributing the welfare to society”. Use two plays you have read to prove the relevance of this statement.(three points from each play)
  1.    Suppose that many characters from different novels has written to you, each one asking you to be his/her friend. Who and why would you accept him/her to be your friend. (Choose one friend from each novel and three reasons for accepting his/her requests). Use two novels.









Time: 3Hours


  1.               This paper consists of sections A, B, and C with a total eleven (11) questions.
  2.               Answer all question in the sections A, B and two (2) questions from section C.
  3.               Section A carries sixteen (16) marks, section B fifty four (54) marks and section C carries thirty (30) marks.
  4.               All writing should be in blue or black pen, except for diagrams that must be drawn in pencil.
  5.               Communication devices and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.


  1.                      For each of the item (i-x) choose the most correct answer from the among given alternatives
  1.                   Jacob and Job are brothers. Jacob married Juliana while Job married Eliana. How will Juliana call Eliana?
  1. Sister – in – law
  2. Sister
  3. Wife
  4. Co-sister
  5. Step – sister
  1.                 Rigerere was washing utensils; suddenly, the glass slipped out of her fingers. How did she exclaim? 
  1. Ouch!
  2. Oops!
  3. Aha!
  4. Goodness!
  5. What!
  1.               If I were you I would be a teacher “The above condition is used to express”
  1. Imitation situation
  2. Habitual situation
  3. An opinion
  4. A life experiences
  5. A conditional situation       ]
  1.                “I am a soldier” he said. What did he say?
  1. He said that he were a soldier 
  2. He said that I am a soldier 
  3. He said that he was a soldier 
  4. He said that he is a soldier
  5. John said that he is a soldier       ]
  1.                 Choose the word which means the same as the word underlined here, we have chosen the area on which the building is to be created or built
  1. Sight 
  2. Site 
  3. Plot 
  4. Ground
  5. Place       ]
  1.               “Even though it was raining we continued playing” What does this statement mean?
  1. We stopped playing because of rain 
  2. The rain made us to stop playing
  3. The rain could not stop us from playing 
  4. We played despite much rain
  5. We could not afraid of rain       ]
  1.              I don’t know ……….. she will come.
  1. Weather
  2. Whether
  3. While
  4. Shall
  5. That
  1.           An animal that gives us wool is called …………
  1. Sheep
  2. A cat
  3. A cow
  4. A tiger
  5. A ship
  1.               Choose the correct sentence.
  1. Do you like a glass of water?
  2. Would you like a glass of water?
  3. Would you like the glass of water?
  4. Do you like the glass of water?
  5. Would you do like the glass of water?
  1.                  ………….. it help you in your studies?
  1. Will
  2. Was
  3. Is
  4. Are
  5. Were

2. Match the description of items in List A  with its appropriate response in List B  by writing its letter beside the corresponding item number in the answer sheet provided.



  1. This is the act of disagreeing in conversation or discussion using a reason or set of reasons often angrily.
  1. This is a conversation between two or more people in a book, play or film/movie.
  1. This is discussion that takes place between two groups of people on a given topic, usually called motion.
  1. This is formal meeting at which somebody is asked questions to see if they are suitable for a particular job, or for a course of study at a college, university, etc.
  1. This is the process of allowing each member an equal opportunity to express his/ her views and opinions on different matters, and arrives at a common understanding.
  1. A session of speaking, especially a long oral message given publicly by one person.
  1. Interview
  1. Debate
  1. Discussion
  1. Speech
  1. Argument
  1. Dialogue


SECTION B: 54 Marks.

Answer All Questions

  1. Complete the following sentences using the correct word given in the box.

Principle, Portuguese, Dairy, Principal, Epidemic, Portugal, Daily, Endemic


  1. Someone from Portugal is called a………………………….
  2. A disease confined to a particular district or place…………………..
  3. Someone who heads a college is…………………..
  4. A place where milk is converted into a butter and cheese………………………..
  5. A wide spread disease that affects many individuals in a population ………
  6. A rule or law of nature or the basic idea on how the laws of nature are applied……


4. For each of the items (i) – (vi), change the active voice into passive voice.

(i) They do homework every Monday.

(ii) My brother is drawing pictures.

(iii) Teachers have taught the students.

(iv) Boys cleaned that room yesterday.

(v) We say that she is a teacher.

(vi) Do you speak French?


5. Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each.

  1. Although it was raining, we went to the farm.

Begin: In spite of ……………………………………………………….

  1. Jonathan asked me “Are you traveling to Dodoma with your aunt?”

Begin: Jonathan asked me if ………………………………………….

  1. If we study hard, we will pass the exams.

Begin: Unless ………………………………………………………….

  1. She is too weak to lift the box.

Use: ………………….. enough to ……………………………………..

  1. No sooner had I arrived at the terminal than the bus left.

Begin: As soon as …………………………………………………………….

  1. Although he had poor health, he came to school.

Begin: Notwithstanding …………………………………………………….


6. When the actual words of the speaker are reproduced, it is called direct speech. Rewrite the following sentences into direct speech.

  1. She said that she was busy .
  2. They said they were going to school then.
  3. The laboratory technician said that water freezes at 00C.
  4. Renu said that she had finished her work.
  5. The president said that he wanted them to clear up that uncertainty if they didn’t, he would decide otherwise.
  6. The teacher said that the sun rises in the East.


7. What will be your positive views or opinions under the following circumstances?

i. If you notice that you don’t have enough money to pay the bill for a meal you have ordered.

ii. If you get lost on a walk in town.

iii. If gold was found in your father’s farm.

iv. If your wife or husband divorces you.

v. If your impregnated classmate girl is back to school after delivery

vi. If a boy with albinism robs your brand-new Smartphone when you walk in the street.


  1. Your family is planning to celebrate your graduation ceremony and you are told to prepare a card to invite different family friends. Write a card to invite the guest to your family celebration. Use fictitious names.


9. Imagine you are a Mtakuja village chairperson, where many of your villagers are suffering from HIV/A1DS. As a chairperson, write a speech on the causes and effects of HIV/AIDS. (Give three causes and three effects).

10. By using two poems you have read in this section, explain six poetic devices. (With examples give three poetic devices from each poem)


  1.         Read the following poem carefully and answer the questions that follow:-



Be hold!

The sun has risen

And with the sons of the land has risen too

Forward they go

Well armed,

Singing the praises to the beauty of the sunrise

With the determination of long term worriers

Challenging the enemy

With the courage of free mind

And the vigour of clean purpose

Sit and wait brethren

Wait and see what glory they bring at sunset

How they pay homage to the land

And their people.




  1.                          What is the poem about?
  2.                         What is the meaning of the title of the poem?
  3.                          The poem talks about challenging the enemy. Whom do you think the enemy might be?
  4.                          What do you think SUNRISE and SUNSET symbolize?
  5.                         With the determination of “long term worriers” What do you think the words “long term” tell us about the poet’s view of struggle?
  6.                           What is the type of the poem?
  7.                          What are the possible themes of the poems? (Give out two themes)








Time: 3Hours


  1.         This paper consists of sections A, B, and C with a total eleven (11) questions.
  2.         Answer all question in the sections A, B and two (2) questions from section C.
  3.         Section A carries sixteen (16) marks, section B fifty four (54) marks and section C carries thirty (30) marks.
  4.         All writing should be in blue or black pen, except for diagrams that must be drawn in pencil.
  5.         Communication devices and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.


  1.             For each of the item (i-x) choose the most correct answer from the among given alternatives
  1.   In which tense is the following sentence? “Mr and Mrs Robert have two sons and two daughters”
  1. Present perfect tense
  2. Simple tense
  3. Past perfect
  4. Present perfect continous
  1.  Which of the following sentences indicate an ongoing activity?
  1. Furaha will travel to Kigoma
  2. Juma has left to Arusha
  3. John is laying on the floor
  4. Pendo cooks our meal everyday
  1.                     Iam so tired ............your behavior
  1. Of
  2. With
  3. On
  4. By
  1.                     They were charged ...............receiving stolen goods
  1. By
  2. Of
  3. With
  4. For
  1.     “the mmeting was put off by the headmaster” this sentence is similar in meaning to the sentence :
  1. The headmaster can call the meeting
  2. The headmaster closed the meeting
  3. The headmaster stopped the meeting
  4. The headmaster postponed the meeting
  1.  The following are components of friendly letter except
  1. Location
  2. Writers address
  3. Date
  4. Salutation
  1.             which of the following sentence is grammatically correct
  1. did you went to school yesterday
  2. they have to inform their parents today
  3. we must to speak English frequently
  4. does he goes to school everyday
  1.           Anna told he mother “ I like reading strory books” if happened that her mother lijes the same activity, how would Anna’s mother reply to Anna?
  1. so do I
  2. And me also
  3. So do me
  4. And me too I like
  1.  No one come to school on time
  1. Did they
  2. Do they
  3. Did he
  4. Didn’t he
  1.     They passed their test easily . The underlined adverb is
  1. Adverb of manner
  2. Adverb of frequency
  3. Adverb of degree
  4. Adverb of time
  1.          Match the words in colun A with the corresponding answer in column B



(i)     ..... to accept an invitation to a meeting

  1. To decide that a meeting will not take place

(ii)   To move a meeting

  1. To say that you will go to a meeting

(iii) .... to bring a meeting forward

  1. To say that a meeting will take place

(iv) postpone a meeting

  1. To have a meeting at an earlier time/ date

(v)    ..... to confirm a meeting

  1. To have a meeting at a later time/ date

(vi) ...... to cancel a meeting

  1. To change  the time or date of a meeting
















  1.          We sometimes find ourselves in a situation which we need to make decisions and act out or responding to them accordingly. Study the following scenario and respond to them accordingly
  1. Your friend seems to be unhappy. What should you do?
  2. You feel as if one of your friend is angry with you, but you don’t know why. What would you do
  3. Your sister broke her leg and she is in great pain. What would you say to her?
  4. Your mother is angry because you forgot to do house hold chores. apologize to her
  1.          Provide a question tag to  each of the following statements
  1. Friends depend on each other for advice
  2. We are depending on connections with others for our happiness
  3. Teenagers are entering a period in life when many issues begin to emerge
  4. The next step towards help other is to listen
  1.          Choose the correct word of expression from the brackets to complete the following thoughts
  1. The panelist asked me to talk about myself.....(so that, though) they could know me
  2. The panel leaders question were very hard to understand so .....(most, often, all, the) other interview panelist had to clarify them to me
  3. She has been ill .......last week. (since , for)
  4. He has been out of the country ...... many years ago. (for, since )
  5. He is very poor. He can’t pay school fees. (join use too.... to)
  1.          What would happen :-
  1. If children were allowed to vote
  2. If scientist discover HIV medicines
  3. If you noticed that you did not have enough money to pay bill for a meal you ordered
  4. If all schools were boarding schools
  1.          Imagine you witnessed a football match between Tanzania and Uganda. Use the following words to construct a sentence to explain what you saw
  1. Kicked off
  2. Goal keeper
  3. Referee
  4. Scored
  5. Coach
  1.          Construct a correct sentence for each of the following scenarios
  1. A habit/ repeated action in the past
  2. An action interrupted by another action in the past
  3. An action completed before another action in the past
  4. Two actions place one after another in the past
  5. An action going on in moment of speaking



  1.          Assume you participated in a debate session with the motion which state that “Abusing rights for children is the best of discipline them” argue with the motion by not less than six points.
  2.      Imagine you have just seen an advertisement that Tanga Cement Company needs workers who has a form three level of Education. Write a letter to the manager and apply for the position. Use name and Address of your choice











This paper consist of section A, B and  C with a total of ten (10) questions 

Answer all questions as instructed

                                            SECTION: A  (16 Marks)

1.For each of the following items (i-x) choose the most correct answer from the among given alternative and write it’s letter in the space provided.


i. Asha is ………………. at Mwendapole Secondary school

  1. Studying
  2. Study
  3. studies
  4. Studied


ii) Juma is tall, Anna is taller but Stella is ………………….

  1. Taller than all
  2. More tallest than all
  3. Most tall than all
  4. The tallest of all


iii) Mr. John makes and repair shoes. So Mr. John is………………..

  1. An optician
  2. Cobbler
  3. A tailor
  4. Mason

iv) Joseph ……………….the school compound everyday

  1. Clean
  2. Is cleaning
  3. has cleaned
  4. Cleans

v) A bicycle differs ……………. A  motorcycle

  1. Between
  2. From
  3. After
  4. Across

vi)  Mariam is suffering.............. malaria 

  1. Through
  2. because
  3. from
  4. At

vii) You speak English. The correct question tag is…………….

  1. Isn’t he?
  2. Doesn’t he?
  3. Don’t you?
  4. Aren’t you?


viii) Your brother’s son is your ………………

  1. Uncle
  2. Cousin
  3. Niece
  4. Nephew


ix) My sister takes care sick people in a ward is a ………………..

  1. Doctor
  2. Teacher
  3. Tailor
  4. Nurse

x) The Kigoma train accident is …………. Accident I never saw in my life

  1. Bad
  2. Worse
  3. The worst
  4. Worser

2. Match the items in column A and B to produce complete and meaningful sentences.




I. No sooner had the Simba vs Young match began................

ii. Although I am tired……..

iii. Inspite of their poverty.............

iv. Tanzanians speak English………

v. She has to wake up early in morning…...

vi.A foal is a young.........

A. I have to complete my task.

B. Goose

C. English was spoken in Tanzanian

D. because it will soon be raining 

E. but I have to complete by task

F. Horse

G. In order to do her work effectively

H. than it started raining 

I.  they lived happily

J. English is spoken in Tanzania.

K. In order to do his work effectively

L. When it raining 



3. Dictionaries use abbreviations and symbols to save space. What do the following abbreviations and symbols stand for?

  a. N

  b. (C)

  c. Phr V

  d. V

  e. BrE

   f. Syn





4.Fill in the blank with correct words from the box provided below.


   Own, mine, owns, Mary's, Juma's, belongs

i)That is …….. car. It is hers.

ii)This book…… me.

iii)She …… plantation

iv)we ……..a small piece of land.

v)This is my house. The house is…………


(b) Fill the gaps with appropriate article

i) I need to by ……………. Orange

ii) Kilimanjaro is …………..highest mountain in Africa

iii) The Earth moves around ……………….. Sun

iv) Juma is …………… honest man


5. (a) Re- write the following sentences in negative form

i) Juma is watching TV


ii) Neema and James are helping Janet to clean the houses


iii) The doctor is talking to the patient at this moment


iv) Asha and Anna are going to Mwanza today


v) The presidents is addressing the press conferences



(b). Write an appropriate questions tag for each of the following statements.

i) I am okay........................

ii) Wait a minute................

iii) Close the door.............

iv) You don't expect father to believe that....................


6. Make questions with these words. Use "is"  or  "are".

 (a) (at home/ your mother?)

 (b) (your parents/ well?)

 (c) (interesting / your job?)

 (d) (near here / the post office?)

 (e) (the shops / open today?)

 (f) (interested in sport / you?)

 (g) (at school / your children?)

 (h) (why/ you/ late?)

 (i) You/now/going/to school?)


7. For each of the items below change the verbs in brackets in their correct form.

 (a) I would have (give) him some money if he asks.

 (b) Hashim will build the house, if he (get) a building permit.

 (c) If she (purchase) more goods, she would (retain) her customers.

 (d) I will (talk) to her parents, if she (come) rate.

 (e) They (went) to school yesterday.

 (f) If you had ( send) me an invitation, I ( come) to your party.


8. (a) State whether each of the following is a FACT or OPINION.

(i) Soil erosion destroys the soil..................

 (ii) Science subjects are simple compared to Arts..........

 (iii) The sun rises from East..............

 (iv) Food crops are more useful to farmers than cash crops..........

 (b) Re- write the following sentences according to instructions given after each.

(i) If he comes. He will enjoy life ( use: Unless)

 (ii) Joel is handsome. Dickson is handsome. (use: both)

 (iii) He sent to school for further studies. (Re- write in present perfect progressive)

 (iv) Jonathan scored four goals for his team. ( Begin with four goals)

 (v) He was sick but he managed to go to school. ( Begin with however) 



SECTION: C (30 Marks)

Answer ALL Questions in this section

9. (a) You have been in a boarding school for a couple of months and you almost feel homesick. Therefore, you have decided to write a letter to your mom. Write down five essential components that you would consider to make your writing friendly one.


 (b) Your sister has given birth to a baby girl last year and she wants to invite relatives and friends to your niece's birthday party, but she doesn't know how to write an invitation card. Help her to outline five important things to consider when writing it.


10. Your friend does not like to learn literature in form three because he doesn't know it's importance. Educate him by using only five hints. 

















  • This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of twelve questions
  • Answer All questions in Sections A and B and three (3) questions from section C
  • Mind your Handwriting and Neatness.

SECTION A (15 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

  1. For each of items (i) – (x) choose the most correct answer from among the given - Alternatives
  1. Suppose your classmate asks you to give an example of a correlative conjunction, which one of the following answers will you give as an example
  1. Neither the boy nor the girl was punished
  2. The girl in the movie and the boy in black are good friends
  3. Although Peter was late for school, nobody punished him
  4. He did not commit any crime but was punished
  1. It is always a norm seeing people write “Dear” when addressing someone in a letter, which part of a letter does the term represent?
  1. Body
  2. Address
  3. Salutation
  4. Expression
  1. One of the following statements is an example of type 2 conditional tense, which one is it?
  1. If she made her bed in time, she would be praised
  2. If she makes her bed in time, she will be praised
  3. If she had made her bed in time, she would have been praised
  4. If she had had made her bed in time, she would have been praised
  1. Amina and Papa have a child known as Willy. How does Willy call Amina’s husband
  1. Husband
  2. Father in law
  3. Son in law
  4. Father
  1. Identify the statement which is grammatically correct from the given alternatives
  1. Am not going to the village this holiday
  2. I’m not going to the village this holiday
  3. I am not going to the villege this this holiday
  4. Im not going to the village this holiday
  1. Suppose you come across the statement “You like English, don’t you?” what immediately comes to your mind?
  1. Incomplete question
  2. Question tag
  3. Negative statement
  4. Literal question
  1. Japhet is fond of using inanimate objects to represent human characters when writing his work. How would you describe this act?
  1. Personification
  2. Animation
  3. Repetition
  4. Oral literature
  1. The higher you go, the _______ it becomes
  1. Cooler
  2. Cold
  3. Coldest
  4. Cool
  1. One of the statements explain the correct use of the word “few”, which one is it?
  1. There is a few milk left in the jar
  2. There is few sugar in the container
  3. There are few guests coming for dinner
  4. There are few cooking flour for our guests
  1. How would you respond to a question that demands the use of either of the articles “a”, ”an” and “the”
  1. “a” immediately before a vowel
  2. “an” immediately before a consonant
  3. “the” immediately before “a” and “an”
  4. “a” immediately before a consonant
  1. Match the items in column A with their corresponding answers from column B

Column A

Column B

  1. She has gone to the city
  2. She is going to the city
  3. She goes to the city
  4. She had gone to the city
  5. She went to the city
  1. Present simple tense
  2. Present perfect tense
  3. Simple past tense
  4. Present continuous tense
  5. Past perfect tense
  6. Present participle tense







SECTION B (40 Marks)

  1. Change the following statements into Yes/No questions
  1. The bus driver is drunk ______
  2. They are in the field planting rice _____
  3. The thieves broke into the room _________
  4. The rain had stopped when the dogs started barking_____
  5. The English language examination was easy ______
  1. Change the words given in brackets into their correct form for a meaningful sentence
  1. We are _______(complete) shocked by the incident that happened last week
  2. The _____(compete) between the two schools attracted several leaders
  3. We have not been given information on any ____ (arrange) of the planned meeting
  4. The event ______ (organize) did a recommendable work
  5. From the look of his facial ______(express), he showed little hope in life
  1. Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each.
  1. She bought a new book (begin; a new book)
  2. This movie is not interesting (supply question tag)
  3. My mother did not cook porridge yesterday (Begin: Porridge _____ )
  4. I am tired, I cannot finish this task today (re write using too, to )
  5. The baby is not making noise, her mother is not making noise (join using neither …nor…)
  1. Re arrange the following expressions for a logical meaning
  1. Nice food is prepared in the evenings of market days
  2. Doors are closed and children go to the field to play
  3. In the evenings of such days, celebrations fill homesteads
  4. Tuesdays and Fridays are market days
  5. In those two days, villages are disserted






  1. The following sentences are in active voice, change them into passive voice
  1. My father likes pet dogs
  2. The teacher punished the naughty students
  3. Maria is riding a bicycle
  4. Pamela visited Beatrice
  5. Fred wrote a nice letter
  1. Write down occupation/profession of the people
  1. Teaches graduate students
  2. Teaches high school students
  3. Head of all teachers in a primary school
  4. Head of all teachers in a secondary school
  5. Handles books in the library
  1. Write a descriptive essay of argumentative essay on “A teacher is Better than a Farmer”

SECTION C (45 Marks)




Passed Like A Shadow  B. M. Mapalala (2006) DUP

UNANSWERD CRIES  Osman Conteh – Macmillan

Weep Not Child  Ngugi wa Thiong’o 1987 Heinneman


Three Suitors One Husband – O. Mbia 1994 – Eya Methuen

The Lion And The Jewel – W. Soyinka 1963 OUP


Song of Lawino and Ocol – O. P. Bitek

Growing UP With Poetry – O. Rubadiri Ed. 1989. Heinneman

Summons  R. Mabala 1970 TPH

  1. Use a poem that you have studied as a class and make critical analysis considering title, poet, form and content.
  1. Using any one class reader (play) that you have attempted. Identify and explain social evils that are practiced, and could get society into trouble when not handled.
  1. Pick any character from any novel that you have read as a class and explain why you consider him/her as an ideal person whose virtues are worth emulating.





MARCH, 2023




  • This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of twelve questions
  • Answer All questions in Sections A and B and three (3) questions from section C
  • Mind your Handwriting and Neatness.

SECTION A (15 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

  1. For each of items (i) – (x) choose the most correct answer from among the given - Alternatives
  1. Do you know that I am travelling to Moshi next Tuesday?
  1. The question uses present continuous tense
  2. The question is in Present Simple tense
  3. The question is in future simple Tense
  4. The question is in simple present continuous tense
  1. Bread is sold from this shop. Supply the correct question tag
  1. Isn’t bread sold from this shop?
  2. Doesn’t bread is sold from this shop?
  3. Isn’t it?
  4. Is it?
  1. Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct?
  1. People enjoy swimming in the sea
  2. People enjoys to swim in the sea
  3. People enjoying to swim in the sea
  4. People enjoys swimming in the sea
  1. Which of the following sentences is conditional Type I?
  1. If we could read more quickly we could read many books
  2. Unless they work hard, they will fail
  3. If you allowed the wound to get dirty, it would become infected
  4. If you wanted my help, let me know.
  1. The sentence, “it was done” is the same as writing
  1. They did it
  2. They had done it
  3. You are done
  4. They were did it
  1. Identify the correct question Tag in the following
  1. I am not as good at Physics as he is, aren’t I”
  2. I am not as good at Physics as he is ,am I?
  3. I am not as good at Physics as he is, isn’t he?
  4. I am not as good at Physics as he is, is he?”
  1. “ You are seen” means
  1. I saw you
  2. I used to see you
  3. I am seing you
  4. I see you.
  1. All what Safina _____________ to do now is to get back to school
  1. Is wanting
  2. Wanted
  3. Wants
  4. Want
  1. I bought __________ potatoes and ___________ sugar
  1. a few, a little
  2. a little, a few
  3. a few, a few
  4. a little, a little
  1. If tomorrow is Saturday, when was yesterday?
  1. Wednesday
  2. Thursday
  3. Friday
  4. Saturday
  1. Match the items in column A with their corresponding answers from column B

Column A

Column B

  1. Amina is the ______ lady in our class
  2. She is ______ than Anna in height
  3. Our school is _______, it has flowers everywhere
  4. East ___ far from West
  5. Our parents ____ very hard
  1. Walk
  2. Work
  3. Taller
  4. Tallest
  5. Tall
  6. Was
  7. Is
  8. Beautiful
  9. Most beautiful







SECTION B (40 Marks)

  1. Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each.
  1. Although we rang several times there was no reply

(Rewrite using . . . . . ... but . . . . . . .. )

  1. The noise is preventing me from working

(Rewrite beginning with: I . . . . . .. )

  1. The shopkeeper did not sell any sugar yesterday
    (Begin: Sugar . . . . . ..)
  2. Mary said that she was going to town then

(Rewrite into direct speech begin: I . . . . . . . . . .) 

  1. They are too young to get married

(Rewrite using: so . . . . .. that . . . . ...)

  1. From WH – word questions basing on the underline word

I.She works at the hospital

II. Juliana failed the examination because she was poor in English

III. He didn’t pay his niece any money

IV. The play has thrilled the audience

  1. Find the Opposite of the following words
  1. Unity
  2. Brave
  3. Original
  4. Top
  1. Rewrite the following sentences into Negative; Form
  1. It helps to have a clear idea
  2. Remember to cross out your rough work
  3. He is always complaining that he has few clothes
  4. Mr. Mushi told you about the story of the robber
  1. In the blank spaces provided write down the missing word in each of the following sentences. The required word (only one word) must be formed from the words given in brackets
  1. The teacher did not accept my work, because he was . . . . . .. with it.(Satisfy)
  2. No . . . . . ... except on business.(admit)
  3. You must not . . . . . . . your parents. (obey)
  4. The house was destroyed . . . . .by the fire accident. (complete)
  1. Read the passage below carefully then answer the questions that follow


Trade between the coast of East Africa and other areas around the Indian Ocean has been going on for at least two thousand years. The trade is first mentioned in an account written in Greek in the second century A.D.

From the end of the seventh Century, Muslim traders began to settle on the cost, as one link in the chain that went on between Central Africa and the rest of the world. The Arab writer Masudi wrote in the year 950A.D about the important gold trade with Central Africa. The two most important exports from Central Africa were gold and Ivory, which were exchanged for such items as cloth and beads.


  1. How long has trade between East Africa and the rest of the world been going on?
  2. When was the first written account of it?
  3. When did Muslim traders begin to settle on the coast?
  4. When did the Arab writer Masudi write about the Central Africa gold trade?

SECTION C (45 Marks)

9. Write a short composition about “STREET CHILDREN” Not more than 250 words




  • Passed Like A Shadow  B. M. Mapalala (2006) DUP
  • UNANSWERD CRIES  Osman Conteh – Macmillan
  • Weep Not Child  Ngugi wa Thiong’o 1987 Heinneman


  • Three Suitors One Husband – O. Mbia 1994 – Eya Methuen
  • The Lion And The Jewel – W. Soyimba 1963 OUP


  • Song of Lawino and Ocol – O. P. Bitek
  • Growing UP With Poetry – O. Rubadiri Ed. 1989. Heinneman
  • Summons – R. Mabala 1970 TPH

10. Use two Poems: “Freedom Song by Majorie O. Macgoye and Building the Nation by Henry Barlow, and show how irresponsibility has been shown in those poems.

11. Refer to the reading you have done and identify characters in any of the two plays you have attempted, who used their formal education effectively in their societies and what was achieved finally

12. Choose two characters from the two novels you have read under this section and explain their roles in educating African society. Give three points from each novel.








  1. This paper consists of section A, B and C
  2. Answer ALL questions in section A and B and three (03) questions from section C
  3. Section A carries fifteen (15) marks, section B carries forty (40) marks and section C forty- five (45) marks.
  4. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room
  5. Write your examination number of every page of your sheet/booklet(s)


Answer all questions in this section

  1. For each of the following items (i-x), choose the must correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet(s)
  1. She is the_________ in form four class
  1. Tall
  2. Tallest
  3. Taller
  4. More tall
  5. Most tall
  1. We have _______ rice
  1. Eat
  2. Eaten
  3. Eating
  4. Had eat
  5. Eats
  1. Her mother suffered ______ malaria
  1. From
  2. Of
  3. With
  4. At
  5. off
  1. He ______ to do it now
  1. Is wanting
  2. Wanted
  3. Has wanted
  4. Wants
  5. want
  1. The earth_______ round the sun
  1. Moves
  2. Move
  3. Is moving
  4. Moved
  5. was move
  1. Aneth _________ the school compound
  1. Clean
  2. Cleans
  3. Cleaning
  4. Cleaned
  5. Is cleaning
  1. Salome ________ working in the garden when you came:
  1. Are
  2. Is
  3. Was
  4. were
  5. Has
  1. If were you, I __________ this examination
  1. won’t fail
  2. Don’t fail
  3. I am not going to fail
  4. would not fail
  5. will not fail
  1. Her performance is ________ than it was a year ago
  1. Good
  2. Best
  3. very better
  4. More better
  5. Better
  1. When the light went off, I ___________ my super
  1. Has eaten
  2. Have eating
  3. Was eating
  4. I am eating
  5. Had eaten

2. Match each expression in List A with the correct word in List B by writing, its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet(s) provided:



(i) The teacher with his pupils

(ii) Virus

(iii) A place where books are kept in school

(iv) A box like in which the dead is put

(v) Many people will die of hunger

  1. Grave
  2. Were playing tennis
  3. Library
  4. A very small living thing that causes disease
  5. Were cheap in price
  6. Coffin
  7. But he is careless
  8. Unless the government stakes quick measures
  9. Is playing football
  10. Class


3. Add the question tags to the following sentences:

  1. You posted my letter
  2. Juma drinks too much
  3. The bus left early
  4. He was tired of waiting
  1. Write sounds of the following creatures
  1. The sound of a dog__________
  2. The sound of a lion__________
  3. The sound of a cow___________
  4. The sound of a snake __________
  1. Assign the nouns with the correct explanations below:
  1. A piece of furniture on which people sleep________
  2. A piece of furniture with back and four legs which one person sits___
  3. A piece of furniture that consists of a flat top supported by legs_____
  4. A backless seat with legs consists of small flat top _____________
  1. Change the following direct speed sentences into indirect speech
  1. “They will sing tomorrow”, Mr. Jabu said
  2. “Have you ever see these men”? I asked Mama Aisha.
  3. We said “We ate all the meat”
  4. My mother ordered, “sweep the floor at once”
  1. The following is the timetable showing daily activities done by Alex. Complete the sentence A – During the information given in the time table.

5:00am- Wake up

5:00am – 5:15- praying

5:15am – 5:45- do general cleaning and take breakfast

6:00am- go to school

4:00pm- go back home

Example:Alex wake up 5:00am every day





  1. With example list down four (4) uses of article `THE`


Answer any three (03) questions from this section

  1. Imagine that you are the English speaking campaign manager in your school, prepare a speech of not less than 250 words and not more than 300 words. Address the usefulness of this campaign at secondary schools. Give six points.



A Wreath for Fr. Mayor-S.N. Ndunguru (1977) MkukinaNyota

Unanswered Cries- Osman Conteh, Macmillian

Passed Like a Shadow- B.M. Mapalala (2006) DUP

Spared- S. N. Ndunguru

Weep Not child- NgugiwaThiong’o (1977) Heinmann

The Interview- NgugiwaThiong’o (2002) Macmillian


Three suitors One Husband- O. Mbia (19940 Eyre Methuren

The Lion and The Jewel- Ole Soyinka (1963) DUP

The Black Hermit- NgugiwaThiong’o(1968) Heinmann

This Time Tomorrow- NgugiwaThiong’o (1972) Macmillian


Song of Lawino and Ocol- O.p`Nitek (1979) EAPH

Growing Up with Petry- D. Rubadiri (ed)(1972) Heinmann

Summons- R.S. Mabala (1960) T.P.H

10. Use two poems to show poets use poetic devices to deliver their message to the society. Give three poetic devices from each poem.

11. Referring to two plays you have done. Discuss the functions of literature in the society. Give three points from each play.

12. Points out the causes of conflicts from two (2) novels you have done. Give three (03) points from each novel.






SECTION A (15 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i) - (x), choose the most correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

(i) Identify the sentence which explains passive voice

  1. Tom wrote a nice letter
  2. A nice letter was written by Tom
  3. Tom is writing nice letters.
  4. Tom has been writing nice letters
  5. Nice letters should be written by Tom

(ii) The slogan says “______ the devil you know than the angel you don’t know”.

  1. Good
  2. The best
  3. Better
  4. Greatest
  5. Fine

(iii) The present perfect tense for the sentence “Aisha is eating her lunch” is ______

  1. Aisha eats her lunch
  2. Aisha had eaten her lunch
  3. Aisha ate her lunch
  4. Aisha has been eating her lunch
  5. Aisha has eaten her lunch

(iv) If I ____ you, I would be very rich.

  1. am
  2. was
  3. and
  4. were
  5. is

(v) Neither the student nor the teacher ______ present.

  1. was
  2. are
  3. is
  4. has
  5. were

(vi) “Hurry up! We have _____ time left to finish this task.

  1. Small
  2. Little
  3. More
  4. Less
  5. Much

(vii) “I am always on time” What shows the habit of my actions?.

  1. always
  2. I am
  3. time
  4. I
  5. time

(viii) One of the following categories is a requirement for writing a formal letter. Which one is it?

  1. Date, address of the sender, address of the receiver, signature of the receiver
  2. Date, address, name of the city, body of the letter, purpose of the letter
  3. Address of the sender and the receiver, salutation, title, body and signature
  4. Address of the sender and the receiver, salutation, heading and CV
  5. CV of the sender, address of the sender and the receiver, salutation and body

(ix) How do you call the information given before the audience while the narrator stands, especially on occasions?

  1. Address
  2. Speech
  3. Impromptu
  4. CV
  5. Cooperatives

(x) Amina’s (female) mother was born after my elder brother had been born. Amina is my ____

  1. Sister
  2. Daughter
  3. Nephew
  4. Cousin
  5. Niece

2. Match the description of people in List A with the correct occupations in List B by writing its letter beside the corresponding item number in the answer booklet(s) provided.

List A

List B

(i) Teachers, doctors, drivers

(ii) Pencil, pen, books

(iii) Schools, hospital, college

(iv) Maize, beans, millet

(v) mother, father, son

  1. cereal
  2. profession
  3. carpenter
  4. family
  5. stationary
  6. institutions

SECTION B (40 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

3. Re-arrange the following sentences into a logical sequence to make a meaningful conversation by writing the corresponding letter in the answer booklet provided. Use the following format for your answers.

  1. And asked them to prepare a big feast for a twin celebration.
  2. One for his birthday.
  3. The king summoned his servants
  4. And two, for his son to select a woman to marry

Sentence number






4. Fill in the blank spaces with the correct form of words given in brackets.

(a) Fred is a ___ (trust) person.

(b) She is an ____ (obedience) lady.

(c) The car lost control ___ (complete).

(d) They ___ (true) love each other.

5. Use the information below and construct meaningful sentences (Use example of “The dog…..)

(a) Under (tree)

(b) Behind (house)

(c) Onto (fence)

(d) On (flowers)

6. Answer the questions based on the short information presented below:

Mr. Moses is a secondary school teacher. He teaches Chemistry and Physics. His friend Mohamed also works in the same school, however, he teaches English language and Geography. The two watch football every weekend. Mr. Moses supports Arsenal, while Mr. Mohamed supports Chelsea. For Tanzania Premier league, Mr. Moses supports Simba Sports club while Mohamed is a strong supporter of Young African Sports club. Both of them are funs of Floyd Mayweather for World Boxing Champion.


(a) Both Moses and Mr. Mohamed are _________ in school.

(b) Mr. Moses ______ Simba Sports club to Young Africans Sports Club.

(c) _____ Mr. Moses _____ Mr. Mohamed are funs of Floyd Mayweather

(d) ____ Mr. Moses _____ Mr. Mohamed support Manchester United Football Club

7. Re-write the following sentences according to the instructions given after each in the answer booklet provided.

(a) They tried to raise school fees for their son, they did not get enough. (Begin with “However”…)

(b) Mariam is tall, Jacky is taller than Mariam and Edward is taller than Mariam. (Begin: Edward is _____ of the three).

(c) Every Tanzanian can afford education. The government has made it free (Join using “Because”)

(d) She entertained the guests. She did not understand their language well. (Begin: Although……)

8. Assume that you are the only knowledgeable person in your neighborhood, a new established NGO wants someone to assist them carry out their operation. Below are some of the tasks they want to implement:

  • Mobilization of locals for adult learning program
  • Provision of sanitary towels to every woman in the locality
  • Identification of the number of disabled people
  • Provision of food for the purpose of nutrition to the children
  • Planning for a quarterly budget.

Write an application letter to this NGO, and attach your curriculum vitae. Their address is Azimio Global Organization, P.O.BOX 624521, Dodoma- Tanzania

SECTION C (45 Marks)

Answer three (3) questions from this section.

9. Assume that you have been appointed to head a department of health and sanitation. Prepare a speech that you would read before the audience explaining the importance of having a clean environment. Limit your speech to six points.



  • A Wreath for Father Mayer - S.N. Ndunguru (1997), Mkuki na Nyota
  • Unanswered Cries - Osman Conteh, Macmillan
  • Passed Like a Shadow - B.M Mapalala (2006), DUP
  • Spared - S.N. Ndunguru (2004), Mkuki na Nyota
  • Weep Not Child - Ngugi wa Thiong’o (1987); Heinemann
  • The Interview - P. Ngugi (2002), Macmillan


  • Three Suitors: One Husband - O. Mbia (1994), Eyre Methuen
  • The Lion and the Jewel - W. Soyinka (1963), OUP
  • This Time Tomorrow - Ngugi wa Thiong’o (1972), Heinemann
  • The Black Hermit - Ngugi wa Thiong’o (1968), Heinemann


  • Songs of Lawino and Ocol - O. P’Bitek (1979), EAPH
  • Growing up with Poetry - D. Rubadiri (ed) (1989), Heinemann
  • Summons - R. Mabala (1960), TPH

10. Identify and explain six messages that you have obtained from two poems that you have read under this program.

11. How have the two playwrights from the readings you have attempted under this genre portrayed ‘tradition’ as a theme and perceptions it has created on affected individuals? Give three points from each play

12. Explain how conflict has been discussed in the two novels you have studied under this program. Use three points from each novel.








Answer all questions in this section

1. For each of the items (i) — (x) choose the most correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet(s) provided 

(i) Which of the following sentences expresses future action?

imageA. Musa is going to school now

B.    Musa shall go to school tomorrow

C.    Musa was going to school

D.    Musa will be going to school now

E.     Musa will go to school

(ii) "A woman with whom I share a husband", Lawino said. The underlined word is a;

A.    Reflexive pronoun

B.     Relative pronoun

C.     A linking verb

D.    Possessive pronoun

E.     Interrogative pronoun

(iii) When you visit Ngorongoro National Park you can see a.........of lions wondering everywhere      image

A. Bunch

image B. Pride

C.    Host D. Swam 

E. Pack

(iv) "I am a soldier", he said. What did he say?

A.    He said that he were a solider

B.     He said that I am a soldier 

C. He said that he was a soldier

D.   He said that he is a soldier

E.    John said that he is a solder

(v) "If I were you I would be a rich person"

The above condition is used to express

A.    Imitation situation

B.    Habitual situation

C.    An opinion

D.    A life experience

E.     A conditional situation

(vi)  Timothy and Titus are friends. They......go to school together

A. Both

B. All 

C. At

D. Each 

E. Are

(vii)    Mary knew that John couldn't sing....

A.     As well as her

B.     Best than her

C.     As well as him

D.    As well as herself E. Good than her

(viii)He has been sleeping   Oyo days. The underlined Word represents;

A.     Preposition of manner

B.     Expression of duration of time

C.     Expression of reason

D.    Expression of specific time

E.     Expression of relation of time

(ix)      I am not used............such a hard work

A.     With

B.      To 

C.       By

D.     For

E.    From

(x) One of the following is set comprises a set of an abstract nouns

A.    Kidney, a ball, a chair, an orange

B.    Joy, sorrow, death, justice, childhood

C.    Tanzania, Malaysia, Congo, Dutch

D.    An army, a forest, a hand, a pack

E.     Kenya, ball, joy, love



2. Match the description of the following phrases in LIST A with the correct single noun in LIST B by writing its letter beside the corresponding item number in the answer sheet provided



  1. Fluent in two languages
  2. Wasteful in spending
  3. To learn by heart
  4. Unable to pay ones debt
  5. Loss of memory
  1. Amnesia
  2. Bilingual
  3. Extravagant
  4. Insolvent
  5. Memorize
  6. Fragile
  7. Verbatim
  8. Friable.




Answer all questions in this section

3.  Imagine you are Mr. Majani's neighbour. One evening you went to visit him. While you were image in his house, he got an accident. Few hours later his relatives came and wanted explanations on the issue. This is how you explained to them, but the sentences are not in a logical order. Re arrange them to get a logical explanation by writing numbers

A.      Then he pressed the lid of the bottle and as he was holding the spray bottle the   wrong way round, he got a shower on his face.

B.      He collapsed and felt down on the floor where he lied asleep for hours*

C.      Mr. Majani had discovered that, a spider has made a cobweb in his room.i

D.     He wanted to kill the spider with poison from a spray bottle

4.  Bellow is an extract taken from a learner's dictionary. Study it carefully and point out four things you can learn about a word in a dictionary. Give example in each

5.  Imagine that you have attended a birthday party of your friend. Use the following words to construct a sentence for each to describe the eventimage

(a) Birthday


(c) Beautiful


6.     Write a sentence "l go to school" , into;

(a)An action that is in progress at the moment

(b)An action that was in progress in the past

(c)  An action that completed in the past

(d)An action that will be in progress in the future

7.    Collins and Mary are doing shopping for their younger brother's birthday party. Complete their dialogue with the correct article from those given in the box below image

8.     Read the following conversation between Mr. and Mrs. Nguvumali. From their conversation compose a wedding invitation cart in not more than 60 words


Answer three (3) questions from this section

9.     Recently, Tanzanians have been experiencing the problem of unemployment. Imagine that you are the Headmaster/ Headmistress of Makumbusho Secondary school; prepare a speech to be delivered to your students who are leaving the school after completing their studies on the role of Government in addressing the problem of unemployment in Tanzania. Give out six points


10. Imagine that you have attended a women conference where the topic is "Like men, women are equally capable of contributing to the welfare of the society". Use two plays you have read to prove the relevance of this statement. (Give three points from each play)

11. "Poets/ Poetess use the poetic devices to convey messages to the society". Use two poems which you have read under this section to justify this statement by giving three points image from each poem.

12.  "Authors depict the experience of their own societies but the issues tend to be universal". Justify this contention by using two novels you have read. Give three from each










  • This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of 12 questions 
  • Answer all questions in section A and B
  • Answer three (3) questions from section C
  • Adhere to every instruction instructed under each section 


Qn. No.











































Answer all questions in this section

1. Choose the correct answer from the items given in (i-x) below and write the letter in the table.

(i) Which of the following sentences express simple past tense

  1. I have never read such an interesting piece of novel
  2. I had been going to the market throughout last week
  3. James was buying a new pen 
  4. Our white cat killed a rat last night 

(ii) The weather today is cold; everyone walking outside ________ clothes own.

  1. Is seen with 
  2. Has heavy 
  3. Have heavy
  4. Used to have 

(iii) I am going to the party tonight 

  1. Is I?
  2. Did I?
  3. Aren’t I?
  4. Not foolish

 (iv) Neither the boy nor the girl was present. This implies that 

  1. The two were absent 
  2. The boy was present but the girl was absent
  3. The girl was present but the girl was absent
  4. The two were present 

 (v) Unless you work hard, you will _______

  1. Not fail in your examination
  2. Pass by your examination 
  3. Pass your examination
  4. Fail in your examination

 (vi) Hardly had Winfrida opened the door when the visitors arrived means

  1. The visitors arrived before the door was opened 
  2. The door was opened then the visitors arrived 
  3. The door was long open even before arrival of the visitors 
  4. Immediately the door was opened, the visitors arrived 

 (vii) Moses owns a house. The correct possessive noun is _____

  1. Moses’
  2. Mose’s
  3. Moseses’
  4. Mosesess’

 (viii) The two are _____ in love

  1. Truthfully 
  2. Truely
  3. Truly
  4. Trully 

 (ix) The superlative form of the word “cold” is ________

  1. Coldest  
  2. Coolest  
  3. Cooler 
  4. Colder 

 (x) The ____ you walk the more you get tired 

  1. Father
  2. Furthest 
  3. Fartherer
  4. Farther 





















 2. Match the items in List A with words in List B to make a meaningful complement.

  1. Agnes kept looking at the boy ………..
  2. They tried harder and harder …………
  3. She did not go school ……………….
  4. I cannot write to you ……………..
  5. The more you study hard……………………
  1. The more intelligent you become 
  2. Even though her relatives were financially well off 
  3. The more people will hate you 
  4. Because he appeared attractive 
  5. And they failed to love each other `
  6. Even if I have time for it 
  7. But achieved nothing 
  8. And achieved a lot















Answer all questions in this section

3. Rewrite the following sentences according to the Instructions given after each.

  1. My room is full, but I can still host some of you (Rewrite using although…..)
  2. Nobody is listening to your speech (Change into plural form……………..)
  3. I took my breakfast in the morning (Re write into past participle tense)
  4. We had not woken up when the guests arrived (Begin; hardly)

4. Pick the wrongly spelt word and rewrite it correctly in the spaces provided 

  1. Their actions were contrary to the layed down rules _____
  2. I hope to make up for my passed mistakes _____
  3. Please do not comfront an angry lion ______
  4. My birthday party is scheduled for tommorrow ______ 

5. Use the correct prepositions to fill in the blanks in the sentences below

  1. We are required to open school  ____ September
  2. They have been here ____ three hours
  3. The meeting will be held ____ Monday next week 
  4. It has been raining ____ yesterday 

6. Re arrange the following sentence in their logical order 

  1. Rush out to the bus stop
  2. The newspaper vendor thrust copies of the evening paper at them
  3. Every evening when the workers 
  4. “Daily news, Mwanachi and Tanzania Daima among others”

7. Identify components of Curriculum Vitae

  1.   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
  2.   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
  3.   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  4.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

8. Identify the meaning/s of idioms given below

  1. To let the cat out of the bag
  2. To kick the bucket
  3. Beat around the bush 
  4. Raining cats and dogs 


Answer only three questions in this section

9. Write a short composition about EAST AFRICAN COMMUNITY


A Wreath for Fr. Mayer S. N. Ndunguru (1977), Mkuki na Nyota
Unanswered Cries Osman Conteh, Macmillan
Passed Like a Shadow B. M Mapalala (2006), DUP
Spared S. N. Ndunguru (2004), Mkuki na Nyota
Weep Not Child Ngugi wa Thiong'o (1987); Heinemann
The Interview P. Ngugi (2002), Macmillan
Three Suitors: One Husband O. Mbia (1994), Eyre Methuen
The Lion and the Jewel W. Soyinka (1963), OUP
This Time Tomorrow  Ngugi wa Thiong'o (1972), Heinemann 
The Black Hermit Ngugi wa Thiong'o (1968) Heinemann
Songs of Lawino and Ocol O. P'Bitek (1979), EAPH
Growing up with Poetry  D. Rubadiri (ed) (1989), Heinemann 
Summons R. Mabala (1960), TPH

10. Read the following poem and then answer the questions that follow:


Your pain

Yet more my pain

Shall suffocate oppression


 Your eye

Yet more my eyes

Shall be speaking of revolt

Your scars

Yet more my scars

Will be remembering the whip


Your hands

Yet more my hands

Will be lifted fully armed

My strength 

Yet more my strength

Shall overcome imperialism


 My blood

Yet more your blood

Shall irrigate our victory


  1. Who is the persona in this poem?
  2. What is the poem about?
  3. Identify the figure of speech used in the poem.
  4. Identify the themes in the poem. 
  5. Is the persona happy or sad? Explain 
  6. How is this poem relevant to our society?

11. With the aid of two novels, show the relevance of their content to our society.

12. Discuss the causes of conflicts in our society with reference to two plays you have attempted under this program 






 (For both school and private candidates)

Time 3Hours


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of twelve (12) questions
  2. Answer all questions in sections A and B and three (3) questions in section C.
  3. Section A carries fifteen (15) marks, section B, forty (40) marks  and section C carries forty five (45) marks

SECTION A (15 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

  1. Choose the most correct answer from the items (i) – (x) and write its letter beside the item number
  1. “I am so happy today, my team has won” The correct question tag for this should be ___
  1. Amn’t I?
  2. Am I?
  3. Aren’t I? 
  4. Isn’t it?
  5. Are I?
  1. Which statement is the correct expression of, “Fredrick and Johnson are all guilty”
  1. Either Fredrick or Johnson are innocent
  2. Neither Fredrick nor Johnson is guilty
  3. Neither Fredrick nor Johnson is not guilty
  4. Neither Fredrick nor Johnson are innocent 
  5. Neither Fredrick nor Johnson is innocent
  1. When writing an official letter, the first address belongs to _____
  1. The sender  
  2. The receiver
  3. The company you are writing to
  4. The secretary who will open this letter first 
  5.  Whoever will be the first to open the letter
  1. The statement “The lady has a big heart” basically means _____
  1. The lady has many friends
  2. The lady is expensive
  3. The lady is sick
  4. The lady is considerate
  5. The lady is hearty
  1. Identify the group of words which are often used when writing argumentative essay
  1. Contrary to that, inasmuch as, however, 
  2. Moreover, similarly, increasingly 
  3. Interestingly, contrary to that, however
  4. On the other hand, on this very hand, conclusively 
  5. Argumentatively, in contrast to that, however
  1. What is the verb form of the noun composition
  1. Compose
  2. Decompose
  3. Impose
  4. Composite
  5. Impose
  1. Your teacher asks you to write a narrative whereby, a known person’s name is not directly going to be mentioned, however, “Mwamba” is a coined name for this person. “Mwamba” is therefore going to be ___ in the story
  1. Persona 
  2. Person 
  3. Character 
  4. Author 
  5. Comedian    
  1. Which one of the following is not a type of tense in English language
  1. Present simple, simple past, future tense
  2. Present continuous, present perfect, simple future
  3. Simple past, past participle, past perfect
  4. Future continuous tense, future perfect tense, past tense 
  5. Present continuous tense, present perfect tense, present tense 

(ix) Anna is a clever girl. The adjective clever has been used so as ______

  1. To give a detailed information about Anna
  2. To compare Anna to other girls in her class
  3. To give  a detailed description of Anna
  4. To show what Anna is capable of
  5. To describe other qualities of Anna

(x) If by chance it happens that your classroom teacher has picked you to represent your class in a competition titled “A boarding school is better than a day school”. What possibly could this competition be all about? 

  1. Formal competition 
  2. Non formal competition 
  3. Public speech 
  4. Impromptu speech 
  5. Debate  











2. Match each sentence in List A with its correct answer in List B by writing its letter beside the corresponding item number in the answer booklet provided 

List A

List B

  1. If I had money I would buy a house
  2. No sooner had the rain stopped than the dogs started barking
  3. The boy was taken to the hospital because his body was heating up
  4. This is your dress. Isn’t it?
  5. We do not like listening to amapiano songs
  1. Question tag
  2. Conditional sentence
  3. Negative sentence
  4. Correlative conjunction
  5. Subordinating conjunction






SECTION B (40 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

  1. Change the following sentences into passive voice
  1. He loves me
  2. The young man bought two cows
  3.  He is leaving his two young sisters behind
  4.  The contractor painted the house blue
  1. Re arrange the following sentences to make a logical meaning
  1. And that is the sad life story of Simon Makonde
  2. Baptized on Tuesday and married on Wednesday
  3.  Simon Makonde was born on Sunday, named on Monday
  4. He fall sick on Thursday, died on Friday and was buried on Saturday
  1. Construct one sentence showing actions as the guidelines provides.
  1. Action that is ongoing
  2. Action that happened in the past but only once
  3. Two actions happening together
  4. An action that just occurred a while back
  1. Re write the following sentences according to instructions given after each
  1. She was not only beautiful but also intelligent (Begin: Not only …..)
  2. “I will report to work tomorrow”, John said (Change into reported speech)
  3. Had the head boy informed the students on time, they would not have committed the crime (Begin: The students….)
  4. If you work smart, you will be successful in the future (Begin: Unless……)
  1. Fill in the spaces in the dialogue below with appropriate words 

Hashim: Hallo Asha, I like the perfume you use, it smells good 

Asha: Oh! Really, __(i)___ you! I ordered it from Dubai

Hashim: (Laughing) you must be funny, this brand is sold locally, I can show you around. Anyway, __(ii)__ you paid for the academic trip? 

Asha: Hashim! When will you ever give compliments when it is due? _(iii)_ I appear cheap? Well, I may not go for the trip, I am afraid of wild animals

Hashim: At least I am not the only one _(iv)__ going for the trip. We shall have enough time and read the new set books. 

Asha: You really know my weakness, I love reading books, and I will be ready then 

  1. Write the correct meanings of the following idioms. The first one has been done as an example for you
  1. The little man let the cut out of the bag, amidst our conversation. Meaning he revealed the secret
  2. We eat rice once in a blue moon
  3.  The headmaster announced that through thick and thin, our school was to be among top ten best schools in the country
  4. The ball is now on your court, I can rest my case
  5. It is raining cats and dogs outside at the moment

SECTION C (45 Marks)

Answer three questions from this section

  1. Give clear definitions of the following terms as used in literary works
  1. Art
  2. Society
  3. Figures of speech
  4. Playwright
  5. Characterization
  6. Theme
  7. Poetry 



A Wreath for Fr. Mayer – S.N Nduguru (1977) Mkuki na Nyota 

Unanswered Cries – Osman Conteh, Macmillan 

Passed Like a Shadow – B. M Mapalala (2006) DUP

Spared – S. N. Nduguru (2004), Mkuki na Nyota 

Weep Not, Child – Ngugi wa Thiong’o (1987); Heinemann 

The Interview – P. Ngugi (2002), Macmillan 


Three Suitors, One Husband – O. Mbia (1994), Eyre Methuen 

The Lion and the Jewel – W. Soyinka (1963), OUP 

This Time Tomorrow – Ngugi wa Thiong’o (1972), Heinemann 

The Black Hermit – Ngugi wa Thiong’o (1968), Heinemann


Songs of Lawino and Ocol – O. P. Bitek (1979), EAPH

Growing Up with Poetry – D. Rubadiri (ed), (1989), Heinemann

Summons – R. Mabala (1960), TPH 

  1. Mention three poets and their respective works, and from each, identify two messages that can be learnt from their work
  2. Pick one play that you have read and explain what lessons you come out with after reading it
  3. Show how themes from any one novel that you have attempted relates to our daily life








(For both School and Private Candidates)

CODE 022

TIME: 3:00 HOURS_________________________________________________________




  1. This paper consists of section A, B and C
  2. Answer ALL questions in section A and B and three (03) questions from section C
  3. Section A carries fifteen (15) marks, section B carries forty (40) marks and section C forty- five (45) marks.
  4. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room
  5. Write your examination number of every page of your sheet/booklet(s)



Answer all questions in this section


  1. For each of the following items (i-x), choose the must correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet(s)


(i) She is the_________ in form four class

 A: Tall  B: Tallest  C: Taller

 D: More tall E: Most tall


(ii) We have _______ rice

 A: Eat  B: Eaten  C: Eating

 D: Had eat E: Eats


(iii) Her mother suffered ______ malaria

 A: From  B: Of  C: with

 D: at  E: off


(iv) He ______ to do it now

 A: Is wanting B: Wanted C: Has wanted

 D: Wants  E: want


(v) The earth_______ round the sun

 A: Moves  B: move  C: Is moving

 D: Moved  D: was move



(vi) Aneth _________ the school compound

 A: Clean  B: Cleans  C: Cleaning

 D: Cleaned E: Is cleaning


(vii) Salome ________ working in the garden when you came:

 A: Are             B:    Is             C:    was           D:   were           E:    Has


(viii) If were you, I __________ this examination

 A: won’t fail   B: Don’t fail 

 C: I am not going to fail

 D: would not fail   E: will not fail


(ix) Her performance is ________ than it was a year ago

 A: Good   B: Best  C: very better

 D: More better  E: Better


(x) When the light went off, I ___________ my super 

 A: Has eaten  B: Have eating  

 C: Was eating  D: I am eating     E:    Had eaten



  1. Match each expression in List A with the correct word in List B by writing, its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet(s) provided:




  1. The teacher with his pupils
  2. Virus
  3. A place where books are kept in school
  4. A box like in which the dead is put
  5. Many people will die of hunger
  1. Grave
  2. Were playing tennis
  3. Library
  4. A very small living thing that causes disease
  5. Were cheap in price
  6. Coffin
  7. But he is careless
  8. Unless the government stakes quick measures
  9. Is playing football
  10. Class





  1. Add the question tags to the following sentences:
  1. You posted my letter
  2. Juma drinks too much
  3. The bus left early
  4. He was tired of waiting





  1. Write sounds of the following creatures
  1. The sound of a dog__________
  2. The sound of a lion__________
  3. The sound of a cow___________
  4. The sound of a snake __________


  1. Assign the nouns with the correct explanations below:
  1. A piece of furniture on which people sleep________
  2. A piece of furniture with back and four legs which one person sits___
  3. A piece of furniture that consists of a flat top supported by legs_____
  4. A backless seat with legs consists of small flat top _____________


  1. Change the following direct speed sentences into indirect speech
  1. “They will sing tomorrow”, Mr. Jabu said
  2. “Have you ever see these men”? I asked Mama Aisha.
  3. We said “We ate all the meat”
  4. My mother ordered, “sweep the floor at once”


  1. The following is the timetable showing daily activities done by Alex. Complete the sentence A – During the information given in the time table.

5:00am  - Wake up

5:00am – 5:15 - praying

5:15am – 5:45 - do general cleaning and take breakfast

6:00am  - go to school

4:00pm - go back home

Example:  Alex wake up 5:00am every day


a. _________________________________

b. _________________________________

c. _________________________________

d. _________________________________


  1. With example list down four (4) uses of article `THE`



Answer any three (03) questions from this section


9. Argue against the statement "Digital revolution has spoilt the world". Use six points in not more than 250 words.





A Wreath for Fr. Mayor -S.N. Ndunguru (1977) MkukinaNyota

Unanswered Cries  - Osman Conteh, Macmillian

Passed Like a Shadow  - B.M. Mapalala (2006) DUP

Spared    - S. N. Ndunguru

Weep Not child  - NgugiwaThiong’o (1977) Heinmann

The Interview   - NgugiwaThiong’o (2002) Macmillian



Three suitors One Husband - O. Mbia (19940 Eyre Methuren

The Lion and The Jewel - Ole Soyinka (1963) DUP

The Black Hermit  - NgugiwaThiong’o  (1968) Heinmann

This Time Tomorrow  - NgugiwaThiong’o (1972) Macmillian




Song of Lawino and Ocol - O.p`Nitek (1979) EAPH

Growing Up with Petry - D. Rubadiri (ed)(1972) Heinmann

Summons   - R.S. Mabala (1960) T.P.H



10. Figures of speech are used not only to make the work of art beautiful, but also to convey the message intended by the playwright to the readers. Validate this statement using two plays that you have studied in this section. Give four points from each reading.

11. Analyse the causes of conflicts in the two plays that you have studied in this section. Give four points from each reading.

12. With reference to two poems you have studied in this section, comment on the poet’s use of language. Give four points from each poem.                                                                                    



 Candidate’s Examination Number…………………








                           AUG 2021

Time: 3 Hours



1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with total of 12 (twelve) questions.

2. Answer all questions in section A and B, and only three questions in section C.

3. All answers must be written clearly in the answer sheets provided.

4. Write your name on every page of your answer sheets.

5. All writings should be in blue or black ink pen and all drawings by a pencil



















































This paper consists of 5   printed pages




SECTION A: (15 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

1. Choose the letter of the most correct answer among the five alternatives given and write its letter against the question number in the answer sheets provided.

  1.       Jacqueline is the girl ______________ father works at IPP median 
  1. Whom           (b) who his       (c) whose        (d) who her   (e) where


  1.      I have been waiting for this examination ________________ four years now
  1. During        (b) since      (c) mean while      (d) for           (e) on    
  1.      It seems that we will have to differ on the amount of money to be spent for the graduation Ceremony. As used in the sentence the word differ means___________ 
  1. Disagree       (b) quarrel       (c) speak             (d) think       (e) forget   
  1.      Simon is tall, Jangala is taller but Muhongo is ________________   
  1. Taller than all       (b) tallest one      (c) more tallest of all     (d) the tallest of all   (e) most tall of all


  1. Juma and Mary used to be good friends, but now they have ________________
  1. Fallen off        (b) turned off        (c) given in        (d) fallen out     (e) put out  
  1. When the light went off, I _____________my supper
  1. Have eaten          (b) have been easting      (c) was eating      (d) had ate        (e) am eating


  1. There is ___________ water in Indian Ocean.
  1. Much          (b) many         (c) lot of      (d) a              (e) an


  1. If the boat had been maintained properly, it ______________ sunk into the river  
  1. Will not have          (b) would not have      (c) will not            (d) would not       (e) Might not


  1.      He was accused _____________ stealing
  1. For          (b) of           (c) about        (d) on            (e) at     
  1.  They have lived here ___________________1993
  1. Until             (b) since          (c) for            (d) unless             (e) from  

2. Match the items in column A with their corresponding items in column B by writing its letter against the question number in the answer sheets provided.




  1.  The thieves would have left
  2. It rained so much that
  3.  They will fail exams
  4. She would have been late
  5. She was not married
  1.              Unless they study hard
  2.               Despite of her beauty
  3.               Had it not been for the arrival of the police
  4.              Despite her beauty
  5.               Had it not been for the alarm clock
  6.                By the time she wake up
  7.              The roads  got flooded
  8.              If you had woke her up
  9.                 As soon as the police arrived









SECTION B: (40 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section


3. State whether each of the following is a FACT or OPINION

 (i) Soil erosion destroys the soil_________________

(ii) Newspapers are more important than radios__________________

(iii) The East African Community offices are in Arusha__________________

(iv) Food crops are more useful to farmers than cash crops ________________

4. In each of the following sentences one word is wrong, identify it and correct it.

  1.   I packed my car under the tree.
  2. My uncle has long bead which is not shaved.
  3.  These are not your equipments.
  4.  His behavior caused enemity between his aunt and him


5. Give out the word which is not part of the list of words provided below.

  1. He, they, eat, you, we.
  2. Tiger, cat, rhinoceros, Lion, cheetah, Leopard
  3.  On, above, among, at, and.
  4.  Uganda, Togo, Nigeria, Zambia, Nairobi.
  5. Corruption, bribery, dishonesty, nobility, embezzlement.
  6.  May, could, come, might, will.

(vii) Maize, mango, pineapple, pawpaw, passion.

(viii) Good, tall, expensively, clever, handsome.

6. Re-write the following sentences according to the instructions given after each

(i) He has never paid school fees for his children. (Begin: Never__________)

(ii) A cat likes drinking some milk every time. (Put a correct question tag)

(iii) Joel is handsome. Jude is handsome. (Use: both)

(iv) They are intelligent. They can pass the examination. (Join using: enough to)

(v) He was sick but he managed to go to school. (Begin: however)

(vi) The driver had negotiated with the passengers as the accident occurred. (Begin: hardly_______)

(vii) They killed a thief. (Change into passive voice)

(viii) If he comes, he will enjoy life. (Begin: Unless____________)








7. Imagine you are Doctor Tabia Njema. Reply the invitation below by giving reasons for your regret for the event through a telephone message.

The family of Mr. & Mrs. Chindende

Of Upper Residential area

Mwananyamala Komakoma

Is greatly honoured to invite the family of

Prof/Dr/Sheikh/Mr & Mrs/Miss

Tabia Njema

To the special graduation party of their beloved daughter Adolfina Mwanauchumi

on 25th November, 2019 that will be held at their residence from 05:00 p.m to 11:30 p.m.

You are most welcome


P.O.Box 90, Dar es Salaam

Mobile: 0768-999999 














8. Prepare a Brief Curriculum Vitae (CV) to attach on an application letter for a teaching post. Assume your name is Dotto Chausiku and you are a degree holder.

SECTION C: (45 Marks)

Answer only (3) three questions from this section





A wreath for Fr. Mayer     S.N Ndunguru (1977), Mkuki na Nyota.

Unanswered Cries      Osman Conteh, Macmillan.

Passed like a Shadow      B.M. Mapalala (2006), DUP

Spared        S.N Ndunguru (2004), Mkuki na Nyota. 

Weep not Child      Ngugi wa Thiong’o (1987), Heinemann. 

 The Interview       P. Ngugi (2002), Macmillan. 



Three Suitors; One Husband     O. Mbia (1994), Eyre Methuen 

The Lion and the Jewel    W. Soyinka (1963), OUP 

This time tomorrow      Ngugi wa Thiong’o (1972), Heinemann

The black Hermit     Ngugi wa Thiong’o (1968), Heinemann 



 Songs of Lawino and Ocol     O’P’Bitek (1979), EAPH 

 Growing up with poetry     D. Rudadiri (ed) (1989), Heinemann 

 Summons       R. Mabala (1980), TPH 


9. Write a composition of not less than five paragraphs of the story ending with “That is how I acquired HIV/AIDS”


10. “Poetry is unique comparing to other genres of literature like novels and plays.” With vivid examples validate the statement. (Give six points)


11. With reference to two novels studied, show how the titles are related to the content. (3 points from each novel)


12. By using two plays studied analyse figures of speech used by playwrights to deliver the message(s) to Tanzanian society. 

Page 1










TIME: 2:30 HRS


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of twelve (12) questions.
  2. Answer all questions in sections A and B and three (3) questions from sections C.
  3. Cellular phones and any unauthorised materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  4. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s).

SECTION A (15 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

1.For each of the items(i)-(x),choose the most correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside item number in the answer sheet provided.

(i)I don't knowwhere___________

  1. had the boy gone
  2. The boys have gone
  3. Have the boys gone 
  4. Do the boys go
  5. Did the boys go

(ii)Your work is_________ than it was amonth ago.

  1. worse
  2. bad
  3. Worst
  4. the worst
  5. Worser

(iii)I noticed this morning that some new houses________ on the land next to uncle's house

  1. building
  2. being build
  3. are being built 
  4. are building 
  5. have built

(iv)Two men_______ for a bus were knocked down when the lorrys kidded and ran off

  1. had  waited
  2. were waiting
  3. waited  
  4. waiting 
  5. wait

(v) Each of them hasbrought________ best friend

  1. his
  2. their
  3. his or her
  4. her
  5. one's

(vi)Where is Mr._______ wife staying?

  1. Juma's 
  2. Jumas'
  3. Jumas's
  4. Jumas
  5. Juma

(vii)After he_______ his goods, he paid for them

  1. has collected 
  2. had collected
  3. have collected 
  4. was collected
  5. having collected

(viii) He was accused________ stealing money

  1. for
  2. of
  3. about
  4. on
  5. with

(ix)Thesun________ in the East

  1. rise 
  2. is rising
  3. rose
  4. rises 
  5. has risen

(x)Diana_______ the school compound everyday

  1. Clean
  2. is cleaning
  3. cleaned
  4. has cleaned
  5.  cleans

2.Match the description of places in List A with the correct place names in List B by writing its letter beside the corresponding item number in the answer booklet provided.



  1. A place where books for reading are kept in school.
  2. A place where wild animals are kept.
  3. A place where people go for treatment.
  4. A place where you can buy and sale food staffs. 
  5. A place where artistic objects, cultural, historical things are kept.
  1. Home 
  2. Library
  3. Market
  4. Hospital
  5. Museum 
  6. School
  7. zoo

SECTION B (40 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

3.Write an appropriate question tag for each of the following statements:

  1. You dont expect father to believe that.
  2. He is counting books in the shelf.
  3. You are doing an English Language examination. 
  4. Madam Laura has not been kind.

4.Suppose you are sent to a shop to buy some food stuff. How would you communicate with the shopkeeper using the given question guides in (a-d)?

  1. How would you start the conversation?
  2. How would you ask for the item you want to buy?
  3. How would you ask for the price?
  4. How would you ask for the quantity of the item you want?

5. I. Study Lina’s time-table below and compose four grammatically correct sentences.



wake up

5:00 am

take a bath

6:00 am

go to school

7:00 am

do school activities

8:00am - 12:00pm

return back home

1:30 pm

For example: Lina wakes up at 5.00am.

(a) _____________________

(b) _____________________



II. Match each expression in List A with the word in ListB by writing the correct letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided. Use the following format for your answers.










(i) The sone of your brother or sister.

(ii) The child of your daughter or son.

(iii) The child of your aunt or uncle.

(iv) A brother or sister.

(v) The brother of your father or mother.

  1. sibling 
  2. uncle 
  3. nephew 
  4. grandchild 
  5. cousin
  6. grandfather
  7. niece
  8. brother in law

6.Special names are given to groups of things. Use the words below, to show a special name given to each group: stationery, furniture, birds, subjects, animals, trees, readings,colours, food, fruits, courses

(a) green, red, blue, yellow

(b) pawpaw, orange, pineaple, apple

(c) chair, desk, table, stool

(d) cat, dog, rat, cow

(e) history, geography, civics, kisvvahili (0 pens, rulers, envelopes, paper

(g) novels, plays, short stories, poems

(h) education, political science, law, engineering

7.Write the word which is not part of the list of words provided below.

(a) Plate, Spoon, Cup, Knife, Pan, Block

(b) Milk, Cassava, Rice, Maize, Potatoes, Yams

(c) Mini skirt, Shoes, Shirt, Trousers, Shorts, T-shirt

(d)Tanzanian, Botswana, Greek, France, Togolese, Swazi

(e) Airtel, Vodacom, Tigo, Zantel, TTCL,TBC

(f) Chair, Table, Stool, Bed, Sheet, Cupboard

(g) Fanta, Pepsi, Sprite, Coca-Cola, Mirinda, Cheniicola

(h) Moshi, Dodoma, Mbeya, Arusha, Morogoro, Tanga

8.Read the passage below carefully then answer the questions that follow.

English Language seems to be a problem to both teachers and students in Tanzania although it is an official language. It is taught as a subject in primary schools and is used as the medium of instruction from secondary schools to higher education levels.

In recent years, the language has been a barrier in academic performance among many students. It acts as an obstacle to some of the students toward learning new concepts intended since they fail to understand what is taught in the classroom by using English Language. As a result they finish a certain level of education without having the required skills and competences.

Some measures should be taken in order to solve the existing problem. It is suggested that Kiswahili should be used as a medium of instruction in all levels of education because it is the National language and it is well understood by Tanzanians as compared to English Language. It has been proven through various researches that, people understand better when they learn in the language they know.

There are some prevailing wrong perceptions that, Kiswahili has limited vocabularies and it is not self-sufficient when it comes to scientific and technological issues. This is a very wrong perception since any language in the universe has ability to borrow and incorporate words from other languages. However, there is no language which is self sufficient by itself.


(a) Suggest the suitable title for the passage with about four to ten words.

(b) How could the problem of language of instruction be solved in Tanzania? Explain one means.

(c) Why has English Language been a problem in Tanzania? Give one reason.

(d) In your opinion, which language between Kiswahili and English should be used as a medium of instruction in all levels of education in Tanzania? Limit your response to one point.

SECTION C (45 Marks)

Answer three (3) questions from this section.

9. Imagine that you are in a debate club, argue for the topic "Trafficking of girls from rural to urban areas to be employed as house girls (housemaids) should be stopped" in not less than 250 words.

10.Read the following poem carefully and answer the questions that follow:

Hallow heads torture me with ignorance,

Blind eyes harass me .with darkness,Deaf ears tire me with silence,

Dumb voices deafen me with gibberish,

Black minds confuse me with emptiness

And, above all,

There is power and command.

With wits and ears and eyes,

I have speech and strong mind,

But I remain weak and powerless.

They fight me they kill me.

It is a fight to bring me down to silence, To darkness and gibberish, to ignorance. And through brainwashing, to emptiness.

All right, my friends,

It's a battle and I will fight it

Ears and wits and eyes and speech,And strong conscience:

These are my weapons.

And I fight to the last cell.


(a) What is the poem about?

(b) Mention the number of stanzas and number of verses in each stanza.

(c) Does the persona fear his enemy?

(d) Mention two possible themes in this poem.

(e) Comment on the language used in this poem.

(f) Who is the persona in this poem?

(g) Is the poem relevant to your society?

(h) What is the mood of a persona?

(i) What type of poem is this?

(j) What do we learn from the poem?



  • A Wreath for Fr. Mayer  - S. N. Ndunguru (1977), Mkuki na Nyota
  • Unanswered Cries Osman Conteh, Macmillan
  • Passed Like a Shadow - B. M. Mapalala (2006), DUP
  • Spared S. N. Ndunguru (2004), Mkuki na Nyota
  • Weep Not Child - Ngugi wa Thiongo (1987) ; Heinemann
  • The Interview  -  P. Ngugi (2002), Macmillan


  • Three Suitors: One Husband - O. Mbia (1994), Eyre Methuen
  • The Lion and the Jewel W. Soyinka (1963), OUP
  • This Time Tomorrow-Ngugi wa Thiongo (1972), Heinemann
  • The Black Hermit - Ngugi wa Thiongo (1968), Heinemann


  • Songs of Lawino and Ocol  - O. PBitek (1979), EAPH
  • Growing up with Poetry - D. Rubadiri (ed) (1989), Heinemann
  • Summons - R. Mabala (1960), TPH

11. Using two plays you have studied in this section, discuss how some traditions, customs and beliefs contribute to misunderstandings and underdevelopment in a society. Give four points from each play.








TIME: 2:30 HRS


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of twelve (12) questions.
  2. Answer all questions in sections A and B and three (3) questions from sections C.
  3. Cellular phones and any unauthorised materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  4. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s).

SECTION A (15 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

1.For each of the items(i)-(x),choose the most correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside item number in the answer sheet provided.

(i)I don't know   where___________

  1. had the boy gone 
  2. The boys have gone
  3. Have the boys gone  
  4. Do the boys go 
  5. Did the boys go

(ii)Your work is_________ than it was a  month ago.

  1. worse 
  2. bad
  3. Worst
  4. the worst 
  5. Worser

(iii)I noticed this morning that some new houses________ on the land next to uncle's house

  1. building 
  2. being build
  3. are being built  
  4. are building  
  5. have built

(iv)Two men_______ for a bus were knocked down when the lorrys kidded and ran off

  1. had  waited 
  2. were waiting
  3. waited   
  4. waiting  
  5. wait

(v) Each of them has  brought________ best friend

  1. his
  2. their
  3. his or her 
  4. her 
  5. one's

(vi)Where is Mr._______ wife staying?

  1. Juma's  
  2. Jumas'
  3. Jumas's
  4. Jumas
  5. Juma

(vii)After he_______ his goods, he paid for them

  1. has collected  
  2. had collected
  3. have collected  
  4. was collected 
  5. having collected


(viii) He was accused________ stealing money

  1. for 
  2. of
  3. about 
  4. on 
  5. with

(ix)The   sun________ in the East

  1. rise  
  2. is rising
  3. rose 
  4. rises  
  5. has risen

(x)Diana_______ the school compound everyday

  1. Clean 
  2. is cleaning
  3. cleaned 
  4. has cleaned 
  5.  cleans

2. Match the description of places in List A with the correct place names in List B by writing its letter beside the corresponding item number in the answer booklet provided.




  1. A place where books for reading are kept in school.
  2. A place where wild animals are kept.
  3. A place where people go for treatment.
  4. A place where you can buy and sale food staffs. 
  5. A place where artistic objects, cultural, historical things are kept.
  1. Home 
  2. Library
  3. Market
  4. Hospital
  5. Museum 
  6. School
  7. zoo


SECTION B (40 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

3. Write an appropriate question tag for each of the following statements:

  1. You dont expect father to believe that.
  2. He is counting books in the shelf.
  3. You are doing an English Language examination. 
  4. Madam Laura has not been kind.

4.Suppose you are sent to a shop to buy some food stuff. How would you communicate with the shopkeeper using the given question guides in (a-d)?

  1. How would you start the conversation?
  2. How would you ask for the item you want to buy?
  3. How would you ask for the price?
  4. How would you ask for the quantity of the item you want?

5. I. Study Lina’s time-table below and compose four grammatically correct sentences.



wake up

5:00 am

take a bath

6:00 am

go to school

7:00 am

do school activities

8:00am - 12:00pm

return back home

1:30 pm

For example: Lina wakes up at 5.00am.

(a)       _____________________

(b)      _____________________

(c)      _____________________

(d)     _____________________

II. Match each expression in List A with the word in ListB by writing the correct letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided. Use the following format for your answers.
















(i) The sone of your brother or sister.

(ii) The child of your daughter or son.

(iii) The child of your aunt or uncle.

(iv) A brother or sister.

(v) The brother of your father or mother.

  1. sibling 
  2. uncle 
  3. nephew 
  4. grandchild 
  5. cousin
  6. grandfather
  7. niece
  8. brother in law

6.Special names are given to groups of things. Use the words below, to show a special name given to each group: stationery, furniture, birds, subjects, animals, trees, readings, colours, food, fruits, courses

(a) green, red, blue, yellow

(b)  pawpaw, orange, pineaple, apple

(c)  chair, desk, table, stool

(d)  cat, dog, rat, cow

(e)  history, geography, civics, kisvvahili (0 pens, rulers, envelopes, paper

(g)  novels, plays, short stories, poems

(h)  education, political science, law, engineering


 7.Write the word which is not part of the list of words provided below.

(a) Plate, Spoon, Cup, Knife, Pan, Block

(b) Milk, Cassava, Rice, Maize, Potatoes, Yams

(c) Mini skirt, Shoes, Shirt, Trousers, Shorts, T-shirt

(d)Tanzanian, Botswana, Greek, France, Togolese, Swazi

(e) Airtel, Vodacom, Tigo, Zantel, TTCL,TBC

(f) Chair, Table, Stool, Bed, Sheet, Cupboard

(g) Fanta, Pepsi, Sprite, Coca-Cola, Mirinda, Cheniicola

(h) Moshi, Dodoma, Mbeya, Arusha, Morogoro, Tanga

8. Read the passage below carefully then answer the questions that follow.

English Language seems to be a problem to both teachers and students in Tanzania although it is an official language. It is taught as a subject in primary schools and is used as the medium of instruction from secondary schools to higher education levels.

In recent years, the language has been a barrier in academic performance among many students. It acts as an obstacle to some of the students toward learning new concepts intended since they fail to understand what is taught in the classroom by using English Language. As a result they finish a certain level of education without having the required skills and competences.

Some measures should be taken in order to solve the existing problem. It is suggested that Kiswahili should be used as a medium of instruction in all levels of education because it is the National language and it is well understood by Tanzanians as compared to English Language. It has been proven through various researches that, people understand better when they learn in the language they know.

There are some prevailing wrong perceptions that, Kiswahili has limited vocabularies and it is not self-sufficient when it comes to scientific and technological issues. This is a very wrong perception since any language in the universe has ability to borrow and incorporate words from other languages. However, there is no language which is self sufficient by itself.


(a) Suggest the suitable title for the passage with about four to ten words.

(b) How could the problem of language of instruction be solved in Tanzania? Explain one means.

(c) Why has English Language been a problem in Tanzania? Give one reason.

(d) In your opinion, which language between Kiswahili and English should be used as a medium of instruction in all levels of education in Tanzania? Limit your response to one point.

SECTION C (45 Marks)

Answer three (3) questions from this section.

9. Imagine that you are in a debate club, argue for the topic "Trafficking of girls from rural to urban areas to be employed as house girls (housemaids) should be stopped" in not less than 250 words.

10.Read the following poem carefully and answer the questions that follow:

Hallow heads torture me with ignorance,

Blind eyes harass me .with darkness, Deaf ears tire me with silence,

Dumb voices deafen me with gibberish,

Black minds confuse me with emptiness

And, above all,

There is power and command.

With wits and ears and eyes,

I have speech and strong mind,

But I remain weak and powerless.

They fight me they kill me.

It is a fight to bring me down to silence, To darkness and gibberish, to ignorance. And through brainwashing, to emptiness.

All right, my friends,

It's a battle and I will fight it

Ears and wits and eyes and speech, And strong conscience:

These are my weapons.

And I fight to the last cell. 


(a) What is the poem about?

(b)  Mention the number of stanzas and number of verses in each stanza.

(c) Does the persona fear his enemy?

(d) Mention two possible themes in this poem.

(e) Comment on the language used in this poem.

(f) Who is the persona in this poem?

(g) Is the poem relevant to your society?

(h) What is the mood of a pers'ona?

(i)  What type of poem is this?

(j)  What do we learn from the poem?




  • A Wreath for Fr. Mayer   -    S. N. Ndunguru (1977), Mkuki na Nyota
  •  Unanswered Cries  -  Osman Conteh, Macmillan
  •  Passed Like a Shadow  - B. M. Mapalala (2006), DUP
  •  Spared  -  S. N. Ndunguru (2004), Mkuki na Nyota
  •  Weep Not Child - Ngugi wa Thiongo (1987) ; Heinemann
  •  The Interview   -   P. Ngugi (2002), Macmillan


  • Three Suitors: One Husband - O. Mbia (1994), Eyre Methuen 
  • The Lion and the Jewel  -  W. Soyinka (1963), OUP
  • This Time Tomorrow - Ngugi wa Thiongo (1972), Heinemann
  • The Black Hermit  - Ngugi wa Thiongo (1968), Heinemann


  • Songs of Lawino and Ocol   -  O. PBitek (1979), EAPH
  • Growing up with Poetry -  D. Rubadiri (ed) (1989), Heinemann
  • Summons - R. Mabala (1960), TPH

11. Using two plays you have studied in this section, discuss how some traditions, customs and beliefs contribute to misunderstandings and underdevelopment in a society. Give four points from each play.



















TIME: 3HRS                                                                      2020

NAME:_______________________________________________                    CLASS:___________


  • This paper consist of section A,B,C and D
  • Answer all questions in section A and B and section C and D as instructed under each section
  • Neat and clear explanation work is very important.



Answer ALL questions in this section

1. Read the following passage carefully then answer questions that follow it by writing the letter of the correct answer in the booklet(s) provide.

     The beach at Lumley was a beautiful and impressive sight. The soft white sand fell away from rutted roadway in a gentle slope until it flattened out in a short plateu before dipping sharply to the sea. At the moment huge rollers were rushing inward to hurt themselves against the lower lip of the beach and expand their whistling froth in a fruitless struggle up the plateau.

     “Rather dangerous hare for bathing. Lets try further along, “he said.

About a kilometer beyond the golf court the beach curved gently in a shallow crescent. Several long boats manned by briskly padding Africans were darting to and from in among the gentler waves, while on shore scores of African men and women were gathered in long lines holding ropes which led to the edge of the water and out to sea.

     “This is really something you should not miss”, he said. “Lets get down there and watch the sun”

At close hand those on the beach were lined up, each like a tug-of-war team ready and waiting for its opponent. Each of these teams consisted of twenty or more men, women and children, most of them wet to the skin from contact with the waves, the young ones, boys and girls, were clad only in a kind of flowing loin-cloth. Some of these laughing children were truly beautiful; their smooth skins generously pearled by water droplets, eyes and teeth flashing in enjoyment. The young girls, some of them in their early or late teens, were full-breasted and completely unshy. Running up and down some short distance from the teams, shouting and waving his arms seaward was a large African clad only on the pair of uncolored shorts and a grotesque wide brimmed straw hat. His stentorian voice yelled instructions to the boat crew who paddled furiously or paused at his signals while those on the shore, at a word from him, hauled so vigorously on the lines that often several members of each team would tumble over in the sand to the delight of others.

     Suddenly the conductor for such he seemed to be, signaled rapidly seaward and all the boats immediately swung round to point inland, the paddlers working furiously as they raced simultaneously towards the beach. Meanwhile the line of pullers on the beach raced up the easy slope and soon the first ends of the nets appeared. Now ensured a frantic pulling on the ropes, hand-over-fist as they hurried to land the twisting, heaving, silvery catch, their voices raised in excited yells, laughter and exaltation.

     The boatmen raced their craft until they grounded, then leaped out to draw them up above the water-line before turning to lend a hand with the catch. And what a catch it was! Fish varying in length from two to three feet or more, fat succulent things which flopped and slithered as they were hauled to form a huge silvery pile which glittered in the rays of the slanting sun.

     As if informed by some kind of bush telegraph, several lorries and cars appeared along the road, honking their contributions to the din and disgorging groups of fish vendors and middle men.


(i) Why did the writer go to the second beach,

  1. He wanted to see more of the beautiful coast
  2. He wanted to see how the people landed the fish
  3. He wanted to go for a swim in the sea
  4. He wanted to see what the fisherman had caught

 (ii) What do we learn from the passage about the second beach?

  1. It was partly flat with occasional slope
  2. It had quite a gentle slope
  3. It curved gently down to the water
  4. It slopped gently until it nearly reached the water

 (iii) What were the wavers like at the second beach?

  1. They were quite gentle
  2. Most of them were gentle
  3. A few were gentle but most of them were rough
  4. We cannot be sure

 (iv) From the passage we can deduce that the number of people on the second beach was:-

  1. About forty
  2. Between forty and sixty
  3. At least sixty
  4. More than eighty

 (v) Which of the following actions did the “conductor” perform?

  1. He waved and shouted to both the crews and the teams
  2. He shouted to both the crews and the teams, and waved to the former
  3. He waved and shouted to the crew and spoke softly to the teams
  4. He waved to both the crews and the teams and shouted to the former

 (vi) How did the “conductor” get the boats to approach the shore?

  1. He waved to them
  2. He shouted to them
  3. He waved and then shouted to them
  4. He shouted and then waved to them

 (vii) Which of the following statement is true according to the passage

  1. The team pulled the nets on to the sand by racing up the beach
  2. The “conductor” only needed to tell the teams once to pull in the nets
  3. Some of the children fell over while pulling in the nets
  4. More people arrived on the beach and helped the teams to pull up the nets

 (viii)  The boatmen raced their craft:-

  1. Up to the end
  2. Above the water line
  3. Until they grounded
  4. Below the water line

 (ix) What appeared along the road?

  1. Only lorries
  2. Some buses
  3. Several lorries and cars
  4. Only cars

 (x) How was the beach formed as we read from the passage?

  1. The soft white sand fell and flattened in the plateau
  2. The soft white sand fell up to the sea
  3. The white sand fell near the sea
  4. The soft white sand accumulated at the sea

2. Match each expression in list A with correct word from list B by writing its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet(s) provided use the following format for your answers



(i) The customs office

(ii) The tin deposits in that area

(iii) Gave him a thorough examination

(iv) The absence of light has

(v) I am sure she regrets……

  1. Hurt one of his patients
  2. Provides them with reasonable income
  3. Will need a dustbin
  4. The doctor
  5. What said
  6. Demanded for our passports
  7. A little farther along the road
  8. Luggage in the back of the car
  9. Would probably be exhausted in the near
  10. A considerable effect on plants and animals

 3. Read and summarize the following passage into 40 words;

     Women make up half of the world’s population. On that basis, one might expect that work and its rewards would be shared equally between men and women. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. In fact, in most countries, there is discrimination against women in terms of work rewards for work, ownership of property, legal rights, social opportunities and political responsibilities.

     In many societies today, especially where it is difficult to be financially independent, women are like unpaid servants in their own homes. It is women that take responsibility for raising the children and feeding and looking after their families’ health. In addition to their domestic work, many women also have to work on land or in factories to add to the family income. In Africa though women do 60% of the agricultural work, 50% of the caring of the animals and all the food processing, they have no right to any of the income from the sale of the produce or to ownership of land. Women are also responsible for collecting of firewood and freshwater. They make a great contribution to the development of their country through this upaid labour.

 4. Underline the word which does not fit in the following groups of words

  1. Actress, lawyer, accountant, musician, niece
  2. Spoon, plate, apron, bowl, fork
  3. Chair, iron sheet, table, cupboard, bed
  4. Wall, pencil, book, pen, paper
  5. Trousers, bed sheet, shirt, shorts, dress


5. Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each

(i) If you had been there I would have done it

Begin Had………….

(ii) Unless you write to me I will not write to you again

Begin:  If……………

(iii) He sells salt and sugar

Rewrite Not only…………….

(iv) The students did their work. Then they sat down to rest

Join the two sentences and begin:  Having……………

(v) The girl is not foolish. The girl sells fish

Join the two sentence using “who”

(vi) Our team practices every day. We are getting better

Join the sentences beginning: the more…………..

(vii) She is poor. She cannot pay school fees

Rewrite the sentence using…….too…………

(viii) They are young but they are strong

Begin with Inspite of …….)

 6. (a) Using the words below, complete the following expression, chef, tailor, air host, secretary, student, manager customer, cobbler, doctor.

  1. A person whose job is to make clothes like suits for an individual customer is called………….
  2. A male flight attendant is called……………….
  3. A person that buys something from a shop or business is called………..
  4. A person whose profession is to cook………………….
  5. A person who amends shoes is known as…………………

 (b) Study lina’s time-table below and compose four grammatically correct sentences



Wake up

Take a bath

Go to school

Do school activities

Return back home

She watches television


6:00 am

7:00 am

8:00am – 12:00pm

1:30 am

2:30 am

 7. Re-arrange the following five  sentences into a logical sequence to make a meaningful paragraph by writing the corresponding letter in the answer booklet provided

  1. He was born in 1973, in Karumekenge village
  2. He finished his first degree in 1997
  3. He started his primary education in 1980
  4. Since 1998, he is working with the family company
  5. The first born in our family is Yoshia

 8. a) Imagine that you have been employed in one of the Chinese industry for about a year now and you are getting hardships. Write a letter to your sister explaining about the hardship you are going through and ask her to secure another job for you else where sign your name Aman Tumanin.

b) Imagine that you have been elected to be a chairperson of Mwananchi Street. The street has a total number of 50 houses. It has a lot of problems that need to be solved. Write a speech to be presented in a meeting to address those problems in eight points.

c) Write a composition on the use of cosmetics (250 words)

d) Suppose you are a member of debate club and the motion given is “Politicians are more destructive than constructive in life. Write on opposing and prosing sides not less than five point each side.




9. If you were given a chance to suggest some of the themes in novel and play that are relevant in Tanzania today which ones would you suggest? Use two novels to make references as respond to the question.

10. The personality of an individual is influenced by his environment. Discuss this with reference to two readings.

11. Poets use poems to pass on intended message to the readers use two poems you have done in the class write messages found in the poem four messages from each poem.

12. Thin and red

Skinny and bald

The boy groans on the ground

Swollen stomach

Full of waste

Thin legs

Thin arms


As the boy

Fights with flies

Over the empty plate


Ten years old

He looks older than young

And so small

As he wriggles


Of his unproportioned body

“Mother” shouts the boy

When I grow up

I will carry a gun

And not a pen

“My son” shouts the mother

“My son” cries the mother

You will never live to carry a gun

There is no meat for us

Answer the following questions

  1. What is the poem about?
  2. Write four figures of speech found in poem
  3. Write three themes found in the poem
  4. Write three messages found in the poem








Time: 3Hours 



  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of twelve (12) questions.
  2. Answer all questions in sections A and B and three (3) questions from section C.
  3. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  4. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s)

SECTION A (15 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.


1. For each of the items (i) – (x), choose the most correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.


 (i) Kifimbo drives his car carefully. When does he drive his car?

  1. He does this every day
  2. He is doing now
  3. He did it days ago
  4. He will do it in days to come
  5. He has just finished doing it.

(ii) Which sentence among the following is grammatically correct?

  1. They drawn a picture
  2. They have drawing a picture
  3. They draw pictures
  4. They have been drawn a picture
  5. They are draw a picture.

(iii) Sarah and her family ____________ most of the people in their town, don’t they?

  1. Knows
  2. Have known
  3. Are knowing
  4. Knew
  5. Want 

(iv) All what Safina __________ to do now is to get back to school.

  1. Is wanting
  2. Wanted
  3. Has wanted
  4. Wants 
  5. Want

(v) The Sun __________ in the East, doesn’t it?

  1. Rise 
  2. Is rising
  3. Rose
  4. Rises
  5. Has risen

(vi) Does money ___________ more money?

  1. Attract 
  2. Attracts 
  3. Attracting 
  4. Attracted 
  5. Has attracted

(vii) Juliana _________________ the school compound every day.

  1. Clean
  2. Is cleaning
  3. Cleaned 
  4. Has cleaned 
  5. Cleans

(viii) They matched home despite the fact that it was raining. What justifies that the given sentence is in the past form?

  1. The use of “raining” after the word was.
  2. The use of –ing in the word raining
  3. The use of the root “match” in matched
  4. The use of the phrase despite the fact that.
  5. The use of particle – ed in the word matched.

(ix) “My heart is beating fast.” What does the underlined part of the word indicate in this sentence?

  1. The past continuous tense
  2. Daily routine
  3. Future activity
  4. The simple present tense
  5. Ongoing activity.

(x) “There is a man sitting outside. The man has been waiting for you since morning.”

Why is article “the” used with the word “man” in the second sentence?

  1. The word man is a unique thing
  2. The man is a particular person
  3. The man is mentioned for the second time
  4. It is used to differentiate it from the first one
  5. Because the word man is not the same one.


2. Match the clauses in Column A with the phrases in Column B to make meaningful sentences by writing the correct letter in B against the corresponding item number in A.




i. Hard working people are not ready to waste time

ii. The factory workers are on strike.

iii. Most schools will close down

iv. Teachers won’t do that

v. As a teacher I am not supposed to misbehave

vi. I always meet you here

A. Aren’t they?

B. Am I?

C. Will they?

D. Don’t I

E. Don’t they?

F. Are they?

G. Won’t they?

H. Do I?

I. Aren’t

















SECTION B (40 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

4. Write in which tense does each expression belongs.

 (i) The fault in the machine was located by the engines.

 (ii) His enemies have killed him

 (iii) Liquids keep their level

 (v) Down went the vessel into the sea.

5. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct answer from the alternative given.

 (i) My sister is the__________ girl in our village.

 a) Beauty b) Most beautiful c) More beautifully

 (ii) It is the _________ Mountain in Africa

 a) Bigger b) Biggest c) Big

 (iii) She is the __________ student in form II class.

 a) Good b) Better c) Best

 (iv) Juma is ____________ than Hamisi.

 a) More handsome b) Most handsome c) Handsome 

6. Identify the words in the box and write them along the sentence.

 i) A place where students are taught______________

 ii) Someone who cuts and collect crops in the field____________

 iv) When the crops in the field are cut and collected __________

 v) A talk or conversation about something___________


Scar, suffer, Harvest, sickle, beggar, discussion, school, reaper, plantation.

7. Consider that you have witnessed a serious accident on your way to school. Use the following words to construct a sentence for each to describe the accident.

  1. Bad
  2. Injured
  3. Terrible
  4. Horrible


8. Read the passage below carefully and answer the questions that follow.

 The English say “necessity is the mother of inventions. This is because all the Major discoveries and inventions are caused by the need to solve certain problem. Whether invented the spoon may fallen sick several times because of eating with dirty hands. Similarly airplanes were inverted because people want to travel faster. In other words when there is a problem people begin to think of a solution.

 Now we know that sea water is very salty. If you live on an island which surrounded by salty sea water would you allow yourself to go thirsty? It was probably from someone who lived near the sea water would you allow yourself to go thirsty? It was probably from someone who lived near the sea and went thirst many years and days that the idea of distillation came. We can get fresh water for drinking from salty water through distillation.

 First put five liters of water in to a metal container and mix it with about one kilo of salt and stir the water until the salt is completely dissolved.

 Secondly, pour the solution into a metal container that has a tight lid. The lid should have a hole where a narrow pipe should be fixed. Let the middle length of this pipe be put in a basin of cold water. The other end of this pipe should be directed to a clean, empty container.

 Thirdly, put a source of heat for example a gas cooker flame, under the metal container the water and salt, now observe what happens. This experiment should strictly be done as instructed.

 When the salt and water is heated, vapor are cream is formed. This vapor passes through the pipe and is cooled by the cold water in the basin. When this happens we say condensation has taken place and vapor which is gas became liquid. This liquid is lastly collected in a container.

 As the salt and water solution continues being heated all that will remain is salt. Fresh drinking water on the other hand will be collected at the other hand. The salt and the water will once again be separated. When people who live near sea run short of drinking water they can resort to this simple distillation and quench their thirst.


(a) What is the best title for the passage?

(b) Why makes people to invent things?

(c ) According to the passage, how can we get fresh water from salty water?

(d ) Why was the spoon invented?

(e) What do we call the process of removing salt from water?


SECTION C (45 Marks)


Answer three (3) questions from this section


9. Imagine that you’re the first candidate who performed well this English Examination. The head of school has awarded you 50,000/= shillings. In about 250 words, explain how you feel and how you will spend the money.





A Wreath for Fr. Mayer - S. N. Ndunguru (1977), Mkuki na Nyota

Unanswered Cries - Osman Conteh, Macmillan

Passed Like a Shadow  - B. M. Mapalala (2006), DUP

Spared  - S. N. Ndunguru (2004), Mkuki na Nyota

Weep Not Child - Ngugi wa Thiong’o (1987); Heinemann

The Interview  - P. Ngugi (2002), Macmillan





Three Suitors: One Husband  - O. Mbia (1994), Eyre Methuen

The Lion and the Jewel - W. Soyinka (1963), OUP

This Time Tomorrow - Ngugi wa Thiong’o (1972), Heinemann

The Black Hermit - Ngugi wa Thiong’o (1968), Heinemann





Songs of Lawino and Ocol - O. P’Bitek (1979), EAPH

Growing up with Poetry - D. Rubadiri (ed) (1989), Heinemann

Summons - R. Mabala (1960), TPH



10. Read the following poem and then answer the questions that follow:

 Thin and red

 Skinny and bald

 The boy groans on the ground

 Swollen stomach

 Full of waste

 Thin legs


 As the boy

 Fights with flies

 Over the empty plate.


 Ten years old

 He looks older than ten

 And younger than 

 And so small

 As he wriggles


 Of his unproportioned body

 “ Mother” shouted the boy

 When I grow up

 I will carry a gun

 And not a pen

 “My son” shouted the mother

 You will never live to carry a gun

 There is no meat for us.



 (a) What is the poem about?

 (b) Who is the persona?

 (c) What is the mood of the persona?

 (d) How many stanzas are in the poem?

 (e) How many verses does the poem have?

 (f) What are the possible two themes in this poem?

 (g) Briefly explain the relevance of the two themes mentioned in (f) above to your society.

 (h) What does the word “gun” symbolize?

 (i) What do we learn from this poem?

 (j) What type of poem is this?


12. By using two Novels that you have read, discuss the themes (four (4) themes) from each book and show their relevance to your society.

13. For changes to take place, conflict is inevitable, Discuss using two plays under this section.



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