Time: 3Hours


  1.         This paper consists of sections A, B, and C with a total eleven (11) questions.
  2.         Answer all question in the sections A, B and two (2) questions from section C.
  3.         Section A carries sixteen (16) marks, section B fifty four (54) marks and section C carries thirty (30) marks.
  4.         All writing should be in blue or black pen, except for diagrams that must be drawn in pencil.
  5.         Communication devices and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  6.         Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet (s)




  1.         For each of the following items  (i-x).Choose the correct answer from alternatives given
  1.  John has cardiovascular disease. Which of the following does not contribute to it
  1. Dietary fibre
  2. Smoking
  3. Fatty foods
  4. Lack of exercise
  5. Over-weight
  1.      Which of these diseases is not caused by fungi
  1. Wheat rust
  2. Candidiasis
  3. Influenza
  4. Powdery mildew
  5. Maize rust
  1.   Bread mould is an example of
  1. Byrophyta
  2. Pteridophyta
  3. Zygomycota
  4. Basidiomycota
  5. Coniferophyta
  1.    Byrophytes are said to be most primitive plants on earth because
  1. They grow on wet areas
  2. They do not produce seeds
  3. They produced assexually and sexually
  4. They lack vascular tissues
  5. They lack chlorophyll
  1.      Which part protects lungs from injury and shock?
  1. Trachea
  2. Ribs
  3. Bronchus
  4. Epiglottis
  5. Diaphragm
  1.    A patient was confirmed to be suffering from meningitis after attending Mawenzi Hospital. How cam disease be prevented from spreading?
  1. Eliminating fleas
  2. Abstaining from sex
  3. Isolating the patient
  4. Killing water snail
  5. Cutting long grasses
  1.  Monica eats a meal consisting of maize (ugali) and beef (meat). Where did digestion of meat start in alimentary canal?
  1. Mouth
  2. Oesophagus
  3. Stomach
  4. Ileum
  5. Duodenum
  1.     Juma had problem with liver and bile could not be produced. Which of the following food digestion will be impaired?
  1. Ugali
  2. Cassava
  3. Beans
  4. Fruits
  5. Fatty foods
  1.    The enzyme that convert starch to maltose is
  1. Lipase
  2. Sucrose
  3. Peptidase
  4. Amylase
  5. Trypsin
  1.      Which of thr following is not transported by plasma?
  1. Nutrients
  2. Hormones
  3. Waste products
  4. Feaces
  5. Respiratory gases
  1.         Match the parts of digestive system on given in list A and list B by writing correct answer on space provided.



  1.           Wave- like muscular contraction that push food along oesophagus
  2.         Connect mouth to stomach
  3.      Contain acidic medium for digestion
  4.       First part of small intestine
  5.         Absorb water from undigested and indigestible food materials
  6.       Grind food
  1. Colon
  2. Stomach
  3. Peristalsis
  4. Cardiac sphincter
  5. Pyloric sphincter
  6. Duodenum
  7. Ileum
  8. Molars
  9. Stomach
  10. Ingestion






(54 MARKS)

Answer all questions in this section

  1.         James is having painful burning sensation around the middle of his chest whenever he eats spicy food. He’s also having a problem of passing out very hard stool
  1.    Identify possible digestive disorder he’s facing
  2.    What would you advice him in order to alleviate the problem
  3.    Identify causes of such problems
  1.         Mention the components of gastric juice and explain their function
  2.         The leaf is main organ for photosynthesis.
  1.          explain how it is adapted to its function
  2.          What is the significant of photosynthesis to living organism?
  1.         Briefly explain the following terms;
  1.     Carbon dioxide fixation
  2.  Photosynthesis
  3.      Palisade mesophyil
  4.       Photolysis

(b)Differentiate light stage and dark stage of photosynthesis

  1.         Form two students from Jangwani Secondary School carried out a survey to determine numbers of organism in their school garden. They recorded their findings as shown below



Number of organism










  1.             Which of the above organism are
  1.     Producers
  2.  Primary consumers
  1.             Draw a possible food chain to show the energy flow in the garden
  2.             (i) Is food chain above stable?

(ii) Give reason for your answer in 7 (c) (i) above 

(iii) What can be done to sustain the food chain in school garden?

  1.         (a) Give a reason for the following
  1.     Animal cell burst when placed in pure water where as plant cell does not
  2.  An animal cell shrinks when placed in concentrated solution.

             (b) Explain three factors that affect the rate of diffusion.





  1.         Briefly explain the following
  1.             Arteries have thick-walled muscular and elastic walls
  2.             Arteries do not need valves
  3.             Small organism like amoeba and Paramecium do not need circulatory system
  1.    Describe the function of human skeleton
  2.    Poor waste products disposal creates problems in the environment. In six points justify the statement.








TIME: 2:30 HRS


  1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of eleven (11) questions
  2. Answer all questions in section A and B and two (2) questions from section C.
  3. Section A carries sixteen (16) marks, section B carries fifty four (54) marks and section C carries thirty (30) marks.
  4. All writings must be in blue or black ink except drawings which should be in pencil.
  5. All communication devices, programmable calculators and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in examination room.
  6. Write your examination number on every page of your answer sheet(s).


1. For each of the following items (i) – (x) Choose the most correct answer correct answer from among given alternatives given.

  1. After visiting Tarangire National parks, Peter saw organism which had similar feeding habit. What term can be used to describe this organism?
  1. Community
  2. Trophic level
  3. Food chain
  4. Food web
  5. Habitat
  1. Monica found an Organism shaped like an umbrella in a damping site. Which statement is true about the organisms?
  1. It is a mushroom and belongs to phylum Ascomycota
  2. It is yeast and belongs to phylum Basidiomycota
  3. It is mushroom and belongs to phylum Basidiomycota
  4. It is Mucor and belongs to phylum Ascomycota
  5. It is Yeast and belongs to phylum Ascomycota.
  1. David, A bus driver was preparing items for his first Aid Kit Which one did she not include?
  1. A pair of scissors
  2. Touch
  3. Sterilized cotton wool
  4. Amoxylin Tablets
  1. Juma ate a meal consisting of protein. Where did the digestion of the meal begum?
  1. Mouth
  2. Duodenum
  3. Stomach
  4. Small intestine
  5. Ileum
  1. During an investigation a form II student put a piece of bread in a wet cupboard, after a few days the bread was covered with grayish substance. What are the name of the substance?
  1. Penicillium
  2. Rhizopus stononifer
  3. Entamoeba histolytic
  4. Agaricus compestris
  5. Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  1. In a motor car accident the bus driver found that he could hardly maintain equilibrium, which of the structure was damaged?
  1. Semi-circular canal
  2. Fore brain
  3. Medulla Oblangata
  4. Eustachian Tube
  5. The cochlea
  1. Dr. Nambena received medical results from laboratory and identified that the victim suffered from filicidal woman infection. Which of the following disease is typical caused by above worms?
  1. Lymphloma
  2. Elephantiasin
  3. Oedema
  4. Thrombosis
  5. Arteriosclerosis
  1. The glomenulars filtrate contains the following materials
  1. Glucose molecules, water, urea and dissolved mineral salt
  1. Cells, protein and glucose
  2. Uric acid, proteins and urea
  3. Vitamin, urea and water
  4. Mineral salts, proteins and glucose
  1. The part of ear which convert sound signals into nerve impulse which are transmitted to brain include
  1. Ear Ossicles
  2. Semicircular canal
  3. Cochlea
  4. Eustachian Tube
  5. Ear dram
  1. The part of compound Microscope which help to concentrate light into beams to
  1. Ocular tube
  2. Condenser
  3. Mirror
  4. Revolving nosepiece
  5. Diaphragm
  1. Match items from LIST A with correct phrase in LIST B by writing the letter of correct response from LIST B against item number in LIST A.



  1. Muscles
  2. Smooth Muscles
  3. Cardiac muscles
  4. Skeletal Muscles
  5. Tendon
  6. Ligament
  1. Have no ability to relax and contract
  2. Biceps and Triceps muscle
  3. Smooth muscles with disc between cells
  4. Space between bone and bone
  5. Contractile tissue specialized for relaxation and contraction to bring about movement and locomotion
  6. Muscles made up of long fibers that cover bones
  7. Muscles made up of long tapered and cells found in most of internal organs
  8. Connective tissue which attach muscles to bones
  9. Fibers tissue that join bone to bone
  10. Muscle that are able to contract without suffering fatigue and not under influence of Nervous system.


Answer all questions in this section

3. (a)Give three factors that Aid in Ultra filtration in the glomenulars

(b)Give explanation of the following

  1. Plasma proteins are absent in glomerular filtrate
  2. Urine of a normal person does not have glucose
  3. During cold days one produces large quantities of dilute Urine

(c) State 3 adaptation of convoluted tubule to re-absorption

  1. (a)Sate any three adaptations of the leaf to photosynthesis

(b)How do the following factors affect rate of photosynthesis

  1. Chlorophyll
  2. Sunlight
  3. Carbon dioxide
  1. (a) During cooking a cook unfortunately touched a hot charcoal burner. He pulled in hand abruptly.
  1. What is the name of that response
  2. What is the name given to pathway which describe response in 8a(i) above

(b) Illustrate the pathway of an impulse from the sense organs to effectors of the cooks’ hand

  1. Juma visited Mikumi National park and saw the following organisms, Zebra, giraffe, lion grasses, Mushroom, hyena and antelope.
  1. Construct two (2) food chains from organism observed in the National park
  2. Construct a simple food web
  3. Identify organism which are
  1. Producer
  2. Secondary consumer
  3. Decomposer
  1. (a)Draw a diagram of maize cell and label the parts responsible for the following functions.
  1. Control all activities of cell
  2. Provide shape of the cell
  3. Chemical reaction occur here

(b)How is maize cell different from cell of a goat?

  1. (a)A flower was found to have conspicuous petals scented and firmly held stigma and anthers
  1. What is likely agent of pollination of the flower?
  2. What is the significance of firm held stigma in the flower?

(b)Briefly explain the rule the following structures in flowers

  1. Petal
  2. Stigma
  3. Ovary
  4. Style
  5. Anther


Answer two (2) questions in this section

  1. (a)Explain why
  1. The rate of breathing increase quickly during exercise
  2. Is better to breathe through nose than through mouth

(b)How are respiratory surface adapted to their role?

  1. Many people believe that fungi are harmful organism. As biologist, explain six ways in which fungi are beneficial to humans
  1. Humans in their daily life come into contamination with viruses, bacteria, worms, and other pathogens explain any six ways used by humans to prevent invasion and infections by disease causing micro-organisms.









TIME: 2:30 HRS


1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of eleven (11) questions

2. Answer all questions in section A and B and two (2) questions from section C.

3. Section A carries sixteen (16) marks, section B carries fifty four (54) marks and section C carries thirty (30) marks.

4. All writings must be in blue or black ink except drawings which should be in pencil.

5. All communication devices, programmable calculators and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in examination room.

6. Write your examination number on every page of your answer sheet(s).



  1. For each of questions (i) – (x) choose the best alternatives from choices given.
  1. The skin can be described as multipurpose organ because beside being an excretory and touch reception organ. What else is among the roles played by skin in Mammals
  1. Organ for vitamin formation
  2. Sound reception Organ
  3. Temperature controlling Organ
  4. It is an Organ of corti
  1. A form two student found an organism shaped as an umbrella in damping place. Which statement is true about the organism
  1. It is mushroom and belongs to phylum ascomycota
  2. It is yeast and belongs to phylum Basidiomycota
  3. It is a mushroom and belongs to phylum Basidiomycota
  4. It is bread mould of Phylum Zygomycota
  5. It is a mucor of phylum Ascomycota
  1. A patient complained to a Doctor that the always suffers from the following, pain and difficult in Urination, back pain, nausea and vomiting, chills and fever and blood in urine. The patient was probably suffering from

  1. Gout
  2. Yellow fever
  3. Urinary tract infection
  4. Hepatitis
  5. Kidney stones

  1. Mr. Baraka visited his maize plantation and discovered that the maize had stunted growth and leaves had turned yellow. Which mineral did his plantation lack?

  1. Iron
  2. Calcium
  3. Nitrogen
  4. Sulphur
  5. Potassium

  1. When a bird builds a nest on a tree the bird, benefits but the tree neither benefits or loses. What type of relationship is shown by bird and the tree?

  1. Amensalism
  2. Parasitism
  3. Mutualism
  4. Neutralism
  5. Commensalism

  1. Amina was asked to identify chemical substances that catches fire easily, which one was it

  1. Corrosive
  2. Flammable
  3. Oxidant
  4. Irritant
  5. Harmful

  1. Steve was given iodine solution, which food can he test using it.

  1. Protein
  2. Starch
  3. Carbohydrate
  4. Non-reducing sugar
  5. Reducing sugar

  1. Accumulation of lactic acid in muscle is as a result of
  1. Aerobic respiration plants
  2. Anaerobic respiration in plants
  3. Anaerobic respiration Animals
  4. Aerobic respiration in animals
  5. Lack of water in a cell
  1. Hamisi started salivating as he saw a plate of rice and beef in a restaurant when he was on his way from school to home. Which part of brain in concerned with salivation?

  1. Cerebellum
  2. Central hemisphere
  3. Medulla oblongata
  4. Hypothalamus
  5. Hind brain

  1. The main end product of photosynthesis in transported away from the leaves by the

  1. Xylem
  2. Veins
  3. Phloem
  4. Vascular bundles
  5. Lateral buds.

  1. Match the description of the part of urinary system in LIST A with their correspondence terminologies in LIST B. by writing the correct letter beside the item number in answer booklet.



  1. Renal vein
  2. Renal artery
  3. Urethra
  4. Ureter
  5. Urinary
  6. Bladder
  1. Tube that carry Urine from Kidney to the bladder
  2. Tube that carry urine from bladder to Outside of the body
  3. Stores Urine Temporary
  4. Collects the Urine from all collecting duct
  5. Take blood away from kidney
  6. Bring blood containing waste
  7. Carry blood toward kidney
  8. Functional unit of kidney

SECTION B (70 Marks)

Answer all questions

  1. Mkude in always suffering from sudden, involuntary and painful contraction of single or a group of muscles. When attempt to strenuous exercise
  1. Name condition he is suffering
  2. Give two causes of conditional named above
  3. State three ways you can active Mkude how to avoid this problem
  1. (a)In process of digestion, explain why food is
  1. Acidic when in the stomach
  2. Alkaline when in the mouth
  3. Alkaline when in ileum

(b)Name the organism that 

(i) Causes malaria   (ii) Transmits Malaria

(c)State two control measures of Malaria

  1. (a)How is human stomach adapted to

(i)Protein digestion   (ii) Churning 

(b)What happens to glucose synthesized during photosynthesis? 

(c)Distinguish between diffusion and osmosis 

  1. Imani was exercising long marathon during a hot day. He sweats a lot. When he felt thirsty he sat down on a rock and opened his back pack intending to drink some water. Unfortunately he had forgotten to fill his bottle.

a) Describe the mechanism which will be used to regulate water content in Imanis body until he reaches a place where he can drink water.

b) Explain why Imani may not urinate until he drinks water.



  1. (a)The diagram below illustrates a blood capillary surrounding a structure for gaseous exchange in human being.

  1. Identify the gaseous exchange structure
  2. Identify gases labelled Y and Z
  3. How does gas labelled Y reach inside of blood capillary
  4. How does cigarette smoking lead to lung cancer
  1. (a)Define the following ecological terms

(i) Trophic level (ii) A biotic factors (iii) Food chain 

(b)An ecologist carried out a survey to investigate the structure of trophic level in a certain pond. She discovered that trophic level become narrower as you move upward and become broader as you move downward. Give three reasons that bought such condition

  1. (a)Explain how plants respond positively through the following processes

(i)Nyctinastic process  (ii)Thigmotropism process   (iii)Seismonastic process 

(b)State the main function of vacuole in the amoeba 

  1. Give the name of the muscles which regulate internal body temperature. When the external environment is over heated? Briefly explain by giving three ways.

SECTION C (15 Marks)

Answer question 11

  1. Describe how the mammalian eye is structurally adapted to its function.










Time: 3Hours


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of thirteen (13) questions.
  2. Answer all questions in sections A and B and one (1) question from section C
  3. Except for diagrams that must be drawn in pencil, all writing should be in blue or black ink.
  4. Calculators, cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  5. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s)


  1. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives given below;
  1. Our muscles are attached to the bones at the joint by a strong tissue referred to as:
  1. Ligament
  2. Tendon
  3. Cartilage
  4. Connective tissue
  5. Skeleton.
  1. If a plant cell is placed in hypotonic solution, it experiences a biological condition called:
  1. Haemolysis
  2. Turgidity
  3. Crenation
  4. Plasmolysis
  5. Turgor pressure.
  1. Yeast is economically important because it is used in the baking process. This member of fungi is found in phylum:
  1. Ascomycota
  2. Zygomycota 
  3. Basidiomycota
  4. Eumycota  
  5. Bryophyta.
  1. In an experiment using a compound microscope, objects under observation were not seen properly due to poor light reflection. Which part of microscope will be affected?
  1. Diaphragm
  2. Mirror
  3. Objective lens
  4. Clips
  5. Course adjustment knob.
  1. When a fish is taken out of water can die because;
  1. It has no legs
  2. Its mouth is small to get the food on land
  3. Its gills are not able to exchange dry respiratory gases
  4. On land there are many enemies than in water
  5. The water on land flows faster than in rivers
  1. When a bird builds a nest on a tree, the bird benefits but the tree neither benefits nor loses. What type of relationship is shown by bird and the tree? 
  1. Amensalism
  2. Parasitism
  3. Mutualism
  4. neutralism
  5. Commensalism
  1. A patient who has the following symptoms mild fever , slight abdominal pain , diarrhoea and vomiting is likely to be suffering from; 
  1. Malaria
  2. Cholera
  3. Measles
  4. Tuberculosis
  5. Typhoid
  1. Disease which is common infection of the respiratory system is: -
  1. Tuberculosis
  2. Aids
  3. Malaria
  4. Cholera
  5. Typhoid
  1. One of the following is the principle of good manner 
  1. Eating fast
  2. Speaking respectively
  3. Throwing food
  4. Wearing tight clothes
  5. Washing the body everyday
  1. Which food substance can be tested by using Iodinesolution? 
  1. Protein
  2.  Starch 
  3. Carbohydrate 
  4. Non reducing sugar
  5. Reducing sugar


  1. Match the description of the parts of skeleton in List A with corresponding Phrase/Terminology in List B by writing the letter of correct response beside item number in answer booklet.




(i) Bi concave in shape, lack a nucleus

(ii) Have irregular shape which respond to infections

(iii) Fragments of cells produced in the bone marrow

(iv) A fluid tissue consisting of white cells, red cells, platelets and plasma.

(v) The fluid part of the blood.

  1. Leucocytes
  2. Erythrocytes
  3. Thrombocytes
  4. Thrombin
  5. Phagocytes
  6. Plasma
  7. Capillaries
  8. Blood


       SECTION B. (70 MARKS)

Answer all questions in this section

3.(a) (i) What are the raw materials for photosynthesis

(ii) List one product of photosynthesis

(b)State how the ileum is adapted for absorption function.

4. (a) Explain the term Osmoregulation

(b) Briefly explain the mechanisms of regulating sugar level in the blood.

5. (a)In a human urine Sample, Some Sugar was detected during a laboratory test

  1. What is the likely name of the detected sugar?
  2. Name the hormone that was likely to be deficient in the body of the person whose urine was tested and the gland that produce it.
  3. Name the disease, that the person was likely to be suffering from
  4. What food would you recommend such a person to avoid.

(b)Explain why there is a great concentration of Urea in urine than in glomerular filtrate.

6. a) The acronyms AIDS, ARVs and HIV they are being used in hospitals and schools while most of people in the community they do not know the clear meaning of these acronyms. Assume you are the biology expert in your community make a clean meaning of these acronyms so that everybody can understand.

b) Our bodies are being protected against diseases and infections by different types of white blood cells. Explain the functions of the following types of white blood cells found in our bodies.

i. Neutrophils and monocytes

ii. Eosinophil’s and basophils

iii. B lymphocytes and T lymphocytes

7. a) Explain the following phenomena as used in biology.

i. Insulin and glucagon hormones work antagonistically

ii. In cold and humidity weather, human usually produce large quantity of urine that is colorless.

b) Nowadays people in world are suffering many diseases caused by poor waste disposal. By using knowledge that you have, explain three basic principle that will you use to minimize this problem in the world.


8. (a) With examples state the meaning of "Abiotic" and 'biotic" factors of the environment.

(b) (i)Differentiate the terms "food chain"from a Trophic level"

(ii) Construct the food web by using the following organism. Grass, gazelle, wildebeest, lion, decomposer, hyena, zebra and shrunk.


10. In an investigation, students set up the apparatus below in the laboratory and made observations after 72 hours.

 Explain how inclusion of the following components would affect the mouse in the experiment:

  1. light (2 marks)
  2. Sodium hydroxide


 A person accidentally touches a hot pan and responds as illustrated in the diagram below.

  1. Explain how the response illustrated above occurs.
  2. Explain how auxins are utilised as selective weed killers in agriculture. (2 marks)


11. (a) Define the term analogous structures.

(b) Give two illustrations of analogous structures in mammals.

(c) Give two illustrations of analogous structures in mammals.



12. Describe what happens to a meal rich in proteins along the alimentary canal from ingestion to egestion.









Time: 3:00 Hours


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of eleven (11) questions.
  2. Answer all questions in sections A and B and one (1) question from section C
  3. Except for diagrams that must be drawn in pencil, all writing should be in blue or black ink.
  4. Calculators, cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  5. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s)

SECTION A 16 Marks

Answer All Questions

1. For each of items (i) – (x), Choose the correct answer from among the given alternative beside item number in answer booklet provided

  1. The body of a Fungus is Organized into thread like structures called
  1. Chitin
  2. Hyphae
  3. Mycellum
  4. Thallus
  5. sori
  1. the leaves of a fem plant are called
  1. Pinnae
  2. Rachis
  3. Fronds
  4. Prothallus
  5. Hyphae
  1. The three parts responsible for the basic structure and Function of any cell are
  1. Nucleus, cell membrane, cytoplasm
  2. Nucleus, nucleolus and cytoplasm
  3. Nucleus, cell membrane, and cell wall
  4. Cell membrane, cell wall and cytoplasm
  5. Cell vacuole, chloroplast, mitochondrion
  1. The neuron found in human being is an example of
  1. Tissue
  2. Cell
  3. Organ
  4. Organelle
  5. system
  1. a structure that allows air to enter the trachea and prevent food from entering the wind pipe is known as
  1. glottis
  2. Tongue
  3. Soft plate
  4. Mouth
  5. Epiglottis
  1. Which food substance can be tested by using iodine solution?
  1. Protein
  2. Starch
  3. Carbohydrate
  4. Non-reducing sugar
  5. Reducing sugar
  1. The reason why rabbits are Primary consumers is because
  1. Feed on animals
  2. Feed on plants
  3. Feed on bacteria
  4. Feed on Fungi
  5. Make their own food
  1. Identify the wrong statement about monocots
  1. Have taproots
  2. Have parallel venation
  3. Floral parts are in three or multiples of three
  4. Lack pith
  5. Have monocot roots
  1. Joints are held together by
  1. Ligaments
  2. Cartilage
  3. Tendon
  4. Muscles
  5. Bones
  1. Plants are said to be vascular if
  1. They contain Phloem
  2. They Contain Xylem
  3. Contain Xylem and Phloem
  4. Contain Xylem only
  5. They contain Xylem and Cambium only

2. Match the description of the parts of skeleton in List A with corresponding Phrase/Terminology in List B by writing the letter of correct response beside item number in answer booklet.



  1. Triceps
  2. Biceps
  3. Endoskeleton
  4. Thigmotropism
  5. Nastic movement
  6. Antagonistic movement
  1. Directional movement
  2. Muscles are attached to it externally
  3. Maintain shape of Earth worms
  4. Flex or muscles
  5. Response toward touch
  6. Response towards light
  7. Extensor
  8. Working version of biceps and triceps

SECTION B (54 marks)

Answer all questions in this section

3. (a) It is necessary for Organisms to move from one point to another. Justify this statement by giving four points.

(b) Proper food preservation can prevent hunger. Justify this statement by explain four modern method of food preservation

4. (a) James has Just reached Fourteen Years. Identify five changes that might be observed on the body of James

(b) Explain the needs of adolescents

5. (a)What is a skeleton?

(b)Describe the function of human skeleton

(c) Artificial classification is no longer popular; Justify this statement by giving five points

6. (a) During a group discussion; Halima Suggested that Bryophytes and coniferophytes are similar in every aspect. Do you agree with her? Given reasons for your answer.

(b) How does Osmosis help plants to maintain their shape?

(c) Plasmodium in a protoctista. Describe the main features of kingdom protoctista.

7. (a)What would have to organism if mitochondrion are removed from body?

(b)Differentiate Photosynthesis and respiration

8. (a)What do you understand by the terms

  1. Plasmalemma
  2. Protoplasm
  3. Protoplast

(b)Which organelles are you likely to find on

  1. Aging cells
  2. Actively dividing cells
  3. Enzyme secreting cells

SECTION C (30 Marks)

Answer any two questions from this section.

9. Describe the significance of Transport of materials in Living Organism.

10. What is the economic importance of Anaerobic respiration?

11. Describe the economic importance of angiosperms








  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C.
  2. Answer All questions in section A, B and two (2) question from section C, question (13) is compulsory.
  3. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s).


  1. Choose the correct answer
  1. Disease which spread quickly and affect the large number of people for a short time is:
  1. Pandemic disease
  2. Endemic disease
  3. Epidermic disease
  4. AIDS
  5. Typhoid

  1. On the microscope the STAGE is a part which:
  1. Direct the light to the object under observation
  2. Hold the object to be observed
  3. Move fine adjustment knob so as to obtain a clear mage of the object
  4. Magnify the object under observation
  5. Support the objective lens

  1. Which of the following are hormone concerned with regulation of sugar in the blood
  1. Adrenaline hormone, thyroxine hormone
  2. Auxins hormone and insulin hormone
  3. Prolaction, oxytocin
  4. Insulin, glucagon
  5. Oestrogen, progesterone

  1. Oxygenated blood is found in arteries except:
  1. Aorta
  2. Subclaria artery
  3. Pulmonary artery
  4. Pulmonary vein
  5. Vein
  1. When a bird builds a nest on a tree, the bird benefits but the tree neither benefits nor loses. What type of relationship is shown by bird and the tree?
  1. Amensalism
  2. Parasitism
  3. Mutualism
  4. neutralism
  5. Commensalism

  1. The word cell is derived from the Latic word “cellula” which means a:
  1. Unit of life
  2. Little room
  3. Cork from the bark of the tree
  4. Living thing
  5. Robert Hook

  1. Organisms can either be:
  1. Unicellular or Prokaryote
  2. Living thing or Eukaryote
  3. Living thing or Non-living thing
  4. Multicellular or Unicellular
  5. Multicellulalr or Unicellular

  1. Pick up the wrong statement
  1. All organisms respire
  2. Some fungi are edible
  3. Protoctista have photosynthetic and heterotrophic mode of nutrition
  4. Cell wall is absent in Animalia
  5. Nuclear membrane is absent in Animalia

  1. One of the major component of the cell was of most fungi is:
  1. Chitin
  2. Cellulose
  3. Starch
  4. Lipids
  5. Phospholipid bilayer

  1. Group of sporangia borne on the underside of fern leaves are called:
  1. Tholus
  2. Protholus
  3. Fronds
  4. Fiddle head
  5. Sori



  1. (a)Define the following terms as used in Biology

(i)An accident



(iv)First aid kit

(b)Explain shortly why is important to dispose waste properly

  1. It has been observed that some people dispose waste around the lake which supply water to the surrounding community. Briefly explain three problems which are likely to happen to the area.

  1. Study carefully the following food chain then answer the questions that follow:

Maize seedsHensHumansBacteria

(a)Which of the above organisms are:


(b)(i)Name other organisms that can replace the bacteria from the food chain in5 above

(ii)Outline two advantages of food chain

  1. Alex complain of having burning sensation around the chest region

(a)What digestive order is the facing?

(b)Give three measures he should take to treat the disorder

  1. (a)What is the difference between first aid and first aid kit?

(b)Outline five (5) importance of first aid to a victim

  1. (a)Differentiate between responsible behaviour and risky behavior

(b)State two behaviors which may lead to the following risks


(ii)HIV infections

(iii)Drug abuse

(iv)Unplanned pregnancies

(c) Suggest two (2) ways on how to care and support a victim of HIV/AIDS.

  1. Explain how a plant cell prevent bursting when placed in hypotonic solution

(b) What will be the effect in recipient's blood when he/she has been transfused an incompatible blood from the donor.

(c) State any three precautions to be taken during blood transfusion

  1. Consider that you are medical doctor and you have received a patient whose investigation a diagnosed kidney stone. Suggest to the patient three possible causes and three control measures for kidney stones.

  1. Reptiles are organisms whose body temperature is affected by environmental temperature. Briefly explain two ways that help reptiles to survive in different weather condition.
  2. Briefly explain four reasons why plants lack specialized excretory organs

  1. Explain the biological significance of the following ;

(i) Stomata are placed in the lower part of the leaf

(ii) Plants shed off leaves during dry seasons

(iii) It is advised to irrigate your plants in early morning or late evening.

(iv) Alveoli is supplied with a network of blood capillaries


Answer two questions from this section, question number 13 is compulsory

  1. Briefly explain the HIV/AIDS basing on the following guidelines
  • Meaning
  • Mode of transmission
  • Symptoms
  • Preventive measures
  • Effects
  • Treatment/cure

  1. Which classification system do taxonomists mostly prefer? Explain any four reasons as to why they prefer that system.

  1. Discuss the economic importance of bacteria. Give examples where necessary







032/1                                                BIOLOGY FORM THREE

TIME: 3 HOURS                                                                                 SEPT 2022


  1. This paper consist of sections A, B and C, with total of fifteen (15) questions.
  2. Answer all questions in section A and B and two (2) questions from section C of which question 13 is compulsory.
  3. All drawing must be in pencil.
  4. Cellular phone and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in examination room.
  5. Write your examination number on every page of your answer sheets.


SECTION A (15 Marks)

  1. For items (i-x), choose the correct answer among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number.
  1. A biologist in his experiment discovered a new cell in a culture. The new cell had cell wall but had no definite nucleus. The cell is mostly likely to be of.
  1. Kingdom fungi
  2. Kingdom plantae
  3. Kingdom monera
  4. Kingdom animalia


  1. The blood vessel that carries blood rich in nutrients from the gut to the liver is.
  1. Pulmonary artery
  2. Pulmonary vein
  3. Hepatic artery
  4. Hepatic portal vein
  5. Liver artery


  1. Cardiac muscles are example of.
  1. System     (b) tissue     (c) organ     (d) organism


  1. The part of brain which coordinates and supports movement of the human body is.
  1. Cerebellum     (b) cerebrum     (c) medulla oblongata  (d) hypothalamus


  1. Which of the following is a list of diseases caused by bacteria?
  1. Pneumonia, elephantiasis, cholera and typhoid
  2. Malaria, pneumonia, typhoid and cholera
  3. Cholera, bilharzias, tuberculosis and pneumonia
  4. Tuberculosis, small pox, pneumonia and cholera
  5. Tuberculosis, cholera, pneumonia and typhoid


  1. The term that best describes animals having both male and female sex organs is.
  1. Fibroblastic     (b) tribloblastic      (c) hermaphrodites    (d) viviparous


  1.         The fact that the fluid oozes out of a slump after a tree has been felled is evidence to ______ in plants.
  1. Transport     (b) root pressure    (c)translocation    (d) transpiration stream


  1.      Which substance can be tested by using Benedict’s solution
  1. Reducing sugar                
  2. Starch       
  3. Lipids                                  
  4.  Protein
  5. oils


  1. Which of the following enzymes is produced in the Mouth
  1. Lipase.                                                        
  2.  Salivary amylase  
  3. Sucrose.                                                     
  4. Trypsin
  5. Maltase.
  1. Which of the following is the correct order of event?
  1. Oogenesis – fertilization – ovulation – implantation
  2. Ovulation – fertilization  - oogenesis – ovulation
  3. Oogenesis – ovulation – fertilization – implantation
  4. Implantation – oogenesis – fertilization – ovulation
  5. Oogenesis – ovulation – implantation – fertilization



  1. Match the responses in list B with the phrases in list A by writing the letter of the correct response.



  1. Knee
  2. Heart
  3. Ligament
  4. Pectoral girdle
  5. Cervical vertebrae
  1. Joins bone and muscles
  2. At the shoulder
  3. Cardiac muscles
  4. Join bone and bone
  5. Hinge joint
  6. At the hip
  7. Smooth muscles
  8. At the neck
  9. Ball and socket joint
  10. At the stomach


SECTION B (60 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

  1. (a) Give the meaning of blood compatibility as well as its application in life.

(b) Mention three (3) areas where diffusion occur in the human body and explain to each how it occurs.


  1. (a) Mention any three members of kingdom monera and to each state one disease it cause.

(b) To each disease in 4(a) above state two ways of their prevention.

(c) How does a pea plant and millet plant differ? Three points


  1. (a) Which features does the structure for selective reabsorption in human body has that enable it to perform its roles efficiently? Give four points.

(b) “No specialized excretory organs to both plants and animal’s body, no life”. Is this statement true or not? Use four points to support your answer.

(c) Why sometimes a person urinates yellowish urine? Explain.


  1. (a) Juma has no knowledge how a woman can produce more than one children who are similar or not similar. Use your knowledge of biology to educate him how such condition can occur.

(b) Give two necessity of menstruation in reproduction


  1. Mwamini believes that all scientific special rooms for scientific studies are equiped similary.With four points,help Mwamini showing her the uniqueness of biological special room for scientific studies and state the uses of such uniqueness stated above.


  1. Plants are among of biotic components of an ecosystem. Use five points to comment on this statement.


  1. (a) How does cow and man differ in nature of their alimentary canal? (Give three points).

(b) Human being cannot survive without photosynthesis. Give two reasons to support this statement.


  1. Mention the types of genetic materials and write three their differences.


  1. (a) Tatu who is a form one student has given birth to new boy baby due to illegal and unprotected sexual practice and unfortunately she has no knowledge how to feed her baby .Which food do you advice Tatu to feed her baby and how do you think that food is more important to her child. Give four points.

(b) How is sensory neuron adapted to its function (two points).


        12. If you put a piece of bread in a wet cupboard after a few days the breast will be  covered with               organism called fungi.

   a) Give the common name of these fungi which grow bread 

 b) Outline the three phyla of the Kingdom fungi
 i. …………………………………………………………………………………………………
 ii. …………………………………………………………………………………………………
 iii. ………………………………………………………………………………………………

c) Outline five advantages of Kingdom fungi
i. ………………………………………………………………………………………………
ii. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….
iii. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….
iv. ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
v. ……………………............………………………


SECTION C (25 Marks)

Answer only two questions from this section, the question number 13 is compulsory.

  1. (a) Draw a well labeled diagram of a light microscope and state the function of the following parts.
  1. Diaphragm    (ii)Mirror  (iii) Eye piece

(iv Body tube          (v) Condenser          

(b) Write five ways of taking care to a microscope.

  1. Majority of people believes that all fungi are harmful organisms. As a biologist, explain five ways in which fungi are beneficial to human being.


  1. Discuss on the causes, ways of transmission, symptoms and prevention of gonorrhea.

1 | Page









Time: 3Hours


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of fifteen (15) questions.
  2. Answer all the questions in sections A and B and two (2) questions from section C of which question number 13 is compulsory.
  3. Section A carries fifteen (15) marks, section B sixty (60) marks and section C carries twenty five (25) marks.
  4. All writing should be in blue or black pen, except for diagrams that must be drawn in pencil.
  5. Cellular phones and any unauthorised materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  6. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s).

 SECTION A (15 Marks)

 Answer All questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i)-(x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

  1.              A structure which allows air to enter the trachea and prevent food from entering the wind pipe known as;
  1.             Glotics
  2.             Tongue
  3.             Soft palate
  4.             Mouth
  5.              Epiglotics
  1.           Study the following sequence of organism ;

Grass                         Rabbit                   wolves’                       fleas

The sequence is example of;

  1.             Food web
  2.             A pyramid
  3.             Food chain
  4.             Abiotic
  1.         Lipase enzymes are mainly contained in;
  1.             Hydrochloric acid
  2.             Gastric juice
  3.             Saliva
  4.             Intestinal juice
  5.              Pancreatic juice
  1.         A person who is admitted in hospital after an operation, is most likely be advised to feed on food rich in ;
  1.             Vitamin C
  2.             Vitamin A
  3.             Protein
  4.             Lipids
  5.              Water
  1.            Which of the following is a vector for sleeping sickness?
  1.             House fly
  2.             Mosquito
  3.             Tsetse fly
  4.             Tick
  5.              Cockroach
  1.         The outermost living structure to identify a plant cell is;
  1.             Cytoplasm
  2.             Vacuole
  3.             Cell wall
  4.             Nuclear membrane
  5.              Cell membrane
  1.       One distinctive features of fungi is;
  1.             Gill structure
  2.             Hyphae
  3.             Cellulose
  4.             Cap
  5.              Exoskeleton
  1.    The main product of photosynthesis process is;
  1.             Sun light energy
  2.             Carbohydrate
  3.             Carbon dioxide
  4.             Water
  5.              Oxygen
  1.         True ribs are the first;
  1.             7 pairs
  2.             5 pairs
  3.             8 pairs
  4.             6 pairs
  5.              11 pairs
  1.            Absence of flowers  and fruits is a characteristics of;
  1.             Monocots
  2.             Dicots
  3.             Conifers
  4.             Vascular plant
  5.              Cambium

2: Match the responses in LIST B with the phrase in LIST A by writing the letter of the correct response from LIST B besides the item number of LIST A in your answer sheet.



  1.                 Receives impulses and gives  appropriate response to stimuli
  2.               A gap through which impulses pass  when travelling from one neuron  to  another
  3.            Receives impulses from the external  stimuli and transmit it to the spinal  cord.
  4.            Control and co-ordinate body  balancing organs, thus making  accurate movement possible.
  5.               The nervous path way taken by  impulses in reflex action
  1.             Synapse
  2.             Effectors
  3.             Hypothalamus
  4.             Biceps muscles
  5.              Motor neuron
  6.               Peripheral nervous system
  7.             Central nervous system
  8.             Medullar oblongata
  9.                 Reflex arc
  10.                Relay neuron
  11.             Cerebellum
  12.              White matter
  13.           Cerebrum
  14.             Sensory neuron
  15.             receptors



Answer ALL questions in this section

 3.  (a)  Define what is accommodation?

             (b) Describe the image formation

   (a) Distinguish digestion from egestion as used in human biology

             (b) Explain why during digestion, the food is:

                 (i) Alkaline when in duodenum

                 (ii) Acidic when in the stomach

                  (iii) Alkaline when in the ileum


 5  (a) List any four characteristics of members of kingdom Plantae.

              (b)  (i) State the division in the kingdom in (a) above

                  (ii) Name one representative member for each division in (b) above. 

6   State any three principles of waste disposal and give three importance of proper               waste disposal.

7   Describe the long-sightedness disorder and how is corrected  

8.  Explain how the parts of the mammalian heart are adapted to their function.

 9.  (a) Explain the general effect of drug abuse and drug addiction

            (b) List five ways of preventing drug abuse and addiction


10:  Describe the symptoms of a person who is infected by Vibrio cholera and suggest               six preventive measures and treatment for cholera outbreak.

 11:  (a) state any four functions of a human skeleton

              (b)  Describe the components of mammalian appendicular skeleton.

12.Describe the neuronic pathway taken by reflex actions in human being.

SECTION C (25 Marks)

Answer two (2) questions from this section. Question number 13 is a compulsory.

13. Explain two factors affecting gaseous exchange in animals.

14. Elaborate the causes of drug abuse to young people and advise the Tanzanian Government on the ways of combating drug abuse in the country.

15. (a) State the function of the following parts of the brain:

  1. Medulla oblongata
  2. Hypothalamus
  3. Cerebellum
  4. Cerebrum

(b) (i) Define the term “drug use”

  1. Explain three effects of drug abuse
  2. Explain two ways in which drug abuse can be controlled









Time: 3Hours


  1.    This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of 15 questions.
  2.    Answer all questions in section A and B and TWO  (2) question from section C in which question 13 compulsory.
  3.    All writing should be in blue or black pen, except for diagrams that must be drawn in pencil.
  4.    Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  5.    Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.

 SECTION A (20 Marks)

 Answer All questions in this section.

(i)The following are examples of water – borne diseases:

  1.      Malaria and bilharzia.
  2.      Yellow fever and typhoid
  3.       Diarrhoea and malaria.
  4.      Cholera and plague.
  5.       Cholera and typhoid

(ii) One of the distinctive features o f kingdom fungi is possession of:

  1.      Plasma membrane
  2.      Cytoplasma
  3.       Chitin materials
  4.      Cell membrane
  5.       Cellulose materials.

(iii) A grasshopper ventilates its gaseous exchange surfaces by:

  1.      Moving the diaphragm
  2.      Beating of cilia
  3.       Rhythmic body movement
  4.      Opening of spiracles
  5.       Moving its rib cage.

(iv) The taxonomic category of organisms belonging to the same class but not to the same family is?

  1.      Species
  2.   Genus
  3.    Order
  4.   Phylum
  5.   Kingdom.

(v) The function of sunlight energy in the human skin is to stimulate the synthesis of?

  1.   Vitamin A
  2.   Vitamin C
  3.    Vitamin D
  4.   Vitamin K
  5.   Vitamin B.

(vi) Night blindness in human body is avoided by eating? 

  1.   Oranges
  2.   Carrot
  3.    Red meat
  4.   Green vegetables
  5.   Chicken

(vii) A blood vessel which conveys deoxygenated blood away from the heart is called?

  1.   Capillaries
  2.   Artery
  3.    Veins
  4.   Pulmonary vein
  5.   Pulmonary artery.

(viii) Which of the following structure is a site of respiration?

  1.   Chloroplast
  2.   Ribosome
  3.    Nuclear
  4.   Nucleic acid
  5.   Mitochondria.

(ix) The structures found in bacteria are:

  1.   Plasmid, flagella and cilia
  2.   Cytoplasm, cilia and plastids
  3.    Cell wall, plasmid and flagella
  4.   Cell membrane, flagella and hairs
  5.   Plasmid, capsule and cilia.

(x) The by – products in photosynthesis process are:

  1.   Carbohydrate and water
  2.   Carbon dioxide and oxygen
  3.    Oxygen and water
  4.   Carbohydrate and carbon dioxide 
  5.   Oxygen and air.





2. Matching items questions.



  1.       Supplies blood to the heart
  2.       Loss of mineral in which they move deeper beyond plant roots
  3.       An organism that cause typhoid
  4.       Classification based on few external features.
  5.       Has same origin but different function.
  6.       Locomotary structure in amoeba
  7.       A disease that breaks out from time to time in different region.
  8.       Modification of cells to carry out certain functions.
  9.       Organisms with similar nutritional habits.
  10.       Secretes Bile.
  1.            Epidemic disease
  2.            Sporadic disease
  3.             Niche
  4.            Trophic level
  5.             Cell specialization
  6.             Cell differentiation
  7.            Coronary artery
  8.            Septum
  9.               Leaching
  10.               Eutrophication
  11.            Salmonella typhi
  12.             Typhoid coli
  13.           Cytoplasmic streaming
  14.            Pseudopodia
  15.            Taxonomy
  16.             Artificial classification
  17.            Natural classification
  18.            Homologous structure.
  19.             Analogous structure.



4. (a) Define the following terms.

  1.                     Ecology
  2.          Environment
  3.       Community
  4.         Ecosystem.

 (b) (i) State the difference between natural and artificial ecosystems

 (ii) Explain why food webs are more representative of feeding relationship than food chains.

5. (a) (i) What is a tissue

(ii) Name three animal and plant tissues.

    (b) State the structural differences between cell wall and a cell membrane.

    (c) Describe the function of blood plasma.

6. (a) Explain the function of the following parts of compound microscope.

  1.      Stage
  2.    Eyepiece

(b) Name four (4) human diseases caused by viruses.

 (c) Mention four ways of helping a person who has been bitten by a snake.

7. (a) What is meant by the following terms.

  1.            Digestion
  2.          Malnutrition
  3.       Balanced diet
  4.        Nutritional disorder.

 (c) Explain why;

  1.            One can swallow food while upside down?
  2.          Digestion of starch does not continue in the stomach?
  3.       Food in duodenum is alkaline
  4.        One is advised to eat roughage although they do not have any nutritional value.

8. (a) Draw a large labeled diagram of villus found in the digestive system.

 (b) Name digestive juice produced by the liver and state the content of that juice.

 (c) Differentiate between the following terms.

  1.            Breathing and respiration
  2.          Inhalation and exhalation


9. Describe five distinctive features of kingdom plantae

10.  a) Mention two members of division coniferophyta

     b) State the distinctive features of conifers

11.  a) Briefly explain how fertilization takes place in conifers

     b) Outline the advantages and disadvantages of confers



12. Write an essay on malaria using guidelines below.

  1. Causes
  2. Transmission
  3. Signs and symptoms
  4. Ways of prevention
  5. Treatment of the diseases.

13. Discus the advantage and disadvantage of artificial and natural classification.

  14.  a) What is alternation of generation?

     b)    Explain how alternation of generation takes place in bryophytes.










(For both School and Private Candidates)


CODE 033/1

TIME: 3:00 HOURS ___________________________________________________________                                                                                 





  1.                This paper consists of sections A, B and C.
  2.                Answer All questions in section A, B and two (2) question from section C, question (13) is compulsory.
  3.                Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s).



  1.                Choose the correct answer

(i) Disease which spread quickly and affect the large number of people for a short  time is:

 A: Pandemic disease  B: Endemic disease

 C: Epidermic disease  D: AIDS

 E: Typhoid


(ii) On the microscope the STAGE is a part which:

 A: Direct the light to the object under observation

 B: Hold the object to be observed

 C: Move fine adjustment knob so as to obtain a clear mage of the object

 D: Magnify the object under observation

 E: Support the objective lens


(iii) Which of the following are hormone concerned with regulation of sugar

 in the blood 

 A: Adrenaline hormone, thyroxine hormone

 B: Auxins hormone and insulin hormone

 C: Prolaction, oxytocin

 D: Insulin, glucagon

 E: Oestrogen, progesterone


(iv) Oxygenated blood is found in arteries except:

 A: Aorta    B: Subclaria artery

 C: Pulmonary artery  D: Pulmonary vein

 E: Vein


(v) Blood group in genetics is an example of:

 A: Dominance   B: Continuous variation

 C: Gametogenesis  D: Epistosis

 E: Discontinuous variation


(vi) The word cell is derived from the Latic word “cellula” which means a:

 A: Unit of life    B: Little room

 C: Cork from the bark of the tree  D: Living thing

 E: Robert Hook


(vii) Organisms can either be:

 A: Unicellular or Prokaryote  B: Living thing or Eukaryote

 C: Living thing or Non-living thing D: Multicellular or Unicellular

 E: Multicellulalr or Unicellular  


(viii) Pick up the wrong statement

 A: All organisms respire   

 B: Some fungi are edible

 C: Protoctista have photosynthetic and heterotrophic mode of nutrition

 D: Cell wall is absent in Animalia

 E: Nuclear membrane is absent in Animalia


(ix) One of the major component of the cell was of most fungi is:

 A: Chitin   B:     Cellulose                      C:   Starch   

 D: Lipids   E:      Phospholipid bilayer


(x) Group of sporangia borne on the underside of fern leaves are called:

 A: Tholus   B: Protholus  C: Fronds

 D: Fiddle head  E: Sori

2. Match the functions of components of the skeleton in List A with their corresponding components of the skeleton in List B by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.



  1.                       Axial component which protects the delicate internal organs such as lungs and the heart.
  2.                       Axial component which protects the brain and provide area for attachment of the neck.
  3.                       Appendicular component which provide large surface area for muscle attachment and a base for articulation with hind limbs.
  4.                       Axial component which protects the spinal cord.
  5.                       Appendicular component which provide large surface area for muscle attachment and a base for articulation with upper arm bones.


  1.              Pivot 
  2.              Vertebral column
  3.              Lumbar
  4.              Pelvic girdle
  5.              Cervical
  6.               Rib cage
  7.              Skull
  8.              Pectoral girdle






  1.                (a) Define the following terms as used in Biology

 (i) An accident

 (ii) Burning

 (iii) Safety

 (iv) First aid kit


(b) Explain shortly why is important to dispose waste properly


  1.                It has been observed that some people dispose waste around the lake which supply water to the surrounding community. Briefly explain three problems which are likely to happen to the area.


  1.                Study carefully the following food chain then answer the questions that follow:


(a) Which of the above organisms are:

 (i) Herbivores                        (ii)     Consumers


(b) (i) Name other organisms that can replace the bacteria from the food chain in                              5 above

 (ii) Outline two advantages of food chain


  1.                Alex complain of having burning sensation around the chest region

 (a) What digestive order is the facing?

 (b) Give three measure he should take to treat the disorder


  1.                (a) What is the difference between first aid and first aid kit?

(b) Outline five (5) importance of first aid to a victim


  1.                (a) Differentiate between responsible behaviour and risky behavior

(b) State two behaviors which may lead to the following risks

 (i) STD’s

   (ii) HIV infections

   (iii) Drug abuse

   (iv) Unplanned pregnancies

(c) Suggest two (2) ways on how to care and support a victim of HIV/AIDS.


8. (a) List any four macro-elements in plant nutrition.


(b) Explain the causes of any three common disorders and diseases of the human digestive system.



  1.                Consider that you are medical doctor and you have received a patient whose investigation a diagnosed kidney stone.

Suggest to the patient three possible causes and three control measures for kidney stones.


  1.            Reptiles are organisms whose body temperature is affected by environmental temperature. Briefly explain two ways that help reptiles to survive in different weather condition.


         12. (a) Briefly explain three importance of movement in plants and animals.

(b) State any five functions of the skeleton.


Answer two questions from this section, question number 13 is compulsory


  1.            Briefly explain the HIV/AIDS basing on the following guidelines
  •                  Meaning
  •                  Mode of transmission
  •                  Symptoms
  •                  Preventive measures
  •                  Effects
  •                  Treatment/cure


  14. (a) (i) List the five kingdoms into which organisms are placed.

             (ii) List the distinctive features of members of the kingdom to which a malaria vector belongs.













Time: 3Hours


  1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of 15 questions.
  2. Answer all questions in section A and and TWO  (2) question from section C in which question 13 compulsory.
  3. All writing should be in blue or black pen, except for diagrams that must be drawn in pencil.
  4. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  5. Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.

 SECTION A (20 Marks)

 Answer All questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i)-(x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

(i) A biologist discovered a new cell in a culture. The new cell had a distinct cell wall but it did not have a definite nucleus. The cell is most likely to be:

  1. Fungi
  2. Prokaryote 
  3. Protozoa 
  4. Virus 
  5. Eukaryote

(ii)Oxygen debt occurs when:

  1. Too much carbon dioxide is present in the body. 
  2. The rate of respiration exceeds that of photosynthesis in green plants.
  3. Alcohol is formed in tissues. 
  4. There is insufficient oxygen in the muscle tissues during strenuous exercise. 
  5. There is insufficient lactic acid in muscle tissues.

(iii) Green plants are known as producers because they:

  1. produce chlorophyll in chloroplasts
  2. produce green leaves
  3. contain fruits and seeds
  4. grow in fertile soil
  5. make food from simple stibstances

(iv) Which of the following prevents surfaces of the articulating bones from being worn out by friction?

  1. Capsular ligament
  2. Synovial membrane
  3. Articular cartilage
  4. Tendon
  5. Synovial capsule

(v) The best distinction between diastolic and systolic blood pressure is that:

  1. Diastolic blood pressure is caused by contraction of ventricles while systolic blood pressure is caused by contraction of auricles.
  2. Diastolic blood pressure causes blood from contracting auricles to flow into ventricles while systolic blood pressure causes blood from contracting ventricles to flow into pulmonary artery and aorta.
  3. Diastolic blood pressure is the same as systolic blood pressure. Therefore there is no distinction.
  4. Diastolic blood pressure is lower than systolic blood pressure.
  5. Diastolic blood pressure is common.

(vi)In green grass there are usually large numbers of green grasshoppers than brown grasshoppers. The best explanation is that the:

  1. green grasshoppers feel the need of being green to give them protection.
  2. predators do not capture green grasshoppers as frequently as brown grasshoppers.
  3. green grass makes the brown grasshopper not to be seen by the predators.
  4. green grasshoppers obtain enough food from green grass than brown grasshopper.
  5. green grass stimulates green grsshoppers to reproduce and increase in number faster than brown grasshoppers.

(vii) Why are skeletal muscles usually found in opposing pairs?

  1.  One muscle alone cannot extend a joint
  2.  Muscles can only work by contraction
  3.  One muscle alone cannot flex a joint
  4.  Paired muscles are stronger
  5.  Muscles normally work in antagonistic fashion

(viii) When students were conducting private study at night, lights went off completely. Which of the following changes occurred in the eyes of the students?

  1.  The lens became thicker
  2.  The pupil became larger
  3.  The ciliary muscle relaxed
  4.  The lids close
  5.  The eyes opened wider

(ix) Which hormones produced by the pituitary gland promote ovulation?

  1. Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and lutenizing hormone (LH)
  2. Lutenizing hormone (LH) and progesterone
  3. Oestrogen and progesterone
  4. Progesterone and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
  5. Prolactin and progesterone

(x) A mountaineer develops headache, breathlessness, nausea and vomiting on reaching an altitude of above 4000 metres. This is because: 

  1. his body system is not given time to adjust to the low oxygen pressure.
  2. the atmospheric pressure as well as the supply of oxygen decreases at higher altitude.
  3. the increase in the amount of oxygen results into breåthlessness.
  4. the atmospheric pressure increases at higher altitude and so does the supply of oxygen.
  5. his body system is not given time to relax due to the increase of atmospheric pressure.

2. Match the items in List A with the List B by writing the letter of the correct responsible beside the item number.

List A

List B

 (i)Blind spot

(ii)First trophic level

 (iii)The period of reduced activity during which growth does not occur

 (iv)Diaphragm flattened

(v)Birth control

  1. Intra-Uterine Devices
  2. Artificial insemination
  3. Inspiration
  4. Has no cones
  5. Expiration
  6. Producers
  7. Consumers
  8. Produces polysaccharides
  9. Produces disaccharides
  10. Dormancy
  11. Death
  12. Retina
  13. Vitreous humour
  14. Passive immunity
  15. Active immunity 
  16. Wait for a doctor

SECTION B (60 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

4. In an experiment to investigate a factor affecting photosynthesis, a potted plant which had been kept in the dark overnight was treated as shown in the diagram below and exposed to light.

(a) Why was the potted plant kept in the dark overnight? (1 mark)

(b) Which factor was being investigated in the experiment? (1 mark)

(c) (i) Which test did the students perform to con?rm photosynthesis in the leaves labelled P and Q? (1 mark)

(ii) State the results obtained in the leaves labelled P and Q.

P (1 mark)

Q (1 mark)

(iii) Explain the results obtained in the leaves labelled P and Q.

P .........................(1 mark)

Q..........................(l mark)

(d) What was the purpose of leaf Q in the experiment? (1 mark)

4.How do plants get rid of excretory products? Briefly explain three ways.

5.  Give four differences that exist between insect pollinated flowers and wind pollinated flowers.

6. (a) How could the body remove or destroy a bacterium that lands:

(i) on the cornea?

(ii) on the hand?

(iii) in the bronchus? (iv) in the stomach?

7. (a) (i) Define the term mitosis.

(ii) Outline the significance of mitosis to organisms.

8. (a) Explain the adaptation of the lungs for gaseous exchange.

(b) What is the biological importance of shivering during cold weather?

(c) Explain why some trees are killed when a ring of bark is removed from their stems.

9. Explain the effects of increased physical activity on the following organ systems:

  1. Heart
  2. Lung
  3. Skin
  4. Kidney

10.  Describe the role of hormones in the human menstrual cycle.

11. Below are diagrams of a cell organelle obtained from different organs of an animal.

(a) (i) For each organelle state an organ in the urinary system where it is likely to be found.

(ii) Give a reason for your answers in (a) (i) above (2 marks)

(b) Name the part of the chloroplast where the following reactions occur:

(i) Carbon(IV) oxide fixation(1 mark)

(ii) Photolysis (1 mark)

12. Explain the survival values of the following tropic responses to plants.

(a) Geotropism (2 marks)

(b) Phototropism. (1 mark)

SECTION C (25 Marks)

Answer two (2) questions from this section. Question 13 is compulsory.

  1.   Explain the functions of the major components of the human skeleton and their adaptations.
  2. Explain two differences between artificial and natural classification systems and indicate the two merits and demerits for each system..

15. (a) Differentiate between responsible behaviours and risky behaviours.

(b) State two behaviours which may lead to the following risks:

(i) STDs

(ii)HIV infections

(iii)Drug abuse

(iv)Unplanned pregnancies

(c) Suggest how victims of HIV/AIDS can be cared and supported.








Time: 3Hours


  1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of 15 questions.
  2. Answer all questions in section A and and TWO  (2) question from section C in which question 13 compulsory.
  3. All writing should be in blue or black pen, except for diagrams that must be drawn in pencil.
  4. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  5. Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.

 SECTION A (20 Marks)

 Answer All questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i)-(x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

  1. Which nutritional disorder may result when a person takes larger quantities of carbohydrate than body's requirements?
  1. Rickets
  2. Marasmus
  3. Beriberi
  4. Kwashiorkor
  1. What is the role of the cerebrum in human beings?
  1. Breathing
  2. Sneezing
  3. Yawning 
  4. Learning
  5. Walking
  1.                     In which specific part of the female reproductive system is tubal ligation applied as a method of birth control?
  1. Oviduct
  2. Uterus
  3. Cervix 
  4. Ovary 
  5. Vagina
  1.                      In the food chain: Grass image002 Lion. A lion is:
  1. a primary consumer.   
  2. a secondary consumer.
  3. a producer. 
  4. a tertiary consumer. 
  5. a decomposer.
  1. Water from the roots of flowering plants is transported up to the plant by different forces. Which of the following forces initiates and raises water to the least height? 
  1. Root pressure 
  2. Transpiration pull
  3. Cohesion forces                     
  4. Adhesion forces
  5. Capillarity
  1.                      A patient has been diagnosed with low level of blood sugar. Which hormone would you recommend to regulate the victims sugar? 
  1. Insulin 
  2. Glucagon
  3. Antidiuretic 
  4. Aldosterone 
  5. Testosterone
  1.                   The function of hydrochloric acid in food testing experiment is
  1. to decolourise food sample 
  2. to test reducing sugar 
  3. to oxidize the food sample 
  4. to neutralize sugary foods 
  5. to hydrolyze complex to simple sugar.         


  1.                The interaction between two species in which both organisms benefit is known as
  1. ectoparasite 
  2. parasitism 
  3. commensalisms 
  4. mutualism 
  5. endoparasite.         


  1.                      Which of the following is NOT a component of First Aid Kit?
  1. Razor blade 
  2. Panadol 
  3. Bandage 
  4. Soap 
  5. Microscope. 


  1. Which disease spread rapidly as a result of poor waste disposal?
  1. Anemia
  2. AIDS
  3. Cholera
  4. Leukemia
  5. Small pox.


2. Match the functions of the parts of microscope in List A with their corresponding parts of microscope in List B by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number in the booklet provided.

List A

List B

(i) Allows light to pass from the objective lens to the eye piece lens.

(ii) Supports the eye piece and revolving nose piece.

(iii) Raises or lowers the body tube in order to bring

(iv) Raises or lowers the body tube in order to bring the image into focus.

(v) Raises and lowers the stage to keep the specimen in right position for observation.

  1. Body tube
  2. Coarse adjustment knob
  3. Diaphragm
  4. Fine adjustment knob
  5. Hinge screw
  6. Mirror
  7. Ocular tube
  8. Stage clip


SECTION B (60 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

3. (a) Differentiate the term "Biological apparatus" from "Biology Laboratory".

(b) Briefly explain why the following substances are dangerous?

  1. Toxic substances
  2. Highly flammable
  3. Corrosive substances
  4. Radioactive substances.


4. The diagram below illustrates a specialised cell obtained from a certain tissue.

(a) Name the cell.


(b) State the ways in which the cell is structurally adapted to its function. 


5. While investigating a certain metabolic process in plants, students set up the apparatus as shown below in a classroom and monitored it for 48 hours.


(a) Identify the metabolic process under investigation.

(b) Account for the observations made in the test tube at the end of the investigation.


6. The chart below illustrates how respiratory gases are transported in the human blood.


(a) Identify gas Q. 

(b) Explain the advantage oxyhaemoglobin has over carboxyhaemoglobin.

7. ln an experiment, students treated seedlings as illustrated below.

(i) Account for the observations made in seedling 1 

(ii) Explain the similarity in the end results made in seedlings II and II 

(iii) State the likely treatment that would make seedlings II and III respond like seedling I. 

8. (a) Explain the distinctive features of the Division Filicinophyta.

(b) Draw a well labeled diagram of a fern plant.

9. A person accidentally touches a hot pan and responds as illustrated in the diagram below.

 Explain how the response illustrated above occurs. (6 marks)


10. A group of font two students placed a fresh leaf in warm water. They observed that air bubbles formed on the surface of the leaf.

(a) What biological process were they investigating?

(b) Name the structures from which the air bubbles were coming from.

(c) Explain the distribution of the structures named in (b) above on the leaf surfaces of a land plant.

11. (a) State why it is important for plants to lose water to the atmosphere.

(b) State three activities in the human digestive system that depend on respiration.

12. The diagram below represents an organ in a bony fish.


(a) Name the organ.

(b) Describe how air in water reach the capillaries inside structure L.

SECTION C (25 Marks)

Answer two (2) questions from this section. Question 13 is compulsory.

13. Describe what happens to a meal rich in proteins along the alimentary canal from ingestion to egestion. 

14. Describe how the mammalian eye is structurally adapted to its function.

15. Using a relevant example in each case, describe simple and conditional reflex actions.



Student’s Examination No..................................





Time: 3Hours


  1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of 15 questions.
  2. Answer all questions in section A and and TWO  (2) question from section C in which question 13 compulsory.
  3. All writing should be in blue or black pen, except for diagrams that must be drawn in pencil.
  4. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  5. Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.

SECTION A (20 Marks)

Answer All questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i)-(x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

  1. The second step in scientific procedure is;
  1. Formation of hypothesis
  2. Interpretation of data
  3. Identification of problems
  4. Asking questions
  1. If you are asked to prepare a first aid kit with its components which of the following you will not include:
  1. Iodine tincture 
  2. Medicine to cure diseases 
  3. pair of scissors
  4. Sterilized cotton wool
  1. One of the following is true about virus;
  1. Are the smallest living cells
  2. Have no effects to plants
  3. Can have both living and non-living characteristics
  4. Possess both DNA and RNA
  1. Which of the following organisations shows the correct order from simplest to the most complex?
  1. Cell, organ, tissue, system and organism
  2. Organ, tissue, cell system and organism
  3. Organism, tissue, organ system and organism
  4. Cell, tissue, organ, system and organism
  1. Organism which interbreed freely and produce fertile offspring belongs to the same;
  1. Species 
  2. genus
  3. family 
  4. kingdom
  1. Deficiency disease caused by prolonged lack of iron and iodine in the human diet are....................and ..................respectively
  1. Anaemia and goiter 
  2. Anaemia and marasmus 
  3. Goiter and night blindness
  4. rickets and scuvy
  1. Which of the following food contains carbohydrates;
  1. Irish potatoes 
  2. meat
  3. beans 
  4. groundnuts
  1. When glucose combines with fructose, it forms a disaccharide known as.............
  1. Maltose
  2. Galactose 
  3. surcrose 
  4. lactose
  1. One among the following is a risky behavior;
  1. Shaking hand and sharing toilet with PLWHA
  2. Alcoholism
  3. Eating
  4. Being patient

(x) Which of the following is not a part of a reflex arc?

  1. Motor neuron
  2. Relay neuron
  3. The brain
  4. The hypothalamus

2. Match the following items in List A and List B by writing the letter of the correct answer in the answer sheet provided;



  1. Root like structure in Bryophytes which provide anchorage and absorb water
  2. Fungi has a cell wall made up of
  3. Cap like structure containing gills in mushroom
  4. Fungi stores food in form of
  5. Zygomycetes produces
  1. Conscious activities
  2. Unconscious activities
  3. Zygospores
  4. Ascospores
  5. Pileus
  6. Stipe
  7. Hyphae
  8. Rhizoids
  9. Starch
  10. Glycogen
  11. Cellulose
  12. Chitin
  13. Pepsin
  14. Renin
  15. Homo sapiens
  17. Causes ulcers
  18. Causes heartburn
  19. Homologous structure
  20. Analogous structure


  1. Distinguish between the following. Give an example in each case
  1. Receptors from effectors
  2. Sensory neurone from motor neurone
  3. Reflex action from reflex arc
  4. Response from a stimulus
  5. Granial nerves from spinal nerves
  1. (a) Define the following terms
  1. Movement
  2. Locomotion

(b) Why don’t plants need to locomote like an animal? (3 reasons)

(c) Name the functions of the following parts of a brain;

  1. Cerebrum (two functions)
  2. Hypothalamus (two functions)
  3. Cerebellum (one function
  4. Medulla oblongata (one function)
  1. (a) Define the following;
  1. Classification
  2. Disease

(b) Differentiate Artificial from natural classification. (4 differences)

(c) Mention at least four adaptation of respiratory surface

  1. Fill the following table


Site of production

Food substance they act upon



. . . . . . . . . . . . . .


. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Salivary Amylase

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Pancreatic amylase


Remaining starch

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .


. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

.......... ..............


. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Pancreatic lipase


. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

  1. (a) Define the terms
  1. Digestion
  2. Emulsification

(b) Differentiate between Ruminant digestive system and digestive system of

human (4 differences)

(c) Mention at least four component of saliva

  1. (a) Identify the following;
  1. A cell which lacks nucleus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  2. A mobile cell. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  3. A cell that changes its shape. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  4. A cell that transports water in plants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  5. A cell that absorb water from the soil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  6. A cell that contains a lot of chloroplast. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  7. A cell that transport food to the plants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(b) Draw a plant cell to show the main parts of cell

  1. (a) Define the terms;
  1. Waste
  2. Waste disposal

(b) List two functions of the mucus secreted along the wall of the alimentary


(c) Draw a bacterium

  1. (a) Define the following;
  1. Parasite
  2. Commensalism
  3. Mutualism

(b) Explain the following;

  1. A person swallows food while standing upside down
  2. A person is sleeping in a room while a charcoal burner is left opened
  3. A liver is removed from a digestive system
  4. Pepsin is secreted in inactive form
  1. Explain the adaptations of cardiac muscles to their functions
  2. (a) Mention three actions that can result into accidents at laboratory

(b) How can we prevent common accidents in laboratory? Give three ways.


  1. Write an essay of heterotrophism. Give example in each case
  1. Write an essay on disorders of digestive system







Time: 3Hours


  1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of 15 questions.
  2. Answer all questions in section A and and TWO  (2) question from section C in which question 13 compulsory.
  3. All writing should be in blue or black pen, except for diagrams that must be drawn in pencil.
  4. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  5. Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.

SECTION A (20 Marks)

Answer All questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i)-(x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

  1. Which of the following are parasitic eukaryotic organisms?
  1. Amoeba and paramecium
  2. Euglena and green algae
  3. Trypanosome and plasmodium
  4. Brown algae and amoeba
  5. Plasmodium and amoeba.

(ii) The outer most living structure in plant cells is the;

  1. Cell wall
  2. Cytoplasm
  3. Cell membrane
  4. Nuclear membrane
  5. Ectoplasm.

(iii) The part of cassava plant which is modified for food storage is;

  1. An underground stem
  2. An underground root
  3. A corn
  4. A prop root
  5. An underground stalk.

(iv) The human body can make one of the following vitamins for itself;

  1. Vitamin A
  2. Vitamin B
  3. Vitamin K
  4. Vitamin D
  5. Vitamin E.

(v) Examples of diseases caused by bacteria are?

  1. Tuberculosis, cholera and gonorrhea.
  2. Malaria, bilharzias’ and cancer
  3. Elephantiasis, AIDS and sleeping sickness.
  4. Measles, amoebic dysentery and chickenpox
  5. Common cold, Typhoid and cholera.

(vi) Which of the following is common to both plants and animals?

  1. Respiration
  2. Digestion
  3. An excretory system
  4. Chloroplasts.
  5. Starch grains.

(vii) The Monera are also referred to as Prokaryotes. This means having;

  1. No nucleus
  2. Membrane bounded organelles
  3. Simple structure.
  4. Reduced nucleus.
  5. Circular nucleus.

(viii) Food is moved along the oesophgus by a process known as:-

  1. Assimilation
  2. Chewing
  3. Egestion
  4. Peristalsis
  5. Churning

(ix) Removal of predators in the ecosystem will result in;

  1. Decrease in the number of producers
  2. Increase in the number of producers
  3. Decrease in the number of prey
  4. An increase in the number of decomposers
  5. No significant change.

(x) Which of the following best defines allergy?.

  1. Body reaction to antigen
  2. Body reaction against a specific drug.
  3. Body reaction against a disease – causing micro – organism.
  4. Accumulation of mucus caused by inhaling dust particles.
  5. Formation of rash causes by eating specific foods.

2. Matching items questions.



  1. Product of anaerobic respiration in plants
  2. Turgor pressure.
  3. Carries oxygenated blood from lungs to heart.
  4. Solution of equal concentration
  5. Control the closing and opening of stomatal pore.
  1. Isotonic solution
  2. Hypotonic solution
  3. Lactic acid
  4. Ethanol
  5. Corpuscle
  6. Plasma
  7. Epidermal cells
  8. Guard cell
  9. Pulmonary artery
  10. Pulmonary vein
  11. Force extended against cell wall
  12. Pressure due to flaccidity.

SECTION B (60 Marks)

Answer All Questions in This section

3. (a) What is blood circulation?

(b) Give four importance of blood circulation

(c) Name two disorders of human circulatory system.

4. (a) What do you understand by term “Diffusion”?

(b) Name structures concerned with gaseous exchange in plants

(c) Explain mechanism of gaseous exchange in man.

5. (a) Outline four reasons for studying Biology in schools.

(b) Define Respiration

(c) Give five features of respiratory surfaces.

6. (a) What do you understand by the term laboratory?

(b) Outline four qualities of a good laboratory

(c) Give functions of the following apparati.

  1. Petri dish
  2. Mortar and pestle
  3. Hand lens
  4. Thermometer.

7. (a) Define the term health.

(b) Mention four factors affecting health.

(b) Name causative agent of the following.

  1. Common cold
  2. Cholera
  3. Dysentry
  4. Bilharzia

8. (a) Give two differences between cell membrane and cell wall

(b) What is the importance of cell differentiation to an organism

9.(a) State the general characteristics of kingdom plantae

(b) Briefly explain the differences between monocots and dicots.

10. (a) What is movement?

(b) Describe the role played by skeleton in human body

11. Juma complains of a burning sensation around the chest region

(a) What do you think is his problem
(b) Give five measures he should take to treat the disorder

12. Waste from homes can have several beneficial uses. Elaborate.


Answer two questions from this section. Question 13 is compulsory.

13. Write an essay on typhoid using guidelines below.

  1. Meaning
  2. Cause
  3. Symptoms
  4. Effects
  5. Prevention and control

14. Write an essay on waste disposal using the guidelines below.

  1. Meaning of Waste
  2. Meaning of Waste disposal
  3. Types of Wastes
  4. Ways of disposing wastes.
  5. Effects of poor waste disposal

15. Viruses can be both harmful and beneficial, elaborate this statement.






  1. For questions (i) –(x) choose the best answer from the alternatives given and write it in the box provided.
  1. Which of the following is not a plant?
  1. Moses
  2. Liverwort
  3. Toadstool
  4. Fern
  5. Pine
  1. The blood vessel that carries blood to the heart muscles is called
  1. Vena cava
  2. Coronary artery
  3. Coronary vein
  4. Pulmonary artery
  5. Septin.
  1. Which hormone is responsible for apical dominance?
  1. Auxin
  2. Gibberellins
  3. Acetylene
  4. Oxytoxin
  1. Which of the following products of respiration is not produced by plants?
  1. Energy
  2. Water
  3. Alcohol
  4. Carbon dioxide
  5. Lactic acid
  1. Which of the following is not a member of kingdom fungi?
  1. Toadstool
  2. Moses
  3. Mushroom
  4. Yeast
  5. Penicillium
  1. Which of the following is not function of skeleton in man?
  1. Support
  2. Making blood cells
  3. Protection
  4. Transport
  5. Movement
  1. Which of the following is not a future of dicots?
  1. Parallel venation
  2. Network veins
  3. Tap root
  4. Two cotyledons
  5. Flowers are multiple of four or five
  1. Suppose you are provided with small sections of cells from different organisms, which instrument will you use to identify them?
  1. Test tube
  2. Watch glass
  3. Microscope
  4. Petri dish
  5. Beaker
  1. What is the role of cerebrum in human beings?
  1. Breathing
  2. Sneezing
  3. Yawning
  4. Learning
  5. Walking
  1. Why is transfusion of blood from a donor with group O to a recipient with blood group AB successfully?
  1. The recipient blood has no antibodies
  2. The recipient blood has no antigens
  3. The donor blood has many antigens
  4. The donor blood has many antibodies
  5. The recipient blood has antigen O
  1. Match the phrases in List A with the responses in list B by writing the letter of the correct answer below the corresponding item number in the table provided.



  1. Used by insect for gaseous exchange
  2. Uses skin, buccal cavity gills and lungs for gaseous exchange.
  3. Uses book lung for gaseous exchange
  4. Its gaseous exchange structure is stomata.
  5. Used by tadpoles for gaseous exchange
  1. External gills
  2. Internal gills
  3. Spider
  4. Crocodile
  5. Frog
  6. Rat
  7. Spiracles
  8. Bronchioles
  9. Plants.

SECTION B ( 60 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

  1. (a) Poor laboratory building can be a source of accidents, justify using four points.

(b) State four apparatus that can be used to measure volume

  1. (a) Briefly explain the mechanism of gaseous exchange in insects such as grasshopper.

(b) Using chemical equation, show the product of anaerobic respiration in plants.

  1. (a) Explain why ecological pyramids tapper towards the end

(b) what role does bacteria and producers play in an ecosystem?

(c) using a well labeled diagram, explain how carbon circulates in the atmosphere.

  1. (a) What is transpiration?

(b) Explain the environmental factors that affect the rate of transpiration

(c) Draw the external structure of a leaf

  1. Briefly explain the importance of Photosynthesis in living organisms
  2. Viruses are both beneficial and harmful, briefly explain
  3. (a) What is classification? Mention two types of classification

(b) Give the advantages of classification.

  1. (a) Differentiate between food processing and food preservation

(b) What are the advantages and disadvantages of traditional methods of food preservation?

  1. (a) What is first Aid?

(b) Explain why first Aid is important to an accident victim

  1. Explain ways in which waste can be made beneficial to man

SECTION C ( 25 Marks)

(Answer only 2 Questions)

  1. Corona virus 2019 has being declared a pandemic by World Health Organization.
  1. What do you understand by the term pandemic?
  2. What is the cause of covid-19
  3. Explain five signs and symptoms of covid-19
  4. Suggest measures to be taken to control the spread of covid-19
  1. Malaria is very common in many African countries, briefly discuss the cause, transmission, signs and symptoms and control of malaria.
  2. Discuss the economic importance of kingdom fungi to human beings.




NAME………………………………………..CLASS……………………………TIME: 3HRS


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C
  2. Answer all questions
  3. All answers must be written in the spaces provided
  4. All writings should be in blue/black inks except for drawings that should be in pencils

SECTION A (15 Marks) 

Answer all questions in this section

  1. Multiple choice questions. Choose the best answer in each case and write down its letter beside the question.
  1. The rate of photosynthesis is greatly influenced by the following factors except;
  1. Temperature
  2. Water
  3. Soil fertility
  4. Carbondioxide
  5. Light intensity
  1. How many gametes are produced from one cell during meiosis;
  1. Two    B. Four   C. Six   D. Eight    D. Ten
  1. Which of the following is not an excretory product in plants;
  1. Tannis
  2. Carbondioxide
  3. Urea
  4. Calcium oxalate
  5. Latex
  1. Which of the following organism belong to phylum protozoa;
  1. Mushroom
  2. Spirogyra
  3. Funaria
  4. Tick
  5. Amoeba
  1. One of the following is not part of the reproduction system of a female mammals;
  1. Uterus
  2. Urethra
  3. Oviduct
  4. Vagina
  5. Ovary
  1. Which of the following is the most important basic difference between plants and animals;
  1. Growth
  2. Locomotion
  3. Nutrition
  4. Irritability
  5. Excretion
  1. The part of a brain responsible for reasoning and imagination is known as;
  1. Spinal cord
  2. Medulla Oblongata
  3. Cerebrum
  4. Cerebellum
  5. Brain chamber
  1. By which process does Carbondioxide pass from the blood to alveoli of the lungs;
  1. Osmosis
  2. Oxidation
  3. Transpiration
  4. Diffusion
  5. Respiration
  1. In which category malpighian layer of mammalian skin is placed?
  1. Tissue
  2. Organ
  3. Cell
  4. System
  5. Organism
  1. A group of animals that maintain the body temperature at more or less constant is;
  1. Regulators
  2. Cold blood animals
  3. Warm blood animals
  4. Poikilotherm
  5. Homoeotherms
  1. Matching item questions. Match the items in List A with the correct responses in List B by writing the letter of the correct responses beside the item number.



  1. The layer of cells sensitive to light.
  2. Lack of light intensity cells.
  3. Cells sensitive to light of low intensity.
  4. Cells sensitive to coloured light intensity.
  5. Control the intensity of light entering the eye.
  1. Aqueous humour
  2. Cornea
  3. Iris
  4. Eyebrow
  5. Retina
  6. Rods
  7. Blind spots
  8. Cones
  9. Eyelash
  10. Choroids
  11. Ciliary body
  12. Diverging lens
  13. Fovea
  14. Pupil
  15. Eyelids


Answer ALL questions in this section

  1. (a) Define each of the following;
  1. First Aid
  2. Recycling
  3. Waste

(b) What is the most productive way of recycling garden and kitchen organic matter? 

(c) Give two (2) important of First Aid. 

  1. (a) i.  What is a reflex action

ii.Give four examples of reflex actions. 

iii. Explain the importance of reflex actions to animals. 

(b) i.State two difference between nervous control and hormonal control. 

ii. State the components of the central nervous system. 

  1. (a) Explain the meaning of the following terms;
  1. Transportation of materials
  2. Mass flow

(b) Explain what would happen when a plant cell is placed in hypertonic solution. 

  1. (a) i. The kingdom plantae is divided into different divisions. Mention them.

ii. Give one examples of the plants which are found in each division. 

(b) i. Identify structures found in plant cell only. 

ii. Describe the functions of each structure identified in (b) (i) above. 

  1. Study the diagram below which shows a part of the human uniferous tubule then answer the questions that follow;


(a)i. Name the parts labeled A, B and D. 

ii. What is the name given to fluid labelled C? 

  1. Name two (2) components of blood that will not diffuse into the part labeled C.
  2. Name a nitrogenous waste which is present in urine but absent in the part labelled B.

(b)List the process involved in urine formation. 

  1. (a) State three factors affecting gaseous exchange in animals.

(b) Why tadpoles dies when taken out of water to the land. 

  1. (a) i. Identify two common features present in a villus and alveolus.

ii. Mention the roles played by the villus and alveolus respectively. 

(b) What are the respiratory surfaces for each of the following organisms?

i. Amoeba

ii. Fish

iii. Grasshopper

iv. Rose plant 

  1. (a) Define the following terms as used in reproduction;
  1. Fertilization 
  2. Ovulation

(b) Name and explain how two types of twins occur. 

11.(a) Explain the meaning of the following ecological terms;

(i)Food chain(ii) Trophic level 

(b) GrassMouseSnakeHawkBacteria 

From the above chain identify the organ which is;

(i)A primary producer 

(ii)A tertiary consumer 



(v)What is a role of bacteria in the chain above 

12. (i) What is classification?

(ii) State three distinctive features of the kingdom plantae 

(iii) What is meant by the term “Sporophyte”. 

(iv) With one example each list six phylum belong to the kingdom protoctista. 


Answer ONLY ONE (1) questions from this section.

14. Write an essay on pollination in plants under the following headings; 

(a)Meaning of pollination 

(b)Types of pollination 

(c)Agent of pollination 

(d)Characteristics of wind pollinated (4 point) and insect pollinated flowers (4 points). 

15. Discuss the economic importance of fungi. Give examples where necessary. 








TIME: 2:30 HRS



  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of fifteen (15) questions.
  2. Answer all the questions in sections A and B and two (2) questions from section C of which question 13 is compulsory.
  3. All writing should be in blue or black pen, except for diagrams that must be drawn in pencil.
  4. Cellular phones and any unauthorised materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  5.  Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s).


SECTION A (15 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

1 For each of the items (i) - (x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

(i) What is the aim of doing experiment when conducting a scientific investigation?

  1.  Identifying a problem 
  2.  Finding a solution 
  3.  Testing a hypothesis 
  4.  Gathering information 
  5.  Recording results

(ii) What is the role of node of ranvier in a neurone?

  1. To transmit the impulses away from the cell body.
  2. To insulate the axon and speed up transmission of impulses.
  3. To transmit nerve impulses from one nerve to another.
  4. To speed up the transmission of nerve impulses.
  5.  To transmit the nerve impulses towards the cell body.

(iii) flow many gametes are produced from one cell during meiosis?

  1. Eight 
  2. Two  
  3. Four 
  4. Six 
  5. Ten.   


(iv) Which of the following is the excretory organ in human?

  1. Mouth 
  2. Kidney 
  3. Pancreas 
  4. Stomach 
  5. Anus.   


(v) The function of the bright coloured petals in flowers is

  1. to store nectarines 
  2. to hold sepals in position 
  3. to produce colour of the flower 
  4. to receive pollen grain 
  5. to attract insects for pollination.


(vi) The function of hydrochloric acid in food testing experiment is

  1. to decolourise food sample 
  2. to test reducing sugar 
  3. to oxidize the food sample 
  4. to neutralize sugary foods 
  5. to hydrolyze complex to simple sugar.   


(vi)  Goitre is a deficiency disease caused by lack of which element in the diet?

  1.  Carbohydrate 
  2. Iodine 
  3. Vitamin E 
  4. Vitamin C
  5.  Protein.

(vii) The product of anaerobic respiration process in animals is

  1.  lactic acid   
  2. carbondioxide  
  3. alcohol
  4. water  
  5.  oxygen.

(viii) Which disease spread rapidly as a result of poor waste disposal?

  1. Anemia
  2. AIDS
  3. Cholera
  4. Leukemia
  5. Small pox.


(x) A voluntary muscle that is capable of relaxing continuously and do not fatigue easily is known as

  1.  skeletal muscle
  2. biceps
  3. triceps
  4. cardiac muscle
  5. smooth muscle. 


2. Match the responses in List B with the phrases in List   by writing the letter of the correct response from List B beside the item number of List A in your answer booklet.



  1. Receives impulses and gives appropriate response to stimuli.
  2. A gap through which impulses pas when traveling from one neuron to another.
  3. Receives impulse from the external stimuli and transmits it to the spinal cord.
  4. Controls and coordinates body balancing organs, thus making accurate movement possible.
  5. The nervous pathway taken by an impulse in a reflex action.
  1. Synapse
  2. Effectors
  3. Hypothalamus
  4. Biceps Muscles
  5. Motor neuron
  6. Peripheral nervous system
  7. Central nervous system
  8. Medulla oblongata
  9. Reflex arc
  10. Reflex neuron
  11. Cerebellum
  12. White matter
  13. Cerebrum
  14. Sensory neuron
  15. Affector


SECTION B (60 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

3. (a) Differentiate the term "Biological apparatus" from "Biology Laboratory".

(b) Briefly explain why the following substances are dangerous?

  1. Toxic substances
  2. Highly flammable
  3. Corrosive substances
  4. Radioactive substances.

4.  (a) State two principles of waste disposal.

(b)  Suggest three proper ways of waste disposal in the community.

5. (a) Explain the distinctive features of the Division Filicinophyta.

(b) Draw a well labeled diagram of a fern plant.

6. (a) List any two types of blood cells.

(b) Give two differences between arteries and vein.

7. (a) State three basic principles of waste disposal.

(b) Why poor waste disposal at home is said to cause adverse effects?

8. (a) Give the meaning of the following terms:

  1. Vegetative propagation.
  2. Gamete.

(b) Explain the merits and demerits of asexual reproduction in plants.

9. (a) Define the term “osmoregulation”.

(b) Briefly explain the mechanisms of regulating sugar level in the blood.

10. (a) Explain the functions of the vascular system in plants

(b) State three importance of transportation of materials in living things.

11.  Consider that you are a medical doctor and you have received a patient whose investigation has diagnosed kidney stones. Suggest to the patient three possible causes and three control measures for kidney stones.

12. Reptiles are organisms whose body temperature is affected by environmental temperature. Briefly explain three ways that help reptile to survive in different weather conditions.


13. Explain any four effects of irresponsible sexual behaviour and suggest five ways of eradicating those behaviours in the community.

14. Describe four similarities and seven differences between insect and wind pollinated flowers.

15. Write an essay on transportation in plants using the following guidelines:

  1. Meaning of transportation
  2. The importance of transpiration
  3. The adaptation of features which enable plants to reduce water loss
























TIME: 3HRS                                                                                                         

NAME: __________________________________                        CLASS:___________


i) This paper consists of three sections A,B and C

ii) Answer all questions in sections A and B, and one question in section C

iii) Ensure clarity in your responses

iv) Don’t attempt to cheat


1. (i) Regulatory control of the body temperature thirsty and hunger occurs in the

  1. Hypothalamus
  2. Cerebrum
  3. Thalamus
  4. Pituitary

 (ii) Hypo secretion of growth in childhood would result to….

  1. Dwarfism
  2. Gigantism
  3. Death
  4. Hyperactivity

 (iii) A student was given a piece of material of doubtful origin; he wanted to know whether it is from an animal or from a plant. Which of the following should be analyze and examine?

  1. The cytoplasm and cell membrane
  2. The nucleus and outermost covering
  3. The cytoplasm and outmost covering
  4. The nucleus and cell membrane

 (iv)  Plasmolysis of red blood cells would occur if the cells were

  1. In isotonic solution
  2. In hypotonic solution
  3. In hypertonic solution
  4. Non of the above

 (v) The following are ascomycota except one identify it

  1. Cup fungi
  2. Penicillum
  3. Yeast
  4. Rhizopus stolonifer

 (vi)  The skin does all these except;

  1. Regulate temperature
  2. Produce blood cells
  3. Store fat
  4. Prevent you from ultra-violet rays

 (vii) All are functions of saliva except;

  1. Digestion of starch
  2. Digestion of protein
  3. Lubrication of food
  4. Protection of bacteria

 (viii) Which part constitutes an illuminating system?

  1. Diaphragm
  2. Mirror
  3. Condenser
  4. All of the above

 (ix) Which of the following statements concerning diffusion and active transport is correct?

  1. Both require energy
  2. Neither requires energy
  3. Only diffusion requires energy
  4. Active transport requires energy while diffusion do not

 (x) On a cold day one usually experiences, shivering, this is the way of maintaining normal body temperature. Why does one feel better after shivering?

  1. The muscles are coordinated
  2. The body responds to stimulus
  3. The body releases energy and heat
  4. The body has better adaptations

2. Match the responses in list B with the phrases in list A by writing the letter of the correct response from list B beside the item number of list A in your answer booklet.



i) Receives impulses and gives appropriate response to stimuli

ii)A gap through which impulses pass when travelling from one neuron to another

iii) Receives impulse from the external stimuli and transmits it to the spinal cord

iv) Controls and coordinate body balancing organs, thus making accurate movement possible

v) The nervous pathway taken by impulse in reflex action

  1. Synapse
  2. Effectors
  3. Hypothalamus
  4. Biceps muscles
  5. Motor neuron
  6. Peripheral nervous system
  7. Central nervous system
  8. Reflex arc
  9. Sensory neuron


SECTION B 60 marks

Answer all questions in this section

All questions carry 8 marks except question five and six which carry 6 marks each.

3. a)State three actions which take place in the human body in response to each of the following   conditions:

i)  When the temperature of the surrounding is low

ii) When the body temperature rises due to increase in surrounding temperature

b) Briefly explain why people took pale when they feel cold?

4. i) The diagram below represents a mammalian nephron

a) What happens to sodium ions between sections 1 and 2?

b) Explain the effect of the absence of the ant diuretic hormone to the functioning of section3

c) What would happen if there is partial constriction at point 5?

d) Explain the difference in structural adaptations of a desert animal such as kangaroo and a water fish such as tilapia nilotica. 

ii) Study the diagram below and answer the question that follows

a) Name the structures labeled A,C,E, and F

b) State the function of structure labeled D

c) If structure F was removed from the body of the mammal, what effect would this have?

5. a)Define the term photosynthesis

b) Give the importance of photosynthesis

c) List four differences between respiration and photosynthesis

d) State the site of photosynthesis in a plant cell

e) What role is played by light during photosynthesis?

 6. a)Explain the functions of the vascular system in plants

b) State three importance of transportation of materials in living things

 7. The diagram given below represents a limb of a vertebrate

 a) Name the bones labeled Y,X and Z

b)  Name the parts D, and A

c)  State the functions of W?

d)  A patient was operated and doctors realized that the synovial fluid in the joints had reduced. Suggest a possible effect of this.

ii) The diagram below shows the behavior of red blood cells when placed in various solutions

a) Name the process that takes place in C and F

b) What types of solutions are A,B and C

c) If a plant cell were placed in a beaker containing solutions A, what observations are likely to be made?

d) Which of the solution is likely to be found in a blood plasma?

8. a)Draw a large and neat labeled diagram of the villus found in the digestive system

b) i) Name the digestive juice which is produced by the liver

    ii) State the function of the substances contained in the digestive juice named in b (i)

9. a)Differentiate the following terms:

i)  Breathing and respiration

ii) Inhalation and exhalation

b) Briefly describe the following phenomenon:

i)  A person breathes more when is running fast

ii) The ribs move outwards and upwards while the diaphragm flattened when air enters the lungs


Answer one (1) question from this section

10. Explain any four effect of irresponsible sexual behavior and suggest five ways of eradicating those behaviors in the community.

 11. Describe how malaria parasites are transmitted, the sign developed to the host and give four ways which can help in combating malaria in the country.

12. Explain two differences between artificial and natural classification systems and indicate the two merits and demerits for each system.







033/1                                                               BIOLOGY FORM THREE


Time: 3Hours                                                                                   




  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of fifteen (15) questions.
  2. Answer all questions in sections A and B and two (2) question2 from section C of which question 13 is compulsory.
  3. All writing should be in blue or black pen, except for diagrams that must be drawn in pencil.
  4. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  5. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s)





  1. Answer all questions this section writes your answers in the boxes provided.
  1. A blood vessel that start from the ileum to the liver.
  1. Mesenteric vein
  2. Mesenteric artery
  3. Hepatic artery
  4. Hepatic portal vein
  5. Hepatic vein.
  1. Stores waste products after they have been recycled:-
  1. Cartilage
  2. Tendons
  3. Bones
  4. Seeds
  5. muscles
  1.  Kills bacterial (bad) in the stomach
  1. Sulphurous acid
  2. Sulphuric acid
  3. Nitric acid
  4. Nitric acid
  5. Hydrochloric acid
  1. Sensitive to strong light intensity
  1. Cones
  2. Rods
  3. Optic nerve
  4. Blind spot
  5. Sclerotic layer
  1. There is a lot of absorption of water but merely no digestion of food.
  1. Ileum
  2. Colon
  3. Duodenum
  4. Stomach
  5. Rectum 
  1. A semi – permeable membrane during osmosis allows the passage of:-
  1. Only very small solute molecule
  2. Little residue molecules 
  3. Water molecules
  4. Solute molecules
  5. Much solute molecules.
  1. The largest artery in the body of man is known as:-
  1. Renal artery
  2. Renal vein
  3. Vena cava
  4. Aorta
  5. Pulmonary artery.
  1. A set of micronutrients in plants.
  1. Nitrogen, zinc and Iodine
  2. Carbon, zinc and copper
  3. Oxygen, carbon and zinc
  4. Magnesium, carbon and zinc
  5. Zinc, copper and iodine.
  1. A set of smallest bones in the mammalian body:-
  1. Vertebrae, carpals and digits
  2. Hammer, anvil and stirrup
  3. Vertebrae, tarsus and digits
  4. Metacarpals, tarsus and vertebrae
  5. Tarsus, carpals and metatarsals.
  1. Breathing pores in the stem:-
  1. Parenchyma
  2. Alveoli
  3. Lenticels
  4. Stomata
  5. Micropyle.






















  1. Question two is a matching type question. Questions are in column A answers are in column B. select the best answer and writes its item letter in the boxes below.



  1. Raw material for the photosynthesis process
  2. Symbiotic nitrogen fixers
  3. Second trophic level
  4. Causes tetanus
  5. Never fatigue


  1. Rabbit
  2. Grass
  3. Triceps
  4. Cardiac
  5. Clostridium
  6. Azotobacter
  7. Rhizobium
  8. Biceps
  9. Striated muscle
  10. Carbon dioxide 
  11. Simple sugar














SECTION B (60 Marks)


3. In the Biology laboratory there are different apparatuses and equipment used for conducting experiments. Draw the apparatus used for;

  1. Putting specimens for close observation
  2. Grinding or crushing substances in the laboratory
  3. Adding liquids during an experiment drop by drop
  4. Scooping powder or crystalline substance.

4. (a) What is a dental formula?

    (b) Mention the name of the hardest part of a mammalian tooth and indicate clearly its function.

5. (a) Distinguish between artery and vein in terms of physical appearance.

    (b) Give a concrete reasons of your answer in Q5 (a) above as to why each is of that nature.

6. (a) Differentiate between good manners and personal Hygiene .

    (b) In each case, in Q 3(a) above supply two examples.

7. Write short notes to the following technical phrases.

  1. Sexually transmitted diseases 
  2. Sexually transmitted infections.
  3. Differences between infections and diseases
  4. Symbiotic Nitrogen fixers
  5. Specific examples of symbiotic Nitrogen fixers

8. (a) Tell the adaptation of the Skelton (4 of them)

  1. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2. __________________________________________________________________


  1. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

 (b)Draw and label correctly the hind limb of a mammal

9. (a) What is 

  1. Respiration
  2. Oxygen dept

b) Write balanced symbol equation for;

i) Aerobic respiration

ii) Anaerobic respiration in yeast and plant tissue

  1. Anaerobic respiration in muscle cells.

10.  How does monocotyledon differ from dicotyledonous plants?

11.  Ringing in plants involves removal of the bark of tree. This hinders communication between upper and lower parts of plant. In three points, briefly elaborate the impact of ringing on the stem of hibiscus plant.


12.  (a) Give two differences between cell membrane and cell wall.

      (b) Why is cell differentiation important to living organisms? Give a reason.


SECTION C 25 Marks

Answer only one question from this section.

13. Write down and essay entitled “reproduction in flowering plants” – using the following guidelines:-

  • Definition of pollination
  • Four agents of pollination
  • Changes that take place inside a flower after effective pollination till when a viable seed or fruit is formed.


14. Majority of people believe that all fungi are harmful organisms. As a biologist, explain four ways in which fungi are beneficial to human being.


15. Write down an Essay on “Excretion in Plants” using the following guidelines:-

  • Why excretory products in plants are recycled inside the particular plant.
  • Products formed after recycling 
  • The role of leaves during excretion
  • How seed and fruits become excretory organs besides reproduction.






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