1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with fourteen (11) questions.
  2. Answer ALL questions in section A and B and one (1) questions from section C
  3. Section A carries fifteen (15) marks, section B forty (70) marks and section C forty-five (15) marks
  4. Cellular phones and unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room
  5. Write your name on every page of your answer sheet(s)


Answer all questions.

(i) What is the supreme law of Tanzania?

  1.  The Penal Code
  2.  The Constitution
  3.  The Bill of Rights
  4.  The President's decrees

(ii) Which of the following is NOT a type of constitution?

  1.  Written constitution
  2.  Unwritten constitution
  3.  Flexible constitution
  4.  Rigid constitution


(iii) Right to live in a clean and free from political life falls under

  1.  Economic right
  2.  Environmental right
  3.  Social right
  4.  Sanitation right


(iv) Which is non enshrined in constitution?

  1.  Freedom of association
  2.  Freedom of violent demonstration
  3.  Right of life
  4.  Freedom of religion.


(v) Which is not a requirement to apply for citizenship?

  1.  Must be a rich person
  2.  Must live in a country for five years
  3.  He/she must be 21 year old above
  4.  Must renounce his/her former citizenship


(vi)  The following are the functions of National Electoral Commission except?

  1.  To register voters.
  2.  To prepare equipment/facilities for voting
  3.  Supervision the whole process of election.
  4.  To ensure there is peace during elections.


(vii)  Which of the following is not the source of national income in Tanzania?

  1.  Development levy.
  2.  Income tax.
  3.  Profits from parastatals.
  4.  License fees.

(ix) Early marriage often results in:

  1.  Increased educational opportunities for girls
  2.  Improved health outcomes for mothers and children
  3.  Higher rates of school dropout among girls
  4.  Greater economic independence for women

(x) Which of the following is a way to empower women?

  1.  Restricting their access to education
  2.  Promoting harmful traditional practices
  3.  Providing them with skills training and economic opportunities
  4.  Encouraging early marriage


2. Matching items



  1.     Being confident
  2.    Communication
  3.       A dictatorial leadership
  4.      Democratic leadership.
  5.     A role of a leader.


  1.  Control over the subjects who have no say how to be ruled.
  2.  Every person gets a chance to express his/her opinions
  3.  He or she is a decision- maker
  4.  He or she is a leader of the family
  5.   Becoming self worth.
  6.   A factor of good leadership
  7.  Enables one to make choice.





3. (a) Define the term development and explain two levels of development


(b) Differentiate between social development and economic development.

4. Outline the advantages and disadvantages of a written constitution.


5. Identify the functions of the parliament


6. Write down importance of democratic election.


7. Explain five qualities of a good leader.


8. Discuss the responsibilities of a citizen.


9. Write short notes on the following

  1.      Freedom expression
  2.     Right to life
  3.      Right to work
  4.     Basic human right.

10. What are the negative effects of female genital mutilation (FGM)?



11. One of the most threatened African institutions is the marriage in current. In six points, demonstrate to the unmarried Tanzanian youths the positive impact of observing courtship.







Time: 3Hours


  1.         This paper consists of sections A, B, and C with a total eleven (11) questions.
  2.         Answer all question in the sections A, B and two (2) questions from section C.
  3.         Section A carries sixteen (16) marks, section B fifty four (54) marks and section C carries thirty (30) marks.
  4.         All writing should be in blue or black pen, except for diagrams that must be drawn in pencil.
  5.         Communication devices and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  6.         Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet (s)



  1.         For each of the following items (i-x).Choose the best answer alternatives given and writer it beside the item.
  1.        An agency that regulates the Telecommunication Industry in Tanzania is 
  1. LATRA
  3. TCRA
  5. TAREA
  1.      A carrier is on an occupation or job that someone does for long period on his or her life so as to earn a living. The following are carrier except
  1. Witch craft and prostitution
  2. Engineering and accountancy
  3. Teaching and nursing
  4. Geology and medicine
  1.   Asha lived in a society which believed that only boys can study bad pass science subject and not girls. Asha society practices
  1. Gender blindness
  2. Gender stereotyping
  3. Gender bias
  4. Gender balance
  1.    Mr. Mwatu son is arrogant, thief, uses abusive languages and fight with neighbors. This situation is termed as
  1. Proper behavior
  2. Good behavior
  3. Intolerable behavior
  4. Harmful behavior
  5. Improper behavior
  1.      The Union between Tanganyika and Zanzibar was influenced by
  1. Zanzibar revolution
  2. Natural wealth of Zanzibar
  3. Desire for security
  4. Desire of Friendship
  5. Fear of Karume to be overthrown
  1.    What would be your opinion on cause of road accident in which pedestrian was over run buy a high speed ambulance while crossing the road
  1. Ambulance driver fatigue
  2. Lack of road safety education
  3. Pedestrian negligence
  4. Driver negligence on road signs
  5. Absence of traffic police
  1.  I’m very tired my job requires me to use more physical strength and little skills, thought and knowledge Mr. Kazamoyo said. In which category will you place Mr Kazamoyo’s job?
  1. Hard work
  2. Soft work
  3. Mental work
  4. Health work
  5. Physical work
  1.              Tanzania is a middle-income country following the economic policies established by IMF and WB. Can be assisted by the following lending and development institutions working under world bank
  1. Internal development association
  2. Structural adjustment policies (SAPS)
  3. International bank for reconstruction and development
  4. World trade organization
  5. Special economic zone
  1.    Lisa’s husband died and her in laws forced Lisa to marry Bahati her late husband’s young brother. Such family decision demonstrates:
  1. Gender blindness
  2. Gender equality
  3. Gender stereotyping
  4. Gender manstreaming
  5. Gender discrimination
  1.      Marko and Anna live together in Maweni village and they have sexual relationship although they are not legally married. This situation is known as:
  1. Couple family
  2. Levirate
  3. Cohabitation
  4. Bigamy
  5. Sororates


  1.         Match the following in list A with the correct response from list B by writing the letter of the corresponding response besides the item number.



  1. NSSF
  2. PSSF
  4. PRIDE
  5. FINCA
  1. Social Security Regulatory Authority
  2. Promotion of Rural Initiative and Development Enterprises
  3. Public Social Security Fund
  4. Foundation for International Community Assistance
  5. Provide soft and affordable Microloan to member
  6. National Social Security Fund
  7. Saving and credit Cooperative Societies
  8. National Bank of Commerce





Answer all questions in this section 

  1.         Africa is a poor continent. Justify this statement using six points
  2.         Work is an essential for meaningful life. Outline six importance of work for both individual and nation.
  3.         Leadership plays an important role in our lives. As a future leader write five qualities of a of leader
  4.         Democracy is universally agreed as the best system of government. List five principles of democracy.
  5.         Fighting poverty is not a one man show. Using the knowledge of civics, propose six remedial measures that can be used to tackle problem.
  6.         Identify sources of information on carrier available in your locality.





Answer two questions

  1.         Tanzania is a developing country. Explain five indicators of economic development.
  2.    Many schools in Tanzania have reported an increase in disciplinary cases related to student’s misbehavior. In six points briefly explain impact of such cases.
  3.    Basing on recently attained middle income country status of Tanzania, assess the role of formal sector in spearheading development of Tanzania economy by using five points









  1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with fourteen (14) questions.
  2. Answer ALL questions in section A and B and three (3) questions from section C
  3. Section A carries fifteen (15) marks, section B forty (70) marks and section C forty-five (15) marks
  4. Cellular phones and unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room
  5. Write your name on every page of your answer sheet(s)


  1. For each of items (i) – (x), Choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside item number
  1. The ability of a person to understand who you are in terms of behavior, what you can do and what you cannot do is called.
  1. Self services
  2. Self-awareness
  3. Self-esteem
  4. Coping with emotion
  5. Self-worth
  1. What would be your opinion on course of road accident in which a pedestrians was run over by a high-speed ambulance while crossing the roads
  1. Ambulance drivers fatique
  2. Lack of road safety education
  3. Pedestrian negligence
  4. Drivers negligence
  5. Absence of traffic police
  1. The makonde are famous in Tanzania their skills in making carvings of various types. How do you characterize such carving
  1. Tradition
  2. Performing art
  3. Arts
  4. Craft
  5. Norms
  1. Miss Lisa born in Chawino District in Dodoma and both of her are natives of Tanzania. Therefore Lisa is a citizens of Tanzania by
  1. Naturalization
  2. Descent
  3. Registration
  4. Birth
  5. Dual citizenship
  1. Which one of the following represents a state of disorder due to the absence of a controlling system
  1. Aristocracy
  2. Anarchy
  3. Theocracy
  4. Monarchy
  5. Transitional
  1. General perception or assumption constructed by the society towards men or women are referred to as
  1. Gender Blondness
  2. Gender equity
  3. Gender stereotype
  4. Gender relation
  5. Gender biasness
  1. Mr. Evans wanted to Mary Magreth, but was given some conditions that he supposed to send a gift first to the bride or her parents in order to get a wife. Such a gift commonly termed as
  1. Inheritance
  2. Dowry
  3. Engagement
  4. Courtship
  5. Dating
  1. People benefit from development of science and technology on a result of globalization whereby they purchase and sell goods online through social media. Such economic system is referred as
  1. Marketing
  2. Telegraphic business
  3. Globalization index
  4. Global economy
  5. International business
  1. Mr. Emmanuel went to Dar es Salaam where she lives with different relatives, one of them does not each beef meat, goat, as those food are termed as forbidders things to be used such cultural perception is referred to a s
  1. Food ethics
  2. Food selectivity
  3. Food taboos
  4. Food norms
  5. Folk ways
  1. The government of Tanzania derives all its power and authority from people through;
  1. Mass rally
  2. Elections
  3. Revolution
  4. Coup-detat
  5. Hereditary
  1. Match the following explanation in LIST A with the corresponding symbols from LIST B by writing the letter of the correct response beside item number in space provided



  1. It symbolizes freedom, peace, unity hope enlightment of Tanzanians
  2. It signifies National identify as the resources of nation
  3. Its long neck reflects Tanzania ability to be visionary while still seeing the past and present.
  4. Official stamp that signifies authority of government of country and ownership of documents and assets
  5. Signifies independence and sovereignty of Tanzania
  6. Is body of laws and principle which are used to govern country
  1. The Giraffe
  2. National flag
  3. The presidential standard
  4. The Uhuru Torch
  5. National Anthem
  6. The National Currency
  7. National constitution
  8. The coat of Arm
  9. National language

SECTION B (54 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

  1. Briefly explain six factors that can enhance economic development of the people in Tanzania
  2. Many schools in Tanzania has reported an increase in disciplinary cases related to students behavior in six points briefly explain the impact of such cases.
  3. To a great extent, roads casualties in Tanzania are man-made phenomena. How far is this statement true? (Use six point)
  4. In six points, justify why a democratic election is important in maintaining peace and security
  5. Tanzania is a poor country, riddled with poverty, justifies this statement.
  6. Briefly explain the effect of Human rights abuse to a country like Tanzania give six points

SECTION C (30 Marks)

Answer two (2) Questions from this section

  1. What is the role of formal sector in spear heading development of Tanzania economy justify using five points
  2. How does Tanzania implements democratic principles
  3. Briefly explain good traits of any leader in society









  1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with fourteen (14) questions.
  2. Answer ALL questions in section A and B and three (3) questions from section C
  3. Section A carries fifteen (15) marks, section B forty (70) marks and section C forty-five (15) marks
  4. Cellular phones and unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room
  5. Write your name on every page of your answer sheet(s)


  1. For each of the following items (i) –(x) choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter in the space provided (10 marks)
  1. The chairperson of Mjimwema village displays the village income and expenditure report on the wall, outside her office before annually village meeting. Which among the following is the principle of democracy demonstrated by village chairperson?
  1. Political tolerance
  2. Civic responsibility
  3. Citizen participation
  4. Separation of power
  5. Transparency
  1. In the corrupted society, officials exercise power than what they argued by laws, which means they are free to do that they think to be right and saves their interests. This situation can be termed as: -
  1. Abuse of power
  2. Corruption
  3. Rule of law
  4. Equality
  5. Equity
  1. After death of president John Pombe Magufuli, soon President Samia Suluhu Hassan took over after taking an oath in front of chief justice of the united republic of Tanzania. Taking an oath by elected leaders is not an individual obligation but is a lawful action. What does an oath intend?
  1. To bring an individual close to God
  2. To start new government
  3. To defend public interests
  4. To declare a person who won election
  5. To end the process of election
  1. There so many ranks in the hierarchal government of Tanzania, which controls the nation from the top to the bottom. Who is the officer in charge in the district government?
  1. District commissioner
  2. District chairperson
  3. District executive director
  4. The councilor
  5. Citizen responsibility
  1. In life skills it is said a person must appreciate herself/himself if you are to be successful. What can we call such stage?
  1. Self-esteem
  2. Self-services
  3. Self- awareness
  4. Assertiveness
  5. Self-expression
  1. Lack of public awareness, ignorance of the language of the law required and sometimes limited financial resources are the major limits for the civilians to defend themselves into the courts. In this case, private law firms and lawyers are responsible to defend the accused people in all judicial levels except?
  1. District courts
  2. High courts
  3. Residential magistrate courts
  4. Primary courts
  5. Court of appeal
  1. If you are to explain on the importance of human rights, which among the following are group of rights that cannot be claimed in the court of law and are not included officially in the documents of laws in the country?
  1. Civil rights
  2. Political rights
  3. Environment conservation rights
  4. Moral rights
  5. Economic and cultural rights
  1. There has been a campaigns led by the government officers that citizens has to employ themselves by stating and run their business. On the other hand, youth’s access to soft loans from financial institutions in the country in the so limited. What do you think is the reason for such limitation?
  1. Lack of proper identification
  2. Few number of loan giving institution
  3. Lack of entrepreneur skills and security of the loans
  4. Political conditions attached on the loan
  5. Ignorance of the youths
  1. Which among the given alternatives is the deliberately formulated rules of behavior that are enforced by a special authority?
  1. Laws
  2. Customs
  3. Traditions
  4. Norms
  5. Rules
  1. The essence for posting, drawing and keeping a road traffic signs along the road is : -
  1. Directing drivers
  2. Helping traffic police when they are tired
  3. Reducing traffic
  4. Managing the best ways of using the roads by roads users
  5. Abiding the laws

2. Match the physical processes represented by roman number (i)- (v) in LIST A with the corresponding terms in LIST B by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number in the answer booklet provided



  1. National heritage in terms of wild-life
  2. Readiness of the people’s spirit to defend their nation
  3. National sovereignty
  4. Symbol of freedom and Enlightenment
  5. Tools used by peasants and farmers
  1. Axe and hoe
  2. Peak of mount kilimanjaro
  3. Uhuru torch
  4. Elephant tusks
  5. Sea waves
  6. National flag
  7. Shield and spear
  8. A man and woman


  1. In Tanzania, there is an ongoing discussion for constitutional reforms in the country. As a form three expert in civics, point out five (5) importance of national constitution
  2. Tanzania revenue authority (TRA) is one among the entrusted institution for collection of revenue in the country for the best interest of citizen. In light of this statement, what are the five (5) areas where the central government spends its revenue?
  3. As a development stakeholder, explain five development models that are applied by many countries in the world including Tanzania
  4. Working hard is an engine for development in any country. If the community to join their efforts together it will bring development in all spheres in their areas. What are five importance of team working?
  5. Social interaction in a community contributes to the development in the society. In the light of this statement, assess the qualities of developing the positive relationship in a community.
  6. Despite of good human rights records in the country, Tanzania still suffer from the problem of human rights abuse. You as a member from amnesty international, propose five ways of combating with this problem in Tanzania.
  7. High standard of life and work are inseparable. In the light of this statement highlight five points on the importance of work to national development
  8. Assume you are an activist from Tanzania Gender Network program(TGNP), explain to the community five consequences of negative socio-cultural practices in Tanzania.


  1. Every organ of the government has its separate roles to perform as per the laws of the country, with reference to Tanzania, what are the five (5) functions of national electoral commission (NEC) during election period









  1. Before closing the school, the headmaster called a school assembly and allowed students to address their complaints, which type of Human right was the headmaster fulfilling?
  1. Moral Right
  2. Freedom of expression
  3. Freedom of association
  4. The right to education
  5. Equality before the law
  1. A person with the power to declare a state of emergency in Tanzania is;
  1. The attorney general
  2. Commander in Chief
  3. Speaker
  4. Inspector General of Police
  5. The President
  1. Tanzania is the country which is headed by the president and other elected politicians; therefore Tanzania is;
  1. A republic
  2. Communist state
  3. A monarchy
  4. Military State
  5. Federal Government
  1. Assume you are planning to get married for about a year now; you have been developing friendship with the person of the opposite sex whom you think is the right candidate. How can you describe such kind of relationship?
  1. pre-mature marriage
  2. Wedding
  3. Honey moon
  4. Courtship
  5. Marital Relationship
  1. A woman has to remain at home so as to refresh his man when he gets back from work. She is not allowed to work outside her house by her husband. What kind of negative socio-cultural practice the above situation indicates?
  1. Wife inheritance
  2. Female genital mutilation
  3. Regarding women as sexual object
  4. Gender discrimination
  5. Gender equality.
  6. Gender equality.
  1. Makaptura earns his income through the work of shoeshine. Nowadays he has become very famous because of his good services providing to his customers. Which sector does Makaptura serve?
  1. Informal sector
  2. Private sector
  3. Formal sector
  4. Public sector
  5. Self-employment sector.
  1. The Minister of Social Work in our country addressed various forms of marriages that are found in our country. As Civics expert who attended that gathering, differentiate the one which is not practiced in Africa.
  1. Monogamy
  2. Polygamy
  3. Polyandry
  4. Monogamy and Polyandry
  5. Polygamy and Monogamy.
  1. There is a car crush outside Simuyaga Secondary School and you are only traffic police available at that particular event. Some students come and ask you the causative of the incident. Suppose you give them an answer, what will you not give them?
  1. Reckless driving
  2. Lack of road safety education to users
  3. People do not obey the road sign
  4. Roads are very wide
  5. Driving while drinking alcohol.
  1. Assume you are the Ward Executive at Mchame area where the youth demonstrate many behaviours of alcoholism, robbery and laziness. Which of the following sets of proposals you will not suggest to them?
  1. They should work hard
  2. They should follow religious teaching
  3. They should abandon the parents guidance
  4. They should demonstrate self-discipline
  5. They should seek for guidance and counseling.
  1. Britain use the constitution which based on statutes, customs, precedence and convention practice. This is an example of;
  1. Permanent constitution 
  2. Unwritten constitution
  3. Communist constitution
  4. Socio — cultural constitution 
  5. Tanzanian constitution 

2. Match the explanation in list A with correct response in list B by writing the correct of the corresponding response in the answer booklet(s) provided.

List A

List B

(i) The ability of a person to develop a deep understanding of something

(ii) The ability of an individual to know him/herself, his/her feeling emotions, strength and weakness

(iii) Ability to think and come up with the new idea and new ways of doing something

(iv) The ability of a person to reach agreement through formal discussion between people

(v) The ability to make the best choice out of many available options for the benefit of individual or communication

A. Copying with stress

B. Empathy

C. Negotiation skills

D. Decision Making

E. Assertiveness

F. Critical thinking  

G. Guidance and counseling

H. Creative thinking

I. Self — awareness

J. Peer - resistance


Answer all questions in this Section


  1. Define the following terms as used in civics;


  1. Per capital income.
  2. Entrepreneurship.
  3. Democracy.
  4. Poverty.
  5. Globalization.


  1. What are the situation where the president of Tanzania can dissolve the parliament?
  2. Dangerous behaviours may be a threat to our society use five points to prove this statement.
  3. By using the knowledge, you have obtained in civics. use five points to assess the benefits to being identified as a citizen of Tanzania.
  4. Why do you think promoting and preserving our National holidays and festivals is important?
  5. Briefly explain five internal causes of poverty. 


SECTION C (30 marks)

Answer only two (2) questions from this Section.


  1. As an expert in civics, outline five effects of human rights abuse.
  2.                      To what extent the 2020 general election of the United Republic of Tanzania was free and fair?
  3. Most members in your community are not aware on causes of high incidences of road accidents. By using knowledge, you obtained in civics, explain six causes of road accidents in Tanzania.











  1. Before closing the school, the headmaster called a school assembly and allowed students to address their complaints, which type of Human right was the headmaster fulfilling?
  1. Moral Right
  2. Freedom of expression
  3. Freedom of association
  4. The right to education
  5. Equality before the law
  1. A person with the power to declare a state of emergency in Tanzania is;
  1. The attorney general
  2. Commander in Chief
  3. Speaker
  4. Inspector General of Police
  5. The President
  1. Tanzania is the country which is headed by the president and other elected politicians, therefore Tanzania is;
  1. A republic
  2. Communist state
  3. A monarchy
  4. Military State
  5. Federal Government
  1. Assume you are planning to get married for about a year now; you have been developing friendship with the person of the opposite sex whom you think is the right candidate. How can you describe such kind of relationship?
  1. pre-mature marriage
  2. Wedding
  3. Honey moon
  4. Courtship
  5. Marital Relationship
  1. A woman has to remain at home so as to refresh his man when he gets back from work. She is not allowed to work outside her house by her husband. What kind of negative socio-cultural practice the above situation indicates?
  1. Wife inheritance
  2. Female genital mutilation
  3. Regarding women as sexual object
  4. Gender discrimination
  5. Gender equality.
  6. Gender equality.
  1. Makaptura earns his income through the work of shoeshine. Nowadays he has become very famous because of his good services providing to his customers. Which sector does Makaptura serve?
  1. Informal sector
  2. Private sector
  3. Formal sector
  4. Public sector
  5. Self-employment sector.
  1. The Minister of Social Work in our country addressed various forms of marriages that are found in our country. As Civics expert who attended that gathering, differentiate the one which is not practiced in Africa.
  1. Monogamy
  2. Polygamy
  3. Polyandry
  4. Monogamy and Polyandry
  5. Polygamy and Monogamy.
  1. There is a car crush outside Simuyaga Secondary School and you are only traffic police available at that particular event. Some students come and ask you the causative of the incident. Suppose you give them an answer, what will you not give them?
  1. Reckless driving
  2. Lack of road safety education to users
  3. People do not obey the road sign
  4. Roads are very wide
  5. Driving while drinking alcohol.
  1. Assume you are the Ward Executive at Mchame area where the youth demonstrate many behaviours of alcoholism, robbery and laziness. Which of the following sets of proposals you will not suggest to them?
  1. They should work hard
  2. They should follow religious teaching
  3. They should abandon the parents guidance
  4. They should demonstrate self-discipline
  5. They should seek for guidance and counseling.
  1. Britain use the constitution which based on statutes, customs, precedence and convention practice. This is an example of;
  1. Permanent constitution 
  2. Unwritten constitution
  3. Communist constitution
  4. Socio — cultural constitution 
  5. Tanzanian constitution 

2. Match the explanation in list A with correct response in list B by writing the correct of the corresponding response in the answer booklet(s) provided.

List A

List B

(i) The ability of a person to develop a deep understanding of something

(ii) The ability of an individual to know him/herself, his/her feeling emotions, strength and weakness

(iii) Ability to think and come up with the new idea and new ways of doing something

(iv) The ability of a person to reach agreement through formal discussion between people

(v) The ability to make the best choice out of many available options for the benefit of individual or communication

A. Copying with stress

B. Empathy

C. Negotiation skills

D. Decision Making

E. Assertiveness

F. Critical thinking  

G. Guidance and counseling

H. Creative thinking

I. Self — awareness

J. Peer - resistance


Answer all questions in this Section


  1. Define the following terms as used in civics;


  1. Per capital income.
  2. Entrepreneurship.
  3. Democracy.
  4. Poverty.
  5. Globalization.


  1. What are the situation where the president of Tanzania can dissolve the parliament?
  2. Dangerous behaviours may threat our society use five points to prove this statement.
  3. By using the knowledge you have obtained in civics .use five points to assess the benefits to being identified as a citizen of Tanzania.
  4. Why do you think promoting and preserving our worthy cultural values is important in our society?
  5. Briefly explain five internal causes of poverty. 
  6. As an expert in civics ,outline five effects of human rights abuse.
  7.                      To what extent the 2020 general election of the United Republic of Tanzania was free and fair?


SECTION C (45 marks)

Answer only three (3) questions from this Section.

  1. Most members in your community are not aware on causes of high incidences of road accidents. By using knowledge, you obtained in civics, explain six causes of road accidents in Tanzania.
  2. High standard of life and work are inseparable in the light of this statement examine the importance of work to human development by giving six points.
  3. Briefly explain six strategies which can be employed to speed up industrial development in Tanzania.
  4. Maintenance teacher of Mbuyuni school  has s tendency of maintaining and repairing school furniture. By using six points explain the consequences of neglecting timely repair and maintenance personal and public properties?











SECTION A (16 marks)

1. For each of the following questions (i) – (x) choose the most correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number.

  1. Before closing the school, the headmaster called a school assembly and allowed students to address their complains, which type of human right was the headmaster fulfilling?
  1. Moral Right
  2. Freedom of expression
  3. Freedom of Association
  4. The right to education
  5. Equality before the law
  1. A person with the power to declare a state of emergency in Tanzania is
  1. The attorney General
  2. Commander in chief
  3. Speaker
  4. Inspector General of police
  5. The President
  1. Tanzania is the country which is headed by the president and other elected politicians therefore Tanzania is
  1. A republic
  2. Communist stable
  3. A monarchy
  4. Military state
  5. Federal government
  1. The academic master/mistress of your school is not satisfied with the academic performance of the school in the form four national examinations, which of the following type of life skills will be recommended to improve the academic of the school.
  1. Negotiations
  2. Team work
  3. Effective communication
  4. Forming friendship
  5. Peer pressure
  1. A personal Ability to feel and share another person’s emotion is known as
  1. Self esteem
  2. Negotiation
  3. Empathy
  4. Love
  5. Creative thinking
  1. Makaptura earns his income through the work of shoe shine. Nowadays he has become very famous because of his good services providing to his custors. Which sector does Makaptura serve?
  1. Informal sector
  2. Private sector
  3. Formal sector
  4. Public sector
  5. Self-employment sector
  1. Britain use constitution which is based on statues, customs, precedence and convention practise. This is an example of
  1. Permanent constitution
  2. Unwritten constitution
  3. Communist constitution
  4. Socio – cultural constitution
  5. Tanzania constitution
  1. Mabaga is a drug user to the extent that he cannot face daily life without drugs. What is the state does Mabaga reached?
  1. Dependence
  2. Regular use
  3. Experimental use
  4. Daily pre-occupation
  5. Independence drug user
  1. The freedom to decide and execute domestic and foreign policies without interference from other country.
  1. Liberation
  2. Nationalism
  3. Sovereignty
  4. Democracy
  5. Expression
  1. According to the constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania, the parliament consists of two pasts which are the __________ and __________
  1. Cabinet and shadow cabinet
  2. Provident and the National assembly
  3. Union parliament and House of representatives in Zanzibar
  4. Members of parliament from opposition parties and those from ruling party.

2. Match the description in Column A with the correct responses in Column B by writing the letter of the corresponding response beside item number



  1. A form of courtship in which a young girl disappears at home late at night and goes to her lover
  2. A form of courtship where by a young man spies a girl he like
  3. A form of courtship where a man takes the woman he wishes to many
  4. A form of courtship that involves social Network such as twitter, face book instagram
  5. A form of courtship in which men dress nicely, decorate their face and dance to attract women.
  6. Strolling in nature with your partner
  1. Online courtship
  2. Dating
  3. Self-initiated
  4. Annual courtship festival
  5. Winged flight
  6. Traditional courtship
  7. Bride abduction
  8. Love walks
  9. Modern courtship

SECTION B (54 Marks)

3. (a)Briefly explain 5 challenges facing partners in courtship

(b)Analyze 5 causes of early marriage in our society by providing relevant

4. (a)Mention and explain 5 components of court of arm

(b)Outline 5 importance’s of courtship

5. Discus the importance of studying civics by giving examples

6. Outline 5 traditions and customs of Tanzanians which must be eradicated

7. What are the 5 roles/ functions of National Election commitment (NEC) during election

8. Discus 5 importance of team work.

SECTION C (30 Marks)

Answer two questions only

9. (a)Why are national festivals important to a country like Tanzania

(b)What are the challenges facing poverty eradication problems in Tanzania

10. Both formal and informal rector are highly in need for the economic development of the nation like Tanzania. In 5 points discuss problems facing informal sector

11. Explain the importance of reproductive health education in economic and social development six points only.








  1. This paper consists of sections A, B & C.
  2. Answer all questions in section A and B and only three questions in section C.
  3. Section A carry 15 marks, section B carry 40 marks and section C carry 45 marks
  4. Cellular phones are not allowed in the Examination Room
  5. Write your Examination number on every page of your answer booklet(s).


  1. For each of the items (i)-(x). choose the correct among the given alternatives and write it letter beside the item number in the answer sheet provided:
  1. The ability of a person to feel and share another person’s emotion is known as:
  1. Self-esteem
  2. Self-worth
  3. Empathy
  4. Self-assertive
  5. Love

  1. Which among the following institutions is a social security scheme?
  1. NMB
  2. CRDB
  3. NBC
  4. PSPF
  5. TPB

  1. After Nyaburuma researching democratic practices in his country established that citizens, stands for election, vote to select leader, attend, political meeting join private voluntary organization and protest against the government to which principle of democracy does this evidence point?
  1. Respect of human rights
  2. Citizen, participation
  3. Separation of power
  4. Rule of law
  5. Free and fair election
  1. The following are the responsibilities of the president of Tanzania as prescribed by the constitution except:
  1. Head of ruling political party
  2. Head of the public services
  3. Head of the state
  4. Head of the government affairs
  5. Commander in chief of the Armed forces

  1. Many Tanzanians to get loans from the banks due to:
  1. Lack of entrepreneur skills and security
  2. Lack of proper identification
  3. Lack of enough financial institution
  4. Ignorance
  5. Most Tanzanians to do not need loans

  1. Many Tanzanians societies believe that boys are supervisor than girls. By using this statement which concept of Gender is this?
  1. Gender discrimination
  2. Gender mainstreaming
  3. Gender blindness
  4. Gender analysis
  5. Gender stereotyping

  1. The member of Parliament for Mkwajuni constituency passed away seven months after the general election. What can be done to get another representative?
  1. Call for general election
  2. Wait for the next general election
  3. Calls for by election
  4. The president nominates another person
  5. The National Electoral Commission nominate another person

  1. Soon after being registered every political party formulate its own:
  1. Cabinet
  2. Vision, mission and policies
  3. Couples
  4. National constitution
  5. The government within the country

  1. Selecting the best option after learning the consequences of each option is called:
  1. Problem solving skills
  2. Self awareness
  3. Creative thinking
  4. Rational Decision making
  5. Self esteem

  1. Which of the following are the major pillars of the stated?
  1. Executive, armed forces and legislature
  2. The President the speaker and the Prime Minister
  3. The President, the Prime Minister and the Chief Justice
  4. Executive, armed forces and Judiciary
  5. Executive, Legislature and Judiciary

  1. Match the items in List A with the correct response in List B by writing the letter of the corresponding response beside the item number in the answer sheet provided:



  1. A set of rules which set standards for the accepted behaviors in a society.

  1. Pattern of conduct shared by the people in a given community but always change with time.

  1. Practices that persisted in a society for a long time and do not change.

  1. Ability of using imagination to express ideas through writing and sculpturing.

  1. Simple technology or skill of producing things such as pottery and basketry.

  1. Crafts
  2. Customs
  3. Traditions
  4. Material culture
  5. Norms
  6. Antiquities
  7. Arts


Answer all questions in this section.

  1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions which follow:

Suicide is one of the critical problems of adolescents today. This disastrous act is committed for different reasons. Some adolescents often feel that death is the only way out of intolerable situations. Those terminally ill and those in capacities by serious illness or injuries commit suicide to avoid further pain. Yet others commit suicide to draw attention, to teach those who hurt them a lesson and to punish themselves for the shame they might have caused to others.

Most adolescents who commit suicide do so as a reaction to previous distressing events. Such common events include conflicts within the adolescent’s families, their failure to live up to the parents’ or guardians’ expectations and the adolescent’s failure to develop adequate interpersonal relationships within their families. These events often lead to suicide signals such as threatening to commit suicide or displaying actual tendencies to suicide and serious suicide attempts whereby the adolescent survives or lead to actual suicide.

The signals of suicide among adolescent includes previous attempts, threat to commit suicide, feeling of alienation and loneliness and the presence of mental illness especially depression. Other signals are lack of adequate impulse control, unexpected severe and prolonged stress and negative emotions.


  1. Provide a suitable title for the passage
  2. What is the altitude of some adolescents toward death?
  3. Mention any two factors from the passage that compel some of the youth to commit suicide.
  4. List down any two suicide signals the adolescents
  5. What is the altitude of the author towards suicide tendencies among the adolescents?

  1. In five points signify the effect of poverty in any society.

  1. Suppose you are the community development officer, explain to the community the role of the government in the provision of social services to Tanzanians. (Five points)

  1. Provide five points, showing the non-union matters of the Unite Republic of Tanzania to Tanzanians.

  1. In five points, mention the institutes responsible for promoting and preserving the national culture.

  1. In five points, identify the problems that face women in Tanzania.

  1. If you are to deliver a talk to your community of responsible decision making, which five merits of making responsible decision will you consider?

  1. Suppose you have graduated O’ level studies at Mchapakazi secondary school. You have now employed as a Permanent Development Office. What advice would you give to the students on the importance of work to self-development.


Answer three (3) questions from this section. Each question carries 15 marks.

  1. Discuss five (5) strategies that can be used to alleviate poverty to the third world countries like Tanzania.

  1. Tanzania is a signatory of the 1984 United Nations Declaration of Human Rights. To what extent are human rights protected in Tanzania? Provide five points.
  2. “Failure to obtain and use life skills caused many problems.” This statement was said by the psychologist who addressed the group of youth and parents. Being among the youth who attended there propose five problems that are associated with his statement.
  3. In five points explain the challenges facing the government of Tanzania in the provision of social services











  1. This paper consists of sections A, B & C.
  2. Answer all questions in section A and B and only three questions in section C.
  3. Section A carry 15 marks, section B carry 40 marks and section C carry 45 marks
  4. Cellular phones are not allowed in the Examination Room
  5. Write your Examination number on every page of your answer booklet(s).



1.Choose the most correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter in the answer sheet book provided

(i)The executive in Tanzania is made up of three pillars;

  1. Judiciary, ministers and legislature
  2. Judiciary, legislature and Parliament
  3. President, cabinet and Civil Services
  4. Citizens, President and Ministers
  5. Legislature, Parliament and National Assembly

(ii)The process involving eradicating of Poverty, disease, Illiteracy and environmental destruction is called 

  1. Social, Economic development
  2. Sustainable development
  3. Development
  4. Rampant development
  5. Global development

(iii)Doing what you believe to be right even if other Mock or criticize you is called 

  1. Self worth
  2. Self confidence
  3. Self esteem
  4. Low self confidence
  5. High self confidence

(iv)Which of the following is not the factors for good leadership

  1. Development
  2. Team work
  3. Get talking
  4. Motivation
  5. Encouraging

(v)The central bank is responsible for

  1. Providing loans to the people
  2. Maintaining the currency of the country
  3. Providing materials support to the people
  4. Providing money to the citizens
  5. Governing the country

(vi)The type of electoral system in Tanzania is known as the 

  1. Proportional system
  2. Combined system
  3. Complex majority system
  4. Simple majority system
  5. Parallel system

(vii)………. Are rights which are not include officially in the law of the country cannot claim them in the court of law.

  1. Civil and political rights
  2. Environmental and development rights
  3. Moral rights
  4. Legal rights
  5. Economic, social and culture rights

(viii)A social group of people living together with their non-government language tradition and history is called

  1. Nations
  2. Community
  3. Family
  4. Government
  5. Constituency

(ix)The legal process of obtaining citizenship is referred to as

  1. Citizen registration
  2. Legalization
  3. Legitimamacy
  4. Naturalization
  5. Liberalization

(x)Isolating, mistreating insulting people with HIV/AIDS is best termed 

  1. Oppression
  2. Globalization
  3. Racism
  4. Stigmatization
  5. Gender biases


2.Match the item in List A with correct response in List B by writing the letter of the responses beside the item number.



  1. CWT
  2. Economic cultural and social rights
  3. Commemoration of hero’s day
  4. A shadow minister
  5. Embezzment of public funds
  6. Magma center
  7. TAMWA
  8. Naturalization
  9. Un lawful sex
  10. Questionnaire


  1. Effects of human right abuse
  2. Human rights abuse
  3. A non-governmental leader re-presenting opposition
  4. A group of people who speaks Kiswahili
  5. The first generation of human rights
  6. The second generation of human rights
  7. A leader representing CHADEMA
  8. Association fighting for teachers rights
  9. Association fighting for workers rights
  10. 1st September
  11. 1st October
  12. A person acquires citizenship though written document
  13. Fight for the rights of both women and children
  14. Improper behavior
  15. Used to solve problem with physical effects
  16. Method of collecting information about a problem
  17. Initiating mediation
  18. Creativity



3.Read the following passage and then answer the questions that followed.

 In Tanzania all people over 18 years can vote as a long as they are registered and not disqualified. Those who are not permitted to vote include certain criminals and people with severe mental retardation. In order for the election to be democratic. In order for the election to be democratic. It has to be free and fair. This requires an election to be competitive, regular, inclusive and not limited to selecting the candidates 

 Elections are competitive when many political parties complete for vacant seats for council, parliament or the presidency. These should be freedom to move, to assemble and to speak. Elections are regular when are held ate prescribed intervals. In Tanzania this occurs after every five (5) years

 Democratic elections are inclusive when the rights to vote is exercised by a large proportion of the adult population and definitive when those elected hold the reins of power and are not symbolic leaders.

 Before elections all parties and candidates’ campaign had to win vote. In Tanzania all candidates are member or their respective political parties. The national leaders of each political party address votes to publish policy documents or manifesto’s setting out the party policies. Local branches of each party have campaign committees to organize activities. Television, news papers and radio play a major role in modern election campaigns.


  1. What is a democratic election?
  2. What is the importance of election campaigns?
  3. What are the functions of local branches of each political party?
  4. Name at least two (2) mass media that are used in election campaigns
  5. Suggest a suitable tittle for the passage

4(a)What do you understanding by the term “early marriages”? Briefly explain four (4) effects of early marriage.

(b)Briefly explain the main five (5) functions of central Bank of Tanzania (B.O.T)



5.Outiline five (5) challenges facing water supply in the third world countries such as Tanzania 

6.Through your knowledge you have obtained from civics subject, asses the rationale of having constitution in a nation (7 points)

7.Free and fair election is one of the principles of democracy, but not only ingredient to strengthen democracy. Verify by giving 7 points

8.The informal sector is one of the fast-growing sectors in economy. Explain six major problems facing the informal sector in Tanzanian.

9.Differentiate between local government and central government with only five (5) points 

10. Explain six (6) different steps to be followed in the whole process of problem solving.









Time: 3Hours


  1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of 14 questions
  2. Answer all questions in section A and B and three questions from section C.
  3. Section A carries 15 marks, section B 40 marks and section C 45  Marks
  4. Programmable calculators, cellular phones and any other unauthorized materials are not allowed in examination room.
  5. Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.




1. For each of the items (i)-(x), choose the correct among the given alternatives and write it letter beside the item number in the answer sheet provided.

(i)The ability of a person to feel and share another person’s emotion is known as

  1. Self-esteem
  2. Self-worth
  3. Empathy
  4. Self-assertive
  5. Love

(ii)Which among the following institution is a social security scheme?

  1. NMB
  2. CRDB
  3. NBC
  4. PSPF
  5. TPB

(iii)After Nyaburuma researching democratic practices in his country established that citizens, stands for election, vote to select leader, attend, political meeting join private organism and protest against the government to which principle of democracy does this evidence point?

  1. Respect of human rights
  2. Citizen, participation
  3. Separation of power
  4. Free and fair election
  5. Rule of law

(iii)The following are the responsibilities of the president of Tanzania as prescribed by the constitution except

  1. Head of ruling political party
  2. Head of the public services
  3. Head of the state
  4. Head of the government affairs
  5. Commander in chief of the Armed forces.

(v)Many Tanzanians to get loans from the banks due to 

  1. Lack of entreprenew skills and security
  2. Lack of proper identification
  3. Lack of enough financial institution
  4. Ignorance
  5. Most Tanzania to do not need loans

(vi)Many Tanzanians societies believe that boys are supervisor than girl. By using this statement which concept of Gender is this?

  1. Gender discrimination
  2. Gender mainstreaming
  3. Gender blindness
  4. Gender analysis
  5. Gender stereotyping

(vii)The Member of Parliament for Mkwajuni constituency passed away seven months after the general election. What can be done to get another representative?

  1. Call for general election
  2. Wait for the next general election
  3. Calls for by election
  4. The president nominates another person
  5. The National Electoral Commission nominate another person

(viii)Soon after being registered every political party formulate its own 

  1. Cabinet
  2. Vision, mission and policies
  3. Couples
  4. National constitution
  5. The government within the country

(ix)Selecting the best option after learning the consequence of each option is called

  1. Problem solving skills
  2. Self awareness
  3. Creative thinking
  4. Rational Decision making
  5. Self esteem

(x) Which of the following are the major pillars of the stated?

  1. Executive, armed forces and legislature
  2. The president the speaker and the Prime Minister
  3. The president, the prime Minister and Chief Justice
  4. Executive, armed force and Judiciary
  5. Executive, legislature and Judiciary


2. Match the items in List A with correct response in List B by writing the letter of the corresponding response beside the item number in the answer sheet provided.



  1. A set of rules which set standard for the accepted behaviors in a society
  2. Pattern of conduct shared by the people in a given community but always change with time.
  3. Practices that persisted in a society for a long time and do not change.
  4. Ability of using imagination to express ideas through writing and sculpturing
  5. Simple technology or skill producing things such as pottery and basketry
  1. Crafts
  2. Customs
  3. Traditions
  4. Material culture
  5. Norms
  6. Antiquities
  7. arts



Answer all questions in this section

3. Read the following passage carefully ad answer the questions which follow.

 Suicide is one of the critical problems of adolescents today. This disastrous act is committed for different reasons. Some adolescents often feel that death is the only way out of intolerable situations. Those terminally ill and those in capacities by serious illness or injuries commit suicide to avoid further pain. Yet others commit suicide to draw attention, to teach those who hurt them a lesson and punish themselves for the shame they might have caused to others.

 Most adolescents who commit suicide do as a reaction to previous distressing events. Such common events include conflicts within the adolescent’s families, their failure to live up to the parents’ or guardians’ expectations and the adolescent’s failure to develop adequate interpersonal relationships within their families. These events often lead to suicide signals such as threatening to commit suicide or displaying actual tendencies to suicide and serious suicide attempts where by the adolescent survives or leads to actual suicide.

 The signals of suicide among adolescent includes previous attempts, threat to commit suicide, feeling of alienation and loneliness and the presence of mental illness sever and prolonged stress and negative emotions.



  1. Provide a suitable title for the passage
  2. What is the altitude of some adolescents toward death?
  3. Mention any two factors from the passage that compel some of the youth to commit suicide.
  4. List down any two suicide signals the adolescents
  5. What is the altitude of the author towards suicide tendencies among the adolescents?


4. In five points signify the effect of poverty in any society.

5. Suppose you are the community development officer, explain to the community the role of the government in      the provision of social services to Tanzanians. (Five points)

6. Provided five points, showing the non-union matters of the Unite Republic of Tanzania to Tanzanians.

7.In five points mention the institutes responsible for promoting and preserving the national culture.

8.In five points, identify the problems that face woman in Tanzania 

9. If you are deliver a talk to your community of responsible decision making, which five merits of making responsible decision will consider?

10. Suppose you have graduated O’ level studies at Mchapakazi secondary school. You have now employed as a Permanent Development Office. What advice would you give to the students on the importance of work to self-development?



Answer three (3) questions from this section. Each question carries 15marks

11. Discuss five (5) strategies that can be used to alleviate poverty to the third world countries like Tanzania.

12. Tanzania is a signatory of the 1984 United Nations Declaration of Human Rights. To what extent are human right protected in Tanzania? Provided five points.

13.Proponents of globalization argue that “globalization is a catalyst of development while the opponents contend that it is a new form of ne-colonialism to developing countries. Discuss six demerits of globalization to developing country like Tanzania.

14. In five points explain the challenges facing the government of Tanzania in the provision of social services.











CODE  011                                                       CIVICS


TIME: 3:00  HOURS 




  1. This paper consists of sections A, B & C.
  2. Answer all questions in section A and B and only three questions in section C.
  3. Section A carry 15 marks, section B carry 40 marks and section C carry 45 marks
  4. Cellular phones are not allowed in the Examination Room
  5. Write your Examination number on every page of your answer booklet(s).






  1. For each of the items (i)-(x). choose the correct among the given alternatives and write it letter beside the item number in the answer sheet provided:
  1. The ability of a person to feel and share another person’s emotion is known as:

 A: Self-esteem    B: Self-worth

 C: Empathy    D: Self-assertive

 E: Love


  1. Which among the following institutions is a social security scheme?

 A: NMB  B: CRDB          C: NBC  



  1. After Nyaburuma researching democratic practices in his country established that citizens, stands for election, vote to select leader, attend, political meeting join private voluntary organization and protest against the government to which principle of democracy does this evidence point?

 A: Respect of human rights  B: Citizen, participation

 C: Separation of power   D: Rule of law

 D: Free and fair election




  1. The following are the responsibilities of the president of Tanzania as prescribed by the constitution except:

 A: Head of ruling political party 

 B: Head of the public services

 C: Head of the state

 D: Head of the government affairs

 E: Commander in chief of the Armed forces


  1. Many Tanzanians fail to get loans from the banks due to:

 A: Lack of entrepreneur skills and security

 B: Lack of proper identification

 C: Lack of enough financial institution

 D: Ignorance

 E: Most Tanzanians to do not need loans


  1. Many Tanzanians societies believe that boys are superior than girls. By using this statement which concept of Gender is this?

A: Gender discrimination  B: Gender mainstreaming

C: Gender blindness  D: Gender analysis

E: Gender stereotyping 


  1. The member of Parliament for Mkwajuni constituency passed away seven months after the general election. What can be done to get another representative?

 A: Call for general election

 B: Wait for the next general election

 C: Calls for by election

 D: The president nominates another person

 E: The National Electoral Commission nominate another person


  1. Soon after being registered every political party formulate its own:

 A: Cabinet   B: Vision, mission and policies

 C: Couples   D: National constitution

 E: The government within the country


  1. Selecting the best option after learning the consequences of each option is called:

 A: Problem solving skills  B: Self awareness

 C: Creative thinking  D: Rational Decision making

 E: Self esteem



  1. Which of the following are the major pillars of the state?

 A: Executive, armed forces and legislature

 B: The President the speaker and the Prime Minister

 C: The President, the Prime Minister and the Chief Justice 

 D: Executive, armed forces and Judiciary

 E: Executive, Legislature and Judiciary


  1. Match the items in List A with the correct response in List B by writing the letter of the corresponding response beside the item number in the answer sheet provided:



  1. A set of rules which set standards for the accepted behaviors in a society.


  1. Pattern of conduct shared by the people in a given community but always change with time.


  1. Practices that persisted in a society for a long time and do not change.


  1. Ability of using imagination to express ideas through writing and sculpturing.


  1. Simple technology or skill of producing things such as pottery and basketry.


  1. Crafts
  2. Customs
  3. Traditions
  4. Material culture
  5. Norms
  6. Antiquities
  7. Arts



Answer all questions in this section.


  1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions which follow:


 Suicide is one of the critical problems of adolescents today. This disastrous act is committed for different reasons. Some adolescents often feel that death is the only way out of intolerable situations. Those terminally ill and those in capacities by serious illness or injuries commit suicide to avoid further pain. Yet others commit suicide to draw attention, to teach those who hurt them a lesson and to punish themselves for the shame they might have caused to others.


 Most adolescents who commit suicide do so as a reaction to previous distressing events. Such common events include conflicts within the adolescent’s families, their failure to live up to the parents’ or guardians’ expectations and the adolescent’s failure to develop adequate interpersonal relationships within their families. These events often lead to suicide signals such as threatening to commit suicide or displaying actual tendencies to suicide and serious suicide attempts whereby the adolescent survives or lead to actual suicide.


 The signals of suicide among adolescent includes previous attempts, threat to commit suicide, feeling of alienation and loneliness and the presence of mental illness especially depression. Other signals are lack of adequate impulse control, unexpected severe and prolonged stress and negative emotions.



  1. Provide a suitable title for the passage
  2. What is the attitude of some adolescents toward death?
  3. Mention any two factors from the passage that compel some of the youth to commit suicide.
  4. List down any two suicide signals the adolescents
  5. What is the altitude of the author towards suicide tendencies among the adolescents?


  1. In five points signify the effect of poverty in any society.


  1. Suppose you are the community development officer, explain to the community the role of the government in economic development  to Tanzanians. (Five points)


  1. Provide five points, showing the non-union matters of the Unite Republic of Tanzania to Tanzanians.


  1. In five points, identify the problems that face women in Tanzania.


  1. If you are to deliver a talk to your community on life skills, which five merits of life skills will you consider?


  1. Suppose you have graduated O’ level studies at Mchapakazi secondary school. You have now employed as a Permanent Development Office. What advice would you give to the students on the importance of work to self-development.





Answer three (3) questions from this section. Each question carries 15 marks.


  1. Discuss five (5) strategies that can be used to alleviate poverty to the third world countries like Tanzania.


  1. Tanzania is a signatory of the 1984 United Nations Declaration of Human Rights. To what extent are human rights protected in Tanzania? Provide five points.


12.  What evidence would you use to show the importance of social development in a society? Give five points,









 Time: 3Hours


  1.              This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of 14 questions
  2.              Answer all questions in section A and B and three questions from section C.
  3.              Section A carries 15 marks, section B 40 marks and section C 45  Marks
  4.              Programmable calculators, cellular phones and any other unauthorized materials are not allowed in examination room.
  5.              Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.

 SECTION A (15 Marks)

 Answer All questions in this section.

(i) Assume you are planning to get married, for about a year now you have developed friendship with a person of the opposite sex whom you think is the right candidate. How can you describe such kind of relationship?

  1.  Premature marriage      
  2. Wedding
  3. Honeymoon                                     
  4. Courtship
  5. Marital relationship

(ii) Monas husband died and her in laws forced Mona to marry Tulizo, her late husbands young brother. Such a family decision demonstrates.

  1.  gender blindness. 
  2. gender stereotyping. 
  3. gender equality. 
  4. gender mainstreaming. 
  5. gender discrimination.

(iii) Which among the following root causes of poverty is beyond the control of the Government of Tanzania?

  1.  Unequal exchange in international trade
  2.  Communicable diseases
  3.  Rapid population growth rate
  4.  Mismanagement of public funds
  5.  Ignorance of the people

(iv) Which among the following institutions is a Social Security Scheme?

  1.  NMB    
  2.  CRDB  
  3.  NBC 
  4. PSPF 
  5.  TPB

(v) Why most Tanzanians cannot access credit facilities offered by commercial banks in Tanzania?

  1.  They lack a culture of saving.
  2.  They lack information on credit facilities.
  3.  They lack education.
  4.  They lack insurance cover.
  5.  They are discouraged by high interest rate.

(vi) In the United Republic of Tanzania, the Judiciary is headed by the

  1. Chief Justice
  2. Attorney General
  3. Director of Public Prosecution 
  4. Prime Minister
  5. Minister for Legal and Constitutional Affairs.

(vii)  The right to voluntarily belong to any organization is known as

  1. freedom of expression 
  2. the right to life 
  3. freedom of association
  4. freedom of assembly
  5. right to equality.

(viii) Inadequate provision of food, shelter, clothing and access to clean water is an indication of

  1.  poverty circle 
  2.  absolute poverty
  3.  relative poverty 
  4.  income poverty
  5.  poverty line.

(ix) The two categories of local government authorities are

  1.  street and town governments 
  2.  village and street authorities
  3.  districts and urban authorities 
  4.  village councils and village authorities
  5.  urban councils and village authorities.

(x)  Which of the following organ is responsible for planning and coordinating village activities?

  1.   Village Assembly. 
  2.  Village Committees.
  3.  Ward Committee. 
  4.  Ward development committee.
  5.  Village Council.

2. Match the role and/or power of the court in List A with its court type in List B by writing the letter of the corresponding response beside the item number in the answer booklet provided. (05 marks)



(i) Arson

(ii) Parliament

(iii) NEMC

(iv) Namibia

(v) G.8

(vi) African Union

  1. Rule of Law
  2. Unbecoming behavior and actions of children under the age of 18 years.
  3. Unlawful setting of fire on immovable structures or buildings. 
  4. Head of state is elected or comes from the members of the Congress.
  5. Importance and preservation of surroundings.
  6. National Assembly and president.
  7. Limit and control government powers and actions.
  8. A system of federalism.
  9. The national organ responsible for environmental management.
  10. Unlawful sexual act by a man without woman's consent.
  11. Immunity from criminal and civil proceedings.
  12. UN monitoring group in the Democratic Republic of Congo. 
  13. Adopted member of the Commonwealth.
  14. Presidential system of government.
  15. Center nations.
  16. National symbol.
  17. Economic initiative for the development of Africa.
  18. Desertification.
  19. Multilateral organization.
  20. Intentional or threat to use violence to force government to do or not to do something.

SECTION B (40 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

3. One of the potential consequences of international conflict is the “spill-over” of violence between two or more parties in to the territory or issue fields of third parties. We can imagine that several thousand years ago, the distribution of human population was so sparse that violent conflict between two tribes, rural communities, or city-states had little impact on surrounding areas. Anthropological and historical evidence indicates however, that, even in primitive political system, mediation by third parties was often practiced as a means of preventing involvement of additional parties in the conflict. In ancient China, India, Greece and elsewhere, governments commonly recognized that they had an interest in limiting the violent excesses of warring communities. Some societies coped with the problem by formulating rules of neutrality; others such as the Geeks, developed procedures for mediation and arbitration, whereby an eminent citizen of a non-involved city-state would bring representatives of the warring communities together and bargain with them until some sort of settlement could be fashioned.

Efforts to institutionalise mechanism for interacting third parties into crises and conflicts have been in the European historical setting, sporadic. Prior to the development of the nation-state, when Europe was carried into a patchwork of archives, free cities, city states, aspiring monarchies and semi-independent provinces, mediation services were often available and occasionally involved the pope. By the end of the seventeenth century the state of the European international system had achieved some measure of independence and through the legal doctrines of sovereignty, recognized no higher authority over their internal affairs or external relations. The international law of the period regarded force as a legitimate instrument for achieving or defending state objectives and no sovereignty would admit that a third party had any right to intervene diplomatically in a crisis of war. The only protection against drawing more parties was the specific rights and duties ascribed in central states.

During the nineteenth century a number of states concluded treaties that called for arbitration of disputes and almost 300 unimportant international disputes were resolved through ad hoc arbitral proceedings. In the latter part of the century, owing party to the influence of the successful arbitration of a dispute verging on conflict between the United Nations and Great Britain (the Alabama claims case, 1871) a number of private groups began to agitate for creation of permanent international institutions for handling conflicts and disputes. They argued that establishment of a permanent international tribunal armed with enforcement powers and supported by limitations on armaments, would give rise to a new era of peace. These sentiments eventually influenced some governments, and in 1899 and 1907 they reluctantly convinced an international conference at the Hague to discuss plans for such institutions.


(a) Propose the title for this passage.

(b) Mention two ways that the passage is advocating for settling disputes.

(c) How did the 17th century European sovereign states achieved their foreign goals?

(d) From your experience mention two conflicts which are currently being mediated in Africa.

(e) Is there any international tribunal formed for settling disputes in Africa? Mention it.

4. Examine the importance of introducing various taxes in Tanzania.

5. How does participatory democracy differ from representative democracy?

6. Analyze the importance of reproductive health education to the society.

7. Justify the contention that many political parties are a necessary element for a democratic state.

8.  Briefly explain giving five points why do you think the government of Tanzania is conducting campaign against Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)?

9. Describe the importance of union between Tanganyika and Zanzibar

10. Describe five gender issues in society

SECTION C (45 Marks)

Answer three (3) questions from this section.

11. Discuss the problems that hinder effective African Economic Cooperation.

12. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of privatization of public enterprises in Tanzania.

13. Despite the fact that Tanzania is endowed with many resources, it is economically underdeveloped. Discuss six factors needed for economic development of Tanzania to take off.

14. By using the knowledge you have obtained in Civics assess the benefits of being identified as a citizen of a particular country.








Time: 3Hours


  1.             This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of 14 questions
  2.             Answer all questions in section A and B and three questions from section C.
  3.             Section A carries 15 marks, section B 40 marks and section C 45  Marks
  4.             Programmable calculators, cellular phones and any other unauthorized materials are not allowed in examination room.
  5.             Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.

 SECTION A (15 Marks)

 Answer All questions in this section.

(i) Foreigners outside the Commonwealth countries may be granted Tanzanian Citizenship by

  1.  naturalisation
  2.  vital registration
  3.  presenting their passport
  4.  decent
  5.  filling the special forms.

 (ii) Peer groups, schools, religion, and mass media is an example of

  1.  pressure groups
  2.  socialization agents
  3.  civil societies
  4.  community based organizations
  5.  non governmental organizations

 (iii) In road safety the precaution signs

  1.  Warn the road users to take proper measures against any danger which may occur ahead
  2.  control the speed of passenger vehicles against any danger which may occur ahead
  3.  limit the speed of the big trucks against any danger which may occur ahead
  4.  are drawn on the road surface
  5.  are drawn in the same way as command signs.

 (iv) Reading, writing, listening and speaking are best known as:

  1.  Communication model
  2.  Elements of communication as a process
  3.  Basic communication skills
  4.  Non verbal communication
  5.  Modern forms of communication.

(v)  The constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania was amended to include provisions for the bill of rights in

  1.   1992 
  2.  1984 
  3.  1979
  4.  1977 
  5.  1967

 (vi)  Under normal circumstances, a marriage is preceded by friendship between a man and woman. Such friendship is called

  1.   honeymoon 
  2.  cohabitation 
  3.  early marriage
  4.  courtship 
  5.  infidelity.

 (vii)  One of the following encourages and cultivate values, knowledge and ability to perceive things

  1.   cooperative techniques 
  2.  problem solving
  3.  life skills promotion 
  4.  initiation and mediation
  5.  guidance and counselling.

 (viii)  Many Tanzanians cannot access credit from financial institutions due to

  1.   political strings attached to loans
  2.   lack of enough financial institutions
  3.   lack of entrepreneurial skills and security
  4.   lack of proper identification
  5.   lack of political influence.

(ix) The right of people to belong to an organization is called freedom of

  1.  expression 
  2.  association
  3.  property
  4.  press
  5.  movement.

 (x) Which of the following is not the source of national income in Tanzania?

  1.  development levy. 
  2.  income tax.
  3.  profits from parastatals
  4.  licence fees.
  5.  grants or aids.

2. Match the form of government  in List A with its correct name in List B by writing the letter of the corresponding response beside the item number in the answer booklet provided. 



  1. A form of union government whereby member states preserve their full independence and sovereignty
  2. A form of government where power is shared between national government and state government
  3.                     A form of government where the source of all political authority is to be found in a supreme ruler
  4.                      A form of government where the head of the state is also the head of the government
  5. A form of government where the authority of king or queen is nominal.
  1. Secular state
  2. Constitutional monarch
  3. Trust territory
  4. Transitional government
  5. Confederation government
  6. Republic government
  7. A dominion
  8. Federal government
  9. Government of national unity
  10. Absolute monarch

SECTION B (40 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

3. Read the following passage and then answer the questions that follow.

Investing in the education of girls could be one of the investments with the highest returns in Tanzania. There is a widespread perception that better educated women are able to process information and to use goods and services more efficiently. Evidence from many studies demonstrate that in the long run, increased education for women could contribute to improved quality of life and enhances national development through increased economic production, improved hygienic practices, as well as reduced child mortality and better nutritional practices. Educated women are better prepared to provide healthcare, to educate their children and to reduce their fertility to desired levels.

In Tanzania, children acquire gender role identity as a consequence of the differential treatment, expectations, and reinforcement given to girls and boys by their parents, teachers, and the society. cultural factors have a pervasive influence on the situation of female education. The Tanzanian culture has an inherent gender bias which adversely affects females. These customary practices include early marriages and parental preference for a ‘wife and mother’ role for daughters. These strongly shape the aspirations of girls and they may drop out of formal schooling system prematurely, either physically or intellectually.

Among the strategies taken by the government to ensure that girls were enrolled in primary schools on equal number as boys include the enactment of the Education Act of 1969. The act provided legal backing to ensure that children were not withdrawn from school before completing the primary school cycle. Also important was the introduction of Universal Primary Education in 1974 and the Education Act No. 25 of 1978, which gave the government powers to enforce compulsory enrolment and attendance of girls and boys in schools. Through these efforts the gross enrolment ratio reached 93 percent in the late 1980s.

However, the quality of primary education in Tanzania has suffered from underfunding and pupil’s development of critical thinking has been undermined by class size and for girls particularly, by a curriculum which perpetuates gender stereotyping.


(a)  Why investment in the education of girls can have the highest returns in Tanzania?

(b)  Point out two cultural factors which affect the education of a girl child in Tanzania.

(c)  State three ways through which children acquire gender roles in Tanzania.

(d)  Outline two challenges facing primary education in Tanzania.

(e)  Give two reasons behind increased enrolment of girls and boys in the late 1980s.

4. Discuss the importance of life skills to you as a student

5. What is the role of national election commission in ensuring free and fair elections?

6. Describe the composition and function of the district council

7. What are the features of indirect democracy?

8. Elaborate five gender issues that affect women in society

9. Outline five traditions and customs which affect the reproductive health of women in Tanzania.

10. Explain the significance of the National Anthem by giving five points.

SECTION C (45 Marks)

Answer three (3) questions from this section. Each question carries 15 marks.

I l . A discipline master/mistress in your school has recently reported an increase in disciplinary cases due to student's misbehavior. In five points, explain the effect of improper behavior among students.

12. In five points, analyze the benefits of having effective government for economic development.

13. Despite the fact that Tanzania is endowed with many resources, it is economically underdeveloped. Discuss six factors needed for economic development of Tanzania to take off.

14.  HIV/AIDS is a threat to future prosperity of many nations. Elaborate six socio economic impacts of HIV/AIDS to people in Tanzania.








 Time: 3Hours


  1.              This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of 14 questions
  2.              Answer all questions in section A and B and three questions from section C.
  3.              Section A carries 15 marks, section B 40 marks and section C 45  Marks
  4.              Programmable calculators, cellular phones and any other unauthorized materials are not allowed in examination room.
  5.              Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.

 SECTION A (15 Marks)

 Answer All questions in this section.

For each of the items (i-x) choose the correct answer among the given alternatives and item its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided. 

(i) One of the following is not among the village government standing committees.

A. Political and economic planning

B. Social services

C .Finance, economic and planning

D. Defence and security

E. Self reliance.

(ii) The road traffic signs are mainly divided into the following categories:

  1. Command, precaution and information signs 
  2. Command, permissive and precaution signs 
  3. Permissive, preventive and maintenance signs 
  4.  Red, yellow and green 
  5. Command, precautions and traffic lights. 

(iii) One of the following is not true about human rights:

  1. They are inherent 
  2. They should be recognized, respected, and enforced by the state 
  3. Sometimes are known as natural rights 
  4. People are free to exercise them without any limitations 
  5. They are divided into civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights. 

(iv) Skills, experience, efficiency, confidentiality, sense of duty and honesty are the

  1.  Sources of Government revenue 
  2.  Functions of the central Government 
  3.  Qualities of Civil servants 
  4.  Functions of the Executive 
  5.   Filling the special forms.

 (v) FINCA and PRIDE can be categorized as

A. Banks 

B.  Non profit making organisations 

C. Loan giving institutions 

D. NGO’s 


(vi) . One of the following is not a distinguishing characteristic of the monarchical government:

  1. Only King heads the society 
  2.  Headed by a King or Queen 
  3. A King or a Queen is not elected but is a ceremonial figure 
  4. King or Queen is not a part of Legislature 
  5. The Prime minister becomes a Chief Executive.

(vii) Separation of powers means

  1. governing powers are divided among Executive Legislature and Parliament 
  2. completely parting away government organs 
  3. dispensing justice and imposing penalties when the laws are broken 
  4. one organ to control the remaining two 
  5. Governing powers are divided among the Executive, Parliament and the Judiciary. 

 (viii) The speaker of the United Republic of Tanzania is elected from the

A. Members of parliament only 

B. Office of the parliament 

C.  Lawyers and judges 

D. Any Tanzanian provided he/she qualifies to be a member of parliament 

E. Senior ministers. 

(ix) The Constitutional amendments of 2000 led to the following except:

  1. Establishment of the office of register of political parties. 
  2. Increased number of women seats from 15% to 30%. 
  3. Empowered the President to nominate up to 10 members of Parliament. 
  4. Declaration of President through simple majority votes. 
  5. Establishment of Human Rights and Good Governance Commission. 

(x)  Before a Minister is appointed by the President to head a Ministry, he/she must be

A. a Board Member of any firm recognized by the Government 

B. a member of any registered Political Party 

C. a graduate from any recognized institution 

D. appointed or elected Member of Parliament 

E. only an elected Member of Parliament. 

2.  Match the items of List A with the response in List B by writing letter of the correct response in the answer sheet provided 



i. Treason 

ii. 1982

iii. Second generation rights

iv. Prosecutor 

v. Guidance and counselling

  1. All government department except Judiciary and the armed forces
  2. Used to solve problem with psychological effects
  3. Used to solve problem with physiological problem
  4. The crime of betraying one’s country by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.
  5. A public official who conducted legal proceedings against someone 
  6. Economic social and cultural rights
  7. Moral and legal rights 
  8. Gender equity
  9.  Valentine Mlowola
  10. Dr. Edward Hosea
  11. Gender equality
  12. Local government authorities established.
  13.  Formed after a complete overthrow of the existing oppressive government by the majority of people
  14. Acquired through application
  15. Acquired through birth certificate


Answer all questions in this section.

3. Read the following passage and then answer the questions that follow.

In Africa, as was once the case for pre­industrial Europe, many children were born because they highly ­valued economic assets and because kinship system and religious beliefs encouraged families to have many children. Families would continue to have more and more children until desired number of boy ­babies had been born. Babies are often felt to be blessings from the gods or the ancestors. In 1984, the average number of children per family was 6.43. This rate has not fallen during the last decade and in some countries it is still rising.

Such a youthful population needs expensive medical and education services, and many adults are involved in the caring for children and in educating them. In the more urban and industrialized societies, for example, women have more opportunities to join men in the economic world, because there are facilities provided by the state for caring for even young children.

In the modern world many countries have tried to control the growth of population. Many of the more industrialized societies have been more concerned about the threat of  “overpopulation” and have adopted program of birth control or Planned Parenthood. However, those policies have been fiercely resisted in the Third World. It is unlikely that in Africa, where the traditional valuation of children is so strong that governments would succeed in compelling people to have smaller families. Only a few countries have adopted national population policies, notably Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Tunisia and Mauritius. A few countries like Nigeria have voluntary agencies that offer advice about family planning. It is very doubtful if this advice (Limited to the main towns and used only by a few educated people) will have any noticeable effect.

The major obstacles in introducing population policies are social, religious and ideological. Equal serious is the reason that few administrators or political leaders, and very few of the ordinary people, appreciate the long term importance of relating population growth to trends in economic development. In too many African countries, there is no foreseeable way that food and other resources can match the population growth.


(a) Identify the main theme of this passage.

(b) From the passage, why children are born at a high rate in Africa?

(c) Why the author is a little bit concerned to the effectiveness of the program of birth control?

(d) Why the author seems to be doubtful about the work of charitable agencies in offering the

advice about family planning?

(e) From your own understanding, mention two (2) effects of overpopulation.

4. (a) Outline five functions of the National Electoral Commission in Tanzania.

    (b) List down five cultural practice violating women rights.

5. Give the meaning of the following terms

  1. Custom
  2. Ballot paper
  3. By election
  4. Urban authority

6. Mention four sources of service in local government authority 

7. Outline five roles of commercial Banks in Tanzania

8. “The Tanzanian public outcry for government measures to stop road accidents is understandable”.Suggest six measures which can be taken to improve Public road transport safety in Tanzania 

9. Examine the major sources of the water pollution in Tanzania and suggest control measures.

10.  Describe on how does the teamwork and good leadership may create stability in your society.

SECTION C (45 Marks)

Answer three (3) questions from this section. Each question carries 15 marks.

11. Despite the fact that Tanzania is endowed with many resources, it is economically    underdeveloped. Discuss six indicators of economic development.

12. One of the sources of government income is generated through taxation. As a good citizen explain to your community six benefits of paying taxes.

13. As a knowledgeable person in life skills, describe systematically the steps you would take to solve social problems in your community.

14. Discuss the solutions to road accidents.








Time: 3Hours


  1.              This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of 14 questions
  2.              Answer all questions in section A and B and three questions from section C.
  3.              Section A carries 15 marks, section B 40 marks and section C 45  Marks
  4.              Programmable calculators, cellular phones and any other unauthorized materials are not allowed in examination room.
  5.              Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.

 SECTION A (15 Marks)

 Answer All questions in this section.

(i). Marriage in teenage can result in the following except;

  1. School drop outs
  2. Earlier pregnancy
  3. Death
  4. Female genital mutilation

(ii). Gender equity means;

  1. Gender balance
  2. Principle of being fair to both male and female
  3. Relationship between men and women
  4. Women empowerment

(iii). Biological differences between male and females is termed as;

  1. Gender
  2. Sex
  3. Gender focus
  4. Gender gap

(iv). An example of negative socio-cultural practice affecting women is;

  1. Gender analysis
  2. Gender roles
  3. Gender maltreatment
  4. Gender empowerment

(v). Gender equity can be achieved when;

  1. All members of family respect their father
  2. All members of the family work equally and reap equally from their wealth
  3. All members work equally, have equal access to property and get a fair share of their wealth
  4. All members of the family respect their mother

(vi) Who attends parliament by virtue of his office but has no right to vote?

  1. Prime minister
  2. The speak
  3. Attorney general
  4. The leader of the opposition 

(vii)The following is not a part of the executive in Tanzania 

  1. Civil servants
  2. The judiciary
  3. The president
  4. Regional commissioners

(viii) The organ which s responsible for election procedures in Tanzania is called_____

  1. Tanzania Elections Boards
  2. National Electoral Commission   
  3. Presidential Elections
  4. Presidential commissions of Election

(ix) Which of the following is a special group?

  1. Elderly
  2. Refugees
  3. People with disabilities
  4. Breast feeding mothers.

(x) Which is not a responsibility towards special group?

  1. Provide financial and material support
  2. Show them respect and understanding
  3. Provide cancelling and socialization
  4. Give job vacancies to elderly.
  1. Match the items in list A with the correct response in list B By writing the letter of the corresponding response beside the item number.


  1. The ability to understanding one’s potentialities, strength, weakness and position in life
  2. Participatory approach to location making
  3. Maintainer peace and order
  4. Ability to stand up for one’s values and belief in the face conflicting ideas from friends
  5. Promotes individual’s personality in terms of dressing and communication


  1. Teamwork
  2. Lasses faire leadership
  3. Empathy
  4. Credence and counseling
  5. Critical thinking skills
  6. Self –awareness skills
  7. Improper behavior
  8. Friendship
  9. Creative thinking skills
  10. Self-confidence
  11. Good leadership
  12. Decision making
  13. Study tours
  14. Peer resistance
  15. Negotiation skills

SECTION B (40 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section. 

  1. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.

In developing countries, about 80 percent of women live and work in rural areas. In Africa women produce more than two percent of the food for home consumption. Men tend to produce for the market. Available data indicate that the time spent by women on farms tend to exceed that of men in many parts of rural Africa. In Tanzania women work for 16 hour a day compared to about 8 hours by men working. This indicates that women in Tanzania are involved in agricultural activities throughout the farming season.

Men seem to be concerned in the initial land preparation activities, thereafter involvement decrease considerably leaving the rest of work to women.

Women in Tanzania are the main productive forces to rural communities. Most of the daily activities are related to agricultural production, domestic chores and reproduction. They have almost total responsibility for substance farming as well as cash production.

They do all this work using very poor farming implements like hand hoe, which is unsustainable and almost cannot enable them to cultivate large farms. Although woman are the main producers at mostly men in the villages who take part in agriculture education where they learn new techniques particular on how to utilize the new tools and equipment  programs.

It is important to challenge the myths and misconceptions which contain to portray  men as thinkers, decision makers, directors  and leading  politicians, while  at the same time they promote the concept of women  as home maker’s  perceivers  of traditions  and cultures and submissive human beings. This is what gender sensitive human beings. This is what gender sensitive man and women do to ensure equality and development.


  1. Suggest a suitable title for the passage and give a rationale for your suggestion
  2. Why the author claims that women contribute more than men in production for home consumption? Provide two reasons.
  3. From the passage, how can equal opportunities for men and women be fostered?  Give two points.
  4. What does that author mean when he /she says that “men tend to produce for the market?
  5. According to author, what is the main task for women in rural areas? Give two tasks
  1. (a) State five differences between local government and central government 

(b) Outline five main causes of environment degradation 

  1. You have studied about life skills in your studies. Elaborate to your community six benefits of life skills education
  2. Describe six indicators of social development
  3. The government of Tanzania like any other government in the world spends money for its population. “In the light of this statement” Explain six main areas where the central government of Tanzania spends its money
  4. Briefly explain nine (9) key principles of democracy
  5. Discuss six functions of the parliament of the united Republic of Tanzania in the government process of the country
  6. Assess six significances of national festival and Public Holidays to Tanzania

SECTION C (45 Marks)

Answer three (3) questions from this section. Each question carries 15 marks.

  1. Road accidents in Tanzania have now reached unacceptable proportions. Suggest six measures to alleviate road accidents in Tanzania.
  2. “High standard of life and work are inseparable”. In the light of this statement examine the importance of work to human development by giving six points.
  3. Examine the importance of life skills to the youth in Tanzania by giving six points.
  4. Examine the importance of local governments in Tanzania by giving six points.










  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of fourteen (14) questions.
  2. Answer all questions in sections A and B and three (3) questions from section C.
  3. Section A carries 15 marks, section B carries 40 marks and section C carries 45 marks.
  4.  Cellular phones and any unauthorised materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  5. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s).

SECTION A (15 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section. 

l . For each of the items (i) — (x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter besides the item number in the answer booklet provided.

(i)The Headmaster/mistress of your school is not satisfied with the academic performance of the school in the Form Four National Examinations. Which of the following type of life skills will you recommend to improve the academic performance of the school?

  1.  Teamwork       
  2. Negotiation skills
  3. Empathy                                           
  4. Forming friendship
  5. Peer pressure

(ii)Which of the following indicator would best guide you to determine a country practicing a dictatorial form of government?

  1.  Citizens electing their preferred political leaders and holding them accountable.
  2.  Citizens enjoying fair and equal treatment before the law.
  3.  Citizens punished for expressing personal views and opinions.
  4.  Citizens exercising freely personal religious beliefs and worship. 
  5. Citizens feeling their human dignity respected and safeguarded.

(iii) Monas husband died and her in laws forced Mona to marry Tulizo, her late husbands young brother. Such a family decision demonstrates.

  1.  gender blindness. 
  2. gender stereotyping. 
  3. gender equality. 
  4. gender mainstreaming. 
  5. gender discrimination.

(iv)Which of the following are major pillars of the State?

  1.  Executive, Armed Forces and Legislature
  2.  Executive, Legislature and Judiciary
  3.  The President, the Prime Minister and the Chief Justice
  4.   Executive, Armed Forces and Judiciary
  5.  The President, the Speaker and the Prime Minister

(v)A persons ability to appreciate himself or herself is known as

  1.  self-submissive.
  2. self-assertive. 
  3. self esteem. 
  4. self-awareness. 
  5.  self-aggressive.

(vi)Why most Tanzanians cannot access credit facilities offered by commercial banks in Tanzania?

  1.  They lack a culture of saving.
  2. They lack information on credit facilities.
  3. They lack education.
  4.  They lack insurance cover.
  5. They are discouraged by high interest rate.

(vii)Which of the following is NOT a correct characterization of the informal sector in Tanzania?

  1. lack of permanent business premises
  2. business activities are regulated by taxation laws
  3.  employees lack social security protection 
  4. employees have little job security 
  5. employees’ wages are often low.

(viii) In the United Republic of Tanzania, the Judiciary is headed by the

  1. Chief Justice
  2. Attorney General
  3. Director of Public Prosecution 
  4. Prime Minister
  5. Minister for Legal and Constitutional Affairs.

(ix)The right to voluntarily belong to any organization is known as

  1. freedom of expression 
  2. the right to life 
  3. freedom of association
  4. freedom of assembly
  5. right to equality.

(x) Social development refers to

  1.  improvement of peoples welfare in the society
  2.  improvement in relations among the people
  3.  improved women welfare in the society
  4.  high literacy rate in the society
  5.  peace and harmony in the society.

2.Match the items in List A with the correct response in List B by writing the letter of the corresponding response beside the item number in the answer booklet(s) provided.



(i) A belief shared in a society on what is desirable, correct and good. 

(ii) It is used to represent and identify individuals, society or a country.

(iii) A set of rules which set standards for the accepted behaviours in a society.

(iv) Pattern of conduct shared by the people in a given community but always change with time.

(v) Practices that persisted in a society for a long time and do not change.

  1. Symbol
  2. Customs
  3. Values
  4. Material culture
  5. Arts
  6. Tradition
  7. Antiquities
  8. Myths
  9. Norms
  10. Taboos
  11. Museums
  12.  Archives

3. Read the following passage and then answerthe questions that follow.

Natural resources can be classified as non­renewable and renewable. Non­renewable or exhaustible resources such as fossil fuels, copper, and gold exist in fixed amount in various places in the earth crust. They can be used completely or economically depleted to the point where it costs too much to get what is left, when 80 percent of its total estimated supply has been removed and used.

A renewable resource is one that can theoretically last forever, because it is replaced through natural process. Examples are trees in the forest, grasses in grasslands, wild animals, fresh surface water in lakes and rivers, fresh air and fertile soils. The earth most valuable resources, is its diversity of potentially renewable forms of life. But over use can convert renewable resources to non­renewable by using them faster than they can be replenished.

Some non­renewable resources can be recycled or reused to extend supplies. Iron, aluminium, glass, for example, can be collected, remelted, reprocessed and made into new products. Also to avoid excessive use of resources, recycling of papers products needlessly burned or thrown away, reduce timber needs for the paper industry. Domestic refuse can be used to generate power particularly for local districts heating and lighting schemes, though care must be taken when incinerating to avoid air pollution problems.

Other non­renewable resources, such as fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas), cannot be recycled or reused. When burned, the high quality useful energy in these fuels is converted to low quality waste heat and exhausted gases that pollute the atmosphere.


(a) From the passage, identify two resources which can be replaced through the natural process.

(b) State three merits of recycling non­renewable resources.

(c) List down three environmental problems associated with burning of fossil fuels.

(d) Explain the condition under which renewable resources cannot be renewed.

(e) Suggest two measures to promote sustainable use of natural resources.

4.Briefly explain the importance of family stability by giving five points.

5.Outline five traditions and customs which affect the reproductive health of women in Tanzania.

6. Briefly explain the main five functions of the Central Bank of Tanzania (B.O.T)

7.List down five sources of the Central Government Revenue.

8.  Outline five merits of making responsible decision.

9. Briefly outline five responsibilities of a good citizen in Tanzania.

10. Outline five traditions and customs which affect the reproductive health of women in Tanzania.

SECTION C (45 Marks)

Answer three (3) questions from this section.

l l . In five points, analyze the benefits of having effective government for economic development.

12.To a great extent election in Tanzania is democratic, free and fair. Use six points to validate this statement.

13.Most members in your community are not aware on the causes of high incidences of road accidents. As a knowledgeable community member, briefly explain six causes of road accidents in Tanzania.

14. Examine the importance of life skills to the youth in Tanzania by giving six points.










  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of fourteen (14) questions.
  2. Answer all questions in sections A and B and three (3) questions from section C.
  3. Section A carries 15 marks, section B carries 40 marks and section C carries 45 marks.
  4.  Cellular phones and any unauthorised materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  5. imageWrite your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s).

SECTION A (15 Marks)

image Answer all questions in this section.

l . For each of the items (i) — (x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter besides the item number in the answer booklet provided.

(i)   The Headmaster/mistress of your school is not satisfied with the academic performance of the school in the Form Four National Examinations. Which of the following type of life skills will you recommend to improve the academic performance of the school?

  1.  Teamwork       
  2. Negotiation skills
  3. Empathy                                           
  4. Forming friendship
  5. Peer pressure

(ii) Which of the following indicator would best guide you to determine a country practicing a dictatorial form of government?

  1.  Citizens electing their preferred political leaders and holding them accountable.
  2.  Citizens enjoying fair and equal treatment before the law.
  3.  Citizens punished for expressing personal views and opinions.
  4.  Citizens exercising freely personal religious beliefs and worship. 
  5. Citizens feeling their human dignity respected and safeguarded.


(iii) Monas husband died and her in laws forced Mona to marry Tulizo, her late husbands young brother. Such a family decision demonstrates.

  1.  gender blindness. 
  2. gender stereotyping. 
  3. gender equality. 
  4. gender mainstreaming. 
  5. gender discrimination.

(iv) Which of the following are major pillars of the State?

  1.  Executive, Armed Forces and Legislature
  2.  Executive, Legislature and Judiciary
  3.  The President, the Prime Minister and the Chief Justice
  4.   Executive, Armed Forces and Judiciary
  5.  The President, the Speaker and the Prime Minister

(v)  A persons ability to appreciate himself or herself is known as

  1.  self-submissive.
  2. self-assertive. 
  3. self esteem. 
  4. self-awareness. 
  5.  self-aggressive.

(vi) Why most Tanzanians cannot access credit facilities offered by commercial banks in Tanzania?

  1.  They lack a culture of saving.
  2.  They lack information on credit facilities.
  3.  They lack education.
  4.  They lack insurance cover.
  5.  They are discouraged by high interest rate.


(vii)Which of the following is NOT a correct characterization of the informal sector in Tanzania?

  1. lack of permanent business premises
  2. business activities are regulated by taxation laws
  3.  employees lack social security protection 
  4. employees have little job security 
  5. employees’ wages are often low.


(viii) In the United Republic of Tanzania, the Judiciary is headed by the

  1. Chief Justice
  2. Attorney General
  3. Director of Public Prosecution 
  4. Prime Minister
  5. Minister for Legal and Constitutional Affairs.

(ix)  The right to voluntarily belong to any organization is known as

  1. freedom of expression 
  2. the right to life 
  3. freedom of association
  4. freedom of assembly
  5. right to equality.


(x) Social development refers to

  1.  improvement of peoples welfare in the society
  2.  improvement in relations among the people
  3.  improved women welfare in the society
  4.  high literacy rate in the society
  5.  peace and harmony in the society.


2. Match the items in List A with the correct response in List B by writing the letter of the corresponding response beside the item number in the answer booklet(s) provided.



(i) A belief shared in a society on what is desirable, correct and good. 

(ii) It is used to represent and identify individuals, society or a country.

(iii) A set of rules which set standards for the accepted behaviours in a society.

(iv) Pattern of conduct shared by the people in a given community but always change with time.

(v) Practices that persisted in a society for a long time and do not change.

  1. Symbol
  2. Customs
  3. Values
  4. Material culture
  5. Arts
  6. Tradition
  7. Antiquities
  8. Myths
  9. Norms
  10. Taboos
  11. Museums
  12.  Archives


3. Read the following passage and then answer the questions that follow.

Natural resources can be classified as non­renewable and renewable. Non­renewable or exhaustible resources such as fossil fuels, copper, and gold exist in fixed amount in various places in the earth crust. They can be used completely or economically depleted to the point where it costs too much to get what is left, when 80 percent of its total estimated supply has been removed and used.

A renewable resource is one that can theoretically last forever, because it is replaced through natural process. Examples are trees in the forest, grasses in grasslands, wild animals, fresh surface water in lakes and rivers, fresh air and fertile soils. The earth most valuable resources, is its diversity of potentially renewable forms of life. But over use can convert renewable resources to non­renewable by using them faster than they can be replenished.

Some non­renewable resources can be recycled or reused to extend supplies. Iron, aluminium, glass, for example, can be collected, remelted, reprocessed and made into new products. Also to avoid excessive use of resources, recycling of papers products needlessly burned or thrown away, reduce timber needs for the paper industry. Domestic refuse can be used to generate power particularly for local districts heating and lighting schemes, though care must be taken when incinerating to avoid air pollution problems.

Other non­renewable resources, such as fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas), cannot be recycled or reused. When burned, the high quality useful energy in these fuels is converted to low quality waste heat and exhausted gases that pollute the atmosphere.


(a)  From the passage, identify two resources which can be replaced through the natural process.

(b)  State three merits of recycling non­renewable resources.

(c)  List down three environmental problems associated with burning of fossil fuels.

(d)  Explain the condition under which renewable resources cannot be renewed.

(e)  Suggest two measures to promote sustainable use of natural resources.

 4.   Briefly explain the importance of family stability by giving five points.

5.  Outline five traditions and customs which affect the reproductive health of women in Tanzania.

6. Briefly explain the main five functions of the Central Bank of Tanzania (B.O.T)

 7.  List down five sources of the Central Government Revenue.

8.   Outline five merits of making responsible decision.

9. Briefly outline five responsibilities of a good citizen in Tanzania.

10. Outline five traditions and customs which affect the reproductive health of women in Tanzania.

SECTION C (45 Marks)

Answer three (3) questions from this section.

l l . In five points, analyze the benefits of having effective government for economic development.

12.To a great extent election in Tanzania is democratic, free and fair. Use six points to validate this statement.

13. Most members in your community are not aware on the causes of high incidences of road accidents. As a knowledgeable community member, briefly explain six causes of road accidents in Tanzania.


14. Examine the importance of life skills to the youth in Tanzania by giving six points.





















TIME: 2.30HRS                                                                                            2020

NAME:_______________________________________________                         CLASS:___________


  • This paper consists of three sections, A, B and C
  • Answer all questions in section A and B and 2 questions from section C
  • All answers must be written on the spaces provided
  • Ensure clarity on your answers

1. For each of the items (i – x ) choose the correct answer among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number below;

(i) A school authority which discourages female students to opt for technique subject is likely to be influenced by

  1. Gender discrimination
  2. Gender stereotyping
  3. Gender analysis
  4. Gender
  5. Gender balance

 (ii) Bus accidents in Tanzania are caused by both human and external factors, the external factors are

  1. Excessive speed
  2. Overtaking errors
  3. Parking error
  4. Reckless driving
  5. Poor road condition

 (iii) The following are characteristics of state except

  1. Presence of a defined territory in which people live 
  2. Is fully independents
  3. Should have good cities and well arranged
  4. Presence of government with full political control

 (iv) Before marriage men and women develop friendship, this friendship is called.

  1. Courtship 
  2. Infidelity
  3. Early marriage
  4. Initiation period
  5. Kitchen part

 (v) The national flag of Tanganyika was hoisted for the first time

  1. 9th December 1961
  2. 26th April 1964
  3. 7th  April 1965
  4. 1st Jan 1964

 (vi) Parents should teach their children good manners through the following except.

  1. By demonstrating to their children what they want them to do
  2. Maintain their own norms and value that guide children
  3. Tell them what are bad and not acceptable in society
  4. Give children everything they want and treat them luxuriously

 (vii) The first permanent constitution in Tanzania was enacted in

  1. 1964
  2. 1965
  3. 1984
  4. 1977
  5. 1992

 (viii) Empathy means

  1. Is the ability of putting oneself in other peoples mood when they are faced by serious problems
  2. Is the ability of people requires skills according to need
  3. Is a mental emotional or physical tension
  4. Is the ability of a person to recognize   one’s emotions and reasons for them

 (ix) Social development refers to

  1. Improvement of peoples welfare in the society
  2. Improvement in relations among the people
  3. Improved women welfare in the society
  4. Peace and harmony in the society

 (x) The ability of a person to convey ideas, feelings thoughts to be known to others is known as

  1. Negotiation skills
  2. Empathy
  3. Peer pressure
  4. Effective communication skill

 2. Match the items in list A with the correct response in list B by writing the letter of the corresponding response beside the item number in the answer



(i)Is the belief in the existence of God or gods

(ii) Refugees, street children, women, elderly

(iii) The ability to make the best choice out of many available options

(iv) Principles of fairness, justice and benefits that all human are born with

(v) A person accepted as a member of country 


  1. Guidance and cancelling
  2. NGOs
  3. Decision making skills
  4. Orphans
  5. Citizen
  6. Religion
  7. Work
  8. Teaching
  9. Citizenship
  10. Special group
  11. TAWLA
  12. Human right
  13. Human right abuse


 SECTION B (40 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

3. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Historically the question of human rights has been constantly attracting international attention. In different places all over the world Tanzania included, human rights are being violated at different levels, ranging from the central government itself, local government, public institutions such as court and police, society and even at the level of the family and religion to mention few. Due to ignorance caused by lack of information and poverty, the victims of human rights violation may not be aware if their rights are violated or not. In some cases those who violate human rights do not know that they are violating them.

To combat the problem of violating human rights in Tanzania appropriate measures need to be taken. The first alternative is the on-going improvement of human rights education to the entire public. All citizens should be educated on human rights. Authorities such as police, people’s militia, executives, members of the parliament, councilors, teachers, employers and parents should know human rights.

The second steps is to know where to go when human rights are violated. In most cases violations occur to individuals. The court system and the police are the major organs that protect human rights. However, these organs may not help if human rights education is not provided. There is a need to form local human rights groups which will serve well even when an individual alone cannot get his/her rights. Such groups can be formed by students, women, workers, villagers or professionals, disabled, retired employers etc.

These groups will serve as regulators when any person or group is denied his/her rights. They will have a strong and common voice against any violation. This behavior will enable even law enforcers such as police, tax officers, magistrates and judges to be careful when doing their duties. This will ensure and enhance the commitment of lawyers and judges to interpret the laws accordingly. 


  1. Suggest a suitable title for the passage
  2. According to the passage, name two violators of human rights in our society
  3. In the context of this passage, outline two strategies that can be used to protect human rights in Tanzania
  4. In your views, what do you think is the role of the judiciary in protecting human rights in Tanzania? Give two points.
  5. Point out two negative effects of human rights abuse

5. Mother and father are important members of the family everyone has his/her responsibility in the family. Mention five responsibility for each of them.


  1. ______________________________________________________________
  2. ______________________________________________________________
  3. ______________________________________________________________
  4. ______________________________________________________________
  5. ______________________________________________________________


  1. ______________________________________________________________
  2. ______________________________________________________________
  3. ______________________________________________________________
  4. ______________________________________________________________
  5. ______________________________________________________________

5. Elaborate six interpersonal skills which will enable you to cope with life after completion of secondary school education.

  1. …………………………………………… …………………… ………………………..
  2. ……………………… ………………………… ………………… ……………………. 
  3. ………………………… …………………………………… ……………… ……………
  4. …………… ……………………… ………………………………… ………… …………
  5. …………………………………………………………………………………………..
  6. …………………………………………………………………………………………

6. Proponents of globalization argue that globalization is a catalyst of development while the opponents contend that it is a source of underdevelopment. Discuss eight (8) merits of globalization in Tanzania.

  1. ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
  2. ………………………………………………………………………………………………
  3. ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
  4. ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
  5. …………………………………………………………………………………………….
  6. ……………………………………………………………………………………………
  7. ………………………………………………………………………………………….
  8. …………………………………………………………………………………………..

7. Explain five reasons why work is important.

  1. …………………………………… …………………………………… ……………………
  2. …………………………………… …………………………………… …………………….
  3. …………………………………… …………………………………… ………………………
  4. …………………………………… …………………………………… ……………………….
  5. …………………………………… …………………………………… ………………………

8. What are principles of democracy?

  1. ……………………………… ……………………………… ……………………………….
  2. ……………………………… ……………………………… ………………………………
  3. ………………………………… ………………………………… ………………………….
  4. ………………………………… ………………………………… …………………………….
  5. ………………………………… ………………………………… ……………………………..


Answer three questions from this section. Each question carries 20 marks

9. What are eight importance of our culture in maintaining society morals and values

10. In seven points write indicators of dictatorship government.

11. Mobile phone is very important tool in society but sometimes can cause a lot of problems in peoples’ lives. Prove the statement with not less than eight points.

12. Street children is a hot challenge in our society, write five causes of street children and five points on the solution of this challenge.






Duration: 2:30 Hours


  • This paper consists of sections A,B and C with a total of 14 questions.
  • Answer all the questions in sections A and B and three questions from section C
  • Write your name and class in the spaces provided above.
  • All writings must be in blue or black ink
  • Neat work will be rewarded.


Answer all questions in this section

  1. For each of the items (i-x) choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the boxes provided.

(i)A school authority which discourages female students to opt for technical subjects is likely to be influenced by:

  1. Gender discrimination
  2. Gender stereotyping
  3. Gender analysis
  4. Gender
  5. Gender balance


(ii) The experiences of the past which are inherited by the society and are unchangeable are called:

  1. Traditions
  2. Norms
  3. Customs
  4. Ethics
  5. Moral values

(iii) The leader of government business in the parliament of the United Republic of Tanzania is the:

  1. Attorney General
  2. Speaker
  3. Prime Minister
  4. Chief Justice
  5. President of the United Republic



(iv) Which of the following is not a function of the commission for Human Rights and Good Governance in Tanzania?

  1. Promote the protection and conservation of human rights
  2. Receive allegations and complaints of violation of human rights 
  3. Visit prisons with the view of assessing conditions of prisoners 
  4. Institute legal proceeding to public officials accused of corruption
  5. Cooperate with agencies of the United Nation in the areas of human rights 

(v) The national motto of the United Republic of Tanzania inscribed on the coat of arms is:

  1. Freedom and unity
  2. Freedom and work
  3. Ujamaa and self-reliance
  4. People and development
  5. Education for self-reliance


(vi) A custom of having more than one wife is known as:

  1. Courtship
  2. Cohabitation
  3. Engagement
  4. Polygamy
  5. Extended family 

(vii) Which of the following organ is responsible for planning and coordinating village activities?

  1. Village Assembly
  2. Village committees
  3. Village council
  4. Ward development committee


(viii)The important feature of the constitutional monarchy is:

  1. The prime minister is the ceremonial head of the state
  2. The king or queen is the ceremonial head of the state
  3. Ministers are not members of the legislature
  4. The king or queen have executive powers
  5. There is no separation of powers of the three government organs 

(ix) Bus accidents in Tanzania are caused by both human and external factors. The external factors include:

  1. Excessive speed
  2. Overtaking errors
  3. Parking errors
  4. Reckless driving
  5. Poor road conditions 

(x) Which of the following is not a core function of commercial Banks in Tanzania?

  1. Receive deposit from people
  2. Advance loans to people
  3. Provides insurance services to clients
  4. Agents of money transfer
  5. Provides business advice to clients

2. Match the items in LIST A with the correct responses in LIST B by writing a letter of the corresponding response in the boxes provided below:



  1. The interim union of Zanzibar and Tanganyika constitution enacted
  2. The Zanzibar independence constitution enacted
  3. The Tanganyika Republican constitution enacted
  4. The Tanganyika independence constitution enacted
  5. The interim constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania was replaced by a permanent one
  1. 1964
  2. 1963
  3. 1962
  4. 1961
  5. 1977
  6. 1992
  7. 1966
  8. 1967
  9. 1971
  10. 1974
  11. 1979
  12. 1984
  13. 2000
















Answer all questions in this section

3. Read the following passage very carefully and then answer the questions that follow

Gender refers to the differences in social roles and relations between males and females. Gender roles are learned through socialization and very widely within and between cultures. Gender discrimination refers to unequal treatment between males and females whereby one gender is given more priority in different opportunities.

Some of the customs which lead to gender discrimination our societies include food taboos. These are practices of restricting a certain group of people from eating certain types of food. For example, some Tanzanian societies do not allow pregnant women to eat eggs or fish.

Another custom that leads to gender discrimination in our societies is the discrimination of women and children in decision making. Women and children are discriminated even on issues that concern their lives, for example, marriage and property ownership. Young girls have been forced to be married while widows are forced to marry brothers of their deceased husbands.


(a) Suggest a suitable title for the passage…………………………………………………………………………

(b) According to the passage, what is gender discrimination?................................................................

(c) How do people learn gender roles?.........................................................................................................

(d) From the passage, list down two customs that leads to gender discrimination……………

(e) How are food taboos carried out in our society?..................................................................................

4. Write short notes on the following;

  1. Democracy
  2. Constitution
  3. Special group
  4. Citizenship
  5. Family.

SECTION C. 60 Marks. 

Answer any three Questions from this section. Each question carries 20 Marks.

5a) When was the Union between Tanganyika and Zanzibar took place?

b) Mention two Union matters and two non Union matters.

 6. a) What do you understand by “Poverty”?

b) Describe four indicators of poverty in Tanzania.

7. a) What does it mean by “Local government?

b) Write down four sources of local government revenue.

8. a)Define family stability

b) Briefly explain four importance of family stabilit

9. a)Define the government 

b) Briefly explain three organs of the government

 10. a) What do you understand by economic development?

b) Outline four factors for economic development.

11. Tanzania is credited for promoting and broadening the scope of democracy. Give six points to show the validity of this statement

12. Despite the government efforts, the war against poverty in Tanzania is yet to be won. Analyse six root causes of poverty in Tanzania.

  13. Identify and explain six traditions and customs which influence the subordination and exploitation of women in Tanzania

14. The industrial sector plays a key role in the economy of any country. Give six points to illustrate the importance of small scale industries to people’s development in the rural areas in Tanzania.






TIME: 7:00HRS                                                                                                       2019.

NAME ________________________________________                   CLASS:______________



-          This paper consists of sections A,B and C with a total of 14 questions.

-          Answer all the questions in sections A and B and three questions from section C

-          Write your name and class in the spaces provided above.

-          All writings must be in blue or black ink

-          Neat work will be rewarded.


Answer all questions in this section

  1. For each of the items (i-x) choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the boxes provided.

i)                   A school authority which discourages female students to opt for technical subjects is likely to be influenced by:

  1. Gender discrimination
  2. Gender stereotyping
  3. Gender analysis
  4. Gender
  5. Gender balance


ii)                 The experiences of the past which are inherited by the society and are unchangeable are called:

  1. Traditions
  2. Norms
  3. Customs
  4. Ethics
  5. Moral values


iii)               The leader of government business in the parliament of the United Republic of Tanzania is the:

  1. Attorney General
  2. Speaker
  3. Prime Minister
  4. Chief Justice
  5. President of the United Republic



iv)               Which of the following is not a function of the commission for Human Rights and Good Governance in Tanzania?

  1. Promote the protection and conservation of human rights
  2. Receive allegations and complaints of violation of human rights
  3. Visit prisons with the view of assessing conditions of prisoners
  4. Institute legal proceeding to public officials accused of corruption
  5. Cooperate with agencies of the United Nation in the areas of human rights


v)                 The national motto of the United Republic of Tanzania inscribed on the coat of arms is:

  1. Freedom and unity
  2. Freedom and work
  3. Ujamaa and self-reliance
  4. People and development
  5. Education for self-reliance


vi)               A custom of having more than one wife is known as:

  1. Courtship
  2. Cohabitation
  3. Engagement
  4. Polygamy
  5. Extended family


vii)             Which of the following organ is responsible for planning and coordinating village activities?

  1. Village Assembly
  2. Village committees
  3. Village council
  4. Ward development committee


viii)           The important feature of the constitutional monarchy is:

  1. The prime minister is the ceremonial head of the state
  2. The king or queen is the ceremonial head of the state
  3. Ministers are not members of the legislature
  4. The king or queen have executive powers
  5. There is no separation of powers of the three government organs


ix)               Bus accidents in Tanzania are caused by both human and external factors. The external factors include:

  1. Excessive speed
  2. Overtaking errors
  3. Parking errors
  4. Reckless driving
  5. Poor road conditions


x)                  Which of the following is not a core function of commercial Banks in Tanzania?

  1. Receive deposit from people
  2. Advance loans to people
  3. Provides insurance services to clients
  4. Agents of money transfer
  5. Provides business advice to clients
  1. Match the items in LIST A with the correct responses in LIST B by writing a letter of the corresponding response in the boxes provided below:



i)                   The interim union of Zanzibar and Tanganyika constitution enacted

ii)                 The Zanzibar independence constitution enacted

iii)               The Tanganyika Republican constitution enacted

iv)               The Tanganyika independence constitution enacted

v)                 The interim constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania was replaced by a permanent one

  1. 1964
  2. 1963
  3. 1962
  4. 1961
  5. 1977
  6. 1992
  7. 1966
  8. 1967
  9. 1971
  10. 1974
  11. 1979
  12. 1984
  13. 2000


















Answer all questions in this section

  1. a) When was the Union between Tanganyika and Zanzibar took place?

b) Mention two Union matters and two non Union matters.


  1. a) What do you understand by “Poverty”?

b) Describe four indicators of poverty in Tanzania.


  1. a)Define democracy according to it’s etymology

b) Show four principles of democracy


  1. a) What does it mean by “Local government?

b) Write down four sources of local government revenue.


  1. a) What is improper behavior?

b) Outline the consequences of improper behavior among the youth in Tanzania by giving four points.


  1. a)Define family stability

b) Briefly explain four importance of family stability


  1. a)Define the government

b) Briefly explain three organs of the government


  1. a) What do you understand by economic development?

b) Outline four factors for economic development.



Answer three (3) questions from this section

  1. Tanzania is credited for promoting and broadening the scope of democracy. Give six points to show the validity of this statement.


  1. Despite the government efforts, the war against poverty in Tanzania is yet to be won. Analyse six root causes of poverty in Tanzania.



  1. Identify and explain six traditions and customs which influence the subordination and exploitation of women in Tanzania.


  1. The industrial sector plays a key role in the economy of any country. Give six points to illustrate the importance of small scale industries to people’s development in the rural areas in Tanzania.








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