Time: 2:30Hours


  1.               This paper consist of section A, B and C with total of ten (10) questions
  2.               Answer all questions
  3.               Section A carries 15 marks, section B 70marks and section C caries 15 marks
  4.               Where necessary the following constants may be used

Acceleration due to gravity, g =


Answer ALL questions.

(i) A pump raise 100kg of water steadily through a height of 30m in 10s, what is the power developed by the pump?

  1.  300J/s
  2.  1000W
  3.  3000W
  4.  1200W.

(ii) A particle is thrown upward with some kinetic energy. What happened to its kinetic energy at the highest point or height it reaches?

  1.  Its kinetic energy is lost
  2.  It’s all kinetic energy is absorbed by air
  3.  It’s all kinetic energy is converted to potential energy
  4.  Its kinetic energy remains the same

(iii) Tiny particle that makes matter are called

  1.  Molecules
  2.  Element
  3.  Atoms
  4.  Electrons

(iv) Atoms in solid are closely packed together due to:-

  1.  Cohesive force
  2.  Adhesive force
  3.  Capillarity
  4.  Bond

(v) Atmospheric pressure is calculated by the 

  1.  Height of water column is barometer
  2.  Height of mercury column in barometer
  3.  Height of lime column in barometer
  4.  Height of oil column in barometer.

(vi) Amount of pressure in liquid decrease with 

  1.  Volume
  2.  Base area
  3.  Mass
  4.  Depth.

(vii) Accurate volume of a liquid can be measure by using 

  1.  Volumetric flask
  2.  Pipette
  3.  Burette
  4.  Cylinder.

(viii) A factor which affect sinking or floating is

  1.  Volume
  2.  Density
  3.  Mass
  4.  Surface area.

(ix) A part of shadow which receives no light from source is called?

  1.  Shadow
  2.  Eclipse
  3.  Penumbra
  4.  Umbra

(x) When Earth is between the Sun and the Moon, we get?

  1.  Earth eclipse
  2.  Moon eclipse
  3.  Solar eclipse
  4.  Venus eclipse.

2. Match the following



  1.     Upward push when object is in water.
  2.     Indicates safety limit of loading
  3.       Instrument used to measure density of liquid
  4.       Discovered relationship between weight of body and up thrust
  5.     A gas used in Balloons
  1.  Hydrogen
  2.  Helium
  3.  Force
  4.  Up thrust
  5.   Hydrometer
  6.   Hygrometer
  7.  Archimedes
  8.  Plimsoll line



3. (a) Mention at least seven types of force.

    (b) What is stretching and restoring force?

4. (a) Mention five importance of first Aid

     (b) List five procedures to help a victim with small cut or wound.

5. (a) Define relative density

    (b) A clean dry beaker has a mass of 400g. 112cm3 Kerosene is poured into the beaker with help of burette, if the mass of beaker and kerosene is 500g, find density of kerosene.

6. (a) State Hooke’s law

    (b) Identify applications o elasticity in everyday life.

7. A 50kg girl runs up a staircase of 50 steps each. Steps in 15cm in height, in 5 second.

  1.      Find work done against gravity by the girl
  2.     At what power is she running

8. (a) State two factors which pressure in liquids depends 

    (b) Explain why

  1.     Sharp knife cuts easily than blunt knife
  2.   An elephant cannot easily sink in mud
  3.       Tyres of a tractor are wide

9. (a) Distinguish between

  1.     Floating and sinking
  2.   Weight and up thrust

    (b) Why does hydrometer have wide bulb and Narrow stem.



10. An empty petrol tin has a mass of 0.75kg. When full of petrol, the tin and petrol has a mass of 7.75kg. If the density of petrol is 700kg/m3, find volume of petrol in tin. 








CODE 031

TIME: 2:30 HOURS          



  • This paper consists of section A, B and C with the total number of ten(10) questions
  • Answer all questions in each section
  • Section A carries (15) marks, section B (70) marks and section C carries (15) marks
  • All writing must be in blue/black ink except drawing which must be in pencil
  • Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the assessment room.


SECTION A (15 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

1. For each of the items (i) – (x) choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer sheet provided

  1.    A student wants to precisely measure the volume of a liquid. Which piece of apparatus would be the MOST suitable?

A. Ruler

B. Thermometer

C. Graduated cylinder

D. Spring scale

  1.    Which of the following is NOT a good safety practice in a physics lab?

A. Wearing safety goggles when working with chemicals.

B. Eating or drinking while performing experiments.

C. Knowing the location of the first-aid kit.

D. Cleaning up spills immediately.

  1.    The base unit for length in the International System of Units (SI) is the:

A. Meter

B. Kilogram

C. Second

D. Celsius

  1.    Imagine pushing a heavy box across the floor. Which of these will REDUCE the friction between the box and the floor?

        A. Making the box heavier.

B. Applying a lubricant to the floor.

C. Pushing the box harder.

D. Using a rougher floor surface.

  1.    Sarah observes that plants grow taller when exposed to more sunlight. To design an experiment, what should her next step be?

A. Form a hypothesis about sunlight's effect on plant growth.

B. Draw conclusions about the importance of light.

C. Measure and record the heights of the plants.

D. Find more information about why plants need light.

  1.    You stand on one foot instead of two. What happens to the pressure your foot exerts on the floor?

A. The pressure decreases

B. The pressure increases

C. The pressure stays the same

D. Pressure doesn't apply in this situation

  1.    Why does a large metal ship float while a small metal coin sinks?

A. Ships are hollow, making them less dense than water.

B. The coin is made of a denser type of metal.

C. Water pressure is less at the surface.

D. Ships are treated with a special coating that repels water.

  1.    Which of the following situations is an example of potential energy?

A. A bird flying through the sky.

B. A rock held at the top of a hill.

C. A car speeding down the road.

D. A burning candle.

  1.    If a chemical splashes into someone's eye, what should you do FIRST?

A. Rub the eye to remove the chemical.

B. Flush the eye with water at an eyewash station.

C. Put a bandage over the eye.

D. Close the eye tightly.

  1.    Anna builds a simple catapult with a rubber band, a spoon, and a popsicle stick. Which type of energy is stored in the stretched rubber band?

A. Chemical energy

B. Elastic potential energy

C. Gravitational potential energy

D. Kinetic energy


2. Match the physics apparatus in Column A to its primary use in Column B.

Column A

Column B

  1.           Triple beam balance
  2.           Bunsen burner
  3.           Multimeter
  4.           Stopwatch
  5.           Microscope


  1. Measuring electrical properties like voltage and current
  2. Magnifying small objects for detailed observation
  3. Heating substances or conducting flame tests
  4. Measuring time intervals
  5. Determining the mass of an object
  6. Determining current


SECTION B: 70 Marks

Answer all questions

3. (a)  List any three importance of studying Physics.

    (b) List any five areas where Physics is applied in real life.

4. (a) Laboratory safety is____________________________


    (b) Mention four laboratory safety procedures.


    (c) Mention five causes of laboratory accident.



5. (a) Mention five importance of first Aid


    (b) List five procedures to help a victim with small cut or wound.



 (c)  Mention four causes of laboratory fire.



6. (a) Define density and relative density

    (b) A block of metal of volume 25cm3 was dropped in water and volume raised to 65cm3. Find initial volume of water.

(c) A clean dry beaker has a mass of 400g. 112cm3 Kerosene is poured into the beaker with help of burette, if the mass of beaker and kerosene is 500g, find density of kerosene.


7. (a) Define volume of a substance.

    (b) Mention three apparatus used to measure volume of substance.

    (c) What is buoyancy

    (d) Explain why a ship floats in water.


8. (a) State the law of floatation

    (b) What condition are required for body to float?

    (c) What is up thrust?

    (d) State Archimedes Principle


9. (a) Distinguish between Floating and sinking and   Weight and up thrust

    (b) Why does hydrometer have wide bulb and Narrow stem.

10. (a) What is apparent weight?

    (b) Describe a simple experiment to determine apparent weight of an object.

    (c) When a body is totally immersed in fluid, its weight is found to be 45N the weight of liquid displace is 2.5N. Find weight of body in air.






CODE 031

TIME: 2:30 HOURS          



  • This paper consists of section A, B and C with the total number of ten(10) questions
  • Answer all questions in each section
  • Section A carries (15) marks, section B (70) marks and section C carries (15) marks
  • All writing must be in blue/black ink except drawing which must be in pencil
  • Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the assessment room.

SECTION A (15 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

1. For each of the items (i) – (x) choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer sheet provided.

  1. Which of these is the study of matter, energy, and their interactions?

A. Chemistry

B. Biology

C. Physics

D. Geology

  1. The first step in the scientific method is usually:

A. Making observations

B. Designing an experiment

C. Forming a hypothesis

D. Drawing conclusions

  1. Which piece of laboratory equipment is best for measuring the volume of a liquid?

A. Thermometer

B. Spring scale

C. Graduated cylinder

D. Meter stick

  1. The base unit of mass in the International System of Units (SI) is the:

A. Meter

B. Second

C. Kilogram

D. Liter

  1. Wearing goggles in the lab protects your:

A. Hands

B. Feet

C. Eyes

D. Clothes

  1. To reduce error when taking measurements, it's important to:

A. Estimate the answer first

B. Repeat the measurement multiple times

C. Round the final measurement

D. Only measure once

  1. A hypothesis is:

A. A proven scientific fact

B. An educated guess about an observation

C. The same as a theory

D. The final step of an experiment

  1. Which force pulls objects toward the center of the Earth?

A. Friction

B. Gravity

C. Magnetism

D. Static electricity

  1. Using the correct units when reporting measurements is important because it:

A. Makes the numbers look nicer

B. Prevents confusion and ensures consistency

C. Makes the calculations easier

D. Allows you to get a better grade

  1. A controlled experiment is one in which:

A. All variables are held constant

B. Only one variable is changed at a time

C. There are no safety concerns

D. The equipment is very expensive


2. Match the chemical warning sign in Column A to its appropriate meaning in Column B.

Column A

Column B

  1. Skull and Crossbones
  2. Flame Symbol
  3. Exclamation Mark
  4. Health Hazard Symbol
  5.    Corrosive Symbol
  1.      May cause harm with short-term or long-term exposure.
  2.      Can cause severe burns or damage materials
  3.       Harmful or irritating
  4.      Flammable or combustible
  5.       Highly toxic or fatal




Answer all Questions

3.(a) Complete each the following statement by writing the correct answer in the space provided.

  1. __________ is a scientific study of matter in relation to energy.
  2. Energy is ability or capacity of doing________________
  3. _______________ is anything which has got mass and occupies a space.
  4. There are _______________ states of matter.
  5. A person who study Physics is called_______________

(b)Define the following terms.

  1. Physics
  2. Physicist
  3. Science
  4. Technology

4. (a) List any five importance of studying Physics.

(b) Name four subjects related with physics

5. (a) List any five areas where Physics is applied in real life.

(b) Name five items made by knowledge of physics

6. (a) What is physics laboratory? Explain five features of a laboratory

(b) List four causes of accidents in physics laboratory

7. (a) First aid kit can be defined as________________________________


 (b) Complete the table below by filling the blanks.





Covering wounds to protect the victim from dirty and germs.

Antiseptic solution



For reducing muscular pain




For cutting dressing materials.



8. (a) Warning signs can be defined as________________________________


    (b) Give one example of each of the following warning sign.

(i)     Flammable: ______________

(ii)  Harmful: ________________

(iii) Explosive: _______________


 (c) Draw diagram of each of the following warning sign.

(i)     Radioactive



(ii)  Corrosive



9. (a) List steps of scientific investigation chronologically


      (b) Mention three types of variable as applied in scientific research.


10. Discuss six branches of physics









Time: 2:30Hours


  1. This paper consist of section A, B and C with total of ten (10) questions
  2. Answer all questions
  3. Section A carries 15 marks, section B 70marks and section C caries 15 marks
  4. Where necessary the following constants may be used

Acceleration due to gravity, g =10N/M2


  1. Which of the following is a safety precaution in Physics laboratory?
  1. Doing experiment in the laboratory
  2. Handling of apparatus in the laboratory
  3. Use equipment with care in laboratory
  4. Do anything in laboratory
  1. What is the implication of statement that when a body floats its apparent weight is Zero?
  1. The weight of floating body is less than upthrust acting on it
  2. The weight of the floating body is less than the weight of fluid displaced
  3. The weight of floating body is equal to weight of the fluid displaced
  4. The weight of floating body is greater than up thrust acting on it
  1. Why are particles in a solid state closed packed
  1. Because they have weak force of attraction
  2. Because they have moderate force of attraction
  3. Because they have moderate force of attraction
  4. Because they have very strong force of attraction
  1. What makes the last drop of tap water remain hanging for some time at the outlet of the tap soon after closing the tap?
  1. Surface tension
  2. Osmosis
  3. Capillarity
  4. Viscosity
  1. A clinical thermometer differs from other thermometer because it
  1. Can be used to measure the temperature of ice
  2. Can be used to measure the temperature of melting iron
  3. Has a constriction
  4. Is very small
  1. A ferry Boat floats in a sea water because its average density is
  1. Creator than that of water
  2. Smaller than that of water
  3. The same as its weight
  4. Greater than its weight
  1. What is the name given to study of weather and climate relates greatly with physics our it’s instruments such as rain gauge and wind vane use principles of physics
  1. Astronomy
  2. Geophysics
  3. Meteorology
  4. Solar system
  1. Which of the following is one of importance of first Aid in the Physics laboratory
  1. First Aid Prevents risks of electric shock is a student
  2. First Aid promotes recovery of a victim by bringing hope
  3. First is a real treatment to a seriously injured person in the laboratory
  4. First Aid promotes loss of unconsciousness to a fainted person
  1. A needle may float on a clean water but sinks when some detergent is added to water because the detergent
  1. Reduces the density of water
  2. Increases the adhesive force between the needle and water molecules
  3. Lowers the surface tension of water
  4. Makes water surface slippery
  1. A house building contractor fitted window Glass panes which someone cannot see through but the room are full illuminated with light. These types of glass pane materials are said to be
  1. Dim
  2. Opaque
  3. Transparent
  4. Translucent
  1. Match the meaning of terminologies used in structure and properties of matter with LIST A, with their corresponding terms in LIST B by writing the letter of correct answer in table provided.



  1. Tendency of matter to be state of random motion
  2. Ability of liquid to rise or fall in a narrow tube
  3. Attraction force between molecule of the same substance
  4. Ability of the surface of a liquid to behave like a fully stretched elastic skin
  5. Movement of particles from high concentrations to low concentration
  1. Surface Tension
  2. Cohesive
  3. Adhesive
  4. Diffusion
  5. Osmosis
  6. Capillarity
  7. Brownian motion

SECTION B (70 Marks)

  1. (a)State the Archimedes principle

(b)List down three conditions necessary for a body to float

(c) An object of weight 18N immersed in water. It experiences an upthrust of 2N. Calculate;

  1. Real weight
  2. Relative density
  3. Density of the object in kg/m3
  1. (a) State Paschal Principle as it is applied in Pressure

(b)State any four application of atmospheric pressure

(c) Briefly explain why the woman wearing shoes with ported heels in more likely to cause damage to wooden floor than elephant

(d)What will be the pressure due to a column of water of height 3m if the density of water is 2100kg/m3.

  1. (a)what do you understand the following terms
  1. Pressure
  2. Atmospheric pressure

(b)Why are dams constructed thicker at the bottom than at the top?

(c) A rectangular tank which measures 5m by 4m contains water to a height of 10m. What will be the

  1. Pressure on the base
  2. Thrust on the base
  1. (a) A Uniform half-meter rule in pivoted at 20cm mark and balances horizontally when a body of mass 30g is hung at the 5cm mane from one and
  1. Calculate the mass of the rule
  2. Draw the diagram of arrangement above

(b)Calculate the pressure due to column of mercury 750mmHg high given density of mercury equal 13600kg/m3

  1. (a)Explain briefly why efficiency of a machine is always less than 100%

(b)A load Wheel barrow weighing 800N is pushed up an inclined plane by a force 150N parallel to the plane if the plane rises 50cm for every 400cm length of the plane. Find

  1. Velocity ratio
  2. The mechanical Advantage
  3. The efficiency of the machine
  1. (a)When water and Mercury were in two separate measuring cylinders the teacher asked students to observe the reading in both cylinders. Why does mercury from downward meniscus while that of water forms upward meniscus?

(b)A force of 4N causes a certain copper wire to extend to 1.0mm. Find the load that will causes a 3.2mm extension on the same wire.

  1. (a)When the metal can that contain hot water is closed and then cold water is poured on it, then it collapses

(b)Why in an experiment using Hare’s apparatus the length of methanol and water column were found to be 16cm and 12.8cm respectively

  1. What is relative density of methanol
  2. If the length of methanol column attired to 21.5cm find new height of water.

SECTION C (15 Marks)

10. (a)A form two student in physics laboratory was provided with density bottle, sand, digital balance and water. He is required to determine the density of sand using the instruments provided above, show how he will determine the density of sand?

- Mass of density bottle; M1 = 200g

- Mass of density bottle and sand M2 = 550g

- Mass of density bottle and water, M4=300g

  1. What was the density of sad?
  2. Determine the relative density of sand.











Time: 2:30Hours


  1.   This paper consist of section A, B and C with total of ten (10) questions
  2.   Answer all questions
  3.   Section A carries 15 marks, section B 70marks and section C caries 15 marks
  4.   Where necessary the following constants may be used

Acceleration due to gravity, g =

SECTION A (15 Marks)

Answer ALL questions

1. Write the letter of the most correct answer in the space provided

i) Physics may be expressed as:

  1.                            A quantitative science
  2.                            The most basic of science
  3.                            An experimental science
  4.                           All (a), (b) and (c) are true

ii) An apparatus in physics laboratory is

  1.                              Set of instruction to carry out experiments
  2.                               Instruments used in the laboratory for experimentation
  3.                              Containers used to keep chemicals
  4.                              A place where physicist used to store their instruments

iii) The following are the fundamental types of forces, except:

  1.                              Force of gravity
  2.                               Electromagnetic force
  3.                              Strong nuclear force
  4.                              Pulling or pushing force

iv) An object floats in water with 20% of its volume above the surface. What

is the relative density of the object?

  1.                              0.16
  2.                               0.2
  3.                              0.64
  4.                              0.8

v) The variation of pressure is liquid depends on:

  1.                              Shape
  2.                               Mass
  3.                              Depth
  4.                              Temperature

vi) One of these properties of matter is used to remove salts from sea water

  1.                              Surface tension
  2.                               Diffusion
  3.                              Capillarity
  4.                              Osmosis

vii) The power required to accelerate a Noah car of mass 3000kg from the

rest to speed of 20m/s in 12seconds is:

  1.                              50kW
  2.                               72Kw
  3.                              60Kw
  4.                              20Kw

viii) The property of light which is responsible for formation of shadow is

  1.                              It travels in vacuum
  2.                               It transfer energy
  3.                              It radiates
  4.                              It travels in straight line

ix) Which of the following instrument is used for measuring mass

  1.                              Spring balance
  2.                               Barometer
  3.                              Beam balance
  4.                              Eureka cane

2. Match correctly item in list A with list B.


List A

List B


An instrument that

  1.                  Measuring cylinder


measures length, depth

  1.                  Pipette


internal and external

  1.                 Vernier calipers



  1.                 Glass tumbler


An instrument that

  1.                  Spring balance


measures volumes of

  1.                  Clinical thermometer



  1.                 Magdeburg experiment


An instrument that

measures force of pull



An instrument that transfers 
specific amount of liquid

from one container to 



An instrument that

measures body 



SECTION B (70 marks)

Answer ALL questions

3. Electricity is the energy that has several uses in our daily life. We use electricity for lighting, heating, cooling, refrigeration and operating electrical and electronic appliances. In physics laboratory, electricity is used to conduct several experiments. Thus, the presence of electricity is an important feature of a physics laboratory. However, when an electric current passes through a human body it cause an electric shock. Write seven (7) guidelines a first aider should follow to help electric shock victim

4. Robert is a form one student who abscond physics subject, assuming that is less important to his life. By giving five points (5), convince Robert the importance of attending physics periods.

5. Using examples, explain how the following subjects related to physics

  1.                  History
  2.                  Geography
  3.                  Biology

6. (a) Label the parts F,B,N,E,L C,T,R,A,B by giving roman number respectively

(b) Make a sketch of a micrometer screw gauge showing a reading of 6.49mm.

7. Study the diagram below then answer the question that follows

  1.                  Force 1 and 2 are forces due to_____________________
  2.                  Force 3 is force due to_____________________________
  3.                                 Force balances the force _______________________ acting on 
    a needle.

8. (a) The figure below shows a man pushes a barrel, when the barrel move we say he is do a work but when the barrel does not move we say he is not doing a work why?

  1.                  Explain why a rotating wonder wheel becomes hot after a sudden stop.
  2.                  How much power is required for a car 1000kg in charging speed from 10m/s to 40m/s in 8s?

9. Pilato is a form one student at Pugu Secondary, the physics teacher has instructed him to cut a piece of soap by using two wires varying in thickness. Pilato at first used very thin wire to cut a bar of soap into half. What is the difference when a bar of soap is cut using a thin wire and when a thick wire?

SECTION C (Marks 15)

Answer question number ten (10)

10.The hydrometer shown below is used to measure the densities of liquids between 1g/cm3 and 0.08g/cm3. Assume that density of water = 1g/cm3, the cross-section area of the stem is 0.5cm2 and the height of the stem above the liquid level is 16cm. Determine the volume of the hydrometer below mark 1.0










Time: 2:30Hours


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions.
  2. Answer all questions
  3. Sections A and C carry fifteen (15) marks each and section B carries seventy (70) marks
  4. All answers must be written in the space provided
  5. All writing must be in blue or black ink except drawings which must be in pencil
  6. All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the assessment room.
  7. Where necessary the following constants may be used:
  1. Acceleration due to gravity, g=10m/s2
  2. π = 3.14


  1. For each of the items (i) – (x) Choose the correct answer among the given alternatives write its letter in box provided
  1. Matter is________________
  1. Anything which has got mass and occupy a space.
  2. Anything which contains mass and volume
  3. Scientific study of energy.
  4. A science which deals with the study of nature and physical properties.
  1. The ability or capacity of doing work is known as:
  1. Mass
  2. Matter
  3. Pressure.
  4. Energy.
  1. Which of the following is safety precaution in the Physics laboratory?
  1.  Doing experiment in the laboratory
  2.  Handling of apparatus in the laboratory
  3.  Use equipment with care in the laboratory
  4.  Do anything in the laboratory
  1. A set of techniques used by scientists to investigate a problem refers to:-
  1.           Data interpretation
  2.            Scientific method
  3.            Performing an experiment
  4.           Data presentation
  1. First aid is an immediate assistance or care given to a sick person or an accident victim before getting: -
  1.           Help from nearby people
  2.            Professional medical help
  3.            Relatives and friends’ assistance
  4.           Traditional medical care
  1. Special room that have been designed and equipped for carrying out scientific experiments is called?
  1.           Class room
  2.            Staff room
  3.            Bed room
  4.           Laboratory
  1. In one of the following areas, quantitative measurement knowledge plays an important role except.
  1. In hospital
  2. In agriculture
  3. In schools
  4. In smell testing
  1. A physics teacher asked the students to explain briefly things which may cause fire in the physics laboratory. The students tried to answer but some explanations were not correct. Identify the explanations which were not correct.
  1. Electrical faults
  2. Presence of flammable materials
  3. Carelessness in using gas lighter and match boxes
  4. The colour of some chemicals supports combustion
  1. Thermometer is a device that determine the measure of the kinetic energy that particles of an object possess. Part of a thermometer which prevents mercury from flowing back when temperature falls:
  1. Stem
  2. Constriction
  3. Bulb
  4. Neck
  1. Which of the following instruments work under the Pascal’s principle of pressure transmission
  1. Spring balance
  2. Single fixed pulley
  3. Inclined plane
  4. Hydraulic press
  1.  Match the items from LIST A with the corresponding responses in LIST B by writing its letter in the box provided.



(i) Atmospheric pressure

(ii) Pressure

(iii) Pascal principle

(iv) Application of atmospheric pressure

(v) Razor blades and knife blades

  1. Minimum force
  2. Hydraulic press
  3. N/m2
  4. Pascal
  5. Maximum force
  6. Manometer
  7. High pressure
  8. Low pressure
  9. Aneroid barometer
  10. Bicycle pump





3. (a) Define the following terms.

(i)     Physics

(ii)  Physicist

(iii) Science

(iv) Technology

(b) Give three importance of studying physics


  1. (a) Laboratory safety is____________________________

    (b) Mention four laboratory safety procedures.

    (c) Mention five causes of laboratory accident.


  1. (a) A micrometer screw gauge has a — 0.03 mm error. State the reading that is observed on the instrument when used to measure the diameter of a wire whose actual diameter is 0.38 mm. 

    (b). . It was observed that upon sucking the straw, milk did not rise up the straw. Explain this observation. 

6. In an experiment to determine the relative density of liquid x, form IB physics students obtained the following results after various measurements

Mass of relative density bottle, ml = 15g Mass of relative bottle and liquid x, m2 = 35g

Mass of relative density bottle and water, m3 = 40g

Volume of bottle, v = 25cm3


(a)   Density of water in kg/m3

(b)   Density of liquid x in kg/m3

(c)   Relative of liquid x



(c) State two ways of reducing surface tension of a liquid. 

7. (a) Give application of relative density;

(b) Give the importance of measurement in daily life

8. (a) What is applied force?

(b) A conical flask with a base of diameter of 7cm and base radius of 3.5cm contain a liquid of density 840kg/m3. Find the total force due to the liquid on the base in Newton

9. (a) What is Archimedes principle?

(b) A balloon has a capacity of 20m3 and it is filled with hydrogen. The balloon fabric and the container have a mass of 2.5kg. What mass of instruments can be lifted by the balloon? (Density of hydrogen = 0.089kg/m3 and density of air is 1.29kg/m3) 

Data given

Total mass = mt = ml + mb

Volume capacity, v = 20m3

Volume cold air, vl =20m3

Mass of balloon, mb = 2.5kg

Density at v2, p2 = 0.089kg/m3

Density at vl, p1 = 1.29kg/m3

Mass of instrument), ml = ?



(a)  Use the concept of pressure to explain why buildings are constructed with wide foundations.

(b) Mention two experiments which show the evidence that atmospheric pressure exists. 

(c) A woman of mass 64 kg is standing on sand soil with high heel shoes of area 2 cm2;

(i) Find the pressure exerted by the woman on the ground.

(ii) Why does her heel sink into the ground?













  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions.
  2. Answer all questions
  3. Sections A and C carry fifteen (15) marks each and section B carries seventy (70) marks
  4. All answers must be written in the space provided
  5. All writing must be in blue or black ink except drawings which must be in pencil
  6. All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the assessment room.
  7. Where necessary the following constants may be used:
  1. Acceleration due to gravity, g=10m/s2
  2. π = 3.14


  1. For each of the items (i) – (x) choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter in box provided
  1. Which one of the following arguments describes the mathematical language used in physics
  1. Matter occupies space
  2. Density is mass per volume
  3. Volume is amount of space occupied by the body
  4. Physics is a branch of science.
  1. A student has got an electric shock and felt unconscious in the physics laboratory. Which decision would you take to help the victim immediately?
  1. Administer breath exercise
  2. Call the Physicist
  3. Call other students
  4. Contact a medical Doctor
  1. Why are machine engines filled with oil lubricant?
  1. Reduce friction between moving particles
  2. Increase the viscosity between moving particles
  3. To return the twisted solids to their former state.
  1. Why does it take a shorter time for a perfume to diffuse in air than in water?
  1. Air molecules are fresh compared to water
  2. Air molecules are packed closer compared to those of air.
  3. Water molecular are less far apart compared to those of air
  4. Water molecule move with higher speed compared to those of air
  1. A cooking oil was mixed with water and poured into a measuring cylinder and allowed to settle for 3 minutes. Which one will be observed phenomena
  1. Cooking oil floats over water
  2. Meniscus of water appeared convex in shape at the surface
  3. Water floating on the oil
  4. Water and oil completely mixed up
  1. If two cars are both travelling at 50km/h and they collide head on, the effect is similar to a car colliding with Walter what velocity?
  1. 0km/h
  2. 10km/h
  3. 50km/h
  4. 100km/h
  1. When a large body of experimental evidences support or does not support the hypothesis, what may hypothesis eventually be considered?
  1. Observation
  2. Insight
  3. Conclusion
  4. Law
  1. An engineer wanted to measure the diameter of a wire to the nearest 0.001cm, which of the following instruments will be used.
  1. Metre rule
  2. Measuring cylinder
  3. Micrometer screw gauge
  4. Vernier caliper
  1. The term used to describe the ability to of an obseet to float on a surface of a liquid is classified is
  1. Floatation
  2. Buoyancy
  3. Density
  4. Pressure
  1. Materials can be twisted into different shapes. Which among the following forces cause twisting of elastic materials
  1. Restoring force
  2. Compressional force
  3. Stretching force
  4. Torsional force


  1. Match each of the description of the terms used in simple machines in List A with the corresponding concept used in simple machine in List B by writing a letter of the correct response below the item in table.




  1. The ratio of distance moved by effort to the distance moved by load
  2. The ratio of the load raised steadily by a machine when an effort or force in applied
  3. A fixed wheel with a rope passing round a groove in wheels circumference
  4. The ratio of the work output to the work input times 100%
  5. Consists of a rigid bar that moves about a fixed point.
  1. Simple pulley
  2. Combination pulley
  3. Efficiency
  4. Lever
  5. Mechanical advance
  6. Single fixed pulley
  7. The Block and Tackle pulley system
  8. Velocity ratio


SECTION B (70 Marks)

Answer all questions

  1. (a)State laws of reflection

(b)Explain behavior of light when it encomters translucent, transparent and Opaque materials 

Calculate number of images formed by plane mirror related to the angle between two plane mirrors 

  1. (a)(i)Differentiate distance and displacement

(ii)Write down three equations of linear motion 

(b)A paratrooper falling under gravity after 6 seconds

  1. What will be maximum height covered
  2. What will be its velocity when hitting the ground
  1. (a)Explain why efficiency of machine is always less than 100%

(b)An object weight in air is 6ON and 4ON when immersed in water. What will be its

  1. Upthrustin water
  2. Relative density
  3. Density
  1. Give reason why a ship can move surface of water without sinking?
  1. (a)When a metal can that contains hot water is closed and cold water is poured on it the can collapses, why?

(b)In an experiment Using Hare’s apparatus the length of methanol and water columns were found to be 16cm and 12.8cm respectively

  1. What is the relative density of methanol?
  2. If the length of methanol column was altered to 21.5c what would be the new height of water column?
  1. (a)Differentiate ferromagnetic materials from Paramagnetic materials by giving their typical examples and uses

(b)Advice a laboratory technician three appropnate ways of slowing magnets so that they can last longer.

  1. (a)Define each of the following terms as used in physics
  1. Volume   (ii) Moment of force

(b) An object of 100kg is lifted to a height of 5M above the ground is 3 seconds. Calculate its 

(i) Work done  (ii) Power

  1. (a)Define the term pressure

(b)A rectangular object whose dimension are 1.4m by 0.1m by 2.0m, has a density of 200kg/m3. Calculate the minimum pressure when placed on a table.

SECTION C (15 Marks)

Answer Question 10

  1. Define the word coulomb
  2. State Ohms law
  3. Two resistors of 30 and 60 are connected in parallel to a 3V battery
  1. Draw a schematic diagram
  2. Find effective resistance of the circuit
  3. Calculate the current passing through the 60 resistor








1. For each of the following items (i) – (xx) choose the correct answer among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number.

  1. An engineer wanted to measure the diameter of a wire to the nearest 0.001cm. which of the following instruments will be used?

A. Metre rule

B. Measuring cylinder

C. Micrometer screw gauge

D. Vernier caliper E. Engineer caliper

  1. Which phenomenon explain ability of some small insects to walk over a water surface?

A. Capillarity

B. Adhesion

C. Surface Tension

D. Osmosis

  1. The branch of science in which the relationship between matter and energy is studied is referred to:

A. Biology

B. Chemistry

C. Physics

D. Agricultural science

E. Geography

  1. Which of the following instruments work under the Pascal’s principle of pressure transmission

A. Spring balance

B. Single fixed pulley

C. Inclined plane

D. Hydraulic press

  1. The process whereby materials recover the original length after removing the load or force is described as.

A. Plasticity

B. Deformation

C. Elasticity

D. Elastic limit

  1. The term used to describes the ability of an object to float on a surface of liquid is classify as:

A. Floatation

B. Buoyancy

C. Density

D. Pressure

  1. The quantity obtained by taking the ratio of mass per unit volume of a substance is described as:
  1. A. Relative density
  2. B. Density
  3. C. Matter
  4. D. Volume
  1. How does depth affect the pressure in liquids
  1. A. Pressure is inversely proportional to depth
  2. B. Pressure is equal to depth
  3. C. Pressure is not equal to depth
  4. D. Pressure is directly proportional to depth
  1. The materials which do not completely allow the light to pass through
  1. A. Transparent
  2. B. Translucent
  3. C. Luminous
  4. D. Opaque
  1. What among of the following term is used to explain the tendency of a liquid to rise or fall in a narrow tube?
  1. A. Diffusion
  2. B. Capillarity
  3. C. Adhesion
  4. D. Cohesion

2. Match the meaning of the terminologies used in structure and properties of matter in LIST A with their corresponding terms in LIST B by writing the letter of the correct answer in the box beside it.


Answer All Questions in this section

3. a) By using a concept of pressure explain why a tractor is designed with wide tires?

b) A rectangular block weighting 320N has dimensions of 4m x 2mx 10m. What is the greater pressure and least pressure it can be exerted on the ground?

(c). Explain why the wall of the dam is made much thicker at the bottom than at the top?

d) What is usefulness of atmospheric pressure in real life situation? (Any three)

4. a) Explain why efficiency of machines is always less than 100%?

b) An object weight in air is 6.0N and 4.0N when immersed in water. What will be its:

  1. i. Up thrust in water
  2. ii. Relative density
  3. iii. Density

c) Givereason why a ship can move on surface of water without sinking?

5. Complete each of the following statements by writing the correct answer on the space provided

i. A tendency of an object to fall to the lower level in fluid is called …………………………

ii. An upward force exerted on object when it is totally or partially immersed in fluid is known as ……………………

iii. A product of force and perpendicular distance is known as …………………………

iv. A percentage ration of work out put to work input is known as …………………………

v. An effort of 50N used to operate a machine to lift up a load of 150N the mechanical advantage ( M.A) of the machine is ……………………

6. (a) All form two students involved in performing physics experiment in the laboratory

must be aware of safety measures. Give out four (4) measures to reduce risks during experiment [4marks]

(i) ______________________________________________________________

(ii) ______________________________________________________________

(iii) ______________________________________________________________

(iv) ______________________________________________________________

(b) Physicists are always after exact evidence. Write down six (6) critical and logical steps followed when carrying out a physics scientific investigation. [6marks]

(i) ______________________________________________________________

(ii) ______________________________________________________________

(iii) ______________________________________________________________

(iv) ______________________________________________________________

(v) ______________________________________________________________

(vi) ______________________________________________________________

7. (a) (i) Write the formula for finding pressure in liquids and state what does each letter

represent in your formula.

(b) Give any three applications of atmospheric pressure in everyday life.

(i) …………………………………..………………………………………….

(ii) ………………………………………………………………………………

(iii) ………………………………….…………………………………………....

(c) Draw and explain how a car brakes system use Pascal’s principle to operate.

8. (a) A traffic police stopped a bus with very tall carrier. As a Physics student explain the

possible danger with that bus, why? [2mark]

(b) A uniform half metre rule is freely pivoted at 15cm and balances horizontally when a body of 40g is hung from 2cm mark.

(i) Draw a clearly labelled diagram to illustrate forces on a half-metre ruler. [3marks]

(ii) Calculate the mass of the rule

9. A) state laws of reflection

b) Explain the behavior of light when it encounters translucent, transparent and opaque materials

c) Calculate number of images when the angle between two plane mirrors is:

i. 600 ii. 00

d) How the number of images formed by plane mirrors related to the angle between two plane mirrors?

SECTION C (15 Marks)

10. (a) A form two student is in the physics laboratory. He is provided with density bottle, sand, digital balance and water. He is required to determine the density of sand using the instruments provided above, show how will he determine the density of the sand?

(b) In an experiment to determine the density of sand, Sophia obtained and recorded the following results.

Mass of the density bottle, M1 = 200g

Mass of density bottle and sand, M2 = 490g

Mass of density bottle, sand and water, M3 = 550g

Mass of density bottle and water, M4 = 300g

(i) What was the density of sand?

(ii) Determine the relative density of sand.









  1. This paper consists of ten (10) questions. Attempt all question
  2. This paper has three section A, B and C

Where necessary use the following constants 

Density of water = 1000kg/m3

Acceleration due to gravity = 10N/kg


  1. For each of the items (i) – (x) choose the correct answer among the given alternatives
  1. A person who studies physics is known as
  1. Physician
  2. Scientist
  3. Technician
  4. Physicist
  1. A special room where scientific experiments are conducted is known as
  1. Science Room
  2. Hospital
  3. Laboratory
  4. Factory
  1. The following are Units of fundamental quantities except
  1. Kilograms
  2. Kelvins
  3. Microseconds
  4. Watts
  1. One of the following instruments is not used to measure volume
  1. Vernier calipers
  2. Pipette
  3. Burrete
  4. Measuring cylinder
  1. The force of attraction between molecules of different materials is known as
  1. Cohesive force
  2. Adhesive force
  3. Surface tension
  4. Viscous drag
  1. A stone is placed in a measuring cylinder as shown below

The volume of the water in the cylinder before adding the stone is 15cm3and the stone has a mass of 90g

What is the density of the stone?

  1. 1.0g/cm3
  2. 1.2g/cm3
  3. 1.5g/cm3
  4. 6.0 g/cm3
  1. When pollen grains are placed on a slide having water and observed under a microscope, they are seen to move in a zigzag pattern. This kind of motion is known as
  1. Kinetic theory
  2. Brownian motion
  3. Relative motion
  4. Static motion
  1. In the scientific process the variables that are known during experimentation
  1. Control variables
  2. Independent variables
  3. Dependent variables
  4. Neutral variables
  1. The most important concept of physics as a subject is
  1. Relate matter to energy
  2. Relate matter to bonding
  3. Relate Energy to composition of matter
  4. Relate energy to break up of matter
  1. One of the following does not works basing on the law of floatation
  1. Air balloon
  2. Ship
  3. Beam balance
  4. Submarine
  1. Match items in list A with correct response in List B



  1. Buoyant force
  2. Compression force
  3. Surface tension force
  4. Tension force
  5. Viscous force
  1. Force found in strings and ropes
  2. Resists flow of liquids
  3. Reduces size of an object
  4. Force exerted on a body immersed in a fluid
  5. Make a liquid behave like a stretched skin


  1. (a)A form one student was told to go the laboratory per an experiment, identify four ways she should conduct herself so that the laboratory runs smoothly during her time in the laboratory

(b)Explain how Physics is related to the following

  1. Mathematics
  2. Biology
  1. (a)What do you understand by the statement that relative density of oil is 0.9

(b)What explanation can you give for why Kerosene floats in water?

(c)A density bottle weighs 40g when empty and 65g when filled with water. When filled with another liquid it weighs 55g. What is the density of the liquid?

  1. (a)Differentiate between Cohesive force and Adhesive forces

(b)In the space provided below a container filled with water in which three capillary tubes of different sizes are immersed and show how the water rises in the tube

(c) Identify three applications of Osmosis 

  1. (a)State Archimedes principle

(b)A body of weight 15N in our weight 9N when completely Immersed in a liquid of density 0.8g/cm3

  1. What is the apthrust acting on the body
  2. What is the volume of displaced liquid

(c)In the space provided below, draw a well labelled diagram of a hydrometer

  1. (a)State hooke’s law and express it in mathematical form

(b)An object with mass 100g was hung from the spring with a force constant 20N/m

How far in centimeters would the spring stretch

(c)What is the mass of an object that stretches the spring 25cm long? (take g=0.01N/g)

  1. (a)Identify four characteristics of the gravitational force.

(b)A stone of mass 2kg was taken to the moon where the acceleration due to gravity is 

One-sixth that of the earth 

  1. What is the mass of the stone one the moon?
  2. What is the weight of the stone on the moon
  1. (a)What is a scientific method

(b)Use diagrams to name all the steps involved in the scientific investigation.

(c)Name five (s) items found in a first aid kit.


  1. (a)Draw the following apparatus and state its uses
  1. Beakers
  2. Thermometer
  3. Micrometer Screw gauge

(b)Draw warning symbols for the following 

  1. Flammable
  2. Radioactive Danger









TIME: 2:30 HRS       



  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of ten(10) questions
  2. Answer ALL questions in the space(s) provided
  3. All writings must be in blue or black ink except drawings which must be in pencil
  4. All communication devices and calculators are not allowed in the examination room
  5. Write your Examination number at the top right corner of every page.
  6. Where necessary the following constant may be used

(i) Acceleration due to gravity g=10m/s2

(ii) Density of water = 1g/cm3 or 1000kg/m3
















































Answer ALL questions from this section

1. For each of the items (i)- (xx), choose the correct answer among the given alternatives and write its letter besides the item number in the box provided 

  1. What is the name given to the people who study and work professionally in the field which relates matter and energy?
  1. Scientists 
  2. Gastronomists
  3. Physicists 
  4. Geophysicists
  1. Which of the following experiments is the process of assigning numbers in measurement?
  1. Qualitative experiment 
  2. Quantitative experiment
  3. Scientific experiment 
  4. Physics experiment
  1.                       Why particles in a solid state are closely packed?
  1. Because they have weak force of attraction.
  2. Because they have very weak force of attraction.
  3. Because they have moderate force of attraction.
  4. Because they have very strong force of attraction.
  1.                       What differentiates a single moving pulley from a single fixed pulley?
  1. In single movable pulley, load is double the effort.
  2. In single fixed pulley, load is double the effort. 
  3. In single movable pulley, effort is the same as load.
  4. In single fixed pulley, effort is double the load.
  1. Which class of levers do wheel barrows, nut-crackers and bottle openers belong?
  1. Third class 
  2. Second class
  3. First class 
  4. Fourth class
  1.                       What does someone pays for if he/she buys sugar from the shop?
  1. Mass
  2. Density
  3. Volume
  4. Weight
  1.                     Relative density of a substance is 2.5. What is its density?
  1. Equal to the density of water.
  2. Greater than the density of water.
  3. Equal to the volume of water displaced.
  4. Less than the density of water.
  1.                   Which phenomenon explains the assertion that the narrower the tube the further the water rise?
  1. Capillarity
  2. Diffusion
  3. Osmosis
  4. Brownian movement
  1.                        Which instrument will you use to measure accurately the inside diameter of a bottle neck?
  1.  tape measure.
  2.  micrometer screw gauge.
  3.  metre rule.
  4. Vernier calipers.
  1. Which of the following is a safety precaution in the Physics laboratory?
  1.  Doing experiment in the laboratory
  2.  Handling of apparatus in the laboratory
  3.  Use equipment with care in the laboratory
  4. Do anything in the laboratory

2. Match the items in List A with a correct response in ListB by writing a letter of a correct response below the corresponding item number in the table provided.



  1. An instrument that measures length, depth, internal and external diameters.
  2. An instrument that measures volumes of liquid.
  3. An instrument that measures force of pull
  4. An instrument that transfers a specific amount of liquid from one container to another.
  5. An instrument that measures body temperature.
  1. Measuring cylinder
  2. Pipette
  3. Vernier caliper
  4. Glass tumbler
  5. Spring balance
  6. Clinical thermometer
  7. Magdeburg experiment


SECTION B (70 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

3.(a) List down four uses of hydraulic press.

(b) Why is a hole at the bottom of a ship more dangerous than one that is near the surface?

(c) Calculate the pressure at the bottom of the sea water 52m deep, if the density of water is 1025 Kg/m3. Take the acceleration due to gravity (g) as ION/Kg.

4. (a) Define the following terms as applied in Physics:



(b) Why is efficiency of machine less than 100%? Explain briefly.

(c) Simple machine was used to raise a load of weight 4000 N through a height of 0.8 m using an effort of 800 N. If the distance moved by effort was 4.8 m, calculate the: (i) Mechanical advantage. (ii) Velocity ratio.


5.What do you understand by the following terms?

(i) Work 

(ii) Energy 

(iii) Power 

(b) Calculate the power of a pump which can lift 200kg of water through a vertical height of 6m in 10 seconds, given g =10m/s2.

(c) Explain the meaning of the following terms:

(i)Kilowatt . 

(ii)Kilojoules . 


6.(a) State Archimedes principle . 

(b)Define relative density of a solid 

(c) The mass of a density bottle is 15g. When it is fully filled with a fluid of density 1.2g/cm3, its mass is 51g. Find the volume of the bottle.

7. (a) A heavy uniform beam AB of weight 500N is supported at its ends. The beam carries a weight of 3000N at a distance of 1.5m from the end A. if the beam is 4m long. Find the thrust at A and B (6 marks)

(b) Machine is a device used to simplify work. With example explain how the following simple machines do they simplify work in their respective stated area. (4 marks)

  1. Inclined plane at home
  2. Screw jack in garage


8. (a) You are with density bottle, water, oil and beam/ digital balance. Explain briefly the procedures you could use to determine the relative density of oil and deduce its formula. (6 marks) 

(b) A relative density bottle has a mass of 14.6g when dry and empty. Its mass is 58.1g when full of turpentine and 64.6g when full of water. Find the relative density (R.D) of turpentine. (4 marks)


9.(a) What is meant by First Aid?

(b)(i)Draw the symbols or warning signs for each of the following: Irritant

(ii)Danger of an electric shock



SECTION C (15 Marks)

An essay question

10.(a) Explain briefly why:

(i)Water tanks have their outlets fixed at the bottom?

(ii)A tractor with wide tyres cannot easily get stuck in muddy places as compared to vehicles with narrow tyres.

(b)     Calculate the maximum pressure exerted by a block of mass 150kg and surface dimensions of 4m by 6m by 8m resting on the table.









Time: 2:30Hours


  1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of 10 questions
  2. Answer all questions.
  3. Section A carries 30 marks, section B 50 marks and section C 20  Marks
  4. All answers should be written in the spaces provided.
  5. All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized material are not allowed in examination room.
  6. Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.
  7. Where necessary, the following constants may be used;
  1. Acceleration due to gravity, g=10m/s2
  2. Density of water= 1g/cm3 or 1000kg/m3

SECTION A (30 Marks)

Answer All questions in this section.


 1.  For each of items (i-xx) choose the correct its letter in the box provided

(i)The shortest length which can be measured by a meter rule is 

  1. 0.1mm
  2. 1.0mm
  3. 10mm
  4. 100m

(ii)Which of the following is a unit of force?

  1. Kg m/s
  2. Kg ms
  3. Kg m/s2
  4. Kg ms2

(iii) The minimum pressure exerted by a rectangular wooden block of 1kg measuring 4m x 3m x 2m on the bench is

  1. 0.17Pascals
  2. 1.25 Pascals
  3. 21.67 Pascals
  4. 0.83 Pascals

(iv)The normal body temperature of human beings is 

  1. 13.8°F
  2. 66.4°F
  3. 98.4°F
  4. 38°F

(v)A ratio of the density of the substance of the density of water is 

  1. Mass per unit volume
  2. Relative density
  3. Upthrust
  4. Density of a substance

(vi)The branch of science in which the relationship between matter and energy is studied is called

  1. Chemistry
  2. Biology
  3. Physics
  4. Agriculture science

(vii)measurement in Physics is

  1. Calculation
  2. Beam balance
  3. Spring balance
  4. The processes of assigning numbers to observations and events

(viii)A mass of 1 kilogram is pushed by the gravitation force towards the centre of the earth by a force of 

  1. 1 Newton
  2. 10 Newtons
  3. 100 Newtons
  4. 1000 Newtons

(ix)The SU Unit of length is 

  1. Ammeter
  2. Galvanometer
  3. Micrometer screw gauge
  4. Metre

(x)The pressure in liquid depends on 

  1. Weight and energy
  2. Liquid and container
  3. Depth and density of liquid
  4. Volume and height

(xi)Physics is applied in many fields such as 

  1. Medicine and engineering
  2. Matter and examinations
  3. Air and books
  4. None of the above

(xii)The temperature of Dodoma town was 40°C. This is equivalent to:

  1. 313 Kelvin
  2. 160 Kelvin
  3. 240 Kelvin
  4. 120 Kelvin

(xiii)An ammeter is an instrument for measuring 

  1. Length
  2. Resistance
  3. Capacitance
  4. Current

(xiv)A vernier scale reads 0.2mm when closed and 5.7mm when used to measure the diameter of a cylindrical body. What is the true diameter of the cylindrical body?

  1. 0.2mm
  2. 5.9mm
  3. 5.5mm
  4. 5.7mm

(xv)The branch of science in which the relationship between matter and energy is studied is called 

  1. Biology
  2. Chemistry
  3. Physics
  4. Agricultural Science

(xvi)The fundamental quantities of measurements are 

  1. Length, Acceleration and Time
  2. Length, Mass and Time
  3. Speed, Velocity and Acceleration
  4. Length, Velocity and Time

(xvii)When fire hazard from an electric fault erupts in a house

  1. Cut off all connecting wires
  2. Switch off the main switch
  3. Break the main switch
  4. Switch off the switch sockets

(xviii)The Archimedes’ Principle states that 

  1. The upthrust experienced by a body when partially or totally immersed in a fluid is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced
  2. Upthrust is equal to apparent loss in weight when a body is partially or totally immersed in a fluid
  3. When a body is totally or partially immersed in a fluid it displaces its own weight of the fluid in which it is immersed
  4. When a body is partially or totally immersed in a fluid, it experiences a big loss in weight.

(xix)Laboratory rules are useful in 

  1. Making students enjoy science subjects
  2. Making students conduct experiments freely
  3. Ensuring safety while in the laboratory
  4. Ensuring good communication with other students and the teachers

(xx)The SI Unit of density is 

  1. Kg/m3
  2. Kg/m2
  3. g/m3
  4. g/m2


2.Match each item in List A with a correct response in List B by writing the letter of the correct response below the number of the corresponding item in List A in the table provided.



  1. An instrument that measures length, depth, internal and external diameters.
  2. An instrument that measures volumes of liquid
  3. An instrument that measures force or pull
  4. An instrument that is used to transfer specific amounts of liquids from one container to another
  5. An instrument that measures body temperature.
  1. Measuring cylinder
  2. Pipette
  3. Vernier calipers
  4. Glass tumbler
  5. Spring balance
  6. Clinical thermometer
  7. Magdeburg experiment



  1. One similarity between Micrometer screw gauge and vernier calipers that ______
  2. Heat is _________ while temperature is __________
  3. The formation of shadow is evidence that light
  4. Mass, length and ______ are the three fundamental quantities of measurement in Physics


4.Diagram 1 below depicts one of the instruments used in making measurements

  1. What is its name?
  2. Name the parts shown
  3. The instrument is used to measure ……… and ………. of objects



5.(a)Matter is made up of small particles known as 

  1. ______________________
  2. ______________________

(b)Three basic apparatus in a physics laboratory are

(c) force are of several kinds. Mention any three:


6.(a)Mention three states of matter:

(b)A car of mass 150kg is moving with a velocity of 2m/s

  1. The energy possessed by the car in joules is ……………….
  2. The type of energy possessed by the car is …………………


7.State the SI Unit of each of the following 

  1. Current
  2. Density
  3. Heat
  4. Speed


8.(a)State Archimedes’ Principle 

(b)An object weights 500N in air and 400N when immersed in alcohol. Find the upthrust on the object.


9.Differentiate between boiling and evaporation. (Give four differences)

10.(a)What is atmospheric pressure?

(b)If the pressure of the day is 650mm of mercury column, express this in SI Unit.








  1. Physicist is a person whose occupation specializes in the science of:-
  1. Biology
  2. Physics
  3. Mathematics
  4. Chemistry
  1. The ability or capacity of doing work is known as:
  1. Mass
  2. Matter
  3. Pressure.
  4. Energy.
  1. The following is the fundamental subjects which other subjects use its application.
  1. Physics
  2. Chemistry
  3. Biology
  4. Mathematics.
  1. Matter is________________
  1.                     Anything which has got mass and occupy a space.
  2.                      Anything which contains mass and volume
  3.                      Scientific study of energy.
  4.                     A science which deals with the study of nature and physical properties.
  1. The following is the fundamental subjects which other subjects use its application.
  1.                     Physics
  2.                      Chemistry
  3.                      Biology
  4.                     Mathematics.
  1. The branch of science which deals with the study of the relationship between matter and energy is:-
  1.         Civics
  2.         Chemistry
  3.         Pshology
  4.         Physics
  1. Laboratory rules are useful in:-
  1. Making students enjoy science subject
  2. Making students conduct experiments freely
  3. Ensuring safety while in the laboratory
  4. Ensuring good communication with other students and the teachers.
  1. Which of the following used to stop fire?
  1. Matches
  2. Extinguishers
  3. Fuels
  4. Brushes
  1. A set of techniques used by scientists to investigate a problem refers to:-
  1.     Data interpretation
  2.     Scientific method
  3.     Performing an experiment
  4.     Data presentation
  1. Special room that have been designed and equipped for carrying out scientific experiments is called?
  1.  Class room
  2.  Staff room
  3.  Bed room
  4.  Laboratory
  1. Wire gauze used for
  1.  Providing a plat form for heating stability
  2.  Demonstrating thermal expansion
  3.  Providing equal distribution of heat while burning
  4.  As a source of heat.
  1. Measurement is defined as;
  1.  Assigning numbers
  2. Assigning values
  3. Precise description
  4. Making observations.
  1. Diameter of a wire can be measured using 
  1. Venier caliper
  2. Micrometer screw gauge
  3.  Meter Ruler
  4. Beam balance
  1. Accurate volume of a liquid can be measure by using 
  1. Volumetric flask
  2.  Pipette
  3. Burette
  4. Cylinder.
  1. A factor which affect sinking or floating is
  1. Volume
  2. Density
  3. Mass
  4. Surface area.
  1. What principle did Archimedes discover?
  1. Principle of volume
  2. Principle of density
  3. Principle of buoyancy
  4. Principle of gravity.
  1. Which of these gives correct formula of density?
  1. D = mass x volume
  2. D = mass + volume
  3. D = mass – volume
  4.  D = mass  volume.
  1. What happens when you heat a gas?
  1. It gains mass
  2. It loses mass
  3. It increases volume
  4. It decreases volume
  1. Has a weight of 15N and a buoyant force of 18N.
  1.  Sinking object
  2.  Floating object
  3. Buoyed up object
  4. Light object.
  1. Force responsible for elongation and restoration of body
  1. Torsional force
  2. Stretching and restoring force
  3. Repulsive force
  4. Attractive force

2. Match the items in LIST A with corresponding word or phrase in LIST B. Write the answer on space provided.

List A

List B

(i)                Force exerted by earth

(ii)              Quantity of matter in substance

(iii)            Results in extending of a body

(iv)            Cause twisting of material

(v)              Stretching force

  1. Torsional force
  2. Tensile force
  3. Force of gravity
  4. Restoring force
  5. Mass
  6. Weight


3. Fill the gaps below

(i)                Process of assigning numbers to observation or events__________________

(ii)              _________________ is a characteristic which can be measured by instrument

(iii)            A quantity that cannot be derived from another is___________

(iv)            ______________ is SI – unit of length

(v)              Two scales of vernier caliper are ___________________  and ________________



3. Define the following terms.

  1. Physics
  2. Physicist
  3. Science
  4. Technology

4. List any three importance of studying Physics.

5. List any five areas where Physics is applied in real life.


6. (a) Laboratory safety is____________________________


    (b) Mention four laboratory safety procedures.


    (c) Mention five causes of laboratory accident.



7. (a) Mention five importance of first Aid


    (b) List five procedures to help a victim with small cut or wound.

8. (a) Define density

    (b) A block of metal of volume 25cm3 was dropped in water and volume raised to 65cm3. Find initial volume of water.

9. (a) List steps of scientific investigation chronologically


      (b) Mention three types of variable as applied in scientific research.

10. (a) Warning signs can be defined as________________________________


    (b) Give one example of each of the following warning sign.

(i)     Flammable: ______________

(ii)  Harmful: ________________

(iii) Explosive: _______________









Time: 2:30Hours


  1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of 10 questions
  2. Answer all questions.
  3. Section A carries 30 marks, section B 50 marks and section C 20  Marks
  4. All answers should be written in the spaces provided.
  5.  All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized material are not allowed in examination room.
  6. Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.
  7. Where necessary, the following constants may be used;
  1. Acceleration due to gravity, g=10m/s2
  2. Density of water= 1g/cm3 or 1000kg/m3

 SECTION A (30 Marks)

 Answer All questions in this section.

 1.  For each of items (i-xx) choose the correct its letter in the box provided

(i)A physicist is generally interested in studying the relationship between:

  1.             composition and decomposition of matter
  2.              matter and energy
  3.              Physics and Chemistry
  4.             Physics and energy

(ii)The measurement of mass using a beam balance uses the principle of:

  1.             conservation of matter
  2.              conservation of momentum
  3.              gravitational pull of the Earth
  4.             moments

(iii)The following instruments are used to measure length EXCEPT:

  1.             hydrometer
  2.              metre rule
  3.              micrometer screw guage
  4.             vernier callipers

(iv)According to Archimedes’ Principle, upthrust is equal to the:

  1.             apparent weight
  2.              volume of fluid displaced
  3.              weight of fluid displaced
  4.             weight of the displaced object

(v)Work and energy have the same SI unit called:

  1.             calorie
  2.              joule
  3.              pascal
  4.             watt

(vi) A student gets electric shock and falls down unconscious in a Physics laboratory. Which of the following would you do first to help the victim?

  1.               Administer breathing exercise
  2.              Call physics teacher
  3.              Call other students
  4.             Call medical doctor

(vii) An engineer wanted to measure the diameter of a wire to the accuracy of three decimal places. Which of the following instruments would you recommend to be used?

  1.             Engineers callipers 
  2.              Micrometer screw gauge
  3.              Metre rule
  4.              Vernier callipers

(viii)     An egg was immersed in a transparent liquid contained in a glass beaker. The egg was observed to float fully immersed in the middle of the liquid. What conclusion can you make from the observation? 

  1.             The density of the egg is less than that of the liquid. 
  2.               The density of the egg is greater than that of the liquid.
  3.               The egg and liquid have the same density.
  4.              The upthrust on. the egg is equal to the weight of the egg in air.

(ix)Water can exist in three states, namely:

  1.             ice, liquid water and water vapour
  2.              liquid, solid and fluid
  3.              liquid water, solid and gas
  4.             vapour, gas and ice

(x) Which one will need much force to pull or push than the other between 10 kg of stone and 10 kg of cotton?

  1.             10 kg of stone will need much force than 10 kg of cotton.
  2.              10 kg of cotton will need much force than 10 kg of stone.
  3.              Same force will be needed in both.
  4.             10 kg of stone is heavier than 10 kg of cotton.

(xi) Which of the following forces can cause the mosquito larva to float on water?

  1.             Surface tension.
  2.              Adhesive forces.
  3.              Friction forces.
  4.             Cohesive forces.

(xii) Which of the following devices is used for measuring the upper fixed point of a thermometer scale?

  1.             Hydrometer
  2.              Hypsometer
  3.              Thermometer
  4.             Barometer

(xiii)  Which of the following is a safety precaution in the Physics laboratory?

  1.              Doing experiment in the laboratory
  2.               Handling of apparatus in the laboratory
  3.               Use equipment with care in the laboratory
  4.             Do anything in the laboratory

(xiv)  Which of the following statements is correct about mass?

  1.              It is measured by beam balance
  2.               It is measured by spring balance 
  3.               It varies with place 
  4.              It can be zero.

(xv)A force which prevents a body to slide is called:

  1.             stretching force.
  2.              restoring force.
  3.              frictional force.
  4.             compressional force.

(xvi)One of the following is the condition for a body to float in water:

  1.             The mass of a floating body is greater than displaced water.
  2.              The density of the body must be less than the density of the fluid.
  3.              The upthrust due to the liquid must be smaller than the weight of the body.
  4.             The displaced water is less than the floating body.

(xvii)Density and height are factors which affect pressure in:

  1.             solid.
  2.              solid and liquid.
  3.              liquid.
  4.             gas.

(xviii)Which instrument will you use to measure accurately the inside diameter of a bottle neck?

  1. Tape measure
  2.        Micrometer screw gauge
  3.        Meter rule
  4. Vernier calipers

(xix)Which of the following are used to stop fire?

  1.             Matches
  2.              Extinguishers
  3.              Fuels
  4.             Brushes

(xx)The walls of a dam are made thicker at the bottom than at the top because the:

  1.             pressure of water at the bottom is greater
  2.              pressure of water at the bottom is less 
  3.              weight of water at the bottom is greater
  4.             weight of water at the bottom is less.

2. Match the following items.


List A

List B

(i)                Used to measure density of liquid

(ii)              Use in measuring density of irregular substance

(iii)            Used to prepare volume of correct solution

(iv)            Suitable to measure thickness of a wire

(v)              Characteristics which can be measured by an instrument.

  1.            Pipette
  2.             Volumetric flask
  3.            Water bottle
  4.            Vennier caliper
  5.             Eureka can
  6.             Physical quantity
  7.            Chemical quantity
  8.            Micrometer screw gauge
  9.               Density bottle


3. Fill the gaps below

(i)                Process of assigning numbers to observation or events__________________

(ii)              _________________ is a characteristic which can be measured by instrument

(iii)            A quantity that cannot be derived from another is___________

(iv)            ______________ is SI – unit of length

 (v)             Amount of matter in a substance is _______________



SECTION B (50 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.
4.(a) Define each of the following terms as applied in physics:





(b) A force of 10N acts on a stationary object of 5kg. This action causes an object to move along a smooth horizontal surface for 8 seconds before  stopping. What is the velocity of the object?

5.  State the following:

(i) Archimedes principle

(ii) Law of flotation

(b) A body has a mass of 120g and a volume of 100cm3. Will the body sink or float in water? Give reason for your answer.

6. (a) What is volume ………………………………………………………………………………….


 (b) Define relative density of a body


(c) The mass of a density bottle is 15g. When it is filled full with a fluid of density 1.3g/cm3, its mass is 51g. Find the volume of the bottle.

7. (a) Mention the steps of scientific investigation in descending order

  (i) ………………………………………………………………………

  (ii) ……………………………………………………………………..

  (iii) …………………………………………………………………….

  (iv) …………………………………………………………………….

  (v) ………………………………………………………………………

 (b) Mention at least five (5) safety rule in a Physics Laboratory

  (i) ………………………………………………………………………….

  (ii) …………………………………………………………………………

  (iii) …………………………………………………………………………

  (iv) ………………………………………………………………………..

  (v) ……………………………………………………………………….

(c) A square lead block has sides of length 5cm. If has a mass of 2kg. Calculate the density of the lead block.

 (i) In g/cm3



 (ii) Inkg/m3

8. (a) Define adhesion and cohesion.

(b) State hook's law

(c)What do you understand about capillarity?.State three uses of capillarity in daily life.

9. State Pascal’s principle of pressure

(b)What are the three factors that affect the liquid pressure?

(c) Calculate the area of a surface of an object which exerts a pressure of 0.2N/m2 when a  force acting on it is 2N.


10.(a) List down four uses of hydraulic press.

(b)Why is a hole at the bottom of a ship more dangerous than one that is near the surface?

(c) Calculate the pressure at the bottom of the sea water 52m deep, if the density of water is 1025 Kg/m3. Take the acceleration due to gravity (g) as 10N/Kg.









Time: 2:30Hours


  1.              This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of 10 questions
  2.              Answer all questions.
  3.              Section A carries 30 marks, section B 50 marks and section C 20  Marks
  4.              All answers should be written in the spaces provided.
  5.              All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized material are not allowed in examination room.
  6.              Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.
  7.              Where necessary, the following constants may be used;
  1. Acceleration due to gravity, g=10m/s2
  2. Density of water= 1g/cm3 or 1000kg/m3

 SECTION A (30 Marks)

 Answer All questions in this section.

 1.  For each of items (i-xx) choose the correct its letter in the box provided

(i) Relative density of a substance is 2.5. What is its density?

  1. Equal to the density of water.
  2. Greater than the density of water.
  3. Equal to the volume of water displaced.
  4. Less than the density of water.

(ii) Why does a body float in a fluid?

  1. Because its density is greater than the density of the fluid displaced.
  2. Because its density is less than the density of fluid.
  3. Because the weight of the fluid displaced is equal to its weight.
  4. Because the weight of the fluid displaced is less than its weight.

(iii) Which pair of the following parameters affects pressure at any point in a liquid at rest?

  1. Density and volume
  2. Depth and area
  3. Area and volume
  4. Depth and density

(iv) What is the name of the region surrounding a magnet in which the magnetic force is exerted?

  1. Magnetic field
  2. Magnetic shielding
  3. Magnetic pole
  4. Magnetic domain

(v)  Which of the following statements is correct about mass?

  1.  It is measured by beam balance
  2.  It is measured by spring balance 
  3.  It varies with place 
  4.  It can be zero.

(vi)  Why Physics, Chemistry and Biology are natural science subjects?

  1.  They need practical and theory work for learning.
  2.  They need only theory for learning.
  3.  They need practical work only.
  4.  They need only observation.

(vii)  When a body of mass M, is lifted through a height h, it possesses the energy known as

  1.  kinetic energy. 
  2. chemical energy.
  3. light energy.
  4. potential energy.

viii) When a body floats on liquid, its:

  1.  weight-is greater than the upthrust 
  2.  weight is equal to the upthrust
  3. weight is less than the upthrust
  4. volume is greater than the volume of liquid displaced

(ix) A student gets an electric shock and falls down unconscious in a Physics laboratory. Which of the following would you do first to help the victim: 

  1. administer breathing exercise
  2. call the physics teacher
  3. call other students
  4. call a medical doctor

x) A student gets electric shock and falls down unconscious in a Physics laboratory. Which of the following would you do first to help the victim?

  1.   Administer breathing exercise
  2. Call physics teacher
  3. Call other students
  4. Call medical doctor

(xi)According to Archimedes’ Principle, upthrust is equal to the:

  1. apparent weight
  2. volume of fluid displaced
  3. weight of fluid displaced
  4. weight of the displaced object

(xii)The measurement of mass using a beam balance uses the principle of:

  1. conservation of matter
  2. conservation of momentum
  3. gravitational pull of the Earth
  4. moments

(xiii)A physicist is generally interested in studying the relationship between:

  1. composition and decomposition of matter
  2. matter and energy
  3. Physics and Chemistry
  4. Physics and energy

(xiv)        The following instruments are used to measure length except:

  1. hydrometer
  2.   metre rule
  3. micrometer screw gauge 
  4.  vernier callipers

(xv)Juma wanted to measure the volume of a stone with an irregular shape. Which of the following pairs of instruments would you recommend that he use?

  1. Measuring cylinder and metre rule
  2. Measuring cylinder and overflow can
  3. Metre rule and overflow can
  4. Metre rule and beaker

(xvi) A stone is found to have 50 kg by mass at Moshi. When sent to Dar es Salaam its mass will be: 

  1. 50kg
  2. 60kg
  3. 100kg
  4. 150kg

(xvii)A victim of electric shock is helped by:

  1.  artificial respiration
  2. being rushed to the hospital
  3. drinking enough water
  4. .having bed rest

(xviii)One of the following is not a pair of forces:

  1.  attraction and repulsion
  2. gravity and diffusion
  3. torsion and gravity
  4. upthrust and weight

(xix)When buying sugar from a shop you pay for its:

  1. density 
  2.  mass
  3.  volume 
  4.  weight

(xx)A clinical thermometer differs from other thermometers because it:

  1.  can be used to measure the temperature of ice 
  2.  can be used to measure the temperature of melting iron 
  3.  .has a constriction
  4. .is very small

 (i) The following are fundamental quantities in mechanics except:

  1. .length
  2. .mass
  3. .time
  4. .weight 

2. Match the following items.

List A

List B

(i)                Used to measure density of liquid

(ii)              Use in measuring density of irregular substance

(iii)            Used to prepare volume of correct solution

(iv)            Suitable to measure thickness of a wire

(v)              Characteristics which can be measured by an instrument.

  1. Pipette
  2. Volumetric flask
  3.   Water bottle
  4.   Vennier caliper
  5.  Eureka can
  6.  Physical quantity
  7. Chemical quantity
  8. Micrometer screw gauge
  9. Density bottle

3. Complete each of the following statements by writing the correct answer in the space provided

  1. Pressure in liquids depends on…………………………………
  2. Quantity of matter in a substance is called………………….
  3.  Basic physical proportions of measurement which cannot be obtained from any other proportions by either multiplication or division are called.
  4. The relative density of a liquid can be easily determined by 
  5. The quantity of space that an object occupies is known as

SECTION B (50 Marks)
Answer all questions in this section.

4.(a) State two conditions for a body to be in equilibrium.

(b) Distinguish between centre of mass and centre of gravity.

(c) A uniform metre rule AB is balanced horizontally on a knife edge placed 5cm from B with a mass of 60g at B. Find the mass of the ruler.

5.(a) Define the following terms as applied in Physics:



(b) Why is efficiency of machine less than 100%? Explain briefly.

(c) Simple machine was used to raise a load of weight 4000 N through a height of 0.8 m using an effort of 800 N. If the distance moved by effort was 4.8 m, calculate the: (i) Mechanical advantage. (ii) Velocity ratio.

6.State Pascals principle of pressure

(b)What are the three factors that affect the liquid pressure?

(c) Calculate the area of a surface of an object which exerts a pressure of

0.2N/m2 when a force acting on it is 2N.

7.(a) What are the uses of the following devices?


(ii)Heres apparatus (inverted U-tube) 

(iii) U-tube ....

(iv) Barometer 

(b) Explain why a big elephant manages to walk comfortably in maddy soil without sinking while a human being may sink easily.

(c) Draw a well labelled diagram which demonstrates that liquid pressure depends on depth.

8.(a)(i)Define friction.

(ii) Identify three effects of force.

(b) (i) Define density and give its SI unit.

(ii) List three applications of density in real life.

SECTION C (20 Marks)
Answer all questions in this section.

9.  State the following:

(i) Archimedes principle

(ii) Law of flotation

(b) A body has a mass of 120g and a volume of 100cm3. Will the body sink or float in water? Give reason for your answer.

10.a) Mention types of mechanical energy

b)A body of mass 10kg is raised to a height of 4 metres above the ground in 2 seconds.

(i)Find the energy possessed by the body after raising it.

(ii)What type of energy is possessed by the body?








Time: 2:30Hours


  1.              This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of 10 questions
  2.              Answer all questions.
  3.              Section A carries 30 marks, section B 50 marks and section C 20  Marks
  4.              All answers should be written in the spaces provided.
  5.              All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized material are not allowed in examination room.
  6.              Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.
  7.              Where necessary, the following constants may be used;
  1. Acceleration due to gravity, g=10m/s2
  2. Density of water= 1g/cm3 or 1000kg/m3

 SECTION A (30 Marks)

 Answer All questions in this section.

 1.  For each of items (i-xx) choose the correct its letter in the box provided

 (i) Result obtained from Physics experiment can form

  (a) scientific laws   (b) scientific principle

  (c) scientific theories  (d) scientific procedure

 (ii) Which of the following are used to stop fire?

  (a) Matches   (b) Extinguishers

  (c) Fuel    (d) Brushes

(iii) Micrometer Screw gauge reads 5.0mm and 0.9mm for sleeve and trimble respectively,  the length of object will be

 (a) 5.95mm   (b) 59.5mm

 (c) 0.59mm   (d) 0.0595mm

(iv) Physics is defined as the 

 (a) Study of matter and energy and how they interact

 (b) Foundation of all physics sciences

 (c) Study of energy  (d) Study of energy

(v) The scientific who is involve in the study of Physics is known as a:-

 (a) Physician   (b)  Psychologist

 (d) Physicist   (c) Physiologist

(vi) The following are steps of a scientific investigation EXCEPT one. Which are:-

 (a) Identification of problem (b) Preparing a research proposal

 (c) Formulation of hypothesis (d) Experimentation.

(vii) What is your understand of the term ‘’Hypothesis’’?

 (a) The problem to be researched on

 (b) A researcher’s intelligent guess

 (c) An opinion   (d) An idea

(ix) Which one of the following is a safety precaution in a Laboratory

 (a) Run in the laboratory  (b) Eat and chew in the laboratory

 (c) Use equipment with care and for their right purpose.

 (d) Do as you wish in a laboratory

(x) Which of the following is a foundation quality?

 (a) Speed    (b) Pressure

 (c) Time    (d) Force

(xi) Which one of the following is a derived unit?

 (a) Energy    (b) Newton

 (c) Kilogram   (d) Metre.

(xii) One of the following groups of instruments is for measuring volume only

 (a) Pipette, measuring cylinder, (b) Metre rule, spiral balance caliper

 (c) Burette voltmeter, caliper (d) Caliper, spring balance voltmeter

(xiii) A body has a mass of 200g and density of 5g/cm3. Its volume is ……

 (a) 40cm3    (b) 1000cm3

 (c) 0.025cm3   (d) 40

(xiv) The density of lead is 11.3g/cm3. The expression in kg/cm3 is ………

 (a) 1.13 x 19-8kg/m3   (b) 1 x 104kg/m3

 (d) 1 x105kg/m3

(xv) Fist aid kit is placed in laboratory for …………

 (a) Curing diseases   (b) Preventing accidents

 (d) Keeping tools for giving first aid (d) Extinguishing flames

(xvi) A state of matter has definite shape and definite volume. This is ……

 (a) Vapor     (b) Liquid

 (c) Gas     (d) Solid

(xvii) The following are the instrument used to measure length EXCEPT 

 (a) Burette     (b) Micrometer screw gauge

 (c) Venire caliper    (d) Metre rule

(xviii) Amount of quantity of space that is occupied or enclosed by matter

 (a) Volume     (b) Density

 (c) Mass     (d) Time

(xix) The three basic fundamental quantities are as follows:-

 (a) Mass, time, length    (b) Volume, density, time

 (c) Mass, relative density, length  (d) Time, volume, area

(xx) Find the mass of an object whose weight is 750N

 (a) 75kg     (b) 75g

 (c) 40kg     (d) 20g






















2. Match each item in List A with a correct responses in List B by writing its letter below the number of corresponding item in List A in the table provided




(i) Hypothesis

A. Gravitation pull on an object

(ii) Density

B. Mass per unit volume. 

(iii) Volume

C. An intelligent guess

(iv) Length

D. Amount of space that is occupied by matter

(v) Mass

E. Quantity of matter it contains


F. Distance between two points


G. Fundamental quantity


H. Derived quantity














3. Complete of the following statement by writing the correct answer in the space provided.

 (i) The relative density of a liquid can be easily determine by……………………

 (ii) Mass per unit volume ……………………………………………………………………..

 (iii) A room where experiments are done ……………………………………………..

 (iv) The SI Unit of length is …………………………………………..

 (v) ………………………. Is an immediate care given to a sick or injured person 

  before taking him/her to the hospital. 


4. (a) What is meant the term measurement 


 (b) Define the term Relative density


(c) The mass of substance is 40g. The mass of an equal volume of water is 20g. Calculate the relative density of the substance.

5. (a) Differentiate between the following term

  (i) Mass and Weight



  (ii) Density and relative density



 (b) Fundamental quantities and derived quantities



 (c) Give the reading of Vernier Calipers shown in the diagram below


6. (a) Define the following terms

  (i) Experiment ………………………………………………………………………….

  (ii) Matter  …………………………………………………………………………

 (b) List down any five components of the first aid kit given the use of each

















(c) Convert the following masses as directed 

 (i) 150Kilograms to tones



 (ii) 75 tones to grams



7. (a) Mention the steps of scientific investigation in descending order

  (i) ………………………………………………………………………

  (ii) ……………………………………………………………………..

  (iii) …………………………………………………………………….

  (iv) …………………………………………………………………….

  (v) ………………………………………………………………………

 (b) Mention at least five (5) safety rule in a Physics Laboratory

  (i) ………………………………………………………………………….

  (ii) …………………………………………………………………………

  (iii) …………………………………………………………………………

  (iv) ………………………………………………………………………..

  (v) ……………………………………………………………………….

(c) A square lead block has sides of length 5cm. If has a mass of 2kg. Calculate the density of the lead block.

 (i) In g/cm3



 (ii) Inkg/m3

8. (a) What is volume ………………………………………………………………………………….


 (b) Define relative density of a body


(c) The mass of a density bottle is 15g. When it is filled full with a fluid of density 1.3g/cm3, its mass is 51g. Find the volume of the bottle.


9. (a) Convert 1g/cm3 into kg/m3


 (b) Convert the time as directed


  (i) 1 day to second


  (ii) 1 weak to second 


  (iii) 1 hour 40 min to second


  (iv) 46750 second to days.


(c) The density of milk is 1.03g/cm3. While its relative density is 1.03. What is the density of water in its SI Unit?

 Diagram 1 below depicts one of the instrument used in making measurement 


 (a) What is its name?


 (b) Name the party shown


(c) The instrument is used to measure ………………………………………………. and ……………………….. object.





Student’s Examination No......................................






Time: 2:30Hours


  1.              This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of 10 questions
  2.              Answer all questions.
  3.              Section A carries 30 marks, section B 50 marks and section C 20  Marks
  4.              All answers should be written in the spaces provided.
  5.              All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized material are not allowed in examination room.
  6.              Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.
  7.              Where necessary, the following constants may be used;
  1. Acceleration due to gravity, g=10m/s2
  2. Density of water= 1g/cm3 or 1000kg/m3

 SECTION A (30 Marks)

 Answer All questions in this section.

  1. This question consists of ten multiple choice questions. Choose the most correct answer and write its letter beside the corresponding number.
  1. An auto-mechanic wants to measure the diameter of a wire to the nearest 0.001cm. Which of the following instruments can be used?
  1. Vernier caliper
  2. Micrometer screw gauge
  3. Metre rule
  4. Vernier  caliper                                     
  1. From  the  following statements, which one  is correct about measurement?
  1. Should have unit part and S.I unit part
  2. Should have unit of measurement and recorded unit in a piece of paper.
  3. Should  have unit part and decimal number part
  4. Should have unit part and number part
  1. A careful examination into the facts of a learning situation.
  1. Steps of a scientific investigation
  2. Scientific procedures of examination
  3. Scientific investigation.
  4. Learning before examination
  1. Which of the following measures mass?
    1. Spring balance
    2. Vernier calipers
    3. Beam balance
    4. Micrometer screw gauge
  1. ………………………… the step used to test hypothesis during scientific investigation
  1. Formulation of hypothesis
  2. Problem identification.
  3. Experimentation
  4. Conclusion
  1. ………………………… a substance which is dangerous and cause death.
  1. Toxic
  2. Flammable
  3. Harmful
  4. Corrosive
  1. One of the following is not a basic physical quantity of measurement.
  1. Length
  2. Temperature
  3. Mass
  4. Time
  1. The shortest length that can be measured by vernier callipers is:
  1. 0.01mm  
  2. 0.1mm
  3. 1mm  
  4. 10mm
  1. A rectangular solid has dimensions 20cm by 10cm by 0.5cm. What its volume?
  1. 100 cm3
  2. 10 cm3
  3. 1000 cm3
  4. 200 cm3
  1. A Shortest length which can be measured by a meter rule is:
  1. 0.01cm 
  2. 0.1cm 
  3. 1 cm 
  4. 10cm
  1. Vernier calipers can measure length with the accuracy of:
  1. 0.01cm 
  2. 0.1cm
  3. 0.001cm
  4. 1 cm
  1.    Which of the following is a matter?
  1. Wind 
  2. Light   
  3. Heat   
  4. Energy
  1. A cylindrical container of radius 7 cm is filled with milk up to 20 cm height. Find the volume of milk in the container. (π = 22/7 )
    1. 440cm3
    2. 880cm3
    3. 1540cm3
    4. 3080cm3
  2.   ………………….. is a derived physical quantity?
  1. Time  
  2. Mass   
  3. Force  
  4. Length
  1.    5400cm is equivalent to ………………………. Meters.
  1. 54000  
  2. 5400   
  3. 540   
  4. 54
  1. Which of the following is one of the fundamental quantity in nature?
  1. Force  
  2. Density  
  3. Weight  
  4. Temperature
  1. ………………….. used to measure weight of an object?
  1. Beam balance 
  2. Vernier caliper 
  3. Measuring cylinder 
  4. Spring balance
  1. Which of the following matches is not correct in terms of its SI Unit?
  1. Mass-kilogram 
  2. Force - Newton 
  3. Length - Meter 
  4. Time - Minute
  1.                      Which of the following apparatus is used for measuring the volume of an irregular solid (stone)
  1. Pipette
  2. Measuring cylinder
  3. Beaker
  4. Meter rule
  1. The person who work professionally with the foundation of physics is  called..............
  1. Worker
  2. Physicists
  3. Physician
  4. Career
  1. Match the following item in List A with List B.



  1. Inside jaws
  2. Spring balance
  3. Amount of substance
  4. Vernier scale
  5. Luminous intensity
  1. temperature
  2. to measure inner diameter of test a tube.
  3. measure length with an accuracy of 0.1 mm
  4. its S.I Unit is candela
  5. measure weight
  6. measure length with an accuracy of 0.01mm
  7. to measure outside diameter of a test tube
  8. derived physical quantity
  9. can measures length of desk.
  10. its S.I Unit is mol








  1.                 Complete each of the following statements by writing the correct answer in the space provide.
  1. ………………………………………………..... doors and windows should open outward.
  2. ………………………………………………….. is an intelligent guess during scientific investigation.
  3. ………………………………………………….. is a total quantity of matter in a body.
  4. ………………………………………………….. cannot be expressed in terms of other physical quantity.
  5. ………………………………………………….. used for measuring relative density of liquid.


  1.                 (a)With examples explain four ways to show how physics is applied in our daily life.
  1. ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
  1. ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
  1. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  1. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

(b)Which instrument is the best to  be used to measure each of the following

  1. 2 kg of rice ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….….……..
  2. Thickness of your book ………………………………………………………………………………….…………….……………..
  3. Diameter of thin wire …………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………
  4. 1 m length of laboratory table
  5. The length from the School Main Gate to Jerusalem gate ………………………….……………………………….
  1.                 (a) Label the following parts of micrometer screw gauge


A……………………………………………………….  B  ……………………………………………….  C  …………………………………………..

D ………………………………………………………  F …………………………………………………  G …………………………………………..

  1. Given the length of an object represented by the following scales.

                                                                                                    Working space 

                                 …………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………….





  1.                 (a)Draw main vernier scales to show a length of an object 2.65cm.

                             Diagram                                                                          Working space







(b) Convert each of the following

  1. 20 km to m


  1. 10mm to m


  1. 5m to cm


  1. 100cm to km


  1. 1cm  to dam


  1.                 (a)Fill the following table in each of the gap left


S. I Unit

















(b)Write the uses of each of the following apparatus used in measurements

  1. Beam balance…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  2. Stop watch ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  3. Tape measure………………..…………………………………………………………………………………………………
  4. Spring balance………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
  5. Measuring cylinder…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
  1.                 (a)List any two items in a First Aid Kit and their uses
  1. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  2. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..….

(b)Fill the following table which indicates apparatus in a laboratory.




Measuring cylinder

Relative density bottle

Tripod stand


  1. Define each of the following
  1. Measurements………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  2. Physical quantity………...........................................................................................................                                  ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  3. Fundamental quantity ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..                                                                                              ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  4. S.I Unit ………………………………………………………………………………………………...............................                                              …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………………………………………………………..
  5. Hypothesis……………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  1. (a)During Easter break explain three reasons you will convince/ tell your parents and friends that physics is important in our daily life
  1. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  2. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  3. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


(b)Explain why we use vernier scale in measuring length?




(c)Write down two importance of measurement in our day to day activity.

  1. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  2. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………







  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of TEN (10) questions.
  2. Answer all questions
  3. All writing must be in blue or black ink except drawing which must be in pencil.
  4. Calculators, cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  5. Write your Examination Number at the top right corner of every page.
  6. Where necessary the following constant may be used;

(i)Acceleration due to gravity, g = 10m/s2

(ii)Density of water = 1g/cm3 or 1000kg/m3

(iii)1hp = 746 W

SECTION A (30 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.


  1. Write the letter of the correct answer in the box provided

(i)A Newton is a force which has the following units 

  1. Kg m-2
  2. Kg m-2 S-1
  3. Kg m/s
  4. Kg m S-2 

(ii)Buoyancy mainly determined by two factors namely

  1. Volume and density
  2. Volume and mass
  3. Weight and mass
  4. Weight and density

(iii)A force exerted by pressure of PN/m2 and acting over an area of a A m2 is 

  1. P Newton
  2. A Newton
  3. F Newton
  4. PA Newton

(iv)Pressure in liquid depends on 

  1. Area
  2. Volume
  3. Depth
  4. Mass

(v)…………. Is the pull of the earth towards its center

  1. Momentum
  2. Force
  3. Pull
  4. Weight

(vi)Micrometer screw gauge is used for measuring length of object to the accuracy of 

  1. 0.001cm
  2. 0.01cm
  3. 0.0001cm
  4. 0.1cm

(vii)The force that course twisting of an elastic material is called 

  1. Restoring force
  2. Tort ional force
  3. Stretching force
  4. Compressional

(viii)A piece of wood of volume 0.24cmand mass of 0.72g has relative density of 

  1. 3.0g/cm3
  2. 3.0kg/m3
  3. 0.3
  4. 3

(ix)Physics is the study of relationship between 

  1. Matter and energy
  2. Matter and Biology
  3. Energy and Chemistry
  4. Matter and medicine

(x)Which of the following is not correct about force?

  1. Moves
  2. Stops
  3. Change direction
  4. Monitors

(xi)Why Physics, Chemistry and Biology are natural science subjects?

  1. They need practical and theory work for learning
  2. They need only theory for learning
  3. They need practical work only
  4. They need only observation.

(xii)Which of the following is a safety precaution in the Physics laboratory?

  1. Doing experiment in the laboratory
  2. Handling of apparatus in the laboratory
  3. Use equipment with care in the laboratory
  4. Do anything in the laboratory

(xiii)Which instrument will you use to measure accurately the inside diameter of a bottle neck?

  1. Tape measure
  2. Micrometer screw gauge
  3. Meter ruler.
  4. Vernier Calipers.

(xiv)Which of the following statement is correct about mass?

  1. It is measured by beam balance
  2. It is measured by spring balance
  3. It varies with place
  4. It can be zero

(xv)A hydrometer is an instrument used to measure

  1. The volume of liquids
  2. The density of liquids
  3. The density of solids
  4. The volume of solids.

(xvi)When a body of mass M, is lifted through a height h, it possesses the energy known as

  1. Kinetic energy
  2. Chemical energy
  3. Light energy
  4. Potential energy

(xvii)Liquid A has a density of 1.03g/cm3 and liquid B has a density of 0.97g/cm3 a hydrometer sinks 

  1. More in B than in A
  2. More in A than in B
  3. Equally in both liquids A and B
  4. None of the above

(xviii)The pressure or air inside a car tyre increases if the car stands for sometime in full sunlight. According to kinetic theory this is due to an increase inside the tyre of 

  1. The size of air molecules
  2. The number of air molecules
  3. The speed of air molecules
  4. the average distance between the air molecules

(xix)A stone of mass 5kg is pulled to a height of 2cm above the ground. The work done against the pull of gravity is 

  1. 10J
  2. 100J
  3. 1000J
  4. 10000J

(xx)A relative density bottle has a mass of 18.50g when empty 54.50g when filled with water and 38.30g when filled with a second liquid. The density of second liquid is 

  1. 1.8g/cm3
  2. 0.18g/cm3
  3. 0.55g/cm3
  4. 0.56g/cm3
  1. Matching the items in the first column with those in the second column, write the item number in second against corresponding item in the first.



(i)Contact force


(iii)Apparent loss in weight


(v)Force of gravity

  1. Fundamental force
  2. Upthrust
  3. Real weight
  4. Push or pull
  5. Types of force
  6. Measured in newton
  7. Force that exists between two layers of liquids
  8. Frictional force

3. Fill in the gaps provided of the;

(i)………………………….. is the weight of a body when it is immersed in a fluid. 

(ii)…………………………… is the descent or decline of an object to the lower levels in a liquid. 

(iii)Submarines, hot air balloons, ships hydrometers are the applications of the Archimedes principle and law of ………………………..

(iv)When a body is immersed in a fluid the upwards push that the fluid exerts on the body ………………………….. or buoyance. 

(v)Mathematically force can be defines as …………………. times …………………

SECTION B (50 Marks)

4.(a) Define the term densityand state its SI unit.

(b) Relative density of aluminum is 8.5. What does this statement means?.

(c) An irregular solid x has a mass of 50g when it is totally immersed in water of volume 60cm3 the final water volume is read as 70cm3. Calculate the density of the irregular solid x.

5.(a) Define force and state its SI unit.

(b) Distinguish between matter and volume.

(c) As form one student.Give four difference between mass and weight.

6. (a) Define adhesion and cohesion.

(b) State hook's law

(c)What do you understand about capillarity?.State three uses of capillarity in daily life.

7.(a)Why do object ftoats in water?

(b) State Archimedes Principle

(C) An object weights 7.5N in air and it weights 4.5N in water

(i) Calculate upthrust action on the body

(ii) Relative density of the object

8. (a) What do you know about pressure, state its SI unit.

(b)Name device that are used for measuring atmospheric pressure

(c)A glass slab of density 2.0 Kg/mmeasures 2m x 1m x 3m. what is the (i) Maximum pressure it exerts on the ground

(ii) Minimum pressure it exerts on the ground

SECTION C ( 20 marks)

9. (a) What is joule as used in physics?

(b) State the principle of conservation of energy

(c) How much power is required to accelerate a 1000 Kg car from rest to 26.0 m/s in 8 s. Give the answer in horse power

10. (a) Define a beam of light

(b) Draw the following rays

(i) Parallel beam

(ii) Convergent beam

(iii) Divergent beam

(c) State laws of reflection




              PRESIDENT'S OFFICE 






  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of TEN (10) questions.
  2. Answer all questions
  3. All writing must be in blue or black ink except drawing which must be in pencil.
  4. Calculators, cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  5. Write your Examination Number at the top right corner of every page.
  6. Where necessary the following constant may be used;

(i)     Acceleration due to gravity, g = 10m/s2

(ii)  Density of water = 1g/cm3 or 1000kg/m3


SECTION A (30 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.




  1. Write the letter of the correct answer in the box provided

(i)                 Newton is a force which has the following units 

  1. Kg m-2
  2. Kg m-2 S-1
  3. Kg m/s
  4. Kg m S-2 


(ii)               Buoyancy mainly determined by two factors namely

  1. Volume and density
  2. Volume and mass
  3. Weight and mass
  4. Weight and density


(iii)            A force exerted by pressure of PN/m2 and acting over an area of a A m2 is 

  1. P Newton
  2. A Newton
  3. F Newton
  4. PA Newton


(iv)             Pressure in liquid depends on 

  1. Area
  2. Volume
  3. Depth
  4. Mass


(v)               …………. Is the pull of the earth towards its center

  1. Momentum
  2. Force
  3. Pull
  4. Weight


(vi)             Micrometer screw gauge is used for measuring length of object to the accuracy of 

  1. 0.001cm
  2. 0.01cm
  3. 0.0001cm
  4. 0.1cm


(vii)           The force that course twisting of an elastic material is called 

  1. Restoring force
  2. Tort ional force
  3. Stretching force
  4. Compressional


(viii)        A piece of wood of volume 0.24cmand mass of 0.72g has relative density of 

  1. 3.0g/cm3
  2. 3.0kg/m3
  3. 0.3
  4. 3


(ix)             Physics is the study of relationship between 

  1. Matter and energy
  2. Matter and Biology
  3. Energy and Chemistry
  4. Matter and medicine


(x)               Which of the following is not correct about force?

  1. Moves
  2. Stops
  3. Change direction
  4. Monitors

(xi) Why Physics, Chemistry and Biology are natural science subjects?

  1. They need practical and theory work for learning
  2. They need only theory for learning
  3. They need practical work only
  4. They need only observation.

(xii)                       Which of the following is a safety precaution in the Physics laboratory?

  1. Doing experiment in the laboratory
  2. Handling of apparatus in the laboratory
  3. Use equipment with care in the laboratory
  4. Do anything in the laboratory

(xiii)                     Which instrument will you use to measure accurately the inside diameter of a bottle neck?

  1. Tape measure
  2. Micrometer screw gauge
  3. Meter ruler.
  4. Vernier Calipers.

(xiv)                     Which of the following statement is correct about mass?

  1. It is measured by beam balance
  2. It is measured by spring balance
  3. It varies with place
  4. It can be zero

(xv)                       A hydrometer is an instrument used to measure

  1. The volume of liquids
  2. The density of liquids
  3. The density of solids
  4. The volume of solids.

(xvi)                     When a body of mass M, is lifted through a height h, it possesses the energy known as

  1. Kinetic energy
  2. Chemical energy
  3. Light energy
  4. Potential energy

(xvii)                 Liquid A has a density of 1.03g/cm3 and liquid B has a density of 0.97g/cm3 a hydrometer sinks 

  1. More in B than in A
  2. More in A than in B
  3. Equally in both liquids A and B    
  4. None of the above


(xviii)              The pressure or air inside a car tyre increases if the car stands for sometime in full sunlight. According to kinetic theory this is due to an increase inside the tyre of 

  1. The size of air molecules
  2. The number of air molecules
  3. The speed of air molecules     
  4. the average distance between the air molecules


(xix)                   A stone of mass 5kg is pulled to a height of 2cm above the ground. The work done against the pull of gravity is 

  1. 10J
  2. 100J
  3. 1000J       
  4. 10000J


(xx)                     A relative density bottle has a mass of 18.50g when empty 54.50g when filled with water and 38.30g when filled with a second liquid. The density of second liquid is 

  1. 1.8g/cm3
  2. 0.18g/cm3
  3. 0.055g/cm3      
  4. 0.56g/cm3


  1. Matching the items in the first column with those in the second column, write the item number in second against corresponding item in the first.



(i)                 Contact force

(ii)               Weight

(iii)            Apparent loss in weight

(iv)             Viscousity

(v)               Force of gravity

  1.              Fundamental force
  2.               Upthrust
  3.               Real weight
  4.              Push or pull
  5.               Types of force
  6.                Measured in newton
  7.              Force that exists between two layers of liquids
  8.              Frictional force


3. Fill in the gaps provided of the;

(i)                 ………………………….. is the weight of a body when it is immersed in a fluid. 

(ii)               …………………………… is the descent or decline of an object to the lower levels in a liquid. 

(iii)            Submarines, hot air balloons, ships hydrometers are the applications of the Archimedes principle and law of ………………………..

(iv)             When a body is immersed in a fluid the upwards push that the fluid exerts on the body ………………………….. or buoyance. 

(v)               Mathematically force can be defines as …………………. times …………………


SECTION B (50 Marks)


  1. (a) Define the term density

(b) An irregular solid x has a mass of 50g when it is totally immersed in water of volume 60cm3 the final water volume is read as 70cm3. Calculate the density of the irregular solid x.


      4.   (a) The three states of water are (i) …………………………………………..

                                              (ii) …………………………………………..

                                                               (iii) ………………………………………….


            (b) Define (i) Force (ii) Matter  (iii) Capillarity


  1. (a) The three differences between mass and weight are:                                             (i)……….. (ii)………… (iii)…………….


(b) If the area of an object is increased its weight kept constant, what will happen to its pressure?


  1. (a) Define the term Brownian movement

(b) Explain the terms adhesion and cohesion

(c) State the three uses of capillarity in our daily life


  1. (a) State Archimedes Principle

(b) An object weights 7.5N in air and it weights 4.5N in water

(i) Calculate upthrust action on the body

(ii) Relative density of the object



  1. (a) Define pressure and state its SI unit

(b)   Name devices that are used for measuring pressure

(c)   A glass slab of density 2000kg/mmeasures 20m x 10m x 30m. what is the (i) Maximum pressure it exerts on the ground

            (ii) Minimum pressure it exerts on the ground

(d)   Pressure at the bottom of well is 9800N/m2. How deep is the well? (take density of water 1000kg/m3 and g = 9.8N/kg)     


  1. (a) State Hooker’s law

(b) A certain spring has constant of k = 20N/m if an object with 400g were hung from the spring how far would it stretch?



10. (a) What are the uses of the following devices?

(i)     Manometer………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

(ii)  Hare’s apparatus (inverted U – tube)


(iii) U – tube


(iv) Barometer




   (b) Why a big Elephant manage to walk comfortably in mad soil without sinking while human being may sink easily?




    (c) Draw a well labeled diagram which demonstrates that liquid pressure depends on depth.













TIME: 2:30 HRS


1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions.

2. Answer all questions.

3. All answers must be written in the spaces provided

4. All writing must be in blue or black ink except drawings which must be in pencil.

5. All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.

6. Write your Examination Number at the top right hand corner of every page.

7. Where necessary the following constants may be used:

(i) Acceleration due to gravity, 3g = 10ms2. 3 (ii) Density of water = 1gcm or 1000kgm .


(i) Which of the following is a safety precaution in the Physics laboratory?

  1. Doing experiment in the laboratory
  2. Handling of apparatus in the laboratory
  3. Use equipment with care in the laboratory
  4. Do anything in the laboratory

(ii) Which instrument will you use to measure accurately the inside diameter of a bottle neck?

  1. tape measure.
  2. micrometer screw gauge.
  3. metre rule.
  4. Vernier calipers.

(iii) When a body of mass M, is lifted through a height h, it possesses the energy known as

  1. kinetic energy.
  2. chemical energy.
  3. light energy.
  4. potential energy.

(iv) Which of the following is an example of a third class lever?

  1. Scissors
  2. Fishing pole
  3. Pliers
  4. Nut cracker

(v) Which of these resources of energy is non-renewable?

  1. Wave energy
  2. Biofuels
  3. Radiant energy
  4. Fossil fuel

(vi) A set of techniques used by scientists to investigate a problem refers to:

  1. data interpretation.
  2. scientific method.
  3. performing an experiment
  4. data presentation.

(vii)One of the following is the condition for a body to float in water:

  1. The mass of a floating body is greater than displaced water.
  2. The density of the body must be less than the density of the fluid.
  3. The upthrust due to the liquid must be smaller than the weight of the body.
  4. The displaced water is less than the floating body.

(viii)A force which prevents a body to slide is called:

  1. stretching force.
  2. restoring force.
  3. frictional force.
  4. compressional force.

(ix)The phenomenon observed when maize flour is poured on top of water is called:

  1. diffusion.
  2. capillarity.
  3. surface tension.
  4. osmosis.

(x)When a body is performing a work, it is said to have:

  1. moment.
  2. energy.
  3. momentum
  4. work.

(xi)Materials that allow only part of light to pass through them are called:

  1. transparent.
  2. translucent.
  3. opaque.
  4. Newton.

(xii)Why is the mechanical advantage less than three in a single rope three pulleys system?

  1. Because the effort may vary.
  2. Because the load rises.
  3. Because the upper pulley does not move
  4. Due to friction on pulleys. 

(xiii)A form of energy that can be persistently used without running out is

  1. Efficient
  2. renewable
  3. non-renewable
  4. effective

(xiv)Figure 1 shows a ruler balanced by placing the loads at its ends. What is the weight X?

Figure 1

  1. 5N
  2. 0.5N
  3. IOON
  4. 200N


(xv)Results obtained from Physics experiment can form:

  1. Scientific laws
  2. Scientific Principles
  3. Scientific Theories
  4. Scientific Procedures

(xvi)If a micrometer screw gauge reads 5.0mm and 0.95mm for sleeve and thimble respectively, the length of object will be:

  1. 5.95mm
  2. 59.5mm
  3. 0.595mm
  4. 0.0595mm

(xvii)The force which exists between two close bar magnets with like poles is known as:

  1. attractive
  2. repulsive
  3. friction
  4. compressional

(xviii)A physical phenomenon observed when a tea bag is dropped into a cup of hot water is called:

  1. diffusion
  2. capillarity
  3. osmosis
  4. solution

(xix)The walls of a dam are made thicker at the bottom than at the top because the:

  1. pressure of water at the bottom is greater
  2. pressure of water at the bottom is less 
  3. weight of water at the bottom is greater
  4. weight of water at the bottom is less.

(xx)The term displacement means:

  1. a distance covered in a given direction
  2. a distance covered without direction
  3. a rate of distance
  4. a rate of velocity 

2.Match the items in List A with responses in List B by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number.



  1. Force of attraction between the earth and a body
  2. Force of attraction between molecules of different substances
  3. Has no unit
  4. Measures density of liquids
  5. Measured in Newton/second
  1. Adhesion force
  2. A pair of scissors
  3. Cohesion force
  4. Collision force
  5. Force of gravity
  6. Hydrometer
  7. Impulse
  8. Neutral point in a magnetic field
  9. Relative Density

3.Complete each of the following statements by writing the correct answer in the space provided.

(i)The relative density of a liquid can be easily determined by

(ii)The lever, pulley, inclined plane, bottle opener and see saw are examples of

(iii)A loaded car of mass 25,000kg is moving at 20m/s, its linear momentum is

(iv)Laterally inverted is one of the properties of the image formed by

(v)Materials which return to their original shape and size after removing the stretching force are called


4.The mass of an empty density bottle was 50g. When filled with a certain liquid of volume 20cm3 its mass became 75g. Find the:

a)Density of the liquid

b)Relative density of the liquid

5. (a) What do you understand by the following terms?

(i) Work

(ii) Energy

(iii) Power

(b) Calculate the power of a pump which can lift 200 kg of water through a vertical height of 6 m in 10 seconds.

6.(a) List down four uses of hydraulic press.

(b)Why is a hole at the bottom of a ship more dangerous than one that is near the surface?

(c) Calculate the pressure at the bottom of the sea water 52m deep, if the density of water is 1025 Kg/m3. Take the acceleration due to gravity (g) as ION/Kg.

7.State Pascals principle of pressure

(b)What are the three factors that affect the liquid pressure?

(c) Calculate the area of a surface of an object which exerts a pressure of  0.2N/m2 when a force acting on it is 2N.

8.(a) What are the uses of the following devices?


(ii)Heres apparatus (inverted U-tube)

(iii) U-tube ....

(iv) Barometer

(b)Explain why a big elephant manages to walk comfortably in maddy soil without sinking while a human being may sink easily.

(c) Draw a well labelled diagram which demonstrates that liquid pressure depends on depth.


9.(a)(i)Define friction.

(ii) Identify three effects of force.

(b) (i) Define density and give its SI unit.

(ii) List three applications of density in real life.

10.(a)State the following:

(i) Archimedes principle

(ii) Law of flotation

(b) A body has a mass of 120g and a volume of 100cm3. Will the body sink or float in water? Give reason for your answer.






Time 3:00 Hours                                                                        MAY 2020 


  • This paper consists of two sections A B and C. 
  • Answer all questions in Section A and B and two question from section C
  • Show clearly all working for each question
  • Mathematical tables, geometrical instruments and graph paper may be used where necessary 

(i) The branch of science which deals with the study of the relationship between matter and energy is:-

  1. Civics
  2. Chemistry
  3. Pshology
  4. Physics

 (ii) Physicist is a person whose occupation specializes in the science of:-

  1. Biology
  2. Physics
  3. Mathematics
  4. Chemistry

(iii) An object of mass 200g moving with velocity 50cm/s. What is its kinetic energy?

  1. 2.1 image 105, erg
  2. 2.0 image 105, erg
  3. 2.8 image105, erg
  4. 2.5 image 105, erg.

(iii) A machines do a work of 100 Joule is 20 seconds, what is its power?

  1. 120 watt
  2. 80 watt
  3. 5 watt
  4. 2000 watt

(iv) The SI –Unit of force is

  1. Newton
  2. Gravity
  3. Meter per second
  4. Meter squared.

(v) Force used to squeeze or press together

  1. Compressional force
  2. Frictional force
  3. Repulsive force
  4. Tensional force.

 (vi) Tiny particle that makes matter are called

  1. Molecules
  2. Element
  3. Atoms
  4. Electrons

(vii) Atoms in solid are closely packed together due to:-

  1. Cohesive force
  2. Adhesive force
  3. Capillarity
  4. Bond 

(viii) A girl of mass 40kg wears heels with an area of 1cmin contact with ground, pressure on ground will be:-

  1. 4 image 10-5
  2. 4 image 104
  3. 4 105
  4. 4 image105

(ix) Pressure is equal to

  1. A/F
  2. F/A
  3. d/F
  4. F/d

(x) Force responsible for elongation and restoration of body

  1. Torsional force
  2. Stretching and restoring force
  3. Repulsive force
  4. Attractive force

2. Match the following.

List A

List B

  1. SI – Unit of pressure
  2. Pressure in liquids
  3. Used to measure pressure
  4. Pressure on liquids depends on 
  5. One application of pressure.
  1. F/A
  2. Paschal 
  3. Phg
  4. Depth
  5. Hygrometer
  6. Manometer
  7. The syringe.


3. Fill the gaps below

  1. Pressure in solids depends on __________
  2. Pressure in liquid depends on____________
  3. When pressure is applied on non – viscous liquid it is transmitted ________ in all directions
  4. Atmosphere exerts a pressure of approximately ________________Nm2 on earth’s surface.
  5. The mass of a substance does not change but…………..changes
  6. Two scales of venier caliper are ___________________  and ________________
  7.  Amount of matter in a substance is _______________
  8. Mass is measured by using__________________
  9. Are quantity that depend on other quantities_________________
  10. Used to measure fuel volume of a liquid____________

4. (a) Define the following terms.

  1. Physics
  2. Physicist
  3. Science
  4. Technology

(b). List any three importance of studying Physics.

5. (a) What is matter

    (b) Mention three states of matter.

    (c) Using diagram explain arrangement of particles in gas, solid and liquid.

 6.(a) Define the following:

  1. Cohesion
  2. Adhesion
  3. Capillarity
  4. Surface tension

 (b) Identify applications o elasticity in everyday life.

7. (a) State two factors which pressure in liquids depends 

    (b) Explain why

  1. Sharp knife cuts easily than blunt knife
  2. An elephant cannot easily sink in mud
  3. Tyres of a tractor are wide

 8.(a) State the law of floatation

(b) What condition are required for body to float?

(c) What is up thrust?

9.  (a) Distinguish between

  1. Floating and sinking
  2. Weight and up thrust

(b) Why does hydrometer have wide bulb and Narrow stem.

(c) State Archimedes Principle

10. (a)How can one make attractive force useful?

(b) Give four usefulness of frictional forces in our daily life

(c) Give two example of force that are result of bending or stretching object.








Duration: 2:30 Hours




  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of TEN (10) questions.
  2. Answer all questions
  3. All writing must be in blue or black ink except drawing which must be in pencil.
  4. Calculators, cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  5. Write your Examination Number at the top right corner of every page.
  6. Where necessary the following constant may be used;

(i)     Acceleration due to gravity, g = 10m/s2

(ii)  Density of water = 1g/cm3 or 1000kg/m3


SECTION A (30 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

(i)              The branch of science which deals with the study of the relationship between matter and energy is:-

  1.           Civics
  2.            Chemistry
  3.            Pshology
  4.           Physics

 (ii) Physicist is a person whose occupation specializes in the science of:-

  1.           Biology
  2.            Physics
  3.            Mathematics
  4.           Chemistry

 (iii) Matter is________________

  1.           Anything which has got mass and occupy a space.
  2.            Anything which contains mass and volume
  3.            Scientific study of energy.
  4.           A science which deals with the study of nature and physical properties.

 (iv) The ability or capacity of doing work is known as: 

  1.              Mass
  2.               Matter
  3.               Pressure.
  4.              Energy.

 (v) The following is the fundamental subjects which other subjects use its application.

  1.           Physics
  2.            Chemistry
  3.            Biology
  4.           Mathematics.

(vi) Measurement is defined as;

  1.               Assigning numbers
  2.                Assigning values
  3.                Precise description
  4.               Making observations.

(vii) Which is not a basic quantity?

  1.               Mass
  2.                Time
  3.                Length
  4.               Second

(viii) Advantage of metric system is that:

  1.               It is universally accepted
  2.                It is decimal based system
  3.                One can convert from one unit to another
  4.               Units of measurement are small.

(ix) Why Physics, Chemistry and Biology are natural science subjects?

  1. They need practical and theory work for learning
  2. They need only theory for learning
  3. They need practical work only
  4. They need only observation.

(x) Which of the following is a safety precaution in the Physics laboratory?

  1. Doing experiment in the laboratory
  2. Handling of apparatus in the laboratory
  3. Use equipment with care in the laboratory
  4. Do anything in the laboratory

(xi) Which instrument will you use to measure accurately the inside diameter of a bottle neck?

  1. Tape measure
  2. Micrometer screw gauge
  3. Meter ruler.
  4. Vernier Calipers.

(xii) Which of the following statement is correct about mass?

  1. It is measured by beam balance
  2. It is measured by spring balance
  3. It varies with place
  4. It can be zero

(xii) A hydrometer is an instrument used to measure

  1. The volume of liquids
  2. The density of liquids
  3. The density of solids
  4. The volume of solids.

(xiii) SI – Unit of length is

  1.   Centimeter
  2.   Kilometer
  3.    Meter
  4.   Millimeter.

(xiv) Diameter of a wire can be measured using 

  1.               Venier caliper
  2.                Micrometer screw gauge
  3.                Meter Ruler
  4.               Beam balance

(xv) Which is not a derived quantity?

  1.               Volume
  2.                Speed
  3.                Area
  4.               Distance

(xvi) Accurate volume of a liquid can be measure by using 

  1.               Volumetric flask
  2.                Pipette
  3.                Burette
  4.               Cylinder.

(xvii) A factor which affect sinking or floating is

  1.               Volume
  2.                Density
  3.                Mass
  4.               Surface area.

(xviii) A box block with rectangular shape, measuring 10cm, by 5cm by 5cm by 2cm has  a density of given mass is 200g;

  1.               4g/cm3
  2.                2g/cm3
  3.                1g/cm3
  4.               100g/cm3


 (xix) Which is a characteristic of a gas?

  1.              Conducts electricity
  2.               Does not have definite shape or volume
  3.               Has definite volume but not shape
  4.              Has both fixed volume and shape.

(xx) The SI –Unit of force is

  1.               Newton
  2.                Gravity
  3.                Meter per second
  4.               Meter squared.

2. Match the following items.


List A

List B

(i)                Used to measure density of liquid

(ii)              Use in measuring density of irregular substance

(iii)            Used to prepare volume of correct solution

(iv)            Suitable to measure thickness of a wire

(v)              Characteristics which can be measured by an instrument.

  1.               Pipette
  2.                Volumetric flask
  3.                Water bottle
  4.               Vennier caliper
  5.                Eureka can
  6.                Physical quantity
  7.                Chemical quantity
  8.               Micrometer screw gauge
  9.                  Density bottle


2. Complete each the following statement by writing the correct answer in the space provided.

(i)     __________ is a scientific study of matter in relation to energy.

(ii)  Energy is ability or capacity of doing________________

(iii) _______________ is anything which has got mass and occupies a space.

(iv) There are _______________ states of matter.

(v)   A person who study Physics is called_______________


SECTION B (50 Marks)

3. Define the following terms.

(i)     Physics

(ii)  Physicist

(iii) Science

(iv) Technology

4. List any three importance of studying Physics.

5. List any five areas where Physics is applied in real life.

6. Mention five subjects which relates with Physics.

7. (a) What are the uses of the following devices?

(i)     Manometer………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

(ii)  Hare’s apparatus (inverted U – tube)


(iii) U – tube


(iv) Barometer



   (b) Why a big Elephant manage to walk comfortably in mad soil without sinking while human being may sink easily?



    (c) Draw a well labeled diagram which demonstrates that liquid pressure depends on depth.




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