CODE 012

TIME: 2:30 HOURS          



  1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with the total number of ten(10) questions
  2. Answer all questions in each section
  3. Section A carries (15) marks, section B (70) marks and section C carries (15) marks
  4. All writing must be in blue/black ink except drawing which must be in pencil
  5. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the assessment room.


SECTION A (15 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

1. For each of the items (i) – (x) choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer sheet provided


  1.                 The word 'history' is derived from which language?

A. Latin

B. French

C. Greek

D. Arabic

  1.               Which of the following is NOT a reason why studying history is important?

A. Helps us understand different cultures

B. Allows us to learn from past mistakes

C. Gives us a sense of identity

D. Predicts the exact pattern of future events

  1.             An archaeologist finds a piece of ancient pottery. This artifact is considered a:

A. Primary source

B. Secondary source

C. Fossil

D. Myth

  1.             Which of the following is an example of a relative dating technique?

A. Stratigraphy

B. Carbon-14 Dating

C. Potassium-argon Dating

D. Dendrochronology

  1.               The theory that humans and present-day primates evolved from a common ancestor is a central part of:

A. The Theory of Relativity

B. The Theory of Evolution

C. The Theory of Continental Drift

D. The Theory of Plate Tectonics

  1.             The earliest and longest period of prehistoric times is known as the:

A. Neolithic Age

B. Bronze Age

C. Stone Age

D. Iron Age

  1.          Which of these tools was NOT characteristic of the Old Stone Age (Paleolithic)?

A. Hand axes

B. Polished stone tools

C. Choppers

D. Spear points

  1.        The control and use of fire was a major development for early humans because it provided:

A. Warmth and protection

B. A source of light

C. Ability to cook food

D. All of the above

  1.             The transition to the Iron Age brought advantages like:

A. Stronger, more durable tools and weapons

B. Increased agriculture production

C. New technologies

D. All of the above

  1.               One disadvantage of oral histories as sources of information is that they:

A. Are always written down

B.  Only exist in ancient times

C. Can change over time as they are passed down

D. Don't provide a perspective on the past


2. Match the stage of human evolution in Column A to its characteristic in Column B.

Column A

Column B

  1.           Australopithecus afarensis
  2.           Homo habilis
  3.           Homo erectus
  4.           Homo neanderthalensis
  5.           Homo sapiens


  1. Proficient toolmakers, buried their dead, possible use of ritual.
  2. . Exhibited increased brain size, associated with early stone toolmaking
  3. . First hominins to control fire, migrate out of Africa
  4. Large brow ridges, stocky build, advanced hunting techniques
  5. Known for bipedalism (upright walking), small brains, lived in trees


SECTION B: 70 Marks

3. (a) Define the term History

(b) Give five importance of studying history

4. Briefly explain the term below briefly

  1. Archeology
  2. Anthropology
  3. Historical site
  4. Dating
  5. Oral traditions

5. (a) What is a museum?

(b) Give the main functions of a Museum

(c ) explain limitations of archeology as a source of history

6. (a) What is human evolution?

(b) Describe the features of the following stages of man’s evolutionary history

  1. Homo habilis
  2. Homo erectus
  3. Australopithecus
  4. Homo sapiens sapiens

7. (a) What were acheulian tools and Oldwan tools?

(b) Explain how human obtain food in the following  stages;

  1. Earlier stone age
  2. Middle stone age
  3. Late stone age

(c) How did man change during the late stone

8. (a) At what stage of development did man discover fire?

(b) How did the discovery of fire change man’s life.

9. (a) Explain how iron was discovered

(b) Briefly explain the advantages that was brought by production and use of iron tools.

SECTION C: 15 Marks

10. (a) Define the term Agriculture

(b) Briefly explain the following agricultural practices

  1. Shifting cultivation
  2. Nomadic pastoralism
  3. Sedentary pastoralism
  4. Mixed farming










  1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with the total of ten (10) questions.  
  2. Answer all questions in each section.  
  3. Section A carries 15 markssection B  70marks and section C carries 15marks
  4. All writing must be in blue or black ink.  
  5. All answer must be written in the space provided to you.  
  6. All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized materials are NOT allowed in the examination room.  
  7. Write your examination number on every page of your answer sheet(s) 


Section A.  (15 MARKS)

  1.         Choose the correct answer from alternative given;
  1.     The following theories about origin of life is not scientific, which one
  1.  Creation theory
  2.  Organic evolution theory
  3.  Big bang theory
  4.  Cosmozian theory
  1.  In this archeological work which lead to discovery of first man Dr. Leakey was assisted by
  1.  Charles Darwin
  2.  Zinjathropus
  3.  Earlier man
  4.  Marry Leakey
  1.                         Who advocated the theory of human evolution?
  1.  Dr. Leakey
  2.  Marry Leakey
  3.  Charles Darwin
  4.  Isack Newton.
  1.                         In creation theory, human being is considered as
  1.  Creation like other animals
  2.  Primates
  3.  God’s creation
  4.  Homo habilis
  1.   Which of the following is a characteristic of Homo sapiens?
  1.  A large brain capacity
  2.  Less thick jaws and jaw muscles
  3.  High skillful and manipulative of environment
  4.  Walked using four limbs
  1.                         Which source of history is not suitable for illiterate people
  1.  Museum
  2.  Historical sites
  3.  Written records
  4.  Linguistic
  1.  The following are ways of determine dates , except
  1.  Family tree
  2.  Recalling events
  3.  Counting
  4.  Carbon 14 dating
  1.  One disadvantage of linguistic as a source of history is that
  1.  Information is from multiple sources
  2.  One understand little about communities
  3.  Does not reveal links between people
  4.  A learning language consumes time and money
  1.                         Which one is not a measure of time in history?
  1.  Decade
  2.  Century
  3.  Millennium
  4.  Month
  1.   Which of the following is not a source of history
  1.  Oral tradition
  2.  Google search
  3.  Archeology
  4.  Archives
  1.         Match the items in list A with correct terms in list B and write letter of correct answer in space provided.



  1. Period of ten years
  2. Period of 1000 years
  3. Scientific method to determine dates
  4. Year after birth of Christ
  5. Recalling events to determine dates
  1. Millennium
  2. After dominion
  3. Anno domino
  4. Carbon 14
  5. Time line
  6. Calendar
  7. Decade





Answer all questions from this section 

  1.         (a) What is oral tradition

(b) Write four advantages of oral tradition 

  1.         (a)Write three disadvantages of archival information as source of history

(b) What are demerits of historical sites a source of history? 

  1.         Juma is not interested in studying history. In five points explain to Juma importance of studying history
  2.         (a) mention four human characteristics that made man different from other primates

(b) Fill the space below 

  1.     Human being during earlier Stone Age lived in.........................
  2.  Two main activities of man during earlier Stone Age were .............................. and.........................
  3.            Hand axes which were used by earlier man have been found in ........................ and ........................
  1.         (a)Name four uses if tools by man in old stone age period

(b) Mention three ways used by man to get food 

  1.         (a) explain how fire was discovered

(b) What were contribution of fire to man 

  1.         Describe four ways used to determine dates used by historians.




  1.    Discuss the Advantages and Disadvantages of Historical sites as source of history.








Time: 2:30 Hours


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions
  2. Answer all questions
  3. Section A and C carry fifteen (15) marks each and Section B carries seventy (70) marks
  4. All writing must be in blue or black in
  5. All answer must be written in the spaces provided
  6. Cellular phones, calculators and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the assessment room

SECTION A (15 Marks)

1. For each of the items (i) – (x), choose the correct answer from given alternatives and write its letter in box provided.

  1. Which source of historical information consists of memorized stories? Tales, riddles, narratives and Prayers
  1. Written record
  2. Oral tradition
  3. Museum
  4. Historical sites
  1. Mr. Abasi is a history teacher at Bunda secondary. He asked form two students to name oldest skill discovered by Dr. Louis Leakey in 1959. Which response did students give
  1. Homo erectus boisei
  2. Australopithecus boisei
  3. Ardiphtecus boisei
  4. Zinjathropus boisei
  1. Many students at Majengo secondary school do not apply life skill in their daily school life. Which one of the following would be possible consequence?
  1. Increase of chaos and Misunderstanding at school
  2. Increase in peace and harmony at school
  3. Low rate of Crimes and improper behavior in students
  4. Lack of conflicts and Misunderstanding among students
  1. Ability of an individual to love and appreciate oneself is called
  1. Empathy
  2. Self-esteem
  3. Assertiveness
  4. Self-control
  1. One of the source used to construct history is oral tradition but it is not enough to construct history because
  1. It is cheap
  2. Both literate and illiterate can use
  3. It is more live source
  4. Can give false information
  1. One of the methods used to ensure soil fertility under permanent crop cultivation was irrigation. The shadoof irrigation was practiced in
  1. Chagga of Kilimanjaro
  2. Egypt
  3. Khoisan of South Africa
  4. Kamba of Kenya
  1. Which technological advancement developed during middle stone age
  1. Discovery of iron
  2. Discovery of Agriculture
  3. Discovery of fire
  4. Discovery of fossils of Zinjathropus
  1. Identify a scientific method used to determine date
  1. Family tree
  2. Carbon 14
  3. Recalling events
  4. Story-telling
  1. In Kondoa – Irangi the rock panting show the beginning of settled communities. In the Sahara Desert pointing and pictures show that;
  1. They were moving from stone age to iron age
  2. They started cultivating in late Stone Age along Nile.
  3. They started hunting and gathering in old stone age
  4. They had started forgiving iron tools around Meroe and Axum
  1. The source of history which is used to reconstruct history both material and Immaterial is called
  1. Anthropology
  2. Linguistic
  3. Oral traditions
  4. Ethnographic sources
  1. Match the historical description in LIST A with corresponding historical terms in LIST B by writing the letter of correct response below item number.



  1. These are places where remains of past human activities and cultures are found
  2. These are documents that provide historical information
  3. These are places where documents and old written records are kept
  4. These are places or buildings in which historical objects are kept
  5. These are Narrations of past that are provided by people who witnessed the event or process being examined
  1. Written record
  2. Museums
  3. Ethnographic record
  4. Historical site
  5. Oral testimonies
  6. Archives
  7. Oral Traditions

SECTION B (70 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

  1. Briefly explain the following historical terms
  1. Dr. Louis Leakey
  2. Iron smelting
  3. Rent in kind
  4. Capitalism
  5. Old warn tools
  1. Arrange the following sentences in a chronological order by writing their roman number below the corresponding position in table provided
  1. Slavery was the first exploitative mode of production which was based on private ownership of property
  2. Up to the end of 19th C, the Hadzabe, Sandawe, Teso, Dorobo, the Khoisan and Mbulu were still practicing this made of production
  3. The earliest mode of production was based on collective ownership of means of production and equal distribution of the gains
  4. This mode of production was followed by feudalism which was based on land and cattle ownership
  5. Pre-colonial African societies passed through three modes of production
  1. Briefly answer each of the following questions.
  1. Why was the first mode of production called primitive communalism?
  2. How did human obtain food during the Old Stone Age?
  3. How archaeological remains were obtained
  4. Relate the discovery of fire and discovery of iron
  5. Homo Sapiens was advanced human being.
  1. Differentiate the following historical phenomenon
  1. Mixed farming and shifting cultivation
  2. Kingship Organization and Age-set Organization
  3. Feudal lords and Tents
  4. Creation and evolution Theory
  5. Stone age and Iron Age
  1. Study carefully the following Sketch map of East Africa and then answer questions that follow
  1. Which group of people settled at point A
  2. Name the Iron site labeled by letter B?
  3. Which name was given to historical site labeled by letter C?
  4. Name the Iron site labelled by letter D?
  5. Which name was given to site labelled by letter E?
  1. Historians say that the second mode of production was characterized by exploitative means. Explain using five points.
  2. James does want to study history because he thinks it’s a waste of time. Use five points to prove to him on importance of studying it.

SECTION C (15 Marks)

  1. The emergence and consolidation of centralized states in pre-colonial Africa was contributed by many factors. Discuss this statement by giving six (6) points.








Time: 2:30 Hours


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions
  2. Answer all questions
  3. Section A and C carry fifteen (15) marks each and Section B carries seventy (70) marks
  4. All writing must be in blue or black in
  5. All answer must be written in the spaces provided
  6. Cellular phones, calculators and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the assessment room

SECTION A (15 Marks)

  1. For each of the items (i) – (x), choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number.
  1. Cultural practices through which historical information can be obtained include.
  1. Archaeology, Museum and archives
  2. Museums, Archives and Religion
  3. Superstition, religion and riddle
  4. Archaeology, Funeral and riddles
  1. Which one among the following statement is not true about the discovers made by man during the middle stone age
  1. Use of wooden and bone materials to facilitate production
  2. Introduction of stone picks, spear, arrow, knives and needles
  3. Development of sharper, small and portable tools
  4. Discovery of fire
  5. Emergence of social cultural groups or ethnic groups
  1. Which set consists of components of economic interaction
  1. Marriage, Religion, medicine, migration
  2. Music, Migration, trade and metal working
  3. Agriculture, fishing, trade and metal working
  4. Fishing, marriage, medicine and migration
  5. Trade, medicine, wars and Agriculture
  1. Who was a systematic tool maker during the evolution of man,
  1. Homo Habilis
  2. Zinjanthropus
  3. Homo sapiens
  4. Homo Erectus
  5. Zinjanthropus
  1. The method of obtaining historical information by studying language and their change
  1. Archaeology
  2. Linguistic
  3. Historical sites
  4. Anthropology
  5. Museums
  1. Which of the following Africa Societies developed Ntemiship system in East Africa by the 15th century?
  1. Nyamwezi and Chagga
  2. Nyamwezi and Dorobo
  3. Nyamwezi and Sukuma
  4. Sandwe and Nyamwezi
  5. Kimbu and Chagga
  1. Written records as a source of history are more preferred to Oral tradition because of the following reasons
  1. Written records do not require space
  2. Oral tradition can be exaggerated and it is difficult to reproduce the same contents
  3. Oral Traditions are controlled by leaders of given societies
  4. Oral Traditions are controlled by leader of given societies
  5. Written records is used in the school
  1. The study of language in order to know their origin and relation of the people who speak them is one of the sources of Historical information. In one word identify the name of this sources
  1. Linguistic
  2. Anthropology
  3. Achieves
  4. History
  5. Museum
  1. Which of the following
  1. Walking with all four Limbs
  2. Development of the brain
  3. Walking in fore limbs
  4. Gathering and hunting
  5. Agriculture
  1. Which of the following is an early iron site in East Africa?
  1. Olduvai gorge
  2. Kondoa Irangi
  3. Engaruka
  4. Meroe,
  5. Mombasa
  1. Match the historical period in List B with a description on List A and write the answer on space provided.



  1. The period when man made and used pebble and chopping tools
  2. The society in the interlacustrine area in which the Basulo and Nvunjo were forms of feudal relations.
  3. The people who were the first to make and use iron tools in Africa
  4. The Period when Portuguese came in East Africa.
  5. The period when the dutch Established their permanent at the cap
  1. Age
  2. 19th century
  3. 17th century
  4. 18th century
  5. New stone age
  6. Mwanamutapa
  7. Early stone age
  8. Generation
  9. 15th century
  10. Century
  11. Anno domino
  12. Tutsi
  13. 21st century

SECTION B: 70 Marks

  1. Briefly explain the following terms
  1. Carbon 14 dating
  2. Bi-pedalism
  3. Age-set system
  4. Kinship
  5. Archives
  1. Arrange the following sentences in a chronological Order by writing number 1 – 5 below the corresponding position in the table provided.
  1. Sharpers tools were made during the middle stone age such as spears arrows, and knives
  2. The use of Iron tools increased the ability of man to produce more food. Population increase and later on state formation during the pre-colonial African societies
  3. The period when most man’s tools were made of stone is called stone age
  4. In early stone age, chopping and pebble tools were made and used by man
  5. It is divided into early middle and late stone age
  1. Briefly answer the following question
  1. Why did Oral Traditional become important source of history?
  2. Why the middle stone age became very famous stage them old and late Stone Age?
  3. How did fire discovery change man’s life?
  4. How did Agriculture contribute to settlement
  5. Mention merits of Historical sites as source of history
  1. How did discovery of iron Technology bring/ change life of many African societies. Give five points
  2. The map below shows famous historical sites in East Africa, labelled A, B, C, D and E. Name these historical sites

Name those historical sites

  1. _____________________
  2. _____________________
  3. _____________________
  4. _____________________
  5. _____________________
  1. Briefly describe five (05) characteristics of communalism
  2. Dates in history are determined differently mention five (05) ways that can be used to determine date in history.

SECTION C (15 Marks)

Answer question 10

  1. During pre-colonial era most of the African societies were expanded and developed under the control of the Africa leaders. Discuss factors for the rise of Buganda Kingdom in the 19th century.








Time: 2:30 Hours


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions
  2. Answer all questions
  3. Section A and C carry fifteen (15) marks each and Section B carries seventy (70) marks
  4. All writing must be in blue or black in
  5. All answer must be written in the spaces provided
  6. Cellular phones, calculators and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the assessment room

SECTION A (15 Marks)

  1. For each of the items (i) – (x), Choose the correct answer from the given alternative and write its letter in box provided
  1. In his archeological work which led to discovery of skull of the first man. Dr Leakey was assisted by:
  1. Charles Darwin
  2. Zinjathropus
  3. Earlier man
  4. Marry Leakey
  1. Which of the theory of origin of life below is not scientific?
  1. Creation theory
  2. Organic evolution theory
  3. Big bang theory
  4. Comorian theory.
  1. Microliths are:
  1. Sharper smaller and lighter stone tools of late stone age period
  2. Small iron age tool found at Olduvai
  3. Tiny stone age tools of middle stone age
  4. Stone tools found in Engaruka
  1. The evidence of middle stone tools is found in parts of:
  1. East Africa rift valley
  2. Ukerewe Islands
  3. Isimila
  4. None of above
  1. With fire man could?
  1. Cultivate desert areas
  2. Run faster than before
  3. Roast his food and live in colder areas
  4. Burn all forest and make desert
  1. Which of the following was called able man?
  1. Home Habilis
  2. Homo Erectus
  3. Primate
  4. Zunjathropus
  1. One disadvantages of linguistic as source of history is that
  1. Information is from multiple source
  2. One understands little about communities
  3. Does not reveal links between people
  4. Learning a language consume time and money.
  1. One advantage of written sources of history is that;
  1. Give right information always
  2. Record details of important people only
  3. One can easily get valuable and rare information
  4. It is limited to few people in society.
  1. Which is not a measure of time in history?
  1. Decade
  2. Century
  3. Millennium
  4. Month
  1. A period of one thousand years is called?
  1. Life span
  2. Decade
  3. Millennium
  4. Century
  1. Match the item in LIST A with their correct response from LIST B. Write down letter of correct response in space provided.



  1. Father of evolution of man
  2. Modern man
  3. Walked on four limbs
  4. Could make tools and had large brain capacity
  5. The earliest man who could stand upright.
  1. Homo erectus
  2. God
  3. Primate
  4. Homo Habilis
  5. Homo sapiens
  6. Charles Darwin
  7. Zinjathropus
  8. Clever creatures



  1. (a) Name four uses of tools by man in Old Stone Age period.

(b) Mention three ways used by early man to get food.

  1. a) Explain how fire was discovered

(b) Explain the contribution of fire to man

  1. (a) What is Oral tradition?

(b) Write four advantages of Oral traditions

  1. (a) Write three disadvantages of archival information as a source of history.

(b) Write down two disadvantages of historical sites as source of history.

 7. Briefly explain the following terms:

i) Feudalism

(ii)Trans-Saharan Trade

(iii) Umwinyi

(iv) Historical sites

(v) Carbon-14

8. (a) What is local trade?

(b) What were the impacts of local trade?

9. Describe the methods of making salt in traditional African societies.


10. Explain six factors that led to the development of trade in African societies during the pre-colonial period










Time: 2:30 Hours


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions
  2. Answer all questions
  3. Section A and C carry fifteen (15) marks each and Section B carries seventy (70) marks
  4. All writing must be in blue or black in
  5. All answer must be written in the spaces provided
  6. Cellular phones, calculators and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the assessment room


  1. For each of the items (i) – (x), choose the correct answer from given alternative and write its letter in box provided
  1. An evolution of man has passed through several stages involving change in structural features and way of life. Which ways of life are associated with homo habilis
  1. Hunting and eating raw food
  2. Gathering and walking in fore limbs
  3. Walking on fore limbs and domesticating animals
  4. Domesticating plants and animals
  1. Identify the elective name given to massive labour force used in instruction of cities, pyramids, dams, and irrigation schemes in ancient Egypt
  1. Wage labour
  2. Serfs
  3. Peasants
  4. Slaves
  1. The following are the reasons for the Portuguese atterturns to East Africa Coast from the 15th to 17th century except
  1. Conquering and controlling the area
  2. Preventing expansion of the Boers
  3. Controlling gold trade
  4. Obtaining full control of the Indian Ocean
  1. In East Africa the major means of production under feudalism were
  1. Capital and slaves
  2. Slaves and Trade
  3. Land and livestock
  4. Trade and Agriculture
  1. What was the effect of the Ngoni migration to central Africa and east Africa?
  1. Rise of Legitimate Trade
  2. Decline of coastal city states
  3. Development of capitalism
  4. Introduction of new military Techniques
  1. One of the important change in evolution of man was
  1. Walking with all four limbs
  2. Development of the Brain
  3. Walking with limbs
  4. Gathering and hunting
  1. Which ways were used to obtain slaves in East Africa during the slave Trade?
  1. Raiding, capturing and selling domestic slave
  2. Raiding, stealing and Trekking from South Africa
  3. Capturing, use of trickery and age set system
  4. False pretence Crying and Stealing Arab guns
  1. Which of the following historical sites are found in Uganda?
  1. Forstterman, and Rusinga
  2. Olorgesaille and Engaruka
  3. Olduvai gorge and Nsongezi
  4. Nsongezi and Biggo.
  1. Why is it expensive to the archeology?
  1. It need experts and advanced Technology
  2. It neglects the use of Carbon 14
  3. It rejects the
  4. use of fossil an evidence
  5. It needs historians who can memorize events
  1. Which of the following was hunting and gathering society in 19th century?
  1. Ganda
  2. Zulu
  3. Haya
  4. San


  1. Match items in LIST A with terms in LIST B by writing the correct letter against corresponding question numbers



  1. The earliest stone age where by tools were crude and heary
  2. The name of tools improved by reducing their size during middle stone age
  3. The tools that were discovered first at St. Acheul in France
  4. The stone tools that were named after Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania were first discovered
  5. The period Just after middle stone age where by the tools were still largely made of stones but they were better than those of earlier period.
  1. Old wan tools
  2. Acheulian tools
  3. Sangoan tools
  4. Australopithecus
  5. Microliths tools
  6. Microliths period
  7. Homo habills
  8. Paleolithic period
  9. Metholic period

SECTION B (70 Marks)

Answer all questions

  1. Briefly explain the following terms
  1. Ngoni Migration
  2. Mfecane war
  3. Bipedalism
  4. Age set Organization
  1. Arrange the following sentences Chronological order by Writing their roman numbers below the corresponding position in the table provided
  1. Regular Oman control was established during the second half of the 19th century.
  2. Trade contacts led to growth of East Africa coastal city state
  3. Later this prosperity was disturbed by Portuguese invasion
  4. In 1698 the Oman suitemate to defeat them.
  1. Briefly explain the following questions
  1. Stability communities led to growth of Trans-Sahara Trade
  2. How did desert rubbers contribute to dedine of Trans –Sahara Trade?
  3. Age set organization was dominant in pastorists communities
  4. Benin Empire was a forest state. Justify
  5. How did geographical location favour the rise and growth of Ghana Kingdom?
  1. Differentiate the following
  1. Primate and Zinjanthropus
  2. Matrilineal war and Ngoni Migration
  3. Communalism and feudalism
  4. Nyarubanja system and Umwinyi system
  1. Study the drawing and answer questions that follow.







  1. Which trade in west Africa expanded in 19th century due to introduction of means of transport shown above
  2. Why the type of animals shown on drawing was preferred by the traders as means of transport across desert?
  3. Which trade led to the decline of type of trade that used animal shown in drawing?
  4. Name the earliest Kingdom in Western Sudanic zone which expanded due to trade named above
  5. Through which desert was the long distance trade linking West Africa and North Africa animal shown on the drawing conducted?
  1. Discuss the main characteristics of feudalism
  2. What were motive of the Dutch settlement at the cape of South Africa During the 17th century?


SECTION C (15 Marks)

Answer question ten (10)

  1. Discuss the impacts of interactions of Among the people of Africa during Pre-colonial period








1. This paper consists of three sections A, B, and C with a total of ten (10) questions.

2. Answer all questions in section A, B and C.

3. All writing must be in blue or black ink.

4. All answers must be written in the space provided.

5. Cellular phones, calculators and unauthorized materials are not allowed in examination room.

SECTION A (15 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

1. F or each of the following items (i - x) Choose the best answer from the given alternatives and write its letter in the space provided.

  1. Which method was used to obtain salt during the pre-colonial era

a) Evaporating water from the sea water

b) Mining and evaporating reeds

c) Mining salt from bearing rocks

d) Boiling and evaporating bowls

  1. Which of the following African societies developed Ntemiship system in East Africa by the 15th century?

a) Nyamwezi and Ndorobo

b) Nyamwezi and Sandawe

c) Nyamwezi and Chagga

d) Nyamwezi and Sukuma

  1. Which of the following was an important change in the evolution of man?

a) Walking with all four limbs

b) Development of the brain

c) Walking with fore limbs

d) Gathering and hunting

  1. Which of the following is an early iron site in East Africa?

a) Olduvai Gorge b) Kondoa Irangi c) Engaruka d) Meroe

  1. The system of land ownership in Buhaya was known as:

a) Ubugabire b) Umwinyi c) Nyarubanja d) Busulo

  1. Four main language groups to which East African communities belong are:

a) Sandawa , Cushites, Bantu and Nilotes and Bantu

b) Dorobo, Cushites, Nilotes and Bantu

c) Khoisan, Cushites Nilotes and Bantu

d) Khoikhoi, San , Nilotes and BaIntu

  1. The History teacher at Kaizerege Secondary School was in the class; and provided the following definition; “Is the study of society’s cultural system, behaviour, beliefs and ideologies”. This definition is for which concept among the following?

A. Archaeology

B. Archives

C. Anthropology

D. Archaeologist.

  1. Mr. Msambiningwa is history teacher at Magogoni Secondary School; during his lesson, he told the students that “according to Charles Darwin, in his theory of evolution of man from primates to Homo-sapiens was associated with technological discovery like discovery of fire. Assume you are a student in that class, tell him at which age that discovery occurred?

A. New Stone Age

B. Early Stone Age

C. Late Stone Age

D. Middle Stone Age.

  1. Mzee Laizer is a Maasai livestock keeper who moves from one place to another searching for water and pasture for his cattle. This movement of Mzee Laizer is known as:

A. Pastoralism

B. Nomadic pastoralism

C. Sedentary pastoralism

D. Permanent pastoralism.

  1. Mr. Hassan was a land owner in Buhaya and Karagwe. He used that for economic activities; Therefore Mr. Hassan’s system was known as:

A. Ubugabire system

B. Umwinyi system

C. Busulo and Mvunjo

D. Nyarubanja system.

2. Match the items in list A with those in list B by writing the correct latter in the space provided



  1. The period when man made and used pebble and chopping tools
  2. The society in the interlacustrine area in which the Busulo and Nvunjo were forms of feudal relations
  3. The people who were the first to make and use iron tools in Africa
  4. The period when Portuguese came in East Africa
  5. The period when the Dutch established their permanent settlement at the cap
  1. Age
  2. 19th century
  3. 17TH century
  4. 18th century
  5. New stone age
  6. Mwanamutapa
  7. Early stone age
  8. Generation
  9. 15th century
  10. Century
  11. Anno domini
  12. Tutsi
  13. 21st Century


3. Briefly explain the following terms

i. Historical sites …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

ii. Slavery


iii. Boer Trek ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

iv. Communalism …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

v. Golden stool ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

4. Complete the following statements with correct historical concept(s):

(i) Some of the trade in African societies were developed by the people who lived in the same area. This kind of trade was known as ___________________________

(ii) Ngoni soldiers before attacking their enemies, they were encircled and kill them this kind of technique of fighting was called ______________________________

(iii) What was the name of society in which the children who were born belonged to the father’s clan ____________________________________________________

(iv) In which area of Tanzania, there are many pieces of evidence on the physical evolution of man and his technology. It has made Tanzania to be the original home of human kind _________________________________________________

(v) Magodani villagers don’t believe on the coming of people from far and Middle East to East Africa. As historian go against their views by giving one evidence of written guide book about the coming of those foreigners ____________________

5. Mwanakwetu and Mwanaenzi were arguing over the invention of fire by human being. Mwanakwenda argued that the invention of fire brought nothing to man. While Mwanaenzi opposed her. What do you think were five points used by Mwanaenzi against her friend?

6. Magoyo is the head of school at Vijibweni Secondary School, received a letter from form one students who are not interested in History subject. As a form two student convince these students to like that subject. (Five points)

7. What were the effects of the discovery of fire during the middle stone age? Give five points.

8. What were the social factors for interactions in Pre- colonial African communities? (Give six points)

9. Study the following map carefully then answer the following questions:


(i) What are the names of the centres indicated by the letters A and B? ____________________________ and __________________________________

(ii) What is the name of the tribe that dominated the route that marked by letter C?


(iii) What is the name of the famous local chief dominated the trade route started from centre B to D? __________________________________________________________________

(iv) The trade mapped above brought various impacts to the people of African societies. Mention any two impacts: a) ____________________________ and b) ______________________________

(v) What was the name of the trade in the map above?

SECTION C (15 Marks)

10. (a) What is a state?

(b) Clearly state the factors of state formation







012                                                              HISTORY 




  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions.


  1. Answer all questions in sections A and B and section C.


  1. All writing must be in blue or black ink.


  1. All answers must be written in the spaces provided.


  1. Cellular phones, calculators and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.


  1. Write your Examination Number at the top right corner of every page.































SECTION A (15 Marks)


Answer all questions in this section. 


  1. For each of the items (i) – (x), choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter in the box provided.


  1. Whom you think is the first European to see Mount Kilimanjaro?

A. Johannes Rebmann 

B. John Speke 

C. Henry Stanley 

D. David Livingstone 


  1. Which among of the following ways are useful in recording historical events according to historians?

A. Timeline, time chart, time graph and family tree 

B. A year, a decade, a century and millennium 

C. Archaeology, museum, historical site and archives 

D. Age, generation period and a day 



  1. Which group of people introduced the knowledge of iron technology in East Africa among the following?

A. Cushites and Bushman 

B. Nilotes and Ngoni people 

C. Bantu and Nilotes 

D. Bantu and Cushites 


  1. What is the correct list of African societies which was described as pastoral societies?

A. Khoikhoi, Fulani, Maasai and Pokot 

B. Nyakyusa, Ganda, Chewa and Yao 

C. Swahili, Zuhu, Sotho and Nyaturu 

D. Haya, Sukuma, Nyamwezi and Maasai 

  1. Which of the following is not true about the importance of history?
    1. It helps to understand physical systems that affect everyday life
    2. It helps to know the origin of man and his achievement
    3. It helps to understand where we come from and where we are going 
    4. It helps to understand levels of development at different stages of man
  2. The growth and expansion of Songhai Empire was a result of :
    1. Geographical position and Tropical favorable climate of an area
    2. Expansion of Gao Empire through conquering neighboring states
    3. The emergence of Mansa Musa as a strong leader
    4. Development of iron technology.
  3.         The following are the methods of dating historical events EXCEPT
    1. By carbon 14                    c.  By studying language
    2. By order of events            d.  By oral traditions


  1.      Meroe. developed and became an important town since pre — colonial time where people came close through: -
  1.              Cloth making  
  2.               Copper extraction 
  3.               Agriculture 
  4.              Salt making
  5.               Iron working
  1. The appearance of Zinjanthropus and Homohabilis marked the beginning of the period in history known as, ____________
  1.              Neolithic age 
  2.               Modernization age 
  3.               Early Stone Age
  4.              Pre colonial period 
  5.               Iron age period
  1. Who among the following was the first systematic tools maker and had a bigger brain than that of zinjanthropus. ___________
  1.              Homo habilis
  2.               Homo sapiens
  3.               Homo erectus
  4.              Modern man
  5.               Modern Apes


2. Match the items in List A with those in List B by writing the correct letter below the corresponding question number in the table provided. 



  1. A period of 1000 year ______
  2.  Year divided in 365 days or 366 in a leap year
  3. Year after birth of Christ__________
  4. Carbon 14 dating___________
  5.  Recalling events to determine dates_______


  1. A decade
  2. Pope Gregory XII
  3. Fossils 50,000 to 70,000 years old
  4. Anno Domino
  5. Elnino
  6. A millennium
  7. Time line
  8. After Domino
  9. Fossils 20,000 to 40,000 years old
  10. Elizabethan Calendar.


SECTION B (70 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.


3. Briefly explain the following terms. 

  1. Communalism
  2. Legitimate trade
  3. Evolution of man
  4. Homo erectus
  5. Historical site


4. Mention any four impacts of handcraft industry and mining in pre – colonial Africa 



(i) The manmade objects of cultural and historical interest are _________________________ 

(ii) _____________________ is the arrangement of historical events as the occur in its order 

(iii) It’s fossil where found in Isimila and Olduvai in Tanzania_________________________ 

(iv) ____________________________ is the method of digging up gold from the veins 

(v) The famous slave trader who supplied slaves to the coast was known as _______________

6. (a) Arrange the following sentences in a chronological order.

  1. These activities enable man to obtain his needs from nature.
  2. Mans basic needs consist of food, clothing and shelter
  3.  The actions man takes upon nature have one major aim.
  4.  History is a record of human activities.
  5.  They aim to change natural objects into a condition satisfying human needs.
    (b) Complete each of the following statements with the correct historical facts.
  6. Mans major technological innovation during the Middle Stone Age was .....
  7. The title of the supreme political leader in the Haya was ..
  8. A place where books, files, colonial and travellers records are kept is called. ..
  9. The feudal system which developed in Zanzibar was called 
  10. The East African Kingdom in which Busulo and Nvunjo feudal relations developed was. . ..

7. Differentiate the following historical terms:

(i) Slavery and feudalism.

(ii) Old Stone Age and Iron Age.

(iii) Zinjanthropus and Homo habilis.

8. (a) What are historical sites?

    (b) Give the advantages of historical sites as a source of history

    (c) Describe four ways of determining dates of fossils


9. Study the diagram of stages of human development below carefully, and then answer the questions which follow. 


i. Which creature during the human development had firstly developed elementary speech 


ii. What was the name of tools used during the last stage of human development? 


iii. Which creature had a brain capacity between 1300 – 1400cc? 


iv. Which creature developed the idea of animal skin as cloth? 


v. In which stage of human development did the past man start permanent settlement 


SECTION C (15 Marks)

An essay question

10. Explain six limitations of using Oral traditions as a source of historical information










TIME: 2:30 HOURS May, 2022



1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with the total of seven (7) questions.

2. Answer all questions in sections A and B and one (1) question from section C.

3. All answers must be written in the spaces provided.

4. All writings must be blue or black ink.

5. All communication devices and calculators are not allowed in the examination room.

6. Write Your Examination Number on the top right of every page.


1. Multiple choice questions

(i)The following are functions of a Moran, except:

  1.               To protect the whole society
  2.                To travel in search of water and grass
  3.                To defend and expand the protectorate
  4.               To control religion and solve land conflicts

(ii)Which of the following is a modern scientific method of fixing dates?

  1.               Z Before Christ (BC) Method
  2.                A microscope Method
  3.                Anno Domino (AD) Method 
  4.               Carbon 14 Method

(iii)The process of handing down the historical knowledge using a word of mouth from one generation to another is called:

  1.               Oral tradition
  2.                Historical information
  3.                Linguistics
  4.               Anthropology

(iv)The following is one of the methods used in obtaining gold in African societies:

  1.               Shaft method
  2.                Pottery
  3.                Ornaments 
  4.               Titration

(v)A source of historical information which contains remains that show man's physical development activities and tools he used is:

  1.               Museum
  2.                Oral tradition
  3.                Archives
  4.               Historical sites

(vi)The important effect of iron technology in Africa was:

  1.               Expansion of heavy industries
  2.                Increase of civil wars
  3.                Increase of migration in Africa
  4.               Increase of agriculture and population

(vii)The chronological order of events is usually by the following except:

  1.               Time-chart
  2.                Carbon 14
  3.                Time line
  4.               Family tree

(viii)In evolution of man, the use of tools and bi-pedalism were accompanied by the development of man's:

  1.               Agriculture
  2.                Brain
  3.                Limbs
  4.               Trade

(ix)History is the study of:

  1.               Past, present and future tenses;
  2.                Past selected information;
  3.                Ujamaa in traditional African societies;
  4.               Man's activities against nature through various stages of development.

(x) In evolution of man, the systematic tool maker was:

  1.               Zinjanthropus 
  2.                Australopithecines
  3.                Homo Erectus 
  4.               Homo Habiiis

2. Match the item in LIST A with their correct response from LIST B. Write down letter of correct response in space provided.



  1.  Father of evolution of man
  2. Modern man
  3. Walked on four limbs
  4. Could make tools and had large brain capacity
  5. The earliest man who could stand upright.
  6. The discovery of the skull of the earliest man in Olduvai Gorge.
  7. The pre-colonial modes of production.
  8.  Mans major technological innovation during the Middle Stone Age was .....
  9.   A society in which the children are of the new family belonged to the wife’s clan.
  10.  One of the earliest areas for iron working in Africa.
  1. Homo erectus
  2. God
  3. Stone improvement
  4. Primate
  5. Kumbisaleh
  6.  Meroe.
  7. Homo Habilis
  8. Homo sapiens
  9. Charles Darwin
  10. Zunjathropus
  11. Clever creatures
  12. 1459
  13. 1859
  14. Colonial mode of production
  15. Communalism, Slavery and Feudalism
  16.  matrillineal

3. Write TRUE or  FALSE against each statement below

  1. Nature of environment and technology determine the existence of economic activities......
  2. Olduvai Gorge is found in southern part of Uganda............................
  3. Iron age existed from around first millennium B.C.......................
  4. Man discovered fire during late stone age......................................
  5. The rise of specialization and complex communities were notable effects of early stone age.....
  6.  Australopithecus Africanus had big brain size of about 450 to 550 cubic centimeters compared to other primates......................
  7. Historians assume homo sapiens to be a true man of today........................
  8. Early stone age had developed great technology compared to late stone age...
  9. The only method of determining dates which is done scientifically is carbon 14 method....
  10. History predicts the future......................

4. Briefly explain the following terms

  1. Archives
  2. Historical site
  3. Homo erectus
  4. Iron age
  5. millennium


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Answer all questions in this section.

5. Arrange the following sentences in chronological order by writing their letter in the table provided.

  1. Moved upright and was skillful tool marker
  2. Was first systematic tool marker and had large brain capacity
  3. True man with large brain capacity and less thick jaw
  4. Man body was covered with lots of hair and walked in four limbs
  5. Used hind limb to stand and balance, he started to design tools

6. Complete each of the following statements with correct historical facts.

  1. The last stage of man’s evolution in which he had a large brain capacity......
  2. Tools used during earlier stone age..............
  3. Famous site for iron smelting..................
  4. Pre-colonial African societies used a system of exchange based on goods by goods known as …………………………
  5. A duration of one hundred years is called …………………………

7. Study the figure below and answer questions that follow;

  1. Name the stages of development of man labelled A-E
  2. In which stage did man use stones and pebbles
  3. In which stage did man have the largest brain capacity?
  4. In which stage was man a systematic tool marker?


Answer two (2) questions from this section.

8. Describe the effects of discovery of iron tools

9. Jane and Neema are arguing about the significance of studying history. Jane says that study of history is waste of time and resources. Using six points convince Jane to study history.

10. What are archives? Describe functions of archives as source of history










  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C
  2. Answer all questions in both sections
  3. All answers must be written in the answer sheet provided
  4. Adhere to all examination rules and regulations



1. Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter in the answer sheet provided

(i) History is defined as _________________________

  1. The study of human rights and responsibilities of citizens
  2. The study of living organization
  3. The study of human and polities
  4. The study of man’s past activities.

(ii)The people whose work is to study and explain the remains of the past is called _____________

  1. Archeologists
  2. Scientists
  3. Herberlist
  4. Evolution
  5. Histomans

(iii)Bi-pedal means

  1. Reding a bicycle
  2. Standing on two feet
  3. Evolution
  4. Showing events in history

(iv)Man belonged to the family of 

  1. Mamals which includes Apes, Monkeys and ceorrilbas
  2. Zinjanthropes
  3. Homo-habilis
  4. Homo-erectus

(v)Special places created to preserve historical information are known as ___________

  1. Historical sites
  2. Archeology
  3. Museums
  4. Anthropology

(vi)One of the following statements describes the stone Age correctly

  1. When stones formed in the Earth
  2. When Africans used stones to fight. European colonial invaders and rules
  3. When man used stone artifacts widely in daily life
  4. A period when man used stone ornaments widely.

(vii)The process leading to emergence of modern man is known as _______________

  1. Bi-pedalism
  2. Zinjantropus
  3. Evolution
  4. Australopithecus Africanus to modern man


(viii)Before the 15th century Africa was called a “Dark continent” because?

  1. It was not known by European capitalist
  2. It people was were black
  3. These were all demands row materials
  4. It had no development

(ix)Anno Domino means

  1. Years christ
  2. Years after christ
  3. Jihads
  4. The years when prophet Mohamed fled to mecca

(x)Iron in East Africa was earlier discovered in

  1. Engaruka, Uvinza, Karagwe and Ugweno
  2. Tanga, Amboni and Arusha
  3. Engaruka, Olduvai Gorge and lake natron
  4. Uvinza, Engaruka and Ismila


2.For questions (i) –(x) match the two lists filling the correct letter from List B in the space provided in List A




  1. Carbon 14
  2. Chronological order of events
  3. Homo sapiens
  4. Barter trade system
  5. Matrilineal clan organization
  1. Clan heritage was based on the father
  2. A scientific method of determining dates
  3. Time chart
  4. Had a larger brain
  5. Stimulated development of trade
  6. Was common before introduction of money
  7. Clan heritage was based on the mother
  8. Decline of Trans Sahara Trade



3.Write TRUE or FALSE against each statement below

  1. Nature of environment and technology determined the existence of economic activities ________
  2. Olduvai George is found in sourthen part of Uganda ________________
  3. Iron age existed from around First millennium B.C _________
  4. Man discovered Fire during the late stone age _______________
  5. The rise of specialization and complex communities were the notable effects of Early stone Age __
  6. Australopithecus Africans had very big brain size of about 450 to 550 cubic centimeterscomposed to other primates _______________
  7. Historians assumes Homo sapiens to be a true man of today _____________
  8. Early stone age had developed great technology composed to late stone age ______________
  9. The only method of determining dates which is done scientifically is carbon 14 method of dating _______
  10. History predicts the future _____________


4(a)Mention two main activities which took place during the early stone age 

  1. ____________________________
  2. ____________________________

(b)Mention three importance of studying History 

  1. _______________________________
  2. _______________________________
  3. _______________________________


5.Define the following terms correctly; gives examples where necessary 

  1. Evolution
  2. Archives
  3. Primates
  4. Historical sites


6.Mention five functions of the during the middle stone age

7. Outline four basic characteristic of human evolution 

8.Briefly differentiate a millennium from a century 

9.Differentiate Archeologist from History.
















































 Time: 2:30Hours


  1.            This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of 10 questions
  2.            Answer all questions in section A and B and TWO questions from section C.
  3.            Section A carries 40 marks, while section B and C carries 30 marks each.
  4.            All answers should be written in the spaces provided.
  5.            All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized material are not allowed in examination room.
  6.            Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.

 SECTION A (35 Marks)

 Answer All questions in this section.

  1. For each of the items (i)-(x), choose the correct answer from the alternatives given.

(i). Which one of the following statements is not true about history?

  1. Helps learners to critically assess historical events.
  2. Helps learners to know past achievements and failures of man.
  3. Helps learners to get skills for their future careers.
  4. Helps learners to loose a sense of nationalism and patriotism.

(ii). One of the characteristics of man before the discovery of iron technology was:

  1. dependence on environment for survival
  2. reliance on industrial machines
  3. avoidance of gathering fruits
  4. involvement in slave trade

(iii)The history which is handed down by word of mouth, especially by elders, from one generation to another is known as:

  1. Archaeology
  2. Anthropology
  3. Oral traditions 
  4. Linguistics

(iv)Why was there a big change in mans life during the Late Stone Age compared to the Early and Middle Stone Age?

  1. Due to the presence of crude wooden and stone tools.
  2. Because of the use of more improved tools and settlement.
  3. Due to the use of machines as instruments of labour
  4. Because of the production of pebble tools for farming.

(v)The method of collecting historical information through talking and listening to elders is called:

  1. archaeology
  2. archives
  3. museums
  4. oral traditions

(vi)   People whose work is to study and explain the remains which show mans physical development, his activities and the tools he made and used are known as:

  1. Archaeologists
  2. Evolutionists
  3. Biologists
  4. Homo Sapiens

(vii)Which among the following include the cultural practices through which historical information is obtained?

  1. A. Poems, proverbs and stories.
  2. Archives, museums and oral tradition
  3. Narration of past, present and future events
  4. Family trees, time lines and time charts.

(viii)The way of determining dates by remembering changes and events is commonly used in:

  1. places with many historical sites
  2. areas where much of the history is written
  3. places where much of the history is not written
  4. areas where other sources have been discovered

(ix)      One of the problems of written records as a source of historical information is that, they:

  1. are given by elders 
  2. are mostly reliable
  3.  can be used by literate people only
  4. serve as stores of variety of information

(xx)One important effect of Iron technology in Africa was:

  1. Expansion of heavy industries
  2. Expansion of agriculture
  3. Increase of civil wars
  4. Increase of migration to new areas

2. Match the item in LIST A with their correct response from LIST B. Write down letter of correct response in space provided.



  1.       Father of evolution of man
  2.         Modern man
  3.        Walked on four limbs
  4.       Could make tools and had large brain capacity
  5.        The earliest man who could stand upright.
  6.          Permanent settled agricultural communities
  7.       Small in terms of population and geographical area.
  8.       Achar University
  9.           Land of Gold
  10.          Sundiata Keita


  1.             Homo erectus
  2.             God
  3.             Primate
  4.             Homo Habilis
  5.             Homo sapiens
  6.             Charles Darwin
  7.           Zunjathropus
  8.         Clever creatures
  9.          Feature of communal societies
  10.         Mali Empire
  11.         Egypt
  12.         Ghana Empire
  13.         State Organization
  14.         Timbuktu and Sankore
  15.         Decentralized states
  16.         Songhai Kingdom.



3. Write T for true statement and F for false statement.

  1.   Stones were first weapons to be used by man
  2.            During earlier stone age man resembled apes
  3.          Human being in earlier Stone Age lived in permanent settlement.
  4.          Man had greater mastery of the environment during late stone age
  5.            One of sites of earlier Stone Age tools found in central African is Olorgesaile.
  6.          The body of Homo habilis was more hairly than that of Homo erectus.
  7.        The theory of creation and that of evolution of man are sometimes similar.
  8.     It was better for man to use stone tools than iron tools
  9.          Art and cultural diversity emerged before 100,000 years ago
  10.            During the Iron Age people did not have permanent shelter.

4. Briefly explain the meaning of the following terms:

  1. History
  2. Archeology
  3.                     Old stone age
  4.                      Regional trade
  5. Trans-Saharan Trade

5.  Arrange the following sentences in a chronological order.

  1. These activities enable man to obtain his needs from nature.
  2. Mans basic needs consist of food, clothing and shelter
  3.  The actions man takes upon nature have one major aim.
  4.  History is a record of human activities.
  5.  They aim to change natural objects into a condition satisfying human needs.



6. Complete each of the following statements with correct historical facts. 

(i)   Collective ownership of the major means of production is one of the characteristics of ………………………… 

(ii)    A building in which objects of artistic, cultural, historical or scientific interest are kept and shown to the public is called ………………………… 

(iii)  Triangular trade was also known as ………………………… 

(iv)    A duration of one hundred years is called ………………………… 

(v)  The title of a chief among the Hehe was called …………………………


  1. Name the historical site marked by letter A
  2. What is the historical site marked by letter B called?
  3. In which century was the skull of Zinjathropus discovered at historical site marked with letter D?
  4. Which discovery made historical site C famous?
  5. The historical site marked letter E is called...........

SECTION C (30 Marks)

 Answer two (2) questions from this section.

8. Describe the factors that led to the growth of Trans-Saharan Trade

9. (a)What is state organization?

(b) Describe the general factors for state formations

10. Describe the functions, advantages and disadvantages of oral traditions as a source of history









 Time: 2:30Hours


  1.  This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of 10 questions
  2.  Answer all questions in section A and B and TWO questions from section C.
  3.  Section A carries 40 marks, while section B and C carries 30 marks each.
  4.  All answers should be written in the spaces provided.
  5.  All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized material are not allowed in examination room.
  6. Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.

 SECTION A (35 Marks)

 Answer All questions in this section.

  1.                For each of the items (i)-(x), choose the correct answer from the alternatives given.

(ii)The evolution theory explains about:

  1.              the survival of archaeological remains
  2.               the process of accumulating precious goods.
  3.               the origin of man using a scientific approach
  4.              the creation of man which is found in Holy Books.

(iii)One of the characteristics of man before the discovery of iron technology was:

  1.              dependence on environment for survival
  2.               reliance on industrial machines
  3.               avoidance of gathering fruits
  4.              involvement in slave trade

(v)Why was there a big change in mans life during the Late Stone Age compared to the Early and Middle Stone Age?

  1.              Due to the presence of crude wooden and stone tools.
  2.               Because of the use of more improved tools and settlement.
  3.               Due to the use of machines as instruments of labour
  4.              Because of the production of pebble tools for farming.

(viii)The way of determining dates by remembering changes and events is commonly used in:

  1.              places with many historical sites
  2.               areas where much of the history is written
  3.               places where much of the history is not written
  4.              areas where other sources have been discovered

(vii)Which among the following include the cultural practices through which historical information is obtained?

  1.              A. Poems, proverbs and stories.
  2.               Archives, museums and oral tradition
  3.               Narration of past, present and future events
  4.              Family trees, time lines and time charts.

(ii)      One of the problems of written records as a source of historical information is that, they:

  1.              are given by elders
  2.               are mostly reliable
  3.                can be used by literate people only
  4.              serve as stores of variety of information

(ix)     East Africa societies that developed clan organization based on matrilineal system were:

  1.              Chagga, Gogo, Sukuma. Sandawe and Yao
  2.               Makonde, Makua, Kamba, Kikuyu and Yao 
  3.                Sandawe, Tindiga, Makua, Hadzabe and Iraque
  4.              Yao, Makonde, Hehe, Sambaa and Luo.

(v)      Olduvai Gorge is famous for:

  1.              archaeological findings
  2.                archival activities
  3.                oral traditions
  4.              sedentary farming

(x)    Aman who was the first to design and use tools was:

  1.              Australopithecus afrikanus
  2.                Gorilla
  3.               Homo erectus
  4.              Modern apes

2. Match the items in List B with those provided in List A by writing the correct letter beside the corresponding question number.



(i) Industrial Revolution in Europe 

(ii) The periplus of Eritrean Sea

(iii). Carbon 14

(iv). Barter trade

(v)Masai, Karamajong and Nandi Makonde and Makua

(vii) Monsoon winds

(viii) Mwai Kibaki

(ix). Productive forces

(x) Sword daggers and silk

  1.              Slave centres in the interior.
  2.               Commodities from Asia to East Africa.
  3.               The revived East African Community. 
  4.              Exchange of goods with goods.
  5.               Capitalism
  6.                A reason for the abolition of slave trade in East Africa
  7.              Clan heritage based on mother.
  8.              Producers, skills, experience and level of science and technology in a society.
  9.                 Predominant pastoralist societies in East Africa. 
  10.                 Greek guide book to East Africa. 
  11.              Culture of Nilotic group.
  12.               Carried ships from East Africa to Asia and back.
  13.             Scientific method of fixing dates of Historical findings beyond 5000 years.

3. Write T for true statement and F for false statement.

  1. Stones were first weapons to be used by man
  2. During earlier stone age man resembled apes
  3. Human being in earlier Stone Age lived in permanent settlement.
  4. Man had greater mastery of the environment during late stone age
  5. One of sites of earlier Stone Age tools found in central African is Olorgesaile.
  6. The body of Homo habilis was more hairly than that of Homo erectus.
  7. The theory of creation and that of evolution of man are sometimes similar.
  8. It was better for man to use stone tools than iron tools
  9. Art and cultural diversity emerged before 100,000 years ago
  10. During the Iron Age people did not have permanent shelter.

4. Differentiate the following historical terms:

(i) Slavery and feudalism.

(ii) Old Stone Age and Iron Age.

(iii) Zinjanthropus and Homo habilis.

5. (a) What are historical sites?

(b) Give the disadvantages of historical sites as a source of history

6. Describe four ways of determining dates of fossils

7. Complete the following statements with the correct historical information

  1. A period of 1000 years...........................
  2. Scientific study of human past...........................
  3.  Places or buildings where information and objects are preserved ..................
  4. Is the study of the society’s cultural systems, beliefs, ideas ...............
  5. Slow process of change from primitive form of life to complex form of life.......

SECTION C (30 Marks)

Answer two (2) questions from this section.

8. Describe the characteristics of man in old stone age

9. What are the factors that led to growth of Trans-saharani Trade?

10. Explain six limitations of using oral traditions as a source of historical information








 Time: 2:30Hours


  1.            This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of 10 questions
  2.            Answer all questions in section A and B and TWO questions from section C.
  3.            Section A carries 40 marks, while section B and C carries 30 marks each.
  4.            All answers should be written in the spaces provided.
  5.            All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized material are not allowed in examination room.
  6.            Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.

 SECTION A (35 Marks)

 Answer All questions in this section.

  1. For each of the items (i)-(x), choose the correct answer from the alternatives given.
  1. Man was able to make and use very simple stone tools during the:
  1.                     Middle Stone Age
  2.                      Old stone Age
  3.                       Late Stone Age
  4.                     New Stone Age


  1. Which among the following include the methods used in showing chronological order of events?
  1. Famine, epidemics, drought and heavy rains. 
  2. Carbon 14, archives, museums and historical sites 
  3.  Periods, generations, millennia and centuries.
  4.  Family trees, time lines, time charts and time graphs.
  1. Three pre-colonial matrilineal societies in East Africa were:
  1. Mwera, Makonde and Sukuma
  2. Chagga, Kikuyu and Kamba 
  3. .Makonde, Sukuma and Chagga
  4.  Kikuyu, Makonde and Kamba.
  1. During the pre-colonial period, Imbagala and Vimbundu of Angola were:
  1. professional traders
  2. abolitionists of slave trade 
  3.  pastoral societies.
  4. early hunters and gatherers.
  1. The economic factors for interactions among the people of Africa were:
  1.  migration, trade and language
  2. war, migration and music
  3.  intermarriage, medicine and religion 
  4.  trade, agriculture and metal working.
  1. One of the causes of Mfecane wars was:
  1.   arrival of Portuguese at the Cape of Good Hope
  2.   migration of the Ngoni under Zwangendaba 
  3.  rapid population growth in South Africa
  4. arrival of Sultan Seyyid Said in Zanzibar from Oman.
  1. Which among the following include the demands of industrial capitalism?
  1.  Piracy, robbery and unequal exchange
  2.   Explorers, traders and missionaries.
  3.  Markets, raw materials and cheap labour
  4.  Robbery, piracy and agents of colonialism
  1. The feudal system in Zanzibar was known as:
  1.   Busulo
  2.  Nyarubanja
  3.  Ubugabire 
  4.  Umwinyi
  1. Which of the following does not apply to the moran?
  1.  Consists of people who were between youth and adulthood
  2.  Protects livestock against enemies and wild animals. 
  3. Consists of young boys between 8 and 18 years.
  4.  Raids neighbouring herds to increase the size of their herds.
  1. Who discovered the skull of the earliest ancestors of man in Olduvai Gorge in 1959?
  1.  David Livingstone.
  2. Louis Leakey. 
  3. Charles Darwin.
  4. Carl Peters.
  1. Which were the pastoral societies that existed in pre-colonial East Africa?
  1.  Masai, Nandi, Turkana and Karamajong
  2.  Nandi, Kikuyu, Sambaa and Hadzabe
  3.  Nyakyusa, Nandi, Karamajong and Makonde
  4. Turkana, Gogo, Sukuma and Kikuyu
  1. The following were some of the commodities used as currency in precolonial Africa:
  1. Copper rods, books and bronze
  2.  iron ore, silver and wood
  3. paper, gold and copper
  4. salt, cloth and cowrie shells
  1. Homo-sapiens lived in one of the following periods:
  1.  Early Stone Age
  2. Iron Age
  3.  Late Stone Age
  4.  Middle Stone Age
  1. The following was the major form of feudal relations in Rwanda and Burundi:
  1.  Basulu
  2. Chiefdom
  3. Ntemiship
  4.  Ubugabire
  1. One of the problems of written records as a source of historical information is that, they:
  1. are given by elders
  2. are mostly reliable
  3.  can be used by literate people only
  4. serve as stores of variety of information
  1. Match the items ın List A with those ın List B by writing the correct letter against the corresponding question number ın the table provided.



  1. The hadzabe, Pıgmıes etc
  2. A scıentıfıc method of determining date
  3. The arrangement of orderly occurrence of historical events.
  4.  A duration of one thousand years
  5.  Discovery and the use of fire
  6.  Keeping of animals
  7. Neolıtlıc revolution
  8.                       walking on two limbs
  9. A duration of 100 years
  10. Animal keeping and crop cultivation
  1. Late stone age
  2. Carbon-14
  3. A century
  4. Famous hunters and gatherers ın Africa
  5. Middle stone Age
  6. Mıllemıum
  7. Meroe
  8. Galla
  9. Pastoralısm
  10. Agriculture
  11. Creatıonısm
  12. Bı-pedalısm
  13. Chronology
  14. Museums
  15. Archıeves.
  1. Write true ıf the statement ıs correct or falseıf the statement ıs not correct.
    1. Archaeology ıs the only method of obtaining historical ınformatıon ___________
    2. History as a social subject deals with future events________________________
    3. Meroe and Nok  are found ın East Africa_________________________________
    4. Tanganyika got independence earlier than Kenya and Uganda________________
    5. Barter system ıs trade which involves the exchange of goods________________
    6. A millennium ıs a period of ten (10) centuries_______________________________
    7. Permanent Agriculture was not practiced ın the arid and semı-arıd areas______
    8. Zinjathropus reached the stage  of making and using tools_____________________
    9. Science ıs software and technology ıs hardware __________________________
    10. Agriculture ıs the keeping of animals ___________________________
  1.         Briefly explain the meaning of the following terms
  1.  Oral traditions
  2. Historical sites
  3. Archeology
  4. Archives
  5. anthropology

   5. (a) Name four uses of tools by man in Old Stone Age period.

   (b) Mention three ways used by early man to get food.

  6. Show the different between tools used by man during the middle stone age and those of old stone age.

   7. Discuss the impact of fire to man during the middle stone age

    8. Discuss the impact of discovery of iron tools in East Africa



Student’s Examination No............................................................






 Time: 2:30Hours


  1.              This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of 10 questions
  2.              Answer all questions in section A and B and TWO questions from section C.
  3.              Section A carries 40 marks, while section B and C carries 30 marks each.
  4.              All answers should be written in the spaces provided.
  5.              All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized material are not allowed in examination room.
  6.              Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.

 SECTION A (40 Marks)

 Answer All questions in this section.

  1. For each of the items (i)-(x), choose the correct answer from the alternatives given.
  1. A.D in history means;
  1. Years before the birth of Christ
  2. Years ancient Greece
  3. Years after the birth of the Prophet Mohammed
  4. Years after the birth of Christ
  1. The historical sites in East Africa are;
  1. Morogoro, Maputo, Kapwirimbe and Gedi
  2. Isimile, Olduvai gorge, Engaruka, and Rusinga Island
  3. Nairobi, Engaruka, Jinja and Iringa
  4. Dar es Salaam, Karagwe, Oloigesailie and Lamu
  1. One of the following sources of history depends on Carbon 14 in determining dates;
  1. Archives  b) Anthropology c) Archeology  d) Museums
  1. Archaeologist who discovered the skull of the earliest man in East Africa was
  1. Dr. David Livingstone  c) George Washington
  2. Dr. Lous Leakey   d) Vasco Da Gama
  1. The Periplus of the Erythrean  sea was;
  1. A printed guided for the Spanish sailors
  2. A compass direction
  3. A commercial guide to the Greek
  4. African King’s diaries







  1. Fill in the blanks
  1. A hundred years make a .......................................................
  1. The years 1981 to 1990 make a .............................................
  1. In history the word man is used to mean............................................
  1. A a table that shows historical dates and event in the order that they followed.
  1. An ......................... is a period in man’s history marked by a certain achievement or features


  1. Fill in the following table

Stage of evolution


  1. Old stone age
  1. Middle stone age
  1. New stone age
  1. ...........................................
  2. ...........................................
  1. ...........................................
  2. ...........................................
  1. ...........................................
  2. ............................................
  1. Part A and B have historical information. The statements in Part A match with eight of those in part B. Pick and match the eight pairs



  1. Fossils of early man were found in.........
  2. Man discovered fire during the.......
  3. Man originated from the family of....
  4. Modern man is also called.......
  5. Man discovered agriculture in  the...
  6. Late stone Age care paintings can be found in.....
  7. Growth of population, increase in food production and specialization of labour were some effects of the.....
  8. The gradual development of plants and animals from a simple to a more complex form is called...
  1. Zinjathropus
  2. Homo sapiens
  3. Evolution
  4. Late stone Age
  5. Discovery of iron
  6. Middle Stone Age
  7. Kondoa Irangi
  8. Olduvai Gorge
  9. Homo habilis
  10. Primates


Part A









Part B

  1. List three sites with evidences of the following;
  1. Old Stone Age
  1. ................................................................................................
  2. ...............................................................................................
  3. ................................................................................................
  1. Middle Stone Age
  1. ................................................................................................
  2. ................................................................................................
  3. ................................................................................................
  1. Late Stone Age
  1. ...............................................................................................
  2. ...............................................................................................
  3. ...............................................................................................
  1. List
  1. Two Old Stone Age tools
  1. .........................................................................
  2. .........................................................................
  1. Five Middle Stone Age tools
  1. ..................................................................
  2. ..................................................................
  3. ..................................................................
  4. ..................................................................
  5. ,................................................................
  1. Four New Stone Age tools
  1. ................................................................
  2. .................................................................
  3. .................................................................
  4. .................................................................


  1. Explain  the difference between the Australopithecus and the Homo Sapiens (briefly)
  1. Draw a map of Tanzania locate its historical sites
















 Time: 2:30Hours


  1.              This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of 10 questions
  2.              Answer all questions in section A and B and TWO questions from section C.
  3.              Section A carries 40 marks, while section B and C carries 30 marks each.
  4.              All answers should be written in the spaces provided.
  5.              All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized material are not allowed in examination room.
  6.              Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.

 SECTION A (35 Marks)

 Answer All questions in this section.

  1. For each of the items (i)-(x), choose the correct answer from the alternatives given.

i) Olduvai gorge is famous for………………

A. Oral traditions

B. Archaological findings

C. Archival activities

D. Sedentary farming.

ii). The people who studies historical remains are called;

  1.              Biologists
  2.               Anthropologist
  3.               Archaeologist
  4.              Geologist

iii. Which of the following sources of history can illiterate people not benefit?

  1.   Museums
  2.    Historical sites
  3.    Written sources
  4.   Linguistics

iv. A century is a period of;

  1.   10 years
  2.    100 years
  3.    1000years
  4.   10000 years

v. Which of the following is not a way of determining dates

  1.   Family tree
  2.    Recalling events
  3.    Counting
  4.   Carbon 14 dating

(vi)  The evidence of middle stone tools is found in parts of:

  1.         East Africa rift valley
  2.         Ukerewe Islands
  3.         Isimila
  4.         None of above

(vii) With fire man could?

  1.         Cultivate desert areas
  2.         Run faster than before
  3.         Roast his food and live in colder areas
  4.         Burn all forest and make desert

(viii)  Which of the following was called able man?

  1.         Home Habilis
  2.         Homo Erectus
  3.         Primate
  4.         Zunjathropus

(ix) Which is not a feature of primates?

  1.         Hairly body
  2.         Bipedalism
  3.         Quadrapedalism
  4.         Lived in forests.

(x) Which is not a characteristic of Homo sapiens?

  1.         Large brain capacity
  2.         Less thick jaws and jaw muscles
  3.         Highly skillful and manipulative of environment
  4.         Worked using four Limbs.

2. Match the item in LIST A with their correct response from LIST B. Write down letter of correct response in space provided.



  1.         Father of evolution of man
  2.       Modern man
  3.    Walked on four limbs
  4.     Could make tools and had large brain capacity
  5.       The earliest man who could stand upright.
  6.      A period of 1000 year ______
  7.   Year divided in 365 days or 366 in a leap year
  8. Year after birth of Christ__________
  9.     Carbon 14 dating___________
  10.       Recalling events to determine dates_______
  1.     Homo erectus
  2.      God
  3.      Primate
  4.     Homo Habilis
  5.      Homo sapiens
  6.       Charles Darwin
  7.   Zunjathropus
  8. Clever creatures
  9.    A decade
  10.    Pope Gregory XII
  11. Fossils 50,000 to 70,000 years old
  12.  Anno Domino
  13. Elnino
  14. A millennium
  15. Time line
  16.  After Domino
  17. Fossils 20,000 to 40,000 years old
  18.  Elizabethan Calendar.

3. Write T for true statement and F for false statement.

  1.            Stones were first weapons to be used by man
  2.    During earlier stone age man resembled apes
  3.   Human being in earlier Stone Age lived in permanent settlement.
  4.   Man had greater mastery of the environment during late stone age
  5.    One of sites of earlier Stone Age tools found in central African is Olorgesaile.
  6.   The body of Homo habilis was more hairly than that of Homo erectus.
  7.   The theory of creation and that of evolution of man are sometimes similar.
  8.           It was better for man to use stone tools than iron tools
  9.   Art and cultural diversity emerged before 100,000 years ago
  10.    During the Iron Age people did not have permanent shelter.

4. Briefly explain the following terms clearly.

  1. Millennium
  2. Decade
  3. Stone age
  4. Oral traditions
  5. Archeology

SECTION B (30 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

5. (a) What is Oral tradition?

    (b) Write four advantages of Oral traditions

6. (a) Write three disadvantages of archival information as a source of history.

    (b) Write down two disadvantages of historical sites as source of history.

7.  (a) Name four uses of tools by man in Old Stone Age period.

     (b) Mention three ways used by early man to get food.

SECTION C (30 Mark)

Answer two (2) questions from this section.

8. (a) Mention (4) four human characteristics that made man different from the other Primates.

    (b) Fill the spaces below

  1.    Human beings during earlier stone age lived in_______
  2.    Two main activities of man during earlier stone age was_______ and ________
  3.      Hand axes which were used by early man have been found in __________ and ______

9. (a) Write three disadvantages of archival information as a source of history.

    (b) Write down two disadvantages of historical sites as source of history.

10. Briefly explain three functions of archives as a source of history








  1. This paper consists of three (3) sections A & B
  2. Answer all questions in all sections.
  3. Clarity and cleanliness are highly considered.



Multiple choice and True and False questions


  1. In question (i) – (v) choose the most correct answer among the given alternatives.


  1.      One of the following sources of history depends on carbon 14 in determining dates.
    1. Archives.
    2. Anthropology.
    3. Archaeology.
    4. Museums.


  1.    A. D. in history means
    1. Years before the birth of Christ.
    2. Years of ancient Greece.
    3. Years after the birth of the prophet Mohammed.


  1.  The periplus of the Erythraean sea was.
    1. A printed guide for the Spanish Sailors.
    2. A compass direction.
    3. A commercial guide to the Greeks.
    4. A commercial guide to the Portuguese.


  1.  Archaeologist who discovered the skull of the earliest man in East Africa was
    1. Dr. David Livingstone.
    2. Batholomew Diaz.
    3. Dr. Louis Leakey.
    4. Vasco Da Gama.


  1.    Namibia became independent in
    1. 1994.
    2. 1992.
    3. 1991.
    4. 1990.


  1. An AGE refers to :
  1. A perıod of ten years
  2. An average dıfference of years between parents and theır chıldren
  3. Man’ economıc actıvıtıes and the types of tools he made and used
  4. One contınuous event lastıng for a number of years.


  1. One ımportant effect of Iron technology ın Afrıca was:
  1. Expansıon of heavy ındustrıes.
  2. Expansıon of agrıculture
  3. Increase of Cıvıl wars
  4. Mılıtary  and land ownershıp


  1. The  abılıty of the early man to walk by usıng two lımbs ıs known as:
  1. Adoptıon
  2. Bıpedalısm
  3. Evolutıon
  4. Revolutıon


  1. Books, news paper and Magazınes as source of hıstory can be termend as:
  1. Archıeves
  2. Oral tradıtıon
  3. Archaeology
  4. Lıterature


  1. The dıscovery of fıre took place durıng the:
  1. Mıddle stone age
  2. Old stone age
  3. Iron age
  4. New stone age
  1. Match the items ın List A with those ın List B by writing the correct letter against the corresponding question number ın the table provided.



  1. The hadzabe, Pıgmıes etc
  2. Ascıentıfıc method of determining date
  3. The arrangement of orderly occurrence of historical events.
  4.  A duration of one thousand years
  5.  Discovery and the use of fire
  6.  Keeping of animals
  7. Neolıtlıc revolution
  8. walking on two limbs
  9. A duration of 100 years
  10. Animal keeping and crop cultivation
  1. Late stone age
  2. Carbon-14
  3. A century
  4. Famous hunters and gatherers ın Africa
  5. Middle stone Age
  6. Mıllemıum
  7. Meroe
  8. Galla
  9. Pastoralısm
  10. Agriculture
  11. Creatıonısm
  12. Bı-pedalısm
  13. Chronology
  14. Museums
  15. Archıeves.


  1. Write ‘T’ for a True and ‘F’ for Falsestatements.
    1. History can create employment for those who study it. _____________
    2. History can be obtained through oral traditions. _____________
    3. Museums are safer custody for historical items. _____________
    4. Written Records reserve history for a longer period without depreciation. _____________
    5. In 1840 Sultan Seyyid Said moved his capital to Zanzibar. _____________
    6. B. C. is the abbreviation of before Christ. ______________
    7. A century is a duration of two decates. ______________
    8.                   One thousand years is a millennium. _______________
    9. Dating is the same as chronology in history. ____________
    10. Period is the same as age. _____________



  1. Write briefly the meaning of the following terms
  1. Millennium
  2. Archieve
  3. Oral traditions
  4. Generation
  5. Carbon 14

                                              SECTION B

                                            Answer all questions in this section.

  1. Write the letter of the year against the corresponding event, ın the table provided:



  1. 1961
  2. 1994
  3. 1997
  4. 1776
  5. 1884/ 1885
  1. Berlin conference
  2. The end of Apartheid ın South Africa
  3. Arusha  declaration
  4. American Independence
  5. Tanganyika became a Republic














  1.  Write the missing historical facts
    1.         The Fulani and Maasaı mostly practiced__________________________________
    2.       Rusınga Island and Nsongezı are both historical sites found ın _______________
    3.    The leader of Zulu Kingdom was known as_______________________________
    4.     The areas around the great lakes are called______________________________
    5.       The first country to ındustralıze was ___________________________________


  1. Draw a map of east Africa and show the following
  1. Oldvai gorge
  2. Kilwa
  3. Ambone caves
  4. Kondoa and irangi
  5. ..

SECTION C 30 Marks. Answer two questions from this section.

  1. Discuss five importance of studying history
  2. Explain six limitations of oral traditions as a source of historical information.
  3. Describe five limitations of archaeology










TIME: 2:30 HRS


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of Seven (7) questions.
  2. Answer all questions in section A and B and two (2) questions from section C
  3. All writing must be in blue or black ink.
  4. All answers must be written in the space provided.
  5. Calculators, cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  6. Write your Examination Number at the top right corner of every page.


1. For each of the items (i) — (x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter.

(i)Which one of the following statements is not true about history?

  1. Helps learners to critically assess historical events.
  2. Helps learners to know past achievements and failures of man.
  3. Helps learners to get skills for their future careers.
  4. Helps learners to loose a sense of nationalism and patriotism.

(ii)The evolution theory explains about:

  1. the survival of archaeological remains
  2. the process of accumulating precious goods.
  3. the origin of man using a scientific approach
  4. the creation of man which is found in Holy Books.

(iii)One of the characteristics of man before the discovery of iron technology was:

  1. dependence on environment for survival
  2. reliance on industrial machines
  3. avoidance of gathering fruits
  4. involvement in slave trade

(iv)The method of collecting historical information through talking and listening to elders is called:

  1. archaeology
  2. archives
  3. museums
  4. oral traditions

(v)People whose work is to study and explain the remains which show mans physical development, his activities and the tools he made and used are known as: 

  1. Archaeologists
  2. Evolutionists
  3. Biologists
  4. Homo Sapiens

(vi)The following was the major form of feudal relations in Rwanda and Burundi:

  1.  Basulu
  2. Chiefdom
  3. Ntemiship
  4.  Ubugabire

(vii)One of the problems of written records as a source of historical information is that, they:

  1. are given by elders
  2. are mostly reliable
  3.  can be used by literate people only
  4. serve as stores of variety of information

(viii) Examples of mixed farming societies in pre-colonial Africa were:

  1.   Hehe, Digo, Maasai and Matumbi
  2. Karamajong, Pokot, Fipa and Hadzabe
  3. Nyamwezi, Nyakyusa, Ndorobo and Chagga 
  4. Sukuma, Sangu, Kurya and Fipa

(ix)Which one of the following sites represents the early Stone Age?

  1. Bagamoyo 
  2. Isimila 
  3. Olduvai Gorge 
  4. Kilwa

(x)The goods imported to East Africa from Arabia and Persian Gulf includes:

  1. Glass, pottery and porcelain 
  2. Beads, cloth and copper 
  3. axes, swords and spear 
  4. ivory, gold and palm oil

2. (a) Match the item in LIST A with their correct response from LIST B. Write down letter of correct response in space provided.



  1. Father of evolution of man
  2. Modern man
  3. Walked on four limbs
  4. Could make tools and had large brain capacity
  5. The earliest man who could stand upright.
  1. Homo erectus
  2. God
  3. Primate
  4. Homo Habilis
  5. Homo sapiens
  6. Charles Darwin
  7. Zinjathropus
  8. Clever creatures

(b) Complete each of the following statements with the correct historical facts.

(i)The dominant form of social organization in pastoralist societies was called

(ii) The first leader of Jihad movement in West Africa was called

(iii)The first European nation to involve in the trading of slaves in the first half of the 15 th century is called

(iv)An East African historical site where the skull of the earliest man was discovered is known as .

(v)The source of historical information which is obtained through the word of mouth is called .

3. Write T for true statement and F for false statement.

  1. Stones were first weapons to be used by man
  2. During earlier stone age man resembled apes
  3. Human being in earlier Stone Age lived in permanent settlement.
  4. Man had greater mastery of the environment during late stone age
  5. One of sites of earlier Stone Age tools found in central African is Olorgesaile.
  6. The body of Homo habilis was more hairly than that of Homo erectus.
  7. The theory of creation and that of evolution of man are sometimes similar.
  8. It was better for man to use stone tools than iron tools
  9. Art and cultural diversity emerged before 100,000 years ago
  10. During the Iron Age people did not have permanent shelter.

4. (a)Arrange the following sentences in a chronological order. 

  1. These activities enable man to obtain his needs from nature.
  2. Mans basic needs consist of food, clothing and shelter
  3.  The actions man takes upon nature have one major aim.
  4.  History is a record of human activities.
  5.  They aim to change natural objects into a condition satisfying human needs.

(b) Complete each of the following statements with the correct historical facts.

  1. Mans major technological innovation during the Middle Stone Age was .....
  2. The title of the supreme political leader in the Haya was ..
  3. A place where books, files, colonial and travellers records are kept is called. ..
  4. The feudal system which developed in Zanzibar was called 
  5. The East African Kingdom in which Busulo and Nvunjo feudal relations developed was. . ..


5. Briefly explain the following:

  1.  Evolution .................
  2.  Patrilineal society ..........
  3. Communalism ...........
  4. Afrikaans ............
  5. Mansa Musa . .....

6. What were the effects of the discovery of fire during the Middle and Late Stone Ages? (Give six points)

7. Briefly explain the following terms:


(ii)Golden Stool

(iii)Boer trek 










TIME: 2:30 HRS


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of Seven (7) questions.
  2. Answer all questions in section A and B and two (2) questions from section C
  3. All writing must be in blue or black ink.
  4. All answers must be written in the space provided.
  5. Calculators, cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  6. Write your Examination Number at the top right corner of every page.


1. For each of the items (i) — (x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter.

(i)Which one of the following statements is not true about history?

  1. Helps learners to critically assess historical events.
  2. Helps learners to know past achievements and failures of man.
  3. Helps learners to get skills for their future careers.
  4. Helps learners to loose a sense of nationalism and patriotism.

(ii)The evolution theory explains about:

  1. the survival of archaeological remains
  2. the process of accumulating precious goods.
  3. the origin of man using a scientific approach
  4. the creation of man which is found in Holy Books.

(iii)One of the characteristics of man before the discovery of iron technology was:

  1. dependence on environment for survival
  2. reliance on industrial machines
  3. avoidance of gathering fruits
  4. involvement in slave trade

(iv)The method of collecting historical information through talking and listening to elders is called:

  1. archaeology
  2. archives
  3. museums
  4. oral traditions

(v)   imagePeople whose work is to study and explain the remains which show mans physical development, his activities and the tools he made and used are known as: 

  1. Archaeologists
  2. Evolutionists
  3. Biologists
  4. Homo Sapiens

(vi)The following was the major form of feudal relations in Rwanda and Burundi:

  1.  Basulu
  2. Chiefdom
  3. Ntemiship
  4.  Ubugabire

(vii)  One of the problems of written records as a source of historical information is that, they:

  1. are given by elders image
  2. are mostly reliable
  3.  can be used by literate people only
  4. serve as stores of variety of information

(viii) Examples of mixed farming societies in pre-colonial Africa were:

  1.   Hehe, Digo, Maasai and Matumbi
  2. Karamajong, Pokot, Fipa and Hadzabe
  3. Nyamwezi, Nyakyusa, Ndorobo and Chagga 
  4. Sukuma, Sangu, Kurya and Fipa

(ix)Which one of the following sites represents the early Stone Age?

  1. Bagamoyo 
  2. Isimila 
  3. Olduvai Gorge 
  4. Kilwa

(x)The goods imported to East Africa from Arabia and Persian Gulf includes:

  1. Glass, pottery and porcelain 
  2. Beads, cloth and copper 
  3. axes, swords and spear 
  4. ivory, gold and palm oil

2. (a) Match the item in LIST A with their correct response from LIST B. Write down letter of correct response in space provided.



  1. Father of evolution of man
  2. Modern man
  3. Walked on four limbs
  1. Could make tools and had large brain capacity
  1. The earliest man who could stand upright.
  1. Homo erectus
  2. God
  3. Primate
  4. Homo Habilis
  5. Homo sapiens
  6. Charles Darwin
  7. Zinjathropus
  8. Clever creatures


(b) Complete each of the following statements with the correct historical facts.

(i)The dominant form of social organization in pastoralist societies was called 

(ii) The first leader of Jihad movement in West Africa was called 

(iii)The first European nation to involve in the trading of slaves in the first half of the 15 th century is called 

(iv)An East African historical site where the skull of the earliest man was discovered is known as . 

(v)The source of historical information which is obtained through the word of mouth is called . 


3. Write T for true statement and F for false statement.

  1. Stones were first weapons to be used by man
  2. During earlier stone age man resembled apes
  3. Human being in earlier Stone Age lived in permanent settlement.
  4. Man had greater mastery of the environment during late stone age 
  5. One of sites of earlier Stone Age tools found in central African is Olorgesaile.
  6. The body of Homo habilis was more hairly than that of Homo erectus.
  7. The theory of creation and that of evolution of man are sometimes similar.
  8. It was better for man to use stone tools than iron tools
  9. Art and cultural diversity emerged before 100,000 years ago 
  10. During the Iron Age people did not have permanent shelter.

4.  (a)Arrange the following sentences in a chronological order. 

  1. These activities enable man to obtain his needs from nature. 
  2. Mans basic needs consist of food, clothing and shelter 
  3.  The actions man takes upon nature have one major aim. 
  4.  History is a record of human activities. 
  5.  They aim to change natural objects into a condition satisfying human needs. 


(b) Complete each of the following statements with the correct historical facts.

  1. Mans major technological innovation during the Middle Stone Age was .....
  2. The title of the supreme political leader in the Haya was ..
  3. A place where books, files, colonial and travellers records are kept is called. ..
  4. The feudal system which developed in Zanzibar was called 
  5. The East African Kingdom in which Busulo and Nvunjo feudal relations developed was. . ..



5. Briefly explain the following:

  1.  Evolution .................
  2.  Patrilineal society ..........
  3. Communalism ...........
  4. Afrikaans ............
  5. Mansa Musa . .....

6. What were the effects of the discovery of fire during the Middle and Late Stone Ages? (Give six points)

7. Briefly explain the following terms: 


(ii)Golden Stool

(iii)Boer trek 










TIME: 2HRS                                                                        2020



  • This paper consists of section A, and B 
  • Answer ALL questions
  • Remember to write your name on each and every page of your answer sheets 

 SECTION A ( 60 Marks)

1. Read the following statements carefully and write the letter of the correct answer  in the box or bracket provided

(i) On history time line, the year "O" stands for:

  1. The birth of Christ
  2. The birth of Prophet- Mohamed
  3. The peak of the Roman Empire
  4. An unknown year

 (ii) We can obtain historical information by using:

  1. Oral traditions
  2. Written sources 
  3. Archaeological findings
  4. Archives, museums and all the above

 (iii) The expert whose work are the study of historical remains are called 

  1. Biologist 
  2. Anthropologist 
  3. Archeologist 
  4. Geologist 

(iv) Dr. louis Leakey and his wife Mary carried out Archeological research in 1959 in 

  1. Dodoma
  2. Arusha 
  3. Singida 
  4. Kilimanjaro

(v) One of the following determines the age of historical events beyond 5000 years

  1. Carbon  14 
  2. Age detector 
  3. Carbon of chemical 
  4. Carbon 13

(vi) Oral traditions can be categorized into two ways of passing historical information these are 

  1. Cultural  practice and narration of the past events 
  2. Cultural practice and recalling of events 
  3. Chronology and orders of the events 
  4. Chronology and cultural parts 

 (vii) A person who study all aspects of human life  and culture is known as:-

  1. Archeology 
  2. Linguistic
  3. Anthropologist 
  4. Language 

 (viii) Olduvai Gorge is the historical site found in 

  1. Africa 
  2. Uganda 
  3. Tanzania 
  4. East Africa 

 (ix) A family tree shows the relationship between 

  1. Members of a family over a period of time 
  2. Father, mother and children 
  3. Members  of the family with other families 
  4. Father and children

 (x) The basic  needs of the human man being are 

  1. Water, cloth and shelter 
  2. Shelter, food and clothing 
  3. Food, shelter and  house 
  4. Food, shelter and  maize 

 2. Match  the items in List A with those in List B  by writing the correct letter against the corresponding question  number in the table provided


List A


List B

(i) Carbon 14

(ii) Oral tradition

(iii) Olduvai George

(iv) Nelson Mandela

(v) Iron working site

(vi) Bi- pedalism

(vii) Isimila

(viii) Archives

(ix) Museums

(x) Stone age
  1. This was the period where but man used  stones as the basic raw- material for making tools
  2. Historical site in East Africa 
  3. Collection of private and public documents.
  4. Retired  president of South Africa
  5. Walking on two feet
  6. Meroe
  7. The scientific method used in showing dates 
  8. Historical site in Arusha region
  9. Through a word of mouth 
  10. Created for preservation of historical facts 
  11. Mirambo

 3. Write TRUE for the statement (s) which is correct and FALSE for the wrong statement 

  1. Anthropology is the study of human remains…………………….
  2. Age, in history is a period based on our great ancestors…………….
  3. During the period of the Early or old stone age, people had permanent shelters ………………….
  4. In Tanzania, paintings and drawings in caves in area such as Kondoa- Irangi  and some   places of Singida give evidence of the activities of a settled community  …………………
  5. Rusinga Island and Nsogezi are the famous historicval sites in Kenya…………………….
  6. Tools made in the Early stone  age were bigger  smaller   and sharper than those of the middle stone age ……………………
  7. Kalenga is a historical site and not a national museum……………
  8. Illiterates cannot benefit from archival information…………..
  9. Carbon 14 dating finds dates for remains of animals and plants that died beyond 5,000 years ago……………..
  10. Man distinguished from the other primates by his ability to design tools for specific purposes…… ……………..

 SECTION B ( 40 Marks)

 4.  Define the following historical terms 

  1. History
  2. Bi- pedalism 
  3. Archives
  4.  A decade 
  5. Primates 

5. Differentiate time lines from time charts and family trees from Time graphs



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