Time 3:00 Hrs - A.M 21St March 2024


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with total of eleven (11)
  2. Answer all questions in section A and B and two (02) questions from section C
  3. Section A caries sixteen (16) marks, section B caries fifty four (54) marks and C caries thirty (30) marks.
  4. Write your examination number or name on every page of your answer sheet

Section A (16) Marks) 

Answer all questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i - x) choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter besides the item number in the answer sheet

(i) The elders who was there during the German invasion in Tanganyika, has a habit of narrating regularly to the young generations on how some societies in Tanganyika resisted the Germans Which source of historical information is this?

  1. Oral Traditions
  2. Archives
  3. Museums 
  4. Archaeology
  5. Linguistics.

(ii) When did the theory of evolution of man become more publicly known?

  1. After discovery of man`s remains by Leakey at Olduvai Gorge
  2. After the birth of Charles Darwin
  3. After the publication of the book “The origin Species”
  4. After the scientific discovery of Homo-Habilis and Homo-Erectus
  5. After the spread of religious books like Bible and

(iii) Why salt making industries were important in pre-colonial Africa?

  1. It enabled people to eat uncooked food
  2. It facilitated the development of heavy industries
  3. It played a vital role in food preservation and healing
  4. It enable some societies to make ornaments of copper alloys
  5. It was a source of vitamins

(iv) The military alliance which was formed between Germany, Italy and Japan before the Second World War was known as…

  1. Triple
  2. Berlin-Roma Tokyo Axis
  3. Triple entente
  4. Dual Alliance
  5. Berlin-Rome Axis

(v) An Agricultural system in which plantations were owned and supervised by
European in the colonies was called…..

  1. Plantation Agriculture
  2. Settler Agriculture
  3. Peasant Agriculture
  4. Mixed Farming.
  5. Slash and Burn cultivation.

(vi) Colonialism were established through…

  1. Post-Colonial political changes
  2. Violence and Coercion
  3. Piracy and
  4. Revolution and Violence.
  5. Way laying and bogus treaties.

(vii) What were the big historical event in the World which took place in Europe between the 1750s and 1850

  1. Scramble for Africa
  2. Industrial Revolution
  3. Mercantile capitalism
  4. Emergency of slave trade
  5. Monopoly

(viii) What was the most common method of farming in pre-colonial Africa?

  1. Mixed Farming
  2. Plantation Agriculture
  3. Shifting cultivation
  4. Slash and burning cultivation
  5. permanent crop cultivation

(ix) Trading contacts between East Africa and Asia in the 16th century were
disturbed by….

  1. Berlin conference resolutions
  2. Activities of agents of colonialism
  3. Portuguese invasion
  4. Effect of the First World
  5. Expulsion of the Portuguese

(x) Archaeological findings whose ages are beyond 5000 years are determined by

  1. Using archives
  2. Narration of past events
  3. Remembering events
  4. Using time Charts
  5. Using Carbon

2. Match the descriptions in LIST A with the corresponding names of the revolutions in LIST B by writing the letter of correct response beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.



  1. The revolution that was led by Gamal Abdel Naser in 1952.
  2. The revolution that removed the Arabs Regime from power during the 1960s
  3. The revolution that took place in 1917 and inspired African nationalism.
  4. The revolution that took place in 1949 and provided material and moral support to African nationalist
  5. The revolution whose impact led to the abolition of the slave trade
  6. The revolution that helps people to grow more food and cash crops.
  1. Rusian Revolution
  2. Industrial Revolution
  3. Mineral Revolution
  4. Egypt Revolution
  5. Libya Revolution
  6. Chinese Revolution
  7. Zanzibar Revolution.
  8. Agricultural Revolution.
  9. Sudanese October Revolution

Section B (54 Marks)

Answer all Questions in this Section

3. Briefly answer the following questions

  1. Wamuja is an illiterate man with 91 years old. He narrates past political events to his grand Child who is twenty years old. Why such method used by Mzee Wamuja is considered as unreliable source of historical information?
  2. Why German colonial agents would not forget the Hehe resistance?
  3. How would you relate the French assimilation policy and destruction of African culture?
  4. How would you prove that colonial education was an agent of division and racism in colonial Africa?
  5. Why Adolf Hitler is blamed for the occurrence of the Second World War?
  6. Why some historians consider Chancellor Otto Von Bismarck as the architect of the partition of the African continent?

4. Arrange the following historical events in chronological order by writing number 1 to 6 beside the item number in the answer sheet

  1. By 1880s the scramble for Africa and had reached serious propositions. There were signs that if this scramble was not regulated war would erupt among the European
  2. In order to avert war, Chancellor Otto Von Bismarck of Germany called an international conference of European power, with interests in
  3. The countries that were represented at the conference include Germany, Britain, France, Portugal, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Denmark and the United States of
  4. The Berlin conference introduced the principles of effective occupation of colonies, hence, paving the way for the colonization of the African
  5. The Berlin conference led to economic growth for most European Nations since they were assured of maximum supply of raw material, cheap labour and market for their industrial manufactured
  6. By the late 1870s much of Africa's interior was known to Europe's capitalist interests through the services of explorers and

5. Draw a sketch map of Africa and locate the following by using Roman numbers;

  1. The British East African colony where indirect rule policy was more successful.
  2. The Portuguese colony whose nationalist leader was assassinated by a parcel bomb in Dar es
  3. The Germany colony that resisted Direct rule Policy in 1904 - 1907
  4. The country where the Apartheid Policy was 
  5. The British colony where indirect rule policy was first experimented in Africa

6. In four points, explain the importance of Museums in national

7. In short explain why some areas in Africa experienced intensive scramble more than others? Give four points

8. Access four contributions made by discovery of fire to the development of human.

Section C. (30 Marks) 

Answer two questions in this Section

9. Assess six effects of economic interactions among the people of Africa during the Pre-Colonial period.

10. First and Second World War contributed much to the rise and development of anti-colonial movements in Africa. Discuss this statement by giving six points.

11. "East Africa was affected by the coming of Oman rulers in Zanzibar from 1840s". Discuss this statement by giving six points.







TIME : 3:00 Hours SEPTEMBER 2023


  1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions
  2. Answer all questions in section A and and two (02) questions from section
  3. Section A carries sixteen (16) marks, section B fifty-four (54) marks and section C carries thirty (30) marks. 
  4. All drawings should be in pencil
  5. Write your examination number on every page of your answer sheet


Answer all questions from this section

1. For each of the item (i) – (x) choose the correct answer from the among of the given alternatives and write its letter inside the item umber.

i. The appearance of both Zinjanthropus and Homohabilis marked the beginning of a period in man’s history known as:

  1. Neolithic age
  2. Early stone age
  3. Middle stone age
  4. Modernization age
  5. Pre-colonial period

ii. The term “Apartheid” as was applied to South African societies meant:

  1. No voting right for the African
  2. The best land to be reserved for whites
  3. Color bar between whites and the blacks
  4. Separate development among South African races
  5. Creation of settlements for Africans termed Bantustans

iii. Which one of the following best explains the reason which made Mozambique to use force during her struggle for independence?

  1. It was a settler colony
  2. It was mandated territory
  3. It was trusteeship territory
  4. It was under indirect rule policy
  5. It adopted the open door policy

iv. Which imperial power among the following wanted to colonize Egypt and control the Suez Canal which served as short cut to her colonies I Asia and for East.

  1. Britain
  2. French
  3. German
  4. Belgium
  5. Denmark

v. Which of the following is not true about the feudal relations of production.

  1. Ubwenyenye
  2. Nyarubanja
  3. Ubugabire
  4. Umwinyi
  5. Obusulu

vi. Which of the following countries in Africa obtained independence through armed struggle:-

  1. Namibia, Kenya and Angola
  2. Tanganyika, Kenya and Uganda
  3. Angola, Zimbabwe and Nigeria
  4. Sudan Senegal and Ghana
  5. South Africa, Tanganyika and Mozambique

vii. A form of colonial which was practiced in British East Africa was

  1. Settler and plantation economy
  2. Peasant and plantation economy
  3. Settler and mixed economy
  4. Peasant and settler economy
  5. Plantation and mixed economy

viii. The Hehe resistance in Tanganyika was the African active reaction against.

  1. Italy invasion
  2. Portuguese invasion
  3. French domination
  4. British invasion
  5. German colonial occupation

ix. Samora Machel and Augostino Neto took up arms to fight against foreign domination during the 1970’s. Whose colonial rule were they lighting against.

  1. German
  2. Portuguese
  3. Belgian
  4. French
  5. British

x. Franco Prussian war of 1870 to 1871 was fought between which nation among the following:

  1. Portugal and Belgium
  2. German and French
  3. French and Portuguese
  4. Spain and Belgium
  5. Portugal and German

2. Match the responsibilities in list A with corresponding leaders in list B by writing the correct response beside the item number in answer sheet given



  1. Tanganyika Territory civil servant association.
  2. Providence industrial mission .
  3. Kikuyu independence church
  4. Kilimanjaro native planters Association
  5. Religion of spirit -"Dini ya masambwa"
  6. Young kavirondo association.
  1. Rev John chilembwe
  2. Simon Kimbangu
  3. Jonathan okwir
  4. Martin Kayamba
  5. David maina
  6. Joseph Merinyo
  7. Richard Turnbul.
  8. Elijah Masinde
  9. Eliot Kamwana


Answer all question in this section

3. Briefly answer the following question .

  1. Why reaction of African towards colonialism get failed? Three points
  2. What is the features of early or old Stone Age?. Three points
  3. Explain Three (3) ways on how to determine Dates by historians

4. Arrange the following statements in chronological order by writing number 1 to 6 beside the item number.

  1. Most of slaves from Africa were taken directly to the American and few to Europe.
  2. Dutch, french and British opened sugarcane, tobacco, cotton and coffee plantations in America and used slaves for production.
  3. It was called the Trans-Atlantic Slave trade because it passed through the Atlantic ocean.
  4. It was part of the triangular Trade which involved three continents, namely;Africa, Europe and the American.
  5. The Trade started at the end of 15 century and began to decline by the 18 century.
  6. The Trans-Atlantic Slave trade involved the selling and buying of Africans from Africa and then exporting them to the American and Europe across the Atlantic ocean.

5. Draw the sketch map of Africa and locate the following

  1. British East Africa colony where indirect rule policy was more successful.
  2. The country in East Africa attained independence by armed means.
  3. The country which obtained her independence in 1957.
  4. The country where Simon Kimbangu introduced Kimbanguism Church movement.

6. Argue for the claim that the Ngoni migration brought impacts to the societies in Central and East Africa. Defend by giving six points.

7. With examples explain six (6) principles of Berlin conference.

8. Brielfly explain six problems which faced chartered companies.


Answer only two questions in this section

9. A number of African countries came under military rule within a few years after independence instead of elected civilians. What is the reasons behind for political instability in Africa? Six points.

10. "The aim of the Europeans was to exploit Africans natural and human resources, by providing some basic, social and economic infrastructural facilities." How the infrastructure facilitated the exploitation? Six points.

11. Examine six factors for nationalism in Africa after the Second World War.







Time: 3 Hours August, 2023


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of nine 11 questions.
  2. Answer all questions from section A and B and two (2) questions from section C.
  3. All drawings should be in pencil and labelled by blue or black ink pen.
  4. Cellular phones and calculators are not allowed in the examination room.
  5. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet/sheet(s).
  6. All answers must be written in the answer sheet/booklet(s)

SECTION A: (16 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

1. For each of the following items (i-x) Choose the correct answer among the given alternatives and write its letter besides the item number in your answer booklet/sheet(s) provided

i. Most of Europeans referred Africa as “The Dark continent” because: -

  1. It was geographically isolated from Europe and Europeans knew a little about the people.
  2. It was mostly occupied by black colored inhabitants
  3. It had no civilization and had contributed none to the outsiders.
  4. Its people are cursed sons of Ham.
  5. Some parts of it were under Romans

ii. The missionary who came to East Africa and opened the first missionary centre at Rabai in 1846 was;

  1. Dr. David Livingstone
  2. John Speke
  3. Richard Burton
  4. John Ludwing Krapf
  5. Carl Peters

iii. In Kondoa –Irangi the rock paintings show the beginning of settled communities. In the Sahara Desert the paintings and pictures show that: -

  1. They were moving from Stone Age to Iron Age.
  2. They had started cultivating in the Late Stone Age along the Nile River.
  3. They had started hunting and gathering in the Old Stone Age.
  4. They had started forging iron tools around Meroe and Axum.
  5. They had started taming horses in the Old Stone Age

iv. After the first World war of 1914-1918 the league of Nations made Tanganyika as.;

  1. Mandate territory
  2. Protectorate territory
  3. Independent territory
  4. Trust territory
  5. British East Africa Empire

v. The source of which is used to reconstruct history which is both material and immaterial is known as: -

  1. Anthropology
  2. Linguistic
  3. Oral traditions.
  4. Ethnographic sources
  5. Archaeology

vi. The history of man’s evolution from primates to Homo-Sapiens was associated with great technological discoveries like invasion of fire during the: -

  1. New Stone Age
  2. Middle Stone Age
  3. Old Stone Age
  4. Early Stone Age
  5. Late Stone Age

vii. The Non –Aligned movement was found by;

  1. Tanzania, Ghana, and Egypt
  2. Egypt, Indonesia, and Yugoslavia 
  3. Tanzania, Yugoslavia, and India
  4. Indonesia, Tanzania, and India.
  5. Ghana, Egypt, and Ethiopia.

viii. One of the famous salt–mining places for Trans –Saharan trades was;

  1. Janne
  2. Gao
  3. Taghaza
  4. Timbuktu
  5. Southern

ix. In creation theory, human being is considered as;

  1. God’s creation
  2. Primates
  3. Creation like other
  4. Homo sapiens
  5. Homo habilies

x. The Tanzania independence in 1961 was mainly supported by; 

  1. Language, unity and boundary.
  2. Unity, culture and boundary.
  3. Leadership, unity and culture.
  4. Culture, unity and boundary.
  5. Language, leadership and unity.

2. Match the items in List (A) with the correct response in List (B) by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number in the answer booklet/sheet(s) provided.



(i) An organization whose formation was facilitated by Pan- Africanism.

(ii) A famous nationalist political organization in Ghana.

(iii) The treaty that prevented other foreign powers from occupying Zimbabwe.

(iv) Rwanda Genocide.

(v) Was a ruler or Omukama of Bunyoro kingdom in Uganda from 1870 to 1899.

(vi) Pokot, Karamajong, Nandi, Shona, and Ndebele.

  1. Traders
  2. Farmers
  3. Chwa II Kabalega
  4. UNO
  5. OAU
  6. Pastoralist
  7. CPP
  8. Helgoland treaty
  9. The Moffat treaty
  10. Ntarahamwe
  11. Ntemi Isike
  12. NPC

SECTION B (54 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section 

3. Briefly answer the following questions;

i) How history promote patriotism in Tanzania?

ii) How people become slaves in pre- colonial Africa?

iii) Show how did morans respond to their society in Age-set system?

iv) Why did Germany cease to rule Tanganyika in 1919?

v) How did the colonial state maintained constant labor supply in their colonies?

vi) Why colonial economy is said to be exploitative in nature?

4. Arrange the following sentences in a chronological order by writing their roman numbers in the booklet/sheet(s) given.

(I) Despite of all developments to pre-colonial Africans, Whites called Africa as Dark Continent to mean a continent with no development.

(II) Trade like internal and regional helped different societies to exchange goods which were not produced in their environment. People exchanged what they had with what they did not have.

(III) Example of people who lived near water sources depended on fishing as the basic means of production unlike societies from interlacustrine region like Buganda who lived by agriculture activities and trade.

(IV) Mostly of pre-colonial Africans societies lived by depending on their particular environment and they had their own political and economic system.

(V) The coming of whites in Africa in 15th C brought a lot of social, political and economic changes to Africans like change in trade network and production systems like food crops to cash crops.

(VI) Despite of all changes still there are some of African societies lived by their communal or traditional ways of life up to present time.

5. Draw a sketch map of Africa and locate the following by using roman numbers:

(i) A country where pyramids are found.

(ii) A country where the so called xenophobia takes place after the long journey of apartheid.

(iii) A country that achieved her independence in 1990.

(iv) A country where Sir Richard Turnbull resided before becoming the governor of Tanganyika.

(v) A country which attained her independence under Augustine Neto.

6. Make short explanations of the following;

(i)How archaeology differs from historical sites?

(ii)What is the difference between matrilineal society and patrilineal society?

(iii)What do you understand by the term the Great Trek?

Complete the following sentences with correct facts.

7. (i) South Africa gained majority rule in…… ..,........

(ii)The united state of America got its independence from the British in............

(iii)In…………The Dutch invaded the cape of South Africa.

(iv) Franco- Prussian war took place in ………

(v)……An African hero who resisted strongly the imposition of France in West Africa.

(iv) ……………………….is the big event happened in the middle stone age.

8. Outline six impacts of early contact in East Africa.

SECTION C (30Marks)

Answer two (2) questions from this section.

9. Elaborate six (6) impacts of long-distance trade among the people of East Africa.

10. The collapse of fort Jesus in Mombasa in 1698 marked the end of the Portuguese rule in East Africa. Show six (6) main factors which lead to the end of Portuguese rule in east Africa

11. “It is inadequate to assess the African nationalism from the explanation based on external context only neglecting the influence of political inspiration from within Africa” With six (6) points show the contingency of this statement.







(For both School and Private candidates)

Time: 3 Hours Thursday, May 11, 2023, a.m.


  1. This paper consists of three sections A, B and C with a total of 11 questions.
  2. Answer all questions in sections A and B and any two questions from section C.
  3. Section A carries sixteen (16) marks, section B fifty four (54) marks and section C thirty (30) marks.
  4. All writing must in blue or black ink
  5. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  6. Write examination number on every page of answer booklet.


Answer all questions this section

1. For each of the following items (i) — (x) choose the correct answer from the given alternative and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

(i) Edina's grandmother, who is 80 years old, regularly narrates to her granddaughter, Edina, who is 17 years old and her friends on many past political events of our country. Which source of historical information does Edina's grandmother use?

  1. Archives
  2. Museums
  3. Oral traditions
  4. Archeology
  5. Linguistics

(ii) Mariam is a form four student at Mtakuja secondary school; she does not know the correct set of components of social interaction. As a form four student, which among the following sets can be used to teach her so as to help her understand?

  1. Marriage, Religion, Medicine and Migration
  2. Music, Migration, Trade and mental working )
  3. Agriculture, religion, War and Marriage
  4. Metal working, music, War and Religion.

(iii) James wants to learn and understand the culture, beliefs and ideologies of the Maasai. For him to understand all those he should live among them. Who is James?

  1. Historian
  2. Anthropologist
  3.  Archaeologist
  4. Archivist
  5. Linguistic

(iv) Msemakweli is a form four student who originates from Nyamwezi; a tribe which inherits based on father's side. What is the proper term that describes his society?

  1. Patrilineal society
  2. Matrilineal society
  3. Clan head society
  4. Age-set society

(v) History students at Kill secondary school were discussing "the period which marked the intensive competition and war fare among the European nations for profit maximization" This discussion can be summarized in one term as.

  1. Mercantilism
  2. Industrial capitalism
  3. Bullionism
  4. Colonialism
  5. Monopoly capitalism

(vi) Mzee Juma has large farm of about 100 acres, he allows other landless people to cultivate in his land under agreements of taking 60% of the harvest and the cultivator remain with 40% of the harvest. This kind of system can be referred to as: 

  1. Primitive communalism
  2. Capitalism
  3. Feudalism
  4. Socialism
  5. Slavery

(vii)Tanganyika and Ghana got independence through constitutional means. While some of the African countries failed to use the means instead they opted- armed struggle for independence. Which among the following countries attained their independence through this approach?

  1. Burundi, Kenya and Nigeria
  2. Angola, Namibia and Mozambique
  3. South Africa, Kenya and Uganda
  4. Ghana, Congo and Uganda
  5. Zimbabwe, Malawi and Rwanda.

(viii) Madam Tausi is a form three history teacher who entered in the class with only ten (10) history text books while the number of students was 33_ Unfortunately, there was stiff competition among the students. Later the teacher solved by grouping the students so as everyone would access the text book. As historian, which historical event can you relate this with?

  1. Pan Africanism
  2. Scramble for and partition of Africa
  3. Versailles peace treaty 
  4. Abolition of slave trade
  5. League of nations

(ix) Which of the following were causes of second crisis of the capitalists system?

  1. Impact of the First World War
  2. Over production versus under consumption
  3. Impact of the Second World War
  4. Bankrupt of financial sector.
  1. I and II 
  2. II and III
  3. III and IV 
  4. I and III
  5. I and IV

(x) In 1936 the Berlin -Rome-Tokyo Axis was formed as military alliance which consists the following members

  1. Russia, German and Japan
  2. Britain, France and USA
  3. German, Italy and Japan
  4. German, Italy and Belgium
  5. Russia, Britain and France

2. Match the following description in LIST A with the corresponding items in LIST B by writing its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet(s) provide.

  1. A German colony where a joint revolt of Nama and Herero against Germany took place 
  2. A French colony which was  "workshop" of French assimilation of policy
  3. Its leader fought a war with the French in 1891 using the guerrilla warfare technique for about seven before he was defeated
  4. Resistance fought against British in Kenya.
  5. A British colony where a joint revolt of Shona and Ndebele against British took place
  6. Abyssinia crisis 1935
  1. Southern Italy 
  2. Nama and Herero resistance 
  3. South west colony 
  4. Mandika resistance 
  5. Britain 
  6. Southern Rhodesia 
  7. Northern Rhodesia 
  8. Nyasaland 
  9. Senegal 
  10. South Africa 
  11. Mozambique 
  12. Holland 
  13. Nandi resistance 
  14. The war fought between Ethiopia and Italy. 


Answer all questions in this section

3. Briefly answer the following questions.

  1. Why history subject should not be regarded by students as an optional subject in school?
  2. Why Adolf Hitler's ambition is blamed for the occurrence of the Second World War?
  3. The Old man who never attended school narrated the past political events to his grandchild. Why such narration is considered as unreliable source of historical in formation?
  4. Medicine was among the social factors for interaction among Africans. Briefly explain how it stimulated interaction. 
  5. How African continent involved in the first world war while the war fought among the imperialist power in Europe'?
  6. How colonial social services facilitated smooth operation of colonial rule in Africa?

4. Re arrange the following statements in chronological order by writing number 1 to 6 beside the item number.

  1. Through the Heligoland treaty Uganda and Witu were incorporated in the British sphere of influence and Germany brought part of Sultan's coastal strip. 
  2. The Berlin conference divided Africa into spheres of influence.
  3. The Anglo German defined the territories of Sultan of Zanzibar and European sphoe.of influence in East Africa.
  4. The German Government took over the affairs of the company.
  5. But it did not establish clear boundaries between sphere of influence in the interior of Africa.
  6. The German East African company attempted unsuccessfully to develop the German sphere.

5. Draw a sketch map of Africa and locate by using Roman numbers.

  1. A country which resisted colonial rule in 1896 — 1897.
  2. The British colony which regained her independence in 1957.
  3. The country in which German commander Emil Von Zelewsky was killed.
  4. The biggest Belgium colony in Africa.
  5. A Portuguese colony which tried to adopt a socialist ideology under the FRELIMO political party.
  6. A country in which civil war began in 1975 and continued until 2002 when Jonas Savimbi died.
  7. The Island which was the centre of slave market before colonial period.
  8. A country which presented a document of socialist ideology on October 1969 termed the "Common Man's character".

6. Provide short explanation on each of the following historical terms.

  1. Nationalism
  2. Colonialism
  3. First World War
  4. Assimilation policy
  5. Delimitation treaty
  6. Versailles peace treaty

7. For each of the following descriptions, write an appropriate term which is relevant to a given description.

  1. The colonial administration system in which Africans were supervising their fellow Africans in performing the colonial projects on behalf of colonial government.
  2. Mzee Mirambo was a soldier who participated in Kagera War between 1978 and 1979. He usually narrates the past events that he witnessed. Therefore Mzee Mirambo is using which type of oral sources.
  3. A Military conflict that influenced the coming of Ngoni from South Africa into East Africa.
  4. The Sudden military overthrow of civilian government by armed force.
  5. Refers to the type of independence Africa nations attained during their struggle in 1960's, 1970's and 1980's from their colonial masters by hosting their national flags and bringing down colonial flags.
  6. The indirect control of the African nations by their former colonial masters socially, politically and economically.

8. Raniah is a form four student who knows that the East African community provided a chance for free movement of people and cooperation among the members of the community, but she doesn't know the problems facing new East African community. As a historian explain to her the problems facing the new East African community.


Answer two (2) questions from this section

9. "It drummed in Europe but danced in African" in reference to "The Great Economic Depression. Justify this statement by giving six points with concrete examples.

10. Settler agriculture was among forms of colonial agriculture during colonial economy in East Africa mainly dominated in Kenya due to favoritism done by the colonial government. Verify the statement with six (6) points.

11. The outbreak of Russia Ukraine war in 2022 is the same with the outbreak of the Second World War. With concrete examples, why was the outbreak of Second World War inevitable?







TIME: 3.00 HOURS MAY 2023


  1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of eleven (11) questions
  2. Answer all questions in section A and B and two questions from section C
  3. Section A carries 16 marks, section carries 54 marks, and section C carries 30 Marks
  4. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room
  5. All drawings should be in a pencil
  6. Write your examination number on every page of your answer booklet(s)

SECTION A (16 marks)

Answer all questions from this section

  1. For each of the items (i)-(x) choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number.
  1. One of the form one student wasn’t present when his /her teacher covered the first history topic, help the student to understand the meaning of history basing on the following alternatives;
  1. The study of events and process which happened in the past and might influence the future
  2. The study of past events that is much affected by the future events in human history
  3. The study of events basing on inhuman activities
  4. The study of only events that have positive results on human being
  5. The study of only events that have negative results on human being
  1. Students of History should understand the fact that
  1. Africa had no development at all before the coming of the missionaries
  2. The coming of traders in Africa by the 19th century was a blessing to Africans handcraft industries
  3. Africa had its own economic and technological achievement before the 15th century
  4. Changes in African societies were independent of the contact with Asia and Europe by the 20th century
  5. The present development problems are result of colonialism only
  1. Our grandfather used his evening time to sit under the tree and telling her grandson and daughter stories about people and events. What kind of historical information he was providing . . . . . . .
  1. Historical site
  2. Written records
  3. Story telling
  4. Oral tradition
  5. Archives
  1. Which of the following is the best description of Homohabilis
  1. The early man
  2. The modern man
  3. The current man
  4. The erect man
  5. Man the tool maker
  1. The Portuguese were the earliest European to contact with Africa. These people made various voyage on sea ferrying in different period of time. Who was the first Portuguese to visit the Cape of Good Hope?
  1. Carl Peter
  2. Jan Van Riebeeck
  3. King Henry VIII
  4. Bartholomew Diaz
  5. Dr. Livingstone
  1. The British colonial rule in East Africa constructed the Uganda railway order to
  1. Attract more Europeans settlers to Kenya
  2. Compete with imperial German East African rule
  3. Provide cheap means of transport for East African people
  4. Gain easy access to resources surrounding the interlacustrine area
  5. Facilitate transportation of suppressive soldiers against the rebel Buganda empire
  1. What did emergency of Maumau in Kenya indicate
  1. The settlers were in full control of the country
  2. Kenyans were prepared to sacrifice their lives for liberation of their land
  3. Jomo Kenyatta was the likely person to lead independent in Kenya
  4. There was disunity among the Africans in their opposition to British rule
  5. The direct rule system as applied in Kenya did not function
  1. Why the British in East Africa provided colonial health services to few areas such as settlers plantation areas, military camps and cash crop producing areas
  1. To make their subject support colonial rule
  2. To keep their subjects wealthier and resistant to diseases
  3. To make their subjects fit for economic production
  4. To make their subjects loyal to the colonial state
  5. To stop their subjects from using traditional medicines
  1. Which of the following were the long term causes of the First World War?

(I)The formation of the military alliances among the greater powers of Europe

(II)The need for revenge among European power

(III)The assassination of Archduke Franc Ferdinand of Serbia

(IV)The rise of Adolf Hitler and Nazism in Germany

  1. I and II
  2. II and III
  3. IV and I
  4.  III and IV
  5. I and III
  1. Mr Kipepe who is an elder at Milundikwa village fails to understand the reasons which made Mozambique to use violent way when fighting for independence. Choose the rightest alternative among the following that will help him to understand;
  1. Opted the open door policy 
  2. It was under indirect rule 
  3. It was a mandated territory
  4. It was a trusteeship territory
  5. Banning of political parties
  1. Match the items in list A with the correct response in list B by writing the letter of the response beside the item number.

List A

List B

  1. Linked Africa to Portuguese merchantalism
  2. The founder of Mali Empire
  3. Led the Ngoni group which settled in Ufipa
  4. The last leader of the Boer movement
  5. A leader of Nyamwezi Chiefdom
  6. The second and last King of Ndebele.
  1. Samora Machel
  2. Carl Peters
  3. Wairihu itote
  4. Zwangendaba
  5. Fredrick De Klerk
  6. Sundiata Keita
  7. Vasco Da Gama
  8. Isike
  9. Mansa Mussa
  10. Green revolution
  11. Lobengula

 SECTION B (54 Marks)

Answer all questions from this section

  1. Fill the blanks on the following:-

The Dutch came from Holland (Netherland) and settle at the Cape of (i)………………..in (ii) …………………. Under the leadership of (iii) ……… …………… The Dutch sometime are called (iv) …………………. that refers the farmers. When they settled they called themselves as (v)…………………. After the settled they started agricultural ctivities and what they produced were exchanged with Khoikhoi who exchanged tobacco or alcohol. They were removed at the Cape by the (vi)........................... in early 19th century.

  1. Arrange the following statements in chronological order by writing number 1 to 5 beside the item number.

(i) The majimaji war was unique in the way it united a number of different tribes in common rebellion.

(ii) The German authorities were surprised when their headquarters and officials were attacked.

(iii) However, the revolt failed due to poor tools and techniques.

(iv) The last and most serious revolt against German rule broke out in July 1905.

(v) The immediate cause of discontent was the governments cotton scheme.

(vi) A prophet named Kinjekitile of Ngarambe declared that magic water will turn bullets into water.

5. The French Assimilation policy aimed on changing African into French black men but only few of them became Assimilators why? (list six points)

6. The villagers asked you to educate them about early contact between Africa and Middle East and Far East. Briefly, outline to them six (6) economic outcomes of the contact between Africa and Middle and Far East.

7. Briefly answer the following questions:

(i) Differentiate between the tools made and used during the Old Stone Age and the Late Stone Age (three differences)

(ii) How did missionaries help in colonization (three points)

(iii) Why did the settlers prefer to settle in the highlands of East Africa? (three points)

8. Draw a sketch map of Africa and locate the following:

(i) the former German colony of Togo

(ii) German Cameroon Protectorate

(iii) German East Africa

(iv) A coast city of Witu

(v) South West Africa.

SECTION C (30 Marks)

Attempt only two (2) questions from this section. Every question weigh 15 marks

9. Human being used to live in caves at forest with wild and dangerous animals. His life depends on hunting and gathering fruits, roots, and others. In sometimes lived in cold condition and eat row meat. Later his life changed after discovered fire in the middle stone age. What were the importance of fire to man’s life during the middle stone age to Neolithic age ( six (6) point )

10. Africa had her own trading system very long before the colonial rule. Use Trans-Saharan trade as an example to show how trade affected pre-colonial African societies.

11. It was astonishing and unbelievable” the Arab government was an aware of holly revolution of Zanzibar. With concrete examples explain six fruits of revolution to the people of Zanzibar







TIME :3 Hours May 2023


  1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of eleven (11) questions.
  2. Answer all questions in section A and B and ONLY two (2) questions from section C.
  3. All drawings should be in pencil.
  4. Remember to write your Examination number on every page of your answer sheet(s).







SECTION A (16 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i) - (x), choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number.

i. cultural practices through which historical information can be obtained include;

  1. Archaeology, museums and archives
  2. Museums, archives and religion
  3. Superstitions, religion, and riddles
  4. Archaeology, funerals and riddles
  5. Oral traditional, museums and archives

ii. The period which was characterized by intense competition and warfare among the European states during 17th century is called

  1. Capitalism
  2. Mercantilism
  3. Feudalism
  4. Industrial revolution
  5. Scramble

iii. Which one among the following statement is not true about the discoveries made by man during the middle stone age;

  1. Use of wooden and bone materials to facilitate production
  2. Introduction of stone picks, spears, arrows, knives and needles
  3. Development of sharper, smaller and portable tools.
  4. Discovery of fire
  5. Emergence of social cultural groups or ethics groups

iv. Who among the following supported greatly the idea to have a British empire from the cape to Cairo

  1. Sir George Goldie
  2. Cecil john Rhodes
  3. Caption Frederick Lugard
  4. Sir harry Johnstone
  5. Carl peters

v. which major problem faced independent Africa in political aspects after independence?

  1. low income to the majority
  2. experts without white collar jobs
  3. the balance of ministers from former colonial masters;
  4. size of independent states
  5. imbalance in power sharing

vi. Which of the following was not encouraged by the policies of ujamaa Tanzania?

  1. The cooperative movement
  2. Regional development for equity
  3. Villagization camps
  4. People’s self-projects
  5. People’s development through self-reliance

vii. The jihad war in West Africa under Othman dan Fodio, and Alhaj Omar and Ahmed Seku resulted into

  1. Formation of big empires like Mandinka and the Sokoto caliphate
  2. Formation of big empires like Mali and Songhai
  3. Creation of small political entities
  4. Formation of the state of Nigeria
  5. Disintegration of weaker states at the coast of west Africa.

viii. One of the objectives of SADC is to;

  1. Help member states to combat HIV/AIDS pandemic
  2. Help member states to secure genuine and equitable regional integration.
  3. Establish a common defense among the member states
  4. Help Southern African countries to be self-reliant instead of depending on the south Africa
  5. Promote the use of Kiswahili language among the member states

ix. Why were the rulers of small Nguni groups were able to defeat and consolidate their power to most of the east African societies?

  1. War captives were spared and recruited into Ngoni army
  2. Their army used more magic power than weapon
  3. Their female subjects were married by defeated tribes
  4. Their male subjects were agents of colonialism
  5. Their army had poor weapons like guns

x. Colonialism created the condition of neo colonialism

  1. The African petty- bourgeoisie as a class was created to serve the big capitalist
  2. The industrial sector was smallest of all
  3. Rich Africans were not accommodated
  4. Economically, the structure set emphasized on primary sector.
  5. Revolutionary nationalist leaders were eliminated.

2.Match the description in List A with corresponding founders of political parties which were inherited by independent African countries in List B by writing the letter of the response beside the item number.



  1. Tanganyika African national union
  2. United Tanganyika party
  3. Uganda people congress
  4. United gold coast convention
  5. Convention people ‘s party
  6. African national congress
  1. J. B Danquah
  2. Joshua nkomo
  3. Juliaskambarage Nyerere
  4. Daniel arapmoi
  5. William j Seymour
  6. Komla agbel
  7. Edward twining
  8. Apolo Milton Obote
  9. John Langalibalele

SECTION B (54 Marks).

Answer all questions in this section

  1. Provide brief explanations for the following:
  1. How did the East Africa Communities collapse in 1977?
  2. How the First World War affected east African colonies?
  3. What are the roles of women in the liberation struggle in Africa?
  1. Briefly differentiate the following concept with vivid examples;
  1. Assimilation and association policy
  2. Acheuleans and Oldowans
  3. Early nationalism and mass nationalism

5. (A) How Tanzanian benefited by become the member of the commonwealth?

(B) Who benefited from triangular slave trade and how?

6. Arrange the following statements in chronological order by writing number 1 to 5 beside the item numbers.

  1. In 1949 the youth league launched its “programme of Action” which aimed at attainment of freedom from white domination
  2. This made nationalist struggles in south Africa to be more complicated and long
  3. African nationalist politics in south Africa started with the formation of south Africa started with the formation of the south Africa native national congress (SANNC) in 1912
  4. The imposition of capitalist relations of production in south Africa, unlike other parts of the continent, is underlined by racism.
  5. In 1964, nelson Mandela was arrested and sent to jail. Later in 1990 he was released and the majority rule was obtained in 1994
  6. African national congress (ANC) led by nelson Mandela established its armed wing known as “Umkhonto we Swize” (spear of the nation) which immediately embarked upon military operations within south Africa

7.Each of the following paragraph is supposed to have five (5) sentences, which form a complete historical narrative. One of the sentences missing. Identify the missing sentence from the sentences listed below each paragraph. The sentence is Labelled A to E. Write the letter of the missing sentence beside the item number.

  1. The MajiMaji war began in July 1905 at Matumbi in South -eastern Tanganyika
  2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...
  3. African warriors faced the Germans with the beliefs that magic water would made them bullet proof.
  4. Attacks were made on the European missions, plantations and government offices.
  5. By 1906 all the area south of river Rufiji was engaged in the war.
  1. German bullets killed Africans who did not have enough belief in that magic water.
  2. In 1907 African warriors managed to liberate the area south of River Rufiji.
  3. Africans used this war to test their newly discovered weapons.
  4. People were encouraged by some magic water given by KinjekitileNgwale
  5. The rebellion was caused by confiscation of Mbunga cattle by the Germans.

  1. Naturally near to each great slave riding tribe was another group that suffered.
  2. The raids of the Mande and Fulani meant that Kisi tribe was hard hit.
  3. On the gold cost the Akan speakers made life so difficult for the Ga people that until today they still remember the Atlantic slave trade.
  4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
  5. The raiding tribes however ripped good profit out of this trade.
  1. The north Mbundu of Angola were nearly wiped out by the attacks of the African neighbors and by Portuguese armies.
  2. The northern Mbundu people of Zimbabwe were wiped out by the attacks of Ndebele and Portuguese armies.
  3. The northern Mbundu people of southern Rhodesia were wiped out by the Yao and Ngoni armies.
  4. The Southern Mbugu people of Guinea were wiped out by Mande and British armies
  5. The Northern Mbundu people of Northern Rhodesia were wiped out by slave traders from East Africa.

  1. In Tanganyika and Kenya there were massive peasant resistances.
  2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
  3. These were to large extent class struggle opposed to colonialism.
  4. These resistances were caused by crude colonial exploitation and oppression.
  5. These resistances were important background for independence of the two nations.
  1. These were kikuyu and Abushiri resistance
  2. These were tribe wars of Machemba of the Yao.
  3. These involved Maji Maji war of 1905-1907
  4. These involved MajiMaji war of 1905-1907 and Mau mau war of 1952
  5. These were Nandi resistance and Mkwawa resistance of 1890s

  1. According to AngloGerman agreement of 1890, German recognize Uganda to be under the British control.
  2. German give up Witu to the British
  3. German accepted British protectorate over Zanzibar.
  4. German took over the 16 km coastal strip from the sultan of Zanzibar
  5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
  1. The British give to German an island known as Heligoland in the North Sea in Europe
  2. The sultan of Zanzibar was given the monopoly of slave trade in east Africa
  3. Britain give to German Alsace and Loraine.
  4. Tsavo game reserve came under the control of German
  5. Britain give East Africa to German.

  1. On 7th July 1954 TAA which had semi- political objectives was transformed into full fledged political party called TANU.
  2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  3. It educated the people on unit and did away with divisive obstacles such as tribalism, racialism and religious differences
  4. It got supported from different popular associations
  5. It also mobilized people to fight for national independence
  1. Its leaders wanted Tanganyika to have association with Britain as an overseas territory.
  2. It was supported by rich Indian merchants
  3. TANU aimed at attainment of national independence.
  4. Most TAA members refused to join TANU
  5. TANU was made the sole political party in Tanganyika before 1960.

  1. UN secretariat the headquarters is in New York
  2. It administers peace keeping operations in many countries which are in wars
  3. It implements the decision of general assembly.
  4. It mediates international disputes
  5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...
  1. It formulates plans for the establishment of a system to ligulate armament.
  2. It fixes sanctions on the aggressive states.
  3. It recommends the admission of new member
  4. It draws annual budget of the UN.
  5. It takes military action against aggressors

  1. The first world war lasted from 1914 to 1918
  2. It was primary a struggle between the major power of European.
  3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
  4. Although the first world war involved purely European issues it was inevitable that the overseas empires of the two sides be involved.
  5. War resulted in starvation, misery and hunger in many parts of Africa.
  1. Tanganyika was to be under German rule after the war
  2. The killing of Franz Archduke become one of the long-term causes of war
  3. German, France and Italy joined and fight against triple alliance of Britain, Russia and USA.
  4. Britain, France and their allieswere fight against German, Austria and turkey.
  5. All European nations struggle for colonies in the Balkan state.

  1. The French used police of assimilation in their colonies
  2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
  3. Thus, every aspect of African life, namely social, cultural, political and economic had to be changed
  4. The most powerful tools of assimilation were education and training.
  5. The policy was based on the doctrine of equality of men as advocated by the French revolutionaries of the 18th century
  1. An assimilated African was protected by French laws but was not allowed to contest for election to the French parliament
  2. The policy aimed to transform Africans into French citizens.
  3. The policy involved the transfer of loyal Africans to France.
  4. The assimilated Africans become regional commissioners in France colonies.
  5. After fulfilling some condition African was turned into Senegal citizens

  1. The art of making iron was one of the great discoveries, which shaped man’s social economic development
  2. Those who involved themselves in that industries were called black smiths.
  3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...
  4. The knowledge of iron working was kept secret in all societies in order to maintain monopoly over it.
  5. After sometime it was made a religious thing such as ritualized
  1. African used their iron in making railway lines.
  2. Blacksmith learned how to identify rocks containing iron ore.
  3. This discovery resulted in the establishment of large iron and still industries in east Africa in 18th century.
  4. Iron was used in making luxury articles
  5. Iron weapon enable Africans to defeat Europeans during colonization.
  1. Draw a sketch map of Africa and locate the following by using Roman numbers.
  1. A country which resisted colonial rule successfully in 1896
  2. A British colony which regained her independence in 1957
  3. The capital city of a country whose president was overthrown in a coup in 1971
  4. The former Italian colony which attained her independence in Des, 1951
  5. The country in which genocide occurred in 1994
  6. The country where chief Makoko signed a treaty with French Explorer in 1879

SECTION C (30 Marks)

Answer only two (2) questions from this section

9. Assess six main features of colonial trade and commerce in Africa

10. With concrete examples from various parts of Africa, assess six factors that determined the forms of decolonization in Africa

11. With vivid examples, examine six factors which led to changes in political, ideological and administrative system in Africa after independence.








  1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with total of 10 questions.
  2. Answer all questions in section A and B and only two (2) questions from section C.
  3. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in examination room.
  4. All drawings should be in pencil.
  5. Write your examination number on every page of your answer sheet(s).


Answer all questions in this section.

1. (i) The student at Mtakuja Secondary school went to visit a special buildinL, where historical artifacts and other artistic objects are kept, this place historically is known as

  1. Museums
  2. Historical site
  3. Archive
  4. Archaeology
  5. Oral tradition

(ii) Tanganyika was handed over to British as mandate territory by

  1. League of nations
  2. Trusteeship territory
  3. Exploitation of man by man
  4. Pan- Africanism
  5. Berlin Conference

(iii) Who named the Southern tip of Africa "Cape of Good Hope?"

  1. Vasco da Gam
  2. Prince Henry
  3. Cecil Rhodes
  4. Bartholomew Diaz
  5. Christopher Columbus

(iv) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .remain true pioneer of assimilation policy practiced by France.

  1. Fredrick Lugard
  2. Willium Macknon
  3. Carla Bruni
  4. Lientenant Governor Gallien
  5. Nicholous Pius, Stephen Sarkozy, Naggy Boccu,

(v) Samora Machel and Augustine Neto took up arms to fight against their colonial domination during the second half of 20th century. Which colonial rule were they fighting against?

  1. British
  2. German
  3. Portuguese
  4. French
  5. Belgium

(vi) Population pressure and shortage of land made ____________ war Inevitable

  1. Mfecane
  2. Majimaji
  3. Maumau
  4. Chimurenga
  5. The kaffir

(vii) In which of the following did microlithic occur

  1. Iron age
  2. Middle stone age
  3. Early stone age
  4. Late stone age
  5. None of the above

(viii) The powers participated in the world war I were "Triple Entente and Triple Alliance". Entente means

  1. Understanding
  2. Strong
  3. Agreement
  4. Alliance
  5. Mutual

(ix) The colonialist in order to ensure effectively administration in their Colonies decided to use governors who became the top leaders in the Colony The first -governor in Kenya Sir Charles Eliot stressed On the

  1. Construction of Uganda railway
  2. Introduction of steamers in lake Victoria
  3. Integration of Kikuyu into plantation economy
  4. Establishment of settler economy
  5. Creation of SILABU

(x) Who convened the conference which legalized colonization of Tanganyika by Britain from the German?

  1. David Livingstone
  2. Otto von Bismarck
  3. Woodrow Wilson
  4. King Menelic II
  5. Adolf Hitler

2. Match the items in List A with the correct response in List B by riling the letter of the corresponding responses in the answer sheet provided.

List A List B

(i) He ordered in the final solution that the Jewish population should be eliminated

(ii) He chaired the idea of forming a stronger African organization in the 1990's

(iii) He formulated 14 points of League of Nations

(iv) He stated that man developed from an ape like creature

(v) The French representative in the Versailles Peace treaty of 1919.

(vi)The colonial administrator of Dutch East Indian Company

  1. David Livingstone
  2. Otto von Bismark
  3. Muammary Gaddafi
  4. Benito Mussolin
  5. Louis Leakey
  6. Adolf Hitler
  7. Charles Darwin
  8. Woodrow Wilson
  9. Jan van Riebeek
  10. George Clemenceau


Answer all questions in this section 

3. Briefly answer the following questions,

  1. Why British preferred indirect rule in most of African colonies?
  2. How the discover of iron changed the development of human during the pre ­colonial epoch?
  3. Flow would you prove that colonial education was the seeds which destroyed colonialism in Africa?
  4. ro what extent did the unfair terms of the Versailles Peace Treaty of 1919 contribute to the outbreak of the Second World War?
  5. Why did Portugal stop to search for the sea route to India?
  6. Why did the colonial infrastructures run perpendicular to the coast?

4. Arrange the following statements in chronological order by writing number 1 to 6 beside the item number.

  1. Berlin Conference was called by Otto von Bismark to resolve the conflict among the imperialist powers.
  2. The imperialist powers sent agents of colonialism such as explorers, missionaries, and traders,
  3. The colonial economy was introduced to ensure maximum production of raw materials for European industries_
  4. The scramble for and partition of Africa took place after European nations served the potential information about Africa_
  5. The colonial administrative system was created to ensure supervision of colonial activities,
  6. The colonial social services were established to ensure better health and knowledge for maximum production of raw materials

5. Draw a sketch map of Africa and locate the following.

  1. A country in West Africa which attained independence under the leadership of Nandi Azikiwe.
  2. The largest Belgium colony found in Africa.
  3. The country in which German commander Emil Von Lelewsky was killed
  4. A country in East Africa which her president entered into power through dictatorship in 1971
  5. A country in sub Saharan Africa which got her independence earlier than other African countries.
  6. A country which experienced intensive scramble from Dutch and British due to diamond and gold minerals.

6, Briefly explain by differentiating the following historical terms.

  1. Museums and Historical Sites
  2. Nationalism and Decolonization
  3. Holocaust and Soweto massacre
  4. Mercantilism and monopoly.
  5. Archaeology and Anthropology
  6. Primates and Homo erectus

7. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate historical terminology.

  1. The title given to the King of Mali . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  2. A title given to the young men MAU MAU movement known as Waruhiu Itote . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  3. The language spoken by the Boers in South Africa was . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  4. The title given to Oyo Empire was . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  5. The document written in the 1ST Century serving as evidence of the contact between Africa, middle and Far East . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  6. The symbol used by Asante Empire to signify unity . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Attempt ONLY two (2) questions.

8. How did colonial state uphold the interests of white settlers in Kenya? (Six points)

9. With vivid examples account for the state of political Instability and Coups in many African countries since the attainment of political independence. (Six points)

10: By using six points discuss the reasons for the rapid expansion or slave trade in East Africa during the 19th century.






Code: 012 HISTORY

(For Both School and Private candidates) 

Time: 3 Hours 


  1. This paper consist of section A, B and C with total of eleven (11) questions
  2. Answer all questions in section A and B and two questions from section C
  3. Cellular phone and unauthorised materials are not allowed in examination room
  4. All drawings should be in pencil
  5. Write your examination number on every page of your booklet.

SECTION A (16 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

1 . For each of the items i — x choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and its letter in the answer booklets provided

i. The discipline that deal with the study of the societies culture practise and pattern of human societies, one of its limitation is

  1. It help historian to reconstruct the past
  2. It has bias because the information collected may be affected by altitudes of the author
  3. It help to learn the culture of people
  4. It help us to establish the origin and inter-relationship between societies
  5. It is environmentally un friendly

ii. Homo habils and Homo eractus made stone tools but they were named differently, tools made by homo habils are called . . . . . . . with those by homo eractus are called . . . . . . . .

  1. Acheullian tools, oldowan tools
  2. Oldowan tools ,acheulian tools
  3. Microliths,Macroliths
  4. Sangoan tools, pebble tools 
  5. Clevers tools ,pebble tools

iii. Which of the following societies in west Africa were famous in using copper alloys for making various ornaments

  1. Igbo and Yoruba 
  2. Venda and Mashona
  3. Manganja and Fulani 
  4. Yoruba and Mandika 
  5. Mandika and Igbo

iv. Which of the following describe the major forms of feudal relation interlacustrine regions

  1. Nyarubanja Busulu,Ubugabire 
  2. Ubugabire,Serfdom, Communalism
  3. Ntemi ship, kihampa, Nyarubanja
  4. Slavery , Umwinyi, , Communalism
  5. Kihampa, umwinyi ,Umheto,Nyarubanja

v. Monopoly capitalism is the highest stage of capitalism, which of the following characterised the stage

  1. Primitive accumulation of capital
  2.  A tremendous decline of commercial activities
  3. End of industrial activities
  4. Emergence of finance capitalism 
  5. The emergence of small capital

vi. Ngoni people from Natal south Africa were succeeded to conquer the communities of east Africa because of the following methods

  1. Arrows, Assegai, fire methods
  2. Long shield, hiding, cow horn methods
  3.  Short stabbing spears, long shield, running methods
  4. Fighting means, killing, Assegai
  5. Cow horns formation, Assegai, long shield methods

vii. The international conference of November 1884 to February 1885 that was held by Otto Van Bismarck, agreed on the following except one

  1. To notify each other 
  2. Freedom of navigation
  3. To develop militarism
  4. To abolish slavery and slave trade 
  5. Effective occupation

viii. Why the British in east Africa provided colonial health services to few areas as settler plantation, military camps and cash crops production areas?

  1. To make their subject support colonial rules
  2. To make their subject to fit for economic production
  3. To make their subject wealthier and resistance to disease
  4. To make their subject royal to the colonial state
  5. To stop their subject from using traditional medicine

ix. The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife in Austria-Hungary prompted the eruption of the First World War. What make the war to spread world-wide?

  1. Presence of military alliances
  2. Berlin conference occupation
  3. Franco- Prussian war
  4. Italy- Ethiopian war
  5. Emergence of USA

x. Social and welfare association were peasants and workers interest group formed by Africans protest against colonial exploitation and oppression. In which ways did these groups contributed the rise mass nationalism in Africa

  1. They promote African to work hard on colonial farms
  2. They motivate and keep African politics alive
  3. They agree to join with whites interest
  4. They motivate African to produce cash crops
  5. They promote and make tribes groups for African ceremonies

2. Match the following historical statements in list A with the correct names in list B by writing the letter of the correct response bellow the corresponding items number in booklets provided



(i) A tittle of the leader given to king of Congo kingdom

(ii) A title of leader given to king of Asante kingdom

(iii) A founder of Mwanamutapa kingdom 

(iv) A founder of Kimbu empire

(v) A founder of Songhay empire

(vi) A title of ruler in Oyo state

  1. Kalala ilunga
  2. Mlungu
  3. Mani congo
  4. Tunka manin
  5. Sundiata keita
  6. Asante hene
  7. Nyungu ya Mawe
  8. Mirambo
  9. Alaafin
  10. Oba
  11. Nyatsimba mutota
  12. Sunni Ali


Answer all questions in this section

3. (a) With any two point relate the scramble for and partition of Africa in 19th century with industrial revolution in Europe

(b) Describe the changes that happen in the late Stone Age which lead the lives of man to develop

(c) Historian can date different events for remembering from one generation to another.

Analyse any two ways that are used to determine date in history

4. (a) Jame's grandmother use to narrate stories to her granddaughter every evening. What are the significance of the source used?

(b) According to the theory of creation," God created the world and all things within it including human beings" prove the statement with two facts.

(c) Why abolition of slave trade in East Africa was prolonged and delayed?

5. (a) Why Ngoni migration from Natal region to other part of Africa was inevitable ?Give two points

(b) The contact between Africa, Middle East and Far East dated far to the first millennium BCE. Outline two documents that provide evidence of the early contact

(c) Discuss with examples techniques used to abolish slave trade in East Africa. Give two points

6. (a) The colonial administrative system in Africa were coercive in nature .Discuss with examples (two points)

(b) The colonial government use various tactics to create colonial labour and ensure constant supply of labour. By using two facts evaluate the tactics used.

(c) Why Anglo-Germany treat of 1886 was called delimitation treaty? Give two factors.

7. (a) Briefly give two reasons to why resistance of Africa against establishment of colonial rule is inevitable?

(b) Discuss why Samori Toure resisted French for long time since 1891 to 1898. Give two facts

(c) The establishment of colonial rule was not easily task, since Africans were not accepting it. What are ways used by colonialist to impose colonial rule. Give two points

8. (a) How the first world war affecting African societies. Give two points

(b) John is the form four student he always hate the topic of nationalism. Explain with two points how you can advise him to like the topic

(c) "Versailles peaces treat geared German to prepare for Second World War" .With two facts prove the statements.


Answer only two questions in this section

9. Why colonial infrastructure did was constructed perpendicular to the coast. Discuss with six points.

10. On the year 1929 to 1933 the world faced economic hardship. What made uprising the event which affected the whole world. Give six points

11. African woman both educated and non-educated participated in nationalist struggle in Africa. Evaluate the position of woman in liberation and independent of African countries. Six points.



Candidate’s Index Number  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 






Time: 3:00 Hours April, 2023


  1. This paper consists of three sections A, B and C with a total of eleven (11) questions.
  2. Answer ALL questions from Section A and B and two (2) questions from section C.
  3. All drawings should be in pencil.
  4. Cellular phones and other unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  5. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s) provided


SECTION A (16 marks)

Answer all questions in this section

1. For each of the following items (i) – (x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer sheet(s) provided:

(i) “Pan – Africanism is the development of black solidarity. The movement included all blacks wherever they were.” One of the following statements is not the setbacks dwarfing the growth of Pan-Africanism in Africa: 

  1. Deficiency of commitment to unity.
  2. Neo – Colonialism
  3. Involvement of external politics
  4. Myopism of Manchester Congress of 1945
  5. Blessing of William Du Bois and few Negroes from USA.

(ii) The new stone technology in the evolution of man is sometime referred as:-

  1. Neolithic technology
  2. Acheulian technology
  3. Oldwan technology
  4. Microlithic technology
  5. Traditional technology

(iii) Which of the following was not among the techniques employed by Germans during the process of conquest and colonization?

  1. Forced labour and taxation
  2. Divide and rule technique
  3. Divide and conquer technique
  4. Use of African mercenaries in the process of conquest 
  5. Administrative principle

(iv) One of the following is not true about the factors led to economic interaction in African societies.

  1. Non-production of commodities needed for consumption and development
  2. Introduction of means of transport
  3. The demand of goods and raw materials by the foreigners
  4. Interests of local leaders
  5. Natural disasters

(v) Why salt making industries were more important in pre-colonial Africa? 

  1. It enabled people to eat uncooked food.
  2. It facilitated the development of heavy industries.
  3. It played a vital role in food preservation.
  4. It was a source of heat.
  5. It played a vital role in food destruction.

(vi) Which took place in Europe between 1750s and 1850s?

  1. Mercantile capitalism
  2. Scramble for Africa
  3. Emergence of slave trade
  4. Monopoly capitalism
  5. Industrial revolution

(vii) In which century was the Zanzibar slave market closed?

  1. 15th century
  2. 18th century
  3. 20th century 
  4. 17th century
  5. 19th century

(viii) One of the following is not characteristic of Colonial Bureaucracy. Identify it.

  1. Pyramidal
  2. Changing form
  3. Independent
  4. Racist
  5. Coercive

(ix) What made the African continent a focus of capitalists in Western Europe during the 19th century?

  1. Development of mercantilism
  2. Growth of industrial revolution
  3. The opening of Suez Canal
  4. Improvement of maritime technology
  5. Problem of unemployment in Europe

(x) Which of the following was not associated by colonial economy in Africa?

  1. Local industries in Africa were discouraged
  2. Agricultural production played dominant role
  3. Import came mostly from Europe
  4. Basic cash crops were prioritized
  5. Food crops were basic for European meals

2. Match the date in List A with the correct response in List B by writing the letter of the response beside the item number:



  1. SILABU. 
  2. The golden stool. 
  3. NOK culture. 
  4. Otto von Bismarck 
  5. Mummification
  6. KAR
  1. Early Iron Age way of life in central Nigeria.
  2. Architect of Berlin Conference.
  3. An important symbol of authority of Ashanti rulers.
  4. The way of preserving deadly bodies by using soil.
  5. Established in Tanganyika to recruit labour for sisal planters in the new world.
  6.  British Colonial troops.
  7. A founder of British Indirect Rule.
  8. Leader of France.

SECTION B (54 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

3. By using four (04) points, distinguish between the non-exploitative mode of production and the third mode in production.

4. Write short notes on the following:

  1. Colonial economy 
  2. Neo-colonialism 
  3. Nationalism
  4. Museums

5. List down four (04) advantages of the Neolithic revolution.

6. Answer the following questions briefly:

(i) Why the headquarters of the League of Nations was placed at Switzerland?

(ii) Why the Germans did not forget the Hehe Resistance? iii) Why Otto von Bismarck was seen as the Founder of Berlin Conference?

iv) How the population pressure in Natal Region led to the Ngoni Migration?

7. Arrange the following statements in chronological order by using number 1 to 5:

  1. Hitler’s invasion of Russia in June 1914 brought Soviet Union into the war.
  2. On 10 June 1940, Mussolini, the fascist if Italy brought his country in on the side of Germany. 
  3. African colonies were once more drawn into a European conflict which was not for their making.
  4. By the end of June 1940, Germany army had overrun Northern France.
  5. When Britain and France declared war on Hitler’s Nazi Germany in September 1939.

8. Draw a sketch map of Africa and locate the following by using Roman numbers:

(i) African country which was not colonized by the colonialists.

(ii) A country whose military force took part in the military campaign against the forces of Iddi Amin in 1978.

(iii) A British colony that attained her political independence in 1957.

(iv) A Portuguese colony that adopted a socialist economic strategy.

SECTION C (30 Marks)

Answer two questions in this section

9. How colonial system was able to recruit labour in their economic sectors? Six points.

10. African Mass Nationalism was inevitable. Discuss by using six points.

11. The discovery of fire was very beneficial to man from the Middle Stone Age to the Iron Age. Justify this statement by giving six points.







(For Both School and Private Candidates)



  1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of eleven (11) questions
  2. Answer ALL questions from section A and B and two (2) questions from section C
  3. Section A carries sixteen (16) marks, Section B carries fifty four (54) marks and Section carries thirty (30) marks
  4. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room
  5. All drawings should he in pencil
  6. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet s


Answer ALL questions in this section

1. For each of the items (i) to (x) choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and Write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

i. What does anthropology as a source of history deals with.....

  1. Remains of ancient civilization
  2. Places created for preserving historical information
  3. History presented by a word of mouth -
  4. Ethnic groups ethics, values, and origins
  5. Places where remains of ancient civilization are found

ii. Which among the following places extraction of salt from salt bearing rocks took place in Africa......

  1. Uvinza and Taghaza
  2. Taghaza and Bilma
  3. Axum and Taghaza
  4. Meroe and Egypt
  5. Uvinza and Bilma

iii. Domestication of plants and animals was a transformation and reformation in man's way of life. These phenomena marked the emergence of which life style among Africans? ...

  1. Decline of Primitive Communalism
  2. Beginning of iron technology
  3. Permanent settlement
  4. Occurrence of speech and religion
  5. Was among societies

iv. Which mode of production was characterized by strong political system in pre-colonial Africa.....

  1. Advanced Communalism
  2. Capitalism
  3. Umwinyi
  4. Slaves
  5. Feudalism

v. What facilitated the early contact between East Africa Coast, the Far and the Middle East.

  1. Astronomy and the use of steam engine to move the ships
  2. Marine technology and the fund from Prince Henry the Navigator
  3. Seasonal winds and Vasco Da Gama's effort
  4. The use of dhows and discovery of steam engine for ships
  5. Marine technology and seasonal winds such as monsoon winds

vi. Who were the earliest dwellers of South Africa?...

  1. Xhosa, Zulu and the Boers
  2. The Khoikhoi the Boers and the Zulu
  3. The Khoikhoi, the San and the Bushmen
  4. The Ngoni, the Zulu and the San
  5. The San, the Xhosa and the Boers

vii. The Imperialist in Africa established various companies and associations which were used in their areas of Influence. Which Company was under King Leopold II? 

  1. Royal Niger Company
  2. Imperial British East Africa Company
  3. British South Africa Company
  4. International African Association
  5. Dutch East Indian Company

viii. Which of the following cash crops were the most vital, in the early German Colonial rule in mainland Tanganyika....

  1. Rubber, Cotton and Cloves
  2. Rubber, Sisal and cotton
  3. Coffee, tea and sisal
  4. Wheat, Sisal and Sugarcane
  5. Rubber, Sugarcane and wheat

ix. The Military alliance which was formed between Germany, Italy and Austria Hungary before the Second World War was known as.....

  1. Triple Alliance
  2. Triple Entente
  3. Berlin Rome Axis
  4. Dual Alliance
  5. Berlin- Rome Tokyo Axis

x. When did the Bandung conference which emphasized on solidarity and consciousness among the colonized countries was held.....

  1. 1945
  2. 1919
  3. 1955
  4. 1947
  5. 1952

2. Match the Items in LIST A with the correct responses in LIST B by writing the letter of the response besides the items number



  1. Mwenemutapa Kingdom
  2. Congo Kingdom
  3. Oyo Kingdom
  4. Asante Kingdom .
  5. Songhay Kingdom
  6. Ghana Kingdom
  1. Asantehene
  2. Mansa Musa
  3. Tunka Manin
  4. Nyatsimba Mutota
  5. Alafin
  6. Kumbi Saleh
  7. Sunni Ali
  8. Mani Congo

SECTION B (54 Marks)

Answer all questions in this Section

3. Brief answer the following questions

  1. How the divide and rule facilitated onset of colonialism in Africa?
  2. How the Berlin Conference helped to solve the occurrence of inter-European war in Africa?
  3. How music and dance stimulated interactions among Africans?
  4. How did the formation of military alliances led to the eruption of World wars?
  5. Whv the use of Camels was preferred by traders during the Trans - Sahara Trade?
  6. Ramadhani was a colonial worker at Tanga Sisal Estate after six months he shifted to Mwadui for mineral extraction. Identify the type of labour system and why was it preferred by the Capitalists

4. Arrange the following events in a chronological order by writing number 1 to 6 besides the item number in the answer booklet(s) provided

  1. The 1964 Zanzibar Revolution was the second attempt made to bring about real political independence
  2. It was soon followed by Union between Tanganyika and Zanzibar forming the United Republic of Tanzania
  3. In DeceMber 1963 the British handed down political power to Arab Minority
  4. The event was an important step towards the achievement of East African Unity.
  5. The revolution was intended to transfer power to majority
  6. The colonial government supported Arabs so as to ensure the continuation of safeguarding their interest during post-independence

5. Draw a sketch map of Africa and locate the following by using roman numbers

  1. The Central African country rich in natural resources which was intensively
    scrambled by Europeans.
  2. The country where Samwel Maherero mobilized his people against Germans
  3. The country in West Africa which diverged colonialism
  4. The country where Bunyoro -Kitara Kingdom was located.

6. Complete the following statements with correct historical facts

  1. The man made objects of cultural interest are termed as . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  2. In administering her sphere of influence in Africa, The British used indirect rule in Tanganyika between 1925-1931. What was the name of the British governor in Tanganyika who introduced that policy? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  3. During the early stone age man dude two types of stone tools used for simple activities such as killing. skinning and breaking bones to obtain marrows. What were the names given to these tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  4. Name the techniques used by the Ngoni warrior which involved getting close to their enemies. encircle them and kill them  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  5. From 1891- 1898 Samori Toure Fought successful wars against the French due to his Wealth. material possession and capable military machinery. What was the name of Samori Toure-s army which strongly resisted French for so long  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  6. Colonial labour was unc among the important sector of colonial economy in Tanganyika. Name the recruiting agency introduced in 1944 to ensure constant labour in the colons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

7. Show three (3) similarities and three (3) differences of direct rule and indirect rule as systems of colonial administrations in Africa.

8. Show six problems faced African countries during mass nationalism.


Answer only two (2) questions from this section

9. Elaborate six challenges that faced traders during the Trans - Sahara Trade.

10. By using six points explain how the East Africans were affected by Portuguese rule.

11. Explain on six features of colonial education.






(For Both School and Private Candidates)

Time: 3 Hours Friday, 09th September 2022 p.m.


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of nine (9) questions.
  2. Answer all questions in sections A and B, and three questions from section C.
  3. Section A carries twenty (20) marks, section B carries thirty five (35) marks and section C carries forty five (45) marks.
  4. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  5. Write Your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s).

SECTION A (20 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

1. For each of the items (i) – (xv) choose the correct answer from the alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet(s) provided.

(i) Raifa’s grandmother was narrating a very interesting story about what happened during the Ngoni migration; we were listening carefully and sometimes asking questions. What source of historical information was used?

  1. Museums
  2. Historical sites
  3. Linguistics
  4. Anthropology
  5. Oral traditions.

(ii) Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the victims of atomic bombs struck by U.S military forces. As an expert show in which crisis did that event take place?

  1. First World War
  2. Second World War
  3. Biafra war
  4. Franco-Prussian war
  5. Kaffir war.

(iii) Dallo’s uncle is an expert who deals with the study of the ancient and recent human past through materials remains. Through his activities he obtained important historical information. So we can term Dallo’s uncle’s activities as:

  1. Archaeology
  2. Oral traditions
  3. Historical sites
  4. Archives
  5. Museums.

(iv) During the last quarter of 19th Century both British and French declared interests over Egypt. The incident brought confusion and conflict among them. Why the area was highly competed by two giants of the time?

  1. Presence of Suez Canal and gold
  2. Presence of Nile Valley and absence of population
  3. Strategic importance and absence of resistance
  4. Presence of Suez Canal and Nile Valley 
  5. Absence of resistance and availability of gold. 

(v) Mr. Ottoman is the investor of Tanzania from Turkey who opened a large farm, which is owned and supervised by him. This kind of agriculture established by Mr. Ottoman can be related with which kind of agriculture during colonial era?

  1. Mixed farming
  2. Peasant agriculture
  3. Settler agriculture
  4. Plantation agriculture
  5. Crop cultivation.

(vi) Form two students were debating on the coming of people from Far East and Middle East to East Africa. On their debate others argued that people from Far East and

Middle East didn’t come in East Africa. As a historian educate them on the coming of these people by identifying the guidebook that was written by Greeks to prove their coming.

  1. The tragedy of Greek sailors
  2. The tales of the Nok
  3. The legend of the East
  4. Germany East Africa 
  5. Periplus of Erythrean sea.

(vii) Lekinanga is a form one student who believes that “all human beings were originated from the Monkey, Gorilla and Apes” through the theory of evolution of man that was proposed by Charles Darwin. As a form four student identify the correct one:

  1. The theory of creation
  2. The theory of evolution
  3. The theory of natural selection 
  4. The theory of Darwinism
  5. The theory of revolution.

(viii) Fashai was the daughter of chief in a certain tribe in East Africa; his family was fevoured by colonialists in social services. His father was also used by colonialists to supervise colonial activities. What was the type of colonial administration in the area?

  1. Association policy
  2. Assimilation policy
  3. Direct rule
  4. Indirect rule
  5. Rule and divide technique.

(ix) Madam Nyamango is a form three history teacher who entered in the class with only ten (10) history text books while the number of the students was 52. Unfortunately there was stiff competition among the students. Later the teacher solved by grouping students so as everyone would access the text book. As historians we can relate this with which historical event?

  1. Berlin Conference
  2. Scramble for and partition of Africa
  3. Versailles peace treaty 
  4. Abolition of slave trade
  5. League of Nation.

(x) Hidaya was educated girl during colonial education. She experienced high number of students in ordinary level (O’ level) class and low number of students in advanced level (form five and six). This situation reflects which characteristic of colonial education? 

  1. Pyramidal shape
  2. Gender inequality
  3. Religious based
  4. Racial discrimination 
  5. Social discrimination.

(xi) Mr. Kindakindaki is an old man with 85 years, he experienced first and second world wars where he fought on the German side against British, through supporting his colonial master. In history we can term Mr. Kindakindaki as:

  1. Colonialist
  2. Colonizer
  3. German soldier
  4. Ex-soldier 
  5. British soldier.

(xii) Mazonge country was colonized for almost 200 years by the colonialist, but after independence they experienced disunity within the country. Suggest the best methods which can be used by the country of Mazonge and other African countries to eradicate that problem.

  1. Adoption of free market economy and privatization
  2. Adoption of multipartism and Ujamaa policy
  3. Adoption of self reliance policy and Multipartism
  4. Merging of trade Unions and privatization
  5. Adoption of single party system and abandoning bad elements of tribalism.

(xiii) Jabir has large farm of about 100 acres, he allows other landless people to cultivate in his land under agreement of taking 60% of the harvest and the cultivator remain with 40% of the harvest. This kind of system can be referred to as:

  1. Primitive communalism
  2. Capitalism
  3. Feudalism 
  4. Socialism
  5. Slavery.

(xiv) History students at Manundu secondary school were discussing “The period which marked the intensive competition and warfare among European nations for profit maximization”. This discussion can be summarized in one term as:

  1. Merchantilism
  2. Industrial capitalism
  3. Bullionism
  4. Colonialism
  5. Monopoly capitalism.

(xv) Msema Kweli is a form two student who originates from Sukuma tribe, which inherite based on father’s side. What is the proper term which describes his society?

  1. Patrilineal society
  2. Matrilinal society
  3. Clan head society
  4. Kinship society
  5. Age-set society.

2. Match the political activities in LIST A with the correct nationalist leader in LIST B by writing the letter of the corresponding response beside the items number in the answer booklet provided.



(i) The First President of Guinea-Bissau and the founder of PAIGC

(ii) The leader who initiated the formation of FRELIMO party in exile Tanzania and started the struggle for independence of Mozambique before his death

(iii) The political activist of Kenya who chaired the Bandung conference of 1955

(iv) The first president of Namibia and the founder of SWAPO

(v) The founder of P.A.C in South Africa who was arrested after Sharpeville Massacre.

  1. Samora Machel
  2. Tom Mboya
  3. Sam Nujoma
  4. Robert Sobukwe
  5. Nelson Mandela
  6. Eduardo Mondlane
  7. Jomo Kenyatta
  8. Luis De Almaida Cabral

SECTION B (35 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

3. Briefly answer the following questions:

(i) Dr. Kangara visited Kilwa historical sites in order to collect historical information. He didn’t succeed to get all information required. What was the possible weakness of this source of historical information? (two points).

(ii) Russia entered in war with Ukraine for ideological motives. Identify four (4) impacts of such war.

(iii) There was no colonialism without Berlin Conference. Prove this statement with strong two (2) points.

(iv) As a form four student show your young brother of standard five on why some Africans collaborated with whites. Two (2) reasons.

(v) Why people of Tanzania would never forget COVID -19 epidemic diseases (four points).

(vi) Mr. Chitukulu is a historian who recognized that most of the African societies resisted against colonial rule in different forms such as passive and active but still were defeated. As historian apply your knowledge by giving two reasons for their defeat.

4. Arrange the following statements in chronological order by writing number 1 to 6 beside the item number.

(i) Through the Heligoland Treaty Uganda and Witu were incorporated in the British sphere of influence and Germany bought part of Sultan’s coastal strip. (ii) The Berlin Conference divided Africa into spheres of influence.

(iii) The Anglo-German defined the territories of Sultan of Zanzibar and European sphere of influence in East Africa.

(iv) The German government took over the affairs of the company.

(v) But it did not establish clear boundaries between spheres of influence in the interior of Africa.

(vi) The German East African company attempted, unsuccessfully to develop the German sphere.

5. Draw a sketch map of Africa and locate the following by using roman numbers.

(i) The country in which socialism and self reliance was introduced and became official in 1967.

(ii) A country which presented a document of socialist ideology on October 8th in 1969 termed the “Common Man’s Charter”.

(iii) A country in which humanism socialist ideology was introduced by the President Kenneth Kaunda after independence.

(iv) A country in which the Biafra war took place in 1967-1970 due to the ethnicity, cultural and religious tensions.

(v) A country in which civil war began in 1975 and continued until 2002; when Jonas Savimbi died.

SECTION C (60 Marks)

Answer only three (3) questions in this section

6. Mr. Kitanzi is a Regional Director of economic development programs. In his speech he said, “Inherited problems from colonial past are major hindrance to development of Africa after independence.” Support Mr. Kitanzi with six points.

7. “The war against apartheid policy was fought at tremendous cost on the side of South Africans. It was through sweat and blood that independence was obtained in that country” In the light of this statement analyse six (6) factors for the independence achievement of that particular country.

8. “Islamic religion is termed as an important agent for the rise and development of strong political organization in pre-colonial Africa”. By using West Africa as the case study validate the statement. (Six points)

9. “In 1954 TANU was established as a nationalist party to champion independence of Tanganyika but its journey was not smooth”. In the light of this statement analyse six (6) problems which faced the party during the struggle for independence.






TIME : 3 Hours July 2022


1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of fourteen (14) questions.

2. Answer all questions in section A and B and THREE (03) questions_ from section C.

3. All writing must be in black or blue ink except diagrams which must be in pencil.

4. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.

5. Non — Programmable calculator may be used.

6. Write your NAME on every page of your answer booklet(s).

SECTION A (20 Marks) 

Answer ALL questions from this section.

1. For each of the items (i - xv), choose the best answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter besides the item number in the answer booklet(s) provided.

(i) Historically the process of handling down. historical ideas by the word of mouth from one generation to another generation is known as: -

  1. Historical information  
  2. Archaeology 
  3. Anthropology 
  4. Oral tradition
  5. Linguistic 

(ii) The very crucial changes of man during evolution was ability to make tools and Pedalism. Among the following which one is another crucial change of man during the evolution?

  1. Eating cooked food
  2. Adoption of the new environment
  3. Development of brain
  4. Domestication of plants and animals
  5. Disappearance of hairs

(iii) The contact that was made among the people from Middle East, Far East and the people of Zanzibar and Malindi was reported in the 1st Century CE from the Book of: -

  1. Christian Topography
  2. Pholemy's Geography
  3. Erythrean of the Periplus Sea
  4. Encyclopedia of the East Africa slave trade
  5. Periplus of the Erythrean Sea.

(iv) Meroe. developed and became an important town since pre — colonial time where people came close through: -

  1. Cloth making  
  2. Copper extraction 
  3. Agriculture 
  4. Salt making
  5. Iron working 

(v) The Turkish leader who cooperated with the Zimba and. Segeju against the Portuguese was: -

  1. Sultan Abdul Hamid 
  2. Francisco De Almeida
  3. Amir Ali Bay
  4. Sultan Hamid Abdul II 
  5. Imam Albusaid 

(vi) The agreement signed between Boers, Portuguese and the white settlers from Southern Rhodesia to prolong their domination in the colonies is known as: -

  1. Nkomati Accord 
  2. Triamvalent treaty 
  3. Trimvalent treaty
  4. Nkomati treaty 
  5. Sao Jorge Accord 

(vii) In colonial era, there were a lot of oppressive law created by colonies that include the one in Kenya that demanded Africans to carry identify certificate "Kipande system", this Kipande system was aimed to: -

  1. Ensure Europeans colony is exploited effectively
  2. Ensure Africans must grow cash crops
  3. Ensure constant supply of labor from Africa
  4. Endure there is effective occupation of the colony
  5. Ensure the Africans interest are protected

(viii) African countries had tried to'bring real independent through.

  1. Administering trust territories
  2. Improving Education and Agricultural practices
  3. Improving communication system and Military coup
  4. Setting up new factories and political instability in Africa
  5. Establishing heavy industries and free market economy.

(ix) There were several stages of capitalism the Imperialist Nations passed through such as Mercantilism, Competitive and Monopoly in the year between 1780 to 1820 of which British transformed from commercial Capitalism to: -

  1. Scramble for Africa 
  2. Industrial Capitalism 
  3. Monopoly Capitalism
  4. Primitive accumulation of Capital 
  5. Mercantilism 

(x) Among the permanent members of the UN — security council are: -

  1. USA, China and German 
  2. China, Russia and France 
  3. United Kingdom, France and Spain
  4. Italy, Russia and China 
  5. Russia, USA and German 

(xi) Introduction and spread of Islamic religion in Zanzibar was an outcomes of the people from:-

  1. Syria, Iran and Spain 
  2. France, Portugal and Iran
  3. Portugal, India and Egypt
  4. Iraq, Persia and Somalia 
  5. Oman, Lebanon and Iraq 

(xii) What made African continent as a focus of most capitalists in Western European during the l9th Century?

  1. Commercial Capitalism 
  2. The opening of Suez Canal revolution
  3. The growth of Industrial 
  4. The problem of unemployment in Europe
  5. Improvement of the Marine technology

(xiii) Audaghost was a famous trading town in Trans- Saharan trade in the following route: -

  1. Northern route 
  2. Western route
  3. Eastern route
  4. Southern route 
  5. Central route 

(xiv) The following is an example of European Explorers provided very important information about the people and wealth of East and Central Africa to the British Capitalist

  1. Lacede de Almeide 
  2. David Livingstone
  3. Henry Morton Stanley and Mungo Park
  4. Richard Lander 
  5. Ludwing Krapt

(xv) Why European Capitalists were much concentrated on scrambling the African continent in the second half of the 19th Century A.D.

  1. They needed to civilize Africans through provision of education and religion.
  2. It was Cecil Rhodes ambition to control Africa from the Cape to Cairo.
  3. African wealth and other attractive things
  4. The Industrial revolution in England
  5. Hostility of the African people's

2. Match the items in List A with correct responses in List B by writing the letter of the corresponding response beside the item number in answer booklets provided.



(i) The Fashoda incidence in. Sudan during the scramble for colonies in the 19th Century.

(ii) Tukolor opposition (uprising) against French colonialism

(iii)Its Ekir resistance against British Colonialism in Nigeria.

(iv)The collaboration between Tigre and Italians against Ethiopia.

(v) Zulu resistance against British Colonialism (Anglo — Zulu War of 1879)

  1. Alhaj Umar.
  2. Shaka senzengako
  3. Captain Hamerton
  4. King Menelik II
  5. Cetshwayo Kampande
  6. Jean Baptiste Merchand
  7. Ras seyoum Mangasha
  8.  Jaja of Opobo
  9. Nnana Olomu
  10. Samoure Toure

SECTION B (35 Marks)

Answer ALL questions in this section

3. (i) How did the establishment of colonial economy paved the way to the raise of African Nationalism

(ii) Why British Preferred Indirect rule in most of African colonies

(iii) To what extent United Nation facilitated the decolonization of African continent

(iv) How would you relate Versailles Peace treaty with the outbreak of the Second World War.? 

(v)Why Iron technology was kept a secret in pre — colonial African societies.

(vi) Form one students visited an area where past man remains and artifacts are found. As a Tour guide to such area show to them its importance.

4. Arrange the following historical statements in chronological order by writing number 1 — 6 (Arabic number beside the roman number) in the booklet (s) provided.

(i.) Adolph Hitler was highly troubled by the Germany and he defeated in the First World War in 1918 and he was dissatisfied with the way Germany was treated by the Versailles treaty of 1919.

(ii) He was employed in the Germany arm as a messenger in the war fronts on the side of Germany

(iii) Adolph Hitler the was Austrian in origin who was born in 1889.

(iv) Hence, Hitler the founder of Germany workers party managed to convince Germany ex- soldiers to join his party and enlightened them about the Germany defeat in the First World War.

(v) After failure in getting further education in his home country, he decided to try his luck in Munich Germany where he lived in poverty.

(vi) He proved to be brave enough to perform the given task hence; he was awarded medals at the end of the First World War.

5. Draw a sketch Map of Africa and locate the following areas according to their related events by using roman numbers.

  1. A country where Elmina castle was built by the Portuguese.
  2. Portuguese Colony which experienced civil war from independence until 2002
  3. A country that attained minority independence in 1910 but later on adopted the racial discrimination policy.
  4. A country that got independent under SWAPO party
  5. A country where the political party called TANU fight for its independence.

SECTION C (45Marks)

Answer ONLY THREE questions in this section

6. "Rome was not built in one day" As an Expert in World Historical events show the relevance of the statement with the First World War. (06 points)

7. It is argued that "Neolithic age changed man's ways of life completely" as Historians justify this statement by using six points.

8. Analyse the contention that the idea of state formation in Africa should largely attributed to the process which was originate from internal and external forces (use six points)

9. Explain the three strengths and three weakness of United Nation Organization in African major issues.






Time: 3:00 Hours 


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B, and C with a total nine (9) questions
  2. Answer all questions in sections A, and B only three questions in section C
  3. Section A carries twenty (20) marks, section B thirty five (35)marks and section C forty five (45) marks
  4. All drawings should be in pencil
  5. Cell phones and any un authorized materials are not allowed in the examination room
  6. Write your examination number on top right side of every page of your answer booklet(s)

SECTION A (20 marks).

1. Choose the most correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter besides the item number on the answer sheets provided.

(i) Olduvai Gorge is famous for:-

  1. Oral tradition
  2. Archival activities
  3. Archaeological findings
  4. Sedentary farming

(ii) An example of large scale resistance to colonialists is :-

  1. Nandi resistance
  2. Yao resistance
  3. Majimaji resistance
  4. Mazrui dynast resistance

(iii) Which countries in Africa became home for liberated slaves from the New world?

  1. Sierra Leone and Ethiopia
  2. Liberia and Ethiopia
  3. Sierra Leone and Liberia
  4. Kenya and Tanzania

(iv) Which of the following sources of history can illiterate people not benefit?

  1. Written sources
  2. Museums
  3. Historical sites
  4. Linguistics

(v) During the First World War, African states fought alongside their colonial masters. Therefore, Tanganyika fought on the side of :-

  1. Britain
  2. Russia
  3. Arab
  4. Germany

(vi) What was the main effect of British invasion at the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa?

  1. Apartheid policy
  2. Boer trek
  3. Establishment of slave trade
  4. Spread of Islamic faith

(vii) Colonialists established various forms of agriculture that involved the use of different colonial Africa labour during colonial economy. Which type of colonial Africa labour used under peasant agriculture?

  1. Forced labour
  2. Migrant labour
  3. Family labour
  4. Contract labour

(viii) The open door policy was related to :-

  1. Establish neo – colonialism
  2. Supporting nationalistic struggle
  3. Formation of United Nations
  4. Making of cold war politics

(ix) Which was the major form of feudal relations that developed in Buha?

  1. Ubusulo
  2. Chief dom
  3. Nyarubanja
  4. Ubugabire

(x) Which was the main effect of French revolution of 1789 on Africa?

  1. Association policy
  2. Indirect rule
  3. Direct rule
  4. Assimilation policy

(xi) How explores contributed on the colonization of Africa?

  1. Providing information about Europe
  2. Introduction of colonial education
  3. Making treaties with African chiefs
  4. Setting up health services in Africa

(xii) African countries attempted to unite so as to solve problems that faced their people during the struggle and after independence. The attempt led to the formation of unions that include:-

  1. Pan- Africanism
  3. UNO
  4. The league of nations

(xiii) In which age did agriculture start in Africa?

  1. After creation of man
  2. Late stone age
  3. Early stone age
  4. Middle stone age

(xiv) The social factors for the interaction of people in pre – colonial Africa were:-

  1. Migration and trade
  2. War and agriculture
  3. Trade and medicine
  4. Intermarriage and religion

(xv) The partition of Africa took place in which country?

  1. Germany
  2. Congo
  3. USA
  4. Britain

2. Match the descriptions in LIST A with the corresponding historical items in LIST B by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number on the answer sheets provided



  1. The best example of an interaction among the people in pre – colonial African societies
  2. The war that at first occurred at the Middle East and spread world wide
  3. A leader that adopted the common man’s charter as a form of African socialism
  4. The most famous African traders in Trans- continental trade who were based in Angola
  5. The war of intimidation that occurred due to the rise of both capitalism and socialism
  1. Msiri and Nyunguya mawe
  2. Milton Obote
  3. Cold war
  4. The Great war
  5. Ngoni migration
  6. Vimbundu and Imbangala
  7. Kwame Nkrumah

SECTION B (35 marks)

3. Briefly answer the followings

i) Why non – centralized states are different from centralized state?

ii) During the Middle Stone Age, man discovered fire. Clearly show how fire was advantageous on the life of the earliest man?

iii) Explain why Russia withdrew from the first world war on 1917?

iv) How population increase led to interaction among the pre- colonial African societies?

v). History deals with events which occur in different period. Show how historians are arranging such event in a chronological order?

vi) Explain how Africans were benefited from colonial social services?

4. Arrange the following sentences in chronological order by using number 1 to 6

  1. Four colonial administrative systems such as direct rule, indirect rule, assimilation and association policy were applied
  2. After the European powers had taken over the colonies, the next step was to establish colonial economy
  3. Basically, the main purpose of European to colonize Africa continent in the 19th century was the need of exploiting African resources
  4. After scramble for and partition of African continent, colonial powers occupied parts of Africa soon after Berlin conference.
  5. Up to date, African continent has remained the market and source of raw materials to former colonial powers
  6. During that period of colonial economy, African self-sufficient economy was destroyed.

5. Draw the sketch map of Africa and locate the followings using roman numbers

  1. A country that was entrusted to South Africa as a mandate territory by the League of Nations after First World war
  2. A country which is the headquarters of the New East African Community (E AC)
  3. The first country to achieve political independence through the constitutional means whose independence motivated decolonization to other countries
  4. A country that was not colonized due to its successful resistances against colonialists
  5. A country in East Africa that its leader was overthrown by the army in 1971

SECTION C (45marks)

6. Pre – colonial African societies developed both local and regional trade. Evaluate six points on the effects of regional trade in East Africa

7. Colonial state established different economic sectors in colonies that depended on labour force. With six points explain how African societies were affected from colonial labour?

8. After independence, African countries changed their attitudes of nationalistic struggle in order to promote social, economic and political development. Discuss six points to why African countries are yet to achieve the intended development?

9. The coast of East Africa has been an area for trading activity since long period in which motivated the coming of Portuguese. Show how East African societies were affected by being interacting with Portuguese?(Give six points)







TIME 3:HOURS 29/06/2022


l. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total number of nine(9) questions

2. Answer all questions in sections A and B and three (3) questions from section C.

3. Section A carries twenty (20) marks, section B thirty-five (35) marks and section C carries forty-five (45) marks

4. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room

5. All drawings should be in pencil

6. Write your Examination number on every page ofyour answer booklet(s)

SECTION A (20 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

l. Choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its left beside the item number in the answer booklet provided

i) One ofthe following wars demonstrated unity and soft — determination among the African to liberate themselves from foreign domination in the late 19thcentury

  1. Mfecane war
  2. Kaffir war
  3. Anglo — Boer war
  4. Afro — Boer war
  5. Majimaji war

ii) One of the following sets is the list of missionaries who championed the establishment of colonialism in Africa.

  1. John Krapf, John Rebman Dr. David Livingstone.
  2. William Mackinnon, Sir Harry Johnston,Samuel White Baker
  3. Joseph Thomson, John Speke,Dr.David Livingstone.
  4. Dr David Livingstone, William Mackinnon and John Rebman.
  5.  DrWi1ium Macknon, Dr.Kar1 Peter and George Goldie
iii) The famous Archaeologist in East Africa discovered the skull of early man at Oldvai Gorge;
  1. George washngton 1896
  2. Dr Livingstone in 1969
  3. Vasco Dagama in 1498
  4. DrLous Leakey 1959
  5. Charles Dawin in 1869 

iv) In 1871 France lost her two provinces Alsace and Lorraine during the;

  1. First World War
  2. Second Word War
  3. The BalkanWar
  4. Franco-Prussian War
  5. Anglo Boer War

v) One of the National building campaigns taken to change the post — colonial economic system in

  1. "Feed yourself' in Ghana
  2. "Harambee" in Uganda
  3. "Feedyourself' 'in Uganda
  4. "Capitalism and self— reliance" in Tanzania
  5. "Freedom in coming tomorrow in South Africa

vi)The term Fellahin meant the Peasant producer in;

  1. Ghana
  2. Ethiopia
  3. Egypt
  4. Buganda
  5. Zimbabwe 

vii) As a historian, which one would you consider as prince Henry's main aims in organizing the Portuguese voyages to west and East African coast?

  1. Acquiring raw materials, markets and cheap labour
  2. Acquiring colonies, raw materials and markets
  3. Spreading Christianity, adventure, and trade
  4. Establishing processing industries, markets and raw materials
  5. Abolishing slave trade, slavery and introduction of legitimate trade 

viii) Neolithic Revolutions refers to;

  1. Man's development of late stone Age
  2. Permanent Settlement with domestication of plants and animals
  3. New development in man's tools making technology
  4. Rapid development in information and communication
  5. Industrial revolution in Africa 

ix) In areas such-as Kondoa — Irangi, paintings and drawings in caves give evidence of the activities of;

  1. Iron smelters
  2. Settled communities
  3. Colonial legacy
  4. Education for adaption
  5. Slave trade and slavery

x) Indirect rule;

  1. African rule the Europeans
  2. Europeans rule the Africans
  3. Europeans rule through the African local chiefs
  4. African local chief rule through European
  5. The British rule in support of the French

xi) Carl Peters signed a number of treaties with African chiefs on the coastal hinterland of Tanganyika because he wanted to;

  1. A.Please chancellor Bismarck of Germany
  2. B.Establish unity among African chiefdoms
  3. C.Accomplish colonial economic motives of the German East Africa company
  4. D.Accomplish the signing of the Heligoland Treaty
  5. E.Recruit the chief of Msowero to became member of the German East Africa company

xii) The method ofmaking salt through boiling and evaporating underground water was common in;

  1. Katanga
  2. Tanga
  3. Bunyoro
  4. Uvinza
  5. Meroe

xiii) One ofthe notable United Nations failures in its objectives is its inability to:

  1. Control food shortage
  2. Eradicate colonial rule
  3. Establish tributes for war criminals
  4. Prevent big powers from violating its principles
  5. Control poverty in Africa 

xiv) The social challenges facing people in Africa include;

  1. Political instability and tribalism
  2. Tribalism and Neo colonialism
  3. Colonialism and illiteracy
  4. Illiteracy and diseases
  5. Corruption and lack ofrule of law 

xv)The battle of Vegkop 19thOctober , 1836, fought between Ndebele under Mzilikazi and

  1. Khoikhoi
  2. The san
  3. Boers
  4. Dingane Zulu
  5. Afrikaners

2. Match the descriptions in List A with the corresponding historical terms in List B by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number in the answer booklet provided



i) Zanzibar, Pemba,Mafia, Lamu ,Kismayu ,Bravo,Merca, Mogadishu, and Warsheikh were defined as dominions of the sultan of Zanzibar.

ii) German got the island of Heligoland

iii) It was ruled that treaties made with African rulers were to be considered as valid tittles to sovereignty

iv) It was a system in which Africans were taught how to think and act as the French people

v) It was a system in which French had to respect the culture of her colonial people and allow them to develop independently rather than forcing them to adopt French civilization and culture.

  1. Association policy.
  2. Assimilation policy.
  3. Resolution of Berlin conference
  4. Anglo-German agreement of 1890
  5. Anglo-German agreement of 1886
  6. Slave trade centers
  7. Versailles peace treaty 
  8. Human right policy

SECTION B (35 marks)

Answer all questions in this section

3. Write short notes on the following statements;

i) How UNO declaration of human rights, decolonization's committee and trusteeship council fueled growth of African

ii) How social theory by Charles Darwin and his institution Royal Geographical society influenced the colonization of Africa

iii) Relate the rejection of USA and Japan to join League of Nations as among major events leading to the WWII

iv) Why rapid expansion of slave trade in East Africa during 19thcentury? Give detail explanation.

v) 'No First World war, no Great depression', show beyond doubt vi) How colonialism make-ready for Neo-colonialism? Substantiate.

4. Arrange the following statements in chronological order writing number 1 to 6 beside the item number.

i) Berlin conference was called by Otto von-Bismarck resolve the conflict among the imperialist powers ii) The imperialist power sent agent of colonialism such as explorers, missionaries and Traders

iii) The colonial economy was introduced to ensure maximum production of raw materials for European industries

iv) The scramble for and partition of Africa took place in Africa after European nations served the potentiality information about Africa

v) The colonial administrative system was created to ensure supervision of colonial activities

vi) The colonial services were established to ensure better health and knowledge for maximum production of raw materials

5. Draw a sketch map of Africa and locate the following by using roman numbers

i) A country whose President was Overthrown in Military coup detat led by Iddi Amin Dada in 1971 

ii) A country which was the Headquarters of French West Africa colonies and adopted socialist ideology

iii) A Portuguese colony which became Independent on 15th, June , 1975 under President SamoraMoises Machel.

iv)A country which revolution took place in 1964 led by John Titto Okelo.

v) A Country which has experienced Civil War known as Biafra.

SECTION C (45 marks)

Answer three (3) questions from this section

6. Substantiate the statement that nationalism in Africa gained momentum after the Second World War. Justify this statement by using six points.

7. Explain three [3] aims and three [3] results of the Portuguese invasion of East Africa in the 16th century and 17th century

8. Show how Indirect rule was useful in British administrative system by giving six (6)points

9. Explain how discovery of iron led to changes in lives of East Africa by 200 BC by giving six (6) points







(For Both School and Private Candidates)


Time: 3 Hours 7th June 2022


1. This paper consist of section A, B and C with total of 09 questions

2. Answerall question from section A, B, and THREE questions from section C

3. Any authorized materials are not allowed in the examination room

4. All drawings must be in pencil

5. Write your examination number on every page of your answer booklets


Answer all questions from this section

1. For each of the following items (i -xv), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided

i. The colonialist in order to ensure effective administration in their colonies decided to use Governors, who become the top leader in the colony. The first British Governor in Kenya, Sir Charles Eliot, Was stressed on the,

  1. Construction of the Uganda railways
  2. Establishment of settler economy
  3. Creation of Kenya as the industrial center for East Africa
  4. Introduction of steamers in lake Victoria
  5. Integration of kikuyu into plantation economy

ii. In order to get the historical information, we need to consult different sources of historical information such as anthropology, achieves, museums and electronic devises. Which among the following is not limitation of using oral tradition.`

  1. It needs much attention and power of memory
  2. False information can be given by a story teller
  3. It consume time because of excavation
  4. Language barrier can occur
  5. It is difficult to distinguish what is real and imaginary

iii. The berlin conference passed different resolutions, which later caused the process of colonization of Africa. Which among the following were not the terms agreed in the Berlin conference?

I. The Congo basin was declared a free state under king Leopard of Belgium and the Niger River was not free for navigation to all imperialist nations.

II. They agreed that in case of resistance by African to the colonial occupation, no any European country should give help to the Africans to fellow European.

III. They agreed that all colonial powers should not take initiative measure to abolish slave trade and slavery in colonies.

IV. They agreed that if any disputes among the imperialist powers they should solve it peacefully without the use of force

V. They agreed that effective occupation should be implemented by the imperialist nations this was through setting administrators in the colonies who were to supervise task

  1. I,II and V 
  2. II, III and IV 
  3. I and III
  4. I,II, IV and V 
  5. I, IV and V 

iv. One of the steps taking by imperialists’ power in partition of East Africa was signing of agreements (Treaties). This treaty was signed between British and German over partition of Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika in 1886 which was called Delimitation Treaty. Under this Delimitation Treaty British and German agreed on the following matters:

I. The region between the River Tana and Ruvuma was divided by boundaries from Umba river to Lake Victoria

II. The two powers drew the boundary between German East Africa and Uganda and the boundary between Kenya and German East Africa.

III. German recognize Zanzibar as the British protectorate and the rest Sultan’s territory

IV. German lost Witu, in compensation of this, German was given Helgoland island

V. The Germany was given Witu, the coastline of Kenya

  1. I, IV and V
  2. II, III and IV
  3. I and V
  4. I and IV 
  5. III and V

v. During the middle Stone Age man were able to make smaller, sharper and easier to handle stone tools like spears, arrowheads, knives and scraper. Who was responsible for making those tools?

  1. Homo habilis and Australopithecus
  2. Homo erectus and Homo habilis
  3. Australopithecus and Homo erectus
  4. Homo Sapiens and Homo Habilis
  5. Homo erectus and Homo Sapiens

vi. During pre-colonial time, the African societies were extracted salt from various sources like water and rocks. Which one among the following places did people extracted salt from salt bearing rock?

  1. Uvinza and Taghaza 
  2. Taghaza and Bilma
  3. Axum and Taghaza
  4. Meroe and Egypty 
  5. Uvinza and Bilma 

vii. Each organization formed in the world had its administration structure, which help to simplify the administrative role of the specific charter. What are the organs in UN which are termed as, the supreme organ and the body concerned with day to day work of UN

  1. The Security Council and The General Assembly
  2. General Assembly and the International Court of Justice
  3. The General Assembly and The Secretariat
  4. The Security Council and the Secretariat
  5. The Economic and Social Council and UNESCO

viii. The societies from South Africa had long history to tell about coming of Dutch at the cape, coming of British at the cape, Boers trek, Mfecane war and Ngoni migration. Why were the rulers of the small Ngoni groups were able to defeat ad consolidate their power to most of the east Africa societies?

  1. Their female subjects were married by defeated tribes
  2. Their male subjects were agents of colonialism
  3. Their army used more magic power than weapons
  4. Their army had poor weapons like guns
  5. War captives were spared and recruited into Ngoni armies

ix. The colonialists they decided to use different methods to establish colonialism in Africa. Since it was not easy for Africans to accept colonialism. What was the aim of using intimidation as the method of establishing colonialism in Africa

  1. To stimulate African army unity
  2. To create fear and suppress African solidarity against colonialism
  3. To demonstrate the European military strengths to Africa
  4. To implant African awareness towards colonialism
  5. To exercise new military fighting weapons

x. The Kibwelegeni’s Grandfather had e tendency and behavior of narrating different historical events to Kibwelegeni every evening. Last time he narrated about the factors that led to the occurrence of First World War, like Moroccan crisis, formation of military alliance and assassination of Archduke Ferdinand. What source of historical information used in giving these events.

  1. Oral tradition 
  2. Narration of the past events
  3. Historical information
  4. Archaeology 
  5. Historical sites 

xi. Trading routes for regional trades were organized from interior to the coastal line, for easy shipping of materials from Africa to other continents, and manufactured goods from other continent to Africa. Trading caravans going into the interior of East Africa in the 19th century carried a red flag because

  1. They were travelling along the dangerous trade route
  2. They need the protection of the sultan of Zanzibar
  3. They were afraid of the British who were trying to stop slave trade
  4. Slaves suffered during their journey from the interior to coast
  5. They were carrying slaves as the main trade article

xii. When the colonialist occupation of the African continent, they decided to introduce various things for their betterment such as colonial social services and colonial administrative system. Now the what the name of goods and services which comprised activities such as manufacturing, agriculture and mining during the colonial era

  1. Neo-colonialism 
  2. Trusteeship 
  3. Nationalism
  4. Colonial bureaucracy
  5. Colonial economy 

xiii. Before the outbreak of First World War, which among of the following African countries were German colonies

  1. Tanganyika, Burundi, Kenya, and Rwanda
  2. Rwanda, Tanganyika, Uganda and Burundi
  3. Burundi, Angola, Cameroon and Zimbabwe
  4. Cameroon, Rwanda, Tanganyika and Namibia
  5. Togo, Namibia, Cameroon and Angola

xiv. Industrial development in Africa was not prioritized by the capitalists during the colonial time because

  1. The colonialist were interested in obtaining raw materials
  2. The colonialists stressed on the provision of social services
  3. The climate did not favour industrial development
  4. Africa had no enough raw materials
  5. Africa had no infrastructures to support the industries

xv. The imperialists in Africa they established various companies and associations which were used as charter in the areas of their influence. Which one of the following company was led by king Leopard II of Belgium?

  1. Royal Niger Company
  2. Imperial British East Africa Company
  3. British South Africa Company
  4. International African Association 
  5. Dutch East Indian Company

2. Match the terms in LIST A with correct responses in LIST B by writing the letter of the correct responses beside the item number in the answer booklet provided



(i) The founder of Conversion Peoples Party (CPP) which was break from United Gold Coast Conversion (UGCC) and become the first president of his nation

(ii) The founder of FRELIMO, outside of his country and was assassinated by parcel bomb while he was at Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

(iii) The founder of MPLA and become the first president of his country after the end of Portuguese rule.

(iv) The founder of UNITA to against the existing government from 1975 to 2002

(v) The founder of Umkonto we Sizwe(spear of the nation) and ANC and become the first president of majority rule in his nation

  1. Mwl. J.K. Nyerere
  2. Augustino Netto
  3. Robert Mugabe
  4. Dr. Kwame Nkurumah
  5. Sam Nujoma
  6. Jonas Savimbi
  7. Jamshid Abdullah bin Khalifa
  8. Samora Machel
  9. Nelson Mandela
  10. Milton Obote
  11. Eduardo Mondlane.
  12. Nnandi Azikiwe


Answer all questions in this section 3. Briefly explain what do you understand on the following questions

i. Explain what do you understand about pan-Africanism movement and show on how was become helpful in the struggle of African nationalism.

ii. Every sources of historical information has its own challenges to use. In two points explain the limitation of using archaeology to obtain historical information.

iii. Explain why Versailles peace treaty associated with occurrence of the Second World War of 1939-1945.

iv. In two points explain why in the history of mankind, it is necessary to study the evolution of man.

v. Explain how the competition in sugar production between British and France, was one of the factors for abolition of slave trade world

vi. Explain the two types of stone tools used by man during early Stone Age in different daily activities.

4. Arrange the following statements in chronological order by writing number 1 to 6 beside the item number.

i. The Majimaji war was unique in the way it united a number of different tribes in common rebellion, and it was termed as large scale resistance since it was covered large area.

ii. The German authorities were surprised when their headquarters and officials were attacked.

iii. The last and most serious revolt against German rule broke out in July, 1905 up to 1907 iv. The immediate cause of discontent was the government’s cotton scheme, which was accompanied with intensive exploitation.

v. A prophet named Kinjekitile of Ngarambe declared that magic water which was mixed millet and other local medicine will turn bullets into water.

vi. Due to this wrong belief of turning bullets into harmless water these tribes were defeated by the Germans.

5. Draw the sketch map of Africa and locate by using roman numbers on the following historical countries

i. A country which sharpened the struggle for independence in Africa

ii. A country which is new member of East Africa Community

iii. A country which was called South West Africa

iv. A country in which Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa become prime minister

v. A country where Agadir Affair was occurred


Answer only three questions from this section

6. African continent had its own history and its development, not as colonialist termed as Dark Continent. In six arguments, show the basis for consolidation and development of centralized states in Africa during pre-colonial era.

7. “Colonial social services consolidated colonialism in Africa”. Justify this statement by giving six points.

8. “political changes which have been taking place in African states since the second half of the 1980’s were result of inevitable internal and external circumstances” substantiate this statement by giving six reasons

9. The situation which was occurred during 1929 to 1933, it was terrible and horrible whole over the world due to its result. In six points explain the effects of this situation on African countries.








Time: 3 Hours        May 2021


  1. This paper consists of three sections A, B and C with a total of 9 questions.
  2. Answer all questions in section A and B and any three (3) questions from section C.
  3. Cellular phones and other authorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  4. Write your examination number on every page of your Answer booklet(s).

SECTION A (20marks)

Answer all questions in this section

1. For each of the items (i) - (xv) choose the correct answer from among the given alternative and write its letter beside the correct number.

  1. The appearance of Zinjanthropus and Homohabilis marked the beginning of the period in history known as, ____________
  1. Neolithic age 
  2. Modernization age 
  3. Early Stone Age
  4. Pre colonial period 
  5. Iron age period
  1. The colonial Imperial chartered companies failed in their mission to rule African colonies because; ____________
  1. Other European companies were against them.
  2. African chiefs refused to work with the company administrators.
  3. Imperialist states were too far to support them during resistance
  4. The colonies were producing less and therefore were not profitable.
  5. They had little capital and skilled man power to run colonial administration.
  1. Who among the following was the first systematic tools maker and had a bigger brain than that of zinjazthropus. ___________
  1. Homo habilis
  2. Homo sapiens
  3. Homo erectus
  4. Modern man
  5. Modern Apes
  1. Most of the traders during the early commercial contacts between East Africa and Far East came from, ______________
  1. China and Egypt
  2. Europe and China
  3. Egypt and Indonesia
  4. Indonesia and Europe
  5. Indonesia and China
  1. The term Apartheid as it was applied to South African societies meant: ______
  1. Colour bar between whites and the blacks
  2. Separate development among the South African races.
  3. No voting right for African
  4. The best land to be reserved for whites
  5. Creation of settlement for African societies termed Bantustans.
  1. Why the knowledge of iron working was kept secret in some societies during pre-colonial period? _________
  1. They wanted to develop the division of labour
  2. Iron had the immediate use value to some societies
  3. They wanted to maintain the monopoly of the Blacksmiths
  4. They had plants of using it in making ornaments
  5. It enabled men to play a middle man’s role in salt and gold.
  1. In Britain the years between 1780 and 1820 formed the period of transition from commercial capitalism to; ___________
  1. Monopoly capitalism
  2. Primitive accumulation of capital
  3. The age of mercantilism
  4. Industrial capitalism
  5. The period of scramble
  1. Which of the following societies in West Africa were famous in using copper alloys for making various ornaments? _________
  1. Ibo and Yoruba
  2. Venda and mashona
  3. Mangaja and Fulani
  4. Yoruba and Mandika
  5. Mandika and Ibo
  1. In many colonies peasant Agriculture was preferred by the colonial state because;
  1. It was cheap and peasant produced for both metropolitan and themselves
  2. Settlers were arrogant and conformists
  3. Peasant were able to acquire capital loans from colonial banks and pay on time
  4. It was easy to inject new production techniques among peasants
  5. It enabled the colonial state to bring about development among the rural peasants.
  1. The united nation specialized agency responsible for Human settlements is the; ___
  1. UNHCR 
  2. UNEP 
  4. UNDP 
  5. WHO
  1. Which of the following is the famous local Museum in Tanzania; _________
  1. Olduvai gorge 
  2. Bagamoyo 
  3. Kilwa 
  4. Kondoa 
  5. Kalenga
  1. The method of making salt through boiling and evaporating underground water was common in; _________
  1. Katanga 
  2. Tanga 
  3. Bunyoro 
  4. Uvinza 
  5. Meroe
  1. When was an international organ comprising of independent states from all over the world was formed? __________
  1. Towards the end of the abolition of slave trade
  2. Towards the beginning of the first world war 
  3. During the establishment of colonialism 
  4. Towards the end of the Second World War 
  5. During the Berlin conference of 1884 up to 1885
  1. What took place in Europe between 1750’s and 1850’s? _________
  1. Industrial revolution
  2. Mercantile capitalism
  3. Monopoly capitalism
  4. Scramble for Africa
  5. Emergence of slave trade
  1. The social challenges facing people in Africa include; _________
  1. Political instability and tribalism
  2. Tribalism and neo colonialism
  3. Colonialism and illiteracy
  4. Illiteracy and diseases 
  5. Corruption and lack of rule of law
  1. Match the items in LIST A with correct responses in LIST B by writing the letter of the correct response (5Marks)



(i) Islands of Zanzibar, Pemba, Mafia, Lamu, Kismayu, Bravo,Merca,Mogadishu and Warsheikh were defined as the dominions of the sultan of Zanzibar

(ii) German got the island of Heligoland

(iii) It was ruled that treaties made with African rulers were to be considered as valid titles to sovereignty

(iv) It was a system in which an African were taught how to think and act as the French people

(v) It was a system in which French had to respect the culture of her colonial people and allow them to develop independently rather than forcing them to adopt French civilization and culture

  1. Association policy
  2. Assimilation policy
  3. Resolution of Berlin conference
  4. Anglo-German agreement of 1890
  5. Anglo-German agreement of 1886
  6. Slave trade centers
  7. Versailles peace treaty
  8. Human right policy
  9. Cultural system policy
  10. Causes of the second world war

 SECTION B (35 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

3. Briefly answer the following questions

  1. How assimilation policy was implemented in Africa.
  2. Why do you think, slave trade in Indian Ocean expanded from the 15thc.
  3. How the discovery of iron, brings the remarkable changes in the history of Africa.
  4. How the First World War led to the great depression.
  5. Why the Second World War was the turning point for the rise of mass nationalism in Africa.
  6. How man originated according to the theory of evolution.

4. Arrange the following statements in chronological order by writing number 1 to 6 beside the item number.

  1. The Majimaji war was unique in the way it united a number of different tribes in common rebellion.
  2. The German authorities were surprised when their headquarters and officials were attacked.
  3. The last and most serious revolt against German rule broke out in july, 1905.
  4. The immediate cause of discontent was the government’s cotton scheme.
  5. A prophet named Kinjekitile of Ngarambe declared that magic water will turn bullets into water.
  6. Due to this wrong belief of turning bullets into harmless water these tribes were defeated by the Germans.

5. (a) Draw a sketch map of Africa and on it show the following sites of resistance

  1. Nama and Hehe
  2. Mandika
  3. Abushiri – Bwana heri revolts
  4. Adowa
  5. Chimulenga

(b) For each resistance in (a) above mention the European Nations which were resisted by Africa


Answer three questions from this section. Each question carries 15 marks

6. With six points assess the tactics used during the abolition of slave trade.

7. “Colonial social services consolidated colonialism in Africa”. Justify this statement by giving six points.

8. How Africa was affected by 1929-1933 crisis in the capitalist system. Give six points.

9. Analyze six major changes in Man’s way of life during the new Stone Age.







(For School Candidates Only)

TIME: 3:00 Hours Monday March 16, 2021


SECTION A: (20 Marks) 

Answer all questions in this section

1. For each of the items [i]—[xv] choose the most correct answer among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in your answer sheet:

(i) What are the major types of oral traditions?

  1. Museums and archives
  2. Poems and proverbs
  3. Historical sites and narrations of events
  4. Archaeology and museums
  5. Cultural practice and narration of events

(ii) There are two theories of evolution of man which are…… 

  1. Protectionism and creationism
  2. Creationism and isolationism
  3. Creationism and evolution
  4. Historicism and Historiography
  5. Modern and Ancient theory

(iii) Oral tradition is the ancient source of history with many limitations except:

  1. It is lasts for 500 years
  2. It is easy to be forgotten
  3. It provides employment to the people
  4. It is based on bias and fallacy
  5. It can be changed according to time and environment.

(iv) What was the achievement of man during the middle stone age?

  1. Discovery of fire
  2. Development of bi-pedalism
  3. Domestication of animals
  4. Making and using pebble tools
  5. Discovering of iron

(v) Nok village is the famous iron site found in: 

  1. Nigeria West Africa.
  2. Wolof Senegal West Africa
  3. Monduli Tanganyika East Africa 
  4. Dhar-Ekhit Mauritania West Africa
  5. Ndonga Congo central Africa.

(vi) The famous Pre-colonial political organization in Tanzania which controlled central route of long distance trade was………..

  1. Hehe kingdom
  2. Pare kindom
  3. Karagwe kingdom
  4. Nyamwezi King dom
  5. Buchosa Kingdom

(vii) As a historian, which one would you consider as Prince Henry’s main aims in organizing the Portugese voyages to West and East A frican coasts?

  1. Acquiring raw materials, markets and cheap labour
  2. Acquiring colonies, raw materials and markets
  3. Spreading christianity, advanture and trade
  4. Establishing processing industries, markets and raw matarials 
  5. Abolishing slave trade, slavery and introduction of legitimate trade 

(viii) What was the common method of farming in pre-colonial Africa?

  1. Mixed farming
  2. Plantation agriculture
  3. Shifting cultivation
  4. Slash and burn cultivation
  5. Permanent crop cultivation

(ix) The external contact between Africa ,the middle East and Far East is believed to have started:

  1. In the 10 Century A.D
  2. In the 12 Century A.D
  3. In the 2 Century B.C to the 7 century A.D
  4. In the 8 Century A.D
  5. No correct answer

(x) Slave trade took place in one of the phases or capitalism development.

  1. Monopoly capitalism
  2. Competitive capitalism
  3. Mercantilism capitalism
  4. Imperialism capitalism
  5. Hegenian capitalism

(xi) America defeated her colonial master in

  1. 1973 
  2. 1663
  3. 1774
  4. 1775
  5. 1776

(xii) Which of the following countries were former Germany colonies from West Africa?

  1. Angola and Mozambique
  2. South Africa and Namibia
  3. Kenya and Uganda
  4. Togo and Cameroon
  5. Algeria and Tunisia.

(xiii) Assimilation policy was succeeded by:

  1. Direct rule
  2. Indirect rue
  3. Association
  4. Secularism
  5. Violence administration

(xiv) The following are the causes of second world war except:

  1. Effect of first world war
  2. Effect of great economic depression
  3. Unfair terms of Versailles peace treat
  4. The rise of Nazism and Fascism
  5. Assassination of Aman Abeid Karume

(xv) The Hutu Revolution in Rwanda was organized by:

  1. Gregory Kayibanda
  2. Prince Louis Rwagasory
  3. Major General Funenile Habyalimana
  4. Major General Fredi Gisa Rwigema
  5. General Michel Micombevo

2. Match the description in LIST A with the correct names of the LIST B by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number in the answer sheet:



(i) 1873

(ii) 1977

(iii) 1952

(iv) 1807

(v) 1935- 1941

  1. Assassination of omar Al-Mukhutar in Libya
  2. The Torit Mutiny in Sudan
  3. The colito Mutiny in Tanzania
  4. Assassination of Tefere Bonte in Ethiopia
  5. The birth of Kleist Seykes
  6. The Egyptian revolution under Gamal Abdel Nasser
  7. The Italo- Ethopian
  8. Ant-slavery law passed in England.
  9. The tyota war between Libya and Chad.
  10. The Anya –anya war
  11. The birth of CCM (Revolutionary Party)
  12. The closure of Zanzibar Slave market

SECTION B:(35 Marks) Answer all questions in this section

3. Brifly explain the following historical words

(i) Neo-colonialism

(ii) Under development

(iii) Political instabilities

(iv) Armed struggle

(v) How would you relate the French Assimilation policy and destruction of African culture?

(vi) Colonial education

4. Arrange the following statement in the chronological order by writing numbers 1-6 beside the item provided:

i. This implied that supreme organ of the organization of the East Africa Authority could not meet

ii. The organization work was hampered by the personality differences among the three heads of state

iii. Although it collapsed in 1977, the EAC was revived on 15 January 2001 iv. The former EAC encountered many challenges.

v. This eventually led to the total collapse of any new development in the EAC.

vi. For example, President Julius Nyerere could not meet physically with president Iddi Amin of Uganda.

5. Draw a sketch map of Africa and locate the following centralized states in pre precolonial Africa:

(a) Ghana empire

(b) The Egyptian Kingdom

(c) The Moravi Kingdom

SECTION C: (45 Marks)

 Answer three(3) questions in this section 

6. Through their activities the Missionaries became the forerunners of colonialism. Justify this statement. (Six points)

7. Discuss the impact of Dutch settlements at the cape from 1652-1796. (Six points).

8. The scramble for and for and partition of Africa was inevitable in 19 Century .Discuss by using six Points.

9. Why Angola and Mozambique adopted armed struggle as the way of attaining independence? (use Six points).







Time: 3:00 Hours


  • This paper consists Of section A, B and C
  • Answer all questions in section A and B and three (3) questions in section C.
  • Cellular phones are not allowed in the examination room.
  • Write Your name/examination number on every page of your answer booklet/ sheet

SECTION A (20 Marks)

1. For each Of the items (i — xv) choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer sheet provided.

(i) Which one of the following is the best describes of the Stone Age era?

  1. When man used stone widely as ornament
  2. When stones were formed on the earth
  3. When Africa used stones to fight against invaders
  4. When man used stones artistically widely in his daily life
  5. When stone become major commodity in a long distance trade 

(ii) One of the short term cause of the first world war

  1. Spanish civil war
  2. Sarajevo assassination
  3. Generation Francisco Fanco 
  4. The rise of capitalism in Europe 
  5. Abolition of slave trade

(iii) display a collection of items by ranging from cultural objects and technological development of societies

  1. Museum
  2. Archives
  3. Written documents
  4. Oral tradition
  5. Historical sites

(iv) One of the following was demonstrated unity and self-determination among African's in the desire to liberate themselves from foreign rule in the early 20th century

  1. Maumau 
  2. Chimurenga 
  3. Mfecane
  4. Majimaji 
  5. Afro-Boer

(v) An important reason for Ngonis' victory in East Africa was due to the superior

  1. Courage 
  2. Intelligence 
  3. Physical strength
  4. Military tactics 
  5. Poor beliefs

(vi) Which of the following colonial sectors of colonial economy favored European and Asians in Africa during colonial period

  1. Education, health, water, housing and roads
  2. Agriculture, mining, financial institution, transport and commerce
  3. Industry, communications, harbors and books
  4. Agriculture schemes, labour, bureau and trade
  5. Transportation heath, mining electricity and water services

(vii) A primate which led to the emergence of man is called

  1.  Proconsul 
  2. Chimpanzee 
  3. Gorile
  4. Monkey 
  5. Ramapithecus

(viii) IBEACO failed to administer colonies in East Africa on behalf Of the British government due to:

  1. The railway construction into the interior had used most of its fund
  2. If spent most of its fund on crushing slave trade
  3. It sent out experienced administrators when the local people destructed from previous visits
  4. Of the expenses of replanting the Zanzibar cloves destroyed by hurricanes
  5. Of the expenses involved in the civil war of Uganda

(ix) The following was one of the characteristics of colonial education EXCEPT 

  1. It based on rudimentary curriculum
  2. It segregated Africans
  3. If focus on literacy and numeracy
  4. It reflected the interest of the Africans
  5. It was accessed only by few Africans

(x) One reason for Dutch settlement at the cape in 1652 waste:

  1. Created Dutch Empire in South Africa
  2. Defeat Asians and Europeans who monopolized trade in Indian Ocean
  3. Prepare a refreshment station for Dutch Merchant from India
  4. Place South Africa in the world capitalism
  5. Prepare South Africa as home for Dutch Merchants

(xi) History is about;-

  1. Man's activities through various stages of his development
  2. How colonialists came to East Africa 
  3. The action of the head of states and government
  4. Homo sapiens

(xii) Nama and Herero resistance took place between in Against German rule.

  1. South West Africa 
  2. 1891 -1897 
  3. 1884 -1904 
  4. 1904 -1905 
  5. 1800- 1900

(xiii) Among the effects of European penetration into the interior of West Africa was

  1. Introduction and development of copper industry
  2. Development of marine technology 
  3. Decline of trans Saharan trade
  4. Abolition of triangular slave trade
  5. Decline of long distance trade

(xiv) Historical era when the Great economic depression occurred

  1. 1918- 1920 
  2. 1919 
  3. 1829- 1840
  4. 1929 - 1933 
  5. 1967- 1970

(xv) Major historical problem faced by independent African state after independence

  1. Low income to the majority
  2. Experts without white colour jobs
  3. The balance of the ministers from formal colonial master
  4. Size of the Independent African state
  5. Imbalance in power sharing

 2. Match the items in list "A" with the correct response in list "B" by writing the correct letter against the corresponding question number.



(i) German military alliance

(ii) The versatiles peace treaty was signed

(iii) An international organization which had much support on Tanganyika freedom fighting

(iv) Chimurenga war

(v) Apartheid policy was made official oli in South Africa

  1. 1896 - 1897
  2. Triple alliance
  3. ILO
  4. 1948
  5. Triple entente
  6. UNO
  7. 1919 in France
  8. 1587

3. Briefly answer the following questions

(i) Comment on the role played by colonial services consolidating colonialism in Africa.

(ii) Briefly comment on the indirect rule in Africa

(iii) What are the factors for state formation in pre-colonial societies (Outline six points).

(iv) Chimurenga war

(v) Colonial economy in Africa

(vi) Why Ethiopian were not colonized the 19thC

4. (a) Arrange the following statements in chronological order by using number I to 5 beside the item number @ 2 marks.

(i) The coming of Portuguese increased the demand for slaves because many people were enslaved for the big plantations.

(ii) Furthermore, the trade increased in size when in 1770s, French opened up plantations of sugar in Mauritania's and reunion.

(iii) However the indigenous chief huterlaud of East Africa participated fully in the trade because it's their source of political and economic power 

(iv) At the beginning slave trade was small in size because the slaves were taken to work as domestic slaves.

(v) The coming of Sayyid Said to Zanzibar intensified the trade, the clove and coconut plantations in Zanzibar mainly depend on the slave trade

(b) Explain in brief, ways of obtained slaves during the colonial period in African society

5. Draw a sketch Map of Africa and locate the following

(i) A country who was able to attain her freedom in 1957 which marked and acted as a stepping stone for African liberation

(ii) An East African country which obtained her independence through revolution means.

(iii) A place in Africa where the Boer Treck occurred between 1835 - 1840's

(iv) A place where a great historical extract of human life was made in East Africa.

(v) A country nearby Tanganyika North East which experienced armed struggle.

SECTION C (45) Marks

6. Why did European's take measures to abolish slave trade in the 19th century (Give six points)

7. Explain the reason for the failure of the former East African community (Give six points)

8. The Independence of Tanganyika in 1961 was an inevitable development given the nature of the colonial state and the global situation the existed after 1945. How far is this true? Substantiate by giving eight points.

9. Examine the strengths and weakness of education in Africa after Independence. Give eight points four each part.

10. Why has the dream of a United Africa not- bee achieved (Give eight points)





012                                                               HISTORY
(For Both School and Private Candidates)

Time: 3 HRS                               `                                                   Thursday 4, August 2020  pm


  1. This paper consist of three  sections A, B and C  with  Nine (09) questions
  2.  Answer All questions from section A and B and three questions from section C
  3. Write your examination number on every page of your answer sheet(s).
  4. All drawings should be in pencil
  5. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.

SECTION A, (20 Marks) 

Answer all questions in this section

1. For each of the items (i) – (xv), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

i.       ..................was the systematic tool maker and had bigger brain 

A      Zinjanthropus           B      Chimpanzee              

C       Homohabilis.             D      Homosapiens

ii.  The notable achievement of man in the late stone age was 

A      Making pebbles                                      B      Discovery of fire  

C      Establishing permanent settlement        D     Conquering neighboring weak states

iii.   One of the following sets is the list of missionaries who championed the establishment of colonialism in Africa 

A      John Krapf, John Rebman, Dr. David Livingstone  

B      William Macknon, Sir Harry Johnstone, Samwel White Baker  

C      Joseph Thompson, John Speke, Dr. David Livingstone   

D      Dr. David Livingstone, William Macknon, John Rebman

iv.  Among the given sets of areas bellow, one was an important salt making centre in Africa   

A      Axum and Meroe               B      Axum and Uvinza  

C      Meroe and Taghaza            D      Taghaza and Uvinza

v.    During the first phase of trading connections, traders who came to East Africa were from 

A      Britain, Yemen, Egypt and India

B      China, Oman, Mauritius and Comoro

C      China, Indonesia, Katanga and Sofala

D     China, Indonesia, India and Middle East

vi.    Industrial capitalism was preceded by 

A       Merchantalism                           B      Colonialism  

C      Competitive capitalism              D      Monopoly Capitalism.

vii.   In primitive communalism there was 

A      High level of productive forces               B      Low level of science and technology  

C      Social stratification                                  D      strong political institutions

viii.   The main reason for introducing colonial infrastructures was  

A       civilizing African colonies  

B      developing African colonies  

C      introducing new locomotive technology  

D      facilitating the exploitation of African manpower and resources

ix...............was formed in order to challenge CPP 

A      NLM            B      LEGCO                  C      UGCC                 D      GCA

x.    In promoting settler plantation in Kenya, the colonial state 

A       increased prices of cash crops for African farmers  

B       encouraged the settlers to pay high wages to African labourers   

C       created  means of ensuring constant supply of labour  

D      encouraged peasants to cultivate cash crops

xi.  The two superpowers which emerged after the world war II were 

A     USA and Britain                B     USSR and French  

C     USSR and USA                 D     UNO and USA

xii ..............were the leaders of the Pan-African movement. 

A     Jomo Kenyatta and Kwame Nkrumah  

B     Chimwenga and Machemba  

C     Julius K. Nyerere  and Kamuzu Banda  

D     William Du-Bois and Marcus Garvey.

xiii.  The following countries gained independence through armed struggle 

A      Namibia, Kenya and Angola 

B      Tanganyika, Uganda and Kenya 

C      Angola, Zimbabwe Nigeria 

D      Sudan, Senegal and Ghana

xiv.   South Africa achieved its majority rule in 1994 and Nelson Mandela became the first president. Before him, south Africa was governed by 

A      Peter Botha                        B      Robert Sokukwe  

C      Oliver Thambo                  D      Frerick De Klerk

v.    Which among the following agencies of UNO deals with matters concerning environment 

A        UNHCR             B       UNESCO               C      UNEP            D      UNICEF

2. Match the discriptions in list A with the corresponding names of the treaties in list B by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number in the answer sheet.



(i)  The treaty that put legally and valid the territory of Msovero under German control.

(ii) The treaty that signed to close all public slave markets in the dominations of the Sultan.

(iii) The treaty that defined to both Britain and German their respective sphere of influence in East Africa.

(iv)  The treaty that prevented other foreign powers from occupying Zimbabwe.

(v) The peace treaty documents that were signed by the allied power against German.

A.    Moresby treaty 1822

B.     The moffat traety 1888

C.     The Berlin conference 1884

D.    Eternal friendship treaty 1884

E.     Freire treaty 1919

F.      Versailles treaty 1919

G.    Heligoland treaty 1890

H.    League of nations 1920

I.       M 23 treaty 2012

J.       Devonshire white paper 1923

SECTION B (35 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

3. Answer the following questions briefly

  1. What are the Periplus of the Erythrean Sea and Ptolemys Geography?
  2. Why the Africans collaboration with the colonialists was not considered as a betrayal to their fellow Africans?
  3. Why the British at the cape were blamed for the occurrence of the great Exodus in South Africa in the 19th Century?
  4. Flag followed cross. Discuss the statement in relation to Missionaries activities in establishment of colonialism in Africa.
  5. Why the attainment of political independence to African countries was just a transition period from colonialism to neo-colonialism.
  6. What is socialism and self reliance as a socialist ideology adopted by Tanzania?

4.   Arrange the following historical events in chronological order by writing number 1 to 6 besides the item number in the answer booklet provided.

  1. The first world war changed the African history in colonization and made Tanganyika to b e under British control
  2. Arabs were the first foreigners to interact and conduct trading activities for a very long period than other foreigners
  3. Germans were authorized to rule Tanganyika after the Berlin conference of the 1884/1885 headed by OHO Von Bismarck.
  4. The Portuguese need to control East Africa though Indian ocean in the 15th century  made the decline of Arab rule
  5. Several challenges faced Portuguese including bad climatic conditions and lack of enough fund made the end of Portuguese rule in the 17th Century
  6. Tanganyika is among the east African countries that has passed on through different periods of development from pre-colonial area to the period of colonialism. 

5. Draw a sketch map of Africa and locate the following sites by using roman numbers.

  1. A country which is still struggling for herself rule.
  2. The youngest nation in Africa
  3. A country where dual mandate was first practiced in Africa.
  4. A country which chaired front line countries for liberation of southern Africa.
  5. A country in which Hifekepunye Lucas Pohamba became its second president.

SECTION C(45 Marks) 

Answer only three (3) questions

6. The outbreak of Second World War was un avoidable. Discuss

7. Examine six factors which enable Tanganyika to attain her independence earlier than Kenya and Uganda.

8. Peasant agriculture was introduced by colonialists through several factors; examine them using six points

9. Examine six (6) problems encountered by the Africans during Mass nationalism in Africa.



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