Time: 3Hours


  1.         This paper consists of sections A, B, and C with a total eleven (11) questions.
  2.         Answer all question in the sections A, B and two (2) questions from section C.
  3.         Section A carries sixteen (16) marks, section B fifty four (54) marks and section C carries thirty (30) marks.
  4.         All writing should be in blue or black pen, except for diagrams that must be drawn in pencil.
  5.         Communication devices and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  6.         Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet (s


  1.                                For each of the question (i)-(x) choose the correct answer from alternatives given and write the letter of the correct answer in answer sheet provided.
  1. Which of the following is not true about the feudal relations of production.
  1. Ubwenyenye
  2. Nyarubanja
  3. Ubugabire
  4. Umwinyi
  5. Obusulu
  1. The Hehe resistance in Tanganyika was the African active reaction against.
  1. Italy invasion
  2. Portuguese invasion
  3. French domination
  4. British invasion
  5. German colonial occupation
  1. Most of Europeans referred Africa as “The Dark continent” because: -
  1. It was geographically isolated from Europe and Europeans knew a little about the people.
  2. It was mostly occupied by black colored inhabitants
  3. It had no civilization and had contributed none to the outsiders.
  4. Its people are cursed sons of Ham.
  5. Some parts of it were under Romans
  1. The missionary who came to East Africa and opened the first missionary centre at Rabai in 1846 was;
  1. Dr. David Livingstone
  2. John Speke
  3. Richard Burton
  4. John Ludwing Krapf
  5. Carl Peters
  1. The source of which is used to reconstruct history which is both material and immaterial is known as: -
  1. Anthropology
  2. Linguistic
  3. Oral traditions.
  4. Ethnographic sources
  5. Archaeology
  1. One of the famous salt–mining places for Trans –Saharan trades was;
  1. Janne
  2. Gao
  3. Taghaza
  4. Timbuktu
  5. Southern
  1. James wants to learn and understand the culture, beliefs and ideologies of the Maasai. For him to understand all those he should live among them. Who is James?
  1. Historian
  2. Anthropologist
  3.  Archaeologist
  4. Archivist
  5. Linguistic
  1. History students at Kill secondary school were discussing "the period which marked the intensive competition and war fare among the European nations for profit maximization" This discussion can be summarized in one term as.
  1. Mercantilism
  2. Industrial capitalism
  3. Bullionism
  4. Colonialism
  5. Monopoly capitalism
  1. What did emergency of Maumau in Kenya indicate
  1. The settlers were in full control of the country
  2. Kenyans were prepared to sacrifice their lives for liberation of their land
  3. Jomo Kenyatta was the likely person to lead independent in Kenya
  4. There was disunity among the Africans in their opposition to British rule
  5. The direct rule system as applied in Kenya did not function
  1. Which of the following is the best description of Homohabilis
  1. The early man
  2. The modern man
  3. The current man
  4. The erect man
  5. Man the tool maker

2. Match the items in List A with the correct response in List B by riling the letter of the corresponding responses in the answer sheet provided.



(i) He ordered in the final solution that the Jewish population should be eliminated

(ii) He chaired the idea of forming a stronger African organization in the 1990's

(iii) He formulated 14 points of League of Nations

(iv) He stated that man developed from an ape like creature

(v) The French representative in the Versailles Peace treaty of 1919.

(vi)The colonial administrator of Dutch East Indian Company

  1. David Livingstone
  2. Otto Von Bismark
  3. Muamar Gaddafi
  4. Benito Mussolin
  5. Louis Leakey
  6. Adolf Hitler
  7. Charles Darwin
  8. Woodrow Wilson
  9. Jan Van Riebeek
  10. George Clemeceau


SECTION B: 70 Marks-

Answer all questions

3. Briefly answer the following questions,

  1. Why British preferred indirect rule in most of African colonies?
  2. How the discover of iron changed the development of human during the pre ­colonial epoch?
  3. Flow would you prove that colonial education was the seeds which destroyed colonialism in Africa?
  4. ro what extent did the unfair terms of the Versailles Peace Treaty of 1919 contribute to the outbreak of the Second World War?
  5. Why did Portugal stop to search for the sea route to India?
  6. Why did the colonial infrastructures run perpendicular to the coast?


Arrange the following events in a chronological order by writing number 1 to 6 besides the item number in the answer booklet(s) provided

  1. The 1964 Zanzibar Revolution was the second attempt made to bring about real political independence
  2. It was soon followed by Union between Tanganyika and Zanzibar forming the United Republic of Tanzania
  3. In DeceMber 1963 the British handed down political power to Arab Minority
  4. The event was an important step towards the achievement of East African Unity.
  5. The revolution was intended to transfer power to majority
  6. The colonial government supported Arabs so as to ensure the continuation of safeguarding their interest during post-independence


5. Draw a sketch map of Africa and locate the following by using roman numbers.

(i) The country in which socialism and self reliance was introduced and became official in 1967.

(ii) A country which presented a document of socialist ideology on October 8th in 1969 termed the “Common Man’s Charter”.

(iii) A country in which humanism socialist ideology was introduced by the President Kenneth Kaunda after independence.

(iv) A country in which the Biafra war took place in 1967-1970 due to the ethnicity, cultural and religious tensions.

(v) A country in which civil war began in 1975 and continued until 2002; when Jonas Savimbi died.


6. With six points assess the tactics used during the abolition of slave trade.

7. “Colonial social services consolidated colonialism in Africa”. Justify this statement by giving six points.

8. Discuss the impact of Dutch settlements at the cape from 1652-1796. (Six points).

9. The scramble for and for and partition of Africa was inevitable in 19 Century .Discuss by using six Points.

10. Pre-colonial African societies developed both local and regional trade. Evaluate using six points on the effects of regional trade in East Africa.

11. Examine the reasons for African Defeat during the Maji Maji rebellion













SECTION A (16 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

1. For each of the items (i) – (xv) choose the correct answer from the alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet(s) provided.

  1. Raifa’s grandmother was narrating a very interesting story about what happened during the Ngoni migration; we were listening carefully and sometimes asking questions. What source of historical information was used?
  1.              Museums
  2.               Historical sites
  3.              Linguistics
  4.             Anthropology
  5.               Oral traditions.
  1. Fashai was the daughter of chief in a certain tribe in East Africa; his family was favored by colonialists in social services. His father was also used by colonialists to supervise colonial activities. What was the type of colonial administration in the area?
  1.              Association policy
  2.               Assimilation policy
  3.              Direct rule
  4.             Indirect rule
  5.               Rule and divide technique.
  1. Mr. Kindakindaki is an old man with 85 years, he experienced first and second world wars where he fought on the German side against British, through supporting his colonial master. In history we can term Mr. Kindakindaki as:
  1.              Colonialist
  2.               Colonizer
  3.              German soldier
  4.             Ex-soldier 
  5.               British soldier.
  1. Jabir has large farm of about 100 acres, he allows other landless people to cultivate in his land under agreement of taking 60% of the harvest and the cultivator remain with 40% of the harvest. This kind of system can be referred to as:
  1.              Primitive communalism
  2.               Capitalism
  3.              Feudalism 
  4.             Socialism
  5.               Slavery.
  1. Msema Kweli is a form two student who originates from Sukuma tribe, which inherit based on father’s side. What is the proper term which describes his society?
  1.              Patrilineal society
  2.               Matrilineal society
  3.              Clan head society
  4.             Kinship society
  5.               Age-set society.
  1. The very crucial changes of man during evolution was ability to make tools and Pedalism. Among the following which one is another crucial change of man during the evolution?
  1.              Eating cooked food
  2.               Adoption of the new environment
  3.              Development of brain
  4.             Domestication of plants and animals
  5.               Disappearance of hairs
  1. The agreement signed between Boers, Portuguese and the white settlers from Southern Rhodesia to prolong their domination in the colonies is known as: -
  1.              Nkomati Accord 
  2.               Triamvalent treaty 
  3.              Trivalent treaty
  4.             Nkomati treaty 
  5.               Sao Jorge Accord 
  1. Which of the following is the famous local Museum in Tanzania; _________
  1.              Olduvai gorge 
  2.               Bagamoyo 
  3.              Kilwa 
  4.             Kondoa 
  5.               Kalenga
  1. The social challenges facing people in Africa include; _________
  1.              Political instability and tribalism
  2.               Tribalism and neo colonialism
  3.              Colonialism and illiteracy
  4.             Illiteracy and diseases 
  5.               Corruption and lack of rule of law
  1. Oral tradition is the ancient source of history with many limitations except:
  1.              It is lasts for 500 years
  2.               It is easy to be forgotten
  3.              It provides employment to the people
  4.             It is based on bias and fallacy
  5.               It can be changed according to time and environment.


2. Match the items in list A with the correct response in list B by writing the letter of the corresponding responses in the answer sheet provided.




(i) The agreement involved Britain, German , the sultan of Zanzibar. 

(ii) The system in which children take and follow the clan names of their father. 

(iii) Nyalubanja, ubugabire ,umwinyi and ntemi system 

(iv) Was the trade where by the people met their needs from one another, people were supposed to walk long distance and exchange their commodities. What kind of this trade.? 

(v) The scientific method used to determine historical dates was known as 

(vi) When did man adopt bipedalism? 



A. Patrilineal 

B. Barter trade 

C. Were forms of feudalism in East Africa 

D. Carbon - 14 

E. Delimitation treaty of 1886 

F. Business 

G. Anno Domino 

H. Middle Stone Age 

I. Late Stone Age 




Answer all questions in this section.

3. Briefly explain what you understand on the following historical questions.

i. Explain what do you understand about Pan-Africanism Movement and show on how was become helpful in the struggle of African nationalism.

ii. Every sources of historical information have its own challenges to use. In two points explain the limitation of using archaeology to obtain historical information.

iii. Explain why Versailles peace treaty associated with occurrence of the Second World War of 1939-1945.

iv. In two points explain why in the history of mankind, it is necessary to study the evolution of man.

v. Explain how the competition in sugar production between British and France, was one of the factors for abolition of slave trade world

vi. Explain the two types of stone tools used by man during early Stone Age in different daily activities.

4. Arrange the following statements in chronological order by writing number 1 to 6 beside the item number.

i. The Majimaji war was unique in the way it united a number of different tribes in common rebellion, and it was termed as large scale resistance since it was covered large area.

ii. The German authorities were surprised when their headquarters and officials were attacked.

iii. The last and most serious revolt against German rule broke out in July, 1905 up to 1907.

 iv. The immediate cause of discontent was the government’s cotton scheme, which was accompanied with intensive exploitation.

v. A prophet named Kinjekitile Ngwale of Ngarambe declared that magic water which was mixed millet and other local medicine will turn bullets into water.

vi. Due to this wrong belief of turning bullets into harmless water these tribes were defeated by the Germans.

5. Draw the sketch map of Africa and locate by using roman numbers on the following historical countries.

i. A country which sharpened the struggle for independence in Africa.

ii. A country which is new member of East Africa Community.

iii. A country in which Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa become prime minister.

iv. A country where Agadir Affair was occurred.

6. Professor Marandu Kidia was conducting the historical research on the people along the coast of East Africa. He needed some of historical facts and information about the coast of East Africa. Give four sources that can use to get those historical facts and information.

7. After the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885 what followed was to occupy the colonies and imposing colonial rule. Explain six ways used by colonialist to impose colonial rule.

8. Examine six contributions of social and welfare association to the rise of Nationalism. 



Attempt only two (2) questions from this section

9. As you a Form Four student explain six sources of historical information to your 

grandparents to show how you have understood the history subject (15 marks) 

10. In six points pinpoint the impacts of Neolithic revolution in human life. (15 marks) 

11. The outbreak of The First World War was inevitable. Discuss in six points. 

(15 marks)







Time: 3Hours


  1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of questions
  2. Answer all questions in section A and B and three questions from section C.
  3. Section A carries 20 marks, section B 35 marks and section C 45 Marks
  4. Programmable calculators, cellular phones and any other unauthorized materials are not allowed in examination room.
  5. Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.

SECTION A (15 Marks)

Answer All questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i)-(x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

  1. The average difference of age between parents and their children is called;
  1. Period
  2. Age
  3. Family tree
  4. Time line
  5. Generation
  1. The first creature to walk upright was called;
  1. Homo erectus
  2. Primates
  3. Homo sapiens
  4. Homo habilis
  5. Hominids
  1. Which of the following are included in the archives?
  1. Division of time into days, weeks and years.
  2. Family trees, time lines and time charts.
  3. Colonial records and early travellers' records.
  4. Cultural items from the earliest times to the present.
  5. Items which show man's physical development.
  1. Who among the following was the first systematic tool maker and had a bigger brain than that of Zinjanthropus?
  1. Homo Habilis.
  2. Homo Sapiens.
  3. Homo Eractus.
  4. Modern Man.
  5. Modern Apes.
  1. In areas such as Kondoa-Irangi, paintings and drawings in caves give evidence of the activities of;
  1. iron smelters
  2. settled communities
  3. colonial legacy
  4. education for adaptation
  5. slave trade and slavery.
  1. Most of the traders during the early commercial contacts between East Africa and the Far East came from;
  1. China and Egypt
  2. Europe and China
  3. Egypt and Indonesia
  4. Indonesia and Europe
  5. Indonesia and China.
  1. Why the rulers of small Ngoni groups were able to defeat and consolidate their power to most of the East African societies?
  1. Their female subjects were married by defeated tribes.
  2. Their male subjects were agents of colonialism.
  3. Their army used more magic power than weapons.
  4. Their army had poor weapons like guns.
  5. War captives were spared and recruited into Ngoni armies.
  1. Why the knowledge of iron-working was kept secret in some societies during pre-colonial period?
  1. They wanted to develop division of labour.
  2. Iron had the immediate use value to some societies.
  3. They wanted to maintain monopoly of the blacksmiths.
  4. They had plans of using it in making ornaments.
  5. It enabled men to play a middleman's role in salt and gold.
  1. The coastal city states which grew from the trade contacts between East Africa and Asia were
  1. Mwanza, Tanga and Dar es Salaam
  2. Malindi, Kilwa and Mombasa
  3. Nairobi, Kampala and Dar es Salaam
  4. Lamu, Bagamoyo and Mbeya
  5. Mombasa, Zanzibar and Kigoma.
  1. Which of the following did not result from the contacts between East Africans and the people from the Middle and Far East?
  1. Construction of Fort Jesus.
  2. Introduction of Islam.
  3. Emergence of slave trade
  4. Intermarriage.
  5. Growth of coastal towns.

2. Match the items in LIST A with the correct responses in LIST B by writing the letter of the response beside the item number.



  1. First portugues merchant-explorer to round the cape of good hope in 1498
  2. New economic strategy for Tanzania in 1967
  3. Mau mau leader
  4. Was fought in Nigeria from 1967 to 1970
  5. The last and most serious revolt against germans rule in Tanganyika
  1. Cecil Rhodes
  2. Vasco dagama
  3. Arusha declaration
  4. Jomo Kenyatta
  5. Dedan Kimathi
  6. Biafra War
  7. Maji Maji rebellion

SECTION B (35 Marks) 
Answer all questions in this section.

3. Answer the following question briefly;

  1. Why was trans-saharan trade called dumb trade?
  2. How did the abolition of slave trade contribute to decline of trans-saharan trade
  3. Why was long distance trade called long distance trade?
  4. Who was Sir Fredrick John Lugard?
  5. Describe the structure of direct rule under Germans
  6. Explain French policy of associations

4. Arrange the following statements in chorological order writing number 1 to 6 beside the item number. 

i) Berlin conference was called by Otto vonBismarck resolve the conflict among the imperialist powers 

ii) The imperialist power sent agent of colonialism such as explorers, missionaries and Traders 

iii) The colonial economy was introduced to ensure maximum production of raw materials for European industries 

iv) The scramble for and partition ofAfrica took place in Africa after European nations served the potentiality information about Africa 

v) The colonial administrative system was created to ensure supervision of colonial activities 

vi) The colonial services were established to ensure better health and knowledge for maximum production of raw materials 

5. Draw a sketch map of East Africa and Locate

  1. Headquarter of East Africa Community
  2. Capital of a country whose president was overthrown ina coup in 1971
  3. East Africa great slave market which was closed in 1873
  4. The headquarter of Portuguese rule
  5. Region in Tanganyika which was the best reservoir of labour during colonial period.

SECTION C (45 Marks) 

Answer three (3) questions from this section.

6. Describe the main characteristic of colonial state administration

7. Briefly explain why British decided to use indirect rule in its colonies

8. What were the causes of Ngoni Migrations? Give seven causes

9. Discuss four forms of Feudalism, their merits and its demerits








 Time: 3Hours


  1.            This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of questions
  2.            Answer all questions in section A and B and three questions from section C.
  3.            Section A carries 20 marks, section B 35 marks and section C 45  Marks
  4.            Programmable calculators, cellular phones and any other unauthorized materials are not allowed in examination room.
  5.            Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.

 SECTION A (15 Marks)

 Answer All questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i)-(x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

  1. What was the achievement of man during the Middle Stone Age?
  1. Discovery of fire
  2. Development of bipedalism
  3.  Domestication of animals 
  4. Making and using pebble tools
  5. Discovery of iron
  1. Which one among the following places did people paint and draw in the caves?
  1. Sofala
  2.  Karagwe
  3. Kondoa Irangi
  4. Tabora
  5. Bagamoyo 
  1. The first creature to walk in an upright fashion was called
  1. Homo Erectus.
  2. Primates.
  3. Homo Sapiens. 
  4. Hominids.
  5. Homo Habilis. 
  1. Archaeological findings whose ages are beyond 5,000 years are determined by
  1. using archives.
  2. using carbon 14.
  3. remembering events. 
  4. using time charts.
  5.  narration of past events. 
  1. Which one of the following was the immediate consequence of the development of Triangular trade?
  1. Decolonization of African countries
  2. Disruption of trans-Saharan trade
  3. Scramble and partition of Africa
  4. Adaptation of the Open Door Policy
  5. Implementation of indirect rule policy
  1. America defeated her colonial master in 
  1. 1873.
  2. 1884. 
  3. 1945.
  4. 1776. 
  5. 1918.
  1.                     The coastal city states which grew from the trade contacts between East Africa and Asia were
  1. Mwanza, Tanga and Dar es Salaam
  2. Malindi, Kilwa and Mombasa
  3. Nairobi, Kampala and Dar es Salaam
  4. Lamu, Bagamoyo and Mbeya 
  5. Mombasa, Zanzibar and Kigoma.
  1.                  The type of colonial agriculture which predominated in Kenya was
  1. plantation 
  2. peasant 
  3. co-operative 
  4. settler
  5. pastoralism.
  1. The first European nation to industrialize was
  1.  Germany 
  2.  Britain 
  3.  France 
  4.  Belgium 
  5.  Holland.
  1. The theory of evolution was proposed by
  1.  Louis Leakey 
  2.  Carl Peters 
  3.  Charles Darwin 
  4.  Henry Stanley 
  5.  Donald Cameron.
  1. Three pre-colonial modes of production which existed in Africa were
  1.  Socialism, capitalism and communism
  2.  Socialism, capitalism and communalism
  3.  Slavery, feudalism and communalism 
  4.  Slavery, feudalism and communism 
  5.  Socialism, capitalism and humanism.
  1.                     Which one among the following factors contributed to the rise of states in Africa?
  1.  Low level of productive forces.
  2.  Presence of chartered companies.
  3.  Hunting and gathering activities.
  4.  Absence of classes among the people.
  5.  Availability of iron technology.
  1.                  Who commanded the respect of all and acted as a unifying force among the Maasai?
  1.  Kabaka.
  2.  Omukama.
  3.  Morani.
  4.  Warriors.
  5.  Laibon.
  1.                   The most crucial changes in the evolution of man were 
  1.  bi-pedalism and development of the brain
  2. domestication of crops and animals
  3.  division of labour and expansion of agriculture
  4. establishment of settlements and domestication of crops
  5.  discovery of stone tools and fire.
  1.                     The period which man was able to make chopping and pebble tools is known as 
  1.  Late Stone Age
  2. Old Stone Age
  3.  Middle Stone Age
  4. Iron Age
  5. Industrial age.

2. Match the event with correct year given in the table provided:



  1. Berlin conference
  2. Discovery of skull of earlier man at olduvai gorge
  3. Introduction of multipartism
  4. Majimaji war
  5. First world war
  1. 1914-1918
  2. 1905-1907
  3. 1884-1885
  4. 1939-1945
  5. 1963
  6. 1961
  7. 1959
  8. 1927
  9. 1992

SECTION B (35 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

3. Answer the following questions briefly

  1. Give the meaning of the term “Stone Age Period.
  2. State two political factors which undermined the nationalistic struggle for majority rule in South Africa.
  3.                     Differentiate between patrilineal clan organization from matrilineal clan societies?
  4.                      Highlight two ways in the Cold War was fought.
  5. What were the terms of Berlin conference?
  6.                       Explain why the Allied Powers were able to defeat the Central Powers during the First World War.


4. Arrange the following statements in chronological order by writing number 1 to 5 beside the item number.

  1. African nationalist politics in South Africa started with the formation of the South Africa Native National Congress (SANNC) in 1912.
  2. African National Congress (ANC) led by Nelson Mandela established its armed wing known as "Umkhonto we Sizwe" (Spear of the Nation) which immediately embarked upon military operations within South Africa.
  3. In 1949 the Youth League launched its "Programme of Action" which aimed at attainment of freedom from white domination.
  4. The imposition of capitalist relations of production in South Africa, unlike other parts of the continent, is underlined by racism. This made nationalist struggles in South Africa to be more complicated and long.
  5. In 1964, Nelson Mandela was arrested and sent to jail. Later in 1990 he was released and the majority rule was obtained in 1994.

5.   Draw a sketch map of East Africa and locate the following:

  1. The headquarters of East African Community
  2. The capital city of a country whose president was overthrown in a coup in 1971.
  3.                     The East African great slave market which was closed in 1873.
  4.                      The headquarters of the Portuguese rule.
  5. The region in Tanganyika which was the best reservoir of labour during the colonial period.

SECTION C (45 Marks)

Answer three (3) questions from this section. Each question carries fifteen (15) marks.

6. Explain six effects of the Indian Ocean trade on the East African Coastal inhabitants before 1500 AD.

7. Discuss six factors which led to the decline of the Trans-Atlantic trade.

8. Explain theterms of the Berlin conference

9. Explain why the Allied Powers were able to defeat the Central Powers during the First World War.






TIME: 2HRS                                                                    2020




  1. This paper consitts of Section A,B ad C.
  2. Answer all questions in section A,B and three questions from section C.
  3. Write your answers on the given answer sheets 
  4. Write your full names at the top of  every page
  5. Time is three hours 


1.Under each of the following items, there are five statements. One of the statements best completes the setences labelled from i-x. Identify the statement and write down its letter

(i) The berlin conference 0f 1884/85 was a result of 

  1. The decolonization process
  2. Neo-colonialism
  3. The Influence of Bismarck of Germany
  4. The development of capitalism to imperialism
  5. The development of mercantalism

(ii) The firt people who lived in the Interlucustrine region of East Africa were the:

  1. Chagga 
  2. Bachwezi 
  3. Luo 
  4. Bantu 
  5. Batembuzi 

(iii) The portuguese were mostly interested in the following activities in East Africa

  1. Spreading christianity 
  2. Spreading Islam
  3. Adventure and tourism
  4. Controling the wealth of this part of Africa
  5. Destroying the towns along the coats

(iv) The followign are the stages in evolution of man

  1. Zinjathropus,Home Erectus,Homosapiens,homohabilis
  2. Chimpanzee,Homo Erectus,Zinjathropus
  3. Modern Apes,old Apes,Chimpanzee,Homosapiens
  4. Chimpanzee,Zinjathropus,Homohabilis,Homo Erectus
  5. Food,shelter,clothes,health services

(v) The following were the main participants in Long Distance Trade in East Africa

  1. Yao,Barbaig,Arabs and Mandinka
  2. Ngoni, Tuareg,Arabs and Mazrui
  3. Chagga, Maasai and Bena 
  4. Yao,Nyamwezi and Kamba
  5. Imbagala, Vimbundu and Arabs.

(vi) The earliest socal organization from ehich each society has passed through is;

  1. Slavery 
  2. Socialism 
  3. Feudalism 
  4. Communalism 
  5. Monopoly 

(vii) The ability of the early man to walk by using two limbs is known as;

  1. Homosapiens
  2. Revolution 
  3. Evolution 
  4. Bipedalism 
  5. Adoption 

(viii) The origin of the ngoni speaking people is historically believed to be in;

  1. Soweto in South Africa
  2. Arusha Tanzania
  3. Pretoria in South Africa
  4. Natal in South Africa
  5. Kigoma in Tanzania

(ix) History is the study of;

  1. Future facts 
  2. Past,present and future tense
  3. Past selected information
  4. Man’s activities against nature through various steges of development
  5. Ujamaa in traditional African societies

(x) The NOK region in West Africa was famous in;

  1. Pastoralism 
  2. Agriculture and pastoralism
  3. Salt making
  4. Iron smelting
  5. Fishing and lumbering

2.Match the dates in list A with thehistorical event in list B by writing the letter of the correct event.



(i) 1810-1860

(ii) 1873-1895

(iii) 1905-1907

(iv) 1886

(v) 1896-1897

(vi) 1884-1885

(vii) 1870-1871

(viii) 1877-1888

(ix) 1959

(x) 1869

  1.  Jomo Kenyatta died
  2. The dicovery of the skull of the earliest man at olduvai Gorge by Dr.Louis Leakey
  3. The Russo-Turkish war
  4. Franco-German war
  5. The Berlin Conference
  6. The opening up of suez canal
  7. Anglo-German treaty
  8. Majimaji uprising
  9. The economic depression
  10. Kinjektile was arested by German troops
  11. Mau mau uprising
  12. Ndebele and Shona resistance
  13. Ngoni migration


3.(a)Draw a sketch map of East Africa and mark the following historical sites;

Olduvai Gorge, Fort Ternan, Rusinga Island, Kondoa and Nsongezi.

(b) State the historical significance of the sites mentioned in (a) above.

4.Identify the incorrect historical statements in the following items and write  its letter beside the item number.

(A) The Berlin Conference resolved to abolish slave in all Europeans occupied territories.

(B) The Berlin Conference of 1884/1885 was an imperialist conference which brought together European and African chiefs to divide Africa.

(C) The Berlin conference legalized the division of African countries among European capitalists

(D) The Berlin Conference declared the basins of Nile,Niger and Congo rivers as free zones.

II. (A) Oral tradition keeps on changing as time passes

(B) Oral tradition are not biased

(C) Oral tradition is mainly useful to illiterate society

(D) Oral tradition can be obtained through the use of cultural practices such as music,poems,songs,proverbs and riddles.

III. (A) Selling war prisoners were one of the methods used to obtain slaves in East Africa.

(B) Slaves were obtained by preaching good news to them

(C) Frequent burning of villages added the number of slaves to slave traders.

(D) Slave traders raided villages during nights to capture slaves.

 IV. (A) The East African long distance trade involved the Arabs and Nyamwezi

(B) The Arabs were not interested in slaves during long distance trade

(C) One of the principle exports during long distance trade was ivory from the interior

(D) Due to long distance trade,Zanzibar under Sultan Seyyid Said became well known to Arab countries.

V. (A) The south African Boers introduced the Bantustan policy in South Africa as one of the strategies to control liberation struggles.

(B) In addition, they encouraged the formation of the Patriotic front

(C) Besides, they established a law prohibiting whites to marry blacks

(D) More over, they established the constructive engagement policy in the neighbouring Namibia.


5. Explain the resolutions of the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885.

6. Differentiate between scramble and partition of Africa in the second half of the 19th Century. With examples briefly explain what caused them.

7. Discuss the sources on the basis in which historical information is reconstructed.

8. Account for the tactics used by Europeans to impose colonial rule in Africa .

9. Through their activities the missionaries became forerunners of colonialism. Justify this statement.

10. With examples explain the significance of the Berlin conference of 1884-1885



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