CODE 011

TIME: 2:30 HOURS          



  • This paper consists of section A, B and C with the total number of ten(10) questions
  • Answer all questions in each section
  • Section A carries (15) marks, section B (70) marks and section C carries (15) marks
  • All writing must be in blue/black ink except drawing which must be in pencil
  • Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the assessment room.


SECTION A (15 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

1. For each of the items (i) – (x) choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer sheet provided

  1.         A nation is a group of people who share:
    1.     A language and religion.
    2.      A territory and a government.
    3.      A love for sports.
    4.     The same skin color.
  2.       Which of the following is NOT a national symbol of Tanzania?
    1. The national flag.
    2. The national anthem.
    3. The national bird (kanga).
    4. The national currency (Kenyan shilling).
  3.  Problem-solving and critical thinking are important life skills that help you:
    1. Make friends easily.
    2. Find the best clothes to wear.
    3. Make informed decisions.
    4. Run faster than others.
  4.  Gender equality means:
    1. Men are superior to women.
    2. Women should stay at home.
    3. Men and women have equal rights and opportunities.
    4. Only women should hold government positions.
  5.    A responsible citizen of Tanzania should:
    1. Only follow laws they agree with.
    2. Participate in their community.
    3. Disrespect people in positions of authority.
    4. Ignore voting opportunities.
  6.  Choosing a career path requires considering your:
    1. Friends' recommendations only.
    2. Interests, skills, and education.
    3. Family pressure solely.
    4. The most popular jobs.
  7.                        Strong families provide their members with:
  1. Material possessions.
  2. Love, support, and guidance.
  3. Strict rules and punishment.
  4. Complete independence.
  1.                      Treating others with respect means:
    1. Always getting your way.
    2. Listening and considering others' feelings.
    3. Putting yourself first in all situations
    4. Using offensive language.
  2.  Pedestrians should use designated walkways or crosswalks to:
    1. Slow down traffic.
    2. Increase their visibility to vehicles.
    3. Make drivers wait longer.
    4. Take a shortcut.
  3.    Tanzania is a:
    1. Monarchy with a king or queen.
    2. Dictatorship with one powerful leader.
    3. Democracy where citizens participate in government.
    4. Theocracy ruled by religious leaders.

2. Match the road sign shape/color on the left with its correct meaning on the right.

Column A

Column B

  1. Red Octagon (STOP sign)
  2. Yellow Triangle
  3. Red Circle with Diagonal Line
  4. Circular Blue Sign
  5. Rectangular White Sign
  1. Warning: potential hazard ahead
  2. Regulatory: indicates a traffic law or regulation
  3. Stop and yield right of way
  4. Mandatory instruction that must be followed
  5. Information or guidance




3. Explain five social cultural factors that hinder the progress of women in africa

4. Professor Saguti has declared interest in running for a parliamentary seat in coming general elections. Outline five code of ethics he is expected to observe.

5. Constitution is a very important document for a country. Suspending a constitution can lead to Anarchy. Elaborate five importance of a constitution.

6. Mary is facing a lot of problems in her academic life as a student which is affecting her studies. Explain to her five steps she can take to solve her problems.

7. The national Anthem is one of the symbols of National Unity. Briefly explain five occasions when the National Anthem is Sang.

8. Form two students were having a serious discussion on effect of earlier marriage for girls in Tanzania. Help them understand how earlier marriage has affected girls life.

9. Mohamed has applied and acquired Tanzanian Citizenship, Explain the benefits he will get by being a citizen of Tanzania.


10. Family is the building block of a nation. Explain factors that can promote stable family life.











Time: 2:30 Hours


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions
  2. Answer all questions.
  3. Section A and Carry fifteen (15) marks each and section B carries seventy (70)marks
  4. All answers must be in blue or black ink
  5. All writings must be in blue or black ink.
  6. All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the assessment room.


  1. For each of the items (i) – (x) Choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write the letter in table below
  1. Before you cross the road, you should
  1. Look, stop, talk
  2.  Stop, look, run
  3. Stop, listen, talk
  4. Stop look, listen
  1. The following are indicators of improper behavior except;
  1. Violence
  2. Hard work
  3. Robbery
  4.  Alcoholism
  1. The way one selects acceptable alternative which help him or her act and reach targeted goals is;
  1. Critical thinking
  2.  Passive behavior
  3.  Proper behavior
  4.  Decision making
  1. A couple or single parent decide to raise to raise another parent’s child as their own
  1.  Single parent family
  2. Foster family
  3. Adoptive family
  4. Step family
  1. A pattern of interaction with one or more persons over time
  1. Communication
  2. Socializing
  3.  Relationships
  4. Best friends
  1. Freedom of expression can be limited when;
  1.         The person expresses religious views
  2.         When views are outside parliament
  3.          If a person uses abusive language
  4.         If one have bad intentions.
  1. In a democratic state change of leaders is made through.
  1. Resignation
  2. Revolution
  3. General elections
  4. Inheritance.
  1. The following are the functions of National Electoral Commission except?
  1. To register voters.
  2. To prepare equipment/facilities for voting
  3. Supervision the whole process of election.
  4. To ensure there is peace during elections.
  1. According to the constitution of United Republic of Tanzania, the parliament consists of two parts which are:-
  1. President and National Assembly
  2. Cabinet and shadow cabinet
  3. Union parliament and House of Representative of Zanzibar.
  4. Members of parliament and the Ministers.
  1. Which is not a requirement to apply for citizenship?
  1.         Must be a rich person
  2.         Must live in a country for five years
  3.          He/she must be 21 year old above
  4.         Must renounce his/her former citizenship
  1. Match the explanations on government concepts in List A with corresponding government concept in List B by writing the letter of the correct response below the corresponding item number in the table provided.

List A

List B

(i) Is the practice in which the clitoris is partially or completely removed

(ii) Is the practice which involves the removal of the some parts of female reproductive organ (vagina) especially clitoris

(iii) Is the practice whereby clitoris and labia minora are partially or completely removed, it may also involves the removal of labia majora

(iv) The vagina opening is narrowed and the caving seal is created, the inner or outer labia are cut off.

(v) Is the practice in which the wife of died man is supposed to engage in sex with the brother of her died man so as to remove bad luck

  1. Nyumba Ndogo
  2. Clitoridectomy
  3. Wife beating
  4. Excision
  5. Standing spear
  6. Reckless sexual
  7. Infibulation
  8. Female Genital Mutilation
  9. Cleansing Widow


SECTION B. (70 Marks) 

Answer all questions.


  1. What will happen if the road users ignore road signs? Give four consequences.


  1. In five points, briefly explain why you must behave properly.


  1. Explain what do you understand about the following terms as used in civics

i. Local government

ii. Female genital mutilation

iii. Political campaigns

iv. Road accident

v. Limitation of human rights


6. (a) Define the following term as used in civics

i. Gender blindness

ii. Gender stereotype

iii. Gender analysis

iv. Gender equality

v. Gender equity.


7.How does local government spends its revenue?

8. Early or pre mature marriage is the marriage of people who have not yet reached the legal age for such union. Why Do you think this union occurs? While is harshly prohibited by government. Use five facts to explain.

9. It is better to solve problems immediately. Give five steps to follow


SECTION C: (15 Marks)

Answer one (1) question in this section

10. Explain six (6) factors that influenced and precipitated the union between Tanganyika and Zanzibar












TIME: 2:30 HOURS          May, 2022


1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with the total of seven (7) questions.

2. Answer all questions in sections A and B and one (1) question from section C.

3. All answers must be written in the spaces provided.

4. All writings must be blue or black ink.

5. All communication devices and calculators are not allowed in the examination room.

6. Write Your Examination Number on the top right of every page.



1.Read each of the following statement carefully and write the letter of the correct answer in the box provided

(i)The organ which is responsible for election procedures in Tanzania is called 

  1. Presidential commission of election
  2. National Electoral Commission
  3. Presidential Elections
  4. Tanzania Elections Board

(ii)A bill passed by the National Assembly can only become a law if it is approved by the 

  1. President
  2. Minister for justice and constitutional Affairs
  3. Chief justice
  4. Attorney general

(iii)Who attends parliament by virtue of his office but has no right to vote?

  1. The leader of the opposition
  2. The speaker
  3. The Attorney General
  4. The Prime Minister

(iv)Which one of the following is not a ministry under the Union Government of Tanzania?

  1. Education and culture
  2. Finance
  3. Home affairs
  4. Security and defence

(v)In the national flag, the yellow colour represents 

  1. People
  2. Water
  3. Land
  4. Minerals

(vi)The function of the legislature in a democratic state are 

  1. To make, pass, amend and translate laws
  2. To make, pass, amend and enforce laws
  3. To make, pass, amend and suspend laws
  4. To make, pass amend and execute laws

(vii)The pillars of family stability are 

  1. Clan, peace, morals and shelter
  2. Love, peace, respect and proper morals
  3. Shelter, clothing, food and proper morals
  4. Love, dowry, food and respect

(viii)Freedom to live as one wishes is 

  1. Democracy
  2. Dictatorship
  3. Anarchy
  4. Liberty

(ix)The main arms of the government are 

  1. The president, the parliament and the armed forces
  2. The president, the cabinet and the judge
  3. The executive, the legislature and judiciary
  4. The executive, the prime minister and minister’s

(x)Tanzania holds general elections after every 

  1. Five sessions
  2. Five periods
  3. Five years
  4. Five terms

(xi)The situation in which men and women are unfairly treated is called

  1. Gender issues
  2. Gender roles
  3. Gender mainstreaming
  4. Gender discrimination

(xii)Which of the following is an example of improper behavior?

  1. Aggressiveness
  2. Generosity
  3. Kindness
  4. Solidarity

(xiii)One of the following is NOT a form of marriage

  1. Bigamy
  2. Courtship
  3. Monogamy
  4. Polyandry

(xiv)The ability to bear with unpleasant and annoying situation is known as 

  1. Accountability
  2. Arrogance
  3. Assertive
  4. Tolerance

(xv)The non-payable external source of government revenue is known as 

  1. Debt
  2. Credit
  3. Grant
  4. Loan

(xvi)The symbols or marks designed to instruct users are known as 

  1. Road traffic congestion
  2. Road traffic lights
  3. Road traffic safety
  4. Road traffic signs

(xvii)Attending a campaigning rally is one way of exercising the freedom of 

  1. Expression
  2. Hearing
  3. Assembly
  4. Participation

(xviii)The following are steps in problem solving except 

  1. Defining the solution
  2. Gathering information
  3. Generating alternatives
  4. Initiating mediation

(xix)Direct democracy is applicable 

  1. In central government
  2. In village governments
  3. At district levels
  4. In local government

(xx)The exercise of fairness and justice to all sexes without consideration on whether they are born male or female is called 

  1. Gender equity
  2. Gender concept
  3. Gender role
  4. Gender


2. Match the terms in LIST A with those in LIST B by writing the letter of the correct response against each number in the table provided.



  1. Misuse of public funds
  2. A citizen
  3. Parliament
  4. Regional commissioner
  5. Republics
  6. Three arms of government
  7. 1964
  8. A way of changing leadership in a democratic state
  9. Officiates the major national ceremonies
  10. A flag used during the official ceremonies
  1. Presidential standards
  2. Tanganyika and Zanzibar united
  3. The executive, judiciary and parliament
  4. A sovereign state headed by the Queen or King
  5. President
  6. Municipal and city council’s head
  7. The officer in charge of the district council
  8. Parts of the executive
  9. Governments headed by presidents
  10. Approves all laws before they become valid and operational
  11. Rules and principle by which a country is governed
  12. Revolution
  13. Corruption
  14. Election
  15. Abuse of power
  16. A legal member of a state
  17. Identifies Tanzania as a nation

3.For each of the following statements write TRUE if the statement is correct or FALSE if the statement is not correct

  1. The police force, external affairs and defence are non-union matters _________
  2. Freedom of press can help to fight corruption in our country __________
  3. There are two types of democracy ____________
  4. The speaker is the leader of government business in the parliament __________
  5. An unwritten constitution is not set down in a single written document, eg. The Tanzanian constitution ________________
  6. Hardworking is an element of proper behaviour _________
  7. Prostitution is an illegal activity ________________
  8. Female genital mutilation is one of the social – cultural practices which oppress women _______
  9. The united Republic of Tanzania is a country with one government _________
  10. The speaker of the National Assembly is appointed by the president ____________



4. Read the following passage carefully and then answer the questions that follows:

 A non – democratic government is a form of government that normally does not come into power by popular election. It is the government which gets into power without majority will and people’s legitimacy. In most cases, this government results from competent, manipulation of election process or changing a democratic government into dictatorship after a leader has attained power through elections. Adolf Hitler of Germany was an example of a person who led his country using dictatorship style. He had come to power through popular election eventually changed into a dictator there after. 

 In this kind of leadership only one person or small group of people who are either economically power full or with many supports control the government. Also, they are responsible for decision making in the society.

A good example of non – democratic government is totalitarian government like that of Hitler or Mussolini of Italy.

 Other example of authoritarian or dictatorship governments are like those of former Zaire under Mobutu Seseseko and Uganda under Idd Amini.

The basic feature of non – democratic government is the absence of democratic principles 


  1. Suggest a suitable title for this passage
  2. According to the passage what is a non – democratic government
  3. List three qualities of a person or a group of people who rule a non – democratic governments
  4. Briefly explain four (4) features of non – democratic government
  5. What are the four (4) features of a democratic government


5.Define and briefly explain the importance the following terms

(i)Democratic election 

Importance of democratic election

  1. ______________
  2. ______________

(ii)Proper behaviour 

Importance of proper behaviour 

  1. __________________
  2. _________________

(iii)Election campaigns

Importance of election campaigns 

  1. _______________
  2. ________________

(iv)Representative democracy 

Importance of representative democracy

  1. ______________________
  2. ______________________

(v)National currency

Importance of national currency

  1. _____________________
  2. _____________________

(vi)Family stability 

Importance of family stability

  1. _____________________
  2. _____________________

(vii)Local government

Importance of local government

  1. _______________________
  2. _______________________


Importance of work

  1. _________________________
  2. __________________________

(ix)Human rights

Importance of human rights 

  1. ____________________________
  2. _____________________________

(x)Road safety 

Importance of road safety 

  1. _____________________________
  2. ____________________________


SECTION C (15 Marks)

6. analyze six importance of proper behavior in society

7. Describe the functions of the president of united republic of Tanzania








 Time: 2:30Hours


  1.            This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of 7 questions
  2.            Answer all questions in section A and B and ONE question from section C.
  3.            Section A carries 35 marks, section B 50 marks and section C 15  Marks
  4.            All answers should be written in the spaces provided.
  5.            All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized material are not allowed in examination room.
  6.            Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.

 SECTION A (35 Marks)

 Answer All questions in this section.

  1. For each of the items (i)-(x), choose the correct answer from the alternatives given.

(i) Ability to understand other people’s feelings, and feel concern about their problem is concerns is

  1. Sympathy
  2. Care
  3. Empathy
  4. Friendship

(ii) Which is not a component of effective communication?

  1. Listening
  2. Reading
  3. Writing
  4. Responding

(iii) Ability of a person to develop new thing is termed as 

  1. Decision making
  2. Innovation
  3. Creating
  4. Critical thinking

(iv) Which is the main some of life skills

  1. Family
  2. Neighbors
  3. Friends
  4. School.

(v) One among the following is not a type of government:-

  1.     Dictatorship government
  2.     Republic government
  3.     Central government
  4.     Federation government

(vi) Among the following was a dictator of Zaire currently Democratic Republic of Congo:-

  1.     Augustine Pinochet
  2.     General Bokassa
  3.     Mobutu Seseseko
  4.     Kamuzu Banda

(vii)  Which constitution declared Tanzania multiparty?

  1.       1966 Constitution
  2.        1977 Constitution
  3.        1964 Constitution
  4.       1962 Constitution

(viii)  Which one of the following is not a source of local government revenue?

  1.     Rents
  2.     Licence
  3.     Fees
  4.     Salaries

(ix) The lowest level in local government is:-

  1.     City council
  2.     District council
  3.     Town council
  4.     Village council

(x) The arm of the government which deals with administration is called:-

  1.     Executive
  2.     Legislature
  3.     Parliament 
  4.      Judiciary

(xi) Which one of the following is not a function of the president?

  1.     To appoint ministers
  2.     To dismiss the speaker
  3.     To represent the country outside
  4.     To appoint senior army officials

(xii) Check and balance system is most effective in a;

  1. Parliamentary democracy
  2. Presidential democracy
  3. Mixed democracy
  4. Polar democracy

(xiii) The party that looses during election is called

  1. Ruling party
  2. Opposition party
  3. Multi-lateral party
  4. Official party

(xiv) In a democratic state, leaders are changed through;

  1. Resignation
  2. Revolution
  3. General election
  4. Inheritance

(xv)A set of laws that govern the country is;

  1. Laws in the country
  2. Party constitution
  3. National constitution
  4. National anti- corruption policy

(xvi) Direct democracy can be applied on the following except;

  1. Big population
  2. Small population
  3. Street meeting
  4. Village meeting

(xvii) Direct democracy has been practiced in;

  1. Greece
  2. Thailand
  3. India
  4. London

(xviii) Which among the following is a basic qualification for members of Parliament of the United Republic of Tanzania?

  1.  Ability to read and write
  2.  Age above 40 years
  3.  Undergraduate degree
  4.  Fluency in English language

 (xix) Which of the following set represents pillars of a stable marriage?

  1.  Respect, love, shelter and cooperation
  2.  Agreement, love, trust and transparency
  3. . Food, love, peace and cooperation
  4. . Peace, proper morals, respect and shelter.

(xx) A set of principles by which a country is governed is known as

  1.  constitution
  2. . judiciary
  3. . government
  4. . legislature

2. Match the items in List Awith the correct responses in List Bby writing the letter of the correct response below the corresponding item number in the table provided.



i) Money given to government by foreign government.

ii) A proposed law

iii) Money paid to the government as revenue

iv) a bill that come from a member of parliament.

v) cases involving offence against the state

A. Federal constitution

B. Unitary constitution

C. Anarchy


G. Government Bill

H. Individual bill

I. Private Bill

L. Criminal case

M. Tax

N. Judiciary

O. civil cases

P. Grant

Q. Loans

R. Bill

3. The following statements are either correct or not correct. Write TRUE if the statement is correct or FALSE if the statement is not correct.

(i)Work is an expression of social identity................. 

(ii) Reckless driving leads to road accidents................. 

(iii) HIV/AIDS cannot be transmitted from one person to another through blood transfusion   

(iv) The Prime Minister of Tanzania is also a councilor.... 

(v) The election of a class monitor/monitress is done through indirect democracy        

(vi) Abuse of power means using a public office for public gains.. 

(vii) The ability to make a choice out many options that are available is referred to as decision making        

(viii) Courtship helps to establish stable long life marriage.............. ............. 

(ix) Tanganyika united with Zanzibar in 1963 as a result of the history of these two countries    

(x) Language is not a component of a nation................. 

A non-democratic government is a form of government that normally does not come into power by popular election. It is the government which gets into power without majority will and peoples legitimacy. In most cases, this government results from coup detat, manipulation of election process or changing a democratic government into dictatorship after a leader has attained power through elections. Adolf Hitler of Germany was an example of a person who led his country using dictatorship style. He had come to power through popular election eventually changed into a dictator thereafter.

In this kind of leadership only one person or a small group of people who are either economically powerful or with many supporters control the government. Also they are responsible for decision making in the society. A good example of a non-democratic government is totalitarian like that of Hitler or Mussolini of Italy. Other examples of authoritarian or dictatorship governments are like those of former Zaire under Mobutu Seseseko and Uganda under Idd Amini. The basic feature of non-democratic governments is the absence of democratic principles.


(i) Suggest a suitable title for this passage . 

(ii)According to the passage what is a non-democratic government?

(iii) List three qualities of a person or a group of people who rule a non-democratic government. 

(iv) Briefly explain four features of a non-democratic government.

(v) What are the four features of a democratic government?

5. Explain the meaning of the following terms as used in civics

  1. Work
  2. Road traffic signs
  3. Vandalism on roads
  4. Decision making
  5. Improper behavior
  6. Liberal democracy
  7. Political tolerance
  8. Multipartism
  9. Dictatorship government
  10. Peer pressure.

SECTION C (15 Marks)

Answer one (1) question form this section

6. Describe five functions of parliament of Tanzania

7. Distinguish between democratic and non democratic government






TIME: 2.30HRS                                                          2020

NAME:_______________________________________________                         CLASS:___________


  • This paper consists of sections A,B and with a total of seven (7) questions
  • Answer all questions in sections A and B and one (1) question from section C
  • All answers must be written in the spaces provided
  • All writing must be in BLUE or BLACK ink
  • Write your name and class at the top in the spaces provided

SECTION A (35 Marks)


1. For each of the items (i) – (xx), choose the correct letter in the box provided.

(i) A village government is made up of:-

  1. Village assembly and village council
  2. Village council and the chairman
  3. Adult population and the chairman
  4. Adult population and village assembly

 (ii) Which of the following is an aspect of social skills?

  1. Peer resistance
  2. Aggressiveness
  3. Arrogance
  4. Interview 

 (iii) The Tanzania legislature is made up of:

  1. The president and ministers
  2. The parliament and the cabinet
  3. The president and the judiciary
  4. The National Assembly and the president

 (iv)  Which among the following set is a correct characterization of a nation?

  1. History, Culture, People and Uhuru torch
  2. Education, Uhuru torch, History and people
  3. Sovereignty, Uhuru torch, people and government
  4. People, History, Sovereignty and Government

 (v) A ruling system whereby all government powers are under the people of that particular country is called

  1. Dictatorship government
  2. Elected government
  3. Democratic government
  4. Multiparty government

 (vi) Who is the speaker of the East African Union’s parliament?

  1. Hon. Getrude Mangela
  2. Hon.Anna Makinda
  3. Hon. Dr Martin Ngoga
  4. Hon. Salim Ahmed Salim

 (vii) The following are the sources of government revenue except:-

  1. Development levy
  2. Income tax
  3. Rents
  4. License fee

 (viii) Which among the following is the organ of the country which implements laws of the state?

  1. Legislature
  2. Judiciary
  3. Parliament
  4. Executive 

 (ix) Which one among the following is a demerit of a written constitution?

  1. Simple and clear
  2. Create harmony
  3. Is flexible
  4. Tends to be rigid

 (x) Gender stereotyping can be defined as:-

  1. Relationship between men and women
  2. The way men and women are portrayed in the society
  3. Gender balance
  4. Women empowerment 

(xi) When the state officially are said to be acting within the law and the constitution, this is referred to as:-

  1. Human rights
  2. Natural justice
  3. Rule of law
  4. Parliamentary supremacy

 (xii) In the family young children have the duty and role of:-

  1. Taking care of the family
  2. Helping in house hold chores
  3. Providing members with love
  4. Providing security

 (xiii) Human rights abuses experienced by HIV/AIDS victims include:-

  1. Stigmatization
  2. Gender gap
  3. Gender blind
  4. Gender stereotyping

 (xiv) The first multi-party election in Tanzania was held in:

  1. 1992
  2. 1995
  3. 2000
  4. 2005

 (xv) The misuse of public funds for self gain is termed as:-

  1. Constitution
  2. Corruption
  3. Government
  4. Culture

 (xvi) The principles of fairness, justice and benefits that all human beings are born with is referred to as:-

  1. Moral rights
  2. Rule of law
  3. Human rights
  4. Economic rights

 (xvii) The ability of a person to appreciate him/herself is known as:-

  1. Assertiveness
  2. Self – esteem
  3. Self – awareness
  4. Empathy

(xviii) The group of people legally organized together to take over control of the government is termed as:-

  1. Government
  2. Election campaigns
  3. Political party
  4. Multi – partism

 (xix) Which color in the national flag of Tanzania represents the natural wealth of the country?

  1. Green
  2. Blue
  3. Yellow
  4. Black 

 (xx)  Government bills originates from:-

  1. The cabinet, Ministers and the Attorney 
  2. Judges and members of the parliament
  3. The president and vice president
  4. The citizens

 2. Match the items in LIST A with the correct responses in LIST B by writing the letter of the correct response below the corresponding item number in the table provided.



(i) A corrective measure against women oppression

(ii) A situation whereby female students are encouraged to opt for Arts subjects

(iii) The social relationship between men and women

(iv) The biological differences between a man and woman

(v) The systematic efforts to understand the role of women and men in the society

  1. Gender biasness
  2. Gender analysis
  3. Women empowerment
  4. Gender balance
  5. Gender stereotyping
  6. Sex
  7. Gender discrimination
  8. Gender
  9. Gender oppression
  10. Gender equity
  11. Gender mainstreaming
  12. Gender blindness













 3. For each of the following sentences (i) – (x) write TRUE if the statement is correct or FALSE if the sentence is not correct.

  1. The results of the General elections are announced by the permanent commission of enquiry_____________
  2. Democracy is a Greek word which means power in the hands of minority population___________
  3. The components of a nation are political party territory and people__________________
  4. Peace, love, murder, respect, obedience and proper morals are pillars of the family stability________________
  5. The executive in Tanzania is made up of the president, cabinet and civil service_______________
  6. Tanzania protects the citizen’s rights through the Bill of rights in the constitution____________
  7. Direct democracy can only be practiced in countries with large population______________
  8. Workers day is celebrated on 7th July every year______________
  9. The speaker is the leader of government business in the parliament__________________
  10. A youth who engage in unsafe sex lacks responsible decision making skills______________



4. Read the following passage carefully and then answer the questions that follow:

      Sexually transmitted infections or STI’s are infections passed from one person to another during sexual inter course. Unsafe sex leads to STI’s. these infections can be passed from pregnant women to their babies during delivery. STI’s can cause serious problems to the victims. Some of the short comings caused by STI’s infections include infertility in men and women, premature delivery or delivering under weight babies, pregnancy outside the womb of the woman, death due to severe infections particularly HIV/AIDS, lasting pain in the lower abdomen and concern of the cervic.

     Both men and women can get STI’s.  But a woman gets infection from a man more easily than a man from a woman. It is hard to tell the symptoms if a woman is infected because most STI’s occur inside woman’s body where symptoms are difficult to see.

     Symptoms of STI’s particularly gonorrhea or syphilis include yellow or green discharge from virgin or anus, pain when passing urine, fever, and discharge from penis, pain or swelling of the testicles, bleeding during sex etc. 

Generally STI’s are very dangerous infections as they can lead to death. 


  1. Suggest a suitable title for this passage


  1. According to the passage mention two problems caused by STI’s


  1. Why is it difficult to diagnose a woman with STI’s more easily than a man? Give two reasons
  1. ___________________________________________________________________
  2. ___________________________________________________________________
  1. From the passage that you read, write two major symptoms of sexually Transmitted Infectious STI’s
  1. ___________________________________________________________________
  2. ___________________________________________________________________
  1. Suggest two ways of combating with sexually Transmitted Infectious STI’s
  1. __________________________________________________________________
  2. __________________________________________________________________

5. Define the following concepts and for each give two points on its importance/ effects

  1. Civics ___________________________________________________________________


  1. ___________________________________________________________________
  2. ___________________________________________________________________
  1. Social life skills



  1. ___________________________________________________________________
  2. ___________________________________________________________________
  1. Political campaigns



  1. ___________________________________________________________________
  2. ___________________________________________________________________
  1. Democratic Election



  1. ___________________________________________________________________
  2. ___________________________________________________________________
  1. Gender blind



  1. ___________________________________________________________________
  2. ___________________________________________________________________
  1. Female Genital Mutilation (F.G.M)



  1. ___________________________________________________________________
  2. ___________________________________________________________________
  1. Human rights



  1. ___________________________________________________________________
  2. ___________________________________________________________________
  1. Wife Inheritance



  1. ___________________________________________________________________
  2. ___________________________________________________________________
  1. Democracy 



  1. ___________________________________________________________________
  2. ___________________________________________________________________
  1. Zebra signs



  1. ___________________________________________________________________
  2. ___________________________________________________________________



6. Identify and explain the difference between Democratic and Non – Democratic Government (Give six (6) points)

7. Explain six sources of the central government revenue in Tanzania.





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