
TIME :3 Hours                                                                                                                     AUG  2023


  1.                This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of eleven (11) questions.
  2.                Answer all questions in section A and B and ONLY two (2) questions from section C.
  3.                All drawings should be in pencil.
  4.                Remember to write your Examination number on every page of your answer sheet(s).



SECTION A (16 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i) - (x), choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number.

i. cultural practices through which historical information can be obtained include;

  1.                Archaeology, museums and archives
  2.               Museums, archives and religion
  3.                Superstitions, religion, and riddles
  4.               Archaeology, funerals and riddles
  5.                Oral traditional, museums and archives

ii. the period which was characterized by intense competition and warfare among the European states during 17th century is called

  1.                Capitalism
  2.               Mercantilism
  3.                Feudalism
  4.               Industrial revolution
  5.                Scramble

iii. which one among the following statement is not true about the discoveries made by man during the middle stone age;

  1.                Use of wooden and bone materials to facilitate production
  2.               Introduction of stone picks, spears, arrows, knives and needles
  3.                Development of sharper, smaller and portable tools.
  4.               Discovery of fire
  5.                Emergence of social cultural groups or ethics groups

iv. Who among the following supported greatly the idea to have a British empire from the cape to Cairo

  1.                Sir George Goldie
  2.               Cecil john Rhodes
  3.                Caption Frederick Lugard
  4.               Sir harry Johnstone
  5.                Carl peters

v. which major problem faced independent Africa in political aspects after independence?

a. low income to the majority

b. experts without white collar jobs

c. the balance of ministers from former colonial masters;

d. size of independent states 

e. imbalance in power sharing


vi. Which of the following was not encouraged by the policies of ujamaa Tanzania?

  1.                The cooperative movement
  2.               Regional development for equity
  3.                Villagization camps
  4.               People’s self-projects
  5.                People’s development through self-reliance


vii. The jihad war in West Africa under Othman dan Fodio, and Alhaj Omar and Ahmed Seku resulted into

  1.                Formation of big empires like Mandinka and the Sokoto caliphate
  2.               Formation of big empires like Mali and Songhai
  3.                Creation of small political entities
  4.               Formation of the state of Nigeria
  5.                Disintegration of weaker states at the coast of west Africa.

viii. One of the objectives of SADC is to;

  1.               Help member states to combat HIV/AIDS pandemic
  2.               Help member states to secure genuine and equitable regional integration.
  3.               Establish a common defense among the member states
  4.              Help Southern African countries to be self-reliant instead of depending on the south Africa
  5.                Promote the use of Kiswahili language among the member states

ix. Why were the rulers of small Nguni groups were able to defeat and consolidate their power to most of the east African societies?

  1.                War captives were spared and recruited into Ngoni army
  2.               Their army used more magic power than weapon
  3.                Their female subjects were married by defeated tribes
  4.               Their male subjects were agents of colonialism
  5.                Their army had poor weapons like guns

x. Colonialism created the condition of neo colonialism

  1.                The African petty- bourgeoisie as a class was created to serve the big capitalist
  2.               The industrial sector was smallest of all
  3.                Rich Africans were not accommodated
  4.               Economically, the structure set emphasized on primary sector.
  5.                Revolutionary nationalist leaders were eliminated.

2.Match the description in List A with corresponding founders of political parties which were inherited by independent African countries in List B by writing the letter of the response beside the item number.



  1. Tanganyika African national union
  2. United Tanganyika party
  3. Uganda people congress
  4. United gold coast convention
  5. Convention people ‘s party
  6. African national congress
  1.               J. B Danquah
  2.               Joshua nkomo
  3.               Juliaskambarage Nyerere
  4.              Daniel arapmoi
  5.                William j Seymour
  6.                Komla agbel
  7.              Edward twining
  8.              Apolo Milton Obote
  9.                  John Langalibalele


SECTION B (54 Marks).

Answer all questions in this section

  1.                Provide brief explanations for the following:
  1. How did the East Africa Communities collapse in 1977?
  2. How the First World War affected east African colonies?
  3. What are the roles of women in the liberation struggle in Africa?
  1.                Briefly differentiate the following concept with vivid examples;
  1.                Assimilation and association policy
  2.               Acheuleans and Oldowans
  3.                Early nationalism and mass nationalism

5. (A) How Tanzanian benefited by become the member of the commonwealth?

   (B)   Who benefited from triangular slave trade and how?

6. Arrange the following statements in chronological order by writing number 1 to 5 beside the item numbers.

  1. In 1949 the youth league launched its “programme of Action” which aimed at attainment of freedom from white domination
  2. This made nationalist struggles in south Africa to be more complicated and long
  3. African nationalist politics in south Africa started with the formation of south Africa started with the formation of the south Africa native national congress (SANNC) in 1912
  4. The imposition of capitalist relations of production in south Africa, unlike other parts of the continent, is underlined by racism.
  5. In 1964, nelson Mandela was arrested and sent to jail. Later in 1990 he was released and the majority rule was obtained in 1994
  6. African national congress (ANC) led by nelson Mandela established its armed wing known as “Umkhonto we Swize” (spear of the nation) which immediately embarked upon military operations within south Africa

7.Each of the following paragraph is supposed to have five (5) sentences, which form a complete historical narrative. One of the sentences missing. Identify the missing sentence from the sentences listed below each paragraph. The sentence is Labelled A to E. Write the letter of the missing sentence beside the item number.

  1.                The MajiMaji war began in July 1905 at Matumbi in South -eastern Tanganyika
  2.                ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
  3.                African warriors faced the Germans with the beliefs that magic water would made them bullet proof.
  4.                Attacks were made on the European missions, plantations and government offices.
  5.                By 1906 all the area south of river Rufiji was engaged in the war.
  1.               German bullets killed Africans who did not have enough belief in that magic water.
  2.               In 1907 African warriors managed to liberate the area south of River Rufiji.
  3.               Africans used this war to test their newly discovered weapons.
  4.              People were encouraged by some magic water given by KinjekitileNgwale
  5.                The rebellion was caused by confiscation of Mbunga cattle by the Germans.
  1.                Naturally near to each great slave riding tribe was another group that suffered.
  2.                The raids of the Mande and Fulani meant that Kisi tribe was hard hit.
  3.                On the gold cost the Akan speakers made life so difficult for the Ga people that until today they still remember the Atlantic slave trade.
  4.                …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
  5.                The raiding tribes however ripped good profit out of this trade.
  1.               The north Mbundu of Angola were nearly wiped out by the attacks of the African neighbors and by Portuguese armies.
  2.               The northern Mbundu people of Zimbabwe were wiped out by the attacks of Ndebele and Portuguese armies.
  3.               The northern Mbundu people of southern Rhodesia were wiped out by the Yao and Ngoni armies.
  4.              The Southern Mbugu people of Guinea were wiped out by Mande and British armies
  5.                The Northern Mbundu people of Northern Rhodesia were wiped out by slave traders from East Africa.
  1.                In Tanganyika and Kenya there were massive peasant resistances.
  2.                …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
  3.                These were to large extent class struggle opposed to colonialism.
  4.                These resistances were caused by crude colonial exploitation and oppression.
  5.                These resistances were important background for independence of the two nations.
  1.               These were kikuyu and Abushiri resistance
  2.               These were tribe wars of Machemba of the Yao.
  3.               These involved Maji Maji war of 1905-1907
  4.              These involved MajiMaji war of 1905-1907 and Mau mau war of 1952
  5.                These were Nandi resistance and Mkwawa resistance of 1890s
  1.                According to AngloGerman agreement of 1890, German recognize Uganda to be under the British control.
  2.                German give up Witu to the British
  3.                German accepted British protectorate over Zanzibar.
  4.                German took over the 16 km coastal strip from the sultan of Zanzibar
  5.                …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
  1.               The British give to German an island known as Heligoland in the North Sea in Europe
  2.               The sultan of Zanzibar was given the monopoly of slave trade in east Africa
  3.               Britain give to German Alsace and Loraine.
  4.              Tsavo game reserve came under the control of German
  5.                Britain give East Africa to German.
  1.                On 7th July 1954 TAA which had semi- political objectives was transformed into full fledged political party called TANU.
  2.                ………………………………………………………………………………………………
  3.                It educated the people on unit and did away with divisive obstacles such as tribalism, racialism and religious differences
  4.                It got supported from different popular associations
  5.                It also mobilized people to fight for national independence
  1.               Its leaders wanted Tanganyika to have association with Britain as an overseas territory.
  2.               It was supported by rich Indian merchants
  3.               TANU aimed at attainment of national independence.
  4.              Most TAA members refused to join TANU
  5.                TANU was made the sole political party in Tanganyika before 1960.
  1.                UN secretariat the headquarters is in New York
  2.                It administers peace keeping operations in many countries which are in wars
  3.                It implements the decision of general assembly.
  4.                It mediates international disputes
  5.                .………………………………………………………………………………………………..
  1.               It formulates plans for the establishment of a system to ligulate armament. 
  2.               It fixes sanctions on the aggressive states.
  3.               It recommends the admission of new member
  4.              It draws annual budget of the UN.
  5.                It takes military action against aggressors
  1.                The first world war lasted from 1914 to 1918
  2.                It was primary a struggle between the major power of European.
  3.                …………………………………………………………………………………….
  4.                Although the first world war involved purely European issues it was inevitable that the overseas empires of the two sides be involved.
  5.                War resulted in starvation, misery and hunger in many parts of Africa.
  1.               Tanganyika was to be under German rule after the war
  2.               The killing of Franz Archduke become one of the long-term causes of war
  3.               German, France and Italy joined and fight against triple alliance of Britain, Russia and USA.
  4.              Britain, France and their allieswere fight against German, Austria and turkey.
  5.                All European nations struggle for colonies in the Balkan state.
  1.                The French used police of assimilation in their colonies
  2.                ……………………………………………………………………………………….
  3.                Thus, every aspect of African life, namely social, cultural, political and economic had to be changed
  4.                The most powerful tools of assimilation were education and training.
  5.                The policy was based on the doctrine of equality of men as advocated by the French revolutionaries of the 18th century
  1.               An assimilated African was protected by French laws but was not allowed to contest for election to the French parliament
  2.               The policy aimed to transform Africans into French citizens.
  3.               The policy involved the transfer of loyal Africans to France.
  4.              The assimilated Africans become regional commissioners in France colonies.
  5.                After fulfilling some condition African was turned into Senegal citizens
  1.                The art of making iron was one of the great discoveries, which shaped man’s social economic development
  2.                Those who involved themselves in that industries were called black smiths.
  3.                …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
  4.                The knowledge of iron working was kept secret in all societies in order to maintain monopoly over it.
  5.                After sometime it was made a religious thing such as ritualized
  1.               African used their iron in making railway lines.
  2.               Blacksmith learned how to identify rocks containing iron ore.
  3.               This discovery resulted in the establishment of large iron and still industries in east Africa in 18th century.
  4.              Iron was used in making luxury articles
  5.                Iron weapon enable Africans to defeat Europeans during colonization.
  1.                Draw a sketch map of Africa and locate the following by using Roman numbers.
  1. A country which resisted colonial rule successfully in 1896
  2. A British colony which regained her independence in 1957
  3. The capital city of a country whose president was overthrown in a coup in 1971
  4. The former Italian colony which attained her independence in Des, 1951
  5. The country in which genocide occurred in 1994
  6. The country where chief Makoko signed a treaty with French Explorer in 1879


SECTION C (30 Marks)

Answer only two (2) questions from this section

9.   Assess six main features of colonial trade and commerce in Africa

10. With concrete examples from various parts of Africa, assess six factors that determined the forms of decolonization in Africa

  1.           With vivid examples, examine six factors which led to changes in political, ideological and administrative system in Africa after independence.



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  1. This paper consists of sections A, B,and C with a total nine (9) questions
  2. Answer all questions in sections A, and B only three questions in section C
  3. Section A carries twenty (20) marks, section B thirty five (35)marks and section C forty five (45) marks
  4. All drawings should be in pencil
  5. Cell phones and any un authorized materials are not allowed in the examination room
  6. Write your examination number on top right side of every page of your answer booklet(s)

SECTION A (20 marks).

  1. Choose the most correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter besides the item number on the answer sheets provided.
  1. Olduvai Gorge is famous for:-

  1. Oral tradition
  2. Archival activities
  3. Archaeological findings
  4. Sedentary farming

  1. An  example of large scale resistance to colonialists is :-

  1. Nandi resistance
  2. Yao resistance
  3. Majimaji resistance
  4. Mazrui dynast resistance

iii) Which countries in Africa became home for liberated slaves from the New world?

  1. Sierra Leone and Ethiopia
  2. Liberia and Ethiopia
  3. Sierra Leone and Liberia
  4. Kenya and Tanzania

  1. Which of the following sources of history can illiterate people not benefit?

  1. Written sources
  2. Museums
  3. Historical sites
  4. Linguistics

  1. During the First World War, African states fought alongside their colonial masters. Therefore, Tanganyika fought  on the side of :-

  1. Britain
  2. Russia
  3. Arab
  4. Germany

  1. What was the main effect of British invasion at the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa?

  1. Apartheid policy
  2. Boer trek
  3. Establishment of slave trade
  4.  Spread of Islamic faith

  1. Colonialists established various forms of agriculture that involved the use of different colonial Africa labour during colonial economy. Which type of colonial Africa labour used under peasant agriculture?

  1. Forced labour
  2. Migrant labour
  3. Family labour
  4. Contract labour

  1. The open door policy was related to :-

  1. Establish neo – colonialism
  2. Supporting nationalistic struggle
  3. Formation of United Nations
  4. Making of cold war politics

  1. Which was the major form of feudal relations that developed in Buha?

  1. Ubusulo
  2. Chief dom
  3. Nyarubanja
  4. Ubugabire

  1. Which was the main effect of French revolution of 1789 on Africa?

  1. Association policy
  2. Indirect rule
  3. Direct rule
  4. Assimilation policy

  1. How explores contributed on the colonization of Africa?

  1. Providing information about Europe
  2. Introduction of colonial education
  3. Making treaties with African chiefs
  4. Setting up health services in Africa

  1. African countries attempted to unite so as to solve problems that faced their people during the struggle and after independence. The attempt led to the formation of unions that include:-

  1. Pan- Africanism
  3. UNO
  4.  The league of nations

  1. In which age did agriculture start in Africa?

  1. After creation of man
  2. Late stone age
  3. Early stone age
  4. Middle stone age

  1. The social factors for the interaction of people in pre – colonial Africa were:-

  1. Migration and trade
  2. War and agriculture
  3. Trade and medicine
  4. Intermarriage and religion

  1. The partition of Africa took place in which country?

  1. Germany
  2. Congo
  3.  USA
  4. Britain

  1. Match the descriptions in LIST A with the corresponding historical items in LIST B by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number on the answer sheets provided



  1. The best example of an interaction among the people  in pre – colonial African societies
  2. The war that at first occurred at the Middle East and spread world wide
  3. A leader that adopted the common man’s charter as a form of African socialism
  4. The most famous African traders in Trans- continental trade who were based in Angola
  5. The war of intimidation that occurred due to the rise of both capitalism and socialism
  1. Msiri and Nyunguya mawe
  2. Milton Obote
  3. Cold war
  4. The Great war
  5. Ngoni migration
  6. Vimbundu and Imbangala
  7. Kwame Nkrumah

SECTION B (35 marks)

  1. Briefly answer the followings

i) Why non – centralized states are different from centralized state?

ii)  During the Middle Stone Age, man discovered fire. Clearly show how fire was advantageouson the life of the earliest man?

iii) Explain why Russia withdrew from the first world war on 1917?

iv)  How population increase led to interaction among the pre- colonial African societies?

v). History deals with events which occur in different period. Show how historians are arranging such event in a chronological order? 

vi) Explain how Africans were benefited from colonial social services

  1. Arrange the following sentences in chronological order by using number 1 to 6
  1. Four colonial administrative systems such as direct rule, indirect rule, assimilation and association policy were applied
  2. After the European powers had taken over the colonies, the next step was to establish colonial economy
  3. Basically, the main purpose of European to colonize Africa continent in the 19th century was the need of exploiting African resources
  4. After scramble for and partition of African continent, colonial powers occupied parts of Africa soon after Berlin conference.
  5. Up to date, African continent has remained the market and source of raw materials to former colonial powers
  6. During that period of colonial economy, African self-sufficient economy was destroyed.
  1. Draw the sketch map of Africa and locate the followings using roman numbers
  1. A country that  was entrusted to South Africa as a mandate territory by the League of Nations after First World war
  2. A country which is the headquarters of the New East African Community (E AC)
  3. The first country to achieve political independence through the constitutional means whose independence motivated decolonization to other countries
  4. A country that was not colonized due to its successful resistances against colonialists
  5. A country in East Africa that its leader was overthrown by the army in 1971

SECTION C (45marks)

  1. Pre – colonial African societies developed both local and regional trade. Evaluate six points on the effects of regional trade in East Africa
  1. Colonial state established different economic sectors in colonies that depended on labour force. With six points explain how African societies were affected from colonial labour?
  2.  After independence, African countries changed their attitudes of nationalistic struggle in order to promote social, economic and political development. Discuss six points to why African countries are yet to achieve the intended development?
  1. The coast of East Africa has been an area for trading activity since long period in which motivated the coming of Portuguese. Show how East African societies were affected by being interacting with Portuguese?(Give six points)

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Time: 3 Hours AUG2021


  1. This paper consists of three sections A, B and C with a total of 9 questions.
  2. Answer all questions in section A and B and any three (3) questions from section C.
  3. Cellular phones and other authorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  4. Write your examination number on every page of your Answer booklet(s).

SECTION A (20marks)

Answer all questions in this section

  1. For each of the items (i)-(xv) choose the correct answer from among the given alternative and write its letter beside the correct number.
  1.                        The appearance of Zinjanthropus and Homohabilis marked   the beginning of the period in history known as, ____________

 A.  Neolithic ageB. Modernization ageC. Early Stone Age

D. Pre colonial periodE. Iron age period

  1.                      The colonial Imperial chartered companies failed in their mission to rule African colonies because; ____________
  1.                                          Other European companies were against them.
  2.                                          African chiefs refused to work with the company administrators.
  3.                                          Imperialist states were too far to support them during resistance
  4.                                          The colonies were producing less and therefore were not profitable.
  5.                                           They had little capital and skilled man power to run colonialadministration.
  1.                    Who among the following was the first systematic tools maker and had a bigger brain than that of zinjazthropus. ___________
  1. Homo habilis
  2. Homo sapiens
  3. Homo erectus
  4. Modern man
  5. Modern Apes
  1.                    Most of the traders during the early commercial contacts between East Africa and Far East came from, ______________
  1.                                 China and Egypt
  2.                                 Europe and China
  3.                                 Egypt and Indonesia
  4.                                 Indonesia and Europe
  5.                                  Indonesia and China
  1.                      The term Apartheid as it was applied to South African societies meant: ______
  1. Colour bar between whites and the blacks
  2. Separate development among the South African races.
  3. No voting right for African
  4. The best land to be reserved for whites
  5. Creation of settlement for African societies termed Bantustans.
  1.                    Why the knowledge of iron working was kept secret in some societies during pre-colonial period? _________
  1.                                       They wanted to develop the division of labour
  2.                                       Iron had the immediate use value to some societies
  3.                                       They wanted to maintain the monopoly of the Blacksmiths
  4.                                       They had plants of using it in making ornaments
  5.                                        It enabled men to play a middle man’s role in salt and gold.
  1.                  In Britain the years between 1780 and 1820 formed the period of transition from commercial capitalism to; ___________
  1. Monopoly capitalism
  2. Primitive accumulation of capital
  3. The age of mercantilism
  4. Industrial capitalism
  5. The period of scramble
  1.               Which of the following societies in West Africa were famous in using copper alloys for making various ornaments? _________
  1.                                    Ibo and Yoruba
  2.                                    Venda and mashona
  3.                                    Mangaja and Fulani
  4.                                    Yoruba and Mandika
  5.                                     Mandika and Ibo
  1.                    In many colonies peasant Agriculture was preferred by the colonial state because;
  1.                                       It was cheap and peasant produced for both metropolitan and themselves
  2.                                       Settlers were arrogant and conformists
  3.                                       Peasant were able to acquire capital loans from colonial banks and pay on time
  4.                                       It was easy to inject new production techniques among peasants
  5.                                        It enabled the colonial state to bring about development among the rural peasants.
  1.                      The united nation specialized agency responsible for Human settlements is the; ___


  1.                    Which of the following is the famous local Museum in Tanzania; _________
  1.     Olduvai gorge        B. Bagamoyo       C. Kilwa         D. Kondoa       E. Kalenga
  1.                  The method of making salt through boiling and evaporating underground water was common in; _________
  1. Katanga        B. Tanga             C. Bunyoro           D. Uvinza           E. Meroe
  1.               When was an international organ comprising of independent states from all over the

world was formed? __________

  1. Towards the end of the abolition of slave trade

B. Towards the beginning of the first world war

C. During the establishment of colonialism

D. Towards the end of the Second World War

E. During the Berlin conference of 1884 up to 1885

  1.                What took place in Europe between 1750’s and 1850’s? _________
  1. Industrial revolution
  2. Mercantile capitalism
  3. Monopoly capitalism
  4. Scramble for Africa
  5. Emergence of slave trade
  1.                  The social challenges facing people in Africa include; _________
  1. Political instability and tribalism
  2. Tribalism and neo colonialism
  3. Colonialism and illiteracy
  4. Illiteracy and diseases

E. Corruption and lack of rule of law

  1. Match the items in LIST A with correct responses in LIST B by writing the letter of the correct response(5Marks)



  1.                                                                                                   Islands of Zanzibar, Pemba, Mafia, Lamu,

Kismayu, Bravo,Merca,Mogadishu and Warsheikh were defined as the dominions of the sultan of Zanzibar

  1.                                                                                                German got the island of Heligoland
  2.                                                                                              It was ruled that treaties made with African rulers were to be considered as valid titles to sovereignty
  3.                                                                                              It was a system in which an African were taught how to think and act as the French people
  4.                                                                                                It was a system in which French had to respect the culture of her colonial people and allow them to develop independently rather than forcing them to adopt French civilization and culture
  1.                                                                                                  Association policy
  2.                                                                                                   Assimilation policy
  3.                                                                                                   Resolution of Berlin conference
  4.                                                                                                  Anglo-German agreement of 1890
  5.                                                                                                   Anglo-German agreement of 1886
  6.                                                                                                    Slave trade centers
  7.                                                                                                  Versailles peace treaty
  8.                                                                                                  Human right policy
  9.                                                                                                      Cultural system policy
  10.                                                                                                     Causes of the second world war

SECTION B (35 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

  1. Briefly answer the following questions
  1. How assimilation policy was implemented in Africa.
  2. Why do you think, slave trade in Indian Ocean expanded from the 15thc.
  3. How the discovery of iron, brings the remarkable changes in the history of Africa.
  4. How the First World War led to the great depression.
  5. Why the Second World War was the turning point for the rise of mass nationalism in Africa.
  6. How man originated according to the theory of evolution.
  1. Arrange the following statements in chronological order by writing number 1 to 6 beside the      item number.
  1. The Majimaji war was unique in the way it united a number of different tribes in common rebellion.
  2. The German authorities were surprised when their headquarters and officials were attacked.
  3. The last and most serious revolt against German rule broke out in july, 1905.
  4. The immediate cause of discontent was the government’s cotton scheme.
  5. A prophet named Kinjekitile of Ngarambe declared that magic water will turn bullets into water.
  6. Due to this wrong belief of turning bullets into harmless water these tribes were defeated by the Germans.
  1. (a) Draw a sketch map of Africa and on it show the following sites of resistance
  1. Nama and Hehe
  2. Mandika
  3. Abushiri – Bwana heri revolts
  4. Adowa
  5. Chimulenga

             (b) For each resistance in (a) above mention the European Nations which were resisted by Africa


Answer three questions from this section. Each question carries 15 marks

  1. With six points assess the tactics used during the abolition of slave trade.
  2. “Colonial social services consolidated colonialism in Africa”. Justify this statement by giving six points.
  3. How Africa was affected by 1929-1933 crisis in the capitalist system. Give six points.
  4. Analyze six major changes in Man’s way of life during the new Stone Age.

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Time: 3Hours


  1.    This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of questions
  2.    Answer all questions in section A and B and three questions from section C.
  3.    Section A carries 20 marks, section B 35 marks and section C 45  Marks
  4.    Programmable calculators, cellular phones and any other unauthorized materials are not allowed in examination room.
  5.    Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.

 SECTION A (15 Marks)

 Answer All questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i)-(x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

(i) In promoting colonial plantation agriculture in Tanganyika, the British:

A.  Encouraged settlers to pay high wages to migrant labourers.

B. Encouraged the peasants to grow sisal.

C. Encouraged large scale production of all major cash crops.

D. Created means of ensuring constant supply of migrant labourers.

E. Increased prices for African plantation farmers.

(ii)  One of the following wars demonstrated unity and self determination among Africans in the desire to liberate themselves from foreign rule in the early 20th century.

A.  Mau Mau

B.  Chimurenga

C.  Mfecane

D.  Maji Maji

E.  Afro-Boer

(iii) The abolition of Slave Trade had the following immediate impact on African societies:-

A.  Increased penetration of Europeans whose activities led to colonization of Africa.

B.  Expansion of clove and coconut plantations in Zanzibar by Oman Arabs.

C.  Rise of indigenous African merchant and ruling classes.

D.  Emergence of Arab settlements along the East African coast and islands.

E.  Decline of the Trans-Saharan Trade and eventually fall of the Sudanic States.

(iv) Some areas in Africa experienced more intensive scramble than others in the 19 th century because they:

A. had no active Africans to resist colonialism. 

B.  were still far behind in development. 

C.  were good for hunting and gathering fruits.

D. had Mediterranean climate favourable for Europeans.

E. were economically strategic.

(v) During colonial period, provision of social services was not given priority to Africans because:

A. Arabs and Portuguese had provided social services before colonialism.

B. Africans refused modernity. 

C.  Africans had all social services.

D.  social services were part of profit to European capitalists. 

E.  social services were not part of profit to European capitalists.

(vi) The growth and expansion of Songhai Empire was a result of:

A. geographical position and Equatorial favourable climate

B. expansion of Gao Empire through conquering neighbouring states

C. the emergence of Mansa Musa as a strong leader

D. development of iron technology

E. development of Triangular trade

(vii) One of the major objectives of SADC is to:

A. help member states to secure genuine and equitable regional integration

B. establish a common defense among the member states

C. promote the use of Kiswahili language among the member states

D. help Southern African countries to be self-reliant instead of depending on South Africa

E. help member states to combat HIV/AIDS pandemic

(viii) The first British Governor in Kenya, Sir Charles Eliot, stressed on the:

A. constitution of the Uganda railway

B. establishment of settler economy

C.  creation of Kenya as the industrial centre for East Africa

D. introduction of steamers in Lake Victoria

E. integration of Kikuyu into plantation economy

(ix)Which of the following best describes the Stone Age Era?

A. When man used stone artifacts widely in his daily life

B. When stones were formed on earth

C. When man used stones widely as ornaments

D. When Africans used stones to fight against invaders

E. When stone became a major commodity in a long distance trade.

(x)Which one among the following statements is not true about the discoveries made by man during the middle stone age?

A. Development of sharper, smaller and portable tools

B. Introduction of stone picks, spears, arrows, knives and needles

C. Use of wooden and bone materials to facilitate production

D. Discovery of fire

E. Emergence of social cultural groups or ethnic groups

(xi) Which major problem faced independent Africa in political aspects after independence?

  1. Low income to the majority
  2. Experts without white collar job 
  3. The balance of ministers from former colonial masters
  4. Size of independent states
  5. Imbalance in power sharing

(xii) Karl Peters signed a number of treaties with African chiefs on the coastal hinterland of Tanganyika because he wanted to

  1. please chancellor Bismark of Germany
  2. establish the unity among African chiefdoms
  3. accomplish colonial economic motives of the German East Africa Company
  4. accomplish the signing of the Heligoland Treaty
  5. recruit the chief of Msowero to become member of the German East African Company.

(xiii) Written records as a source of history are more preferred to oral traditions because of the following reason.

  1. Written records do not require space
  2. Oral traditions can be exaggerated and it is difficult to reproduce the same contents
  3. Oral traditions are expressed in centuries
  4. Written records do not require language as a medium of communication
  5. Oral traditions are controlled by leaders of a given society.

(xiv) The prominent groups of people in iron working in Africa included the 

  1. Venda people of Northern Africa and Mashona of Zimbabwe
  2. Mashona of Zambia and Manganja of Malawi
  3. Nubians of Sudan and the Venda of Northern Transvaal
  4. Nubians of Kongo and the Mashona of Zimbabwe
  5. Ibo and Yoruba in West Africa.

(xv) One of the notable United Nations failure in its objectives is its inability to 

  1. control food shortage
  2. eradicate colonial rule
  3. establish tribunes for war criminals
  4. prevent big powers from violating its principles
  5. control poverty in Africa.

2. Match the stems in List Awith the correct responses in List Bby writing the letter of the response beside the item number.



(i) Vasco da Gama

(ii) Kinjeketile Ngwale

(iii) Karl Peters

(iv) Samori Toure

(v) Jomo Kenyatta

  1. Imperialist plan against progressive and revolutionary leadership in independent Africa.
  2. Facilitated indirect rule in Uganda.
  3. Alienation of land and cattle by German settlers.
  4. Triggered by low wages.
  5. Led to collapse of Central African Caravan trade.
  6. Nyamwezi.
  7. Primarily agricultural section of the Masai.
  8. Growth of coastal city states.
  9. Weakness of the OAU.
  10. Resisted Germany colonial rule in Kenya.
  11. Mandinka Empire.
  12. The founder of KANU.
  13. Organized forces against Italian invasion.
  14. An African king traditionally known as Mari-Jata.
  15. Linked Africa to Portuguese mercantilism.
  16. Founded Oyo Empire.
  17. A German imperial agent in East Africa.
  18. Contributed to the rise of nationalism in Zimbabwe.
  19. Organized Maji Maji war against the British.
  20. Used ideology to organize people against Germany rule.

3. Describe the following terms in brief:

(a) Local trade

(b) Labour rent

(c) Industrial capitalism

(d) A centralized state

(e) A generation

4. Arrange the following statements in chronological order by writing number 1 to 5 beside the item number.

  1. The district officers exercised full jurisdiction over the people.
  2. German rule was renowned for its harshness.
  3. For the same reasons, very few officers could travel without armed escort for fear of being attacked by the people.
  4. Force was the base of German rule and each European travelled with a whip.
  5. They meted out to "offenders" any punishments they chose.
  6. It was a relief when Germans were defeated in second world war

5. Draw a sketch of East Africa and mark the following important railway stations in colonial economy: Kampala to Kasese, Mombasa to Kisumu, Mombasa to Kampala, Dar es Salaam to Mpanda and Tanga to Moshi.

SECTION C (45 Marks)

Answer three (3) questions from this section. Each question carries fifteen (15) marks.

6. Analyze six causes of the Second World War.

7. Discuss the causes and effects of Mfecane war

8. Analyse eight impacts of coastal based long distance trade system on social, political and economic development of East African societies during the 19th century.

9.The Maji — Maji war of 1905 - 1907 in Tanganyika remains a symbol of the African struggle against colonial rule. Justify.








TIME: 3:00 HRS


  1.  This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of nine (9) questions.
  2.  Answer all questions in sections A and B and three (3) questions from section C.
  3.  Cellular phones and any unauthorised materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  4.  All drawings should be in pencil.
  5. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s).

SECTION A (20 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i) (xv), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

(i) What are the major types of oral traditions? 

  1. Museums and archives
  2.  Poems and proverbs
  3. Historical sites and narration of events
  4.  Archaeology and museum
  5.  Cultural practices and narration of events 

(ii) Why is Charles Darwin famous in history?

  1.  He discovered pebbles and chopping tools.
  2.  He discovered the fossil of mans ancestors.
  3.  He introduced the theory of creation.
  4.  He discovered the remains of old people. 
  5. He introduced the theory of evolution.

(iii)  Archaeological findings whose ages are beyond 5,000 years are determined by

  1. using archives.
  2. using carbon 14.
  3. remembering events. 
  4. using time charts.
  5.  narration of past events. 


(iv)  What was the achievement of man during the Middle Stone Age?

  1. Discovery of fire
  2. Development of bipedalism
  3.  Domestication of animals 
  4. Making and using pebble tools
  5. Discovery of iron


(v)  Which one among the following places did people paint and draw in the caves?

  1. Sofala
  2.  Karagwe
  3. Kondoa Irangi
  4. Tabora
  5. Bagamoyo 

(vi)Who convened the conference which legalized the colonization of Africa?

  1. David Livingstone.
  2. Carl Peters.
  3. Otto Von Bismarck.
  4. Charles Darwin.
  5. Adolf Hitler.

(vii)      The period which was characterized by intense competition and warfare among the European states during the 17th century is called      

  1. capitalism
  2. mercantilism
  3. feudalism
  4. industrial revolution
  5.  scramble.


(viii)When did most parts of East Africa adopt iron technology?

  1.  1ST millennium AD. 
  2. 1ST millennium BC. 
  3. 3RD millennium AD. 
  4. 2ND millenium AD.
  5. 2ND millennium BC.

(ix) The economic system of goods and services which comprised activities such as trade, manufacturing, agriculture and mining during the colonial era is called

  1.  Neo-colonialism 
  2.  Trusteeship 
  3.  Nationalism 
  4.  Bureaucracy 
  5.  Colonial economy

(x) Who discovered the skull of the earliest ancestors of man in Olduvai Gorge?

  1.  David Livingstone. 
  2.  Charles Darwin. 
  3.  Carl Peters. 
  4.  Vasco Da Gama. 
  5.  Louis Leakey.

2. Match the stems in List A with the correct responses in List B by writing the letter of the response beside the item number.



(i) The famous long distance traders in Southern and Central Africa.

(ii) The name given to the capital of Kongo Kingdom by the Portuguese.

(iii) A title of the ruler of Lunda Empire.

(iv) A founder of Ndebele Empire.

(v) Resolves international disputes and

organizes international conferences.

  1. Ujiji
  2. General Assembly
  3. Servant and master law
  4. Direct rule
  5. Association
  6. The Venda
  7. Mzilikazi
  8. San Salvador
  9. Kabaka
  10. Mwata Yamvo
  11. Security Council
  12. Humanism
  13. Buganda
  14. Nzinga Nkuwu 
  15. Ugweno
  16. Mbanza
  17. The Nyamwezi
  18. Secretariat
  19. Lukiko
  20. Assimilation

 SECTION B (35 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.  


3.  Outline five problems which faced Tanganyika African National Union during the struggle for independence.

4. (a) Arrange the following statements in chronological order by writing number 1 to 5 beside the item number in your answer booklet.

(i) Before 1800 AD, Africa and its interior were not known to the outside world.

(ii) Europeans took interest in Africa’s strategic areas with fertile land, minerals and navigable rivers.

(iii) The interior of Africa was exposed to the European world after the work of agents of colonialism.

(iv) By 1880s, many European nations rushed and grabbed parts of the African continent claiming they were their areas of influence.

(v) Reports of the existence of snow-capped mountains in the interior of Africa attracted great interest in the continent.


5. (a) Draw a sketch map of East Africa and locate the following:

  1. The headquarters of East African Community
  2. The capital city of a country whose president was overthrown in a coup in 1971.
  3. The East African great slave market which was closed in 1873.
  4. The headquarters of the Portuguese rule.
  5. The region in Tanganyika which was the best reservoir of labour during the colonial period.

SECTION C (45 Marks)

Answer three (3) questions from this section.

6. Explain six significance of studying History.

7. “Colonial health system was discriminative.” Substantiate this statement by giving six points.

8. Discuss six contributions of the agents of colonialism to the colonization of Africa.

9. Elaborate six reasons which made the Boers to escape to escape the Southern African Cape between 1830 and 1850.






























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