Time: 2:30 Hours


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions
  2. Answer all questions.
  3. Section A and Carry fifteen (15) marks each and section B carries seventy (70)marks
  4. All answers must be in blue or black ink
  5. All writings must be in blue or black ink.
  6. All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the assessment room.


1. Chose the most correct answer and write its letter in the box provided below

i) The following is the component of the nation except

  1. People
  2. International recognition
  3. Government
  4. Territory

ii) Before marriage men and women develop friendships, this period of friendships is called

  1. Kitchen party
  2. Infidelity
  3. Early marriage
  4. Courtship

iii) The first permanent constitution in Tanzania was enacted in

  1. 1967
  2. 1990
  3. 1977
  4. 1961

iv)  The ability of the person to feel and to share another person’s emotion is known as

  1. Self-esteem
  2. Self -worth
  3. Self-assertive
  4. Empathy

v) The elephant tusk on the coat of arm represents

  1. National prestige
  2. National resources
  3. National freedom
  4. State power

vi) The union between Tanganyika and Zanzibar was influenced by

  1. Zanzibar revolution
  2. Natural wealth of Zanzibar
  3. Desire for security for both Tanganyika and Zanzibar
  4. Fear of Karume to be over thrown from the power

vii) People who run away from their home country for fear of political, racial, religious or ethnic Persecution are called

  1. Orphans
  2. Refugee
  3. Migrants
  4. Dual citizens

viii) Which of the following conditions are better for stable marriage

  1. Love, argument and wealth
  2. Transparency, hate and trust
  3. Tolerance, love and openness
  4. Good behavior, love and respect.


ix) The importance of traffic lights is to

  1. Simplify the work of the Traffic Police
  2. Facilitate smooth movement of road users
  3. Facilitate transportation of bulky goods
  4. Ensure safety of pedestrians


x) Tanzania has included the life skills education in its curriculum because

  1. Increase productivity and comfortability
  2. Helps people to cope with urban life easily
  3. Reduces the sense of personal esteem
  4. Helps to obey their cultural values


2. Match the items in List A with the correct responses in List B by writing the letter of the Corresponding response beside the item number in the answer sheet provided.




i. Is the type of citizenship that most citizens have in a given country?

ii. is a family which consists of a wife, husband, children and other relatives such as cousins, grandparents, uncles and aunties.

iii. is the ability to agree on issues without undermining or going against one’s principles.

iv. involves applying to the ministry responsible for granting citizenship status.

v. are work-related activities that mostly involve the use of one’s physical strength.

A. Citizen by descent

B. Empathy

C. Mental work

D. Extended family

E. Negotiation skills

F. Physical work

G. Citizen by registration

H. Life skills

I. Development of the country

J. Citizen by birth



Answer all question in this section

3. Tanzania is signatory of the 1948 United Nations declaration of the human rights. To what extend is human right is protected in Tanzania. Give five points.


4. Most member in your community are not aware on the causes of high incidences of road accidents. As a knowledgeable community member show how accidents occur in Tanzania


5. Jolyin is against Mwajuma who argue that celebration of national festivals is wastage of time. Provide five points to support Mwajuma


6. You as a student at a certain secondary school. Identify five challenges that you faced during studies.


7. Each family member has his or her own duties for the benefit of the family and community at large. Provide five responsibilities of family members.


8. Importance of work is directed to an individual when involving oneself at work for own benefit. How work bring self-development.


9. The Tanzania national anthem is sung during important national event. Provide five event you know.


Attempt question number 10

10. Park Gi Son he is South Korean citizen but he wanted to be Tanzania citizen, there are condition that should follow before to be Tanzania citizen. As a form one student assists Park Gi Son to follow those conditions.









  •                   This paper consist three sections A,B and C 
  •                   Attempt  all questions in A and B  
  •                   All  answer must be written in space provided
  •                   All  communications devices are not allowed



  1.               For each of the items i – x choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter in box provided.
  1.              Angel married Freddy. After ten years Angel died of Malaria. Then Freddy was forced to Marry Angle's young sister. How will the society label the new Marriage?
  1.             Polygamy 
  2.             Single sex 
  3.             Sororate
  4.             Polygynous 
  5.              Cohabitation 
  1.           Mabaga is a drug user to the extent that he cannot face daily life without drugs. What is the state does Mabaga reached?
  1.             Dependence 
  2.             Regular use 
  3.             Experimental use
  4.             Daily pre — occupation
  5.              Independence drug user 
  1.         The freedom to decide arid execute domestic and foreign policies without interference from other country;
  1.             Liberation 
  2.             Nationalism 
  3.             Sovereignty
  4.             Democracy 
  5.              Expression 
  1.         Asha Rose is the village chairperson wondering on what to do to make proper decision in solving the village problems. After sometime, she saw that the problem still persists. What step did she skip?
  1.             Implementing the plan D. Initiating meditation
  2.             Selection of the best solution E. Presenting data
  3.             generating alternatives
  1.            Tanga police officer was providing a certain education to the people after the continuous occurrence of unexpected accident at Sabasaba round about. If you are that officer, at what time will you tell the students to cross the road?
  1.             When traffic torch is red 
  2.             When the traffic torch turns yellow
  3.             When no any car passing
  4.             When there is a crowd of passengers 
  5.               When traffic officer is around. 
  1.         A situation whereby human rights are restricted for the benefits of others is referred to as …….
  1.             Human rights abuse 
  2.             Human rights limitation
  3.             Human rights promotion 
  4.             Human rights protection
  1.       Road accidents are caused by both internal and external causes. Which of the following is the external cause of road accidents in Tanzania?
  1.             Reckless driving 
  2.             Parking errors
  3.             Over speed of some drivers 
  4.             Poor road condition
  1.    The elephant tusks on the coat of arm represents,
  1.             National prestige
  2.             Natural resources
  3.             National freedom
  4.             State power
  1.         The following are components of the Nation except,
  1.             People 
  2.             International recognition 
  3.             Government 
  4.             Territory
  1.            In life skills it is said a person must appreciate herself/himself if you are to be successfully. What can we call such a stage?
  1.             Self-esteem
  2.             Self-services
  3.             Self-awareness
  4.             Assertiveness
  5.              Self-expression

2. Match items in LIST A with corresponding items in LIST B by writing the letter of the corresponding response besides the item number in the answer booklet provided. (5 marks)



(i) National heritage in terms of wild-life

(ii) Readiness of the people's spirit to defend their nation 

(iii) National sovereignty

(iv) Symbol of freedom and enlightenment

(v) Tools used by peasants and farmers

  1.             Axe and Hoe
  2.             Peak of mount Kilimanjaro
  3.             Uhuru torch
  4.             Elephant tusks
  5.              Sea waves
  6.               National flag 
  7.             Shield and spear 
  8.             A man and woman




3. Write short notes on:

a)      Critical thinking

b)     Creativity

c)      Problem solving

d)     Personal life skills

e)      Social skills.

4. (a) Define the following terms

  1.                      Human right
  2.                      Bill of right
  3.                      Freedom.

   (b) Mention five examples of civil and political rights.

5. (a) Describe ways in which human right can be promoted?

    (b) Mention ways of protecting human rights


   (c). How are human right abused by?

i)      Parents

ii)     Society

iii)      Government


6. a) Which are the three common types of families?

b) Explain the importance of a family.

    c)List down there factors that are necessary for family stability.

7. Define the following terms;

i)     Improper behaviors.

ii)     Proper decision making.

ii)      Sexually transmitted diseases.

(b) Mention the indicators of proper behavior.

(c) Write down the way to control improper behavior.

8. (a) What are priority signs? Mention examples.

    (b) Give the importance of road traffic signs

    (c) Describe the main categories of roads.


9. Read the following passage carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

Citizenship goes with rights and duties. A citizen who knows well his/her rights and duties is a responsible citizen. The main duties of a citizen are loyalty to the country, obedience to laws, paying taxes and defend his/her country.

As for loyalty, every citizen should be loyal and should not do anything that may disgrace his/her country. In addition one should always think and work for the interests of the country.
Responsible citizen should obey the laws of the country which are passed by the institutions of the country from time to time. Laws are necessary for the welfare of all. Obedience of the laws will ensure that there is peace and order. Every citizen should pay local and central government taxes honestly. Without money from its people the government cannot run well its programmers.


(a) Suggest a suitable title for this passage

(b) Who is a responsible citizen?

(c) Mention three duties of a responsible citizen

(d) Why should all citizens obey the laws of the country?

(e) Explain briefly, why it is necessary to pay taxes honestly.



10. Mary has been a good responsible girl. However, since she finished school, she has been involving herself in dangerous behaviours like drug use and having many sexual partners. Advice her on the dangers of such behaviour.








 Time: 2:30Hours


  1.              This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of 7 questions
  2.              Answer all questions in section A and B and ONE question from section C.
  3.              Section A carries 35 marks, section B 50 marks and section C 15  Marks
  4.              All answers should be written in the spaces provided.
  5.              All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized material are not allowed in examination room.
  6.              Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.

 SECTION A (35 Marks)

 Answer All questions in this section.

  1. For each of the items (i)-(x), choose the correct answer from the alternatives given.

(i)  In the family young children have the role and duty of:

  1. Taking care of the family
  2. Helping in household chores 
  3.  Providing members with love
  4. Providing security

(ii) Tanzania makes general National elections after every:

  1. Five terms  
  2.  Five sessions 
  3. Five periods 
  4.  Five years

(iii) The period when a man and a woman become friends for the intention of marriage is known as:

  1. Courtship  
  2.  Court
  3. Honeymoon
  4. Cohabitation

(iv)   A person cannot get HIV/AIDS through:

  1.  Playing with HIV infected person
  2. Sharing razor blades
  3. Blood transfusion 
  4.  Breast feeding

(v)    Which of the following colours on the national flag indicates the natural vegetation of our country?

  1. Black
  2. Yellow
  3. Green
  4. Blue

(vi)       Example of non-manual related work activities include:

  1.  Teaching, nursing, administration and accounting
  2. Nursing, lumbering, plumbing and masonry
  3. Carpentry, administration, fishing and livestock keeping
  4. Farming, mining, music and engineering

(vii)       The ability to solve daily life problems is known as:

  1. Life experience  
  2.  Knowledge
  3. Life skill  
  4. An excursion

(viii) Which of the following statement is not true?

  1. The blue colour on the national flag indicates the natural vegetation of our country. 
  2. Poverty is a force for early marriages. 
  3.  Bigamy is one of marriage forms. 
  4.  Reckless driving causes road accidents.

(ix) In road safety education, traffic means .......„

  1. boards or sign posts drawn to give information to all road users;
  2. a person who directs vehicles on roads;
  3. a police with white uniforms who can stop or release vehicles on the road;
  4. movement of people and vehicles in roads and streets.

(x)         The cognitive process of selecting a course of action from several possible alternatives is ... 

  1. decision making   
  2.  life skills
  3. negotiation skills   
  4.  assertiveness

(xi)       Prevention of abuse of power in public services is the responsibility of . 

  1. Every citizen
  2. Leaders
  3. Prevention of Corruption Bureau (PCB) 
  4.  Police

(xii) A person who knows his/her rights and duties is said to be ......

  1.  an alien 
  2. a legal member of a state 
  3. . a responsible citizen 
  4. an irresponsible citizen

(xiii) Family stability is a result of .........

  1.  love, peace, respect and proper morals
  2. food, shelter, clothing and children
  3. peace, dowry, love and shelter
  4.  proper morals, food, dowry and respect

(xiv)  Which of the following tasks requires skilled labour? ......

  1. digging sand from rivers 
  2.  carrying luggage 
  3. constructing houses 
  4.  quarrying stones

(xv) A constituency means 

  1. an area in which a Member of Parliament is elected
  2.  an elected Member of Parliament
  3. a Parliament session 
  4.  a law making committee

(xvi) The situation where both men and women enjoy the same rights is termed as gender .........

  1.  equity 
  2.  equality
  3.  appraisal  
  4. appreciation

(xvii) Civics can be defined as the study of . 

  1. the governments and their organs
  2.  human rights and responsibility
  3. human relationships in the society
  4. Laws, customs, norms and punishment

(xviii)  One of the following is NOT a form of marriage: 

  1. bigamy
  2. courtship
  3. monogamy 
  4. polyandry

(xix) Who is the head of the village council?

  1.                Village Chairperson
  2.                 Village Director
  3.                  Village Executive Officer 
  4.                 Village Officer

  (xx)The basis of family stability includes:

  1. clan, peace, morals and shelter
  2. clothing, shelter and proper morals
  3. love, food, dowry and respect
  4. love, peace, respect and proper morals

2. Match the explanations on government concepts in ListAwith corresponding government concept in List Bby writing the letter of the correct response below the corresponding item number in the table provided.



(i) A person who belongs to another country
(ii) Ability to select course of action among alternatives
(iii) Behaviour which is characterized by confidence
(iv) Heads the village council
(v) Involves complicated tasks that requires specific training and experience

B. Assertiveness
C. Attorney general
D. Citizen
E. Creativity
F. Decision making
G. Gender balance
H. Liberty
I. Monogamy
J. Polygamy
K. Prime Minister
L. Risk behaviour
M. Skilled labour
N. Village chairperson
O. Village secretary

3. For each of the following statements write Trueif the statement is correct or Falseif the statement is not correct in the space provided.

(i)It is safer to walk along the right hand side of the road 

(ii) HIV/AIDS is cured by Antiretroviral (ARVs) drugs

(iii) Life skills help us to solve various problems such as HIV/AIDS..............

(iv) The yellow color on the National Flag represents natural resources of Tanzania

(v)  Courtship helps to establish stable long life marriage.............. .............  

(vi) Tanzania has an unwritten constitution

(vii) Cohabitation is a period when a man and a woman become friends for the purpose of getting married in the future

(viii) The function of judiciary is to interpret laws

(ix) The Tanzania Broadcast Corporation is a public owned media

(x) By-laws are made by the parliament of Tanzania


Answer allquestions in this section.

4. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that

Education is necessary to improve quality of labour force. Through education, knowledge and skills are obtained to enable one produce more and better quality products. In agriculture for example, one can produce more and better crops by using the knowledge and skills obtained in agricultural lessons in schools or colleges. The knowledge and skills include proper use of fertilizers, irrigation methods, pest control and conditions necessary for the growth of crops and weeding.

Education also offers skills related to employment and income opportunities. Technical or vocational training is provided so as to offer such knowledge and skills. People with such knowledge and skills can start their own business and gain income.


  1. Suggest a suitable title for this passage......................  
  2. Identify knowledge and skills that can enable one to produce more and better crops according to the passage ..................................................................................... 
  3. What is the aim of education?  
  4. What are the other skills pointed out apart from agricultural skills?
  5. What is the aim of vocational training? ......................... 

5. Define the following concepts and for each mention two points on their importance:

  1. Family
  2. National anthem
  3. Freedom of expression
  4. Problem solving techniques
  5. Limitation of human rights
  6. Social life skills
  7. Road safety education
  8. Pressure group
  9. Single parent family
  10. Problem solving technique


Answer one (1) question from this section.

5. Define National festivals and Give their importance

6. Explain how human rights are promoted in Tanzania








Duration: 2:30 Hours


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of seven (7) questions.
  2. Answer all questions in section A and B and one (1) question from section C
  3. All answers must be written in the spaces provided.
  4. All writing must be in blue or black ink.
  5. Calculators, cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  6. Write your Examination Number at the top right corner of every page.

SECTION A (20 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i) – (ii), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter in the box provided.

(i) A situation whereby there is equal opportunities to both men and women in different social and economic needs is referred to as

  1. Gender identity
  2. Gender blind
  3. Gender gap
  4. Gender balance

(ii) The ability to take and feel the problems of others as your own problems is known as

  1. Assertion
  2. empathy
  3. sympathy
  4. awareness

(iii) Which of the following is not among the individual life skill?

  1. Assertiveness
  2. Self - awareness
  3. Negotiation
  4. Coping with stress

(iv) Actions or manners that are acceptable to all members of the community are called?

  1. Adulthood behaviour
  2. Proper behaviour
  3. Adolescent behaviour
  4. Members behaviour

(v) Why work is important?

  1. It sustain life by producing and distributing services.
  2. It sustain life by producing and processing goods and services needed.
  3. It sustain life by processing services and goods unwanted in the society.
  4. It sustain life by producing both goods and food eaten by families.

(vi) The ability of an individual to understand and live in peace and harmony in the society is called.

  1. Technical life skills
  2. Personal life skills
  3. Individual skills
  4. Social skills.

(vii) The ability to make the best choice out of many available options is referred to as

  1. Problem solving
  2. Decision making
  3. Critical thinking
  4. Proper behaviour

(viii) The process of exercising fairness and justice to both sexes is called

  1. Gender discrimination
  2. Gender issues
  3. Gender equality
  4. Gender equity

(ix) A situation where there is a long line of vehicles on a road that cannot move or that can only move very slowly is known as

  1. Traffic jam
  2. Traffic warden
  3. Traffic
  4. Traffic queue

(x) Which of the following represent the important conditions for a stable marriage?

  1. Openness, tolerance and love
  2. Trust, love and arrogance
  3. Transparency, trust and wealth
  4. Agreement, high education and honest

(xi) A state of being free from danger when using roads is known as

  1. Road marks
  2. Road accident
  3. Road safety
  4. Traffic signs

(xii) What does the blue colour in the Tanzania national flag represent?

  1. People
  2. Mineral deposits
  3. National freedom
  4. Water bodies

(xiii) Tanzania national currencies include

  1. bank notes and foreign currencies
  2. foreign currencies and coin
  3. coin and bank notes
  4. US dollar and pound.

(xiv) Road accidents can be avoided in Tanzania through

  1. construction of tarmac roads
  2. observing traffic regulations
  3. employing well trained traffic police
  4. employing more magistrates.

(xv) Which of the following promotes proper behaviour among the youth?

  1. Religious teaching
  2. The police
  3. The judiciary
  4. The prisons

(xvi) The ability to think and come-up with new ideas and ways of doing things is referred as

  1. critical thinking
  2. creative thinking
  3. decision making skills
  4. negotiation skills

(xvii) The man and woman in the Coat of arms represent

  1.  Family
  2.  Human labour
  3.  Gender equity
  4.  Unity and cooperation

(xviii) The event in which the national flag is hoisted at half-mast is

  1. the independence day
  2. the national misfortunes
  3. the heroes day
  4. the religious holidays

(xix) A village government is made up of

  1.  adult population and village assembly
  2. . village council and the chairman
  3. . adult population and the chairman
  4.  village assembly and village council

(xx) A feeling of loyalty and love for ones country is called

  1.  Self-awareness
  2.  Self-esteem
  3.  Patriotism
  4.  Empathy.

2. Match the items in List A with the correct responses in List B by writing the letter of the correct response below the corresponding item number in the table provided



(i) The biological differences between a man and woman
(ii) A situation whereby female students are encouraged to opt for Arts subjects.
(iii) The systematic efforts to understand the role of
women and men in the society.
(iv) A corrective measure against women oppression.
 (v)The social relationship between women and men. 

A. Gender
B. Gender balance
C. Women empowerment
D. Gender analysis
E. Gender discrimination
F. Sex
G. Gender stereotyping
 H. Gender biasness 

3. For each of the statement (i) — (x), write True if the statement is correct or False if the statement is not correct.

(i)Work promotes selfish attitude..........

(ii) One of the aspects of social skills is peer resistance...................  
 (iii),One of the sources of local government revenue is development levy............. 

(iv) Tanzanian money is in the form of notes and pounds

 (v) Positive peer pressure can lead to good performance in school     

(vi) Work is any physical activity that a person does to earn a living    

(vii) Female genital mutilation promotes child spacing....... 

(viii) A youth who engage in unsafe sex lacks responsible decision making skills 

(ix) Obeying road signs reduces traffic jams on the road... 

(x) Corruption is one of the human rights abuses

Answer all questions in this section   

4. Read the following passage carefully and then answer the questions that follow.
Wild life refers to all animals and plants living in their natural environment. Wild life is very important resources to any country as it produces meat which is used by man as food. Other products from animals and plants include wood, far, skins and ornaments just to mention a few.
The increasing population in Tanzania has also increased the consumption of wildlife products in the country. This has led to the increased destruction of the natural habitat of animals and plants. Therefore, there is a need for intentional measures to conserve it. Such measures are protecting natural vegetation, enforcing law, practicing modern game cropping, avoid poaching, animal control from diseases and enacting by laws of not endangering animals.
Thus to conserve wild life in our environment it is also important to encourage game cropping in places where game species seem to be populated to reduce overgrazing and soil erosion.
a) Suggest a suitable title for this passage
b) According to the passage mention two effects of increased population in Tanzania to the animals and plants
c) Outline two importance of wild life to mankind

d) Suggest two measure to conserve the wild life in Tanzania

 e) State two advantages of game cropping in populated games 

5. Define the following concepts and for each give two points on its importance.

(a) Physical work      

Definition………… ………………… …………… 


(i)     …………………………………………………………………………………………………….

(ii)  …………………………………………………………………………………………………….


(b) National currency

Definition ………… ………… …………… …………… 


(i)     ………………… ………………… ………………… 

(ii)  ………………… …………………… ……………… 


(c) National symbols

 Definition ……………… ………………………  


(i)     …………………… ……………… ………………… 

(ii)  ……………… ………………… ………………………… 


(d) Traffic signs

      Definition……………… ………………… ……………………… 


(i)     ……………… ……………… ……………… 

(ii)  ……………… ……………………………… 


(e) Problem solving technique

Definition………… ……………………… 


(i)     ………………………… ………………………………… 

(ii)  ………………………… ………………………………… 


(f) Promotion of human rights

Definition…………………… ……………………… 


(i)     ………………… ……………… ………………… 

(ii)  ………………… ………………………………… 


(g) National language

Definition… ………………… ………………………


(i)     …………………… ………………… …………………… 

(ii)  …………………… ………………… ……………………… 


(h) Responsible decision making

     Definition ………………………… ………… 


(i)     ……………… …………………………… 

(ii)  ……………… …………………………… 


 (i) Responsible decision making 

Is the ability to make constructive choices about personal behavior and social interactions bases on ethical standards, safety concerns and social norms.

  • Importance:

(i)     Help one live in peace in the society.

(ii)  Help in avoiding conflict of interest.


SECTION C (15 Marks)

Answer one (1) question form this section

6. Explain six problems associated with early marriage in the society.

7. Explain the importance of life skills to young people by giving six points.



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