CODE 012

TIME: 2:30 HOURS          



  1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with the total number of ten(10) questions
  2. Answer all questions in each section
  3. Section A carries (15) marks, section B (70) marks and section C carries (15) marks
  4. All writing must be in blue/black ink except drawing which must be in pencil
  5. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the assessment room.


SECTION A (15 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

1. For each of the items (i) – (x) choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer sheet provided


  1.                 The word 'history' is derived from which language?

A. Latin

B. French

C. Greek

D. Arabic

  1.               Which of the following is NOT a reason why studying history is important?

A. Helps us understand different cultures

B. Allows us to learn from past mistakes

C. Gives us a sense of identity

D. Predicts the exact pattern of future events

  1.             An archaeologist finds a piece of ancient pottery. This artifact is considered a:

A. Primary source

B. Secondary source

C. Fossil

D. Myth

  1.             Which of the following is an example of a relative dating technique?

A. Stratigraphy

B. Carbon-14 Dating

C. Potassium-argon Dating

D. Dendrochronology

  1.               The theory that humans and present-day primates evolved from a common ancestor is a central part of:

A. The Theory of Relativity

B. The Theory of Evolution

C. The Theory of Continental Drift

D. The Theory of Plate Tectonics

  1.             The earliest and longest period of prehistoric times is known as the:

A. Neolithic Age

B. Bronze Age

C. Stone Age

D. Iron Age

  1.          Which of these tools was NOT characteristic of the Old Stone Age (Paleolithic)?

A. Hand axes

B. Polished stone tools

C. Choppers

D. Spear points

  1.        The control and use of fire was a major development for early humans because it provided:

A. Warmth and protection

B. A source of light

C. Ability to cook food

D. All of the above

  1.             The transition to the Iron Age brought advantages like:

A. Stronger, more durable tools and weapons

B. Increased agriculture production

C. New technologies

D. All of the above

  1.               One disadvantage of oral histories as sources of information is that they:

A. Are always written down

B.  Only exist in ancient times

C. Can change over time as they are passed down

D. Don't provide a perspective on the past


2. Match the stage of human evolution in Column A to its characteristic in Column B.

Column A

Column B

  1.           Australopithecus afarensis
  2.           Homo habilis
  3.           Homo erectus
  4.           Homo neanderthalensis
  5.           Homo sapiens


  1. Proficient toolmakers, buried their dead, possible use of ritual.
  2. . Exhibited increased brain size, associated with early stone toolmaking
  3. . First hominins to control fire, migrate out of Africa
  4. Large brow ridges, stocky build, advanced hunting techniques
  5. Known for bipedalism (upright walking), small brains, lived in trees


SECTION B: 70 Marks

3. (a) Define the term History

(b) Give five importance of studying history

4. Briefly explain the term below briefly

  1. Archeology
  2. Anthropology
  3. Historical site
  4. Dating
  5. Oral traditions

5. (a) What is a museum?

(b) Give the main functions of a Museum

(c ) explain limitations of archeology as a source of history

6. (a) What is human evolution?

(b) Describe the features of the following stages of man’s evolutionary history

  1. Homo habilis
  2. Homo erectus
  3. Australopithecus
  4. Homo sapiens sapiens

7. (a) What were acheulian tools and Oldwan tools?

(b) Explain how human obtain food in the following  stages;

  1. Earlier stone age
  2. Middle stone age
  3. Late stone age

(c) How did man change during the late stone

8. (a) At what stage of development did man discover fire?

(b) How did the discovery of fire change man’s life.

9. (a) Explain how iron was discovered

(b) Briefly explain the advantages that was brought by production and use of iron tools.

SECTION C: 15 Marks

10. (a) Define the term Agriculture

(b) Briefly explain the following agricultural practices

  1. Shifting cultivation
  2. Nomadic pastoralism
  3. Sedentary pastoralism
  4. Mixed farming






CODE 012

TIME: 2:30 HOURS          



  • This paper consists of section A, B and C with the total number of ten(10) questions
  • Answer all questions in each section
  • Section A carries (15) marks, section B (70) marks and section C carries (15) marks
  • All writing must be in blue/black ink except drawing which must be in pencil
  • Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the assessment room.


SECTION A (15 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

1. For each of the items (i) – (x) choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer sheet provided

(i) Which of the following is NOT considered a major domain of the Earth's environment?

A. Lithosphere

B. Biosphere

C. Atmosphere

D. Cryosphere

(ii) The study of geography helps us understand:

A. The spatial distribution and relationship of physical and human features on Earth

B. The history of the solar system

C. The chemical composition of stars

D. The evolution of dinosaurs

(iii) The largest planet in our solar system is:

A. Saturn

B. Jupiter

C. Earth

D. Mars

(iv) What causes Earth to experience day and night?

A. Revolution around the Sun

B. Rotation on its axis

C. Movement of the Moon

D. Changes in the amount of solar energy

(v) Which is an example of a renewable energy source derived from the Sun?

A. Solar power

B. Petroleum

C. Natural gas

D. Nuclear power

(vi) All of the following are major features of the Earth's surface EXCEPT:

A. Mountains

B. Rivers

C. Deserts

D. Asteroids

(vii) The world's largest ocean is the:

A. Atlantic Ocean

B. Indian Ocean

C. Arctic Ocean

D. Pacific Ocean

(viii) Which continent is home to the Sahara Desert, the world's largest hot desert?

A. North America

B. South America

C. Asia

D. Africa

(ix) What is the name for the underwater mountain ranges found on the ocean floor?

A. Mid-ocean ridges

B. Trenches

C. Abyssal plains

D. Reefs

(x) Which of the following planets is known for its distinctive rings?

A. Neptune

B. Jupiter

C. Uranus

D. Saturn


2. Match the ocean floor feature in Column A to its correct description in Column B.

Column A

Column B

  1.       Abyssal Plain
  2.       Continental Shelf
  3.       Trench
  4.       Mid-Ocean Ridge
  5.       Seamount


  1. Underwater mountain range formed by volcanic activity
  2. Deepest, elongated depressions on the ocean floor
  3. Flat, expansive area of the deep ocean basin
  4. An underwater mountain rising from the ocean floor but not reaching the surface
  5. Gently sloping submerged extension of a continent


SECTION B: 70 Marks

3.(a) What is an ocean?

(b) Name five oceans found on earth

4. (a) Explain how a block mountain is formed

(b) Name one example of each of the following;

  1. Block mountain
  2. Fold mountain
  3. Volcanic mountain
  4. Residual mountain
  5. A rift valley

5.(a) What is international date line? Explain why it is not straight

(b) Explain five importance of latitudes and longitudes

6. (a) differentiate between a solstice and equinox

(b) Give two dates in a year when equinox occurs

(c) Using a diagram explain how solar eclipse is formed

7. (a) What is revolution of the earth?

(b) Name four seasons of the year

(c) A part from seasons name any other three effects of revolution

8. (a) Name four outcomes of earth’s rotation

(b) List seven planets  from the one closest to the sun to the furthest

9. (a) Define the term geography

(b) The sun gives us solar energy. Give six uses of solar energy

SECTION C. (15 Marks)

10. Our ancestors believed that the earth was flat. As an enlightened student discuss six proves that the earth is spherical.





CODE 011

TIME: 2:30 HOURS          



  • This paper consists of section A, B and C with the total number of ten(10) questions
  • Answer all questions in each section
  • Section A carries (15) marks, section B (70) marks and section C carries (15) marks
  • All writing must be in blue/black ink except drawing which must be in pencil
  • Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the assessment room.


SECTION A (15 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

1. For each of the items (i) – (x) choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer sheet provided

  1. Tanzania is a large group of people living in a defined geographical area sharing a common history, culture, and language under a government. This is the definition of a:

A. Continent

B. Nation 

C. City

D. Village

  1. Which of the following is NOT a life skill that can help you succeed in school and life?

A. Critical thinking

B. Effective communication

C. Following instructions

D. Always blaming others for your mistakes 

  1. Civics is the study of:

A. Mathematics

B. Science

C. Rights and responsibilities of citizens 

D. Literature

  1. Every human being is entitled to basic rights, such as the right to life and education. These are called:

A. Government regulations

B. Human rights 

C. School rules

D. Parental expectations

  1. A person who is born in Tanzania to a Tanzanian parent is a citizen of Tanzania by:

A. Registration

B. Naturalization

C. Birth 

D. Marriage

  1. Family life education helps you understand:

A. The latest fashion trends

B. Healthy relationships and communication within the family 

C. How to win arguments

D. The best career choices

  1. Respecting your classmates and teachers is an example of:

A. Good hygiene

B. Responsible citizenship 

C. Time management skills

D. Financial literacy

  1. Obeying traffic rules helps to keep you and others safe. This is an example of:

A. Following the law 

B. Expressing your emotions freely

C. Prioritizing your needs

D. Being assertive

  1. Participating in school cleaning days is an example of:

A. Being independent

B. Taking responsibility for your community 

C. Always asking for help

D. Disrespecting authority

  1. When you vote in an election (when you are old enough), you are exercising your right to:

A. Choose your friends

B. Participate in government 

C. Travel freely anywhere

D. Get a good job


2. Match the national symbol in Column A with its meaning in Column B.

Column A

Column B

  1. Coat of Arms
  2. National flag
  3. Uhuru torch
  4. The giraffe
  5. The constitution.
  1. Signifies wildlife and pride of Tanzania.
  2. A symbol of unity, with colors representing peace, progress, and prosperity
  3. Represents the fight for freedom and independence
  4. Depicts the natural resources, unity, and defense of the nation.
  5.  A document that lays out how a country should be governed
  6. . A symbol of good luck, peace, and unity.
  7. Shows natural resources, people, values and its commitment to freedom, unity and progress





Answer all questions

3. Write short notes on:

a)      Critical thinking

b)     Creativity

c)      Problem solving

d)     Personal life skills

e)      Social skills.


4. (a) Mention main sources of skills

  (b)  Briefly explain five examples of social skills

5. (a) Mention and explain three types of life skills.

   (b)  Discuss the importance of life skills.


6. Write short notes on the following

a)      Freedom expression

b)     Right to life

c)      Right to work

d)     Basic human right.


7. (a) Describe ways in which human right can be promoted?

    (b) Mention ways of protecting human rights


8. How are human right abused by?

a)      Parents

b)     Society

c)      Government


9. (a)Give two conditions that are necessary for a stable marriage.

b) Which are the three common types of families?

10. (a) Explain the importance of a family.

       b)List down there factors that are necessary for family stability.







CODE 033

TIME: 2:30 HOURS          


  • This paper consists of section A, B and C with the total number of ten(10) questions
  • Answer all questions in each section
  • Section A carries (15) marks, section B (70) marks and section C carries (15) marks
  • All writing must be in blue/black ink except drawing which must be in pencil
  • Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the assessment room.

SECTION A (15 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

1. For each of the items (i) – (x) choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer sheet provided

  1.                   The basic unit of life is called a:

A. Tissue

B. Organ

C. System

D. Cell 

  1.                   The study of insects is called:

A. Mycology

B. Herpetology

C. Entomology 

D. Zoology

  1.                   Which science is closely related to biology and helps in understanding the chemical basis of life?

A. Physics

B. Chemistry 

C. Geology

D. Astronomy

  1.                   The first step in the scientific method is:

A. Formulating a hypothesis

B. Making an observation 

C. Analyzing data

D. Conducting an experiment

  1.                   The scientific method is valuable because it:

A. Guarantees accurate results

B. Provides a systematic way of asking and answering questions 

C. Eliminates the need for creativity

D. Allows scientists to skip the experimental stage

  1.                   Which of the following is NOT a common laboratory apparatus?

A. Test tube

B. Beaker

C. Telescope 

D. Graduated cylinder

  1.                   One important biology laboratory safety rule is:

A. Always wear closed-toed shoes 

B. Ignore warning labels

C. Run around the lab when excited

D. Work independently at all times

  1.                   The symbol of a skull and crossbones often indicates:

A. A flammable substance

B. A radioactive material

C. A poisonous substance 

D. A slippery surface

  1.                   Which is a key aim of providing first aid?

A. To prevent further injury or illness 

B. To diagnose the underlying condition

C. To provide long-term medical treatment

D. To replace the need for emergency care

  1.                   If someone is bleeding severely, the first step in first aid is to:

A. Clean the wound

B. Apply direct pressure to the wound 

C. Elevate the wound

D. Apply ice

2. Match the item in Column A with its primary use in Column B.

Column A

Column B

  1. Sterile gauze pads
  2. Bandages
  3. Antiseptic wipes
  4. Tweezers
  5. Antibiotic Ointment
  1. Removing small splinters or debris from wounds.
  2. Preventing infection in minor cuts or scrapes
  3. . Covering and protecting minor wounds.
  4. Cleaning a wound before applying bandages.
  5. Stopping bleeding and absorbing blood


3. (a) Define the word “biology”

(b) Write down 3 importance of studying biology


  1.       List down 4 branches of biology


4.(b)  Differentiate between botany and zoology

(b) Mention characteristics of living things (7)


5.(a)  Differentiate between;


  1. Specimen and model
  2. Temperature and body temperature
  3. Fact and theory
  1.      Explain one function of each of the following biology laboratory apparatus and equipments.
  1.                   Test tube holder
  2.                   Test tube rack
  3.                   Petri dish
  4.                   Motor and pestle
  5.                   Test tube brush


  1. a) Define the following terms
  1.                   first aid
  2.                   first aid kit

b) Who should give first Aid?

c) Give the benefits of giving first Aid to an accident victim.

7. (a) state the steps that should be taken to prevent yourself from getting infections when giving first aid.

(b) Mention three specimens that can be found in biology laboratory

8. Outline the procedure of giving first Aid to an accident victim

a) Snake bites

b) Electric shock

9.  (a) what are muscles cramps

b) Give the causes of muscle cramp

c) Mention ways of preventing muscle cramps

10. (a)Mention ten common accidents which can occur at home.

(b) Identify six items found in a first aid kit an state their uses.








TIME 2: 30 HRS


  • This paper consist of sections A, B and C


Answer all questions

  1. For each of the items (i) – (x), choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter in the box provided
  1. “I am sorry”! can also be written as
  1. Am sorry
  2. I’m sorry
  3. Im sorry
  4. A’m sorry
  1. One of the sentences is an example of a simple present tense. Which one is it?
  1. Mary is walking to school
  2. Mary has been walking to school
  3. Mary walks to school
  4. Mary has walked to school
  1. A tooth specialist is known as?
  1. Tooth doctor B. Surgeon C. Optician D. Dentist
  1. When writing a friendly letter, the word “Dear ….” refers to _______
  1. Introduction
  2. Salutation
  3. Address
  4. Conclusion
  1. Fill in the black space for a complete conditional sentence “If I run fast ______
  1. I will win the medal
  2. I will have won the medal
  3. I could win the medal
  4. I won the medal
  1. Supply the correct question tag for the following statement. “she is beautiful”
  1. Isn’t she?
  2. Is she?
  3. Does she?
  4. Doesn’t she?
  1. One of the following sentences is negative. Which one is it?
  1. The young boy is short
  2. The young boy is not going to school today
  3. The young boy is thinking differently
  4. The young boy like making noise
  1. The plural of a thief is _____
  1. Thieves B Thiefs C Thiefes D a thief
  1. My neighbour’s children go to school ________ foot
  1. At B In C On D With
  1. Suppose the son of your brother visits you, how would you tell your father about his visit?
  1. Father your son has arrived
  2. Father, your niece has arrived
  3. Father, your uncle has arrived
  4. Father, your nephew has arrived











  1. Match the items in column A with their corresponding answers from column B

Column A

Column B

  1. A day before Monday
  2. Two days after Monday
  3. A day after Monday
  4. Three days before Monday
  5. Four days before Monday
  1. Monday
  2. Tuesday
  3. Wednesday
  4. Thursday
  5. Friday
  6. Saturday
  7. Sunday







SECTION B (70 Marks)

Answers all questions

  1. Assign the nouns for the explanations given below:
  1. A worshiping place for Christians ________
  2. A place where timber/wood is kept and sold ________
  3. A wooden piece of furniture with back and four legs which one person sits___
  4. An oval like shaped product from chicken, often used as food_____
  5. A small gadget holding sim card and battery, often used for communication _________
  1. Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate article given in the box

The, an, a

  1. Hassan is ______most obedient student in our class
  2. He has ________ good handwriting compared to the rest of us
  3. ______ weather today is strange, none can tell it is cold or hot
  4. They each work for ______ hour a day in the farm.
  5. My neighbour has ______ heart, she gives cheerfully to less privileged people
  1. Read the expression below and answer the questions that follow

Martin, our neighbour wakes up every morning to go to work. He drives a bus from Kariakoo to Tegeta. His friend, Mohamed collects money from people in the bus. Before it is dark, the bus is parked at Ali’s office, where it is checked and oiled in preparation for another day’s work. Most people boarding my neighbour’s bus like him because he has a moderate speed.

  1. What is Martin’s profession? ___________
  2. How do you call people boarding Martin’s bus ______?
  3. What is Mohamed’s profession__________?
  4. What could be Ali’s profession __________?
  5. Where does Ali work_________?
  1. Write plural form of the following statements
  1. I will do well in English examination


  1. She works with United Nations


  1. Her dog barked the whole night


  1. My parent will attend prize giving day


  1. This water is dirty


  1. The notice below was written by one of the school staffs, assume that you are the office secretary, respond to the note appropriately


I am not attending tomorrow’s meeting. I’ll be at the hospital then.


Matunda, school librarian

  1. (a) Identify places/areas where the following terms are commonly used
  1. Ball, referee, players
  2. Students, teachers, chalk
  3. Carpenter, harmer, nail
  4. Customer, server, food
  5. Crew, docket, sailor
  1. Re write these sentences to make meaningful expressions
  1. Today is when?
  2. Heavily raining it is
  3. Clean water for drinking I need
  4. Loud music I like
  5. Best is the my teacher
  1. Identify the odd word out of the given group of words
  1. Present. past, future, sentence
  2. Shape, oval, circle, rectangular
  3. Interesting, soft, music, irritating
  4. Animal, man, plants, soil
  5. Doctor, driver, pilot, carpenter


  1. Assume that you are in charge of environment, and that your school head master has asked you to present a speech on environmental pollution. Write a speech that you would read on the environment day







Muda: 2:30


  1.               Mtihani huu una sehemu A, B na C
  2.               Jibu maswali yote. Ikiwa na maswali 6
  3.               Simu za mkononi haziruhusiwi katika chumba cha mtihani


SEHEMU A (Alama 30)

  1.               Chagua herufi ya jibu sahihi miongoni mwa majibu kisha andika herufi ya jibu hilo
  1. Asha ni mwanafunzi wa kidato cha kwanza katika shule ya sekondari Iringa sauti zake hazina maana anapoziunuma hujumuisha kama?
  1.               Lugha ya maneno
  2.               Lugha ya kiswahili
  3.                Lugha ya Ishara
  4.               Lugha ya mazungumzo
  1. Kila mwandishi huwa na ufundi wake katika utunzi wa kazi za fasihi zake je? Jambo gani ambalo hutofautiana maandishi Janeth na Mwandishi Simba katika  utuzi wa kazi zao

  1.               Mwandiko
  2.               Mtindo
  3.                Muundo
  4.               Lugha

  1. Mwalimu wa somo la kiswahili huwa anatufundisha kando ya daraja letu. Neno lililopigiea mstari ni gani ya maneno aina gani ya maneno?
  1.               Kiunganishi
  2.               Kielezi
  1. Kutokana na wataalamu wa lugha ya kiswahili katika fasihi la neno wanakubaliana kuwa lugha ni sauti za nasibu kwa nini?
  1.               Lugha ni nyenzo ya mawasiliano
  2.               Binadamu huchagua lugha ya kuongea
  3.                Hakuna tofauti kati ya kiwe na kirejelewe
  4.               Majibu yote hayo ni sahihi
  1. Ni utaratibu wa kupanda na kushuka kwa mawimbi ya sauti wakati wa mazungumzaji

  1.               Kiimbo
  2.               Lafidhi
  3.                Mkazo
  4.               Nyimbo

  1. Kaka mkuu wa shule yetu alituelekeza kuwa chura katika ngozi yake ina mabaka mabaka pia hupendwa kuishi majini kuliko nchi kavu. Je hiyo ni hadhithi zinazohusu?

  1.               Visasili
  2.               Vigano
  3.                Ngano
  4.               Tarihi

  1. Ni umbo la ndani la kazi ya fasihi ambalo hueleza Msanii kwa yale yote aliyokusudia katika kazi yake.

  1.               Fani
  2.               Dhamira
  3.                Mtindo
  4.               Maudhui

  1. Dhana gani ya mtu wa kaskazini na nyanda za juu kusini, hudokeza utambulisho wa maneno yanayotoka?
  1.               Sauti
  2.               Lafudhi
  3.                Matamshi
  4.               Silabi
  1. Othuman anaishi tanga. Neno Tanga ni aina gani ya neno?
  2. Neno sikukuu limeundwa na silabi ngapi?

  1.               8
  2.               5
  3.                4
  4.               3

  1. Misamiati iayoingizwa katika kamusi na kukolezwa wino, pia kutoa taarifa ya msamiati hiyo kama vile aina ya neno, asili na namna neno linavyoandikwa.
  1.               Kitomeo
  2.               Kidahiao
  3.                Sampuli
  4.               Kisevo
  1.               Oanishi sentensi zenye matumizi ya vielezi katika Orodha A na aina ya vielezi katika Orodha B. Kwa kuchagua herufi ya jibu sahihi.


Orodha A

Orodha B

  1. Daktari amenishauri ninywe daiwa kutwa mara tano
  2. Mchezaji wa timu yetu alipiga mpira chini
  3. Kaka mfupi amepita polepole
  4. Mimi sijawahi kusherekea mahafali tangu mwaka jana
  1.  Kitenzi cha mujibu
  2.   Kitenzi cha namna
  3.  Kitenzi cha wakati
  4.  Kitenzi cha mahali
  5.   Kitenzi cha idadi



  1.               Panga maneno kama kwenye kamusi na toa maana na tunga sentinsi kwa kila neno.
  1. Ua
  2. Panga
  3. Chizi
  4. Baba
  5. Panda
  1.               Fasihi maana ya misamiati ifuatayo
  1. Maghani
  2. Fanani
  3. Lugha
  4. Sanda
  5. Kamusi
  1.               (a)Ainisha tanzu za fasihi simulizi

(i) _______________   (ii) _______________

(iii) ______________   (iv) _______________


(b) Kwa kila tanzu tajwa hapo juu bainisha tanzu hizo za fasihi simulizi, zimejengwa na vipera vipi? Kwa kila tanzu ainisha hoja tano.


  1.               (a) Toa maana ya Soga

(b) Jifanye wewe ni kiongozi wa michezo katika shule yenu, umechaguliwa kishiriki mashindano ya utungaji wa hadithi shindano linahusu sungura na fisi yenye maneno thamanini tu (80) Andika soga yenye maneno themanini tu (80) 










Time: 2:30 Hours


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions.
  2. Answer all questions
  3. Section A and C carry fifteen (15) marks each and Section B carry seventy (70) marks.
  4. All writing must be in blue or black ink except drawing which must be in pencil.
  5. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the assessment room.


  1. For each of items (i) – (x) choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter in box provided.
  1. Which organism below is a prokaryote?
  1. Zea mays
  2. Vibrio cholerae
  3. Rhizopus
  4. Amoeba
  5. Virus
  1. A sexual transmitted disease characterized by yellow discharge from penis or vagina and pain during urination in males is;
  1. Candidiasis
  2. Gonorrhoea
  3. Syphilis
  4. Trichomoniasis
  5. Hepatitis.
  1. Which of the following is a site for ribosome formation?
  1. Nucleus
  2. Rough endoplasmic reticulum
  3. Golgi body
  4. Nucleolus
  5. Cytoplasm
  1. Preparing specimen for sectioning and viewing is termed as;
  1. Staining
  2. Sectioning
  3. Resolution
  4. Magnification
  5. Fixation.
  1. The study of small organisms is termed as;
  1. Virology
  2. Mycology
  3. Micro-biology
  4. Parasitology
  5. Genetics.
  1. The best way to control typhoid is through;
  1. Vaccination
  2. Treatment
  3. Maintain personal and environmental hygiene
  4. Proper disposal of feaces
  5. Water treatment.
  1. The purpose of a control experiment in investigation is;
  1. Identify the problem
  2. Test hypothesis
  3. Display results
  4. Confirm results
  5. Predict results
  1. Which of the following diseases is caused by bacteria?
  1. Sleeping sickness
  2. Malaria
  3. Aids
  4. Tuberculosis
  5. Askariasis
  1. The outer living structure of a cell is;
  1. Cell wall
  2. Cytoplasm
  3. Cell membrane
  4. Nuclear membrane
  5. Ectoplasm
  1. In which of the following tissues can rapid mitotic cell division be seen?
  1. Nerve cell
  2. Heart
  3. Embryonic
  4. Muscles
  5. Epidermal
  1. The following are specialized cells and their adaptations. Much each cell with the adaptions



  1. Palisade cells
  2. Sperm cell
  3. Root hair cell
  4. Ovum cell
  5. Guard cell
  1. Has large vacuole. Long and slender
  2. Has long tail and many mitochondrion
  3. Has very large nucleus
  4. Has many lysosomes
  5. Contain a lot of chlorophyl
  6. Has thin outer wall and thick inner wall
  7. Has rapid mitotic division



  1. (a) State the cell theory

(b) Explain two differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell

(c ) Name the organelle that performs the following functions

  1. Synthesis of protein
  2. Transporting cell secretions
  3. Controlling vital processes in the cell
  4. Controlling materials entering and leaving the cell

4. (a)Waste is any substance that is no longer in use, the teacher said. Mwajuma asked to a teacher to explain the meaning of waste disposal. If a teacher chose you what answer did you respond to Mwajuma?

(b)Poor waste disposal has led to many effects. Continue telling Mwajuma the effects of poor waste disposal (use 4 effects)

5. (a) Sophia does not know the meaning of some biological phenomena. As the biologist help Sophia to explain the meaning of these biological phenomena which are unknown.

i. Cell differentiation

ii. An organ

iii. A system

(b)What are three examples of specialized cells of animals?

6. Study the diagram of the following organisms carefully and answer the questions that follow:

(a) Identify the organisms above by their common Names:

R is: _________________________________________________________

S is: _________________________________________________________ 

(b) Classify the above organisms up to class level.

(c)State the locomotory structures of the organisms above.

R _____________________________________________________________

S _____________________________________________________________

7. (a) Mr. Moshi reminded all science students to always follow laboratory safety rules.

By giving three (3) reasons, explain why it is necessary to adhere to this remainder?

(b) If you go to any science (Biology) Laboratory, you will come across containers carrying different chemicals. Draw and name chemical warning sign that can be found in the containers of the following chemicals: (i) Pesticides and poison

(ii) Concentrated sodium hydroxide

(iii) Spirit

8. (a) Define the following terms as used in biology.

(i) Biology laboratory (ii) Botany

(b) Give the function of the following parts of light microscope (One function in each).

  1. Mirror
  2. objective lens
  3. Eye piece
  4. Base
  5. Limb or Arm
  6. Clip
  7. Course adjustment
  8. Stage


9. Asha accidentally fall in the class and was found that she was not breathing, the student helped her to recover breathing

a. What is the name of process done by the students?

b. What are the qualities of the students who gave the process (Give two qualities)

c. What were the reasons of giving the above process/ Give ay three reasons




10. Write an essay on AIDS using the following guidelines

  1. Cause of the disease
  2. Where the causative organism can be found in infected people
  3. Two ways by which the disease is transmitted
  4. Three symptoms of disease
  5. Three, ways of preventing the disease from infecting people
  6. Two ways of caring for people living with HIV/AIDS










Time: 2:30Hours


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions.
  2. Answer all questions
  3. Sections A and C carry fifteen (15) marks each and section B carries seventy (70) marks
  4. All answers must be written in the space provided
  5. All writing must be in blue or black ink except drawings which must be in pencil
  6. All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the assessment room.
  7. Where necessary the following constants may be used:
  1. Acceleration due to gravity, g=10m/s2
  2. π = 3.14


  1. For each of the items (i) – (x) Choose the correct answer among the given alternatives write its letter in box provided
  1. Matter is________________
  1. Anything which has got mass and occupy a space.
  2. Anything which contains mass and volume
  3. Scientific study of energy.
  4. A science which deals with the study of nature and physical properties.
  1. The ability or capacity of doing work is known as:
  1. Mass
  2. Matter
  3. Pressure.
  4. Energy.
  1. Which of the following is safety precaution in the Physics laboratory?
  1.  Doing experiment in the laboratory
  2.  Handling of apparatus in the laboratory
  3.  Use equipment with care in the laboratory
  4.  Do anything in the laboratory
  1. A set of techniques used by scientists to investigate a problem refers to:-
  1.           Data interpretation
  2.            Scientific method
  3.            Performing an experiment
  4.           Data presentation
  1. First aid is an immediate assistance or care given to a sick person or an accident victim before getting: -
  1.           Help from nearby people
  2.            Professional medical help
  3.            Relatives and friends’ assistance
  4.           Traditional medical care
  1. Special room that have been designed and equipped for carrying out scientific experiments is called?
  1.           Class room
  2.            Staff room
  3.            Bed room
  4.           Laboratory
  1. In one of the following areas, quantitative measurement knowledge plays an important role except.
  1. In hospital
  2. In agriculture
  3. In schools
  4. In smell testing
  1. A physics teacher asked the students to explain briefly things which may cause fire in the physics laboratory. The students tried to answer but some explanations were not correct. Identify the explanations which were not correct.
  1. Electrical faults
  2. Presence of flammable materials
  3. Carelessness in using gas lighter and match boxes
  4. The colour of some chemicals supports combustion
  1. Thermometer is a device that determine the measure of the kinetic energy that particles of an object possess. Part of a thermometer which prevents mercury from flowing back when temperature falls:
  1. Stem
  2. Constriction
  3. Bulb
  4. Neck
  1. Which of the following instruments work under the Pascal’s principle of pressure transmission
  1. Spring balance
  2. Single fixed pulley
  3. Inclined plane
  4. Hydraulic press
  1.  Match the items from LIST A with the corresponding responses in LIST B by writing its letter in the box provided.



(i) Atmospheric pressure

(ii) Pressure

(iii) Pascal principle

(iv) Application of atmospheric pressure

(v) Razor blades and knife blades

  1. Minimum force
  2. Hydraulic press
  3. N/m2
  4. Pascal
  5. Maximum force
  6. Manometer
  7. High pressure
  8. Low pressure
  9. Aneroid barometer
  10. Bicycle pump





3. (a) Define the following terms.

(i)     Physics

(ii)  Physicist

(iii) Science

(iv) Technology

(b) Give three importance of studying physics


  1. (a) Laboratory safety is____________________________

    (b) Mention four laboratory safety procedures.

    (c) Mention five causes of laboratory accident.


  1. (a) A micrometer screw gauge has a — 0.03 mm error. State the reading that is observed on the instrument when used to measure the diameter of a wire whose actual diameter is 0.38 mm. 

    (b). . It was observed that upon sucking the straw, milk did not rise up the straw. Explain this observation. 

6. In an experiment to determine the relative density of liquid x, form IB physics students obtained the following results after various measurements

Mass of relative density bottle, ml = 15g Mass of relative bottle and liquid x, m2 = 35g

Mass of relative density bottle and water, m3 = 40g

Volume of bottle, v = 25cm3


(a)   Density of water in kg/m3

(b)   Density of liquid x in kg/m3

(c)   Relative of liquid x



(c) State two ways of reducing surface tension of a liquid. 

7. (a) Give application of relative density;

(b) Give the importance of measurement in daily life

8. (a) What is applied force?

(b) A conical flask with a base of diameter of 7cm and base radius of 3.5cm contain a liquid of density 840kg/m3. Find the total force due to the liquid on the base in Newton

9. (a) What is Archimedes principle?

(b) A balloon has a capacity of 20m3 and it is filled with hydrogen. The balloon fabric and the container have a mass of 2.5kg. What mass of instruments can be lifted by the balloon? (Density of hydrogen = 0.089kg/m3 and density of air is 1.29kg/m3) 

Data given

Total mass = mt = ml + mb

Volume capacity, v = 20m3

Volume cold air, vl =20m3

Mass of balloon, mb = 2.5kg

Density at v2, p2 = 0.089kg/m3

Density at vl, p1 = 1.29kg/m3

Mass of instrument), ml = ?



(a)  Use the concept of pressure to explain why buildings are constructed with wide foundations.

(b) Mention two experiments which show the evidence that atmospheric pressure exists. 

(c) A woman of mass 64 kg is standing on sand soil with high heel shoes of area 2 cm2;

(i) Find the pressure exerted by the woman on the ground.

(ii) Why does her heel sink into the ground?








Time: 2:30 Hours


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions
  2. Answer all questions
  3. Section A and C carry fifteen (15) marks each and Section B carries seventy (70) marks
  4. All writing must be in blue or black in
  5. All answer must be written in the spaces provided
  6. Cellular phones, calculators and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the assessment room

SECTION A (15 Marks)

  1. For each of the items (i) – (x), Choose the correct answer from the given alternative and write its letter in box provided
  1. In his archeological work which led to discovery of skull of the first man. Dr Leakey was assisted by:
  1. Charles Darwin
  2. Zinjathropus
  3. Earlier man
  4. Marry Leakey
  1. Which of the theory of origin of life below is not scientific?
  1. Creation theory
  2. Organic evolution theory
  3. Big bang theory
  4. Comorian theory.
  1. Microliths are:
  1. Sharper smaller and lighter stone tools of late stone age period
  2. Small iron age tool found at Olduvai
  3. Tiny stone age tools of middle stone age
  4. Stone tools found in Engaruka
  1. The evidence of middle stone tools is found in parts of:
  1. East Africa rift valley
  2. Ukerewe Islands
  3. Isimila
  4. None of above
  1. With fire man could?
  1. Cultivate desert areas
  2. Run faster than before
  3. Roast his food and live in colder areas
  4. Burn all forest and make desert
  1. Which of the following was called able man?
  1. Home Habilis
  2. Homo Erectus
  3. Primate
  4. Zunjathropus
  1. One disadvantages of linguistic as source of history is that
  1. Information is from multiple source
  2. One understands little about communities
  3. Does not reveal links between people
  4. Learning a language consume time and money.
  1. One advantage of written sources of history is that;
  1. Give right information always
  2. Record details of important people only
  3. One can easily get valuable and rare information
  4. It is limited to few people in society.
  1. Which is not a measure of time in history?
  1. Decade
  2. Century
  3. Millennium
  4. Month
  1. A period of one thousand years is called?
  1. Life span
  2. Decade
  3. Millennium
  4. Century
  1. Match the item in LIST A with their correct response from LIST B. Write down letter of correct response in space provided.



  1. Father of evolution of man
  2. Modern man
  3. Walked on four limbs
  4. Could make tools and had large brain capacity
  5. The earliest man who could stand upright.
  1. Homo erectus
  2. God
  3. Primate
  4. Homo Habilis
  5. Homo sapiens
  6. Charles Darwin
  7. Zinjathropus
  8. Clever creatures



  1. (a) Name four uses of tools by man in Old Stone Age period.

(b) Mention three ways used by early man to get food.

  1. a) Explain how fire was discovered

(b) Explain the contribution of fire to man

  1. (a) What is Oral tradition?

(b) Write four advantages of Oral traditions

  1. (a) Write three disadvantages of archival information as a source of history.

(b) Write down two disadvantages of historical sites as source of history.

 7. Briefly explain the following terms:

i) Feudalism

(ii)Trans-Saharan Trade

(iii) Umwinyi

(iv) Historical sites

(v) Carbon-14

8. (a) What is local trade?

(b) What were the impacts of local trade?

9. Describe the methods of making salt in traditional African societies.


10. Explain six factors that led to the development of trade in African societies during the pre-colonial period









Time: 2:30 Hours 


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions.
  2. Answer all questions.
  3. Section A and C carry fifteen (15) marks each and section B caries seventy (70) marks
  4. All writing must be in blue or black ink
  5. All writing must be written in the space provided.
  6. Cellular phones, calculators and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the assessment room.


  1. For items (i) – (x) Choose the correct answer from alternative given and write its leer on spaces provided.
  1. Geography helps the learner to acquire the following things in his/her life except.
  1.                       Knowledge and skills
  2.                       Understanding their environment
  3.                       Guessing future events.
  4.                      Conserve their environment.
  1. A branch of human – economic Geography that deals with the study of human population is called.
  1.                             Biogeography
  2.                              Demography
  3.                              Geography
  4.                            Geology.
  1. Dormant volcanic mountains are those which;
  1. Have never experienced eruptions
  2. Have erupted once but are nolonger active
  3. Continue to erupt occassionaly
  4. Erupt only then there is an earth quake.
  1. A raised part of an ocean is called;
  1. A ridge
  2. Ocean deeps
  3. Continental shelf
  4. Deep sea plains
  1. The outermost layer of the earth is called;
  1.                   The mantle
  2.                   The crust
  3.                   The sial
  4.                  Sima.


  1. Which of the following is an example of an extinct volcano?
  1. Mt. Elgon
  2. Mt. longonot
  3. Black forest mountains
  4. Mt. Sinai.
  1. Movement of the earth around the Sun is referred to as__________
  1.      Evolution
  2.      Rotation
  3.       Motion
  4.      Revolution.
  1. Which of the following groups are features of the Ocean floor?
  1.      Ridge, basin, plateau and water fall.
  2.      Continental shelf, basin and water fall
  3.       Ocean ridge, continental shelf and continental slope
  4.      Horst, plain, basin and volcano
  1. Hills, Mountains, Plateaus, plains and valleys make up
  1. Continent of Africa.
  2. Relief of the earth’s surface
  3. Lowland
  4. Landscape evolution
  1. A body of land completely surrounded by water is referred to as the
  1. Gulf
  2. Strait
  3. Island
  4. Cape
  1. Match the items from list A with those in list B.



(i)                          Survey

(ii)                        Climatology

(iii)                      Geography

(iv)                      Practical geography

(v)                        Geomorphology



  1. It involves skills
  2. It studies physical features
  3. Study of man and his environment
  4. Measuring distance, angle and height
  5. The study of soil
  6.                 The study of forest
  7. The study of climate
  8. Involves location of various places.
  9.                    Studies human life.



SECTION B (70 Marks)

  1. Study the following climatic table of station "P" and answer the questions that follow

(a) Calculate annual mean temperature (b)Find annual range rainfall

(c)Find total annual rainfall of station P (d) Suggest the type of climate of station "P"

(e) mention any five(5) crops that can be grown in station P

4. Mr Kombo decided to measure Sindeni road ,he got 20cm long on the map, what about actual distance of Sindeni road while scale of the map is 1:200000?

  1. a. Describe the shape of the Earth

b. There is enough evidence to show that the Earth is Spherical. Give five  (5) evidences that the Earth is spherical. 

6. (a)  List down five seas in the world

(i)     ………………………………………………………

(ii)  ………………………………………………………

(iii) ………………………………………………………

(iv) ……………………………………………………..

(v)   …………………………………………………….


(b) Name five lakes in East Africa

(i)     ……………………………………………………………..

(ii)  ……………………………………………………………..

(iii) ……………………………………………………………..

(iv) ……………………………………………………………..

(v)   ……………………………………………………………...


7.Answer the following questions per the given instructions:-

a)      Mention three kinds of rainfall

(i)     ………………………………………………………………

(ii)  ………………………………………………………………

(iii) ………………………………………………………………

b)     Name five weather elements in your locality

(i)     ……………………………………………………………….

(ii)  ……………………………………………………………….

(iii) ……………………………………………………………….

(iv) ………………………………………………………………..

(v)   ………………………………………………………………..


8.I Differentiate between the following geographical terms.

a)      Aphelion and perihelion

b)     Longitude and Latitude.

c)      Umbra and penumbra.

d)     Lunar and solar eclipse.


II. (a) Name five elements of the solar system.

(i)     …………………………………………………………………………..

(ii)  …………………………………………………………………………..

(iii) ………………………………………………………………………….

(iv) ………………………………………………………………………….

(v)   ………………………………………………………………………….


SECTION C (15 Marks)

Choose any one question.

9. Discuss the significance of studying geography by secondary school students

10. Describe the importance of the components of the solar system









Time: 2:30 Hours


  1.                This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions
  2.                Answer all questions.
  3.                Section A and Carry fifteen (15) marks each and section B carries seventy (70)marks
  4.                All answers must be in blue or black ink
  5.                All writings must be in blue or black ink.
  6.                All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the assessment room.


  1.                For each of the items (i) – (x) Choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write the letter in table below
  1. Which is not a component of a Nation?
  1.               Country
  2.                People
  3.                State
  4.               Language.
  1. Freedom of a country to govern itself is called?
  1.               Independence
  2.                Freedom
  3.                Sovereignty
  4.               Governance
  1. One significance of constitution is that:
  1.               Symbolize authority of president
  2.                Show the unit of our people
  3.                Gives people freedom to enjoy their rights
  4.               It is a subsidiary law.
  1. Which is not a life skill?
  1.               Solving problem
  2.                Building some relationship
  3.                Being responsible
  4.               Passing examination
  1. Ability to express ones opinions, desires, strongly with confidence is?
  1.               Self – awareness
  2.                Social skill
  3.                Assertiveness
  4.               Copies with emotion.
  1. Ability of a person to develop new thing is termed as
  1.               Decision making
  2.                Innovation
  3.                Creating
  4.               Critical thinking
  1. Basic things that all beings are entitled to and to which nobody should interfere with are called?
  1.               Civil rights
  2.                Political rights
  3.                Human rights
  4.               Bill of rights.
  1. Which of the following is not a civil and political right?
  1.               Right to life
  2.                Equality before the law
  3.                Freedom of assembly
  4.               Freedom of expression.
  1. Which of those is not a way government abuse human right?
  1.               Passing oppressive laws
  2.                Discriminating people on basis of religion or ethnic group.
  3.                Inducing bill of right in constitution
  4.               Not maintaining rule of law.
  1. A group of people related to one another by blood, marriage or adoption is
  1.               Family
  2.                Relatives
  3.                Mom and dad
  4.               Siblings and parents


  1.                Match the following items:

List A

List B

(i)                Gift give in consideration for marriage

(ii)              Father, mother and children

(iii)            Habits passed from one generation to another

(iv)            Things though to be true in a certain community

(v)              Marriage before 18 years of age

  1.        Family
  2.         Courtship
  3.         Nuclear family
  4.        Extended family
  5.         Dowry
  6.          Customs
  7.           Beliefs
  8.          Habits
  9.             Earlier marriage
  10.            Adoptive family



Answer all questions from this section


  1.                What would be your opinion on the consequences of family members failure to fulfil their responsibilities. Give five opinions what will happen.
  2.                With examples, assess how the government of Tanzania promote and protect human rights. 
  3.                Kobelo cannot speak in front of the class, every time he attempt to speak, he trembles with fears and shyness.
  1.                 Is Kobelo’s self esteem high or low? (Give one reason)
  2.                how can Kobelo improve his ability to speak in front of others?


  1.                Tanzania being our nation is represented by various useful symbols. Choose only five symbols which represent our nation and explain them.
  2.                 (a) Pressure group is a group of people that is actively tries to influence public opinion and government actions. Pressure group can be local, national or international. Give four pressure groups that are found in Tanzania.

(b) Give four (04) roles of pressure groups.

(c) Give four (04) signs that prove that Tanzania is sovereign.

8. Solving problems is usually done in stages, one step at a time. These steps make up the problem solving process. One of the steps is gathering information which is done through different tools or instruments. What are these tools? Use five points

9. Explain six (06) ways in which HIV/AIDS can be prevented in our society



SECTION C (15 Marks)

Answer question ten (10)

10. Constitution is the system of laws and basic principles that a country or an organization is governed by. All laws of the country must conform to constitution. Referring the country like Tanzania, give eight (08) importance of constitution and seven (07) ways of protecting constitution.












Time: 2:30 Hours


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions.
  2. Answer all questions 
  3. Section A and C carry fifteen (15) marks each and Section B carry seventy (70) marks.
  4. All writing must be in blue or black ink except drawing which must be in pencil.
  5. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the assessment room.


1. For each of items (i) – (x) choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter in box provided.

(i) Which of the following is the correct sequence of the last two steps you should follow during the scientific procedure?

  1. Hypothesis formulation and conclusion
  2. Observation and problem identification
  3. Experimentation and conclusion
  4. Problem identification and hypothesis formulation
  5.  Interpretation of data and conclusion.

(ii) Which of the following is not a component of the First Aid Kit?

  1. Goggles 
  2.  A pair of scissors
  3.  Dropper 
  4.  Gloves
  5.  Razor blade

(iii) Which one of the following processes is a chemical change?

  1. Butter melts on warm toast
  2.  Water evaporates from the surface
  3. Juice in a bottle freezes
  4. Food scrap turns into compost
  5. Wet cloth dries

(iv) When you melt a piece of iron, it undergoes:

  1.  Sublimation
  2.  Physical change 
  3.  Chemical change
  4.  Combination
  5. Synthesis


(v) The most abundant element on the earth is:

  1. carbon  
  2. iron
  3.  nitrogen  
  4. Oxygen
  5. Sulphur

(vi) Petrol is an example of:

  1. corrosive substance         
  2.  flammable substance 
  3. irritating substance  
  4. toxic substance
  5. Oxidant


(vii) The boiling point of pure water at sea level is 1000C and that of ethanol is 780C. The mixture of ethanol and water can be separated by:

  1. Filtration process
  2. Fractional distillation process
  3. Layer separation process
  4. Sublimation process
  5. Evaporation


(viii) When a chemist studies a substance he/she is interested in its:

  1. Force of attraction
  2.  Properties
  3. Shape
  4. Smell
  5. Density


(ix) In the Bunsen burner a sooty flame is most likely to be formed when the:

  1. Air holes are fully closed 
  2. Air holes are opened
  3. Flame is noisy
  4. Flame is smaller and hotter
  5. Methane gas is used


(x) The process by which water is converted into water vapour or steam is called:

  1. Condensation
  2. Evaporation
  3. Precipitation
  4. Transpiration
  5. Fusion

2. Match the terms in LIST B with the correct description in LIST A and write the letter of correct answer in spaces provided.



  1. Paraffin and water
  2. Iron fillings and Sulphur powder
  3. Iodine and Sand
  4. Rice and Sand
  5. Components of Ink
  1. Evaporation
  2. Decantation
  3. Sublimation
  4. Winnowing
  5. Picking
  6. Chromatography
  7. Use of magnet
  8. Separating funnel.





3. (a) Define the following terms:

(i) Brownian motion

(ii) Compound

(b) Identify whether the following is a physical or chemical change: 

(i) Cutting aluminium foil into pieces 

(ii) Lighting a match.

(c) How can you separate the following mixtures? Briefly explain.

(i)Water and kerosene

(ii)Salt and water

(iii)Ethanol and water


4. a) During the rains many rivers fill with muddy water, which people use for drinking. This water has caused them to suffer from water borne diseases such as typhoid and diarrhea. Explain two simple methods that can be used to obtain clean water from these rivers muddy water.

b) One form one student from a certain school was given a task by her teacher to write the chemical symbols of the following elements; sodium, iron and chlorine. But the student did as shown below in 6b ( i, ii, and iii). Help him by identifying his mistakes and then write a correct symbol in each

i. Symbol of sodium is (So)

ii. Symbol of iron is (Ir)

iii. Symbol of chlorine is (CL)


5. (a) Do your think there is any reasons for providing first Aid to the Victim? If yes give four reasons.

(b)State the uses of the following items in first aid Kit.

i. The pair of scissors

ii. The whistle 

iii. Petroleum Jelly 

iv. Sterile gauze


6. (a) Differentiate the following terms:

(i) An element and an atom

(ii) A compound and a mixture

(b) Melting of ice and burning of papers are two processes that happen almost daily in our life.

(i) Identify the two actions as being physical or chemical change.

  • Ice melting __________________________________________________ 
  • Paper burning ________________________________________________

(ii) Mention two significant things that happen when the paper is burnt:

(c) What are the names of elements represented by the following symbols?

(i) K _________________________________________________________

(ii) S _________________________________________________________

(d) Why some elements have their symbols written in one letter while others have two letters? (e.g. N and Na)


7. (a) Most of laboratory apparatuses are made up of glass materials. Why? (Give three reasons)

(b) Briefly explain how to handle chemicals having the following warning signs.

(i) Flammable

(ii) Corrosive

(c) Why luminous flame produces soot?


8. Describe the eight stages of lighting a Bunsen Burner

9.(a) Explain each of the following terms;

  1. Burn
  2. Bruises
  3. Fainting.

(b) Write the differences between metals and Non-Metals


(a) Give the use of each of the following components which are found in the First Aid kit:

(i) Plaster .........

(ii) A pair of scissors

(iii) Cotton wool ......... 

(iv) Gloves .......

 (b)      List four properties of each of the following:

(i)       A luminous flame

(ii)     A non-luminous flame










Time: 2:30 Hours


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions.
  2. Answer all questions 
  3. Section A and C carry fifteen (15) marks each and Section B carry seventy (70) marks.
  4. All writing must be in blue or black ink except drawing which must be in pencil.
  5. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the assessment room.


1. For each of items (i) – (x) choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter in box provided.

(i) Which of the following is the correct sequence of the last two steps you should follow during the scientific procedure?

  1. Hypothesis formulation and conclusion
  2. Observation and problem identification
  3. Experimentation and conclusion
  4. Problem identification and hypothesis formulation
  5.  Interpretation of data and conclusion.

(ii) Which of the following is not a component of the First Aid Kit?

  1. Goggles 
  2.  A pair of scissors
  3.  Dropper 
  4.  Gloves
  5.  Razor blade

(iii) Which one of the following processes is a chemical change?

  1. Butter melts on warm toast
  2.  Water evaporates from the surface
  3. Juice in a bottle freezes
  4. Food scrap turns into compost
  5. Wet cloth dries

(iv) When you melt a piece of iron, it undergoes:

  1.  Sublimation
  2.  Physical change 
  3.  Chemical change
  4.  Combination
  5. Synthesis


(v) The most abundant element on the earth is:

  1. carbon  
  2. iron
  3.  nitrogen  
  4. Oxygen
  5. Sulphur

(vi) Petrol is an example of:

  1. corrosive substance         
  2.  flammable substance 
  3. irritating substance  
  4. toxic substance
  5. Oxidant


(vii) The boiling point of pure water at sea level is 1000C and that of ethanol is 780C. The mixture of ethanol and water can be separated by:

  1. Filtration process
  2. Fractional distillation process
  3. Layer separation process
  4. Sublimation process
  5. Evaporation


(viii) When a chemist studies a substance he/she is interested in its:

  1. Force of attraction
  2.  Properties
  3. Shape
  4. Smell
  5. Density


(ix) In the Bunsen burner a sooty flame is most likely to be formed when the:

  1. Air holes are fully closed 
  2. Air holes are opened
  3. Flame is noisy
  4. Flame is smaller and hotter
  5. Methane gas is used


(x) The process by which water is converted into water vapour or steam is called:

  1. Condensation
  2. Evaporation
  3. Precipitation
  4. Transpiration
  5. Fusion

2. Match the terms in LIST B with the correct description in LIST A and write the letter of correct answer in spaces provided.



  1. Paraffin and water
  2. Iron fillings and Sulphur powder
  3. Iodine and Sand
  4. Rice and Sand
  5. Components of Ink
  1. Evaporation
  2. Decantation
  3. Sublimation
  4. Winnowing
  5. Picking
  6. Chromatography
  7. Use of magnet
  8. Separating funnel.





3. (a) Define the following terms:

(i) Brownian motion

(ii) Compound

(b) Identify whether the following is a physical or chemical change: 

(i) Cutting aluminium foil into pieces 

(ii) Lighting a match.

(c) How can you separate the following mixtures? Briefly explain.

(i)Water and kerosene

(ii)Salt and water

(iii)Ethanol and water


4. a) During the rains many rivers fill with muddy water, which people use for drinking. This water has caused them to suffer from water borne diseases such as typhoid and diarrhea. Explain two simple methods that can be used to obtain clean water from these rivers muddy water.

b) One form one student from a certain school was given a task by her teacher to write the chemical symbols of the following elements; sodium, iron and chlorine. But the student did as shown below in 6b ( i, ii, and iii). Help him by identifying his mistakes and then write a correct symbol in each

i. Symbol of sodium is (So)

ii. Symbol of iron is (Ir)

iii. Symbol of chlorine is (CL)


5. (a) Do your think there is any reasons for providing first Aid to the Victim? If yes give four reasons.

(b)State the uses of the following items in first aid Kit.

i. The pair of scissors

ii. The whistle 

iii. Petroleum Jelly 

iv. Sterile gauze


6. (a) Differentiate the following terms:

(i) An element and an atom

(ii) A compound and a mixture

(b) Melting of ice and burning of papers are two processes that happen almost daily in our life.

(i) Identify the two actions as being physical or chemical change.

  • Ice melting __________________________________________________ 
  • Paper burning ________________________________________________

(ii) Mention two significant things that happen when the paper is burnt:

(c) What are the names of elements represented by the following symbols?

(i) K _________________________________________________________

(ii) S _________________________________________________________

(d) Why some elements have their symbols written in one letter while others have two letters? (e.g. N and Na)


7. (a) Most of laboratory apparatuses are made up of glass materials. Why? (Give three reasons)

(b) Briefly explain how to handle chemicals having the following warning signs.

(i) Flammable

(ii) Corrosive

(c) Why luminous flame produces soot?


8. Describe the eight stages of lighting a Bunsen Burner

9.(a) Explain each of the following terms;

  1. Burn
  2. Bruises
  3. Fainting.

(b) Write the differences between metals and Non-Metals


(a) Give the use of each of the following components which are found in the First Aid kit:

(i) Plaster .........

(ii) A pair of scissors

(iii) Cotton wool ......... 

(iv) Gloves .......

 (b)      List four properties of each of the following:

(i)       A luminous flame

(ii)     A non-luminous flame





061 COMMERCE TIME: 2:30 Hours


1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of Seven (7) questions

2. Answer all questions.

3. Section A and C carry Fifteen (15) Marks each and section B carries Seventy (70) marks.

4. All answers must be written in the space provided

5. All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the assessment room

6. Write your Assessment Number at the top right corner of every page

 SECTION A (15 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

1.For each of the following items (i)-(x), choose the correct answer and write its letter in the box provided

I. The study of how human beings strive to satisfy endless wants using the available scarce resources.

  1. Commerce
  2. Accounting
  3. Office practice
  4. Economics

II. The major aim of commerce is to

  1. Bridge the gap between producer and supplier
  2. Bridge the gap between producer and consumer
  3. Bridge the gap between producer and retailer
  4. Bridge the gap between supplier and consumer

III. The following are the real examples of services

  1. education, entertainment, hair dressing
  2. Pen, chalk, desk, ruler
  3. Pen, education, exercise book
  4. Medical care, doctor, medicine

IV. Which of the following statement is true about the nature of commerce

  1. Trade involves buying and selling of goods and services
  2. Aids to trade likewise depend on trade
  3. Development of trade depends on the development of Aids to trade.
  4. All of the above

V. This is the process of concentrating on what he or she can do the best.

  1. Division of labour
  2. Specialization
  3. Labour
  4. Entrepreneur

VI. Which of the following show the real examples of primary wants

  1. farming, fishing, Industry, mining
  2. farming, Manufacturing, lumbering, mining
  3. farming, fishing, lumbering, trade
  4. farming, fishing, lumbering, mining

VII. One of the qualities of economic goods is that

  1. They have utility
  2. They can be bought and sold
  3. They can be transferable in terms of ownership.
  4. All of the above

VIII. Form one students was in a great debate about the concept of labour and perishable in nature.

Why do you think labour is more perishable than other factors of production?

  1. Labour can be stored.
  2. labour cannot be stored.
  3. Labour is not perishable in nature
  4. None of the above

IX. One of the following is not a features of entrepreneur

  1. Persistent
  2. Creativity
  3. Laziness
  4. Initiative

X. Trade which involves buying goods from wholesalers or manufacturers in large quantities and selling them in reasonable quantities to the final consumers or users is termed as

  1. Consumer
  2. Producer
  3. Retailer
  4. Wholesaler













2. For each of the following items, choose the correct answer and write its letter in the box provided



i. Traders who open their shops at different places on fixed days or dates

ii. Traders who move from one place to another carrying their goods on suitable vehicles such as bicycles or motorcycles in search for customers

iii. Traders who sit next to a roadside selling small items such as fruits, vegetables, maize, newspapers or soft drinks

iv. Traders who move from one place to another carrying their goods on their shoulders, bicycles or motorcycles in search of customers

v. Traders who move from one place to another on foot, carrying goods on their heads or shoulders in search for customers

  1. Itinerant traders
  2. Peddlers
  3. Hawkers
  4. Street traders
  5. Market traders
  6. Cheap jacks traders
  7. Roadside sellers
  8. Tied shop









 SECTION B (70 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

3. Briefly explain the following terms as they are used in commerce

a. Human wants

b. Employment

c. Economics

d. Semi-skilled labour

e. Small scale retailers

4. Distinguish the following commercial terms

a. Extractive industry and manufacturing industries

(b)Preventing the risk and reducing the risk

(c) Goods and Services

(d) Retailer with no fixed shop and retailers with fixed shop

5. Draw a production flow chart and label it clearly

6. Before the invention of money, the system of business that people used was barter system trade. Due to various problems that related with this system, people forced to change to the use of money as a medium of exchange. Discuss five problems that associated with barter system of trade. 7. Complete the following table by filling the gaps(blanks)

Unit of output (Q)

Fixed cost (FC)

Variable cost (VC)

Total cost (TC)

Average Fixed Cost MINISTRATION AND  (AFC)

Average variable cost (AVC)
















8. Business opportunities are created out of many sources one being studying human wants. As a commercial student, briefly show out five business opportunities that you may create basing on your society you live.

9. Imagine you have been invited to attend meeting with people who expects to start a small business few days to come. As an expert, explain to them five functions that performed by the Retailer.

SECTION C: Essay type (15 Marks)

10. Being employed in an organization will not make a person rich, but being a boss for you is a source of richness to many entrepreneurs. Briefly explain three (3) benefits and two (2) demerits of self-employment to the people of Tanzania. 





Time: 2:30 Hours Year : 2022


1. This paper consists of ten (10) compulsory questions.

2. Show clearly all the working and answers in the space provided.

3. All writing must be in blue or black ink except drawings which must be in pencil.

4. NECTA mathematical tables, geometric instruments and graph papers may be used where necessary.

5. All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the assessment room.

1(a) Subtract 25% of 24 from 6

(b)On a number line perform an operation of -4 – 3

2(a)Find the sum of

(b)If 0.000701 is expressed in the form A x 10n, where 1≤A<10 and n is an integer, find the value of n

3. Re-arrange the order of the digits in the number 5879613 to make it

  1. The largest number
  2. The smallest number

4.Convert (a) 4 kilometers + 8 hectometers into centimeters

(b)24 hours into seconds

5.(a)Arrange the following numbers from the largest to the smallest

(b)Given the number 0.00803, write the number of significant figures.

6.(a)If a*b= (a – b) / (a + b), find 7*3

(b)A clock loses 4 minutes every day. If the clock is set to start on Monday, on which day will it have lost 1 hour?


(b) A person borrows Tshs 6,000/= for a period of 6 years at 20% simple interest per annum. Calculate the total amount the person will pay back after 6 years.

8.(a) A straight passes through two A(-3,6) and B(-6,3) Find the equation of this line in the form of y = mx + c.

(a) A shopkeeper makes 40% profit by selling an article for Tshs. 63,000/= What would be his percentage loss if he sold the article for Tshs 40,000/=?

9. (a)Simplify

(b)Approximate 13.95 and 9.72 to the nearest tens, hence evaluate 13.95 x 9.72 by using the approximated numbers.

(c). The length of rectangle is twice its width. If the perimeter of the rectangle is 18cm, find its area.

10.(a) Solve the equation 0.03x – 0.003 = 0.03

(b)The sum of the ages of David and Juma is 80 years. The difference of their ages is 10 years. Find the age of each of them

(c)Solve the following simultaneous equations.




Time: 2:30 Hours Year: 2022


1.This paper consists of ten (10) compulsory questions.

2.Show clearly all the working and answers in the space provided.

3.All writing must be in blue or black ink except drawings which must be in pencil.

4. NECTA mathematical tables, geometric instruments and graph papers may be used where necessary.

1. (a) Given the numbers 8, 12 and 24. Write in set notation: { }:

i. The factors of each integer

ii. The first 3 lowest multiples of each number

(b)Find the H.C.F and L.C.M of the numbers 8,12 and 24 by prime factorization or by method in (a)


(i) (-8) – (-16) + (-10)


2. (a)Evaluate: 

(i) Value of m if image


(b)Express: 2hours and 30 minutes as a fraction of image hours

(c)Write down the fraction image in ascending order of magnitude.

3.(a)(i) Express  in the form of a/b and find a+b

(ii)Evaluate: image

(b)Write each fraction as a repeating or terminating decimal

i. image (ii)image

(c)Express: 17.67547 (i) Correct to 3 decimal place (ii) Correct to 3-significant figures

4. (a) A lorry can take a load of 15 tonnes once. How many times can a pick-up of capacity 3,000kgm take the same amount of 15 tonnes

(b) A plank of wood timber of length 31.5 metres is cut into rectangular pieces of 10.5cm long . How many rectangular pieces can be cut without wasting wood?

(c) Evaluate in terms of hours and minutes

3 x [4hrs + 40 min + 30 sec] and express the result in decimals

5. (a) Factorize 

(i) a(c+d) – b(c+d)

(ii) xy + 4x – 2y – 8

(b)Simplify image

(c)Expand (3a + b) (x – y)

6. (a)The diagram represent the frame of a picture (shaded).


Find the area of the frame

(b)ADEF represent a trapezium


FE=6cm ED=5cm CD=3cm AB=2cm

Calculate the area of the trapezium

7. (a)Given the points A(2,1), and B(8,9)

Find (i) Length of AB

(ii)The slope of AB

(iii)The coordinates of the mid-point M and AB

(b) Find the equation of the line whose slope is image and passing through the point (4,2)

(c)(i)Find the radius of a circle of area, taking image

(ii)How many times does the wheel of a car of radius 10cm. Revolve in travelling a distance of 30imagemetres

8. (a)(i)Solve the following simultaneous equations:


(ii)Solve for x image

(b)The difference between increasing a number by a number N by 20% and decreasing the same number by 15% is 14. Find N

(c)Solve the following inequalities 



9. (a)A 20litre-plastic of cooking oil is bought at 100,000/= and sold at 6,000/= per litre. Find the percentage profit.

(b)Convert the following into percentage





(c)Convert the following percentages into fractions





10. (a)Give one mathematical name for the relation between the following angles and write their relation.









(b)If the angles x°, 2x°, and 3x° are supplementary angles, find the value of x and write down the angles

(c)The angles in a triangle are x°, 2x° and image

Find x and indicate the angles in a triangle





TIME: 2:30 Hours


  • This paper consists of sections A,B, C and D with a total of eleven (11), questions.
  • Answer all questions in the spaces provided
  • All writing must be in black or blue pen
  • All communications verbally if only authorized can be allowed in the examination room.
  • Write your number/name on top of every page.



















  1. Read the passage below carefully and answer the questions which follow.

The film industry in Tanzania has been doing great of late. This growth can be attributed to high end production managers and marketing authorities, also, the fact that Tanzania is ripe digitally, is also an added advantage towards this growth. Most of the local channels are flooded with local content unlike in previous years whereby soap operas and other violent television series from Korea and Philippines were order of the day.

Interestingly, local contents reflect our daily lives, and more appealing, these actors live amongst us, we meet some of them in our neighborhoods in churches and in mosques. We are happy when we take pictures with them and post in our social media platform and share with friends; this makes them as well to have similar feeling/s. However, the growth of film industry may not be stable in the near future when contents lack creativity as the case for now, whereby most of them are repeated.


Choose the letter of the best answer

  1. The film industry in Tanzania is doing good because
  1. There are shared contents
  2. The country’s authority are strict on foreign contents
  3. The production managers and marketing authorities are doing superb job
  4. The previous years had a lot of soap operas from Korea and Philippines
  1. Local contents reflects our daily lives because:
  1. They express our social lives
  2. They express views that are obvious globally
  3. They express our most sacred lives
  4. They are creatively made
  1. What can be said of previous years?
  1. Film industry was not attractive
  2. Film industry was dominated by foreign contents
  3. Film industry only had contents from Korea and Philippines
  4. Film industry in Tanzania was encouraging
  1. When we meet actors, what do we often do?
  1. Ask for more contents
  2. Take them to churches and mosques
  3. Call our friends to come and see us
  4. Ask them to take pictures with them
  1. Growth industry may not be stable in future because
  1. Buying television set is becoming more expensive
  2. Everyone wants to be seen in the media
  3. Consistency in creativity is missing
  4. Korean series and Philippines content have flooded the market







  1. Write TRUE for true statements and FALSE for false statements according to the passage.
  1. Local contents are relevant to foreigners ________________________
  2. Film industry has employed many people __________ ____________
  3. Most of the contents are educative ____________________
  4. Film industry is faced with so many challenges ___________
  5. Social network help in promoting film industry in Tanzania.__________

SECTION B(25 marks)

  1. Match the phrases in list A with those in list B to make correct complete sentences.

List A

List B

  1. Although she arrived late
  2. However strong you are
  3. He worked so hard
  4. No sooner had the rain stopped
  5. The bone was too hard
  1. For Simba to chew
  2. She was given the chair
  3. But she was not given the chair
  4. You cannot fight a lion
  5. So that he succeeds in life
  6. Than the crowd disappeared
  7. Than the rest of his friends






4. (a) Change the following underlined words into opposite. Write the answer in the space given.

  1. Jane is married to a hard working husband ______________
  2. This road is so narrow at the end ___________________
  3. Our opponents may lose this game _____________
  4. It is easy to walk alone in the park, than to climb an uphill __________________
  5. Scientists have proven that female mosquitos cause malaria __________

(b) Re write the following words in their plural form

(i) The dog is innocent _____________________

(ii) The boy walks to school everyday _______________

(iii) Leave my customer alone _____________

(iv) A passport is a requirement for every foreigner _______________

(v) This deep well has enough water _______________

  1. Pick the most appropriate answer from the ones provided in brackets to make meaningful sentence.
  1. The boy walks (faster, fastest, fast) than his peers__________
  2. I have just (woke, wake, woken) up few minutes ago _______
  3. It is not (right, rite, write) to say wrong things to your friends ________
  4. I am (interest, interested, interesting) in watching football than painting pictures.
  5. We put on (sweaters, sweeters, sitters) when the weather is cold ________



  1. (a) Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition to make correct sentences
  1. The visitors will arrive _____Monday
  2. The boy lives ____ Dodoma.
  3. They have been staying indoor ____morning
  4. She has been working here ______ three years
  5. The celebrations is scheduled _____ 7 o’clock

(b) Fill in the blanks by providing the correct form of the words in the brackets below.

  1. Chameleons are ___ (slow) than lizards ___________
  2. Our class is the ____ (clean) of all classrooms _________
  3. The thief ____ (quite) walked into our compound __________
  4. He ____ (true) loves his wife ________
  5. The ____ (high) you go, the cooler it becomes _______

7. (a) Provide the past participle form of the following words.

  1. Wake ____________
  2. Go ____________
  3. Seek ___________
  4. Do _____________
  5. Walk ____________

(b) Identify the odd number from the group of words below

(i) Water, porridge, lemonade, orange. ____________

(ii) Policeman, carpenter, teacher, nurse ____________

(iii) Swahili, English, French, Dutch _____________

(iv) Terrain, slope, slit, valley ________

(v) Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwandan, Burundi ________

8. Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given.

  1. The student was proud. He could not ask for forgiveness. (Rewrite using “too …….. to”) _____________________________
  2. The boy left the house, it started raining immediately (Begin with hardly…. when..) __________________________
  3. Pa is not stubborn, he is also not lazy. (Rewrite using neither….nor)_______________
  4. The boy is clever and obedient (Begin with not only….. )______________
  5. If you don’t study hard, you will fail in your examination (Re write using unless …._______________________________________________________

9. Write one word for the following explanation/s

  1. The young one of a sheep __________________
  2. A brother to your wife ___________________
  3. A group of people listening to presentations in a theatre ___________
  4. Man is to cry as dog is to _____
  5. A house for birds ______



10. Read the following poem carefully then answer the questions that follow.

My house is full

My basket is filled

Visitors come from far and wide

Taking pride in little things I own

Now, they are gone

They are scattered all over

Who’ll come and provide comfort and warmth

The shadows, I follow my shadows

I wish I would have started afresh over and over again


  1. What could be the possible title of this poem?


  1. What is this poem about?


  1. Comment on the structure of the poem ______________________________________________________________
  2. How many verses are there in the poem?


  1. Write down one message that you have found in this poem


11. Using the book “MABALA THE FARMER” and “HAWA THE BUS DRIVER” BY Richard Mabala answer the following questions.

  1. Who is the main character of the book?


  1. What has the main character done in the story? ______________________________________________
  2. What is message of the story?


  1. Is the book relevant to our societies? Explain ______________________________________________________________
  2. Write the names of two other characters of the book.






MUDA: SAA 2:00          2022



  1.                Karatasi hii ina sehemu A, B, C, D na E.
  2.                Jibu maswali yote kama ilivyoelekezwa katika kila sehemu.
  3.                Zingatia mwandiko mzuri, Mpangilio na usahihi wa majibu yako.
  4.                Majibu yote yaandikwe kwenye karatasi za kujibia.



  1.                Soma kifungu cha habari kifuatacho kasha jibu maswali yafuatayo.

Aaah! Maskini ya Rabiee! Hii ndiyo nchi tuliyomo sisi!.  Nchi inayovuja jasho ,nchi masikini, nchi ambayo wanawake huvaa nguo _ _ _ _! Nchi ambayo wanawake huvaa nywele za maiti_ _ _Haya ndiyo maendeleo yetu_ _ _ _.

Haki na usawa katika nchi masikini ni ndoto. Wengi huamua kuwa mabubu mara tu deemokrasia inapopokonywa na watu wachache. Huu ni Unafiki mkubwa.Haki haipo nchini mwetu ila tu tumefumbwa macho, Tumekuwa Vipofu.

Mimi nimeamua kupambana, nitachukua panga_ _ _ nitachukua pinde _ _ _ nitachukua mishale _ _ _ nitapigana kufa na kupona. Nitapigania haki na usawa.Haki! Haki! Usawa Haki! Haki_ _ _ _ maana yake nini.


  1.                 Andika kichwa cha habari hii _______________________________________________
  2.                Je mwandishi analaani juu ya nini? ______________________________________
  3.                 Taja matatizo manne ambayo mwandishi anayakemea
  1.                  _____________________________________________
  2.                _____________________________________________
  3.             _____________________________________________
  4.              _____________________________________________

d) Haki na usawa vitapatikana kwa njia gani? ______________________________

e) Andika maana ya maneno yaliyopigiwa mstari.

  1.                 Inapopokonywa.
  2.                Unafiki.
  3.                 Vipofu.

SEHEMU B (Alama 30)


  1.                Kwa kutumia mifano toa maana ya maneno yafuatayo.

  1.                 Kidahizo.   
  2.                Kitomeo.   
  3.                 Kamusi.
  4.                Lugha.   
  5.                 Sherehe


  1.                (a) Kwa kutumia matumizi ya Kiswahili sanifu, sentensi zifuatazo zina makosa. Ziandikwe upya kwa ufasaha.

                    Kwa mfano

  •                    Kiti mkubwa amevunjika.

                            Usahihi- Kiti kikubwa kimevunjika.

  1.                  Chai imeingia nzi.
  2.                Anakwenda baba kesho safari.
  3.             Humwambiaga lakini haelewi.
  4.              Ng’ombe zangu zimeibiwa.
  5.                Daktari nina kifua sijalala usiku kucha.

(b)  Andika athari tano za kutotumia lugha kwa ufasaha.

  1.                (a)  Taja matumizi Matano (5) ya kamusi.

(b)  Kamusi hugawanyika katika sehemu ngapi? Zitaje.

(c)  Taja mambo mawili yanayopatikana katika utangulizi wa kamusi.


SEHEMU C: (Alama 20)


  1.                (a)  Kitenzi kikuu huweza kutumika sambamba na kitenzi kingine kukamilisha sentensi. Kwa kuandika upya sentensi katika karatasi uliyopewa, Bainisha vitenzi vilivyotumika katika sentensi zifuatazo.


- Amina alikuwa anakula chakula kitamu.

      Ts       T

  1.                  Mgeni wangu amekwisha wasili.
  2.                Amina hakutaka kumuhudhi.
  3.             Mafundi wote wanashona viatu.
  4.              Wataendelea kumsubiri hadi kesho.
  5.                Gari lilikuwa limeharibikia mlimani Kitonga.

(b)   Ainisha maneno yaliyopigiwa mstari katika sentensi zifuatazo.

  1.                  Viti vizuri viwili vimevunjika.
  2.                Ah! alitaka kuja shuleni.
  3.             Wewe ndiye ndugu yangu.
  4.              Wachezaji wote walifanya mazoezi ya viungo.
  5.                Ndizi hizi zimeoza.
  1.                (a)   Tunga sentensi moja kwa kila neno lililoandikwa kwa hati mcharazo.
  1.                  Vizuri kama kiwakilishi.
  2.                Vizuri kama kivumishi.
  3.             Vizuri kama kielezi.
  4.              Mama kama Nomino.
  5.                Mama kama kihisishi.

(b)  Tunga sentensi zenye miundo ifuatayo:-  kwa kupigia mstari sentensi hiyo kuonesha aina hizo 

        za maneno.

             Mfano:    N   +   T + E =

                  Mama anapika jikoni.

        N         T        

  1.                  H + N + T + E
  2.                N + V + V + TS + Ts + T
  3.             W + t + N + V
  4.              W + V + T
  5.                T

SEHEMU D: (Alama 30)


  1.                (a)  Sanaa ni nini?

(b)  Nakili kisha ukamilishe kielelezo kifuatacho.






 (a)Fasihi ina dhima/kazi mbalimbali katika jamii. Taja tano (5) na uzieleze kwa ufupi.

(a)   Taja vipengele vitano (5) vinavyounda Fani katika kazi ya fasihi.

(b)   Taja vipengele vitano (5) vinavyounda Maudhui katika kazi ya fasihi.


SEHEMU E: (Alama 10)


10.   Mwandikie barua rafiki yako umweleze kuhusu hali halisi ya masomo ilivyo shuleni kwenu. 

 zingatia taratibu za uandishi wa barua za kirafiki katika uandishi wako.









Time: 2:30Hours


  1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of 10 questions
  2. Answer all questions.
  3. Section A carries 30 marks, section B 50 marks and section C 20  Marks
  4. All answers should be written in the spaces provided.
  5. All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized material are not allowed in examination room.
  6. Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.
  7. Where necessary, the following constants may be used;
  1. Acceleration due to gravity, g=10m/s2
  2. Density of water= 1g/cm3 or 1000kg/m3

SECTION A (30 Marks)

Answer All questions in this section.


 1.  For each of items (i-xx) choose the correct its letter in the box provided

(i)The shortest length which can be measured by a meter rule is 

  1. 0.1mm
  2. 1.0mm
  3. 10mm
  4. 100m

(ii)Which of the following is a unit of force?

  1. Kg m/s
  2. Kg ms
  3. Kg m/s2
  4. Kg ms2

(iii) The minimum pressure exerted by a rectangular wooden block of 1kg measuring 4m x 3m x 2m on the bench is

  1. 0.17Pascals
  2. 1.25 Pascals
  3. 21.67 Pascals
  4. 0.83 Pascals

(iv)The normal body temperature of human beings is 

  1. 13.8°F
  2. 66.4°F
  3. 98.4°F
  4. 38°F

(v)A ratio of the density of the substance of the density of water is 

  1. Mass per unit volume
  2. Relative density
  3. Upthrust
  4. Density of a substance

(vi)The branch of science in which the relationship between matter and energy is studied is called

  1. Chemistry
  2. Biology
  3. Physics
  4. Agriculture science

(vii)measurement in Physics is

  1. Calculation
  2. Beam balance
  3. Spring balance
  4. The processes of assigning numbers to observations and events

(viii)A mass of 1 kilogram is pushed by the gravitation force towards the centre of the earth by a force of 

  1. 1 Newton
  2. 10 Newtons
  3. 100 Newtons
  4. 1000 Newtons

(ix)The SU Unit of length is 

  1. Ammeter
  2. Galvanometer
  3. Micrometer screw gauge
  4. Metre

(x)The pressure in liquid depends on 

  1. Weight and energy
  2. Liquid and container
  3. Depth and density of liquid
  4. Volume and height

(xi)Physics is applied in many fields such as 

  1. Medicine and engineering
  2. Matter and examinations
  3. Air and books
  4. None of the above

(xii)The temperature of Dodoma town was 40°C. This is equivalent to:

  1. 313 Kelvin
  2. 160 Kelvin
  3. 240 Kelvin
  4. 120 Kelvin

(xiii)An ammeter is an instrument for measuring 

  1. Length
  2. Resistance
  3. Capacitance
  4. Current

(xiv)A vernier scale reads 0.2mm when closed and 5.7mm when used to measure the diameter of a cylindrical body. What is the true diameter of the cylindrical body?

  1. 0.2mm
  2. 5.9mm
  3. 5.5mm
  4. 5.7mm

(xv)The branch of science in which the relationship between matter and energy is studied is called 

  1. Biology
  2. Chemistry
  3. Physics
  4. Agricultural Science

(xvi)The fundamental quantities of measurements are 

  1. Length, Acceleration and Time
  2. Length, Mass and Time
  3. Speed, Velocity and Acceleration
  4. Length, Velocity and Time

(xvii)When fire hazard from an electric fault erupts in a house

  1. Cut off all connecting wires
  2. Switch off the main switch
  3. Break the main switch
  4. Switch off the switch sockets

(xviii)The Archimedes’ Principle states that 

  1. The upthrust experienced by a body when partially or totally immersed in a fluid is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced
  2. Upthrust is equal to apparent loss in weight when a body is partially or totally immersed in a fluid
  3. When a body is totally or partially immersed in a fluid it displaces its own weight of the fluid in which it is immersed
  4. When a body is partially or totally immersed in a fluid, it experiences a big loss in weight.

(xix)Laboratory rules are useful in 

  1. Making students enjoy science subjects
  2. Making students conduct experiments freely
  3. Ensuring safety while in the laboratory
  4. Ensuring good communication with other students and the teachers

(xx)The SI Unit of density is 

  1. Kg/m3
  2. Kg/m2
  3. g/m3
  4. g/m2


2.Match each item in List A with a correct response in List B by writing the letter of the correct response below the number of the corresponding item in List A in the table provided.



  1. An instrument that measures length, depth, internal and external diameters.
  2. An instrument that measures volumes of liquid
  3. An instrument that measures force or pull
  4. An instrument that is used to transfer specific amounts of liquids from one container to another
  5. An instrument that measures body temperature.
  1. Measuring cylinder
  2. Pipette
  3. Vernier calipers
  4. Glass tumbler
  5. Spring balance
  6. Clinical thermometer
  7. Magdeburg experiment



  1. One similarity between Micrometer screw gauge and vernier calipers that ______
  2. Heat is _________ while temperature is __________
  3. The formation of shadow is evidence that light
  4. Mass, length and ______ are the three fundamental quantities of measurement in Physics


4.Diagram 1 below depicts one of the instruments used in making measurements

  1. What is its name?
  2. Name the parts shown
  3. The instrument is used to measure ……… and ………. of objects



5.(a)Matter is made up of small particles known as 

  1. ______________________
  2. ______________________

(b)Three basic apparatus in a physics laboratory are

(c) force are of several kinds. Mention any three:


6.(a)Mention three states of matter:

(b)A car of mass 150kg is moving with a velocity of 2m/s

  1. The energy possessed by the car in joules is ……………….
  2. The type of energy possessed by the car is …………………


7.State the SI Unit of each of the following 

  1. Current
  2. Density
  3. Heat
  4. Speed


8.(a)State Archimedes’ Principle 

(b)An object weights 500N in air and 400N when immersed in alcohol. Find the upthrust on the object.


9.Differentiate between boiling and evaporation. (Give four differences)

10.(a)What is atmospheric pressure?

(b)If the pressure of the day is 650mm of mercury column, express this in SI Unit.









TIME: 2:30 HOURS                                                                               May, 2022



1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C.

2. Answer all questions from sections A and B and any two (2) questions from section C.

3. Section A carries twenty five (25) marks, section B forty five (45) marks and section C carries thirty (30) marks.

4. All answers must be written in the spaces provided.

5. All writings must be in blue or black ink except for drawings which must be in pencil.

6. All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the Examination Room. 

7. Write Your Examination Number on the top right of every page.

1. Each of the items (i) - (x), choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter in the space provided.

  1.               The term Geography refers to:
  1.               Describing of the Earth
  2.                Geo and Graphien
  3.                The study of man and his surroundings
  4.               All of the above.
  1.             Geomorphology is regarded as;
  1.               The study of soil science
  2.                The study of Geology
  3.                The study of physical features
  4.                The study of flora and fauna.
  1.           Geography is sub – divided into; 
  1.               Practical, Human, Economic.
  2.                Physical, Practical, Human
  3.                Human – economic, practical and physical.
  4.                Practical, Survey, Statistics.
  1.           Agriculture, mining, lumbering can be studied in:
  1.               Physical Geography.
  2.                Human and economic Geography.
  3.                Plant Geography.
  4.               Practical and physical Geography.
  1.             ocean currents are set in motion by;
  1.                 Differences in temperature of water in the ocean
  2.                  The earth rotation on its axis
  3.                   Land materials blown into the ocean by wind
  4.                 Prevailing wind that blows over the ocean
  5.                  Gravitational force
  1.           The largest ocean on earth is;
  1.               Indian ocean
  2.                Pacific ocean
  3.                Atlantic ocean
  4.               Meditererian sea
  5.                Red sea
  1.         Which of the following statement are correct?
  1.               Ocean water has a uniform temperature from bottom  to top.
  2.                The surface temperature of the ocean decreases polar  wards
  3.                Ocean water in the tropics is warmer on the surface  than in its bottom.
  4.               In the polar regions, ocean water temperature is  warmer at the bottom than it is at the surface
  1.      The Central body of the solar system is?
  1.               The planet
  2.                The Sun
  3.                The Moon
  4.               The Earth
  1.           The spinning of the earth on its own axis is known as:-
  1.               Rotation
  2.                Revolution
  3.                Day and night
  4.               Distance
  1.             A ship moves to the West and cross the International data line. What happens with regard to time gained or lost?
  1.               No time is gained or lost
  2.                One whole day is lost
  3.                One whole day is gained
  4.               One whole day is repeated


2. Match the descriptions of bodies in the solar system in List A with the correct solar system body in List B by writing the letter of the correct response below the corresponding item number in the table provided.

List A

List B

  1.                      Solid heavenly bodies revolving around the sun.
  2.                      Objects with leading heads and bright tails in the sky.
  3.                      Piece of hard matter falling from outer space.
  4.                      The moons of the planets.
  5.                      The natural satellite of the earth.
  1.               Meteors 
  2.                Moon 
  3.                Asteroids 
  4.               Planets 
  5.                Satellites
  6.                Comets
  7.                Solar eclipse


3. In each of the items (i) - (x), write TRUE if the statements correct or FALSE if the statement is not correct in the black space provided.

  1.               Lunar eclipses prove that the earth is spherical in shape
  2.             Precipitation refers to the deposition of moisture and air from the atmosphere on the earth's surface
  3.           Solar energy is the arrangement of the planets and solid objects in relation to the position from the sun
  4.           Crust is the inner most part of the earth……………………
  5.             The continent that is crossed by both tropics of Cancer and Capricorn is Africa .:........
  6.           Steroids are solid heavenly bodies revolving around the sun mostly between Mars and Jupiter ......
  7.         The use of solar energy minimizes environmental degradation .......... 
  8.       Equinoxes means equal day and night hours at all latitudes ........„
  9.           An eclipse is described as partial when only a part of heavenly body is obscured .........
  10.             Circumnavigation of the earth is not among the evidence to prove that the earth is spherical......


SECTION B (45 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

4. (a) Differentiate between a continent and an ocean

(b) Name the  continents of the earth


5 .(a) Briefly explain the following;

i) A plain


(b) Diffentiate between fold mountains, block mountains and volcanic.

6.(a) Give two examples, of each of the following;

i.  Fold mountains

ii. Volcanic mountains

iii. Fold mountains.

(b) Explain how volcanic mountains are formed.

SECTION C (30 Marks)

Answer two (2) questions from this section.


7. (a) Outline uses of water in daily life

(b) Give the meaning of the following terms;

i) A cape

ii) A peninsula

iii) A ridge


8.(a) Outline five evidences to verify that the Earth is spherical.

(b) Differentiate the following terms:

 (i) Meteors and satellites

 (ii) Sea and lake

 9.(a) Mention five features of the ocean floor. 

(b) Name the five largest oceans in the world. 

(c) Mention five largest lakes in the world. 

(d) Differentiate the following terms: 

(i)Temperature and humidity 

(ii)Minimum and maximum thermometer 

 (iii) Pressure and wind 

10. (b) Describe the importance of the sun

(b) Write the eight planets which revolve the sun;








Time: 2:30Hours


  1. This paper consists of section A, and B with a total of 10 questions
  2. Answer all questions in spaces provided.
  3. Section A carries 20 marks, section B 80 marks.
  4. All answers should be written in the spaces provided.
  5. All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized material are not allowed in examination room.
  6. Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.
  7. The following atomic masses may be used: H=1, N=14, O=16, S=32

 SECTION A (20 Marks)

 Answer All questions in this section.

  1. For each of the items (i)-(x), choose the correct answer from the alternatives given.
  1. Chemistry helps us to explain 
  1. Why and how matter undergoes changes
  2. What medicine to use when are fall sick
  3. How chemicals are used in agriculture
  4. How pesticides help in crop population
  1. A simple proof that chemical reactions takes place in our bodies is that 
  1. We occasionally fall sick
  2. Doctors tell us in the hospital
  3. The food we eat or drinks we take are quite different from the waste products from our bodies
  4. We eat a balance diet.
  1. Which of the following is not a list of products of application of chemistry?
  1. Tables, chairs and bricks
  2. Shoes polish, antiseptics and toothpaste
  3. Soap, medicinal and perfume
  4. Fertilizer, pesticides and herbicides
  1. Chemistry is a scientific activity because
  1. Chemistry is studies in schools
  2. It’s an interesting subject
  3. Knowledge of chemistry is acquired through observation
  4. Knowledge of chemistry is acquired through experiment and logical reasoning
  1. A condition in which the lungs are unable to get enough oxygen is known as 
  1. Shock
  2. Fainting
  3. Suffocation
  4. Choking
  1. Choking can be treated by 
  1. Cardio pulmonary resuscitation
  2. Expose the victim to the air
  3. Perform Heimlich manoeuvie
  4. Put a victim in the recovery position
  1. If the poison is on the skin then 
  1. Do not apply any ointment
  2. Move the person to where there is a fresh air
  3. Give the victim fluids or juice
  4. Give on oral rehydration drinks
  1. A careless student secretly tied to mix up different chemicals just out of curiosity. The most thing that could happen to the student was to 
  1. Damage the school properly
  2. Be expelled from school
  3. Annoy the teacher
  4. Produced poisonous cases that could lead to death
  1. Which of the following is not true about First Aid?
  1. First aid avoids an already bad situation from worsening
  2. First and helps to reduce pain, brings hope and encouragement
  3. Every student should be trained on how to administer first aid
  4. It is given to an accidental victim before seeking the doctor’s advice
  1. What is the use of splints first aid?
  1. Used for cutting bandages or pieces of cloth
  2. Used for holding pieces of bandages or cloth together
  3. Used to support broken bones and is tied using bandages
  4. Used for picking up and holding things

2. Match the items in List A with their correspondence items in List B. 



  1. Separation of wanted or unwanted solid from mixture.
  2. Method of separating basing on the solubilities of solids in miscible solvents.
  3. A solid that is formed out of solution.
  4. Solid obtained after filtration
  5. Is the best method for separation of liquid mixtures.
  1. Emulsion paint
  2. Emulsion point
  3. Precipitates
  4. Precipitation
  5. Residue
  6. Filtrates
  7. Simple distillation
  8. Fractional distillation
  9. Evaporation
  10. Filtration
  11. Contaminated water
  12. Crystals
  13. Hand picking
  14. Chromatography
  15. Aluminium chloride
  16. Ammonium sulphate

 (b) Answer the given questions by writing the correct answer in the blank spaces provided.

(i) In which stage is the hypothesis tested during scientific investigation? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(ii) On which factor does the physical state of a molecule depend?  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

(iii) Which properties depend on the proportions of mixing substances in a mixture? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

(iv) What are the building blocks of matter?  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

SECTION B: 56 Marks

Answer all questions

3. Fill in the blank space 

  1. What is a flame? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2. What is a heat? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  3. Name the type of the flame that is produced when the air hole of the Bunsen burner are half closed __________________________________________________________________
  4. What causes the striking back of a flame in the Bunsen burner.

Mention only three causes 

  1. __________________________________________________________________________
  2. __________________________________________________________________________
  3. __________________________________________________________________________
  1. Mention two ways which striking back is recovered
  1. _____________________________________________________________________________
  2. _____________________________________________________________________________

4. Study the figure below and answer the question that follows: 

  1. Name the type of the flame indicate by the figure below _______________________________________________________
  2. Name the parts labeled: A _________________________________ B _________________________ C________________________________________
  3. What would happen if the march stick was placed in the part labeled C ____________________________________________________________________________________________

5. (a) List down ten laboratory rules  

(b) With the help of diagram explain how each of the following lab apparatus works

(i) Condenser (ii) Burette   (iii) pipette (iv) deflagrating (v) thermometer   

(c) State two aims of the alchemists 

(i) _____________________________________________________________________________

(ii) _____________________________________________________________________________

  1. What is the use of the following in the lab?
  1. Dark room _______________________________________________________________________
  2. Large windows __________________________________________________________________
  3. Circuit breaker __________________________________________________________________

6. Explain how chemistry is applied in the following field? 

i)Communication ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

ii)Transportation ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

b)List down three common accidents that to occur in the chemistry lab and their possible causes 

  1. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  3. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

c)Explain how you would administered first aid to a person having an electric shock at least four steps ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7. With the help of a well labeled diagram of the Bunsen burner describe how the Bunsen burner work (the process involving lighting of the Bunsen burner) 

8. With the help of a well labeled diagrams differentiate between the luminous flame and non luminous flame 

9. With the aid of the diagram explain any four chemical signs that are found in the chemistry lab. Suggest their precaution measures. 







Time: 2:30 Hours


  1.   This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of 11 questions
  2.   Answer all questions in section A and B and ONE question from section C.
  3.   Section A carries 30 marks, section B 50 marks and section C 20  Marks
  4.   All answers should be written in the spaces provided.
  5.   All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized material are not allowed in examination room.
  6.   Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.

 SECTION A (30 Marks)

 Answer All questions in this section.

1. Choose the best alternative from the choices given and write it on the spaces provided.

  1.         Biology is the branch of science which deals with the study of
  1.         Plants and animals
  2.         Living things and non living things
  3.          Living things
  4.         Zoology and botany
  1.       The reason why we study biology one is that
  1.         We should be competent in the subject
  2.         We want to improve the standard of living
  3.          We want to teach students
  4.         We want to be spokes mans of biologists
  1.    The ability of organisms to detect changes in their environment is termed as 
  1.         Irritability
  2.         Movement
  3.          Reproduction
  4.         Nutrition
  1.     The reason of having laboratory rules in laboratory is 
  1.         To make it smart and attractive
  2.         To make students uncomfortable
  3.          To show how teachers we are strict
  4.         To minimize danger/hazards
  1.       In this way you can preserve alive and terrestrial plants
  1.         In the dam
  2.         Using cage
  3.          Botanical garden
  4.         Museum
  1.     The organelle whose function is to transport protein and fats is
  1.         Ribosome
  2.         Golgi apparatus
  3.          Endoplasmic reticulum
  4.         Centrosome
  1.   The group of organs which join together and work as a functional unit is ……
  1.         Tissue
  2.         Organ
  3.          System
  4.         Organism
  1. A person bite by a snake is advised not take alcohol why?
  1.         Because he can be bite by another snake again
  2.         Since the ant-venom wont work
  3.          He want assist professionals to identify snake type
  4.         Since will increase heart rate and spread of venom quick
  1.     A plant cell type which has no chloroplast is ………….
  1.         Palisade cell
  2.         Collenchyma’s cell
  3.          Root hair cell
  4.         Parenchyma cell
  1.       Body tube to the microscope has the following function
  1.         Hold eye pieces and revolving nose piece
  2.         Concentrates light reflected by mirror
  3.          Holding objectives in place
  4.         Reflect light to the object
  1.          The following statement is either true or false so write T to the true statement      and F to the false statements. 
  1.         Biologist is a person who study more about animals ______
  2.       We get knowledge to preserve environment so biology is not important _____
  3.    When a person has being burnt apply iodine tincture _________
  4.     We put chemicals and apparati for emergency treatment in first aid kit ____
  5.             Bacteria is prokaryotic ______
  6.     The smallest unit of life is a cell _______
  7.   Mitochondria is a site for cellular respiration __________
  8. When cleaning lenses of microscope ethanol is recommended __________
  9.     Heart, root, shoot, liver are organs  ___________
  10.              Red blood cells has no nucleus due to bad creation of God __________
  1.       Match the sentence in list A with those in list B

       LIST A.

  1.              Comes from two Greek words
  2.            Is a cavity filled with fluid known as cell sap
  3.    Provide firm and steady support to the cell
  4.     It control activities of the cell
  5.            Sudden violence disturbance of mind and emotion

        LIST B.

  1.         Herbarium
  2.         Base stand
  3.          Female reproductive cell
  4.         Male reproductive cell
  5.          Shock victim
  6.          Museums
  7.         Faint victim
  8.         Biology
  9.            Laboratory
  10.            Bunsen burner
  11.         Oven cook
  12.          Cell membrane
  13.        Vacuole
  14.         Nucleus
  15.         Toxic
  16.          Flammable

4. Complete each of the following statements by writing the correct answer in the spaces provided.

  1.         An organism that causes typhoid fever................................................................
  2.       Invasion of the boy by disease causing organisms.........................................
  3.    Ability to make fine details in a specimen to be seen........................
  4.     Organisms made up of many cells.........................................
  5.       Diseases that can be transmitted from one person to another............................

SECTION B (50 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

5. (a) Define the following terms.                               

  1. Personal hygiene: _____________________________________________

  1.  Good manners: _______________________________________________


  1. Immunity: ____________________________________________________


(b). Explain Why a boy at puberty need to practice more of hygiene?      




    b) Mention four importance of first aid to an individual

  1. a) Explain how will you help a victim of drowning




   b) State and explain three principles of   waste disposal.

  1.          (a) Explain briefly how cell membrane is made ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

(b) Give two function of plasma membrane 

(i) __________________________________________

(ii) __________________________________________

             (b)  Explain four principles of cell theory

  1.          A) Mention five (5) laboratory rules you know






                b) Mention five causes of accidents in the laboratory.

  1.          I) Draw the following apparatus found in the laboratory.

(a) Funnel        (b) Beaker

(c) Measuring cylinder     (d) Test tube 

II)  List four importance of studying biology

SECTION C (20 Marks)
Answer one (1) question from this section.

  1.     a) i) what do you understand by  the term ‘’ laboratory’’?

                 ii) Outline four qualities of a good laboratory

b) Mention one function of the following;

i)   Petri- dish

ii)  Morta and pestle

iii)  Handlens

iv)  Thermometer

  1.     WRITE an essay on balanced diet using the following subheadings;
  •             Meaning of a balanced diet
  •             Components of balanced
  •             Importance of  each component
  •             Deficiency diseases which may results when a person does not eat a balanced diet
  •             Two factors which contribute to lack of a balanced diet  among  children in Tanzania









TIME: 2:30 HOURS May, 2022



1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with the total of seven (7) questions.

2. Answer all questions in sections A and B and one (1) question from section C.

3. All answers must be written in the spaces provided.

4. All writings must be blue or black ink.

5. All communication devices and calculators are not allowed in the examination room.

6. Write Your Examination Number on the top right of every page.


1. Multiple choice questions

(i)The following are functions of a Moran, except:

  1.               To protect the whole society
  2.                To travel in search of water and grass
  3.                To defend and expand the protectorate
  4.               To control religion and solve land conflicts

(ii)Which of the following is a modern scientific method of fixing dates?

  1.               Z Before Christ (BC) Method
  2.                A microscope Method
  3.                Anno Domino (AD) Method 
  4.               Carbon 14 Method

(iii)The process of handing down the historical knowledge using a word of mouth from one generation to another is called:

  1.               Oral tradition
  2.                Historical information
  3.                Linguistics
  4.               Anthropology

(iv)The following is one of the methods used in obtaining gold in African societies:

  1.               Shaft method
  2.                Pottery
  3.                Ornaments 
  4.               Titration

(v)A source of historical information which contains remains that show man's physical development activities and tools he used is:

  1.               Museum
  2.                Oral tradition
  3.                Archives
  4.               Historical sites

(vi)The important effect of iron technology in Africa was:

  1.               Expansion of heavy industries
  2.                Increase of civil wars
  3.                Increase of migration in Africa
  4.               Increase of agriculture and population

(vii)The chronological order of events is usually by the following except:

  1.               Time-chart
  2.                Carbon 14
  3.                Time line
  4.               Family tree

(viii)In evolution of man, the use of tools and bi-pedalism were accompanied by the development of man's:

  1.               Agriculture
  2.                Brain
  3.                Limbs
  4.               Trade

(ix)History is the study of:

  1.               Past, present and future tenses;
  2.                Past selected information;
  3.                Ujamaa in traditional African societies;
  4.               Man's activities against nature through various stages of development.

(x) In evolution of man, the systematic tool maker was:

  1.               Zinjanthropus 
  2.                Australopithecines
  3.                Homo Erectus 
  4.               Homo Habiiis

2. Match the item in LIST A with their correct response from LIST B. Write down letter of correct response in space provided.



  1.  Father of evolution of man
  2. Modern man
  3. Walked on four limbs
  4. Could make tools and had large brain capacity
  5. The earliest man who could stand upright.
  6. The discovery of the skull of the earliest man in Olduvai Gorge.
  7. The pre-colonial modes of production.
  8.  Mans major technological innovation during the Middle Stone Age was .....
  9.   A society in which the children are of the new family belonged to the wife’s clan.
  10.  One of the earliest areas for iron working in Africa.
  1. Homo erectus
  2. God
  3. Stone improvement
  4. Primate
  5. Kumbisaleh
  6.  Meroe.
  7. Homo Habilis
  8. Homo sapiens
  9. Charles Darwin
  10. Zunjathropus
  11. Clever creatures
  12. 1459
  13. 1859
  14. Colonial mode of production
  15. Communalism, Slavery and Feudalism
  16.  matrillineal

3. Write TRUE or  FALSE against each statement below

  1. Nature of environment and technology determine the existence of economic activities......
  2. Olduvai Gorge is found in southern part of Uganda............................
  3. Iron age existed from around first millennium B.C.......................
  4. Man discovered fire during late stone age......................................
  5. The rise of specialization and complex communities were notable effects of early stone age.....
  6.  Australopithecus Africanus had big brain size of about 450 to 550 cubic centimeters compared to other primates......................
  7. Historians assume homo sapiens to be a true man of today........................
  8. Early stone age had developed great technology compared to late stone age...
  9. The only method of determining dates which is done scientifically is carbon 14 method....
  10. History predicts the future......................

4. Briefly explain the following terms

  1. Archives
  2. Historical site
  3. Homo erectus
  4. Iron age
  5. millennium


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Answer all questions in this section.

5. Arrange the following sentences in chronological order by writing their letter in the table provided.

  1. Moved upright and was skillful tool marker
  2. Was first systematic tool marker and had large brain capacity
  3. True man with large brain capacity and less thick jaw
  4. Man body was covered with lots of hair and walked in four limbs
  5. Used hind limb to stand and balance, he started to design tools

6. Complete each of the following statements with correct historical facts.

  1. The last stage of man’s evolution in which he had a large brain capacity......
  2. Tools used during earlier stone age..............
  3. Famous site for iron smelting..................
  4. Pre-colonial African societies used a system of exchange based on goods by goods known as …………………………
  5. A duration of one hundred years is called …………………………

7. Study the figure below and answer questions that follow;

  1. Name the stages of development of man labelled A-E
  2. In which stage did man use stones and pebbles
  3. In which stage did man have the largest brain capacity?
  4. In which stage was man a systematic tool marker?


Answer two (2) questions from this section.

8. Describe the effects of discovery of iron tools

9. Jane and Neema are arguing about the significance of studying history. Jane says that study of history is waste of time and resources. Using six points convince Jane to study history.

10. What are archives? Describe functions of archives as source of history







 Time: 2:30Hours


  1.             This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of 10 questions
  2.             Answer all questions in section A and B and TWO questions from section C.
  3.             Section A carries 40 marks, while section B and C carries 30 marks each.
  4.             All answers should be written in the spaces provided.
  5.             All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized material are not allowed in examination room.
  6.             Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.

 SECTION A (35 Marks)

 Answer All questions in this section.

  1. For each of the items (i)-(x), choose the correct answer from the alternatives given.

(i) Which of the following correctly define the concept of human rights?

  1.    Treatments and privileges for being a citizen of a given country.
  2.     Treatments and privileges for being a human being.
  3.     Treatments and privileges for being a member of a political party.
  4.    Treatments and privileges for being a citizen by birth in a given country.

(ii)       Which activities among the following are mental related works?

  1.    Banking and Teaching           
  2.     Fishing and Farming        
  3.     Mining and Carpentry                         
  4.    Communicating and Mining

(iii) A type of marriage whereby a couple become a husband and wife before the district commissioner is called

  1.    District marriage. 
  2.     Early marriage.
  3.      Judicial marriage. 
  4.    Traditional marriage.

(iv)  One of the following is not among the steps in the problem solving process:

  1.    Initiating mediation.      
  2.     Information gathering. 
  3.     Defining the problem.    
  4.    Writing a report.

(v)   Why are traffic signs and symbols important?

  1.    They provide information to drivers.
  2.     They provide good visual appeal to road users.
  3.     They provide instructions to road users. 
  4.    They provide warning to pedestrians.

(vi)    The process of developing romantic relationship between a man and women before marriage is referred to as

  1.    Courtship. 
  2.     Monogamy.
  3.     Infidelity. 
  4.    Honeymoon.

(vii) Why is family stability important?

  1. It enables family members to receive loans from neighbors.
  2. It enables family members to participate in development activities.
  3. It enables children to be familiar with close family relatives
  4. It encourages relatives to live together in one household.

(viii) Which colors are in the National Flag of Tanzania?

  1. Black, yellow, grey and blue
  2. Blue, grey, green and black
  3. Black, yellow, blue and green
  4. Gold, blue, yellow and black

(ix) The following are sources of life skills in the society except

  1. parents.
  2. religion,
  3. constitution.
  4. school.

(x) What does the shield and spear inscribed in the Tanzania's Coat of arms represent?

  1. National defense
  2. National culture
  3. Wildlife
  4. Mineral wealth

(xi) Which one isnota civic responsibility of citizens in Tanzania?

  1. Participation in work.
  2. Attending a party meeting.
  3. Obeying the laws.
  4. Helping the needy.

(xii) Which statement explains the importance of limiting the exercise of some human rights and freedoms?

  1. It helps to demand the limited rights and freedoms by force.
  2. It stores some of the rights and freedoms for future use.
  3. It controls powerful individuals from denying other people's rights.
  4. It promote the denial of human rights and freedoms.

(xiii) Which of the following is not among the individual life skill?

  1.    Assertiveness
  2.     Self - awareness
  3.     Negotiation
  4.    Coping with stress

(xiv) The ability to make the best choice out of many available options is referred to as

  1.    Problem solving
  2.     Decision making
  3.     Critical thinking
  4.    Proper behaviour

(xv) What does the blue colour in the Tanzania national flag represent?

  1. People
  2. Mineral deposits
  3. National freedom
  4. Water bodies

(xvi) A public holiday marked every year on the 7th April in Tanzania is known as

  1. Karume Day
  2. Nyereye Day
  3. Farmers Day
  4. Union Day.

(xvii) The event in which the national flag is hoisted at half-mast is

  1. the independence day
  2. the national misfortunes
  3. the heroes day
  4. the religious holidays

(xviii) A green colour in the national flag if Tanzania represents

  1.  Africans
  2.  Natural wealth
  3.  Vegetation
  4.  Soil.

(xix) Which one of the following is an aspect of social skills?

  1. Arrogance
  2. Interview
  3. Aggressiveness
  4. Peer resistance

(xx)Which among the following set is a correct characterization of a nation?

  1.  History, Culture, People and Uhuru torch
  2.  Sovereignty, Uhuru torch, People and government
  3.  People, History, Sovereignty and Government
  4.  Education, Uhuru torch, History and People.

2. Match the descriptions on life skills in List A with corresponding life skills concept in List B by writing the letter of the correct response below the corresponding item number in the table provided.



  1.            The ability to come up with new things or new ways of doing things different from old ones.
  2. The ability to feel other peoples' experiences and be concerned with their problems.
  3. The ability to stand up for ones values, needs and benefits in the face of conflicting ideas and practices.
  4. Strong feelings such as fear, love, anger, shyness, disgust, desire to be loved or being accepted.
  5. The ability of a person to know what one wants and the reasons for his choice.
  1.    Life skills
  2.     Creative thinking
  3.     Critical thinking
  4.    Empathy
  5.     Emotions
  6.      Assertiveness
  7.    Peer pressure
  8.    Negotiation skills

3.      For each of the following statements write True if the statement is correct or False if the statement is not correct.

  1. Both decision making and problem solving requires someone to make a choice and act on it.
  1. In Tanzania, Sabasaba day is celebrated as a day for farmers on 7th July each year.
  2. A person with low self esteem is usually able to control negative altitudes . . . . . . . . . . 
  3. Lack of moral values may results into school dropout among the youths  . . . . . . . . . . 
  4. Peer resistance is the ability of an individual to sympathize with other people’s problems.  . . . . . . . . . . 
  5.   Creative thinking is the ability to make a choice out of many options……………
  6.  Street children are people above 18 years old…………
  7.  Positive peer pressure can lead to good performance in school    
  8. Sovereignty is a component of a nation
  9.  Corruption is one of the human rights abuses


Answer allquestions in this section.

4. Read the following passage carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

A good way in which people can participate in decision making is through civil associations such as farmers associations and the associations of the youths and academics. Participation in such groups is important for a number of reasons; the first reason is to protect the group interests, and the second is that these associations are educative; they make the participants more enlightened. Therefore, participation through such associations and groups removes individual isolation and strengthens the people’s position in fighting for their own interests and those of the community.

Lack of people’s participation in free associations has one big danger. The danger is that, it is not possible for an individual to pressurize the government into meeting people’s needs. The failure of individual efforts leads to the individual’s despair and frustration.


(a) What is the title of this passage?

(b) In what way can people participate in decision making?

(c) According to the passage, why is it important for the people to have civil associations? (Give two points).

(d) What does the writer mean by saying that associations are educative?
(e) What is the disadvantage of not participating in free associations?

5. Define the following concepts and for each give two points on its importance.

(a) Effective communication

(b) a country

(c) a nation

(d) National symbol

(e) National currency

(f) Constitution

(g) Presidential standard

(h) National festival

(i) National flag

(j)  Uhuru torch

SECTION C (15Marks)

Answer one (1) question from this section.

6. Explain the importance of life skills to young people by giving six points.

7.       Describe six ways that can be used to control the abuse of human rights in Tanzania.




Time: 2:30 Hours Year: 2021


1.This paper consists of ten (10) compulsory questions.

2.Show clearly all the working and answers in the space provided.

3.All writing must be in blue or black ink except drawings which must be in pencil.

4.NECTA mathematical tables, geometric instruments and graph papers may be used where necessary.

5.All communication devices and calculators are not allowed in the assessment room.

1. (a) Write the numerals of the statement: Ninety two million two hundred seventy five thousand two hundred seventy five.

(b) Write the number 2373695 in words.

2. (a) Find the value of 98 – {(15 ÷ 3) – (45 ÷ 15)} × 10 + 4

(b) Simplify the algebraic express and state the coefficient of x: -2( x – 3 ) + 4( -2x + 8)

3.(a) Round off the number 0.007326 correct to:

(i) 3 significant figures

(ii) 3 decimal places

(b) Change the following :

(i) 1608 hrs into 12 – hours clock system

(ii) 7:08 pm into 24 – hours clock system

(iii) 980 dam into centimeters

4.(a) Find the H.C.F of 112, 168 and 420 by prime factorization

(b) The sum of three consecutive odd numbers is 51. Find the numbers.

5. (a) Add the difference of and to the sum of and .

(b) Express in form of where b ≠ 0

6. (a) Solve for x given that

(b) In a School, of the students are boys and the number of girls is 990. Find the number of boys in the School.

7.(a) Three traffic lights at three different road crossings change after 48 seconds, 72 seconds and 100 seconds respectively. If they all change simultaneously at 8:00 am. At what time will they change again simultaneously?

(b) If ,find


(ii) find n if

8.(a) In the following figure, AB is parallel to PQ - and RS is a transversal. Find the angles labeled a, b, w, x, y, and z.

(b) Use the two figures below to find the values of x and y

9. (a )A father is 24 years older than his son. After 2years, the father’s age will be three times that of his son. Find their present ages.

(b) The length of a rectangular park exceeds its width by 17m. If the perimeter of the park is 178m. Find the dimensions of the park.

10. Solve the following simultaneous equations:

(a) 3x – y = 10

5x + 2y = 24 (Using Elimination Method)

(b) 3x + 4y = 17

5x – 2y = 11 (Using substitution method )







Time: 2:30Hours


This paper consists of sections A, B, C and D with a total of 12 questions Answer all questions in the spaces provided

All writings must be in BLUE or BLACK pen

Write your name and class in the spaces provided above

Write your work neatly.



I. Read the passage below carefully and then answer the questions that follow

My name is Nianjema; I had not travelled to Mwanza before. My sister, Ananijali invited me to her house in Mwanza so that 1 could see the rocks. My mother told me to be polite to my sister and her husband during my stay with them. 1 was so excited and 1 told my friends about the journey. My sister told me that my brother-in-law will come to pick me over the weekend.

It was Saturday evening, when my brother in-law arrived at our place. He told me that, we would travel by bus as it was faster than the train and cheaper than the plane. On Sunday we bought tickets at the booking office in Dar-es-salaam and we managed to board the bus at 8,00a.m. The conductor was very respectful and polite in attending his passengers. When we reached Dodoma, I heard a screech of tyres and the bus started to move in a zigzag manner and finally stopped. •

Most of the passengers were screaming and I did the same. M.y brother in-law who was concerned with my safety held my hands and urged me to stop panicking. He told me that it was only a tyre bust and there was no more danger. The bus was moving at the speed of 80 kilometres per hour. We were all grateful to the driver, Mr_Ntoi, because if he Was moving with the high speed than that; we could have been involved in a very bad accident.

We all got out of the bus and the tyre was changed before we continued with our journey. We then stopped to refuel at Manyoni Kobil fuel station. The Amp attendant looked up and saw me looking at him. He smiled at me and I smiled hack. He told me that, I will be enjoying very much to see the wonders in the rock city where rocks are setted as if they are going to fall. He finally told me to bring him some fish on my way back. What he told me stimulated me a lot and I could not wait to get to Mwapza to see the rocks and tell my sister about the journey.


a) Complete the following sentences with the right information from the passage

i) A suitable title for this passage is

  1.                                         Nianjema's sister is called
  2.                                       Niajema went to Mwanza because
  3.            Nianjema and other passengers were to be involved in the accident because
  4.                                          Nianjema was asked by the pump attendant to bring__________________

From Mwanza.

b) For each of the statement below, write TRUE if the statement is correct or FALSE if the statement is not correct.

  1.                                              My sister told me to be polite to my brother in-law______________________
  2.                                            We bought our tickets to Mwanza on Saturday_______________________
  3.                                          Our bus got the breakdown in Dodoma________________________________
  4.                                          The bus was moving at less than 90 km speed per hour________________________________
  5.                                            We filled fuel at Manyoni Kobil station____________________________
  1.       Read the passage below carefully and list the names of Mr.Mtokambali's children and tell what each one does in the given table.

Mr. and Mrs. Mtokambali family was living in Mukasa village. They had five children, Upendo was the first born. She was teaching at Mukasa primary school. The second born was Makata, he was so stubborn; he could not even finish his secondary education as he dropped out of the school when he was in form two. His parents struggled so much to help him, but he ended up been a watchman in Sukari house.

Sinamatata was the third born, she was very kind, she became a nurse and was working in Mukasa dispensary. The fourth born, Naamini, was working in the garage as the mechanic. The last born Naweza was very intelligent as he managed to get through the university and became a lawyer in the high court.












  1.       Match each sentence in column A with the beside the item number. Item (vi) has been used as an example.



(i) A feeling that shows pleasure
(ii) A feeling that shows disappointment and negative reaction.
(iii) A feeling that you want to eat something.
(iv) Feeling sorrowful
(v) Needing or wanting to drink
(vi) Feeling unwell

  1. Love
  2. Sad
  3. Hungry
  4. Thirst
  5. Bored
  6. Sick
  7. Angry
  8. Happy

4. Re-arrange the following sentences into a logical sequence to make a meaningful paragraph. Sentence number 6 has been done as an example.

  1. Scrub the clothes.
  2. Take a bucket of water.
  3. Wring out water and put them to dry.
  4. Put dirty clothes in it and soak for an hour.
  5. Take out the clothes and rinse them in clean water.
  6. Mix water and the detergent well.

5.   Complete the following sentences using the words given in the box.

My,yours, His, her ,its, ours, theirs.

(i) My father owns a boat. It is ............ boat.

(ii) This book belongs to you. It is

(iii) They have a house at Tanga. It is

(iv) We have to study hard because the future is .......

(v) My sister has a car. It is ...... car.

6. Rewrite the following sentences by using the correct forms of verbs in brackets:

(1) Mboka (take) his breakfast at 7:00 a.m everyday.

(ii] Our cows (go) to the river to drink water every afternoon.

(iii) She (do) her homework at 5:00 every evening.

(iv) We (learn) Mathematics every day.

(v) My brother and I (watch) television every evening.

7. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the word in the brackets.

  1.                                   She                to school every day (go)
  2.                                  My mother               a new car last week (buy)
  3.                                   I am               my dinner (cook)
  4.                                  We must              hard in order to pass (study)
  5.                                   They              sick. (be)

8. Re —write the following sentences according to the instructions given

  1.                      Juma is a singer and a dancer. (Re-write using...not only.....but also)
  2.                      We went to school but he was late. (Begin: Although....)
  3.                      We learn so as to get knowledge (Re-write using  in order to. 
  4.                      Anna is lazy. She cannot study alone. (Join the sentences using too .to)
  5.                      If you study hard you will pass your examinations. (Begin: Unless 

9. Fill in the blanks with the correct word given in the brackets.

  1.                                       There is a lot of water in the______________________(see/sea)
  2.                                       He is living in his own_______________________in the village (hat/hut)
  3.                                       I saw a               eating a rat yesterday. (cart/cat)
  4.                                       We travelled to Zanzibar by using a____________________________(ship/sheep)
  5.                                       They              some food in order to survive__(it/eat)

10. Change the following sentences into plural form:

  1.                         He was walking
  2.                        She likes eating Ugali everyday
  3.                         A student is required to be punctual
  4.                        A mango is a sweet fruit to eat.
  5.                         I wish I could be there on time.

f)  It is too small to be seen………………………………………………………………………………………

  1.     Please make him understand
  2.       He is supposed to see his doctor
  3.       A window was opened.
  4.  A Sheep is eating grass



11. Select ONE class reader you have read from the given list and answer the questions that follow.

a) What is the title of the book?

b) What is the story about?


c) Who is the main character in the story?

d) What can you learn from the story?


e) Is the story tells what is happening to your society? Give reasons

12. Read the following poem carefully and then answer the questions that follow 

Hey you AIDS, you are an uninvited guest

In homes, schools, village, towns

And yes even in big cities

You make everybody sick

The poor and the rich The old and the young The tall and the short Oh, how cruel you are!

Let's all be careful with this guest!


a) 'What is the poem about?


b) Iii this poem, the poet is speaking to.........


c) What is the lesson we get from this poem?


d) What is the title of this poem?

e) How does the poet feel?








Time: 2:30Hours


  1.              This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of 10 questions
  2.              Answer all questions.
  3.              Section A carries 30 marks, section B 50 marks and section C 20  Marks
  4.              All answers should be written in the spaces provided.
  5.              All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized material are not allowed in examination room.
  6.              Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.
  7.              Where necessary, the following constants may be used;
  1. Acceleration due to gravity, g=10m/s2
  2. Density of water= 1g/cm3 or 1000kg/m3

 SECTION A (30 Marks)

 Answer All questions in this section.

 1.  For each of items (i-xx) choose the correct its letter in the box provided

 (i) Result obtained from Physics experiment can form

  (a) scientific laws   (b) scientific principle

  (c) scientific theories  (d) scientific procedure

 (ii) Which of the following are used to stop fire?

  (a) Matches   (b) Extinguishers

  (c) Fuel    (d) Brushes

(iii) Micrometer Screw gauge reads 5.0mm and 0.9mm for sleeve and trimble respectively,  the length of object will be

 (a) 5.95mm   (b) 59.5mm

 (c) 0.59mm   (d) 0.0595mm

(iv) Physics is defined as the 

 (a) Study of matter and energy and how they interact

 (b) Foundation of all physics sciences

 (c) Study of energy  (d) Study of energy

(v) The scientific who is involve in the study of Physics is known as a:-

 (a) Physician   (b)  Psychologist

 (d) Physicist   (c) Physiologist

(vi) The following are steps of a scientific investigation EXCEPT one. Which are:-

 (a) Identification of problem (b) Preparing a research proposal

 (c) Formulation of hypothesis (d) Experimentation.

(vii) What is your understand of the term ‘’Hypothesis’’?

 (a) The problem to be researched on

 (b) A researcher’s intelligent guess

 (c) An opinion   (d) An idea

(ix) Which one of the following is a safety precaution in a Laboratory

 (a) Run in the laboratory  (b) Eat and chew in the laboratory

 (c) Use equipment with care and for their right purpose.

 (d) Do as you wish in a laboratory

(x) Which of the following is a foundation quality?

 (a) Speed    (b) Pressure

 (c) Time    (d) Force

(xi) Which one of the following is a derived unit?

 (a) Energy    (b) Newton

 (c) Kilogram   (d) Metre.

(xii) One of the following groups of instruments is for measuring volume only

 (a) Pipette, measuring cylinder, (b) Metre rule, spiral balance caliper

 (c) Burette voltmeter, caliper (d) Caliper, spring balance voltmeter

(xiii) A body has a mass of 200g and density of 5g/cm3. Its volume is ……

 (a) 40cm3    (b) 1000cm3

 (c) 0.025cm3   (d) 40

(xiv) The density of lead is 11.3g/cm3. The expression in kg/cm3 is ………

 (a) 1.13 x 19-8kg/m3   (b) 1 x 104kg/m3

 (d) 1 x105kg/m3

(xv) Fist aid kit is placed in laboratory for …………

 (a) Curing diseases   (b) Preventing accidents

 (d) Keeping tools for giving first aid (d) Extinguishing flames

(xvi) A state of matter has definite shape and definite volume. This is ……

 (a) Vapor     (b) Liquid

 (c) Gas     (d) Solid

(xvii) The following are the instrument used to measure length EXCEPT 

 (a) Burette     (b) Micrometer screw gauge

 (c) Venire caliper    (d) Metre rule

(xviii) Amount of quantity of space that is occupied or enclosed by matter

 (a) Volume     (b) Density

 (c) Mass     (d) Time

(xix) The three basic fundamental quantities are as follows:-

 (a) Mass, time, length    (b) Volume, density, time

 (c) Mass, relative density, length  (d) Time, volume, area

(xx) Find the mass of an object whose weight is 750N

 (a) 75kg     (b) 75g

 (c) 40kg     (d) 20g






















2. Match each item in List A with a correct responses in List B by writing its letter below the number of corresponding item in List A in the table provided




(i) Hypothesis

A. Gravitation pull on an object

(ii) Density

B. Mass per unit volume. 

(iii) Volume

C. An intelligent guess

(iv) Length

D. Amount of space that is occupied by matter

(v) Mass

E. Quantity of matter it contains


F. Distance between two points


G. Fundamental quantity


H. Derived quantity














3. Complete of the following statement by writing the correct answer in the space provided.

 (i) The relative density of a liquid can be easily determine by……………………

 (ii) Mass per unit volume ……………………………………………………………………..

 (iii) A room where experiments are done ……………………………………………..

 (iv) The SI Unit of length is …………………………………………..

 (v) ………………………. Is an immediate care given to a sick or injured person 

  before taking him/her to the hospital. 


4. (a) What is meant the term measurement 


 (b) Define the term Relative density


(c) The mass of substance is 40g. The mass of an equal volume of water is 20g. Calculate the relative density of the substance.

5. (a) Differentiate between the following term

  (i) Mass and Weight



  (ii) Density and relative density



 (b) Fundamental quantities and derived quantities



 (c) Give the reading of Vernier Calipers shown in the diagram below


6. (a) Define the following terms

  (i) Experiment ………………………………………………………………………….

  (ii) Matter  …………………………………………………………………………

 (b) List down any five components of the first aid kit given the use of each

















(c) Convert the following masses as directed 

 (i) 150Kilograms to tones



 (ii) 75 tones to grams



7. (a) Mention the steps of scientific investigation in descending order

  (i) ………………………………………………………………………

  (ii) ……………………………………………………………………..

  (iii) …………………………………………………………………….

  (iv) …………………………………………………………………….

  (v) ………………………………………………………………………

 (b) Mention at least five (5) safety rule in a Physics Laboratory

  (i) ………………………………………………………………………….

  (ii) …………………………………………………………………………

  (iii) …………………………………………………………………………

  (iv) ………………………………………………………………………..

  (v) ……………………………………………………………………….

(c) A square lead block has sides of length 5cm. If has a mass of 2kg. Calculate the density of the lead block.

 (i) In g/cm3



 (ii) Inkg/m3

8. (a) What is volume ………………………………………………………………………………….


 (b) Define relative density of a body


(c) The mass of a density bottle is 15g. When it is filled full with a fluid of density 1.3g/cm3, its mass is 51g. Find the volume of the bottle.


9. (a) Convert 1g/cm3 into kg/m3


 (b) Convert the time as directed


  (i) 1 day to second


  (ii) 1 weak to second 


  (iii) 1 hour 40 min to second


  (iv) 46750 second to days.


(c) The density of milk is 1.03g/cm3. While its relative density is 1.03. What is the density of water in its SI Unit?

 Diagram 1 below depicts one of the instrument used in making measurement 


 (a) What is its name?


 (b) Name the party shown


(c) The instrument is used to measure ………………………………………………. and ……………………….. object.









Time: 2:30Hours


  1.            This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of 7 questions
  2.            Answer all questions in section A and B and ONE question from section C.
  3.            Section A carries 35 marks, section B 50 marks and section C 15  Marks
  4.            All answers should be written in the spaces provided.
  5.            All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized material are not allowed in examination room.
  6.            Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.

 SECTION A (35 Marks)

 Answer All questions in this section.

  1. For each of the items (i)-(x), choose the correct answer from the alternatives given.

(i). During Maulid day, Muslims celebrate;

  1. End of fasting
  2. Death of prophet Muhamad
  3. Birth of Prophet Muhammad
  4. End of Pilgrimage to Mecca.

(ii). Sheik Abeid Karume was assassinated on:

  1. 14th October, 1999
  2. 26th April, 1964
  3. 7th April, 1972
  4. 12th January, 1964

(iii). Which is not a component of a Nation?

  1. Country
  2. People
  3. State
  4. Language.

(iv) Which of these is not an individual skill?

  1. Critical thinking
  2. Coping with stress
  3. Assertiveness
  4. Self awareness.

(v) Ability to express ones opinions, desires, strongly with confidence is?

  1. Self – awareness
  2. Social skill
  3. Assertiveness
  4. Copies with emotion.

(vi) Which is not aspect of social skill?

  1. Peer resistance
  2. Negotiation
  3. Self improvement
  4. Empathy

(vii) Which of the following is not a basic need?

  1. Foods
  2. Education
  3. Shelter
  4. Clothing

(viii) Freedom of expression can be limited when;

  1. The person expresses religious views
  2. When views are outside parliament
  3. If a person uses abusive language
  4. If one have bad intentions.

(ix) Parents can abuse children right by/

  1. Giving right education
  2. Not punishing them
  3. Choosing children’s marriage partner
  4. Giving severe punishment to children.

(x) Which of those is not a way government abuse human right?

  1. Passing oppressive laws
  2. Discriminating people on basis of religion or ethnic group.
  3. Inducing bill of right in constitution
  4. Not maintaining rule of law.

(xi) A person who loves his/her country is said to be

  1. Activist
  2. Citizens
  3. Partisan
  4. Patriotic

(xii) A person can become a citizen by the following except

  1. Birth
  2. Nationalization
  3. Naturalization
  4. Registration

(xiii) Which is not a requirement to apply for citizenship?

  1. Must be a rich person
  2. Must live in a country for five years
  3. He/she must be 21 year old above
  4. Must renounce his/her former citizenship

(xiv) A foreign woman can become a citizen by?

  1. Naturalization
  2. By marriage
  3. By registration
  4. By adoption.

(xv) Which is not a responsibility of a citizen?

  1. Communal responsibility
  2. Economic responsibility
  3. Social responsibility
  4. Political responsibilities.

(vi) Which is not a feature of a good citizen?

  1. Behaves in respectful manner
  2. Support family
  3. Accept responsibility of his/her actions
  4. Depends on others

(vii) Which is not a social responsibility of citizen?

  1. Do lawful productive work
  2. Protect his/her country
  3. Respect laws of right of fellow citizens
  4. Promote farness, equality or social justice

(viii). Red band on coat of arms represents

  1. Developed country
  2. Freedom and enlistment
  3. Defense for the country
  4. Fertile soil of our country

(xix). Golden yellow colour on National flag represents

  1. Vegetation
  2. Wealth
  3. Colour of people
  4. Water bodies.

(xx). One significance of constitution is that:

  1. Symbolize authority of president
  2. Show the unit of our people
  3. Gives people freedom to enjoy their rights
  4. It is a subsidiary law.

2. Match the explanation on national holidays in LIST B with their respective dates on LIST A and write correct responses in spaces provided.



  1. Assertiveness
  2. Citizenship by decent
  3.                     A problem caused by earlier marriage
  4.                      Extended family
  5. Family stability
  1. Family break down
  2. Is ability of a person to know what he/she want and why
  3. Children born in Tanzania country and one of his or her parent is a citizen of Tanzania
  4. Consists of father, mother and children grand  parents and uncle.
  5. Peace, love, respect and good behavior are maintained.
  6. Abortion

3. For each of the following statements, write True if the statement is correct and false is the statement is incorrect.

  1. Self awareness is ability of a person to know he or she wants………………………………….
  2. While a person is enjoying his or her rights is allowed to interfere the rights of others……
  3.                     Lifeskills enables a person to know what he or she should do and what she should not do in a particular situation.
  4.                      Roads are hard surfaces build for vehicles to pass.
  5. Human rights are the basic things that all human beings are entitled to and which nobody shall interfere with…
  6.                      The Zanzibar revolution took place on 12th january 1963
  7.                   The united republic of Tanzania was formed  as the result of union between Tanzania and Pemba
  8.                HIV/AIDS is caused by ant-retroviral drugs
  9.                      Family religion and society are some of sources of life skills
  10. Marriage is a union of a man and woman as husband and wife



Education is necessary to improve quality of labour force. Through education, knowledge and skills are obtained to enable one produce more and better quality products. In agriculture for example, one can produce more and better crops by using the knowledge and skills obtained in agricultural lessons in schools or colleges. The knowledge and skills include proper use of fertilizers, irrigation methods, pest control and conditions necessary for the growth of crops and weeding.

Education also offers skills related to employment and income opportunities. Technical or vocational training is provided so as to offer such knowledge and skills. People with such knowledge and skills can start their own business and gain income.

  1. Suggest a suitable title for this passage......................  
  2. Identify knowledge and skills that can enable one to produce more and better crops according to the passage ..................................................................................... 
  3. What is the aim of education?  
  4. What are the other skills pointed out apart from agricultural skills?
  5. What is the aim of vocational training? ......................... 

5. Briefly explain the meaning of the following terms

  1. Nation
  2. Government
  3. National symbols
  4. Constitution
  5. Presidential standard
  6. National festivals
  7. Life skills
  8. Critical thinking
  9. Human rights.


Answer one (1) question from this section.

6. Explain how the government promotes and protects human rights

7.  Discuss five sources of life skills







Time: 2:30Hours


  1.              This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of 10 questions
  2.              Answer all questions in section A and B and TWO questions from section C.
  3.              Section A carries 25 marks, section B 45 marks and section C 30  Marks
  4.              All answers should be written in the spaces provided.
  5.              All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized material are not allowed in examination room.
  6.              Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.

 SECTION A (35 Marks)

 Answer All questions in this section.

  1. For each of the items (i)-(x), choose the correct answer from the alternatives given.

i) The outermost layer of the earth is called;

A. The mantle

B. The crust

C. The sial

D. Sima.

ii) Fold mountains are formed by;

  1.  Faulting
  2.  Outflow of lava over the land
  3.  Wrinkling of the earth crust
  4.  Sinking of the earth crust.

iii) Dormant volcanic mountains are those which;

  1.  Have never experienced eruptions
  2.  Have erupted once but are nolonger active
  3.  Continue to erupt occassionaly
  4.  Erupt only then there is an earth quake.

iv) Saltiness in lakes have accumulated over a long period of time from;

  1.        Volcanic activities in the oceans
  2.         Salt rocks lying at the bottom of the sea
  3.         Land materials blown by wind into the sea
  4.        Rivers that pour their water into the sea
  5.         Land materials brought into the sea by moving ice.

v) ocean currents are set in motion by;

  1.  Differences in temperature of water in the ocean
  2.  The earth rotation on its axis
  3.  Land materials blown into the ocean by wind
  4.  Prevailing wind that blows over the ocean
  5.   Gravitational force

vi) the largest ocean on earth is;

  1.  Indian ocean
  2.  Pacific ocean
  3.  Atlantic ocean
  4.  Meditererian sea
  5.   Red sea

Vii) Which of the following statement are correct?

  1.        Ocean water has a uniform temperature from bottom  to top.
  2.         The surface temperature of the ocean decreases polar  wards
  3.         Ocean water in the tropics is warmer on the surface  than in its bottom.
  4.        In the polar regions, ocean water temperature is  warmer at the bottom than it is at the surface

viii) A raised part of an ocean is called;

  1. A ridge
  2. Ocean deeps
  3. Continental shelf
  4. Deep sea plains

ix) Which of the following is a fold mountain?

  1.           Ruwenzori
  2.            Mt. Kilimanjaro
  3.            Mt. Usambara
  4.           Mt. Evarest.

x) Which of the following is an example of an extinct volcano?

  1. Mt. Elgon
  2. Mt. longonot
  3. Black forest mountains
  4. Mt. Sinai.
  1.                 Matching items questions;

List A


  1. An active volcanic mountain found in Tanzania
  2. An example of extinct volcano.
  3. Flat land like the top of the table.
  4. The largest continent.
  5. A water inlet to the land
  6. The uppermost layer of the atmosphere.
  7. Large land mass that initially formed the earth
  8. A tract of land entering into a body of water.
  9. A piece of land jutting into the sea.
  10. Also called mesosphere.
  1. Mt. Meru
  2. Mt. Mufumbiro
  3. Oldonyo lenkai
  4. Rungwe mountains
  5. Plain
  6. Plateu
  7. Africa
  8. Asia
  9. Gulf
  10. Tributary
  11. Stratosphere
  12. Mesosphere
  13. Peninsula
  14. Pangaea.
  15. Cape
  16. Thermosphere.
  17. Laurentia.
  18. Crust
  19. Mantle.


  1. Name the three layers of the earth

(b) Briefly explain the composition of the atmosphere.

  1. Differentiate between a continent and an ocean

(b) Name the  continents of the earth

  1. Briefly explain the following;

i) A plain


(b) Differentiate between fold mountains, block mountains and volcanic.

  1. Give two examples, of each of the following;

i.  Fold mountains

ii. Volcanic mountains

iii. Fold mountains.

(b) Explain how volcanic mountains are formed.

  1. Outline uses of water in daily life

(b) Give the meaning of the following terms;

i) A cape

ii) A peninsula

iii) A ridge.

  1. Describe why it is important to study geography
  2. Using a diagram, explain how relief rainfall is formed







 Time: 2:30Hours


  1.            This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of 10 questions
  2.            Answer all questions in section A and B and TWO questions from section C.
  3.            Section A carries 40 marks, while section B and C carries 30 marks each.
  4.            All answers should be written in the spaces provided.
  5.            All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized material are not allowed in examination room.
  6.            Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.

 SECTION A (35 Marks)

 Answer All questions in this section.

  1. For each of the items (i)-(x), choose the correct answer from the alternatives given.
  1. Man was able to make and use very simple stone tools during the:
  1.                     Middle Stone Age
  2.                      Old stone Age
  3.                       Late Stone Age
  4.                     New Stone Age


  1. Which among the following include the methods used in showing chronological order of events?
  1. Famine, epidemics, drought and heavy rains. 
  2. Carbon 14, archives, museums and historical sites 
  3.  Periods, generations, millennia and centuries.
  4.  Family trees, time lines, time charts and time graphs.
  1. Three pre-colonial matrilineal societies in East Africa were:
  1. Mwera, Makonde and Sukuma
  2. Chagga, Kikuyu and Kamba 
  3. .Makonde, Sukuma and Chagga
  4.  Kikuyu, Makonde and Kamba.
  1. During the pre-colonial period, Imbagala and Vimbundu of Angola were:
  1. professional traders
  2. abolitionists of slave trade 
  3.  pastoral societies.
  4. early hunters and gatherers.
  1. The economic factors for interactions among the people of Africa were:
  1.  migration, trade and language
  2. war, migration and music
  3.  intermarriage, medicine and religion 
  4.  trade, agriculture and metal working.
  1. One of the causes of Mfecane wars was:
  1.   arrival of Portuguese at the Cape of Good Hope
  2.   migration of the Ngoni under Zwangendaba 
  3.  rapid population growth in South Africa
  4. arrival of Sultan Seyyid Said in Zanzibar from Oman.
  1. Which among the following include the demands of industrial capitalism?
  1.  Piracy, robbery and unequal exchange
  2.   Explorers, traders and missionaries.
  3.  Markets, raw materials and cheap labour
  4.  Robbery, piracy and agents of colonialism
  1. The feudal system in Zanzibar was known as:
  1.   Busulo
  2.  Nyarubanja
  3.  Ubugabire 
  4.  Umwinyi
  1. Which of the following does not apply to the moran?
  1.  Consists of people who were between youth and adulthood
  2.  Protects livestock against enemies and wild animals. 
  3. Consists of young boys between 8 and 18 years.
  4.  Raids neighbouring herds to increase the size of their herds.
  1. Who discovered the skull of the earliest ancestors of man in Olduvai Gorge in 1959?
  1.  David Livingstone.
  2. Louis Leakey. 
  3. Charles Darwin.
  4. Carl Peters.
  1. Which were the pastoral societies that existed in pre-colonial East Africa?
  1.  Masai, Nandi, Turkana and Karamajong
  2.  Nandi, Kikuyu, Sambaa and Hadzabe
  3.  Nyakyusa, Nandi, Karamajong and Makonde
  4. Turkana, Gogo, Sukuma and Kikuyu
  1. The following were some of the commodities used as currency in precolonial Africa:
  1. Copper rods, books and bronze
  2.  iron ore, silver and wood
  3. paper, gold and copper
  4. salt, cloth and cowrie shells
  1. Homo-sapiens lived in one of the following periods:
  1.  Early Stone Age
  2. Iron Age
  3.  Late Stone Age
  4.  Middle Stone Age
  1. The following was the major form of feudal relations in Rwanda and Burundi:
  1.  Basulu
  2. Chiefdom
  3. Ntemiship
  4.  Ubugabire
  1. One of the problems of written records as a source of historical information is that, they:
  1. are given by elders
  2. are mostly reliable
  3.  can be used by literate people only
  4. serve as stores of variety of information
  1. Match the items ın List A with those ın List B by writing the correct letter against the corresponding question number ın the table provided.



  1. The hadzabe, Pıgmıes etc
  2. A scıentıfıc method of determining date
  3. The arrangement of orderly occurrence of historical events.
  4.  A duration of one thousand years
  5.  Discovery and the use of fire
  6.  Keeping of animals
  7. Neolıtlıc revolution
  8.                       walking on two limbs
  9. A duration of 100 years
  10. Animal keeping and crop cultivation
  1. Late stone age
  2. Carbon-14
  3. A century
  4. Famous hunters and gatherers ın Africa
  5. Middle stone Age
  6. Mıllemıum
  7. Meroe
  8. Galla
  9. Pastoralısm
  10. Agriculture
  11. Creatıonısm
  12. Bı-pedalısm
  13. Chronology
  14. Museums
  15. Archıeves.
  1. Write true ıf the statement ıs correct or falseıf the statement ıs not correct.
    1. Archaeology ıs the only method of obtaining historical ınformatıon ___________
    2. History as a social subject deals with future events________________________
    3. Meroe and Nok  are found ın East Africa_________________________________
    4. Tanganyika got independence earlier than Kenya and Uganda________________
    5. Barter system ıs trade which involves the exchange of goods________________
    6. A millennium ıs a period of ten (10) centuries_______________________________
    7. Permanent Agriculture was not practiced ın the arid and semı-arıd areas______
    8. Zinjathropus reached the stage  of making and using tools_____________________
    9. Science ıs software and technology ıs hardware __________________________
    10. Agriculture ıs the keeping of animals ___________________________
  1.         Briefly explain the meaning of the following terms
  1.  Oral traditions
  2. Historical sites
  3. Archeology
  4. Archives
  5. anthropology

   5. (a) Name four uses of tools by man in Old Stone Age period.

   (b) Mention three ways used by early man to get food.

  6. Show the different between tools used by man during the middle stone age and those of old stone age.

   7. Discuss the impact of fire to man during the middle stone age

    8. Discuss the impact of discovery of iron tools in East Africa







Time: 2:30Hours


  1.              This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of 11 questions
  2.              Answer all questions in section A and B and ONE question from section C.
  3.              Section A carries 30 marks, section B 50 marks and section C 20  Marks
  4.              All answers should be written in the spaces provided.
  5.              All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized material are not allowed in examination room.
  6.              Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.

 SECTION A (30 Marks)

 Answer All questions in this section.

  1. For each of the items (i)-(x), choose the correct answer from the alternatives given.
  1.       The  parasite that cause malaria is:
  1.  Plasmodium
  2. Trypanosoma
  3.  Mosquito
  4. Amoeba
  1.          Bacteria that cause gonorrhea in man:
  1. Treponema pallidum
  2. Naisseria gonrrohoea
  3.  Vibryo cholera
  4. Clostridium tetani
  1.             Which of the following is not sexually transmitted disease?
  1.  Candidiasis
  2. Triconomiasis
  3.  Diarroea
  4. syphilis
  1.                Which one of the following is the vector for plague?
  1.  Black fly
  2. Tsetse fly
  3.  Mosquito
  4. Flea
  1.                AIDS continues to spread worldwide. This phenomenon is termed as:
  1.  Sporadic
  2. Epidemic
  3.  Endemic
  4. Pandemic
  1.                Which one of the following is not a method of waste disposal at home?
  1.  Burning
  2. Compost
  3.  Incineration
  4. Burring
  1. Which of the following is expected to happen if blood supply to the brain is reduced?
  1.  Shivering
  2. Fainting
  3.  Vomiting
  4. Shock
  1.          The following are causes for breathing to stop:
  1.  Drowning
  2. Choking
  3.  Something stuck in the throat
  4. Fainting
  1. ----------are conditions or factors that can change or be changed in an experiment:
  1.  Hypothesis
  2. Variables
  3.  Problems
  4. Conclusions
  1.          Effective ways of reducing waste re displayed in each of the following except:
  1.  Using rechargeable batteries
  2. Using recycled materials
  3.  Buying new plastic shopping bags every time we go shopping
  4. Using cloth instead of paper to clean windows.











  1. Write TRUE for statements that are correct and FALSE  for statements that are not correct:-
    1.    T.B, cholera and malaria are contagious diseases …………………..
    2. A hypothesis is an idea or explanation that is proposed as an answer to the observed problem……..,
    3. Corrosive chemicals can burn books and clothes because the catch fire easily……………..
    4.    Any material that is not in use is waste…………………….
    5. Personal hygiene includes cleanliness, of the body clothing environment……………….
    6. Wearing short, transparent and skin tight clothes is an example of good manners……………..
    7.    A person will get sick when  he/ she is infected with pathogens………………………
    8. Drug abuse and taking alcohol are of risky practices that can lead to transmission of STDs………
    9. Only people with many sexually partners can gets STIs and suffer STDs………………
    10.      Passive natural immunity lasts throughout human life ………………………..
  1.       (a) Match the responses in list A with the phrases in list B by wring the letter of the correct response beside the item number (10marks)



  1. Massage
  2. Iodine tincture
  3. Vaseline
  4. Respiration
  5. Explosive
  1. Oxidation of food substances
  2. To clean fresh cut and bruises
  3. To apply on burn
  4. Accident
  5. Preserve dead dry living things
  6. Nose bleeding
  7. Muscle clamp
  8. Warning sign






b) Fill the gaps below with the correct word

  1. Organism made of many cells………………
  2. The study of virus is called…………………….
  3.           Loss of minerals salts into the soil due to water logging
  4.           The study of yeast, toad stool, mushrooms……………………..
  5. A person who studies botany…………………………………………

Fill in the following table


Type of disease











Genital herpes




Hepatitis B







  1.    a) Suggest five measures that can prevent you from engaging into risky situation.


                  b) You find your friend is very sick and you suspect that it is due to poisoning 

  1.    How would you know it is poisoning?
  2.    How would you do to help your friend?
  3. Why is it not advisable to induce vomiting in a person who has been poisoned?
  1. Advise the community that surrounds you on ten (10) ways to prevent spread of infectious diseases.
  1.      _____________________________________________________________________
  2.    _____________________________________________________________________
  3.  _____________________________________________________________________
  4.  _____________________________________________________________________
  5.    _____________________________________________________________________
  6.  _____________________________________________________________________
  7. _____________________________________________________________________
  8.                      _____________________________________________________________________
  9.  _____________________________________________________________________
  10.    _____________________________________________________________________
  11.  _____________________________________________________________________

7.(a) Define the following terms:

(i) Laboratory ...............„.................... .. 

(ii) Biology ................ 

(iii) Test tube ................................... ..... .. (iv) Botany . 

(b)    State the uses of each of the following laboratory apparati:

(i)Microscope ......................... .. . 

(ii)Thermometer ................................ . 

(iii) Test tube holder ........ .... 

8. (a) What is biology?

(i) List (7) characteristic of living things.

(ii) Explain why it important to study biology? Three (3) points.

9. (a) Define the tem (i) good manners (ii) Adolescence

    (b) Mention four (4) changes that occur in girls during puberty.


10.    Describe how you can provide First Aid to a person who has been "bitten by a snake" and the one who has "fainted during ground parade".







Time: 2:30Hours


  1.              This paper consists of section A, and B with a total of 10 questions
  2.              Answer all questions in spaces provided.
  3.              Section A carries 20 marks, section B 80 marks.
  4.              All answers should be written in the spaces provided.
  5.              All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized material are not allowed in examination room.
  6.              Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.
  7.              The following atomic masses may be used: H=1, N=14, O=16, S=32

 SECTION A (20 Marks)

 Answer All questions in this section.

  1. For each of the items (i)-(x), choose the correct answer from the alternatives given.
  1. The following skills acquired through studying chemistry except;
  1. Careful observation
  2. Accurate reporting
  3. Testing hypothesis experimentally
  4. Map reading skills
  1. Chemistry is a scientific activity because;
  1. Chemistry is studied in schools
  2. Chemistry is interesting subject studied through data collection and analysis.
  3. Knowledge of chemistry is acquired through observation, experimentation and logical reasoning.
  4. It involves study of living and non living things.
  1.  The following are laboratory rules except;
  1. Turn off water and gas tap after use
  2. Test any unlabelled substance before using it in the laboratory.
  3. Put off flames which are not in use
  4. Remove obstacles from gang ways.
  1. Splints are among of the first aid kit equipments which of the following sentences set describes its use;
  1. Used to pick up and holding things
  2. Used for cutting bandages or pieces of clothes
  3. Used to support broken bones and is tied using bandages.
  4. Used for holding pieces of bandages or cloth together.
  1.     The Bunsen burner is likely to contain soot when;
  1. The air hole is closed
  2. The air hole is open but not fully
  3. The air holes of Bunsen burner are completely open.
  4. The burner is not raised
  5. The gas supply is high
  1.  Which of the following takes place in experimental stage?
  1. Rejection of hypothesis
  2. Acceptance of hypothesis
  3. Concluding the scientific findings
  4. Carry out investigations
  1. In scientific procedure, what would be the next step to follow after experiments?
  1. Data interpretation
  2. Conclusion
  3. Observation
  4. Investigation
  1. In her first experiment, Mwajuma dissolved sulphuric acid in water and heat was evolved. In her second experiment he dissolved sugar in water and no heat was evolved or absorbed she conducted that;
  1. Her first experiment was physical change
  2. Both of her experiments were physical change
  3. Her second experiment was chemical change
  4. Her first experiment was chemical change
  1. In most general sense the word combustion means …………….
  1. Burning substance in oxygen or air.
  2. Burning compound of carbon in air.
  3. Burning any fuel in air or oxygen
  4. By chemical combination accompanied by light and heat in which or more reactants is gaseous
  1. 10 grams of copper powder were placed initiation tube containing air. The tube was very strongly for half an hour. At the end experiment;
  1. Copper increased in mass in changed colour
  2. Copper melted into liquid copper form.
  3. The total mass of tube and its content decreased.
  4. Water vapour appeared in the tube.

2. (a) Match the items in List A with their correspondence items in List B. 



  1. Separation of wanted or unwanted solid from mixture.
  2. Method of separating basing on the solubilities of solids in miscible solvents.
  3. A solid that is formed out of solution.
  4. Used to separate dyes
  5. Is the best method for separation of liquid mixtures.
  1. Emulsion paint
  2. Emulsion point
  3. Residue
  4. Filtrates
  5. Simple distillation
  6. Fractional distillation
  7. Evaporation
  8. Filtration
  9. Contaminated water
  10. Crystals
  11. Hand picking
  12. Chromatography

(b) Fill the following gaps with the correct answer

  1. Mixture of solute and solvent…………………………………………
  2. A box for keeping items to be used for first Aid…………………………….
  3. Solid obtained after filtration……………………………………..
  4. An apparatus used to measure fixed volume of a liquid………………..
  5. The smallest particle of matter…………………………………..
  1. (a) Define the following terms;
  1. Combustion ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
  2. Combustible material ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

(b) Label the parts marked A, B, C, D, E and F in the diagram below; 


  1. ………………………………………..
  2. ………………………………………..
  3. ……………………………………….
  4. ………………………………………..
  5. ………………………………………..
  6. ………………………………………..

(c) What is the importance of parts labelled? 

    B ………………………………………………………………………………………

    C ………………………………………………………………………………………

    D ……………………………………………………………………………………….

  1. Fill the suitable word in the space provided;
  1. Bronze is an alloy formed by mixing ……………… and ……………………….
  2. Steel is an alloy formed by mixing ………………… and ……………………….
  3. …………………… is a solution in which like solvent used is not water.
  4. …………………….. is used to stir and mix substance uniformly.
  1. (a) Define the following terms and give one example in each case;
  1. A chemical symbol ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  2. An element ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  3. A compound ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  4. Suspension ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

(b) Write names of elements represented by the following symbols

     i.  Au ……………………………………

    ii. Ag …………………………………….

    iii. Hg ……………………………………..

    iv. P ………………………………………..

    v. Sn …………………………………………

  1. Draw apparatus which are used to perform the following process in the laboratory;


Apparatus diagram 

  1. It is used to measure accurate 20/25cm3 of liquid.

(b)A flat apparatus at the base used to hold volume of liquid during experiment. 

© Wire placed on top of tripod stand. 

(d)Used for scooping small quantities of powder or crystalline chemicals. 

(e)Used for holding heating and mixing liquid – it measures estimate volume of liquids. 

  1. (a) Mention and explain briefly any five warning signs found in chemical containers

     giving one example in each case. 

  1.                   ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  2.                 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  3.              ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  4.               ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  5.                 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

(b) Distinguish between the following; 

 i.   Hypothesis against fact ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………     

ii. Deposition against sublimation ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

 (c) Point out any 6 differences between metals and non – metals ; 


Non metals 

  1. (a) Briefly explain any five methods of preventing rusting.
    1. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
    2. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
    3. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
    4. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
    5. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

(b) A certain pink coloured compound is heated to form blue colour. When water is 
      added to sample , it changed back to pink. 

      i. What change is demonstrated by the compound …………………………………....

      ii. Explain the reasons for your choice. 


(c) State the type of changes demonstrated by the following phenomenon; 

  1. Burning of firewood ……………………………………………………….
  2. Rotting of meat …………………………………………………………….
  3. Heating frying pan …………………………………………………………..
  4. Melting of butterfat …………………………………………………………
  5. Change of cloud to rain ……………………………………………………..
  6. Heating of iron rod …………………………………………………………..
  1. Your provided with the diagrams below, study it carefully and answer questions that follows;


  1. State short and clear description about what will be observed in each test tube A – D after 2 or 3 days;
  1. Test tube A. ………………………………………………….
  2. Test tube B …………………………………………………..
  3. Test tube C. …………………………………………………..
  4. Test tube D. …………………………………………………..
  1. Why the water in the test tube D boiled the covered with oil. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  2. What is the function of calcium chloride in test tube B? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
  3. What conclusion can you draw from your experiment? …………………………………………………………………………………………
  4. (i) Give two similarities between combustion and rusting …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

(ii) Give two differences between combustion and rusting …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………





TIME: 2.30HRS                                                                             2020

NAME:_______________________________________________                         CLASS:___________


  • This paper consists of sections A,B,C and D
  • Answer ALL questions in the spaces provided
  • All writing must be in BLACK or BLUE ink
  • Write your name and class in the spaces provided above
  • Write your work neatly.



  1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow

All children all over the world have certain things that they need to be given by their parents. These are called rights of the child. These can be divided into four groups.

The first group is survival rights. These include the right to live and the right to good health care. Parents and the Government have to ensure that every child’s life is protected and every child is provided with access to health services.

The second group of rights is known as developmental rights. These include the right to physical and intellectual development. All children therefore have the right to education and play. These rights enable them to grow physically and intellectually.

The third group is known as protection rights. These include the rights to protection from being neglected, exploited and tortured.

The fourth group of rights is called participation rights. On the basis to these rights, children have the right to make decisions that affect their lives. Hand in hand with the above mentioned rights, all children have responsibilities or duties. These duties include the duty to study hard and the duty to take care of their health; the duty to love and care for others and the duty not to bully others; the duty to take care of their belongings and those of others; the duty not to waste food; the duty to make thoughtful decisions; the duty to help those who have a lot of work to do; the duty to tolerate and respect different views; and the duty to learn from their mistakes

When we talk about children, we usually talk about children from 0 to 18 years. People above 18 years are adults.


Write your answers in the space provided for each question

  1. What is the title of the passage above?
  2. State what the writer thinks about people above 18 years
  3. According to the passage, education helps children to
  4. Mention the group of rights children are denied of, if they are not allowed to play
  5. List one responsibility children have towards others.
  6. Children who do not have the right to participation are denied the opportunity to:

2. For each of the statements below, write TRUE if the statement is correct or FALSE if the statement is incorrect.

  1. The duty to tolerate and respect other’s views falls under participation rights______________________
  2. Apart from rights, all children have duties or responsibilities____________________
  3. Children have the right to eat plenty of food and waste very little________________
  4. According to the passage, children have the right to learn from their mistakes_____________

 3.  Write a summary of what Nyerere did after retirement in three sentences using numbers 1, 2, 3.

     The late J.K.Nyerere retired as president in 1985, though he remained leader of his C.C.M party until 1990, when he moved back to his home village in Butiama. After retirement he travelled around the world becoming a spokesman for developing countries. He also continued working for African peace and unity in 1990s, playing a major part in bringing peace to both Rwanda and Burundi.


  1. _______________________________________________________
  2. _______________________________________________________
  3. _______________________________________________________



4. Match the items in column A with the relevant ones in column B to produce complete and meaningful sentences.



  1. Words which have the same meaning are called
  2. A word in bold face that introduces an entry is called
  3. A block of information introduced by a head word is called
  4. Numbers written horizontally are used when
  5. Words which have opposite meaning are called
  1. Entry 
  2. Antonyms
  3. Guide words
  4. Synonyms
  5. Idioms
  6. Words have more than one meaning
  7. A head word
  8. Dictionary extract














5. Re – arrange the following sentences into a logical sequence to make a meaningful paragraph item one (1) has been done as an example.

  1. Add a little salt and oil to the boiling water
  2. Add rice
  3. Boil water in a sauce pan
  4. Serve it hot
  5. Stir gently and leave it to cook, when the rice is cooked and tender, reduce heat
  6. Wash rice and leave it to drain

 6. Fill the blank spaces in the following sentences

  1. A structure made for bees is called__________________________
  2. A place where crops are grown is called_________________________
  3. A place where various types of goods are bought or sold is called__________________
  4. A place where people go to buy bus tickets is called________________________
  5. A person who arrests criminals is called________________________
  6. A person who passes judgment in a court is called_______________________
  7. A person who is in charge of a region is called_____________________________
  8. A young dog is called_____________________________
  9. A young lion is called_______________________
  10. A young frog is called_________________________



7. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the brackets

  1. English language ________________________all over the world (speak)
  2. Mavugi hasn’t ____________________ breakfast this morning (take)
  3. Zubeda ________________for Kigoma last week (leave)
  4. Jamima ______________her skirt now (wash)
  5. Daudi ______________to school every day (go)

8. Complete the following sentences using word given in the box below:


  1. How ___________________money do you want?
  2. It is not_________________ for all of us to share
  3. You can choose_____________of the books you like
  4. There is ___________________ water in an ocean
  5. How ______________________ students are there in your class?

9. Choose the correct alternative and write its letter in the box provided beside the item number.

(i) If you borrow money from the bank you will have to_____________the money with interest.

  1. Pay on
  2. Pay our
  3. Pay back
  4. Pay up

(ii) ______________people went to the cinema while others went to the football match.

  1. Other
  2. Few
  3. All
  4. Some 

(iii) The book was________________that I forgot the time

  1. Too interesting
  2. Very interesting
  3. So interesting
  4. Interesting enough

(iv) Mary _________________a smart skirt at the party

  1. Had
  2. Put on
  3. Dressed
  4. Made

(v) She took all the oranges in the basket

  1. Does she?
  2. Tookn’t she?
  3. Didn’t she?
  4. Did she?

10. Re – write the following sentences according to the instructions given after each.

  1. I will do it for you (Re-write using- going to--)
  2. This is the girl. Her parents had an accident (join the sentence using “WHOSE”)
  3. The crocodile attacked the fisherman (Add question tag)
  4. She goes to school every day (Change the sentence into plural form)
  5. She eats some food  (Write the sentence by using” present perfect tense)

11. Identify the word which is wrong in each of the following sentences and write it in the space provided.

  1. Last weak I got what I wanted_________________________
  2. I meat my friend at the market ________________________
  3. Madam Jane has five pare of shoes_____________________
  4. The milk is to hot to drink___________________
  5. Ugali is made up of flower______________________



12. Choose one among the following class readers and use it to answer the questions that follow:


  1. Mabala the farmer
  2. Hawa the Bus Driver
  3. Kalulu the Hare
  4. Fast Money
  5. The Magic Garden
  6. The Death Factory
  7. The pearl  


  1. What is the story about?
  2. Choose two characters from the story, then give two characteristics of each character.
  3. Give the reason behind the relevance of the story to your society.

12. Read the following poem carefully, then answer the questions that follow.

The glowing pride in my heart

Shine brightly with delight

Like birds singing in the sky

I feel great and high


Dad, mum and friends

Together hold your hands

To celebrate and sing with me

Songs of pride and glee


The dream has come true

The exams I went through!


Who speaks in this poem?

What is the poem about?

How many stanzas does the poem have?

How many verses does each stanza have

Is the poem interesting? If yes! Or No! Give one reason.





TIME: 2HRS                                                                        2020



  • This paper consists of section A, and B 
  • Answer ALL questions
  • Remember to write your name on each and every page of your answer sheets 

 SECTION A ( 60 Marks)

1. Read the following statements carefully and write the letter of the correct answer  in the box or bracket provided

(i) On history time line, the year "O" stands for:

  1. The birth of Christ
  2. The birth of Prophet- Mohamed
  3. The peak of the Roman Empire
  4. An unknown year

 (ii) We can obtain historical information by using:

  1. Oral traditions
  2. Written sources 
  3. Archaeological findings
  4. Archives, museums and all the above

 (iii) The expert whose work are the study of historical remains are called 

  1. Biologist 
  2. Anthropologist 
  3. Archeologist 
  4. Geologist 

(iv) Dr. louis Leakey and his wife Mary carried out Archeological research in 1959 in 

  1. Dodoma
  2. Arusha 
  3. Singida 
  4. Kilimanjaro

(v) One of the following determines the age of historical events beyond 5000 years

  1. Carbon  14 
  2. Age detector 
  3. Carbon of chemical 
  4. Carbon 13

(vi) Oral traditions can be categorized into two ways of passing historical information these are 

  1. Cultural  practice and narration of the past events 
  2. Cultural practice and recalling of events 
  3. Chronology and orders of the events 
  4. Chronology and cultural parts 

 (vii) A person who study all aspects of human life  and culture is known as:-

  1. Archeology 
  2. Linguistic
  3. Anthropologist 
  4. Language 

 (viii) Olduvai Gorge is the historical site found in 

  1. Africa 
  2. Uganda 
  3. Tanzania 
  4. East Africa 

 (ix) A family tree shows the relationship between 

  1. Members of a family over a period of time 
  2. Father, mother and children 
  3. Members  of the family with other families 
  4. Father and children

 (x) The basic  needs of the human man being are 

  1. Water, cloth and shelter 
  2. Shelter, food and clothing 
  3. Food, shelter and  house 
  4. Food, shelter and  maize 

 2. Match  the items in List A with those in List B  by writing the correct letter against the corresponding question  number in the table provided


List A


List B

(i) Carbon 14

(ii) Oral tradition

(iii) Olduvai George

(iv) Nelson Mandela

(v) Iron working site

(vi) Bi- pedalism

(vii) Isimila

(viii) Archives

(ix) Museums

(x) Stone age
  1. This was the period where but man used  stones as the basic raw- material for making tools
  2. Historical site in East Africa 
  3. Collection of private and public documents.
  4. Retired  president of South Africa
  5. Walking on two feet
  6. Meroe
  7. The scientific method used in showing dates 
  8. Historical site in Arusha region
  9. Through a word of mouth 
  10. Created for preservation of historical facts 
  11. Mirambo

 3. Write TRUE for the statement (s) which is correct and FALSE for the wrong statement 

  1. Anthropology is the study of human remains…………………….
  2. Age, in history is a period based on our great ancestors…………….
  3. During the period of the Early or old stone age, people had permanent shelters ………………….
  4. In Tanzania, paintings and drawings in caves in area such as Kondoa- Irangi  and some   places of Singida give evidence of the activities of a settled community  …………………
  5. Rusinga Island and Nsogezi are the famous historicval sites in Kenya…………………….
  6. Tools made in the Early stone  age were bigger  smaller   and sharper than those of the middle stone age ……………………
  7. Kalenga is a historical site and not a national museum……………
  8. Illiterates cannot benefit from archival information…………..
  9. Carbon 14 dating finds dates for remains of animals and plants that died beyond 5,000 years ago……………..
  10. Man distinguished from the other primates by his ability to design tools for specific purposes…… ……………..

 SECTION B ( 40 Marks)

 4.  Define the following historical terms 

  1. History
  2. Bi- pedalism 
  3. Archives
  4.  A decade 
  5. Primates 

5. Differentiate time lines from time charts and family trees from Time graphs





Time 3:00 Hours                                                                        MAY 2020 


  • This paper consists of two sections A B and C. 
  • Answer all questions in Section A and B and two question from section C
  • Show clearly all working for each question
  • Mathematical tables, geometrical instruments and graph paper may be used where necessary 

(i) The branch of science which deals with the study of the relationship between matter and energy is:-

  1. Civics
  2. Chemistry
  3. Pshology
  4. Physics

 (ii) Physicist is a person whose occupation specializes in the science of:-

  1. Biology
  2. Physics
  3. Mathematics
  4. Chemistry

(iii) An object of mass 200g moving with velocity 50cm/s. What is its kinetic energy?

  1. 2.1 image 105, erg
  2. 2.0 image 105, erg
  3. 2.8 image105, erg
  4. 2.5 image 105, erg.

(iii) A machines do a work of 100 Joule is 20 seconds, what is its power?

  1. 120 watt
  2. 80 watt
  3. 5 watt
  4. 2000 watt

(iv) The SI –Unit of force is

  1. Newton
  2. Gravity
  3. Meter per second
  4. Meter squared.

(v) Force used to squeeze or press together

  1. Compressional force
  2. Frictional force
  3. Repulsive force
  4. Tensional force.

 (vi) Tiny particle that makes matter are called

  1. Molecules
  2. Element
  3. Atoms
  4. Electrons

(vii) Atoms in solid are closely packed together due to:-

  1. Cohesive force
  2. Adhesive force
  3. Capillarity
  4. Bond 

(viii) A girl of mass 40kg wears heels with an area of 1cmin contact with ground, pressure on ground will be:-

  1. 4 image 10-5
  2. 4 image 104
  3. 4 105
  4. 4 image105

(ix) Pressure is equal to

  1. A/F
  2. F/A
  3. d/F
  4. F/d

(x) Force responsible for elongation and restoration of body

  1. Torsional force
  2. Stretching and restoring force
  3. Repulsive force
  4. Attractive force

2. Match the following.

List A

List B

  1. SI – Unit of pressure
  2. Pressure in liquids
  3. Used to measure pressure
  4. Pressure on liquids depends on 
  5. One application of pressure.
  1. F/A
  2. Paschal 
  3. Phg
  4. Depth
  5. Hygrometer
  6. Manometer
  7. The syringe.


3. Fill the gaps below

  1. Pressure in solids depends on __________
  2. Pressure in liquid depends on____________
  3. When pressure is applied on non – viscous liquid it is transmitted ________ in all directions
  4. Atmosphere exerts a pressure of approximately ________________Nm2 on earth’s surface.
  5. The mass of a substance does not change but…………..changes
  6. Two scales of venier caliper are ___________________  and ________________
  7.  Amount of matter in a substance is _______________
  8. Mass is measured by using__________________
  9. Are quantity that depend on other quantities_________________
  10. Used to measure fuel volume of a liquid____________

4. (a) Define the following terms.

  1. Physics
  2. Physicist
  3. Science
  4. Technology

(b). List any three importance of studying Physics.

5. (a) What is matter

    (b) Mention three states of matter.

    (c) Using diagram explain arrangement of particles in gas, solid and liquid.

 6.(a) Define the following:

  1. Cohesion
  2. Adhesion
  3. Capillarity
  4. Surface tension

 (b) Identify applications o elasticity in everyday life.

7. (a) State two factors which pressure in liquids depends 

    (b) Explain why

  1. Sharp knife cuts easily than blunt knife
  2. An elephant cannot easily sink in mud
  3. Tyres of a tractor are wide

 8.(a) State the law of floatation

(b) What condition are required for body to float?

(c) What is up thrust?

9.  (a) Distinguish between

  1. Floating and sinking
  2. Weight and up thrust

(b) Why does hydrometer have wide bulb and Narrow stem.

(c) State Archimedes Principle

10. (a)How can one make attractive force useful?

(b) Give four usefulness of frictional forces in our daily life

(c) Give two example of force that are result of bending or stretching object.




FORM ONE                                                            

TIME: 2HRS                                                                            2020

NAME:_______________________________________________                         CLASS:___________


  • This paper consists sections A and B
  • Answer All questions in section A and B
  • Write your names and class on every page



1. Choose the most correct letter from the following questions which bring the correct meaning and write it in the box provided below:

(i) The compass bearing for  South is:

  1. 1350
  2. 1800
  3. 2250
  4. 0450

 (ii) The four seasons which occur on the Earth’s surface are a result of:

  1. Ferrell’s law
  2. Rotation of the Earth
  3. Revolution of the Earth
  4. The tilting of the Earth on its axis

 (iii) The structure of the Earth is composed of:

  1. Crust, Mantle and Core
  2. Carbon and Sodium
  3. Silicon and Alumina
  4. Sima and Sial

 (iv) The farthest position from the sun in the orbit of the Earth is called:

  1. Lunar eclipse 
  2. Aphelion
  3. Umbra 
  4. Penumbra 

 (v) The path through which planets revolve around the sun is known as:

  1. Axis 
  2. Solar system
  3. Orbit
  4. Galaxy 

(vi) The time taken by a planet to revolve around the sun depends on:

  1. The energy received from the sun
  2. The hotness of the planets
  3. The heat generated from the sun
  4. Its relative distance from the sun

 (vii) Water and air currents do not move in straight lines due to spinning effect of the earth. The term used to describe this situation is:

  1. Deflation
  2. Reflection
  3. Direction
  4. Deflection 

 (viii) Scientists whose work is to study about the solar system and stars are called:

  1. Astronomers
  2. Geologists
  3. Astronomy
  4. Comets

 (ix) The central body of the solar system is:

  1. The planets
  2. The sun
  3. The moon
  4. The Earth

 (x) The total number of longitudes is:

  1. 3660
  2. 3600
  3. 365
  4. 3770





















 2. Match the items in list A with correct responses in list B by writing its letter in a space provided


  1. Equator __________
  2. Summer solstice___________
  3. Perihelion _____________365   days ______________________
  4. Mathematical geography________
  5. Gleoid __________
  6. Galaxy _____________
  7. Lunar eclipse ________________
  8. Satellite _____________
  9. International Date Line___________


  1. From East to West
  2. Large system of stars in the outer space
  3. Mercury and Saturn
  4. From West to East
  5. Revolution of the Earth
  6. Moon
  7. 1800
  8. 00
  9. The sun is overhead at the tropic of capricon
  10. 3rd January
  11. Branch of Geography deals with calculations
  12. Oblate spherical shape of the earth
  13. 4th  July 
  14. Earth is between moon and sun

3. Write TRUE for true statements and FALSE for false statements

  1. Contour terracing in agriculture aims at preserving soil erosion_______
  2. Objects with leading heads and bright tails are called comets_________
  3. Good railway and road networks stimulate trade and commerce_______
  4. The Earth rotates from West to East through its orbit________
  5. Daily rising and falling of tides is the result of Earths revolution_______
  6. All planets use the same amount of time to complete one orbit________
  7. All latitudes are great circles ______
  8. Lake Tanganyika is a good example of a rift valley lake:______
  9. Industrialization is not an agent of air pollution_______
  10. The Earth rotates on its own axis for 367 days_______


3. Define the following:

  1. Longitudes 
  2. The sun 
  3. Great circle
  4. Prime meridian
  5. Equator 

4. Draw a well labeled diagram of  lunar eclipse

 5.  Examine two motions of the Earth

6. What are the four results of rotation?

7. Mention six (6) evidences which proves that the shape of the earth is sphere

9. Differentiate between the following geographical terms.

  1. Aphelion and perihelion
  2. Longitude and Latitude.
  3. Umbra and penumbra.
  4. Lunar and solar eclipse.

 10. Write the TIME for the following Longitudes

  1. 150 E __________________
  2. 450 W _________________
  3. 300 E __________________
  4. 75W _________________
  5. 600 E __________________                                          





TIME: 2HRS                                                                           2020

NAME:_______________________________________________                     CLASS:___________


  • This paper consist of section A,B and C with a total of seven(7) questions.
  • Answer all questions. 


Answer all questions in this section

1. For each of the following items (i) – (x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter besides it.

(i) The production process in which a farmer grows maize for sale is referred to as

  1. Direct production
  2. Direct service
  3. Indirect production
  4. Indirect services

 (ii) The label which shows the price of particular goods in a shop is called.

  1. Price list
  2. Price tag
  3. Invoice
  4. Branding

 (iii) What is the main purpose of commerce?

  1. To ridge the gap between wholesalers and retailers
  2. To bridge the gap between producers and the retailers
  3. To bridge the gap between producers and consumers
  4. To bridge the gap between retailers and consumers

 (iv) Which one among the following is part of aids to trade?

  1. Commerce 
  2. Direct services
  3. Trade
  4. Communication

(v) A person who coordinates all productive resources and bear the business risks is called.

  1. A business manager
  2. An entrepreneur
  3. Entrepreneurship
  4. Consumers

 (vi) The best way in which individuals and organizations use to protect their businesses against risks is:

  1. Creating bank account through which all business cash are deposited
  2. Increasing number of employees into the business
  3. Insuring their employees through insurance companies
  4. Insuring their businesses through insurance companies

 (vii) Examples of free goods are:

  1. Tanzania Broadcasting, ITV and star TV
  2. Refrigerator, tractors and tailoring machine
  3. Roads, public hospitals and public schools
  4. Rainfall, sunshine and air

 (viii) Which of the following presents a disadvantage of barter system?

  1. Double coincidence of wants
  2. Divisibility
  3. Standard of deferred payment
  4. Indivisibility

 (ix) Which of the following is not included in commerce flow chart?

  1. Insurance
  2. Warehousing
  3. Production
  4. Transportation

 (x) Which of the following group presents a broad classification of occupations?

  1. Trade and production
  2. Industrial, commerce and tertiary
  3. Extractive, manufacturing and constructive industries
  4. Trade, aids to trade and industrial

 2. Match items in list A with the responses in list B by writing the letter of the correct response below the number of the corresponding item in the table provided.



  1. A building where goods are stored while waiting for their use or distribution
  2. The amount of money that used to start a business
  3. Refers to the period, duration or time taken for a good to be taken by the consumer
  4. Refers to a transferring/transporting of a given good from a place where it less needed to a place where it is on high demand
  5. This involves purchase of goods and services from other countries 
  1. Import trade
  2. Export trade
  3. Place utility
  4. Time utility
  5. Warehousing
  6. Capital 














 3. Complete the following sentences by filling in the blanks with the correct term(s)

  1. Goods and services that are sold within the country are termed as­­­­­­­­­­­­­___________________
  2. The industries dealing with assembling of already manufactured goods into finished goods are called_____________________
  3. An auxiliary service which involves exchange of information between people or organization is known as  ________________
  4. The last person to receive goods in the channel of distribution is called_______________
  5. The art of selling goods in small quantities to the final consumer is called_____________
  6. Human needs which are not necessary for human survival are called_________________
  7. Human needs which are necessary for human survival are called____________________
  8. The process of letting the public be aware about your new products is called____________
  9. Hair dressing is an example of_____________________
  10. Anything that can be touched, seen is called__________________



Answer all questions in this section

4. With examples briefly explain the meaning of the following terms

  1. Specific factor of production
  2. Non – specific factor of production
  3. Aids to trade
  4. Capital 
  5. Normal goods

5. a)Define the term supply of  labour

b) Mention six factors affecting supply of labour


Answer all questions in this section

6. Draw the commerce flow chart and label it clearly

7. Carefully study the table below then complete it by filling in the blanks



Total product

Average product

Marginal product
























































Time 2:30 Hours                                                          MAY


  • This paper consists of two sections A and B. 
  • Answer all questions in all sections
  • Show clearly all working for each question 

 SECTION A :( 60 Marks)

1. Simplify the algebraic express  and state the coefficient of x: -2( x – 3 ) + 4( -2x + 8)

2.  Find the value of 98 – {(15 ÷ 3) – (45 ÷ 15)} × 10 + 4

3. Round off the number 0.007326 correct to (a) 3 significant figures   (b) 3 decimal places

4. Write the numerals of the statement: Ninety two million two hundred seventy five thousand two hundred seventy five.

5. Write the number 2373695 in words.

6. Find the H.C.F of 112, 168 and 420 by prime factorization.

7. Three traffic lights at three different road crossings change after 48 seconds, 72 seconds and 100 seconds respectively. If they all change simultaneously at 8:00 am. At what time will they change again simultaneously?

8. The H.C.F of two numbers is 18 and their L.C.M is 108. If one of the numbers is 54. Find the other number.

9. Add the difference of and to the sum of and .

10. Express   in form of  where b ≠ 0

11.  Change (a) 1608 hrs into 12 – hours clock system  (b) 7:08 pm into 24 – hours clock system

12. Convert 980 dam into centimetres

13. Solve for x given that

14.  In a School,  of the students are boys and the number of girls is 990. Find the number of boys in the School.

15. Solve for x given that 2(x – 5) + 3(x – 2) = 8 + 7(x – 4)

16. How many kilograms are there in a milligram

17. A sum of money was divided between Mary and Agnes. Mary gets   of the whole money and her share is Tshs. 4050. What is the total amount of money?.  What is Ashura’s share?

18.  Using a number line, add -5 + -2

19. Arrange the numbers 0.35, , 50%, 25 and 0.33

20. A room with length 270cm and width 150cm is to be covered with square tiles. What is the largest size of the tiles to be used if no space of the room is to be left uncovered?  

SECTION B: (40 Marks) 

21. (a )A father is 24 years older than his son. After 2years, the father’s age will be three times that of his son. Find their present ages.

(b) The length of a rectangular park exceeds its width by 17m. If the perimeter of the park is 178m. Find the dimensions of the park. 

  1. Solve the following simultaneous equations:

(a) 3x – y = 10 

5x + 2y = 24 

Use substitution method

 (b) 3x + 4y = 17  

5x – 2y = 11

Use elimination method

23. (a) The sum of three consecutive odd numbers is 51. Find the numbers

(b) A man gave of his money to his son,  of the remainder to his daughter and the remaining to his wife. If his wife gets shs 8700, what was the total amount?

24. If  ,find (a) (b) find n if

25. Use the two figures below to find the values of x and y 






TIME: 2HRS                                                                    MAY, 2020

NAME: _______________________________________________                         CLASS: _________


  • This paper consists of sections A and B
  • Answer all the questions in both sections
  • Remember to write your name and class on every page of your answer booklet provided.
  • All writings must be in blue or black ink
  • Neat work will be rewarded


Answer all the questions from this section

1. For each of the items (i) – (x) choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in this paper.

(i) Which of the following is the official seal or stamp of the government of Tanzania?

  1. Coat of arm
  2. National identity
  3. Public holiday
  4. National anthem

 (ii) A type of citizenship acquired when one of the applicants parents is a citizen of Tanzania is known as

  1. Citizenship by descent
  2. Citizenship by registration
  3. Citizenship by naturalization
  4. Citizenship by birth

 (iii) Equal access to mass media to all competing political parties in election is an important element of:

  1. Freedom of association
  2. Freedom of worship
  3. Free and fair election
  4. Direct democracy

 (iv) Which of the following is considered as child right?

  1. The right to quality education
  2. The right to employment
  3. The right to work
  4. The right to just pay

 (v)  Mr. Daniel Saguti was born in Tanzania his parents were also born in Tanzania so Mr. Daniel Saguti is a Tanzanian citizen by________

  1. Registration
  2. Descent
  3. Birth
  4. Naturalization 

 (vi)  Which of the following represents mental activities?

  1. Digging holes
  2. Designing houses
  3. Carrying luggage’s
  4. Quarrying stones  

 (vii) Mental ability which enables a person to manage himself or herself  is

  1. Political matters
  2. Life skills
  3. Government affairs
  4. Social matters

 (viii) In the national flag, black colour represents-:

  1. Minerals
  2. People
  3. Land
  4. Water 

 (ix) Tanzania holds general elections after every______________ years.

  1. Ten
  2. Six
  3. Five
  4. Two

 (x) Freedom to live as one wishes is referred to as_______

  1. Democracy
  2. Anarchy
  3. Dictatorship
  4. Liberty 

 2. Match the items in list A with the responses in list B by writing the letter of the correct response in the boxes provided below:

  1. Republics
  2. One of the national symbols
  3. Mayor
  4. 1964
  5. Citizenship
  6. Citizen
  7. Constitution
  8. National anthem
  9. Human right abuse
  10. Work

  1. Municipal and city councils’ head
  2. Governments headed by the presidents
  3. Coat of arms
  4. Basic principles governing the state
  5. Legal activity done by human being
  6. State of being a citizen of a particular state
  7. Member of the country
  8. When president is about to address the nation
  9. Women circumcision
  10. Tanganyika and Zanzibar unification
























3. For each of the following statement write TRUE if the statement is correct or FALSE if the statement is not correct.

  1. One of the rights enjoyed by a non-citizen in Tanzania is the right to own land__________
  2. Democracy means power in the hands of the people________________
  3. Limitation of human rights is enforced to protect the rights of political leaders_________
  4. Refugees are good example of special groups__________
  5. Every 14th  October Tanzania remembers the death of the president Sheikh Abeid Aman Karume_____________
  6. Freedom of movement is one of the civil and political rights____________
  7. People who need special care for various reasons is referred to as the elderly __________
  8. The union of a man and a woman as husband and wife is called courtship_____________
  9. Any legal activity that a person does to earn living is called work________________
  10. Total way of life is called culture______________________


Answer all questions from this section

4. Fill in the blank spaces with the word which corresponds the given statement

  1. A group of people who are related by blood, marriage or adoption is called________________
  2. Studies rights and responsibilities of all the citizens is referred as___________________
  3. The name given to the official song of the nation is referred to as___________________
  4. The government logo or emblem is termed as_____________
  5. A person who has fully rights as a member of the country either by birth or by been given such rights is called_______________
  6. The period when two people get to know and study each other carefully before they get married is called______________
  7. The marriage of a person who is below the age of 18 years is called________________
  8. All what a person must do are referred to as___________
  9. All what a person must be given are referred to as_________
  10. Ability to live with all the people according to the way they are is referred to as_________________

5. Briefly explain the meaning of the following terms as used in civics.

  1. Citizenship ___________________________________________________________________
  2. Constitution____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  3. National currency
  4. Civics_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  5. Family ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

 6. Read the following passage carefully then answer the questions that follow:

 Human rights have limitations. There is no absolute freedom. The limitations of human rights should be reasonable, non-discriminatory and justifiable in a democratic society. The main reason for restricting the exercise of human rights in certain circumstances is to ensure the interests of other persons and the public are respected. A person can enjoy his or her rights but in doing so, he or she should not interfere with the rights of others. This is because one’s rights end where another person’s rights begin.


  1. Write the title for this passage ____________________________________________________________
  2. What three things should be considered by democratic societies in limiting human rights.
    1. _________________________________________________
    2. _________________________________________________
    3. _________________________________________________
  3. What is the main reason for limiting human rights?

    _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________

  4. Can a person interfere with others rights? Explain how:

    _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________

  5. What do you understand by “Human rights? As used in the passage above?

______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________





TIME: 2HRS                                                                                                          

NAME:_________________________________________                 CLASS:___________


  • This paper consists of three sections A,B and C
  • Answer all questions in section A and B and ONE question in section C.
  • All answers should be written in the spaces provided.


1. Choose the correct answer and fill in the space provided.

(i) Which are the two main branch of biology

  1. Cytology and ethnology
  2. Botany and zoology
  3. Menology and orthology
  4. Limnology and hydrobiology

 (ii) Which of the following sets include a characteristic, which is not exclusive to living organisms?

  1. Feeding, irritability and growth
  2. Reproduction, death and definite shape
  3. Excretion, locomotion and feeding
  4. Growth movement and respiration

 (iii)  Which of the following is most important basic difference between plants and animals?

  1. Growth 
  2. Movement
  3. Nutrition
  4. Irritability

 (iv) The following are branches of biology. Which one is not?

  1. Microbiology
  2. Ecology
  3. Science
  4. Taxonomy

 (v) Characteristic of living things are:

  1. Breathing, growth, locomotion, irritability and cell wall
  2. Cell membrane, breathing, growth, feeding
  3. Nucleus, irritability, reproduction and growth
  4. Reproduction, breathing, growth excretion and irritability

(vi) Which of the following will be a sequence to follow in scientific procedure after experiment?

  1. Observation and data recording
  2. Hypothesis formation
  3. Conclusion
  4. Problem identification

 (vii) In biology, an experiment is used to test a;

  1. Law
  2. Theory
  3. Hypothesis
  4. Problem

 (viii) Interpretation means:

  1. To make sense of information
  2. Investigation
  3. Evaluation
  4. Guessing 

 (ix) What do you understand by the term hypothesis?

  1. An intelligent guess
  2. An opinion
  3. A school of thought
  4. An idea

 (x) If you look at cell in frog, muscles, you will observe that these cells contain nuclei but lack cell wall. The statement that frog muscles contain nuclei but no cell wall is termed as:

  1. A hypothesis
  2. A conclusion
  3. An assumption
  4. None of the above





















2.  Match the items below from list A with corresponding item from list B



  1. Study of fungi, mushroom, and toad stool
  2. A doctor locating the location of pineal gland.
  3. The study of how the body functions
  4. The study of housefly, mosquitoes, sand fly
  5. Study of infectious diseases
  1. Anthropology
  2. Virology
  3. Physiology
  4. Parasitology
  5. Mycology
  6. Anatomy
  7. Epidemiology
  8. Morphology.

 3. Write True for statements that are correct and False for statements that are not correct

  1. Electric shock, fires, colds and burns can endanger our lives_______________
  2. Drivers and passengers are more concerned with road signs but not students____________
  3. Improper use of useful substances things such as vehicles, electricity and water bodies can endanger our lives_____________
  4. Biting and stinging animals can cause harm to our bodies, yet they are very useful to man______________
  5. All fires are flames as all flames are fires______________
  6. In case of accident in laboratory, run faster to save your life……………….
  7. Do not wear high heeled shoes in the laboratory……………………
  8. A victim of snake bite should be given enough alcohol to relieve pain………….
  9. Always follow teacher instructions while in the laboratory……………………….
  10. All fires can be extinguished by use of water……………………

4. Fill in the spaces provided:

  1. Scientific investigations being with___________________
  2. We make observation using________________
  3. In biology, we can measure the height of plant by using________________or_______________
  4. A scientist can be able to accept or reject a hypothesis by doing________________
  5. An experiment that is set to make comparison with the test experiment is called______________


5. a) What do you understand by the term experimentation?


b) Give the meaning of:

  1. Hypothesis____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2. Theory________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  3. Fact _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. a) What is laboratory?


b) Which are factors to consider when constructing a biology laboratory?

  1. ________________________________________________________________
  2. ________________________________________________________________
  3. ________________________________________________________________
  4. ________________________________________________________________
  5. ________________________________________________________________

c) Name five chemicals used in biology

  1. _______________________________________
  2. _______________________________________
  3. _______________________________________
  4. _______________________________________
  5. _______________________________________

 7. a) How do you determine the magnification of an object viewed under a light microscope?


b) State the function of the following parts 

  1. Base ______________________________________________________
  2. Mirror_____________________________________________________
  3. Diaphragm___________________________________________________
  4. Condenser____________________________________________________
  5. Stage________________________________________________________

 8. a)Define:

(i)First Aid_______________________________________________________


(ii) First Aid Kit_______________________________________________________


b) Name five importance of First Aid Kit

  1. ___________________________________________________________
  2. ___________________________________________________________
  3. ___________________________________________________________
  4. ___________________________________________________________
  5. ___________________________________________________________

c) Briefly outline ten components of the first Aid Kit

  1. ___________________________________________________________
  2. ___________________________________________________________
  3. ___________________________________________________________
  4. ___________________________________________________________
  5. ___________________________________________________________

9. a) How can tell that someone is suffering from shock?


b) Name at least 5  causes of fainting

  1. _____________________________________________________________
  2. _____________________________________________________________
  3. _____________________________________________________________
  4. _____________________________________________________________
  5. _____________________________________________________________

10. a)With specific examples, highlight five reasons why we should study biology:

  1. _____________________________________________________________
  2. _____________________________________________________________
  3. _____________________________________________________________
  4. _____________________________________________________________
  5. _____________________________________________________________

b) What four characteristics of living things are easily observable in both plant and animals?

  1. __________________________________________________________________
  2. __________________________________________________________________
  3. __________________________________________________________________
  4. __________________________________________________________________


Choose and answer one question

11. With examples explain six steps that scientist carrying out an investigation has to go through.

12. Write an essay explaining the importance of studying biology


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