TIME: 2:30 HRS


1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of eleven (11) questions

2. Answer all questions in section A and B and two (2) questions from section C.

3. Section A carries sixteen (16) marks, section B carries fifty four (54) marks and section C carries thirty (30) marks.

4. All writings must be in blue or black ink except drawings which should be in pencil.

5. All communication devices, programmable calculators and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in examination room.

6. Write your examination number on every page of your answer sheet(s).





  1.        For each of the following items (i) – (x) Choose the most correct answer correct answer from among given alternatives given.
  1. After visiting Tarangire National parks, Peter saw organism which had similar feeding habit. What term can be used to describe this organism?

  1. Community
  2. Trophic level
  3. Food chain
  4. Food web
  5. Habitat

  1. Monica found an Organism shaped like an umbrella in a damping site. Which statement is true about the organisms?
  1. It is a mushroom and belongs to phylum Ascomycota
  2. It is yeast and belongs to phylum Basidiomycota
  3. It is mushroom and belongs to phylum Basidiomycota
  4. It is Mucor and belongs to phylum Ascomycota
  5. It is Yeast and belongs to phylum Ascomycota.
  1. David, A bus driver was preparing items for his first Aid Kit Which one did she not include?

  1. A pair of scissors
  2. Touch
  3. Sterilized cotton wool
  4. Amoxylin Tablets

  1. Juma ate a meal consisting of protein. Where did the digestion of the meal begum?

  1. Mouth
  2. Duodenum
  3. Stomach
  4. Small intestine
  5. Ileum

  1. During an investigation a form II student put a piece of bread in a wet cupboard, after a few days the bread was covered with grayish substance. What are the name of the substance?

  1. Penicillium
  2. Rhizopus stononifer
  3. Entamoeba histolytic
  4. Agaricus compestris
  5. Saccharomyces cerevisiae

  1. In a motor car accident the bus driver found that he could hardly maintain equilibrium, which of the structure was damaged?

  1. Semi-circular canal
  2. Fore brain
  3. Medulla Oblangata
  4. Eustachian Tube
  5. The cochlea

  1. Dr. Nambena received medical results from laboratory and identified that the victim suffered from filicidal woman infection. Which of the following disease is typical caused by above worms?

  1. Lymphloma
  2. Elephantiasin
  3. Oedema
  4. Thrombosis
  5. Arteriosclerosis

  1. The glomenulars filtrate contains the following materials
  1. Glucose molecules, water, urea and dissolved mineral salt

  1. Cells, protein and glucose
  2. Uric acid, proteins and urea
  3. Vitamin, urea and water
  4.   Mineral salts, proteins and glucose

  1. The part of ear which convert sound signals into nerve impulse which are transmitted to brain include

  1. Ear Ossicles
  2. Semicircular canal
  3. Cochlea
  4. Eustachian Tube
  5. Ear dram

  1. The part of compound Microscope which help to concentrate light into beams to

  1. Ocular tube
  2. Condenser
  3. Mirror
  4. Revolving nosepiece
  5. Diaphragm


  1.        Match items from LIST A with correct phrase in LIST B by writing the letter of correct response from LIST B against item number in LIST A.



  1. Muscles
  2. Smooth Muscles
  3. Cardiac muscles
  4. Skeletal Muscles
  5. Tendon
  6. Ligament
  1. Have no ability to relax and contract
  2. Biceps and Triceps muscle
  3. Smooth muscles with disc between cells
  4. Space between bone and bone
  5. Contractile tissue specialized for relaxation and contraction to bring about movement and locomotion
  6. Muscles made up of long fibers that cover bones
  7. Muscles made up of long tapered and cells found in most of internal organs
  8. Connective tissue which attach muscles to bones
  9. Fibers tissue that join bone to bone
  10. Muscle that are able to contract without suffering fatigue and not under influence of Nervous system.



Answer all questions in this section

  1.        (a)Give three factors that Aid in Ultra filtration in the glomenulars

(b)Give explanation of the following 

  1. Plasma proteins are absent in glomerular filtrate
  2. Urine of a normal person does not have glucose
  3. During cold days one produces large quantities of dilute Urine

(c) State 3 adaptation of convoluted tubule to re-absorption 

  1.        (a)Sate any three adaptations of the leaf to photosynthesis

(b)How do the following factors affect rate of photosynthesis 

  1. Chlorophyll
  2. Sunlight
  3. Carbon dioxide
  1.        (a) During cooking a cook unfortunately touched a hot charcoal burner. He pulled in hand abruptly.
  1. What is the name of that response
  2. What is the name given to pathway which describe response in 8a(i) above

(b) Illustrate the pathway of an impulse from the sense organs to effectors of the cooks’ hand 

  1.        Juma visited Mikumi National park and saw the following organisms, Zebra, giraffe, lion grasses, Mushroom, hyena and antelope.
  1.      Construct two (2) food chains from organism observed in the National park
  2.     Construct a simple food web
  3.      Identify organism which are

  1. Producer
  2. Secondary consumer
  3. Decomposer

  1.        (a)Draw a diagram of maize cell and label the parts responsible for the following functions.
  1. Control all activities of cell
  2. Provide shape of the cell
  3. Chemical reaction occur here

(b)How is maize cell different from cell of a goat? 

  1.        (a)A flower was found to have conspicuous petals scented and firmly held stigma and anthers
  1. What is likely agent of pollination of the flower?
  2. What is the significance of firm held stigma in the flower?

(b)Briefly explain the rule the following structures in flowers

  1. Petal
  2. Stigma
  3. Ovary
  4. Style
  5. Anther



Answer two (2) questions in this section

  1.        (a)Explain why
  1. The rate of breathing increase quickly during exercise
  2. Is better to breathe through nose than through mouth

(b)How are respiratory surface adapted to their role?


  1.   Many people believe that fungi are harmful organism. As biologist, explain six ways in which fungi are beneficial to humans


  1.   Humans in their daily life come into contamination with viruses, bacteria, worms, and other pathogens explain any six ways used by humans to prevent invasion and infections by disease causing micro-organisms.







TIME: 2:30 HRS



  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of fifteen (15) questions.
  2. Answer all the questions in sections A and B and two (2) questions from section C of which question 13 is compulsory.
  3. All writing should be in blue or black pen, except for diagrams that must be drawn in pencil.
  4. Cellular phones and any unauthorised materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  5.  Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s).


SECTION A (15 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

1 For each of the items (i) - (x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

(i) What is the aim of doing experiment when conducting a scientific investigation?

  1.  Identifying a problem 
  2.  Finding a solution 
  3.  Testing a hypothesis 
  4.  Gathering information 
  5.  Recording results

(ii) What is the role of node of ranvier in a neurone?

  1. To transmit the impulses away from the cell body.
  2. To insulate the axon and speed up transmission of impulses.
  3. To transmit nerve impulses from one nerve to another.
  4. To speed up the transmission of nerve impulses.
  5.  To transmit the nerve impulses towards the cell body.

(iii) flow many gametes are produced from one cell during meiosis?

  1. Eight 
  2. Two  
  3. Four 
  4. Six 
  5. Ten.   


(iv) Which of the following is the excretory organ in human?

  1. Mouth 
  2. Kidney 
  3. Pancreas 
  4. Stomach 
  5. Anus.   


(v) The function of the bright coloured petals in flowers is

  1. to store nectarines 
  2. to hold sepals in position 
  3. to produce colour of the flower 
  4. to receive pollen grain 
  5. to attract insects for pollination.


(vi) The function of hydrochloric acid in food testing experiment is

  1. to decolourise food sample 
  2. to test reducing sugar 
  3. to oxidize the food sample 
  4. to neutralize sugary foods 
  5. to hydrolyze complex to simple sugar.   


(vi)  Goitre is a deficiency disease caused by lack of which element in the diet?

  1.  Carbohydrate 
  2. Iodine 
  3. Vitamin E 
  4. Vitamin C
  5.  Protein.

(vii) The product of anaerobic respiration process in animals is

  1.  lactic acid   
  2. carbondioxide  
  3. alcohol
  4. water  
  5.  oxygen.

(viii) Which disease spread rapidly as a result of poor waste disposal?

  1. Anemia
  2. AIDS
  3. Cholera
  4. Leukemia
  5. Small pox.


(x) A voluntary muscle that is capable of relaxing continuously and do not fatigue easily is known as

  1.  skeletal muscle
  2. biceps
  3. triceps
  4. cardiac muscle
  5. smooth muscle. 


2. Match the responses in List B with the phrases in List   by writing the letter of the correct response from List B beside the item number of List A in your answer booklet.



  1. Receives impulses and gives appropriate response to stimuli.
  2. A gap through which impulses pas when traveling from one neuron to another.
  3. Receives impulse from the external stimuli and transmits it to the spinal cord.
  4. Controls and coordinates body balancing organs, thus making accurate movement possible.
  5. The nervous pathway taken by an impulse in a reflex action.
  1. Synapse
  2. Effectors
  3. Hypothalamus
  4. Biceps Muscles
  5. Motor neuron
  6. Peripheral nervous system
  7. Central nervous system
  8. Medulla oblongata
  9. Reflex arc
  10. Reflex neuron
  11. Cerebellum
  12. White matter
  13. Cerebrum
  14. Sensory neuron
  15. Affector


SECTION B (60 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

3. (a) Differentiate the term "Biological apparatus" from "Biology Laboratory".

(b) Briefly explain why the following substances are dangerous?

  1. Toxic substances
  2. Highly flammable
  3. Corrosive substances
  4. Radioactive substances.

4.  (a) State two principles of waste disposal.

(b)  Suggest three proper ways of waste disposal in the community.

5. (a) Explain the distinctive features of the Division Filicinophyta.

(b) Draw a well labeled diagram of a fern plant.

6. (a) List any two types of blood cells.

(b) Give two differences between arteries and vein.

7. (a) State three basic principles of waste disposal.

(b) Why poor waste disposal at home is said to cause adverse effects?

8. (a) Give the meaning of the following terms:

  1. Vegetative propagation.
  2. Gamete.

(b) Explain the merits and demerits of asexual reproduction in plants.

9. (a) Define the term “osmoregulation”.

(b) Briefly explain the mechanisms of regulating sugar level in the blood.

10. (a) Explain the functions of the vascular system in plants

(b) State three importance of transportation of materials in living things.

11.  Consider that you are a medical doctor and you have received a patient whose investigation has diagnosed kidney stones. Suggest to the patient three possible causes and three control measures for kidney stones.

12. Reptiles are organisms whose body temperature is affected by environmental temperature. Briefly explain three ways that help reptile to survive in different weather conditions.


13. Explain any four effects of irresponsible sexual behaviour and suggest five ways of eradicating those behaviours in the community.

14. Describe four similarities and seven differences between insect and wind pollinated flowers.

15. Write an essay on transportation in plants using the following guidelines:

  1. Meaning of transportation
  2. The importance of transpiration
  3. The adaptation of features which enable plants to reduce water loss























TIME: 3HRS                                                                                                        

NAME: __________________________________                        CLASS:___________


i)                    This paper consists of three sections A,B and C

ii)                  Answer all questions in sections A and B, and one question in section C

iii)                Ensure clarity in your responses

iv)                Don’t attempt to cheat


  1. Regulatory control of the body temperature thirsty and hunger occurs in the
  1. Hypothalamus
  2. Cerebrum
  3. Thalamus
  4. Pituitary


  1. Hyposecretion of growth in childhood would result to….
  1. Dwarfism
  2. Gigantism
  3. Death
  4. Hyperactivity


  1. A student was given a piece of material of doubtful origin; he wanted to know whether it is from an animal or from a plant. Which of the following should be analyze and examine?
  1. The cytoplasm and cell membrane
  2. The nucleus and outermost covering
  3. The cytoplasm and outmost covering
  4. The nucleus and cell membrane


  1. Plasmolysis of red blood cells would occur if the cells were
  1. In isotonic solution
  2. In hypotonic solution
  3. In hypertonic solution
  4. Non of the above


  1. The following are ascomycota except one identify it
  1. Cup fungi
  2. Penicillum
  3. Yeast
  4. Rhizopus stolonifer



  1. The skin does all these except;
  1. Regulate temperature
  2. Produce blood cells
  3. Store fat
  4. Prevent you from ultra-violet rays


  1. All are functions of saliva except;
  1. Digestion of starch
  2. Digestion of protein
  3. Lubrication of food
  4. Protection of bacteria


  1. Which part constitutes an illuminating system?
  1. Diaphragm
  2. Mirror
  3. Condenser
  4. All of the above


  1. Which of the following statements concerning diffusion and active transport is correct?
  1. Both require energy
  2. Neither requires energy
  3. Only diffusion requires energy
  4. Active transport requires energy while diffusion do not


  1. On a cold day one usually experiences, shivering, this is the way of maintaining normal body temperature. Why does one feel better after shivering?
  1. The muscles are coordinated
  2. The body responds to stimulus
  3. The body releases energy and heat
  4. The body has better adaptations


  1. Match the responses in list B with the phrases in list A by writing the letter of the correct response from list B beside the item number of list A in your answer booklet.



i)                    Receives impulses and gives appropriate response to stimuli

ii)                  A gap through which impulses pass when travelling from one neuron to another

iii)                Receives impulse from the external stimuli and transmits it to the spinal cord

iv)                Controls and coordinate body balancing organs, thus making accurate movement possible

v)                  The nervous pathway taken by impulse in reflex action

vi)                Transmits impulse away from the spinal cord

vii)              Controls involuntary action such as heart beat, breathing, sneezing and swallowing

viii)            Transmit impulse within the spinal cord

ix)                Concerned with reasoning, intelligence and judgment

x)                  Controls the pituitary gland

  1. Synapse
  2. Effectors
  3. Hypothalamus
  4. Biceps muscles
  5. Motor neuron
  6. Peripheral nervous system
  7. Central nervous system
  8. Medulla oblongata
  9. Reflex arc
  10. Relay neuron
  11. Cerebellum
  12. White matter
  13. Sensory neuron
  14. affecter





Answer all questions in this section

All questions carry 8 marks except question five and six which carry 6 marks each.

  1. a)State three actions which take place in the human body in response to each of the following   conditions:

i)                    When the temperature of the surrounding is low

ii)                  When the body temperature rises due to increase in surrounding temperature

b) Briefly explain why people took pale when they feel cold?

  1. i) The diagram below represents a mammalian nephron




















a)      What happens to sodium ions between sections 1 and 2?

b)      Explain the effect of the absence of the ant diuretic hormone to the functioning of section3

c)      What would happen if there is partial constriction at point 5?

d)      Explain the difference in structural adaptations of a desert animal such as kangaroo and a water fish such as tilapia nilotica.

ii) Study the diagram below and answer the question that follows









a)      Name the structures labeled A,C,E, and F

b)      State the function of structure labeled D

c)      If structure F was removed from the body of the mammal, what effect would this have?


  1. a)Define the term photosynthesis

b) Give the importance of photosynthesis

c) List four differences between respiration and photosynthesis

d) State the site of photosynthesis in a plant cell

e) What role is played by light during photosynthesis?


  1. a)Explain the functions of the vascular system in plants

b) State three importance of transportation of materials in living things


  1. The diagram given below represents a limb of a vertebrate









a)      Name the bones labeled A,B and C

b)      Name the parts D, and A

c)      State the functions of D, and E

d)      A patient was operated and doctors realized that the synovial fluid in the joints had reduced. Suggest a possible effect of this.

ii) The diagram below shows the behavior of red blood cells when placed in various solutions












a)      Name the process that takes place in C and F

b)      What types of solutions are A,B and C

c)      If a plant cell were placed in a beaker containing solutions A, what observations are likely to be made?

d)      Which of the solution is likely to be found in a blood plasma?


  1. a)Draw a large and neat labeled diagram of the villus found in the digestive system

b) i) Name the digestive juice which is produced by the liver

    ii) State the function of the substances contained in the digestive juice named in b (i)


  1. a)Differentiate the following terms:

i)                    Breathing and respiration

ii)                  Inhalation and exhalation

b) Briefly describe the following phenomenon:

i)                    A person breathes more when is running fast

ii)                  The ribs move outwards and upwards while the diaphragm flattened when air enters the lungs


Answer one (1) question from this section

  1. Explain any four effect of irresponsible sexual behavior and suggest five ways of eradicating those behaviors in the community.


  1. Describe how malaria parasites are transmitted, the sign developed to the host and give four ways which can help in combating malaria in the country.
  2. Explain two differences between artificial and natural classification systems and indicate the two merits and demerits for each system.




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