033/1 BIOLOGY   1

(For School Candidates Only)

TIME: 3 HOURS Thursday, 07 th  November 2013 a.m.


  1. This paper consists of three sections A, B and C.

  2. Answer all questions from sections A and B and one (1) question from section C.

  3. Except for diagrams that must be drawn in pencil, all writing should be done using a blue or black pen.

  4. Calculators and cellular phones are not allowed in the examination room.

  5. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s).


1. For each of the items (i) – (x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number.

(i) Animals which are able to maintain fairly constant body temperature are described as

  1.  poikilothermic
  2.  hydrostatic
  3.  sympathetic
  4.  symbiotic
  5.  homoiothermic
Choose Answer :

(ii) Night blindness in the human body is avoided by eating

  1.  oranges
  2.  carrot
  3.  red
  4.  green vegetables meat
  5.  chicken
Choose Answer :

(iii) A blood vessel which conveys deoxygenated blood away from the heart is called

  1.  capillaries
  2.  artery
  3.  vein
  4.  pulmonary vein
  5.  pulmonary artery
Choose Answer :

(iv) The function of cones in the human eye is to

  1.  sense light
  2.  sense colour
  3.  cover the eye
  4.  reflect light
  5.  protect the eye
Choose Answer :

(v) A term used to identify an individual animal having both male and female sex organs is

  1.  unisexual
  2.  hermaphrodite
  3.  asexual
  4.  dioecious
  5.  monoecious
Choose Answer :

(vi) Which of the following structures is a site of respiration?

  1.  Chloroplast
  2.  Ribosome
  3.  Nuclear
  4.  Nucleic acid
  5.  Mitochondrion
Choose Answer :

(vii) The structures found in bacteria are A plasmid, flagella and cilia

  1.  cytoplasm, cilia and pastids
  2.  cell wall, plasmid and flagella
  3.  cell membrane,
  4.  flagella and hairs
  5.  plasmid, capsule and cilia
Choose Answer :

(viii) The by products in the photosynthesis process are

  1.  carbohydrate and water
  2.  carbon dioxide and oxygen
  3.  oxygen and water
  4.  carbohydrate and carbon dioxide
  5.  oxygen and air
Choose Answer :

(ix) The factors which contribute to the spread of dental cavities in human being include

  1.  prolonged exposure to cold water
  2.  prolonged exposure
  3.  prolonged exposure to warm water
  4.  prolonged exposure to bitter food to hard water
  5.  prolonged exposure to sugary foodstuff
Choose Answer :

(x) The main feature observed in prokaryotic is that they

  1.  have genetic materials not enclosed by nuclear membrane
  2.  have genetic material enclosed by nuclear membrane
  3.  have no genetic material in their nuclear
  4.  have more than one nucleic acid in their nuclear
  5.  have genetic material enclosed by two membranes
Choose Answer :

2. Match the responses in List B with the phrases in List A by writing the letter of the correct response from List B beside the item number of List   in your answer booklet. Each choice in column B may be used once, more than once or not at all.

  1. Pair of compound eyes raised on stalks

  2. Numerous segments each bear one pair of legs

  3. Numerous segments each bear two pairs of jointed legs

  4. Have well defined head, thorax and abdomen

  5. Consists of organisms which give birth to young ones

  6. Have four pair of jointed appendages

  7. Phylum which consists of Earthworm

  8. Phylum consisting of elongated round worm with pointed ends

  9. Phylum consisting of endoparasites which have suckers and hooks on proscolex

  10. Endoparasites which have thin and leaf-like body

  1. Diplopoda

  2. Coelenterata

  3. Leech

  4. Arachnida

  5. Liver flukes

  6. Mammal

  7. Insecta

  8. Nematoda

  9. Platyhelmenthis

  10. Chordata

  11. Arthropoda

  12. Chilopoda

  13. Annelida

  14. Crustacea

  15. Vertebrata

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SECTION B (60 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.Each question carries 8 marks except question three (3) and six (6) which carry 6 marks each.

3. (a) What do you understand by the term “Botany”?

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(b) Briefly explain five characteristic of living things.

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4. (a) State the conditions necessary for seed germination and briefly describe how they facilitate germination.

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(b) Differentiate epigeal germination from hypogeal germination.

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5. (a) Define the term “irritability.”

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(b) Describe the neuronic pathway taken by reflex actions in human being.

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6. (a) Give the meaning of osmosis and diffusion.

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(b) Briefly explain how the following illustrates osmosis.

  1. Shrinking of a cell when immersed in a high concentrated solution.

  2. Bursting of red blood cell when immersed in dilute solution.

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7. (a) Name and explain any four theories of the origin of life.

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p>(b) Outline two ideas of Darwin theory.

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8. (a) What is the meaning of the terms:

  1. Digestion

  2. Malnutrition

  3. Balanced diet

  4. Nutritional disorder

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(b) Outline four types of nutritional deficiency disorders in human beings.

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9. (a) Give the meaning of the following:

  1. Continuous and discontinuous variations.

  2. Inherited and acquired variations.

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(b) Briefly explain how mutation and nutritional factors cause variation among organisms.

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10. (a) Explain two factors affecting gaseous exchange in animals.

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(b) Why does a fish die when taken out of water to land while a frog survives in both water and on land?

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SECTION C (20 Marks)

Answer one (1) question from this section.

11. Give four common accidents at home and school, for each case explain the causes and three prevention measures.

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12. Explain four ways of transmission, symptoms and treatment of HIV/AIDS.

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13. Describe four similarities and seven differences between insect and wind pollinated flowers.

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