(For Both School and Private Candidates)

Time: 3 Hours Year: 2023


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of nine (9) questions.
  2. Answer all questions in sections A, B and C.
  3. Section A carries fifteen (15) marks, section B carries forty (40) marks and C carries forty five (45) marks each.
  4. Non programmable calculators may be used.
  5. Communication devices and any unauthorised materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  6. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(5).

SECTION A (15 Marks)
Answer all questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i) - (x) choose the correct answer front the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

(i) What is meant by the term depreciation?

  1. The amount spent to buy fixed assets
  2. The salvage value of fixed assets
  3. The cost of fixed assets used up by the firm
  4. The amount of money spent in replacing assets
  5. The amount of money invested into business

(ii) What is meant by the term working capital?

  1. Capital less drawings
  2. Total of fixed assets less current assets
  3. Amount of capital invested by the owner of business
  4. The excess of current assets over current liabilities
  5. The excess of current liabilities over current assets

(iii) A budget can be considered as

  1. a plan expressed in monetary value over unspecified period of time
  2. a way of deciding development over a specified period.
  3. process of planning business in a short period of time.
  4. a plan in monetary terms over a specified period of time.
  5. a design to help the government in longer period of time.

(iv) What is the best method of apportioning expenses in departmental accounts?

  1. To allocate expenses in proportion to sales.
  2. To charge controllable costs against departments.
  3. To charge all expenses between the departments.
  4. To allocate expenses in proportion to purchases.
  5. To allocate revenue and expenses.

(v) Where is the total of discounts allowed column in the cash book poster;?

  1. To the debit of discounts allowed account
  2. To the debit of discounts received account
  3. To the credit of discounts allowed account
  4. To the credit of discounts received account
  5. To the credit of the bank account

(vi) Which attributes make Information provided in the financial statements useful to the users of accounting information?

  1. Materiality. relevance and tolerance
  2. Subjectivity. relevance and tolerance
  3. Tolerance, subjectivity and reliability
  4. Reliability, comparability and relevance
  5. Subjectivity, reliability and tolerance

(vii) Which one of the following are nominal accounts?

  1. Premises and Rent received
  2. Wages and Machinery
  3. Debtors and Stationery
  4. Insurance and Rates
  5. Sales and Cash at bank

(viii) How would you treat the distribution of profits among partners if they decide to maintain a fluctuating capital account in their partnership books?

  1. Credit to partners' current accounts
  2. Debit to partners' current accounts
  3. Credit to partners' drawings accounts
  4. Debit to partners' capital accounts
  5. Credit to partners' capital accounts

(ix) Given opening capital of TZS 16,500, closing capital of TZS 11,350, and drawings for the year of TZS 3,300; what would be the profit or loss for the year?

  1. Loss for the year is TZS 18,500
  2. Loss for the year is TZS 1,850
  3. Profit for the year is TZS 1,850
  4. Loss for the year is TZS 8,450
  5. Profit for the year is TZS 8,450

(x) How would you record the expenses for goods sent to a consignee if the consignor pays all the expenses?

  1. Dr Consignment account, Cr goods sent on consignment account
  2. Dr Consignment account, Cr consignor account
  3. Dr Consignment account, Cr consignee account
  4. Dr Cash book, Cr consignment account
  5. Dr Consignment account, Cr cash book




(For Both School and Private Candidates)

Time: 3 Hours Year: 2022


1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of nine (9) questions.

2. Answer all questions in sections A and B and two (2) questions from section C.

3. Section A carries twenty (20) marks and section B and C carry forty (40) marks each.

4. Non programmable calculators may be used.

5. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.

6. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s).


SECTION A (20 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

Put each of the items (i )- (xv), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

(i) Identify the name of the statement prepared and sent by the coinsignee to the consignor showing the goods sold, price realized, expenses incurred, commission payable and the amount due from the consignee.

  1. Proforma invoice
  2. It Account sales
  3. Delivery note
  4. Price list
  5. Consignment note

(ii) Which of the following statements describe the characteristics of a joint venture?

  1. Equal sharing of profits and losses
  2. Control is vested in operations and not assets
  3. It is a permanent association
  4. It is a temporary partnership that ceases at the end of agreed venture period
  5. It is an association of partnership groups

(iii) Which account should partners prepare in order to share the profits or losses resulting from partnership business?

  1. Profit and loss account
  2. Current account
  3. Capital account
  4. Profit and loss appropriation account
  5. Partners subscription account

(iv) Study the following book keeping errors and identify the set of errors which do not affect the agreement of the trial balance.

  1. Sales of TZS 10,500 to Paul entered in Pauline account.
  2. Cheque payment of TZS 13,400 for motor expenses entered in cash book only.
  3. Purchase of goods worth TZS 4,400 from C. Bhoke entered in purchases and C. Bhoke accounts as TZS 4,040.
  4. Wages account added up incorrectly, being overcast by TZS 1,000.
  1. (iii) and (iv)
  2. (i) and (iii)
  3. (ii) and (iii)
  4. (ii) and (iv)
  5. (i) and (iv)

(v) Which is the correct statement about the starting and ending dates of the government financial year in Tanzania?

  1. Starts on 1 m July of every year and ends on 30th June of the following year.
  2. Starts on 30th July of every year and ends on 1st June of the following year.
  3. Starts on January of every year and ends on 31st December of the same year.
  4. Starts on 1" July of every year and ends on 1st June of the following year.
  5. Starts on 30th January of every year and ends 30th June of the following year.

(vi) How is the amount of capital in a single entry book keeping system computed?

  1. By opening cash account.
  2. By opening total debtors account.
  3. By opening profit and loss account.
  4. By opening statement of affairs.
  5. By opening total creditors account.

(vii) A lieu bought a machine worth TZS 3,200,000. It is to be depreciated at a rate of 25% using the reducing balance method. Calculate the remaining book value of the machine tiller two years.

  1. TZS 1400,000
  2. TZS 1,800,000
  3. TZS 2,400,000
  4. TZS 2,600,000
  5. TZS 1,100,000

(viii) The amount kw prepaid expenses is presented in the balance sheet as

  1. non-current asset.
  2. current liability.
  3. current asset.
  4. an equity item.
  5. non-current liability.

(ix) Which of the following is the correct presentation of donations received for a specific purpose in the statement of financial position of a non-profit making organization?

  1. Asset
  2. Income
  3. Expense
  4. Contingency
  5. Liability

(x) Given a balance in the adjusted cash book of TZS 20,000, uncredited cheques of TZS 5,000 and unpresented cheque of TZS 3,000; What is the balance according to the bank statement?

  1. TZS 18,000
  2. TZS 23,000
  3. TZS 25,000
  4. TZS 28,000
  5. TZS 22,000

(xi) How is the term Prime cost in manufacturing account categorized?

  1. The sum of all direct costs.
  2. The sum of all indirect costs.
  3. The sum of all direct and indirect costs.
  4. The sum of all costs of a completed product.
  5. The sum of all costs of work in progress.

(xii) Which of the following would you consider the appropriate accounting equation when determining the closing balance in the sales ledger control account?

  1. Opening balance + credit sales to debtors-amount paid to suppliers.
  2. Opening balance + credit purchases from suppliers-amount paid to suppliers.
  3. Opening balance-credit sales to debtors + amount received from debtors.
  4. Opening balance - credit purchases from suppliers - amount paid to suppliers.
  5. Opening balance + credit sales to debtors-amounts received from debtors.

(xiii)In which account would the amount for sales, purchases and return of goods for each department be recorded when preparing departmental accounts?

  1. Balance sheet
  2. Departmental profit and loss account
  3. Revenue expenditure account
  4. Departmental trading account
  5. Capital expenditure account

(xiv) Which of the following combination of accounting entry and account represent the correct entry and account to which the total of the sales journal is posted?

  1. Debit side of sales account
  2. Credit side of sales account
  3. Debit side of sales returns account
  4. Credit side of purchases account lt
  5. Debit sale of purchases returns account

(xv) Which one is the characteristic of exchequer account?

  1. It is a fixed deposit account maintained by the central bank for all deposits by the commercial bank.
  2. It is an account maintained by the central bank in which public revenues arc deposited in order to meet the approved expenditure.
  3. It is an account maintained by the commercial banks Ibr the central bank in order to meet the minimum reserve requirements.
  4. It is a saving account maintained by the central bank from which all senior government officers allowances are deposited.
  5. It is a special account maintained by the central bank in order to rescue the commercial banks from financial crisis.




(For Both School and Private Candidates)

Time: 3 Hours Year: 2021


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of nine (9) questions.
  2. Answer all questions in sections A and B and two (2) questions from section C.
  3. Section A carries twenty (20) marks and section B and C carry forty (40) marks each
  4. Non programmable calculators may be used.
  5. Cellular phones and any unauthorised materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  6. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s).

SECTION A (20 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

1.For each of the items (i) - (xv), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

(i) What is the main reason for admitting a new partner in partnership business?

  1. To gain more profits in the business. 
  2. To receive more salary.
  3. To help writing off bad debts. 
  4. To reduce the business loses.
  5. To expand the business.

(ii) Which item would appear under non-current liabilities in the statement of financial position?

  1. TZS 70,000, 8-years loan from National Bank of Commerce
  2. TZS 900,000 investment maturing in 10-years time
  3. TZS 50,000 accrued expenses
  4. TZS 80,000, 6-months loan from CRDB
  5. TZS 20,000 credit sales

(iii) How can a Book Keeper use a Trial Balance?

  1. To disclose all assets of the business at the trial balance date.
  2. To disclose the financial position of a business at the year end.
  3. To check the arithmetical accuracy of double entry records in the ledger.
  4. To prove that the debit column amount is equal to the credit column amount.
  5. To list all liabilities of the business at the Trial Balance date.

(iv) During the month of January, a petty cashier was provided with an opening cash float of TZS. 70,000. However, at the end of the same month the closing cash float balance was 15,900. How much should be reimbursed to the cashier at the,end of the month?

  1. TZS 15,900 
  2. TZS 70,000
  3. TZS 54,100 
  4. TZS 140,000
  5. TZS 101,820

(v) Which of the following errors would be disclosed by the Trial Balance?

  1. Selling expenses had been debited to sales account.
  2. Credit sales of TZS 30,000 entered in the books as TZS 3,000.
  3. Cheque for TZS 95,000 from C. Jones entered in C. Jones account as TZS 59,000.
  4. purchase of goods worth TZS 250 omitted from the books.
  5. Cheque for TZS 25 from J. Moses was omitted from the books of account.

(vi) What is the purpose of the provision for doubtful debts account in the business?

  1. To write off bad debts. 
  2. To recover all bad debts.
  3. To record all possible bad debts. 
  4. To provide debtors discounts.
  5. To record bad debts allowances.

(vii) Amani business had an opuning balance of TZS 12,.500 fnr creditors at the beginning of the year and the closing creditors balances of TZS 21,000 at the year end. During the year, the payment made to creditors amounted to TZS 16,000. Calculate the amount of purchases during the year.

  1. TZS 33,500
  2. TZS 27,000
  3. TZS 16,500
  4. Tzs 24,500
  5. TZS 7,500

(viii) A business has the cost of goods sold worth TZS 150,000 and the mark up of 40%. Calculate the amount of sales for the business.

  1. TZS 102,000 
  2. TZS 90,000
  3. TZS 60,000 
  4. TZS 150,000
  5. TZS 210,000

(ix) How would you record the commission due to consignee in the books of the consignee?

  1. Dr. Consignee's account and Cr. Consignment account
  2. Dr. Consignment account and Cr. Profit and loss account
  3. Dr. Profit and loss account and Cr. Consignment account
  4. Dr. Consignor's account and Cr. Commission Receivable account
  5. Dr. Goods on consignment account and Cr consignment account

(x) A customer buys 100 items of TZS 5,000 each and has been given a 25% trade discount if he pays within 30 days. What amount would he pay within the discounting period?

  1. TZS 735,000 
  2. TZS 625,000
  3. TZS 573,000 
  4. TZS 375,000
  5. TZS 125,000

(xi) How is the capital for a non-profit making organization described?

  1. Capital employed fund 
  2. Capital supplied fund
  3. Accumulated fund 
  4. Gross working capital fund
  5. Accumulated shares fund

(xii) How could a purchase of a non-current asset by cheque affect the balance sheet?

  1. By decreasing non-current asset account and decreasing bank account.
  2. By increasing bank account and decreasing asset account. 
  3. By increasing non-current asset account and decreasing cash account.
  4. By increasing cash account and decreasing asset account.
  5. By increasing non-current asset account and decreasing bank account.

(xiii) Costs incurred for machine repairs in accounting for departmental businesses is appropriately apportioned according to

  1. the value of machinery in each department.
  2. the value of non-current assets in each department.
  3. the number of machines in each department.
  4. the number of machine hours used in each department.
  5. the floor area occupied by each machine.

(xiv) How are the records maintained by accounting officers for proper control of expenditure of public funds against provision of funds called?

  1. Vote book 
  2. Special accounts
  3. Expenditure accounts 
  4. Receipts accounts
  5. Cash books

(xv) Which categories of errors represent errors which do not affect the Trial Balance agreement?

  1. Errors caused by inaccurate arithmetic operations.
  2. Errors which cancel out each other in the trial balance.
  3. Errors caused by omission of a balance of account.
  4. Errors caused by entering an item once in an account.
  5. Errors caused by posting an item on a wrong side of an account.





(For Both School and Private Candidates)

Time: 3 Hours Year: 2020


1.This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of nine (9) questions.

2.Answer all questions in sections A and B and two (2) questions from section C.

3.Section A carries twenty (20) marks, section B forty (40) marks and section C carries forty (40) marks.

4.Non programmable calculators may be used.

5.Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.

6.Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s).

SECTION A (20 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i) - (xv), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

(i)If it is required to maintain fixed capital accounts then the partners' share of profits must be

  1. debited to partners' capital accounts.
  2. credited to partners' drawings accounts.
  3. debited to partners' current accounts.
  4. credited to partners' current accounts.
  5. credited to partners' capital accounts.

(ii)A statement containing particulars of the consignment is known as

  1. balance sheet.
  2. final accounts.
  3. account sales.
  4. consignment outwards.
  5. profit and loss account.

(iii)A debit balance of TZS 5 ,000 in a cash account shows that

  1. cash has been overspent by TZS 5,000.
  2. TZS 5000 was the total of cash paid out.
  3. the total of cash received was less than TZS 5,000.
  4. there was TZS 5,000 cash in hand.
  5. TZS 5,000 was the total of cash received.

(iv)Given a designed cash float of TZS 7 ,000, if TZS 5,410 is spent in the period and the opening cash float had been TZS 7 ,000, how much will be reimbursed at the end of the period?

  1. TZS 5,410
  2. TZS 17,000
  3. TZS 12,410
  4. TZS 1,590
  5. TZS 7,000

(v)If the cost of goods sold is TZS 16,000 and the profit margin is 20%, determine the amount of sales.

  1. TZS 20,160
  2. TZS 13,600
  3. TZS 20,000
  4. TZS 21,000
  5. TZS 19,200

(vi)The act of recording transactions in any subsidiary book is called

  1. posting.
  2. double entry system.
  3. transaction.
  4. balancing.
  5. journalizing.

(vii)A cheque paid by a customer but not yet passed through the banking systems is called

  1. stale cheque
  2. dishonoured cheque
  3. postdated cheque
  4. unpresented cheque
  5. uncredited cheque

(viii)The primary objective of trial balance is

  1. to make sure that total amount of debit side and credit side are equal.
  2. to detect and avoid errors and frauds.
  3. to prepare trading, profit and loss account and balance sheet.
  4. to test the arithmetic accuracy of the ledger.
  5. to prepare suspense account.

(ix)Which document is used to deposit money in the current account?

  1. Cheque book
  2. Paying in slip
  3. Bank statement
  4. General ledger
  5. Cash book

(x)What would you consider to be the main source of government revenues?

  1. Royalties
  2. Penalties
  3. Taxes
  4. Interest
  5. Fees

(xi)How would a credit balance brought down on a rent income account be interpreted?

  1. Rent has been paid in advance at that date.
  2. Rent has been paid in excess of the required amount.
  3. Rent has not yet paid until that date.
  4. Rent is owed by the business at that date.
  5. Rent has been paid in full amount at that date.

(xii)Which of the following would best describe the use of a control account?

  1. To check the arithmetical accuracy of ledgers
  2. To show costs ascertained in the ledgers
  3. To show allowance given by suppliers
  4. To check the debit balance of sales account
  5. To show the direct costs allocated to a section of a business

(xiii)The main reason for the preparation of a manufacturing account is

  1. to report all the costs incurred in producing goods and any profit realized.
  2. to record every transaction resulting in incomplete records.
  3. to record missing figures found in the books of accounts.
  4. to deal with disposal of fixed assets.
  5. to determine whether the business is profitable or not.

(xiv)How would you categorize the subscription paid in advance in the balance sheet of a non-profit making organization?

  1. A current liability
  2. A non-current liability
  3. A current asset
  4. A non-current liability
  5. Accumulated fund

(xv) On which basis are selling expenses apportioned among departments?

  1. Value of machinery
  2. Sales
  3. Purchases
  4. Floor area of each machine
  5. Space occupied




062           BOOK KEEPING

(For Both School and Private Candidates)

Time: 3 Hours                                      Tuesday, 12th November 2019 p.m.


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of nine (9) questions.
  2.  Answer all questions in sections A and B and two (2) questions from section C.
  3. Non programmable calculators may be used.
  4.  Cellular phones and any unauthorised materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  5. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s).

SECTION A (20 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i) - (xv), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

(i) When a new partner is admitted to a partnership business, any decrease in value of an asset resulting from valuation is debited to

  1.  asset account.
  2. cash account.
  3. trading Account.
  4. revaluation account. 
  5. partners Capital Account.

(ii) From the following categories of errors, identify the category of errors which affect only one account

  1. Casting errors
  2. Errors of principle
  3. Errors of omission
  4. Errors of original entry
  5. Errors of commission

  (iii) Which of the following books of prime entry is used to record a list of goods sold on credit?

  1. The sales return day book
  2. The purchases day book
  3. The sales day book
  4. The purchases return daybook 
  5.  The discount received book 

(iv) Which of the following accounting errors are corrected through the suspense account?

  1. Compensating errors
  2. Errors of complete reversal of entries
  3. Errors of principle
  4. Posting a different figure to an account 
  5. Errors of omission 

  (v) The term depreciation would best be described as the

  1.  value of money used to replace non-current assets.
  2.  value of non-current assets consumed due to its use.
  3.  gradual increase in value of non-current assets due to its use.
  4.  value of a non-current asset that remains after its use.
  5.  amount incurred to repair the non-current assets.

  (vi)A business had an opening and closing capital balances of TZS 57,000 and TZS 64,300 respectively in a certain financial year. The drawings during the same year amounted to TZS 11,800. What was the amount of profit made by the business during that year?

  1.  TZS 19,100 
  2.  TZS 16,600 
  3. TZS 5,000
  4. TZS 19,600
  5. TZS 18,600

(vii) What should be the accounting entry for expenses incurred by a consignor in his books of accounts?

  1.  Credited to consignment account and debited to goods sent on consignment account
  2.  Debited to cash book and credited to consignment account
  3.  Debited to consignment account and credited to cash/bank account
  4.  Credited to goods sent on consignment account and debited to cash/bank account
  5. Debited to cash/bank account and credited to consignee account

(viii) Under which of the following circumstances can an auditor issue a qualified audit opinion?

  1.  When the auditor conclude that all aspects of the financial statements are fine with exception of the matter to which the qualification relate.
  2.  When the auditor is unable to form an opinion as to whether the financial statement give a true and fair view.
  3.  When the effects of disagreement is so material and pervasive that a qualification is not adequate to disclose the misleading nature of the financial statements.
  4.  When the auditor is satisfied in all materials respects that the financial statements show a true and fair view of the affairs of the entity.
  5.  When the auditor doesnt express her opinion on the financial statement it may be because the auditors independence was intervened.

(ix) Given balance as per cash book TZS 6,500, uncredited cheque TZS 1,500, bank charges not yet entered in the cash book TZS 500 and credit transfer received by bank but not yet entered in the cash book TZS 1,000. What will the balance as per bank statement?

  1. TZS 7,500
  2. TZS 4,500
  3. TZS 8,500
  4. TZS 5,500
  5. TZS 6,500 

(x) When preparing a trial balance, what would result if sales made to Ramima TZS 57,000 is wrongly debited to Ramimas account as TZS. 75 000?

  1.  Debit column of trial balance will exceed credit column by TZS 75,000
  2.  Credit column of trial balance will fall by TZS 75,000
  3.  Debit column of trial balance will exceed credit column by TZS 18,000
  4.  Credit column of trial balance will exceed debit column by TZS 18,000
  5.  Debit column of trial balance will exceed credit column by TZS. 57,000

(xi) What is the amount of stock reserve on a closing stock of TZS 6000 in department B if goods are transferred from department A to department B at a price which includes a profit of 25% on cost?

  1. TZS 1,200 
  2. TZS 2,200 
  3. TZS 1,500 
  4. TZS 2,500
  5. TZS 2,000

(xii) Government accounting is important for countries like Tanzania because it 

  1. expends more money in the system.
  2.  has the largest volume of monetary transactions.
  3.  provides more revenues and expenses.
  4.  prepares a budget duly passed by the parliament. 
  5. uses more money for schools.

(xiii) The suppliers personal accounts are kept in the

  1.  sales ledger. 
  2. private ledger.
  3. general ledger. 
  4. nominal ledger.
  5. purchases ledger.

(xiv) A credit balance in the income and expenditure account indicates the excess of

  1. income over expenditure. 
  2. cash receipts over credit sales. 
  3. expenditure over income. 
  4. gross profit over expenses. 
  5. expenses over net profit.

(xv) Which of the following depreciation methods uses the reduced value to compute the depreciation of a non-current asset?

  1.  Straight line method          
  2. Sum of the years digits method
  3. Diminishing balance method                 
  4. Machine hours rate method
  5. Unit of output method



062           BOOKKEEPING

(For Both School and Private Candidates)

Time: 3 Hours                      Monday, 12thNovember 2018 p.m. 


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of seven (7) questions.
  2.  Answer all questions.
  3. Calculators, cellular phones and any unauthorised materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  4. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s). 

SECTION A (20 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i) - (x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

 (i) Which of the following should be entered in the Journal?

  1. Payment for cash purchases 
  2. Fixtures bought for cash
  3. Credit sales of goods
  4. Sale of surplus machinery
  5. Goods sold for cas

 (ii) Errors are corrected through the journal because 

  1. it saves the book-keeper’s time.
  2. it saves entering them in the ledger.
  3.  it is much easier to record entries in the journal.
  4.  it shows assets in the credit side and liabilities in the debit side. 
  5. it provides a good record explaining the double entry system. 

 (iii) If the totals of a trial balance do not agree, the difference must be entered in

  1.  the trading account. 
  2. a suspense account.
  3. a nominal account.
  4. the capital account.
  5. the profit and loss account. 

  (iv)   Given the opening accounts receivable of TZS 115,000, sales TZS 480,000 and receipts from debtors TZS 450,000, the closing accounts receivable total should be

  1. TZS 85,000 
  2.  TZS 145,000
  3.  TZS 163,000
  4. TZS 185,000  
  5. TZS 30,000 

 (v)  In a sales ledger control account the bad debts written off should be shown as 

  1. a debit and credit items. 
  2. a debit item.
  3. a credit item.         
  4. a balance carried forward.
  5. a balance brought forward.

  (vi) Prime cost is obtained as a result of

  1.  cost of raw materials used plus direct wages and factory overhead cost.
  2.  cost of raw materials used plus direct wages.
  3.  factory overhead cost plus direct wages.
  4.  factory cost of goods manufactured less cost of raw materials used. 
  5. cost of raw materials used less factory cost of goods manufactured.

 (vii) X and Y are partners in a partnership business sharing profit and losses at the ratio of 1:3 respectively. Their net profit at 31/12/2017 was TZS 500,000, how much profit will each partner earn?

  1. 166,667:333,333 respectively
  2. 333,333:166,667 respectively
  3. 375,000:125:000 respectively
  4. 125,000:375,000 respectively
  5.  250,000:250,000 respectively

 (viii) If someone owns a grocery store, which of the following is a capital expenditure?

  1.  Rent
  2. Wages
  3. Salaries 
  4. Fire insurance
  5. Motor van 

 (ix)   Which of the following is a liability?

  1.  Loan from J. John   
  2.  Buildings
  3.  Accounts receivable  
  4.  Work in progress at the end
  5. Closing stock of finished goods

 (x) Which of the following is an example of recurrent expenditure?

  1.  Licence fees from the client
  2. Salaries and allowances of staff
  3.  Office maintenance cost
  4. Licence fees payable
  5. Taxes payable




062            BOOK KEEPING

(For Both School and Private Candidates)

Time: 3 Hours                         Friday, 03rdNovember 2017 p.m


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of seven (7) questions.
  2. Answer all questions.
  3. Calculators, cellular phones and any unauthorised materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  4. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s). 

          SECTION A (20 Marks) 

Answer all questions in this section.

1.For each of the items (i) - (x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

(i)  A credit balance of sh. 20,000 on the cash column of the cash book would mean that 

  1. the business owner has Tsh. 20,000 cash in hand.
  2. the bookkeeper has drawn Tsh. 20,000 in his cash book.
  3. the shop keeper lost Tshs. 20,000 from the business.
  4. the shop keeper sold goods on credit for Tsh. 20,000.
  5. the business owner spent Tsh. 20,000 more than he/she has received.

(ii) Sales invoices are first entered in the

  1. cash book 
  2. purchases journal 
  3. sales account 
  4. sales journal 
  5. purchases account.

p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-top: 0in; margin-right: 2.5pt; margin-bottom: 0.2pt;">(iii) An authority letter issued by the Accounting Officer or his deputy covering the authority for specific expenditure is called

  1. ambit of the vote 
  2. warrant of funds 
  3. virement
  4. reallocation warrant
  5. warrant holder. 

(iv) Which of the following are the examples of revenue expenditure? 

  1. Purchases of goods and payment for electricity bill in cash 
  2. Repair of van and petrol costs for van
  3. Buying machinery and paying for installation costs
  4. Electricity costs of using machinery and buying van
  5. Buying van and petrol costs for van

(v) Which of the following is treated as current assets in the preparation of statement of financial position?

  1. Unearned revenue
  2. Accrued expenses
  3. Accrued revenue
  4. Depreciation expenses
  5. Accumulated depreciation

(vi) In the trial balance the balance on the provision for depreciation account is 

  1. not shown, as it is part of depreciation.
  2. shown as a debit items.
  3.  shown as a credit items.
  4. shown in both sides of the trial balance.
  5. sometimes shown as a credit, sometimes as a debit.

(vii) When the financial statements are prepared, the bad debts account is closed by being transferred to

  1. balance sheet.
  2. profit and loss account. 
  3. trading account. 
  4. provision for doubtful debts account.
  5. profit and loss appropriation account.

(viii) At the beginning of accounting year Y. club has Tsh. 14,000 as non-current assets, Tsh. 5,000 as current assets and Tsh. 5,000 liabilities. What would be its opening accumulated fund?

  1. Tsh. 4,000. 
  2. Tsh. 14,000.
  3. Tsh. 5,000. 
  4. Tsh. 24,000. 
  5. Tsh. 12,000. 

(ix) A cheque which is not accepted for payment by the bank due to insufficient fund in the drawer’s bank account is referred to as

  1. dishonoured cheque
  2. unpresented cheque
  3. uncredited cheque
  4. unrecorded cheque
  5. open cheque

(x) What is the effect of Tsh. 50,000 being added to purchases instead of being added to a non-current asset?

  1. Net profit would be understated
  2. Net profit would be overstated
  3. Net profit would not be affected
  4. Gross profit would be effected
  5. Both gross and net profits would be understated




(For Both School and Private Candidates)

Time: 3 Hours Friday, 06thNovember 2015 p.m. 


1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C.

2. Answer all questions.

3. Calculators and cellular phones are not allowed in the examination room.

4. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s).

SECTION A (20 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i) ­ (x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in your answer booklet.

(i) A cash discount is described as a reduction in the sum to be paid if the payment is made

  1. for cash only 
  2. by cash, not cheque 
  3. either by cash or cheque
  4. for cash, not for credit 
  5. within a previously agreed period.

(ii) What is meant by the term salvage value?

  1. Cash paid when asset is disposed. 
  2. Estimated disposal value.
  3. Selling price of the assets. 
  4. Cost price of the assets.
  5. Cash received when lift of the assets end.

(iii) Suppliers’ personal accounts are found in the

  1. nominal ledger 
  2. general ledger 
  3. sales ledger
  4. returns ledger 
  5. purchase ledger.

(iv) The total of the Returns Outwards Journal is transferred to the

  1. credit side of the returns outwards account
  2. debit side of the returns outwards account
  3. credit side of the returns outwards book
  4. debit side of the purchases returns book
  5. debit side of the sales returns book.

(v) If an accumulated provision for depreciation account is in the use, the entries for the year’s depreciation would be

  1. debit asset account, credit profit and loss account
  2. credit provision for depreciation account, debit profit and loss account
  3. credit asset account, debit provision for depreciation account
  4. credit profit and loss account, debit provision for depreciation account 
  5. debit profit and loss account, credit asset account.

(vi) In the trading account, the wages expenses should be

  1. added to cost of goods sold 
  2. deducted from purchases
  3. deducted from sales 
  4. added to drawings
  5. added to purchases.

(vii) A receipts and payments account does not show

  1. cheques paid out during the year
  2. the accumulated fund
  3. receipts from sales of assets 
  4. bank balances
  5. assets bought during the year.

(viii) Which of these errors would be disclosed by the trial balance?

  1. A purchase of sh. 2500 was omitted entirely from the books.
  2. Selling expenses were debited to Sales account.
  3. Credit sales of sh. 3000 entered in both accounts as sh. 300.
  4. Cheque sh. 9500 from Kagoma entered in Kagoma’s account as sh. 5900. 
  5. Sh. 5500 paid for motor expenses debited to motor vehicle account.

(ix) Given last year’s capital was sh. 745,000, closing capital is sh. 462,000 and drawings of sh. 134,000, then

  1. profit for the year was sh. 149,000 
  2. loss for the year was sh. 228,000
  3. loss for the year was 417,000 
  4. loss for the year was sh. 149,000
  5. profit for the year was sh. 417,000.

(x) The sales day book does not contain

  1. Credit sales made without deduction of trade discount
  2. Cash purchases made to overseas customers
  3. Cash sales made to customers
  4. Credit sales which eventually turn out to be bad debts 
  5. Credit sales made to local customers.



(i)                 Which of the following will happen if sh. 7,500 was added to rent instead of being added to fixed assets?

  1.  Gross profit would not be affected
  2. Gross profit would be affected
  3. Gross and net profits would be affected
  4. Net profits would not be affected
  5.  Neither gross profit nor net profit would be affected.

(ii)               In the trading account, the sales returns should be

  1.  added to cost of goods sold
  2.  deducted from purchases
  3. deducted from sales
  4. added to sales
  5. added to purchases.

(iii)             When income statements are prepared, the bad debts account is closed by a transfer to the

  1. balance sheet
  2. profit and loss account
  3. trading account
  4. creditors account
  5. debtors account.

(iv)              If current account is maintained then the partners’ share of profit must be

  1. debited to partners’ capital accounts
  2.  credited to partners’ capital accounts
  3.  credited to profit and loss appropriation account
  4. debited to partners’ current accounts
  5. credited to partners’ current accounts.

(v)                The value of closing inventories is found by

  1. adding opening stock to purchases
  2. deducting purchases from opening stock
  3. looking in the stock account
  4. doing a stock taking
  5. adding closing stock to sales account.

(vi)              Which of these statements is incorrect? 

  1. Profit is another word for capital.
  2.  Loss decreases capital.
  3. Profit increases capital.
  4. Drawings decreases capital.
  5. Profit is added to the capital.

(vii)            A bank reconciliation statement is a statement 

  1. Sent by the bank when the account is overdrawn
  2.  drawn to verify cash book balance with the bank statement balance
  3.  drawn up by the bank to verify the cash book
  4. sent by the bank to the customers when errors are made
  5.  sent by the bank customers to the friends.

(viii)          What is meant by the term revenue expenditure? 

  1. The extra capital paid by the proprietor.
  2. Money spent on non­current assets or adding value to them.
  3.  The cost of running the business on day to day basis.
  4.  Money spent on selling non­current assets.
  5.  Cost of painting fixed asste.

(ix)              The recommended method of departmental account is to 

  1. allocate expenses in proportion sales
  2.  charge against each department its controllable costs
  3. allocate expenses in proportion to purchases
  4. charge against each department its uncontrollable costs
  5.  allocate expenses in equal proportion.

(x)                If the two totals of a trial balance do not agree, the difference must be entered in;

  1.  a real account
  2.  the trading account
  3.  a nominal account
  4. the capital account
  5.  a suspense account.


(i)                 Which of the following should be charged in the Profit and Loss Account?

  1.  Royalty.     
  2. Work in progress. 
  3. Direct materials.
  4. Office rent. 
  5. Carriage on raw materials.

(ii)               Manufacturing account is used to calculate

  1.  production costs paid in the year
  2. total cost of goods produced     
  3.   production costs of goods completed 
  4.  gross profit cost of goods sold 
  5.  prime cost of goods manufactured.

(iii)             When there is no partnership agreement then profits and losses must be shared

  1.  in the same proportion as capitals
  2. equally to all partners
  3.  equally after adjusting for interest on capital
  4. equally after adjusting for interest on drawings
  5.   equal proportion minus interest on drawings.

(v)                Customers’ personal accounts are found in

  1. the private ledger 
  2.  general ledger
  3. purchase ledger
  4.  nominal ledger
  5. sales ledger.

(vi)              Which of the following should be entered in the Journal?

  1. Payment for cash purchases. 
  2.  Fixtures bought on credit.        
  3. Credit sale of goods.
  4. Sales of surplus machinery.
  5. Credit purchase of goods.

(vii)            If drawing account is not maintained, interest on drawing must be

  1.  credit to drawing account 
  2. debited to drawing account
  3. debited to capital account 
  4.  credited to current account
  5. debited to current account.

(viii)          An allowance for doubtful debts is created

  1. when debtors become bankrupt 
  2. when there is a need to do so
  3. when debtors cease to be in business 
  4.  to provide possible bad debts 
  5. to write­off bad debts during the period.

(ix)              Depreciation can be described as the 

  1. A  amount spent to buy a non­current asset
  2. salvage value of a non­current asset
  3. cost of the non­current asset consumed during its period
  4. amount of money spent replacing non­current asset
  5. cost of old assets plus new assets purchased.

(x)                If it is required to maintain fluctuating capitals then the partners’ share of profits must be

  1. debited to partners’ capital account
  2. credited to partners’ capital account
  3.  debited to partners’ current account
  4. credited to partners’ current account
  5. credited to partners’ appropriation account.


(i)                 A statement showing assets, liabilities and capital of a business undertakings in a particular trading period is called a

A       trial balance B          ledger   C          balance sheet

                                D   sales day book               E   cash book.

(ii)               Which of the following is the main book of account?

A       The cash book        B          The Journal     

                                C    The petty cash book                              D   The Ledger

                                E    The Journal Proper.


(iii)             The correct method of calculating cost of goods sold is

A       closing stock  + purchases ­ opening stock

B       opening stock + closing stock ­ purchases

C       closing stock + purchases + opening stock

D       opening stock ­ purchases + closing stock

E        opening stock + purchases ­ closing stock.


(iv)              Which of the following statement describes non­current assets?

A       Items bought to be used in the business.

B       Items which will not wear out quickly.

C       Expensive items bought for the business.

D       Items having a long life and bought for resale.

E        Items having a long life and not bought for resale.


(v)                Which of the following is NOT an asset?

A       Buildings

B       Loan from K Hamis

C       Accounts receivable

D       Cash balance

E        Inventories.

(vi)              The credit entry for net profit is done in the 

  1.  trading account 
  2. drawings account         
  3. profit and loss account
  4. capital account
  5.  income and expenditure account.


(vii)            The total of the purchases journal is entered in the 

A       debit side of purchases day book

B       credit side of the purchases account

C       debit side of the purchases account

D       debit side of the sales account

E        credit side of the sales.

(viii)          Which of the following expression is correct?

A       Assets ­ capital = liabilities

B       Liabilities ­ capital = assets

C       Liabilities = assets = capital

D       Assets + liabilities = capital

E        Capital + assets = liabilities

(ix)              The cost of putting goods into a saleable condition should be charged to

A       trading account

B       sales account

C       profit and loss account

D       receipt and payment account

E        income and expenditure account

(x)                Which of the following describes the meaning of purchases?

A       Goods bought for cash

B       Goods bought on credit

C       Goods bought for resale

D       Goods bought and paid for

E        Goods bought and stored.


(i)                 If opening capital is 412,500/=, closing capital is 283,750/= and drawings is 82,500/=, then:

  1.    loss for the year is 46,250/=  
  2.  profit for the year is 46,250/=
  3. loss for the year is 211,250/=
  4. profit for the year is 211,250/=
  5. profit for the year is 128,750/=.

(ii)               A receipt and payment account is used to 

  1. calculate the gross profit
  2.  calculate the net profit 
  3.     show the opening and closing cash balances
  4.   show the surplus of income over expenditure
  5.    show accrued and pre­paid expenses.

(iii)             The correct method of calculating cost of goods sold is

  1.  closing stock  + purchases ­ opening stock
  2.       opening stock + closing stock ­ purchases
  3.   closing stock + purchases + opening stock
  4. opening stock ­ purchases + closing stock
  5.  opening stock + purchases ­ closing stock.

(iv)              If we take goods for personal use we should debit 

  1.  drawings account, credit purchases account
  2. purchases account, credit drawings account
  3.  drawings account, credit stock account
  4.  sales account, credit stock account
  5.  supplier, credit owners.

(v)                A cheque paid by the business owner that is in possession of payee but not yet deposited with the bank is called

  1. standing order 
  2.   dishonoured cheque
  3.  unpaid cheque
  4.   unpresented cheque
  5.  drawer’s cheque.

(vi)              Given a cash float of 200,000/=, if 146,000/= is spent in the period, how much will be reimbursed at the end of that period?

  1.  200,000/=   
  2. 52,000/=  
  3.  54,000/=
  4. 346,000/= 
  5. 146,000/=.

(vii)            If trial balance totals do not agree, the difference must be entered in

  1.  the profit and loss account   
  2. a suspense account
  3. nominal account
  4. the capital account
  5. the cash account.

(viii)          Given the cost of goods sold is 320,000/= and margin of 20%, then the sales figure is

  1.   413,280/= 
  2. 256,000/= 
  3. 430,500/=
  4. 400,000/= 
  5. 328,000/=.

(ix)              Discount received is

  1. deducted when we receive cash
  2. given by us when we sell goods on credit
  3. deducted by us when we pay our account
  4. not recorded at all
  5. given by us to customers.

(x)                When Mussa makes out a cheque for 50,000/= and sends it to Joseph, then Mussa is known as

  1. the payee   
  2.  the banker 
  3. the drawee
  4.  the creditor
  5.  the drawer.


1.                   (i)         Which of the following is not a factor that may cause capital to change?

A       Additional investment

B       Profits

C       Drawings

D       Purchases

E        Losses.


(ii)               The sum of fixed assets and working capital of a business is called

A       capital owned

B       capital employed   

C       circulating capital

D       working capital

E        borrowed capital.

(iii)             The trial balance totals should agree because

A       it is extracted at the year end

B       for every debit there must be a corresponding credit

C       it is a list of balances

D       errors in balancing the ledger accounts are found out

E        it is an account.

(iv)              When John writes a cheque and sends it to James then James is 

A       drawer

B       drawee

C       payer

D       payee

E        receiver.

(v)                A credit balance of 500,000/= in the cash column of the cash book means

A       we have spent more than we have received

B       we have spent less than we have received

C       the bookkeeper has stolen 500,000/=

D       we have 500,000/= cash in hand

E        the bookkeeper has made a mistake.

(vi)              At the end of the financial year, bad debts account is closed by a transfer to the

A       profit and loss account

B       balance sheet

C       trading account

D       account of expected bad debts

E        allowance for doubtful debts account.

(vii)            Credit notes issued by a firm will be entered in its

A       purchases returns account

B       sales returns account

C       sales account

D       sales returns journal

E        purchases returns journal.

(viii)          Discounts allowed are

A       deducted by the business when it pays cash

B       deducted by the business when it receives cash

C       given by the business when it sells goods on credit

D       received by the business when it buys in bulk

E        given to those who buy larger quantities from the business.

(ix)              Which among the following is not a source document?

A       Remittance advice notes

B       Payment vouchers

C       Cash sales slip

D       Sales journal

E        Debit notes.

(x)                A cheque issued but not yet passed through the banking system is called:

A       postdated cheque

B       dishonoured cheque

C       stale cheque

D       unpresented cheque

E        uncredited cheque.

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