ottom:.55pt; margin-left:.55in;text-align:justify;text-justify:inter-ideograph;text-indent: -20.15pt;line-height:103%;">(i)       A source of historical information which contains remains that show mans physical development activities and tools he used is:

  1. Museum
  2.   Oral tradition
  3. Archives
  4. Historical sites
Choose Answer :

(ii)      One ofthefollowingEastAfrican coastal city states was located in present day Mozambique, hence directly received gold from Mwenemutapa in the 15 th century.

  1.    Lamu 
  2.    Kilwa 
  3.     Sofala
  4.     Zimbabwe
Choose Answer :

(iii)    The following historical eventinvolved the continents of Africa, America and Europe between 15 th and 19 th centuries.

  1.     Trans Saharan
  2.      The Boer Trek
  3.     Triangular slave trade 
  4.      East African long distance trade 
Choose Answer :

(iv)    The effect of European penetration to West Africa was: A. Introduction of iron industry.

  1. Introduction of iron industry.
  2. Distortion of the Trans-Saharan Trade 
  3. Development of Western Sudan states
  4. Abolition of Triangular trade 
Choose Answer :

(v)      The abolition of slave trade in the 19th century was followed by:

  1. The Berlin Conference of 1884 - 1885
  2. The development of legitimate trade
  3. The formation of UNO
  4. The great depression of 1923 - 1929
Choose Answer :

(vi)    The following is one of the methods used in obtaining gold in African societies:

  1. Shaft method
  2. Pottery 
  3. Ornaments 
  4. Titration 
Choose Answer :

(vii)  Gao was a trading centre which developed into a large empire known as:

  1. Songhai
  2. Asante 
  3. Mali 
  4. Ghana 
Choose Answer :

(viii)In South-Central Tanzania, the Hehe, Bena and Sangu people were ruled by:-

  1.      Kabaka
  2.      Mtwa
  3.      Mwani 
  4.      Omukama
Choose Answer :

(ix)    The Dutch settlement was established at the Cape in 1652 because:

  1. The Dutch were great racialists.
  2. The Dutch were welcomed by the Khoisan.
  3. They wanted to supply the foodstuffs for ships sailing to and from the East Indies.
  4. They wanted to initiate relationship with the British. 
Choose Answer :

(x)      The period marked by intense competition and warfare among

European states was known as:-

  1. Industrial capitalism
  2. The age of mercantilism
  3. Industrial revolution
  4. Iron Age
Choose Answer :






1. For each of the following items choose the best answer from the given alternatives.

(i)A source of historical information which contains remains that show man's physical development activities and tools he used is:

  1. Museum
  2. Oral tradition
  3. Archives
  4. Historical sites
Choose Answer :

(ii)One of the following East African coastal city states was located in present day Mozambique, hence directly received gold from Mwenemutapa in the 15 th century.

  1. Lamu 
  2. Kilwa
  3. Sofala
  4. Zimbabwe
Choose Answer :

(iii)The following historical event involved the continents of Africa, America and Europe between 15th and 19th centuries.

  1. Trans Saharan
  2. The Boer Trek
  3. Triangular slave trade
  4. East African long distance trade
Choose Answer :

(iv)The effect of European penetration to West Africa was: 

  1. Introduction of iron industry.
  2. Distortion of the Trans-Saharan Trade
  3. Development of Western Sudan states
  4. Abolition of Triangular trade
Choose Answer :

(v)The abolition of slave trade in the 19th century was followed by:

  1. The Berlin Conference of 1884 - 1885
  2. The development of legitimate trade
  3. The formation of UNO
  4. The great depression of 1923 - 1929
Choose Answer :

(vi)The following is one of the methods used in obtaining gold in African societies:

  1. Shaft method
  2. Pottery
  3. Ornaments 
  4. Titration
Choose Answer :

(vii) Gao was a trading centre which developed into a large empire known as:

  1. Songhai
  2. Asante
  3. Mali
  4. Ghana
Choose Answer :

(viii)In South-Central Tanzania, the Hehe, Bena and Sangu people were ruled by:-

  1. Kabaka
  2. Mtwa
  3. Mwani
  4. Omukama
Choose Answer :

(ix) The Dutch settlement was established at the Cape in 1652 because:

  1. The Dutch were great racialists.
  2. The Dutch were welcomed by the Khoisan.
  3. They wanted to supply the foodstuffs for ships sailing to and from the East Indies.
  4. They wanted to initiate relationship with the British.
Choose Answer :

(x) The period marked by intense competition and warfare among European states was known as:-

  1. Industrial capitalism
  2. The age of mercantilism
  3. Industrial revolution
  4. Iron Age
Choose Answer :

2. (a) Choose the correct statement in List A and match it with a relevant statement in List B.


(i) Chikole, Kotakota, Ujiji and Tabora.

(ii) An explorer who is said to have served two European imperialist powers seeking colonies in Africa

(iii) System of life where few people or inpiduals are allowed to own the major means of production.

(iv) Diamond digging

(v) Hadzabe, Pygmies and Khoisans

(vi) Venda, Mashona, Mang'anja

(vii) Audaghost

(viii) Sumangum

(ix) Nilometer

(x) Christopher Columbus

  1. H. M. Stanley
  2. Discovery of USA
  3. British governor in Kenya
  4. Slave centers in the interior
  5. Capitalism
  6. Helped the people living along the Nile to be aware of floods.
  7. Culture of Nilotic group
  8. Salt trading centre in Ghana
  9. Good examples of blacksmiths
  10. African societies which lived on hunting
  11. People who fought against European occupation in North Africa.
  12. Founder of Ghana Empire
  13. Kimberly
  14. Johannesburg
  15. Trade centre in Central Africa
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(b) The following sentences are mixed up. Arrange the sentences in good order from (i) - (x).

  1. This area formed part of Ancient Egypt in its history.
  2. Fluctuation of river flow conditioned a range of economic activities,
  3. The Nubians were therefore under constant threat of desert encroachment.
  4. Like the Egyptians, they learnt the techniques of utilizing floods.
  5. Maintenance of arable land, mining and trade formed the basis of social differentiation and the emergence of classes in Nubian society.
  6. Nubia lies in the areas that cut across the borders of Modern Sudan, Egypt and Ethiopia.
  7. The two activities need great cooperation among the Nubians.
  8. Nubia's development was influenced by the Nile.
  9. Nubia had narrow alluvial plains along the Nile.
  10. Irrigation was the only means of controlling this threat.
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3.(a) Below is a family tree. Study it and answer the given questions.

Name the relatives indicated by letters A, B, C, D and E. F is given as example.

Example: F - Great Grandmother

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(b) The years when important historical events took place in Africa are shown in the time-line. Write the year against the corresponding event. The first item is given as an example.


(i)Emergence of Ntemiship organization.. 1500

(ii)Opening of Suez Canal             ..

(iii)Multi-party system introduced in Tanzania             .

(iv)The Dutch settled at the Cape             .

(v)War between Tanzania and Uganda             .

(vi)The end of Portuguese rule in East Africa             .

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4. State the names of rulers of the following empires.

(i) Ghana





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(b) Each of the following paragraphs consists of four statements of which one is historically wrong. Identify the wrong statement.


  1. During the Early Stone Age, Man's technology was very low. 
  2. He lived temporarily in caves near the sources of water.
  3. He discovered fire.
  4. His main food was animal flesh, fruits and roots.


  1. African societies had no political organizations before the coming of the whites.
  2. Europeans had great interest in Africa.
  3. Europeans sent their agents to Africa.
  4. Africans were not ready to be colonized.


  1. Among the earliest mining activities was that of copper.
  2. The Ibo and Yoruba in West Africa were famous for using copper alloys to make various ornaments.
  3. In Central Africa, Maravi/Maiawi was the rnost important region in copper mining and processing activities.
  4. Copper mining and processing activities are also known to have been practiced in the Kafue and Gwai river areas in Zimbabwe.


  1. Commercial capitalism (Mercantilism) was based on agriculture.
  2. During this period, European Kings and feudal lords were interested in silver and gold.
  3. Spices were also in great demand in Europe.
  4. Most of the gold, silver and spices were taken from Africa and Asia.


  1. The history of ancient Egypt goes as far back as between 1500 BC and 500 BC.
  2. The basis of the achievement of man in Egypt was influenced by the fertility of the Nile Valley.
  3. At the apex of the state of Egypt stood Pharaoh.
  4. The leaders in Egypt were titled Mene.
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5. Using the given guidelines, write short notes on Ngoni Migration into EastAfrica 

(i) Mention reasons for their migration.

(ii)When did they reach East Africa?

(iii)Who were their leaders during migration?

(iv)What were the effects of the coming of Ngoni to East Africa?

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6. Differentiate the following historical terms:

(i) A blacksmith and handcrafts.

(ii)Bipedalism and Zinjanthropus.

(iii)Middle Stone Age and New Stone Age.

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7.Under the given guidelines, write a short essay about Songhai Empire:

(i)Who was the founder of the empire?

(ii)When and where was it established?

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