1. Each of the following statements has several answers. Choose the most suitable answer in each case.

(i)The process of handing down the historical knowledge using a word of mouth from one generation to another is called:

  1. Oral tradition
  2. Historical information
  3. Linguistics
  4. Anthropology
Choose Answer :

(ii)Which ofthe following is a modern scientific method of fixing dates?

  1. Z Before Christ (BC) Method
  2. A microscope Method
  3. Anno Domino (AD) Method 
  4. Carbon 14 Method
Choose Answer :

(iii)Local trade among African societies became possible when:

  1. iron tools increased.
  2. people could produce more than their needs. 
  3. people produced less than their needs,
  4. one society became more powerful than others
Choose Answer :

(iv)The following describe the major forms of feudal relations in the interlacustrine region:

  1. Nyarubanja, Busulu and Ubugabire 
  2. Ubugabire, Serfdom and Busulu system 
  3. Slavery, Umwinyi and Communalism 
  4. Ntemiship, Serfdom and Nyarubanja
Choose Answer :

(v)The following is the exarnple of European explorers who provided very important information about the people and wealth of East and Central Africa to the British capitalists:-

  1. Lacede de Almeide
  2. David Livingstone
  3. Henry Morton Stanley and Mungo Park
  4. Richard Lander
Choose Answer :

(vi)Trade. across the Sahara desert was one of the main causes for:

  1. The fall of Songhai Empire
  2. Spread of the Jihads
  3. The rise of Ghana Empire 
  4. The rise of Oyo Kingdom
Choose Answer :

(vii)Which of the following is correct about Mwenemutapa Kingdom?

  1. Copper production
  2. Architectural skills
  3. The famous forest state during the 16th century 
  4. Good participation in Trans Saharan Trade
Choose Answer :

(viii)Before the 15th century, Africa was called a "Dark continent" because:

  1. It was not known to European capitalists
  2. Its people were black
  3. There were all demanded raw materials
  4. It had no development
Choose Answer :

(ix)The following are functions of a Moran, except:

  1. To protect the whole society
  2. To travel in search of water and grass
  3. To defend and expand the protectorate
  4. To control religion and solve land conflicts
Choose Answer :

(x)One of the roles played by European Missionaries in the colonization of East Africa was:

  1. Introduction of colonial administration in various parts of East Africa
  2. Exploring East Africa in order to find the existing wealth
  3. Fighting Africans and putting them under colonial domination
  4. To influence Africans to be colonized
Choose Answer :

2. Choose the correct statement in List A and match it with a relevant statement in List B.

List A List B




Imbagala, Chewa,


(iv)Legitimate trade

(v)Agents of colonialism

(vi)The periplus of Eritrean Sea

(vii) Gao


Ox) Isimila

(x) Barter system

  1. Explorers, Missionaries and traders
  2. Capital city of Ghana Empire
  3. A Greek guide book to East Africa
  4. The coming of Americans in East Africa
  5. The famous long distance traders in Central Africa
  6. Gold mining centre in West Africa
  7. Trade in commodity
  8. Olduvai Gorge
  9. Special areas created to preserve historical documents
  10. Exchange of goods for goods
  11. Arrival of Vasco da Gama along the East African coast
  12. The sources of private and public documents
  13. Involved the selling and buying of slaves
  14. The origin of Songhai Empire
  15. Berlin Conference
  16. Historical sites
  17. A map showing areas visited by Portuguese in East and Central Africa.
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(b) The following paragraph has its sentences mixed up. Arrange the sentences in a good order, from 1 to 6.

Example: F - 6

(a) The rise of Oman Sultanate led to a great expansion in trade in East Africa. (b) In addition they established military bases in various parts of East Africa. (c) By the Middle of the 17th century, Oman had grown into the most powerful Sultanate in Western Asia. (d) In order to control this trade, the Oman Arabs helped the city states and the East African Kingdoms in their resistances against the Portuguese. (e) In this trade the major commodities from East Africa were slaves and ivory in return for glassware, beads, guns and gunpowder, clothes and other simple consumer goods. (f) Therefore, the sultanate now became the major link between African, Asian and European traders.

1 2 3 4 5 6

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3. (a) Study the map below and answer the questions that follow:

(i) What is the continent marked A?

(ii) What is the name of the ocean marked B?

(iii)Name three goods on route C.

(iv)Name four goods taken on route D.

(v) What is the name of the trade that was conducted between the three continents?

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(b) The time line below shows the year in which important events took place. Against each event, write the relevant year.

  1. Closure of Zanzibar slave trade.
  2. Independence of Tanganyika.
  3. An agreement between the British and Sultan Seyyid Said prohibiting the Sultan to sell any slaves outside his domain.
  4. A treaty prohibiting exportation of slaves outside East Africa. 
  5. Sultan Seyyid Said shifted his capital from Oman to Zanzibar.
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4. In the space provided after each of the statements below write "T" if the statement is correct and "F" if the statement is not correct:

  1. Archaeology is the only method of obtaining historical information        .
  2. By 1850 Buganda had become more powerful than Bunyoro        .
  3. Permanent Agriculture was practiced in arid and semi-arid areas        .
  4. State organization was practiced among numerous pastoral communities in Africa        .
  5. The title of the King of Oyo Empire was known as ALAFIN        .
  6. The Portuguese were finally expelled from the coast of East Africa in 1698        .
  7. The birth of the United Nations Organization was on October 24, 1945 in New        .
  8. The Great Trek occurred in South Africa bet-Ween 1835 to 1840s        .
  9. Shaka was assassinated by his half brother Dingane in 1828        .
  10. The Ndebele conquered the Rozwi empire and in its place set up a new Ndebele kingdom under the leadership of Zwangendaba in 1840        .
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5. Using the following guidelines, write an essay on Mfecane.

(i)What was it?

(ii)Where did it take place?

(iii)Who were involved?

(iv)What were the causes? 

(v) What were its effects?

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6. Write a short essay about the East Africa long distance trade. Use the tbllowing guidelines:

(i)Where did it take place?

(ii)Which tribes were involved?

(iii)Which commodities were involved?

(iv)Mention three trade routes.

(v)What were the political and social effects of the trade?

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7. Write short notes on Boer Trek using the following guidelines:

(i) Meaning of Boer Trek

(ii)When did it take place?

(iii)Who were the famous leaders of the Trek?

(iv)Why Boer Trek took place?

(v) What were the effects of this Trek?

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