A wholesaler who operates on a very large scale business and supplies goods to retailers in all parts of the country is known as:
nationwide wholesaler
specialized wholesalers
general wholesaler
regional wholesalers
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Which of the following presents a disadvantage of barter system?
Double coincidence of wants
Standard of deferred payments
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(iii)An official document used to correct undercharge of an invoice is called
debit note
credit note
consignment note
delivery note
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(iv) Which of the following group presents a broad classification of occupations ?
Trade and production
Industrial, commercial and tertiary.
Extractive, manufacturing and constructive industries
Trade, aids to trade and industrial.
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(v) Prices below equilibrium price reflect:
excess demand
excess supply
decrease in demand D
increase in supply.
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(vi) An agent who sells goods of his principal in his own name is called
commission agent
del-credere agent
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(vii) Which of the following presents the main feature of multiple shops?
Many shops selling different kind of goods owned by one person
Many shops selling the same kind of goods and owned by one person
Many shops under one building selling different kind of goods
Many shops selling similar products from differentproducers
Choose Answer :
(viii)Examples of free goods are
Tanzania Broadcasting, ITV and Star TV
refrigerator, tractors and tailoring machine
roads, public hospitals and public schools
rainfall, sunshine and air.
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(xi) Which ofthe following is not included in commerce flow chart?
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(x) What is the correct formula used to calculate working capital of the business?
Opening stock plus closing stock divide by two.
Current assets less current liabilities
Current assets less current liabilities plus fixed assets
Total assets less current assets.
Choose Answer :
2. Match items in List A with the responses in List B by writing the letter of the correct response below the number of the corresponding item in the table provided.
(i) A building where goods are stored while waiting for their use or distribution
(ii) The amount of money refunded as imported goods are re-exported within the time
(iii) A building owned by an individual or business which is available for use by others for charge
(iv) A building where goods are stored and F. owned by specific business for their own use
(v) Warehouse used for storage of goods whose import tax had not been paid
(vi) A document issued to the owner of the goods after goods have been received into the public warehouse.
(vii) The process of storing goods or raw materials in a warehouse until they are K. needed
(viii) A document prepared by the importer who wants to take delivery of the goods in bonded warehouse.
(ix) Taxes which are paid for imported goods before they leave the bonded warehouse.
(x) A document which shows the amount of goods which are in a warehouse for a particular importer
3. Complete the following sentences by filling in the blanks with the correct term(s).
(i) Goods and services that are sold outside the country are termed as . . . . . . .
(ii) The industries dealing with assembling of already manufactured goods into finished goods are called. . . . . . . .
(iii) A small scale retailer business which is owned by one person, offering a variety of goods from different manufacturers and had fixed premises is called . . . . . . .
(iv) The law which states that the lower the price the higher the quantity demanded and the vice versa is known as. . . . . . . .
(v) An auxiliary service which involves exchange of information between people or organization is known as . . . . . . .
(vi) The cost incurred in producing the extra unit of output is called
(vii) The commercial activity that deals with selling goods and services to other countries is called . . . . . . .
(viii)The last person to receive goods in the channel of distribution is called . . . . . . .
(ix) The arrangement of stocks in the warehouse or at the shop according to the date of their arrival is referred to as
(x) The resource in the form of money/materials or goods that a person or an organization used in commencing business is termed as . . . . . . .