Time: 2:30 Hours Year:2023
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SECTION A (15 Marks)
Answer all questions in this section.
1. For each of the items (i) - (x), choose the correct answer-from the given alternatives and write its letter in the box provided.
(i) What happens when the Earth passes between the moon and the sun?
(ii) A Form One Geography teacher asked students to plan for a trip to the smallest continent. Which continent are they intending to visit?
(iii) Suzan was told by her grandfather that they can turn their degraded land into a useful agricultural land. Identify the suitable techniques that Suzan's grandfather would use to improve the land.
(iv) Which type of transport is not affected by the physical barriers?
(v) Baina's farm is located in the South West of Kwetu Secondary School. Identify the correct bearing of that farm from the school.
(vi) Form Two students from Micheweni Secondary School visited different historical sites found in Bagamoyo. Identify the type of tourism they were involved in.
(vii) Joe had a chance to observe the mountains which have been formed by land uplifting in Asia. Which process caused the formation of those mountains?
(viii) Ole Saitoti move with his livestock from one area to another looking for pasture and water. In which category can Ole Saitoti be classified?
(ix) Water is very important for social and economic life of the societies living along Rufiji river. Identify the social economic uses of water in such area.
(x) Form One students at Mtakuja Secondary School visited the area near Indian Ocean. Which type of forest they could have seen in the located area?
Time: 2:30 Hours Year:2022
Answer all questions
1. For each of the items (i) – (x), choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter in the box provided.
(i) John was told by his teacher that the earth makes one complete rotation every twenty-four hours. From which direction does it rotate?
(ii) Mr. Juma decided to move to a new farm land after experiencing decreases in crops yield. Which farming method is Mr. Juma practicing?
(iii) What type of rainfall occurs when the warm moist wind from the ocean is forced to rise up by the mountain?
(iv) You have been assigned to educate Petu villagers on non-renewable energy resources. Which energy resources will not be chosen in your teachings?
(v) Suppose you planned to transport clean water from Ruvu River to Dar es Salaam City Centre. Which type of transport will be suitable?
(vi) Mingo visited his friend in Netherland during the holiday. He was surprised to see that many trees had shaded their leaves because of cold weather. Which season of the year was it?
(vii) The tourists from Norway to Tanzania were interested to visit mountains formed by prolonged denudation. Which type of mountains will satisfy their interest?
(viii) Joti and Jeki were required to calculate a distance of a road on a map provided. Which possible method could they use?
(ix) Nie was assigned by his Geography teacher to calculate an area of irregular shape in a topographical map. Which procedure is not proper for his calculations?
(x) From Two students were told by their teacher to select an industrial spare parts. Which types of industry will be selected by them?
Time: 2:30 Hours Year: 2021
l . This paper consists of sections A. B and C with a total of ten (10) questions.
Answer all questions in sections A and B and two (2) questions from section C.
3. Section A carries twenty five (25) marks. section B forty five (45) marks and section C carries thirty (30) marks.
4. All writing must be written in the spaces provided.
5. Cellular phones. calculators and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the assessment room.
6. Write your Assessment Number at the top right corner of every page.
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SECTION A (25 Marks)
Answer all questions in this section.
l . For each of the items (i) - (x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter in the box provided.
(i) Why is it important to study Geography?
(ii) What are the basic components of a map?
(iii) Why the sun rises from East and sets in the West?
(iv) The following are the measures to improve small scale agriculture in Tanzania except;
(v) Which one is an economic importance of livestock keeping in Tanzania?
(vi) Why forest conservation is very important?
(vii) A scale of the map which is expressed as one centimeter on the map represents one kilometer on ground is called
(viii) When the top of the jar full of milk is covered with a piece of thin paper and then held upside down, the milk did not spill. How is a force inside the jar called?
(ix) The difference of time between Accra in Ghana and Bujumbura in Burundi is 2 hours. What is the longitudinal distance between the two towns?
(x) Which set among the following shows the long-term observations of a climate of a place?
Duration: 2:30 Hours
SECTION A (25 Marks)
Answer all questions in this section.
1. For each of the items (i) – (ii), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter in the box provided.
(i) One characteristics of equatorial climate is:-
(ii) The direction to which compass needle points is called
(iii) Cultivation of cash crops based on application of advanced technology is called?
(iv) The condition of the atmosphere recorded for a short period of time is known as
(v) The four seasons of the year are the result of
(vi) The seasonal movement of herdsmen between lowlands and highlands in search of water and pasture is known as
(vii) When does the summer solstice in the southern hemisphere occurs?
(viii) A feature formed as result of a long and fairly narrow stretch of land that extends through plains, hills or mountains is called
(ix) The winds which blow from the sea to land is called
(x) Time increases by 4 minutes for every 1 of longitude when one travels from
1.For each of the items (i) — (x) choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter.
(i) The furthest position from the sun in the orbit of the earth is called:
(ii)Which type of mountains results from the eruption of molten rocks from the earth interior?
(iii)Which one of the following instrument is not the component of a weather station?
(iv)The time which is recorded along the same meridian is called:
(v)Which type of climate among the following is different from the other?
(vi)Which scale is the largest among the following?
(vii)Which one of the following features are correct set of the ocean floor?
(viii)A ship moves to the west and crosses the International Date Line. What happens in regard to time gained or lost?
(ix)The height above the sea level is called:
(x)Which one among of the following is not an importance of value of forest?
1.For each of the following items (i) — (x), choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter.
(i)All meridians pass through:
(ii)Which one of the following are block mountains?
(iii)A climate located between 50 North and 50 South of the Equator is called:
(iv)Large scale crop cultivation is normally characterised by:
(v)Which one of the following human activities is mostly affected by climate?
(vi)A scale of a map is said to be enlarged when:
(vii)The process whereby water vapour is turned into water droplets is called:
(viii) Metallurgical industries deal with:
(ix) Hot deserts are characterised by:
(x) The land of East Africa is mainly characterized by:
1. For each of the following items (i) - (X), choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter.
(i)Lines drawn on a map joining different places with the same pressure are called:
(ii)The type of tourism which deals with visiting unaltered natural environment such as national parks, game reserves, coral reefs, forests and mountains in general can be termed as:
(iii)The following were the primary aims of establishing Tennessee Valley Authority except:
(iv)The place where mineral salts are found in Tanzania is:
(v)Which one of the following is a characteristic of water bodies?
(vi)Which one of the following are fold mountains?
(vii)A great circle refers to:
(viii)A feature formed as a result of either natural or artificial depression varying in size on the earth surface is called:
(ix)Which one among the following sentences describes a longitude?
(x) Which one of the following resources are non-renewable?
1. For each of the following items (i) — (x), choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter.
(i)Environment refers to:
(ii)The main source of energy on the earth is:
(iii)Which of the following occurs when three heavenly bodies are in one line?
(iv) Which of the following is an advantage of land reclamation?
(v) Which of the following is the compass bearing of South West?
(vi) The part of the earth which forms continental crust is called:
(vii) The temperature of Pwani which O meters above sea level is 200 Centigrade. What is the approximate temperature for a place 3000 meters above sea level?
2 0C
2.5 0 C
18 0 C
0.2 0 C
(viii)The system of growing one dominant crop is called:
(ix) Which among the following are the economic uses of water bodies ?
(x) Trees with shallow roots which can tolerate salt condition of sea water are called:
(i) Which among the following causes deflation of winds and ocean currents?
(ii) Which among the following are earths movements?
(iii) Sea breeze is formed when wind blows from:
(iv) Dar es Salaam at sea level has a temperature of 32 0 C. What will be the temperature in Arusha 1500 meters above sea level?
(v) Natural gas mining site in Tanzania is located at:
(vi) Which among the following is the compass bearing of North?
(vii) The dominant climatic condition of East Africa is known as.
(viii) Contours are lines drawn on maps to join places with the same:
The keeping of livestock on an extensive land without grazing is called:
(x) Hydro Electric Power is produced by the force of:
(i) Branches of Geography include:
(ii) The arrangement of planets and solid objects in the space in relation to the position from the sun is referred to as solar:
(iii) The farthest position of the earth from the sun is known as:
(iv) If the time atplace X (450E) is 10.00 a.m, what will be the time of a place Y (4501M)?
(v) Which of the following gives a proof that the earth is spherical in shape?
(vi) The features resulting from eruption of molten rocks are:
(vii) The major features rising above the surface of ocean water and important for tourism are called:
(viii) The condition ofthe atmosphere recorded over a long period of time is:
(ix) A representative scale of 1:250,000 can be represented by a statement scale of:
(x) The grid reference of point B is 361585. What are the numbers of the Eastings and Northings?
(i) Movement of farmers seasonally with their animals from one grazing ground to another in search for pasture and water:
A. nomadism
B. pastoralism
c. sedentary farming
D. transhumance
(ii) An angular distance measured in degrees East and West of the Prime Meridian: A. Equator B. Latitude C. Longitude D. Tropic of Cancer (iii) The occurrence of summer, winter, autumn and spring is a result of: A. Ferrels law B. revolution of the earth C. rotation of the earth D. tilting of the earth on its axis (iv) Summer months in the Northern Hemisphere are: A. December, January and February B. June, July and August C. March, April and May D. September, October and November (v) One of the common characteristics between nomadic pastoralism and shifting cultivation is that people have: A. advanced in technology B. good standard of living C. high crop production D. no permanent settlement (vi) Which among the following statements explains the importance of Geography? A. Acquire skills of mechanism B. Develop awareness of living organisms C. Expand our knowledge of technology D. Gain skills of observation, measuring and recording. (vii) The wise use and control of water resources is known as water: A. controlling B. development C. management D. resources (viii)The following features are found in the ocean: A. basin, ridge, plain and dunes B. continental shelf, continental slope and trench C. ridge, basin, plateau and water falls D. trench, ridge, plain and dune (ix) The extraction of minerals close to the earth is referred to as: A. alluvial mining B. open cast mining C. placer mining D. underground mining (x) Although the earth is in motion all the time, we do not feel its motion. This is due to the reason that we are: A. in the earth B. moving against the motion C. moving with it D. on the earth (i) The needle of a compass point to the: (ii) The height above the sea level is called: (iii) If the local time at place A (30 0 N, 30 0 E) is 8.00 a.m., what will be the local time at place B (27 O N, 12 0 E)?
A. 6.28 a.m. B. 6.28 p.m. C. 9.32 a.m. D. 9.32 p.m.
(iv) Block mountains are formed through:
(v) An area where a river system collects its water is called:
(vi) Pangani town at the sea level has a temperature of 32 0 C. What is the temperature of Ruaha 1500 metres above sea level? (vii) The grid reference of station Q is 888666. What are the number of Eastings and Northings? A. 666 are Northings and 888 are Eastings B. 868 are Eastings and 668 are Northings C. 886 are Eastings and 668 are Northings D. 888 are Northings and 666 are Eastings (ix) If given different kinds of R.F. scales, the smallest scale has the:
What happens with regards to time gained or lost? A. No time is gained or lost B. One whole day is gained C. One whole day is lost D. One whole day is repeated (i) Which one of the following planets has the shortest orbit around the Sun?
(ii) People living in Dar es Salaam see the sun earlier than in Kigoma. What does this fact indicate? A. People in Kigoma sleep longer B. The earth rotates from East to West C. The earth rotates from West to East D. There are many hills and mountains in Kigoma (iii) Which one of the following is not an element of weather? A. Altitude B. Cloud cover C. Precipitation D. Wind (iv) The boundary between one drainage basin and the next is known as: A. basin zone B. distributaries C. tributary D. water divide (v) Solar eclipse occurs when: A. one body passes between the two bodies B. the earth passes between the moon and sun C. the earth passes between the sun and moon D. the moon passes between the earth and sun (vi) One of the following explains on how plants maintain continuous growth in the equatorial climate: A. evenly distribution of rainfall and constant temperature B. temperature is always high C. there is an abundance of water D. there is no strong wind (vii) The mantle is the second layer of the earth which consists of: A. iron and manganese silicates B. iron and nickel C. sial and sima D. uranium and iron (viii)One of the following is the agricultural method used to restore back the fertility of the soil: A. crop rotation by planting leguminous plants B. monoculture system of agriculture C. terracing system D. the use of tractor during cultivation and harvesting (ix) As someone ascends in altitude the temperature tends to: A. decrease and increase at the same time B. decrease at the rate of 0.60C for every 100 metres C. increase at the rate of 0.60C D. remain constant (x) Identify the correct process of rain formation:
B. evaporation, cooling, condensation, and rainfall C. evaporation, cooling, precipitation, and rainfall
D. evaporation, precipitation, condensation, and cooling (i) Crater lakes are most likely to be formed in (ii) Which one of the following is not associated with earthquakes? (iii) If the time at town X 15°E is 12.00 noon, what could be the longitude of town Y if it is 8.00 a.m? (iv) Which one of the following, by origin and composition is not a form of igneous rocks? (v) One of the following features is a product of weathering: (vi) The process of river erosion where fragments are worn out during collision against each other is termed as (vii) A scale of 4 cm representing 18 km on the ground will be represented by representative fraction (R.F) scale as (viii) Which one of the following owes its origin to deflation? (ix) The presence of paired terraces on both sides of a river valley indicates that (x) A good example of intrusive igneous rocks is (i) Geography is the study of: A. soil and the atmosphere B. human activities and his environment C. the physical environment
D. the human environment (ii) If it is 3.00 p.m. at Mwanza 33 0 E in Tanzania, what will be the time at Bangladesh 500E? A. 10.00 a.m. B. 4.32 p.m. C. 4.08 p.m. D. 5.00 p.m. (iii) The distance between two crests is called:
(iv) Pastoralism whereby animals are given feeds in a shed without making them go out in the field is called: (v) If the temperature at Morogoro 800m is 20 0C, what will be the temperature at Karatu 1400m above sea level? A. 40.OOC B. 31.60C C. 24.40C D. 24.3 0C (vi) Water and air currents do not move in straight lines due to spinning effect of the earth. The term used to describe this is; (vii) WSW compass direction is equivalent to the following compass bearing: A. 247.50 B. 135 0 C. 2250 D. 2500 (viii) Which of the following mountains is the block Mountains? A. Atlas B. Ruwenzori C. Rocky D. Drakensberg (ix) If the ground distance between two points is 13km, what will be the map distance if the scale is lcm to 0.5km? A. 13.0cm B. 26cm C. 13.0km D. 6.5cm (x) Which of the following resources are non-renewable? A. Biogas, oil and wind B. Coal, gas and oil C. Geo-thermal, biogas and solar energy D. Wind, coal and electricity THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING FORM TWO SECONDARY EDUCATION EXAMINATION, 2009 0013 GEOGRAPHY TIME: 2½ HOURS INSTRUCTIONS 1. This paper consists of sections A and B. 2. Answer ALL questions in section A and ONLY two questions from Section B. 3. Write your examination number on every page. 4. ALL answers in both sections must be written in this paper. 5. Cellphones and electronic calculators are not allowed in the examination room. 6. ALL writing must be in black or blue pen. SECTION A 1.For each of the following questions, write the letter of the correct answer. (i)Geography is the study of: (ii)If it is 3.00 p.m. at Mwanza 33 0E in Tanzania, what will be the time at Bangladesh 500E? (iii)The distance between two crests is called: (iv) Pastoralism whereby animals are given feeds in a shed without making them go out in the field is called: (v)If the temperature at Morogoro 800m is 200C, what will be the temperature at Karatu 1400m above sea level? (vi)Water and air currents do not move in straight lines due to spinning effect of the earth. The term used to describe this is (vii)WSW compass direction is equivalent to the following compass bearing: (viii)Which of the following mountains is a block mountain? (ix) If the ground distance between two points is 13km, what will be the map distance if the scale is lcm to 0.5km? (x) Which of the following resources are non-renewable? (iii)The feature resulting from eruption of molten rocks of the mantles is a: (iv) A large part of the Southern Hemisphere is: (v) Which of the following pairs is not a correct association? A. Isobar and pressure B. Isobar and sunshine C. Isotherms and temperature D. Isohyets and rainfall (vi) What is the temperature of Arusha 1400m above sea level when it is
A. 31.60C
B. 3.60C C. 240C D. 24.40C (vii) Water vapour changes into water droplets in the process known as: A. evaporation B. saturation C. condensation D. sublimation (viii)The condition of. atmosphere recorded over a long period of time is: A. weather B. climate C. temperature D. atmospheric temperature (ix) Grid reference B is 361585. What are the numbers of the Eastings and Northings? A. 585 are Eastings and 361 are Northings B. 36.1 are Eastings and 58.5 Northings C. 36 are Eastings and 58 are Northings D. 361 are Eastings and 585 are Northings (x) The following is the outcome of the economic importance of land reclamation: A. soil erosion and fertility B. land degradation C. land erosion and soil erosion D.
THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING FORM TWO SECONDARY EDUCATION EXAMINATION, 2008 0013 GEOGRAPHY TIME: 2½ HOURS INSTRUCTIONS 1. This paper consists of sections A and B. 2. Answer ALL questions in section A and ONLY two questions from Section B. 3. Write your examination number on every page. 4. ALL answers in both sections must be written in this paper. 5. Cellphones and electronic calculators are not allowed in the examination room. 6. ALL writing must be in black or blue pen. SECTION A 1.Read the following statements carefully and then write the letter of the correct answer. (i)The earth's revolution around the sun takes: (ii)What is the time for Rio de Janeiro 430W when it is 3:30 p.m. at Dar es Salaam 43.90E? (iii)The feature resulting from eruption of molten rocks of the mantles is a: (iv)A large part of the Southern Hemisphere is: (v)Which of the following pairs is not a correct association? (vi)What is the temperature of Arusha 1400m above sea level when it is 280C at Tanga 800m. above sea level? (vii)Water vapour changes into water droplets in the process known as: (viii)The condition of atmosphere recorded over a long period of time is: (ix)Grid reference B is 361585. What are the numbers of the Eastings and Northings? (x)The following is the outcome of the economic importance of land reclamation:
(i) The central body of the solar system is: A. The planets B. The sun C. The moon D. The earth (ii) The spinning of the earth on its own axis is known as: A. Rotation B. Revolution C. Day and night D. Distance (iii) If it is 3.00 p.m. at Bukoba 33 0 E in Tanzania what will be the time at Tehran 50 0 E in Iran? A. 10.00 a.m. B. 4.08 p.m. C. 4.32 p.m. D. 10.00 p.m.
A. 31.6 0 C B. 3.6 0 C C. 240 C D. 24.40 C (v) The side of a mountain facing the direction of the wind is known as: A. Leeward side B. Fore side C. Backward side D. Windward side (vi) A ship moves to the West and crosses the International Date Line. What
A. No time is gained or lost B. One whole day is lost C. One whole day is gained D. One whole day is repeated (viii)The big difference between the readings of a Wet Bulb Thermometer and Dry Bulb Thermometer indicates that: A. Humidity is low B. The air is saturated with water vapour C. Humidity is high D. There is low evaporation (x) What is the compass bearing of North North West (NNW)? A. 337+0 B. 0480 C. 2200 D. 3150 THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING FORM TWO SECONDARY EDUCATION EXAMINATION, 2007 0013 GEOGRAPHY TIME: 2½ HOURS INSTRUCTIONS 1. This paper consists of sections A and B. 2. Answer ALL questions in section A and ONLY two questions from Section B. 3. Write your examination number on every page. 4. ALL answers in both sections must be written in this paper. 5. Cellphones and electronic calculators are not allowed in the examination room. 6. ALL writing must be in black or blue pen. SECTION A 1. Read the following statements carefully and then write the letter of the most correct answer. (i) The central body of the solar system is: (ii)The spinning of the earth on its own axis is known as: (iii)If it is 3.00 p.m. at Bukoba 33 0 E in Tanzania what will be the time at Tehran 50 0 E in Iran? (iv)Morogoro at 800m above sea level has a temperature reading of 280 C. Determine the temperature of Karatu which is located at 1400 metres above sea level. (v)The side of a mountain facing the direction of the wind is known as: (vi)A ship moves to the West and crosses the International Date Line. What happens with regard to time gained or lost? (vii)The four seasons which occur on the earth's surface are the result of: (viii)The big difference between the readings of a Wet Bulb Thermometer and Dry Bulb Thermometer indicates that: (ix) Which of the following give the proof that the earth is spherical in shape? (x) What is the compass bearing of North North West (NNW)?
(i) The farthest position from the sun in the orbit of earth is called:
A. Lunar eclipse B. Aphelion C. Umbra D. Perihelion (ii) The angular distance measured in degrees North and South of the Equator is known as: A. Great circles B. Longitude C. Altitude D. Latitude (iii) The atmosphere is said to be humid only when: A. it contains water vapour B. it is unsaturated with water vapour C. it is saturated with water vapour
D. it does not contain water vapour (iv) A statement scale of one centimetre representing half a kilometre can be represented in representative fraction as: A.1:250,000 B. 1:50,000 C. 1:100,000 D. 1:25,000 (v) Water and air currents do not move in straight lines due to spinning effect of the earth. The term used to describe this situation is: A. Deflation B. Reflection C. Direction D. Deflection (vi) If it is 3:00 p.m. at Mwanza 33 0 E in Tanzania, what will be the time at Tehran 50 0 E in Iran? A. 4:08 p.m. B. 1:52 p.m. C. 10:00 a.m. (vii)Siberia is to the East of the International Date Line (IDL) and Alaska is to the West. If one from Siberia crosses the line to Alaska he/she:
A. Gains a day B. Loses a day C. Gains and loses a day at the same time D. None of the above (viii) Dar es Salaam at sea level has a temperature of 32 0C. What will be the
A. 41 0C B. 23 0 C C. 9 0 C D. 0.60 C
(ix) One of the following groups are features of the ocean floor: A. Ridge, basin, plateau and waterfalls B. Continental shelf, basin and water falls C. Trench, continental shelf and continental slope
D. Horst, plain, basin and volcano (x) The Grid reference of station X is 612825. What are the numbers of the Eastings and the Northings? A. 825 are Northings and 612 are Eastings B. 282 are Eastings and 625 are Northings C. 825 are Eastings and 612 are Northings D. 228 are Northings and 825 are Eastings THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING FORM TWO SECONDARY EDUCATION EXAMINATION, 0013 GEOGRAPHY, 2006 TIME: 2½ HOURS INSTRUCTIONS 1. This paper consists of sections A and B. 2. Answer ALL questions in section A and ONLY two questions from Section B. 3. Write your examination number on every page. 4. ALL answers in both sections must be written in this paper. 5. Cellphones and electronic calculators are not allowed in the examination room. 6. ALL writing must be in black or blue pen. FOR EXAMINER’S USE ONLY QUESTION NUMBER SCORE INITIALS OF EXAMINER 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. TOTAL SECTION A (70 Marks) Answer ALL questions in this section. 1. Read the following statements carefully and then write the letter of the most correct answer in the box provided against each question. (i) The farthest position from the sun in the orbit of earth is called: (ii) The angular distance measured in degrees North and South of the Equator is known as: (iii) The atmosphere is said to be humid only when: (iv) A statement scale of one centimetre representing half a kilometre can be represented in representative fraction as: (v) Water and air currents do not move in straight lines due to spinning effect of the earth. The term used to describe this situation is: (vi) If it is 3.00 PM at Mwanza 33°E in Tanzania, what will be the time at Tehran 50°E in Iran? (vii) Siberia is to the East of the International Date Line (IDL) and Alaska is to the West. If one from Siberia crosses the line to Alaska he/she: (viii) Dar es Salaam at sea level has a temperature of 32°C. What will be the temperature of a place in Arusha 1,500 metres above sea level? (ix) One of the following groups are features of the ocean floor: (x) The Grid reference of station X is 612825. What are the numbers of the Eastings and the Northings?
A ship moves to the West and crosses the International Date Line (IDL).
A. cooling, evaporation, condensation, and precipitation
280C at Tanga 800m. above sea level?
increased land production capacity
Morogoro at 800m above sea level has a temperature reading of 28 0 C. Determine the temperature of Karatu which is located at 1400 metres above sea level.
happens with regard to time gained or lost?
temperature of a place in Arusha 1,500 metres above sea level?
(i) The time recorded along the same meridian is called:
A. Local mean time
B. Greenwich Mean Time
C. Great Mean Time
D. Standard time
(ii) The following planet has 8 satellites:
A. Mars
B. Jupiter
C. Neptune
D. Saturn
(iii) Fold mountains are mainly produced by:
A. Tension force
B. Earthquakes
C. Compression force
D. Faulting
(iv) Part of the earth which forms continental blocks is:
A. Sima
B. Core
C. Sial
D. Hydrosphere
(v) What is the local mean time of Dar es Salaam at 45 0E when it noon at
A. 10.00 a.m.
B. 7:00 p.m.
C. 3.00 p.m.
D. 8:00 p.m.
(vi) The only type of climate that is different from the others is:
A. Mediterranean
B. Savanna
C. Hot desert
D. Equatorial
(vii)Wind blows from:
A. Low altitude to high altitude
B. Low pressure to high pressure zone
C. High pressure to low pressure zone
D. Sea to land during nights
(viii)Which is the largest among the following scales?
(ix) Identify the incorrect association in the following pairs:
A. Isobar and sunshine
B. Isobar and pressure
C. Isotherm and temperature
D. Isohyets and rainfall
(x) WSW compass direction is equivalent to the following compass bearing:
A. 2250
B. 135 0
C. 245.50
D. 247.50
1. This paper consists of sections A and B.
2. Answer ALL questions in section A and ONLY two questions from Section B.
3. Write your examination number on every page.
4. ALL answers in both sections must be written in this paper.
5. Cellphones and electronic calculators are not allowed in the examination room.
6. ALL writing must be in black or blue pen.
Read the following statements carefully and then write the letter of the most correct answer.
(i)The time recorded along the same meridian is called:
(ii)The following planet has 8 satellites:
(iii)Fold mountains are mainly produced by:
(iv) Part of the earth which forms continental blocks is:
(v)What is the local mean time of Dar es Salaam at 45 0E when it noon at Greenwich?
(vi)The only type of climate that is different from the others is:
(vii)Wind blows from:
(viii)Which is the largest among the following scales?
(ix) Identify the incorrect association in the following pairs:
(x) WSW compass direction is equivalent to the following compass bearing:
1. This paper consists of sections A and B.
2. Answer ALL questions in section A and ONLY two questions from Section B.
3. Write your examination number on every page.
4. ALL answers in both sections must be written in this paper.
5. Cellphones and electronic calculators are not allowed in the examination room.
6. ALL writing must be in black or blue pen.
1.Read the following statements carefully and then write the letter of the correct answer.
(i)In Geography the term rotation means:
(ii)The planet which is known to support life is the:
(iii)The grid reference of station X is 261582. What are the numbers of the Eastings and the Northings?
(iv)Dar es Salaam at sea level has a temperature reaching 300C. Determine the temperature of Arusha situated at 1,500 metres above sea level.
(v)The structure of the earth is composed of:
(vi)Fold mountains are formed by:
(vii)Which of the following tropical climates has the largest diurnal temperature range?
(viii)At which longitude will it be 2.00 p.m. when it is 11.00 a.m. at IOOW?
(ix)Wind Vane is an instrument used for:
(x)A representative scale of can be represented by a statement scale of:
1. This paper consists of sections A and B.
2. Answer ALL questions in section A and ONLY two questions from Section B.
3. Write your examination number on every page.
4. ALL answers in both sections must be written in this paper.
5. Cellphones and electronic calculators are not allowed in the examination room.
6. ALL writing must be in black or blue pen.
1.Read the following statements carefully and then write the letter of the most correct answer.
(i)The time when the sun is overhead on latitude 23½0S or 3½0N is called:
(ii)The second nearest planet from the sun is:
(iii)Which of the following is the largest scale?
(iv)Wind blows from:
(v)......... causes the difference between the length of day and night.
(vi)Which of the following type of mountains result from the eruption of molten rocks from the earth's interior?
(vii)If it is 3.00 p.m. at Mwanza 33 0 E in Tanzania, what will be the time at Bangladesh 500E?
(viii)Which of the following is not a renewable resource?
(ix) The relative humidity of a region is low when:
(x) The practice of seasonal movement to the mountains and to the valleys is called: