TIME 2:30 Hours


1.  This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of 10 questions.

2.  Answer all questions in the spaces provided.

3.  All writing must be in black or blue pen.

4.  All communication devices are not allowed in the examination room. 

5. Write your examination number at the top right corner of every page.



Answer all questions.

 (i) One disadvantages of linguistic as source of history is that

  1.      Information is from multiple source
  2.      One understands little about communities
  3.      Does not reveal links between people
  4.     Learning a language consume time and money.


(ii)  Walata was a trading town found in:

  1.      West Africa
  2.      Central Africa
  3.      East Africa
  4.     North Africa.


(iii)  The following are factors that led to emergence of Ghana Kingdom except.

  1.      Specialization of labour
  2.      Introduction of camel as means of transport
  3.      Prosperity of Trans – Saharan Trade.
  4.     Introduction of Iron Technology.


(iv) Earlier contact between East Africa and the world was mainly due to:-

  1.      Adventure
  2.      Commerce
  3.      Colonialism
  4.     Religious


(v) Which was not a social motive of contact between Africa and Middle East?

  1.      Urge to spread Islam
  2.      Seeking refugees
  3.      Exploration
  4.     Establishing settlement.


(vi) Which group of people had a King with Golden Stool?

  1.      Shona
  2.      Bushmen
  3.      Asante
  4.     Ndebele


(vii) In which year did Egypt destroy Lango and acholi religion in Uganda?

  1.      1879
  2.      1869
  3.      1839
  4.     1835


(viii) The following are factor for Transition from primitive communalism to slavery and Feudal production, except?

  1.      Specialization
  2.      Advances in science and technology
  3.      Neolithic revolution
  4.     Population growth


(ix) A situation where a person is owned by another purposely as an instrument of production is called?

  1.      Slaves
  2.      Feudalism
  3.      Exploitation
  4.     Slavery


(x) The development and widespread use of iron tools marked the beginning of the Iron Age. One major consequence of this advancement was:

  1.      A decline in population due to increased warfare.
  2.      Less reliance on hunting and gathering for food.
  3.      Increased efficiency in agriculture and weaponry.
  4.     The invention of writing systems.

2. Match the following items.


List A

List B

  1.         Vasco Da Gama Reached malindi
  2.       Portuguese landed at West coast of Africa
  3.     Bartholomew Diaz reached the Southern Cape of Africa
  4.      Set up Navigation school in Portugal
  5.        Vasco Da Gama returned back to Portugal
  1.      Prince Henry
  2.      1620s
  3.      Elmina
  4.     April 1520
  5.       1698
  6.       March 1498
  7.      1499
  8.     1470s
  9.         1487




3. Explain the social and economic effects of the contacts between the people of Africa the Middle and the Far East.


4. Identify the types of social organizations and production that existed in Africa up to the19th century

5. (a)Mention three groups of Ngoni that migrated to East Africa

    (b) Discuss the causes of Ngoni Migration

6. Explain the characteristics of feudalism.

7. Explain the ways through which Africans interacted economically

8. Which goods were most needed and traded during Trans – Saharan Trade? Mention any five goods.


9. (a) Name the tools used in each of the following stages;

  1.             Earlier stone age
  2.             Middle stone Age
  3.             Late Stone Age.

(b) How did man obtain food in the following stages;

        Earlier stone age

        Middle stone age


10. As population increased in Africa resources became scarce and competitive. In support of this statement, mention and discuss six factors that made Africans to interact.







CODE 012

TIME: 2:30 HOURS          



  • This paper consists of section A, B and C with the total number of ten(10) questions
  • Answer all questions in each section
  • Section A carries (15) marks, section B (70) marks and section C carries (15) marks
  • All writing must be in blue/black ink except drawing which must be in pencil
  • Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the assessment room.


SECTION A (15 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

1. For each of the items (i) – (x) choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer sheet provided

  1.               Which of the following is NOT a reason why studying history is important?
    1. To understand present-day events
    2. To predict the exact events of the future
    3. To learn from past mistakes
    4. To gain a sense of identity
  2.                      A primary source in history is:
    1. A textbook written decades after an event
    2. A journal entry by someone who lived through an event
    3. A recent documentary film about an event
    4. A historical novel inspired by an event
  3.              The earliest period of human development, characterized by the use of stone tools, is called the:
    1. Neolithic Age
    2. Bronze Age
    3. Paleolithic Age
    4. Iron Age
  4.        The development of agriculture marked a major shift in human societies because it led to:
    1.  More nomadic lifestyles
    2. The development of settled communities
    3. A decline in population
    4. Less complex social structures
  5.       Which was a major economic activity in many parts of pre-colonial Africa?
    1. Large-scale factory production
    2. Farming
    3. Stock trading
    4. Globalized shipping routes
  6.     Some pre-colonial African societies were organized as:
    1. Kingdoms with centralized power
    2. Democracies with elected leaders
    3. Small, family-based groups
    4. All of the above
  7.      One form of social organization in some African societies was based on:
    1. Age-grades or sets
    2. Strictly defined social classes
    3. Political parties
    4. Urban and rural divisions
  8.   A major trade route that connected West Africa to North Africa across the Sahara Desert was the:
    1.  Silk Road
    2.   Spice Route
    3.  Trans-Atlantic Trade Route
    4.  Trans-Saharan Trade Route
  9.     Islam spread into parts of Africa through:
  1.  Trade
  2.   Military conquest
  3.  Missionary activities
  4.  All of the above
  1.    Before European colonialism, Africa had contact with which external region?
  1.  The Middle East
  2.   South America
  3.  Australia
  4.  Antarctica

2. Match the mode of production with its most appropriate description.

Column A

Column B

  1. Primitive communism
  2. Feudalism
  3. Capitalism
  4. Socialism
  5. communism
  1. System where land is owned by a ruling class (lords), and worked by a lower class (serfs/peasants)
  2. System based on private ownership of the means of production and profit motive
  3. Hypothetical future system of classless society with common ownership of the means of production
  4. System characterized by social ownership of the means of production, working towards a classless society.
  5. Early communal societies with shared resources and minimal social division




3. Briefly explain the following terms;

  1.      Archeology
  2.     Oral traditions
  3.       Museum
  4.     Shift cultivation
  5.      Mixed farming

4. (a) Juma thinks of using archeology in order to study history. Give four challenges he is likely to face

(b) Discovery of iron changed man’s way of life completely. Elaborate this assertion.

5. Name at least two products or items which were made by the following handicraft industries in pre-colonial Africa;

  1. Iron smelting
  2. Basketry
  3. Carpentry
  4. Pottery.

6. Despite its prominence and flourishing, The Trans-Saharan trade could not last forever. Briefly explain the reason for decline of this trade. Use five points.

7. (a) differentiate between matrilineal and patrilineal clan systems in Africa.

(b) Explain the characteristics of kingship based on the following:

  1. Economic organization
  2. Social organization
  3. Political organization.

8. The Ngoni migration was not beneficial to the people of East and central Africa. Justify this statement.

9. Write short notes on the following:

  1.      Social organization
  2.     Feudal hierarchy
  3.       Slavery
  4.     Primitive communalism
  5.      Rent in kind.


10.  Explain five effects of the early Arab and Persian settlement on the East African coast up to 1400CE









  1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with the total of ten (10) questions.  
  2. Answer all questions in each section.  
  3. Section A carries 15 markssection B  70marks and section C carries 15marks
  4. All writing must be in blue or black ink.  
  5. All answer must be written in the space provided to you.  
  6. All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized materials are NOT allowed in the examination room.  
  7. Write your examination number on every page of your answer sheet(s) 


SECTION A (15 marks)

Answer all questions 

  1.         For each of the following items choose the correct answer from alternatives given and write it besides item number
  1.      Tanzania is expected to conduct the next general election in 2025. In which millennium will the general election be conducted
  1.  20th millennium
  2.  21st millennium
  3.  25th millennium
  4.  3rd millennium
  1.   In which period was man a scavenger
  1.  Late stone age
  2.  Early stone age
  3.  Middle stone age
  4.  New stone age
  1.  Which of the following statement best describe Meroe, Engaruka and Ugweno
  1.  Centralized state in Africa
  2.  Chiefdoms that resisted intrusion of colonialism in Africa
  3.  Early salt mining centres in Africa
  4.  Major iron centres in Africa
  1.  The best description oh Homo habills is
  1.  The thinking man
  2.  Modern man
  3.  The early man
  4.  The tool maker
  1.    The method of obtaining historical information by studying language and their    change is
  1.  Archeology
  2.  Linguistic
  3.  Historical sites
  4.  Anthropology
  1.  Which of the following African societies developed Ntemiship system in East Africa by the 15th century?
  1.  Nyamwezi and Chagga
  2.  Nyamwezi and Dorobo
  3.  Nyamwezi and Sukuma
  4.  Sandawe and Nyamwezi
  1.  Which set below consist of economic interactions only
  1.  Marriage, religion, medicine and migration
  2.  Music, migration, trade, and metal works
  3.  Agriculture, fishing, trade and metal work
  4.  Trade, medicines, wars and agriculture
  1.   The growth and expansion of Songai empire wa a results of :
  1.  Geographical position and equatorial climate
  2.  Expansion of Gao empire through conquering neighbors states
  3.  The emergence of Mansa Musa a strong leader
  4.  Development of iron technology
  1.  Assume you have been asked by your friend that “Pebbles, chopping tools and hand axe were used during which age” what answer will you give?
  1.  The late stone age
  2.  The iron age
  3.  The middle stone age
  4.  The earlier stone age
  1.    Which of the following East-Africa coastal state was located in present day Mozambique enbling it to get gold direct from Mwanamutupa in to the 15th century?
  1.  Kilwa
  2.  Lamu
  3.  Sofala
  4.  Mogadishu
  1.         Match the item on list A with those in list B by writing the correct letter of the corresponding question number.



  1. The earliest stone age where by tools were cruse and heavy
  2. The name of the tools improved by reducing their size during middle stone age
  3. Tools that were named after Olduvai George in Tanzania were first discovered
  4. Stone tools that were discovered first at St. Acheul in France
  5. The period just after middle stone age whereby the tools were still largely made of stones but they were far better than those of earlier period
  1. Old wars tools
  2. Acheulian tools
  3. Sangoan tools
  4. Australopith
  5. Microliths
  6. Microliths period
  7. Homohabilis





  1.         Briefly explain the following terms
  1.      Historical sites
  2.   Slavery
  3.  Boer trek
  4.  Communalism
  5.    Golden stool
  1.         Complete each of the following statements with correct historical facts
  1.               What caused the rapid expansion of white settlement to southern Africa interior in the late 1830’s
  2.   In which country is Nsongezi historical site found
  3.  Learning about the past by digging up and studying object found in the ground is known as ..............
  4.  The basic and simplest unity of social organization in the early Agricultural societies was................
  5.    The feudal relation that existed along the East Africa coast was known as........
  1.         Arrange the following statement in chronological order by writing 1 to 5 below the statement number in table provided below
  1.      In this stage, when human creature reached brain capacity 1400 and 1450cc managed to domesticate plant and animals.
  2.   The creature were able to develop articulation or elementary speech
  3.  At brain capacity 900cc to 1000cc human underwent crucial stage, where abandoned walking on four limbs instead two limbs adopted
  4.  The evidence available portrays that human being existed around 25 million years with characteristics of having long teeth and walking in four limbs.
  5.    The creature called sustralopithecus  discovered by Raymond in south Africa and have evidence of making tools












  1.         Sketch a map of East Africa and locate the following historical sites
  1.      Olduvai Gorge
  2.   Nsongezi
  3.  Rusinga island
  4.  Isimila
  1.         Historians say that the second mode of production was characterized by exploitative means. Explain this by giving five points.
  2.         Differentiate between the following historical terms
  1.      Archeology and Anthropology
  2.   Communalism and feudalism
  3.  Trans- Sahara trade and long distance trade
  4.  Nomadic Pastoralism and sedentary pastoralism
  1.         Discovery of fire completely changed man’s ways of life. Elaborate



  1.     Trans- Saharan trade grew due to various factors. With vivid examples , explain five factors (5)









TIME 2:30 Hours



1.  This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of 10 questions.

2.  Answer all questions in the spaces provided.

3.  All writing must be in black or blue pen.

4.  All communication devices are not allowed in the examination room. 5. Write your examination number at the top right corner of every page.




1. For each of the items (i) – (x) choose the answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number.

i) The abolition of slave trade in 19th century was followed by:

a)          The Berlin conference of 1884-1885

b)         The development of legitimate trade

c)          The formation of UNO

d)         The Great depression of 1923-1929

(ii)      One of the following East African coastal city states was located in present day Mozambique, hence directly received gold from Mwenamutapa in 15th century

a)          Lamu

b)         Kilwa

c)          Sofala

d)         Zimbabwe

(iii)    In evolution of man, the use of tools and bi-pedalism were accompanied by the development of man’s;

a)          Agriculture

b)         Brain

c)          Limbs

d)         Trade

(iv)     Which of the following marked the end of Portuguese rule in east Africa?

a)          The rise and fall of coastal city states

b)         The coming of sultan Seyyid Said to Zanzibar

c)          The fall of fort Jesus in Mombasa

d)         The coming of Europeans to east Africa

(v)       The process by which people act on nature while at the same time they enter into relationship with one another is called:

a)          Means of production

b)         Object of labour

c)          Productive forces

d)         Relations of Production

(vi)     Gao was the trading centre which developed into a large empire known as:

a)          Soghai

b)         Asante

c)          Mali

d)         Ghana

(vii)  The Hamarton treaty was about:

a)          Allowing the sultan of Zanzibar to buy slaves from the interior

b)         To forbid the sultan of Zanzibar to sell slaves outside his dominion

c)          To forbid the sultan of Zanzibar to sell slaves outside farther north than Lamu and


d)         Allowing the sultan to sell slaves to the rich slave traders in Arabia.

(viii)        Among the evidences of the earliest commercial contact between east Africa and the middle and Far East as far back as 200 BC is:

a)          Existence of large Asian shops along the coastal areas

b)         The periplus of the Erythrean Sea written by Greek traders

c)          Existence of Arabic words in the Swahili language

d)         Growth of towns along coastal area.

(ix)     The following is one of the methods used to obtain gold in African societies:

a)          Shaft and planning methods

b)         Pottery and ornaments

c)          Ornaments and shaft

d)         Planning method and pottery

(x)       Local trade among African societies became possible when:

a)          One society became more powerful than others

b)         Iron tools had increased

c)          People produced less than their needs

d)         d)People could produce more than their needs

2.                  Match the items in List A with those in List B by writing the correct letter against the corresponding letter


List A


List B

i. ii. iii. iv.


Homo habilis


Homo sapiens sapiens

Homo erectus

Homo sapiens




They lived approximately between

150,000 and 20,000 year ago

They lived approximately between 1.9 million and 300,000 years ago They lived approximately between

400,000 and 70,000 year ago




They lived approximately 2.5 and 1.6 Million years ago.




They lived approximately between 300,000 and 500,000 years ago.




They lived about 6.9 million and 1,200 years ago.




Human ancestor who lived from about 4.2 to 2.0 million years ago.


Answer all questions from this section

3.  Iron Age was a period when human beings started using iron tools and weapons, in which ways Iron Age people differ from the Stone Age people? Give five points

4.  To interact is to spend time with people in a way you have an effect on each other. For example, you can interact with teacher in the classroom. You listen and take notes as the teacher teaches you ask question where you do not understand and the teacher answer them. Long before the coming of colonialist Africans were interacted socially. How far this is true? Give five points

5.  Gulukwa kwa lala is a village that found at Ilala district where its people live with exploitation of man by man and land was owned by a few rich and powerful people. As a historian relate the life of Gulukwa kwa lala villagers with pre-colonial mode of production by describing its five characteristics.

6.  (a) One student was talking about the event that took place in the 15th Century, the event that crossed three continents namely; Africa, Europe and America; what was the event a student was talking about?

(b) What factor gave to rise of 6 (a) above

7. (a) Boers trek was a migration by Boers families from cape of the interior of South Africa in order to escape from the British. With five points Describe reasons which made Boers to escape the southern cape 1830 and 1850

(b) Yusuph and John were arguing that “Museum has no significance. Yusuph argued that Museum has no significant to our nation while John opposed him. What do you think were five point used by John against her friends

8.  Abolition of slave trade means “Stopping of selling and buying human beings as commodities in the market. In West Africa they were abolished slave trade earlier than East Africa. Explain why it was difficult to abolish slave trade in East Africa than in West Africa.

9.  Use specific examples, how expansion of Ngoni People during the 19th century affected the people of east Africa and West Africa.


10.  When you get to Kariakoo market; you will find Tanzanians getting into contact with the people from India, china and Arab. This contact believed to be started as early as 200BC. What were the consequences brought with that contact?











Time: 2:30 Hours


  1.               This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions
  2.               Answer all questions
  3.               Section A and C carry fifteen (15) marks each and Section B carries seventy (70) marks
  4.               All writing must be in blue or black in
  5.               All answer must be written in the spaces provided
  6.               Cellular phones, calculators and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the assessment room

SECTION A (15 Marks)

  1.               For each of the items (i) – (x), Choose the correct answer from the given alternative and write its letter in box provided
  1. Assume you have asked by your friend that “pebbles, chopping tools and hand axes were used during which age” which of the following will be the correct answer among of the following?
  1.              The late stone age
  2.              The iron age
  3.               The middle stone age
  4.              The early stone age
  1. The study of languages in order to know their origin and relations of the people who speak them is one of the sources of historical information. In one word identify the name of this source;
  1.              Linguistics
  2.              Anthropology
  3.               Archives
  4.              History
  1. Which method was used to obtain salt during the pre-colonial era
  1.              Evaporating water from the sea water
  2.              Mining and evaporating reeds
  3.               Mining salt from bearing rocks
  4.              Boiling and evaporating bowls
  1. Which of the following was an important change in the evolution of man?
  1.              Walking with all four limbs
  2.              Development of the brain
  3.               Walking with fore limbs
  4.              Gathering and hunting
  1. The student of Mwendapole Secondary School went a visit to special building where historical artifacts and other artistic objects are kept. This building is known as:
  1.              Museum
  2.              Historical site
  3.               Archive 
  4.              Archaeology.
  1. Students from two different schools were arguing to each other the useless of learning history. One of them said there is necessity of learning this subject because of producing different occupation from this subject. What do you think is one of the occupation from history?
  1.              Carbon 14 Dating
  2.              Doctor
  3.               Museum curators 
  4.              Chemical engineering.
  1. There is still no clear evidence showing the origin of discovery of iron. This led to number of theories which are:
  1.              Forest fire theory and mistaken identity theory
  2.              Creation and forest fire theory
  3.               Evolution and mistaken identity theory 
  4.              Mistaken theory and copper melting theory.
  1. A feudal system practiced by Tutsi and Hutu is Rwanda and Burundi
  1.              Nyarubanja
  2.               Umwinyi
  3.               Ubugabire
  4.              Ntemi.


  1. Which of the following were not among the earthiest visitors in East Africa?
  1.              Portuguese
  2.              Indians
  3.               Chinese
  4.              Burma
  1. Earlier contact between East Africa and the world was mainly due to:-
  1.              Adventure
  2.              Commerce
  3.               Colonialism
  4.              Religious


  1.               Match the following items.

List A

List B

(i)    Vasco Da Gama Reached Malindi

(ii)   Portuguese landed at West coast of Africa

(iii) Bartholomew Diaz reached the Southern Cape of Africa

(iv)  Set up Navigation school in Portugal

(v)   Vasco Da Gama returned back to Portugal

  1.              Prince Henry
  2.              1620s
  3.                Elmina
  4.              April 1520
  5.                1698
  6.                 March 1498
  7.              1499
  8.              1470s
  9.                  1487




3. Briefly explain the following terms:

(i) Black smiths 

(ii) Nomadic pastoralism 

(iii) Agents of Industrial capitalism 

(iv) The San 

(v) Triangular Slave Trade

4. Arrange the following sentences in chronological order by writing their roman numbers in the table provided.

(i) The Portuguese merchants distrubed the gold trade in the early 16th century.

(ii) Now gold was exported to Portugal and other Western countries.

(iii) The deviation of trade brought conflicts between Arab traders and Portuguese merchants.

(iv) As a result, Arab traders with the assistance from Oman Sultanate expelled Portuguese merchants from East Africa coast in the end of 17th century.

(v) Mwanamutapa empire was the main supplier of gold to Arab traders based at Sofala.

5. Complete each of the following statements by filling the blanks with the correct historical facts.

i. . . . . . . . . the scientific knowledge that is used practically.

ii. . . . . . . .involves telling of stories about people and events in the past which can be in form of epics and myths.

iii. The short stabbing spears was known as . . . . . . . . . . . .

iv. The brain capacity of Homo sapiens was about . . . . . . to . . . . . .

v. Between 1698 and 1840 the east African coastal trade was dominated by. . . . .


6. Draw the sketch map of Africa and show the following kingdoms

A. Luba empire

B. Lozi kingdom

C. Kingdom of Mwantayamvo

D. Mwanemutapa kingdom

E. Zulu kingdom


7.Study this drawing and answer the questions that follow;



i. Which trade in west Africa expanded in the 19th Century due to the introduction of the means of transport shown in the drawing? 

ii. Why the type of animals shown on the drawing was preferred by the traders as the means of transport across the desert?

iii. Which Trade led to the decline of the type of the trade that used the animals shown in the drawing?

iv. Name the earliest kingdom in the western Sudanic zone which expanded due to the trade named in (i) above

v. Through which desert was the long distance trade linking west Africa and North Africa using the animals shown on the drawings conducted?


8. Write five causes of Ngoni Migration.

9. During pre-colonial and colonial rule they were emergence of varies state formation in Africa. List five factors for state formation in East Africa.



10. What were the social factors for interactions in Pre-colonial African communities? (Give six points)











Time: 2:30 Hours


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions
  2. Answer all questions
  3. Section A and C carry fifteen (15) marks each and Section B carries seventy (70) marks
  4. All writing must be in blue or black in
  5. All answer must be written in the spaces provided
  6. Cellular phones, calculators and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the assessment room


  1. For each of the items (i) – (x), choose the correct answer from given alternative and write its letter in box provided
  1. An evolution of man has passed through several stages involving change in structural features and way of life. Which ways of life are associated with homo habilis
  1. Hunting and eating raw food
  2. Gathering and walking in fore limbs
  3. Walking on fore limbs and domesticating animals
  4. Domesticating plants and animals
  1. Identify the elective name given to massive labour force used in instruction of cities, pyramids, dams, and irrigation schemes in ancient Egypt
  1. Wage labour
  2. Serfs
  3. Peasants
  4. Slaves
  1. The following are the reasons for the Portuguese atterturns to East Africa Coast from the 15th to 17th century except
  1. Conquering and controlling the area
  2. Preventing expansion of the Boers
  3. Controlling gold trade
  4. Obtaining full control of the Indian Ocean
  1. In East Africa the major means of production under feudalism were
  1. Capital and slaves
  2. Slaves and Trade
  3. Land and livestock
  4. Trade and Agriculture
  1. What was the effect of the Ngoni migration to central Africa and east Africa?
  1. Rise of Legitimate Trade
  2. Decline of coastal city states
  3. Development of capitalism
  4. Introduction of new military Techniques
  1. One of the important change in evolution of man was
  1. Walking with all four limbs
  2. Development of the Brain
  3. Walking with limbs
  4. Gathering and hunting
  1. Which ways were used to obtain slaves in East Africa during the slave Trade?
  1. Raiding, capturing and selling domestic slave
  2. Raiding, stealing and Trekking from South Africa
  3. Capturing, use of trickery and age set system
  4. False pretence Crying and Stealing Arab guns
  1. Which of the following historical sites are found in Uganda?
  1. Forstterman, and Rusinga
  2. Olorgesaille and Engaruka
  3. Olduvai gorge and Nsongezi
  4. Nsongezi and Biggo.
  1. Why is it expensive to the archeology?
  1. It need experts and advanced Technology
  2. It neglects the use of Carbon 14
  3. It rejects the
  4. use of fossil an evidence
  5. It needs historians who can memorize events
  1. Which of the following was hunting and gathering society in 19th century?
  1. Ganda
  2. Zulu
  3. Haya
  4. San


  1. Match items in LIST A with terms in LIST B by writing the correct letter against corresponding question numbers



  1. The earliest stone age where by tools were crude and heary
  2. The name of tools improved by reducing their size during middle stone age
  3. The tools that were discovered first at St. Acheul in France
  4. The stone tools that were named after Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania were first discovered
  5. The period Just after middle stone age where by the tools were still largely made of stones but they were better than those of earlier period.
  1. Old wan tools
  2. Acheulian tools
  3. Sangoan tools
  4. Australopithecus
  5. Microliths tools
  6. Microliths period
  7. Homo habills
  8. Paleolithic period
  9. Metholic period

SECTION B (70 Marks)

Answer all questions

  1. Briefly explain the following terms
  1. Ngoni Migration
  2. Mfecane war
  3. Bipedalism
  4. Age set Organization
  1. Arrange the following sentences Chronological order by Writing their roman numbers below the corresponding position in the table provided
  1. Regular Oman control was established during the second half of the 19th century.
  2. Trade contacts led to growth of East Africa coastal city state
  3. Later this prosperity was disturbed by Portuguese invasion
  4. In 1698 the Oman suitemate to defeat them.
  1. Briefly explain the following questions
  1. Stability communities led to growth of Trans-Sahara Trade
  2. How did desert rubbers contribute to dedine of Trans –Sahara Trade?
  3. Age set organization was dominant in pastorists communities
  4. Benin Empire was a forest state. Justify
  5. How did geographical location favour the rise and growth of Ghana Kingdom?
  1. Differentiate the following
  1. Primate and Zinjanthropus
  2. Matrilineal war and Ngoni Migration
  3. Communalism and feudalism
  4. Nyarubanja system and Umwinyi system
  1. Study the drawing and answer questions that follow.







  1. Which trade in west Africa expanded in 19th century due to introduction of means of transport shown above
  2. Why the type of animals shown on drawing was preferred by the traders as means of transport across desert?
  3. Which trade led to the decline of type of trade that used animal shown in drawing?
  4. Name the earliest Kingdom in Western Sudanic zone which expanded due to trade named above
  5. Through which desert was the long distance trade linking West Africa and North Africa animal shown on the drawing conducted?
  1. Discuss the main characteristics of feudalism
  2. What were motive of the Dutch settlement at the cape of South Africa During the 17th century?


SECTION C (15 Marks)

Answer question ten (10)

  1. Discuss the impacts of interactions of Among the people of Africa during Pre-colonial period






032/1                                                HISTORY  FORM TWO

TIME: 2 HOURS                                                                                 NOVEMBER 2022


1. This paper consists of three sections A, B, and C with a total of ten (10) questions. 

2. Answer all questions in section A, B and C. 

3. All writing must be in blue or black ink. 

4. All answers must be written in the space provided. 

5. Cellular phones, calculators and unauthorized materials are not allowed in examination room. 

SECTION A (15 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

1. For each of the items (i) — (x) choose the correct answer from among the given alternative and write its letter beside the item number in the space provided

(i)    During pre — colonial period there was no medium of exchange existed. That is why people of various communities with their neighbour they used barter system as a means of exchange. Which among the following alternatives is about the medium of exchange used by earliest societies?

A.    Exchange of goods by goods

B.    Exchange of goods by money C. Exchange goods for coins

D. Exchange of product for coins

(ii)  Assume you have been asked by your fellow members in your class that "pebbles" imagechopping tools and hand axes were used during which age among the following?

A.    The late stone age

B. The iron age

C. The middle stone age 

D. The early stone age

(iii) People whose work is to study and explain the remains which show man's physical development, his activities and the tools he made and used are known as

A.  Archaeology

 B.  Biologist

C.     Evolutionists

D.    Archaeologists

(iv) Agriculture differed from one place to another depending on the nature of the area and climatic condition, but permanent crop cultivation in East Africa mainly took place in which area?

A.    Central Tanganyika

B.     Coastal region

C.     Interlacustrine region

D.    South west Tanganyika

(v) The student of Isuzaje Secondary school paid a visit to a special building where historical artifacts and other artistic objects are kept. This building is known as

A.    Historical site

B.     Museum

C.     Archaeology

D.    Archive

(vi)   Among the Makonde and Mwera tribes, the husband was supposed to move to the wife's family and the children belonged to mother's side, which type of social organization was used?

A.     Kinship organization

B.     Clan organization

C.     Matrilineal organization

D.     Patrilineal organization

(vii)   Shadow of irrigation system was common among the farmers along the arid areas beside the river

A.     Zambezi

B.     Congo

C.     Niger 

D.    Nile

(viii)   The growth and expansion of Ethiopian Empire started from the 4th century under the reign of

A.     King Menelik Il

B.     King Solomon

C.     King Theodore D. King Ezana

(ix)     The introduction of circuit court system at the Cape of Good Hope was not only a reason for the Boers exodus, what do you think was the other reason?

A.     The Boers good relationship with the Xhosa

B.     Willingness of the Boers themselves

C.     The cape had no conducive environment for the Boers to settle

D.     Introduction of English language as the official language at the cape

(x)       The period marked by intensive competition for markets and raw materials among European states was known as

A.     Industrial capitalism 

B.     Commercial capitalism

C.    Industrial revolution

D.   Monopoly capitalism

2.  Match the descriptions in LIST A with correct responses in LIST B by writing the letter of the corresponding responses besides the item number in the space provided



  1.               A line or bar in which time of events is marked from left to right or bottom to top
  2.             A chart representing family relationships between people of two or more generations in a tree structure
  3.           A set of bars of different heights labeled with time at the bottom and organized from the shortest bar representing an event
  4.           A table with two columns; the left column has dates and the ri ht column has events corresponding to the date
  5.             An arrangement of historical events according to the order in which the occurred
  1.              Generation
  2.               Time lines
  3.               Time charts
  4.              Chronology
  5.               Time graphs
  6.                Time
  7.              Family tree



Answer all questions in this section

3.  Briefly define the following terms

(i)     Ngoni migration

(ii)   Mummification

(iii)  Communalism .

(iv)   Harmeton treaty


(v)    Regional trade

4.  Re-arrange the following sentences in chronological order by writing their roman number in the table provided

(i)     The economic potentiality of America attracted Europeans such as Spanish, Portuguese, British and French.

(ii)   He managed to go back to Europe whereby he convinced many Europeans to form plantations and mines.

(iii)  After great exploration of America Christopher Columbus called it, the new world.

(iv) It started with the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus as he was on his way to India in 1492

(v)   Triangular slave trade can be traced as far back as during journeys of discoveries.

5.     Complete the following statements with correct historical facts

(i) .........preserve old books, files, letters and diaries written by the leaders and travellers

(ii)   Learning about the past by digging up and studying objects found in the ground is known as............................................

(iii) Zwengendaba and his people crossed the river Zambezi in......................

(iv) The winds which helped some people from the middle East and the far East to sail across the Indian ocean to East Africa and then back to their homelands is..............

(v)   An estimation of the difference in age between parents and their children.........

6.     Briefly explain any five social factors for pre -colonial interaction among the African societies

7.     (a) The man's major technological discovery during the middle stone age was............

(b) From the above answer, explain four advantages to man's life.

8.     With five points briefly explain the roles of missionaries as the agents of colonialism in Africa


Study carefully the sketched map above, then mention the iron sites represented by roman numbers below.

  1.               ..........................................................................................................................
  2.             ..........................................................................................................................
  3.           ..........................................................................................................................
  4.           ..........................................................................................................................
  5.             ..........................................................................................................................


10. Handcraft industries was very crucial in the development of African societies both socially and economically. With vivid examples explain five advantages to Africans










012                                                              HISTORY 


Time: 2.30 Hours                                                                                                 SEPT 2022



  1.                This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions. 


  1.                Answer all questions in sections A and B and two(2) questions from section C. 


  1.                All writing must be in blue or black ink. 


  1.                All answers must be written in the spaces provided. 


  1.                Cellular phones, calculators and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room. 


  1.                Write your Examination Number at the top right corner of every page. 































SECTION A (15 Marks)


Answer all questions in this section. 


  1.                For each of the items (i) – (x), choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter in the box provided. 

  1.               Which of the following is not true about the importance of history? 
    1.                 It helps to understand physical systems that affect everyday life
    2.                It helps to know the origin of man and his achievement
    3.                 It helps to understand where we come from and where we are going 
    4.                It helps to understand levels of development at different stages of man


  1.             One of the effects regarding the coming of Europeans in West Africa was: 
    1.                 The distortion of the Trans – Saharan Trade in West and North Africa
    2.                The introduction of iron technology in West and North Africa
    3.                 The growth of Western Sudanic states
    4.                The failure of Trans - Indian Slave trade 


  1.           The growth and expansion of Songhai Empire was a result of : 
    1.                 Geographical position and Tropical favorable climate of an area
    2.                Expansion of Gao Empire through conquering neighboring states
    3.                 The emergence of Mansa Musa as a strong leader
    4.                Development of iron technology.


  1.           The growth and expansion of Ethiopian empire started from the 4th century under the reign of: 
    1.                 King Menelik II        c.  King Theodore  
    2.                King Solomon           d.  King Ezana


  1.             The Boers who trekked away from the Cape colony in the 1830s were known as: 
  1.                 Voortrekkers             c.  Isandlahwana
  2.                Africana Bond           d.  Khoisan


  1.           The abolition of slave trade in 19th C was followed by: 
    1.                 The development of mercantilism capitalism
    2.                The formation of UNO
    3.                 The development of legitimate trade
    4.                The Berlin conference.


  1.         The development of classes in Pre – Colonial African societies was possible in: 
    1.                 Hunting and gathering societies
    2.                Areas where productive forces had developed
    3.                 Areas with heavy rainfall with thick forest land
    4.                Arid areas where pastoral societies settled


  1.      The following are the methods of dating historical events EXCEPT 
    1.                 By carbon 14                    c.  By studying language
    2.                By order of events            d.  By oral traditions


  1.           One of the key characteristics of feudal mode of production in pre-colonial African societies was: 
    1.                 Tributary payments        c.   Absence of surplus production
    2.                Communal ownership     d.  Static in changing


  1.             Resistance against Portuguese intrusion was mainly made by Feudal Lords and rich traders in the coastal city states. Others who joined the resistance were: 
    1.                 Arabs and local chief’s                   c.  Zimba and Segeju
    2.                Ngoni and Yao of East Africa        d.  Kamba and Yao



  1.                Match the items in List A with those in List B by writing the correct letter below the corresponding question number in the table provided. 

List A 

List B 

  1.               The Dutch made permanent settlements under Jan van Riebeek at the cape 
  2.             Land of free slaves  
  3.           Predominant pastoralist societies in East Africa 
  4.           Dutch farmers in South Africa 
  5.             The first important towns for iron smelting in Africa 


  1.              Slavery 
  2.               Feudalism 
  3.               Maasai, Karamojong and Nandi 
  4.              Vasco da Gama 
  5.               Liberia 
  6.                Boers 
  7.              Meroe, Axum and Nok
  8.              Kinjeketile Ngwale
  9.                 Karl Peters 
  10.                 The Kwavi

K .Msiri, Mlozi and Tippu Tip  

  1.               1752 
  2.             1652 
  3.              The British 
  4.              Chancellor Bismarck 



SECTION B (70 Marks) 


Answer all questions in this section 


  1.                Write True if the statement is correct or False if the statement is not correct in the space provided. 


  1.               The commercial contacts between Africa, Middle East and Far East began as early as 200BC ___________ 
  2.             The wealth of Kilwa depended heavily on trade of gold from Mwenemutapa Kingdom______ 
  3.           Africa had no political organizations before the arriving of the colonialists_________ 
  4.           One of the contributions made by Seyyid Said in Zanzibar was the introduction and development of clove plantations_________ 
  5.             African continent would have no history if Europeans would have not come___________ 
  6.           Explorers had the role of spreading religion in Africa__________ 
  7.         Primitive communalism is an oldest social relation in history of man___________ 
  8.      Over long period of time salt became an important item in trade activities among Africans___________ 
  9.           All the time man struggled to control his environment so as to meet his basic requirements____________ 
  10.             The arrival of the Nguni speakers in East Africa was an outcome of Mfecane wars in West Africa___________ 


  1.                Briefly explain the following terms: 


  1.              Age set Organization  





  1.             Stone Age 


_____________________________________________________________        _____________________________________________________________


  1.              Archive 

            ________________________________________________________________            ________________________________________________________________           ________________________________________________________________


  1.             Capitalism  

            ________________________________________________________________             _________________________________________________________________      _________________________________________________________________


(e)       Ngoni migration 

             __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________             _________________________________________________________________



  1.                Arrange the following sentences in a chronological order by writing their letters in the table provided below. 
    1.              They grabbed Khoikhoi and Xhosa agricultural land and cattle. 
    2.             The Boers never trusted the British administration at the cape, they moved away Northwards in increasing number. 
    3.              British got effective control and established administration at the Cape in 1806. 
    4.             In the 15th century, the Portuguese were the first to arrive in South African cape on their way to India. 
    5.              After 150 years later, the Dutch East Indian Company decided to establish a fort at Table Bay. Gradually they spread and settled further in the interior. 



1 s t

2 n d

3 r d

4 t h

5 t h







  1.                (a) Complete each of the following statement with correct historical facts. 
    1.               __________________is a system which the inheritance of a child based on mother side. 
    2.             A place or building where information and objects are preserved and kept is called__________ 
    3.           ____________was a famous Hehe leader who fought against Germans   
    4.           The study of human   socio-cultural systems, beliefs and ideas is known as_________________ 
    5.             ________________was the result of intermarriages between Arabs and Bantu speaking people 

(b)  Briefly explain the following:

  1.                Evolution .................
  2.              Patrilineal society ..........
  3.           Communalism ...........
  4.           Afrikaans ............
  5.             Mansa Musa . .....
  1.                Study this drawing and answer the questions which follow. 



  1.              The theory which explains the drawing above is called__________________________
  2.             A person who proposed a theory above 7(a) was known as______________________
  3.              The stage whereby man resembled with a true man of today was called____________         

(d)    _____________was a stage whereby man was fully moving upright. 

(e)    The stage whereby man started to walk using two limbs was known as___________

8.  Give the meaning of the following terms:

(i) Trans-Saharan Trade

(ii) Colonialism

(iii) Historical site

(iv) Industrial Revolution

(v) Mixed farming


9. Write a short essay about Age-set organization using the following guidelines: (i) Meaning of (i) Age-set organization

(ii) Societies which practiced this system

(iii) Groups involved in this system

(iv) The roles of Moran in that society

(v) Roles of the elders in the society


SECTION C (15 Marks)


10. Explain six effects of the Trans- Saharan trade for the West African societies. 











TIME: 2:30 HOURS                                                      March 2022




1.      This paper consists of sections A, B and C.

2.      Answer all questions from sections A and B and two (2) questions from section C.

3.      All answers must be written in the spaces provided.

4.      All writings must be in blue or black ink except for drawings, which must be in pencil.

5.      All communication devices and Calculators are not allowed in the examination room.

6.      Write Your Examination Number on the top right of every page.














































SECTION A: (40 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

1.      For each of the items (i) - (x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter in the box provided:

(i)                 The student of Mwendapole Secondary School went a visit to special building where historical artifacts and other artistic objects are kept. This building is known as:

A.    Museum

B.     Historical site

C.     Archive 

D. Archaeology. 

(ii)              Students from two different schools were arguing to each other the useless of learning history. One of them said there is necessity of learning this subject because of producing different occupation from this subject. What do you think is one of the occupation from history?

A.    Carbon 14 Dating

B.     Doctor

C.     Museum curators 

D. Chemical engineering.

(iii)            There is still no clear evidence showing the origin of discovery of iron. This led to number of theories which are:

A.    Forest fire theory and mistaken identity theory

B.     Creation and forest fire theory

C.     Evolution and mistaken identity theory

 D. Mistaken theory and copper melting theory.

(iv)             An important feature in the East African Coastal commercial life was the presence of Indians Banyans who were:

A.    Slave Caravan

B.     Gold miners from Goa

C.     Traders and money lenders

D.    Blacksmith from calcut.

(v)               East African societies belong to major four language groups which are:

A.    Khoikhoi, Nilotes, San and Cushites

B.     Khoisan, Nilotes, Cushites and Bantu

C.     Bantu, Dorobo, Cushites, Khoisan

D.    Karamajong, Nilotes, Cushites and Khoisan.

 (vi)             In Makonde tribe, husband was moved to the wife’s family and their children belong to the mother. This form of social organization was known as:

A.    Kinship organization                C.   Matrilineal organization 

B.     Clan organization                    D.   Patrilineal organization.

(vii)          In Buhaya and Karagwe, the feudal relation system was known as:

A.    Nyarubanja system

B.     Busulu system

C.     Mvunjo

D.    Ubugabire.

(viii)        The Portuguese reached on the Gold Coast of West Africa and they built a Fort called Elmina Fort in:

A.    1482

B.     1488

C.     1582

D.    1498.

(ix)             The following was one of the humanitarian people who played vital role in abolition of slave trade:

A.    Prof. Adam Smith

B.     William Wilberforce

C.     Captain Moresby

D.    Sultan Barghash.

(x)               In triangular slave trade, items used were different from the regions they were obtained.

From America items obtained were:

A.    Cotton, sugar and tobacco

B.     Cotton, sugar and manufactured goods such as clothes

C.     Tobacco, clothes and glassware

D.    Slaves, animal skins and ivory.


2.      Match the items in LIST A with the correct responses in LIST B by writing the letter of correct response below the corresponding item number in the table provided.



(i)             Methods used to extract gold in precolonial Africa

(ii)          Generation

(iii)        A Maasai political and religious leader

(iv)         The leader who led Ngoni group to settle in Ufipa

(v)           The Boers republic states in South Africa

(vi)         Foreigners         intermarriage   with Africans

(vii)      Organizer of people to open up new lands wherever it was available.

(viii)    Theory of creation.

(ix)         Companies and Associations

(x)           The movement of the Dutch from the Cape in South Africa

A.                Zwangendaba

B.                 Man evolved from primates

C.                 A period of time determined by one continuous events or situation D. Transvaal and Natal.

E.     Ntemi

F.      Man originated from super natural power

G.    Agents of industrial capitalism

H.    Anglo – Boers War

I.        Cape Town and Zulu land

J.       Laibon

K.    Half-Caste

L.     Mputa Maseko

M.   Boers Trek

N.    Panaring and shaft

O.    A period of difference in age  between parents and their children.


























3.      Write TRUE if the statement is correct or FALSE if the statement is not correct in the space provided.

(i)            The Arabs came in vessels called junks while Chinese came in Vessels called dhows.                 

(ii)         The series of war between Xhosa and Boers were known as Mfacane war.   

(iii)       To encourage flow of trade, Seyyid Said introduced Indian money which was known as pier   

(iv)        Local trade was conducted within the same geographical region and was not based on making profit. 

(v)          In East Africa, iron was believed to be discovered in Engaruka, Ugweno and

                             Olduvai Gorge.  

(vi)        Man started to domesticate plants and animals in middle stone age 

(vii)     History brings a greater sense of patriotism and nationalism. 

(viii)   Discovery of new world, advance in naval was one of the factors stimulated the

rise of Trans-Saharan trade. 

(ix)        The dance and music that were used by Chagga tribe was known as Tringi

(x)          British South Africa Company was formed by Cecil Rhodes to operate in Central

                             and South Africa.

4.      Briefly explain the following historical terms:

(i)                 Anthropology 

(ii)              Dutch settlement at the cape

 (iii)            Ngoni migration 

(iv)             Industrial Capitalism

 (v)               Moresby treaty

SECTION B: (30 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

5.      Arrange the following historical sentences in a chronological order by writing their roman numbers in the table provided:

(i)                 In the pre-colonial era, many foreigners came into contact with Africa for various reasons.

(ii)              They included trading, spreading Islamic religion, exploring and looking for new areas for settlement.

(iii)            These visitors introduced new commodities and practices to the African communities that they interacted with

(iv)             These visitors included the Arabs, Persians, Indians and Chinese.

(v)               Their reasons for visiting Africa were diverse.














6.      Complete each of the following statements with correct historical facts.

(i)                 The form of rent that paid through provision of labour power in the land lord was known as _________________________________________________________.

(ii)              Mr. Chaurembo went to one of the European nations and he found many industries. He was told that nation was the first to undergo industrialization. What do you think was this nation? _______________________________________________________

(iii)            The technological evidence in Agricultural sector in Africa was the use of Irrigation system which was known as _________________________________ used in Ancient Egypt.

(iv)             The process of freeing slaves and stopping the use of human beings as commodities were known as ________________________________________________________

(v)               Juma’s father is learning about the past by digging up the past remains’ objects found in the ground. Juma’s father is technically known as __________________________

 7. Study the picture below and answer the questions which follow:


(i)                 Name the men chained in the picture above. ______________________________

(ii)              Mention two characteristics of the trade shown in the picture



(iii)            List down any two methods used to obtain the people chained in the picture given





(iv)             The trade above ended in which century? 



(v)               What are the two effects that were brought by the process above in the picture


SECTION C: (30 Marks)


Answer two (2) questions in this section

8.       What were the motives for people of Africa, Middle and Far East Contact? Give six points.

9.       Explain six features of slavery mode of production.

10.    Elaborate any six reasons for the decline of Portuguese rule in East Africa Coast.














TIME: 2:30 HOURS                                                      November, 2021




1.      This paper consists of sections A, B and C.

2.      Answer all questions from sections A and B and two (2) questions from section C.

3.      All answers must be written in the spaces provided.

4.      All writings must be in blue or black ink except for drawings, which must be in pencil.

5.      All communication devices and Calculators are not allowed in the examination room.

6.      Write Your Examination Number on the top right of every page.













































SECTION A: (40 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

1.      For each of the items (i) - (x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter in the box provided:

(i)                 The student of Mwendapole Secondary School went a visit to special building where historical artifacts and other artistic objects are kept. This building is known as:

A.    Museum

B.     Historical site

C.     Archive 

D. Archaeology.


(ii)              Students from two different schools were arguing to each other the useless of learning history. One of them said there is necessity of learning this subject because of producing different occupation from this subject. What do you think is one of the occupation from history?

A.    Carbon 14 Dating

B.     Doctor

C.     Museum curators 

D. Chemical engineering.


(iii)            There is still no clear evidence showing the origin of discovery of iron. This led to number of theories which are:

A.    Forest fire theory and mistaken identity theory

B.     Creation and forest fire theory

C.     Evolution and mistaken identity theory 

D. Mistaken theory and copper melting theory.


(iv)             An important feature in the East African Coastal commercial life was the presence of Indians Banyans who were:

A.    Slave Caravan

B.     Gold miners from Goa

C.     Traders and money lenders

D.    Blacksmith from calcut.


(v)               East African societies belong to major four language groups which are:

A.    Khoikhoi, Nilotes, San and Cushites

B.     Khoisan, Nilotes, Cushites and Bantu

C.     Bantu, Dorobo, Cushites, Khoisan

D.    Karamajong, Nilotes, Cushites and Khoisan.


(vi)             In Makonde tribe, husband was moved to the wife’s family and their children belong to the mother. This form of social organization was known as:

A.    Kinship organization  

C.   Matrilineal organization

B.     Clan organization                    

D.   Patrilineal organization.

(vii)          In Buhaya and Karagwe, the feudal relation system was known as:

A.    Nyarubanja system

B.     Busulu system

C.     Mvunjo

D.    Ubugabire.


(viii)        The Portuguese reached on the Gold Coast of West Africa and they built a Fort called Elmina Fort in:

A.    1482

B.     1488

C.     1582

D.    1498.


(ix)             The following was one of the humanitarian people who played vital role in abolition of slave trade:

A.    Prof. Adam Smith

B.     William Wilberforce

C.     Captain Moresby

D.    Sultan Barghash.


(x)               In triangular slave trade, items used were different from the regions they were obtained.

From America items obtained were:

A.    Cotton, sugar and tobacco

B.     Cotton, sugar and manufactured goods such as clothes

C.     Tobacco, clothes and glassware

D.    Slaves, animal skins and ivory.

2.      Match the items in LIST A with the correct responses in LIST B by writing the letter of correct response below the corresponding item number in the table provided.



(i)             Methods used to extract gold in precolonial Africa

(ii)          Generation

(iii)        A Maasai political and religious leader

(iv)         The leader who led Ngoni group to settle in Ufipa

(v)           The Boers republic states in South Africa

(vi)         Foreigners         intermarriage   with Africans

(vii)      Organizer of people to open up new lands wherever it was available.

(viii)    Theory of creation.

(ix)         Companies and Associations

(x)           The movement of the Dutch from the Cape in South Africa

A.                Zwangendaba

B.                 Man evolved from primates

C.                 A period of time determined by one continuous events or situation D. Transvaal and Natal.

E.     Ntemi

F.      Man originated from super natural power

G.    Agents of industrial capitalism

H.    Anglo – Boers War

I.        Cape Town and Zulu land

J.       Laibon

K.    Half-Caste

L.     Mputa Maseko

M.   Boers Trek

N.    Panaring and shaft

O.    A period of difference in age  between parents and their children.


























3.      Write TRUE if the statement is correct or FALSE if the statement is not correct in the space provided.

(i)            The Arabs came in vessels called junks while Chinese came in Vessels called dhows.                                              _________

(ii)         The series of war between Xhosa and Boers were known as Mfacane war.   


(iii)       To encourage flow of trade, Seyyid Said introduced Indian money which was known as piee                                    _________

(iv)        Local trade was conducted within the same geographical region and was not based on making profit.                          ________

(v)          In East Africa, iron was believed to be discovered in Engaruka, Ugweno and

                             Olduvai Gorge.                                                                                           _________

(vi)        Man started to domesticate plants and animals in middle stone age         _________

(vii)     History brings a greater sense of patriotism and nationalism.                  _________

(viii)   Discovery of new world, advance in naval was one of the factors stimulated the

rise of Trans-Saharan trade.                                                                    __________

(ix)        The dance and music that were used by Chagga tribe was known as Tringi_______                   

(x)          British South Africa Company was formed by Cecil Rhodes to operate in Central

                             and South Africa.                                                                                         ________


4.      Briefly explain the following historical terms:

(i)                 Anthropology

____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________



(ii)              Dutch settlement at the cape





(iii)            Ngoni migration





(iv)             Industrial Capitalism





(v)               Moresby treaty




SECTION B: (30 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

5.      Arrange the following historical sentences in a chronological order by writing their roman numbers in the table provided:

(i)                 In the pre-colonial era, many foreigners came into contact with Africa for various reasons.

(ii)              They included trading, spreading Islamic religion, exploring and looking for new areas for settlement.

(iii)            These visitors introduced new commodities and practices to the African communities that they interacted with

(iv)             These visitors included the Arabs, Persians, Indians and Chinese.

(v)               Their reasons for visiting Africa were diverse.














6.      Complete each of the following statements with correct historical facts.

(i)                 The form of rent that paid through provision of labour power in the land lord was known as _________________________________________________________.

(ii)              Mr. Chaurembo went to one of the European nations and he found many industries. He was told that nation was the first to undergo industrialization. What do you think was this nation? _______________________________________________________

(iii)            The technological evidence in Agricultural sector in Africa was the use of Irrigation system which was known as _________________________________ used in Ancient Egypt.

(iv)             The process of freeing slaves and stopping the use of human beings as commodities were known as ________________________________________________________

(v)               Juma’s father is learning about the past by digging up the past remains’ objects found in the ground. Juma’s father is technically known as __________________________ 7. Study the picture below and answer the questions which follow:


(i)                 Name the men chained in the picture above. ______________________________

(ii)              Mention two characteristics of the trade shown in the picture



(iii)            List down any two methods used to obtain the people chained in the picture given





(iv)             The trade above ended in which century? 



(v)               What are the two effects that were brought by the process above in the picture






SECTION C: (30 Marks)


Answer two (2) questions in this section


8.       What were the motives for people of Africa, Middle and Far East Contact? Give six points.


9.       Explain six features of slavery mode of production.


10.    Elaborate any six reasons for the decline of Portuguese rule in East Africa Coast.









 Time: 2:30Hours


  1.                This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of 10 questions
  2.                Answer all questions in section A and B and TWO questions from section C.
  3.                Section A carries 40 marks, while section B and C carries 30 marks each.
  4.                All answers should be written in the spaces provided.
  5.                All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized material are not allowed in examination room.
  6.                Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.

 SECTION A (35 Marks)

 Answer All questions in this section.

  1.                For each of the items (i)-(x), choose the correct answer from the alternatives given.

(i) The period marked by intense competition and warfare among European states was known as:-

  1.              Industrial capitalism
  2.               The age of mercantilism
  3.               Industrial revolution
  4.              Iron Age

(ii) The Dutch settlement was established at the Cape in 1652 because:

  1.              The Dutch were great racialists.
  2.               The Dutch were welcomed by the Khoisan.
  3.               They wanted to supply the foodstuffs for ships sailing to and from the East Indies.
  4.              They wanted to initiate relationship with the British.

(iii) Gao was a trading centre which developed into a large empire known as:

  1.              Songhai
  2.               Asante
  3.               Mali
  4.              Ghana

(iv)The effect of European penetration to West Africa was: 

  1.              Introduction of iron industry.
  2.               Distortion of the Trans-Saharan Trade
  3.               Development of Western Sudan states
  4.              Abolition of Triangular trade

(v)A source of historical information which contains remains that show man's physical development activities and tools he used is:

  1.              Museum
  2.               Oral tradition
  3.               Archives
  4.              Historical sites

(vi) The following historical eventinvolved the continents of Africa, America and Europe between 15 th and 19 th centuries.

  1.                  Trans Saharan
  2.                    The Boer Trek
  3.                   Triangular slave trade 
  4.                   East African long distance trade 

(vii)The important effect of iron technology in Africa was:

  1.              Expansion of heavy industries
  2.               Increase of civil wars
  3.               Increase of migration in Africa
  4.              Increase of agriculture and population

(viii)An important feature in the East African coastal commercial life was the Indian Banyans who were:

  1.              Capitalists from France
  2.               Gold miners from France
  3.               Slave Caravans
  4.              Traders and money lenders

(ix)In evolution of man, the use of tools and bi-pedalism were accompanied by the development of man's:

  1.              Agriculture
  2.               Brain
  3.               Limbs
  4.              Trade

(x)  The major cause of Ngoni migration from South Africa during the 19th century was:

  1.              The death of Zwangendaba in 1845
  2.               Population pressure leading to scarcity of resources such as fertile land and pasture 
  3.               Expansion of trade especially Trans-Sahara trade
  4.              Failure of vassal states to pay tributes

2. (a) Choose the correct statement in List A and match it with a relevant statement in List B.



(i) Chikole, Kotakota, Ujiji and Tabora.

(ii) An explorer who is said to have served two European imperialist powers seeking colonies in Africa

(iii) System of life where few people or inpiduals are allowed to own the major means of production.

(iv) Diamond digging

(v) Hadzabe, Pygmies and Khoisans

(vi) Venda, Mashona, Mang'anja

(vii) Audaghost

(viii) Sumangum

(ix) Nilometer

(x) Christopher Columbus

  1.              H. M. Stanley
  2.               Discovery of USA
  3.               British governor in Kenya
  4.              Slave centers in the interior
  5.               Capitalism
  6.                Helped the people living along the Nile to be aware of floods.
  7.              Culture of Nilotic group
  8.              Salt trading centre in Ghana
  9.                 Good examples of blacksmiths
  10.                 African societies which lived on hunting
  11.              People who fought against European occupation in North Africa.
  12.               Founder of Ghana Empire
  13.             Kimberly
  14.              Johannesburg

3. In the space provided writeTRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is not correct.

(i)Rusinga Island, Isimila and Nsongezi are historical sites found in Tanzania .

(ii)Hunters and gatherers differed from crop cultivators because hunters and gatherers entirely depended on nature for their livelihood .

(iii)The main function of Ntemi (Chief) was to settle land and social conflicts.

(iv)The Boer-trek was caused by lack of rainfall .

(v)Explorers were sent by capitalists to assess the wealth of Africa .

(vi)Tippu Tip was the most notorious and famous slave trade organizer in East and Central Africa .

(vii)The Moroccan invasion led to the rise of Sudanic empires .

(viii)The people called Bantu speak different related languages with moderate modification .

(ix)Rabai in 1846 was a home of freed slaves from America and the Caribbean.

(x)Salt making by trapping and evaporating sea water was much practiced by most of the African societies in the interior .

4. briefly explain the following terms

  1. Oral tradition
  2. Creation theory
  3. Middle stone age
  4. Regional trade
  5. The Benin Empire

SECTION B (30 Marks) Answer all questions in this section. 

Arrange the following sentences in chronological order by writing their roman numbers in the table provided.

 (i) The Portuguese merchants disturbed the gold trade in the early 16th century. 

(ii) Now gold was exported to Portugal and other Western countries. 

(iii) The deviation of trade brought conflicts between Arab traders and Portuguese merchants. 

(iv) As a result, Arab traders with the assistance from Oman Sultanate expelled Portuguese merchants from East Africa coast in the end of 17th century. 

(v) Mwanamutapa empire was the main supplier of gold to Arab traders based at Sofala

6. Complete each of the following statements with correct historical facts.

  1.  A community in Kenya which participated in Long distance trade...............
  2. Nandi Leader who resisted against colonists................
  3. Another name for triangular trade.........................
  4. A  society where by the husband moved to the wife’s family and children of the new family belonged to the mother’s (wife’s clan). 
  5. Intelligent man that large brain capacity.....

7.  Study the sketch map below and answer the questions that follows:-

List the missing historical sites labelled (i) - (v)on the sketch map. 

SECTION C (30 Marks) Answer two (2) questions from this section.

8. Write a short essay about the Ghana Empire using the following hints or guidelines:

(i)Where and when was the Ghana Empire established?

(ii)Who was the founder of this empire?

(iii)What factors led to the decline or fall of the empire?

9. Using the following guidelines, write an essay on Mfecane.

(i)What was it?

(ii)Where did it take place?

(iii)Who were involved?

(iv)What were the causes? 

(v) What were its effects?

10. What were the effects of the discovery of fire during the Middle and Late Stone Ages? (Give six points)








 Time: 2:30Hours


  1.            This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of 10 questions
  2.            Answer all questions in section A and B and TWO questions from section C.
  3.            Section A carries 40 marks, while section B and C carries 30 marks each.
  4.            All answers should be written in the spaces provided.
  5.            All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized material are not allowed in examination room.
  6.            Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.

 SECTION A (35 Marks)

 Answer All questions in this section.

  1. For each of the items (i)-(x), choose the correct answer from the alternatives given.
  1. The method of collecting historical information through talking and listening to elders is called:
  1. archaeology
  2. archives
  3. museums
  4. oral traditions
  1. whose work is to study and explain the remains which show mans physical development, his activities and the tools he made and used are known as:
  1. Archaeologists
  2. Evolutionists
  3. Biologists
  4. Homo Sapiens
  1.                     In which century was the Zanzibar slave market closed?
  1.  2nd century
  2.  18th century 
  3. 19th century
  4. 20 th century
  1.                      Three of these kingdoms are closely related. Which one of them is not?
  1. Ghana
  2. Mali
  3. Buganda
  4. Songhai
  1. One of the problems of written records as a source of historical information is that, they:
  1. are given by elders
  2. are mostly reliable
  3.  can be used by literate people only
  4. serve as stores of variety of information
  1.                      The economic factors for interactions among the people of Africa were:
  1.  immigration, intermarriage and language
  2. need for new land, trade and agriculture
  3.  trade, intermarriage and language
  4.  war, trade and migration.
  1.                   The Maasai did not have chiefs because they:
  1.   believe in God as their only chief
  2. did not know that chiefs were good
  3. trusted their warriors
  4.  moved in different directions looking for pastures
  1.                The origin of the Ngoni speaking people is historically believed to be in:
  1.  Kimberley in South Africa
  2. Natal in South Africa
  3. Pretoria in South Africa 
  1.                      The following were some of the centralized city states of West Africa:
  1.  Bunyoro, Buganda and Toro
  2. Cape, Nyamwezi and Karagwe
  3. Oyo, Ife and Benin
  4. Sofala, Mombasa and Lamu
  1. The centralised states of East and Central Africa were mostly expanded by:
  1. colonizing
  2. conquest
  3. culture
  4.  taxation

2. Match the items in list A with the correct response in list B by writing the letter of the correct answer



  1. Vasco da gama reached the cape
  2. Fall of fort Jesus
  3.                     Dutch settle in south  Africa
  4.                      Tanganyika become independent
  5. Uprising of Chimurenge war
  6.                      Opening of Suez canal
  7.                   Multipartism in Tanzania
  8.                Collapse of East Africa community
  9.                      Killings of Soweto
  10. Independence of Zimbabwe
  1. 1698
  2. 1968
  3. 1652
  4. 1562
  5. 1498
  6. 1963
  7. 1993
  8. 1992
  9. 1994
  10. 1976
  11. 1896-97
  12. 1980
  13. 1869
  14. 1975
  15. 1977
  16. 1990
  17. 2000
  18. 1939
  19. 1964

3. Write True for the correct statement and false for the incorrect statement beside the item number.

  1. Machemba led yao in resisting Germany rule
  2. Colonial education was a technique used to obtain labour
  3.         Colonial economy aimed at benefiting Africans
  4.         British administrators were also labourers in their plantation
  5. Mozambique and Angola achieved its Independence in 1975
  6.         Hehe resistance was led by Mkwavinyika
  7.       MajiMaji was caused by forced labour taxation and land alienation
  8.    Shona and Ndebele took arms against the British in 1896-97
  9.         Imperialism defined as the highest stage of capitalism
  10. Scramble and partition was done during Berlin conference

4. Briefly explain the following:

  1.  Evolution .................
  2.  Patrilineal society ..........
  3. Communalism ...........
  4. Afrikaans ............
  5. Mansa Musa . .....

SECTION B (30 Marks) Answer all questions in this section.

5. Arrange the following sentences in chronological order by writing their roman numbers in the table provided.

  1. In this struggle, man continually learns how to design and fashion better tools
  2. In so doing, he developed science and technology
  3.                     History describes man struggle to master his environment
  4.                      History shows the changing relationship between man and man in the course of material production.
  5. For example the people who lived in Engaruka long time ago controlled their environment by adopting irrigation and terracing.

6. Complete each of the following statements with correct historical facts. 

(i) Collective ownership of the major means of production is one of the characteristics of ………………………… 

(ii) A building in which objects of artistic, cultural, historical or scientific interest are kept and shown to the public is called …………………………

 (iii) Triangular trade was also known as ………………………… 

(iv) A duration of one hundred years is called …………………………

 (v) The title of a chief among the Hehe was called …………………………

7. Study the figure below and answer the question that follows

(a) The people who are chained shown in the drawing are called …………………………

 (b) In which year was the last treaty to stop the business shown on the diagram signed in East Africa? ………………………… 

(c) Where was the greatest market in East Africa for the chained people shown on the diagram? ………………………… 

(d) Which European country championed to stop the business shown on the diagram? ………………………… (e) Which was the first European country to conduct the business shown on the diagram in Africa? …………………………


Answer two (2) questions from this section.

8. Explain six effects of the Great Trek in South Africa.

9.   “East Africa was affected by the coming of Oman rulers in Zanzibar form 1840s”. Discuss this statement by giving six points.

10. Discuss the impact of the Dutch settlement at the Cape by giving six points.



Student’s Examination Number: ..................................                              Class: ............................






 Time: 2:30Hours


  1.              This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of 10 questions
  2.              Answer all questions in section A and B and TWO questions from section C.
  3.              Section A carries 40 marks, while section B and C carries 30 marks each.
  4.              All answers should be written in the spaces provided.
  5.              All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized material are not allowed in examination room.
  6.              Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.

 SECTION A (40 Marks)

 Answer All questions in this section.

  1. For each of the items (i)-(x), choose the correct answer from the alternatives given.
  1. In evolution of man, the systematic tool maker was
    1. Zinjanthropus
    2. Australopithecus
    3. Homo erectus
    4. Homo habilis
  1. The East African societies that developed clan organization based on matrilineal system were
    1. Makonde, Makua, Kamba, Kikuyu and Yao.
    2. Sandawe, Tindiga, Makua, Hadzabe and Iraqw
    3. Chagga, Gogo, Sukuma and Yao
    4. Yao, Makonde, Hehe, Sambaa and Luo.
  1. Some of the weapons used by the Ngoni people were; 
    1. Clubs, cow-hide shields and gun powder
    2. Short stabbing spear, gun-powder and clubs
    3. Guns, clubs and short stabbing spears
    4. Short stabbing spear, clubs and cow-hide shields
  1. The following are the economic factors for interactions among people of Africa
    1. Trade, need of land and agriculture
    2. Language relations, migration and population increase
    3. Wars, migration and trade
    4. Search for new areas, wars and intermarriage
  1. The following are exploitative social and economic organizations practiced in Pre Colonial Africa except;
    1. Capitalism
    2. Feudalism
    3. Communalism
    4. Slavery
  1. The feudal system in Zanzibar was known as;
    1.  Busulo
    2.  Nyarubanja
    3.  Ubugabire
    4.  Umwinyi
  1. Which among the following include the demands of industrial capitalism?
    1. Piracy, robbers and unequal exchange
    2. Explorers, traders and missionaries
    3. Markets, raw materials and cheap labour
    4. Robbery, piracy and agents of colonialism
  1. Olduvai Gorge is famous for;
    1. Archaeological findings
    2. Archival activities
    3. Oral traditions
    4. Sedentary farming
  1. The three main economic activities in Pre- colonial African societies were;
    1.  Agriculture, handcrafts and trade
    2. Carpentry, pottery and salt-making
    3. Industries, gathering and fishing  
    4. Lumbering, harvesting and salt making.
  1. Ngoni migration took place in
    1.  1st half of 19th C
    2.  2nd half of 19th C
    3.  18th C
    4.  17th C
  1. Match the items in List B with those provided in List A by writing its letter in the box provided.













  1. Agents of capitalism
  2. The Maseko Ngoni group
  3. Laibon
  4. Kinjeketile
  6. Tuta
  7. The second pre-capitalist mode of production
  8.   The first millennium of human development
  9. The basic and simplest unit of social organization
  10. Trans-Saharan trade
  1. A ceremony of passing in a new leadership and passing out of old leadership.
  2. Missionaries, Traders and Arabs
  3. Religious leader of maji maji war.
  4. Senior elders among Maasai.
  5. Morani of Maasai.
  6. Missionaries, Traders and Explorers
  7. Ngoni group settled in Tabora.
  8. Slavery
  9. Method used to obtain slaves
  10. Under Zwangendaba
  11. Family
  12. Mputa
  13. Oral tradition
  14. Feudalism
  15. The iron age
  16. Commercial activities conducted between North Africa and West Africa
  17. The stone age
  18. Mkwawa.


  1. (a)   Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is not correct.
  1. History is about yesterday, today and tomorrow ____________________
  2. Ngoni speakers came from Songea land ______________________
  3. Karamajong is one of the pastoral societies ____________________
  4. Katanga belt in Zambia is famous for production of copper ________________
  5. One of the source of historical information is stone age ______________________
  6. Mbundu of Angola, Chewa, Yao and Bisa were among traders in East and Central Africa ____________________
  7. In matrilineal societies children are named according to father’s clan ________________
  8.      Pre-colonial African societies were classless and stateless ___________________
  9. Bushmen is an example of communal societies ___________________
  10. Trade facilitated economic interaction in pre-colonial period ________________
  1. Briefly explain the following terms
  1. Slave trade
  2. Stone age
  3. Partriachial  society
  4. The bush men
  5. Nomadism.
  1. Re-arrange the following sentences in a chronological order from 1st to 5th  by writing

      their roman  numbers in the table provided;

(i) An anthropologist is interested in such material aspects of life as farming, cattle raising, 

     fishing and technology.

(ii) It concerns itself with present day social organization in relation to customs, cultural 

      values and institution forms of government system of marriage, inheritance descent and  

      religious practices.

(iii) Anthropology is the study of people’s origins, development, customs and beliefs

(iv) Historians need to understand how societies function today and what their key concepts 

       are and how they functioned in the past

(v) Anthropologists’ description and explanation of beliefs and customs help to visualize 

     what the culture being described looked like in the past.






6. Write the missing historical facts.

  1. The name given to the Islamic Holy war was _______________________________
  2. The Nyakyusa and Maasai were societies which practiced _____________________________
  3. ___________________________ is a leader of Chagga society.
  4. ___________________________ is an example of communal society found in the Congo Forest.
  5. A collection of 100 years is called _________________________

7.  Draw a sketch map of East Africa and locate the following historical sites.

 (i) Nsongezi (ii) Kilwa (iii) Olorgesaillies (iv) Rusinga Island (v) Zanzibar

 (vi) Kalambo (vii) Bigo (viii) Olduvai Gorge (ix) Engaruka  (x) Bagamoyo


Answer any two questions from this section

  1. Write an essay on “Factors for state formation in Pre-colonial Africa” using the following guidelines;

(i) What is a state organization?

(ii) Three examples of states in Africa

(iii) Six factors for state formation 

(iv) Conclusion

  1. Explain any six social factors for early interactions in Africa.
  1. Write a short essay on the “Primitive Communalism” by using the following guidelines.
  1. Meaning and participants
  2. Any six characteristics
  3.  Conclusion






























































Composed by Mr. Amos, O

1 | Page







  1. For each of the items given below choose the best answer from the alternatives given.
  1. The collection of public documents is called
  1. Museums
  2. Archeology
  3. Achieves
  4. Oral traditions
  1. With fire man could,
  1. Burn forests to make desert
  2. Roast his food and live in cold areas
  3. Cultivate crops
  4. Kill wild animals
  1. People who combine rearing of domestic animals and keeping of animals are called
  1. Pastoralists
  2. Shift cultivation
  3. Permanent crop cultivation
  4. Mixed farmer
  1. Which of the following sources of history depend on carbon 14 on date determination?
  1. Archives
  2. Anthropology
  3. Archeology
  4. Museums
  1. Barter trade was an economic activity which was based on;
  1. Exchange of goods for cowrie shells
  2. Exchange of good for coin
  3. Exchange of goods for goods
  4. Exchange of money for goods
  1. True man appeared in this world around which years?
  1. 50,000BC
  2. 1,500,000 BC
  3. 500,000 BC
  4. 750,000 BC
  1. Which of the following is not a feature of earlier stone age?
  1. Hunting and gathering
  2. Use of stone, wood and bones to make tools
  3. Domestication of animals and plants
  4. The discovery of iron
  1. Before the 15th century Africa was called a dark continent because?
  1. It was not known by European capitalist
  2. Its people were black
  3. It supplied all raw materials
  4. It had no development
  1. Anno Domino means;
  1. Years before christ
  2. Years after christ
  3. Jihads
  4. When prophet mohammed fled to mecca
  1. Iron in east Africa was discovered in;
  1. Engarika, uvinza, karagwe and ugweno
  2. Tanga, amboni, and Arusha
  3. Engaruka, olduvai George and lake natron
  4. Uvinza, engaruka, and ismila
  1. Match the explanations of the phrases in LIST A WITH the correct response from LIST B and write the letter of the correct answer in the space provided.



  1. Carbon14
  2. Chronological order of events
  3. Homo sapiens
  4. Pastoralists
  5. Specialization and division of labour
  6. Famous working iron societies
  7. Barter trade system
  8. Rise of trans- Atlantic  trade
  9. Matrilileal clan organization
  10. Contributed to growth of towns.
  1. Clan heritage was based on the father
  2. Biological experiment
  3. Fipa and manganja
  4. Early gatherers and hunters
  5. A scientific method of determining dates
  6. Time chart
  7. Had a large brain
  8. Wasandawe
  9. Bargains
  10. Stimulated development of trade
  11. Was common before introduction of money
  12. Rise of trans-sahara trade
  13. Clan heritage was based on the mother
  14. Long distance trade
  15. Decline of trans sahara trade.
  1. Write  TRUE if the statement is correct or FALSE if the statement is incorrect.
  1. The most senior elder among the maasai is called Moran……………………………
  2. A day is a duration of 36 hours………………………………………………………………………
  3. An expert in archeology is known as historians…………………………………………….
  4. The ability of man to walk  upright with two legs is called bipedalism……………..
  5. Pebble tools were tools used by man in the iron age…………………………………………
  6. Discovery of fire enabled man to live in colder places…………………………………………
  7. Imbangala were famous long distance traders in east Africa…………………………………
  8. The simplest unit of social organization in agricultural societies was the family………
  9. Conquering was one of the methods of expanding a kingdom……………………………
  10. Writen texts are more accurate the oral traditions…………………………………………………..
  1. Briefly explain the following terms
  1. Environment…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
  2. Nomadic pastoralism……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  3. Shift cultivation ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  4. Mixed farming……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
  5. Triangular slave trade……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

SECTIO B (30 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

  1. Arrange the following sentences in chronological order by writing their roman numbers in the table provided.
  1. The Portuguese merchants disturbed the gold trade in the early 16th century
  2. Now gold was exported to Portugal and other western European countries
  3. The deviation of trade brought conflicts between Arabs traders and Portuguese merchants
  4. As a result, Arab traders with assistance from Oman Sultanate expelled Portuguese merchants
  5. Mwanamutapa empire was the main supplier of Gold to Arab traders based at sofala.







  1. Complete each of the following statements with correct historical facts.
    1.          The Fulani and Maasaı mostly practiced__________________________________
    2.       Rusınga Island and Nsongezı are both historical sites found ın _______________
    3.     The leader of Zulu Kingdom was known as_______________________________
    4.      The areas around the great lakes are called______________________________
    5.        The first country to ındustralıze was ___________________________________
  2. Use the sketch map below to answer the questions that located after the map.
  1. Mention the names of the trade centres marked 1, 2, 3, 4.
  2. Show the name of the routes A, B, C
  3. Outline any three (3) trade items involved in this trade.

 SECTION C (30 Marks)

 Answer any two Questions

  1. Discuss how discovery of fire helped in improvement of earlier man’s life?
  2. Using six points, explain how East Africa was affected by slave Trade.
  3. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of Oral Tradition as a source of history?







  1. For each of the items given below choose the best answer from the alternatives given.
  1. The collection of public documents is called
  1. Museums
  2. Archeology
  3. Achieves
  4. Oral traditions
  1. With fire man could,
  1. Burn forests to make desert
  2. Roast his food and live in cold areas
  3. Cultivate crops
  4. Kill wild animals
  1. People who combine rearing of domestic animals and keeping of animals are called
  1. Pastoralists
  2. Shift cultivation
  3. Permanent crop cultivation
  4. Mixed farmer
  1. Which of the following sources of history depend on carbon 14 on date determination?
  1. Archives
  2. Anthropology
  3. Archeology
  4. Museums
  1. Barter trade was an economic activity which was based on;
  1. Exchange of goods for cowrie shells
  2. Exchange of good for coin
  3. Exchange of goods for goods
  4. Exchange of money for goods
  1. True man appeared in this world around which years?
  1. 50,000BC
  2. 1,500,000 BC
  3. 500,000 BC
  4. 750,000 BC
  1. Which of the following is not a feature of earlier stone age?
  1. Hunting and gathering
  2. Use of stone, wood and bones to make tools
  3. Domestication of animals and plants
  4. The discovery of iron
  1. Before the 15th century Africa was called a dark continent because?
  1. It was not known by European capitalist
  2. Its people were black
  3. It supplied all raw materials
  4. It had no development
  1. Anno Domino means;
  1. Years before christ
  2. Years after christ
  3. Jihads
  4. When prophet mohammed fled to mecca
  1. Iron in east Africa was discovered in;
  1. Engarika, uvinza, karagwe and ugweno
  2. Tanga, amboni, and Arusha
  3. Engaruka, olduvai George and lake natron
  4. Uvinza, engaruka, and ismila
  1. Match the explanations of the phrases in LIST A WITH the correct response from LIST B and write the letter of the correct answer in the space provided.



  1. Carbon14
  2. Chronological order of events
  3. Homo sapiens
  4. Pastoralists
  5. Specialization and division of labour
  6. Famous working iron societies
  7. Barter trade system
  8. Rise of trans- Atlantic  trade
  9. Matrilileal clan organization
  10. Contributed to growth of towns.
  1. Clan heritage was based on the father
  2. Biological experiment
  3. Fipa nad manganja
  4. Early gatherers and hunters
  5. A scientific method of determining dates
  6. Time chart
  7. Had a large brain
  8. Wasandawe
  9. Bargains
  10. Stimulated development of trade
  11. Was common before introduction of money
  12. Rise of trans-sahara trade
  13. Clan heritage was based on the mother
  14. Long distance trade
  15. Decline of trans sahara trade.
  1. Write  TRUE if the statement is correct or FALSE if the statement is incorrect.
  1. The most senior elder among the maasai is called Moran……………………………
  2. A day is a duration of 36 hours………………………………………………………………………
  3. An expert in archeology is known as historians…………………………………………….
  4. The ability of man to walk  upright with two legs is called bipedalism……………..
  5. Pebble tools were tools used by man in the iron age…………………………………………
  6. Discovery of fire enabled man to live in colder places…………………………………………
  7. Imbangala were famous long distance traders in east Africa…………………………………
  8. The simplest unit of social organization in agricultural societies was the family………
  9. Conquering was one of the methods of expanding a kingdom……………………………
  10. Writen texts are more accurate the oral traditions…………………………………………………..
  1. Briefly explain the following terms
  1. Environment…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
  2. Nomadic pastoralism……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  3. Shift cultivation ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  4. Mixed farming……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
  5. Triangular slave trade……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

SECTIO B (30 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

  1. Arrange the following sentences in chronological order by writing their roman numbers in the table provided.
  1. The Portuguese merchants disturbed the gold trade in the early 16th century
  2. Now gold was exported to Portugal and other western European countries
  3. The deviation of trade brought conflicts between Arabs traders and Portuguese merchants
  4. As a result, Arab traders with assistance from Oman Sultanate expelled Portuguese merchants
  5. Mwanamutapa empire was the main supplier of Gold to Arab traders based at sofala.












Time 2:30 Hours                                                                                      JUNE 2020 


1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of ten (10)


2. Answer all questions in sections A and B and two (2) questions from

section C.

3. All writing must be in black or blue ink.

4. All answers must be written in the spaces provided.

5. Cellular phones, calculators and any unauthorized materials are not

allowed in the examination room.

6. Write your Examination Number at the top right hand corner of every page.

1. For each of the items (i) — (x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter in the box provided.

(i)Which one of the following sites represents the early Stone Age?

  1. Bagamoyo 
  2. Isimila 
  3. Olduvai Gorge 
  4. Kilwa

(ii)One of the factors for the rise of states in the pre-colonial east Africa was:

  1. Diplomacy 
  2. Agreement 
  3. Moresby treaty 
  4. Warfare

(iii) When did vasco Da Gama reach East Africa?

  1. 1884
  2. 1498
  3. 1652
  4. 1598

(iv)One of the characteristics of man before the discovery of iron technology was:

  1. involvement in slave trade
  2. establishment of industries for pebble tools
  3. reliance on industrials goods
  4. dependence on environment for survival

(v)Europeans took labourers from Africa during the Trans- Atlantic slave trade because the Africans were.

  1. Weak but resistant to diseases
  2. sick but very strong
  3. unable to do any job
  4. strong and hard working

 (vi)The western Sudanic states which engaged in the Trans- Saharan trade were:

  1. Mali, Songhai and Bunyoro
  2. Ghana, Asante and Buganda
  3. Oyo, Benin and Mwanamutapa
  4. Ghana, Mali and Songhai

(vii)Which one of the following statements is not true about history?

  1. Helps learners to critically assess historical events.
  2. Helps learners to know past achievements and failures of man.
  3. Helps learners to get skills for their future careers.
  4. Helps learners to loose a sense of nationalism and patriotism.

(viii)The evolution theory explains about:

  1. the survival of archaeological remains
  2. the process of accumulating precious goods.
  3. the origin of man using a scientific approach
  4. the creation of man which is found in Holy Books.

 (ix)The history which is handed down by word of mouth, especially by elders, from one generation to another is known as:

  1. Archaeology
  2. Anthropology
  3. Oral traditions image
  4. Linguistics

(x) The division of Age groups among the Maasai society took into consideration the following economic activities except:

  1. grazing and milking
  2. metal working
  3. defense and offence
  4. guidance and religious leadership

 2. Match the items in List A with the correct responses in List B by writing the letter of the correct response below the corresponding item number in the table provided.



(i) Professional and long distance traders in Kenya before colonialism.

(ii) A title given to a leader who led the conquered land in Central Africa.

(iii) A name given to the agents who bought and sold slaves in Angola during Triangular slave trade.

(iv) A King of Mali Kingdom who paid a pilgrimage to Mecca.

(v) A title given to the head of the Kingdom whose capital was at Mbanza.

(vi) Indian merchants in Zanzibar who supplied capital to buy or get ivory and slaves.

(vii) A group of slave trade campaigners in Europe from the beginning of the 19 th century.

(viii) A third age group among the Maasai who served as soldiers of the society.

(ix) People who were appointed to govern the city states on behalf of the Sultan Seyyid Said.

(x) A society in which the children are of the new family belonged to the wife’s clan.

A Osei Tutu

B Mwanemutapa

C Mani-Kongo

D Banyans

E Sultan

F Kamba

G Humanitarians

H Moran

I Wamwinyi

J Laibons

K Pombeiros

L Matrilineal

M Mansa Musa

N Vimbundu

O Liwalis

3. Write True if the statement is correct or False if the statement is not correct in the space provided.

(a) Permanent crop cultivation was adopted in regions with low population.


(b) The improvement of farming techniques led to increased food production and population decrease …………………………

(c) Four main East African language groups are Khoisan, Cushites, Nilotes and Bantu


(d) Industrial revolution was among the reasons for abolition of slave trade


(e) Boer trek helped some societies to resist against the Portuguese rule in East Africa


(f) christian missionaries in Zanzibar were among the freed slaves who were taught Christian principles …………………………

(g) War captives and criminals were sold as slaves during the Triangular slave trade.


(h) Nok, Meroe, Axum were the major iron smelting centres in pre-colonial Africa


(i) A socio-economic system whereby a worker is owned by an individual as an instrument of production is called feudalism …………………………

(j) Salt making, pottery, basketry and gathering were types of handicraft industries in pre-colonial Africa …………………………

4. Briefly explain the following:

  1.  Evolution .................
  2.  Patrilineal society ..........
  3. Communalism ...........
  4. Afrikaans ............
  5. Mansa Musa . .....


Answer all questions in this section.

5.  Arrange the following sentences in a chronological order.

  1. These activities enable man to obtain his needs from nature.
  2. Mans basic needs consist of food, clothing and shelter
  3.  The actions man takes upon nature have one major aim.
  4.  History is a record of human activities.
  5.  They aim to change natural objects into a condition satisfying human needs.

 6. Complete each of the following statements with correct historical facts.

(a) An irrigation system used by ancient Egyptians consisting of a pole with a weight on one side and a bucket on the other is called …………………………

(b) The socio-political system which was more dominant among the pastoral societies but also practiced by some agricultural societies such as the Kikuyu and Nyakyusa is known as …………………………

(c) What marked the end of Portuguese rule in East Africa in 1698?


(d) The founder of German East Africa Company in 1884 was called


(e) Pre-colonial African societies used a system of exchange based on goods by goods known as …………………………

6 Explain six ways through which slaves were obtained.


Answer two (2) questions from this section.

7. Elaborate six reasons which made the Dutch to establish their permanent settlement at the Cape of South Africa in the 17th century.

8. Explain six effects of the Great Trek in South Africa.

9. Elaborate six factors that led to the development of trade in African societies during the pre-colonial period.






TIME: 2HRS                                                          2020



1. This paper consist of sections A, B and C

2. Answer ALL questions in question A and B and TWO questions from section C

3. Write your full names at the top of every page

4. All answers must be written in the spaces provided.

SECTION A (40 Marks)

1. For each of the items ( i) to (x) choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number.

(i) A state in which people from one community got in to contact with one another.

  1. Communication.
  2. Contacts.
  3. Trade.
  4. Interaction.

(ii). The North African people were interacting with people from West Africa mainly through.

  1. Indian Ocean.
  2. Transition.
  3. Trans-continental trade.
  4. Trans-Saharan trade.

(iii) One of the outcomes of Boers trek in South Africa was

  1. The discovery of Black continent.
  2. The rise of mfecane war.
  3. Colonization of South Africa.
  4. The discovery of minerals.

(iv)  The famous societies which involved in long distance trade in East Africa were:

  1. Kamba, Makonde and Yao.
  2. Chagga, Maasai and Meru.
  3. Kikuyu, Somali and Galla.
  4. Yao, Kamba and Nyamwezi.

(v) The following is the importance of Trans-Saharan trade to Western Sudan:

  1. It helped to introduce new ideas.
  2. It helped empires to emerge in Western Sudan.
  3. It helped to introduce Islamic civilization.
  4. All the above.

(vi)A major step in the series of economic process that bring goods and services to the people. 

  1. Industry.
  2. Production.
  3. Primitive.
  4. Market.

(vii) The Dutch who settled in South Africa were from

  1. Oman.
  2. Holland.
  3. France.
  4. Germany.

(viii) The early development of animal and plant domestication.

  1. Revolution.
  2. Neolithic Revolution.
  3. Agriculture.
  4. Carbon 14 method.

(ix) The following are functions of a Moran, except.

  1. To protect  the whole society.
  2. To control religion and solve conflicts.
  3. To defend and protect the protectorate.
  4. To travel in search of water and grases.

(x) A rulling system in which two or more communities or governments rule the same territory and people is known as;

  1. Power separation.
  2. Power sharing.
  3. Self-rule.
  4. Democracy.

2. Match the items in LIST B with those provided in LIST A by writing correct number in the space provided



(i). Trans- Saharan trade

(ii) Basic needs

(iii)  Communalism

(iv)  Boer Expansion

(v) Slavery

(vi) Interaction

(vii) Cow horn formation

(viii) Feudalism.

(ix) 200 BC.

(x) Mixed farming .

  1. The exchange of goods between the Western Sudan and North Africa across the Sahara desert.
  2. Food , shelter, clothing and health services.
  3. The first mode of production in which the basic means of life are owned and shared by all members of a community.
  4. Resulted to the Ngoni migration
  5. The first pre-colonial exploitative mode of production.
  6. A state in which people from one community go into contact with another
  7. A military technique introduced by the Ngoni in East and Central Africa
  8. The second pre-capitalist mode of production based on exploitation of man by man.
  9. The African contact with Middle East and Far East dates back to as early as;
  10. Both animal husbandry and farming
  11. Long distance trade.
  12. The year Jesus was born.
  13. The trade between Europeans and Asians.
























 3. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is not correct

  1. The Ngoni brought war and disrupted trade activities to a peaceful areas ______
  2. Zwangandaba was a tribal leaders in Tanzania who organized long distance trade_______
  3. The Ngoni did not bring any effect to East African societies_______
  4. The social factors for interaction among the people of Africa resulted into population increase_______
  5. Rusinga Island and Nsongezi are famous historical sites found in Kenya_______
  6. Before the colonial period, all the societies in East Africa were patrilineal_______
  7. Clan was a basic unit of production_______
  8. Agriculture is an economic activity of growing of crops_______
  9. Khoisan, Dorobo, Sandawe, Kiko, Hadzabe and Tindiga are some African societies which are still practicing feudalism________
  10. The form of feudalism that existed along the East African Coast was known as Umwinyi______

4.  Give the meaning of each of the following terms

  1. Social organisation
  2. Historical sites 
  3. Slave
  4. Communalism
  5. Barter trade 

                                          SECTION B. ( 30 Marks).

                                Answer all questions in this section 

 5. Arrange the following sentences in a chronological order by writing their Roman numbers in the table provided. 

  1. These caves were usually near sources of water 
  2. These activities have earned them the name " early hunting and gathering"
  3. They mainly live temporally in caves
  4. They ate raw food like meat and fruits because they did not know how to make fire.
  5. During this period people did not have permanent shelters. 












6. Complete each of the following statements with the correct historical facts

i. The man's major technological inovation during the middle stone Age was ____________

ii. The tittle of the supreme political leader  in the Haya was _______________

iii. A place where books, files, colonial and travellers records are kept is calles _______________

iv. The  process by which people create goods to satisfy their needs is ___________________

v. The ownership and use of slaves in economic priductuon ____________________

7.a) What is agriculture?

b) Explain in short different types of agriculture development in Africa societies.

                                     SECTION B. ( 30 Marks)

8. Write an essay about the effects of the economic interactions among the African

9. Write a short essay on Ngoni migration under the following guidelines 

  1. Meaning 
  2. Participants 
  3. Causes 
  4. Effects.
  5. Conclusion 

 10. Explain  the characteristics of communalism mode of production







012                                                                               HISTORY


Duration: 2:30 Hours




1. This paper consist of sections A, B and C

2. Answer ALL questions in question A and B and TWO questions from section C

3. Write your full names at the top of every page

4. All answers must be written in the spaces provided.


SECTION A (40 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.


1. For each of the following items (i – x) choose the correct answer from among of given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number:

i) A state in which people from one community got in to contact with one another.

  1. Communication.
  2. Contacts.
  3. Trade.
  4. Interaction.

ii). The North African people were interacting with people from West Africa mainly through.

  1. Indian Ocean.
  2. Transition.
  3. Trans-continental trade.
  4. Trans-Saharan trade.

iii) One of the outcomes of Boers trek in South Africa was

  1. The discovery of Black continent.
  2. The rise of mfecane war.
  3. Colonization of South Africa.
  4. The discovery of minerals.

iv)  The famous societies which involved in long distance trade in East Africa were:

  1. Kamba, Makonde and Yao.
  2. Chagga, Maasai and Meru.
  3. Kikuyu, Somali and Galla.
  4. Yao, Kamba and Nyamwezi.

v) The following is the importance of Trans-Saharan trade to Western Sudan:

  1. It helped to introduce new ideas.
  2. It helped empires to emerge in Western Sudan.
  3. It helped to introduce Islamic civilization.
  4. All the above.

vi)A major step in the series of economic process that bring goods and services to the people. 

  1. Industry.
  2. Production.
  3. Primitive.
  4. Market.

vii) The Dutch who settled in South Africa were from

  1. Oman.
  2. Holland.
  3. France.
  4. Germany.

viii) The early development of animal and plant domestication.

  1. Revolution.
  2. Neolithic Revolution.
  3. Agriculture.
  4. Carbon 14 method.

ix) The following are functions of a Moran, except.

  1. To protect  the whole society.
  2. To control religion and solve conflicts.
  3. To defend and protect the protectorate.
  4. To travel in search of water and grases.

X) A rulling system in which two or more communities or governments rule the same territory and people is known as;

  1. Power separation.
  2. Power sharing.
  3. Self-rule.
  4. Democracy.

xi) Which of these is the best description of homo-sapiens

  1. Early man
  2. Man the tool maker
  3. The modern man
  4. The Thinki man.

xii. Scholars whose work is to study historical remains are called;

  1. Anthropologists
  2. Archeologists
  3. Geologists
  4. Ethnographers
  5. Herbalist.

xiii. The ………….acts as history teachers  in oral traditions

  1. Rulers
  2. Iron smiths
  3. Elders
  4. Grand parents
  5. Colonialists

xiv. The archiologist who discovered the skull of earlier man in east Africa was;

  1. Dr. David Livingstone
  2. Dr. Washington
  3. Dr. Louis Leakey
  4. Vasco da Gama

xv.  Pubbles chopping and hand axes were used during

  1. The middle stone age
  2. The late stone age
  3. The earlier stone age
  4. The iron age.

xvi. Which society practiced pastrolism in south Africa among the following

  1. The xhosa
  2. The Fulani
  3. The boers
  4. The KhoiKhoi

xvii. Fire was discovered during,

  1. Old stone age
  2. Middle stone age
  3. Late stone age
  4. Iron age

xviii. Ubugabire system in interlacustrine region the power of the rule was usually based on;

  1. Cattle ownership
  2. Land ownership
  3. Land and cattle ownership
  4. Military and land ownership

xix. One important effect of iron technology in Africa was

  1. Expansion of heavy industries
  2. Expansion of agriculture production
  3. Increase of civil war
  4. Increased trading activities

xx. The following were the main participants in long distance trade;

  1. Kikuyu, yao, kamba
  2. Kamba, kikuyu, Gogo
  3. Chagga, Kamba, Gogo
  4. Kamba, yao, Nyamwezi

2. (a)Match the items in LIST B with those provided in LIST A by writing correct number in the space provided



i. The earliest social organization from which society has passed through.

ii. one among the ngoni leaders

iii. movement of the dutch from cape town to interior of south Africa.

iv. places created for preserving historical information.

v. agriculture means

vi. Tanzania is made up of four main language groups

vii. depopulation.

viii. examples of goods produced in west Africa.

ix. population

x. Laibon

A. The boer treck

b. museums

c. primitive communalism

d. shaka Zulu

e. cultivation of crops and animal keeping

f. bantu, nilotes, cushites Khoisan

g. gold, ivory. Kola nuts, leather, clothes

h. increases of people in a specific area

i. Theory proposed by Darwin

j. is the leader of maasai Society

k. Decrease in number of people.





3. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is not correct

  1. The Ngoni brought war and disrupted trade activities to a peaceful areas ______
  2. Zwangandaba was a tribal leaders in Tanzania who organized long distance trade_______
  3. The Ngoni did not bring any effect to East African societies_______
  4. The social factors for interaction among the people of Africa resulted into population increase_______
  5. Rusinga Island and Nsongezi are famous historical sites found in Kenya_______
  6. Before the colonial period, all the societies in East Africa were patrilineal_______
  7. Clan was a basic unit of production_______
  8. Agriculture is an economic activity of growing of crops_______
  9. Khoisan, Dorobo, Sandawe, Kiko, Hadzabe and Tindiga are some African societies which are still practicing feudalism________
  10. The form of feudalism that existed along the East African Coast was known as Umwinyi______

4.  Give brief explanation on the following terms;






  1. Social organization



  1. Historical sites 


  1. Slave


  1. Communalism


  1. Barter trade 


                                          SECTION B. ( 30 Marks).

                                Answer all questions in this section 

 5. Arrange the following sentences in a chronological order by writing their Roman numbers in the table provided. 

  I. These caves were usually near sourses of water 

ii. These activities have earned them the name " early hunting and gathering"

iii. They mainly live temporaly in caves

iv They ate raw food like maet and fruits because they did not know how to make fire.

  1. During this period people did not have permanent shelters. 


















 6. Complete each of the following statements with the correct historical facts

i. The mans major technological innovation during the middle stone Age was___________________

ii. The tittle of the supreme political leader in the Haya was_______________________

iii. A place where books, files, colonial and travelers records are kept is called_______________

iv. The  process by which people create goods to satisfy their needs is___________________

v. The ownership and use of slaves in economic production_____________________________

7. a) What is agriculture?

   b) Explain in short different types of agriculture development in Africa societies.

                                     SECTION B. ( 30 Marks)

8. Write an essay about the effects of the economic interactions among the African

9. Write a short essay on Ngoni migration under the following guidelines 

  i. Meaning 

  ii Participants 

  iii. Causes 

   iv. Effects.

  v. Conclusion 

 10. Explain  the characteristics of communalism mode of production




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