1. This paper consists of sections A, B, C and D
  2. It has a total of 10 questions
  3. Answer all questions


Answer ALL questions in this section

1. For each of the items (i – x), choose the most correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the table given below.

  1. Jerry’s car is big and attractive. The underlined descriptions are in terms of:-
  1.   Colour and size
  2.   Size and quantity
  3.   Size and quality
  4.  Number and quality
  1. Olabisi is a form four student, she is having her Certificate of Secondary Education Examination ( C S E E ) in November this year, since she is in a boarding school, her aunt decides to send her a card before her examination. What kind of a card do you think it is?
  1.   Graduation ceremony card
  2.   Sendoff ceremony card
  3.   Best wishes card
  4.  Birthday card
  1. The father of my grandfather is my….
  1.   Father- in-law.
  2.   Great-grandfather.
  3.   Great- great-grandfather.
  4.  Father’s great- great-grandfather.
  1. We can describe someone’s character using positive and negative traits. If someone is pessimistic, it means…
  1.   He looks at the positive and negative side of things.
  2.   He looks at the positive side of things.
  3.   He never sees anything bad.
  4.  He looks at negative side only.
  1. I like two subjects, Physics and Mathematics but of the two subjects Mathematics is my favorite. This means that…
  1.   I prefer Mathematics than Physics.
  2.   I dislike Physics.
  3.   I prefer Mathematics to Physics.
  4.  I like Physics as much as I like Mathematics.
  1. A dictionary consists of different words that serve a number of functions. What is the function of the Head word in a dictionary?
  1.   To introduce the last word in a dictionary
  2.   To introduce an entry.
  3.   To give information about the word
  4.  To introduce the last word in a dictionary
  1. Which among the following sentences is grammatically correct?
  1.   They have to sit for their Pre-National Examination
  2.   Did you went to school yesterday?
  3.   Does he goes to school every day?
  4.  We must to speak English more often.
  1. Nobody came late for the morning preparation. The question tag for this statement is …
  1.   Do they?
  2.   Did he?
  3.   Didn’t they?
  4.  Did they?
  1. Maria was so tired . . . . . . . .
  1.   to finish her homework
  2.   that she couldn’t finish her home work.
  3.   that to finish her homework
  4.  that she can finish her homework
  1. “Mr. and Mrs. Fungakazi have a good family”. The statement falls under :-
  1.   Present perfect continuous tense
  2.   Present perfect tense
  3.   Simple present tense
  4.  Past perfect tense

2. Match the given items in LIST A with those in LIST B by writing the corresponding letter in the spaces provided.



  1. A woman who is getting married
  2. A holiday that two people take after they get married.
  3. A man who is getting married
  4. A person who acts as a negotiator of the groom’s side.
  5. A party for a woman who will soon get married.
  1.               Bridal shower
  2.                Bride
  3.               Bridesmaid
  4.               Bridegroom
  5.                Honey moon
  6.                A go- between
  7.               A ring
  8.               Kitchen party



Answer all questions

3. Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow:-

Rose is standing at the central part of her school compound, facing the sun setting direction. In front of her, there is the watchman’s office. To her right hand there is a computer room which is 20 m from Rose’s point. On the left hand side there are school laboratories, classrooms and toilets that are 30 m away the central point. To her back side there is the administration block and the staffroom.


i. Name the two buildings that are in the Eastern part from Rose’s position.


ii. If Rose stands facing the computer room, which buildings will be on her backside?



iii. If you’re walking speed is 1 m per second how much time will you use to walk from the computer room to the school toilets? __________________________________________________________________


iv. Suppose you want to know how many visitors have come to collect in a day, why should you collect such data to the office in the western part?




  1.    (A) Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given in brackets.
  1. Their came into his mind the rumors that circulated among the people in Tanga. (Begin: the rumors………………….) ……………………………………………………………………
  2. The villagers have filled potholes on the road leading to the village. (Begin: All……………………...) ……………………………………………………………………………….
  3. A nasty letter to my parent was being written by the class teacher (Change into active voice) ……………………………………………………………………………..
  4. My father bought me a pen and a book (Begin: Not only………………………) ………………………………………………………………………………….
  5. Despite of being a notorious student but he passed the examination (Write it correctly) ……………………………………………………………………………………

(B) Write short answers to the following questions. Beginning with the given word in brackets

  1. Have you seen my pencil (No……) ________________________________________________?
  2. Can I help you? (Yes…..) ________________________________________________
  3. Who came to school late? Rachel or John? (John…..) ________________________________________________
  4. Were you there yesterday? (No…….) ________________________________________________
  5. Musa goes to school on foot. (Yes……) _______________________________________________

5. (A) Change the following sentences into negative form.

i. I work very hard. ………………………………………………….

ii. Aisha loves Mr. Salim. ………………………………………… 

iii. We saw the boy whose mother is our English subject teacher.……………… ………………………

iv. Do you understand? ……………………………….

v. I have been around for while …………………….

(B) Re- write the following sentence by putting the words in the brackets into the comparative/superlative form.

i. This table is (big)……….. than that one. 

ii. My dog is (fast)…………. than yours. 

iii. Juma is the (great)………. Boxer of the day. 

iv. We had (bad) …………. Famine all these years

v. She bought me (beautiful)………… houses in town.


6. Imagine that your family is inviting relatives and friends to the birthday party of your sister Anjilili that is expected to be held at Serena hotel in Dar es Salaam on 20th November, 2023 from 6:00pm to 8:00 pm. Prepare a formal invitation card using the following guidelines. 

  1.   Family name.
  2.   Purpose of invitation.
  3.   Place of event 
  4.  Date and time 
  5.    Contact.

7. A guest visited your school and met you in the corridor going to the staffroom, he asked you to locate five important buildings found in your school. Use the words below to help him know where those buildings are found.

In front of, behind, near, between and adjacent.

  1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
  2.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . .  
  3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
  4.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
  5.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . .  



8. Complete the following sentences using words given in the list by writing it in the blank spaces provided.



  1. That farm belongs to us. It is  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  2.  My teacher gave me a pen as a gift. It is  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  3. Our teachers have office at school. It is  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  4. Hamis has a new book. It is . . . . . . . . . . . . . book.
  5. My mother bought a new car. It is  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Car

9. Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow;

The life at school I am not told

Is different from life at home

At school

The hours are swallowed by studies We study English, we study Geography Chemistry, Biology and others.

We study!

In the classroom, in the library, In the dormitory, in the dining hall,

In the assembly hall, in the chambers.

Study hard! Study hard!

For life roars like a lion

Hunting for any prey to swallow.

But something surprised me!


The English language

You write this you pronounce that Differently.



i. What is the poem about?


ii. Write the title of the poem in two words.


iii. Who is speaking in the poem?


iv. What surprised the persona? Give reason for your answer


v. Is the poem relevant to your society? How?



10. Write your composition about your first day at school . Use the following points that will guide you.

a. Your name and family members

b. The name of the school

c. The year you joined the school

d. Your age at that time

e. The way you left on your way to school

f. The people you saw and met

g. The way they received you

h. Activities you did on that day

i. What you liked most in the school

j. How the day ended








CODE 022

TIME: 2:30 HOURS          



  • This paper consists of section A, B and C with the total number of ten(10) questions
  • Answer all questions in each section
  • Section A carries (15) marks, section B (70) marks and section C carries (15) marks
  • All writing must be in blue/black ink except drawing which must be in pencil
  • Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the assessment room.

SECTION A (15 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

1. For each of the items (i) – (x) choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer sheet provided

  1. Which word refers to a person who designs buildings?

A. Tailor

B. Doctor

C. Architect

D. Baker

  1. What is the word for your mother's brother?

A. Cousin

B. Nephew

C. Uncle

D. Grandfather

  1. Which of the following is an adjective?

A. Run

B. Quickly

C. Beautiful

D. And

  1. Choose the appropriate question tag for this sentence: "You've finished your homework, _____?"

A. Didn't you

B. Haven't you

C. Isn't it

D. Don't you

  1. Which sentence is written in the present perfect tense?

A. I will eat dinner soon.

B. She was walking her dog.

C. I have visited London twice.

D. He played football yesterday.

  1. Which word correctly completes the analogy: Foot is to Feet as Goose is to _____?

A. Gooses

B. Geese

C. Goosees

D. Goosers

  1. Identify the preposition in this sentence: "The cat jumped over the fence."

A. Cat

B. Jumped

C. Over

D. Fence

  1. Which sentence is in the passive voice?

A. The artist painted the picture.

B.  The picture was painted by the artist.

C. The picture painted the artist.

D. The artist will have painted the picture.


  1. What you think about somebody or something is your opinion. Identify an opinion from the following sentences
  1. I may come here tomorrow
  2. I’ am very tired
  3. I hate lazy people
  4. I suggest we see him tomorrow


  1. Imagine that the doctor has diagnosed you with malaria. How will you correctly tell your mother?
  1. I’ am suffering with Malaria
  2. I am suffering malaria
  3. I am suffering from malaria
  4. I am suffering for malaria


2. Match the groups in Column A with the correct collective noun in Column B.

Column A

Column B

  1. A group of musicians
  2. A group of students
  3. A group of grapes
  4. A group of wolves
  5. A group of singers
  1. Bunch
  2. Pack
  3. Class
  4. Band
  5. Choir.



To get to the library from here, start by walking two blocks north on Main Street. You'll see a large park on your left. At the corner of 3rd Street, turn right and walk east for one block. The library will be a tall, brick building on your right-hand side, right next to the post office.

  1. In what direction do you start walking?
  2. What landmark will you see on your left as you walk?
  3. At which street corner do you change direction?
  4. After turning, in which direction do you walk?
  5. Describe two things that help you identify the library.


4.  Imagine that last year you attended your sister’s Wedding Ceremony. Using each of the given words/phrases, describe the event. (Make one sentence for each word/phionel)

  1. Bride
  2. Bride groom
  3. Wedding rings
  4. Wedding cake
  5. Honeymoon
  6. Best man

5. Use the following words to make correct sentences

  1. Despite
  2. Although
  3. Whenever
  4. Because
  5. Since

6. Change the following sentences into negative forms

  1. Asha is washing her clothes now . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
  2. He is reading a book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
  3. Are you cutting trees?..................................................
  4. They coming now . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...
  5. I am responsible for your poverty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

7. Madam Mary was reading a newspaper when she came across the information which confused her where it was FACTUAL or NON FACTUAL. Help madam Mary by writing. Factual for factual information and non- factual for non- factual information.

i. Deforestation is happening at an alarming rate________________________

ii. I think Tanzania’s forests are in trouble _____________________________

iii. Mount Kilimanjaro glaciers are melting due to deforestation_________________

iv. Tanzanian’s population is increasing by over 2 percent, according to the


8. Re-write each of the following sentences according to the instructions given in brackets

i. Aisha can sing and dance. Her sister can sing and dance too. (use: both)


ii. The boy was not at home. He was not at school. (use …neither…nor…)


iii. She was not fast to catch the thief. (use …..enough to…….)


iv. If you study hard, you will pass the exam. (begin: Unless…..)


v. Pendo is lazy. She cannot study alone. (join the sentence using: too…to)




  1. (a) Dictionaries use abbreviations and symbols to same space. What do the following abbreviations stand for
  1. SYN…………………………………………………..
  2. Sth…………………………………………………..
  3. OPP…………………………………………………...
  4. BrE……………………………………………………
  5. (C)…………………………………………………….


The Invisible Foe

A silent stalker in the air, A virus unseen, 

a burden to bear. COVID-19, the name we know, 

A world disrupted, a chilling blow.

Empty streets where laughter played, 

Hospitals crowded, a heavy shade. 

Coughing, fever, a breathless fight,

 Science battling day and night.

Masks and distance, the new routine, 

Washing hands, a constant scene. Hope flickers, a distant light, 

A vaccine emerges, a future bright.


  1.                   What is the main topic of the poem?
  2.                  What details create a sense of fear or danger in the poem?
  3.                   What image is used to represent hope in the poem?
  4.                  What safety measures are mentioned in the poem?
  5.                   What is the tone of the poem?










Answer all questions

  1.      For each of the following items (i-x).Choose the correct answer from given alternatives and write its letter in table provided.
  1.   The mother of your father has a daughter who in 2009 gave birth to a girl called  Neema. In this relation, how does your father call Neema?
  1. Sibling
  2. Cousin
  3. Niece
  4. Nephew
  1.  Our English teacher told us to mention words with meaning. Identify the terminologies which refers to such kind of words
  1. Homonyms
  2. Synonyms
  3. Homophes
  4. Antonyms
  1.                        The baby is crying can be confirmed buy a question
  1. Does it
  2. Isn’t it
  3. Is it
  4. isn’t she/he
  1.                        Neema is watching a match between Simba and Azam at Mkapa stadium. In this situation Neema is a
  1. Referee
  2. Spectator
  3. Defender
  4. Striker
  1.  Regina’s dog is black and cruel. The description in this term is of
  1. Colour and size
  2. Colour and quality
  3. Number and quality
  4. Number and quality
  1.                        Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct?
  1. They have to sit for their pre national examination
  2. Did you went to school yesterday
  3. Does he goes to school everyday
  4. We must to speak English more often
  1.       The father of my grandfather is my
  1. Father in law
  2. Great grandfather
  3. Great-great grandfather
  4. Father’s great great grandfather
  1.  Which of the following is a daily record of events
  1. Diary entry
  2. Daily routine
  3. Time table
  4. Leaving a note
  1.      Asha was an intelligent.........
  1. Like his brother
  2. As her brother
  3. As his brother
  4. Like her brother
  1.  Teachers teach a pupil. How does this sentence read in passive form?
  1. A pupil is teaching teacher
  2. A pupil was taught by teacher
  3. A pupil is taught by teacher
  4. A pupil teach teacher
  1.   Match the given term in List A with those in list B by writing the correct letter



(i)  A woman who is getting married 

  1.  Bridal shower
  2. Bride
  3. Bridesmaid
  4. Brides groom
  5. Honeymoon
  6. A-go between
  7. A ring
  8. Kitchen party

(ii) A holiday that two people take after they get married

(iii) A man who is getting married

(iv) A person who act as a negotiator

(v) A party of a woman who will soon get married 



  1.      (a)Change the verb given in bracket to make correct sentence
  1.      Shalom was............. a good friend of mine (be)
  2.    We ....... seen her yesterday (have)
  3.  Africa .......... a big continent (be)
  4.  ......Lydia speaks English always (do)
  5.     ....... you is not enough to me (have)

(b)  The following sentences have started with one who is doing the action. Re- writes them by beginning with the one who is affected by the action of the verb 

  1.      The explosion killed ten people
  2.    Dirty water can spread Cholera
  3.  Many people speak English today
  4.  Chaula has taken my exercise book
  5.     She is eating fruit now
  1.      (a) Negative the following sentences using the right prefixes
  1.      She can write the letter because is literate
  2.    Students obey their teachers
  3.  Write all correct answer
  4.  Hassan was punished for wearing proper tracksuit
  5.     Our new teaches is very friendly

(b) Write factual for factual information and non-factual for non- factual information

  1.      Deforestation is happening at an alarming rate
  2.    I think Tanzania forests are in trouble
  3.  Mount Kilimanjaro glacier are melting due to deforestation
  4.  Tanzania population is increasing at 2% according to the UN
  5.     Many people  will be surprised by the news
  1.      Choose the appropriate word from the given box to correctly complete your sentences

Between, besides, along, in, to, at, on, under, from, off, during, through, up, down, out 

  1.      We travelled from Arusha ....... Mwanza
  2.     Switch the light ..... immeately, I don’t need them. Said Mary
  3.  There is no one ...... room
  4.  There is someone ...... the door
  5.     We say Magufuli’s funeral ...... television
  6.  They made accused sit ...... two police officers
  7.                      The dog hide..... the table
  8.                    The blind man was walking .........the road when he got hit by a motorcycle
  9.  He come ....... of the room and locked the door
  10.     The bereaved mother sat .........the coffin, crying silently
  1.      Rewrite the following sentences according to the instruction given in the bracket
  1.      Aisha can sing and dance. Her sister can sing and dance too. (use both)
  2.    The boy was not at home. He was not at school (use neither  .... nor)
  3.  She was not fast to catch the thief. (use .....Enough to...)
  4.  If you study hard, you will pass the exam. (begin  unless)
  5.     Pendo is lazy. She cannot study alone.  (join the sentence using too .... to)
  1.      Study the following question tag and compose one meaningful sentence that suit for that question tag to be added at the end
  1.      .......... Arent I?
  2.    ............. Doesn’t she?
  3.  .............. Do we?
  4.  ............... won’t they?
  5.     ............. Did she?
  1.      Write short answers to the following questions. Begin with the given word in bracket.
  1.      Have you seen my pencil? No .....
  2.    Who came to school late? Rachel or John? (John...
  3.  Were you there yesterday? ( No ..........)
  4.  Can I help you? ( Yes....)
  5.     Musa goes to school on foot. (Yes ....)
  1.      Dictionaries use abbreviations and symbol to same space . what do the following abbreviations stand for
  1.      SYN
  2.    Sth
  3.  OPP
  4.  BrE
  5.     C

(b)Outline the five uses of dictionary 

  1.   Write a composition about your first day at school. Use the following to guide you.
  1.             Your name and family members
  2.             The year you joined school
  3.             Name of your school
  4.             Your age at the first time
  5.             The way you left on your way to school
  6.             The people you saw and met
  7.             The way they received you
  8.             Activities you did on that day
  9.             What you liked most un the school
  10.             How the day ended









Answer all questions in this section

1.For each of the items (i) – (x) choose the most correct answer from among the given alternatives then. Write its letter beside item number in table provided.

(i) My name is Bahati, I have three sisters, Neema, Amina and Aziza and two brothers Musa and Baraka. My sister Neema is married to Athuman who is Athuman to me?

  1. Father in law
  2. Brother in law
  3. Uncle
  4. Brother

(ii) Whose pen is this? How can this question be re-asked starting with To whom ........?

  1. To whom does this pen belong
  2. To whom did this pen belong
  3. To whom does this pen belongs
  4. To whom is this pen belong?

(iii) The following are rules of Note taking except

  1. Identify the major points made by speaker
  2. Avoid writing everything you hear from speaker
  3. Do not underline the key phrases
  4. Write notes in point form

(iv) What you think about somebody or something is your opinion. Identify an opinion from the following sentences

  1. I may come here tomorrow
  2. I’ am very tired
  3. I hate lazy people
  4. I suggest we see him tomorrow

(v) Imagine that the doctor has diagnosed you with malaria. How will you correctly tell your mother?

  1. I’ am suffering with Malaria
  2. I am suffering malaria
  3. I am suffering from malaria
  4. I am suffering for malaria

(vi) “They brushed their shoes” How can you rewrite the sentence into a negative form?

  1. They did not brush their shoes
  2. They did not brushed their shoes
  3. Did they brush their shoes
  4. Did they brushed their shoes

(vii) Mr. Kulakula like eating every time. How can Mr. Kulakula be described?

  1. Mr. Kulakula is mean
  2. Mr. Kulakula is greedy
  3. Mr. Kulakula is generous
  4. Mr. Kulakula is rude

(viii) Our English teacher told us to mention work with similar meanings. Identify the terminologies which refer to such kind of word.

  1. Homonyms
  2. Homophes
  3. Synonyms
  4. Antonyms

(ix) The baby is crying, can be confirmed by a question.

  1. Does it?
  2. Is it
  3. Isn’t it
  4. Isn’t she/he

(x) Our English teacher often teachers for an hour. Why article “an” is used instead of other

  1. It shows the time before the word “hour”
  2. It indicates a single form of a sentence
  3. The first letter in word “hour” has vowel qualities
  4. The last letter in word letter has consonant qualities

2. Match occupation description in List A with their corresponding common names in List B writing the letter of correct answer below the items number in table provided.



  1. A person who receives visitors in an office is...........
  2. A person who cuts peoples hair
  3. A person who plaits peoples hair
  4. A person who mends shoes
  5. A person who sells meet
  1. A butcher
  2. A hair dresser
  3. Cobber
  4. A receptionist
  5. A barber
  6. A fruit vendor
  7. A cook

SECTION B: (70 Marks)

3. Rose is standing at the central part of her school compound, facing the sun setting direction. In front of her, there is the watchman’s office. To her right hand there is a computer room which is 20 m from Rose’s point. On the left hand side there are school laboratories, classrooms and toilets that are 30 m away the central point. To her back side there is the administration block and the staff room.


i. Name the two buildings that are in the Eastern part from Rose’s position.


ii. If Rose stands facing the computer room, which buildings will be on her backside?



iii. If you’re walking speed is 1 m per second how much time will you use to walk from the computer room to the school toilets? __________________________________________________________________


iv. Suppose you want to know how many visitors have come to collect in a day, why should you collect such data to the office in the western part?



v. Suggest the title for the above passage

4. Imagine that last year you attended your sister’s Wedding Ceremony. Using each of the given words/phrases, describe the event. (Make one sentence for each word/phionel)

  1. Bride
  2. Bride groom
  3. Wedding rings
  4. Wedding cake
  5. Honeymoon

5. Rewrite the following sentence by changing the verbs into their correct past tense forms

  1. Dotto (write) a letter yesterday
  2. We had (eat) when the victors arrived
  3. I (be) speaking when our teacher asked me a question.
  4. They (have) been living in Toronto for ten years
  5. He (wash) all his uniforms last week.

6. (a) Write short answers to the following questions. Beginning with the given word in brackets

  1. Have you seen my pencil (No . .) ________________________________________________?
  2. Can I help you? (Yes ...) ________________________________________________
  3. Who came to school late? Rachel or John? (John ...) ________________________________________________
  4. Were you there yesterday? (No . ..) ________________________________________________
  5. Musa goes to school on foot. (Yes . .) _______________________________________________

(b) change the following sentences into negative forms

  1. Asha is washing her clothes now . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
  2. He is reading a book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
  3. Are you cutting trees?.................................................................................................
  4. They coming now . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...
  5. I am responsible for your poverty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

7. (A) Use the following relative pronoun to make grammatical English sentence

  1. Who . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .
  2. Which............................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....
  3. Whose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...
  4. Whom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...
  5. That . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...

(B) make one sentence for each of the following prepositions

  1. In . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....
  2. On . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  3. At . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
  4. Over . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
  5. By . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

8. Complete the following sentences using words given in the list by writing it in the blank spaces provided.

My, yours, his, hers, her, its, ours, our, theirs, their, mine.

  1. That farm belongs to us. It is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  2. My teacher gave me a pen as a gift. It is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  3. Our teachers have office at school. It is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  4. Hamis has a new book. It is . . . . . . . . . . . . . book.
  5. My mother bought a new car. It is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Car

9. Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow;

The life at school I am not told

Is different from life at home

At school

The hours are swallowed by studies We study English, we study Geography Chemistry, Biology and others.

We study!

In the classroom, in the library, In the dormitory, in the dining hall,

In the assembly hall, in the chambers.

Study hard! Study hard!

For life roars like a lion

Hunting for any prey to swallow.

But something surprised me!


The English language

You write this you pronounce that Differently.


i. What is the poem about?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

ii. Write the title of the poem in two words.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...

iii. Who is speaking in the poem?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

iv. What surprised the persona? Give reason for your answer

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

v. Is the poem relevant to your society? How?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

10. Write your composition about your first day at school . Use the following points that will guide you.

a. Your name and family members

b. The name of the school

c. The year you joined the school

d. Your age at that time

e. The way you left on your way to school

f. The people you saw and met

g. The way they received you

h. Activities you did on that day

i. What you liked most in the school

j. How the day ended








TIME 2: 30 HRS


  • This paper consist of sections A, B and C


Answer all questions

  1. For each of the items (i) – (x), choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter in the box provided
  1. “I am sorry”! can also be written as
  1. Am sorry
  2. I’m sorry
  3. Im sorry
  4. A’m sorry
  1. One of the sentences is an example of a simple present tense. Which one is it?
  1. Mary is walking to school
  2. Mary has been walking to school
  3. Mary walks to school
  4. Mary has walked to school
  1. A tooth specialist is known as?
  1. Tooth doctor B. Surgeon C. Optician D. Dentist
  1. When writing a friendly letter, the word “Dear ….” refers to _______
  1. Introduction
  2. Salutation
  3. Address
  4. Conclusion
  1. Fill in the black space for a complete conditional sentence “If I run fast ______
  1. I will win the medal
  2. I will have won the medal
  3. I could win the medal
  4. I won the medal
  1. Supply the correct question tag for the following statement. “she is beautiful”
  1. Isn’t she?
  2. Is she?
  3. Does she?
  4. Doesn’t she?
  1. One of the following sentences is negative. Which one is it?
  1. The young boy is short
  2. The young boy is not going to school today
  3. The young boy is thinking differently
  4. The young boy like making noise
  1. The plural of a thief is _____
  1. Thieves B Thiefs C Thiefes D a thief
  1. My neighbour’s children go to school ________ foot
  1. At B In C On D With
  1. Suppose the son of your brother visits you, how would you tell your father about his visit?
  1. Father your son has arrived
  2. Father, your niece has arrived
  3. Father, your uncle has arrived
  4. Father, your nephew has arrived











  1. Match the items in column A with their corresponding answers from column B

Column A

Column B

  1. A day before Monday
  2. Two days after Monday
  3. A day after Monday
  4. Three days before Monday
  5. Four days before Monday
  1. Monday
  2. Tuesday
  3. Wednesday
  4. Thursday
  5. Friday
  6. Saturday
  7. Sunday







SECTION B (70 Marks)

Answers all questions

  1. Assign the nouns for the explanations given below:
  1. A worshiping place for Christians ________
  2. A place where timber/wood is kept and sold ________
  3. A wooden piece of furniture with back and four legs which one person sits___
  4. An oval like shaped product from chicken, often used as food_____
  5. A small gadget holding sim card and battery, often used for communication _________
  1. Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate article given in the box

The, an, a

  1. Hassan is ______most obedient student in our class
  2. He has ________ good handwriting compared to the rest of us
  3. ______ weather today is strange, none can tell it is cold or hot
  4. They each work for ______ hour a day in the farm.
  5. My neighbour has ______ heart, she gives cheerfully to less privileged people
  1. Read the expression below and answer the questions that follow

Martin, our neighbour wakes up every morning to go to work. He drives a bus from Kariakoo to Tegeta. His friend, Mohamed collects money from people in the bus. Before it is dark, the bus is parked at Ali’s office, where it is checked and oiled in preparation for another day’s work. Most people boarding my neighbour’s bus like him because he has a moderate speed.

  1. What is Martin’s profession? ___________
  2. How do you call people boarding Martin’s bus ______?
  3. What is Mohamed’s profession__________?
  4. What could be Ali’s profession __________?
  5. Where does Ali work_________?
  1. Write plural form of the following statements
  1. I will do well in English examination


  1. She works with United Nations


  1. Her dog barked the whole night


  1. My parent will attend prize giving day


  1. This water is dirty


  1. The notice below was written by one of the school staffs, assume that you are the office secretary, respond to the note appropriately


I am not attending tomorrow’s meeting. I’ll be at the hospital then.


Matunda, school librarian

  1. (a) Identify places/areas where the following terms are commonly used
  1. Ball, referee, players
  2. Students, teachers, chalk
  3. Carpenter, harmer, nail
  4. Customer, server, food
  5. Crew, docket, sailor
  1. Re write these sentences to make meaningful expressions
  1. Today is when?
  2. Heavily raining it is
  3. Clean water for drinking I need
  4. Loud music I like
  5. Best is the my teacher
  1. Identify the odd word out of the given group of words
  1. Present. past, future, sentence
  2. Shape, oval, circle, rectangular
  3. Interesting, soft, music, irritating
  4. Animal, man, plants, soil
  5. Doctor, driver, pilot, carpenter


  1. Assume that you are in charge of environment, and that your school head master has asked you to present a speech on environmental pollution. Write a speech that you would read on the environment day





 MARCH, 2023


TIME 2: 30 HRS


  • This paper consist of sections A, B and C


Answer all questions 

  1. For each of the items (i) – (x), choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter in the box provided
  1. Fred would be seen transporting wood in a track to the factory every day. Therefore, Fred is possibly a
  1. Pilot
  2. Forester
  3. Driver
  4. Surgeon
  1. Which one of the following is the plural of “chief”
  1. Chiefs
  2. Chieves
  3. Chief
  4. Chiefes
  1. When two people talk, in turns, how is this called?
  1. Conversation
  2. Agreement 
  3. Conclusion
  4.  Provocation
  1. When someone tells you his neighour is “deaf” that simply means
  1. The neighbor is sick
  2. The neigbour does not want to listen
  3. The neighbor cannot see
  4. The neigbour cannot hear
  1. In case someone promises to buy you a new bicycle on a condition that you do well in an exam, that means
  1. You can only get the bicycle upon doing well in the examination
  2. Whether you do well in examination or you do poorly in the examination, you’ll be given a bicycle
  3. The bicycle will be bought after the exams are out
  4. The bicycle will only be bought immediately the examination begins
  1. My English language teacher is the best teacher of English language in school. This means
  1. There are other equally good English teachers in our school
  2. There is only one English language teacher in our school
  3. Among the English language teachers in our school, my English language teacher has no comparison
  4. Other teachers in our school do not teach English language
  1. We ……… to school every day
  1. Walks
  2. Walking
  3. Walk
  4. Woke
  1. Someone who keeps law and order
  1. Army
  2. Police
  3. Parents
  4. Teachers
  1. The bell rings ______ o’clock in the morning
  1. At
  2. in
  3. With
  4. To
  1. When yesterday was Monday, what day will it be two days from today
  1. Monday
  2. Wednesday
  3. Saturday
  4. Thursday
  1. Match the items in column A with their corresponding answers from column B

Column A

Column B

  1. Opposite of come
  2. Opposite of love
  3. The female lion
  4. Plural for calabash
  5. A national from Rwanda
  1. Rwandase
  2. Rwandese
  3. Hatred
  4. Kindness
  5. Calabashed
  6. Calabashes
  7. Go
  8. Gone
  9. Lioness
  10. Lion












SECTION B (70 Marks)

Answers all questions

  1. Complete the following sentences according to the instructions given after each. Use the verbs in brackets in the correct form of the tense
  1. Miriam ____________ (speak) good English at the meeting yesterday
  2. She _____________ (cook) nice food every day
  3. The cow ______________ (drink) twenty litres of milk yesterday
  4. When ______________ (do) you wake up every day?
  5. Where _______________ (is) the accident happen last week?
  1. Use the prepositions given in the box to complete the sentences below
On, in, at, from, off, for, since, to, by
  1. Asha is suffering from Malaria __________ one months
  2. How many were there __________ the concert?
  3. Irene is a nurse, she is ___________ the Hospital
  4. We normally go to school _____________ foot
  5. The students are _____________ the class
  1. Write negative sentences from the following sentences
  1. He plays football every day


  1. She went to the market last week


  1. They cook rice every evening


  1. You speak good English every day


  1. It drank two liters of milk yesterday


  1. Write down components of a friendly letter
  1. ___________
  2. ___________
  3. ___________
  4. ___________
  5. ___________
  6. ___________
  1. What are indicators of the following
  1. A ball and a playing pitch
  2. A doctor and a patient
  3. A carpenter with a chisel and hammer
  4. A farmer with a jembe
  5. A herds boy a stick and cattle
  1. Write a sentence using the following expressions
  1. I am happy today
  2. The boy has gone for water
  3. My school is clean
  4. Noise pollution affects many of us
  5. Tanzania is a blessed country
  1. Re write the following sentences according to instructions given after each
  1. I am late for work (change into simple past)
  2. It is 7.30 pm (state whether it is in the night or at day time)
  3. A group of bees (write one word)
  4. Table, chair, handbag and cockroaches (identify the odd one out)
  5. Aisha is married to Juma (show their relationship)


  1. Write a composition about your school








1. This paper consists of sections A, B,and Cwith a total of Ten (10)questions.

2. Answer ALLquestions provided in this paper.

3. All writings must be in blueor black pen ink.

4. All communication devices and any unauthorized materials are NOTallowed in the assessment room.

5. Write your Assessment Numberat the top right corner of every page of your booklet(s).

SECTION: A (15 Marks)

Answer all questions from this section.

1. Chose the best alternative for each for each of the following sentence below and write the letter of the correct answer in the box provided.

i. Miriam_________ my best friend for many years.

A. is being B. has been C. have been D. was being E. was been

ii. The girl was as intelligent………………

A. like his brother B. as his brother C. like her brother

D. for his brother. E. as her brother

iii. My friend has worked in this company………

A. for 2008 B. in 2008 C. at 2008

D. since 2008 E. until 2008

iv. If I were a doctor, I ……………. your patient without demanding payment.

A. will treat. B. would treat. C. would have treated

D. will not treat E. would not treat

v. We called you……………. you didn’t answer.

A. and B. but C. until. D. despite E. after

Vi Give us………. is left in the bowl.

A. what B. Which C. where

D. how E. whose

vii. …………..your carelessness, I have appointed you to be our store-keeper

A. Inspite of B. Although. C. For everything

D. Though E. Unless

viii. Rosemary can read and write well though she…………to school in her life

A. has never been B. was not been C. have never been

D. was being. E. had never go.

ix. You must eat! You haven’t eaten ………… all day?

A. anything B. something C. nothing

D. everything E. any things

x. Doreen hasn’t completed her assignment, has she?

A. Yes, she hasn’t B. No, she hasn’t C. Yes, she has

D. No, she has E. No, she doesn’t

2. Match the items in LIST Awith those in LIST Bby writing answers in the table prepared below.


3. Make a correction in each sentence below.

i) The students were seating in the class quietly.

Corrected sentence: …………………………………………………….

ii) I was beaten by a snake two months ago.

Corrected sentence: …………………………………………………………

iii) That heal is the source of river Mbuchi

Corrected sentence…………………………………………………………….

iv) May you borrow me your story book?

Corrected sentence: ………………………………………………………….

v) Every family member was at the party accept Felix who is at school.

Corrected sentence…………………………………………………………….

4. A) Complete each of the following statements with a proper question tag.

(i) You and I have never met before, ………………………………………….…?

(ii) My nephew gave you some money...………………..………………..…….…?

(iii)Amina never played netball at school, ………………………………………...?

(iv) HIV – AIDS is incurable disease, ……………………………………………..?

(v) We don’t need these fruits, ………………...…………………………….……?

B) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words from the list given below.

(i) Here is………………. he hides his keys.

(ii) You need to tell us……………kept you so long at the market.

(iii)The girl………… bag was stolen is my niece.

(iv) Here comes the lady…………………...we were talking about yesterday.

(v) She has not told us……………. she got such a big amount of money.

5. A. Fill in the blanks below with appropriate words from the box given below.

(i) Two policemen caught a thief………………the bus stop.

(ii) No one is ………………………. the law.

(iii)All students passed………………. the windows when they saw a snake at the door of the class.

(iv) I eat some rice……………………...a spoon.

(v) Our school is……………...the market.

B. Change the following sentences into interrogative form

i) Asha went to school yesterday.


ii) My cow produces ten litres of milk.


iii) We had already eaten some food at that time.


iv) Joshua studies harder than Mary.


v) They are playing a volleyball match.


6. Re-write the following sentences as instructed in each.

i) Nuriati has not cleaned the room. Diana has not cleaned the room as well

Begin: Neither………………………………………………………………

ii) “You will visit your friends tomorrow” Ashura told Daniel. (Change into reported speech) ………….…………………………………………………….

iii) I have bought a new story book.

Begin: A new story book………………………………….……………………

iv) We will play the football match even if it rains heavily.

Use: no matter……………...………………………………………………….


v) The lady told us a very interesting story. All children listened attentively

Use: such that …………………….……………………….………………….


7. a) Write the following words in plural form.

(i) Person ………………………………………………………………………….

(ii) Water …………………………………………………………………………..

(iii)Child ………………………………………………………………….………

(iv) Fly ……………………………………………………………………..……

(v) Baby …………………………………………………………………………..

b) Change the following sentences into appropriate tenses as instructed after each sentence.

i) We are doing the examination. (Present perfect tense)

ii) Saumu has performed very well (Simple present tense)

iii) Teachers do not like truancy. (Past perfect tense)

iv) It is raining now. (Present perfect continues tense)

v) I sing to praise my nation. (Past continuous tense)

8. Choose one class reader you have read in form ONE or TWO, then answer the following questions.

  • The Magic Garden – K.R. Cripwell (1997): William Collins Sons and Company Ltd, Great Britain.
  • Kalulu the Hare - F. Worthington (1937): Longman, England.
  • Hawa the Bus Driver - R.S. Mabala (1988): Ben & Company, Dar-Es Salaam.
  • Fast Money - K.R. Cripwell (1978): William Collins Sons and Company Ltd, Great Britain.

a) i) Write the title of the book.


ii) Who wrote the book?


b) Which character did you like most? Why?


c) Which character did you dislike? Why?


d) Did the story end with happiness or sadness? Explain.


e) Would you like to advise your friends to record the book? Why? (02 Reasons)


9. Give the meaning of the following poetic terms.

(i) Poem……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

(ii) Poet……………….………………………………………………………………...…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


(iv) Stanza………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

(v) Verse………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


10.Write a letter to your friend EMACY CENDI P.O.BOX 71,Ujiji - KIGOMA, Greet and invite him to visit your home at Itilima town in Simiyu Region. Use your name as RINDER SIKA, P.O. BOX 308, Itilima - SIMUYU.






TIME: 2:30 Hours


  • This paper consists of sections A,B, C and D with a total of eleven (11), questions.
  • Answer all questions in the spaces provided
  • All writing must be in black or blue pen
  • All communications verbally if only authorized can be allowed in the examination room.
  • Write your number/name on top of every page.



















  1. Read the passage below carefully and answer the questions which follow.

Once upon a time there lived an old King in the land of Kalamindi. His name was Kala, but people nick named him “Brownie” because of his brown skin. The king only had one son, his name was Wasafi.

One day, the king summoned his servants and asked them to prepare a big feast for a twin celebration; one for his birthday and two, for his son to select a woman to marry. In three days’ time, the party was set and people came from all walks of life. In the midst of the celebrations, Wasafi sported Tausi, a slim dark lady and reported her to his father. Before his father could send his servants to locate Tausi, she had vanished from the crowd. Fortunately, Tausi left one of her shoes in the dancing hall.

An order was given by King Kala to his servants to look for any lady whose feet will fit the shoe. Every person in the land tried the shoe on without success. Several days later, Wasafi grew weaker and thinner, he asked his father to prepare a second event and invite more people; this time, the event was to happen in the open and last for two days and two nights.

In this second party, it was made compulsory for everyone to try the shoe on irrespective of age and body size. Fortunately, the shoe fitted someone. She was none other than Tausi herself. Joy and celebrations filled the air.


Choose the most correct answer and write its letter in the answer sheet

  1. One of the following statements describe the old man
  1. He was the oldest man in the kingdom
  2. He loved his children so much
  3. His other name was Brownie
  4. He was so famous in the land
  1. Wasafi wanted to marry because
  1. His father wanted it that way
  2. He saw beautiful Tausi in the party
  3. One of the ladies had left her one shoe in the party
  4. His father’s servants instructed him to do so
  1. How many times was the party held?
  1. Twice
  2. Thrice
  3. Once
  4. Until Tausi arrived
  1. Why did Wasafi look for Tausi after the party?
  1. To give her shoes
  2. It was an order from his father
  3. Because she had told him to come her
  4. Because she was his choice for marriage
  1. How did the celebrations end?
  1. After finding the owner of the shoe
  2. After the king ordered everyone to leave
  3. After the last party ended
  4. After everyone was assured of having shoes







  1. Write TRUE for true statements and FALSE for false statements based on the passage for question 1 above.
  1. The old man wanted his son to marry because his son was getting very old______
  2. The old man organized celebrations for two occasions ____________
  3. Tausi and Wasafi had known each other prior to celebrations________
  4. King Kalamindi was nick named “Brownie” because of his skin colour______
  5. Another party had to be held since Wasafi was not contented with the first party___

SECTION B (25 Marks)

  1. Match the phrases in list A with those in list B to make correct complete sentences.

List A

List B

  1. She goes to school every day
  2. She has gone to school
  3. She doesn’t go to school this days
  4. She is going to school
  5. She went to school yesterday
  1. Simple past tense
  2. Simple present tense
  3. Past perfect tense
  4. Future perfect tense
  5. Future continuous tense
  6. Present continuous tense
  7. Negative sentence
  8. Present perfect tense






  1. (a) Write one word for the following expressions that are underlined.
  1. Pato takes care of our cattle
  2. My father is the head of state of this country
  3. He works in a library
  4. James picks us up from home to school in a bus and brings us back in the evening
  5. Mary’s aunt works in school, she ensures that students attend classrooms and also do their assignments

(b) Re write the following sentences into plural form

(i) I am the eldest daughter in our family_________________

(ii) My neighbour speaks French _______________

(iii) This young girl loves chocolate ____________

(iv) That house is empty _____________

(v) The bird is singing on the tree _______________

  1. Identify the most appropriate answer from the ones given in brackets to complete the sentences below
  1. Our dog ______(barks, backs, bricks) every night.
  2. Please! Do not _____ (light, right, write) on that wall
  3. I was ____ (list, least, atlas) prepared for this examination.
  4. This soup tastes ______(bitter, butter, better), the salt in it is too much
  5. Cheetah is as _______(past, fast, first) as a lion



  1. (a) Complete the following sentence with the correct preposition
  1. The teacher is ______ the classroom
  2. The girl goes to school _____ bus.
  3. We walk _____ foot to school every morning
  4. The school bell rings ____ exactly 8 o’clock in the morning
  5. The headmaster ordered us to come to school ____ our parents

(b) Re write the following sentences by changing the words in brackets in their correct forms to make meanings

  1. Giraffe is_____ (tallest) than antelope
  2. Jane and Aisha are beautiful but Suzzy is the ______ (beautiful) of all
  3. It is ____ (cold) here during the winter season
  4. Hamisi is _____ (best) in English language subject than Basic Mathematics
  5. My mother cooks _____(good) than most women around this place
  1. (a) Re arrange the following words to make a grammatical meaning.
  1. The crying for milk baby is
  2. Tanzania blessed country is a
  3. The tomorrow visitors will arrive here
  4. Was today very hot the sun
  5. Is it possible a noisy place to study in?

(b) Find out the odd one from the alternatives given below and write it in the space/s provided

(i) Cold, hot, mountain, temperature ____________

(ii) Gate, house, church, mosque ____________

(iii) Tall, honest, slim, short ______

(iv) Security guard, driver, pilot, captain

(v) Kenya, South Africa, Tanzania, West Africa ________

  1. Join the following sentences with the most appropriate conjunction.
  1. Tom ____Jerry are good friends
  2. My mother is cooking ______ my father is reading a newspaper
  3. Linah is honest, ____ she is highly tempered
  4. Each one of you should come _____ an umbrella to school next week
  5. The boy runs as fast ______ a lion
  1. Write the correct possession form of the following expressions
  1. This is my house, the house is_______________
  2. This is our car, the car is __________
  3. This bag belongs to him, it is _______
  4. They own a car yard, it is _____
  5. She has a new shoes , the shoes are ______



  1. Read the following poem carefully then answer the questions that follow.

Three blind mice

Three blind mice

See how they run

See how they run

They run past

A farmer’s wife

A farmer’s wife cuts their tail

With a sharp knife

Can you ever see how they are

My poor three blind mice


  1. Provide the appropriate title for this poem


  1. What could this poem be about?


  1. How many stanzas and verses are there in the poem? ______________________________________________________________
  2. How has the musical feature been achieved in this poem?


  1. What two messages can find from this poem? _________________________
  1. Use Class readers to answer the following question
  2. Using the book “MABALA THE FARMER” and “HAWA THE BUS DRIVER” BY Richard Mabala answer the following questions.
  1. Identify the main character from the reading you have chosen


  1. Write one event that made the main character admirable ______________________________________________
  2. What is message of the story?


  1. How is the reading relevant to the society of Tanzania? Explain ______________________________________________________________
  2. Write the names of characters who worked with the main character to make the story great __________________________________________________________











  • This paper consists of sections A, B, C and D with a total of ten (10) questions.
  • Answer all questions in the space provided.
  • All writings must be in black or blue pen.
  • All communication devices are not allowed in the examination room.
  • Write your examination number at the top right corner of every page.




  1. Read the following passage carefully then answer the questions that follow;

Mr. Akilimali is an old man now. He is a grandfather with twelve grandchildren. Mr. Akilimali does not remember his parents. They died when he was very young. He was therefore left an orphan. His uncles and aunts brought him up. 

At the age of twenty five, Mr. Akilimali got married to a beautiful girl called Maua. Their wedding celebration was attended by many people. They ate, drank, and danced for three days. Everybody who attended the wedding wished them a happy life. They also hopped that the bridegroom and his bride would have many children.

The first few years, Mr. Akilimali and his wife lived happily together. But later on things changed. They became unhappy because they could not get children. On the tenth year of their marriage Mr. Akilimali decided to marry another wife Pili. With the new wife Mr. Akilimali now has three sons and two daughters. The sons are Dunia, Kazi and Chuma. The daughters are Lulu and Siti.

Mr. Akilimali’s children are now grown up and have their own families. They no longer live with their parents. People in Mr. Akilimali’s tribe have many traditions and customs, one of them is that a child is married and gets children, he/she has to send a child to live with the grandparents. Because of this tradition therefore, Mr. Akilimali now lives with his two wives and five grandchildren.



  1. Write your answers in the space provided for each question.
  1. Why does Mr. Akilimali not remember his parents?


  1. Why did Mr. Akilimali decide to marry a second wife?


  1. Do you think Mr. Akilimali was wise to marry another wife? Why?


  1. Why does Mr. Akilimali live with his grandchildren?


  1. Suggest a suitable title for this passage…………………………………


  1. For each of the following statements, write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is incorrect.
  1. The word ‘bride groom’ means a woman on her wedding day or just before or after the events………………….
  2. Mr. Akilimali doesn’t remember his parents because they died when he was still young………………………..
  3. According to Mr. Akilimali’s tribe, only daughters have to send their children to live with their grandparents………………………
  4. During Mr. Akilimali’s wedding celebration people ate, drank and slept for three days……………….
  5. Mr. Akilimali lived with his first wife happily for the first few years…………………………
  1. Using five sentences, describe Mr. Akilimali’s life; example:
  1. At the age of twenty five, Mr. Akilimali got married to a beautiful girl called Maua.
  2. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  3. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  4. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  5. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
  6. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
  1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow;


“I’m going to punish all truant students”, said a class master of form two classes. Juma talked a silent voice oh my God! What am I going to do? Because he was one among the truant students. After all the announcements at the assembly ground we entered in the class. Juma saw a class master coming to our class, he said to the class hush! Observe silence the teacher is coming.

So Juma planned to escape at the school through a window so as to save his life from the teacher, but unfortunately, while Juma tried to jump through a window his shirt touches to one of the window’s nails and led him to fall down heavily every student shouted to Juma Jesus! Save him and Juma cried God, I’m finished! Juma was injured his right leg. Teachers took him to the hospital after doctor’s investigation, doctors told Juma that they are supposed to remove his leg due to bad injury he got. Juma cried so much and he said to the doctor oh no! Doctor how can I walk can’t you find another ways of saving my leg. Help me! Doctor please I can’t repeat it again.


Identify five interjections from the given passage 

  1. …………………………………………………………..
  2. ……………………………………………………………
  3. …………………………………………………………….
  4. …………………………………………………………….
  5. …………………………………………………………….





  1. Match each sentence in column A with the word in column B by writing correct letter besides the items number.



  1. To wish a person a long life and a happy future.
  2. To wish a person a quick recovery from sickness.
  3. To say sorry to one whose relatives or friend has died.
  4. To wish one good grades in a major examination.
  5. To pass greetings to a person during the Christmas season.
  1. Success cards
  2. Condolence cards
  3. Christmas cards
  4. Birthday cards
  5. Get-well-soon cards















  1. State whether each of the following sentences is a FACT or an OPINION in the blank spaces provided.
  1. It might rain today ……………………
  2. The sky is blue………………………..
  3. Science is better than arts……………….
  4. The most beautiful colour is red………….
  5. All secondary school students do form two National assessment……………………..
  1. Your family is inviting relatives and friends to your birthday party which will be held at your home on the 16th December 2021. Write an invitation card with the help of the following information.
  1. Your name is Bahati.
  2. Family name: Mapunda.
  3. Time:3:00p.m to 9.00p.m
  4. Contact: Mr. Mapunda +2557450050

               Mrs. Mapunda +2557410045

  1. Place:     Manyara street, House No. 2020/c/sp




  1. Fill in the blank spaces with the correct form of word in the brackets.
  1. Matumula (do) …………….a lot of exercises daily.
  2. I (send) …………… friend an E-mail yesterday.
  3. The patient (lie) …………to the doctor.
  4. Have you (see)……………my keys?
  5. I am (read) ………………a good story book.
  6. Babies (sleep) ……………for many hours.
  7. She (put) …………..some salt in the tea yesterday.
  8. My uncle (have) ………..two daughters and a son.
  9. She (travel) ………… Mpanda next week.
  10. Asha (wash) …………..her uniform now.


  1. Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each.
  1. Peter plays football, Paul plays football too.(Join using; both)
  2. My child is only five years old. He can’t start standard one.

(re-write as one sentences using;………..too…….to……..)

  1. Babies cry whenever they are hungry. (re-write in singular).
  2. Jamila can’t swim. Her sister can’t either. ( begin with; Neither )
  3. Mangoes are sweeter than oranges. (re-write using ‘as…….as  in one sentence.)


  1. a)Add the right question tag to the following;
  1. You speak English,………………………………?
  2. You don’t mind if I go, ………………….?
  3. Doctors in Tanzania work very hard, ………………………?
  4. Smoking is a health hazard, ……………………….?
  5. Your mother remember me,…………………………?
  6. He had taught us,……………………….?
  7. I am a student, ………………………….?
  8. They will come, ………………………….?
  9. We played football, ……………………….?
  10. They are not teachers, ………………………..?


b) Below is a timetable you made for a visit to the Tanzanite Game Reserve last term. Your teacher has asked you to narrate to the class what happened. Use the timetable to guide you. Number (i) has been done as an example.




Bus comes to pick students


Everybody gets into the bus


Journey begins

12:30 pm

Stop-over and lunch at Usa River

1 pm

Arrival at the Game Reserve 


1:30 pm

Viewing animals

4 pm


4:30 pm

A tour around the Tanzanite Hotel

5 pm

Listening to a talk from the Game Reserve Manager

5:30 pm

Return journey begins

8:15 pm

Arrival at school.


  1. At 10 am the bus came to pick students.
  2. By 10:20 am everybody…………………………………………
  3. At 10:30 am the journey …………………………………….
  4. We………………………a stop –over and lunch at Usa River at 12:30 p.m
  5. At 1 pm we………………………………………………………..
  6. At 1:30pm we ……………………………………………………
  7. Then at 4pm we………………………………………………………
  8. At 4:30pm we………………………………………………………..
  9. At 5pm we……………………………………………………………
  10. Then at 5:30pm the return journey…………………………………
  11. By 8:15pm we……………………………..




  1. Choose on class reader you have read in form One or Two and then answer the questions that follow in the blank spaces provided;
  • Mabala the Farmer .
  • Hawa the Bus Driver
  • Fast Money
  • The Magic Garden
  • Kalulu the Hare
  1. i) Give the title of the book


ii) What is the name of the author?


  1. i) Who is the main character in the story you read?


ii) Which strength of the main character you have identified in (b) (i)?


  1. What did you learn from the story?


  1. Would you recommend the book to your friends? Why?



  1. Read the following poem then answer the questions that follow;


Hey you AIDS, you are an uninvited guest

In homes, schools, villages, towns

And yes even in big cities

You make everybody sick.


The poor and the rich

The old and the young

The tall and the short

Oh, how cruel you are!

Let’s all be careful with this guest!



  1. What is the poem about?
  2. In this poem, the poet is speaking to…………………….
  3. What is the lesson we get from the poem?
  4. What is the title of this poem?
  5. How does the poet feel?







TIME: 2:30 Hours


  • This paper consists of sections A,B, C and D with a total of eleven (11), questions.
  • Answer all questions in the spaces provided
  • All writing must be in black or blue pen
  • All communications verbally if only authorized can be allowed in the examination room.
  • Write your number/name on top of every page.



















  1. Read the passage below carefully and answer the questions which follow.

The film industry in Tanzania has been doing great of late. This growth can be attributed to high end production managers and marketing authorities, also, the fact that Tanzania is ripe digitally, is also an added advantage towards this growth. Most of the local channels are flooded with local content unlike in previous years whereby soap operas and other violent television series from Korea and Philippines were order of the day.

Interestingly, local contents reflect our daily lives, and more appealing, these actors live amongst us, we meet some of them in our neighborhoods in churches and in mosques. We are happy when we take pictures with them and post in our social media platform and share with friends; this makes them as well to have similar feeling/s. However, the growth of film industry may not be stable in the near future when contents lack creativity as the case for now, whereby most of them are repeated.


Choose the letter of the best answer

  1. The film industry in Tanzania is doing good because
  1. There are shared contents
  2. The country’s authority are strict on foreign contents
  3. The production managers and marketing authorities are doing superb job
  4. The previous years had a lot of soap operas from Korea and Philippines
  1. Local contents reflects our daily lives because:
  1. They express our social lives
  2. They express views that are obvious globally
  3. They express our most sacred lives
  4. They are creatively made
  1. What can be said of previous years?
  1. Film industry was not attractive
  2. Film industry was dominated by foreign contents
  3. Film industry only had contents from Korea and Philippines
  4. Film industry in Tanzania was encouraging
  1. When we meet actors, what do we often do?
  1. Ask for more contents
  2. Take them to churches and mosques
  3. Call our friends to come and see us
  4. Ask them to take pictures with them
  1. Growth industry may not be stable in future because
  1. Buying television set is becoming more expensive
  2. Everyone wants to be seen in the media
  3. Consistency in creativity is missing
  4. Korean series and Philippines content have flooded the market







  1. Write TRUE for true statements and FALSE for false statements according to the passage.
  1. Local contents are relevant to foreigners ________________________
  2. Film industry has employed many people __________ ____________
  3. Most of the contents are educative ____________________
  4. Film industry is faced with so many challenges ___________
  5. Social network help in promoting film industry in Tanzania.__________

SECTION B(25 marks)

  1. Match the phrases in list A with those in list B to make correct complete sentences.

List A

List B

  1. Although she arrived late
  2. However strong you are
  3. He worked so hard
  4. No sooner had the rain stopped
  5. The bone was too hard
  1. For Simba to chew
  2. She was given the chair
  3. But she was not given the chair
  4. You cannot fight a lion
  5. So that he succeeds in life
  6. Than the crowd disappeared
  7. Than the rest of his friends






4. (a) Change the following underlined words into opposite. Write the answer in the space given.

  1. Jane is married to a hard working husband ______________
  2. This road is so narrow at the end ___________________
  3. Our opponents may lose this game _____________
  4. It is easy to walk alone in the park, than to climb an uphill __________________
  5. Scientists have proven that female mosquitos cause malaria __________

(b) Re write the following words in their plural form

(i) The dog is innocent _____________________

(ii) The boy walks to school everyday _______________

(iii) Leave my customer alone _____________

(iv) A passport is a requirement for every foreigner _______________

(v) This deep well has enough water _______________

  1. Pick the most appropriate answer from the ones provided in brackets to make meaningful sentence.
  1. The boy walks (faster, fastest, fast) than his peers__________
  2. I have just (woke, wake, woken) up few minutes ago _______
  3. It is not (right, rite, write) to say wrong things to your friends ________
  4. I am (interest, interested, interesting) in watching football than painting pictures.
  5. We put on (sweaters, sweeters, sitters) when the weather is cold ________



  1. (a) Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition to make correct sentences
  1. The visitors will arrive _____Monday
  2. The boy lives ____ Dodoma.
  3. They have been staying indoor ____morning
  4. She has been working here ______ three years
  5. The celebrations is scheduled _____ 7 o’clock

(b) Fill in the blanks by providing the correct form of the words in the brackets below.

  1. Chameleons are ___ (slow) than lizards ___________
  2. Our class is the ____ (clean) of all classrooms _________
  3. The thief ____ (quite) walked into our compound __________
  4. He ____ (true) loves his wife ________
  5. The ____ (high) you go, the cooler it becomes _______

7. (a) Provide the past participle form of the following words.

  1. Wake ____________
  2. Go ____________
  3. Seek ___________
  4. Do _____________
  5. Walk ____________

(b) Identify the odd number from the group of words below

(i) Water, porridge, lemonade, orange. ____________

(ii) Policeman, carpenter, teacher, nurse ____________

(iii) Swahili, English, French, Dutch _____________

(iv) Terrain, slope, slit, valley ________

(v) Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwandan, Burundi ________

8. Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given.

  1. The student was proud. He could not ask for forgiveness. (Rewrite using “too …….. to”) _____________________________
  2. The boy left the house, it started raining immediately (Begin with hardly…. when..) __________________________
  3. Pa is not stubborn, he is also not lazy. (Rewrite using neither….nor)_______________
  4. The boy is clever and obedient (Begin with not only….. )______________
  5. If you don’t study hard, you will fail in your examination (Re write using unless …._______________________________________________________

9. Write one word for the following explanation/s

  1. The young one of a sheep __________________
  2. A brother to your wife ___________________
  3. A group of people listening to presentations in a theatre ___________
  4. Man is to cry as dog is to _____
  5. A house for birds ______



10. Read the following poem carefully then answer the questions that follow.

My house is full

My basket is filled

Visitors come from far and wide

Taking pride in little things I own

Now, they are gone

They are scattered all over

Who’ll come and provide comfort and warmth

The shadows, I follow my shadows

I wish I would have started afresh over and over again


  1. What could be the possible title of this poem?


  1. What is this poem about?


  1. Comment on the structure of the poem ______________________________________________________________
  2. How many verses are there in the poem?


  1. Write down one message that you have found in this poem


11. Using the book “MABALA THE FARMER” and “HAWA THE BUS DRIVER” BY Richard Mabala answer the following questions.

  1. Who is the main character of the book?


  1. What has the main character done in the story? ______________________________________________
  2. What is message of the story?


  1. Is the book relevant to our societies? Explain ______________________________________________________________
  2. Write the names of two other characters of the book.









  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of 10 questions
  2. Answer all questions
  3. Section A and B each carry 30 marks and section C carries 40 marks

SECTION A (30 Marks)


  1. (a) Read the passage below carefully and fill in the blank spaces with appropriate answers

Last December holiday remains the _(i)__ holiday ever to happen in my life. After completing my standard seven national examination, my uncle __(ii)__ the first person to invite__(iii)__ to visit him in Dar-es-Salaam. Thereafter, my aunt, Perez also called my father, asking __(iv)__ to allow me to visit her__(v)__ Arusha. My elder sister was the last person to ask me to spend with her at Karatu for Christmas holiday.

Before, __(vi)__ realized, January __(vii)__ around __(viii)__ corner, and my parents insisted that I travel back to Dodoma and get ready for school. So far, secondary school has given me a totally ___(ix)___experience, including encounter with new subjects, new language of instruction, and more, new friends. The two lessons I ___(x)__ learnt, that is visiting new places and the school life for this year have given me a purpose and the desire to be a better person.

  1. Good/best
  2. Was/ is
  3. Him/me
  4. Him/her
  5. On/in
  6. It/I
  7. Was/is
  8. a/the
  9. old/ new
  10. have/will

(b) Write YES when the answer is correct and NO when the answer is not correct for the following expressions as found from the passage

  1. I enjoyed this December holiday _______
  2. I enjoyed last December holiday _______
  3. Perez is my uncle ____
  4. I was asked to come to Dodoma for preparation of school ___
  5. New experiences have made me a better person ____
  1. Use the information on Mwajuma’s and Hamisi’s likes and dislikes from the box below and answer the questions that follow




Playing football



Watching movies



Listening to music



Reading story books



Writing letters



  1. Mwajuma ________ playing football while Hamisi dislikes playing football
  2. Hamisi ______ watching movies while Mwajuma dislikes watching
  3. Mwajuma likes listening to music while Hamisi ______listening to music
  4. Hamisi ____ reading story books while Mwajuma dislikes reading story books
  5. Both Mwajuma and Hamisi like ___________________

SECTION B (30 Marks)


  1. Complete the words on the left. Their meanings are already given on the right



  1. N_rthan
  2. Wes_ern
  3. _outhern
  4. Ea_tern
  5. _entral
  1. Kilimanjaro Region in the ____ part of Tanzania
  2. Kigoma Region is in _____ part of Tanzania
  3. Mbeya Region is in the _____ part of Tanzania
  4. Dar es Salaam is in the ____ part of Tanzania
  5. Dodoma Region is in the ___ part of Tanzania
  1. Re arrange the following words in their correct order to make grammatical meanings
  1. Late came he yesterday
  2. My president hardworking is very
  3. Mt. Kilimanjaro than Mt. Meru is taller
  4. My new watch I love
  5. Singida live we in
  1. Use the following information and describe the location of things at Mapambano Secondary school compound. The first one has been done as an example
  1. The kitchen is in the back of the dormitory. Use behind

Example: The kitchen is behind the dormitory

  1. The staffroom and the headmaster’s office face each other. Use opposite
  2. The classroom and the playground are close to each other. Use adjacent
  3. The washroom and the damp site are located at the two ends, one north the other south. Use far from
  4. Form one and form two classrooms are very close to each other. Use next to
  5. The school gate is in the right while the watchman’s office is in the left. Use right
  1. Use the instructions given below to express your daily routine/habit

Example: I always wake up in the morning

  1. In the morning: ________________________
  2. During break time:______________________
  3. Midday: ______________________________
  4. Evening:______________________________
  5. At night:______________________________

SECTION C (40 Marks)


  1. Fill in the blanks with the most suitable form of the words given in brackets by either adding an s to it or leaving it as it is. The first one has been done as an example
  1. He ___ to school of foot (walk)
  2. He ___ his bicycle to school every day (ride)
  3. They ____ for the school team (plays)
  4. The teacher ____ notes for the students (write)
  5. Our country____ enough cotton for export (produce)
  1. Change the words below into plural form
  1. Man _____
  2. Mango ______
  3. A thief ______
  4. Knife ______
  5. Tree _______
  1. Match the following words in column A with their dictionary use in column B

Column A

Column B

  1. Book
  2. Pen
  3. Desk
  4. Classroom
  5. A teacher
  1. A piece of furniture with a flat surface
  2. A written or printed work consisting of pages
  3. A person who writes many papers and letters
  4. A person who teaches, especially in a school
  5. Is an instrument for writing or drawing with ink
  6. Newspapers and magazines
  7. A room in which a class of pupils or students is taught






  1. Identify the odd word from the list provided
  1. Car, lorry, farm, bicycle _____
  2. Students, teachers, head teacher, academic master ______
  3. Morning assembly, late night news, school parade, classroom lessons _____
  4. Soft drink, milk, drinking water, cup ______
  5. Hungry, tomorrow, happy, annoyed ______
  1. Write a note/letter to your friend who has joined form one education in another school. Use the guidelines below for your note
  • Name of your new school
  • Name of your classroom
  • Name of your class teacher
  • Colour of your school uniform
  • Subjects taught








Time: 2:30Hours





  • This paper consists of sections A, B, C and D with a total of ten (10) questions.
  • Answer all questions in the space provided.
  • All writings must be in black or blue pen.
  • All communication devices are not allowed in the examination room.
  • Write your examination number at the top right corner of every page.




  1. Read the following passage carefully then answer the questions that follow;

Mr. Akilimali is an old man now. He is a grandfather with twelve grandchildren. Mr. Akilimali does not remember his parents. They died when he was very young. He was therefore left an orphan. His uncles and aunts brought him up. 

At the age of twenty five, Mr. Akilimali got married to a beautiful girl called Maua. Their wedding celebration was attended by many people. They ate, drank, and danced for three days. Everybody who attended the wedding wished them a happy life. They also hopped that the bridegroom and his bride would have many children.

The first few years, Mr. Akilimali and his wife lived happily together. But later on things changed. They became unhappy because they could not get children. On the tenth year of their marriage Mr. Akilimali decided to marry another wife Pili. With the new wife Mr. Akilimali now has three sons and two daughters. The sons are Dunia, Kazi and Chuma. The daughters are Lulu and Siti.

Mr. Akilimali’s children are now grown up and have their own families. They no longer live with their parents. People in Mr. Akilimali’s tribe have many traditions and customs, one of them is that a child is married and gets children, he/she has to send a child to live with the grandparents. Because of this tradition therefore, Mr. Akilimali now lives with his two wives and five grandchildren.



  1. Write your answers in the space provided for each question.
  1. Why does Mr. Akilimali not remember his parents?


  1. Why did Mr. Akilimali decide to marry a second wife?


  1. Do you think Mr. Akilimali was wise to marry another wife? Why?


  1. Why does Mr. Akilimali live with his grandchildren?


  1. Suggest a suitable title for this passage…………………………………


  1. For each of the following statements, write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is incorrect.
  1. The word ‘bride groom’ means a woman on her wedding day or just before or after the events………………….
  2. Mr. Akilimali doesn’t remember his parents because they died when he was still young………………………..
  3. According to Mr. Akilimali’s tribe, only daughters have to send their children to live with their grandparents………………………
  4. During Mr. Akilimali’s wedding celebration people ate, drank and slept for three days……………….
  5. Mr. Akilimali lived with his first wife happily for the first few years…………………………
  1. Using five sentences, describe Mr. Akilimali’s life; example:
  1. At the age of twenty five, Mr. Akilimali got married to a beautiful girl called Maua.
  2. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  3. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  4. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  5. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
  6. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
  1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow;


“I’m going to punish all truant students”, said a class master of form two classes. Juma talked a silent voice oh my God! What am I going to do? Because he was one among the truant students. After all the announcements at the assembly ground we entered in the class. Juma saw a class master coming to our class, he said to the class hush! Observe silence the teacher is coming.

So Juma planned to escape at the school through a window so as to save his life from the teacher, but unfortunately, while Juma tried to jump through a window his shirt touches to one of the window’s nails and led him to fall down heavily every student shouted to Juma Jesus! Save him and Juma cried God, I’m finished! Juma was injured his right leg. Teachers took him to the hospital after doctor’s investigation, doctors told Juma that they are supposed to remove his leg due to bad injury he got. Juma cried so much and he said to the doctor oh no! Doctor how can I walk can’t you find another ways of saving my leg. Help me! Doctor please I can’t repeat it again.


Identify five interjections from the given passage 

  1. …………………………………………………………..
  2. ……………………………………………………………
  3. …………………………………………………………….
  4. …………………………………………………………….
  5. …………………………………………………………….





  1. Match each sentence in column A with the word in column B by writing correct letter besides the items number.



  1. To wish a person a long life and a happy future.
  2. To wish a person a quick recovery from sickness.
  3. To say sorry to one whose relatives or friend has died.
  4. To wish one good grades in a major examination.
  5. To pass greetings to a person during the Christmas season.
  1. Success cards
  2. Condolence cards
  3. Christmas cards
  4. Birthday cards
  5. Get-well-soon cards















  1. State whether each of the following sentences is a FACT or an OPINION in the blank spaces provided.
  1. It might rain today ……………………
  2. The sky is blue………………………..
  3. Science is better than arts……………….
  4. The most beautiful colour is red………….
  5. All secondary school students do form two National assessment……………………..




  1. Fill in the blank spaces with the correct form of word in the brackets.
  1. Matumula (do) …………….a lot of exercises daily.
  2. I (send) …………… friend an E-mail yesterday.
  3. The patient (lie) …………to the doctor.
  4. Have you (see)……………my keys?
  5. I am (read) ………………a good story book.
  6. Babies (sleep) ……………for many hours.
  7. She (put) …………..some salt in the tea yesterday.
  8. My uncle (have) ………..two daughters and a son.
  9. She (travel) ………… Mpanda next week.
  10. Asha (wash) …………..her uniform now.


  1. Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each.
  1. Peter plays football, Paul plays football too.(Join using; both)
  2. My child is only five years old. He can’t start standard one.

(re-write as one sentences using;………..too…….to……..)

  1. Babies cry whenever they are hungry. (re-write in singular).
  2. Jamila can’t swim. Her sister can’t either. ( begin with; Neither )
  3. Mangoes are sweeter than oranges. (re-write using ‘as…….as  in one sentence.)


  1. a)Add the right question tag to the following;
  1. You speak English,………………………………?
  2. You don’t mind if I go, ………………….?
  3. Doctors in Tanzania work very hard, ………………………?
  4. Smoking is a health hazard, ……………………….?
  5. Your mother remember me,…………………………?
  6. He had taught us,……………………….?
  7. I am a student, ………………………….?
  8. They will come, ………………………….?
  9. We played football, ……………………….?
  10. They are not teachers, ………………………..?


b) Below is a timetable you made for a visit to the Tanzanite Game Reserve last term. Your teacher has asked you to narrate to the class what happened. Use the timetable to guide you. Number (i) has been done as an example.




Bus comes to pick students


Everybody gets into the bus


Journey begins

12:30 pm

Stop-over and lunch at Usa River

1 pm

Arrival at the Game Reserve 


1:30 pm

Viewing animals

4 pm


4:30 pm

A tour around the Tanzanite Hotel

5 pm

Listening to a talk from the Game Reserve Manager

5:30 pm

Return journey begins

8:15 pm

Arrival at school.


  1. At 10 am the bus came to pick students.
  2. By 10:20 am everybody…………………………………………
  3. At 10:30 am the journey …………………………………….
  4. We………………………a stop –over and lunch at Usa River at 12:30 p.m
  5. At 1 pm we………………………………………………………..
  6. At 1:30pm we ……………………………………………………
  7. Then at 4pm we………………………………………………………
  8. At 4:30pm we………………………………………………………..
  9. At 5pm we……………………………………………………………
  10. Then at 5:30pm the return journey…………………………………
  11. By 8:15pm we……………………………..




  1. Choose on class reader you have read in form One or Two and then answer the questions that follow in the blank spaces provided;
  • Mabala the Farmer .
  • Hawa the Bus Driver
  • Fast Money
  • The Magic Garden
  • Kalulu the Hare
  1. i) Give the title of the book


ii) What is the name of the author?


  1. i) Who is the main character in the story you read?


ii) Which strength of the main character you have identified in (b) (i)?


  1. What did you learn from the story?


  1. Would you recommend the book to your friends? Why?



  1. Read the following poem then answer the questions that follow;


Hey you AIDS, you are an uninvited guest

In homes, schools, villages, towns

And yes even in big cities

You make everybody sick.


The poor and the rich

The old and the young

The tall and the short

Oh, how cruel you are!

Let’s all be careful with this guest!



  1. What is the poem about?
  2. In this poem, the poet is speaking to…………………….
  3. What is the lesson we get from the poem?
  4. What is the title of this poem?
  5. How does the poet feel?









Time: 2:30Hours


This paper consists of sections A, B, C and D with a total of 12 questions Answer all questions in the spaces provided

All writings must be in BLUE or BLACK pen

Write your name and class in the spaces provided above

Write your work neatly.



I. Read the passage below carefully and then answer the questions that follow

My name is Nianjema; I had not travelled to Mwanza before. My sister, Ananijali invited me to her house in Mwanza so that 1 could see the rocks. My mother told me to be polite to my sister and her husband during my stay with them. 1 was so excited and 1 told my friends about the journey. My sister told me that my brother-in-law will come to pick me over the weekend.

It was Saturday evening, when my brother in-law arrived at our place. He told me that, we would travel by bus as it was faster than the train and cheaper than the plane. On Sunday we bought tickets at the booking office in Dar-es-salaam and we managed to board the bus at 8,00a.m. The conductor was very respectful and polite in attending his passengers. When we reached Dodoma, I heard a screech of tyres and the bus started to move in a zigzag manner and finally stopped. •

Most of the passengers were screaming and I did the same. M.y brother in-law who was concerned with my safety held my hands and urged me to stop panicking. He told me that it was only a tyre bust and there was no more danger. The bus was moving at the speed of 80 kilometres per hour. We were all grateful to the driver, Mr_Ntoi, because if he Was moving with the high speed than that; we could have been involved in a very bad accident.

We all got out of the bus and the tyre was changed before we continued with our journey. We then stopped to refuel at Manyoni Kobil fuel station. The Amp attendant looked up and saw me looking at him. He smiled at me and I smiled hack. He told me that, I will be enjoying very much to see the wonders in the rock city where rocks are setted as if they are going to fall. He finally told me to bring him some fish on my way back. What he told me stimulated me a lot and I could not wait to get to Mwapza to see the rocks and tell my sister about the journey.


a) Complete the following sentences with the right information from the passage

i) A suitable title for this passage is

  1.                                         Nianjema's sister is called
  2.                                       Niajema went to Mwanza because
  3.            Nianjema and other passengers were to be involved in the accident because
  4.                                          Nianjema was asked by the pump attendant to bring__________________

From Mwanza.

b) For each of the statement below, write TRUE if the statement is correct or FALSE if the statement is not correct.

  1.                                              My sister told me to be polite to my brother in-law______________________
  2.                                            We bought our tickets to Mwanza on Saturday_______________________
  3.                                          Our bus got the breakdown in Dodoma________________________________
  4.                                          The bus was moving at less than 90 km speed per hour________________________________
  5.                                            We filled fuel at Manyoni Kobil station____________________________
  1.       Read the passage below carefully and list the names of Mr.Mtokambali's children and tell what each one does in the given table.

Mr. and Mrs. Mtokambali family was living in Mukasa village. They had five children, Upendo was the first born. She was teaching at Mukasa primary school. The second born was Makata, he was so stubborn; he could not even finish his secondary education as he dropped out of the school when he was in form two. His parents struggled so much to help him, but he ended up been a watchman in Sukari house.

Sinamatata was the third born, she was very kind, she became a nurse and was working in Mukasa dispensary. The fourth born, Naamini, was working in the garage as the mechanic. The last born Naweza was very intelligent as he managed to get through the university and became a lawyer in the high court.












  1.       Match each sentence in column A with the beside the item number. Item (vi) has been used as an example.



(i) A feeling that shows pleasure
(ii) A feeling that shows disappointment and negative reaction.
(iii) A feeling that you want to eat something.
(iv) Feeling sorrowful
(v) Needing or wanting to drink
(vi) Feeling unwell

  1. Love
  2. Sad
  3. Hungry
  4. Thirst
  5. Bored
  6. Sick
  7. Angry
  8. Happy

4. Re-arrange the following sentences into a logical sequence to make a meaningful paragraph. Sentence number 6 has been done as an example.

  1. Scrub the clothes.
  2. Take a bucket of water.
  3. Wring out water and put them to dry.
  4. Put dirty clothes in it and soak for an hour.
  5. Take out the clothes and rinse them in clean water.
  6. Mix water and the detergent well.

5.   Complete the following sentences using the words given in the box.

My,yours, His, her ,its, ours, theirs.

(i) My father owns a boat. It is ............ boat.

(ii) This book belongs to you. It is

(iii) They have a house at Tanga. It is

(iv) We have to study hard because the future is .......

(v) My sister has a car. It is ...... car.

6. Rewrite the following sentences by using the correct forms of verbs in brackets:

(1) Mboka (take) his breakfast at 7:00 a.m everyday.

(ii] Our cows (go) to the river to drink water every afternoon.

(iii) She (do) her homework at 5:00 every evening.

(iv) We (learn) Mathematics every day.

(v) My brother and I (watch) television every evening.

7. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the word in the brackets.

  1.                                   She                to school every day (go)
  2.                                  My mother               a new car last week (buy)
  3.                                   I am               my dinner (cook)
  4.                                  We must              hard in order to pass (study)
  5.                                   They              sick. (be)

8. Re —write the following sentences according to the instructions given

  1.                      Juma is a singer and a dancer. (Re-write using...not only.....but also)
  2.                      We went to school but he was late. (Begin: Although....)
  3.                      We learn so as to get knowledge (Re-write using  in order to. 
  4.                      Anna is lazy. She cannot study alone. (Join the sentences using too .to)
  5.                      If you study hard you will pass your examinations. (Begin: Unless 

9. Fill in the blanks with the correct word given in the brackets.

  1.                                       There is a lot of water in the______________________(see/sea)
  2.                                       He is living in his own_______________________in the village (hat/hut)
  3.                                       I saw a               eating a rat yesterday. (cart/cat)
  4.                                       We travelled to Zanzibar by using a____________________________(ship/sheep)
  5.                                       They              some food in order to survive__(it/eat)

10. Change the following sentences into plural form:

  1.                         He was walking
  2.                        She likes eating Ugali everyday
  3.                         A student is required to be punctual
  4.                        A mango is a sweet fruit to eat.
  5.                         I wish I could be there on time.

f)  It is too small to be seen………………………………………………………………………………………

  1.     Please make him understand
  2.       He is supposed to see his doctor
  3.       A window was opened.
  4.  A Sheep is eating grass



11. Select ONE class reader you have read from the given list and answer the questions that follow.

a) What is the title of the book?

b) What is the story about?


c) Who is the main character in the story?

d) What can you learn from the story?


e) Is the story tells what is happening to your society? Give reasons

12. Read the following poem carefully and then answer the questions that follow 

Hey you AIDS, you are an uninvited guest

In homes, schools, village, towns

And yes even in big cities

You make everybody sick

The poor and the rich The old and the young The tall and the short Oh, how cruel you are!

Let's all be careful with this guest!


a) 'What is the poem about?


b) Iii this poem, the poet is speaking to.........


c) What is the lesson we get from this poem?


d) What is the title of this poem?

e) How does the poet feel?









Time: 2:30Hours


  1.              This paper consists of section A, B C and D with a total of 10 questions
  2.              Answer all questions in SPACES PROVIDED.
  3.              Section A, B and D carry 20 marks each and section C carry 40 marks
  4.              All answers should be written in the spaces provided.
  5.              Write with a blank or blue ink pen.
  6.              All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized material are not allowed in examination room.
  7.              Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.

 SECTION A (20 Marks)

 Answer All questions in this section.


Q. 1. Read the following passage below carefully and then answer the questions that follow:

 The Maasai of East Africa live in a land with plenty of lions.  They own large herds of cattle, and so they are naturally the enemies of lions. Every young Maasai is very courageous while hunting. If he gets the blood of a lion on his spear, he is considered to be a brave man. He is admired by his friends and all the young women. If he actually kills a lion, he is considered a real hero.

 The killing of a lion must be done in a special way. A group of twenty or thirty young Maasai finds a lion and come up to it from all sides. They wear no clothes or ornaments that might hamper them and carry only their spears and shields. They move closer to the lion until it leaps at the nearest man, who throws his spears and protects himself with his shield.  Immediately the other warriors throw their spears at the lion, usually kills it before it can attack them. The first spearman to draw blood is considered to be the killer of the lion. 

QUESTIONS:-Write the best answer to the space provided.

  1. I) The Maasai of East Africa are not friendly to lions because
  1. Young Maasai people are courageous
  2. They own large herds of cattle and lions eat them
  3.  Lions own large herds of cattle.
  4. All Maasai people are afraid of lions.                                  

ii)  A brave Maasai man should:

  1. Drink the blood of a lion.
  2. Let the lion drink his blood
  3. Get the blood of a lion on his spear during hunting
  4. Own a large herd of cattle.                                                             

iii) A Maasai is considered a real hero if he 

  1. Always drinks the blood of his cattle
  2. Owns a very large herd of cattle
  3. Is admired by his friends and young women
  4. Kills a lion.                                                                                            

iv) When Maasai hunters have surrounded the lion, before they attack it, they wait for the lion to:

  1. Leap at the nearest man
  2. Catch the cattle
  3. Kills the nearest man
  4. Roar at them                                                                                           

v) A Maasai hunter is called the killer of the lion if:

a) He kills the lion with only one blow

b) It is he who first wounds the lion

c) It is he who strikes the last blow

d) He kills the lion without using his shield.                                                            







  1. Write ‘T’ for true statement and ‘F’ for a false statement according to the passage:
  1. The passage is about lions only                                                        
  2. The Maasai Warriors do not wear clothes at all.                               
  3. The killing of a lion is done in a special way                                     
  4. The first man to throw a spear and wound the lion is the killer.   






CGive short answers to the following questions:

  1. What is the occupation of the Maasai?  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. Why should the young Maasai men be brave?  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. While attacking a lion, the young Maasai wear no clothes or ornaments. Why is this so?  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. Why are the Maasai enemies of lions?  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. Suggest a suitable title of the story. It should not exceed five words.   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

D: Compose correct sentences using the following words from thee passage.

  1. Courageous -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. Admired  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. Spearman  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. Shields -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Q. 2Study the following conversation carefully and then answer the questions that follow:

Jimmy:  hello

Secretary: hello        

Jimmy: This is Mr. Jimmy speaking from Riverside – Ubungo. Is that “Sauti ya Elimu” Learning Centre?

Secretary: Oh, yes.

Jimmy: Can I speak to the Principal please?

Secretary: Yes, a minute please.

Principal: hello, the principal speaking. Who am I talking to?

Jimmy:  this is Jimmy speaking from Riverside – Ubungo.

Principal:  I see. Welcome.

Jimmy: excuse me, sir.

Principal: Worry not! Just go ahead.

Jimmy: May I know the courses offered by your centre please?

Principal: Er…… a Qualifying test course, English, Computer, Evening Studies, and short courses for ordinary and advanced level, re –sitters programme and many other.

Jimmy:  May I know the cost and mode of payment for the ordinary level re-sitters programme?

Principal: It’s fifteen thousand shillings a month.

Jimmy: I have four children. Can I get a discount?

Principal:  would you come here so that we can talk in detail?

Jimmy:  Okay!  I shall come tomorrow morning.

Principal: Fine, “Sauti ya Elimu Learning Centre” is the best educational centre in the city.  Do not send your children to other centers now mushrooming all over the city.   

Jimmy:  Thank you for the explanation about your center. By the way, is there a canteen at the centre?

Principal:  Yes. We have one. And it can accommodate up to 200 students at the same time. Our food is delicious and cheap.

Jimmy: My children do not eat veal or beef. Is there any alternative?

Principal: Yes. We have poultry, mutton and venison.

Jimmy: Sorry for the inconvenience.

Principal: Never mind! We are here to serve you.

Jimmy: Thank you very much!

Principal: Thank you, too. Welcome to “Sauti ya Elimu Learning Centre” at Sinza.

Jimmy:: Thank s. see you then.


  1. Who made the call?  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. Which phrase do we normally use when we want to start a telephone conversation?  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. What does the secretary mean when she says “Yes, a minute please?”  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. Suppose the Principal was not around. What would the secretary say to Jimmy?  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. Give the meaning of all words in italics used in the conversation.   (7 words)
  1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



Q. 3A) Choose suitable parts of sentences from B to complete the sentences in A below:


  1. Dar es Salaam is not a  a) As tough  the last one
  2. The sun is worse today  b) The highest in Africa
  3. This piece of homework is c)  Than it was yesterday
  4. The witness   d)  The biggest city in the world
  5. This is Mountain is    e)  Has been warned by the judge

List A






List B

B) Write the names of the following:

i)  A person who is unable to hear -----------------------------------------------

ii)  A person who makes chairs and tables --------------------------------------------

iii)  A person with eyes disability -----------------------------------------------------

iv     A person who cooks food.---------------------------------------------------------

v      A person who keep records of financial and accounts .-----------------------

CWhat are the names used by the following:

  1. A young dog is called ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. A young lion is called -------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. A daughter of a royal family ---------------------------------------------------------
  4. A person who deals with vegetables ----------------------------------------------
  5. Un married woman is called ----------------------------------------------------------
  6. Un married man is called-----------------------------------------------------------------
  7. A lady whose husband died -----------------------------------------------------------
  8. The portable phone -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. A son of a royal family -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  10. A person who flies an aero plane --------------------------------------------------------

Q. 4. Re- arrange the following sentences into a logical sequence to make a meaningful paragraph.

 A. The family was composed of four members.

B. The four members were Mr. and Mrs. Sari and their two children.

C  One of the children was a boy and the other one was a girl.

D Once upon a time, there was one family living in the village.

E. The village was known as Kilala.

F.  The boy was called Musa and the girl was Anne.










Q. 5 Put the verbs in the brackets in their correct forms of the Present continuous tense, for each of the sentences below:

  1. Upendo (be write) a letter now. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. All the girls (be dance) at the moment ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. You (be wash) your clothes now, aren’t you? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. Mariam (be) (go) to the market now.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. (Be) Hamisi (cat) now? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. Those men (be dig) a canal -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. We (be) now (learn) English -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8. Anna (be)  (run) to school-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. Msongole (be) drink) tea. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10. Juma (be) not  (weld), is he? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Q. 6.Fill blank spaces with the correct form of words in the bracket.

1) We will not be happy if the teacher ----------------------------------------------- (punish) us.

2) Unless she ------------------------------------------------- (take) her medicine, she will die.

3) We ------------------------------------------(be) happy next year if we are all in Form Two.

4) If the child ------------------------------- (not drink) enough water, she will become dehydrated.

5) I will tell the matron if I -------------------------------------- (see) you smoking again.

6) If I give you money ---------------------------------------- (you leave) me alone.

7) ---------------------------------------- (the students feel) good, if the teacher is not in the classroom.

8) the crops won’t be good if the rains ------------------------------------ (not come).

Q. 7In the following sentences, say what part of speech is each of the underlined word.

  1. Place the book on the table.  (V) VERB-------------------------------------------
  2. This is the right place.  ------------------------------------------------------
  3. They have done hard work-----------------------------------------------
  4. He spoke aloud    -------------------------------------------------------------
  5. Open the door    ------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. A girl is sitting near the tree.    -------------------------------------------
  7. Milk the cow.     ----------------------------------------------------------------
  8. This cow gives much milk.     -------------------------------------------------
  9. Dry the clothes.     -------------------------------------------------------------
  10. He is clever.      -------------------------------------------------------------------

Q. 8. Re-write the following sentences according to the instruction given.

  1. The girl was very young, she couldn’t join form one. (Re-write using too ------to----) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. He is a driver and trader ( Re write using  -------not only ------- but also -----) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. Abdul is not a cook. He is also not a watchman. ( Join using -------------neither --------nor ----------)  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. You can buy sugar and also you can buy meat. (Join using --------------- either --------- or --------------)  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. Hurry up. You will be late. (Join the two sentences using ------------otherwise----------)  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



Q. 9. Take a book you have recently read and then answer the following questions.

  1. Give the title and the author of the book. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. Name two important characters in the story and briefly  say what each  did
  1. Character 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. Character 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1. Did you enjoy the story?  Give reasons --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. What do you learn from the story? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. Is the story relevant to our society? Why?  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Q. 10. Write a formal letter to your head of school asking her for a two week temporary job during mid-term break showing why you want a temporary job? How are you going to use the money from the temporary job?  











Time: 2:30Hours


  1.              This paper consists of section A, B C and D with a total of 10 questions
  2.              Answer all questions in SPACES PROVIDED.
  3.              Section A, B and D carry 20 marks each and section C carry 40 marks
  4.              All answers should be written in the spaces provided.
  5.              Write with a blank or blue ink pen.
  6.              All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized material are not allowed in examination room.
  7.              Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.

 SECTION A (20 Marks)

 Answer All questions in this section.


Q. 1. Read the following passage below carefully and then answer the questions that follow:

 The Maasai of East Africa live in a land with plenty of lions.  They own large herds of cattle, and so they are naturally the enemies of lions. Every young Maasai is very courageous while hunting. If he gets the blood of a lion on his spear, he is considered to be a brave man. He is admired by his friends and all the young women. If he actually kills a lion, he is considered a real hero.

 The killing of a lion must be done in a special way. A group of twenty or thirty young Maasai finds a lion and come up to it from all sides. They wear no clothes or ornaments that might hamper them and carry only their spears and shields. They move closer to the lion until it leaps at the nearest man, who throws his spears and protects himself with his shield.  Immediately the other warriors throw their spears at the lion, usually kills it before it can attack them. The first spearman to draw blood is considered to be the killer of the lion. 

QUESTIONS:-Write the best answer to the space provided.

  1. I) The Maasai of East Africa are not friendly to lions because
  1. Young Maasai people are courageous
  2. They own large herds of cattle and lions eat them
  3.  Lions own large herds of cattle.
  4. All Maasai people are afraid of lions.                                  

ii)  A brave Maasai man should:

  1. Drink the blood of a lion.
  2. Let the lion drink his blood
  3. Get the blood of a lion on his spear during hunting
  4. Own a large herd of cattle.                                                             

iii) A Maasai is considered a real hero if he 

  1. Always drinks the blood of his cattle
  2. Owns a very large herd of cattle
  3. Is admired by his friends and young women
  4. Kills a lion.                                                                                            

iv) When Maasai hunters have surrounded the lion, before they attack it, they wait for the lion to:

  1. Leap at the nearest man
  2. Catch the cattle
  3. Kills the nearest man
  4. Roar at them                                                                                           

v) A Maasai hunter is called the killer of the lion if:

a) He kills the lion with only one blow

b) It is he who first wounds the lion

c) It is he who strikes the last blow

d) He kills the lion without using his shield.                                                            







  1. Write ‘T’ for true statement and ‘F’ for a false statement according to the passage:
  1. The passage is about lions only                                                        
  2. The Maasai Warriors do not wear clothes at all.                               
  3. The killing of a lion is done in a special way                                     
  4. The first man to throw a spear and wound the lion is the killer.   






CGive short answers to the following questions:

  1. What is the occupation of the Maasai?  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. Why should the young Maasai men be brave?  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. While attacking a lion, the young Maasai wear no clothes or ornaments. Why is this so?  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. Why are the Maasai enemies of lions?  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. Suggest a suitable title of the story. It should not exceed five words.   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

D: Compose correct sentences using the following words from thee passage.

  1. Courageous -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. Admired  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. Spearman  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. Shields -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Q. 2Study the following conversation carefully and then answer the questions that follow:

Jimmy:  hello

Secretary: hello        

Jimmy: This is Mr. Jimmy speaking from Riverside – Ubungo. Is that “Sauti ya Elimu” Learning Centre?

Secretary: Oh, yes.

Jimmy: Can I speak to the Principal please?

Secretary: Yes, a minute please.

Principal: hello, the principal speaking. Who am I talking to?

Jimmy:  this is Jimmy speaking from Riverside – Ubungo.

Principal:  I see. Welcome.

Jimmy: excuse me, sir.

Principal: Worry not! Just go ahead.

Jimmy: May I know the courses offered by your centre please?

Principal: Er…… a Qualifying test course, English, Computer, Evening Studies, and short courses for ordinary and advanced level, re –sitters programme and many other.

Jimmy:  May I know the cost and mode of payment for the ordinary level re-sitters programme?

Principal: It’s fifteen thousand shillings a month.

Jimmy: I have four children. Can I get a discount?

Principal:  would you come here so that we can talk in detail?

Jimmy:  Okay!  I shall come tomorrow morning.

Principal: Fine, “Sauti ya Elimu Learning Centre” is the best educational centre in the city.  Do not send your children to other centers now mushrooming all over the city.   

Jimmy:  Thank you for the explanation about your center. By the way, is there a canteen at the centre?

Principal:  Yes. We have one. And it can accommodate up to 200 students at the same time. Our food is delicious and cheap.

Jimmy: My children do not eat veal or beef. Is there any alternative?

Principal: Yes. We have poultry, mutton and venison.

Jimmy: Sorry for the inconvenience.

Principal: Never mind! We are here to serve you.

Jimmy: Thank you very much!

Principal: Thank you, too. Welcome to “Sauti ya Elimu Learning Centre” at Sinza.

Jimmy:: Thank s. see you then.


  1. Who made the call?  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. Which phrase do we normally use when we want to start a telephone conversation?  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. What does the secretary mean when she says “Yes, a minute please?”  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. Suppose the Principal was not around. What would the secretary say to Jimmy?  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. Give the meaning of all words in italics used in the conversation.   (7 words)
  1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



Q. 3A) Choose suitable parts of sentences from B to complete the sentences in A below:


  1. Dar es Salaam is not a  a) As tough  the last one
  2. The sun is worse today  b) The highest in Africa
  3. This piece of homework is c)  Than it was yesterday
  4. The witness   d)  The biggest city in the world
  5. This is Mountain is    e)  Has been warned by the judge

List A






List B

B) Write the names of the following:

i)  A person who is unable to hear -----------------------------------------------

ii)  A person who makes chairs and tables --------------------------------------------

iii)  A person with eyes disability -----------------------------------------------------

iv     A person who cooks food.---------------------------------------------------------

v      A person who keep records of financial and accounts .-----------------------

CWhat are the names used by the following:

  1. A young dog is called ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. A young lion is called -------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. A daughter of a royal family ---------------------------------------------------------
  4. A person who deals with vegetables ----------------------------------------------
  5. Un married woman is called ----------------------------------------------------------
  6. Un married man is called-----------------------------------------------------------------
  7. A lady whose husband died -----------------------------------------------------------
  8. The portable phone -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. A son of a royal family -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  10. A person who flies an aero plane --------------------------------------------------------

Q. 4. Re- arrange the following sentences into a logical sequence to make a meaningful paragraph.

 A. The family was composed of four members.

B. The four members were Mr. and Mrs. Sari and their two children.

C  One of the children was a boy and the other one was a girl.

D Once upon a time, there was one family living in the village.

E. The village was known as Kilala.

F.  The boy was called Musa and the girl was Anne.










Q. 5 Put the verbs in the brackets in their correct forms of the Present continuous tense, for each of the sentences below:

  1. Upendo (be write) a letter now. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. All the girls (be dance) at the moment ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. You (be wash) your clothes now, aren’t you? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. Mariam (be) (go) to the market now.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. (Be) Hamisi (cat) now? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. Those men (be dig) a canal -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. We (be) now (learn) English -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8. Anna (be)  (run) to school-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. Msongole (be) drink) tea. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10. Juma (be) not  (weld), is he? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Q. 6.Fill blank spaces with the correct form of words in the bracket.

1) We will not be happy if the teacher ----------------------------------------------- (punish) us.

2) Unless she ------------------------------------------------- (take) her medicine, she will die.

3) We ------------------------------------------(be) happy next year if we are all in Form Two.

4) If the child ------------------------------- (not drink) enough water, she will become dehydrated.

5) I will tell the matron if I -------------------------------------- (see) you smoking again.

6) If I give you money ---------------------------------------- (you leave) me alone.

7) ---------------------------------------- (the students feel) good, if the teacher is not in the classroom.

8) the crops won’t be good if the rains ------------------------------------ (not come).

Q. 7In the following sentences, say what part of speech is each of the underlined word.

  1. Place the book on the table.  (V) VERB-------------------------------------------
  2. This is the right place.  ------------------------------------------------------
  3. They have done hard work-----------------------------------------------
  4. He spoke aloud    -------------------------------------------------------------
  5. Open the door    ------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. A girl is sitting near the tree.    -------------------------------------------
  7. Milk the cow.     ----------------------------------------------------------------
  8. This cow gives much milk.     -------------------------------------------------
  9. Dry the clothes.     -------------------------------------------------------------
  10. He is clever.      -------------------------------------------------------------------

Q. 8. Re-write the following sentences according to the instruction given.

  1. The girl was very young, she couldn’t join form one. (Re-write using too ------to----) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. He is a driver and trader ( Re write using  -------not only ------- but also -----) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. Abdul is not a cook. He is also not a watchman. ( Join using -------------neither --------nor ----------)  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. You can buy sugar and also you can buy meat. (Join using --------------- either --------- or --------------)  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. Hurry up. You will be late. (Join the two sentences using ------------otherwise----------)  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



Q. 9. Take a book you have recently read and then answer the following questions.

  1. Give the title and the author of the book. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. Name two important characters in the story and briefly  say what each  did
  1. Character 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. Character 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1. Did you enjoy the story?  Give reasons --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. What do you learn from the story? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. Is the story relevant to our society? Why?  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Q. 10. Write a formal letter to your head of school asking her for a two week temporary job during mid-term break showing why you want a temporary job? How are you going to use the money from the temporary job?  











 Time: 2:30Hours


  1.              This paper consists of section A, B C and D with a total of 10 questions
  2.              Answer all questions in SPACES PROVIDED.
  3.              Section A, B and D carry 20 marks each and section C carry 40 marks
  4.              All answers should be written in the spaces provided.
  5.              Write with a blank or blue ink pen.
  6.              All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized material are not allowed in examination room.
  7.              Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.

 SECTION A (20 Marks)

 Answer All questions in this section.

  1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

My name is Jane. I have a friend called Tunu. We study at the same school. Yesterday evening Tunu and I left for home together. On the way we found two big dogs fighting. We stopped and watched the fight for a while. Suddenly, one of the dog started running towards us. It looked very angry and we thought it would bite us. Therefore, we started running. Tunu ran faster than me. She reached the main road before me and as she tried to across it, a lorry which was moving very fast knocked her down. ‘’poor Tunu’’ I exclaimed instantly.

Indeed, it was a very bad accident because she was injured badly. I didn’t know what to do because Tunu lay there bleeding and unconscious. Is started screaming so that people could come to help me. A few minutes later, people gathered at the spot. One of them was traffic police Officer -  Mr. Mpangile. He looked at her for a minute o so then ordered two men to rush her to the hospital. Then, he asked me to go home and tell her parents about the accident.

This accident reminded me of my uncle who was involved in accident last year. In tat accident he was among the few survivors. ‘’ Glory be to God’’.


  1. Write your answer in the space provided for each question.
  1.          When did the accident occur?  ________________________________________________________


  1.        What made Tunu and her friend run? __________________________________________________


  1.       Who took Tunu to hospital? __________________________________________________________


  1.       Mention one lesson you learn from the story. ___________________________________________


  1.        Suggest two ways of reducing road accidents.




  1. For each of the statement  below, write TRUE if the statement is correct or FALSE if the statement is not correct.
  1. The dog bit Tunu while she was running. __________________
  2. Driving at high speed can cause accidents. _________________
  3. Tunu’s parents told her friend to go home. ____________________
  4. Traffic police Officers are responsible for today safety. __________
  5. We should play with dogs…………………….
  1. Read the passage given below and list down five ways in which women are denied their rights.

In many developing societies, people tend to undermine one sex group, that is, women. Women societies undermine women by not giving them the right of contributing ideas in the society. In such societies, women are not given equal access to formal education as men. In fact, men are given the first priority in almost every aspect of life-they are decision makers, rules and owners of the means of production.

Women are not giving the right to:

  1. ____________________________________________________________________________________


  1. ____________________________________________________________________________________


  1. ____________________________________________________________________________________


  1. ____________________________________________________________________________________


  1. ____________________________________________________________________________________


SECTION B: (20 Marks)


  1. Match the items in column A with those in column B to make meaningful sentences by writing the correct letter in B below the corresponding item number in A.

Column A

Column B

  1. Although he earned a lot ………………………
  2. Hardworking people are not ready to waste time …………
  3. He opened the door quietly ………………………..
  4. Her family has been here …………………………..
  5. She will drive if she leaves………………………….
  6. They won’t stop working …………………………..
  1. are they?
  2. did they?
  3. for two years
  4. he didn’t want to wake up the child
  5. he saved a little
  6. since two years
  7. unless it starts raining
  8. won’t she?
  9. won’t they?


Column A







Column B

  1.                 Re-arrange the following sentences in a logical sequence to make a meaningful paragraph. Letter ‘’A’’ has been done as an example.
  1. Very good, congratulate her.
  2. Good morning class.
  3. Thank you madam, it was about making a telephone call.
  4. Cash!!! Don’t make noise the subject teacher is coming to our class.
  5. Good morning madam!
  6. Ok, sit down. Who can remind us what we learned last time. Diana stand  up and tell us.








  1.                 Complete the following sentences with a correct form that are given below
  1. __________________ till you see the hospital then turn left.
  2. __________________ the third road on the ______________ and you will see the house on the left.
  3. Can you please tell me ____________________ I get to Oxford Street.
  4. You will __________________ a supermarket on your left.
  5. ______________________ is it to Tegeta from here?
  6. ______________________ the second exit at the ____________________


SECTION C: (60 Marks)


  1.                 Re-write the following sentences by changing the underlined word into their opposites.
  1.    The King was polite
  2.  My aunt bought me a present
  3. I wanted to see a lion
  4. Yesterday I saw a very long pencil
  5.  These books are light.


  1. _________________________________________
  2. _________________________________________
  3. _________________________________________
  4. _________________________________________
  5. _________________________________________
  1.                 Underline the word which does not fit in the following group of words
  1.    Spoon, plate, apron, fowl, fork
  2.  Actress, lawyers, accountant, musician, niece
  3. Chari, iron sheet, table, cupboard, bed
  4. Wall, pencil, book, pen, paper
  5.  Trousers, bed sheet, shirt, shorts, dress
  1.                 Complete the following sentences using the words in the box below. The same word may be used more than once.
  1.          He come ______________________ foot.
  2.        The patient died ____________________ yellow fever.
  3.       We are tired  ______________________ eating ugali everyday.
  4.       He has been in Nairobi _______________ three days.
  5.        My father died _____________________ 1996.
  6.        I travelled _______________________ air.
  7.     Small as he was he killed a thief _________________ a knife.
  8.                There is someone  ________________ door.
  9.       We are going ________________ start our shot holiday.
  10.         We saw Chinua Achebe’s funeral _________________ television.


  1.                 Please underline the conjunctions in each of the following sentences
  1.    He is poor but  he is hones.
  2.  She was late, still she was not punished.
  3. He knows nothing about his work, nor does he try to learn anything about it.
  4. He had left his place before I could contact him.
  5.  Walk carefully test you fall.
  1.             Complete the following puzzle using the clues given below. Number 1 (down) has been to guide you

1       E



4       L 







9      H



10    T


  1. What we get at school

4.  The past tense of ‘lead’

5. The present moment

6. A number

7. We use it to open the door

9. A structure we live in

10. A country in Africa


1. The biggest land animal

2. The past tens of ‘’take’’

3. The opposite of ‘’Yes’’

8. The second person singular/plural

  1.             Choose the correct word from the two alternatives gives in brackets by underlining it.
  1.          The pedals on this bike seem (lose/loose).
  2.        When the school (principal/principle) entered the P.T.A meeting everyone clapped.
  3.       They will (hire/higher) this care for their trip to Mikumi next month.
  4.       I am sure you will (fill/feel) better when the spring comes.
  5.        If your (heel/heal) hurts, may be your shoes are not the right size.
  6.       I admire (your/you’re) self-confidence.
  7.     I would like a (piece/peace) of watermelon, please.
  1.             Fill in blanks with the correct tense of the verbs in the brackets.
  1.    The traffic police ________________(stand) in the middle of the road and raised his hand.
  2.  Hussein  Bolt _____________ (do) a lot of exercise daily.
  3. The children who ____________ (buy) kites from him ten years age _______________ (be) now adults.
  4. I ________________ an exciting book about the roman empire right now. (read)








2:30 HOURS

  1. This paper consists of sections A, B, C and D with a total of ten (10) questions.
  2. Answer all questions in the spaces provided.
  3. All writing must be in blue or black ink
  4. Calculators, cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  5. Write your Examination Number at the top right corner of every page.

SECTION A (20 Marks)


1. Read the passage below carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

My pet is a dog, his name is Nene. He has brown and black fur and his hind legs are slightly shorter than the front ones. His ears are always upright. I can remember certainly well the day my father brought him home. It was on 17th December, 2015. At that time he was a puppy of two months, it was surely the best day of my life. I held him and tried to be good at him, but it was a bad day for him since he had been separated from his mother and other puppies.

Nene did not eat or drink anything the whole day. Of course I was happy to have him for my own, but his cries made me feel sorry for him and I promised to take good care of him. After three days, he started eating well and even played with me.

Nene is a lovely dog, he is loved by all members of our family. He comes to great me whenever I come back from school. He wags his tail and lies down ready to play. He is an intelligent and obedient dog I have ever seen.

After finishing my homework, I always play with him. My mother often tells me, "Mark, I am happy you got what you have always wanted". We feed him once a day, we provide him with plenty of water throughout the day, along with dog-food. To make him clean we give him a bath with dog-shampoo once a week. We also clean his kennel every day. Every year, we take him to the veterinary clinic for vaccinations. He is both a protector and a friend.


(a) Answer the following questions by using the right information from the passage.

(i) Who was keeping the dog?

(ii) When was the dog brought home?

(iii) Why do you think Nene was crying?

(iv) How many times was Nene fed in a day?

(v) Why was Nene taken to the veterinary clinic?

(b) For each of the following statements, write TRUE if the statements is correct or FALSE if the statement is not correct.

(i) The dog had brown and black fur.......

(ii) Nene was a protector and a friend ......

(iii) Mark did not like to play with the dog......

(iv) Nene's ears were always upright......

(v) Nene was brought home when he was three months old........

2. Read the following passage and answer the question that follows in the blank spaces provided.

Sports and games are necessary for maintaining health and physical fitness. Involving oneself in competitive sports and games encourages the sense of competition. Being a captain helps to provide the person with leadership qualities. Playing as a team encourages cooperation among players.

You may ask yourself, “If I spend my time in sports and games when should I study?” Here is the solution; study in the morning as the mind is still fresh and play in the evening as the mind is tired since sports and games make us mentally active. Remember the saying which says that “all study and no play makes Jack a dull boy”.

List down five advantages of participating in sports and games:






SECTION B (20 Marks)


3. Match the expressions in Column B below the corresponding expression number in Column A in the table provided. Item (vi) has been provided as an example

Column A

Column B

(i)A place where dead bodies are kept until burial.

(ii)A room in a hospital where babies are born

(iii)A place where medicines are prepared and sold.

(iv)A room in which sick people get bed rest.

(v)A place where sick people are treated

(vi)A room which is used for health check up.

  1. Pharmacy
  2. Ward
  3. Stadium
  4. Laboratory
  5. Mortuary
  6. Labour ward
  7. Hospital
  8. Kitchen
  9. Laundry

4. Re – arrange the following sentences into a logical sequence to make a meaningful paragraph.

Sentence number 6 has been done as an example.

  1. The two have six children.
  2. Jumbe has a wife whose name is Makwabe
  3. So, Jumbe and Makwabe are my grandparents.
  4. Who is thus my grandfather is called Jumbe
  5. My mother’s father.
  6. Including my mother.

5. Imagine that you are a prefect and you live in a school hostel. Explain your school daily routine to a fellow prefect from a new school who wants to learn from you. Use the following events as your guidelines:

(a) Wake up time.

(b) Cleaning the hostel areas.

(c) Taking a bath and putting on school uniform.

(d) Taking morning roll call.

(e) Doing cleanliness around the school.

(f) Standing in assembly for morning speech and announcements

(g) Lessons in the classrooms begin.

(h) Break time.

(i) Lunch time.

(j) Outside activities and going back to the dormitories.

SECTION C (40 Marks)


6. Fill in the blank spaces by using the following words in the list.

Cousin, niece, grandfather, uncle, nephew, sister-in-law, son-in-law, grandson, aunt.

(a) The sone of your son is your 

(b) The daughter of your sister is your 

(c) The brother of your father is your 

(d) The sister of your wife is your 

(e) The son of your brother is your 

7. (a) Fill in the blank spaces with the correct form of the word in the brackets.

(i) Asha  her uniform now. (wash)

(ii) My mother  cooking rice when I arrived home yesterday. (be)

(iii) Upendo (be write)  a letter now.

(iv) Mariam (go)  to the market now.

(v) Baraka (eat)  now.

(b) Complete the following sentences by using words given in the list.

in, on, from, to, at, by

(i) Salama wakes up  6.00 a.m

(ii) John is suffering  malaria.

(iii) Bukagile goes to school  a car.

(iv) Kali lives  Dar es Salaam.

(v) Masasila goes to the market  foot.

8. Re-write the following sentences according to the instruction given after each.

(i) He got the job. He had no qualifications.

(join using: “in spite of”)

(ii) He shouted very loudly. He woke the baby up.

(Join using: “so …… that”)

(iii) You must work hard in order to pass your examination.

(Begin with: “If …….”)

(iv) He went to the bus station in a hurry. He wanted to be on time.

(Join using: “in order to”)

(v) If you won’t show me your identity card, I won’t give you the details.

(Re-write using: “Unless”)

SECTION D (20 Marks)


9. Choose one class reader you have read in form one or two, then answer the following questions.

The Magic Garden- K.R. Cripwell (1977), William Collins Sons and Company Ltd, Great Britain.

Kalulu the Hare- F. Worthngton (1937), Longman, England.

Hawa the Bus Driver- R.S. Mabala (1988), Ben and Company, Dar es Salaam

Fast Money- K.R. Cripwell (1978), William Collins Sons and Company Ltd, Great Britain.

Mabala the Farmer- R.S. Mabala (1988), Ben and Company, Dar es Salaam

(a) Give the title of the book.

(b) Mention the name of the character.

(c) What did he do in the story?

(d) Why do you like or dislike him?

(e) In your opinion, what can be learnt from the character?

10. Read the following poem then answer the questions that follow:

Twinkle twinkle little star 

How I wonder what you are 

Up above the world so high

Like a diamond in the sky

When the blazing sun is set 

And the grass with dew is wet 

Then you show your little light

Twinkle, twinkle, all the night 


(a) What is the title of this poem?

(b) What is it compared to the Diamond?

(c) Where are the stars found?

(d) When can the stars be seen?

(e) What can you learn from a poem?








2:30 HOURS


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B, C and D with a total of ten (10) questions.
  2. Answer all questions in the spaces provided.
  3. All writing must be in blue or black ink
  4. Calculators, cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  5. Write your Examination Number at the top right corner of every page.


1. Read the passage below carefully and then answer the questions that follow

HIV lives in the body fluid of an infected person. The virus is spread when these fluids get into the body of another person. This means that HIV is transmitted through having sexual intercourse with an infected person, using unsterilized surgical instruments such as knives, razor blades and syringes.

HIV is not spread from one person to another by touching, shaking hands, sitting together or eating together.

However, one can protect himself/herself from HIV infection by avoiding
 unprotected sex and the use of contaminated syringes, knives or razor blades.

Some people who are living with HIV/AIDS are afraid of death of live regrettably about how they got HIV/AIDS. The best thing to do for a person with AIDS is to spend time with his/her family and feel that he/she is just like other people who are not infected.

The patient should drink extra fluid and eat balanced diet. The patient should be discouraged from taking alcohol or smoking cigarettes. In addition, the sick should not share toothbrush, razorblades or syringes with others. If the care taker wants to wash the patient, he/she should make sure that he/she wears protective gloves so as to avoid infection.


(a) Answer the following questions by using the right information from the passage.

(i) In one word, what is the title of this passage?

(ii) State two ways through which HIV is spread.

(iii) How can we prevent ourselves from HIV infection?

(iv) Which actions when done, cannot spread HIV?

(v) Why is it important for the care-taker to wear protective gloves while washing the AIDS patient?


(b) For each of the following statements, write True if the statements is correct of False if the statement is not correct.

(i) HIV does not live in the body fluid of an infected person

(ii) Every person has HIV/AIDS......

(iii) A person with HIV/AIDS should drink extra fluid and eat a balanced diet

(iv) The HIV infected person should not share toothbrush, razorblades or syringes with others 

(v) People with HIV/AIDS should feel that they are just like others who are not infected 

2. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow.

There are many buildings in our school. In the eastern part there is a post office. The bus stand is found on the northern part of the school. Beside the post office, there are laboratory, dormitories, dining hall and bathroom. Adjacent to the bathroom is an assembly hall and laundry. The headmaster's office is next to the school laboratory.


(i) Post office is in the

(ii) The headmaster's office is ......

(iii) The dormitories are ......

(iv) The bathroom is adjacent to ......

(v) The bus stand is in the ........................


3. Match the expressions in Column A with the meaning in Column B by writing the correct letter in Column B below the corresponding item number in A in the table provided. Item (vi) has been provided as an example.



(i) A feeling that shows pleasure
(ii) A feeling that shows disappointment and negative reaction.
(iii) A feeling that you want to eat something.
(iv) Feeling sorrowful
(v) Needing or wanting to drink
 (vi) Feeling unwell

  1. Love
  2. Sad
  3. Hungry
  4. Thirst
  5. Bored
  6. Sick
  7. Angry
  8. Happy


4. Re-arrange the following sentences into a logical sequence to make a meaningful paragraph. Sentence number 6 has been done as an example.

  1. Scrub the clothes.
  2. Take a bucket of water.
  3. Wring out water and put them to dry.
  4. Put dirty clothes in it and soak for an hour.
  5. Take out the clothes and rinse them in clean water.
  6. Mix water and the detergent well.

5. Imagine that you are a prefect and you live in a school hostel. Explain your school daily routine to a fellow prefect from a new school who wants to learn from you. Use the following events as your guidelines:

(a) Wake up time.

(b) Cleaning the hostel areas.

(c) Taking a bath and putting on school uniform.

(d) Taking morning roll call.

(e) Doing cleanliness around the school.

(f) Standing in assembly for morning speech and announcements

(g) Lessons in the classrooms begin.

(h) Break time.

(i) Lunch time.

(j) Outside activities and going back to the dormitories.


6. Imagine that your sister is going for shopping next Saturday. Use the words in the box below to fill in the blank spaces in the following passage.

banana kilos packet soap loaves

My sister is going to buy six bunches of........for my father. Then she will

buy ten bars of .....and three .....of bread for the family. She will also

buy a .....of biscuits for my young sister. Finally, she will buy five .....
 of sugar.


7. (a) Complete the following sentences using the words given in the box.

My yours his her its ours theirs

(i) My father owns a boat. It is ............ boat.

(ii) This book belongs to you. It is

(iii) They have a house at Tanga. It is

(iv) We have to study hard because the future is .......

(v) My sister has a car. It is ...... car.


(b) Change the following verbs in the brackets into the correct form.

(i) We ........(do) a lot of work last week.

(ii) They ............ (fight) against our team in the last UMISETA season. 

(iii) Pendo (live) with her parents when she was young.

(iv) Magdalen........ (swear) before the magistrate yesterday.

(v) He ....... (sit) for his final examination in October last year.


8.(a) Re-write the following sentences using "going to" instead of "will".

(i) We will water the plants again next Monday.

(ii) Seif will visit Mikumi next Tuesday.

(iii) Halima will comb her hair at the dressing table.

(iv) They will lend us more money.

(v) She will stay in Paris for two weeks.

(b) Re-write each of the following sentences as instructed.

(i) You are a hard working student. You will pass your exams. Join the sentences begin with: Since

(ii) He put on his jacket. He was feeling cold Join the two sentences by using because.

(iii) He is dirty. He is clever.

joint the two sentences by using but.

(iv) I will report you to the head teacher unless you tell me the truth. Begin with: If

(v) It was raining. Maija went to school Begin with: Although



9. Select one male character from one of the following class readers and describe him by answering the questions that follow.

The Magic Garden

K. R. Cripwell (1977), William & Collins Sons and Company L.t.d Great Britain i

Kalulu the Hare

F. Worthington (1937), Longman, England.

Hawa the Bus Driver

R. S. Mabala (1988), Ben & Company, Dar es Salaam.

Fast Money

K. R. Cripwell (1978), William & Collins Sons and Company L.t.d., Great British.

Mabala the Farmer

R. S. Mabala (1988), Ben & Company, Dar es Salaam

The Death Factory

B. Mapalala (1996), Heinemann Educational Publishers, Great Britain.

The Pearl

J. Steinbeck (1948). William Heinemann L.t.d., Great Britain

(a) Give the title of the book.

(b) Mention the name of the character.

(c) What did he do in the story?

(d) Why do you like or dislike him?

(e) In your opinion, what can be learnt from the character?


10. Read the following poem then answer the questions that follow:

I want to know about the calendar,

The time and a lot more, 

The clock tells me time, 

The watch tells me time, and the crowing cock tells me time.

The clock ticks midnight, 

In the middle of the night, 

Tick tock, tick tock,

In the middle of the night to make a new day.

I tell the time,


In seconds, minutes and hours,

The calendar teachers you and me, 

All days and months of the year,

The clock and the cock,

Ticks and crows, for long hours and days


(a) Name the two things which tell us time, according to the poem

(b) According to the poet, which bird can tell us time?

(c) How many lines are in stanza three?

(d) Give a pair of words which rhyme in the poem:
 . . . . . . and . . . . . . 

(e) What do you think is the poem about?









TIME: 2.30HRS                                                                             2020

NAME:_______________________________________________                         CLASS:___________


  • This paper consists of sections A,B,C and D
  • Answer ALL questions in the spaces provided
  • All writing must be in BLACK or BLUE ink
  • Write your name and class in the spaces provided above
  • Write your work neatly.



  1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow

All children all over the world have certain things that they need to be given by their parents. These are called rights of the child. These can be divided into four groups.

The first group is survival rights. These include the right to live and the right to good health care. Parents and the Government have to ensure that every child’s life is protected and every child is provided with access to health services.

The second group of rights is known as developmental rights. These include the right to physical and intellectual development. All children therefore have the right to education and play. These rights enable them to grow physically and intellectually.

The third group is known as protection rights. These include the rights to protection from being neglected, exploited and tortured.

The fourth group of rights is called participation rights. On the basis to these rights, children have the right to make decisions that affect their lives. Hand in hand with the above mentioned rights, all children have responsibilities or duties. These duties include the duty to study hard and the duty to take care of their health; the duty to love and care for others and the duty not to bully others; the duty to take care of their belongings and those of others; the duty not to waste food; the duty to make thoughtful decisions; the duty to help those who have a lot of work to do; the duty to tolerate and respect different views; and the duty to learn from their mistakes

When we talk about children, we usually talk about children from 0 to 18 years. People above 18 years are adults.


Write your answers in the space provided for each question

  1. What is the title of the passage above?
  2. State what the writer thinks about people above 18 years
  3. According to the passage, education helps children to
  4. Mention the group of rights children are denied of, if they are not allowed to play
  5. List one responsibility children have towards others.
  6. Children who do not have the right to participation are denied the opportunity to:

2. For each of the statements below, write TRUE if the statement is correct or FALSE if the statement is incorrect.

  1. The duty to tolerate and respect other’s views falls under participation rights______________________
  2. Apart from rights, all children have duties or responsibilities____________________
  3. Children have the right to eat plenty of food and waste very little________________
  4. According to the passage, children have the right to learn from their mistakes_____________

 3.  Write a summary of what Nyerere did after retirement in three sentences using numbers 1, 2, 3.

     The late J.K.Nyerere retired as president in 1985, though he remained leader of his C.C.M party until 1990, when he moved back to his home village in Butiama. After retirement he travelled around the world becoming a spokesman for developing countries. He also continued working for African peace and unity in 1990s, playing a major part in bringing peace to both Rwanda and Burundi.


  1. _______________________________________________________
  2. _______________________________________________________
  3. _______________________________________________________



4. Match the items in column A with the relevant ones in column B to produce complete and meaningful sentences.



  1. Words which have the same meaning are called
  2. A word in bold face that introduces an entry is called
  3. A block of information introduced by a head word is called
  4. Numbers written horizontally are used when
  5. Words which have opposite meaning are called
  1. Entry 
  2. Antonyms
  3. Guide words
  4. Synonyms
  5. Idioms
  6. Words have more than one meaning
  7. A head word
  8. Dictionary extract














5. Re – arrange the following sentences into a logical sequence to make a meaningful paragraph item one (1) has been done as an example.

  1. Add a little salt and oil to the boiling water
  2. Add rice
  3. Boil water in a sauce pan
  4. Serve it hot
  5. Stir gently and leave it to cook, when the rice is cooked and tender, reduce heat
  6. Wash rice and leave it to drain

 6. Fill the blank spaces in the following sentences

  1. A structure made for bees is called__________________________
  2. A place where crops are grown is called_________________________
  3. A place where various types of goods are bought or sold is called__________________
  4. A place where people go to buy bus tickets is called________________________
  5. A person who arrests criminals is called________________________
  6. A person who passes judgment in a court is called_______________________
  7. A person who is in charge of a region is called_____________________________
  8. A young dog is called_____________________________
  9. A young lion is called_______________________
  10. A young frog is called_________________________



7. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the brackets

  1. English language ________________________all over the world (speak)
  2. Mavugi hasn’t ____________________ breakfast this morning (take)
  3. Zubeda ________________for Kigoma last week (leave)
  4. Jamima ______________her skirt now (wash)
  5. Daudi ______________to school every day (go)

8. Complete the following sentences using word given in the box below:


  1. How ___________________money do you want?
  2. It is not_________________ for all of us to share
  3. You can choose_____________of the books you like
  4. There is ___________________ water in an ocean
  5. How ______________________ students are there in your class?

9. Choose the correct alternative and write its letter in the box provided beside the item number.

(i) If you borrow money from the bank you will have to_____________the money with interest.

  1. Pay on
  2. Pay our
  3. Pay back
  4. Pay up

(ii) ______________people went to the cinema while others went to the football match.

  1. Other
  2. Few
  3. All
  4. Some 

(iii) The book was________________that I forgot the time

  1. Too interesting
  2. Very interesting
  3. So interesting
  4. Interesting enough

(iv) Mary _________________a smart skirt at the party

  1. Had
  2. Put on
  3. Dressed
  4. Made

(v) She took all the oranges in the basket

  1. Does she?
  2. Tookn’t she?
  3. Didn’t she?
  4. Did she?

10. Re – write the following sentences according to the instructions given after each.

  1. I will do it for you (Re-write using- going to--)
  2. This is the girl. Her parents had an accident (join the sentence using “WHOSE”)
  3. The crocodile attacked the fisherman (Add question tag)
  4. She goes to school every day (Change the sentence into plural form)
  5. She eats some food  (Write the sentence by using” present perfect tense)

11. Identify the word which is wrong in each of the following sentences and write it in the space provided.

  1. Last weak I got what I wanted_________________________
  2. I meat my friend at the market ________________________
  3. Madam Jane has five pare of shoes_____________________
  4. The milk is to hot to drink___________________
  5. Ugali is made up of flower______________________



12. Choose one among the following class readers and use it to answer the questions that follow:


  1. Mabala the farmer
  2. Hawa the Bus Driver
  3. Kalulu the Hare
  4. Fast Money
  5. The Magic Garden
  6. The Death Factory
  7. The pearl  


  1. What is the story about?
  2. Choose two characters from the story, then give two characteristics of each character.
  3. Give the reason behind the relevance of the story to your society.

12. Read the following poem carefully, then answer the questions that follow.

The glowing pride in my heart

Shine brightly with delight

Like birds singing in the sky

I feel great and high


Dad, mum and friends

Together hold your hands

To celebrate and sing with me

Songs of pride and glee


The dream has come true

The exams I went through!


Who speaks in this poem?

What is the poem about?

How many stanzas does the poem have?

How many verses does each stanza have

Is the poem interesting? If yes! Or No! Give one reason.



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