Student’s Assessment Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



TIME: 3:00 Hours August, 2024


  1. This paper consists of three sections A, B and C with a total of eleven (11) questions.
  2. Answer all questions in sections A and B and two (2) questions from section C.
  3. Section A carries sixteen (16) marks, section B carries fifty-four (54) marks and section C carries 30 marks.
  4. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the Examination Room.
  5. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s)


Answer all questions from this section

1. For each of the items (i) – (x). Choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in your answer sheets

i. When composing a poem, one deliberately breaks some aspects of grammar to suit poetic purposes. How is this freedom called?

  1. Meter
  2. Poetic devices
  3. Consonance
  4. Poetic license
  5. Poetic freedom

ii. Is an account of events and incidents Dr. Mwinyi describes Mwl. Nyerere‟s life. This writing is an example of?

  1. Fiction
  2. Episode
  3. Epic
  4. Autobiography
  5. Biography

iii. Mr. Kidoshari is watching a drama that was full of serious actions that make him sad. Suddenly he was laughing loudly because of humorous scene. What was he watching?

  1. Comic drama
  2. Melodrama
  3. Tragic drama
  4. Historical drama
  5. Tragic Comedy

iv. Specioza, Jasmin, Cosmas, Victor and Hemed were arguing on which element differentiates one literary work from the other. These were their arguments:-
Specioza said, “It is a plot”,
Jasmin said, “It is a style”,
Cosmas said, “It is themes”
Victor said, “It is setting” and
Hemed said, “It is language use”. Who, among them was most correct?

  1. Specioza
  2. Jasmin
  3. Cosmas
  4. Victor
  5. Hemed

v. Study the following sentences and then answer the question.
1. Oral literature is expensive.
2. Oral literature is the property of all individuals.
3. Oral literature is dynamic.
4. Oral literature is presented in written form.

Which letter among the following suits to list and describe the right features of oral literature according to the above sentences?

  1. Sentence 4 only is correct. 
  2. Sentence 3 only is correct. 
  3. Sentence 1 and 2 are correct.
  4. Sentence 1 only is correct. 
  5. Sentence 2 and 3 are correct.

vi. Which device has been employed in this stanza?

“Literature is a work of art
Art of people, people of creativity
Creativity of importance”

  1. Oxymoron
  2. Anadiplosis
  3. Anaphora
  4. Simile
  5. Hyperbole

vii. Suppose you have been in a theatre watching an actor only gestures without speaking. What dramatic device is suitable for it?

  1. Monologue
  2. Aside
  3. Props
  4. Mime
  5. Cacophony

viii. “Qouth”, “thee” and “thence” are some of the words which are no longer in every day‟s life. Which figure of speech is suitable for these words?

  1. Symbols
  2. Simile
  3. Anaphora
  4. Archaism
  5. Barbarism

ix. Your grandfather has no money today. He loudly asks on himself “where shall I get the money to feed these kids? This technique is referred to as……..

  1. Aside
  2. Dialogue
  3. Denouement
  4. Soliloquy
  5. Exposition

x. In a play “The Lion and the Jewel” the beautiful girl of Ilujinle “Sidi” is invited by the village Chief Baroka to sup with him, she is blackmailed by him that he is impotent and so she agrees, though finally she find out that Baroka is not impotent as he raped her. Which of the literary term below best describes the scenario existed?

  1. Point of view 
  2. Verbal irony 
  3. Situation irony 
  4. Satire
  5. Dramatic irony

 2. Match each item in List A with the correct response in List B by writing its letter below the number of the corresponding item in the answer table provided.



i) A stanza of four lines

ii) Sadiku‟s unopened treasure -house

iii) A short interesting or amusing story about a real person or event

iv) You are as stubborn as an illiterate goat

v) My armpit still weeps blood

vi) If the tortoise cannot tumble it does not mean that he can stand

  1. Personification
  2. Hyperbole
  3. Symbolism
  4. Simile
  5. Proverb
  6. Ballad
  7. Metaphor
  8. Riddle
  9. Quatrain
  10. Anecdote

SECTION B (54 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

3. (a).Suppose you are watching a drama, how will you realize that a comic relief has been used?

(b) Elaborate how literature can be used in:

(i) Political context
(ii) Marriage context
(iii) Funeral context

4. Read the following poem then answer the questions that follow:

My brother you flash your teeth in response to every hypocrisy
My brother with gold – rimmed glasses
You give you master a blue eyed faithful look
My poor brother in immaculate evening dress

Screaming and whispering and pleading in the parlors of condescension
We pity you
Your country‟s burning sun is nothing but shadow
On your serene „civilized‟ brow
And the thought of your grandmother‟s hut

Brings blushes to your face that is bleached
By years of humiliation and bad conscience
And while you trample on the bitter red soil of Africa
Let these words of anguish keep time with your restless step-
Oh I am lonely so lonely here


  1. What is the poem all about?
  2. What the persona is complaining about? Briefly explain
  3. Briefly explain on any two possible themes from the poem
  4. From the poem comment on the use of two figures of speech
  5. Comment on the line that alliterate in the poem
  6. Is the poem relevant to your society? Briefly explain

5. Bertam who is your friend hates reading written literary works in the modern world of society because written literature is time consuming to him. With examples from your own society convince your friend to stop hating reading written literature by explaining six advantages of written literature over oral literature.

6. Write the correct answer for each of the item (a)-(f) in the answer sheet provided.

a) How direct characterization is determined?
b) What is the nature of tragicomedy?
c) Why oral literature is less expensive?
d) How autobiography differs from biography?
e) Why a short story has few characters?
f) What is in common between satire and sarcasm?

7. Explain six (6) basic distractive feature between drama and novel.

8. Madam Maryline is a literature in English teacher. In her class she uses drama as teaching aid. Carefully study each of the following sentences then answer the questions that follow by writing an appropriate literary expression:

a) She called a student in front of the classroom and ordered him to close his eyes. She asked one student to match forward and signaled him to slap the student who closed his eyes. The slapped student was order
to open his eyes then was asked to identify the student who slapped him. All the students laughed because he mentioned the wrong student………………….

b) Ronald and Sharon were asked to perform silently the drama they had trained a few days ago. Ronald signaled to use a gun to shoot Sharon on her chest, Sharon signals to touch her chest and fall down in

c) A very popular old man was invited in the classroom as guest speaker but before the lesson the students were asked to describe the old man in terms of both physical appearance and inner

d) A pictures of rabbit and a snake were fixed on the board in front of the class, students were asked to compose a short story by using those two creatures as characters………………..

e) Two students were assigned to compete themselves in quickly speech production. The first one said quickly “Peter piper picked pure pipe in paper”…………………………

f) Form four students were directed to perform their show a day before an actual event…………….

SECTION C (30 Marks)

Answer any two questions in this section.



  • The lion and the Jewel – Soyinka, W.
  • The Trials of Brother Jero – Soyinka, W.
  • The Dilemma of a Ghost – Aidoo, A. A.
  • The Government Inspector – Gogol, N.


  • A Walk in the Night and Other Stories – Guma, A
  • Houseboy – Oyono, F.
  • The Old Man and the Medal – Oyono, F.
  • The Concubine – Amadi, E.


  • Selected Poem – Tanzania Institute of Education.
  • Growing up with Poetry – David Rubadiri.

9. With no doubt you come across with Amope of “The trials of Brother Jero” and Sidi of “The lion and the Jewel” what six motives (three from each character) would you be motivated in? And why?

10. “Figures of speech not only color the poems but have essential usefulness to the readers” Verify the statement above by using three points from any two poems you have read under this level.

11. “For any justice and righteous community to be into being someone must sacrifice himself or herself for the wellbeing of the minority”. By using two novels covered under this section, justify the above statement by using three points from each reading.









  1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of 11 questions.
  2. Answer all questions in sections A and B and two (2) questions in section C
  3. Write your examination number on every page of your answer sheet(s) used.
  4. All writings should be in blue or black ink, diagrams must be drawn in pencil.
  5. Cellular phone and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.

SECTION A (16 Marks) 

Answer all questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i)-(x), choose the correct answer among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided

i. The beauty is brought into literature through language. This beauty found in literature is referred as

  1. Creativity 
  2. Message 
  3. Art
  4. Aesthetic 
  5. Society

ii. Joshua read a play called “Kinjeketile” which addresses the event of “The Majimaji war” that really happened in the history of the then Tanganyika involving the southern tribes under the leadership of Kinjeketile Ngwale. What kind of a play did he read?

  1. Melo drama. 
  2. Tragic comedy drama. 
  3. Tragedy drama.
  4. Historical drama. 
  5. Comedy drama.

iii. ‘He wasn’t slow to accept the offer’ – meaning he was quick to accept the offer. This statement best describes:-

  1. A personification. 
  2. An overstatement. 
  3. A litotes.
  4. An understatement. 
  5. An irony.

iv. One of the following is not a feature of oral literature

  1. it is expressed through the word of mouth
  2. it existed before the invention of writing
  3. it relies on the story teller who performs it in front of the audience
  4. it has only three genres
  5. it involves actual communication between performer and the audience

v. A story that explains beliefs of people in a certain community about the natural and the human world.

  1. Myth 
  2. Legend 
  3. Folktale
  4. Fairytale 
  5. Fable

vi. Literary analysis involves reading, understanding and interpreting as well as making critical judgment of literary works. This process cannot be successful without having_________

  1. Enough English language abilities
  2. Sufficient knowledge of the elements of literary analysis
  3. Sufficient knowledge on the genres of written literature
  4. Studied literature in English for two years
  5. Enough knowledge on the types of literature

vi. Literature is important for many reasons, simply because

  1. It brings us more friends to copy
  2. It creates fear to the antagonist characters
  3. It saves us during the difficult times
  4. It shows us where we can get our basic needs
  5. It entertains and excites us.

viii. Poetry is a literary genre in which words are artistically woven together to form sound patterns, images and ideas that might be too complex to describe directly. This means that;

  1. Poetry is composed of literary language not common language
  2. Poetry is composed only by featuring musical devices
  3. Poetry is deliberately used for entertaining only
  4. Poetry is prepared to show how people behave
  5. Poetry uses direct language

ix. Madam Halima taught her students that, actors use special clothes, hair styles, body tattoos, wigs and makeup during the performance. As a well trained in Literature in English, which concept do you thing she was explaining to her students?

  1. Props 
  2. Costume  
  3. Curtain
  4. Script 
  5. Dialogue

x. The less important characters in a literary work that help carry out the action of the story and help the readers to learn more about the main character but the story is not centered on them.

  1. Useless characters. 
  2. Static characters. 
  3. Protagonists.
  4. Minor characters. 
  5. Imaginary characters.

2. Match the following concepts in Column A with their corresponding terms in Column B in the following table

Column A

Column B

  1. The lesson learnt from a literary work
  2. Provides the writer with ideas, culture, characters, language and issues to portray
  3. The use of beautiful language in literary work to entertain or amuse the readers or the audience
  4. The medium used in literature to interact, communicate, exchange and share issues in a society
  5. The use of literary techniques in literature to convey messages and ideas
  6. The use of skills, techniques and imagination to create characters, language and events in literary works.
  1. Aesthetics
  2. Art
  3. Themes
  4. Message
  5. Science
  6. Language
  7. Society
  8. Creativity
  9. Artist

  SECTION B (54 Marks)

Answer all questions from this section.

3. Imagine that your Literature in English teacher today comes with the “Who am I” game. Join the game by writing appropriate poetic term

  1. I am a person who composes a poem. I can be a male or female. Through me, the world is fascinated by how I evoke their feelings through my creativity. Who am I?
  2. I am a word, verse or phrase that is repeated at specific moments in stanzas of the poems. I often appear at the end of the stanza. I act as a chorus for music. Who am I?
  3. I am the repetition of the same sounds at the end of lines of the poem. In some poems, I can occur within the lines. Who am I?
  4. I help the artist to violate or break grammatical rules of a language when composing a poem. I help to reduce unnecessary words during composition. Who am I?
  5. I am the division of a poem comprising lines or verses arranged like paragraphs with a complete idea. I can be recognized by looking at spacing and punctuation. Who am I?
  6. I am the choice of language to use in a poem to convey the intended message to the readers. I can be in a simple, standard or complex language. Who am I?

4. As a form four student you have met with your friend Annuary who is studying literature in English at Nandembo Secondary School; but he is not able to explain some of the themes from the play “The Trials of Brother Jero”. Help him by explaining the following themes briefly with examples;

  1. Hypocrisy
  2. Awareness
  3. Position of women
  4. Protest
  5. Wife beating
  6. Misuse of religion

5. Write the correct answer for each of the items (a) – (f) in the answer booklet provided

  1. From any novel, choose one character that you admire and give one reason for your choice.
  2. Describe how literature differs from other forms of art.
  3. Write any two riddles that you know and provide their answers.
  4. Explain the importance of studying cover page and title of a literary book before reading it.
  5. Explain the major difference between a play and other genres of literature.
  6. Briefly, describe the relationship between elements of form and those of content.

6. Use your own capabilities to explain the following figures of speech with clear examples;

  1. Hyperbole
  2. Euphemism
  3. Personification
  4. Irony
  5. Symbolism
  6. Simile

7. Literature is full of contrasting ideas; in a certain school students are complaining that they fail to distinguish oral literature from written literature. As a student in Literature in English, prepare short notes on the difference between oral and written literature to help that school. Use six (6) points.

8. Imagine that your school has planned to conduct graduation ceremony next month, prepare a four stanzas’ poem to congratulate your fellow students for being patience with the school life.

SECTION C (30 Marks)

Answer two (2) questions from this section



  • The lion and the Jewel - Soyinka, W
  • The Trials of Brother Jero – Soyinka,W
  • The Dilemma of a Ghost – Aidoo,A.A
  • The Government Inspector – Gogol, N


  • A walk in the Night and other stories - La Guma,
  • A Houseboy - Oyono, F
  • The Old Man and the medal - Oyono, F
  • The concubine - Amadi,E


  • Selected poem - Tanzania Institute of Education
  • Growing up with poetry - David Rubadiri

9. With reference to two novels or short stories you have read in class, explain how the authors use characters to deliver the intended messages. Give three (3) points for each novel.

10. Apply the following elements of literary analysis to appreciate and analyze “The Lion and the Jewel” by W. Soyinka and “The Dilemma of a Ghost” by A.A. Aidoo.

  1. Title
  2. Messages
  3. Relevance

11. Poetry, like other genres of literature, does not exist in vain. Justify the statement by using two poems you have read in class. Provide three (3) points from each poem









TIME: 3:00 Hours August, 2023


  1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of eleven (11) questions. 
  2. Answer all questions in section A and B and TWO (2) questions from section C.
  3. Section A carries sixteen (16) marks, Section B Fifty-four (54) marks and section C carries thirty (30) marks. 
  4. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in examination room.
  5. Write your Examination number on every page of your answer sheets

SECTION A: (16 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

1. For each of the following items (i-x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternative and write it's letter besides the item number in the answer sheet provided

(i) In the process of reading a novel, you realized there is a character who carries the burden of the majority on behalf of the society’s interest. How would you describe such kind of a character?

  1. Flat character 
  2. Stock character
  3. Protagonist character 
  4. Round character
  5. EAntagonist character

(ii) Is an account of events and incidents Dr Mwinyi describes Mwl. Nyerere’s life. This writing is an example of . .

  1. Fiction
  2. Episode
  3. Epic
  4. Autobiography
  5. Biography

(iii) It is a literary technique in which the opposite statements are put in a balanced manner for emphasis:  

  1. Poetic license
  2. Antithesis.
  3. Ellipsis 
  4. Satire
  5. Rhetorical question.

(iv) Mr. Kidoshari is watching a drama that was full of serious actions that make him sad. Suddenly he was laughing loudly because of humorous scene. What was he watching?

  1. Comic drama.  
  2. Melodrama
  3. Tragic drama.
  4. Historical drama.
  5. Tragic comedy.

(v) In a play “The lion and the jewel” the beautiful girl of ilujinle “Sidi” is invited by the village Chief Baroka to sup with him, She is blackmailed by him that he is impotent and so she agrees, though finally she find out that Baroka is not impotent as she is raped. Which of the literary terms below best describes the scenario existed?  

  1. Point of view
  2. Verbal irony
  3. Situational irony
  4. Satire
  5. Dramatic irony.

(vi) Humorous scenes or speeches that alleviate the tension that has built up during the development of conflict are . . .  

  1. De personification
  2. Costumes
  3. Comic relief
  4. Intra personal conflict
  5. Paradox

(vii) An act of practicing in preparation for a public performance whether a concert, player or speech is called . ..

  1. Drama
  2. Stage
  3. Novel
  4. Rehearsal
  5. Plot

(viii) A somber song or lament expressing mourning or grief, such as would be appropriate for performance at a funeral is called . ...  

  1. Ode
  2. Dirge
  3. Epic
  4. Iamb
  5. Lyric

(ix) Which devices have been employed in this stanza?  

“Literature is a work of art

Art of people, People of creativity

Creativity of importance”

  1. Oxymoron
  2. Anadiplosis
  3. Anaphora
  4. Simile
  5. Hyperbole

(x) Suppose you have been in a theatre watching an actor only gestures without speaking. What dramatic device is suitable for it?  

  1. Monologue
  2. A side
  3. Props
  4. Mime
  5. Cacophony

2. Match the expressions in LIST A with their corresponding responses in LIST B to the following table.



i. A figure of speech characterized by strongly contrasting words, clause, sentences or ideas

ii. A short interesting or amusing story about a real person or event

iii. The final outcome of the main complication in a play or story

iv. A stanza of four lines

v. Clever humorous expression of ideas 

vi. An account of someone’s life and experiences written by oneself

  1. Myths
  2. Resolution
  3. Autobiography
  4. Tautology
  5. Antithesis
  6. Retardation
  7. Anecdotes
  8. Biography
  9. Wit
  10. Biography
  11. Quatrain

 SECTION B: (54 marks)

Answer ALL questions in this section

3. “Literature is said to be work of an art” prove this statement with concrete reasons

4. Bertam who is your friend hates studying literature in the modern world of society because written literature is time consuming to her. With examples from your own society convince your friend Bertam to stop hating reading written literature by explaining six advantages of written literature over oral literature.

5. Explain Six (6) basic distractive features between Drama and Novel?

6. Read the following poem and then answer the questions that follow.

Boy on a Swing

Slowly he moves to and fro, to and fro, 

then faster and faster he swishes up and down 

His blue shirt Billows in the breeze Like a tattered kite. 

The world whirls by: east becomes west north turns to south; 

the four cardinal points meet in his head.


Where did I come from?

When will I wear long trousers?

Why was my father jailed?


  1. What is the poem about?
  2. Why did the person in the poem complain?
  3. Brief explain on two themes found in the poem with example from poem.
  4. With examples, show only two poetic devices used in a poem
  5. What are the aims of a poet to employ last three verses in a poem?
  6. Briefly explain how relevant the poem is to your society.

7. Mr. Elifariji is a Literature in English teacher. In his class, he uses drama as teaching aid. Carefully study each of the following sentences then answer the questions that follow by writing an appropriate literary expression:

a) He called a student in front of the classroom and ordered him to close his eyes. He asked one student to match forward and signaled him to slap slightly the student who closed his eyes. The slapped student was ordered to open his eyes then was asked to identify the student who slapped him. All students laughed because he mentioned a wrong student.....................................

b) Ronald and Sharon were asked to perform silently the drama they had trained a few days ago. Ronald signals to use a gun to shoot Sharon on her chest, Sharon signals to touch her chest and fall down in agony . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....

c) A very popular old man was invited in classroom as a guest speaker but before the lesson, the students were asked to describe the old man in terms of both physical appearance and inner character.......................................................

d) A picture of a rabbit and a snake was fixed on the board in front of the class, students were asked to compose a short story by using those two creatures as characters....................................

e) Two students were assigned to compete themselves in quickly speech production. The first one said quickly “Peter piper picked pure pipe in paper" ................................................

f) Form four students were directed to perform their show a day before an actual event . . . .

8. Write short answers for each of the item (a) – (f) in the answer booklet provided.

a) Why is the Exposition important in the development of plot of literary work? Briefly explain.

b) If one has composed a lyric poem, how the persona is expected to behave?

c) Why suspense in drama? Briefly explain.

d) When the author uses flashback as one of the techniques of literature. How does his/her work expected to be?

e) Why setting is very important in a literary work?

f) What happen if a poem lacks regular rhyming pattern? Briefly explain


Answer any two (02) questions from this section.



  • The Lion and the Jewel - Wole Soyinka
  • The Trial of brother Jero -Wole Soyinka
  • The Government Inspector - Nikolai Gogol
  • The Dilemma of a Ghost - Ama Ato Aidoo


  • The House boy - Oyono Mbia
  • The Concubine - Elech Amad
  • The Old man and the Medal - Oyono Mbia
  • A Walk in the Night and other Stories - Alex Laguma


  • Selected Poem–Tanzania Institute of Education
  • Growing up with Poetry–David Rubadir

9. Novelists are so committed to address traditions and customs that reveal Africanism. With reference from one novel of” The concubine by Amad, E”. Justify the statement by using six points.

10. With three points from each poem prove that poetic devices act as vehicles of communicating social realities. Use two poems you have read.

11. Some characters tend to change their behavior according to what others are doing or environment they encounter. By using two plays you have gone through. Justify the statement using three characters from each play.








Time: 3 Hours Wednesday, 31th May, 2023 P.M


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of eleven (11) questions.
  2. Answer all questions in section A and B and two (2) questions from section C.
  3. Section A carries sixteen (16) marks, section B fifty-four (54) marks and section C carries thirty (30) marks.
  4. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  5. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s)

SECTION A (15 Marks)

1. For each of the following items (i) – (x) choose the most correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

(i) If characters in literary works make mistakes which lead them to problems, such experiences make us cautions once we face a similar situation that is likely to lead us to make the same mistake. What function of literature is this?

  1. Criticizing
  2. Educating
  3. Influencing
  4. Entertaining
  5. Developing language

(ii) Why is oral literature so called?

  1. Because it is older than written literature
  2. Because it has many genres
  3. Because it uses animals as characters
  4. Because it is mostly presented by elders
  5. Because it is presented in a spoken form

(iii) Which among the following is not a key term in the definition of literature?

  1. Genre
  2. Art
  3. Creativity
  4. Aesthetics
  5. Message

(iv) Last week our Literature in English teacher asked every one of us to write a story that explains why tortoise’s shell is not smooth. What type of oral narratives did the teacher tell us to write?

  1. Fable
  2. Folklore
  3. Folktale
  4. Myth
  5. Legend

(v) What is the appropriate name of a song performed during a burial, memorial/remembrance or other post-burial ceremonies with the aim of mourning the dead, sharing grief with the bereaved and consoling the deceased’s relatives?

  1. Lullaby
  2. Epic
  3. Sacred song
  4. Dirge
  5. Ode

(vi) What is the basic difference between a novella and a novelette? 

  1. A novella is shorter than a novelette.
  2. A novelette is shorter than a novella.
  3. A novella is a genre of written literature while a novelette is a genre of oral literature.
  4. A novelette is a genre of written literature while a novella is a genre of oral literature.
  5. A novella is a type of novels while a novelette is a type of short stories.

(vii) When I was in Form Three, I read a novel in which the author had used witches, elves, goblins, sorcerers, dwarves and fairies as its characters. What kind of novel is this?

  1. Mystery
  2. Fantasy
  3. Romantic
  4. Science fiction
  5. Historical

(viii) Which is the shortest of all types narrative prose?

  1. Short story
  2. Novel
  3. Novella
  4. Novelette
  5. Novelist

(ix) The following are the importance of stage directions in a play or drama except:

  1. They help the playwright to instruct the actors or actresses on what to do while on stage.
  2. They help the reader to understand the play, characters and setting of the play.
  3. They provide privacy to the actors/actresses
  4. They describe how characters should feel and show their feelings.
  5. They indicate when and how the characters enter and exit.

(x) In the poem “SUNRISE” by Jwani Mwaikusa, there is a verse which reads; “Forward they go”. Which poetic device is this?

  1. Alliteration
  2. Assonance
  3. Poetic diction
  4. Rhythm
  5. Poetic licence

2. Match the descriptions in LIST A with the corresponding common terms used in plays in LIST B by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number in the answer booklet(s) provided.



(i) The major divisions of a play or drama.

(ii) The divisions of an act which normally take place in one place at one time.

(iii) A piece of cloth or heavy material that acts like a screen in a theatre to separate actors from the audience.

(iv) A written text of a play or film, which provides the setting, characterization, plot and story of the play.

(v) Things that actors or actresses hold or use on the stage during a performance to make the action realistic.

(vi) The clothing that actors or actresses wear when performing such as clothes of various types, hair styles, body tattoos, wigs and makeup.

  1. Script
  2. Scenes
  3. Theatre
  4. Drama
  5. Acts
  6. Costume
  7. Dialogue
  8. Curtain
  9. Stage directions
  10. Props

 SECTION B: (54 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

3. There is a close relationship between literature and language. Briefly verify this statement using six (6) points.

4. Identify the appropriate literary device used in each of the following expressions.

(i) Subira sells seashells by the sea shore.

(ii) My grandmother has passed away.

(iii) You are the cattle bird’s egg.

(iv) The mountain rose majestically.

(v) Laughter is the music of the soul.

(vi) Beauty is skin deep.

5. Briefly, describe six (6) features of oral narratives.

6. How does a play differ from other genres of written literature? (give six (6) points).

7. Imagine you have been assigned a task by your teacher to analyse characters of a novel or a short story. Briefly elaborate six (6) criteria that you will need to consider.

8. Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow.

THE VULTURES (By David M. Diop)

In those days

When civilization kicked us in the face

When holy water slapped our cringing brows.

The vultures built in the shadow of their talons.

The blood-stained monument of tutelage in those days.

There was painful laughter on the metallic hell of the roads

And the monotonous rhythm of the paternoster 

Drowned the howling on the plantations 

The bitter memories of extorted kisses.

Of promises broken at the point of a gun of foreigners.

Who did not seem human

Who knew all the books but did not know love. 

But Whose hands fertilize the womb of the earth.

In spite of your songs of pride

In spite of the desolate villages of torn Africa 

Hope was preserved in us as in fortress.

And from the mines of Swaziland to the factories of Europe 

Spring will be reborn under our bright steps.


(a) How does the persona feel in the last stanza? Why?

(b) Briefly describe the form of the poem

(c) Identify the following literary devices from the poem.

(i) Personification

(ii) Symbolism

(iii) Paradox

(d) Explain the content of the poem (e) How does the poem reflect your society?

(f) What major lesson do you get from the poem?


SECTION C (30 Marks)

Answer two (2) questions from this section.



  • The Lion and the jewel - Soyinka, W.
  • The Trials of Brother Jero -Soyinka, W.
  • The Dilemma of a Ghost - Aidoo, A.A. 
  • The Government Inspector - Gogol, N.


  • A walk in the Night and Other Stories - Guma, A.
  • Houseboy - Oyono, F.
  • The Old Man and the Medal - Oyono, F.
  • The Concubine - Amadi, E.

9. In traditional African societies, Western culture and education were conceptualized negatively. Using two (2) plays that you have read under this section, explain why it was so. Give three (3) points from each play.

10. Explain how the choice of language in the two (2) novels or short stories that you have read has effectively facilitated their writers to deliver the intended message to their readers. Provide three (3) points from each reading.

11. Poems play a great role in creating a new person. Justify the truth of this statement by using two (2) poems that you did under this section. Use three (3) points from each poem.







TIME 3:00 HRS YEAR -2023


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of eleven (11) questions.
  2. Answer all questions in section A and B and only two (2) questions from section C.
  3. Section A carries sixteen (16) marks, section B caries fifty four (54) marks and section C carries thirty (30) marks.
  4. Cellular phones and any other unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  5. Write your Examination Numberon every page of your answer booklet provided.

SECTION A: (16 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

1. For each of the items (i) - (x), choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer sheets provided.

(i) Mtandi was reading a novel, the main character in that novel was narrating his own story, and what do you think the literary technique did the author use?______

  1. Soliloquy 
  2. Barbarism
  3. Second person point of view
  4. First person point of view 
  5. Third person point of view [       ]

(ii) The humming bee, the cackling chicken, the whizzing arrow, the buzzing saw, the hissing snake, the splashing water as well as the bang of the door. By using the knowledge of figures of speech you leant in the class, which liter ary technique is being conveyed in this statement?_______________ 

  1. Third person point of view
  2. Irony 
  3. Antithesis 
  4. Onomatopoeia
  5. Omniscient third person point of view [       ]

(iii) Diction is the choice and use of language in a literary work. In assessing author's diction, we normally use several questions including the following question except one, identify it._____________

  1. How does the author's use of language reflect the work?
  2. What effect is produced by the use of the figure of speeches like metaphor, simile and personification. 
  3. How is the blurb of the book look like? 
  4. How does the author create tone and mood?
  5. Is the language used in his/her work of art simple or complex? [       ]

(iv) As a way of describing characters in a work of art, Asha said it is important to focus to some aspects when you want to identify and express about certain characters. Which aspect among the following aspects would Asha use to defend her point?

  1. The way characters talk 
  2. The way actors sing
  3. The way author uses figures of speech
  4. The way students react to different literary works
  5. The way readers finish to read works of art very fast [       ]

(v) I always write plays with sad ending, that is why some of the readers escape reading my plays. Who am I in this field of literature?______________

  1. Playwright 
  2. Tragedian 
  3. Comedian
  4. Playlight
  5. Wright play [       ]

(vi) Which among the following literary statements is true and has no doubt when uttered in front of the literature literates?________________

  1. It is not easy to find more than one main characters in a work of art
  2. It is very possible to identify main characters in a work of art especially plays and novels
  3. A character cannot be an animal or any other objects
  4. Literary characters are totally limited
  5. A character in poems acts what is supposed to be acted [       ]

(vii) "Paradise is as tall as an electricity pole". Figures of speech are used in order to add a certain artistic effect in a work of art. In the first statement which literary tech niques are denoted?________________________ 

  1. Overstatement and metaphor
  2. Metaphor and simile
  3. Simile and overstatement
  4. Hyperbole and metaphor
  5. Personification and hyperbole [       ]

(viii) The strength and weakness of a certain work of literature is identified throughwhich aspect of literature among the following given alterna tives?_______________

  1. Literary analogue 
  2. Literary anaphism 
  3. Literary anthropology
  4. Literary criticism
  5. Literary climatology [       ]

(ix) I walked around the town and find the poster with the statement, "charity begins at home." I stared at that poster and asked to myself why they used those words and I decided to walk away. In literature the statements of such kind are known as;-________________

  1. Idioms 
  2. Analogy 
  3. M Anaphism 
  4. Sayings 
  5. Riddles [       ]

(x) Yesterday I had a fight with my neighbour, we quarreled a lot until I landed a fist on him and another neighbour came and settled the quarrel. But the source of the quarrel was his child who set fire onto my grass house. This explanation is an example of which element of form?_____________

  1. Plo 
  2. Message 
  3. Relevance
  4. Philosophy
  5. Lesson [       ]

2. Match the descriptions of dramatic terms in List A with the corresponding type of item in List B by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number in the answer sheets provided.



(i) A short description at the back cover of the book written by the author or publisher which intended to attract your attention and make you to buy it.

(ii) A line of writing, short phrase, saying, or quotation at the beginning of the book or chapter as an introduction intended to suggest its theme.

(iii) A short poem or phrase that expresses an idea in a clever or amusing way.

(iv) A speech at the beginning of a play, book, or film/movie that introduces it.

(v) A short speech, addresses directly to the audience at the end of the play, book or film/ movie that comments on or acts as conclusion to what has happened.

(vi) A list of characters that appear at the beginning of a play/drama.

  1. Epilogue
  2. Prologue
  3. Cast
  4. Epigraph
  5. Epigram
  6. Preface
  7. Epither
  8. Blurb

SECTION B: (54 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

3. "Literature is a product of the society" said Mkude as a reaction to the statement of Mabula whowas confusing himself about a certain literary concept. Discuss Mkude's statement in six strong points.

4. Write the correct literary device for each of the following descriptions.

  1. Subira couldn't sleep.All could hear was the drip, drip, drip of broken tap.
  2. Laughter is the music of the soul.
  3. This is my jealous friend.
  4. Kitete was a political chameleon. He changed colour depending on which side he was with.
  5. She went for a short call of nature in a nearby washroom.
  6. Not having a fashion in fashion.

5. Juma is narrating a story about hyena and Lion and Jane is writing the same story in her exercise book.Give the meaning of the two forms of literary genres that Juma and Jane are creating and give five points that show the differences of Juma's work from that of Jane.

6. Read the following poem carefully and then answer the questions that follows:

I TOO SING AMERICA (Langston Hughes)

I, Too Sing America

I am the darker brother

They send me to eat in kitchen

When company comes,

But I laugh,

And eat well,

And I grow strong


I 'll sit at the table

When company comes.

No body 'll dare

Say to me,

'Eat in the kitchen', Then.


They 'll see how beautiful I am

And be ashamedI, too, am, America.


  1. What type of the poem is this? Give reason.
  2. Who is the persona and how do you know?
  3. What is the tone and mood of the poem?
  4. Comment on the structure of the poem.
  5. What does the line "They send me to eat in the kitchen" symbolize?
  6. Give three (3) possible themes that can be drawn from the poem. Provide evidences.

7. As a well prepared Literature in English candidate of 2023 national examination, show your compe tence in the following literary statement with brief explanations of your answer.

  1. Why is exposition important in the development of plot of a literary work?
  2. If one has composed a Lyric poem, how the persona is expected to behave?
  3. Why suspense in drama?
  4. When the author uses flashback as one of the techniques of literature how does his or her work expected to be?
  5. Why setting is very important in literary works?
  6. What happens if a poem lacks regular rhyming pattern?

8. Imagine you are reading a certain novel and you come across with the following paragraphs which theme can you observe from each paragraph

(i) The only way men can live with her is "well she could be someone's concubine. Her sea-king husband can be persuaded to put up with that after highly involve rites but as wifeis completely ruled out".

Theme observed________________________________

(ii) Kibwana and Zinduna fell in love promising each other to be faithful. But after three months Kibwana got married to Zumaridi.

Theme observed _____________________________________

(iii) "As for me I shall sleep with any man to make money. Even girls who are university graduate are doing it, my friend face the fact and put your love for sale".

Theme observed_________________________________

(iv) Listen my friend; a woman is man's home. When man enters the house he expects food, a place to rest and some comforts, more important she takes care of her children

Theme observed ____________________________________

(v) What type of man are you? She said. What a shame! Look at your face full of cuts and scars I really regret; I have married a pig. Her husband responded by insulting his wife……...Oh poor me what a wicked wife I have got! The man gave his wife a sound beating by slapping her.

Theme observed _____________________________________

(vi) Peter's sister married as the fifth wife of the deputy secretary, and the deputy secretary wants to add the seventh woman and this is common to every man in the society.

Theme observed _________________________________

SECTION C: (30 Marks)

Answer two (2) questions only from this section


  • The Lion and the Jewel

Wole Soyinka

  • The Trials of Brother Jero

Wole Soyinka

  • The Dilemma of a Ghost

Ama Ata Aidoo

  • The Government Inspector

N. Gogol


  • Houseboy
Ferdinand Oyono
  • The Old Man and the Medal
Ferdinand Oyono
  • The Concubine

Elechi Amadi

  • A Walk in the Night
Alex La Guma
  • Selected Poems
  • Growing up with Poetry
Rubadiri D

9. African continent as a long way to go to attain development because of bad leader ship. Choose two poems you have read and appreciated to prove the above statement. Three points for each poem.

10. The authors use titles to reflect what is written inside their book(s). Justify the truth of this state ment using two novels you have read. Give three points from each novel.

11. If you were given a chance to suggest some of the traditions and customs from two plays that are to be adopted by the future generation which ones would you sug gest in our contemporary society? Give three points from each play.







TIME: 3:00 Hours MAY, 2023


  1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of 11 questions.
  2. Answer all questions in sections A and B and two (2) questions in section C.
  3. Write your examination number on every page of your answer booklet (s)
  4. All writing should be in blue or black ink, diagrams must be drawn in pencil
  5. Cellular phone and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.

SECTION A: (16 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

1. For each of the item (i) – (x) choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the booklet provided.

i. A technique that a character who is alone on stage uses to present to the audience his/her strong feelings is known as;

  1. Dialogue
  2. Aside
  3. Soliloquy
  4. Mime
  5. Monologue

ii. Assume you have come across with the verse in a poem, “They sell the wedding bells”. What sound poetic device’s name is suitable for the above verse?

  1. Alliteration
  2. Reiteration
  3. Consonance
  4. Rhythm
  5. Assonance

iii. If someone writes a story about a creature like a small person, that has magic powers usually for children. That person is writing a:

  1. Fairy tale
  2. Folktale
  3. Lullaby
  4. Folklore
  5. Parable

iv. A participant in a story who is described by another participant or an author is known as:

  1. Stock character
  2. Eponymous character
  3. Expository character
  4. Flat character
  5. Round character

v. Imagine you are assigned to write a non-fiction narrative talking about your own significant events in your career; how would people call you?

  1. Autobiographer
  2. Bibliographer
  3. Memoirist
  4. Story-teller
  5. Biographer

vi. Fr.Vandermayer is a Catholic priest who preaches peace, love and equality to all people; however, he exploits Toundi and beats other native Africans who committed adultery. Which theme best suits the above expression?

  1. Disunity
  2. Exploitation
  3. Ignorance
  4. Hypocrisy
  5. Betrayal

vii. You are given a chance to read a story, then you identify its strength and weakness. What name will people call you?

  1. Critic
  2. Analyst
  3. Author
  4. Expert
  5. Editor

viii. The feeling of anxiety, tension, eagerness and expectation of the audience to find out what will happen next to the character is called:

  1. Dramatic irony
  2. Climax
  3. Foreshadowing
  4. Mood
  5. Suspense

ix. Your father has no money to buy commodities. He loudly laments on himself, “Oh! Jamani, this life is very tough”. This lamentation can be compared to what technique used in literature?

  1. Aside
  2. Soliloquy
  3. Barbarism
  4. Monologue
  5. Point of view

x. Which of the following is a good example of paradoxical statement?

  1. A beautiful cesspool is found in our village
  2. His gigantic sore was stinking and oozing thick yellow pus
  3. Argentina eliminated Morocco in group stage
  4. I trust him very much though he often tells lies.
  5. Daudi’s tuition center has ten heads till now.

2. Match the description in list A with the corresponding genre of oral literature in list B by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number on the answer sheet provided.



  1. Our Literature teacher narrated us a story about the friendship between a rabbit and hyena
  2. What has teeth but it can’t bite?
  3. Over thousand years ago, there happened a wonderful season of dangerous big scorpions which when bit people, the later changed into red colour.
  4. Birds of the same feathers like to flock together
  5. I was reading a short, interesting and amusing story about a strange event.
  6. When you talk, please hit the nail on the head.
  1. Parable
  2. Anecdote
  3. Proverb
  4. Fable
  5. Fairy tale
  6. Riddle
  7. Idiom
  8. Legend
  9. Myth

SECTION B: (54 Marks)

Answer all questions

3. Give the meaning of the following literary terms:

  1. Dramatic irony
  2. Diction
  3. Biography
  4. Characterization
  5. Prologue
  6. Understatement
  7. Episode
  8. Consonance
  9. Tragic drama

4. Reading the following poem and answer the questions that follows

IF WE MUST DIE- Claude McKay

If we must die, let it not be like hogs

Hunted and penned in an inglorious spot

While round us bark the mad and hungry dogs

Making their mock at our accursed lot

If we must die, oh let us nobly die

So that our precious blood may not be shed

In vain; then even the monsters we defy

Shall be constrained to honour us though dead

O kinsmen! We must meet the common foe

Though far outnumbered let us show us brave

And for their thousand blows, one death blow

What though before us lies the open grave?

Like men we’ll face the murderous, cowardly pack

Pressed to the wall dying but fighting back.


  1. Comment on the type of the poem? Give reason(s)
  2. What sufferings does the persona experience?
  3. Mention and show any two poetic devices used
  4. What message does the persona convey to the readers?
  5. Assess the relevance of this poem to your society

5. Which literary term is being described by each of the following descriptions?

(a) This is point of the greatest emotional intensity, interest or suspense in the plot of a narrative or play

(b) “Go back to Mississippi, go back to Alabama, go back to South Carolina, go back to Georgia, go back to Louisiana, go back to the slums and ghettos of our northern cities, knowing that somehow this situation can and will be changed.” Martin Luther King Jr.

(c) A form of language primarily used in literature, consisting of literary aspects such as various figures of speech, imagery, symbols etc.

(d) The daughter of the rich man, Bakhresa, is expelled from school for lack of school fees of 10,000/= only.

(e) Cock crows every day at dawn “kokorikoooo!” This is an example of…….

(f) A character through whom the story revolves around him/her, and readers sympathize with him when he encounters difficulties.

6. Write the correct answer for each of the item (a) – (f) on your answer sheet

(a) What is the significant role played by Gustav Freytag in the history of written literature?

(b) How can the literary artist create symbolism to reveal theme in his literary work?

(c) Imagine you were writing a novel; how would you use first person point of view as one of the narrative techniques?

(d) It is believed that with the advancement in science and technology, oral literature is never safe. Prove it with just one point.

(e) Why didactic poems are useful to the readers?

(f) What is the significance of climax in the dramatic structure?

7. (a) Write any three (3) advantages of written literature over oral literature.

(b) Halima, your fellow student who studies Commerce and Accountancy, views the study of Literature in English as nonsense and wastage of time. She wonders what one will do with the knowledge of literature. Make her understand focusing on the evaluation of four areas in which it is applied /implemented in your society.

8. Unlike other literary genres, drama is meant to be performed on stage. In six points, briefly analyze dramatic elements which are used as a means of entertaining the audience.

SECTION C: (30 Marks)

Answer two (2) questions from this section.

Answer question 10 and choose one from either 9 or 11.



  • The Trial of Brother Jero - (Whole Soyinka)
  • Dilemma of a Ghost - (Ame Ata Aidoo)
  • The Lion and the Jewel - (Whole Soyinka)
  • The Government Inspector - (N. Gogol)


  • Houseboy - (Ferdinand Oyono)
  • The Concubine - (ElechiAmadi)
  • The Old man and the Medal - (Ferdinand Oyono)
  • A Walk in the Night - (Alex La guma)

9. Explain the usefulness of figurative language in conveying the messages of the given novels to the society. Use two relevant novels with three points from each.

10. With reference to the play ‘The Trials of Brother Jero by Wole Soyinka and ‘Dilemma of a Ghost’ by Christina Ama Ata Aidoo, differentiate with examples the two plays in the following aspects: title, central theme, philosophy, style of presentation, setting and conflict.

11. (a) Suppose you have heard about the competition on composing poems and the winner would be awarded. You as an upcoming poet/poetess, compose a short poem having two stanzas with four verses each in any cross-cutting issue in the contemporary society

(b) From the poem you have composed in (a) above, show the following:

(i) What is the subject matter of your poem?

(ii)Two musical features you have employed

(iii)Any two figures of speech used in the poem

(iv)Who is the persona in your poem?

(v) What type of the poem is that according to form? Support it with a reason.





(For Both School and Private Candidates)

Time: 3 Hours Tuesday, 20th September 2022 p.m.


1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions.

2. Answer all questions in sections A and B and three (3) questions from section C of which questions 7 and 10 are compulsory.

3. Section A carries fifteen (15) marks, section B carries forty (40) marks and section C carries forty-five (45) marks.

4. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.

5. Write Your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s).

SECTION A (15 Marks)

Answer all questions from in this section

1. For each of the items (i) – (x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

(i) Haroun attended literature class. His teacher was teaching functions of literature. After the end of the session, he came to learn that the following are some of those functions except: 

  1. To educate the society
  2. To liberate the society
  3. To entertain the society
  4. To eliminate the society
  5. To criticize the society.

(ii) Okeke is said to be a good orator. People in his village praise him that when speaking, he always uses figurative language replacing words or phrases that would otherwise be considered harsh, impolite or unpleasant. The best term for this kind of style is:

  1. Taboo
  2. Euphemism
  3. Irony
  4. Jargon
  5. Alliteration.

(iii) In Unanswered Cries, Olabisi Imitates the way her father Ade Jones walks and speaks for the purpose of entertaining and ridiculing. Such action or skill of Imitation is literarily known as

  1. Apostrophe
  2. Soliloquy
  3. Monologue
  4. Mime
  5. Mimicry.

(iv) One evening, the grandmother was sitting with her six grandchildren anxiously waiting for food. To keep them awake, she narrated them a famous story passed down for generations, especially one that is presented as history. This kind of a story is called:

  1. Myth
  2. Folk-tale
  3. Legend
  4. Fable
  5. An-ec-dote.

(v) Muhammad was told to compose a poem at his school. He composed a simple poem making careful selection of certain words or vocabulary and their artistic arrangements to fit their contexts. How is this selection called in literature?

  1. Poetic license
  2. Rhyme
  3. Rhythm
  4. Mood
  5. Diction.

(vi) Aisha and Munira were returning home from the office. Aisha was narrating a certain incident of their black cat happened the day before. During the narration, she Imitated the sound associated with the cat, this Imitation is an example of:

  1. Onomatopoeia
  2. Rhyme
  3. Symbolism
  4. Sarcasm
  5. Repetition.

(vii) You read a certain novel with your friends in the class, as you keep reading it, you realize that the character in the book uses such words as “you” and “your” as if directly talking to you. What is this technique called in literature?

  1. First person point of view
  2. Limited point of view
  3. Second person point of view
  4. Omniscient point of view 
  5. Third person point of view.

(viii) You are among the form four candidates attending graduation ceremony at Tahisco Islamic Seminary. During the celebration, the M.C invites form one students to give you a surprise. As they are on the stage, they compose a short poem characterized with highly musical verses that convey powerful personal emotions or feelings. This kind of composition is termed as:

  1. Epic
  2. Allegorical
  3. Narrative
  4. Ballad
  5. Lyric.

(ix) The Nigerian writer Chinua Achebe is one of the best African writers very rich in figures of speech. When speaking, he normally uses a two parts wise statement intending to reach or give advice. This statement is simply the definition of:

  1. Idiom
  2. Proverb
  3. Riddle
  4. Saying 
  5. Philosophy.

(x) After literature class, the two friends had different views on the basic elements of literature. They asked their fellow Munir who seems to master the lesson for a help. After listening to them, he simply answers that ________ are the pairs constitute the basic elements of literature.

  1. Theme and message
  2. Style and plot
  3. Setting and characters
  4. Form and content
  5. Philosophy and conflict.

2. Match the descriptions of imageries in list A with the corresponding type of imageries in list B by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number in the answer booklet(s) provided.



(i) Diko, her smell is sweet and gentle. She never stinks of fish, she never breathes sweat like gatherers of dry wood.

(ii) She has no bald patch on her head like those who carry heavy loads. Her teeth are white. Her eyes are like those of a new born frown that delights in the antelope’s udder.

(iii) Neither her heel nor her palm are rough; but sweet to touch like liver, or better still the fluffy down of Kapok. 

(iv) Then I hear a waiting piano solo speaking of complex ways in tear furrowed concerto; of a way lands.

(v) The food that was eaten during my friend’s wedding ceremony was as delicious as a chocolate.

  1. Olfactory imagery
  2. Auditory imagery
  3. Kinetic imagery
  4. Visual imagery
  5. Gustatory imagery
  6. Tactile imagery
  7. Organic imagery

SECTION B (40 Marks)

Answer all questions from in this section

3. You have been given a diagram showing arrangements of events in a story. Using the knowledge, you have acquired; briefly explain how each component means in literature.

(i) A = Exposition

(ii) B = Rising action

(iii) C = Climax

(iv) D = Falling action

(v) E = Resolution

4. Your brother has got a scholarship to study Economics in one of the prestigious Universities in America. Your family has decided to hold a party to congratulate him. They ask you to recite a poem for him. Compose a three stanza poem with four verses each and identify the following from it.

(i) Metaphor

(ii) Simile

(iii) Imagery

(iv) Refrain

(v) Personification

5. Salma arrived late to school due to traffic jam. When she entered in the class, she found out that the literature teacher has already covered such concepts as 

(i) Novel (ii) fable (iii) Proverb (iv) Play and (v) Idiom.

As she was confused, the teacher asked you to explain to her with vivid examples the meaning of those concepts.

6. One of the most common ways used by poets to make their poems musical is the use of repetitions. Carefully read the following expressions and provide a relevant literary term for each. The first one has been done for you as an example.

Mr. Saiboko visits his old classmate Kole at his home Mbezi Beach. As they were having casual conversations, they remembered their old classmate Sally. Saiboko asks his friend if he knew where Sally is nowadays and what he is doing. Kole answers him “Sally sells sea shells beside the sea shore”. In poetry, this repetition of vowel sound is referred to as an example of Assonance.

(a) You are in the bus in the morning on your way to school you hear someone singing a nice song on the radio. At the end of each stanza, he repeats the verse “Twinkle twinkle, little star”. This repetition is an example of ________ in poetry.

(b) Kofi Billy is employed in a certain office as a garbage collector. He is told by his boss to collect some waste material around the office. As he looks for his sack, the young woman behind informs him “The black sack is in the back park”. This repetition of sound “k” is an example of ________________

(c) Your sister is busy doing her homework on the table. You want to switch on T.V but she takes the remote away arguing that you will disturb her concentration. You hear her saying “mother mother, come and look at your child”. In poetry such repetition is termed as ________________.

(d) One evening, you sit with your classmates discussing poems. As you read one poem you came-across the verse reads: “Five furious friends fought for the fish…..”. This repetition of the “F” sound gives an example of _____________

(e) In one chapter of the book “The African Deluge” by Chiume, the character recites a poem to Undondo: How do you name such repetition of sound in the last syllables? _________

You cannot change your skin a a man For nature made you as you are

Your wish to break your father’s clan Is ignorance that goes too far.

SECTION C (45 Marks)

Answer three (3) questions in this section. Questions 7 and 10 are compulsory.


• The Lion and the Jewel - Wole Soyinka

• The Trials of Brother Jero - Wole Soyinka

• Dilemma of a Ghost - Ama Ata Aidoo

• The Government Inspector - N. Gogol


• A Walk in the Night and Other Stories - Alex La Guma

• Houseboy - Ferdinand Oyono

• The Old man and the Medal - Ferdinand Oyono

• The Concubine - Elechi Amadi


• Selected Poems - Tanzania Institute of Education

• Growing up with Poetry - David Rubadiri

7. When poets want to educate the society, they put their ideas in writing. How far is this statement true in the two poems you have done under this section? (Use three points from each poem).

8. African societies may be one in many ways but greatly differ in culture. Justify this statement showing African traditional practices depicted in the two plays you have read under this section. (Give three points from each play).

9. “Problems existing in our society are the results of poor leadership.” Justify this statement with reference to two plays by giving three (3) points from each play.

10. When novelists want to uncover social evils they always use a pen and not a gun. Support this contention making reference to two novels you have studied under this section. (Use three points from each novel).








1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions

2. Answer all questions in section A and B and three (3) questions from sestion C

3. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in examination room

4. Write your examination number on every page of your answer booklet (s)

SECTION A (15 Marks)

1. For each of the item (Answer i - x) choose all questions the correct from answer this section from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer sheet(s) provided

(i) "This Innocent man is a criminal" which of the following literary term is presented by this statement 

  1. Metaphor 
  2. Simile 
  3. Litotes
  4. Paradox 
  5. Metonymy

(ii) Which of the following expressions best distinguish the features of tragedy? 

  1. The hero laugh
  2. antagonistic character foil
  3. Unhappy ending 
  4. Static character 
  5. Drama

(iii) "You a are Hyperbolea stupid, fool, black son of Personification bitch" This statement is best example of . . . . . . .

  1. Hyperbole
  2. Personification
  3. Euphemism 
  4. Barbarism 
  5. Vulgarism

(iv) A work of fiction which is shorter than novel but longer than short stories 

  1. Novella 
  2. Drama 
  3. Comedy 
  4. Fable 
  5. Tale

(v) The type of poem which is expressed by dramatic way presented by two or more people who are speaking in turn.

  1. Ballad poem 
  2. Epic poem 
  3. Narrative poem 
  4. Lyric poem 
  5. Sonnet poem

(vi) . . . . . . . is a social or religious custom placing prohibition or restrictions on a particular or thing a persons 

  1. Fable 
  2. Taboo 
  3. Idiom 
  4. Myth 
  5. Tragedy

(vii) Imagine that you have decided to write a Novel talking about social political, propaganda and other problems. Which kind of your Novel will it be 

  1. Thesis 
  2. Antithesis
  3. Contrast 
  4. Thesis Novel
  5. Ellipsis

(viii) Tamaa Mbele wrote a story about his own life before he becomes a president of Bomani, what is this in literature 

  1. Autobiography 
  2. Narrative poem 
  3. Biography 
  4. Short story
  5. Parable

(ix) Our grandfather told us a story about why a dog has no horns. This relates to which of the following literary terms? 

  1. Anecdote 
  2. Fable
  3. Myth 
  4. Parable
  5. Riddle

(x) John score 03% in English subject and the teacher called him Cleverest Student in a class. What figure of speech can be used to express the attitude of teacher towards John?

  1. Metonymy
  2. Sympathy
  3. Irony
  4. Paradox
  5. Ballad

2. Match the item of list A a against these in list B



(i) The silent art of using body movements to create an illusion of reality

(ii) Style of dress of an individual or group that reflects their class, gender, profession etc. 

(iii) Use of body movements and facial expressions by actors to Convey message without speaking

 (iv) A piece of heavy Materials that comes down at the front of the stage in a theatre 

(v) Is an incident in a literary work

  1. Costume
  2. Mask
  3. Episode
  4. Mime
  5. Curtain
  6. Pantomine 
  7. Performance
  8. Chorus

SECTION B (40 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

3. With examples differentiate the following terms as used in literature 

a Litotes and understatement 

b Cast of characters and characterization

c) Folk tale and anecdote 

d Tautology and allegory 

e Suspense and Ellipsis

4. Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow:


Landlord, landlord

My roof, has sprung a leak

Don't you remember 

I told you about it? 

Way last weak?

Landlord, landlord

These step is broken down,

When you come up yourself, 

It's a wonder you don't fall down.

Ten bucks you say I owe you?

Ten bucks you say is due?

Well that's bucks more and 

I' Il pay you, Till you fix this house up new.

What? You gonna get eviction orders?

You gonna cut off my head?

You gonna take my furniture and throw it in the street?

Um — huh! You talk high and — mighty

Talk on till you get through

You ain't gonna be able to say a word 

If I land my first on you

Police! Police!

Come and get this man!

He's trying to ruin the government 

And overturn the land!

Copper's whistle?

Patrol bell? Arrest.

Precinct station

Iron cell

Head lines in press

Man threatens landlord

Tenant held no bail

Judge givens Negro 90 days in country jail


(a) What is the poem about?

(b) Why did the persona in the poem complains?

(c) Mention three themes found in a poem

(d) Mention three poetic features used in this poem

(e) Briefly explain how relevant of a poem is to Tanzanian society?

5. Characters in literature are categorized by three observation which are: 

(i) Characters by behaviour

(ii) Characters by performance in presentations

(iii) Characters by opposition to each other

With examples to their types briefly describe about these categories of characters.

6. Which literary term is being described by each of the following characteristics?

(a) The formation of word whose sound is made to suggest the sense as in cuckoo, flash, hiss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  .. . . . . .

(b) It sleeps when we sleep and it wakes when we wake up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  .. . . . . .

(c) A literary device that helps to establish a relationship based on similarities between two concepts or ideas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  .. . . . . .

(d) When I was a child my mother used to sing songs to smoothen me. The name of songs sung by my mother is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  .. . . . . .

(e) In the story (Novel) author appeared to know everything about the story and characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  .. . . . . .

SECTION C (45 Marks)

Attempt three questions from this section, where by question number 8 and 10 are compulsory



The Lion and The Jewel  

Wole Soyinka

The Trials of Brother Jero

Wole Soyinka

The Dilemma of a Ghost

Ama Atta Aidoo

The Government Inspector

N. Gogol


A Walk in the Night and other stories

Alex la Guma


Ferdinand Oyono

The Concubine

Elechi Amadi

The old Man and Medal

Ferdinand Oyono


Selected poem

Tanzania Institute of Education

Growing up with poetry

David Rubadiri

7. The reality casts forever" Justify this statement from two poems that you have read under this section. Three points from each poem.

8. By using two plays you have done under this sections, explain how the main character get trouble while they desire to bring changes to their societies. Three points from each play.

9. Normally writers write their works with titles that enable the readers to understand the message. Use two Novels to validate the statement. Three points from each book.

10. During colonialism African societies were exploited in different circumstances that led to their suffering. By using two Novels you have done, support this statement by picking two characters societies. (one from Use each six Novel) (6) points showing three how (3) from they exploited each Novel.referring to our contemporary







TIME: 3:00 HRS June, 2022


1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions.

2. Answer all questions from section A and B and three (03) questions from section C, questions 7 and 8 are compulsory.

3. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.

4. Write your Examination Name on every page of your answer sheet(s)

SECTION A (15 Marks)

1. For each of the following items (i – x), choose the correct answer among the given alternatives and write its letter in the booklet provided.

i. Harmonize composed a poem where by at the first stanza of his poem there is the repetition of phrase at the beginning of successive verses. What do you think is the sound device from that stanza?

  1. Anadiplosis 
  2. Anaphora
  3. Analogy
  4. Rhyming pattern  
  5. Anapodoton 

ii. Assume you have got an opportunity from the government to write amazing story about president Jakaya Kikwete’s life. Which category does the story you have to write fall under?

  1. Biography 
  2. Autobiography
  3. Bibliography
  4. Histography 
  5. Aotobiography 

iii. Mr. Peter is a Nigerian musician. He composed a love poem in English language, but he added a Swahili phrase “tukale na Ugali wa mihogo” to beautify his work. What do you think is a suitable figure of speech from that poem?

  1. Euphemism 
  2. Archaism 
  3. Barbarism
  4. Satire 
  5. Irony 

iv. Mr. John has five wives and he lives with them at the same compound. One evening he used to appreciate his senior wife that she can cook better than junior wives. A good figure of speech from that scenario is……

  1. Enjambment
  2. Juxtaposition 
  3. Simile 
  4. Metaphor 
  5. Polygamy

v. During watching a drama all audience were interested and admired with the main character but at the end were sad as he was killed, what type of drama is that?

  1. Comedy 
  2. Tragic comedy 
  3. Melo-drama 
  4. Tragedy  
  5. Historical drama 

vi.The head master, Mr. Makwati chased away a stubborn student from his office by saying “go out before I ….. and if you repeat it I will….”

  1. Ellipsis 
  2. Syncope 
  3. Aposiopesis
  4. Anadiplosis  
  5. Diction 

vii. Mrs. Kaduma is in family way. She is talking with her unborn “I am waiting for you my baby, you will become my happiness, come and brighten my motherhood…” the correct literary term for the above expression is…..

  1. Allusion 
  2. Anaphora 
  3. Apostrophe
  4. Oxymoron 
  5. Synecdoche 

viii. Ebogo is watching a film on television and soon he witnessed a character called Rambo dying in the bombed room. Later on, that character rose again to fight with his enemies. What kind of irony is revealed from that scenario?

  1. Satire
  2. Dramatic irony
  3. Situational irony
  4. Foreshadowing
  5. Verbal irony

ix. Monica got pregnant the same day she got married. Nine months later, she gave birth to a healthily baby boy. This statement describes a plot called?

  1. Flash-forward
  2. Straight forward
  3. Flash back
  4. Foreshadowing 
  5. Climax

x. As you compose a poem you create an atmosphere of feeling and emotions. What is the name of this poetic device?

  1. Irony 
  2. Rhetoric 
  3. Diction
  4. Mood 
  5. Paradox 

2. Match the description in LIST A with the corresponding literary term in LIST B by writing the letter of correct response beside the item number in the answer booklet provided



i) Playwright 

ii) Audience 

iii) Narrator 

iv) Persona 

v) Actor

  1. A person whose job is to act or perform various roles in a play.
  2. A person who is speaking in a poem.
  3. A person who writes plays.
  4. A person who is watching or listening to a play.
  5. A person who tells a story or explains what is happening in a play/novel/short stories 
  6. A person who composes poems.
  7. A person who is the main character in the play.
  8. A person in a work of art who does not change his or her personality.


Answer all questions from this section

3. Briefly explain the differences between the following literary concepts.

a) Traditional poems and modern poems

b) Symbol and symbolism

c) Suspense and denouement

d) Allusion and illusion

e) Anecdote and synecdoche.

4. Demonstrate five(05) differences between oral literature and written literature

5. Imagine you are reading a certain novel and you come across with the following paragraphs. Which themes can be drawn to each paragraph?

(A)  “As for me I shall sleep with any man to make money. Even girls who are university graduates are doing it my friend. Face the fact and put your love for sale. Do you know my sister. Juster who sleeps with four men every day?” 

Theme drawn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(B)  “Listen my friend, a woman is man’s home. When a man enters the house, he expects food, a place to rest and some comfort. More importantly, she nurses children.”

Them drawn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(C) What type of man are you? she said. what a shame!. Look at your face full of cuts and scars I really regret I have married a pig…a pig … a pig I have married a pig. Her husband responded by insulting his wife… oh poor me what a wicked wife I have got! The man gave his wife a sound beating by slapping her. The neighbor came to separate them.

Theme drawn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(D) Peter’s sister is married as the fifth wife of deputy secretary. The secretary wants to add the seventh woman and this is common to every man in this society.

Theme drawn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(E) Peter and Asha fell in love promising each other to be faithful; but after three months peter got married to Upendo”

Theme drawn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

6.Read the following poem and answer the question that follow :-  

AFRICA by David Diop

Africa my Africa

Africa of proud warriors in ancestral savannahs

Africa of whom my grandmother sings

On the banks of the distant river

I have never know you

But my blood flows in my veins.

Your beautiful black blood that irrigates the fields

The blood of your sweat

The sweat of your work

The work of your slavery The slavery of your children Africa tells me Africa.

Is this your back that is bent?

This back that breaks under weight of humiliation

This back trembling with red scars

And saying yes to the whip under the midday sun

But a grave voice answers me

Impetuous son that tree young and strong

That tree there

In spending loneliness amidst white faded flowers

That is Africa your Africa

That grows again patiently obstinately And its fruits gradually acquire 

The bitter taste of liberty.


i. What is the poem about?

ii. What is the type of the poem according to the structure of it?

iii. Find a stanza that has anaphora and say why you believe that is anaphora

iv. Suggest three main ideas that the poet wanted to communicate to his audience

v. Do you think this poem is still relevant today? How (two reasons)


Answer three questions from this section

Question 7 and 8 are compulsory



  • The Lion and the Jewel-W. Sonyika
  • The Dilemma of the Ghost –Aidoo A.A
  • The Trials of Brother Jero –W. Sonyika
  • The Government Inspector-Gogol .N


  • A walk in the Night and Other Stories –La Guma .A
  • House Boy –Oyono. F
  • The Concubine –Amadi. E
  • The Old Man and The Midal –Oyono .F


  • Selected poetry –Institute of Education
  • Growing up with poetry –David Rubadili

7. In three (03) points show how the language has been manipulated by the poets in delivering the intended message to the readers. Support your answers with two poems.

8. White people are morally corrupt compared to Africans. Verify this statement by drawing your references from two novels you have read. Three (03) points from each novel

9. With reference to Soyinka’s “ The Lion and The Jewel and Gogol’s “The Government Inspector”, justify the statement that “ bad leadership and misuse of power among leaders hinder the achievements of the aimed goals in many societies”. Use three (03) points from each novel.

10. Use two plays you have done under this program to support the view that cultural issues are the sources of conflicts and hindrance to development in the society”. Give three points from each play.








(For Both School and Private Candidates)

TIME: 3 Hours 15th  JUNE 2022 


1. This Paper consists of section A, B and C with total of ten (10) questions.

2. Answer all questions in section A, B and three (03) questions from section C.

3. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.

4. Write your examination number in every page of your answer booklet.


Answer all Questions from this section

1. For each of the following items (i) – (x) choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the items number in the answer booklet provided.

(i) Nyalusi was preparing the objects to the used by actors while acting on the stage. Which literary term is suitable to refer these objects prepared by Nyalusi?

  1. Costumes
  2. Tools  
  3. Props
  4. Curtain 
  5. Objects 

(ii) Mr. Hamis when he was travelling to Dar es salaam he bought the magazine and read a story with the character who does not change from the beginning up the end of the story. How is this character identified?

  1. Static character 
  2. Dynamic character 
  3. Minor character
  4. Antagonist character  
  5. Protagonist character 

(iii) Kindole performed a fenny drama on the stage that makes all audience enjoyed and laugh. What kind of drama perfumed by Mr. Kindole?

  1. Historical drama. 
  2. Comedy drama 
  3. Tragic drama
  4. Tragic – comedy drama
  5. Melo drama. 

(iv) Chaula was asking his friends the questions which intended to test their cleverness. These questions may be classified as;-

  1. Fable 
  2. Myth
  3. Proverbs
  4. Riddles  
  5. I idioms 

(v) A character called Mikey is fired from his job. Because of his anger to the foreman who fired him as “White son of bitch” and he promises to revenge by saying “that sonavabitch” that bloody white sonavabitch, I’11get him” such a language is literary called?

  1. Vulgarism 
  2. Barbarism 
  3. Euphemism
  4. Archaism 
  5. Code switching 

(vi) “Koomson’s mouth had the rich stench of rotten menstrual blood.” This is an example of.

  1. Visual image 
  2. Audio image
  3. Thermal image
  4. Tactile image  
  5. Olfactory image 

(vii) A pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in the line of a poetry used by poets to bring out the musical quality of language, to emphasize ideas and to create moods is called?

  1. Rhyme 
  2. Rhythm 
  3. Alliteration
  4. Pentameter
  5. Couplet. 

(viii) The principle which demands reward to a good character and punishment to a bad character by an ironic twist of fate is called?

  1. Poetic justice
  2. Poetic license
  3. Parallelism
  4. Juxtaposition 
  5. synecdoche

(ix) Madam Suzy was washing her baby with cold water in her bathroom, suddenly we heard the cries from the baby as “My mother you are burning my skin.” We shouted ourselves that how can cold water burn a skin! You as an elite help us to know what figurative language is being used by a sound from a child.

  1. Vulgarism
  2. Euphemism 
  3. Symbolism
  4. Paradox 
  5. Dysphemism 

(x) A character known as Lakunle from the book “The lion and the Jewel,” When he is talking with side he says “A prophet has honor except in his own home” This statement represent the figurative language known as?

  1. Satire 
  2. Illusion
  3. I rony
  4. Simile  
  5. Allusion 

2. Match the word in list A with the corresponding descriptions in list B by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number in the answer sheet provided.



(i) Turumbe! Turumbe! They shouted

(ii) I shall travel together with my son (she said as her son died)

(iii) Ihuoma you are treating me like a goat

(iv) You big – eyed fool

(v) The smoke seems to like me

  1. Code – mixing
  2. Metaphor
  3. Personification
  4. Paradox
  5. Simile
  6. Euphemism
  7. Dysphemism
  8. Fantasy


3. Justify each of the following features of poetry by giving one example from the poem of “Eat more” by Joe Corie.

(a) Poetry is full of figures of speech

(b) Poetry arouses emotions

(c) Poetry reflects experiences

(d) Poetry implies poetic license (e)Poetry is arranged in verse.

4. Read the following poem and then answer the question that follows.


They drive me along,

They do they do,

These my brothers no longer brothers, 

Their hands are whip, along they drive me, 

No longer am I the same mother’s child.

They push me along,

Indeed they do,

These my sisters no longer sisters, 

Their mouths are cannons, spittle of fire,

No longer am I the same father’s pride.

They kick me along,

They do they do,

These my playmates no longer playmates, 

Their actions are fates, my life they decide, 

No longer am I the same free – born human.

They abuse me,

They do time and again,

Fellow humans load with their bundles,

They are my masters and me a poor ass, 

To be driven, pushed, kicked and abused, 


(a) What is the poem about?

(b) Can you tell the types of the poem? And say your reason what it belongs to that type?

(c) Are there any two themes observed? Say them.

(d) According to your meditation, may you write down any two figures of speech from the poem?

(e) Is the poem relevant to the society? Explain.

5. Write short answers for each of the item (a) – (e) in the answer booklet provided.

(a) Why is the Rising action important in the development of plot of literary work? Briefly explain.

(b) How does poets/poetess apply poetic license in the poem?

(c) Why artists use/apply suspense in their works?

(d) When the author uses flashback as one of the techniques of literature. How does his/her work expected to be?

(e) How is the plot arranged in a novel?

6. Write a literary term referred to by each of the following expressions.

(i) Uses of the word “Pass away “ in steady of “die” 

(ii)I am the Brocken black book. The (b) implies.

(iii) I have invited billions of people on birthday party. This is an example of.

(iv) Yesterday our teacher narrated a story about rabbit and hyena; at last we leant that deceit is bad. What kind of oral literature was that?

(v) Head master told us 5


Answer three questions from this section.

(Question number of and 08 are compulsory)

7. The playwrights use their skills to reveal filthiness to a certain society. Donate from two plays “The Dilemma of A ghost” and “The Lion and the Jewel.” (Three points from each play)

8. “The poets/ poetess use literary devices not only to color their works but also to deliver the intended massage to their audience. “Prove this statement by showing how literary devices are used to deliver the intended massage.

9. Characters with their characterization are the potential phenomenon in any literary work. Choose one character from two novels to verify how characters mould the audience. (six points)

10. “ Toundi’s story is a personal statement (testimony) about colonial evils to many Africans.” Use “Houseboy” by Ferdinand Oyono to support your argument giving six points from the novel.



  • The Lion and the Jewel – Soyinka, W.
  • The Trials of Brother Jero – Soyinka, W.
  • The Dilemma of a Ghost – Aidoo, A,A.
  • The Government Inspector – Gogol, N.


  • A walk I the Night and other stories – Guma, A.
  • House – Oyono, F.
  • The oldman ant The Medal – Oyono, F.
  • The concubine – Amadi, E.


  • Selected Poems – TIE.
  • Growing up with poetry – David Rubadiri.





CODE: 024

TIME: 3 HOURS 12/07/2022


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions
  2. Answer all questions in sections and and three (03) questions from section C
  3. Cellular phone and any unauthorized materials are NOT ALLOWED in the examination room
  4. Write your examination number on every page of your answer booklet

SECTION A (15 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

1. For each of the items (i) — (x), choose the correct alternative among the given options and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

i. A word, phrase or a group of lines that is repeated regularly in a poem is referred as a(n)

  1. Rhyme
  2. Rhythms
  3. Refrain
  4. Synecdoche
  5. Ellipsis

ii. A legend being one of the facets of oral literature is described by one of the following expressions -

  1. A story with an unknown author originally passed from one generation to another.
  2. A story told to teach a moral lesson where characters are animals
  3. A story about memorable events and heroic deeds of people in a community
  4. A story that explains the origin of cultural groups or phenomena of the universe
  5. An interesting and amusing story about a real person or event.

iii. In the process of reading a novel, you realized there is a character who carries the burden of the majority on behalf of the society's interest. How would you describe such kind of a character?

  1. Flat character
  2. Stock character
  3. Protagonist
  4. Minor character
  5. Antagonist

iv. The use of body movements and facial expressions by actors to convey a message without speaking is called

  1. Aside
  2. Pantomime
  3. Mime
  4. Creation
  5. Acting

v. What technique will you use when you want to refer to a literary work from history of an important person for more clarification?

  1. Flash back
  2. Allusion
  3. Foreshadowing
  4. Satire
  5. Coincidence

vi. Is an account of events and incidents Dr. Mwinyi describes Mwl. Nyerere's life. This writing is an examples of

  1. Fiction
  2. Episode
  3. Biography
  4. Epic
  5. Autobiography

vii. A list of all the characters in the script of a play, usually in order of appearance which may include a brief description of each character.

  1. Audience
  2. A list of Characters.
  3. A cast of characters.
  4. Characterization.
  5. Character Analysis

viii. 'It is raining cats and dogs". This is an example of...

  1. Proverb.
  2. Simile.
  3. Animation.
  4. Idiom
  5. Riddle.

ix. A character called Mikey is fired from his job. Because of his anger he refers to the foreman who fired him as "White son of a bitch" and promises to revenge by saying "that sonavabitch, that bloody white sonavabitch, I'll get him". Such a language is called:

  1. Vulgarism
  2. Euphemism
  3. Barbarism
  4. Code switching
  5. Borrowing 

x. Our grandfather likes telling us ancient stories with animal characters and at the end of each story he asks us what we have learnt from the story. Such stories are called:

  1. Animalism
  2. Fables
  3. Hyena and rabbit stories.
  4. Parables.
  5. Legends.

2 Match the descriptions in LIST A with the corresponding literary term in LIST B by writing the letter of the correct responses beside the item number in the answer booklet provided



i. This is a work of fiction that is longer and more complex than a short story and it has more than forty thousand words.

ii. This is a fiction work that is longer than a short story but shorter than a novel.

iii. This is a short novel, typically one that is light and romantic or sentimental in character.

iv. This is a story usually about imaginative characters and events that is short enough to be read from the beginning to the end without stopping.

v. This refers to any kind of writing that is not poetry or that is not presented in verse form or stanza.

  1. Prose fiction
  2. Short story
  3. Novelette
  4. Novella
  5. Novel
  6. Autobiography
  7. Drama

SECTION B (40 Marks) 
Answer all questions in this section

3. You are studying in the same literature in English class with your friend Sawaya Ambwene. He is not comfortable to see African literature written in European languages. He suggests that writing African literature in African languages is the only way to reach every individual in the society. Oppose his suggestion by explaining to him five (05) reasons.

4. Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow.

Africa my Africa

Africa of proud warriors in the ancestral savannahs

Africa of whom my grandmother sings

On the banks of the distant river

I have never known you

But your blood flows in my veins

Your beautiful black blood that irrigates the fields

The blood of your sweat The sweat of your work 

The work of your slavery 

The slavery of your children Africa tell me Africa

Is this you this back that is bent

This back that breaks under the weight of humiliation

This back trembling with red scars

And saying yes to the whip under the midday sun

But a grave voice answers me 

Impetuous son that tree young and strong

That tree there

In splendid loneliness amidst white and faded flowers

That is Africa your Africa

That grows again patiently obstinately And its

Fruit gradually acquires The bitter taste of liberty.

Answer the following questions.

  1. Read again the last two lines. Why do the fruits acquire a bitter taste of liberty? Why does liberty taste bitter?
  2. Why does the poet say that "black blood flows in his veins"?
  3. How have the past effects of colonialism shaped the Africa's present?
  4. Show the following figures of speech and sound devices from the poem.
  1. Anadiplosis;
  2. Reiteration
  3. Alliteration
  4. Anaphora

5. In each of the expression (a) — (e) state the function which one performs in literature

  1. Amope engages in a petty business
  2. Sidi respects payment of bride price
  3. Ekwueme ,Adiele and Wakiri prepare to sing and dance for people to enjoy before Emenike's last burial
  4. Lakunle attacks Baroka and accuse him of using his power to marry more wives instead of bringing development 
  5. When a society lacks knowledge about anything for example AlDs, artists can give them knowledge.

6. In each of the expressions (a) — (e) state one reason of the questions asked below

  1. Why do writers use imaginary or modified setting in depicting critical issues targeting authority?
  2. What makes literature to be inseparable from the society?
  3. How can allusion be used in a literary work?
  4. What is the main purpose of a fable story?
  5. Why do playwrights employ suspense at the end of scenes or episodes?

SECTION C (45 Marks) 

Answer three (03) questions from this section. Question 7 and 8 are compulsory.



  • The Lion and the Jewel 
  • The Trials of Brother Jero 
  • Dilemma of a Ghost
  • The Government Inspector


  • A Walk in the Night and other Stories Houseboy
  • The Old Man and the Medal
  • The concubine


  • Selected poetry
  • Growing up with poetry

7. "Ihuoma belongs to the sea. When she was in spirit world, she was a wife of a Sea-King, the ruling spirit of the sea. Against the advice of her husband she sought the company of human beings and was incarnated The sea-king was very angry but because he loved her best of all his wives, he did not destroy her immediately she was born. However, because of his great love for herihe is terribly jealous and tries to destroy any man who makes love to her. " (The Concubine, p.195). In the light of the surrounding atmosphere in which this statement was given, suggest three themes and three messages from this paragraph.

8. With reference to Soyinka's "The Lion and the Jewel" and Gogol's "The Government Inspector", justify the statement that, "bad leadership and misuse of power among leaders, hinder the achievement of aimed goals in many societies." Use three points from each play.

9. Analyse the use of musical/sound devices in two poems you have read and appreciated. Give three points from each poem.

10. "Poetry is a powerful genre of written literature that is used as a means of warning people about the evils which are happening in the society. Justify the statement by using two poems you have studied under this program and provide three (03) points from each poem.







TIME: 3:00 HRS 


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions.
  2. Answer ALL questions in this sections A and B and three (3) questions form section C.
  3. Literary materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  4. Write your index number on every page of your booklet(s) /answer sheets.

SECTION A (15 Marks)

Answer ALL questions in this section

1. For each of the items (i) – (x) choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write it’s letter besides the item number in the answer sheets/ booklets provide.

(i) ………… is a type of drama which shows serious action and always a hero leads into danger 

  1. Melo - drama 
  2. Tragic - comedy 
  3. comedy 
  4. Tragedy 
  5. Historical drama

(ii) The legend is ……………………………

  1. a story originated in ancient times
  2. a story interesting or amusing story about real person
  3. a story that not based on fact.
  4. a story handed down from the past
  5. a story with animals as characters.

(iii) ……………….. an account of a tale or story

  1. Oral tradition style 
  2. Narrative technique
  3. Point of view 
  4. straight forward narration.
  5. Flashback

(iv) Addressee is ……………………..

  1. A person or thing that is speaking in a poem
  2. A person to whom the poem is about
  3. A person who writes different books
  4. A person or thing that is speaking in a poem and play
  5. A person who composes poems.

(v) Crisis is ……………………………….

  1. The moment when the crisis of the play or narrative reaches the highest point and is resolved.
  2. A brief period of time when a conflict rises to a point where resolutions is necessary.
  3. Misunderstanding between two or more people
  4. Great chaos among the capitalists only.
  5. The moment when main character dead.

(vi) . …………… is a poem of fourteen verses which follow very strict pattern of rhyme.

  1. Octate 
  2. sonnet 
  3. Ballad 
  4. sextet. 
  5. Ode

(vii) The following are the elements which making up a setting except: -

  1. Actual geographical location 
  2. daily manner of living of the characters
  3. the time or period in which the actions takes place
  4. the mind through which the material of the story is presented. 
  5. Climax

(viii) Wit is ………………………………

  1. Bitterness or touching reproach fullness
  2. the recognition of a reality different from appearance
  3. clever and humorous expression of ideas
  4. a literary manner that blends a critical attitude
  5. Narration of a story

(ix) The end or middle part of the story is made at the beginning and vice versa.

  1. Omniscient 
  2. Plot 
  3. flash back 
  4. style. 
  5. Foreshadow

(x) Could be so thoroughly individualized as to lose all representatives and hence be useful as the subject of an essay

  1. Flat character 
  2. developing character 
  3. round character
  4. static character. 
  5. Protagonistic character

2. Match the description in list “A” with the corresponding figures of speech in list “B” by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number in the answer sheet(s) booklet(s) provided



i. A figure of speech in which conscious exaggeration is used without the intent of liberty persuasion

ii. Using of different language in conversation or writing

iii. Is a comparison that does not use conjunctions

iv. A form of understatement in which a thing is affirmed by stating the negative of its opposite

v. The formation of words by imitating the shape or sounds resembling those associated with the object instead of object it ‘self

  1. Metaphor
  2. Personification
  3. Onomatopoeic
  4. Metonymy
  5. Litotes
  6. Archaism
  7. Hyperbole
  8. Euphemism

SECTION B (40 marks)

Answer ALL questions in this section.

3. Briefly explain the differences between the following literary terms.

  1. Rhetorical question and Rhetorical criticism
  2. Allegory and Tautology
  3. Contrast and ellipsis
  4. Myths and fable
  5. Poetry and poem

4. Read the following poem and answer the question that follow: -


Today I did my share

In building the nation

I drove a permanent secretary

To an important urgent function

In fact to a luncheon at the VIC

The menu reflected its importance

Cold Bell beer with small talk

Then fried chicken with niceties

Wine to fill the hollowness of the laughs

Ice – cream to cover the stereo types jokes

Coffee to keep the Ps awake on return journey

I drove the permanent Secretary back

He yawned many times in back of the car

Then to keep awake, he suddenly asked

Did you have any lunch friend?

I replied looking straight a head

And secretly smiling at his belated concern

That I had not, but was slimming!

Upon which he said with seriousness

That am used more than annoyed me

Mwananchi, I too had none

I attended to matters of state

Highly delicate diplomatic duties you know

And friend, it goes against my grain

Causes me stomach ulcers and wind

Ah, he continued, yawning again

The pains we suffer in building the nation!

So the Ps ha ulcers too!

My ulcers I think are equally painful

Only the are caused by hunger

Not sumptuous lunches!

So two nation builders

Arrived home this evening

With terrible stomach pains

The results of building the nation –

Different ways


  1. What is the poem about?
  2. What is the general attitude of the poet towards the Ps?
  3. What type of poem is this?
  4. How many verses of the poem?
  5. Explain the structure of the poem

5. Define the following literary terms

  1. Idiom
  2. Proverbs
  3. Epics
  4. Character
  5. sonnet

6. Which literary term is being described by each of the following characteristics?

  1. We were reading a play where by the main character end up being isolated by his society.
  2. The story started by showing a gun and later on one of the character uses it to kill his brother.
  3. Last week, our teacher told us a story about the early history of their village.
  4. My friend told me that his sister is in the family way
  5. You’re not beautiful my daughter. Amina’s father tells her because she is very ugly.

 SECTION C (45 marks)

Answer three (3) questions from this section

Answer question 9 and 10 and choose one (1) from either question 7 or 8



  • The Lion and the Jewel - Soyinka,W.
  • The Trials of brother Jero – Soyinka W.
  • The Dilemma of the ghost – Aidoo,A.A.
  • The Government Inspector – Gogol,N.


  • A Walk in the night and other stories –La Guma,A.
  • House boy - Oyono.F
  • The old man and the Medal – Oyono.F.
  • The Concubine – Amadi,E.


  • Selected Poetry – Institute of Education
  • Growing up with poetry – David Rubadil

7. Conflicts are inevitable in the contemporary society. Explain by using two plays you have read (six (6) points)

8. Exploitation irk, therefore should be evacuated, discuss by using two main characters of the two novels you have done under this section (one from each novel) six points

9. Discuss six (6) “central ideas” from the two novels you have read under this section

10. “Poems convey strong messages to the society” prove it by using two poems



Candidate's Number........







  1. This paper consists of section A, B and C.
  2. Answer all questions.


Answer all questions in this section.

1. Multiple choices. Choose the correct answer.

(i) One of the following isn't the function of literature.

  1. Work of art which entertains
  2. Stimulate no feelings
  3. Use language artistically
  4. Influence people

(ii) Why literature is said to be art ?

  1. Because it involves few characters
  2. Because it uses stanza and symbols.
  3. Because if uses verses and metaphor
  4. Because it uses techniques and language creatively.

(iii) One of the following is not the features of Poetry.

  1. Rythmical
  2. Reflects experiences and ideas of people
  3. Arouses Emotions
  4. Needs creativity

(iv) Fables have number of features that distinguish them from myths.

  1. True story
  2. They are connected to religious
  3. Not based on facts
  4. Talks about beliefs

(v) Tragic Comedy drama is:

  1. Drama of strong feeling
  2. Drama that make people laugh
  3. Drama that contains elements of tragedy and Comedy
  4. Drama like tragedy.

(vi) One of the following is not poetic device

  1. Metonymy
  2. Omniscient
  3. Thesis
  4. Sacasm

(vii) Two categories of rhythm.

  1. verse and regular rhythm
  2. Regular and irregular rhythm
  3. verse and regular rhythm
  4. Verse and stanza

(viii) Onomatopeiaare sounds through

  1. Cries
  2. Imitation of people's walking
  3. Imitation of sound.
  4. Imitation of animal cries.

(ix) Whats is flashback?

  1. Refers to articulation of words artistically
  2. An interruption of the chronological sequence of events in a story
  3. Is the mirror of the society in which produced
  4. An interruption of people to the author.

(x )Which is the most correct answer for "Written literature" :

  1. started during the invention of writings
  2. started before Christ.
  3. started after man started to walk by two limbs.
  4. started during the existence man

2. Matching items. (5 marks)

Match the following item against column A and that in column B.

(i) Diction
(ii) Tautology
(iii) Elipsis
(iv) Litotes
(v) Plot
  1. A form of understatement in which a thing is affirmed by stating the negative of its opposite.
  2. Is the use of less direct expressions.
  3. Is the omission of letters or words to avoid repetition in the sentence.
  4. Series of events in a story.
  5. The use of superfluous , repetitious words without adding force of clarity.
  6. The intended meaning is different with the statement.
  7. Choice and arrangement of words in literary work.
  8. The main character.
  9. Person or forces that is in conflict with main charactor.
  10. Occur when what happens is the opposite of what was expected.



Answer all questions in this section.

3. What is literature? With examples describe (8) functions of literature in the society

4. What makes poetry peculiar from other genres of literature give 5 points.

5. Differentiate ordinary language from literary language. (05 points).

6. Write short notes on the following:

  1. Imagery
  2. Flat Character
  3. Dramatic Character
  4. Symbolism
  5. Archaism



Answer three questions from this section. 

Answer question 7 ,8 and choose one 01 from either 9 or 10



  • The Trials of Brother Jero - Wole Soyinka
  • Dilemma of a Ghost - Ama Ata Aidoo
  • The Lion and the Jewel - Wole Soyinka
  • The Government Inspector - N. Gogol


  • A walk in the Night and other Stories  - Alex La Guma
  • Houseboy - Ferdinand Oyono 
  • The Concubine - Elechi Amadi 
  • The Old man and the Medal - Ferdinand Oyono 


  • Selected poems - Tanzania Institute Of Education
  • Growing up with poetry - David Rubadiri

7. Use two NOVELS to show how the novelist have used the characters to convey the themes to their society. (Give 03-points from each poem)

8. With reference of THE DILEMA OF THE GHOST and THE LION AND THE JEWEL, Culture is said to be dynamic, there are some of traditions and customs which are outdated, do you agree or disagree ? prove your arguments with the support of the books. (Give 03-points for each)

9. With reference from TWO novels you have read, choose two PROTAGONISTS one from each book and show why should we sympathize with them (Give 03-points from each character).

10. Use the two poems "A FREEDOM SONG and BUILDING THE NATION" to show how the two poems have delivered the messages to the society. (Give 03-points from each poem)






Time: 3:00 hours Monday 10, August 2020 pm


1. This paper consists of section ‘A”,”B” and “C”.

2. Read instructions under each section very carefully

3. Answer all questions from section “A” and “B” and three questions from section “C”

4. Cellular phones are not allowed in the examination room.

5. Write your examination number on every page of your answer sheet(s)

SECTION A (15 Marks)

1. For each of the items (i) – (x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter besides the number in the answer sheet given.

i. A term said to be the first form of literature because it began existing when human being started living together as a community with a common language for enhancing their communication.

  1. Drawings and painting
  2. Written literature 
  3. Oral literature
  4. Philosophy 
  5. Synecdoche

ii. Which of the following element of literature does not belongs to a content?

  1. Philosophy 
  2. Theme 
  3. Message 
  4. Style 
  5. Conflict

iii. A device by which one element is thrown into opposition to another for the sake of emphasis or clarity is called

  1. Monologue 
  2. Euphemism 
  3. Contrast
  4. Allusion 
  5. Rhetorical question

iv. The use of other language different from the one employed in a literary work is refers as

  1. Pun 
  2. Metonymy 
  3. Allusion
  4. Analogy 
  5. Barbarism

v. One of the following aspects is not representing the role of literature in our society

  1. Pushing out 
  2. Educate 
  3. Criticizing
  4. Entertain 
  5. Liberate

vi. Peter scored 5% in literature subject and the teacher called him a cleverest student in class. What figure of speech can be used to express the attitude of teacher toward peter?

  1. Happiness 
  2. Wit 
  3. Sympathy
  4. Good 
  5. Irony

vii. It is a figure of speech in which either an inanimate object or an abstract concept is spoken of a thought it was endowed with life or with human attributes or feelings

  1. Litotes 
  2. Tautology 
  3. Personification
  4. Drama 
  5. Imagery

viii. A technique that is used to plot the events in a story where the last event may be at the beginning is called

  1. Narrator style 
  2. Descriptive style 
  3. Mixed order
  4. Flash back 
  5. Straight forward narration

ix. Which of the following is the type of drama aimed at entertainment?

  1. tragedy 
  2. Melo 
  3. Song 
  4. Comedy
  5. Melo – drama

x. Sociological novels, political novels, problem novels and propaganda novels are the type of novels that are called

  1. Thesis 
  2. Antithesis 
  3. Thesis novel
  4. Contrast 
  5. Ellipsis

2. Match the descriptions in list A with the corresponding type of character in list B by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.



(i) Protagonist

(ii) Biography

(iii) Character

(iv) Exposition

(v) Ballad

  1. Is a fictional representation of a person who caries realistic depiction psychologically
  2. Involves assessment and judgement of one's behavior
  3. History of someone written by someone else
  4. Is a story of someone's life written by himself
  5. Is a leading character in work of art
  6. Is the beginning of the story
  7. Is a narrative poetry with roots in oral tradition

SECTION B (40 Marks)

Answer all questions from this section


3. Fill in the blank spaces provided with the correct literary term. (a) ___________________ An account of a tale or story. (b) ______________________ Re telling a story (c) ___________________The narrative re tales to what is taking place from the beginning to the end. (d) ________________all knowing point of view (e) ___________________the central character tells the story his own words. (f) ___________________the end or middle part of the story is made or found at the beginning (g) ____________________ The time and place where a story is made. (h) ____________________ It is distinctive way in which a particular author writes. (i) _____________________ a style in which events in a story are narrated from the end (j) ______________________the most important and prominent character who often appears from the beginning to the end.

4. Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow:

A STRANGE WIND (Timothy Wangusa)

A strange wind is blowing,

dust fills our eyes;

We turn and walk the unintended way.

We press our sore eyes and reopen them

To expanded horizons, to a new day!

The narrow circle of our cherished experience breaks,

Our trusted gods dissolve and ghosts vanish,

Disembodied voices announce world news,

We see the hidden side of the moon,

The dead man’s eye transfers to the living,

The atom splits and the songbird croaks,

Economics opposes Charity,

Law protects nation shouts, and the big one brags,

Futile raids cease and global wars commence,

And the rude son strikes the father – a sword!


a. What do you think is the poem about?

b. How many stanzas are in this poem?

c. Comment on the type of poem.

d. What technique did the persona used in this verse “The dead man’s eye transfers to the living,”

e. Comment on the tone or voice of the poem.

f. Identify five (5) major themes found in this poem.

5. Complete the following literary expression by writing a single word for each. 

(i) The musical drama in which the words are sung with an orchestra playing the music________________) 

(ii) Refers to an act of leaving out some words which the writer thinks that are less important or take large space____________________) 

(iii) Refers to the person who speaks or narrates in a poem_________________) 

(iv) Refers to the altitude of the writer__________________) 

(v) Refers to the privilege which the poets are given to violet the grammatical rules of language___________________________) 

(vi) Refers to the use of the same or similar consonant sounds at the beginning of the consecutive words in a verse________________________) 

(vii) Refers to a line in stanza________________________) 

(viii) Refers to the pattern or movement of beats of stressed and unstressed syllables which imposes on words similar to the beats of music_____________________) 

(ix) Refers to the repetition of consonant sounds except it includes consonant sounds anywhere within the words___________________________) 

(x) Refers to the repetition of identical or similar vowel sounds in order to achieve an effect of music in the poem____________________________)

6. Give short notes on the following literary terms.

  1. Hyperbole 
  2. Euphemism 
  3. Oxymoron 
  4. Epigram 
  5. Irony
  6. Personification 
  7. Metaphor 
  8. Litotes 
  9. Dramatically irony 
  10. Archaism

SECTION C (45 Marks)

Answer three (3) questions from this section. Question 9 is compulsory.



  • The Lion and the Jewel - Soyinka, W.
  • The Trials of Brother Jero - Soyinka, W.
  • The Dilemma of a Ghost - Aido, A.A.
  • Kinjekitile - Ibrahim, H.
  • The Government Inspector - Gogol, N.


  • A Walk in the Night and Other Stories - La Guma, A. Houseboy - Oyono, F.
  • The Old Man and the Medal - Oyono. F. The Concubine - Amadi, E.


  • Selected poetry - Tanzania institute of Education 
  • Growing up with poetry - David Rubadil

7. Development is the change from lower stage to higher stage but due to some cases development is hindered to some people. By referring to two plays you have read give four points from each to show how cultural issues are a hindrance to development in African societies.

8. Support the agreement that the title of the novel gives the view of what is happening in that particular society by giving four points from two novels of your choice.

9. Literary works bring to light a variety of issues pertaining to the society. Since the issues are derived from the society, they are always relevant to the society. Discuss by referring to two poems of your choice. (Give four points from each poem).

10. Choose two characters of your choice from two novels that you have read, name them and explain their positive contributions to their society.



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